Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 4PM 20161115 : com

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 4PM 20161115

>> reporter: it all unfolded at this wal-mart behind me. a woman put items in a bag like this. that's when officers confronted them and things got intense. i just got off the phone with the police department. officers there sharing with me they're glad this officer is okay tonight after he was nearly ran over. >> what you grabbing me for, man. r: take a look at this dramatic video captured by a neighbor monday night. in this video, you can see the officer confrontinghr suspects. he pulls out a baton and a firearm. police officers confirming he never fired. >> i saw you get in the car at wal-mart. >> reporter: the driver speeds away nearly clipping that officer. those with canton police stand behind their fellow officers. neighbors do as well. >> we have good solid police officers in the community taking care of us. >> reporter: police did arrest multiple charges. now, this video is already going viral. already more than 9,000 sharers on facebook. you can find it on our website. now, coming up tonight at 6:00, i'm going to share with you the story of how one man came to this officer's rescue moments after this incident to help this officer. that's coming up tonight at 6:00. in canton, allison burner, cleveland 19 news. discolored and odd tasting water. our team went to work collecting and tasting water from three berea homes. we just found out water in one of the homes had lead in it. and there were high but acceptable levels of iron in the samples collected from all three homes. paul orlousky is getting answers. >> reporter: this is the water plant. a dwarf compared to cleveland's river east branch and occasionally cole lake. on average, 2 million gallons a day. an intake pond, two big tanks and two open pools known as cl clarifiers. by the time it gets there, it looks like this. bath water starts out slightly yellow. but as the water gets deeper, so does the color. abby has documented the problem repeatedly. >> it ranges from urine colored to like a dark, almost like a brownish yellow. it's gross. >> reporter: to be honest on the day we visited, it wasn't great but it wasn't horrible. but abby's picture shows how bad it gets. in one photo, a deep brown at bath time. >> i get grossed out when i give her a bath because the water is yellow. i feel like i'm trying to clean her in water that looks dirty. >> every pipe is clogged. shower heads don't last. all of the stuff we water dies in six months. it's supposed to last years. >> reporter: abby is not alone. bad they installed a water filter to protect her family. as she changed the cartridge, we were able to see the problem. >> this has been two weeks. >> reporter: the filter on the right is the new one. the same color the one on the left was when it was installed two weeks ago. before we arrived, sandy put a new filter on as an experiment. >> i was in the shower for five minutes today and that is five minutes of water. >> reporter: another experiment. she washed dishes for a very short period of time. later she took a picture of what that small amount of water did to the new filter. she and oths e-mail exchanges with the mayor who in june said he had just become aware of the problem. but more than four months later it's still going on. as he promised, the mayor's representative went to sandy's home but had no good news. >> he says basically we'll test for bacteria. he says do what you have to do is what he told me. >> reporter: we took a discolored sample to the mayor. >> i'll be honest, i wouldn't drink that. we have thousands of customers. >> romona: on our app, we posted a link so you can make sure your water is safe for you and your family to drink. at 5:00, paul orlousky got reaction from the neighborhood. but right now we got a lot of reaction to this story on social media. and dan deroos is at the answer center with that. >> dan: especially if you can imagine from the people who live in berea. let's take a look at some of those social media comments. here this one from kay on facebook. she says i work in berea and i bring water from my home to make our coffee. i also have a water that sits on my desk to moisten envelopes. as it sits there, the bottom of the bottle turns green with algae or something. it's disgusting. i would never drink their water. the mayor boasts that berea water is so safe and good to drink. there's definitely something wrong with the water in that system. not everybody agrees. maybe this is kind of a sectional issue within berea. julie says i grew up in berea. water is fine. that's the same sentiment from heather. heather says i live in berea with zero issues. there are old homes, hold pipes. but still we've got somebody like this jonathan says i have lived in berea for three years with my wife and my 4-month-old. since day one it has been yellow. i clean my bathtub on suns and by wednesday and thursday it has a yellow ring around inside. i have had the city come out and check it and they say they are either flushing hydrants or they are just -- but it's fine. so quite a bit of difference out there. getting answers in the answer center, mark, let's get over to you. >> mark: dan, thank you. president-elect donald trump is working to finalize key positions within his new administration. craig boswell has more details now from the white house. >> reporter: vice president elect elect mike pence arrived to fill cabinet positions. people. >> reporter: alabama senator jeff sessions has been a trump support er since day one and is being considered for several positions, including secretary of defense. president-elect trump is looking for rudy giuliani for secretary of state. during the election the front runner for treasury secretary. >> we're working on the economic plan and the transition making sure we get the biggest tax bill passed, biggest tax changes since reagan. a lot of exciting things in the first 100 days of the trump presidency. >> reporter: the briefings allow the president to be up to speed sas soon as he takes the oath of congress. he will rely on congressman paul ryan to push his legislative agenda. >> let's play all of the uncertainty out of the economy. >> reporter: they approved ryan as their choice for speaker of the house. >> mark: craig, thanks. ryan won't officially be approved to retain his speakership until the new congress convenes in january. president obama arrived in athens today on the first stop of his last scheduled international trip to president. on his trip, he reassures u.s. allies in the wake of donald trump's victory. lebron james is making headlines today after taking phil jackson to task for some recent comments. mark schwab joins us now what the cavs superstar had to say. >> mark: well, it all stems from a q&a which phil jackson did where he talked about his time in miami. pat riley was in charge. he and jackson have known each other for a long time. jackson said when lebron was with miami, he wanted special privileges and one of those was when they played the cavs, he wanted to stay in cleveland an extra night and fly out the next morning to meet up with the can't hold up the whole team because you and your mom and your posse want to spend an extra night in cleveland". jackson's use of the word posse that has raised the eyebrow and jackson would not have used that word if he were not talking about african-americans. >> i had nothing but respect for him as a coach for what he's able to do. he's one of my favorite players. mj and also growing up and watching with the but i got nothing for him. >> reporter: you said you had respect for him. >> yes. >> reporter: up until -- >> yes. >> mark: had. past tense. as in no more. now, this q&a session with phil jackson heard a wide range of things. there was not a lot of time spent on lebron's time in miami or lebron at all. one or two answers and on to something else. it wasn't the focus of the conversation. but right now this is the only getting a lot of talk. >> romona: lebron's facial expression say it all without saying anything. >> mark: he does. he's pretty good witho sending message without saying much. ahead at 4:00, a repeated problem at one of the nation's largest discount retailers. and google has you when it comes to thanksgiving travel. the tips and trips to the search engine up jeff. >> jeff: another beautiful day. made it above 60. the current temperature is above 60. the next few hours we'll be dropping in the 50s. basically the story is this, record high potential later this week. and then the first snowfall on the way. details on that. welcome to my world. details on all of this when we . for the second time in as many months, two ohio dollar general stores have been slapped with fines for these safety violations. cleveland 19 dani carlson is getting answers about this repeated problem with one of the nation's largest discount retailers. >> dani: that's right, ramona. they have found a pattern of blocked exits inside dollar general stores across the 100 violations since 2010 totaling $10 million in fines. now, a dollar general store in pioneer, ohio, was cited in august for stacking merchandise and blocking exits. a month later, osha found the same violation in bolvar, ohio. today we did spot checking at dollar general stores around northeast ohio. we found one exit blocked and we do have some undercover video that shows the independence today had an exit blocked in the employee stock room. we will be letting osha know what we found. each of those citations, the two we told you about in ohio, could cost the company 120,000 bucks apiece in fines. dollar general is headquartered in tennessee and has more than 12,000 stores nationwide. getting answers tonight, dani carlson, cleveland 19 news. going to turn to weather. jeff, i have no problem with you calling for snow. what's up with that? >> jeff: well, you know, i'm a meteorologist. that's the short answer. and, you know, you always get excited about the first snow. there's just something about it. it's almost like a holiday to us. but it's not going to come any time soon. it won't hit us until the weekend. now, before that happens, we have a lot that's going to be happening before the snow arrives. and what i mean by that is that temperatures are going to be warming significantly before the strong cold front. clouds coming in. weak front. and i think this front comes through dry. all right. so i'm going to get right to it here. the alert is on saturday. and we also have an alert on sunday. but this is when the front comes through. we're looking at showers in the morning. you'll know when this thing passes because wind gusts could exceed 40 miles per hour. a huge temperature drop. and it is going to be cold enough for the first accumulating lake-effect snow folks in the snow belt east of cleveland, you have the best opportunity of getting your first snow, your first accumulating snow. 57, though, tomorrow for the high. we're up to 63 on thursday. now, you're not going to believe this. the record high on friday is 71. i'm going 73. but look at this monster front that's going to come through on saturday. temperatures will be dropping through the 40s. it's rain switching over to sno saturday night and sunday. that's including the browns game. it is going to turn winter like. it is way too early to call right now. specific snow totals. but we do know with high confidence that we could be looking at our first snow at least for parts of the area coming up this weekend. we're down to 40 tonight. mostly cloudy. akron-canton 38 your low. and tomorrow nice looking day. mild. 57. here is the planner. and partly cloudy, 5:00 tomorrow. 54. 63 on thursday. and look at how warm it's going to be on friday. unbelievable. you're going to be golfing on friday. and then here is that huge front. rain to snow. very windy. temperatures dropping through the 40s. and on sunday only 33 for the high. windy with snow showers and some leftover snow showers even on monday. 37 before it starts to warm up we will definitely keep an eye on that. here is traffic. first alert traffic on cleveland 19 news is sponsored by ford. >> mark: all right. there you know. look at 77 and 480 down in independence. it looks like quite honestly traffic is fairly light. moving along at a pretty good clip right now. not bad. triple a is calling this the biggest thanksgiving rush in years. more than 48.7 million people highways, the skies and the seas as laura dide maria tells us. >> reporter: counting down the days to the biggest travel time, right around thanksgiving time where so many people are going to take to the roads and take to the skies. we want to make it a little easier for you with some tips. first off we have the best time to travel if you're going to be on the road. the best time to get on the road is this sunday, the sunday before thanksgiving at 6:00 in the morning. now, that's really early for a lot of people. who cet long? not everyone can obviously do that. so the best thing to do is make sure you avoid the very worst time to travel. the worst time to be on the roads is expected to be wednesday at 3:00 in the afternoon. that's the day right before thanksgiving. that's the day where you can expect to see a lot of traffic. as for the air, expect to see 27.3 million people that are going to be taking to the skies on thanksgiving. that means a lot of people at the airports and a lot of people these airports right here are going to be your busiest airports. that's dallas-fort worth, los angeles, o'hare in chicago, jfk kennedy in new york and atlanta. these airports give yourself two, three hours to really make sure you have enough time to get through the airport to get through all of the lines. but honestly, any airport you're at, oh, you know, you really need a lot more time at the airports. it's just going to be so, so busy. so these are some tips. your best time, youror times. i'm laura de maria, cleveland 19. >> mark: laura, thank you. jetblue has launched a 48 hour flash sale. fairs have dropped below 100 bucks on some routes. some fares are list d as low as $34 each way. it will cost you more to drive your car to the airport. the tickets are good from monday to thursday. the two day sale ends at 11:59 wednesday night. book about its self. designed by apple in california, it's a hard bound book showcasing 20 years of apple's design with 450 images. the book begins with the 1998 imac and ends with the 2015 apple pencil. the small books sell for $199. the large version 299. the book is in memory of steve jobs. it goes on sale tomorrow. coming up what's trending? an old school game will return to the palm of your hand. and sibling rivalry. not so much. you're looking at sibling influence. if you've always gotten the blame for your younger brother ?0;?o9and choose world. love or like? naughty or nice? calm or bright? but at bedtime... ...why settle for this? enter sleep number. sleepiq technology tells you how you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! give the gift of amazing sleep. only at a sleep number store, right now save $500 on the queencse mattress with sleepiq technology. hurry, ends sunday. know better sleep . welcome back. here. traffic wise, quite a backup. 90 eastbound right out of east 260th there's an accident there to the fact that they have eastbound 260 shut down. where is that at? babbit. what a mess if you're watching this head out of the city here today, you might want to try an alternate route if at all possible. now let's find out what trending. and from the bad influence your older siblings have on you. >> romona: to the 2016 sexiest man alive. but first, more trouble for this chili's manager. he took a free meal away from a veteran on veteran's day. now chili's says that manager is on administrative leave. chili's official apologized to the army veteran earnest walker for the incident and thanked him for his service. with walker and his lawyer. walker says he doesn't want the manager to lose his job. >> good man. nintendo will release super mario for your iphone and ipad december 15th. players can download the game for free and try certain portions without paying, but it will cost you 10 bucks to unlock the full game. and if you often got blamed for your younger siblings bad behavior, well, there may be a reason for it. a new psychological studynd siblings bad too. siblings are responsible for the re rebellious nature of their younger brothers and sisters or friends. the closer in age they are, the more impact they have on the younger sibling. >> romona: i could speak on that all day, but i won't. people magazine just named its 2016 sexiest man alive. now, i heard mark nolan was in the running. so is jeff. >> mark: there it is. >> romona: but you lost out to jeff is over here modeling for us. >> mark: man. >> romona: the former wrestler turned hollywood actor is because he's sweet, sculpted just like jeff is. >> mark: like tanchak. >> romona: the rock told the magazine now that he's reached that title, he's reached the pinnacle. >> mark: call this one ginger steel. >> romona: i've got nothing. >> mark: you look like you don't feel too good. r you're the sexiest man alive. >> mark: bless your heart. that was the last time we saw . we're going to pinpoint temp about 54 in bratenahl. seasonal stuff. nothing too chilly. 51 bratenahl. and then here you see the midnight temperatures 47 bratenahl. 46 downtown cleveland. it will be cooler inland. the rest of the area 54 at 6:00. 48 at 8:00. and then low 40s there by 2:00 a.m. we'll wake up to temperatures, i or so. folks going to be a wild ride. no question about it. we go from record high potential on friday. and this is a little weird talk about snow when you're talking about record highs first. but that's what is going to happen. first snowfall this weekend courtesy of a major cold front on saturday. it's going to come with showers with the system itself. and then much colder air. wind gusts over 40. and we could be looking at our first accumulating snow of the season, especially for the snow belt areas. but tomorrow 57 will be the high. 46 at 8:00 a.m. 53 there at 11:00. about 54 there at 5:00. so for now it is warm. but that's going to be changing, of course, this weekend. it's weird talking about it after the record high. we're going to be 70 plus on friday t snow. whatever. all right. i'll be talking about this more coming up later in the half-hour. mark. >> mark: all right. we'll keep an eye on that. thank you very much. a northeast ohio man is facing charges now after a series of election night tweets threatening president-elect donald trump. cleveland 19's lay cy crisp is getting answers about the trouble he's facing. >> reporter: he's charged with threatening to kill trump and blow up his supporters. u.s. district court said benson tweeted to trump i want to bomb every one of your voting booths and your general areas. my life goal is to assassinate trump. don't care if i sevin finite sentences. the complaint further details when interviewed by a secret service agent, benton said he just returned from having a few beers when he posted the tweets but he had never had any intention of harming trump or the general public. benson's friends also interviewed by the secret service sayss opinionated but usually keeps to himself and is not a violent person. benson apologized for his actions and has been released from jail. getting answers, lacy crisp, cleveland 19 news. >> romona: thank you. did you know november is world diabetes month? well, there are several lifestyle habits that can put adults at greater risk of developing type ii diabetes. according to dr. mary kelles of the cleveland clinic, one of the more overlooked factors that can type ii diabetes is stress. folks who have prediabetes are particularly vulnerable because any increase in blood glucose levels can be difficult to lower and over time will increase a person's risk. dr. kelles says keeping an eye on lifestyle habits and being aware of your personal risk factors can help lessen your chances. >> eating healthy is very important. eating sugar, sugary sweets, beverages, and to make sure you add protein, whole grains and vegetables to your diet as well as fiber and to make sure you exercise. >> romona: dr. kelles says even if you don't do vigorous exercise, it's important to at least try to get up and walk, especially after meals. delta is taking us inside its brand new baggage tracking system. the technology now operational at more than 60 airports with a goal of hitting 84 more across kris van cleave has the new technology. >> reporter: what's inside this bag tag could change the airline industry and help guarantee your luggage doesn't get lost. delta is the first u.s. carrier to replace traditional paper tags with a radio frequency identification or rfid chip. the new $50 million system now allows nearly real time tracking of every checked bag. >> we are changing the game with bag handling performance. >> reporter: vice president at delta. >> we believe this has already had a 5 to 10% reduction on the number of mishandled bags that we have in our system. >> reporter: once a bag is tagged, sensors track it throughout the journey from the ticket counter to the bag room to the tarmac. and if this light turns red, that means the bag should not be on this flight and it stops the loading process. >> right here. >> reporter: viktor derosa is a margin of error. >> absolutely. because we're all human. so it does for a variety of reasons, whether you changed your itinerary, whether you decided not to go or whether we were just thinking about something else and not paying attention to that specific bag tag. it catches it for us. >> reporter: there is a reason delta is spending millions of dollars to implement this new system. every time a bag is mishandled or lost can cost the airline $100 or more. get push alert updates like these on their smart phones. from the app, they can pull up a map tracking a bag's location. >> does this give you more peace of mind? >> yes, yes. i would definitely think it gives me a little bit more peace of mind just knowing that my luggage is with me. if it's not with me, at least i know where it is. >> reporter: delta isn't the only airline with bag tracking technology. american also sends push alerts to flyers. and alaska is testing electronic bag tags that update through a years. traditional bag tags have to be scanned by hand individually before luggage can be put on to an airplane. the new ones scan automatically and delta believes that means they'll be able to load planes faster with fewer people. kris van cleave, cbs news, reagan national airport, virginia. coming up, i'm going to take time out with mark schwab to talk about two cavs stars who have grown up. i think i used one finger but i meant two. [ laughing ] >> romona: right before our own eyes. and you've probably seen these on your social media timelines. well, we have the best memes about the president and vice president bromance coming up. and come help us out. begin the holidays this friday with a little giving. our annual turkey give away is from 4:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. beth mccloud and laura de maria will be across from the summit mall helping to hand out a free . welcome back. we have more breaking news at this hour. at least one person was shot this afternoon at will rogers world airport in oklahoma. those are live pictures right there according to oklahoma city police department this all occurred. no word on the confirmed victim's condition. no information on how many at this hour. now for a quick timeout with ramona and tony. >> romona: okay, swabby. we're talking about kyrie and tristan and how they have blossomed. >> mark: yes. a lot of talk about lebron. his journey leaving miami and coming back. kyrie part of the big three. tristan a big part of the team. but they have come a long way together. there's an article recently on fear the st chronicled this. it's not often you see these guys came into the same draft class where they're the top four picks together and you go all the way from there all the way to the nba title. it really doesn't happen very often. they have lebron. >> romona: i was going to ask. >> mark: really bad teams for a while. >> romona: do you think their talent blossomed because of lebron or they're just skilled? >> mark: i think kyrie definitely would have been on his own. i think some of tristan's development has been boosted by having this group of guy. not that he was bad. different level. >> romona: good for us. >> mark: yes, ma'am. >> romona: the browns people are wondering if robert griffin iii will play. why would they consider this? it's almost like they're throwing every and anything against the wall and if something sticks, great. >> mark: i've been working on that since 1999. nothing stuck yet. i guess he's going to be cleared to practice this week. and then they have to decide if he can practice, should he play. maybe not this week but down the road here. so here we go. kesler w yet but there's that discussion. you think you know what mccown is there. rgiii you could make a case is still an unknown. they brought him in maybe he could get back to being that guy and he got hurt right away. i guess we don't know if he can get back to being that guy. now, i kind of feel like ridiculous saying that because he comes back and he gets hurt again and it seems like there's always something just around the corner. but i guess there's still a little bit of a gray area there. >> romona: i don't want to go so at least try to win one game just so it will look good. >> romona: maybe griffin can do that. he's a total enigma. he can go out there and play for two quarters and we never see him again or he goes and puts the offense on the back. no idea what the right answer is. >> romona: one game. >> mark: not asking for much. >> romona: mark. [ laughing ] >> mark: wow. something to look forward to there. >> mark: yes, sir. a trump's win. twitter is imagining pranks. the outgoing administration might play on the new one. jeannie as this wild trend. >> reporter: it was as if president obama was trying to wrap his lips around the name. >> president-elect trump's, president-elect trump. >> reporter: someone twitter elected to imagine pranks joe incoming trump born a meme of imaginary conversations between joe and president obama. >> i ordered huge replacement door knobs. huge. president tiny hands. >> reporter: from the size of trump's hand to president obama's birth certificate. >> come on, you have to print a fake birth certificate and leave it in the oval office desk. >> reporter: it gave to a of jokes. that tweet was written by left leaning josh billingson. >> just trying to be funny at a time it's really hard to know if it's time to be funny. >> reporter: josh loves joe biden and has offered at least ten of these memes. and then a dirty trick actually played in real life when the white house transitioned from bill clinton to george w. bush. an investigation confirmed missing ws in the white house. >> hillary was saying they took bush won. >> reporter: josh who also wrote the ts tweet got an inquiry from an agent. they wanted to know if you were interested in a book deal. >> i told them i'm interested in anything at this point. >> reporter: if the election has been pushing your buttons, maybe a tweet will provide relief. >> i took a staples red button and wrote nukes on it. >> joe. >> tweets to them in russian when pressed. >> reporter: >> mark: always a book deal somewhere. >> romona: oh, gosh. >> anchor: they have been entertaining. serious times. what's coming up, chris? >> chris: speaking of, coming up at 5:00, battling the growing heroin epidemic. it's impacting big cities, small towns as well. a local police chief has a new plan of action. we're going to tell you all about it. plus neighbors are complaining about a retail store in garbage is really piling up. they're asking us for help. and a major concert announcement for the city that rocks. we're going to tell you all about it. denise and i at now on the cleveland 19 news app powered by the calvetta brothers floor show. it's time to fall in love again with your home. i work 'round the clock. i want my blood sugar to stay in control. so i asked about tresiba?. ? tresiba? ready ? tresiba? is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts ? tresiba? ready ? tresiba? provides powerful a1c reduction. releases slow and steady. works like your body's insulin. when my schedule changes... i want something that delivers. ? tresiba? ready ? i can take tresiba? any time of day. so if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as there's at least 8 hours between doses. once in use, it lasts 8 weeks without refrigeration... twice as long as lantus?, which lasts 4 weeks. in adults with diabetes. don't use tresiba? to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. don't share needles or insulin pens. don't reuse needles. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. check your blood sugar. low blood sugar can be serious and may be life-threatening. injection site reactions may occur. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. like heart failure. your insulin dose shouldn't be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing... fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. ask your doctor if you're tresiba? ready. . welcome back. don't call it a comeback. years. kept all my vinyl. they're hot again and that's fueling a boom in turn table sales. kenneth craig looks at how turn tables are profiting. >> this is my first design. >> reporter: matt runs vpi, a high end turn table business his father started in 1978. >> that is $4,000. >> 4,000. >> reporter: five years ago, sagging sales had his family thinking about selling it off. but today everything has turned the past five years? >> drastic. i would say it's easily doubled, if not more. ? music ? . >> reporter: vinyl is back. and a spike in album sales over the past few years has led to a turn table boom. >> yes. i bought it probably in april or may. >> reporter: digital age millennials like 25-year-old alex reynolds is leading the revolution. >> when i first started getting into it was the coolto nost nostalgia. a little of both. >> reporter: turn table sales are expected to hit up from 19 million a years ago. whitesfelt doubled his staff to meet demand and major corporations are doing the same. panasonic is resurrecting its legendary player after taking it off the shelves in 2010. do you see a time when sales will plateau or sort of the cool factor will go away and this >> i wouldn't be surprised if it does. but i don't think it will ever go away again like it did back in the early 90s with digital. ? hey, hey, hey ? . >> reporter: he's counting on people to keep spinning vinyl for j for generations to come. >> mark: i had the old tech nicks 1200. two of them. [ laughing ] >> mark: says turn table sales are up 30% over last year. i'll take a vy alex. >> this is jeopardy. >> romona: you can watch northeast ohio's own jazmine wheeler on jeopardy tonight at 7:30 right here on cleveland 19. she's a freshman at the western reserve academy in hudson. we actually spoke to jazmine and will hear from her coming up at 6:00. good for her. how exciting. >> outstanding. >> jeff: you can keep the music want. >> mark: that's right. >> jeff: i love that jeopardy music. >> romona: you're going to bring us down with snow. >> mark: or bring us up with a record high. >> jeff: you have to remember, before the snow, we're going to be possibly above 70 on friday. >> mark: yes. >> romona: okay. >> jeff: and no one is even going to be thinking about snow on friday until we get to it. [ laughing ] >> romona: all right. >> jeff: but i have to talk about it because it's my job because i have to let you know that this is a pretty crazy weather pattern, which doesn't surprise me november. and we can get situations like this. but all is quiet now for the next three days. you see it here. 57 tomorrow. 63 on thursday. sunny. beautiful day on thursday. and then windy day on friday. a little windy. but sunny. 73. folks are going to be hitting the golf course. and then look at what happens on saturday. this is going to be a monster front. i would say arguably the strongest front we've seen so far this fall season. and the one that's going to give and thus the first snow. but it's going to be rain to snow on saturday. this 46 the morning high, we're going to be dropping through the 40s. in fact, do you know what, when i get off the air here, i have to put an arrow right here to illustrate that. saturday night 33. lake-effect snow, especially south and east of cleveland, and on sunday as well. we're going to have lake-effect snow. and especially in the higher terrain areas south and east. d accumulating snow. how much do we get? still too early to call. remember, it's only tuesday. we still have a 73 to get through. so, you know, we're going to obviously be monitoring that situation very closely. it is the first snow. it gets everyone's attention. and that's where we're going to be dealing with over the weekend. unfortunately it is coming over the weekend. now, as we get into monday, we're still going to have snow showers around, especially east. and a cold start to the week. to rebound back up well into the 40s. leading into thanksgiving. so we'll see what happens there. feazel roof cam mostly cloudy sky right now. again, all is quiet. but we have that wild ride we're going to continue to monitor. ramona. >> romona: okay, jeff. still to come on cleveland 19 news at 4:00. >> mark: enough is enough. . it's time for a little useless trivia with me, mark nolan. oh, hi, ramona americans have cursed out or verbally abused their computer in the past six months? >> romona: oh, gosh, do i have to tell the truth. >> mark: yes. >> romona: i'm going to say 70%. >> mark: i'm sorry. it's 36. [ bell ringing ] . welcome back. a pilot bans all political discussion after a scuffle breaks out. >> romona: after the incident debate about the election, the united airlines pilot stepped in and got on the intercom urging passengers to keep their views to themselves. >> i understand everybody has their opinions. that's fine. have the common decency to respect each other's decisions. >> mark: wow. after putting a kibosh on political discussions, the pilot said if anyone disagreed with his decision. >> there's another flight tomorrow. you're not going to be on this one. [ cheers and applause ] >> i hope that's clear. >> here, here. >> romona: it's best just not to talk politics. cleveland 19 news sponsored bill doraty kia, kia of streetsboro. asking questions, getting answers, cleveland 19 news starts now. now at 5:00 what's with the it smells bad and looks worse and cleveland 19 found lead in one sample. all kinds of questions there after our investigation into complaints about the berea water department. paul orlousky broke the story today and checked on a possible causes. >> this is a water sewer replacement project in berea, a street where we collected three samples of water for testing and from we tested for iron, copper and lead and found iron and lead over acceptable limits. >> we took samples from the area and major construction project which includes a water line replacement. >> mayoral kleem rejected to our report that construction could be attributing to the iron content. these are pipes being replaced. the lead, six inch cast iron is being replaced with six? >> a: plastic service.

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