Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 11PM 20161022 : co

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 11PM 20161022

be through and asking questions getting answer. cleveland 19 sarsen >> anchor: >> woman: he is someone that cannot be replaced. there is no one like him and i don't think there ever will be. > anchor: dozens of friends and family came out and remembered a 15-year-old that was senselessly murdered last week in a cleveland heights robbery. more on this story in a minute. first you may want to stay inside and keep warm. called, wind chills making ugly return to northwest ohio. tracking the temperatures. first time we mentioned the word windchill. they will be in the 30s emperature wise, we are basically where we should be this time a year. it is that when that's creating things better here. i am using our cleveland 19 weather map. i am on the homepage the updated version. first the radar. this is good news. we lost widespread rank that we had earlier today. to round. mostly right now and tuscarora county we will go back to the homepage and show you the hourlies here. maybe tough to see from your home. basically we say in the 40s tonight. the wind stays up there though, that is the key. and through the day tomorrow, we really don't worry much. in fact, you see here in fact we stick close to 50. looking a whole lot better. more details on that in the next half hour. >> anchor: let's get to tiffany. >> anchor: these firefighters battling massive blaze in a recycling plant. the blaze broke out 7:30 p.m. tonight. seen for miles. so far, good news. no one is hurt. crews are having a hard time putting it out. those wooden pallets keep the heat inside and it makes it almost water resistant. it is a move that could end up raising your cable rates. the bill could be backed up by sunday. if an agreement is reached at&t within networks like hbo, who, and warner bros. just two years ago at&t bought heavy rains causing flooding in massachusetts including boston. two construction workers were killed when 12 foot deep trench they were working when filled with water. >> anchor: trave on peary has been indicted at murder. the 20-year-old gun down sunny ravi brought the fast food restaurant last friday. perry is still locked up on a $1 million bond. tonight in mayfield the special tribute to the teenager who was killed. friends and classmates came together to remember sonny patel. sarah was there for emotional show of support for the family. >> reporter: pouring wind, rain, and biting cold did not keep family or friends from remembering sunny ravi patel. >> woman: i think we are in shock. i feel i'm going to walk over house and he'll be back soon. >> reporter: mayor patel is 10 years older than sonny. she watched him grow up. >> woman: i remember teaching him how to walk. i remember when he was born and going to the hospital to visit. it has been hard. >> reporter: she can barely put into words how losing sonny has devastated the family. >> woman: we lost a person who always maks the one who is always there goofing around. >> reporter: beneath all the umbrellas red t-shirts started the crowd. sonny's friends designed them red stands for india flag the words on the front describes support we got from the community. this is our way to give back. >> reporter: after the vigil people to pay their respects to the stadium where the crowd held a moment of silence before the football game. we cannot believe her cousin is gone at a young age. she is proud of the legacy he left behind. >> woman: he was kind, hard-working. he is someone that cannot be replacedhere is no one like him and there never will be. >> anchor: sarah reporting a stranger fight started us go fund me account raise $3500 for funeral expenses. his family says they are fortunate to be able to pay for that themselves. they will donate the money and the proceeds from the t-shirts to several community organizations. the suspect in the case was arrested before. he was actually out on bond awaiting sentencing for burglary charges when police >> anchor: we just learned sharon brown suffered minor injuries after a driver ran a stop sign and slammed into his car. when a bronze age was driving and her. both were treated and released. we are checking with police to see if the other driver was hurt. brown was on his way back from cleveland when the exit happened. >> man: this is as close to the family as you can get in a professional setting. 37 the cleveland indians are going to the world series? >>. >> anchor: ending it is the one story that has everyone in northeast ohio ball. the indians in the fall cast light. good luck if you are planning to see them in person. >> anchor: thieves are trying to take advantage of fans with several scams. advice that you do not become an victim. >> reporter: the reason we want give you contacts. you may be thinking will i shell out $100 to go to game one which is tuesday. as you venture into that you have the best information. we have been working with ekron better business bureau. do your research and know what tickets are being settled for. around $700 to get in if you want to sit at the top of nosebleed those are $1000. if someone comes and says i'll give you a ticket for $300, that is probably a make sure the ticket has the correct date on ithat seems like a no-brainer but check it. now the seating chart. if they say were selling you something on the field and has section 500, no you will get taken there. here is what the better business bureau recommends. you still have on secondary market. they are official mlb marketplace. i did not know that until tonight.ow does it work if i get my ticket from stubhub and there is a barcode on it. when stubhub gets the ticket and sell a new owner, they change it. somehow it also has a guarantee. they give a+ better business bureau to vivid seats as they have ticket guarantee. red flag when it comes to craigslist. this is basically online classified. no guarantee! watch for tickets too good to be true. if you buy off of craigslist meet them somewhere public. not to somewhere public go into police station lobby. if they won't meet you at the police station then it's probably a scam. if it's too good to be true then it's probably is. in progressive field, the cavs moved tips off against the next two 7:30 p.m.. it was originally supposed to start at 8 p.m.. >> anchor: coordinated cyber attacks ended for now. the hacker shut down dozens of websites and streaming services three times today, including twitter, spot if i, netflix, and amazon. all attacks focused on in hinton-based inte f services attack. the service was overwhelmed by malware which blocks you from visiting the website you want to see. >> man: this shows you this is the new wave of warfare. we do not know where it's coming from the was targeted at american-based companies. >> anchor: us law enforcement agencies are trying to figure out what's behind the attacks. one expert says this may be precursor to larger attacks. ohio today and tomorrow. first stop hillary clinton today. even she is caught up with tribe fever. >> woman: the indians are going to the world series. that is after the cavs won the championship. what a year for cleveland. you really are believe land.! >> anchor: mrs. clinton encourage people to get out and vote next month. tomorrow the republican of donald trump and mike pentz will be at the event center. the event starts at 7 p.m.. our cameras will be there of course and have a full report on cleveland 19. >> anchor: is taking five years but it's here. the innerbelt bridge will open monday morning. you have to go through the bridge closing one more time this weekend. we are getting answers how you navigate your way downtown during the closure. usual detail four 9277 north four lanes to the bridge. right before monday morning rush-hour. >> anchor: just tasting your food a little longer help you lose weight? we will get answers after the break in a new study to see if enjoying your meal is a ticket. >> child: he said they will cut our eyes out and bury us by the school. >> anchor: students sat crying under their desk after a teacher's horrific threat. >> meteorologist: it is windy, especially along the lake shore. cloudy skies and 51. warmer along lakeshore because of the wind. >> announcer: life from cleveland new center driven by don joseph taylor in kent. this is cleveland 19 news. >> anchor: rather incredible story here. some teacher in newark ohio said he will threaten to cut off the second-grade student heads and beer them by the school if they did not start behavinghe shocking statements frighten students. patients. >> child: after he said that all the kids jumped out of the seats and got under their seats screaming and crying. >> man: i think he needs to be behind bars. the stuff he said in the images he put into the kids heads is something, you know, think that she did not have nightmares last night. >> anchor: the school district is investigated and called the comments inappropriate and alarming. the substitute may never work again for newark schools> again. >> anchor: new guidelines from the american academy of pediatrics for children and screen time on smart phones, tablets, and tv. we are getting answers on how long they should use a device the biggest change, tablets between 18 ?24 months may use digital media. it was not that way before. it should be high quality education. children two ?five should be one hour media a day. children six and older should be consistent time limits on how much time they get. >> woman: we want to be sure entertainment screen time is not replacing family meals and they get adequate amount of sleep. >> anchor: families develop a media plan to help keep the kids screen time habits on track. an easier way to lose weight? a new study says enjoy your food. people focus on the taste of their meals often chose smaller portion. that meant, of course, less calories consumed. people who did not focus on taste. they will be hungry soon after eating and resulted in eating bigger portions. >> anchor: looking for a way to calm your crying baby in the middle of the night? there is hope for one company because a smart crib. to being in the womb. it has microphone speakers and motors. it gently wraps the baby to sleep when he or she is crying. it is pricey. i will set you back $1600> anchor: because of praise of creepy clown sightings, a county in mississippi has banned all cwn after halloween. they county president says it's a matter of protecting 10,000 people wholesale and cover county. the aclu may get involved to get it lifted. they say it's a ridiculous use of public authority to dictate what costumes people can wear. >> anchor: the weird weather can affect your favorite bottle of wine. professionals say warm weather has impacted bottling. battling across the world history expected to be down. they will stack up bottles to tonight at the hard rock. it's a special ramona robinson who hosted the pink gala. guests enjoy their dinners, there was an option at the event. all the money raised helps breast cancer survivors with treatment as well and research. tonight the rex eno presented coleman with a check for $100,000. incredible. >> anchor: a great event okay jeffrey. do we have a flag football game today tomorrow. will i be freezing? >> meteorologist: yes. the wind is not going away tomorrow. nor is it tonight. look at the winds. 18 is assisting land. as you know that is half the story. stronger winds along the lake shore. cold wind coming in. a lot of cloud cover. like affect left over. we are at 50 because we have wind off the lake a little warmer in cleveland. those around us in the 40s. here is a look at the radar. some light rain this is one of the study showers for dina county. summit county between montrose and wadsworth and also here in my dina county, penn marin county. moving to chatham. i must keep a slight chance of showers and there throughout the night. looks like there could be an uptick in the rain especially cleveland and canton east. tomorrow morning f you like affect showers. that will shift east as the day wears on. you can see 5:00 pm as a beulah by tomorrow night we are dry. temperatures 35 in mansfield 8 a.m.. most theories will stay in the 40s. because of the cloud cover. we do not move much. 2 o'clock in the afternoon upper 40s. if we can get some sunshine during the afternoon, we may spike up all the way to 50. that will be about the warmest. thursday is the next alert day for scattered showers. 40 for the low tonight. cloudy, windy, spotty showers. only 48. when gusting over 30 and isolated showers could see a waterspout or two on the lake. 47 at lunch, dinner time 47. and that is your hi karen canton. northwest winds 15 ?30. 45 tomorrow night. then a cold front comes through sunday night. a few showers with that. clearing back down to 50. wednesday 55. there is rain on thursday. scattered showers. however, some computer models hinting rain could sneak in here wednesday night. we will keep an eye on that far world for game two of world series. >> anchor: a soggy friday night under the lights. imagine being out there? we have highlights all across it's not uncommon for autistic kids to flap their hands. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. and she's smart. she can work with people to solve problems. en it really mattered. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. >> >> announcer: now this is serpentine a chevrolet sports week nine of high school football season. if you wish under the lights earlier on channel 43, we've got the express version right here. we start with game of the week. a border war. homestead falls forces north also. this is spencer linville. a five yard touchdown run hat is a big dude! andrew turner ski, there he is! and bands around top half sector 10 yards out. 52 ?26. all sales false be north olmsted. housing cayuga heights. they are beaten and now. this is footage of kirkland not scoring. this does not happen. they were set up tonight at home by cayuga heights. the redskins story here making it 21 ?zero. they snap kirkland's winning streak. kirkland never gets shut out. lorraine and benford. bearcats fired up with their showdown with the titans. they are getting down. they are but they points. a great pass. this will be a big play. a big night for the titans. they run away with that 42 ? seven. glenville taken on john adams. the merriest good one. he is a good one. he is gone. touchdown there. no point after the touchdown. they practically never do. they practically never need them. 26 ?zero. moving along. larry catholic and the panthers taken on rocky river pirates. ec cheerleaders tearing a 10 ? seven lead. they had it picked and just clean sure halted in for the panthers. fourth-quarter getting points. look at this run. spin move. break and attack all. they got him down after 30 yard advancement. straight ahead running. all elyria catholic 41 ?seven. this is big on the west side. made view though would rule the night. dustin crump looking long for keith jackson. they run away with it 55 ?34. >> >> sports anchor: workout today progressive . i also gave me the chance to catch up with chewing game and shoelaces. how about this ?this is a bombshell. i'll put that out theren essay danny salazar throws a three inning simulated game. he said he is ready to pitch. he can throw his breaking ball, that is big news. he will not rule out using starting pitcher. >> man: the coach thinks the good news is danny pitches and he pitches healthy. he is throwing the ball over the plate. we have a really good picture for however amount of uses he's we can do. this can potentially help us. >> sports anchor: at first we thought he could not play his breaking ball. up to three innings changeup. if he can throw that breaking offense stretch it out for five innings, you can ci we do not know what they will do with cleaver. and that setup of the rest of the rotation for now. >> anchor: that is looking great. >> meteorologist: gate drive for game oneaybe just a little bit of raine will watch it. using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the fruit... veggies... and herbs needed to create a pop-up pick-your-own juice bar in the middle of the city, so now everyone knows... we have some of the freshest juice in town. see what the power of points can do for your business. captioning sponsored by cbs ( whistling ) >> stephen: aah! there! completed! my beautiful lamp shade made of spoons. now to celebrate. with a bowl of ice cream. ( laughter ) damn it! quick. i know where there's a spoon. ( laughter ) nooo! >> it's "the late show with

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United States , India , Chatham , Mississippi , Massachusetts , Cleveland , Ohio , Boston , Cleveland Heights , Lake Shore , Glenville , North Olmsted , Mansfield , American , Keith Jackson , Larry Catholic , Ravi Patel , Sharon Brown , Danny Salazar , Ramona Robinson , Don Joseph Taylor , Andrew Turner , Elyria Catholic , Sonny Patel , John Adams , Spencer Linville , Dustin Crump , Hillary Clinton , Karen Canton ,

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