Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 4PM 20160901 : com

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 4PM 20160901

70 to 75 miles per hour winds. >> reporter: hermine intensified in the warm waters of the gulf of mexico thursday. landfall is expected over night in florida's panhandle. from there, hermine will head up the eastern seaboard. florida has not had a direct hit from a hurricane in 11 years. residents along the gulf coast spent the day preparing for the worst. >> sandbags, you know. try to get everything ready, tied down, vehicles out. >> reporter: the ut outer bands of heavy rains have been pushing on shore since late this morning. by the time it's all over, some areas could see almost two feet of rainfall. a state of emergency has been declared for more than 50 counties in florida and schools in more than 20 counties have been closed. philip byron is using these last few hours of preparation to stack sandbags outside his newly renovated real estate office. >> it's just mother nature. you take it as it comes and you >> reporter: prepared or not, florida residents are in for a long night. don champion, cleveland 19. >> romona: well, florida health officials also are warning the storm could hamper efforts to control the mosquito population and minimize the spread of the zika virus. mosquitoes breed in standing water and there will be plenty of that around after hermine passes by. jeff. >> jeff: ramona. we've been paying very close attention to this h it looks like the big bend area east of panama city where that report was is where we expect landfall to be made here early tomorrow morning. but look at all of this rain. and as is typical with an approaching hurricane or tropical storm, we do have a tornado watch in effect here. so you can get some of these little spinups of tornadoes. let's go to the updated track now and we're trying to do that here. so this is going to be the forecast. early tomorrow morning the northern part of florida, it's going to cross southern georgia. most likely as a tropical storm. here is friday evening. and it will be in the eastern part of south carolina tracking up towards the outer banks saturday morning. now, if you have plans to go to the carolina coast this weekend, it looks like things will be improving as saturday wears on. because after that, this will just a big area of low pressure at this time as it tracks back out to sea by sunday. so improving conditions this weekend. but there could be a lot of flooding because a ton of rain, not only in florida, but also parts of georgia and the carolinas with hermine. all right. i'm going to have our holiday weekend forecast as well coming up that you're going to like a lot better than what they're seeing down here. mark, over to you. >> mark: jeff, thank you. one man behind bars. a mother fighting for her life cleveland 19 reporter denise zarrella is live with that story. denise. >> reporter: yes, mark. police here in akron tell me that they were familiar with this couple. they answered calls for help from this couple. there was a history of domestic violence that they say led to this boyfriend shooting his girlfriend multiple times in front of three small children. this was the scene not long after 26-year-old bianca was shot multiple times. her young children, just 2 months old, the others 2 and 4 were there as it happened. williams took off and left haskell bleeding at the front door of her house according to police. luckily next door neighbors heard the shots and ran to the house to help. >> how is the victim doing when you went over there? >> gasping for air and asking to help her. and i sat there and talked to and, like i said, i grabbed a pile of clothes off of her couch. i didn't know what to do and just started putting a -- holding tight. >> reporter: williams is being held at the summit county jail. he faces a long list of charges, including felonious assault. right now bianca haskell, we're told by akron police, is hanging in there. but she faces a long road to recovery. we're asking questions and ge akron police department. denise zarrella, cleveland 19. >> romona: denise, thank you. dozens of superintendents from across northeast ohio joined together today to talk about the opiate epidemic and kids. the school officials met with representatives from the dea, fbi and the u.s. attorney. dani carlson was there getting answers from the issue and what one district leader plans to do as a result of today's gathering. we're told, was the audience. dozens of superintendents from all across northeast ohio who had the ability to reach thousands of kids. >> the devastation that this has for families and friends. you can't put it into words. >> reporter: but those in law enforcement are trying through meetings like today's and videos like this one put together by the fbi and the dea called chasing the dragon. it's a documentary aimed at teaching kids about dangerous addiction can be as superintendents watched it today. and some plan to show it and the danger to the kids in their districts. >> they need to understand it's a mistake. if you make it once could totally change the path of your entire life. >> reporter: joe clark, superintendent of schools, says although he's been to many meetings like this one, each time he takes away something new. inspired by today, clark says he plans to now bring prescription drug drop boxes to his schools. >> i think that people maybe or they don't care to think about it too much. so my goal from today coming from this meeting is to go back and make sure parents in the schools are aware of these drop boxes and take advantage of them if they can. there's no sense hanging on to that prescription medication. they could do a lot more harm than they can do good. >> reporter: it's a problem everywhere. there is not a community in the northern district of ohio that has not been affected by this epidemic. >> reporter: we will have a link to that full chasing the dragon video on our website. and there you can also find links to previous we've done here at cleveland 19 news about kids and the opiate epidemic. getting answers in aurora, dani carlson, cleveland 19 news. and cleveland 19 news is helping you spot the signs of heroin and opioid abuse. you can log on to and click on the your health tab for information to help a loved one struggling with addiction. in the key swing state of ohio stumping for hillary clinton today. the event is scheduled to start just before 6:00 in parma and that's where we find sarah goldenberg here this evening. hey, sarah. >> reporter: hey, mark. vice president joe biden is slated to speak here at the united auto workers union in parma. if you take a look over here, you can see that a line of people have been bussed in from a parking lot just down the road. all supporters here waiting to hear from the vice president. now, we're on chevrolet boulevard off of brookpark road. this is a heavily industrial area, and we're expecting biden to speak today about his working class roots. earlier this morning, he was in the youngstown area and he compared that to scranton, pennsylvania, where he grew up and spoke about why hillary clinton is the best candidate for working class voters. so, again, we are out here today. we will be heading inside shortly and bring you some live updates at 5:00 and 6:00. sarah goldenberg, cleveland 19 news. >> romona: thanks, sarah. now we're going to talk about our browns. they face the chicago bears tonight at first energy stadium. that's where we find tony zarrella. tony, i sure hope they're going to look better tonight than they did last week? >> tony: yeah, ro, i agree with you. if they are, they have to do it early. it's always interesting to me, and i fall victim to this too calling the fourth pre-season game meaningless. it's not meaningless to the guys fighting the browns have to cut 22 more. it's not meaningless to josh gordon who after a few reps is going to shut it down and serve that suspension. it's not meaningless to rgiii. as you point out, we have watched them plaued through the pre-season here with inconsistencies on offense and one thing they do well and we love it is throw the ball deep. rg and terrelle pryor have a rhythm going and they hooked up for a touchdown. they have to do more than that. starters if only for a short time tonight. he needs to see some development. >> i think run better offense. and i know your meaning. we do need to move the ball around a bit. i think everybody knows we can throw it down the field. there's a lot of other things we can do too. we just have to continue to keep improving. >> we have to be more consistent. the only way to try to score is to try to score and that's what we do every time we go out there. we have guys that can make big plays but those same guys can make the plays that will keep drives going. and it starts with me. i have to be more consistent to allow us to do those things. >> tony: ramona, last season they ranked 30th in points score. it's pre-season, new coach, new quarterback. right now they ranked 30th in points scored and defensively they can't stop anybody. so it's a major issue. need the work quite frankly. >> romona: i have so much i want to talk about. but my producer has said to save all of that until 4:40 p.m. right here and then we can talk about this team, tony. [ laughing ] >> tony: tell melody i will be ready. [ laughing ] >> romona: all right. you heard it. moms and dads, breathing a little easier today after some crossing guard changes. >> and team android users. an alert about that samsung galaxy note 7. why it's being top toys ranked by the people who know them best. kids, of course. how they're already preparing for the holidays. and pizza equals productivity. . live from cleveland's news center, driven by don joseph toyota in kent, this is cleveland 19 news. samsung taking a hit now after its galaxy note 7 batteries reportedly catch fire. it could be a major blow to south korean company's device. samsung was counting on the galaxy note 7 to compete against apple's new iphone which will be revealed next week. it retails for nearly 900 bucks in south korea. it's not even labor day, but wal-mart is thinking christmas. the retailer is opening its lay away program tomorrow and it's also out with its list of the 25 hottest toys for the holidays as picked by kids, of course. dan deroos is at the answer >> yes. some high tech toys again this year. and you would expect that. and, boy, what a novel approach having kids from 1 and a half to 12 actually play with these toys and then come up with a list. let's take a look so far. here are some of the big ones. you may want to go out now so that they're not gone. my life as a food truck. that's a doll line. you can see the doll gets to serve the food. we didn't even know what they were when they were kids. then you have this one. this will be a big sell. the teenage mutant ninja turtle play set. that's going to be a huge sell. this one, wow, talk about high tech. this is the sky vipir streaming zone. you have the phone and you connect it and as you're flying it around, you're seeing live pictures right to your phone as you're flying it. wow. that's really incredible. high tech. this one here star wars. remember, there's going to be a new star wars movie coming out. the electronic r2 d2 tour. it's completely remote control and does sound effects as you would expect. last but not least, the numb numbs lip gloss truck. jeff is getting this for christmas this year. it's a little ice cream truck and the little ice cream that you serve. those are actually lip gloss so the girls get two toys. that will be jeff's favorite again this year. except he always goes with the chia pet. we're going to have to listen through that joke yet again t year. [ laughing ] always watching, always tracking. now your first alert forecast. >> jeff: it works every time. that's the key. all right. we got 15 miles per hour wind in cleveland. 16 in elyria. look at the direction that it's coming in off of. the north coming right in off of the lake there. so it's windy along the lakeshore. and that has led -- we have this one shower that rolled through avon now approaching elyria. and this was a good day for a few water spouts out there, reports as of yet. yes, that big change. 74. cooler air has arrived. and, you know, if you're going to the browns game there, 72 at kickoff. 68 for the second half. and some clouds around. so it is going to be a comfortable night there at first energy stadium. north wind 15 to 20 knots, though, early this evening. small craft advisory is in feet. look at the low. 59. love the month of september. although it's not going to stay this way. we do have a warmup in the extended forecast. parly cloudy cool in akron-canton. 56 tomorrow. windy, cool. 74 northeast to north wind. so with that 74, 64 at 8:00 a.m. 71 at 11:00. low to mid 70s at 2:00 and 5:00. sunshine saturday. sunshine on sunday. near 80. and on labor day right around 80 degrees. after that it does warm back into the mid 80s tuesday and wednesday. and the humidity starts to creep back up as well. >> he asked questions and he wants answers. it's orlo wants to know. mothers and fathers in some cleveland school zones got answers that allow them to breathe a little easier after crossing guard changes in the wake of a investigation. paul orlousky has now gotten answers about how the city has begun to get more coverage out of its current guards while continuing to search for more. >> we showed you cars zooming through school zones at high rates of speed. cool zones with no crossing guards or no flashing school zone lights. that's a problem. the same is true here but this is a neighborhood school. a neighborhood school where people walk their kids to school. they live nearby. the cars slow down for people crossing the street. the point is some school zones this one at 98th and madison do and don't have one. 44. same true here on euclid avenue where we've learned changes happened after our series of reports. two additional guards are now here making a total of three. one at the east end of the school zone. one at the west end of the school zone. and likely the most important one right in front of the school. with complaints of calls from applicants not being returned by the safety department and 20 people currently being vetted, where did they come from? the city told us they're doing double duty. for example, doing one crossing at a school that lets out at 2:30 and another as close as possible that lets out at 3:30 or 4:00. it makes parents like scott white feel better. f but for now, he's still bringing his daughter to school. >> they don't have any school a crossing guard all year, including last year. >> reporter: make no mistake, when the guard is on duty, the crossing guard program works very, very well. despite criticisms. however, after ending last school year with a lot of opening and opening this school year with even more, there is room for improvement. getting answers, paul orlousky, cleveland 19. >> mark: orlo, thank you. we've made a request to talk to those in charge of deploying cross guards and learn more about what is in the works for filling the dozens of positions still open. we've heard nothing back. if you call the number to t city to get the list with ultimately more information on the job, you still get an answering machine. ramona. what's trending today at 4:00? why it's mark nolan at the great geauga county fair. why he's a little chicken. plus a congressman lets loose. . and you remember that beautiful song by the black-eyed peas where is the love. well, it's getting a remake more than a decade later. >> romona: the group is calling for an end to violence with a new spin on their anthem. check it out. ? children hurt and crying ? ? if you practice what you preach ? . >> the millennials are powerful. i don't think they realize just how powerful they are. >> you have to whatever capacity because you're representing your generation. >> mark: i would have liked to see a little fergie in there. the cameos are star studded. congressman john lewis isn't afraid to get up close and personal with the people. >> how about this. >> romona: the 76-year-old politician crowd sure fd last night on the late show with stephen colbert. i saw this. yourself. the civil rights activist did a little practicing before being hoisted into the crowd and passed overhead. the stunt closed out the show. >> mark: i love it. >> romona: wow. had an awesome time hosting the chicken flying contest at the fair today. jen picciano stepped up as camera operator for facebook live there for a full 40 minutes. medusa won for the hens. medusa won for the whole fly off. girl power there. the fair runs through labor day righhe burton, ohio. my former home town. i get all sad. >> romona: that's so nice. you visited my home town, so you know we raise chickens. >> mark: absolutely. >> romona: the things i used to have to do on the farm. the fall pumpkin spiced latte is back at starbucks, but you have to use your psl fan pass to get one, at least until it officially launches on tuesday. and free pizza is a great motivator. yep. found it even speaks louder than cold, hard cash. study participants received bonus if they assembled a certain amount of computer chips in a day. well, it turns out the pizza group made the most computer chips. >> romona: making me hungry. >> mark: that's what they give to the people in the focus group. so you want to kill a wednesday night and eat pizza -- >> romona: just for you. >> mark: this is fantastic. >> romona: and she brought some plates with it. >> mark: thank you. >> romona: that's melissa watson executive producer. thank you. [ laughing ] >> mark: her government name got on the air too. okay. what is art? >> romona: you go right ahead and read. >> mark: apparently it lives in cleveland. what it listed as best museums in the country coming up next. are you really going after this stuff. let's get digital. how doing what will help you with your physical. . welcome back. our top story here today. hurricane hermine, it's spoke r soaking florida's gulf coast and going to likely make landfall over night in florida. live pictures there. the surf line at panama city, florida. ominous pictures to say the least. but they're saying the storm surge could be pretty wicked there, right. >> jeff: not so much in panama city. >> mark: it would be drawing it out. >> jeff: let me show you the radar here. mark, you know what i'm talking about. you can clearly see the center right here. and it looks look i'm going to zoom in on this right now. and this is where the worst conditions are going to be. so you're looking at tallahassee. that cross city area. cedar key. pretty good storm surge there. what a storm surge is when you hear that, that's just like the thing comes in. horseshoe beach if you know anybody around there. so, yes, over night, early tomorrow morning. that's when we expected to make landfall. 75 miles per hour winds now with hurricane hermine. 73 at 7:00 around here. 68 at 9:00. 64 at midnight. just some lake-effect clouds where i'm going to keep it dry tonight. look at the temperature. 74. we only hit around 75, 76 for the high. that was about it. and, in 70 degrees. and small craft advisory out there on the lake with that north wind. a little taste of fall right here. cool night, pleasant days. that will be the trend as we go through the holiday weekend. and the extended forecast there's a warming trend. i don't have an alert up. it's a yellow alert. next thursday. so a week from now. that's going to be our next opportunity of some showers and dry forecast. partly cloudy, windy and cool tomorrow. 74 northeast to north wind 13-26. we could even be a degree or two cooler than today. 64 at 8:00 a.m. 71 at 11:00. and 73 at 2:00 and 5:00 for your friday. mark and ramona. >> romona: thank you, jeff. donald trump follows his whirlwind mexico trip and fiery immigration speech with campaign stops today in the critical state of ohio. >> mark: the republican nominee immigration proposals areti and not just from the clinton campaign. some members of trump's hispanic advisory council are walking away. craig boswell following the action. >> reporter: vice president joe biden stepped in for hillary clinton on the campaign trail thursday and said donald trump doesn't understand the working man. >> this is a guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth that now he's choking on because his foot is in his mouth along with the spoon. >> reporter: also campaigning in ohio. donald trump stuck to his trademark issue. wall. mexico is going to pay for the wall. >> reporter: after a closed door meeting with mexican president on wednesday, trump delivered a hard line speech on the tomic in phoenix. >> anyone who has entered the united states illegally is subject to deportation. >> reporter: up to half of trump's hispanic advisory council have quit or say they'll quit after listening to a speech. >> there are several individuals immediately after donald trump's speech last night that were just, to use their term, disgusted. it was the tone. it was the dehumanizing. it was the unrealistic idea of self deportation. >> reporter: there's also controversy about details of the meeting. the mexican president told trump he has no intention of paying for a wall. trump says payment wasn't discussed. >> when he sat down and he looked the president in the eye, he didn't have the guts to bring that up. >> reporter: the clinton campaign is now going after trump in arizona as well. they're bringing drugs. they're bringing crimes. >> reporter: the campaign announced it is spending $6 million to air this ad in the states. craig boswell, cleveland 19. >> romona: joe biden is here in ohio. they're waiting for the event to start. we'll get another live report at 5:00. following on this one, it sounds like something out of a nursery rhyme. three bears, this is legit, are wandering ad now. they wandered around a back yard, broke the rear door to a house today according to the los angeles county sheriff's department. obviously we've got overhead shots there. we'll keep an eye if we see the mama bear, papa bear or baby bear. a hudson high school resource officer is accused of allowing an 18-year-old former student to hold his unloaded weapon and pose for photographs for one of her photography story we broke on the website >> chris: that's right. it's all right in here. the report gives a glimpse of what a 911 call described posted on social media and what the high school student said really happened. the caller told police she saw a post on twitter from a girl she knew holding a gun behind a coffee shop in hudson. and she was concerned for the teen's safety. >> this girl on the corner is loose cannon. i saw a picture of her posing with a gun and it looks like she's in public and has been. >> chris: there you have it. when the police talked to the police, she told her that the gun belonged to a high school officer who is also a hudson police officer. henderson explained she was a photography student in high school and she had taken the photos while hanging out with officer bircharred. with him on a couple of photography classes after attending hudson high school. she graduated in may. the officer explained when asked about the incident she is an adult and not a student at hudson high school. he denied collaborating with her on any projects while she was a minor or a student at hudson high. the officer said he agreed to meet and photograph some of them, only of which a few actually featured a pistol which was according to this and the report, hudson police closed the case but in the state of ohio it's illegal to sell or furnish a handgun to anyone under the age of 21. so it's illegal for the teen to have possession of that firearm. once hudson police say about all of that, we're waiting for their answer? chris tanaka, cleveland 19 news. >> romona: all right. forget getting the physical you probably want to get digital these days. says folks who tapped the internet and their mobile devices for help is getting healthy. they have quit smoking. they've lost weight and started drinking less. well, joining me now to discuss these findings from the american heart association is the spokesperson. did i get that right? i want to get it right now. look at jeff trying to of all people. [ laughing ] >> romona: what kind of apps. we're seeing a number of apps. what are these apps doing for people? because i understand they're actually helping them lose weight. get their heart right down. >> that's right. these are helping people to improve their calorie intake. these people are doing more exercise. they're smoking less. and in addition to that, these people are able to try to achieve goals in terms of basically improving their health getting a healthier lifestyle. >> romona: well, this is incredible because doctors have been telling us for years when we go to see them that we need to lose weight. we need to quit smoking. yet sometimes that falls on deaf ears. why are these apps, do you think, helping people and not so much the doctors. >> i think the important message here is that the direction between the patient and health care providers a very important one but thepp important because they help people setting goals. it's more important to achieve their goals and it's better to get healthier diet. >> romona: and what about like fit bit? i wear mine and it really keeps you honest because you can challenge your friends and call them and see if you're getting it as many steps. i try to get 10,000 steps. are you getting these devices. devices. because as you just said, you have your friends that you interact with them and you can't have a competition between you and indeed you tend to exercise more. i think, again, the important message is that having this, it's an didation al direction for health care providers. but they're great. they make you exercise more and the interaction is fantastic. >> romona: still important to get the physical, though. >> yes. >> romona: these devices are helping. over to mark. >> mark: new at 4:00, you love the cleveland museum of art, right. so do other people. apparently it has made business insiders a list of the top 25 museums. not just in the top 25. it's number two. yes, number two on the list. the list was made up of data from four square to number one on the list, the metropolitan museum of art in new york city. >> romona: just in time. colin kaepernick continues to make headlines. now with his attention grabbing wardrobe. tony and i are talking about that and our browns in timeout. >> i'm a superstar. everybody recognizes me. >> mark: my. how the tables have turned for young boe whose viral photo has placed him in the hartss of many. we're going to meet him. and most desirable face, a plastic surgeon thinks he knows which celeb features will make the perfect and traffic wise out there, well, there's a look at 90 at the innerbelt there right at chester. it looks like things are getting a little thick. about right for this time of day. >> first alert traffic on . now for a quick timeout with ramona and tony. >> anchor: >> romona: once again tony gets to have all of the fun. he's out for the browns and the bears tonight. tony, hello. let's talk about this cornerback. >> tony: it's been a fun week. >> romona: let's talk about this cornerback. williams. he failed his physical with the bears? what does that have to do with the browns? >> tony: this is a strange situation here. well, they cut him. they didn't cut him and designate him as injured. they cut him. he was out there. the chicago bears who are here tonight wanted to pick him up. the ankle injury. he's got an ankle issue and he's had two independent doctors tell him you need surgery on this. well, the bears failed him on the physical. so now he and his agent are turning back to the browns and they're basically asking hem to pay for the surgery. because he says he got hurt during otas and, of course, aggravated the injury during training camp. now, the short of it is the browns i don't believe have to pay for this. however, if they don't pay for this, it's going to get ugly because then k1 williams is going to turn to the play legal. >> romona: tony, let's talk about colin kaepernick. he's wearing socks that say pig cop and he's also planning to participant in the anthem tonight or he's not going to participant in the anthem? >> tony: he will not. i'll address that second. the first thing let's be clear. he wore socks that had -- they basically were pigs with a cop outfit on. now, listen, there is no way to defend this. did this, he took that what some people consider -- well, at least admirable stance, while a risky one, and he took it down into the gutter. there's no way you're going to get me to defend his ability to do that. okay. number one. but the key here is he wore those three weeks ago before any of this went public. he's not doing it anymore. that was really the first step in terms of getting people's attention. as for tonight in san diego, night at the charger stadium. but, no, he will not be standing up. >> romona: the nfl does not require the players to stand. but he does not have to if he doesn't wish to. >> tony: no. >> romona: okay, tony. thank you. >> tony: he is not going to as this rolls out. you got it. >> romona: mark. what we first told you about this photo and the beautiful message accompanying the post yesterday. the moment of kindness has been tugging at heart strings nationwide. find what brought a college football player and young student together. >> he just sat down with me. >> reporter: boe was sitting alone at the cafeteria on tuesday. >> it was right there. >> you looked up and there he was? >> yes. >> reporter: and what did he say? >> he said what's up, dude. >> reporter: he was travis rudolph. a star wide receiver with a florida state football team. five players were visiting the school as p service program. and what did you guys talk about? >> he asked me am i going to play in the nba. and i said yes. >> reporter: okay. and what did you ask him? >> i asked him are you in the nfl, and he said no. >> one little thing can change. >> reporter: rudolph told me he noticed a young kid sitting off by himself and headed his way. >> once i got two slices of pizza i seen him by himself. this is like a spot, i guess. something clicked in my head. let me go ask if i can sit with >> reporter: someone snapped a photo of bow and his new friend having lunch with no one else sitting close and sent it to the 6th graders mother. boe. >> right here. >> reporter: boe is autistic and many days no one sits with him at lunch. >> the thought of him eating alone gets to you. >> yes. absolutely. >> reporter: leah will always remember the college football player's kindness to her son. >> he could have sat with anybody. >> he could have sat with anybody. >> reporter: and yet he picked boe. >> yes. >> reporter: who was sitting by himself? >> yes. so i'm just moved with emotion at his generosity and his kindness. i don't -- again, i haven't spoken to him. i don't know what made him pick boe. but i'm so grateful that he did. i'm so grateful he did. that was so kind. >> reporter: she thanked rudolph in a facebook post. this is one day i didn't have to worry if my sweet boy ate lunch alone because he sat across from someone who was a hero in many >> i definitely just hope that kids welcome him in. because he's a genuine person. he can always be around me any time if i was his friend. >> reporter: when boe walked into luncheon wednesday, every kid wanted to sit with him. >> i'm a superstar. everybody recognizes me. [ laughing ] >> romona: he's a superstar. >> anchor: oh, the picture of all of those kids sitting with him. >> mark: yes. hanging outh coming up at 5:00, accusations of a brutal assault. a story you'll see only on cleveland 19. a transgender woman claims she was beaten at her cleveland housing apartment. her mission now is to make sure this doesn't happen to other transgenders. and a late night knock at the door. an unwanted guest. a 69-year-old cleveland woman stairing down the barrel of a weapon as the gunman opened fire. who would attack a senior citizen and why? at now on the cleveland 19 news app powered by the calvetta brothers floor show. it's time to fall . pinpointing the weather where you live, now your clevd >> jeff: feazel roof cam, mostly cloudy skies downtown. i'm going to keep it dry tonight and dry tomorrow. check out the planning forecast. wow, 74. and it's going to be another windy afternoon out there tomorrow. partly cloudy. but look at the weekend. saturday, sunny. 78. notice tomorrow night, saturday night, sunday night we're in the 50s. but daytime highs right around 80. labor day sunshine. 80. and then by tuesday of next to 84. mark and ramona. beauty is in the eye of the beholder but one plastic surgeon says he has created a perfect face. >> he has gotten requests from thousands of patients and he says he knows what sleb features make up with the important parts. jennifer lopez's brows. eyes like keyiera knht cheeks like angelina jolie, a forehead like miley cyrus and lips like penelope cruz. >> mark: i'm more of a personality guy. >> romona: that's what all of the guys say, but that's not . it's time for a little useless trivia with me, mark nolan. hey, romona. >> romona: yes, mark. >> mark: useless trivia. what percentage of americans have never flossed their teeth. >> romona: i don't know. 10%. >> mark: 20% have never flossed their teeth. . welcome back. cleveland's summer has been one to remember. >> romona: so great that hbo wednesday made a song about it. ? what are we supposed to be ? ? you never had to act like wenters before ? ? are we doing it appia [ laughing ] >> romona: naturally, this video is a bit of a spoof. comedian mike pope junior is the voice behind this clever tune. all right. cleveland 19 news sponsored by bill doraty kia and kia of asking questions, getting answers. cleveland 19 news starts now. >> this storm, hurricane is life-threatening. we cannot rescue you in the middle of a storm. you are responsible as we go through this storm. >> denise: a storm warning. hermine is set to hit florida's panhandle after midnight. many places are already under water and evacuations are underway as to keep both residents and visitors safe. >> a lot of people had plans in the storm zone for the long holiday weekend and a lot of people will be affected in florida to eventually the carolinas. this is a live satellite view of the storm right now. it will be a hurricane when it makes landfall like sol and first hurricane to hit florida in almost 11 years. people on florida's gulf

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Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 4PM 20160901 :

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 4PM 20160901

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70 to 75 miles per hour winds. >> reporter: hermine intensified in the warm waters of the gulf of mexico thursday. landfall is expected over night in florida's panhandle. from there, hermine will head up the eastern seaboard. florida has not had a direct hit from a hurricane in 11 years. residents along the gulf coast spent the day preparing for the worst. >> sandbags, you know. try to get everything ready, tied down, vehicles out. >> reporter: the ut outer bands of heavy rains have been pushing on shore since late this morning. by the time it's all over, some areas could see almost two feet of rainfall. a state of emergency has been declared for more than 50 counties in florida and schools in more than 20 counties have been closed. philip byron is using these last few hours of preparation to stack sandbags outside his newly renovated real estate office. >> it's just mother nature. you take it as it comes and you >> reporter: prepared or not, florida residents are in for a long night. don champion, cleveland 19. >> romona: well, florida health officials also are warning the storm could hamper efforts to control the mosquito population and minimize the spread of the zika virus. mosquitoes breed in standing water and there will be plenty of that around after hermine passes by. jeff. >> jeff: ramona. we've been paying very close attention to this h it looks like the big bend area east of panama city where that report was is where we expect landfall to be made here early tomorrow morning. but look at all of this rain. and as is typical with an approaching hurricane or tropical storm, we do have a tornado watch in effect here. so you can get some of these little spinups of tornadoes. let's go to the updated track now and we're trying to do that here. so this is going to be the forecast. early tomorrow morning the northern part of florida, it's going to cross southern georgia. most likely as a tropical storm. here is friday evening. and it will be in the eastern part of south carolina tracking up towards the outer banks saturday morning. now, if you have plans to go to the carolina coast this weekend, it looks like things will be improving as saturday wears on. because after that, this will just a big area of low pressure at this time as it tracks back out to sea by sunday. so improving conditions this weekend. but there could be a lot of flooding because a ton of rain, not only in florida, but also parts of georgia and the carolinas with hermine. all right. i'm going to have our holiday weekend forecast as well coming up that you're going to like a lot better than what they're seeing down here. mark, over to you. >> mark: jeff, thank you. one man behind bars. a mother fighting for her life cleveland 19 reporter denise zarrella is live with that story. denise. >> reporter: yes, mark. police here in akron tell me that they were familiar with this couple. they answered calls for help from this couple. there was a history of domestic violence that they say led to this boyfriend shooting his girlfriend multiple times in front of three small children. this was the scene not long after 26-year-old bianca was shot multiple times. her young children, just 2 months old, the others 2 and 4 were there as it happened. williams took off and left haskell bleeding at the front door of her house according to police. luckily next door neighbors heard the shots and ran to the house to help. >> how is the victim doing when you went over there? >> gasping for air and asking to help her. and i sat there and talked to and, like i said, i grabbed a pile of clothes off of her couch. i didn't know what to do and just started putting a -- holding tight. >> reporter: williams is being held at the summit county jail. he faces a long list of charges, including felonious assault. right now bianca haskell, we're told by akron police, is hanging in there. but she faces a long road to recovery. we're asking questions and ge akron police department. denise zarrella, cleveland 19. >> romona: denise, thank you. dozens of superintendents from across northeast ohio joined together today to talk about the opiate epidemic and kids. the school officials met with representatives from the dea, fbi and the u.s. attorney. dani carlson was there getting answers from the issue and what one district leader plans to do as a result of today's gathering. we're told, was the audience. dozens of superintendents from all across northeast ohio who had the ability to reach thousands of kids. >> the devastation that this has for families and friends. you can't put it into words. >> reporter: but those in law enforcement are trying through meetings like today's and videos like this one put together by the fbi and the dea called chasing the dragon. it's a documentary aimed at teaching kids about dangerous addiction can be as superintendents watched it today. and some plan to show it and the danger to the kids in their districts. >> they need to understand it's a mistake. if you make it once could totally change the path of your entire life. >> reporter: joe clark, superintendent of schools, says although he's been to many meetings like this one, each time he takes away something new. inspired by today, clark says he plans to now bring prescription drug drop boxes to his schools. >> i think that people maybe or they don't care to think about it too much. so my goal from today coming from this meeting is to go back and make sure parents in the schools are aware of these drop boxes and take advantage of them if they can. there's no sense hanging on to that prescription medication. they could do a lot more harm than they can do good. >> reporter: it's a problem everywhere. there is not a community in the northern district of ohio that has not been affected by this epidemic. >> reporter: we will have a link to that full chasing the dragon video on our website. and there you can also find links to previous we've done here at cleveland 19 news about kids and the opiate epidemic. getting answers in aurora, dani carlson, cleveland 19 news. and cleveland 19 news is helping you spot the signs of heroin and opioid abuse. you can log on to and click on the your health tab for information to help a loved one struggling with addiction. in the key swing state of ohio stumping for hillary clinton today. the event is scheduled to start just before 6:00 in parma and that's where we find sarah goldenberg here this evening. hey, sarah. >> reporter: hey, mark. vice president joe biden is slated to speak here at the united auto workers union in parma. if you take a look over here, you can see that a line of people have been bussed in from a parking lot just down the road. all supporters here waiting to hear from the vice president. now, we're on chevrolet boulevard off of brookpark road. this is a heavily industrial area, and we're expecting biden to speak today about his working class roots. earlier this morning, he was in the youngstown area and he compared that to scranton, pennsylvania, where he grew up and spoke about why hillary clinton is the best candidate for working class voters. so, again, we are out here today. we will be heading inside shortly and bring you some live updates at 5:00 and 6:00. sarah goldenberg, cleveland 19 news. >> romona: thanks, sarah. now we're going to talk about our browns. they face the chicago bears tonight at first energy stadium. that's where we find tony zarrella. tony, i sure hope they're going to look better tonight than they did last week? >> tony: yeah, ro, i agree with you. if they are, they have to do it early. it's always interesting to me, and i fall victim to this too calling the fourth pre-season game meaningless. it's not meaningless to the guys fighting the browns have to cut 22 more. it's not meaningless to josh gordon who after a few reps is going to shut it down and serve that suspension. it's not meaningless to rgiii. as you point out, we have watched them plaued through the pre-season here with inconsistencies on offense and one thing they do well and we love it is throw the ball deep. rg and terrelle pryor have a rhythm going and they hooked up for a touchdown. they have to do more than that. starters if only for a short time tonight. he needs to see some development. >> i think run better offense. and i know your meaning. we do need to move the ball around a bit. i think everybody knows we can throw it down the field. there's a lot of other things we can do too. we just have to continue to keep improving. >> we have to be more consistent. the only way to try to score is to try to score and that's what we do every time we go out there. we have guys that can make big plays but those same guys can make the plays that will keep drives going. and it starts with me. i have to be more consistent to allow us to do those things. >> tony: ramona, last season they ranked 30th in points score. it's pre-season, new coach, new quarterback. right now they ranked 30th in points scored and defensively they can't stop anybody. so it's a major issue. need the work quite frankly. >> romona: i have so much i want to talk about. but my producer has said to save all of that until 4:40 p.m. right here and then we can talk about this team, tony. [ laughing ] >> tony: tell melody i will be ready. [ laughing ] >> romona: all right. you heard it. moms and dads, breathing a little easier today after some crossing guard changes. >> and team android users. an alert about that samsung galaxy note 7. why it's being top toys ranked by the people who know them best. kids, of course. how they're already preparing for the holidays. and pizza equals productivity. . live from cleveland's news center, driven by don joseph toyota in kent, this is cleveland 19 news. samsung taking a hit now after its galaxy note 7 batteries reportedly catch fire. it could be a major blow to south korean company's device. samsung was counting on the galaxy note 7 to compete against apple's new iphone which will be revealed next week. it retails for nearly 900 bucks in south korea. it's not even labor day, but wal-mart is thinking christmas. the retailer is opening its lay away program tomorrow and it's also out with its list of the 25 hottest toys for the holidays as picked by kids, of course. dan deroos is at the answer >> yes. some high tech toys again this year. and you would expect that. and, boy, what a novel approach having kids from 1 and a half to 12 actually play with these toys and then come up with a list. let's take a look so far. here are some of the big ones. you may want to go out now so that they're not gone. my life as a food truck. that's a doll line. you can see the doll gets to serve the food. we didn't even know what they were when they were kids. then you have this one. this will be a big sell. the teenage mutant ninja turtle play set. that's going to be a huge sell. this one, wow, talk about high tech. this is the sky vipir streaming zone. you have the phone and you connect it and as you're flying it around, you're seeing live pictures right to your phone as you're flying it. wow. that's really incredible. high tech. this one here star wars. remember, there's going to be a new star wars movie coming out. the electronic r2 d2 tour. it's completely remote control and does sound effects as you would expect. last but not least, the numb numbs lip gloss truck. jeff is getting this for christmas this year. it's a little ice cream truck and the little ice cream that you serve. those are actually lip gloss so the girls get two toys. that will be jeff's favorite again this year. except he always goes with the chia pet. we're going to have to listen through that joke yet again t year. [ laughing ] always watching, always tracking. now your first alert forecast. >> jeff: it works every time. that's the key. all right. we got 15 miles per hour wind in cleveland. 16 in elyria. look at the direction that it's coming in off of. the north coming right in off of the lake there. so it's windy along the lakeshore. and that has led -- we have this one shower that rolled through avon now approaching elyria. and this was a good day for a few water spouts out there, reports as of yet. yes, that big change. 74. cooler air has arrived. and, you know, if you're going to the browns game there, 72 at kickoff. 68 for the second half. and some clouds around. so it is going to be a comfortable night there at first energy stadium. north wind 15 to 20 knots, though, early this evening. small craft advisory is in feet. look at the low. 59. love the month of september. although it's not going to stay this way. we do have a warmup in the extended forecast. parly cloudy cool in akron-canton. 56 tomorrow. windy, cool. 74 northeast to north wind. so with that 74, 64 at 8:00 a.m. 71 at 11:00. low to mid 70s at 2:00 and 5:00. sunshine saturday. sunshine on sunday. near 80. and on labor day right around 80 degrees. after that it does warm back into the mid 80s tuesday and wednesday. and the humidity starts to creep back up as well. >> he asked questions and he wants answers. it's orlo wants to know. mothers and fathers in some cleveland school zones got answers that allow them to breathe a little easier after crossing guard changes in the wake of a investigation. paul orlousky has now gotten answers about how the city has begun to get more coverage out of its current guards while continuing to search for more. >> we showed you cars zooming through school zones at high rates of speed. cool zones with no crossing guards or no flashing school zone lights. that's a problem. the same is true here but this is a neighborhood school. a neighborhood school where people walk their kids to school. they live nearby. the cars slow down for people crossing the street. the point is some school zones this one at 98th and madison do and don't have one. 44. same true here on euclid avenue where we've learned changes happened after our series of reports. two additional guards are now here making a total of three. one at the east end of the school zone. one at the west end of the school zone. and likely the most important one right in front of the school. with complaints of calls from applicants not being returned by the safety department and 20 people currently being vetted, where did they come from? the city told us they're doing double duty. for example, doing one crossing at a school that lets out at 2:30 and another as close as possible that lets out at 3:30 or 4:00. it makes parents like scott white feel better. f but for now, he's still bringing his daughter to school. >> they don't have any school a crossing guard all year, including last year. >> reporter: make no mistake, when the guard is on duty, the crossing guard program works very, very well. despite criticisms. however, after ending last school year with a lot of opening and opening this school year with even more, there is room for improvement. getting answers, paul orlousky, cleveland 19. >> mark: orlo, thank you. we've made a request to talk to those in charge of deploying cross guards and learn more about what is in the works for filling the dozens of positions still open. we've heard nothing back. if you call the number to t city to get the list with ultimately more information on the job, you still get an answering machine. ramona. what's trending today at 4:00? why it's mark nolan at the great geauga county fair. why he's a little chicken. plus a congressman lets loose. . and you remember that beautiful song by the black-eyed peas where is the love. well, it's getting a remake more than a decade later. >> romona: the group is calling for an end to violence with a new spin on their anthem. check it out. ? children hurt and crying ? ? if you practice what you preach ? . >> the millennials are powerful. i don't think they realize just how powerful they are. >> you have to whatever capacity because you're representing your generation. >> mark: i would have liked to see a little fergie in there. the cameos are star studded. congressman john lewis isn't afraid to get up close and personal with the people. >> how about this. >> romona: the 76-year-old politician crowd sure fd last night on the late show with stephen colbert. i saw this. yourself. the civil rights activist did a little practicing before being hoisted into the crowd and passed overhead. the stunt closed out the show. >> mark: i love it. >> romona: wow. had an awesome time hosting the chicken flying contest at the fair today. jen picciano stepped up as camera operator for facebook live there for a full 40 minutes. medusa won for the hens. medusa won for the whole fly off. girl power there. the fair runs through labor day righhe burton, ohio. my former home town. i get all sad. >> romona: that's so nice. you visited my home town, so you know we raise chickens. >> mark: absolutely. >> romona: the things i used to have to do on the farm. the fall pumpkin spiced latte is back at starbucks, but you have to use your psl fan pass to get one, at least until it officially launches on tuesday. and free pizza is a great motivator. yep. found it even speaks louder than cold, hard cash. study participants received bonus if they assembled a certain amount of computer chips in a day. well, it turns out the pizza group made the most computer chips. >> romona: making me hungry. >> mark: that's what they give to the people in the focus group. so you want to kill a wednesday night and eat pizza -- >> romona: just for you. >> mark: this is fantastic. >> romona: and she brought some plates with it. >> mark: thank you. >> romona: that's melissa watson executive producer. thank you. [ laughing ] >> mark: her government name got on the air too. okay. what is art? >> romona: you go right ahead and read. >> mark: apparently it lives in cleveland. what it listed as best museums in the country coming up next. are you really going after this stuff. let's get digital. how doing what will help you with your physical. . welcome back. our top story here today. hurricane hermine, it's spoke r soaking florida's gulf coast and going to likely make landfall over night in florida. live pictures there. the surf line at panama city, florida. ominous pictures to say the least. but they're saying the storm surge could be pretty wicked there, right. >> jeff: not so much in panama city. >> mark: it would be drawing it out. >> jeff: let me show you the radar here. mark, you know what i'm talking about. you can clearly see the center right here. and it looks look i'm going to zoom in on this right now. and this is where the worst conditions are going to be. so you're looking at tallahassee. that cross city area. cedar key. pretty good storm surge there. what a storm surge is when you hear that, that's just like the thing comes in. horseshoe beach if you know anybody around there. so, yes, over night, early tomorrow morning. that's when we expected to make landfall. 75 miles per hour winds now with hurricane hermine. 73 at 7:00 around here. 68 at 9:00. 64 at midnight. just some lake-effect clouds where i'm going to keep it dry tonight. look at the temperature. 74. we only hit around 75, 76 for the high. that was about it. and, in 70 degrees. and small craft advisory out there on the lake with that north wind. a little taste of fall right here. cool night, pleasant days. that will be the trend as we go through the holiday weekend. and the extended forecast there's a warming trend. i don't have an alert up. it's a yellow alert. next thursday. so a week from now. that's going to be our next opportunity of some showers and dry forecast. partly cloudy, windy and cool tomorrow. 74 northeast to north wind 13-26. we could even be a degree or two cooler than today. 64 at 8:00 a.m. 71 at 11:00. and 73 at 2:00 and 5:00 for your friday. mark and ramona. >> romona: thank you, jeff. donald trump follows his whirlwind mexico trip and fiery immigration speech with campaign stops today in the critical state of ohio. >> mark: the republican nominee immigration proposals areti and not just from the clinton campaign. some members of trump's hispanic advisory council are walking away. craig boswell following the action. >> reporter: vice president joe biden stepped in for hillary clinton on the campaign trail thursday and said donald trump doesn't understand the working man. >> this is a guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth that now he's choking on because his foot is in his mouth along with the spoon. >> reporter: also campaigning in ohio. donald trump stuck to his trademark issue. wall. mexico is going to pay for the wall. >> reporter: after a closed door meeting with mexican president on wednesday, trump delivered a hard line speech on the tomic in phoenix. >> anyone who has entered the united states illegally is subject to deportation. >> reporter: up to half of trump's hispanic advisory council have quit or say they'll quit after listening to a speech. >> there are several individuals immediately after donald trump's speech last night that were just, to use their term, disgusted. it was the tone. it was the dehumanizing. it was the unrealistic idea of self deportation. >> reporter: there's also controversy about details of the meeting. the mexican president told trump he has no intention of paying for a wall. trump says payment wasn't discussed. >> when he sat down and he looked the president in the eye, he didn't have the guts to bring that up. >> reporter: the clinton campaign is now going after trump in arizona as well. they're bringing drugs. they're bringing crimes. >> reporter: the campaign announced it is spending $6 million to air this ad in the states. craig boswell, cleveland 19. >> romona: joe biden is here in ohio. they're waiting for the event to start. we'll get another live report at 5:00. following on this one, it sounds like something out of a nursery rhyme. three bears, this is legit, are wandering ad now. they wandered around a back yard, broke the rear door to a house today according to the los angeles county sheriff's department. obviously we've got overhead shots there. we'll keep an eye if we see the mama bear, papa bear or baby bear. a hudson high school resource officer is accused of allowing an 18-year-old former student to hold his unloaded weapon and pose for photographs for one of her photography story we broke on the website >> chris: that's right. it's all right in here. the report gives a glimpse of what a 911 call described posted on social media and what the high school student said really happened. the caller told police she saw a post on twitter from a girl she knew holding a gun behind a coffee shop in hudson. and she was concerned for the teen's safety. >> this girl on the corner is loose cannon. i saw a picture of her posing with a gun and it looks like she's in public and has been. >> chris: there you have it. when the police talked to the police, she told her that the gun belonged to a high school officer who is also a hudson police officer. henderson explained she was a photography student in high school and she had taken the photos while hanging out with officer bircharred. with him on a couple of photography classes after attending hudson high school. she graduated in may. the officer explained when asked about the incident she is an adult and not a student at hudson high school. he denied collaborating with her on any projects while she was a minor or a student at hudson high. the officer said he agreed to meet and photograph some of them, only of which a few actually featured a pistol which was according to this and the report, hudson police closed the case but in the state of ohio it's illegal to sell or furnish a handgun to anyone under the age of 21. so it's illegal for the teen to have possession of that firearm. once hudson police say about all of that, we're waiting for their answer? chris tanaka, cleveland 19 news. >> romona: all right. forget getting the physical you probably want to get digital these days. says folks who tapped the internet and their mobile devices for help is getting healthy. they have quit smoking. they've lost weight and started drinking less. well, joining me now to discuss these findings from the american heart association is the spokesperson. did i get that right? i want to get it right now. look at jeff trying to of all people. [ laughing ] >> romona: what kind of apps. we're seeing a number of apps. what are these apps doing for people? because i understand they're actually helping them lose weight. get their heart right down. >> that's right. these are helping people to improve their calorie intake. these people are doing more exercise. they're smoking less. and in addition to that, these people are able to try to achieve goals in terms of basically improving their health getting a healthier lifestyle. >> romona: well, this is incredible because doctors have been telling us for years when we go to see them that we need to lose weight. we need to quit smoking. yet sometimes that falls on deaf ears. why are these apps, do you think, helping people and not so much the doctors. >> i think the important message here is that the direction between the patient and health care providers a very important one but thepp important because they help people setting goals. it's more important to achieve their goals and it's better to get healthier diet. >> romona: and what about like fit bit? i wear mine and it really keeps you honest because you can challenge your friends and call them and see if you're getting it as many steps. i try to get 10,000 steps. are you getting these devices. devices. because as you just said, you have your friends that you interact with them and you can't have a competition between you and indeed you tend to exercise more. i think, again, the important message is that having this, it's an didation al direction for health care providers. but they're great. they make you exercise more and the interaction is fantastic. >> romona: still important to get the physical, though. >> yes. >> romona: these devices are helping. over to mark. >> mark: new at 4:00, you love the cleveland museum of art, right. so do other people. apparently it has made business insiders a list of the top 25 museums. not just in the top 25. it's number two. yes, number two on the list. the list was made up of data from four square to number one on the list, the metropolitan museum of art in new york city. >> romona: just in time. colin kaepernick continues to make headlines. now with his attention grabbing wardrobe. tony and i are talking about that and our browns in timeout. >> i'm a superstar. everybody recognizes me. >> mark: my. how the tables have turned for young boe whose viral photo has placed him in the hartss of many. we're going to meet him. and most desirable face, a plastic surgeon thinks he knows which celeb features will make the perfect and traffic wise out there, well, there's a look at 90 at the innerbelt there right at chester. it looks like things are getting a little thick. about right for this time of day. >> first alert traffic on . now for a quick timeout with ramona and tony. >> anchor: >> romona: once again tony gets to have all of the fun. he's out for the browns and the bears tonight. tony, hello. let's talk about this cornerback. >> tony: it's been a fun week. >> romona: let's talk about this cornerback. williams. he failed his physical with the bears? what does that have to do with the browns? >> tony: this is a strange situation here. well, they cut him. they didn't cut him and designate him as injured. they cut him. he was out there. the chicago bears who are here tonight wanted to pick him up. the ankle injury. he's got an ankle issue and he's had two independent doctors tell him you need surgery on this. well, the bears failed him on the physical. so now he and his agent are turning back to the browns and they're basically asking hem to pay for the surgery. because he says he got hurt during otas and, of course, aggravated the injury during training camp. now, the short of it is the browns i don't believe have to pay for this. however, if they don't pay for this, it's going to get ugly because then k1 williams is going to turn to the play legal. >> romona: tony, let's talk about colin kaepernick. he's wearing socks that say pig cop and he's also planning to participant in the anthem tonight or he's not going to participant in the anthem? >> tony: he will not. i'll address that second. the first thing let's be clear. he wore socks that had -- they basically were pigs with a cop outfit on. now, listen, there is no way to defend this. did this, he took that what some people consider -- well, at least admirable stance, while a risky one, and he took it down into the gutter. there's no way you're going to get me to defend his ability to do that. okay. number one. but the key here is he wore those three weeks ago before any of this went public. he's not doing it anymore. that was really the first step in terms of getting people's attention. as for tonight in san diego, night at the charger stadium. but, no, he will not be standing up. >> romona: the nfl does not require the players to stand. but he does not have to if he doesn't wish to. >> tony: no. >> romona: okay, tony. thank you. >> tony: he is not going to as this rolls out. you got it. >> romona: mark. what we first told you about this photo and the beautiful message accompanying the post yesterday. the moment of kindness has been tugging at heart strings nationwide. find what brought a college football player and young student together. >> he just sat down with me. >> reporter: boe was sitting alone at the cafeteria on tuesday. >> it was right there. >> you looked up and there he was? >> yes. >> reporter: and what did he say? >> he said what's up, dude. >> reporter: he was travis rudolph. a star wide receiver with a florida state football team. five players were visiting the school as p service program. and what did you guys talk about? >> he asked me am i going to play in the nba. and i said yes. >> reporter: okay. and what did you ask him? >> i asked him are you in the nfl, and he said no. >> one little thing can change. >> reporter: rudolph told me he noticed a young kid sitting off by himself and headed his way. >> once i got two slices of pizza i seen him by himself. this is like a spot, i guess. something clicked in my head. let me go ask if i can sit with >> reporter: someone snapped a photo of bow and his new friend having lunch with no one else sitting close and sent it to the 6th graders mother. boe. >> right here. >> reporter: boe is autistic and many days no one sits with him at lunch. >> the thought of him eating alone gets to you. >> yes. absolutely. >> reporter: leah will always remember the college football player's kindness to her son. >> he could have sat with anybody. >> he could have sat with anybody. >> reporter: and yet he picked boe. >> yes. >> reporter: who was sitting by himself? >> yes. so i'm just moved with emotion at his generosity and his kindness. i don't -- again, i haven't spoken to him. i don't know what made him pick boe. but i'm so grateful that he did. i'm so grateful he did. that was so kind. >> reporter: she thanked rudolph in a facebook post. this is one day i didn't have to worry if my sweet boy ate lunch alone because he sat across from someone who was a hero in many >> i definitely just hope that kids welcome him in. because he's a genuine person. he can always be around me any time if i was his friend. >> reporter: when boe walked into luncheon wednesday, every kid wanted to sit with him. >> i'm a superstar. everybody recognizes me. [ laughing ] >> romona: he's a superstar. >> anchor: oh, the picture of all of those kids sitting with him. >> mark: yes. hanging outh coming up at 5:00, accusations of a brutal assault. a story you'll see only on cleveland 19. a transgender woman claims she was beaten at her cleveland housing apartment. her mission now is to make sure this doesn't happen to other transgenders. and a late night knock at the door. an unwanted guest. a 69-year-old cleveland woman stairing down the barrel of a weapon as the gunman opened fire. who would attack a senior citizen and why? at now on the cleveland 19 news app powered by the calvetta brothers floor show. it's time to fall . pinpointing the weather where you live, now your clevd >> jeff: feazel roof cam, mostly cloudy skies downtown. i'm going to keep it dry tonight and dry tomorrow. check out the planning forecast. wow, 74. and it's going to be another windy afternoon out there tomorrow. partly cloudy. but look at the weekend. saturday, sunny. 78. notice tomorrow night, saturday night, sunday night we're in the 50s. but daytime highs right around 80. labor day sunshine. 80. and then by tuesday of next to 84. mark and ramona. beauty is in the eye of the beholder but one plastic surgeon says he has created a perfect face. >> he has gotten requests from thousands of patients and he says he knows what sleb features make up with the important parts. jennifer lopez's brows. eyes like keyiera knht cheeks like angelina jolie, a forehead like miley cyrus and lips like penelope cruz. >> mark: i'm more of a personality guy. >> romona: that's what all of the guys say, but that's not . it's time for a little useless trivia with me, mark nolan. hey, romona. >> romona: yes, mark. >> mark: useless trivia. what percentage of americans have never flossed their teeth. >> romona: i don't know. 10%. >> mark: 20% have never flossed their teeth. . welcome back. cleveland's summer has been one to remember. >> romona: so great that hbo wednesday made a song about it. ? what are we supposed to be ? ? you never had to act like wenters before ? ? are we doing it appia [ laughing ] >> romona: naturally, this video is a bit of a spoof. comedian mike pope junior is the voice behind this clever tune. all right. cleveland 19 news sponsored by bill doraty kia and kia of asking questions, getting answers. cleveland 19 news starts now. >> this storm, hurricane is life-threatening. we cannot rescue you in the middle of a storm. you are responsible as we go through this storm. >> denise: a storm warning. hermine is set to hit florida's panhandle after midnight. many places are already under water and evacuations are underway as to keep both residents and visitors safe. >> a lot of people had plans in the storm zone for the long holiday weekend and a lot of people will be affected in florida to eventually the carolinas. this is a live satellite view of the storm right now. it will be a hurricane when it makes landfall like sol and first hurricane to hit florida in almost 11 years. people on florida's gulf

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