Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 4PM 20160914 : com

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 4PM 20160914

first let's go to ashland. 6:40 yesterday morning, a woman gets ahold of a cell phone at what is supposed to be one of these two homes. the two homes are supposed to be abandoned. the call comes at 363 covert court and shows she is held against her will. when police get there they rescue the woman and immediately take shawn grate into custody. no incident and was arrested and clearly, he had been ap there was a surprise at the home and that's when he was taken into custody. everybody is outside the home. police have to get a search warrant and do it by the book. once they get the search warrant they go into the home and make the grew some discovery. two bodies inside the home. throughout the course of the morning and early afternoon shawn grate is interviewed by detectives as you would imagine. from there, we can only assume because we have not had a further news conference with and very telling within those meetings. because later that afternoon, they bring him to this house, kind of secluded. an auto detail place across the way and this house was supposed to be abandoned as well. grate told them he was homeless and sexual assaulting in the house. they bring him to the property. five minutes of the property he makes it to the edge of the property where the woods starts points to the woods. they walked of 0 feet into situation and found the third body. that's where we stand now. we were hoping for more information, more news conference, major news conference with authorities today. because they are dealing with multiple scenes, a lot of evidence this is just going to take sometime. >> tiffany? >> stacey's family is struggling with grief and anger over the way their loved one missing person case was handled. >> live in huron catherine has catherine? >> reporter: it is the family's worst nightmare to come true to find a loved one that came up missing and is indeed dead and that's exactly what this family at this house in huron are dealing today. >> the family of stacey stanley getting confirmation her's is one of the two bodies found in the abandoned home in ashland. stacey was the mother of two sons kurt and cory and grandmother and her sister, not a-year-older considered her her best friend all her life known. >> my sister stacey was the kindest person you would ever meet, give you the shirt off your back and my sister is in heaven with my mom now and i ask her to hug my mom for me. >> the family is glad they have closure and tormented by losing happened to her and more needs to be done in this investigation. i will have more on that coming up on cleveland 19 news at 5:00. >> mark: all right, catherine. the family will experience similar emotions and an unidentified body found in the home. denise zarrella continues team coverage and spent the day in ashland getting answers and more information. denise mark, i am standing in front of the scene. we have seen police, bci out here all day and working the scene and interesting, while i was working here i talked to a woman who runs a landrieu mat and had the picture of missing stacey stanley up on her windows and of course unfortunately, stacey stanley found inside the home there and in the last couple of hours we have had tell us they have seen shawn grate and tried to get them to go places with him and one woman in particular says he tried to get her and her son inside that house crime scene investigators found a woman who was kidnapped and managed to call for help. while gathering evidence police discovered bodies of two women, one identified had 3-year-old stacey stanley. the identity of the other woman still not being released. shawn michael grate approached her friday and tried her to spend time with him. >> he asked me how i was doing and my name. i said brittany. he asked if i did drugs. i said no, i have a 2-year-old to worry about. he's like, can i give you my number, maybe we can go out, have a couple of beers, this and that and i am thinking to myself, you are a little awkward getting ready to go out to the bar with her mom to have a fun night. >> that woman's mother says she had seen shawn grate sitting on the steps of that house there as she was doing her laundry here. coming up at 5:00, we will talk to the woman i mentioned with a young son. her son was sick and came to do laundry and said shawn grate tried to get her to go into that home ?withhim. answers here in ashland denise zarrella, cleveland 19. >> tiffani: the suspect shawn grate is no stranger to police in richland county. chris tanaka obtained court records and information on his criminal past. >> chris: shawn grate's criminal history dates back nine years. documents revealed in 2007 grate had several run-ins with the law offenses from traffic violations to identity theft. in 2009 he was raeed for from 2015 when he received stolen property and he had drug possession charges again in 2014. we found two domestic cases involving a divorce and child custody dispute. >> reporter: getting answers, chris tanaka cleveland 19 news. >> tiffani: thank you, chris. keep it here for continuing coverage of this breaking news story. coming up we take to you mansfield where the suspect led police to a third body. turning now to the weather, we showers and storms. >> mark: meteorologist jeff tanchak in the forecast center. >> jeff: most areas got rain and came down the first half of the day like we thought and right now, everybody reporting dry conditions. the front is through and the clouds will break up north to south. look at this, temperatures not too warm 68 norwalk, mansfield area. here you see clouds breaking up along the lakeshore and mostly cloudy. wind is off the lake 71 and 5:00, mixed sky. and 7:00 partly cloudy sky and we will be around 70. we will drop in the 50s tonight. it will be comfortable. but over the weekend, that's when we will deal with the next alert. looks like it will be unsettled after a bright day tomorrow and friday. rain and storm threat through most of the now. the very latest on that in my next time out. mark? >> mark: thank you. donald trump coming to canton. doors opening at the canton memorial civic center and the republican nominee is set to take the stage at 7:00 canton police say there will be no road closures and might be delays as they move trump through the city. colin powell's private thoughts about donald trump and hillary >> his spokesman confirms the retired general e-mails might have been hacked. craig boswell from the white house. >> messages posted from colin powell's g mail account show the former secretary of state has issues with both major presidential candidates n. one e-mail the republican called donald trump a national disgrace and international pariah. powell also criticized hillary clinton and her campaign for using him to justify her use of private e-mail servers at he wrote: sad things hrc could have killed this two years ago by merely telling everyone honestly what she had done and not tie me into it. she keeps tripping into these character minefields. with 8 weeks left, clinton is recuperating from pneumonia and trump has several events including flint, michigan. trump is appealing to female make child care more a affordable with daughter. >> safe affordable child care shouldn't be a luxury. >> and new york attorney general eric snyderman is investigating whether trump's foundation violated state law by a campaign contribution for illegal purchases and spending $20,000 on a six foot painting of trump. >> we are looking into it as we have an obligation to do. >> reporter: trump discussed his health during a taping for the a spokesman says the republican nominee shared results of a recent examination. the episode airs thursday. craig boswell cbs news, the white house. this will make you get out the vacuum cleaner and micro fiber cloth. toxic chemicals around your home and you don't even realize it. find out what you can do to keep them at bay. live from cleveland's newscenter driven by don joseph toyota in kent, this is cleveland 19 news. >> tiffani: we continue our live team coverage of the murders in ashland we have been covering this story since yesterday. breaking news. >> mark: a couple of crime scenes we are working with here. shelby miller spent the day in mansfield getting answers from the sheriff about the case. shelby? >> reporter: mark, within the last 15 minutes, the coroner's office with two vans left the spot here with the woman's remains. found back in the woods behind this burned out house. we also spoke to someone with the forensic's team. he did not have much to say other than they spent the day getting remains and gathering evidence they could and the people giving us answers they are the sheriff's office. what they are telling us about the suspect in this case, sean grate, what we know he was at this home, homeless and staying in this abandoned home this summer. they believe he brought the woman here and found dead here and this house burned down at mid-june this year and they believe these coincided with the woman's death along with the house burning down. here is what the sheriff said about the woman who they found here. >> typically a person doesn't necessarily have to be from the area they are found. and that's i think what we suspect with this lady that was found here. think she was from richland county. >> reporter: police also say they believe the woman found dead here was the first woman who was killed out of the three bodies they found within the last day or so here and over in ashland as well. as i said, the suspect in this case grate, homeless this past summer and we checked court records and the last known residence was about two miles down the road. we went and visited the house and spoke toei asked what they knew about the suspect in this case. you want to hear what they have to say coming up at 5:00. shelby miller cleveland 19 news. >> tiffani: keep it here for continuing coverage of this breaking news story and questions about how police handle missing person cases and what cleveland is doing coming up in the next half hour. >> mark: a cleveland clinic is hosting flu shot clinics at facilities across northeast and can cause serious respiratory problems showing up between october and may. doctors say everyone six months and older should get a flu vaccination every year by the end of october and take 2-4 weeks after getting the vaccine for antibodies to develop in your body. tiffani? >> tiffani: a health alert for women beefing up their diet with omega three's. it is not necessarily good for you. women who consume omega 3 fatty acids in are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. a study involving 71,000 women over 14 years, nonoverweight women who consumed 1.6 grams of omega 3 acids per day had the highest risk. a new study from the american heart association found smoking thickened the walls of the heart and reduces the ability for for the heart to pup failure even if people don't have cardiovascular disease. 90% of household dust is filled with toxic chemicals a study from george washington university. researchers say phthalates and chemicals come from cleaning products. people can inhale or ingest it through their skin. young children crawling or playing on the floor face the highest risk. experts say with hepa filter and wash your hands often. >> jeff: all right. we are seeing more sunshine at least in the downtownier and most of us still in a mostly cloudy sky. that clearing will be north to south. lakeshore areas see ago little bit of sun. a shot of cooler air. we are only around 70 right now in cleveland. yeah, this is the time of year where we could get more up and down temperature patterns here. future view, 8:00 this evening generally in the 60s. and then overnight many of us dropping in the 50s. the exception could be along the immediate lakeshore around 60 or so. 5:00 a.m. here low to mid-50s for the most part sandusky 62 early on. there goes the rain. it was pretty much one wave of the most of it south of cleveland. then we had a few piddley showers here and there. now we will dry out tonight and tomorrow and most of friday looking dry before the next system. there you see the clearing that's now moving in. >> so the next alert saturday and actually saturday, saturday night and into sunday i have to have an alert day there for showers and storms. front. the risk saturday all day. it won't rain all day saturday but the risk of showers and storms will be there. here is how it looks on the overall big picture. 73 is the high tomorrow and wall-to-wall sun. friday we bounce up to 80. here comes the front saturday. it gets close enough to us so showers and storms will be developing actually some computer models develop this rain later friday night and the this front will be sitting on top of us here on sunday. still scattered showers and storms 78 on sunday. i am hopeful though by the time we have kick off for the browns game sunday most if not all the rain will be out of the cleveland area. we will see what happens. we will monitor that situation. waves 2-4'" out there and north wind creating moderate chop. akron-canton, will you drop down to 53. tomorrow 73 comfortable day. 58 at 8 a.m. near 70 at 11:00 and bounce up to 73 at 2:00 in the afternoon. tomorrow night down to 51. a little on the cool side there. friday back up to 80. alert days, saturday and also sunday for risk saturday 80 into saturday night and scattered showers and storms sunday. now, during the day sunday the better opportunity will be the first half of the day dominguez drying out sunday afternoon. monday sunny, 75. tuesday 78 and wednesday sunny and 80 degrees. mark? all right, jeff. thank you. hackers released team u.s.a. medical records and what new meta daily heart health. it's clinically proven to help lower cholesterol. and having lower cholesterol is something to celebrate. wow. he's got some moves. your question what's trending today. the two men arrested for storming the stage are talking about it. >> tiffani: hackers try to make american olympic athletes cheaters but in fact, drugs were used with the anti-world doping agency release hackers for what they claim are medical records of team athletes who competed in rio olympics. >> the gymnast says her use of medication forayed h.d. are within the rules and tennis star venus williams says she followed the rules and has therapeutic use exemptions. >> mark: "dancing with the stars" ramping up security after two men stormed the floors to protest ryan lochte. did it. the two are due back in court next month after getting bailed out. he says he had issues with the disgraced swimmer being on the show because he shouldn't be rewarded for lying in rio and the other says everyone deserves a second chance they deserve their protest, too. >> tiffani: there you have it. pizza making is going to the robots. a start up in silcon valley, they are u dough travels down the conveyor belt and adds sauce and goes in the oven. they want to eliminate repetitive boring jobs and free up people for higher value jobs. >> will they put the pepperonis on just how we like it. >> i am ready to go. >> all right. plenty to come on cleveland 19 news at 4:00, crews bringing what's next for this spot ahead i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. he's a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. donald trump is a phony, a fraud. he's not a serious adult. i can't vote for donald trump given the things that he said. trump should not be supported. i believe he's disqualified himself to be president. welcome back. it is a cleveland location known worldwide. a location that became a symbol and rallying point for change in the police department. >> tiffani: now it is going away. paul orlousky got answers at the cudell recreation center. >> reporter: iteg picnic tables being moved under the gathering evidence, a bench where a man sat and called police saying a man was playing with and pointing a gun and police arrived, shot and killed them. then it became a memorial with teddy bears and flowers and moved to a butterfly garden. the deconstruction of the gazebo will be moved to chicago. place with a historical perspective. >> i think it needs to transcend to a place and point where it is a point of reminder and memory. >> even though shingles were damaged in removal, they will be saved. board by board, the entire unit marked for reconstruction had to be taken down. the work stopped and started several times because of the rain. weather permitting, the work will be the week and off to chicago. >> we cannot, will not forget tamir rice. he took up the city of cleveland. >> the symbolism was not lost on molly who designed the butterfly garden. >> the butterfly goes through a period of destruction as a caterpillar and becomes something that flies and takes flight. there's that sense of hope. >> reporter: a hope symbolized by the changes the death of in. >> asking questions, getting answers, paul orlousky cleveland 19. >> mark: we return to our breaking news now. bodies found in ashland and mansfield. >> here is what we know right now. only one of the bodies is identified as stacey stanley missing since last week. we learned suspect shawn grate has a criminal background including domestic violence and late this afternoon a woman approached denise zarrella and told her a suspect tried to lure them. the family says they did much of the work to find their loved one and that's raising questions how police handled this missing persons case. >> dan deroos is at the. >> a: center. >> dan: we want to dig into what is the state laws and how does it break down into the municipalities. i have all the background you need. it is called jonathan's law. a house bill passed in 2007 and his mother vowed to make sure there was a better system across the state when it comes to reporting missing individuals over the age of 18. here is what the law says. the ohio attorney general must provide an outline of what every law enforcement agency should do. the protocol and practices and then it is a state law that each agency has something in place report for missing individuals. here are what the basics are. if they suspect foul play law enforcement has 7 days before they have to get it into the national system. ncic national criminal index system. if no foul play is suspected, they have 30 days to get that information into the national database where it truly starts to become a search. i was curious about cleveland. cleveland has done a good job is the definition of a missing person. a person absent under circumstances inconsistent with well-established patterns. somebody who didn't come home from work and set by the clock and have gone missing. a person unaccounted for and of diminished mental capacity or mental condition. suicide plays into it, something that can speed up the process. what i found interesting we all used to remember you can't report someonesi they are gone 24 hours. that's no longer and completely thrown out. you are wasting time at that point. really nobody has those patterns you have to wait 24 hours to fill out the missing persons report. as far as each agency and how far it goes and what search goes on is up to each individual police department. >> dan, thank you. did you get outside today at all? >> tiffani: i did. i got out and walked and then watered my plants. >> mark: good stuff on the way? >> jeff: in fact, we do. we are starting to clear out and seeing sunshine. this is not a shot of the sky. anyway, we are seeing some sun now. the rain is done. it will be dry the rest of the afternoon drive and into the evening. if you have something going on not very warm. 69 at 7:69. >> l: 63 and really the numbers are seasonable this time of year. north wind 15 coming in off the lake. i will call it a mixed sky downtown 71. akron-canton you are still cloudy and 67 degrees there. here is what i am talking about. clouds are breaking up. we are clearing right now as i speak. brighter days ahead. tomorrow and on friday. friday we start to warm up. news in all this. over the weekend there is a rain and storm threat. this is the next alert that we will watch the next alert day on saturday for showers and storms. these will not being big explosive severe storms but this is a slow-moving system. that's the problem. so it will be with us through saturday, saturday night and now even into sunday. the first half of the day at least. we are looking for the risk of showers and storms. wo but the threat will be there. tomorrow, though sunny and seasonable. 73 the high. here is the hour by hour. 58, 8:00 a.m. near 70 at 11:00. up to 73 at 2:00 and low to mid-70s it looks like at 5:00 tomorrow night. it will be cooler than what we see tonight. >> akron-canton up to 76 tomorrow with the sunny sky. let me kind of give you a hint weekend. we have 73 tomorrow. friday we are back up to 80 after the cool start and then here's the next front. saturday around 80 but showers and storms will be in the area. now on sunday. heads up tailgaters. this front will be lollygagging around here. at least scattered showers and storms the first half of the day and i am still hoping by the time we hit kick off at 1:00 on sunday we will get the rain of here because it will be ending north to south here on sunday. we will update you on that. more details on the weekend coming up later in the half hour. tiffani? >> tiffani: thank you, jeff. >> her name is julia. the southeast u.s. is getting a soaking because of her. areas of georgia and carolinas could see almost a foot of rain. >> mark: this storm is historic for another roane. david beg no has the latest. the first named storm to form over land in state history. packing maximum winds 40 miles per hour and gusts up to 55. julia caused minor structural damage in mayport in northeast, florida. the real threat could be rain, lots of it. up to 10 inches of rain expected to cause flash flooding along the georgia and south carolina coastlines. >> the wind is bad. one of the worst things for people on the coast is the s that's very bad. that creates a lot of damage, the storm surge does. the wind you can sometimes survive but the storm surge you can't get away from. >> the storm surge is expected to weaken and should be stationary through the end of the week. david begnaud saintism ons island, georgia. >> tiffani: you have seen the shocking picture and the child with two passed out adults. the 4-year-old in the back seat the picture went viral when his grandmother and boyfriend were slumped over from a drug overdose. the great aunt and uncle and south carolina were granted custody this week. >> mark: the eastbound side of the george voinovich bridge will be officially open september 24th at 10:00 a.m. we will celebrate. it's taken nearly six years to complete the incredible bridge project. odot plans to me open two east lanes and the rest opened in october bse work to be done. the westbound bridge is carrying traffic in both directions and the eastbound bridge was being built. first alert traffic on cleveland 19 news sponsored by ford. there's a peak outside now. 77 in and out of the city everything looks to be light at this hour. no problems whatsoever so far. >> tiffani: good news on a wednesday. >> still head at 4:00 a class action settlement involving find out how long you have to now for a quick time out with romona and tony. >> tony: all right. romona not here and rumor has it she may be back tomorrow. >> tony: good. we are shuffling people in and out of time out like the browns area. >> mark: so true. what's rg iii up to? he talked today. >> tony: he did talk for first time sunday and thought he was okay and obviously he wasn't and found out monday he is on the shelf for half of the season and he has to take this in stride. here is what they had to say. >> it sucks. football. >> tony: that's the injury right there. the bigger question, mark for the browns is, let's say he doesn't come back this season. drafting very, very high. is rg even part of the equation at that point? >> how would you possibly -- what if they make the decision to move him. what will he be worth? we are jumping way ahead. i feel bad for the guy. >> mark: i do, too. i like him. >> tony: are they looking at you anymore as a possible franchise quarterback. you can't keep spinning whe will have to look at the next franchise guy. i am jumping ahead and hope he recovers and comes back. >> mark: i would like to hear from him. i think he is a good guy and wish he was healthy to say the least. going to the tribe game friday. >> tony: you are not alone. it will be packed. 18 games to play and they are up 6. the problem is, if your name is not corey kluber chances are you are struggling on the mound. all year and looking at trevor bauer that pitch well for awhile and blows up and salazar on the shelf and tomlin overnight. it was crucial. tomlin was so bad they relegated him in the bullpen. he is pitching tonight. you can't limp home from chicago. numbers support the indians. and you can't lisp home from chicago and have kluber your only effective pitcher. >> mark: i get differentve >> there's potential for that. absolutely. they have to decide who is getting what spot. if it hasn't been consistent and we don't know where tomlin fits in. >> mark: keep the bats rolling, guys. that's what we need to do. i think we have done all we can. romona will be back. >> tony: excellent job. >> mark: thanks. tiffani what's going on. you ever to act soon. whirlpool, may tag, kenmore settled class action lawsuits. if you have a front loading machine in 2001 and 2010 you could get a reimbursement up to $500 due to mold or orders if your machine is on the settlement list and didn't have mold or odor problems you could qualify for $50 or 20% rebate off a new machine. you must file a claim october 11. we have information on our web site in the seen on section in case you missed that. americans finally got a raise. the census bureau says the average american's income rose 2.5%, the first major increase since 2007 and the data also shows a major gender wage gap. women typically make 80 cents for every dollar a man makes. on the first day out the glitch. it's since been fixed. customers complained the update froze their phones. denise? >> denise: i haven't done that update yet. >> i am waiting. >> wait a little bit. we have a lot coming up at 5:00, continuing coverage of the ashland murders. terrifying details in this police report from six years ago about how the suspect shawn grate beat his girlfriend and carved out a space in her to stalk her. plus shelby miller and denise zarrella spoke to someone who knew the suspect. what was he like? did he act suspicious? will you hear firsthand accounts at 5:00. schools in financial crisis. a school in a local district learn their millions in the red scramble to make ends meet without impacting the kids education. chris and i will see you at 5:00. get breaking news and weather now on the cleveland 19 news powered by calvetta we have breaking news right now from summit county. police in norton tell cleveland 19 a child was hit by a car and died at the scene in the 3200 block of green itch roadblocked off from cleveland massillon. we will havee a hamilton man in custody after breaking into a jail. you heard me right. he broke into a jail. police say 23-year-old chad saylor climbed a pipe and was stuck in the butler county resolutions facility. saylor says people were after him with weapons to kill him and he needed to get to safety. he was arrested after police found active warrants on him. the break in is the same week someone broke out. always watching. always tracking. your first alert forecast. it is active. people are breaking out and coming back in. make up your mind. all right. we have mostly cloudy and back to mostly cloudy feazel roof cam. this will be short lived. the overall trend is for clearing to take place. we are starting to see that now. eventually tonight we will go completely clear across the board setting the stage for wall-to-wa comfortable day 73. 51 stole night. that will be cool. a rebound in temperature on friday 80 sunny to partly cloudy. over the weekend not so much. it will be unsettled. we have showers and storms in the forecast on saturday. the risk is pretty much all day. it looks like the best chance will be late afternoon evening when we get daytime heating saturday, saturday night. sunday it is scattered showers and storms. i am thinking mainly the first half of the day here. it could rain a little bit for your tailgating there at the muni lot browns stadium. firstenergy stadium. but we should be drying out as the afternoon wears on. monday, sunny 75. tuesday 78 and wednesday back up to 80. it looks dry. first half of next week. here 73 tomorrow. there's 80 friday and saturday and close to 80 sunday for the browns home openlier there and well in the 70s around 80. pretty comfortable stuff as we get into next week. we will watch the weekend rain. right now i would factor in rain into the equation to your weekend plans. guys, back to you. >> mark: all right, jeff. still more to come on cleveland 19 news at 4:00. soaker and puppets inducted into >> tiffani: this year's toy hall of fame might be surprising. >> mark: the swing. and others include care bear that you see on the swing, the nerf ball, transformers. >> tiffani: yes. >> mark: the board game -- rock 'em sock 'em and colonel mustard in the library. fisher price and coloring book. the coloring book has been around for so long. the coloring book is having huge resurgence for adults best selling coloring book in the millions of copies. we think the coloring book has what it takes to make it into the hall of fame. >> tiffani: dungeons and dragons, rock 'em, sock 'em robots and bubble wrap will be announced november 10th. >> mark: you can still get that on ebay. >> keeping kids safer when they take the bus to school. more and more cities using high-tech to bus drivers who ignore stop signs on school cleveland 19 news sponsoredded by bill doraty streetsboro. kia, what's in your driveway? asking questions, getting answers cleveland 19 news starts now. >> who abducted you? >> john green. >> you said john green. >> shawn grate. >> where is he at now? >> he -- >> chris: now at 5:00 just released 911 calls from the woman who says she was abducted possibly by a man who killed we are continuing coverage on this breaking news story from ashland. >> this guy got rattled. we shook his cage and he got careless. >> chris: a family speaking out after a disturbing discovery inside an ashland home. here is what we know at this point. a missing woman called police at an ashland home. >> denise: when police got there they found her alive and two other >> they found a suspect who led them 11 miles away and a body in mansfield. that person has not been identified. in ashland we know one of the victims in the covert home is stacey stanley disappearing september 8th. >> we are waiting on the names of some of the other victims. grate has been arrested and remains in custody tonight. we have team coverage on all

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