Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 4PM 20160321 : com

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 4PM 20160321

pon friday their intentions to preduce their staff by more than p50. pmost of them classroom teachers. pit's a move that some are pcalling excessive. pmany cleveland heights puniversity heights teachers will plikely be spending their pupcoming spring break looking pfor jobs. the dits strict alerted p52 people their jobs would be peliminated. p>> we were trying to have them pspread this layoff over a couple pof years if it was necessary so pit wasn't as damaging. p>> jen: the district says penrollment has declined by 900 pstudents and expects that trend pto continue with the enrollment rojected it decline in the next pten years. p>> we need to align our staffing pto the student population. p>> jen: among those getting priffed, administrators, pteachers, certified and pof the district staff. punion president says special peducation will be hurt because pof the cuts. p>> if you look at the number of pspecial ed teachers we're plosing, it seems like a lot of pspecial ed teachers because they pdon't have a maximum load. pbut special ed is one of the few pareas that we really shine in in pcleveland heights because, first pof all, we have a large opulation of special ed pstudents. p>> the only impact it would have pis the special ed teacher's pcaseload would be larger, but it pwould still be under state pminimum. p>> jen: this will ensure pbalanced class sizes which will pjump from 14 to 22 students, pstill below state average. pthe decision is expected to save pthe district an estimated p$3.5 million. pnow, this decision is not yet pfinal. pthe board of education will take pthis up at their april 5th pmeeting. pand, of course, the union is phoping that they will ask padministrators here to preconsider some if not all of promona and mark. p>> romona: jen, what about the pconstruction that's going on pthere? phow is there money for that but pno money for the teachers? p>> jen: well, right. pthose are a different dollar i'm ptold. pback in 2013, the community assed a capital improvements pbond. pthat is covering the pconstruction for the high pschool. pthat's why the students are here pat the temporary high school pright now in university heights pand then the middle school pstudents will move here after pthat to cover that. pthat is separate from the poperational dollars. p>> mark: . pall right. pjen picciano live. ponce again thank you very much. p whack back to a story we mentioned pin the beginning of the pnewscast. pa family home was demolished. pa fire and explosion happened. pdani carlson was at the pdemolition and has the latest. p>> dani: well, mark, where pwe're standing right now across pthe street from the mather home pis actually a school bus stop, pand that's just an example of pone of the reasons why people in pthe home is coming down. pbut many do wish that it had pyielded more answers. pthe home took years for the pmather family to build. pit took only 17 minutes for it pto come crashing down. p>> it's going to take some time. pbut this is a good start for it pto have this reminder gone. p>> reporter: the home was an pinvoluntary memorial to the ptragedy that happened here. pa difficult one for this pcommunity. pa fire and explosion with the pbodies of the four members of pthe mather family found inside. psince that january night, the pmedical examiner has determined pthat 43-year-old jeff mather pkilled himself and then set the phouse on fire. ptheir two little girls, 8 year pold ruthy and allison were pmurdered, suffocated to death. pand 43-year-old cindy mather pdied from a prozac overdose but pthey couldn't determine if she pcommitted suicide or if she was pmurdered. pthey also can't say which parent pand it's those questions that premain why one neighbor told us poff camera today that she's pactually sad to see the home ptorn down because with it likely pgoes any chance that anyone will pknow what exactly happened here pthat freezing january night. p>> we're happy that this grim preminder of this great tragedy pis finally going to come to an pend. pnow they can start healing a lot peasier without having to see pthis every single day. p>> dani: now, we are told that phuntington bank actually still powns this property and paid for ptoday's demolition. pwe're also told there are no pfinal plans as to what will phappen to this property. plive in northville center ptownship, dani carlson, pcleveland 19. p president obama and cuban resident met in ha van vana today. pthey will also appear together pat a state dinner this evening. pchris martinez is there with the platest. p>> this is a new day. pand cuban president castro paddressed borders after their pfirst summit meeting. pboth men said while the road pwill not be easy, it is possible pfor both countries to work ptogether. pfor castro, that means an end to pthe u.s. trade embargo. p>> it stands as the most pimportant obstacle to our peconomic development and the pwell-being of the cuban people. p>> reporter: president obama psaid havana must do its share as pwell. p>> i discussed with president pcastro the steps we and cuba are pto take to show it's ready to do pmore business, which includes pallowing more foreign ventures. p>> reporter: the two promised ptoo continue their dialogue in pthe months to come. pthe on and off rain here in phavana is forcing some changes pin tomorrow's baseball game. pit's also a reminder that all pcubans are giving the president pon sunday, more than 50 people pwere arrested during a protest pby the group known as the ladies pin white. pbut overwhelmingly cubans who pspoke to us saw it as a reason pto celebrate. p>> we need to be in relations pwith north america, the united pstates and cuban people. p>> reporter: a plan that will pget right off the bat tomorrow. pchris martinez, cbs news, phavana, cuba. p>> romona: now, coming up at p5:00, we talked to a local cuban partist to see how he feels about pthe historic visit. p okay. phere we go. pchilly start to the work week. pbut that will be changing. plet's look at the headlines pright now. pwe have partly cloudy sky, it plooks like, downtown cleveland. pthere you see some clouds off in pthe distance there east. pwe did have lake-effect clouds paround and even a couple of snow pshowers out there. pwe are warming up. the best prisk of rain will be on pthursday. psmaller chance tomorrow and pwednesday. pand right now it does look like pa wet easter sunday around here. pthese temperatures are chilly. p42 in cleveland. pthat is the high for today. pakron cloudy. p42. pmansfield checking in at 45. pcleveland 19 weather app right phere, you get the hourlies and pit looks like we'll be dropping pinto the mid 30s generally i'm pcalling for a mostly cloudy sky. pbut it will be dry out there. plike i said, mid 30s. pthe wind will be light. pmore on the warmup coming up phere. pbut also let me show you this on pthe cleveland 19 weather app. pi just showed you the hourlies. pyou get current conditions. pand 10 day forecast right there pwhere you can click on the pspecific day and get the details pthat will carry you right pthrough the weekend and beyond. pforecast details coming up at p nitrogen gas explosion may pbe to blame in the death of a psteel plant worker. pcreston police officer kenny ray pjunior worked at the plant as a pfire technician. phe was inspecting fire pextinguishers when he died. posha believed the 32-year-old pdied of nitrogen exposure. preadings by the company and fire pdepartment only detected 4% poxygen in the area where he was pfound. p and a former auditor dropped phis lawsuit against metrohealth pand even apologized. psimpson hugins iii claimed the phospital ceo took personal trips poverseas paid for by taxpayers pand that some employees got free pbotox injections. pwell, hugins wrote a letter psaying i sincerely apologize to pthe metrohealth system and the pdoctor, the ceo of metrohealth, pfor bringing the lawsuit against pthe hospital. pthe allegations of wrongdoing by pare untrue and inaccurate. pfollowing the apology, pmetrohealth agreed not to pursue pdefamation claims. p firefighters battled a condo pfire late this morning. pno word on how the blaze pstarted. pone firefighter hurt his ankle pwhile fighting the flames. pat least one unit suffered heavy pdamage. pthree others have smoke damage ptoo. p and we've been telling you pthat bars and restaurants will pbe allowed to serve liquor until p4:00 a.m. during the republican pnational convention. pwell, today is the deadline for pbusinesses to apply for the p"major event waiver". pnow, the waiver will be good for pbusinesses in cuyahoga and psurrounding counties. pthis is not automatic. pthey'll have to submit requests pby mail or e-mail to cleveland pcity hall. pagain, today the deadline. pharry boomer talked to bar and prestaurant owners to see if they phe'll give us an update at 5:00. p well, the battle between pandrea mccarren papple and the fbi continues. pthey want apple to hack into the pcell phones of one of the psuspects in the san bernardino pshootings. papple says it puts all apple pusers at risk. a federal judge pwill hear the arguments and make pa ruling. p just a day before the pfaceoff, apple ceo tim cook popened the company's first roduct launch of the year today pwith a promise to protect users' rivacy and data. papple introduced a smaller piphone that packs some of the pnewer technology used in the platest generation of iphones. pdubbed the iphone se. pwe turn now to dan deroos with pthe latest on that. pdan. p>> dan: romona, very interesting pthis they're doing this. pi watched the key note speech ptoday. plet me sort of give you an pexample of what they're going to pdo here. phere is the new iphone that pthe 6 s. pcan you talk to siri and do all pof that. psee the size difference. pthis is the 4 inch screen. pthis is about 4.7 inches. pwhat they've done with this new piphone se is they've made this plittle phone as powerful as this pbig phone and they've cut the rice on it. pagain, they rolled it out in the pkey note speech today. pthis was really one of their pthey've got the tablet is sort pof new. pthey've got some new features pfor apple tv. pbut really the se at $399 is pwhat made the news. pit's got a 12 megapixel camera. pit really is the most -- and pthey're going to say it here in pa second, the most powerful 4 pinch phone ever. pthat's because they took all of ptheir new technology and they pfound a way to shove it into the pold iphone 5 case. pso pretty exciting. pthe sales of the new iphone will pgo on sale march 31st. reordering on the 24th. promona. p>> romona: all right. ptired of changing phones. p [ laughing ] p>> romona: i'm not going to. p still to come here at 4:00. p>> mark: a mother's lesson. pfud pfed up with her kids for not pbeing appreciative. pshe decides to bill her son. p we are live on board one of pthe trolleys. pwe're talking to riders about roposed fare hikes. pit's been an emotional p. p live from cleveland's news pcenter, driven by don joseph ptoyota in kent, this is pcleveland 19 news. p welcome back. prta started a series of public phearings today that could impact phow much you pay to ride. pdenise zarrella was there and ptells us what came out of ptoday's meeting. phi, denise. p>> denise: as you mentioned, ptoday was the first of 13 public pdiscussions about these proposed prate fare hikes. prta says they haven't raised ptheir rates since 2007. pin the meantime, they say their pstate funding has steadily gone pdown. p>> fix it. pfund it. pmake it fair. p>> denise: protestors gathered poutside the headquarters in pcleveland. pmany here say they can't afford pthe rate hikes that are being roposed. pmary works too jobs. p>> my savings and everything, it pcan't take no more than anything pbeing withdrawn. p>> denise: san ra works at the pairport. pa proposed route change would be pdangerous. p>> that would mean i could get phome 12:30, 1:00. pthat's a drastic change. pi live in a very -- it's a very p-- not a good neighborhood. pbut i have no choice. p>> denise: among the rate phikes, rta is proposing the pcurrent $2.25 fare would rise to p$2.50. panother fare that's $2.50 would prise to $2.75. psome may rise to $2.25 a ride to p$2.35 a ride. pcuts in state funding are making pthe rate hikes necessary. p>> our funding has been cut. pfor us to keep providing the pservice that the people want and pneed, we have to raise the rates pso we can better afford that. p>> denise: maple heights city pcouncilman says he'll have to ptake more to ride but the roblem isn't with rta. pit's state lawmakers. prta says they get only $0.63 per pneighboring states like ennsylvania provide an average ptransit. p>> i know it's going to be a phardship on some people with the pfare increases, but still i ptown. p>> denise: all right. roposals at the end of april. phikes, they'll go into effect. pyou'll start paying these new prates in august. pin the meantime, this trolley pwill remain free. pit's funded by public pbusinesses. precording live in cleveland, pdenise zarrella, cleveland 19. p>> mark: very good. plove the free trolley. pi was on there today. pi'll be on there later. p we know some of you were phash tag curious about this. pwe put a few questions and panswers if you wondered how long pit's been since rta last pincreased fares. pit's been 7 years. pwhat have they done to keep plast year they finished p$7 million under budget. pthey tied wage increases to prevenue and they've deployed 90 pcompressed natural gas buses pthat cut fuel costs by 50% over pconventional vehicles. p ohio officials have launched pan advertising campaign aimed at pattracting visitors to the state ptourist destinations. p>> what will you find here? p happiness feels like this p your heart upon your sleeve p live is just a dream p. p>> for life's most important pjourneys. p lucky you p lucky, lucky me p. p>> ohio. pfind it here. p>> romona: the campaign started ptoday and includes that 30 psecond tv spot that you just pdigital advertising featuring pthe new ohio. pyou can find the here brand. pthe television ad is expected to pair in the cincinnati, pcleveland, toledo and youngstown pmarket. pit will also run in detroit and ittsburgh. pjeff, i didn't see you in that pad? p>> jeff: no. pfind it here, though. pi'll be in the next one phopefully. p all right. plet's talk winter report card pnow that we're in spring. pboth meteor logically and by the pas you might expect, look at pthis, 43 ended up being the high pwhen you averaged out every psingle day. pdecember and then through pfebruary. pand the typical winter 37. pbut look at the snowfall. p25 inches at cleveland hopkins. pwe should be at 68 inches for a pseason. pand that ended up being the pfifth least snowiest winter that pwe have seen. pso there you go. pall right. pno big surprise. peveryone knew that we didn't get pand we missed just about every psingle big snowstorm that was pall around us throughout the pcourse of the winter. pokay. pwe have mixed sky out there. pa couple of snow showers that prolled through in the morning. pbut now it's a pattern change. pand we're going to be warming pthings up. plook at the temperature here in pdes moines, iowa. p60. pwe're at 42. pthat warmer air is going to pstart to move in by tomorrow. p36 tonight. pmostly cloudy and seasonable. pakron-canton some high and pmid-level clouds for you and 36 pdegrees. pcould see a little late day rain palong the lakeshore. pbut that will be it. pwe're up to 60 degrees tomorrow. pa little better opportunity for psome light rain on wednesday. p61. pand then we've got the front pcoming through on thursday. pso the best shot of rain will be pon thursday here. pbut i do have an alert on pand it's going to be windy as pthese temperature changes phappen. p60 on tuesday. pwednesday an alert. p61 for light rain. pbut the worst potential here, pthe worst risk of rain will be pon thursday. p63. prain and wind. pfront comes through. pfriday we drop 41. pand then it goes back up again pon saturday. psunny, 65. pright now easter sunday we're pforecasting rain. pbut that's still a ways away. pbut right now it does not look ptoo good there on easter sunday. pmark over to you. p>> mark: all right, jeff. pthank you very much. p now, this is a mom's presponse to her unappreciative pson is going viral. pshe gave a bill to her p23-year-old who is going to pschool and living at home. pshe totaled up her cost for psupporting her son since he pmoved back in 13 months ago. pthe total 39,254 sdlars. pand that's just a fraction of pthe ways she supported her son. pamong the more noteable pwell, a $1,000 fee for not pappreciating her support pfinancially or otherwise. papparently the stunt worked. pthe son apologized. p>> romona: i hope he also pays pher rent. pthe apology is great. p [ laughing ] p>> mark: i don't think so. p>> romona: help mom out. p>> mark: i would hope. pi would hope. p okay. pa singer's surprise. p>> romona: rihanna got quite a pshock while performing at a show p. p now it's time for the buzz psponsored by national carpet pmill outlet. p>> mark: and starting off ptoday's buzz, rihanna got the psurprise of her life from a fan pat a recent show. p>> romona: at the singer's tour pin cincinnati over the weekend, pshe stopped while performing the psong four five seconds to lean ptake a listen. p it's taking what we had p>> romona: listen to him. pthe fan belted out the lyrics as pyou can see he completely pcautery caught prihanna off guard. pshe thanked him for helping her pout. pyes. pi called her ri ri. p>> mark: you guys that tight? p>> romona: yeah. pi'm cool like that. por as cool in old slang. p [ laughing ] p all right. psay something, mark. p>> mark: am i supposed to? pi thought we were waiting on psome video. p>> america should be better than pthis. pand i believe it's our presponsibility as citizens to psay so. p. p welcome back. pthe home where a family of four pthe mather family of four was pfound inside their home on pjanuary 11th of this year. p rta started a series of ublic hearings running from ptoday through april 6th to get pinput on possible fare increases pand service cuts. pthe 2016 rta budget faces a p$7 million shortfall. p apple unveiled its new pgadget like a smaller phone. pmeanwhile, apple ceo tim cook pkicked off the product launch by pvowing to defend the privacy of pits technology. p and right now we're going to ptake a look at some live ictures. pyou see them there. resident obama is speaking in pcuba. phe has been there meeting with pthe president of cuba castro. pwe will have much more of the pspeech coming up. p>> mark: taking in a ball game pwhile he's there. p nearly all of the residential candidates spent ptime today making what is often pconsidered a must stop for those p>> romona: four of the five premaining candidates are address paddressing the israel political pgroup. pcraig boswell has the story from pwashington. p>> reporter: donald trump is pexpected to dive deeper into his pforeign policy plans during a pspeech to the american pconference better known as apak. p>> i want to speak to pgovernmental people in israel pand here. pi want to speak to various psenators and various people. p>> reporter: hillary clinton paddressed the crowd earlier pmonday morning and called out ptrump's campaign rhetoric. p>> america should be better than pthis. pand i believe it's our presponsibility as citizens to psay so. p. p[ applause ] p>> if you see big tree. poppose it. pif you see violence, condemn it. pif you see a bully, stand up to phim. p [ cheers and applause ] p>> reporter: trump's day in pwashington included a tour of phis new hotel here on ennsylvania avenue and a pmeeting with lawmakers on pcapitol hill. ath to a nomination and it only pmakes sense that you unify the arty and get people behind him. p>> reporter: the only residential candidate not to paddress apack is also the only pjewish candidate bernie sanders pchose instead to campaign out pwest. pcraig boswell, cbs news, pwashington. p>> mark: craig, thanks. pvoters head to the polls in parizona, idaho and utah tuesday. promona. p>> romona: all right, jeff. p a lot of people talking pabout the rain in the forecast. p>> jeff: yes. p>> romona: but they're really pinterested in twim n comets, i phear. pwe will be able to see them? p>> jeff: we have twin comets assing very close to earth. pwe're talking millions of miles paway. p>> romona: i was going to say. pwhen you say close. p>> jeff: it is the third pclosest passage of these comets. pnow, one came through this pmorning already. pthey are twin comets. pthe scientists believe that they pbroke apart and that's why pthey're known as the twin pcomets. pbut then the other one is going pto be passing through tomorrow pmorning. pso 10:00 to 10:30 in the morning pyou may be able to see it with pbinoculars the second one that asses through. pi have more details on this here pas we go to the graphics. retty cool stuff if you're into pthe astronomy thing. pbut don't worry, even though pit's the third closest fly by, pit's not going to hit us. pat least let's hope. psimilar in orbit. pmaybe related. pthat's why they're the twin pcomets. pso where can you see it? pnot from the naked hawaii igh powered pscope. pthe one tomorrow it's going to pbe brighter because it's going pto be 2.2 million miles away pfrom the earth. pthat will be interesting to see ptomorrow morning. pright around 40 akron-canton. pwest winds 16. pand we've got 40 degrees pdowntown cleveland. pchilly afternoon but let the pwarmup begin. pforecast temperatures, 40 at plater computer guidance psuggesting low to mid 30s here pover night. pwe'll have to see how fast the pclouds increase. pthat will determine how low we pget. ptomorrow you're going to notice pthe change as we will be papproaching 60. pthe best risk of rain thursday por the worst threat, however you pwant to look at it, and a wet peaster bunny it looks like this pyear. pso there is your alert. pwednesday this will be light prain. pless than a tenth of an inch. pwind gusts over 25. pwe have the cold front on pthursday. pi'll have more on that for you pand the seven day forecast pcoming up. phere is traffic. p first alert traffic on pcleveland 19 news is sponsored pby ford. p>> mark: and a peek outside pright now. p77 and 480 down in independence. pit seems to be moving along pokay. pjust got word there's a car in pthe berm 480 westbound just pbefore the bridge. pgoing to be issues at least pheaded that way. pkeep an eye on that if you have pany travel plans here today. pinvestigating a new type of pelectronic gear shift after preports of it actually causing pcrashes. pit's called an e shift. pit lacks the normal sensation of pmoving a lever and shifting into ark making it hard for people pto know what gear they're in. pso officials are looking into pmore than 850,000 vehicles. pmost are 2014 and 2015 jeep pgrand cherokees. p kids at r rated movies, not pif they're under 6 anymore. pnormally the rule for an r rated pmovie is that kids under 17 must pbe accompanied by a parent or padult guardian to watch a film. pnot under the new rules. pno child under 6 will be pallowed. p in preparation for the psummer swim season, cleveland pmetroparks is now hiring plifeguards. p>> p>> mark: so they're looking for eople willing to work holidays pand weekends from may through plabor day. popening positions include pinstructor and lifeguard psupervisor. p a local teen is heading to prio de jenairo this summer. p>> romona: he was greeted by pfamily and friends coming home pfrom america's olympic qualifier pin argentina. pthe 18-year-old says he's pexcited about the prospect of ossibly bringing cleveland a plong awaited championship. pthat would be awesome. p>> i'm ecstatic. pi mean, it hasn't been done -- a pmedal hasn't been done for the pmen since 2000 or 2004. pi'm happy and looking forward to pbringing one back. p>> romona: he is a cleveland pheights high school senior and a pmember of cleveland's boys and pgirls club. phe will be the youngest person pon the u.s. boxing team. p>> mark: high school senior. p>> romona: good luck to him. pwe'll be routing for you. pwe'll talk about that in tennis. p plus shump opens up about laying in the land. p they have a family fun day. pwhile it's still free, they have pmore hands on activity for kids. p. p welcome back. pamazon wants you to know if you pbought a kindle before 2012, you pthat's when they'll release all pof them before 2012 from the pinternet unless you updated your psoftware. pif your kindle is not pup-to-date, you will no longer pbe able to access the store. pthose who currently have kindles pconnected to wifi may not have pto worry. pkindles update automatically pwhile connected to wifi. p and happy birthday twitter. pthe social media site is sell pbrateding a decade today. pthe first tweet was sent on this pday back in 2006 by founder jack pdorsey. pthe platform's unique 140 pcharacter format has been pinviting users to express pthemselves ever since. p now for a quick timeout with promona and tony. p>> romona: all right. pwe're going to start talking pabout tennis. pand we're going to talk about psomeone who knows better what he psaid about female tennis layers. pi'm going to bring in my partner ptony zarrella. phe is live out at the q. ptony, tell us what this guy said pabout tennis players. p>> tony: yeah, ro, he single phandedly took us back to the p1950s. pthis is the head of the ro-tournament in california. pand raymond moore actually made pthese comments before serena pwilliams may be the greatest pfemale player of all time and pone of the greatest tennis layers male or female took the pcourt for the final. pso check out what the boss had pto say. p>> in my next life when i come pback i want to be someone in the pwta because they ride on the pcoat tails of the men. pthey're very, very lucky. pif i was a lady player, i'd go pdown every night on my knees and pthank god that roger federer was pborn because they've carried the psport. p>> tony: i don't know how he pcan say that. pwhen i think of tennis, i think pof cerina williams first before pthen. p>> romona: exactly. p>> tony: she is one of the most pdominant athletes. p>> tony: yes. pbizarre. p>> romona: tony, let's talk pabout shump. poh, we have a response from pcerina. p>> no one should be down on pwomen thinking like that. pwe shouldn't have to drop to our pknees at any point. p>> tony: so she fired right pback. pshe found out about this after pher match. pand she wasn't going to let it pknow go. pi don't think she should have. pthere's already calls that this pguy, who, by the way, just took pover as tournament director. pthat's going to be a short pstint. pthey want him to step down. p>> romona: okay. plet's talk about shumpert. pi'm so glad to hear he loves pcleveland because he's one of my pfavorites. p>> tony: yes. pso he puts the players now in pthis day and age they have their pown platforms to put out their pown messages. pand i loved the way he did this. pcheck this out. p>> it makes me happy to get here pto cleveland. pand cleveland as soon as i got pforget checking into the game pand everybody just giving me pthis standing ovation. eople was like, yoe, we know pnobody ain't coming in here to pget no 40 now. pthinking you can dance on the pcavaliers. pthey're righting. pi'm not letting nobody dance. p [ laughing ] p>> tony: ro, i love the pmessage. pthe follow up question was where pwere you saturday in miami. pbut that was not a good night. pbut they can bounce back tonight pagainst the nuggets. p>> romona: i was trying to pdecipher all of that. pget your 40. pokay. p>> tony: line them up. oints wise. phe's not going to let it happen. phe came here for defense. p>> romona: yes. phe loves being here. pthat's all that matters. pwe play the nuggets to nigh. pfrye is going to start. phe's been performing beyond pexpectations. p>> tony: yes. phe really turned it on on the pwest coast specifically against pthe clippers if you remember pthat game a week ago. pkevin love is feeling sick. robably won't play. pfrye will probably get to play. plast season the nuggets game in pand stunned the cavaliers. ploss of miami and going down the pstretch here with 13 games to go pcannot afford to keep having pthese type of nights. ptonight. pbut it has been done before. pso it's not like they need a preminder that denver can come in ptoes. p>> romona: and i think the ptroen tow ptoronto is one game back but pthey have a tough schedule. p>> tony: yes. pwhen they look at the east, even pthough the raptors are push will pthem, the raptors may not be the pscariest teem out there in terms pof getting back to the finals. pwe can talk about that at 6:00. pi will tell you this morning pcoach lue says rest at this oint is more important than the pnumber one seed. pyes, they want it. pbut they have to rest guys pcoming down the stretch here. p>> romona: i don't know what phe's talking about. pwe disagree on that. p>> tony: hold on. pcoach, come here. p>> romona: don't you dare, ptony. pthank you. p [ laughing ] p. p>> anchor: on the spot there. p>> mark: yes. pinteresting. p>> romona: get me in trouble pover there. ptrouble. p>> anchor: i missed you guys. p>> romona: we missed you. p>> anchor: i was on jury duty. p>> romona: and you survived. p>> mark: doing your civic duty. p>> anchor: it was a wonderful pexperience, but i'm glad to be pback. p we have a lot coming up at p5:00. pwe're following president pobama's trip to havana. pwe're going to hear from local pcubans what it means for the pfuture. p plus the rnc and late niek palcohol. pthis is the last day bars can papply for a permit to stay open puntil 4:00 a.m. but some people pnot too happy if that were to phappen. p and the feds issue a car phacking alert. psee if your ride is vulnerable pand what you need to do to stay psafe. p plus a visit to see a pshopping mall easter bunny pturned into a brawl. pyou're going to want to see it pand we're going to tell you what pset off the chaos. pthat's at 5:00. p>> romona: pretty awful. p>> breaking news and weather p24/7. download the cleveland 19 pnews app sponsored by kisling, pnestico and redick. hurt in a p. p all right. pwelcome back. plisten, you don't know what to pwear during this changing pweather. pwe certainly have you covered on pwhat to drink. pscar bucks introducing a new platte that tastes great hot or pcold. pa signature caramel honey sauce pis slow cooked on top of steam pmilk. pthe drink goes on sale tomorrow. penjoy. p the people have spoke at phuntington beach was number 7 pout of 10 fresh water beach pwinners of 2016. pusa today let the folks have the poption to cast a vote in that pcategory for the 10 best readers pchoice travel awards. phow about that? p>> jeff: i like that. p>> mark: head out on to phuntington. p>> jeff: i've been there. pthrow on the speedo and have it. p [ laughing ] p>> jeff: visualization is going pon right now. p>> mark: that's right. phe's creating a picture for you. p>> jeff: including at home. p all right. pfeazel roof cam. p [ laughing ] p>> jeff: yes. pmore of a mostly cloudy sky it plooks like now. pwe'll be dry tonight. pand then let the warmup begin ptomorrow. phere is the seven day. pso today's high low 40s. ptomorrow how about 60 degrees pout there. pwindy and a mixed sky. pwednesday some light rain. p61. pand the best risk of rain will pbe thursday here. prain and wind. pcold front coming through. p63. pso thursday could be a nasty pday. pbig drop in temperature on pfriday. p41. pand then up we go again on psaturday looking fantastic. psunny, 65. pright now i do have an alert on psunday. peaster sunday there for rain. pso we'll keep an eye on that. p. p it's i'm for a little puseless trivia with me, mark pnolan. promona, happy monday. p>> romona: happy monday to you. p>> mark: i have some useless ptrivia for you here. p>> romona: okay. p>> mark: 5% of people admit to pdoing this on their smart phone pwhile they drive. p>> romona: test xting is higher to pwatch a movie. p>> mark: no. laying games while they're pdriving. pcandy crush. p. p today if you're looking pahead to spring break options pthat won't break the bank, pnicole has you covered with some pfamily friendly and cheap ideas. p>> reporter: rachel says try pout the federal reserve bank on peast 6th. pit's free and kids can learn pmoney doesn't grow on trees. p>> they have a museum there that pis geared for kids. pthere's interactive exhibits and phands on activities that the pkids can do. p>> reporter: local libraries pare also gearing up for spring pbreak with extra activities. pthe cleveland museum of art is panother zero cost option. lus. p>> every second sunday of the pso while still free, they have pmore hands on activities just pfor kids. p>> reporter: one of rachel's pfavorites is the geocashing app. pyou can download it on your hone and then look for spots pand clues. pbasically a mobile scavenger phunt. p>> you can go look for easy ones pfor kids. por you can look for harder ones. pif you want to go on a date pnight. p>> reporter: and while water ark overnights are pricey this ptime of year, rachel gives a pbetter option. p>> find a local hotel that has a preally great pool and a free pbreakfast, and you can surprise pyour kids with a staycation. p>> reporter: cleveland 19. p>> romona: the metroparks are panother great option for family pfocused events. p well, how much cash would pyou need to rationalize a lie? pa thousand bucks or just 10? phundreds of americans 18 and polder said it would take just a pfew bucks. pon financial education site nerd pwallet. p>> mark: 33% of people found it pfine to use another person's ponline account to watch movies, plisten to music or access other pinformation which means saving p55 to 120 bucks a year. pspending time in jail didn't psway people either. p24% of people are okay with plying about under the table pincome to the irs. pmen more likely in the survey pthan women to consider financial pdishonesty acceptable. p>> romona: of course. pwomen do not steal netflix or pcable. p>> mark: no, no, no. p [ laughing ] p>> mark: good for you. p what alleviating stress in pthe or can mean for patients. live from cleveland's newscenter this is cleveland 19 dougherty kia of streetsboro. kia, what's in your driveway. cleveland 19 news starts now. >> dan: we begin today with the browns. it is time to make some big decisions. is quarterback colin kaepernick right for the browns and what's the future for josh gordon. the first snap isn't months away and browns fans are looking for answers now. >> denise: that's right. the nfl is clarifying the decision on josh gordon's reinstatement. >> tony zarrella is live at the q to sort it out. >> the owners in boca raton to sort it all out and josh gordon and colin kaepernick and who wants to trade the left tackle and josh gordon, news broke that he applied for yes instatement on june 20th. under the 60 day rule, that's how much the nfl has to make a

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Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 4PM 20160321 :

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 4PM 20160321

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pon friday their intentions to preduce their staff by more than p50. pmost of them classroom teachers. pit's a move that some are pcalling excessive. pmany cleveland heights puniversity heights teachers will plikely be spending their pupcoming spring break looking pfor jobs. the dits strict alerted p52 people their jobs would be peliminated. p>> we were trying to have them pspread this layoff over a couple pof years if it was necessary so pit wasn't as damaging. p>> jen: the district says penrollment has declined by 900 pstudents and expects that trend pto continue with the enrollment rojected it decline in the next pten years. p>> we need to align our staffing pto the student population. p>> jen: among those getting priffed, administrators, pteachers, certified and pof the district staff. punion president says special peducation will be hurt because pof the cuts. p>> if you look at the number of pspecial ed teachers we're plosing, it seems like a lot of pspecial ed teachers because they pdon't have a maximum load. pbut special ed is one of the few pareas that we really shine in in pcleveland heights because, first pof all, we have a large opulation of special ed pstudents. p>> the only impact it would have pis the special ed teacher's pcaseload would be larger, but it pwould still be under state pminimum. p>> jen: this will ensure pbalanced class sizes which will pjump from 14 to 22 students, pstill below state average. pthe decision is expected to save pthe district an estimated p$3.5 million. pnow, this decision is not yet pfinal. pthe board of education will take pthis up at their april 5th pmeeting. pand, of course, the union is phoping that they will ask padministrators here to preconsider some if not all of promona and mark. p>> romona: jen, what about the pconstruction that's going on pthere? phow is there money for that but pno money for the teachers? p>> jen: well, right. pthose are a different dollar i'm ptold. pback in 2013, the community assed a capital improvements pbond. pthat is covering the pconstruction for the high pschool. pthat's why the students are here pat the temporary high school pright now in university heights pand then the middle school pstudents will move here after pthat to cover that. pthat is separate from the poperational dollars. p>> mark: . pall right. pjen picciano live. ponce again thank you very much. p whack back to a story we mentioned pin the beginning of the pnewscast. pa family home was demolished. pa fire and explosion happened. pdani carlson was at the pdemolition and has the latest. p>> dani: well, mark, where pwe're standing right now across pthe street from the mather home pis actually a school bus stop, pand that's just an example of pone of the reasons why people in pthe home is coming down. pbut many do wish that it had pyielded more answers. pthe home took years for the pmather family to build. pit took only 17 minutes for it pto come crashing down. p>> it's going to take some time. pbut this is a good start for it pto have this reminder gone. p>> reporter: the home was an pinvoluntary memorial to the ptragedy that happened here. pa difficult one for this pcommunity. pa fire and explosion with the pbodies of the four members of pthe mather family found inside. psince that january night, the pmedical examiner has determined pthat 43-year-old jeff mather pkilled himself and then set the phouse on fire. ptheir two little girls, 8 year pold ruthy and allison were pmurdered, suffocated to death. pand 43-year-old cindy mather pdied from a prozac overdose but pthey couldn't determine if she pcommitted suicide or if she was pmurdered. pthey also can't say which parent pand it's those questions that premain why one neighbor told us poff camera today that she's pactually sad to see the home ptorn down because with it likely pgoes any chance that anyone will pknow what exactly happened here pthat freezing january night. p>> we're happy that this grim preminder of this great tragedy pis finally going to come to an pend. pnow they can start healing a lot peasier without having to see pthis every single day. p>> dani: now, we are told that phuntington bank actually still powns this property and paid for ptoday's demolition. pwe're also told there are no pfinal plans as to what will phappen to this property. plive in northville center ptownship, dani carlson, pcleveland 19. p president obama and cuban resident met in ha van vana today. pthey will also appear together pat a state dinner this evening. pchris martinez is there with the platest. p>> this is a new day. pand cuban president castro paddressed borders after their pfirst summit meeting. pboth men said while the road pwill not be easy, it is possible pfor both countries to work ptogether. pfor castro, that means an end to pthe u.s. trade embargo. p>> it stands as the most pimportant obstacle to our peconomic development and the pwell-being of the cuban people. p>> reporter: president obama psaid havana must do its share as pwell. p>> i discussed with president pcastro the steps we and cuba are pto take to show it's ready to do pmore business, which includes pallowing more foreign ventures. p>> reporter: the two promised ptoo continue their dialogue in pthe months to come. pthe on and off rain here in phavana is forcing some changes pin tomorrow's baseball game. pit's also a reminder that all pcubans are giving the president pon sunday, more than 50 people pwere arrested during a protest pby the group known as the ladies pin white. pbut overwhelmingly cubans who pspoke to us saw it as a reason pto celebrate. p>> we need to be in relations pwith north america, the united pstates and cuban people. p>> reporter: a plan that will pget right off the bat tomorrow. pchris martinez, cbs news, phavana, cuba. p>> romona: now, coming up at p5:00, we talked to a local cuban partist to see how he feels about pthe historic visit. p okay. phere we go. pchilly start to the work week. pbut that will be changing. plet's look at the headlines pright now. pwe have partly cloudy sky, it plooks like, downtown cleveland. pthere you see some clouds off in pthe distance there east. pwe did have lake-effect clouds paround and even a couple of snow pshowers out there. pwe are warming up. the best prisk of rain will be on pthursday. psmaller chance tomorrow and pwednesday. pand right now it does look like pa wet easter sunday around here. pthese temperatures are chilly. p42 in cleveland. pthat is the high for today. pakron cloudy. p42. pmansfield checking in at 45. pcleveland 19 weather app right phere, you get the hourlies and pit looks like we'll be dropping pinto the mid 30s generally i'm pcalling for a mostly cloudy sky. pbut it will be dry out there. plike i said, mid 30s. pthe wind will be light. pmore on the warmup coming up phere. pbut also let me show you this on pthe cleveland 19 weather app. pi just showed you the hourlies. pyou get current conditions. pand 10 day forecast right there pwhere you can click on the pspecific day and get the details pthat will carry you right pthrough the weekend and beyond. pforecast details coming up at p nitrogen gas explosion may pbe to blame in the death of a psteel plant worker. pcreston police officer kenny ray pjunior worked at the plant as a pfire technician. phe was inspecting fire pextinguishers when he died. posha believed the 32-year-old pdied of nitrogen exposure. preadings by the company and fire pdepartment only detected 4% poxygen in the area where he was pfound. p and a former auditor dropped phis lawsuit against metrohealth pand even apologized. psimpson hugins iii claimed the phospital ceo took personal trips poverseas paid for by taxpayers pand that some employees got free pbotox injections. pwell, hugins wrote a letter psaying i sincerely apologize to pthe metrohealth system and the pdoctor, the ceo of metrohealth, pfor bringing the lawsuit against pthe hospital. pthe allegations of wrongdoing by pare untrue and inaccurate. pfollowing the apology, pmetrohealth agreed not to pursue pdefamation claims. p firefighters battled a condo pfire late this morning. pno word on how the blaze pstarted. pone firefighter hurt his ankle pwhile fighting the flames. pat least one unit suffered heavy pdamage. pthree others have smoke damage ptoo. p and we've been telling you pthat bars and restaurants will pbe allowed to serve liquor until p4:00 a.m. during the republican pnational convention. pwell, today is the deadline for pbusinesses to apply for the p"major event waiver". pnow, the waiver will be good for pbusinesses in cuyahoga and psurrounding counties. pthis is not automatic. pthey'll have to submit requests pby mail or e-mail to cleveland pcity hall. pagain, today the deadline. pharry boomer talked to bar and prestaurant owners to see if they phe'll give us an update at 5:00. p well, the battle between pandrea mccarren papple and the fbi continues. pthey want apple to hack into the pcell phones of one of the psuspects in the san bernardino pshootings. papple says it puts all apple pusers at risk. a federal judge pwill hear the arguments and make pa ruling. p just a day before the pfaceoff, apple ceo tim cook popened the company's first roduct launch of the year today pwith a promise to protect users' rivacy and data. papple introduced a smaller piphone that packs some of the pnewer technology used in the platest generation of iphones. pdubbed the iphone se. pwe turn now to dan deroos with pthe latest on that. pdan. p>> dan: romona, very interesting pthis they're doing this. pi watched the key note speech ptoday. plet me sort of give you an pexample of what they're going to pdo here. phere is the new iphone that pthe 6 s. pcan you talk to siri and do all pof that. psee the size difference. pthis is the 4 inch screen. pthis is about 4.7 inches. pwhat they've done with this new piphone se is they've made this plittle phone as powerful as this pbig phone and they've cut the rice on it. pagain, they rolled it out in the pkey note speech today. pthis was really one of their pthey've got the tablet is sort pof new. pthey've got some new features pfor apple tv. pbut really the se at $399 is pwhat made the news. pit's got a 12 megapixel camera. pit really is the most -- and pthey're going to say it here in pa second, the most powerful 4 pinch phone ever. pthat's because they took all of ptheir new technology and they pfound a way to shove it into the pold iphone 5 case. pso pretty exciting. pthe sales of the new iphone will pgo on sale march 31st. reordering on the 24th. promona. p>> romona: all right. ptired of changing phones. p [ laughing ] p>> romona: i'm not going to. p still to come here at 4:00. p>> mark: a mother's lesson. pfud pfed up with her kids for not pbeing appreciative. pshe decides to bill her son. p we are live on board one of pthe trolleys. pwe're talking to riders about roposed fare hikes. pit's been an emotional p. p live from cleveland's news pcenter, driven by don joseph ptoyota in kent, this is pcleveland 19 news. p welcome back. prta started a series of public phearings today that could impact phow much you pay to ride. pdenise zarrella was there and ptells us what came out of ptoday's meeting. phi, denise. p>> denise: as you mentioned, ptoday was the first of 13 public pdiscussions about these proposed prate fare hikes. prta says they haven't raised ptheir rates since 2007. pin the meantime, they say their pstate funding has steadily gone pdown. p>> fix it. pfund it. pmake it fair. p>> denise: protestors gathered poutside the headquarters in pcleveland. pmany here say they can't afford pthe rate hikes that are being roposed. pmary works too jobs. p>> my savings and everything, it pcan't take no more than anything pbeing withdrawn. p>> denise: san ra works at the pairport. pa proposed route change would be pdangerous. p>> that would mean i could get phome 12:30, 1:00. pthat's a drastic change. pi live in a very -- it's a very p-- not a good neighborhood. pbut i have no choice. p>> denise: among the rate phikes, rta is proposing the pcurrent $2.25 fare would rise to p$2.50. panother fare that's $2.50 would prise to $2.75. psome may rise to $2.25 a ride to p$2.35 a ride. pcuts in state funding are making pthe rate hikes necessary. p>> our funding has been cut. pfor us to keep providing the pservice that the people want and pneed, we have to raise the rates pso we can better afford that. p>> denise: maple heights city pcouncilman says he'll have to ptake more to ride but the roblem isn't with rta. pit's state lawmakers. prta says they get only $0.63 per pneighboring states like ennsylvania provide an average ptransit. p>> i know it's going to be a phardship on some people with the pfare increases, but still i ptown. p>> denise: all right. roposals at the end of april. phikes, they'll go into effect. pyou'll start paying these new prates in august. pin the meantime, this trolley pwill remain free. pit's funded by public pbusinesses. precording live in cleveland, pdenise zarrella, cleveland 19. p>> mark: very good. plove the free trolley. pi was on there today. pi'll be on there later. p we know some of you were phash tag curious about this. pwe put a few questions and panswers if you wondered how long pit's been since rta last pincreased fares. pit's been 7 years. pwhat have they done to keep plast year they finished p$7 million under budget. pthey tied wage increases to prevenue and they've deployed 90 pcompressed natural gas buses pthat cut fuel costs by 50% over pconventional vehicles. p ohio officials have launched pan advertising campaign aimed at pattracting visitors to the state ptourist destinations. p>> what will you find here? p happiness feels like this p your heart upon your sleeve p live is just a dream p. p>> for life's most important pjourneys. p lucky you p lucky, lucky me p. p>> ohio. pfind it here. p>> romona: the campaign started ptoday and includes that 30 psecond tv spot that you just pdigital advertising featuring pthe new ohio. pyou can find the here brand. pthe television ad is expected to pair in the cincinnati, pcleveland, toledo and youngstown pmarket. pit will also run in detroit and ittsburgh. pjeff, i didn't see you in that pad? p>> jeff: no. pfind it here, though. pi'll be in the next one phopefully. p all right. plet's talk winter report card pnow that we're in spring. pboth meteor logically and by the pas you might expect, look at pthis, 43 ended up being the high pwhen you averaged out every psingle day. pdecember and then through pfebruary. pand the typical winter 37. pbut look at the snowfall. p25 inches at cleveland hopkins. pwe should be at 68 inches for a pseason. pand that ended up being the pfifth least snowiest winter that pwe have seen. pso there you go. pall right. pno big surprise. peveryone knew that we didn't get pand we missed just about every psingle big snowstorm that was pall around us throughout the pcourse of the winter. pokay. pwe have mixed sky out there. pa couple of snow showers that prolled through in the morning. pbut now it's a pattern change. pand we're going to be warming pthings up. plook at the temperature here in pdes moines, iowa. p60. pwe're at 42. pthat warmer air is going to pstart to move in by tomorrow. p36 tonight. pmostly cloudy and seasonable. pakron-canton some high and pmid-level clouds for you and 36 pdegrees. pcould see a little late day rain palong the lakeshore. pbut that will be it. pwe're up to 60 degrees tomorrow. pa little better opportunity for psome light rain on wednesday. p61. pand then we've got the front pcoming through on thursday. pso the best shot of rain will be pon thursday here. pbut i do have an alert on pand it's going to be windy as pthese temperature changes phappen. p60 on tuesday. pwednesday an alert. p61 for light rain. pbut the worst potential here, pthe worst risk of rain will be pon thursday. p63. prain and wind. pfront comes through. pfriday we drop 41. pand then it goes back up again pon saturday. psunny, 65. pright now easter sunday we're pforecasting rain. pbut that's still a ways away. pbut right now it does not look ptoo good there on easter sunday. pmark over to you. p>> mark: all right, jeff. pthank you very much. p now, this is a mom's presponse to her unappreciative pson is going viral. pshe gave a bill to her p23-year-old who is going to pschool and living at home. pshe totaled up her cost for psupporting her son since he pmoved back in 13 months ago. pthe total 39,254 sdlars. pand that's just a fraction of pthe ways she supported her son. pamong the more noteable pwell, a $1,000 fee for not pappreciating her support pfinancially or otherwise. papparently the stunt worked. pthe son apologized. p>> romona: i hope he also pays pher rent. pthe apology is great. p [ laughing ] p>> mark: i don't think so. p>> romona: help mom out. p>> mark: i would hope. pi would hope. p okay. pa singer's surprise. p>> romona: rihanna got quite a pshock while performing at a show p. p now it's time for the buzz psponsored by national carpet pmill outlet. p>> mark: and starting off ptoday's buzz, rihanna got the psurprise of her life from a fan pat a recent show. p>> romona: at the singer's tour pin cincinnati over the weekend, pshe stopped while performing the psong four five seconds to lean ptake a listen. p it's taking what we had p>> romona: listen to him. pthe fan belted out the lyrics as pyou can see he completely pcautery caught prihanna off guard. pshe thanked him for helping her pout. pyes. pi called her ri ri. p>> mark: you guys that tight? p>> romona: yeah. pi'm cool like that. por as cool in old slang. p [ laughing ] p all right. psay something, mark. p>> mark: am i supposed to? pi thought we were waiting on psome video. p>> america should be better than pthis. pand i believe it's our presponsibility as citizens to psay so. p. p welcome back. pthe home where a family of four pthe mather family of four was pfound inside their home on pjanuary 11th of this year. p rta started a series of ublic hearings running from ptoday through april 6th to get pinput on possible fare increases pand service cuts. pthe 2016 rta budget faces a p$7 million shortfall. p apple unveiled its new pgadget like a smaller phone. pmeanwhile, apple ceo tim cook pkicked off the product launch by pvowing to defend the privacy of pits technology. p and right now we're going to ptake a look at some live ictures. pyou see them there. resident obama is speaking in pcuba. phe has been there meeting with pthe president of cuba castro. pwe will have much more of the pspeech coming up. p>> mark: taking in a ball game pwhile he's there. p nearly all of the residential candidates spent ptime today making what is often pconsidered a must stop for those p>> romona: four of the five premaining candidates are address paddressing the israel political pgroup. pcraig boswell has the story from pwashington. p>> reporter: donald trump is pexpected to dive deeper into his pforeign policy plans during a pspeech to the american pconference better known as apak. p>> i want to speak to pgovernmental people in israel pand here. pi want to speak to various psenators and various people. p>> reporter: hillary clinton paddressed the crowd earlier pmonday morning and called out ptrump's campaign rhetoric. p>> america should be better than pthis. pand i believe it's our presponsibility as citizens to psay so. p. p[ applause ] p>> if you see big tree. poppose it. pif you see violence, condemn it. pif you see a bully, stand up to phim. p [ cheers and applause ] p>> reporter: trump's day in pwashington included a tour of phis new hotel here on ennsylvania avenue and a pmeeting with lawmakers on pcapitol hill. ath to a nomination and it only pmakes sense that you unify the arty and get people behind him. p>> reporter: the only residential candidate not to paddress apack is also the only pjewish candidate bernie sanders pchose instead to campaign out pwest. pcraig boswell, cbs news, pwashington. p>> mark: craig, thanks. pvoters head to the polls in parizona, idaho and utah tuesday. promona. p>> romona: all right, jeff. p a lot of people talking pabout the rain in the forecast. p>> jeff: yes. p>> romona: but they're really pinterested in twim n comets, i phear. pwe will be able to see them? p>> jeff: we have twin comets assing very close to earth. pwe're talking millions of miles paway. p>> romona: i was going to say. pwhen you say close. p>> jeff: it is the third pclosest passage of these comets. pnow, one came through this pmorning already. pthey are twin comets. pthe scientists believe that they pbroke apart and that's why pthey're known as the twin pcomets. pbut then the other one is going pto be passing through tomorrow pmorning. pso 10:00 to 10:30 in the morning pyou may be able to see it with pbinoculars the second one that asses through. pi have more details on this here pas we go to the graphics. retty cool stuff if you're into pthe astronomy thing. pbut don't worry, even though pit's the third closest fly by, pit's not going to hit us. pat least let's hope. psimilar in orbit. pmaybe related. pthat's why they're the twin pcomets. pso where can you see it? pnot from the naked hawaii igh powered pscope. pthe one tomorrow it's going to pbe brighter because it's going pto be 2.2 million miles away pfrom the earth. pthat will be interesting to see ptomorrow morning. pright around 40 akron-canton. pwest winds 16. pand we've got 40 degrees pdowntown cleveland. pchilly afternoon but let the pwarmup begin. pforecast temperatures, 40 at plater computer guidance psuggesting low to mid 30s here pover night. pwe'll have to see how fast the pclouds increase. pthat will determine how low we pget. ptomorrow you're going to notice pthe change as we will be papproaching 60. pthe best risk of rain thursday por the worst threat, however you pwant to look at it, and a wet peaster bunny it looks like this pyear. pso there is your alert. pwednesday this will be light prain. pless than a tenth of an inch. pwind gusts over 25. pwe have the cold front on pthursday. pi'll have more on that for you pand the seven day forecast pcoming up. phere is traffic. p first alert traffic on pcleveland 19 news is sponsored pby ford. p>> mark: and a peek outside pright now. p77 and 480 down in independence. pit seems to be moving along pokay. pjust got word there's a car in pthe berm 480 westbound just pbefore the bridge. pgoing to be issues at least pheaded that way. pkeep an eye on that if you have pany travel plans here today. pinvestigating a new type of pelectronic gear shift after preports of it actually causing pcrashes. pit's called an e shift. pit lacks the normal sensation of pmoving a lever and shifting into ark making it hard for people pto know what gear they're in. pso officials are looking into pmore than 850,000 vehicles. pmost are 2014 and 2015 jeep pgrand cherokees. p kids at r rated movies, not pif they're under 6 anymore. pnormally the rule for an r rated pmovie is that kids under 17 must pbe accompanied by a parent or padult guardian to watch a film. pnot under the new rules. pno child under 6 will be pallowed. p in preparation for the psummer swim season, cleveland pmetroparks is now hiring plifeguards. p>> p>> mark: so they're looking for eople willing to work holidays pand weekends from may through plabor day. popening positions include pinstructor and lifeguard psupervisor. p a local teen is heading to prio de jenairo this summer. p>> romona: he was greeted by pfamily and friends coming home pfrom america's olympic qualifier pin argentina. pthe 18-year-old says he's pexcited about the prospect of ossibly bringing cleveland a plong awaited championship. pthat would be awesome. p>> i'm ecstatic. pi mean, it hasn't been done -- a pmedal hasn't been done for the pmen since 2000 or 2004. pi'm happy and looking forward to pbringing one back. p>> romona: he is a cleveland pheights high school senior and a pmember of cleveland's boys and pgirls club. phe will be the youngest person pon the u.s. boxing team. p>> mark: high school senior. p>> romona: good luck to him. pwe'll be routing for you. pwe'll talk about that in tennis. p plus shump opens up about laying in the land. p they have a family fun day. pwhile it's still free, they have pmore hands on activity for kids. p. p welcome back. pamazon wants you to know if you pbought a kindle before 2012, you pthat's when they'll release all pof them before 2012 from the pinternet unless you updated your psoftware. pif your kindle is not pup-to-date, you will no longer pbe able to access the store. pthose who currently have kindles pconnected to wifi may not have pto worry. pkindles update automatically pwhile connected to wifi. p and happy birthday twitter. pthe social media site is sell pbrateding a decade today. pthe first tweet was sent on this pday back in 2006 by founder jack pdorsey. pthe platform's unique 140 pcharacter format has been pinviting users to express pthemselves ever since. p now for a quick timeout with promona and tony. p>> romona: all right. pwe're going to start talking pabout tennis. pand we're going to talk about psomeone who knows better what he psaid about female tennis layers. pi'm going to bring in my partner ptony zarrella. phe is live out at the q. ptony, tell us what this guy said pabout tennis players. p>> tony: yeah, ro, he single phandedly took us back to the p1950s. pthis is the head of the ro-tournament in california. pand raymond moore actually made pthese comments before serena pwilliams may be the greatest pfemale player of all time and pone of the greatest tennis layers male or female took the pcourt for the final. pso check out what the boss had pto say. p>> in my next life when i come pback i want to be someone in the pwta because they ride on the pcoat tails of the men. pthey're very, very lucky. pif i was a lady player, i'd go pdown every night on my knees and pthank god that roger federer was pborn because they've carried the psport. p>> tony: i don't know how he pcan say that. pwhen i think of tennis, i think pof cerina williams first before pthen. p>> romona: exactly. p>> tony: she is one of the most pdominant athletes. p>> tony: yes. pbizarre. p>> romona: tony, let's talk pabout shump. poh, we have a response from pcerina. p>> no one should be down on pwomen thinking like that. pwe shouldn't have to drop to our pknees at any point. p>> tony: so she fired right pback. pshe found out about this after pher match. pand she wasn't going to let it pknow go. pi don't think she should have. pthere's already calls that this pguy, who, by the way, just took pover as tournament director. pthat's going to be a short pstint. pthey want him to step down. p>> romona: okay. plet's talk about shumpert. pi'm so glad to hear he loves pcleveland because he's one of my pfavorites. p>> tony: yes. pso he puts the players now in pthis day and age they have their pown platforms to put out their pown messages. pand i loved the way he did this. pcheck this out. p>> it makes me happy to get here pto cleveland. pand cleveland as soon as i got pforget checking into the game pand everybody just giving me pthis standing ovation. eople was like, yoe, we know pnobody ain't coming in here to pget no 40 now. pthinking you can dance on the pcavaliers. pthey're righting. pi'm not letting nobody dance. p [ laughing ] p>> tony: ro, i love the pmessage. pthe follow up question was where pwere you saturday in miami. pbut that was not a good night. pbut they can bounce back tonight pagainst the nuggets. p>> romona: i was trying to pdecipher all of that. pget your 40. pokay. p>> tony: line them up. oints wise. phe's not going to let it happen. phe came here for defense. p>> romona: yes. phe loves being here. pthat's all that matters. pwe play the nuggets to nigh. pfrye is going to start. phe's been performing beyond pexpectations. p>> tony: yes. phe really turned it on on the pwest coast specifically against pthe clippers if you remember pthat game a week ago. pkevin love is feeling sick. robably won't play. pfrye will probably get to play. plast season the nuggets game in pand stunned the cavaliers. ploss of miami and going down the pstretch here with 13 games to go pcannot afford to keep having pthese type of nights. ptonight. pbut it has been done before. pso it's not like they need a preminder that denver can come in ptoes. p>> romona: and i think the ptroen tow ptoronto is one game back but pthey have a tough schedule. p>> tony: yes. pwhen they look at the east, even pthough the raptors are push will pthem, the raptors may not be the pscariest teem out there in terms pof getting back to the finals. pwe can talk about that at 6:00. pi will tell you this morning pcoach lue says rest at this oint is more important than the pnumber one seed. pyes, they want it. pbut they have to rest guys pcoming down the stretch here. p>> romona: i don't know what phe's talking about. pwe disagree on that. p>> tony: hold on. pcoach, come here. p>> romona: don't you dare, ptony. pthank you. p [ laughing ] p. p>> anchor: on the spot there. p>> mark: yes. pinteresting. p>> romona: get me in trouble pover there. ptrouble. p>> anchor: i missed you guys. p>> romona: we missed you. p>> anchor: i was on jury duty. p>> romona: and you survived. p>> mark: doing your civic duty. p>> anchor: it was a wonderful pexperience, but i'm glad to be pback. p we have a lot coming up at p5:00. pwe're following president pobama's trip to havana. pwe're going to hear from local pcubans what it means for the pfuture. p plus the rnc and late niek palcohol. pthis is the last day bars can papply for a permit to stay open puntil 4:00 a.m. but some people pnot too happy if that were to phappen. p and the feds issue a car phacking alert. psee if your ride is vulnerable pand what you need to do to stay psafe. p plus a visit to see a pshopping mall easter bunny pturned into a brawl. pyou're going to want to see it pand we're going to tell you what pset off the chaos. pthat's at 5:00. p>> romona: pretty awful. p>> breaking news and weather p24/7. download the cleveland 19 pnews app sponsored by kisling, pnestico and redick. hurt in a p. p all right. pwelcome back. plisten, you don't know what to pwear during this changing pweather. pwe certainly have you covered on pwhat to drink. pscar bucks introducing a new platte that tastes great hot or pcold. pa signature caramel honey sauce pis slow cooked on top of steam pmilk. pthe drink goes on sale tomorrow. penjoy. p the people have spoke at phuntington beach was number 7 pout of 10 fresh water beach pwinners of 2016. pusa today let the folks have the poption to cast a vote in that pcategory for the 10 best readers pchoice travel awards. phow about that? p>> jeff: i like that. p>> mark: head out on to phuntington. p>> jeff: i've been there. pthrow on the speedo and have it. p [ laughing ] p>> jeff: visualization is going pon right now. p>> mark: that's right. phe's creating a picture for you. p>> jeff: including at home. p all right. pfeazel roof cam. p [ laughing ] p>> jeff: yes. pmore of a mostly cloudy sky it plooks like now. pwe'll be dry tonight. pand then let the warmup begin ptomorrow. phere is the seven day. pso today's high low 40s. ptomorrow how about 60 degrees pout there. pwindy and a mixed sky. pwednesday some light rain. p61. pand the best risk of rain will pbe thursday here. prain and wind. pcold front coming through. p63. pso thursday could be a nasty pday. pbig drop in temperature on pfriday. p41. pand then up we go again on psaturday looking fantastic. psunny, 65. pright now i do have an alert on psunday. peaster sunday there for rain. pso we'll keep an eye on that. p. p it's i'm for a little puseless trivia with me, mark pnolan. promona, happy monday. p>> romona: happy monday to you. p>> mark: i have some useless ptrivia for you here. p>> romona: okay. p>> mark: 5% of people admit to pdoing this on their smart phone pwhile they drive. p>> romona: test xting is higher to pwatch a movie. p>> mark: no. laying games while they're pdriving. pcandy crush. p. p today if you're looking pahead to spring break options pthat won't break the bank, pnicole has you covered with some pfamily friendly and cheap ideas. p>> reporter: rachel says try pout the federal reserve bank on peast 6th. pit's free and kids can learn pmoney doesn't grow on trees. p>> they have a museum there that pis geared for kids. pthere's interactive exhibits and phands on activities that the pkids can do. p>> reporter: local libraries pare also gearing up for spring pbreak with extra activities. pthe cleveland museum of art is panother zero cost option. lus. p>> every second sunday of the pso while still free, they have pmore hands on activities just pfor kids. p>> reporter: one of rachel's pfavorites is the geocashing app. pyou can download it on your hone and then look for spots pand clues. pbasically a mobile scavenger phunt. p>> you can go look for easy ones pfor kids. por you can look for harder ones. pif you want to go on a date pnight. p>> reporter: and while water ark overnights are pricey this ptime of year, rachel gives a pbetter option. p>> find a local hotel that has a preally great pool and a free pbreakfast, and you can surprise pyour kids with a staycation. p>> reporter: cleveland 19. p>> romona: the metroparks are panother great option for family pfocused events. p well, how much cash would pyou need to rationalize a lie? pa thousand bucks or just 10? phundreds of americans 18 and polder said it would take just a pfew bucks. pon financial education site nerd pwallet. p>> mark: 33% of people found it pfine to use another person's ponline account to watch movies, plisten to music or access other pinformation which means saving p55 to 120 bucks a year. pspending time in jail didn't psway people either. p24% of people are okay with plying about under the table pincome to the irs. pmen more likely in the survey pthan women to consider financial pdishonesty acceptable. p>> romona: of course. pwomen do not steal netflix or pcable. p>> mark: no, no, no. p [ laughing ] p>> mark: good for you. p what alleviating stress in pthe or can mean for patients. live from cleveland's newscenter this is cleveland 19 dougherty kia of streetsboro. kia, what's in your driveway. cleveland 19 news starts now. >> dan: we begin today with the browns. it is time to make some big decisions. is quarterback colin kaepernick right for the browns and what's the future for josh gordon. the first snap isn't months away and browns fans are looking for answers now. >> denise: that's right. the nfl is clarifying the decision on josh gordon's reinstatement. >> tony zarrella is live at the q to sort it out. >> the owners in boca raton to sort it all out and josh gordon and colin kaepernick and who wants to trade the left tackle and josh gordon, news broke that he applied for yes instatement on june 20th. under the 60 day rule, that's how much the nfl has to make a

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