Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 11PM 20160226 : co

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 11PM 20160226

>> live from cleveland's news center, cleveland 19 news starts right now. >> romona: we continue to follow breaking news on a mass shooting in kansas. within the last hour we have heard from the sheriff who says four people are dead including the gunman after a series of shootings and -- at and around xl industries. the police say the shooter was an employee at the factory. investigators say at this hour they are still trying to identify some of the victims and crime scenes. as of now police have not officially identified the we will continue to follow this story. and here at home. a snowy day in northeast ohio. and more changes are headed our way. >> denise: jeff tanchek is looking for lake effect snow overnight. >> jeff: and it is developing right now. we are waiting for the better moisture in here. there is not much happening this evening. out over the lake we are seeing some banding and perhaps some flurries in eastern cuyahoga county. yeah, the snow is coming. but this is going to be relatively minor lake effect. i do have an alert. trace to three inches with wind gusts over 25. where that lake effect sets up it is now in the 20s. and wind chill currently are in the teens. in fact it feels like 13 now in cleveland. left over lake effect and flurries. it is easier than what we saw this morning. it will be a 3 weather impact and temps around 20 degrees. ramona? >> romona: the domestic violence case involving johnny manziel has moved on to the grand jury. police say the browns' quarterback assaulted his ex-girlfriend colleen crowley. manziel could face a misdemeanor assault charge if the grand jury decides there is enough evidence to charge it of the -- to charge it. >> they are investigating separate attempted child abductions. 234 lorain police are looking for a man they say tried to grab two girls. in one instance they punched a young girl in a face. in another he exposed himself. a man tried to kidnap a 10-year-old from her bedroom in the middle of the night. we don't know if hoss cases are related. these incidents have a lot of county. >> romona: how can they protect their kids? it starts with educating children. police say the girls involved did everything right. they screamed and they fought back to get away from the predator. this is a reminder that every kid should have a plan to stay safe. parents are on guard after several attempted abductions in the past 24 hours. lorain police say now is the time to talk to your children. many local teachers had that conversation with their teachers today. >> if there is someone you don't know go away and go to a police officer and go to someone you know if you are able to. run, get away, kick, but if somebody does try to grab you do everything in your power to get away and make a lot of noise. >> reporter: police say your children should have a plan to escape predators, but first they should practice these safety tips. use the buddy system. travel in groups and never alone. kid shouldn't walk close to any cars that approach them or if somebody goes after them they should scream and fight. they say the abduction attempts are frightening. >> lately it seems like there is more and more of that and you hear about those kinds of things. it is really sad we have gotten to the point that we have to watch everything our kid can do. >> if your children walk to school tell them to avoid shortcuts and stick to main roads. it is also a good idea to identify safe houses of neighbors along the way so they can go there for help if they need it. in lorain, cleveland 19. >> romona: a jury acquitted a man who crashed into five cyclists last september killing two of them. tim wolfe was found not guilty of two counts of vehicular homicide. yesterday in court we learned police thought he may have been texting at the time of that crash. >> denise: tonight the five remaining gop candidates for president took to the stage for a heated debate in houston. it was just five days before tuesday primary. >> talking about polls, i am beating him badly in the polls. >> but are you not beating hillary. >> if i can't beat her, you're really gonna get killed, aren't you? >> denise: the pressure tonight was on senator ted cruz who may have to win his home state of texas if he wants to stay in the hunt for the nome nation. nomination. meanwhile bernie sanders was stumping for votes ahead of the primary 0 march 15th. >> a great country is judged not by how many millionaires and billionaires it has but on how it treats the weakest and the most vulnerable among us. >> denise: the vermont senator's theme is that they control the elections and the country's direction and the government doesn't care about average people. the browns will likely use the second pick to take the quarterback of the future. the big question is who will they pick? tony zarrella is here to sort out the options. tony, we got to get it right this tiement. >> tony: that's the understatement. the nfl draft is 62 days away. they have plenty of time to weigh their options options and work guys out. there is a pretty good chance it will be one of these two guys. i will start with carson wenz who played at north dakota state and has the build and the skills to wow the scouts as he did at the senior bowl. he is sick-5 and he -- he is 6-5 and he can wing it. then the quarterback from cal who is almost as tall, but he needs to bulk up. would he want to play for the browns? well he has a ton of respect for hue jackson. >> he has a great offensive mind and he is a great guy. i am confident in my ability wherever i go. i am very confident. i am not going to stand up here and tell you everything about myself, but i am confident and i think i can be >> what matters to me is a team that pick me that believes in me. i want to go somewhere they believe in myself to be that franchise quarterback whether right away or down the road. >> tony: there is another quarterback who is going to, in my opinion, blow the scouts away. jones, the former ohio state start. star. he will talk about possibly coming home. >> denise: wouldn't that be nice? the man who inspired the movie "shawshank redemption". he got probation and violated it sent back to prison. he later escaped from a work camp in sandusky. after 506 years on the run he was -- after 56 years on the run he was arrested in florida. he will be a free man in april. >> romona: let's take a live look down to you -- downtown at our roof cam. being out on the road can be a between 2013 and 2015 traffic deaths in ohio increased from 990 to more than 1100. the latest data from 2014 shows there was an injury related crash every 5.2 minutes which comes to 275 people a day. and an average of two accidents a day ended with a fatality. and with wintry conditionses like today state troopers say there is one more issue that causes more problems. the accumulation of snow on the cars traveling our highways. >> denise: now more on the dangers and how you can make a change. >> we've all seen it, especially this snowy time of year. inches of snow just piled on top of cars driving high speeds down the highway. and then this happens. ohio highway patrol post commander says the piles of snow and ice are one more roadways. >> i can see it. it is not just because i am thinking about it. i have seen it. >> they ask you remove all snow from windows. the piece of snow that flu off the car in this -- that flew off the car in the video came from the hood. it may help visibility, but it doesn't combat the danger snow causes as a projectile. >> they can get in an accident as well because you can't see everything. >> the lack of snow clearing causes enough problems in some states and the law requires you to clear all of the snow off of your vehicle. lawmakers in connecticut called them, quote, ice missal laws. because the way it flies off cars and through the air like missiles. in pennsylvania it requires them to pay up if a chunk of ice and snow flies off their vehicle and injuries someone. we want to know why it is law there, but not here. we went to the northeast senator to find out. who are most directly impacted by the situation you are creating a situation where you have laws that mean nothing to the people. >> reporter: they saw snow-covered cars on the way to the cleveland 19 studios that made travel on the roads more dangerous. >> the snow just blows off of the roof and creates this snowy fog in front of anybody traveling behind. >> reporter: i have gotten tweets and facebook messages and e-mails and phone calls asking people to remind everybody it is the law to clear off your entire car just like this one. it is not the law. at least not yet. >> that's where the public comes in. if you think ohio should join the likes of other nearby states , e-mail, write your senators and representative. it is a long and wind erode. he says a law would have to be written clearly so citizens required. >> accumulated in chardon may mean one thing. so it is a standard that would have to be vetted carefully. >> difficult, but not impossible. >> anything doing is worth doing something right. and it is rarely, rarely easy. >> and maybe it is time to get pro active on the roadways. cleveland 19. >> denise: to read the law that applies to the snow clearing check out the story on our website and you can find contact information for your senator or representative. >> denise: but the heavy snow is winding down and more change is on the way. >> jeff: yes, cold for now. but just you wait. here is the lake effect that is developing. we will get a little of that in the neck few hours. the forecast details are straight ahead. >> denise: thanks. how he survived more than a dozen brushes with death. >> romona: and it is not just child's play. see how more adults are turning to coloring. that story is to come. and we continue to follow the breaking news on the deadly workplace shooting in kansas. >> denise: we'll hear from eyewitnesses to the tragedy when we come back after the break. >> breaking news and weather 24/7 download the cleveland 19 news app sponsored by -- kurt >> this is cleveland 19 news. >> romona: breaking news. we are now hearing from witnesses who saw a gunman killed. three people near wichita, kansas. >> i seen a guy pull up and he stopped and popped up and heard him yell something and turned around with an ak47 and fired a few shots outside before he went in and then ducked down and went into the building. >> romona: here is the latest on what we know right now. an employee of xl industries opened fire tonight in and around the manufacturing plant which is 30 miles north of wichita. four people died including the gunman. authorities killed him. there are reports of at least 14 people being hurt. the shooter has not been as police are still working multiple active crime scenes right now. >> denise: talk about a survival story. an idaho family's dog managed to survive after being hit by a train not once, but 13 times. we are talking about a train. after being repeatedly struck the conductor on the last train noticed a pittbull mix lying on the tracks and immediately called for help. his family thought they would have to put down the 14-month-old puppy. loki lost a leg and an eye and his tail, but he will make a full recovery. >> romona: kohl's is closing 1800 stores after the profit fell 20% in the last quarter. there are 16kohl's stores in northeast ohio. no word on if any of those stores will be affected it. >> denise: coloring is not just for kids anymore. turning the page on daily stress thanks to coloring. we asked does this really work? here is what tiffani tucker found. >> reporter: lydia lowe picked up a couple of coloring books for her daughters thinking it would be an alternative to cell phones and computers. what she found was it was a way for her to connect even more with her kids and help keep the calm in their hectic lives. and then she got hooked. >> well when they started doing it i realized i hadn't colored in so many years. i tried it too and it was fun and relaxing. you are not really concentrating on anything else or thinking about anything else. >> one of the founders of psychiatry recommend his patients color. >> reporter: this psychiatrist says adult coloring goes back to the 1800's. she says it is a great way to destress and let your mind be creative. >> your mind is focusing on coloring and design and enjoyment and you can come up with a solution to another >> reporter: for lydia it has become a special relaxation time. a couple hours a week of clough aring. of coloring. she says practice does not make perfect. >> i had trouble staying in the lines. i thought, wow, i am not good at this anymore. it was actually pretty funny. >> reporter: she prefers colored pencils to crayons because it is easier to stay in the lines. there are even adult coloring groups. happy coloring. tiffani tucker, cleveland 19. >> jeff: radar is looking colorful as well as the wind speed right here. it is pretty gusty. we have a 20 mile an hour wind in elyria and mentor. and the wind gust is at 33. a windy night is putting windchills in the teens. inches. chardon, bath, same deal. this is what most of it is coming down this afternoon. here is mansfield 2.3 inches and lodi and parma, here we are with the lake effect. this is what i was expecting to develop. it is starting to move on shore. trace to three inches of snow. it looks like avon lake and avon area will start to snow here shortly in and around the greater cleveland area. we are down to 26 so these temperatures will continue to fall through the 20s. the future view is interesting at 1:00 a.m. it puts most of the snow, tiewtly the steadier stuff -- actually the steadier stuff. i bet we will have light snow we will drop down to 20. 25 tomorrow. that's the coldest day for awhile. 24 in the akron-canton area. flurry at that time and 255:00. we will go up in temperature and winds of change again. 46 on saturday and we only drop down to 41 on saturday night. and how about on sunday? $58. 58 degree. a shot of rain and then on monday we bust out the sunshine. this is the bigger thing to watch. the tuesday and wednesday time frame. i have it starting out as rain. 63. the next plunge in temperature is wednesday. start your day with samantha roberts and laura de maria. they will kick it off and navigate your commute. >> romona: thanks, jeff. another ground breaking breakthrough. the country's first uterus transplant. doctors performed the nine-hour surgery on this past wednesday. the 26-year-old patient is in stable condition. we are expecting to learn more details about the procedure next week and how it can help many other women in the future of ramona? >> romona: we have been hearing young voters could have a big impact on the 201 sick -- 2016 election. that's why they are doing their part to get out the youth vote. we went to mentor to find out how. >> this is the junior class of 2016. all juniors from various lake county high schools. the service project this year is your voice, your vote targeting people age 16 to 26. they sponsored a booth and machine and sample ballots. it let everyone know that civic involvement is important at any age. >> it is important because they say i am just one person, but you should really go out there and influence other people. the country can be how you want it to be. >> you want to control what is going on in your community. vote for the issues that are good for your community. >> romona: the kids are also doing the get out the vote public service announcements. >> now, it is time for the buzz sponsored by national carpet mill outlet. >> romona: a big night on country music and it is here >> denise: can't wait. it is the academy of country music awards. carrie underwood, kenny chesney and florida georgia the annual award show. chris stapleton leads the way with seven nominations. luke brian and dirks bentley will co-host which airs on april 3rd. >> romona: could a seven-time allstar be suiting up? details on who could be coming to cleveland. that's coming up in sports on cleveland 19 news this morning. >> reporter: this is isabella and of course you know her. she is cleveland's very own. she has a new show set to come out and she will be performing make hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be sedan in its class. the twenty-sixteen subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. now, this is the chevrolet sports report on cleveland 19 news. >> tony: the browns go quarterback at number two or their own backyard. cardell said he could handle the pressures playing for a hometown team. >> every city you play in will have its own obstacles. i want to play for a great organization and as long as i have the right mind-set i don't think nothing will distract me on and off the field. >> tony: joe johnson wanted to experience it for the first time. wine and gold. that's the first shot. the cavs believe they have the inside track at landing the seven-time allstar. stay tuned. if qyrie can handle the bedbugs bedbugs -- if kyrie can handle the bedbugs he can handle the migges. leave the bug spray in the dug out. >> matsui was warming up and he had bugs getting everywhere. i was like, man that wasn't a >> it is time for some z awards. you know what they say about the z awards. it has its ups and downs. here is one of the downs. we got plenty of ups. >> what a dunk! >> as we begin this third quarter, oh wow. that should have been in the dunk contest. >> if you were allowed to have a partner. >> try dialing long distance, the perimeter bringing the big man away. >> tony: no i mean long distance. >> we're talking about small changes! angles. and with that we're out of here, but not before one final swing through spring training. and as always congratulations to all of our winners. [laughing] honey, you gotta see this! time warner cable now makes your internet do more. honey! [laughing] honey? our ultra-fast internet with home wifi keeps your devices connected, [laughing] anywhere in your home. [laughing] honey, have you seen this video? [laughing] discover how much more is included. internet plans start as low as $14.99 per month. call 1-855-want twc. >> jeff: all right there is the snow developing and lake effect fnlt trace to three inches on the way tonight. we will be downtown cleveland low 20s and flurries in the >> denise: thank you for joining us. >> stephen colbert! (cheers and applause) captioning sponsored by cbs >> stephen: hello, people! (cheers and applause) >> stephen: welcome to "the late show." thank you so much, everybody! (cheers and applause);or

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Cuyahoga County , Ohio , United States , Texas , Elyria , Vermont , Cleveland , Avon Lake , Florida , Lake County , Mansfield , Connecticut , Wichita , Kansas , Idaho , Pennsylvania , Houston , North Dakota , Stephen Colbert , Carrie Underwood , Dirks Bentley , Tim Wolfe , Joe Johnson , Tiffani Tucker , Kenny Chesney , Colleen Crowley , Luke Brian , Ted Cruz , Samantha Roberts , Bernie Sanders , Lydia Lowe ,

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Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 11PM 20160226 :

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 11PM 20160226

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>> live from cleveland's news center, cleveland 19 news starts right now. >> romona: we continue to follow breaking news on a mass shooting in kansas. within the last hour we have heard from the sheriff who says four people are dead including the gunman after a series of shootings and -- at and around xl industries. the police say the shooter was an employee at the factory. investigators say at this hour they are still trying to identify some of the victims and crime scenes. as of now police have not officially identified the we will continue to follow this story. and here at home. a snowy day in northeast ohio. and more changes are headed our way. >> denise: jeff tanchek is looking for lake effect snow overnight. >> jeff: and it is developing right now. we are waiting for the better moisture in here. there is not much happening this evening. out over the lake we are seeing some banding and perhaps some flurries in eastern cuyahoga county. yeah, the snow is coming. but this is going to be relatively minor lake effect. i do have an alert. trace to three inches with wind gusts over 25. where that lake effect sets up it is now in the 20s. and wind chill currently are in the teens. in fact it feels like 13 now in cleveland. left over lake effect and flurries. it is easier than what we saw this morning. it will be a 3 weather impact and temps around 20 degrees. ramona? >> romona: the domestic violence case involving johnny manziel has moved on to the grand jury. police say the browns' quarterback assaulted his ex-girlfriend colleen crowley. manziel could face a misdemeanor assault charge if the grand jury decides there is enough evidence to charge it of the -- to charge it. >> they are investigating separate attempted child abductions. 234 lorain police are looking for a man they say tried to grab two girls. in one instance they punched a young girl in a face. in another he exposed himself. a man tried to kidnap a 10-year-old from her bedroom in the middle of the night. we don't know if hoss cases are related. these incidents have a lot of county. >> romona: how can they protect their kids? it starts with educating children. police say the girls involved did everything right. they screamed and they fought back to get away from the predator. this is a reminder that every kid should have a plan to stay safe. parents are on guard after several attempted abductions in the past 24 hours. lorain police say now is the time to talk to your children. many local teachers had that conversation with their teachers today. >> if there is someone you don't know go away and go to a police officer and go to someone you know if you are able to. run, get away, kick, but if somebody does try to grab you do everything in your power to get away and make a lot of noise. >> reporter: police say your children should have a plan to escape predators, but first they should practice these safety tips. use the buddy system. travel in groups and never alone. kid shouldn't walk close to any cars that approach them or if somebody goes after them they should scream and fight. they say the abduction attempts are frightening. >> lately it seems like there is more and more of that and you hear about those kinds of things. it is really sad we have gotten to the point that we have to watch everything our kid can do. >> if your children walk to school tell them to avoid shortcuts and stick to main roads. it is also a good idea to identify safe houses of neighbors along the way so they can go there for help if they need it. in lorain, cleveland 19. >> romona: a jury acquitted a man who crashed into five cyclists last september killing two of them. tim wolfe was found not guilty of two counts of vehicular homicide. yesterday in court we learned police thought he may have been texting at the time of that crash. >> denise: tonight the five remaining gop candidates for president took to the stage for a heated debate in houston. it was just five days before tuesday primary. >> talking about polls, i am beating him badly in the polls. >> but are you not beating hillary. >> if i can't beat her, you're really gonna get killed, aren't you? >> denise: the pressure tonight was on senator ted cruz who may have to win his home state of texas if he wants to stay in the hunt for the nome nation. nomination. meanwhile bernie sanders was stumping for votes ahead of the primary 0 march 15th. >> a great country is judged not by how many millionaires and billionaires it has but on how it treats the weakest and the most vulnerable among us. >> denise: the vermont senator's theme is that they control the elections and the country's direction and the government doesn't care about average people. the browns will likely use the second pick to take the quarterback of the future. the big question is who will they pick? tony zarrella is here to sort out the options. tony, we got to get it right this tiement. >> tony: that's the understatement. the nfl draft is 62 days away. they have plenty of time to weigh their options options and work guys out. there is a pretty good chance it will be one of these two guys. i will start with carson wenz who played at north dakota state and has the build and the skills to wow the scouts as he did at the senior bowl. he is sick-5 and he -- he is 6-5 and he can wing it. then the quarterback from cal who is almost as tall, but he needs to bulk up. would he want to play for the browns? well he has a ton of respect for hue jackson. >> he has a great offensive mind and he is a great guy. i am confident in my ability wherever i go. i am very confident. i am not going to stand up here and tell you everything about myself, but i am confident and i think i can be >> what matters to me is a team that pick me that believes in me. i want to go somewhere they believe in myself to be that franchise quarterback whether right away or down the road. >> tony: there is another quarterback who is going to, in my opinion, blow the scouts away. jones, the former ohio state start. star. he will talk about possibly coming home. >> denise: wouldn't that be nice? the man who inspired the movie "shawshank redemption". he got probation and violated it sent back to prison. he later escaped from a work camp in sandusky. after 506 years on the run he was -- after 56 years on the run he was arrested in florida. he will be a free man in april. >> romona: let's take a live look down to you -- downtown at our roof cam. being out on the road can be a between 2013 and 2015 traffic deaths in ohio increased from 990 to more than 1100. the latest data from 2014 shows there was an injury related crash every 5.2 minutes which comes to 275 people a day. and an average of two accidents a day ended with a fatality. and with wintry conditionses like today state troopers say there is one more issue that causes more problems. the accumulation of snow on the cars traveling our highways. >> denise: now more on the dangers and how you can make a change. >> we've all seen it, especially this snowy time of year. inches of snow just piled on top of cars driving high speeds down the highway. and then this happens. ohio highway patrol post commander says the piles of snow and ice are one more roadways. >> i can see it. it is not just because i am thinking about it. i have seen it. >> they ask you remove all snow from windows. the piece of snow that flu off the car in this -- that flew off the car in the video came from the hood. it may help visibility, but it doesn't combat the danger snow causes as a projectile. >> they can get in an accident as well because you can't see everything. >> the lack of snow clearing causes enough problems in some states and the law requires you to clear all of the snow off of your vehicle. lawmakers in connecticut called them, quote, ice missal laws. because the way it flies off cars and through the air like missiles. in pennsylvania it requires them to pay up if a chunk of ice and snow flies off their vehicle and injuries someone. we want to know why it is law there, but not here. we went to the northeast senator to find out. who are most directly impacted by the situation you are creating a situation where you have laws that mean nothing to the people. >> reporter: they saw snow-covered cars on the way to the cleveland 19 studios that made travel on the roads more dangerous. >> the snow just blows off of the roof and creates this snowy fog in front of anybody traveling behind. >> reporter: i have gotten tweets and facebook messages and e-mails and phone calls asking people to remind everybody it is the law to clear off your entire car just like this one. it is not the law. at least not yet. >> that's where the public comes in. if you think ohio should join the likes of other nearby states , e-mail, write your senators and representative. it is a long and wind erode. he says a law would have to be written clearly so citizens required. >> accumulated in chardon may mean one thing. so it is a standard that would have to be vetted carefully. >> difficult, but not impossible. >> anything doing is worth doing something right. and it is rarely, rarely easy. >> and maybe it is time to get pro active on the roadways. cleveland 19. >> denise: to read the law that applies to the snow clearing check out the story on our website and you can find contact information for your senator or representative. >> denise: but the heavy snow is winding down and more change is on the way. >> jeff: yes, cold for now. but just you wait. here is the lake effect that is developing. we will get a little of that in the neck few hours. the forecast details are straight ahead. >> denise: thanks. how he survived more than a dozen brushes with death. >> romona: and it is not just child's play. see how more adults are turning to coloring. that story is to come. and we continue to follow the breaking news on the deadly workplace shooting in kansas. >> denise: we'll hear from eyewitnesses to the tragedy when we come back after the break. >> breaking news and weather 24/7 download the cleveland 19 news app sponsored by -- kurt >> this is cleveland 19 news. >> romona: breaking news. we are now hearing from witnesses who saw a gunman killed. three people near wichita, kansas. >> i seen a guy pull up and he stopped and popped up and heard him yell something and turned around with an ak47 and fired a few shots outside before he went in and then ducked down and went into the building. >> romona: here is the latest on what we know right now. an employee of xl industries opened fire tonight in and around the manufacturing plant which is 30 miles north of wichita. four people died including the gunman. authorities killed him. there are reports of at least 14 people being hurt. the shooter has not been as police are still working multiple active crime scenes right now. >> denise: talk about a survival story. an idaho family's dog managed to survive after being hit by a train not once, but 13 times. we are talking about a train. after being repeatedly struck the conductor on the last train noticed a pittbull mix lying on the tracks and immediately called for help. his family thought they would have to put down the 14-month-old puppy. loki lost a leg and an eye and his tail, but he will make a full recovery. >> romona: kohl's is closing 1800 stores after the profit fell 20% in the last quarter. there are 16kohl's stores in northeast ohio. no word on if any of those stores will be affected it. >> denise: coloring is not just for kids anymore. turning the page on daily stress thanks to coloring. we asked does this really work? here is what tiffani tucker found. >> reporter: lydia lowe picked up a couple of coloring books for her daughters thinking it would be an alternative to cell phones and computers. what she found was it was a way for her to connect even more with her kids and help keep the calm in their hectic lives. and then she got hooked. >> well when they started doing it i realized i hadn't colored in so many years. i tried it too and it was fun and relaxing. you are not really concentrating on anything else or thinking about anything else. >> one of the founders of psychiatry recommend his patients color. >> reporter: this psychiatrist says adult coloring goes back to the 1800's. she says it is a great way to destress and let your mind be creative. >> your mind is focusing on coloring and design and enjoyment and you can come up with a solution to another >> reporter: for lydia it has become a special relaxation time. a couple hours a week of clough aring. of coloring. she says practice does not make perfect. >> i had trouble staying in the lines. i thought, wow, i am not good at this anymore. it was actually pretty funny. >> reporter: she prefers colored pencils to crayons because it is easier to stay in the lines. there are even adult coloring groups. happy coloring. tiffani tucker, cleveland 19. >> jeff: radar is looking colorful as well as the wind speed right here. it is pretty gusty. we have a 20 mile an hour wind in elyria and mentor. and the wind gust is at 33. a windy night is putting windchills in the teens. inches. chardon, bath, same deal. this is what most of it is coming down this afternoon. here is mansfield 2.3 inches and lodi and parma, here we are with the lake effect. this is what i was expecting to develop. it is starting to move on shore. trace to three inches of snow. it looks like avon lake and avon area will start to snow here shortly in and around the greater cleveland area. we are down to 26 so these temperatures will continue to fall through the 20s. the future view is interesting at 1:00 a.m. it puts most of the snow, tiewtly the steadier stuff -- actually the steadier stuff. i bet we will have light snow we will drop down to 20. 25 tomorrow. that's the coldest day for awhile. 24 in the akron-canton area. flurry at that time and 255:00. we will go up in temperature and winds of change again. 46 on saturday and we only drop down to 41 on saturday night. and how about on sunday? $58. 58 degree. a shot of rain and then on monday we bust out the sunshine. this is the bigger thing to watch. the tuesday and wednesday time frame. i have it starting out as rain. 63. the next plunge in temperature is wednesday. start your day with samantha roberts and laura de maria. they will kick it off and navigate your commute. >> romona: thanks, jeff. another ground breaking breakthrough. the country's first uterus transplant. doctors performed the nine-hour surgery on this past wednesday. the 26-year-old patient is in stable condition. we are expecting to learn more details about the procedure next week and how it can help many other women in the future of ramona? >> romona: we have been hearing young voters could have a big impact on the 201 sick -- 2016 election. that's why they are doing their part to get out the youth vote. we went to mentor to find out how. >> this is the junior class of 2016. all juniors from various lake county high schools. the service project this year is your voice, your vote targeting people age 16 to 26. they sponsored a booth and machine and sample ballots. it let everyone know that civic involvement is important at any age. >> it is important because they say i am just one person, but you should really go out there and influence other people. the country can be how you want it to be. >> you want to control what is going on in your community. vote for the issues that are good for your community. >> romona: the kids are also doing the get out the vote public service announcements. >> now, it is time for the buzz sponsored by national carpet mill outlet. >> romona: a big night on country music and it is here >> denise: can't wait. it is the academy of country music awards. carrie underwood, kenny chesney and florida georgia the annual award show. chris stapleton leads the way with seven nominations. luke brian and dirks bentley will co-host which airs on april 3rd. >> romona: could a seven-time allstar be suiting up? details on who could be coming to cleveland. that's coming up in sports on cleveland 19 news this morning. >> reporter: this is isabella and of course you know her. she is cleveland's very own. she has a new show set to come out and she will be performing make hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be sedan in its class. the twenty-sixteen subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. now, this is the chevrolet sports report on cleveland 19 news. >> tony: the browns go quarterback at number two or their own backyard. cardell said he could handle the pressures playing for a hometown team. >> every city you play in will have its own obstacles. i want to play for a great organization and as long as i have the right mind-set i don't think nothing will distract me on and off the field. >> tony: joe johnson wanted to experience it for the first time. wine and gold. that's the first shot. the cavs believe they have the inside track at landing the seven-time allstar. stay tuned. if qyrie can handle the bedbugs bedbugs -- if kyrie can handle the bedbugs he can handle the migges. leave the bug spray in the dug out. >> matsui was warming up and he had bugs getting everywhere. i was like, man that wasn't a >> it is time for some z awards. you know what they say about the z awards. it has its ups and downs. here is one of the downs. we got plenty of ups. >> what a dunk! >> as we begin this third quarter, oh wow. that should have been in the dunk contest. >> if you were allowed to have a partner. >> try dialing long distance, the perimeter bringing the big man away. >> tony: no i mean long distance. >> we're talking about small changes! angles. and with that we're out of here, but not before one final swing through spring training. and as always congratulations to all of our winners. [laughing] honey, you gotta see this! time warner cable now makes your internet do more. honey! [laughing] honey? our ultra-fast internet with home wifi keeps your devices connected, [laughing] anywhere in your home. [laughing] honey, have you seen this video? [laughing] discover how much more is included. internet plans start as low as $14.99 per month. call 1-855-want twc. >> jeff: all right there is the snow developing and lake effect fnlt trace to three inches on the way tonight. we will be downtown cleveland low 20s and flurries in the >> denise: thank you for joining us. >> stephen colbert! (cheers and applause) captioning sponsored by cbs >> stephen: hello, people! (cheers and applause) >> stephen: welcome to "the late show." thank you so much, everybody! (cheers and applause);or

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