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live from clevelands news center, cleveland 19 news starts now. p denise a live look outside in northeast ohio. no rain or snow. a quiet night with plenty of clouds. p romona quite a departure from this morning. there were plenty of spinouts on the road. the akron canton area was hit with a lot of snow. so what can we expect for the morning commute . p denise jeff tanchek is here with an early look at the forecast. p jeff more snow, but it is not like this morning. it will be a minor accumulating snow. we have another front coming through, and here you can see it working through michigan and indiana still west of toledo. it is about five to six hours away and this is what we were dealing with. this will not close schools and the wind is pretty light and weather impact is a three. light snow around from 6 00 a. M. To 7 00 a. M. Time frame. mid20s and a chilly day, but a big warm up by the end of the week. ill tell you about that at 11 19. p Denise Samantha roberts and laura diaz will navigate your commute with weather and traffic on cleveland 19 news this morning. p romona we are following breaking news out of akron. a stabbing at suma saint thomas hospital. police say an unarmed Security Guard was stabbed by a patient. it happened in the psych ward. officers say the suspect had he is currently in custody awaiting charges. that Security Guard is in surgery. say it . say byebye. byebye. p denise 5yearold mikey reece was in court. he survived abuse from his fathers girlfriend. but crystal anderson only got eight years. mikey has already had several brain surgeries. and mikeys mother is asking is eight years enough . p romona it made us wonder too about the punishment. scott taylor with the emotional fight for justice. on january 23rd i walked into a nightmare i walked into my son dying. p reporter angel florez made it clear that she wanted her sons attacker charged with attempted murder. if convicted anderson would face 11 years in prison. since the attack mikey reece has suffered through a dozen brain cornel res. took a plea dole on multiple charges including domestic violence. his brain was six inches out of his head. he had ivs on every part of his body. all they told me was he was hour by hour in Critical Condition and he probably wasnt gonna make it. p reporter cleveland 19 wants to know why wasnt anderson charged with uh tmented murder. in ohio proving attempted murder is tough and carries an 11year sentence. judge daniel gall sentenced anderson to eight years, the max sentence for the plea deal. Before anderson was taken away in handcuffs she saw the damage she caused when mikey entered the courtroom. hi p reporter mikeys dad was dating anderson at the time of the attack, but wasnt home. he got 18 months for attempted endangering chirp. angel florez wants to send a message to abusers. damage a victim like mikey should be locked up until that victim reaches the age of 18. thats horrible. she is a monster. she beat my child so badly. p reporter scott taylor, cleveland 19. we are pulling for you, mikey. a go fund me account has been set up for mikey. he needs your heap. he needs your help. go to cleveland thine teen. Com for details. p denise we are learning more about the s. W. A. T situation in downtown cleveland. the call was for shots fired and a man possibly holding a hostage. no one was hurt, but three people were arrested for attempted robbery of the krush clothing store. p romona they swore to serve and protect, but now the Police Department is too costly to keep open they want to shut it down. people nervous. p denise they dont want to lose their Police Department. people are worried about their safety. p reporter residents were shocked to hear the Police Department that served the community for 85 years could shutdown. some found out today. it hurt inside. department. p reporter over 100 residents came out to make sure their voices were heard. if your guys minds are made up. p Reporter City Officials Say it comes down to money. they could save about 80,000 a year if madison township takes over the policing. the cost to the village is 575,000 a year. the people have the say here and im sure our council here. if they are willing to undertake the Current Situation it will remain like that. p Reporter City councilmembers will not answer is a time for public comment. they are left asking will Police Response times go up . how will this affect your safety and the bottom line . i feel betrayed. nobody mentioned anything like that to us. security and safety is is important. p reporter Small Business owner worse reabout their future and residents worry about their property values. we are in this together. it is not just you. it is all of us. it affects everybody in the village. p reporter we havent been told whether jobs will be lost from madison village police. she was disappointed she was not briefed on the plans, but as for the city they tell us they will make a decision in the neck several weeks. in madison village, cleveland 19. p denise trouble forage gee ruckor. he is the founder of the peace Makers Alliance. of american cleveland. they say he used hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations to payoff gambling debts, his mortgage, drycleaning and other expenses. tonight we asked how are those organizations dealing with the news. Tiffani Tucker says they are still operational and still stunned over this de deception. i am shocked and stunned, but i have to stay focused at the program. a program aimed at keeping our streets saved and may now be tarnished. it is from the executive director. the cleveland councilman was bought erred by the serious allegations. the individuals that are out there helping to secure the safety in our community, they are good people. and this program should not be brought down by one individual thats accused of making a big mistake. ruckor stole 150,000 from cpa from 2011 to 2015. does your budget bring in hours before learning about the charges he asked mayor Frank Jackson to put 200,000 to match the cleveland foundations donation into the 2016 budget for the much needed program that also includes the boys and girls club of cleveland. and we cant let one individual bring down a program that is supposed to help thousand of others. now the cpa has a knew executive director. the boys and girls club released this statement. reggie ruckor is not associated with the boys and girlss club. he resigned two months ago. when allegation of misuse of funds surfaced, they took action to ensure the good anticrime and antigang work of the peace Makers Alliance would continue. 100,000 and they want to match the cleveland foundations donation. denise . p denise thanks, tiffani. reggie ruckor is a popular sports figure. he started his career with the cowboys in 1969 and he played for the giants and the patriots. he came to cleveland in 1975. knee injuries forced him to retire in 1981. p romona a new poll in campaign 2016 and donald trump and Hillary Clinton are in command of South Carolina. trump has a 16point lead over his nearest contender 3822 over ted cruz. and Hillary Clinton easily out paced Bernie Sanders 5638 . the South Carolina primary is this weekend. p denise some people say ohio should have the first primary vote. and forget iowa, New Hampshire is here to explain why. p dan i will put aside my feelings, but it is an interesting argument being made by a New York Times columnist saying why is New Hampshire first . it is mainly because of her size. the first is about diversity. talking about the white population in both iowa and New Hampshire. 91 and 94 . her airing her argument is ohio is closer to the National Average at 83 . she said the caucus, very cumbersome and everybody shows up at one place at 7 00. she says it is better with a primary where people can go early and go at 7 00 in the morning. that doesnt fit because New Hampshire does a primary. we heard there was record turnout in iowa and thats why they should keep it there. they had 15. 7 of reg stared voter registered voters show up. and why have it in ohio . commercials. it is cheaper than it would media and online campaigns, tv commercials are not as important. i beg to differ. the secretary of state said no way he doesnt want ohio to be first. denise . p denise dan, thank you the plus size model debate. is it 14, 16 or even higher . p romona it is a Sports Illustrated cover controversy. join the conversation on cleveland 19 news. p jeff one more shot of snow for tomorrow and then we turn springlike. thats coming up in the next segment. p denise and cancer breakthrough. a Clinical Trial for a local mans life saving technique. how it could some day help others. breaking news and weather 24 7. download the cleveland 19 news driven by Don Joseph Toyota in kept this is cleveland 19 news. p denise tonight the inspiring story of a man who found out firsthand about lifesaving Research Going on at the Cleveland Clinic. p romona he became the perfect candidate for the trial of a new drug. Katherine Bosley with his journey. p reporter for this man the told his days are numbered, it would appear a trial for an immuno therapy drug as opposed to chemotherapy was his only hope. recently fda approved now a game changer in the same types of cancer altogether. frng frank and his wife cindy in good spirits at the cleveland Cancer Institute these days at their carrollton, ohio home 100 miles away where reminiscing about vacations years ago hiking there is a lot of fun. p reporter they are starting to think they can take off again soon. it is pretty much just the two of them. married for 40 years, they will never forget the day they met at the county fair. a nice, good looking guy. i saw her and i thought, i would really like to meet her. p reporter they also cant forget the day their world turned upside down in 2011. the life long labor worker diagnosed with stage 4 Kidney Cancer that had already spread. didnt know it. i didnt want to think about it. i assumed somehow it was going to work out. p reporter and it would have to work out fast. he was given just more than a year to live. while that was happening so was this. researchers hard at work perfecting what they had reason to believe a cure for certain cancers like franks. it is important to know there are other things out there. What it means is that there is an effective new treatment option for these patients. p reporter Cleveland Clinic oncologist. it seems like it is your last hope anyway so go for it and thank goodness he did. p reporter he said there was no difference and then one morning he woke up pain pain free. i felt wonderful. i remember the moment she walked in the room and she said your tumors are shrinking and that was wonderful. there is a natural patients alike. p reporter basically it revs up the immune system to do the job better. it wouldnt be long before frank would be cancer free. you can imagine. it is over well overwhelming. i almost lost it. thats not like me. the main thing that made me fight as hard as i did is i never had a thought about not fighting because i wanted to p reporter for now they will have to be here for treatment every three weeks until told otherwise. a trial sometimes means no one is even sure when it is time to stop. frank got into his trial the way most people do through his doctors referral, but there are thousands of Clinical Trials going on all the time. all you have to do is type in Clinical Trials into your Google Search and one of the most common websites people use is Clinical Trials. Gov. you can search according to the condition you are concerned about. you put that here or you can location. patients just need to remember that not every drug will work for every patient and not every drug is suitable for every patient. a much brighter picture of a future they thought they would never see and for doctors and researchers everywhere, a better picture of what magic this medicine may hold. frank has had no side affects, but he uppedzs thats not the case for everyone. again it is the nature of trials and the unknown factor. them mu know therapy this immunotherapy. in clevelands news center, Katherine Bosley. thank you, katherine. p romona crowd funding websites have exploded in popularity and some even launched campaigns to help save a pet. especially when the vet bills turn into a major experience. i knew it caused a lot of anxiety when you think about your animal because you cant afford them . p romona a rep for the go fund me website says its users have raised more than 36 million to help animals in the last few years. p denise some call this a victory for women. they say more men are doing laundry. they now do the wash and the laundry industry is trying to appeal to that new demographic i do not let my husband wash my clothes. i had this one sweater one time that came outlooking like doll clothing. it doesnt mean he will make the same mistake. p romona give him another shot. p jeff yeah, learn from his mistakes. p denise no. p jeff lets look at the temperatures and nothing too warm, at least right now. we are just Holding Steady around 29. cover we are not going to move much more tonight and we are not going to move much tomorrow. in general we are in the chilly pattern. there is the wave of some snow that will be entering the picture early tomorrow morning. looks like the best threat will be the first half of the day and it is approaching toledo. it will be here in five or six hours in the Greater Cleveland area. by the toil it gets here less by the time it gets here less than an inch of snow. it is actually Holding Steady now. future view has us dropping in the low to mid20s. thats a little over done. right ready a 30 or so and it could drop later in the afternoon. and here is the future view model at 7 00 a. M. you can see the first wave is east of cleveland at that time. 10 00 in the morning are it develops a little lake effect east of here. we are talking minor stuff. as the clouds break up, it will be a cold one. right around 30 and less than an inch of snow out there. 28 is the temperature in the akron canton area. 30 at 7 00 a. M. And 30 at noon. light snow and 5 00 is partly cloudy and 26 degrees. the alert on friday is not so much for the rain, but strong wind. we will be gusting 40 miles an hour. 11 tomorrow night and 34 on thursday. sunny to partly cloudy again. just sprinkles on friday, but very windy. 55 will be the high on friday. 47 and falling in temperature on saturday. well drop down to 39 on saturday night and sunday an alert for some light rain. i think we warm back up into the 50s. monday. light snow showers and right around 30. here is the buzz. now, it is time for the buzz sponsored by National Carpet mill outlet. p denise mod p romona mod deem Ashley Graham is making history. p denise and triggering continue controversy over her size. you are the first plus size model on the cover. p denise yes, this is Ashley Graham and she is on the late show with steven cul bear tonight. she is the first plus sized model on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. how about that . the late show begins in about 10 minutes after cleveland 19 news. p romona the cover is the focus of a big debate on social media. Ashley Graham is a size 16, but most women say that is not plus sized. p denise they say the afternoon woman is size 16 and plus sized is 20. we were talking about it on facebook. p romona we come in so many shapes and sizes and some women on facebook were saying that the heavier women may have some lumps and bumps, but thinner women have p denise have lumps and bumps. after you have a baby, forget it. p romona no, not at all. the key is being healthy. p denise absolutely. she is beautiful. p romona tell us what you think on twitter, facebook or cleveland 19. Com. coming up next in sports, the nba trade deadline is hours away and a lot of people are wondering if the cavs will pull the trigger. Tony Zarrella is coming up on sports. p reporter we will be on the prowl for an owl tomorrow morning as the lake erie now, this is the serpentini chevrolet sports report on cleveland 19 news. p tony you know what they say. sometimes the best deal is the one you dont make. i am talking the cavaliers and i am talking the next 39 hours and 35 minutes. thats when the deadline will hit on thursday at 3 00. there is no reason for David Griffin to shake this team up. cavalier fans, i get. it havent been the same since january 18th. thats when they came in and shredded the cavs by 34. david blatt was out and they have a long way to go to knock off the defending champs. thats true. trading kevin love, is that the answer . i have a better idea. bring him off the bench. he will get more touches and score more points and everything is elevated. last years finals mvp started ii am not saying they shouldnt add a wing man, but they won 19 of the past 24 and it is still a work in progress. moving love to the second unit could take everything. thats my take and now i want yours, tweet it to me. Roger Goodells 2014 salary was leaked and he pulled out 34 million in 2014. that was after a 9 million pay cut. we dont know last years salary because the nfl dropped the tax exempt status and no longer has to disclose it. over a nineyear span he was up there with the big guys. 246 million and kobe 208 million and roger gay you del 180 and Roger Goodell 180 million. i want to show you the scene from tennessee. this is robert luis with down syndrome and had one shot on senior night. he is the teams manager and they let him play and makes the shot. ticked off watch both teams swarm this kid. it warms my heart. that was a great, great scene. sports can do that and bring people together. p romona thats what it b hey pal . You ready . Can you pick me up at 6 30 . Ah. boy im here im here cop too late. I was gone for five minutes ugh move it. Youre killing me. You know what, dad . Im good. dad it may be quite a while before hes ready, but our Subaru Legacy will be waiting for him. vo the longestlasting midsize sedan in its class. The twentysixteen Subaru Legacy. Its not just a sedan. it could be less than an inch of snow coming down here. it is not going to impact the morning commute all that much either. midto upper 20s. light snow and we are not going to warm up much tomorrow. it looks like only about 30 and 11 tomorrow night. very wind ay and 55. i see it, jeff. thank you. p denise thanks for joining us tonight. cleveland 19 this morning begins at 4 30 a. M. p romona hope you have a i hope we have a buyer for the house. Me too what are the neighbors doing here . Bill hey come in i didnt know your home wifi could stream so many devices at the same time. Dad, its Time Warner Cable internet. Crazyfast. Dad you can get wifi all over this place. Cool make your home as connected as possible. Get internet with unlimited data starting at 14. 99 per month. And ask about free installation. Jon Stephen Colbert captioning sponsored by cbs cheers and applause stephen you deserve it you deserve it thank you. Stephen Stephen Stephen stephen

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