Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 6PM 20161101 : com

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 6PM 20161101

and doesn't worry about left field and bat game alive at wrigley field. >> and dan shaughnessy from the "boston globe" inching closer where he can do the most damage behind the plate for game 6. i don't know how he do behind the plate and hope he keeps it consistent and fair for josh tomlin. >> mark: you hope so. there are crn strike zones in this series. west has a track record for being all over the place. so i don't know what to expect there. tomlin could use the help and hopefully they are calling the low strike and keep it in the zone with the stuff he has and different for josh tomlin versus other starts he's made in the postseason doing it on three days' rest. he has done it once before in his career and he has been phenomenal in this postseason hendrix earlier in the season and will do it against the former cy young award winner jay arrieta and jake talked about preparing for the start on these three days. >> preparation on the field wouldn't change much. you listen to your body on days like today and couple days leading up to it because you don't have the bullpen day or longer bullpen day and you probably now get in two lifts. i think y and doing what you are capable of doing in the days leading up to this. i think that's the most important thing. >> tomlin has pitched on three dayses rest one time and it's come full circle. tomlin and kluber on three days rest to pitch the team to the first world title since 1948. jeff, take it away. get to tell you how gorgeous it will be tonight. if you step outside you already know it won't change. 74 is my thinking at progressive field at first pitch and drop it to 68 at 9:00 and 11:64. we hit 80 officially by the way at cleveland hopkins airport, 2 degrees shy of the airport. look at sandusky 77 akron-canton at 73 degrees. it is a beautiful night for a world series win. you see the next few hours dropping in the 60s by 9:00 it is way above normal. to east 4th street and sara goldenberg with fan excitement. sara, take it away. >> wow, jeff. i can't even tell you how awesome it is to be out there. thousands and thousands of fans look at this. >> let's go, tribe. >> reporter: i will try to make my way here. this weather has been incredible. all the patios are open. everyone is having a great time out here today. i am joined right now by john. john, thanks for being here. >> thank you so much. it is fantastic. it is so electric being down here. >> what does it feel with the support today. >> to be with closest friends. i can't believe if. >> cleveland rocks. >> unbelievable. >> it is a great time to be a cleveland fan. >> monsters took it. >> cavs took it. the tribe will take it. let's go, tribe! let's go, tribe! >> having class out here tonight. i will send it back to you, >> that looks a little -- jim thome, you know a thing or two about mashing a baseball. you talk about tomlin in the high 80s and curveballs and big bats and is it different for cubs facing a 95? >> i think so. the speed dish is the huge part throwing slow breaking ball. it makes a fastball and might not be 95. the ball jumps on you. you are in the middle. when a guy throws a slow hook and whether it is 88 or 91, it gets on you quick. as long as he can locate the fastball and stay to the corners, i think that's what we want. >> what about the location? is that frustrating painting the corners. >> absolutely. >> that's basically when you have a guy painting and slowing a slow breaking ball and not strikes it is frustrating and you tend to be overly aggressive. don't have the biggest payroll and rely on trades and moves and pick ups and say what that means for the team they have put together. >> i think it says a lot about chris antonetti in the front office. they have done a wonderful job with player development and all the great instructors that have been through this system for years. and johnny and kept travis fryman. it is nice to see a bunchf deserve the credit, too. >> these guys and their group have donnan excellent job. >> shelby miller is on the other side of the ballpark. shelby, what's happening there? >> it is busy, busy, busy. there are people walking around and people driving around and people trying to get out of the city and tons of people trying to get into the city for the game tonight. also we have media not just stations in and networks as well. if you are in downtown and plan to come down here expect a packed downtown cleveland area. this is exactly how we want to see it. people are walking across the street going into the gates which are open and go, tribe. we are ready for a phenomenal game later today hoping to clinch of course and it is nuts out here. we are expecting it all the way through the night especially, fingers crossed when they winto across on the other side of progressive. how is it looking there. >> it looks like so much fun shelby. somebody pinch me. it is november 1. i am wearing a t-shirt and indians are playing to win the world series tonight. what a party in gateway plaza. i want you to swing around, eric and show you everybody at this party at gateway plaza clydesdales and dalmation from budweiser and all the people to get into the progressive field. we have all kinds of music going on here in front. lots of fans and baseball games of catch going on. the cleveland cavaliers are playing. i think they tipped off about 10 minutes ago. this is the place to be tonight. it is a watch party for those who don't have the money necessarily for big-dollar tickets but ready to see indians clinch the world series tonight. getting answers in gateway, i'm jen picciano. let's sit deroos. >> dan: trying to keep an eye on traffic using technology and looking at the ohgo, this is the o- dot. you can see the red lines of traffic. where do they lead to? downtown and seeing back up on highway 2 as people are trying to get out of downtown. when you see the two marks there, these are incidents. they say they are incidents and slow traffic of people trying to get into downtown and we want to show you the cold storage camera. look at this as people are can we take cold storage, there it is right there. that's what you call a backup and that's what happens when you have cavs that tipped off a little bit ago and a world series game going on and i hope people left early enough to get there and throwing out the first pitch for two more hours and a bit of a backup. find a different way in and take the 71, 7 go, tribe. getting answers in the answer center, dan deroos. >> it will be a phenomenal night. former indians pitcher dennis martinez will throw out the first pitch tonight and hayes will sing the national anthem and we will continue our coverage in a few moments. in other news, a scare for a husband and wife in westlake. they called 911 during a home invasion. >> yes. please, people came into my house with guns. hilliard near schwartz. two men with covered faces robbed the couple and hit the husband on the head with the gun. the couple is home after being checked out at the hospital and obviously shaken up. >> we are getting answers on a woman investigators believe was killed by a serial killer. a body found behind a vacant home as candace cunningham. shawn grate is suspected of killing five women. ashland home. grate confessed to strangling a woman and killing another a decade ago in marion. >> we got one more warm day on the day tomorrow and rain, wind and drop in temperature arrive thursday. details next segment. >> tiffani: up next, our live world series coverage continues. we hear from indians legend when i come home and dinner's not ready i go through the roof. grab 'em by the p****". when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. more accusers coming forward to say they were sexually assaulted by donald trump. i'll go backstage before a show... yes.. and everyone's getting dressed. donald trump walked into the dressing room while contestants, some as young as 15 were changing. standing there with no clothes. men. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. do you treat women with respect? uh... i can't say that either. alright, good. live from cleveland newscenter driven by don joseph toyota in kent, this is cleveland 19 news. it is close out tuesday in the 216. >> mark: making the call? >> romona: yes, i am. we are doing this. >> mark: interesting you say that making the call. hi the opportunity today to talk to the last living number of the 1948 indians. they won the world series. the guy thatua r.b.i., the single that brought in the win in game 6. eddie robinson, i ask him for a restriction. here is what he said. >> here we are game 6 for us. this could be it. >> you are making the call right now. >> oh, yeah. >> we are facing a good pitcher. he had an off night the first time he pitched. this cleveland bunch just have a knack for winning. >> they really do. fan. >> mark: okay. >> we had napoli in texas. he is one of my favorites. but i think this young catcher you've got has top a great job. i think the manager, i think tito has done a marvelous job. >>. >> well, i got to tell you, it was great talking to eddie and see some of his words. lucky me is the name of the book. 95-years-old. if i am 65 i will be a happy, happy man. >> it is a pleasure to meet him. he looked great. >> tony: a great vibe in this city now. and i chuckle when people if indians win it. there's no better. they are spectacular. and nothing can come with what lebron did in the series. indians longer going way back when and maybe for the older generations it hits them. if and when the tribe puts this away. >> we felt this was cleveland against the world and it is our time. we have you covered on cleveland 19 news all night long. right now we will go to allison brunner. what's happening where you were, allison? >> guys, right now we are getting a first look at the championship attire in this hidden location. come with let's take a look at all these boxes. here it is. the 2016 world series championship attire. it wraps all the way around the staircase. it is one of the hidden locations at the store at the dick's sporting goods in crocker part. when i asked how much merchandise do they have, they told me they don't know. they have so much of it. when we do win tonight we want sporting goods at crocker park will open immediately following the game to get their hands on this championship attire. go tribe. back to you guys. >> this chair is better. are we back on? okay. >> romona: we are back on the air. >> mark: we were explaining what will happen in case you are not into that. >> tony: in sports. >> romona: they are floor directing. can you do this. >> somebody's got to handle this cleveland ohio as we have been saying and hoping the indians can get this done. we don't want to push this to a game 7. >> mark: absolutely right. let's go to the studio with tiffani. >> tiffani: for me on the right is better. >> i am glad he likes his chair. i was worried about that. i was worried about it since 4:00. does no one like his chair? >> i do like the weather. it was one of the top story lines today. the main story will be if the tribe win. and before the game 77 current temperature downtown and high clouds and it will ruin the warm air thursday and when that sneaks in here. that's when we have rain likely developing later tomorrow night and we are thinking overnight through the first half of the day and when this front will be with gusty winds over 30 miles an hour eventually. here is tomorrow afternoon. another day in the 70s. not liking this too much. and rain developing earlier than other computer models. it develops it by 2:00 a.m. and we will see if that trend continues. thursday morning drive pretty nasty and we have the temperature drop and isolated lake-effect showers developing later thursday afternoon. tonight, 8:00 forecast at least 70 and we will be warmer downtown. dropping into the 60s and warmer than normal through the night of course. early tomorrow morning. we will be well in the 50s if not low 60s downtown. here you go by 2:00 tomorrow afternoon. another day where it will be well in the 70s. i have us at 77 for the high. allht warm and perfect night for a tribe victory. a few overnight showers around and not much more than that. 58 the low in cleveland akron-canton partly cloudy and 55 your low. spotty showers tomorrow. 77 mixing in clouds and sun from time to time. 68 at 8:00 there you go. 73 at 2:00. 74 at 5:00. the alert, the only alert next 7 and falling temperatures. friday partly cloudy 50 and saturday 58. mostly cloudy sky sunday and cool for the browns game 52 and clock is back an hour before going to bed saturday night. tribe coverage live on cleveland 19 news returns after the break. portions of this program ership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of them." vo: just one. now this is a serpentini chevrolet sports report on cleveland 19 news. >> the city kind of reminds me of our team a little bit. they got pushed around and now starting to push back. i am happy for them. >> tony zarrella back here live outside progressive field as things close in on game 6 should winning their first world series. jim thome is with me. the excitement and how the team relates to this city and vice versa. >> it is. absolutely is. the city is showing its love and the tribe is showing nerves. what a special time and great time to be a fan. and, you know, all the young kids are looking for something in the future that they can follow and be close to. >> when we are talking about who could step up in at a guy like mike napoli in the last week or so. is he pressing a bit. >> possibly. you never know. one thing about postseason there's always hitters and he is that guy. you know, we all know the roller coaster ride of a long season. you know, sometimes you get hot and you might -- it might last a couple of weeks and those times you are not swinging it might go of weeks. he might get a big hit tonight that wins the world series. >> tony: i have a feeling about it, too. >> numbers are not great in the world series. we will see in this age chris bryant is a phenomenal young player for the cubs and 35 seconds left here, he had the home run and other than that he hasn't con much. >> the order on both sides they are careful how they pitch to them and bryant got a hit and hopefully napoli can do that and put a three-run shot on the board for us. >> tony: just for the record with tomlin and off speed challenges. i will tweet out jim thome says he can crush chapman. you like the hard throwers. >> i like the hard throwers. i would compete against them. >> tony: i love this time with >> jeff: all right beautiful night 77 tomorrow and rain arrives mainly thursday morning when we start to send the temperature down. who cares, go tribe. >> tiffani: it is all about the tribe. thank you for joining us at 6:00 cbs evening news is next. we hope to see you back here at 11:00. have a good evening. hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of captioning sponsored by cbs >> pelley: down the home stretch. with a week to go, the race tightens and the candidates start their closing arguments. >> are we going forward together or are we gonna be pulled backwards? >> we must win on november 8. we must win. ( cheers and applause ) battle here in ohio, fought by an army of door knockers, robocallers, and relentless tv ads. >> reporter: if you get up at 7:00 a.m., by what time have you heard your first ad? >> probably 7:03. >> reporter: 7:03? >> yeah. >> pelley: police video captures the deadly end to a manhunt in oklahoma. and the birth place of rock is on a roll.

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United States , Boston , Massachusetts , Ashland , Texas , Oklahoma , Ohio , Crocker Park , America , Chris Bryant , Cleveland Newscenter , Jim Thome , Dan Shaughnessy , Jay Arrieta , Sara Goldenberg , Don Joseph Toyota , Mike Napoli , Josh Tomlin , Shelby Miller , Terry Francona , Dennis Martinez , Plaza Clydesdales , Travis Fryman , Allison Brunner , Eddie Robinson , Hillary Clinton , Candace Cunningham ,

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