Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 6PM 20160812 : com

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 6PM 20160812

so many people like to get on the roads for the weekend. taking a broad look at what's going on. we are seeing localized storms coming through our area. in particular, this box right here, that is lit up because they got 3-6 inches of rain in a very short amount of time. that's the same system that ultimately is coming our way over the weekend. taking a live look at doppler max. can you see the showers and storms spotting the area. medina getting soaked currently a lot of outdoor activity starting tonight with the feast over on the east side. you might want to carry your umbrella all weekend long. back to you. >> all right, beth. thank you. to the tree trouble in lakewood. the powerful storms knocked some of them down. jen picciano joins us live. the damage could have been a whole lot worse. jen >> reporter: that's right, mark. first i want to give you a live look at the progress on woodward avenue in lakewood restoring who have been without it for quite sometime. three short years ago a much different story in lakewood. we got answers from the city for what they are doing to prevent further and future damage when storms roll in >> reporter: the damage from this week's storm is a far cry from destruction left behind after hurricane sandy. we lost 64 trees and more fell on private property and it is engrained in the community since then. >> chris with the forestry department says after that they started taking a hard look at the aging tree canopy and most was around since world war i. >> addressing hazardous trees. >> and ranks them to risk and hazard and takes down three dozen or so. >> we have gone from major trees to one, two, three at worst and our episodes of massive storm clean up on the city side of the equation has gone down substantially. >> perry says it can be tough breaking news to residents that the favorite tree will no longer a shade their home. >> our tree canopy is our green space holding it near and dear and hard thing to grasp that the mature trees come down when pose a harold. >> we are talking about trees on city property. i am told on occasion they will get involved and trees on private property if they pose a high risk and assess a cost to the homeowner. he says some of the homeowners are taking advantage of a financing program new firstenergy and we will have that link and information available to you on our cleveland 19 news web site. jen picciano, cleveland 19. >> thousands are without power in cleveland heights. city officials say crews are working hard. prayers have been answered at saint constantine in helen and helen greek orthodox cathedral. power came on this afternoon. it had been out three days. good thing, too. greek fest is a week away. they had to move thousands of items into a refrigerated truck. viewers have been sharing pretty awesome pictures to us and can you, too. send them to [email protected]. mitch and maya gave us this one. they were caught in the rain last night working out in east cleveland. take a look at this one. the person who sent this didn't leave a name. but it really is breathtaking over the lake. wow. of course there's the damage. this is a tree that snapped in westlake on bradley road. thousands remain without power. the weekend could be dicey as cleveland 19 news app live radar right there on your phone >> mark: chief investigator carl monday getting answers today about a supervisor at the cuyahoga county jail. he got fired accused of using excessive force on women inmates >> romona: carl monday looked into the jailer's background to see if there were warning signs of abusive behavior. >> we heard rumblings last month of a jail supervisnd investigation for bad behavior involving inmates. today we know more about the probe and longtime jail worker out of a job. over a three-day period last may brendan johnson's career as a supervisor imploded. according to the dismissal letter johnson without being provoked sprayed a female inmate in the face with pepper foam telling the inmate i told you i would get you. two days later johnson was at it her legs out from under her and knocked her to the ground. she, too, was pepper foamed in the face. >> the county resource officer called johnson's behavior abusive and unnecessary. for brendan johnson it wasn't the first time he was accused of using excessive force on the job. in a law enforcement filed in -- lawsuit filed in federal court he was pulled from the chair and dragged across floor. johnson was later suspended three days. a lawsuit is working its way through the courts. >> for johnson's co-workers, abusive behavior had to come as a surprise. we took a look at employment records and didn't find a hit of what was to come. johnson's bosses praised him for great communication skills and says he makes good decisions and understands the possible repercussions of bad-decision making. in the end for corporal brendan decisions that put an abrupt end to a promising law enforcement career. >> after johnson's abusive behavior won't put him behind the bars and the county prosecutor reviewed incidents and decided not to press charges. >> we were hoping to show actual jailhouse video of assaults and county says they are not public record because of security reasons. we are trying to track down the former jail supervisor to see what he has to say about all this. cleveland 19. >> brendan johnson was earning $62,000 a year at the time of his firing. he worked 10 years as a correction officer and six years as a supervisor in the county jail >> romona: a former shaker heights day care worker appeared in court today. michael ferricci charged with kidnapping, rape, sexual battery among other charges. the 20-year-old is accused of bathroom of the baptist church in july. he is locked up on quarter million dollars bond today. registration frustration at kent state university. students left looking for answers about their classes. dan deroos joins with us more >> dan: we are getting some answers. about an hour ago from kent state. they have this policy in place if they reach a deadline and students haven't paid their fall tuition, they get classes they have registered for. they need to collect money. here's what happened. it wasn't supposed to happen until august 18th. kent state says something triggered class cancellation process to run yesterday instead of the scheduled date of august 18th. some hadn't paid it in full yet and were kicked out of their classes. people are asking can i reregister myself for classes. no. work to resolve this issue. here is another big one. is my payment due today if i don't have a schedule? >> no, extended to the 18th. no late fees and we have gotten new information in the last hour. kent state is working over the weekend to get through the problem and reinstall everyone in the classes. that will happen by tuesday. if you have a kent stater freaking out because they were kicked out of a class, they are supposed to tuesday and reopen registration after that. kent state is working on this problem. you can understand people headed back to class in a couple of weeks got a little nervous. mark? >> mark: i don't want to say it's been a while. we had to register in person when i was at kept state. different story. we had a special visitor in cleveland 19 studios. we sure did. larry o'brien trophy. moment of history after our cleveland cavaliers nba championship and they brought it here when you and i weren't here. >> they knew it might not make it out. if you and i were here, look that way. >> you can't touch it. i wouldn't be able not to. >> fingerprints. >> coming up next hazing allegations at a local school. why superintendent suspended for imafenning band. cancellations of the 2016 hall of fame game. we have potential to see rain over the weekend. flash flood watch in effect for most of the viewing area. huge downpours. 1-3 inches for a lot of you. i will give you the latest coming up. >> get breaking news and weather now on the cleveland 19 news app powered by calvetta brothers growing up his family lost a house in a flood. and a second to a fire. ted strickland learned early in life what one bad break... the first in his family to go to college - his dad worked in a steel mill, his brothers finished concrete. that's why he's fought against every bad trade deal - from nafta to to most favored nation status for china. now ted strickland is running for the u.s. senate. calling for a moratorium on all new trade deals - until we can prove they'll create american jobs. for an infrastructure bank to repair roads, bridges and water systems. to protect medicare & social security. and for a $1000 tax cut for middle class families. i came from a working class family. i will always fight to make sure that working people... have a fair shot. ted strickland: ohio, heart and soul. i'm ted strickland and i approve this message. live from cleveland's newscenter driven by don joseph toyota in kent this is cleveland as you head out, you should know for this friday night we are tracking showers and storms scattered in nature and leaving behind a lot of rain. medina has gotten soaked and this has a northeast movement to it. solon heads up. before 7:00 you could see awfully heavy rain in your backyard >> mark: all right, beth. thank you. tonight we are digging deeper into hazing allegations at >> romona: the superintendent in streetsboro suspended the marching program indefinitely. shelby miller is getting answers about what happened. >> nearly 100 members of streetsboro high school got a robocall this morning telling them to come and pick up their instruments. two students and parents reported hazing happened at band camp. the band camp directer and assistant band camp director on paid administrative leave. members aren't sure when they will play together again. >> no one knows when they will perform. >> students spent time at catch which is where streetsboro superintendent tells me when bullying and harassment began. >> i have no choice and obligated to investigate those. >> after looking into allegations he decided to suspend gretchen weaver and he says he knows the band director well. >> this is about year 6 we have been dealing with her and nothing but excellent as far as her teaching ability and how she deals with the kids and firm when she needs to be and relaxed when she needs to be. >> gibson told me she and her wife were chaperones at the camp. >> i didn't think of anything that would concern me. >> gibson wasn't the only one shocked of the news. >> we are a tightknit community. i almost don't believe it. >> they hope a speedy investigation reveals the truth before football season begins in two weeks. and the goal of many including parents and members of the band and meantime practice is canceled. >> and the superintendent tells me there was a substitute band directer board meeting and talk about this issue more and cleveland stopped at the home to get her side of the story and didn't answer. romona. >> and four are suing the nfl and pro football hall of fame after the 2016 game was canceled. >> the suit asked for more than $5 million and says the nfl should have known it needed to pay more attention to make sure the field was ready for the august 7 game. the hall of fame and nfl and we will let you know when we get a reply. mark? >> over in the first alert weather center with beth mccleod. it is still hot out, beth >> beth: i know. guess what, it will be hot one more day. one more day. >> humid and i am shiny enough as little. i am glowing >> beth: talking heat or humidity. the heat will dial back. the humidity, get used to that jungle-like feel,k. down more. we will all be doing that. it will be a wet weekend ahead. with that said doppler max lit up at this point with a line of showers and storms. look at this. you know, every night. i said we should clip my last couple of nights back to back and you could see me changing clothes scattered showers and storms. hudson, you are in the direct path of this. to the northeast. in the meantime let me point out wellington at 6:38. you will see downpours. unfortunately there's a long list of more rain to come your way. i know there's a lot of outdoor activities happening this weekend. there's a flash flood watch that starts tomorrow afternoon. it does encompass almost all of the northeast corner of ohio and goes towards cincinnati. this is n wet and humid weather. the rainfall that's our biggest concern starting saturday afternoon and i started rainfall total counter and you can't take the numbers for exactly what they say. it gives you the idea there's a lot of rain coming with this. over an inch in mansfield sunday morning. as the system sits and soaks us, the system is moving very slow for the weekend. that's the problem. >> we have a line of showers and cuyahoga county. in the meantime, cool front coming for the weekend taking its good time left behind 3-6 inches of rain in the west in cedar rapids. this box here, the two popped up. just within the last hour, it put down three inches of rain. three inches of rain. the front is slowly making it to our weekend. ultimately, two fronts are combined to give us wet weather. it starts tomorrow afternoon and it doesn't school out of town until sunday morning. you get a break before it rains more. >> tonight 76 degrees. it is still muggy out. we will stay that way. tomorrow we don't make it to officially the 90-degree mark and make it to 88 feeling like the low 90s. ultimately, super hot air will be gone. the wet feel is still in the air. we will stay muggy and humid but only in the 80s for monday, we don't see relief coming until the end of the week. tony? >> tony: all right, guys. ready for football. >> browns and packers tonight. it is preseason. it means more for rg3 and head now, this is the serpentini chevrolet sports report cleveland 19 news >> tony: all right robert griffin iii waited a long time for this night in a browns uniform. probably a series or two and what signifies is matters most. finally an nfl coach makes a decision to keep injured rg3 on the field in 2012 led to a shredded knee. shanahan departed and gruden came in and word out rg3 was damaged goods and without the an effected quarterback again. enter hue jackson. jackson is on a bit of a redemption period of his own. one season in oakland during which he went 8-8 and bounced by a new front office and his resume loaded with successful stops and joe flacco in baltimore and dalton. and put them in positions to succeed and will do the same for for the talk of nfl steering away from gimmicky plays on balanced lines and zone read, et cetera, jackson is one coach who will employ the tactics. can browns have long-term success? bernie kosar says you can't trick them for long and i will defer to bernie with football iq and does not mean browns can dictate flow and rhythm of the game and keep teams off balance and jackson will provide ways much of the pressure stays on rg3. if he cannot stay out of harm's way he won't last long. if he can't perform in the pocket defenses will catch up with him. jackson has a plan. griffin who's career was on the ropes had another opportunity to execute it. if he is successful quarterback and coach win big time. we will not see much from the play book tonight. it is a start and moment that a year ago rg3 didn't know he would have many more takes to come this season. don't forget to follow me tony zarrella, cleveland 19. >> thank you very much. captived cents. >> all in. >> romona: can't wait for tonight. i drive a golf bl. i drive to the hoop. i drive a racecar. i have a driver. but that's not what we all have in common. the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto? is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. for people with afib currently well t xarelto? anded warfarin compare in you know, taking warfarin, rei had to deal with thatk blood testing routine. i couldn't have a healthy salad whenever i wanted. bi found another way.. i couldn't have a healthy salhey, safety first.ed. with xarelto? like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto? ng, you may xarelto? may increase your take certain medicines. get help right away forus unexpected bleeding, if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto?, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto? if you have an artificial xarelto? is the number one prescribed blood thinner in its class. well that calls for a round of kevin nealons. make mine an arnold palmer. well that calls for a round of kevin nealons. same here. with xarelto? there is no regular blood monitoring make mine an arnold palmer. and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto? was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto?. >> beth: there areca forecast for this evening. one thing will you notice on saturday, it will still be hot and muggy. but by sunday we finally get in the 80s and humidity levels will stay awfully high and we have flash flood watch in effect saturday afternoon through sunday. we could see very big rainstorms out of this upwards of 5 inches in some isolated areas. >> mark: keep you updated through the weekend. thank you for joining us. cbs evening news is next back here at 11:00. captioning sponsored by cbs >> pelley: deep trouble in the deep south. flooding threatens lives along the gulf coast. >> i just told him, you know, don't panic. i'm heir for you. i'm going to get you out of these waters. i'm going to rescue you." >> pelley: also tonight. >> go home to momma. trump! >> pelley: the road to the white house. >> the republicans do have a tougher path. >> pelley: we'll show you how tough. amazing simones, the gymnast and the swimmer. >> she just kind of blows the rest of the world out of the water. >> pelley: she's talking about the gymnast. >> pelley: and storm at summer camp. >> the kids who come here share one exceptional bond. this is the "cbs evening news"

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United States , Cuyahoga County , Ohio , Wellington , New Zealand General , New Zealand , Kent State University , China , East Cleveland , Cleveland Heights , Cincinnati , Greece , Mansfield , Greek , American , Carl Monday , Shelby Miller , Kent Stater , Cleveland Newscenter , Arnold Palmer , Ted Strickland , Brendan Johnson , Beth , Bernie Kosar , Don Joseph Toyota ,

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