Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At Noon 20161102 : co

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At Noon 20161102

six. first pitch is at 8:00 sharp. >> brian: all right. so, as far as the cubs go, they are the first team to force a game seven after being down 3-1 since '85. now previously there had been 36 game sevens in world series history. the home team's record in those games, 18-18. and remember the indians did play a game seven back in '97. we remember how that ended and i'm still not over it, jose mesa. cubs lost a game back in '45 which, by the way, started the infamous curse of the billy goat yous. >> tia: well it feels like indian summer. let's hope it stays that way for tonight. let's go to meteorologist sam roberts to tell us what the weather will be like at first pitch. sam? >> samantha: hey, guys, yeah, i actually increased the forecast temperature for game time. i end for the afternoon, as well. that is a resounding whoo-hoo from the weather department. right? we are excited for this one and let's get straight to the maps. i want to show you exactly what is happening out there right now. no rain in our coverage area. had a few sprinkles early this morning. that is long gone. i don't expect any problems this afternoon. unless you consider this a problem. low 70s in november. november 2 and at lunchtime, it is 73 in cleveland. 71 down in akron. for that game time forecast, i think we drop to 70 by 8 just a few degrees warmer than that. 68 at 9:00. mid 60s at 11:00. little shower chance in the forecast for tonight, as well. but the chances are better after the game. so, after midnight and into the early morning hours of tomorrow we'll have light southwest winds. you don't need that big puffy coat for tonight. great baseball weather. let's just hope that the outcome of the game is as awesome as the the weekend, and a little rain to talk about tomorrow, as well. that's coming up at 19 after. back to you guys at progressive field. >> brian: all right, sam. thank you so much. so, why are we here in that's not a philosophical question or an exessential question. why are we playing a game seven? the indians stumbled out of the gate last night. a routine fly ball to right put in a perfect location, well they butchered i indians manager terry francona says his team will be ready to play despite the problems they had last night. >> tia: one thing is for sure, the ball was flying off the cubs' bats last night. we know that. they combined for a series high 13 hits and that includes three home runs. >> brian: it happens in the warm weather in this ball park. the one home run hit by cubs first baseman anthony rizzo put the icing on the cake. that came in the ninth inning of play. it was a big shot because the indians were kind of still in it up until that point. left one over the plate. rizzo hammered it. tough to watch but it was a memorable night for an indians fan who ended up catching that home run. >> we were just sitting here, it went right up to us. i saw it many copping in. i just missed it for a second, it bounced off the seat behind me and fortunately landed right in my hand. so, it's, you know, we might have lost, but it's been a world series to remember for me, you know. being 20 years old, it's great. the guys are saying throw it thinking to myself, you know, this is a once in a lifetime kind of thing. >> brian: yeah, so that brings us to our morning hot topic. we asked you on facebook what would you do if you caught a world series ball specifically a home run hit by the opposing team? in this case the cubs. we'll have your comments coming up. >> tia: well before all the fan fare at progressive field, they oh, yeah. see you, houston. they beat the houston rockets 128 to 120. the cavs are now off to a 4-0 record to start the season. they are back at home tomorrow night hosting the boston celtics. and remember the cavs moved their game up two hours so it wouldn't interfere with the indians game. well, it didn't take long for the cavs to get into progressive field. of course lebron, kevin love, and richard jefferson were all there by the fifth inning. >> all right. so a lot of celebrities involved in the world shut out so far, charlie sheen. yeah. and of course he's got something to say about it. he always does. this morning he tweeted -- whoever is idiotically guilty of preventing me from throwing out the first pitch in any of these home games well -- just saying. but then it was just moments ago another tweet from sheen saying -- and what do you make of this -- fear not believe land, my bag is packed and help is on the way hashtag get me vaughn. >> tia: i don't know. i did ask the tribe about that to see if they knew if he was showing up. they said they aren't sure about that. we'll have to see what happens. well, children's hospital in akron tweeted hey indians take some of bryce's determination to secure the big win. just one more hashtag world series. >> we will get you updated on everything that is going on around the nation and the world from a news standpoint. >> tia: absolutely. plus, there's a teacher strike going on right now in northeast ohio. we are asking questns handling the students today. >> president obama: i have been watching the world series. i am aware that because francisco lindor stole second base in game one, everyone in america gets a free taco at taco bell tomorrow. >> brian: never let it be said that the president doesn't have his finger on the pulse of the united states. even the president knows that tacos today. but does he no he when you can get them? the answer coming up. >> tia: and a new high-tech cyber security has some seniors selecting social security confused. the latest on what the government is doing to fix it. >> brian: welcome back, everyone. lewisville teachers are officially on strike today. the education association walked out at one minute after midnight. all 180 full and part-time contract since june 30. earlier this month, more than 500 people attended a school board meeting urging the board to return to negotiations. louisville city schools are open today. the school board hired a replacement firm called huffmaster to provide substitute teachers. akron police held a news conference to announce an arrest after a drug bust. police stopped a suspected drug dealer, or tried to, at kenmore and 16th street. this was previously about a month ago, a chase started the highway patrol involved. the guy crashed and then ran. eventually he jumped off a 30-foot-high overpass and got away. now in cincinnati, the trial of a former university of cincinnati police officer ray tinsing is going on right now. testimony underway this morning. jurors saw not only unedited body-cam videos of the shooting of sam debose and heard from another officer who arrived on the scene about what he had seen. he's drawn a sketch of the scene >> tia: authorities in iowa, two separate officers shot in two separate attacks. the first found was found dead in a suburb by fellow officers. 20 minutes later another officer was gunned down just two miles away. police have yet to release the names of the deceased officers. authorities are now looking for this suspect, scott michael green, and police say he should be considered armed and dangerous. cosby's sex-assault charges continues today. it will be at least eight months before cosby is brought to trial. the judge began hearing arguments from cosby's defense attorneys to have the case dismissed yesterday. >> brian: coming up on our morning hot topic, we are talking about those home runs the cubs blasted last night. there were several. the question we asked on facebook was -- would you keep it? sell it? or throw it back? your answers are coming up. and hello to you. good afternoon. game seven and you would not expect this kind of weather today. november 2. it's 73? outside. we have a southwest wind. you know what that means. we will tack on a few more degrees to that this afternoon. we will talk about that, your game time forecast and how long is this nice weather going to stick around? that's all coming up after the i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. when it came to atlantic city it was all glitz and glamor, but it turned out to be a gold-plated scam. all went bankrupt. but he walked away with millions. it was the carpenters, landscapers, small businesses who helped build the place that got stiffed. and hundreds of workers have lost their jobs. if that's what donald trump did here, >> one thing we know this entire series, the fans have been absolutely wonderful just packing progressive field even for the watch parties, record numbers in attendance. >> crazy stuff. great sports fans here. and there are some dedicated fans, however, that weren't bothering with those watch parties. they have managed to s post-season game the tribe has played home and away. >> taking two out of three in chicago was a win there. i didn't think we would ever do that. i hope to do it tonight. finish it off, be world champions and go home happy as can be. >> we are looking forward to that. the game that wins it all. and, it's been such a long time. i brought my dad who in 1948 was around, went to the games, went to the parades and had a great >> brian: wow, that is dedication. spending some cash, too. let's be honest about it. right? >> tia: a lot of money. >> brian: well they didn't go home happy last night. game six didn't end the way anybody here in cleveland wanted it to end of course. cubs scored fast and they scored often on our indians. josh tomlin retired the first two batters but then it was chris bryant who took 'em out of the ball park. 1-0. then things got worse as the indians didn't do their job defensively and just like that it was 3-0. then, the the grand slam home run. addison russell crashed off dan otero and the indians just could not come back. and that brings us to our morning hot topic. if you caught that ball or any of the cubs balls, home runs, anything, foul balls, what would you do with it? would you keep it? throw it back? sell it? >> tia: well if you throw it back here at progressive field, you get ejected. >> brian: i don't know. you think they would? >> tia: i think it actually happened this year. wrigley field but we asked you on facebook, what would you do? and this is what some people are saying. roger wrote -- i would keep it also. there's 40,000 people there. the odds of getting a ball are even worse than one in 40,000. >> yeah. how about joseph? this is pretty good. he wrote -- kept. until a cubs fan completely overpays on ebay. >> tia: i love that. and susan agrees. she says i would sell it. someone is dumb enough to pay big bucks for it. >> brian: matthew wrote -- throw it back. >> tia: well if you staid up late last night to watch this game, you may be kind of smacking yourself around a little bit today. >> brian: yeah. >> tia: it was tough, wasn't it? >> brian: it was late, you know, you're not feeling good because they lost. new research also, tia, finds that not getting enough sleep causes people to eat more. >> tia: wow. not shocked. >> brian: yeah i don't need that at all. doctors in the u.k. found sleep deprived people consume an average of 385 extra calories the following day, much of it many coming from higher fat, >> tia: probably like tacos. today's the day to get your free taco at taco bell for francisco lindor's stolen base. the steal a base steal a taco promotion pays off today from 2:00 until 6:00 p.m. stop by to get your free doritos locos taco today. >> brian: i've never had taco bell. i might have to do it. it's the indians' opportunity to get it done, too, in game seven. i love the indians' position start. andrew miller and cody allen got two days off now. they are going to be ready to go. the indians pitching is lined up perfectly. let's see how it plays out. tonight's winner-take-all showdown starts at 8:00. that's eight minutes earlier than it might say on your gates open at 6:00. corey kluber, kyle hendricks is the pitching matchup. if the indians wins, several dick's sporting goods stores will extend their hours so you can get your world championship >> samantha: all right. jeff and i are in here like -- please win. please win. we have been praying to the baseball gods since this morning. time now 12:19. today it is cleveland against the world. but the weather is on our side. mother nature is a big tribe fan. we have a clean scan of the doppler radar right over progressive field at gateway plaza and the q. there is no rain in sight. we out there. but these are mainly high clouds. they're not going to produce any rain. there's like a tiny little 30% chance that we could see a spotty shower or two pop up this afternoon. but i think most of us should be just fine. any rain that did develop would be very light and very brief. of course not everyone is going to see it. but we are all going to get in on the warmth. i went 75 at 1:00. i did increase the high there through the 5:00 hour. the record high today is 78. not only do i think we will tie it, i think we will likely end up breaking that with that strong southwesterly breeze. southwest winds continuing into tonight until our cold front moves through. that means a warm night in the forecast. this is also a change mid 70s at 7:00. on november 2. i can't get over that. it's nuts. 70 at 9:00. and then dropping into the upper 60s by now, most of the game should be problem free. i do not expect you to get poured on. i think especially around first pitch and through the first part of the game we should be fine. but we do need to keep a close watch on those late innings. and if you have the cleveland 19 first-alert weather app, we will send you personalized alerts for your location to let you know if rain is moving in. jeff will be here all night watching the radar. so, be aware that if there is rain headed to progressive field alerted. courtesy of jeff. it's an automatic thing, takes care of it right here in house and then you know that rain is on the way. just search cleveland 19 in the app store. again, 11:00, rain chances start to go up. but they are much more impressive after midnight. and that rain that moves in after midnight is going to stick with us through tomorrow morning. rush hour tomorrow, i do expect i think most of it is long gone by midday. but there could be a few lake-effect rain showers that move in late thursday night. we should be dry by friday. and then the weekend guys looks pretty good but look at all these 50s here. you better enjoy this high of 80 today while it lasts because, the next couple of days, things are going to be a little bit on the chilly side. back to you guys at progressive field. >> tia: it is steamy out here, girl. >> brian: she's talking about the high getting 80, it's, it sweating down my back. >> brian: nobody wants to know that. >> tia: get it together. >> brian: cyber security experts say multi factor authentication is a great great way now to protect your identity. >> tia: but this high-tech safety option recently had seniors collecting social security very confused. julie watts explains. >> i thought it was a scam. i thought it was click bait. >> reporter: jon was sceptical when he got this e-mail about hisoc >> something about a one-time-only text code. >> reporter: requiring people to enter a code sent via text message to their online accounts. >> just seemed all wrong to me. >> reporter: but the e-mail was legit. >> how do they even know i have a smart phone? >> signing an executive order to make online services more secure, they instituted multi factor authentication. in addition to a log-in and pass word, the new security measure problem is, not all seniors have text enabled cell phones. >> 70 to 80% of the people who are going to get on the social security site a. probably don't have a smart phone and b. wouldn't necessarily understand setting up to factor authentication. >> something the feds apparently realized temporarily rolling back the requirement admitting it, quote, inconvenienced or restricted access to some of our account holders. now many are applauding the agency for attemg however, the national institute of standards and technology recently recommended the government agencies move away from using text messages as multi factor authentication because texts can be intercepted. the s.s.a. now says it is working on an alternate authentication option. >> tia: well there's still more to come right here on cleveland 19 news at noon. >> brian: that's right, including these adore able twins. their latest video. about today and i'll give you a hint once again of course it's got to deal with the dad. >> whoopi goldberg showing off her holiday style with a new line of what she calls her ugly sweater collection. taylor beginning today. how about this. $139. >> tia: no i'm good. i'll go to the thrift store. >> brian: how about that. wow. twins alexis and ava mcclure making internet videos of course busting on their old pops. >> tia: this time they are commenting on his singing ability. >> he doesn't know how to sing. >> dad doesn't know how to sing? >> no. >> you don't think he sings good? >> i going to tease him. >> you are going to tease him? >> yes. >> do you sing better than him? >> i sing >> you do? >> yes. >> tia: it messes up the words to their nursery rhymes. he thinks he's funny and the girls don't get his sense of humor. after devising a plan for quite a while they decided they are going to try it teach him to sing after all. i love those little girls. >> brian: they are so, so cute. you know dads always get busted. >> tia: they do. >> brian: everybody thinks the dad -- are you trying to be funny as a dad. >> tia: hey, i love this song, though. let's go tribe. tonight. world series c putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. when i come home and dinner's not ready i go through the roof. grab 'em by the p****". when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. more accusers coming forward to say they were sexually assaulted by donald trump. i'll go backstage before a show... and everyone's getting dressed. donald trump walked into the dressing room while contestants, some as young as 15 were changing. standing there with no clothes. you see these incredible looking women. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. do you treat women with respect? uh... i can't say that either. >> kevin: oh, this. this is the one. >> chloe: post it, you die. >> kevin: what?! bella looks so adorable! okay, fine. that one. >> chloe: thank you. >> kevin: okay. >> chloe: see, in that one we are both hot. the world what hot and happy looks like. >> kevin: okay. uh, uh, uh, uh. you are happy, aren't you? >> chloe: [ sighs ] yes, i am. well, mainly because we finally got all that makeup off and i got to redo my hair, but i am happy. i also feel like a terrible person because of it. >> kevin: don't. i know today isn't an easy day for nick. >> chloe: anniversary of christian's death.

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United States , Wrigley Field , Illinois , Akron , Ohio , Cleveland , Iowa , Lewisville , Boston , Massachusetts , Houston , Texas , Cincinnati , Chicago , America , Cody Allen , Ava Mcclure , Chris Bryant , Addison Russell , Andrew Miller , Jose Mesa , Dan Otero , Terry Francona , Francisco Lindor , Sam Roberts , Whoopi Goldberg , Kyle Hendricks , Richard Jefferson , Anthony Rizzo , Josh Tomlin , Hillary Clinton ,

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Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At Noon 20161102 :

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At Noon 20161102

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six. first pitch is at 8:00 sharp. >> brian: all right. so, as far as the cubs go, they are the first team to force a game seven after being down 3-1 since '85. now previously there had been 36 game sevens in world series history. the home team's record in those games, 18-18. and remember the indians did play a game seven back in '97. we remember how that ended and i'm still not over it, jose mesa. cubs lost a game back in '45 which, by the way, started the infamous curse of the billy goat yous. >> tia: well it feels like indian summer. let's hope it stays that way for tonight. let's go to meteorologist sam roberts to tell us what the weather will be like at first pitch. sam? >> samantha: hey, guys, yeah, i actually increased the forecast temperature for game time. i end for the afternoon, as well. that is a resounding whoo-hoo from the weather department. right? we are excited for this one and let's get straight to the maps. i want to show you exactly what is happening out there right now. no rain in our coverage area. had a few sprinkles early this morning. that is long gone. i don't expect any problems this afternoon. unless you consider this a problem. low 70s in november. november 2 and at lunchtime, it is 73 in cleveland. 71 down in akron. for that game time forecast, i think we drop to 70 by 8 just a few degrees warmer than that. 68 at 9:00. mid 60s at 11:00. little shower chance in the forecast for tonight, as well. but the chances are better after the game. so, after midnight and into the early morning hours of tomorrow we'll have light southwest winds. you don't need that big puffy coat for tonight. great baseball weather. let's just hope that the outcome of the game is as awesome as the the weekend, and a little rain to talk about tomorrow, as well. that's coming up at 19 after. back to you guys at progressive field. >> brian: all right, sam. thank you so much. so, why are we here in that's not a philosophical question or an exessential question. why are we playing a game seven? the indians stumbled out of the gate last night. a routine fly ball to right put in a perfect location, well they butchered i indians manager terry francona says his team will be ready to play despite the problems they had last night. >> tia: one thing is for sure, the ball was flying off the cubs' bats last night. we know that. they combined for a series high 13 hits and that includes three home runs. >> brian: it happens in the warm weather in this ball park. the one home run hit by cubs first baseman anthony rizzo put the icing on the cake. that came in the ninth inning of play. it was a big shot because the indians were kind of still in it up until that point. left one over the plate. rizzo hammered it. tough to watch but it was a memorable night for an indians fan who ended up catching that home run. >> we were just sitting here, it went right up to us. i saw it many copping in. i just missed it for a second, it bounced off the seat behind me and fortunately landed right in my hand. so, it's, you know, we might have lost, but it's been a world series to remember for me, you know. being 20 years old, it's great. the guys are saying throw it thinking to myself, you know, this is a once in a lifetime kind of thing. >> brian: yeah, so that brings us to our morning hot topic. we asked you on facebook what would you do if you caught a world series ball specifically a home run hit by the opposing team? in this case the cubs. we'll have your comments coming up. >> tia: well before all the fan fare at progressive field, they oh, yeah. see you, houston. they beat the houston rockets 128 to 120. the cavs are now off to a 4-0 record to start the season. they are back at home tomorrow night hosting the boston celtics. and remember the cavs moved their game up two hours so it wouldn't interfere with the indians game. well, it didn't take long for the cavs to get into progressive field. of course lebron, kevin love, and richard jefferson were all there by the fifth inning. >> all right. so a lot of celebrities involved in the world shut out so far, charlie sheen. yeah. and of course he's got something to say about it. he always does. this morning he tweeted -- whoever is idiotically guilty of preventing me from throwing out the first pitch in any of these home games well -- just saying. but then it was just moments ago another tweet from sheen saying -- and what do you make of this -- fear not believe land, my bag is packed and help is on the way hashtag get me vaughn. >> tia: i don't know. i did ask the tribe about that to see if they knew if he was showing up. they said they aren't sure about that. we'll have to see what happens. well, children's hospital in akron tweeted hey indians take some of bryce's determination to secure the big win. just one more hashtag world series. >> we will get you updated on everything that is going on around the nation and the world from a news standpoint. >> tia: absolutely. plus, there's a teacher strike going on right now in northeast ohio. we are asking questns handling the students today. >> president obama: i have been watching the world series. i am aware that because francisco lindor stole second base in game one, everyone in america gets a free taco at taco bell tomorrow. >> brian: never let it be said that the president doesn't have his finger on the pulse of the united states. even the president knows that tacos today. but does he no he when you can get them? the answer coming up. >> tia: and a new high-tech cyber security has some seniors selecting social security confused. the latest on what the government is doing to fix it. >> brian: welcome back, everyone. lewisville teachers are officially on strike today. the education association walked out at one minute after midnight. all 180 full and part-time contract since june 30. earlier this month, more than 500 people attended a school board meeting urging the board to return to negotiations. louisville city schools are open today. the school board hired a replacement firm called huffmaster to provide substitute teachers. akron police held a news conference to announce an arrest after a drug bust. police stopped a suspected drug dealer, or tried to, at kenmore and 16th street. this was previously about a month ago, a chase started the highway patrol involved. the guy crashed and then ran. eventually he jumped off a 30-foot-high overpass and got away. now in cincinnati, the trial of a former university of cincinnati police officer ray tinsing is going on right now. testimony underway this morning. jurors saw not only unedited body-cam videos of the shooting of sam debose and heard from another officer who arrived on the scene about what he had seen. he's drawn a sketch of the scene >> tia: authorities in iowa, two separate officers shot in two separate attacks. the first found was found dead in a suburb by fellow officers. 20 minutes later another officer was gunned down just two miles away. police have yet to release the names of the deceased officers. authorities are now looking for this suspect, scott michael green, and police say he should be considered armed and dangerous. cosby's sex-assault charges continues today. it will be at least eight months before cosby is brought to trial. the judge began hearing arguments from cosby's defense attorneys to have the case dismissed yesterday. >> brian: coming up on our morning hot topic, we are talking about those home runs the cubs blasted last night. there were several. the question we asked on facebook was -- would you keep it? sell it? or throw it back? your answers are coming up. and hello to you. good afternoon. game seven and you would not expect this kind of weather today. november 2. it's 73? outside. we have a southwest wind. you know what that means. we will tack on a few more degrees to that this afternoon. we will talk about that, your game time forecast and how long is this nice weather going to stick around? that's all coming up after the i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. when it came to atlantic city it was all glitz and glamor, but it turned out to be a gold-plated scam. all went bankrupt. but he walked away with millions. it was the carpenters, landscapers, small businesses who helped build the place that got stiffed. and hundreds of workers have lost their jobs. if that's what donald trump did here, >> one thing we know this entire series, the fans have been absolutely wonderful just packing progressive field even for the watch parties, record numbers in attendance. >> crazy stuff. great sports fans here. and there are some dedicated fans, however, that weren't bothering with those watch parties. they have managed to s post-season game the tribe has played home and away. >> taking two out of three in chicago was a win there. i didn't think we would ever do that. i hope to do it tonight. finish it off, be world champions and go home happy as can be. >> we are looking forward to that. the game that wins it all. and, it's been such a long time. i brought my dad who in 1948 was around, went to the games, went to the parades and had a great >> brian: wow, that is dedication. spending some cash, too. let's be honest about it. right? >> tia: a lot of money. >> brian: well they didn't go home happy last night. game six didn't end the way anybody here in cleveland wanted it to end of course. cubs scored fast and they scored often on our indians. josh tomlin retired the first two batters but then it was chris bryant who took 'em out of the ball park. 1-0. then things got worse as the indians didn't do their job defensively and just like that it was 3-0. then, the the grand slam home run. addison russell crashed off dan otero and the indians just could not come back. and that brings us to our morning hot topic. if you caught that ball or any of the cubs balls, home runs, anything, foul balls, what would you do with it? would you keep it? throw it back? sell it? >> tia: well if you throw it back here at progressive field, you get ejected. >> brian: i don't know. you think they would? >> tia: i think it actually happened this year. wrigley field but we asked you on facebook, what would you do? and this is what some people are saying. roger wrote -- i would keep it also. there's 40,000 people there. the odds of getting a ball are even worse than one in 40,000. >> yeah. how about joseph? this is pretty good. he wrote -- kept. until a cubs fan completely overpays on ebay. >> tia: i love that. and susan agrees. she says i would sell it. someone is dumb enough to pay big bucks for it. >> brian: matthew wrote -- throw it back. >> tia: well if you staid up late last night to watch this game, you may be kind of smacking yourself around a little bit today. >> brian: yeah. >> tia: it was tough, wasn't it? >> brian: it was late, you know, you're not feeling good because they lost. new research also, tia, finds that not getting enough sleep causes people to eat more. >> tia: wow. not shocked. >> brian: yeah i don't need that at all. doctors in the u.k. found sleep deprived people consume an average of 385 extra calories the following day, much of it many coming from higher fat, >> tia: probably like tacos. today's the day to get your free taco at taco bell for francisco lindor's stolen base. the steal a base steal a taco promotion pays off today from 2:00 until 6:00 p.m. stop by to get your free doritos locos taco today. >> brian: i've never had taco bell. i might have to do it. it's the indians' opportunity to get it done, too, in game seven. i love the indians' position start. andrew miller and cody allen got two days off now. they are going to be ready to go. the indians pitching is lined up perfectly. let's see how it plays out. tonight's winner-take-all showdown starts at 8:00. that's eight minutes earlier than it might say on your gates open at 6:00. corey kluber, kyle hendricks is the pitching matchup. if the indians wins, several dick's sporting goods stores will extend their hours so you can get your world championship >> samantha: all right. jeff and i are in here like -- please win. please win. we have been praying to the baseball gods since this morning. time now 12:19. today it is cleveland against the world. but the weather is on our side. mother nature is a big tribe fan. we have a clean scan of the doppler radar right over progressive field at gateway plaza and the q. there is no rain in sight. we out there. but these are mainly high clouds. they're not going to produce any rain. there's like a tiny little 30% chance that we could see a spotty shower or two pop up this afternoon. but i think most of us should be just fine. any rain that did develop would be very light and very brief. of course not everyone is going to see it. but we are all going to get in on the warmth. i went 75 at 1:00. i did increase the high there through the 5:00 hour. the record high today is 78. not only do i think we will tie it, i think we will likely end up breaking that with that strong southwesterly breeze. southwest winds continuing into tonight until our cold front moves through. that means a warm night in the forecast. this is also a change mid 70s at 7:00. on november 2. i can't get over that. it's nuts. 70 at 9:00. and then dropping into the upper 60s by now, most of the game should be problem free. i do not expect you to get poured on. i think especially around first pitch and through the first part of the game we should be fine. but we do need to keep a close watch on those late innings. and if you have the cleveland 19 first-alert weather app, we will send you personalized alerts for your location to let you know if rain is moving in. jeff will be here all night watching the radar. so, be aware that if there is rain headed to progressive field alerted. courtesy of jeff. it's an automatic thing, takes care of it right here in house and then you know that rain is on the way. just search cleveland 19 in the app store. again, 11:00, rain chances start to go up. but they are much more impressive after midnight. and that rain that moves in after midnight is going to stick with us through tomorrow morning. rush hour tomorrow, i do expect i think most of it is long gone by midday. but there could be a few lake-effect rain showers that move in late thursday night. we should be dry by friday. and then the weekend guys looks pretty good but look at all these 50s here. you better enjoy this high of 80 today while it lasts because, the next couple of days, things are going to be a little bit on the chilly side. back to you guys at progressive field. >> tia: it is steamy out here, girl. >> brian: she's talking about the high getting 80, it's, it sweating down my back. >> brian: nobody wants to know that. >> tia: get it together. >> brian: cyber security experts say multi factor authentication is a great great way now to protect your identity. >> tia: but this high-tech safety option recently had seniors collecting social security very confused. julie watts explains. >> i thought it was a scam. i thought it was click bait. >> reporter: jon was sceptical when he got this e-mail about hisoc >> something about a one-time-only text code. >> reporter: requiring people to enter a code sent via text message to their online accounts. >> just seemed all wrong to me. >> reporter: but the e-mail was legit. >> how do they even know i have a smart phone? >> signing an executive order to make online services more secure, they instituted multi factor authentication. in addition to a log-in and pass word, the new security measure problem is, not all seniors have text enabled cell phones. >> 70 to 80% of the people who are going to get on the social security site a. probably don't have a smart phone and b. wouldn't necessarily understand setting up to factor authentication. >> something the feds apparently realized temporarily rolling back the requirement admitting it, quote, inconvenienced or restricted access to some of our account holders. now many are applauding the agency for attemg however, the national institute of standards and technology recently recommended the government agencies move away from using text messages as multi factor authentication because texts can be intercepted. the s.s.a. now says it is working on an alternate authentication option. >> tia: well there's still more to come right here on cleveland 19 news at noon. >> brian: that's right, including these adore able twins. their latest video. about today and i'll give you a hint once again of course it's got to deal with the dad. >> whoopi goldberg showing off her holiday style with a new line of what she calls her ugly sweater collection. taylor beginning today. how about this. $139. >> tia: no i'm good. i'll go to the thrift store. >> brian: how about that. wow. twins alexis and ava mcclure making internet videos of course busting on their old pops. >> tia: this time they are commenting on his singing ability. >> he doesn't know how to sing. >> dad doesn't know how to sing? >> no. >> you don't think he sings good? >> i going to tease him. >> you are going to tease him? >> yes. >> do you sing better than him? >> i sing >> you do? >> yes. >> tia: it messes up the words to their nursery rhymes. he thinks he's funny and the girls don't get his sense of humor. after devising a plan for quite a while they decided they are going to try it teach him to sing after all. i love those little girls. >> brian: they are so, so cute. you know dads always get busted. >> tia: they do. >> brian: everybody thinks the dad -- are you trying to be funny as a dad. >> tia: hey, i love this song, though. let's go tribe. tonight. world series c putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. when i come home and dinner's not ready i go through the roof. grab 'em by the p****". when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. more accusers coming forward to say they were sexually assaulted by donald trump. i'll go backstage before a show... and everyone's getting dressed. donald trump walked into the dressing room while contestants, some as young as 15 were changing. standing there with no clothes. you see these incredible looking women. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. do you treat women with respect? uh... i can't say that either. >> kevin: oh, this. this is the one. >> chloe: post it, you die. >> kevin: what?! bella looks so adorable! okay, fine. that one. >> chloe: thank you. >> kevin: okay. >> chloe: see, in that one we are both hot. the world what hot and happy looks like. >> kevin: okay. uh, uh, uh, uh. you are happy, aren't you? >> chloe: [ sighs ] yes, i am. well, mainly because we finally got all that makeup off and i got to redo my hair, but i am happy. i also feel like a terrible person because of it. >> kevin: don't. i know today isn't an easy day for nick. >> chloe: anniversary of christian's death.

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