Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 5PM 20160317 : com

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 5PM 20160317

right now it's about power basketball for baylor to get into this ballgame. >> ian: 20 points for prince. mason is fouled. makes his free throws at a 78% clip. >> len: that's unstoppable. >> ian: well, everything is okay between prince and gathers. dunk. >> chris: he wants more of that. that's how they have to play. i would like to see them bring that enthusiasm in the defensiven. >> ian: makai mason 21 points. attack on another. 22 for mason. >> len: the first order of business, stop this young man. >> ian: you are right. there is a steely look from mason. >> chris: he has 6 rebounds. he's been in with the trees all night to do anything. assist, rebound or beautiful moves. more time. >> ian: he has the altar boy look. but the killer mentality. >> len: don't let you fool you. he won't fool anybody else with that sweet baby face smile anymore. >> ian: we showed you the pre-game speech from james jones. the extended version on the or's cut was building up. he reminded his team of what they worked for and what they this moment. not being afraid of it. living in the moment and the reality of being in the ncaa tournament. >> len: he wanted them to think back to when they started playing basketball and watched the ncaa tournament on tv and you wished you were in there. he never did. >> ian: that's right jones did not ever play in an ncaa tournament. >> chris: he said we don't deserve it just for showing up. there is no pit party for not being here for 50 years. he said stay who you are. it's so fun to play. >> ian: >> ian: victor turns it over. taurean prince wreaking havoc. >> len: outstanding lester by for instance. >> ian: medford. no. tracked down by wainright. 5:34 to play. this is a 9 point game with yale in front. >> len: if baylor is going to get back in. it's the 50-50 balls they need to continue to get. >> ian: prince misses. motley the offensive board. can't hit it. off the window and yale comes away with the board. nick victor a wasted chance for we hit the 5 minute mark of the second half. 66-57 yale. sherrod and sears getting ready to check in next dead ball. mason. fades. it's an air ball. victor grabs it. turns and fires. off the rim. prince has it. for the bears. motley down the middle. it goes and a foul. jonathan motley with a chance for 3. >> len: very fortunate baylor got the rebound. then the look up front. when you attack like that, good things happen. >> [cheers and applause]. >> ian: some changes here for yale. tremendous work by the combination of downey and reynolds. bulldogs. 4 fouls on victor. >> len: and great recognition from the crowd. not just yale fans. a lot of folks gave them their due. >> len: in the ncaa tournament if you get that swing going. >> ian: fans quickly become fans of the lower seed. >> len: it's like rock. if you can change, i can change. right now yale the underdog but saying we have a chance to win this game. >> ian: a 9-2 game for baylor. 6 point lead for yale. 4:27 to go. mason. defended by lindsey on the outside. screen from sherrod. makes it off balance. he is fouled. prince increddulous after the call was against him. a pair of free throws here for with his team up by 6. averages 15.8 points per game. he scored 24. monday, what happens after the girl of steel turns on her own city? a new "super girl" only on cbs. knocks down a pair. he matched his career high with 25. >> [crowd noise]. >> ian: wainright. a foul called on the outside. it's sears. or do they call it offensive? >> [whistle]. >> ian: it is called against baylor. wainright made his move. on the inside against motley. >> [buzzer]. >> ian: baylor an empty trip. they trail 68-60 and motley will sit with his 40 foul. sherrod gets it in. 4 minutes and counting left. >> chris: yale can let their offense take the ball until late in the shot clock. the turnover right there. >> ian: nick victor a disvan'ted set. victor turns it over. we have an 8 point game. you live for march. that's why at&t's network lets you stream the action, all month long, when and where you need it. so you feel like you're part of the game from just about anywhere. the network of at&t. after all of this student debt and all of this education, i was still laid off! that was supposed to solve that! the sofi career services department was a wonderful support during that time. i was part of the entrepreneurship program. i just couldn't imagine working for someone else at that point. so from unemployment, a year and a half later with a thriving start up company, it's about time sure we all picked a 12th seed to beat a fifth seed. and of course some team is going to bust brackets all the way to the championship. but if you wanna see a real cinderella story, look right here. southwest is having a sale. fly for as little as 69 dollars one-way, and that's book now at low fares. nothing to hide. that's transfarency. >> ian: march madness continues tonight. 8 more first round games across cbs, tbs, tnt and tru-tv. you decide the games that you want to watch. here in providence, first round action from the west region. 68-60. yale in front of baylor. the winner will take on duke the number 4 seed in the west out lasted unc-wilmington earlier today. ian eagle, chris webber, len elmore, evan washburn and the rest of our crew. march madness very much underway. yale is 3 minutes and 48 seconds away from the upset. >> len: trying to control the slow baylor down with token halfcourt pressure. >> ian: taurean prince. the spin. no. motley. offensive rebound. goes right back with it for 2. >> len: i expect baylor to return the favor. theirs only be passive. >> ian: 15 from motley. he and prince combined for 35. now 14 offensive rebounds for baylor. their bread and butter. >> chris: great to see multiple screens to get mason open. >> ian: into the hands of sears. cross-court. dallier. missed it. and out of bounds. baylor takes over with 3:01 on the clock. >> len: that's plenty of time for baylor to get even or recapture the lead. a question of them going to their strength. they are successful when they glass on misses. >> ian: under 3 minutes to play. prince makes his move. scores on the inside. it's a 4 point game. baylor mounting a comeback. 2:37 remaining. mason uses the screen set by sears. wainright sticks by him. dallier feeding the post. sears. inside. for the bucket. justin sears 2-time ivy league player of the year converts. 18 points for sears. >> chris: that smart play. they recognize the mismatch. lindsey on sears. didn't hesitate to get him the ball. >> ian: wainright inside. sears gets a piece. sears comes away with it. yale calling for a timeout. >> ian: james jones will have a chat with his team with 1:58 remaining. >> chris: sears on both ends. recognizing he has the mismatch. nice layup inside. he said wayment, i can move my foot and stay vertical and block that shot. >> ian: yale 70 and baylor 64. baylor got it 2 within 4. and now trying to add to the 6 point lead with 1:58 remaining in the second half. fourth ncaa tournament appearance for yale. 1949, 1957 and 1962. they have never won a game in the big dance. 9 to shoot. dallier. gives it up to sherrod. shot clock winding down. ball knocked away. a scrum for it. a foul on makai mason. baylor will get free throws with 1:36 to play. >> len: i am not sure that was a good foul. he gave baylor a chance to put points on the board. >> ian: time was winding down. i don't think baylor would get out on the break before time ran instead they get to stop the clock and put points on the board. >> len: even if they had possession, yale would be able to get back and contest it. >> ian: a lot of time for jake lindsey to think about these free throws. as a team baylor is 8 of 13. lindsey's dad dennis played at baylor. the general manager of the utah jazz. short. 70-64 yale. >> chris: 30% of the points for rico gathers comes off the offensive rebound. you must box out here. >> ian: just took out sherrod. >> chris: he throws it out of bounds. >> len: 2 guys were blocking him out. he was sandwiched in between >> ian: a foul called quickly against baylor. >> chris: wow. up. >> chris: that's not intended. >> len: that was a huge mistake right there. >> ian: and sends mason to the free throw line. mason hasn't missed. 5 of 5. he is closing in on the yale all time record for most points in a tournament game. a player back in 1949 had 27. he's not even grazing the rim at this point. makai mason has a new career high. 26. >> len: you know his name means winds to the see in hawaii. he got yale off to a good start. >> ian: now i know. he has 3 brothers. sandin o, ukiho and akirra. >> len: that's what good lawyers do. we don't know everything. we know where to look. >> ian: it's a 4 point game with a minute and 21 left. 72-68. >> ian: the game reset with yale leading. 72-68. the bulldogs have to timeouts left. baylor is out of timeouts. both teams are in the double bonus. yale has the possession arrow. with 1:21 to play. >> len: depending on who is on the floor for yale, they are not a very good free throw shooting team. mason knocking them down with confidence. sherrod 59%. >> ian: dallier 47%. >> len: it's prime pickings for baylor if they want to extend this game. >> ian: dallier. sears not a ball handler. what a save and lindsey with the finish. ishmail wainright a fantastic play to set up the bucket. this is a 2 point game. >> chris: no need to extend now. plenty time. >> ian: sears gets it into the hands ever mason. >> [whistle]. >> ian: trying to tie him up. mason goes down. and mason injured on the play. baylor wanted a tie up. >> chris: yale has to spread the floor and allow the bigs to set a pick and get mason open to double teamed. >> len: right there. just popped out. outstanding defensive play and effort by wainright. he just popped it away. from sears. he has to be stronger with the ball. then lindsey atoning for that missed free throw. >> ian: the foul was called on baylor. wainright called on the foul. they are going to look at it. >> chris: whether it's flagrant or not. >> ian: wainright took a shot to the head. >> len: nothing untoward by baylor. if they call a foul, it's a common foul. wainright insult to injury. >> ian: ishmail wainright made a brilliant play defensively to save the ball and set up lindsey cut this game to 2. then on the ensuing inbounds, mason banged into wainright. >> chris: >> chris: >> chris: >> chris: >> chris: acdental. >> ian: i agree. >> chris: use a timeout. that's where they are there. >> ian: 4 fouls on ishmail wainright. mason 7 of 7 from the free throw line. 59.5 to play. >> len: of all the guys for yale, this is the guy you don't want to foul. >> ian: mason perfect 8 of 8. and a new yale record. 28 points. highest scoring mark in an ncaa basketball history. 74-70. mason now with 29. under a minute to play. wainright. loops the pass to prince. prince one-on-one with victor. an offensive foul. huge call with 33.9 to play. >> [cheers and applause]. >> chris: you don't have to be set to draw the offensive foul. defender entitleed to go in a direction that is parallel to what the ball handler is going. >> len: if the ball handler breaks that plain, that's how you get the call. >> ian: get it in for sears. much martyr to give the foul to sears and not mason. he is 3 of 3 today. that was a huge, huge call. >> len: took a possession away and an opportunity to put points on the board from baylor. from where we sit, it should be have been the right call. >> ian: justin sears. misses on the first attempt. another look at the foul. >> len: yes. he broke the plain. victor was traveling parallel. never really stepped into the offensive player's space. it was prince who dipped his shoulder and broke that plain. >> ian: doesn't get roll. baylor down by 4. 35 seconds to play. medford. the drive. medford scores. it's a 2 point game. >> chris: baylor has no timeouts. >> ian: but yale does and mason uses it. yale up by 2 on baylor. >> chris: hopefully coach jones is joining us a press break. this press from baylor is giving yale problems. they have one good free throw shooter in makai mason. i expect them to allow mason to catch the ball on the run and not be double teamed. don't pass it into the corners. allow him to get freedom of movement and get other guys involved. >> len: i am recognizing this is a one second difference between the shot clock and the game clock. if i am baylor, take no chances. this is the time to extend the game. i might try for a quick steal. the guy you don't want to foul is mason. you double him and allow somebody else to come the ball and foul them. >> ian: baylor was in this position before. one years ago georgia state a number 14 seed. they defeated scott drew and the baylor bears 57-56 in jacksonville. this is all new for james jones and for yale. >> chris: gathers and lindsey keyed in on mason. kay that he went let him get it. >> ian: mason. they are not fouling him. half a second difference. shot clock to game clock. they get the foul. you might as well as conserve the clock. >> chris: that's a great job by yale. can't stop any one guy from getting the ball inbounds. he catches the ball on the run. time off the dribble and bates for the foul. good job letting the ref's know. >> len: if you are going to extend the game, extend. it you can't waste seconds like that. >> ian: 30 point for makai mason. for them. >> ian: 75-72. >> len: still plenty of time. if he makes it 2 possessions, it steepens the slope. >> ian: a 4 point lead for yale. 15 seconds left. prince. he knocks it down. it's a 1 point game. 12.9 remaining. sherrod. mason. trying to close him in. double team. >> [whistle]. >> ian: a timeout for yale with 9 seconds left. >> chris: the last one. >> ian: clinging to a 1 point lead. >> len: terrible communication right here by yale. either you switch or stay up. >> chris: yes. >> len: allowing prince to get a wide open look. sears has it make sure that he doesn't get him comfortable in that 3 point line. the arc. maybe you go over top of that. instead of going behind the screen. even more importantly, baylor will wish they had those 3 or 4 seconds they wasted chasing makai mason to the front court before fouling. that's what i mean if you are going to extend it, extend it. do it right away and not wait. >> ian: no more timeouts left. 9 seconds remaining on the clock. a furious rally from baylor put them in a position down by 1 to maybe walk out of here with a win. yale trying to hold on. they led since the 17:59 mark. >> len: it's a spot throw in. this will probably be given to the yale player. right there almost in front of >> ian: the largest lead for yale you was 13. >> chris: it's totally in front of the yale bench. i'm sorry in front of the baylor bench. requestedine dallier. the triggerman for yale. 9 seconds left. 76-75. yale leading baylor. dallier. goes deep. backing it out. victor. trying to play keeping you current. he is fouled with 6.8. a sneak play. it pays off for the bulldogs. >> chris: everyone trying to deny. sends nick victor deep. >> ian: these teams get a free timeout as the officials huddle james jones has brought his team to the sideline. now scott drew will do the same. >> chris: yale not out of the woodson. if victmakes both. a 1 possession ballgame with 6.8. and nick victor 54.5% from the line. >> ian: they are looking at the clock. at 6.8. the deep pass by dallier. they might put .2 aded to it. >> chris: i don't know. that looked pretty good. from a clock starter's perspective. you are only human. >> ian: let's talk strategy. no timeouts remaining. strategy if he makes 1 out of 2 or 2 out of 2 or misses both? >> chris: it's the same thing. get it out and push. where do you wind up for the shot? 6.8 seconds is a lot of time. to push the ball up the floor. >> ian: yale up by 1. 54% shooter. he hits. >> [cheers and applause]. >> ian: 77-75. >> chris: the defense identified the best players. it needs to be a man on prince and wainright. those 2 can score outside. expect baylor to push it. with 2 guys in the corner and one guy streaking down the middle. >> ian: victor. an air ball. >> chris: my goodness. >> ian: a 2 point yale lead. >> len: spread the floor. if you get in prince's hands you do. >> ian: medford turns it over. >> chris: foul. >> ian: with 2.2. the foul is against baylor. the ball bounced over to sherrod. medford trying to work quickly. he was out of control. >> chris: tries to go behind the back. and -- well! makai mason said i did not foul. i wanted to make sure on that play. >> ian: baylor did not even get a shot off. down by 2. 2.2 on the clock. motley fouled out. 59 points and 7 rebounds for the sophomore. now the focus is on brandon sherrod. with a pair of makes. >> [crowd noise]. >> ian: 2 point lead for yale. sherrod. first one is good. >> [cheers and applause]. >> ian: 78-75. >> chris: don't even think about missing. out. happen. 79-75. lindsey tosses it up. >> [buzzer]. >> ian: march magic for the yale bulldogs. >> [cheers and applause]. >> ian: their first ncaa tournament win in program history. james jones in his 17th year at yale. and the bulldogs have done it. they upset baylor. 79-75 to advance to the second >> chris: they did it with moxie and look at the last play here. the point was moot. yale celebrates. >> ian: baylor is going home. yale is moving on. >> [cheers and applause]. their first appearance in the ncaa tournament since 1962. it's a win for yale! the ivy league represented and yale gets it done. evan washburn, take it away. >> evan: coach, the program waited 54 years. you waited 17. what does it mean it get here and keep playing? >> coach: absolutely unbelievable. our guys played great tonight and gave us everything they had. this group of guys. >> evan: at no point did this moment seem too big for this team. where does that confidence come from? >> coach: we have been building for a couple of years. they stuck together. >> evan: you called him a bad little man. makai mason had a legendary afternoon. what is it about his game that allowed him to have this type of performance? >> coach: he is the toughest nut you will ever meet. a really tough kid. nothing shakes him or bothers him. he was unbelievable tonight. >> evan: enjoy it. >> coach: i will. >> evan: makai mason, come on in here. congratulations. an unbelievable performance. your demeanor seemed stoic throughout this game. what was your approach from the start? >> player: trying not to get too up or down. i try to lead through example. they will make a run. we stayed calm and weathered the storm. >> evan: what does this mean to this program? >> player: it's huge, man. we have not made the tournament in a very long time. to win it today is special. >> evan: duke is waiting on saturday. your thoughts on that match up? >> player: i am glad we have a rematch. we thought we could hang with them in the first game. we might surprise some people. >> evan: fun to watch. see you on saturday. >> ian: first time in the big dance in 54 years. if you ask the yale fans it was worth the wait. they could not be prouder of their team. >> chris: showed moxie and makai mason. set them on the course. they continue to follow it. with a chance to advance to sweet-16. the yale bulldogs pre-season favorites in the ivy league. they roland to the title. then they carried the momentum right into the ncaa tournament. with a win over the baylor bears. it's a 12 seed knocking off a 5. we have seen a lot of these celebrations for the 12 seed. bure elation for james jones. the 52-year-old head coach of the yale bulldogs. long island native. played in albany. didn't get to play in an ncaa tournament. now he has coached in one and has an ncaa tournament win. >> chris: coach told these guys i have not won one. his team repaid him. we will win one for you. that's the best feeling you could have as a player in the locker room. win a game no one thought you could win except the guys in the >> ian: yale advances. 79-75 win over the baylor bears. tournament games continue on tnt, tbs, and tru-tv. cbs prime-time begins at 7 o'clock eastern. chattanooga. after a quick break to our ncaa studio. the madness underway. if you treated your tablet like greasy fast food treats your body... you'd have no way to watch cat videos. so say no to greasy, fast food... and treat your body right... with the delicious rotisserie-style chicken sandwich from subway. made with our new hand-pulled, all-white meat chicken raised without antibiotics... all on our freshly-baked bread. the subway sandwich shop. fresh is what we do. hey there, can i help you with anything? hey siri, what's at&t's latest offer? oh, i don't think that siri can... an iphone and get one free. wow, is that right? yeah, it's basically... yes. that is the current offer from at&t. okay siri, you don't know everything. well, i know you asked me to call you the at&t hostess with the mostest. okay, shut her down. turn it off. right now, buy an iphone and great moments are born from great opportunity. that's what you have here, tonight. that's what you've earned here tonight. this is your time. live from cleveland's newscenter this is cleveland 19 news brought to you by bill dougherty kia in streetsboro. kia, what's in your driveway cleveland 19 news starts now. lucky is the word of the day and lucky to have a sunny st. patrick's day this year and parade goers had to bundle up. blustery and chilly and looks like it will get colder. your first alert forecast coming up. explosion in summit county. in january a family of four was found dead after their home went up in flames in north center township. their two daughters allison and ruthie. the incident is ruled a murder-suicide and there's a new twist in the case. dani carlson has disturbing new details. >> reporter: the stuffed annals in the makeshift memorial stand guard in front of what was once the mather home. the medical examiner ruled both ruthie and alison were smothered both murdered. cindy mather died of a prozac overdose. we do know she had a prescription for the drug but don't know if she was poisoned or committed suicide or died from one large dose or series of doses over several days. the m.e. determined 43-year-old jeff mather killed himself burning to death after using gasoline to set his home on we can tell you a gas can was found near jeff's body during the investigation. >> it is unclear which parent was responsible for the death of the two little girls and they will not speculate on that issue. in cleveland dani carlson, cleveland 19 news. >> harry: in cleveland, the electric poll worker charged with pulling a gun during tuesday's primary was in court today. bethea pleaded not guilty to weapons charges. bethea threatened a poll worker at the louisa may alcott on baltic. he is locked up on a $10,000 bond. >> cathrine: a look over downtown cleveland from the feazel roof cam. i believe we have that shot. what a shot. nice blue sky. a lot of sun coming through on this beautiful irish day. luck of the irish day, john. >> absolutely luck of the irish. humidity levels are desert-like. get the rain we thought we might see a little of in the afternoon and evening hours. it is gone. let's look at what's going on. winds blustery. a high wind advisory in effect points west. they have had 50mile-an-hour wind just. where are they gusting now ashtabula 41. where to go through the night? fall. cold front coming through. 7:002. 44 at 11:00 and 41 at 3 a.m. and headed for the 30s, folks. it is back to winter-like temperatures. all about it in the 7-day forecast coming up. >> harry: it was a perfect day for a parade but just a wee bit windy. downtown cleveland one of the largest st. patrick's day parade celebrations. all decked out in green. hoping to find a pot of gold looking for cold hard cash. sia nyorkor explains. >> reporter: thousands were celebrating st. patrick's day in downtown cleveland and one man stood out from the crowd. instead of partying, he was working. >> tyler isn't here for fun and games. >> the city of cleveland. i am selling t-shirts that have an ohio design on it and trying to pay for law school. >> reporter: the 21-year-old started this t-shirt company earlier this month. he says the name harkens back to his own irish roots. >> gaelic for prosperity and the motto of the city of cleveland. >> thousands flock to cleveland each year for the st. patrick's day parade, it is one of the largest in the country. this marks the 149th year. >> happy st. patrick's day! >> i love being irish. i love ohio and i wanted to sell this design to everyone else who >> he has sold quite a few shirts and hoping to sell more. the plan is to attend more events this summer and continue to fund his dream and going to law school right here in the state that he loves. >> i threw together the design. >> tyler told me a few hours ago he sold 35 shirts in the last couple of days. to find out about tyler's t-shirt and support his dream to go to law school log onto our web site at back to you. >> cathrine: all right. to help avoid any post parade chaos like past years, much of tower city shut down early this st. patrick's day and all of the stores and food court closed at 2:00 this afternoon. tower city cinemas, hard rock cafe, morton's and lincoln tap house are open tonight. you will be able to walk through tower city if you are going to those restaurants. if you are parking at tower city and staying at the ritz or renaissance hotel or taking the rta. the rock hall of fame says plans are unanimously approved for upgrades and new additions there, too. here are the latest rendering for rock hall. changes are long live rock sign in front of the museum. that sign will greet visitors on a new bigger stage and outdoor cafe. the goal is to have the rock 'n roll hall of fame finished by the time the republicans come to town in july. >> cathrine: now this, wondering why we were not on at 4:00. we know you were wondering. it is march madness. ncaa action is underway. if you want to see your favorite team in action keep it here on cleveland 19. here we go, don't forget to enter the cleveland 19 tourney challenge. head to our web site, fill out your bracket and it enters you a chance to win a 48-inch tv. the 11:00 news will be on late because of march madness. if you want news earlier check we have the only 9:00 newscast in town. march madness. how cold we will get and if there's a recovery coming up. >> harry: thank you. corned beef a cleveland staple on st. patrick's day the lines are extra, extra long. we will tell you about the extremes some went to just to live from cleveland's newscenter driven by don joseph toyota in kent this is cleveland 19 news. really knows it. it is a st. patrick's day tradition for clevelanders. slide to slyman's downtown for a heaping pile of corned beef on rye. >> hundreds lined up to get a taste of the tradition. some were just too hungry to wait so they headed to the slyman's in independence where the lines were even longer. >> we have been waiting an hour. >> one hour. >> for a preorder that we put in weeks ago. >> how long have you been here? >> almost two hours. >> same thing. too long. >> harry: a long wait but totally worth it. slyman's says they will go through 2,000 pounds of corned beef today. >> cathrine: you have to have something to eat before you stand in line. >> you can't be a clevelander and not have slyman's corned beef on st. patrick's day. of the irish were with us. humidity levels were low. let's look at the feazel roof cam. the city has has blue skies and deck of fair weather clouds. here is the deal on the rain. look at it. check it out over south of toledo. here south of akron-canton and you go, hey, it is raining, it's not raining. it's not reaching the ground. it is trying to head to earth and evaporating before it gets there and that's the case through the course of the night. have you downloaded your free cleveland 19 weather app? cleveland 19 is a free download and here is the temperature scheme through the night and we tumble by health care a.m. and down to 40 degrees. and by sunrise that will be 7:35 we will be down to 35 degrees. current temperatures, a chilly 49 at mentor where they are moderated by lake erie's 35-degree waters. average high 47 and 58 akron and 56 canton and blustery winds as harry pointed out earlier made it feel chillier. partly cloudy skies and brisk winds in the west dying down and dipping to 35 akron and average low this time of year is 30. we will be slightly above average through the night and that's about to change in the 7-day and we will take a look at it in a minute. >> west winds gusting to 30 overnight sun-cloud mix back and forth we go. 43 on the high side about this ballpark. and northwest winds and cold front the culprit here and through the weekend by saturday afternoon yes, a little light snow and it is march. we always get snow in march. little or no accumulation. high of 38 both saturday and on sunday with risk of light snow then. we will get the classic lake-effect. lake erie open and winds out of moisture and dump it on the shore line and points inbound and risk of rain showers monday and tuesday and we will alert you to this and could be wet snow mixed in on monday and wednesday and thursday a nice recovery and back up to 58 and 60 degrees respectively and a little bit of rain and that will keep daffodils and crocuses happy. >> i can't wait to plan. >> when will that be? >> i started already. any time you want, harry. the first freeze doesn't come our way until early april. >> can't wait. >> thank you. coming up at 6:00, taking it back to tampa. paul orlousky goes to four years to do what the florida city did for the rnc as cleveland remains mum about the july convention here. now this is a cleveland 19 news editorial. there are few topics guaranteed to stir up emotions one of those topics discussed quite a bit by parents, teachers and students is our state's aggressive common core requirements. common corsets unified and standardized learning goals that each student should know at the end of each grade. the purpose, to ensure that all of our students leave high school with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed after graduation. on paper, it is a great idea that addresses big picture issues. but making it work in the real world classroom is more complicated. well, the grades are in. after common core's first year with strict standardized core requirements combined with new state tests from the partnership for assessment of readiness for college and careers, ohio school districts receiving a- grades fell from 37 to 6. >> the average grade for ohio students we have dropped from a >> it is not a glowing report card especially for the cleveland school district which had the 5th worst test scores in the state with multiple f's. but does common core flunk the common sense test? some parents argue about families living in areas with more financial means and resources have advantages many schools don't have. sullen and beachwood schools card. some administrators range from defiant to dismissive when asked about school's test results. >> the real measure will be in the years and decades to come. when this first generation of common core students enter the real world. >> ohio schools will be taking a beating on paper. so far it is an incomplete. >> reporter: i'm dominic mancuso and that's how we see it. >> we encourage your response to live from cleveland's newscenter, cleveland 19 news starts now. >> the autopsy results have been released and the house explosion in northville village that killed a family. >> mark: dani carlson has the results of that autopsy. >> the stuffed animals in the makeshift memorial stand guard in front of what was the mather home. the medical examiner ruled both ruthie and allison were smothered, both murdered. >> cindy mather, the girl's 43-year-old mom died of a prozac overdose. we do know she had a prescription for the drug but don't know if she was poisoned or committed suicide or died from one large dose or series of doses over several days. the m.e. determined jeff mather after using gasoline to set his home on fire and a gas can was found near his body during the investigation. >> reporter: the medical examiner says it was unclear which parent was responsible for the deaths of the girls and they would not speculate on that issue. dani carlson, cleveland 19. >> mark: thank you, dani. jeff mather allegedly threatened suicide a month before the explosion. he said he suffered from depression and was taken to the hospital for treatment. the heroin epidemic plagues cuyahoga county today. we learned 12 more overdose deaths over a few day's time. the cuyahoga county medical examiner's office from late march 10 through monday march 14th, 12 died after overdosing on heroin, fentanyl or combination of both. victims ranged from 22 to 66-years-old and from all over the county.

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Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 5PM 20160317 :

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 5PM 20160317

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right now it's about power basketball for baylor to get into this ballgame. >> ian: 20 points for prince. mason is fouled. makes his free throws at a 78% clip. >> len: that's unstoppable. >> ian: well, everything is okay between prince and gathers. dunk. >> chris: he wants more of that. that's how they have to play. i would like to see them bring that enthusiasm in the defensiven. >> ian: makai mason 21 points. attack on another. 22 for mason. >> len: the first order of business, stop this young man. >> ian: you are right. there is a steely look from mason. >> chris: he has 6 rebounds. he's been in with the trees all night to do anything. assist, rebound or beautiful moves. more time. >> ian: he has the altar boy look. but the killer mentality. >> len: don't let you fool you. he won't fool anybody else with that sweet baby face smile anymore. >> ian: we showed you the pre-game speech from james jones. the extended version on the or's cut was building up. he reminded his team of what they worked for and what they this moment. not being afraid of it. living in the moment and the reality of being in the ncaa tournament. >> len: he wanted them to think back to when they started playing basketball and watched the ncaa tournament on tv and you wished you were in there. he never did. >> ian: that's right jones did not ever play in an ncaa tournament. >> chris: he said we don't deserve it just for showing up. there is no pit party for not being here for 50 years. he said stay who you are. it's so fun to play. >> ian: >> ian: victor turns it over. taurean prince wreaking havoc. >> len: outstanding lester by for instance. >> ian: medford. no. tracked down by wainright. 5:34 to play. this is a 9 point game with yale in front. >> len: if baylor is going to get back in. it's the 50-50 balls they need to continue to get. >> ian: prince misses. motley the offensive board. can't hit it. off the window and yale comes away with the board. nick victor a wasted chance for we hit the 5 minute mark of the second half. 66-57 yale. sherrod and sears getting ready to check in next dead ball. mason. fades. it's an air ball. victor grabs it. turns and fires. off the rim. prince has it. for the bears. motley down the middle. it goes and a foul. jonathan motley with a chance for 3. >> len: very fortunate baylor got the rebound. then the look up front. when you attack like that, good things happen. >> [cheers and applause]. >> ian: some changes here for yale. tremendous work by the combination of downey and reynolds. bulldogs. 4 fouls on victor. >> len: and great recognition from the crowd. not just yale fans. a lot of folks gave them their due. >> len: in the ncaa tournament if you get that swing going. >> ian: fans quickly become fans of the lower seed. >> len: it's like rock. if you can change, i can change. right now yale the underdog but saying we have a chance to win this game. >> ian: a 9-2 game for baylor. 6 point lead for yale. 4:27 to go. mason. defended by lindsey on the outside. screen from sherrod. makes it off balance. he is fouled. prince increddulous after the call was against him. a pair of free throws here for with his team up by 6. averages 15.8 points per game. he scored 24. monday, what happens after the girl of steel turns on her own city? a new "super girl" only on cbs. knocks down a pair. he matched his career high with 25. >> [crowd noise]. >> ian: wainright. a foul called on the outside. it's sears. or do they call it offensive? >> [whistle]. >> ian: it is called against baylor. wainright made his move. on the inside against motley. >> [buzzer]. >> ian: baylor an empty trip. they trail 68-60 and motley will sit with his 40 foul. sherrod gets it in. 4 minutes and counting left. >> chris: yale can let their offense take the ball until late in the shot clock. the turnover right there. >> ian: nick victor a disvan'ted set. victor turns it over. we have an 8 point game. you live for march. that's why at&t's network lets you stream the action, all month long, when and where you need it. so you feel like you're part of the game from just about anywhere. the network of at&t. after all of this student debt and all of this education, i was still laid off! that was supposed to solve that! the sofi career services department was a wonderful support during that time. i was part of the entrepreneurship program. i just couldn't imagine working for someone else at that point. so from unemployment, a year and a half later with a thriving start up company, it's about time sure we all picked a 12th seed to beat a fifth seed. and of course some team is going to bust brackets all the way to the championship. but if you wanna see a real cinderella story, look right here. southwest is having a sale. fly for as little as 69 dollars one-way, and that's book now at low fares. nothing to hide. that's transfarency. >> ian: march madness continues tonight. 8 more first round games across cbs, tbs, tnt and tru-tv. you decide the games that you want to watch. here in providence, first round action from the west region. 68-60. yale in front of baylor. the winner will take on duke the number 4 seed in the west out lasted unc-wilmington earlier today. ian eagle, chris webber, len elmore, evan washburn and the rest of our crew. march madness very much underway. yale is 3 minutes and 48 seconds away from the upset. >> len: trying to control the slow baylor down with token halfcourt pressure. >> ian: taurean prince. the spin. no. motley. offensive rebound. goes right back with it for 2. >> len: i expect baylor to return the favor. theirs only be passive. >> ian: 15 from motley. he and prince combined for 35. now 14 offensive rebounds for baylor. their bread and butter. >> chris: great to see multiple screens to get mason open. >> ian: into the hands of sears. cross-court. dallier. missed it. and out of bounds. baylor takes over with 3:01 on the clock. >> len: that's plenty of time for baylor to get even or recapture the lead. a question of them going to their strength. they are successful when they glass on misses. >> ian: under 3 minutes to play. prince makes his move. scores on the inside. it's a 4 point game. baylor mounting a comeback. 2:37 remaining. mason uses the screen set by sears. wainright sticks by him. dallier feeding the post. sears. inside. for the bucket. justin sears 2-time ivy league player of the year converts. 18 points for sears. >> chris: that smart play. they recognize the mismatch. lindsey on sears. didn't hesitate to get him the ball. >> ian: wainright inside. sears gets a piece. sears comes away with it. yale calling for a timeout. >> ian: james jones will have a chat with his team with 1:58 remaining. >> chris: sears on both ends. recognizing he has the mismatch. nice layup inside. he said wayment, i can move my foot and stay vertical and block that shot. >> ian: yale 70 and baylor 64. baylor got it 2 within 4. and now trying to add to the 6 point lead with 1:58 remaining in the second half. fourth ncaa tournament appearance for yale. 1949, 1957 and 1962. they have never won a game in the big dance. 9 to shoot. dallier. gives it up to sherrod. shot clock winding down. ball knocked away. a scrum for it. a foul on makai mason. baylor will get free throws with 1:36 to play. >> len: i am not sure that was a good foul. he gave baylor a chance to put points on the board. >> ian: time was winding down. i don't think baylor would get out on the break before time ran instead they get to stop the clock and put points on the board. >> len: even if they had possession, yale would be able to get back and contest it. >> ian: a lot of time for jake lindsey to think about these free throws. as a team baylor is 8 of 13. lindsey's dad dennis played at baylor. the general manager of the utah jazz. short. 70-64 yale. >> chris: 30% of the points for rico gathers comes off the offensive rebound. you must box out here. >> ian: just took out sherrod. >> chris: he throws it out of bounds. >> len: 2 guys were blocking him out. he was sandwiched in between >> ian: a foul called quickly against baylor. >> chris: wow. up. >> chris: that's not intended. >> len: that was a huge mistake right there. >> ian: and sends mason to the free throw line. mason hasn't missed. 5 of 5. he is closing in on the yale all time record for most points in a tournament game. a player back in 1949 had 27. he's not even grazing the rim at this point. makai mason has a new career high. 26. >> len: you know his name means winds to the see in hawaii. he got yale off to a good start. >> ian: now i know. he has 3 brothers. sandin o, ukiho and akirra. >> len: that's what good lawyers do. we don't know everything. we know where to look. >> ian: it's a 4 point game with a minute and 21 left. 72-68. >> ian: the game reset with yale leading. 72-68. the bulldogs have to timeouts left. baylor is out of timeouts. both teams are in the double bonus. yale has the possession arrow. with 1:21 to play. >> len: depending on who is on the floor for yale, they are not a very good free throw shooting team. mason knocking them down with confidence. sherrod 59%. >> ian: dallier 47%. >> len: it's prime pickings for baylor if they want to extend this game. >> ian: dallier. sears not a ball handler. what a save and lindsey with the finish. ishmail wainright a fantastic play to set up the bucket. this is a 2 point game. >> chris: no need to extend now. plenty time. >> ian: sears gets it into the hands ever mason. >> [whistle]. >> ian: trying to tie him up. mason goes down. and mason injured on the play. baylor wanted a tie up. >> chris: yale has to spread the floor and allow the bigs to set a pick and get mason open to double teamed. >> len: right there. just popped out. outstanding defensive play and effort by wainright. he just popped it away. from sears. he has to be stronger with the ball. then lindsey atoning for that missed free throw. >> ian: the foul was called on baylor. wainright called on the foul. they are going to look at it. >> chris: whether it's flagrant or not. >> ian: wainright took a shot to the head. >> len: nothing untoward by baylor. if they call a foul, it's a common foul. wainright insult to injury. >> ian: ishmail wainright made a brilliant play defensively to save the ball and set up lindsey cut this game to 2. then on the ensuing inbounds, mason banged into wainright. >> chris: >> chris: >> chris: >> chris: >> chris: acdental. >> ian: i agree. >> chris: use a timeout. that's where they are there. >> ian: 4 fouls on ishmail wainright. mason 7 of 7 from the free throw line. 59.5 to play. >> len: of all the guys for yale, this is the guy you don't want to foul. >> ian: mason perfect 8 of 8. and a new yale record. 28 points. highest scoring mark in an ncaa basketball history. 74-70. mason now with 29. under a minute to play. wainright. loops the pass to prince. prince one-on-one with victor. an offensive foul. huge call with 33.9 to play. >> [cheers and applause]. >> chris: you don't have to be set to draw the offensive foul. defender entitleed to go in a direction that is parallel to what the ball handler is going. >> len: if the ball handler breaks that plain, that's how you get the call. >> ian: get it in for sears. much martyr to give the foul to sears and not mason. he is 3 of 3 today. that was a huge, huge call. >> len: took a possession away and an opportunity to put points on the board from baylor. from where we sit, it should be have been the right call. >> ian: justin sears. misses on the first attempt. another look at the foul. >> len: yes. he broke the plain. victor was traveling parallel. never really stepped into the offensive player's space. it was prince who dipped his shoulder and broke that plain. >> ian: doesn't get roll. baylor down by 4. 35 seconds to play. medford. the drive. medford scores. it's a 2 point game. >> chris: baylor has no timeouts. >> ian: but yale does and mason uses it. yale up by 2 on baylor. >> chris: hopefully coach jones is joining us a press break. this press from baylor is giving yale problems. they have one good free throw shooter in makai mason. i expect them to allow mason to catch the ball on the run and not be double teamed. don't pass it into the corners. allow him to get freedom of movement and get other guys involved. >> len: i am recognizing this is a one second difference between the shot clock and the game clock. if i am baylor, take no chances. this is the time to extend the game. i might try for a quick steal. the guy you don't want to foul is mason. you double him and allow somebody else to come the ball and foul them. >> ian: baylor was in this position before. one years ago georgia state a number 14 seed. they defeated scott drew and the baylor bears 57-56 in jacksonville. this is all new for james jones and for yale. >> chris: gathers and lindsey keyed in on mason. kay that he went let him get it. >> ian: mason. they are not fouling him. half a second difference. shot clock to game clock. they get the foul. you might as well as conserve the clock. >> chris: that's a great job by yale. can't stop any one guy from getting the ball inbounds. he catches the ball on the run. time off the dribble and bates for the foul. good job letting the ref's know. >> len: if you are going to extend the game, extend. it you can't waste seconds like that. >> ian: 30 point for makai mason. for them. >> ian: 75-72. >> len: still plenty of time. if he makes it 2 possessions, it steepens the slope. >> ian: a 4 point lead for yale. 15 seconds left. prince. he knocks it down. it's a 1 point game. 12.9 remaining. sherrod. mason. trying to close him in. double team. >> [whistle]. >> ian: a timeout for yale with 9 seconds left. >> chris: the last one. >> ian: clinging to a 1 point lead. >> len: terrible communication right here by yale. either you switch or stay up. >> chris: yes. >> len: allowing prince to get a wide open look. sears has it make sure that he doesn't get him comfortable in that 3 point line. the arc. maybe you go over top of that. instead of going behind the screen. even more importantly, baylor will wish they had those 3 or 4 seconds they wasted chasing makai mason to the front court before fouling. that's what i mean if you are going to extend it, extend it. do it right away and not wait. >> ian: no more timeouts left. 9 seconds remaining on the clock. a furious rally from baylor put them in a position down by 1 to maybe walk out of here with a win. yale trying to hold on. they led since the 17:59 mark. >> len: it's a spot throw in. this will probably be given to the yale player. right there almost in front of >> ian: the largest lead for yale you was 13. >> chris: it's totally in front of the yale bench. i'm sorry in front of the baylor bench. requestedine dallier. the triggerman for yale. 9 seconds left. 76-75. yale leading baylor. dallier. goes deep. backing it out. victor. trying to play keeping you current. he is fouled with 6.8. a sneak play. it pays off for the bulldogs. >> chris: everyone trying to deny. sends nick victor deep. >> ian: these teams get a free timeout as the officials huddle james jones has brought his team to the sideline. now scott drew will do the same. >> chris: yale not out of the woodson. if victmakes both. a 1 possession ballgame with 6.8. and nick victor 54.5% from the line. >> ian: they are looking at the clock. at 6.8. the deep pass by dallier. they might put .2 aded to it. >> chris: i don't know. that looked pretty good. from a clock starter's perspective. you are only human. >> ian: let's talk strategy. no timeouts remaining. strategy if he makes 1 out of 2 or 2 out of 2 or misses both? >> chris: it's the same thing. get it out and push. where do you wind up for the shot? 6.8 seconds is a lot of time. to push the ball up the floor. >> ian: yale up by 1. 54% shooter. he hits. >> [cheers and applause]. >> ian: 77-75. >> chris: the defense identified the best players. it needs to be a man on prince and wainright. those 2 can score outside. expect baylor to push it. with 2 guys in the corner and one guy streaking down the middle. >> ian: victor. an air ball. >> chris: my goodness. >> ian: a 2 point yale lead. >> len: spread the floor. if you get in prince's hands you do. >> ian: medford turns it over. >> chris: foul. >> ian: with 2.2. the foul is against baylor. the ball bounced over to sherrod. medford trying to work quickly. he was out of control. >> chris: tries to go behind the back. and -- well! makai mason said i did not foul. i wanted to make sure on that play. >> ian: baylor did not even get a shot off. down by 2. 2.2 on the clock. motley fouled out. 59 points and 7 rebounds for the sophomore. now the focus is on brandon sherrod. with a pair of makes. >> [crowd noise]. >> ian: 2 point lead for yale. sherrod. first one is good. >> [cheers and applause]. >> ian: 78-75. >> chris: don't even think about missing. out. happen. 79-75. lindsey tosses it up. >> [buzzer]. >> ian: march magic for the yale bulldogs. >> [cheers and applause]. >> ian: their first ncaa tournament win in program history. james jones in his 17th year at yale. and the bulldogs have done it. they upset baylor. 79-75 to advance to the second >> chris: they did it with moxie and look at the last play here. the point was moot. yale celebrates. >> ian: baylor is going home. yale is moving on. >> [cheers and applause]. their first appearance in the ncaa tournament since 1962. it's a win for yale! the ivy league represented and yale gets it done. evan washburn, take it away. >> evan: coach, the program waited 54 years. you waited 17. what does it mean it get here and keep playing? >> coach: absolutely unbelievable. our guys played great tonight and gave us everything they had. this group of guys. >> evan: at no point did this moment seem too big for this team. where does that confidence come from? >> coach: we have been building for a couple of years. they stuck together. >> evan: you called him a bad little man. makai mason had a legendary afternoon. what is it about his game that allowed him to have this type of performance? >> coach: he is the toughest nut you will ever meet. a really tough kid. nothing shakes him or bothers him. he was unbelievable tonight. >> evan: enjoy it. >> coach: i will. >> evan: makai mason, come on in here. congratulations. an unbelievable performance. your demeanor seemed stoic throughout this game. what was your approach from the start? >> player: trying not to get too up or down. i try to lead through example. they will make a run. we stayed calm and weathered the storm. >> evan: what does this mean to this program? >> player: it's huge, man. we have not made the tournament in a very long time. to win it today is special. >> evan: duke is waiting on saturday. your thoughts on that match up? >> player: i am glad we have a rematch. we thought we could hang with them in the first game. we might surprise some people. >> evan: fun to watch. see you on saturday. >> ian: first time in the big dance in 54 years. if you ask the yale fans it was worth the wait. they could not be prouder of their team. >> chris: showed moxie and makai mason. set them on the course. they continue to follow it. with a chance to advance to sweet-16. the yale bulldogs pre-season favorites in the ivy league. they roland to the title. then they carried the momentum right into the ncaa tournament. with a win over the baylor bears. it's a 12 seed knocking off a 5. we have seen a lot of these celebrations for the 12 seed. bure elation for james jones. the 52-year-old head coach of the yale bulldogs. long island native. played in albany. didn't get to play in an ncaa tournament. now he has coached in one and has an ncaa tournament win. >> chris: coach told these guys i have not won one. his team repaid him. we will win one for you. that's the best feeling you could have as a player in the locker room. win a game no one thought you could win except the guys in the >> ian: yale advances. 79-75 win over the baylor bears. tournament games continue on tnt, tbs, and tru-tv. cbs prime-time begins at 7 o'clock eastern. chattanooga. after a quick break to our ncaa studio. the madness underway. if you treated your tablet like greasy fast food treats your body... you'd have no way to watch cat videos. so say no to greasy, fast food... and treat your body right... with the delicious rotisserie-style chicken sandwich from subway. made with our new hand-pulled, all-white meat chicken raised without antibiotics... all on our freshly-baked bread. the subway sandwich shop. fresh is what we do. hey there, can i help you with anything? hey siri, what's at&t's latest offer? oh, i don't think that siri can... an iphone and get one free. wow, is that right? yeah, it's basically... yes. that is the current offer from at&t. okay siri, you don't know everything. well, i know you asked me to call you the at&t hostess with the mostest. okay, shut her down. turn it off. right now, buy an iphone and great moments are born from great opportunity. that's what you have here, tonight. that's what you've earned here tonight. this is your time. live from cleveland's newscenter this is cleveland 19 news brought to you by bill dougherty kia in streetsboro. kia, what's in your driveway cleveland 19 news starts now. lucky is the word of the day and lucky to have a sunny st. patrick's day this year and parade goers had to bundle up. blustery and chilly and looks like it will get colder. your first alert forecast coming up. explosion in summit county. in january a family of four was found dead after their home went up in flames in north center township. their two daughters allison and ruthie. the incident is ruled a murder-suicide and there's a new twist in the case. dani carlson has disturbing new details. >> reporter: the stuffed annals in the makeshift memorial stand guard in front of what was once the mather home. the medical examiner ruled both ruthie and alison were smothered both murdered. cindy mather died of a prozac overdose. we do know she had a prescription for the drug but don't know if she was poisoned or committed suicide or died from one large dose or series of doses over several days. the m.e. determined 43-year-old jeff mather killed himself burning to death after using gasoline to set his home on we can tell you a gas can was found near jeff's body during the investigation. >> it is unclear which parent was responsible for the death of the two little girls and they will not speculate on that issue. in cleveland dani carlson, cleveland 19 news. >> harry: in cleveland, the electric poll worker charged with pulling a gun during tuesday's primary was in court today. bethea pleaded not guilty to weapons charges. bethea threatened a poll worker at the louisa may alcott on baltic. he is locked up on a $10,000 bond. >> cathrine: a look over downtown cleveland from the feazel roof cam. i believe we have that shot. what a shot. nice blue sky. a lot of sun coming through on this beautiful irish day. luck of the irish day, john. >> absolutely luck of the irish. humidity levels are desert-like. get the rain we thought we might see a little of in the afternoon and evening hours. it is gone. let's look at what's going on. winds blustery. a high wind advisory in effect points west. they have had 50mile-an-hour wind just. where are they gusting now ashtabula 41. where to go through the night? fall. cold front coming through. 7:002. 44 at 11:00 and 41 at 3 a.m. and headed for the 30s, folks. it is back to winter-like temperatures. all about it in the 7-day forecast coming up. >> harry: it was a perfect day for a parade but just a wee bit windy. downtown cleveland one of the largest st. patrick's day parade celebrations. all decked out in green. hoping to find a pot of gold looking for cold hard cash. sia nyorkor explains. >> reporter: thousands were celebrating st. patrick's day in downtown cleveland and one man stood out from the crowd. instead of partying, he was working. >> tyler isn't here for fun and games. >> the city of cleveland. i am selling t-shirts that have an ohio design on it and trying to pay for law school. >> reporter: the 21-year-old started this t-shirt company earlier this month. he says the name harkens back to his own irish roots. >> gaelic for prosperity and the motto of the city of cleveland. >> thousands flock to cleveland each year for the st. patrick's day parade, it is one of the largest in the country. this marks the 149th year. >> happy st. patrick's day! >> i love being irish. i love ohio and i wanted to sell this design to everyone else who >> he has sold quite a few shirts and hoping to sell more. the plan is to attend more events this summer and continue to fund his dream and going to law school right here in the state that he loves. >> i threw together the design. >> tyler told me a few hours ago he sold 35 shirts in the last couple of days. to find out about tyler's t-shirt and support his dream to go to law school log onto our web site at back to you. >> cathrine: all right. to help avoid any post parade chaos like past years, much of tower city shut down early this st. patrick's day and all of the stores and food court closed at 2:00 this afternoon. tower city cinemas, hard rock cafe, morton's and lincoln tap house are open tonight. you will be able to walk through tower city if you are going to those restaurants. if you are parking at tower city and staying at the ritz or renaissance hotel or taking the rta. the rock hall of fame says plans are unanimously approved for upgrades and new additions there, too. here are the latest rendering for rock hall. changes are long live rock sign in front of the museum. that sign will greet visitors on a new bigger stage and outdoor cafe. the goal is to have the rock 'n roll hall of fame finished by the time the republicans come to town in july. >> cathrine: now this, wondering why we were not on at 4:00. we know you were wondering. it is march madness. ncaa action is underway. if you want to see your favorite team in action keep it here on cleveland 19. here we go, don't forget to enter the cleveland 19 tourney challenge. head to our web site, fill out your bracket and it enters you a chance to win a 48-inch tv. the 11:00 news will be on late because of march madness. if you want news earlier check we have the only 9:00 newscast in town. march madness. how cold we will get and if there's a recovery coming up. >> harry: thank you. corned beef a cleveland staple on st. patrick's day the lines are extra, extra long. we will tell you about the extremes some went to just to live from cleveland's newscenter driven by don joseph toyota in kent this is cleveland 19 news. really knows it. it is a st. patrick's day tradition for clevelanders. slide to slyman's downtown for a heaping pile of corned beef on rye. >> hundreds lined up to get a taste of the tradition. some were just too hungry to wait so they headed to the slyman's in independence where the lines were even longer. >> we have been waiting an hour. >> one hour. >> for a preorder that we put in weeks ago. >> how long have you been here? >> almost two hours. >> same thing. too long. >> harry: a long wait but totally worth it. slyman's says they will go through 2,000 pounds of corned beef today. >> cathrine: you have to have something to eat before you stand in line. >> you can't be a clevelander and not have slyman's corned beef on st. patrick's day. of the irish were with us. humidity levels were low. let's look at the feazel roof cam. the city has has blue skies and deck of fair weather clouds. here is the deal on the rain. look at it. check it out over south of toledo. here south of akron-canton and you go, hey, it is raining, it's not raining. it's not reaching the ground. it is trying to head to earth and evaporating before it gets there and that's the case through the course of the night. have you downloaded your free cleveland 19 weather app? cleveland 19 is a free download and here is the temperature scheme through the night and we tumble by health care a.m. and down to 40 degrees. and by sunrise that will be 7:35 we will be down to 35 degrees. current temperatures, a chilly 49 at mentor where they are moderated by lake erie's 35-degree waters. average high 47 and 58 akron and 56 canton and blustery winds as harry pointed out earlier made it feel chillier. partly cloudy skies and brisk winds in the west dying down and dipping to 35 akron and average low this time of year is 30. we will be slightly above average through the night and that's about to change in the 7-day and we will take a look at it in a minute. >> west winds gusting to 30 overnight sun-cloud mix back and forth we go. 43 on the high side about this ballpark. and northwest winds and cold front the culprit here and through the weekend by saturday afternoon yes, a little light snow and it is march. we always get snow in march. little or no accumulation. high of 38 both saturday and on sunday with risk of light snow then. we will get the classic lake-effect. lake erie open and winds out of moisture and dump it on the shore line and points inbound and risk of rain showers monday and tuesday and we will alert you to this and could be wet snow mixed in on monday and wednesday and thursday a nice recovery and back up to 58 and 60 degrees respectively and a little bit of rain and that will keep daffodils and crocuses happy. >> i can't wait to plan. >> when will that be? >> i started already. any time you want, harry. the first freeze doesn't come our way until early april. >> can't wait. >> thank you. coming up at 6:00, taking it back to tampa. paul orlousky goes to four years to do what the florida city did for the rnc as cleveland remains mum about the july convention here. now this is a cleveland 19 news editorial. there are few topics guaranteed to stir up emotions one of those topics discussed quite a bit by parents, teachers and students is our state's aggressive common core requirements. common corsets unified and standardized learning goals that each student should know at the end of each grade. the purpose, to ensure that all of our students leave high school with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed after graduation. on paper, it is a great idea that addresses big picture issues. but making it work in the real world classroom is more complicated. well, the grades are in. after common core's first year with strict standardized core requirements combined with new state tests from the partnership for assessment of readiness for college and careers, ohio school districts receiving a- grades fell from 37 to 6. >> the average grade for ohio students we have dropped from a >> it is not a glowing report card especially for the cleveland school district which had the 5th worst test scores in the state with multiple f's. but does common core flunk the common sense test? some parents argue about families living in areas with more financial means and resources have advantages many schools don't have. sullen and beachwood schools card. some administrators range from defiant to dismissive when asked about school's test results. >> the real measure will be in the years and decades to come. when this first generation of common core students enter the real world. >> ohio schools will be taking a beating on paper. so far it is an incomplete. >> reporter: i'm dominic mancuso and that's how we see it. >> we encourage your response to live from cleveland's newscenter, cleveland 19 news starts now. >> the autopsy results have been released and the house explosion in northville village that killed a family. >> mark: dani carlson has the results of that autopsy. >> the stuffed animals in the makeshift memorial stand guard in front of what was the mather home. the medical examiner ruled both ruthie and allison were smothered, both murdered. >> cindy mather, the girl's 43-year-old mom died of a prozac overdose. we do know she had a prescription for the drug but don't know if she was poisoned or committed suicide or died from one large dose or series of doses over several days. the m.e. determined jeff mather after using gasoline to set his home on fire and a gas can was found near his body during the investigation. >> reporter: the medical examiner says it was unclear which parent was responsible for the deaths of the girls and they would not speculate on that issue. dani carlson, cleveland 19. >> mark: thank you, dani. jeff mather allegedly threatened suicide a month before the explosion. he said he suffered from depression and was taken to the hospital for treatment. the heroin epidemic plagues cuyahoga county today. we learned 12 more overdose deaths over a few day's time. the cuyahoga county medical examiner's office from late march 10 through monday march 14th, 12 died after overdosing on heroin, fentanyl or combination of both. victims ranged from 22 to 66-years-old and from all over the county.

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