Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 5PM 20161025 : com

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 5PM 20161025

american league pennant. >> always believe cleveland, it is us against the world. always us against the world. cleveland against the world. let's go! >> and cleveland, for the 6th time ever, will you have a world series. >> denise: oh, those words were music to the ears, weren't they, tony? what an incredible year 2016 has been for cleveland all the championships and i include the monsters and stipe and the convention and the energy and keeps getting better and better and now we are on an international stage once again. >> denise: we certainly are. east 9th street behind us is basically the center of the universe. all eyes are on cleveland as they should be and well deserved for our cleveland indians. being inside. >> tony: schwaby, closing in on game 1 kluber and lester. this could be a tight one. >> mark: yep. it really is. both guys on their game this could easily be a 2-1, 1-0 game. look at jon lester's resume. it is depressing if you are a tribe fan. career numbers unbeaten in e.r.a. and record in the postseason unbeaten in e.r.a. under 1 and career thoroughly depressing and better off not looking at them, right? there's a way to get to this guy, though. the one chink in his armor for whatever reason jon lester cannot throw to bases to hold base runners and it's been a problem with him for years. base runners can get big leads and he can't throw over. his permanent catcher david ross will throw down and get it that stealing the bag and don't think terry francona is absolutely aware of this. they spent so much time together in boston. >> the last, i don't know quite how long, the last bit while there was, we knew it was surfacing and we did a lot of things to make sure it didn't get out in the open and i thought we actually did a really good job. it wasn't until i left that people started to realize that. >> mark: you might be thinking how could just steal bases on him at will. the thing about lester to steal the base, you have to get on base. he doesn't give up too many base runners. this guy is really good. they had so many base stealers and raja davis could steal bases. he is not the only one that can rip a bag. guys? few times with the red sox and he's got two championship rings and one guy who matched him and will join us on the set in just a bit. >> denise: that's right. jim thome. love jimmy. >> huge nice across the plaza. we know what's going on inside the q. >> it is over! cleveland is a city of champions once again. the cavaliers are nba champions. >> that was back it has not gone away. and they keep reliving game 7 against the warriors and won by 4 and winning three straight to close it out stunned the basketball world. >> denise: sure did. of course they are getting their rings tonight and all the staff is as well. how classy by dan gilbert to buy rings for everybody who works on -- it is amazing. >> tony: you know who deserves a ring? beginning. >> denise: chris tanaka is there, too. >> romona: i sure would love one of the rings. i tried to bribe the employee out of hers. you heard what she said to me. >> everybody has been asking me that same question. >> i was kidding. she deserved that ring. >> it is festive and tonight is the final night where cavs and fans will revel in the celebration of winning the championship as the curtain goes occupy the season. the banner will be rings presented and so much going on for the fans tonight. >> i read where coach. >> tiffani: ty lue it was emotional for everyone. if the team has its way we will repeat and this will become a dynasty in cleveland. >> absolutely. >> it will be a tremendous night inside the ring ceremony and 7:00 if fans can't make it inside there's plenty going on outside. cath has a hoard of fans. >> reporter: center of the universe. absolutely. can't say it enough. look at this down here at 4th and prospect. i feel bad for anyone driving by here. we have fans as far as you can see. this way and when you look up, oh, there they are. this place is fire. we are having so much fun. of course a great combination and great blend of indians and cavs fans. this is a great idea. what will you do? what games are you going to. >> i am going to the indians game. >> i am going to the cavs game. >> mother and daughter from aurora. >> we thought about it and didn't know who to support. we support both. made these for us. it is symbolic of fans absolutely coming together. let's go over here to jim. very interesting. you are seeing this. and jim has a story and he is torn tonight. tell us about it. >> i am very torn. i have been living in cleveland and grew up a cubs fan and it's been 108 years. it is go cubs. >> if the tribe wins you are good with it. >> i will be happy either >> a lot of cubs fans here and cleveland as well. >> yes. absolutely. >> reporter: so much fun and so many different thoughts. the bottom line is go cleveland all together. back to you, guys. >> denise: of course it is only a six hour drive. it is easy for their fans to come here and us to go there. >> tony: we could see a third of the crowd cubs fans because wrigley. $64,000 for four seats behind the plate at wrigley for game 3. that's one game. 64 grand. >> denise: here you can get in standing room for $700. sounds like a bargain. we know one thing we are happy about now. it is dry. it is not raining. the sun is not as warm as a few minutes ago. jeff, we'll take it. >> jeff: the wind died down, too. you are probably noticing that. it was up along and there will be light breezes at the game and won't be the biting wind chill. yeah, it will be pretty cold and we will be dropping in the 40s through slowly the course of the night. here we go. game 1, 8:00 mostly cloudy and 10:00 down to 42. at midnight depending if we go to extra innings or on your way home, it looks like around 40 degrees out there. and hopefully staying dry as well. we have new information that tells us that we may just do that. stay tuned. 6:00, 49. 7:47, 8:00, 47 and it's been chilly today around 50 and look at ashtabula at 47. game 2 forecast coming up in a minute. tony and denise, back to you. >> denise: okay. pretty comfortable really. >> tony: it is not tomorrow obviously is the big question. >> denise: i hate to think about it. >> tony: i asked jim thome and mark nolan touched on it, if the bats go cold in weather like this, not an issue? >> it kinda depends how cold, to be honest. i think the emotion, excitement and adrenalin. the bench guys off the bench late in the game coming in to pinch hit if called on can have for the most part they have heaters and everything now that keeps them warm for sure. >> denise: they are pretty comfortable down there. let's talk about the preparation, the mental preparation. this is the world stage. the world series, and for a lot of young guys on the team, their first time. what's going through their mind? >> i would imagine they are dreaming about being a hero. as a kid in the backyard you dream of being in a world series. that dream is that's here. they are excited and ready to do something great. i think looking back in my experience, soak it all in. take every moment, every at-bat, every play, i think tunnel vision is the key. they have done that to this point. now it is about going out, playing the first game and getting relaxed and going from has a decision to make at wrigley with the d.h., santana or napoli. we will talk about that in a bit. that's a big factor as you look at the strategy of the series. >> denise: jim, thank you so much. we will hear more from jim coming up later in this broadcast. >> tony: back to the studio we go. >> tiffani: thank you, guys. i have goose bumps with the excitement, the cavs andin cav-diaians. >> and other news, we are following several stories on cleveland 19 news at 5:00. in fact, federal charges against a one-time top doctor at metro. some police in the suburbs. a teen with a gun holds officers at bay. >> tiffani: a live look at downtown cleveland. there you see it. all the folks at progressive field from bridgestone restaurant across from progressive field. live from c newscenter driven by don joseph toyota in kent. this is cleveland 19 news. >> harry: a former metro health executive and three doctors face federal charges. >> they arrested edward hills for racketeering, bribery and making false tax returns and prosecutors made the allegations today. hill's accused of asking dental residents for giving him gifts in exchange for preferential of racketeering. hill served as chief operating officer at metro for four years. highway police released dash cam video on i-71 from earlier this month. shawn johnson shot another man at a rest stop near mansfield. johnson refused to stop for police and drove overrode spikes and then shot and killed himself. we now know the name of a person under bridge in cleveland. metro says the death of james cash inn of north olmsted is suspicious but the cause has not been determined. north olmsted police have two men in custody and no charges are filed. a standoff ended peacefully. police serving a search warrant near chagrin found a young girl barricaded inside a home and a nearby school was placed in the teen. >> that's a look at top headlines from northeast ohio. denise and tony are back out line three hours from the indians game. >> it is spectacular. obviously, with cavaliers going so well. no one won more on the home turf than tribe did. with cubs fans coming in it is noticeable because they can't and it is taking place at chicago. speaking of sky high. some of the parking lots charging $100 just to park for the night. everything elevates. the hotels are booked up. it is great for our city and businesses here. let's check in with shelby miller looking at the economic impact of the games. >> denise and tony, it is huge tonight and really this entire year with how well cavs did and and how the indians are doing this year behind on progressive field and tough to see the traffic but there are so many people on the field tonight. a few blocks down on east 4th street the crowd is even bigger. and it is hard to get inside the business. we tried to talk to the workers to see how they were doing and they were so slammed to stop and ta flannery's opened early today and they have had crowds out the door ever since and the manager told me it's been a record year here in cleveland. >> by far one for the record books. we have had great weather and great turnout for the events we have had. it is incredible and hopefully it will continue. having two events such as this, no. we have not had anything quite to this magnitude and this is the summer of champions. cleveland and businesses hoping this continues. hopefully, everyone and well. hopefully it will strum up more business in cleveland and the weather is good for everything can going on tonight. >> jeff, how is it looking? >> a little question tomorrow. it is looking better. we know tonight. we will be dry. we had cloud cover coming in. looks like maybe it will rain a little bit. we had seen a few light showers it dry tonight mostly cloudy and you are seeing the beginning stages now of this next system that will be affecting us tomorrow. this for the most part is not reaching the ground and that is the developing batch of moisture that could sneak in during the day. i have an alert tomorrow and tomorrow night. just scattered light showers during the day. a steadier rain, though, will develop sometime tomorrow night. the question is when tomorrow looks right now they will get the game started on time. and let me show you the updated future view model dry in the morning. no problems for the drive. this particular model doesn't bring much rain at all during the day keeping us pretty dry. it will be overcast and another chilly day coming up. now the all important 8:00 hour tomorrow night for game 2. notice dry. we don't this model here. don't worry, i won't hurt myself. i am a professional. 11:00 tomorrow even. you start to see the rain spreading in here. if you believe this latest model run, it is 11:00 tomorrow night. once it starts to rain, this will be the steadier batch that will linger into early thursday and then the wind picks up on thursday. keep your fingers crossed. forecast, mostly cloudy and cold. overnight low at 32. we will be in the 40s tonight downtown throughout the course of the game. increasing clouds, akron-canton tonight down to 31 for the low. i have us at 52 tomorrow. mostly cloudy. just scattered light showers during the day. 36, 8:00 a.m. downtown, 44 at 11:00 up ander 40s to around 50. notice 8:00 we could have,ou right now it is looking more like later in the evening and overnight tomorrow night. this 55 will be the morning high on thursday. we will drop through the 50s. spotty showers and windy on thursday. friday, things calm down. 55. look at the big change that we made to the forecast over the weekend. it will be much warmer. in fact, saturday we could be it looks like a gorgeous weekend. sunday, 73. it will be very warm saturday night. windy throughout the weekend as this happens. just spotty afternoon showers on sunday. halloween 67. next tuesday around 70. so all of a sudden after this cold stretch we are seeing big warm up starts to weekend. we will see if that trend continues. >> harry: my new best friend. >> tiffani: pretty good forecast. could be worse. could be having snow. we are doing good. good weather presentation. >> harry: coming up on cleveland 19 news at 5:00, a rare honor for a music man favorite. >> tiffani: lady gaga is ready to take a ride on late does your child need help wit? so she can have a fractiiotic. dominating... status updating... hello-yellow-belt kind of da ?? tomorrow's the day we'll play something besides video games. ly for people with heart failure. but today there's entresto?- a breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait 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last week and media fi generated 800,000 new conversations on social media. ? i can't stop thinking about you.? >> tiffani: music fans can't stop thinking about sting. he is releasing his 12th solo recording. the 57th and 9th hits local stores next month. sting gets a special award at ? go, go, oh, la larks watch out for romance.? >> tiffani: lady gaga ready to ride with james cordon. you don't want to miss her with carpool karaoke. the late, late show is on at 12:37 in cleveland. cbs 19. i always love carpool karaoke. >> it is so good. i am surprised how well h book. >> you don't need to know how to sing to do karaoke. >> harry: that's correct. coming up on cleveland 19 news remembering the '48 world champion cleveland indians and news remembering the '48 world champion cleveland indians and wait until you hear anyone with type 2 diabetes news remembering the '48 world champion cleveland indians and wait un knows how it feels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but 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stuff down and creature of habit and prepare for this. my point being fans has been here all afternoon and cheering because they want to get inside. >> we have been talking to fans and none like a woman from olmsted falls. >> and we hear about the drought. our drought and their drought of course. >> that's right. this woman actually went to see in 1948 and she had to skip a job interview to do it. harry boomer has her story. >> i am in my 80s. >> in your 80s. >> dorothy wetzel to family and friends may be hesitant to tell you her age but she is not shy about skipping out on a job interview to miss the 1948 world series between the indians and boston braves. >> i would not leave my house on account of the game. come in for the interview. i said i can't leave while the indians are on. dotty still got the job. >> best job i ever had. i loved it. i worked there until i got married and got pregnant and i had to leave and my boss picked me to stay longer and i said no. >> she was an auditor at the cleveland trust bank. >> lou was the manager. honor. and lemon and feller were both big pitchers in those days. they pitched. but there were six games and it was very exciting. >> dotty's daughter-in-law got her a 2016 world series cap and she is proud to put it on to root for the tribe. >> i will watch it right here in this chair watching it on tv. >> as far as her prediction on who will win the world series this year. >> i have no just doing a lot of praying for them. >> harry boomer, cleveland 19. >> god love her. that was harry boomer reporting. from her lips to god's ears we will do a lot of praying if i might say so myself. >> tony: 68 years for the indians. 108 for the cubs and a slight drought across gateway plaza. and romona, it's been 129 days championship. i can't take it anymore. >> romona: i know. it's been that long. i can't wait to see what will happen here in june. i don't want to get ahead of myself. right now we have seen a few players out during warm ups and getting ready for the new york knicks and this is more than basketball tonight. >> the players are the only ones not smiling ear to ear. doors open at they have not stopped partying. and of course the banners get lifted at 7:00 and ring presentation. it will be a big affair. a lot of people milling around inside and exiting once the cavs exit afterwards. >> and exactly. i have had people say to me i don't know what to do. do i go to see the world series indians or do i come to the cavalier championship first problem to have in cleveland. >> it is a big problem to have. jeff, what will the weather be like for fans leaving 9:30, 10:00 when they are milling around outside. >> jeff: definitely need a coat, that's for sure. the wind died down and that's the good news in all this. in the 40s. first pitch 47 and by 10:00 we are at 42 degrees. midnight when fans are leaving home and innings at progressive field and right around 40 slowly falling in the 40s and pretty cold and dropping in the 30s later tonight. that's the case tomorrow morning. we have rain in the forecast tomorrow. the best chance of rain tomorrow night. the latest data i am seeing suggesting more later on tomorrow evening which would obviously be good news for game this forecast isn't set in stone but we know it will rain sometime tomorrow night. still a little bit of a question when that steadier rain gets in here. a windy day thursday with falling temps on the other side of this front. currently, mostly cloudy across the board cooler temps east 49. mentor 47 only and ashtabula and right now at 51 in cleveland. and on the weather app here with the temperature click on the hourlies and give us about 47 here. 7:00, 45 at 9:42 at 11:00 and notice the wind less than 10 miles an hour. we do drop in the 30s. tomorrow and tomorrow night is when i have alerts here just for scattered light showers during the day tomorrow and steadier rain tomorrow night and thinking pitch will be dry. there's a potential impact on game 2. we are thinking during the later innings tomorrow. go with a high of 52. scattered hoyt showers during the day. 36 at 8:00 a.m., 34 at 11:00 and upper 40s by 5:00 pretty cold, akron-canton. you are at 49 and a few showers around. we have huge changes to talk about in the extended forecast and i will talk about it later in the h i will send it back to romona and chris. >> romona: if you are sitting at home watching us and actually coming down here, you are late already. the cavs want everyone in their seats by 6:45. the ring ceremony will take place promptly at 7 p.m. >> chris: half hour of pyrotechnics and celebration before jumping out. fans out milling around and there's a party on the sidewalk. we have to admit, right. people were already outside enjoying all of the festivities. we will go to catherine bosley. >> reporter: the party is taking over in the streets. forget the cars. they are having a really hard time getting through 4th and prospect. this is as hot as it gets. i am seeing bling everywhere. what do you think will happen tonight? >> i think we will take them. we have come this far. we are ready. we are hot tonight. yes, we are. >> feeling the spirit. >> go, go, go! >> the bling, it warms up everything, right. >> it just warms it up. yes. >> not feeling the cold. >> we came to win. >> cleveland, ohio. >> yes. >> thanks for bringing it. thank you. >> look what we have here. oh, my goodness. how does cleveland treat the cubs fans. >> very good so far. a couple of boo's here and there. >> what do you think about our fine city? >> looks great. we are about to celebrate and enjoy being here. >> celebrate an indians win. >> no way. you guys are going down. we have waited too long for this. >> we have waited longer. >> reporter: we all know that feeling. we will not know it muchon >> go, indians! go cavs. what a wonderful celebration. a feeling you cannot beat in the middle of it all. back to you guys. >> chris: incredible. >> romona: it really is incredible. when i think back and this is more than basketball and baseball to me. this is about cleveland and its people. when i look at their faces out eyes we have lived through miserable sports team and hang our heads low and chris, to see everyone excited. i promise, i'm not going to cry again. i get emotional thinking about what this means for our town. >> chris: it is amazing. celebrating one championship and on the precipice of another and everyone wants to get involved in some way, shape or form. fans coming out tonight and all fans on the secondary market there are some tickets left s. that correct, dan deroos? >> dan: absolutely not just some tickets but the panic fire sale you call it. stub hub is the official secondary market for major league baseball. for the game tonight 405 tickets available. a look at tomorrow night when weather is expected to be nasty, 1500 there. let's talk prices. if you were to jump on now and these prices are down. i have been watching them fall this afternoon and sounds ridiculous that $793 is down but down $200 from the start. as i scroll through they quickly get a little expensive or more than just a little expensive. let's talk about the cavaliers. they have a game tonight. a lot cheaper to get into that game. let's take a look. using flash seats and straight through cavaliers tickets $125, $130, $140. that's what it will cost just to get in the door. not talking good seats. just an amazing time. bide your time and snap up less expensive tickets and make it to downtown. we will have a whole lot more coverage on what an incredible night it is to be in cleveland and a cleveland fan when we come right back. >> portions of this program i served under president bush and obama. i fought the taliban. i was asked to form a global coalition to counter isil. when someone makes the comment that they know more about the islamic state or isil than do the generals, it implies a complete ignorance of the reality. but i believe secretary clinton really understands the threat that the islamic state poses to the united states and to the american people. and i believe she understands how to wield american power to ultimately defeat this threat and to keep us safe. i'm hillary clinton >> denise: welcome once again to progressive field. the sun is shining. i am predicting an indians victory. >> tony: i like to get out of the gate fast. they have not lost at home in the playoffs. they lost one game up in toronto and we did a sitdown with tom hamilton and voice of the tribe. phenomenal talent. and all the years you have done your fayetteville thing? it had to be '95 jim thome. when you look back, and you look at the series, the '95 team it was special and amazing, jim, to watch you with the fans and integral part of the community. >> it says a lot about the city and fans. they don't forget. they just don't. it is special like lofton tonight and baerga. just the whole, i that they show, that we feel as players. now, i think all of us being retired, you still feel it when we come back. it's a great thing, it really is. i feel blessed i had an opportunity to play as long as i did and to come back to see the excitement and see it as a player and from behind-the-scenes now is so special. >> tony: all right. jump in, jim. when they travel to wrigley they have napoli or santana. >> both very good players. both run producers let's face it. santana, i know, he's hit lead off and can hit in the middle of the order. napoli has been your biggest run producer all year. i don't envy him. that's a tough situation. >> denise: and our pitchers have to hit when >> which i think at a certain point during the year that happens anyway. i am sure they are excited about that. they will be ready to go. >> tony: good stuff. sean casey coming up. they will join us with a little bit as well. >> denise: we'll be right back with more cleveland 19 news [excited scream] you just won a million dollars! no thanks. nice balloons, 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monitoring the shower threat. looks like light showers around during the day. better opportunity for some time tomorrow night and hopefully it won't be until after the game is over. but an alert there. thursday will be a windy day just isolated showers. there could be steadier rain early in theor and 55 the morning high and temperatures falling through the 50s during the day. now, friday a lot calmer. partly cloudy, 55. all of a sudden we get into some very warm air it looks like. saturday we are up to 77. a windy warm day and dry. saturday night very dry and warm down to 67 and sunday for the browns game 73 with a front and spotty afternoon showers. halloween looking warm. 67. tuesday, which would be potential game 6. that's november 1, folks. i have us around 70 and dramatic changes here. >> 52 tomorrow and 5 thursday and there's the skyrocketed temperature saturday 77 and looks like a very warm weekend and to wind down october start november. we will see what happens there as the days go on. significant changes in the models in the extended forecast. all right. we will send it back outside to tony and denise. take it away. >> tony: come on. how much time here 2:20 here. >> denise: it can't come fast enough. a major fan favorite will be in the house tonight. none other than jim thome. thank you for staying with us. and his managing style and he has gotten kudos with the pitching staff and injuries. what do you think. >> i think his biggest attribute is he is a baseball 2015 and spends a lot of time at the baseball park and he loves the game. he knows his strengths and weaknesses and the fact game 1, let's go to the division series bringing in miller in the wait a minute here what's going on. what he did he put, in the middle of the game as the big situation, i will stop them from scoring and he did. he kind of has done that throughout the whole postseason and really other managers are starting to follow his suit to be honest. >> i keep using the term redefine the way the games are being played and he is taking a weakness, the rotation with >> yes. >> and edge indians if you have the lead. of course you have the load to do that. chris bryant and frankie lindor. and guys, in your experience as a young guy, a coming out party for us on the stage. >> and both great players. lindor, smiles all the time and great and great ability and chris bryant. what an upand coming slu the game. both teams looking at the organizations. they have done a good job of drafting well and bringing those guys to the big leagues when they are ready. can you see that. >> thank you, jim, for your expertise. >> more to come closing in on game 1. kluber against lester. what a match up. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. ...who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? an interesting thing happened today. a goat showed up at progressive field and it is about the curse of the billy goat in chicago. >> tony: of course in sports curses. >> denise: no. >> tony: billy has owned a tavern in chicago. 71 years ago he tried to take his goat to the world series and people couldn't stand the spell and they forced him to leave and he put a curse saying you will never win a world series again. >> denise: that's right. tribe fans showed up with a goat saying murphy never forgets. goats have rights and them cubs they ain't going to win no mor curses. it is how you build your team. >> denise: murphy's law. if the goat is murphy and murphy's law. it is going in our favor tonight. >> tony: these are two organizations that built their teams, great job theo epstein and chris antonetti and his crew here have done a phenomenal job. >> it will be a good game. june 19th we told you curses cleveland 19 news sponsored by empire window company. your local window and siding door expert since 1960. live from cleveland's newscenter we are getting answers for you. cleveland 19 news starts now. >> romona: what an exciting night to be in cleveland. i am here live at the q as the cavaliers get set to take on the new york knicks and more importantly they are getting set to raise that banner tonight and have a ring ceremony to celebrate our championship cavaliers, mark. >> mark: yeah, you know you have turn it into a world series. we are just outside progressive field right now and i am with a couple of guys and glad to be out here with them. we have tony zarrella of course our sports director here. and we've got indians slugger jim thome. the only way can you do that. thank you very much. >> tony: power on the set goes significantly up on the right of your screen. >> mark: i could not be more excited about being here. does this bring back a lot for you? >> it does. to see the excitement the crowd. it is so fun. it brings back a lot of memories of the 90s. of this great city. one of the things i remember so great is how our fans helped us during the great runs. we really fed off their excitement and passion. and late-inning heroics we were able to pull off. it was fun. >> tony: what would you do 2:08 minutes before the first

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