Transcripts For WOIO CBS This Morning 20161019 : comparemela

Transcripts For WOIO CBS This Morning 20161019

we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. when it comes to washington, d.c., it is time to drain the dam swamp. >> the candidates prep for the final debate. >> they hide her for days before a debate. people don't want to be reminded how much they don't like her. >> they even want to try and rig the election at the polling booths where so many cities are corrupt. >> i invite mr. trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get >> barack obama -- south carolina due to illegal voting. go ahead, jake. sorry. >> boris, where are you getting that from? >> they are encountering pretty heavy resistance. >> the army is heading to retake mosul. >> islamic state militants popping up like gophers. >> anti-american protest outside the u.s. embassy in the philippines turned violent overnight. >> president obama hosting his dinner. >> the immore@wortal words of y berra, it ain't over until it's over. >> l.a. county saying the fire is not out. no word of containment. >> dash cam captured a woman's brush with death crossing a street in wilmington. >> >> all that. ? king of the road ? oh, major! >> up-ended! >> what a hit >> up and over you go. >> and all that matters. >> the latest wiki leaky leaky leaky is a list of the vice presidents hillary clinton was considering. >> ceo of starbucks was on the list. he could have made american grande. >> is that what it is to you? >> teenage boys. actually they should behave better, right? >> anderson cooper shut her down so quick. even the angels painted on the ceiling were like, oh! announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places! welcome to "cbs this morning." gayle king is off. margaret brennan is with us. the election is 20 days away and the candidates are gearing up for tonight's final debate. donald trump and hillary clinton will meet in university of nevada-las vegas. it is their first meeting since multiple women accused trump of sexual assault and since wikileaks revealed more alleged clinton campaign e-mails. >> the newest nationwide poll out this morning shows clinton leading trump by nine points in a four-way race 38 h% to 47%. major, good morning. >> reporter: on his way here, the safety most conservative parts of colorado politically speaking. trump dare not tread in the swing states where colorado's nine electorate votes will be determined. instead trump soaked himself in the easy adore radiation of colorado springs and the grand canyon. now polls are poison in their place chanting to the converted. >> let's say we are tied. then how come we have thousands and thousands of people, thousands and thousands. >> reporter: thousands do show up in gop strongholds. but trump need to broaden his base. his repeated and unfounded charges of current vote manipulation could hurt trump in two ways. depressed turnout among his voters turned off by yet another conspiracy theory. >> they even want to rig the election at polling booths where so many cities are corrupt and voting is all too common. i think the media is trying to discourage our people from getting out and vote. a crooked group of people. >> reporter: for those in colorado allegations. fraud ring true. >> you hope. you hope the outcome is legitimate. >> i doubt it would be legite >> people voting twice. dead people voting. yes. >> reporter: with advisers desperate to cast trump as an agent of change, he dusted off a long forgotten idea that he hasn't mentioned in months. term limits for congress. >> i'm proposing a term limit of six years for members of the house and 12 years for members of the senate. >> reporter: term limits, of course are meant to address congressional stag nation with you a considerable amount of of the house seats have changed hands. that number in the senate over 12 years about 70%. one other quick note. trump is invited here tonight, malik obama, president obama's half-brother who has endorsed the republican nominee. >> major, thank you. president obama accuses donald trump of whining about alleged voter fraud. at a white house news conference with italy's prime minister, the president said he is tired of hearing . whining and try to make his case to get votes. i have never seen in my lifetime or in modern political history any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process before votes have even taken place. >> hillary clinton has stayed out of sight, preparing for the continues to release e-mails apparently stolen from her campaign chairman. nancy cordes is inside the debate spin room in las vegas. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. you know, the last debate was only ten days ago? but a lot has changed since then. in the meantime, more than half a dozen women have accused trump of making unwanted sexual advances. and hillary clinton has largely held her fire about that. her aides say that is likely to change tonight. clinton arrived in yesterday afternoon, and immersed herself in more debate prep, despite her opponent's talk. >> she is home sleeping and i'm working. a way it's going to be in the white house too. she would be sleeping. i'd be working. >> reporter: clinton aides say she is working on how to rebut trump's argument that the election is somehow rigged against him. >> he wants to blame somebody else and that is what losers do. >> reporter: communication director jen palmieri said voters from new allegations of sexual assault and expects that hacked campaign e-mails will come up tonight. in one posted by wikileaks, campaign chair john podesta admitted last september that the campaign had taken on a lot of water over the e-mail scandal and that a lot has to do with clinton's instincts. in another e-mail released tuesday, he described bernie sanders as a doofus for criticizing an international environmental agreement. the latest strange twist? e confirmed last night it had temporarily blocked internet access for julian assange the founder of wiki leaks who has been living in ecuador embassies since 2012. this temporary restrictions does not prevent the wikileaks from carrying out its journalistic those activities including releasing 50,000 of podesta's e-mails between now and election day. ironically, clinton aides hope the e-mails come up tonight because they think it will give clinton a chance to argue that the russians are trying to meddle in this election and that trump, she says, is egging them on. mark leibovich is chief national correspondent for "the new york times" magazine and cbs news political contributor. good morning. >> hi, charlie. >> we assume the come up and accusation will come up. >> i think the wikileaks is a gift for donald trump but i don't know that he has used it correctly. he has daily proof the person i'm running against is a politician. a lot of the are laid out in documents. i am not a politician. i sometimes do and say things that are no politically correct and have to pivot to the him. in hillary clinton's case, i don't know how she will try to explain away all of this but she can at least say this is how campaigns run. take any organization in america and take their e-mails and look at them and you'll find stuff out of context looks maybe unsce unseemingly. you can raise the russian issue also. >> what is the most powerful argument that hillary clinton needs to make tonight? >> i think she is probably going to stay affirmative and i'm sure she will have a statement or something to say about the sexual harassment accusations. i think more likely she is more safe and probably try to stay on her own level and not go anywhere close to -- >> we have just three weeks left. polls out in 15 battleground states that matter where hillary clinton is ahead outside the margin of error which would give her about 304 electorate votes. is this election almost over? >> i think people are saying that. i think it's premature. 20 days left. i'm not just saying that as a cliche. the debate tonight is the last chance donald trump will have to make a case people should vote for him. he sort of failed in the first two debates to say this is why you should vote for me. i think people even now are looking for a reason and i think he can still deliver it. >> yet, he seems to be saying your vote doesn't matter because the election is rigged. can you explain that strategy? >> i can't. but what i can -- i just don't know why you can say this election is rigged and not depress your own turnout. >> >> depresses everybody. >> but his own term. your vote doesn't count, why go out and vote is just disjointed. >> he has seemed to get in the way of his own messages but the accusations against him is the subject of his fitness? >> i think both. but look. he has a potentially very powerful message. the change message is powerful. >> why hasn't he made it? >> because he hasn't been disciplined. i think he has gotten in his own way a lot. i think if he were to say, three this is a politician who has been there 30 years and three, it's a different kind of candidate, it would be very effective. >> chris wallace, i think there is going to be tonight the most substantive debate in terms of issues and policies. >> chris wallace i think could work very well for both sides. >> mark, thank you. gayle and i will in las vegas for tonight's final presidential debate. our coverage begins at 9:00 eastern/8:00 central on cbs. a russian hacker suspected of targeting the is being held this morning in the czech republic. the fbi helped czech police take the man into custody two weeks ago but the arrest was only revealed a few hours ago. the suspect was nabbed during a surprise raid at a hotel in prague. jeff pegues has details of the investigation and what it could mean for u.s./russian relations. jeff, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the russian hacker now faces extradition to the united states czech police and the fibula. the take-down was a videotape. the man appeared to be caught off-guard as police moved in to make the arrest. police say he fainted and was taken to a hospital for treatment. authorities say he is connected to cyber attacks on the united states but investigators have not offered any more specifics than that. just two days after his arrest on october 5th, the obama administration blamed russia for the cyberattack on the democratic national convention that compromised e-mails and at the time of his arrest, u.s. law enforcement enforce were telling cbs news the russians are trying to influence the u.s. election by scanning and probing voter databases in several states. unclear if the man taken into custody is corrected to the cyber attacks but the u.s. is vowed to respond to the attacks and an official told cbs news the response would be proportional. >> jeff, thanks. closer this morning to the isis-held city of mosul. satellite images show smoke rising from tires set on fire by isis and meant to throw or air strikes. newly liberated territory outside of iraq's second largest stip the american-backed operations freed up villages outside of mosul already. holly williams takes us inside the village of bartella. >> this is the new front line with isis. and just beyond the berm these kurdish fighters are building new defensive positions. beyond that is no man's land, and then isis. they have recaptured around 20 villages here from the "star trek"ist ov-- extremists over t last two days. this is the main road into mosul and about three miles in that direction in isis territory system is the town of bartella which was seized by isis when the group went across northern and we visited it just weeks before it was captured by isis and spoke to the christian militia men who were trying to defend it. it is or was an ancient christian community because the residents all fled their homes. but when we were there, we saw them worshipping in a language spoken by jesus. isis released a propaganda video yesterday claiming that it showed life going a mosul. this morning, they put out more video showing the extremists fighting off this offensive. but isis also released images of another barbaric execution of a man that they claim was a spy, most of that video is simply too disturbing for us to show you. and as we know, that kind of brutality is also part of normal life under isis and its so-called islamic state. east of mosul. holly, thank you so much. this angry demonstration we have seen outside the american embassy in the philippines turned bloody when a police van slammed into protesters. dramatic video shows the van driven wildly throughout the crowd. a thousand anti-american protesters threw red paint to the president duterte. >> amazing an u.s. militar you have that kind of anti-american sentiment. >> he has expressed feelings about the president. >> right. and anti-colonial sentiment getting closer to china. it may be october, but record breaking heat will make much of the country feel like summer. unseasonably high temperatures are forecast from the southern plains to the northeast. nashville and boston see highs 20 degrees above normal and philadelphia could make a record with a high of 84. last until late in the week. the last state dinner was held last night at the white house. president and mrs. obama made a grant entrance at the event in honor of the prime minister of italy. julianna goldman is at the white house where the gala was not an entirely social education. >> the president said he saved the best for the even politic on the side. >> we are reminded that american democracy is graced by the touch of italy. >> reporter: a not so subtle nod to the political climate, president obama noted italy's mark on america. >> we look up at the dome of the u.s. capitol and marvel at the touch of and some days our campaigns can seem line infernos. >> reporter: the election was not off limits for the italian >> reporter: during his toast, renzi said the recent take-down of donald trump was not lost in translation. >> i know michelle, your -- are great but after the last week, let me be very frank. your speech are better than your tomatoes. thank you very much as prime minister and thank you so much as a father of a younger daughter. >> reporter: the obamas have hosted 13 dinners in eight years, including two with china. president george w. bush held were both eclipsed by president bill clinton who hosted 28. and last night, president obama reflected on his own legacy and shared memories from his last visit to rome. >> i had the opportunity to visit the coliseum and as i walked across those ancient stones worn by the history of 2,000 years, it was a humbling reminder of our place here on earth and the grand sweep of time each of us is here only for a brief moment. beyond, the things that will endure long after we are gone. >> reporter: let's talk about the dress the first lady chose to wear an italian designer and she glittered in a floor-length gown in rose gold by versace. >> wow. a beautiful dress, indeed. julianna, thank you. how about the italian prime minister with the lines there? he was very funny. two adventure seeker die in caves in florida. first, it's time to >> samantha: good wednesday morning to you. thanks for waking up with us. we are tracking another gorgeous day for you. 62 at 9:00, 68 midday and then after highs today in the lower 70s. a little cooler than yesterday, but still running way above average. expect decreasing cloud cover through the day, but rain returns tonight after midnight, and that rain is going to hang with us all through the day announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by carrier. turn to the experts at viewers of tonight's presidential debate should expect the unexpected. political experts explain if there is anything the nominees can do to change voters' minds. the news is back in the morning right here on "cbs this announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by 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"the new york times" says a former fbi official at the center of hillary clinton's private e-mail is speaking out. newly released fbi documents revealed apparent quid pro quo which clinton was secretary of state. they say a state department official had asked the fbi to lower the classification of a sensitive e-mail on clinton's server. in exchange, the fbi would get extra personnel in iraq. now former fbi official brian mccauley says he, not the state department, suggested the quid pro quo, but mccauley said he backed down when he learned clinton's e-mail was related to the "los angeles times" reports on a judge who ruled on some of mexico's highest profile criminal cases killed in broad daylight. video captured the judge jogging on monday before he was shot in the head by a man following him. oh, my goodness! >> oh, my god! >> the footage caused up roar in mexico. last year his judicial district issued an order to install the extradition come to the united states. carriers would have to refund checked bag fees if luggage is substantially delayed. i like that. well, online ticketing services would not be allowed to favor a particular airline and reports would be required on mistakes such as the mishandling of wheelchair passengers. an industry group says the rules would raise fares. the detroit news reports on temporary closings at some ford plants. two assembly lines in the united states and two in mexico would be idle. and fusions and two lincoln models and fiesta subcompact. they want to match production with demand after a recent slowdowns in sales. the closings will last a week or two. the "chicago tribune" says nearly one-fifth of the water fountains in city parks are shut off for safety reasons. 459 fountains are affected. test found high levels of brain damaging lead. the flint water crisis prompted the testing. the deaths of two prompting new calls to close a well-known cave diving site. the underwater cave system known as eagles nest is known as the mt. everest of sports and draws divers from around the world and in a remote wilderness area. manuel bojorquez spoke to one of them. here goes down hundreds of feet. it is considered a very advanced dive, meaning only those with the proper certification and training should attempt it. even then, it is still dangerous. the two men who died here were both skilled divers. from the surface, eagles nest appears serene. but looks can be deceiving. divers have lost t underwater. the grim sign at the mouth of the cave warns divers to turn back. >> i guarantee you, there was nothing left for them to do at the end. >> reporter: ron ritenmeyer said his son chris had the proper training and was always careful. >> my ton typically dove what he thought was his limit. i believe that in his heart, he did this dive fully expecting he would be back. >> reporter: chris rittenmeyer bodies were recovered sunday, 260 feet down. >> he would never leave him. the other guy would never leave chris. . i'm proud of him for that and also sad by that. >> reporter: do you think if anybody one was in trouble the other would never leave the other behind? >> never, never. that is not the way they are trained and never the system. >> reporter: the eagles nest cave is composed of three different tunnels and parts of 300 below the surface. the two were experienced divers. they had both been in the depths of eagles nest recently as friday, part of a weekend long plan to explore the cave. >> it wasn't like they were a couple of yahoos who went in there, you know, with no training or anything else. done properly, it's a very safe endeavor but so is sky diving. >> reporter: from 2010 to 2013, 12 cave diving deaths in the u.s. and two in the eagles nest divers lobbied to open it in 2003. ron rittenmeyer wants it to remain that way. >> there is always something going to go wrong. >> reporter: how are you and your family coping right now? >> you should precede your children in death. can't even describe it. >> reporter: the divers network says the majority of cave diving train divers and it's unclear what led to the deaths of the men here this weekend but the professional association of diving instructors tells cbs news the central message remains you must be trained as a cave diver in order to go into these types of underwater caves. >> really good point. thank you. donald trump may see a new path to victory next month. ahead, two political strategists who have experience prepping could suppress turnout at the polls. take us with you on the go. we invite you to subscribe to our new "cbs this morning" podcast. you get the news of the day and extended interviews and podcast originals. you can find them all on itunes and apple's podcast app. we will be right back. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take ts. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? i was out here smoking instead of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. y needs a great how. y everyday millions of women worldwide trust tena with their bladder matters. thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. tena lets you be you americans... ... 83% try to eat healthy. yet up 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more. add one a day women's gummies. complete with key nutrients we may need... it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. hillary clinton and donald trump may face new challenges at tonight's final presidential debate. those issues include a reported campaign e-mails and his alleged groping and kissing of women against their will. the latest cbs news poll shows 46% of female voters believe trump does not respect women at all. it also found 63% of registered voters do not think clinton is jan crawford is here how tonight's debate could change the course of the race. >> reporter: good morning. mike feldman was a top adviser to al gore during the 2000 presidential campaign and dan senor was a senior adviser to mitt romney during his 2012 run. they talked to us about how tonight's debate and the overall tone of the campaign could actually end up hurting turnout on election day. >> i've been a senator. >> you haven't done anything. >> i too. >> reporter: the two presidential debates have seen plenty of fireworks. >> let's focus on the issues. >> reporter: less than three weeks until election day, democrat mike feldman and republican dan senor say voters' minds may already be made up. >> i think generally the third debate historically matters the least. >> the least? >> yes. >> having said that, we have never seen an election like this. there has been nothing about this cycle so far that is predictable. >> reporter: in tonight's final debate, both trump and clinton after november 8th. >> for trump, it appears as though he is pursuing some sort of strategy to rationalize defeat and place the blame for the outcome of the election elsewhere. >> hillary is running for president in what looks like, to many people, a totally rigged election. >> in this debate you'll see more from trump trying to draw the negative and trying to blame his opponent, the moderator. >> reporter: the media? >> "saturday night live" in their conspiracy >> reporter: the past two debates clinton has seen what kind of opponent trump can be. >> it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. >> because you'd be in jail. >> reporter: secretary clinton -- >> i don't think he can surprise her by being even more scorched than he has already been. the only way to surprise her is if he dialed it back. >> reporter: at the third presidential debate, most thought trump started off presidential donald trump showed up. >> i thought he was effective during the beginning of the first debate because had he a very clear message. >> hillary i just asked you this. you've been doing this for 30 years. why are you just thinking about these solutions right on now? >> the moment she started pushing his buttons with the planned attacks. >> maybe he is not as rich as he says he is. >> the wheels just came off. one would think in a normal election that trump would want to use the debate number three to say, i know i've said some crazy things, i know i've been a little erra comes to shove, i can do this job. it's probably not what he is going to do. >> reporter: as more women come forward with allegations of groping or sexual assault, trump dns to adamantly deny their stories. >> you have phony people coming up with phony allegations with no witnesses schaver. >> reporter: may now see a new path to victory. >> it's possible that donald trump is running a campaign where he is trying to essentially suppress turnout and make this an election that is american peek. >> so distasteful. >> why should i turn on the tv on wednesday night or show up and vote. >> reporter: clinton is trying to excite voters to turn out on election day. >> she needs to motivate her trump. >> this election is important. >> reporter: both men agree whatever what happens tonight, viewers should expect the unexpected. >> trump is a volatile candidate in a election losing there will probably be surprises. >> the one thing i think both parties can agree to people will be relieved when november 8th comes around and we are looking at this election in the rearview mirror. >> the divisiveness to linger past november 8th. who wins the election is when it comes time to actual govern. >> jan, thank you. watch cbs news coverage of tonight's debate beginning at cbs. are you ready? 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longer what pain? advil. ? devices and anger don't mix. you know that. that is new england patriots coach bill belichick slamming his tablet computer on the sideline during a recent loss to the buffalo bills. he told reporters yesterday he is done with the microsoft surface tablet! he says it has performance issues. microsoft made a deal with the $400 million over five years to feature the technology. microsoft put out a reported statement saying we respect coach belichick's decision but stand behind the reliability of surface. >> that's kind of a disaster for them, though. you know? i mean, yeah. >> apple marketing says thank you. thank you very much. a massive rescue operation helped put a wayward marine mammal on the path to >> it was 1,100 juourney from cape cod to orlando. this manatee is pregnant and is being nursed back to health and return to the wild. that story is coming up on "cbs i'm hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. but that doesn't stop my afib from 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unusual bruising or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto watch for back pain or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. to help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. there's more to know. xarelto. no matter what you love, we'll help you style your home from floor to ceiling. now get 10 to 15% off select kohler bath products mother in-law with a keen sense of smell... glad bag, full of trash. what happens next? nothing. only glad has febreze to neutralize odors for 5 days. guaranteed. even the most perceptive noses won't notice the trash. be happy. it's glad. >> nichole: good morning. i'm nichole vrsansky. if your family or your roommates don't want to watch the debate tonight, you're in luck. some regal cinema locations screen the third and final presidential debate tonight. locations include crocker park, hudson, akron and richmond heights. watching the debate on the free screen is free tonight. it starts at 9:00 p.m. here's meteorologist sam roberts with a look at the forecast. sam. >> samantha: thanks so much, for the afternoon. i have a little cloudiness around this morning, but those clouds decrease throughout the day and should feel pretty nice. 60s in the morning and low 70s for your afternoon. a lot cooler than yesterday but still running above average for today. the average highs this time of year in the low 60s. well, if you're kind of craving a taste of fall, we're about to see a major drop in our numbers. saturday some of you may not even get out of the 40s. ? good morning. it is wednesday, october 19th, 2016. welcome back to "cbs this morning.? there is more real news ahead, including the presidential candidates and the economy are issues that matter series looks at their views on jobs and trade with former republican candi first, here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. the candidates are gearing up for tonight's final debate. >> trump has invited president obama's half-brother who endorsed the republican nominee. >> the last debate was only ten days ago, but a lot has changed since then. clinton has largely held her fire since then. tonight's debate and the overall tone of the campaign, it actually end up hurting turnout on election day. >> polls out this morning that of the margin of error. is this election almost over? >> i think people are saying that. i think it's premature. today is the most important day. >> this is the new front line with isis and just beyond the berm here, these kurdish fighters are building new defense positions and beyond that is no man's land and then isis. >> hacker is facing extradition to the u.s. he was picked up by czech police and the fbi. bittersweet night obama's with their final state dinner appear the president said he saved the best for the last and holding out for the best for last. >> a chef made sweet potato anlocky with sage and i bet the italian minister is going, oh, good, pasta! we never get this! >> i'm charlie rose with norah o'donnell and margaret brennan. gayle is off. hillary clinton's campaign says fraud at tonight's final presidential debate. trump wants his voters to turn out on election day to monitor polling place. that is raising concerns of voter intimidation. >> both trump and his running mate mike pence has vcalled on supporters to act as poll watchers. >> if nothing else, people are going to be watching on november 8th. watch philadelphia. watch st. louis. watch chicago. watch so many other places. >> become involved on election day as a poll worker or a poll watcher. if you're here at a rally and not yet volunteered to participate in the electorate process by respectfully creating accountability on election day you have not done all you can do. >> president obama said, yesterday, that trump's rhetoric weakens american democracy. we recognize that there is something more important than any individual campaign and that is making sure that the integrity and trust in our institutions sustains itself, because democracy, by definition, works by consent and by force. >> the president said trump's claims of widespread voter fraud are not based on facts. we continue our o election series "issues that matter." for the look at the economy, here is how the presidential nominees say they plan to create more jobs for americans, expand the economy, and handle trade agreements with other countries. >> we will rebuild the middle class. we will make work pay. we will great greater opportunities for a great percentage of americans. >> my economic agenda is very, >> what we are going to do is make the biggest investment in new jobs since world war ii. >> our tax trade, energy and regulatory reforms will help us reach 4% growth and create at least 25 million new jobs within a decade. >> when companies try to outsource jobs, we are going to make them give back any tax breaks they ever got. >> under my plan, i'll be reducing taxes tremendously from and big businesses. that is going to be a job creator like we haven't seen since ronald reagan. it's going to be a beautiful thing to watch. >> we are going to raise taxes on the wealthy and close loopholes for corporation to make investments in growing our economy. >> we are cutting taxes for the middle class and i will tell you, we are cutting them big league. >> i have said nobody who makes that is the vast majority of americans, as you know, will have their taxes raised. >> i'm not going to let wall street get away with murder and wall street has caused tremendous problems for us. we are going to tax wall street. >> we should build on the dodd-frank financial reforms and go even further, because wall street can never, ever be permitted to threaten main street again. >> if we don't get the deal we want, we will withdraw from nafta and start all over again maki workers. it's going to be america first. it's america first. >> the answer is to finally make trade work for us, not against us. i will stop any trade deal that kills jobs or holds down wages, including the tran pacific partnership. >> ohio governor and former republican candidate john kasich visited the white house last partnership. kasich focused his presidential bid on promoting the economy. nearly six years later, the economy in his state is 4.7%. governor kasich has not publicly endorsed any candidates and he's with us now from columbus, ohio. governor, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, norah. >> let's talk about the issue of trade. in that first presidential debate, we heard donald trump mention ohio as a state that has been hurt by international trade. your on >> well, look. we are up 430,000 jobs and we think actually trade is good. but, norah, the biggest problem we have is we don't have a system to retrain people. look. trade is really about innovation. it's about growth and it's about assemble consumers. the transpacific green light is not only about helping our country but it's about if we china with a leader who has become the most repressive in a very, very long time. and russia. so we have a lot of little countries out there that are saying, we want to work with the united states and to tell them no, is really a big mistake, not only from an economic point of view, but also from the standpoint of g.o. politics and our ability to be strong in the pacific. but we have to retrain people, though. see, the problem is, norah, the economy -- as the economy changes and inovatnovates becaue are in an ideal economy now. as it changes, we can't leave people behind. our system of job training in this country is totally broken and needs to be fixed and congress has got to do something about it. we are trying to do it in ohio to give people an opportunity to be able to improve their lives by giving them skills to compete a new economy. >> governor, are you saying, in fact, trade does mean a loss of train those people? are you acknowledging that trade does lose jobs? >> in some cases, old industries -- you know, we don't make buggy whips any more, right? but if you lock the doors in our country, consumers will pay more and more jobs will be lost. the fact is there is a change. look. we don't make the apple inside of the apple phone any more, but we have built the apple phone. we designed the apple phone. we created the apple phone. it's better to work mak computer chips than potato chips, frankly. but those people stuck in the old industries need to be retrained. frankly, in our state, we are pushing a program to continually improve people's skills. we are working from kindergarten to retirement. we don't have that in this country right now and, frankly, our education system, k through 12 and including much of higher education, is not functioning and serving our people very well. apple is making a lot of profits and still overseas. do we need tax reform so the profits will come back and create jobs here in america? >> what we know, charlie, we have the highest corporate taxes in the world among the leading industrial countries. and so what happens is people park their money overseas. democrats and republicans both agree on this. it would be great to be able to get that money back to america so we can help -- >> why don't we have that change in the law? >> because congress can't see to get out of its own way. they can't agree on anything. if democrats are for something and republicans against it and if republicans are for something, democrats are against it. look. i went down there to help the president with trade. i don't agree with barack obama on a lot of things but i went down to help him because i happen to believe in free trade because it's good for our country and i get criticized because i go to the oval office to sit with the president. when i was in congress, it was a president and work for the good of the country! they are losing that! >> governor, i was at the white house when you visited. honestly, did the administration tell you they can get this trade deal done before barack obama leaves office? because neither presidential candidate supports it. >> well, it doesn't matter what the presidential candidates say. frankly, you know, candidates say one thing when they are running and change their minds later. i don't know if that will be the case with these two, but what i will tell you there is an opportunity he to push and the democrats will provide some votes. the real question is how hard will the president push for this? and look. i'm going to do everything i can to help the white house on this for the simple reason this is in the best interest of the united states and all this anti-trade talk, this takes us back to the time when people were attacking machines. do you remember -- charlie, you remember. you lived back there. you were reporting. do you remember? >> yes, i am that old. >> they were attacking machines us out of work. it doesn't have to work that way. >> we are short on time and want to get your take. donald trump is saying this election is rigged. is it? >> no! look. i've run statewide in ohio and my first election was extremely close. look. to say that elections are rigged and all of these votes have stolen is like saying we never landed on the moon, frankly. that is how silly it is. no, i don't think that is good for our country, for our democracy and i't one of my great friends here is the head of the board of elections. we don't have that. that is just a silly argument. the problem it creates doubt in people' minds and i worried about 25% of americans who may say when the election is over, it was stolen. that is a big fat joke. >> are you going to vote for the republican nominee tomorrow? >> no. >> are you voting for the democratic nominee? >> no. >> you can start something there. charlie rose. all right. governor kasich, as always, we appreciate you joining us. >> thank you. >> we wanted to focus on the issues and we appreciate your time. you can watch cbs news coverage of tonight's debate at 9:00 eastern/8:00 central. our cartoonist liza donnelly will draw the debate tonight. going back home. the complex rescue that spanned 1,300 miles and could have >> samantha: good wednesday morning to you. i'm meteorologist samantha roberts with a check of your forecast for today. it's going to be beautiful. we'll have decreasing cloud cover and somewhat cooler than yesterday. we were in the 80s yesterday afternoon, and today i go 72 for by about 10 degrees, so the warmth continues until tomorrow. take a look at that full seven-day planning forecast. 62 tomorrow with rain special head gear is helping women with breast cancer retain their dignity. ahead how a cap child by dry ice helps to minimize one noticeable side effect of chemotherapy. the patients get to keep most of cutting edge technology. you're watching "cbs this morning." ? ? 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decided to see if she would make it back south. when she didn't they launched a complicated effort to bring back to the coast of florida. her home now is rolling around here and smacking on lettuce this morning. if this continues, her last stop will be a return to the wild. >> welcome, sweet girl. welcome home. >> reporter: washburn, the manatee, returned to the sunshine state after 1,300 mile flight against a coast guard transport plane and escorted by police a slow profession moved through the streets of orlando to her temporary home at there, a crane hoisted the 800-pound mammal into a private rehab tank. you can almost see the relief as she hit the water. once anonymous manatee became a summer celebrity. she was spotted bobbing in the choppy waters in cape cod in late august. conservists with the international fund for annuimal welfare sprang into action and bringing her to orlando and they mom-to-be. >> not only one manatee, but it's two. so the stakes are pretty high. >> reporter: manatees also known as see scows. they are native to florida have spent nearly 50 years on the endangered species list but the population is recovering. seaworld veterinarian laura kroft accompanied washburn on the flight. she says just saving one has extraordinary effort. >> we did have one working calf that was hand-reared, returned to the wild and she gave birth to nine calves. who knows how many calves that those calves had. one manatee can have a huge effect on the population. >> reporter: so far, seaworld has released 17 manatees back into the wild. washburn would be number 18. here is the plan. she is pregnant. what they want to do is give her a little bit more time, two weeks, maybe two mont, put on some weight and maybe 400, 500 pounds and maybe turn her in the wild and they want to her to deliver her castle back in the water. >> you can't put on 400 pounds eating lettuce! >> a new chapter for the space race. ahead how a pair of simultaneous missions shows off cooperation and competition among world powers in orbit. we thought fibers that help you stay regular caused unwanted gas. not good. then we switched to mirafiber. only mirafiber supports regularity with dailycomfort fiber. and is less likely to cause... unwanted gas. finally. switch to mirafiber. from the makers of miralax. when i was a little kid, i made a deal with mysel w up. we met when we were very young... i was 17, he was 18. we made the movie the book of life. we started doing animation. with the surface book, you can actually draw on the screen. so crisp. i love it. it's almost like this super powerful computer and a tablet had the perfect baby. (laughing) it's a typewriter for writing scripts... it's a sketchbook for sketches...'s a canvas for painting... you can't do that on a mac. because if they aren't going to eat it, at least you didn't spend too much time making it. campbell's one dish recipes. made for real, real life. mom's got this cold. hashtag stuffy nose. hashtag no sleep. hashtag mouthbreather. just put on a breathe right strip. it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. firing now going up to flight speed. >> soyuz rocket carrying astronauts a blasted off mornings from kazakhstan and bound to the international space station. two chinese astronauts docked and floated aboard. their month long mission shows off the growing capability of china's man space program. her students to finish a simple oh no. oh no. oh no. i hate this belt. man oh man. >> samantha: hey, good wednesday morning to you. we're halfway there, and it's been a really nice start for us. a little cooler than yesterday, as we're headed for the low 70s today, but that's still like 10-plus degrees above average depending on your location. expect decreasing clouds through the day, and no showers today. i don't think you'll run into any rain during the daylight hours, and a big chunk of ni well. here's your evening planner. mostly clear skies until about 11:00. that's when the clouds start to thicken up and then that rain will move in after midnight. rain is going to be with us all throughout the day tomorrow, so if you have plans tomorrow or even just you're commuting, morning and evening commute, it will all be impacted by the rain as i expect on-again/off-again showers through the day and more showers on friday. friday, saturday, some of you it's not uncommon for autistic kids to flap their hands. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. and she's smart. she can work with people to solve problems. ary clinton and i approve this message. ? welcome back to "cbs this morning.? coming up in this half hour, votes cast around the world could influence the presidential election. 6 million americans live in other countries. ahead, the effort to get them more involved. plus, cold hea reduce one of the biggest side effects of chemotherapy. barry petersen tells us how women wearing a cap can help stop their hair from falling out. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. "time" reports last month was the hottest september in recorded history. it was just hotter than september 2014. the previous record holder this september was hotter by a fraction of one degree. be the hottest year on record. "the washington post" reports on samsung setting up booths at airports to help people exchange faulty galaxy note seven smartphones. the devices are banned on u.s. flights after reports of fires. a booth is already hoped in south korea and set up at this country at some of the busiest >> a french company is being sued that owns this spinal tap for $125 million! well, he stars as derek in the fake documentary and was one of its four creators. shearer says vendee has paid them not enough. vendee has yet to respond. voters in other countries voters from americans abroad could make the difference in some battleground states. traditionally very few americans living outside the united states cast a ballot and effort is under way to change that. johnathan vigliotti is in london where the overseas campaign is in full swing. >> reporter: american politics has invaded the united kingdom from a debate hall in westminster to the streets just outside. ? born in the usa ? >> reporter: this is part of get out the vote campaign aimed at 300,000 american voters living here. the message is ramping up from trump supporters in israeli to clinton backers in mexico. there is an estimated 6 million americans living abroad. of them, nearly 3 million are eligible to vote. but only around 5% voted in 2012. a small fraction of the 57% of americans when turned out to patrick studies voter turnout at oxford university. >> does an expatriot vote really matter? >> i think it does and matter more on the state they are voting in. states very close in the polling rem recently. it definitely could matter. >> reporter: remember election night? -- in 2000. >> 629 votes separate bush and gore in florida. >> reporter: george bush and al gore were neck and ne >> dan, don't forget, we haven't counted those absentee ballots that came in from overseas. >> reporter: when they did, bush won with 537 margin. >> if those votes had been counted, al gore would have carried the state. >> reporter: he says florida could this year's florida. win. to raise voter turnout above that 5% mark and possibly swing an unpredictable election. for "cbs this morning," johnthan vigliotti, london. it's really interesting to look at it in that context about florida in the 2000 election. >> the state department has been tweeting and getting information out to get people registered and tell them how to vote overseas. there is a push by the administration. >> that means they have to get the absentee ballots in by a >> right. >> got it. october is breast cancer awareness net. this firefighter was painted pink at the lexington museum in texas as a show of solidarity. 1 in 8 women will be dike knowsed with breast cancer in their lifetime. a new therapy can help reduce one of the most visible side effects, hair loss. us the science behind cold caps. >> reporter: good morning. women say one of the most chemotherapy for breast cancer is losing their hair. when the treatment kills cancer cells, it kills healthy hair cells right along with it. but for many women, it doesn't have to happen. there is a technique called cold caps used for decade in europe, but almost unknown here. these brave women took us along their journey to save their hair and with it, they say, their identity. >> this one takes an hour. >> reporter: there is nothing unusual about the chemotherapy drugs mary wolf is getting at this denver clinic. >> you want to do your chin strap? >> reporter: what is unusual is on her head, a cold cap child with dry ice to 30 below. as it warms, a new one is strapped on tightly every 20 to 30 minutes. this goes on for eight hours . just want this off my head. >> reporter: in the most recent study, roughly 66% of women kept more than half of their hair. doctors have different ideas about why it works. one theory it constricts blood flow and keeping the chemo from reaching the scalpel. another it freezes many of the hair kol fal follicles and is simply shut out. is it working? >> it is working. i have the majority of my hair. the oncologist told me this morning i would have been completely bald had i into the used the cold cap. >> reporter: she gets moral support from her husband. yes, that's me. we are together on this journey. why is maintaining your hair important to a woman? >> i think it gives you a sense of control. it gives you a piece of dignity. >> reporter: it doesn't work for carried through the blood like leukemia. there are concerns that blocking the chemotherapy could let cancer spread to the scalpel. >> the woman who chooses to do the cold cap are really motivated. >> reporter: dr. tess is a seigler is an oncologist at new york's cornell breast cancer center. >> our opinion is the risks are very, very small, if any. >> reporter: seigler sees two good effects. one is f >> i think it's a see good, feel good. >> reporter: and others for doctors and how they respond to women who still have their hair. >> we have been surprised how our interactions are a little bit different. >> reporter: in what sense in more positive? >> more positive, for sure. >> reporter: using these caps can cost a patient several thousand dollars out of pocket because they are rented by the month. this version circulates coolant through one can. it is far less available since it must be leased by hospitals. call digna cap and received approval from the food and drug administration last december. but neither is reimbursed by insurance. that's why bethany hornthal in san francisco helped to found hair to stay for women who can't afford the cold cap. their organization has offset the cost for more than 170 women. >> i think that insurance needs to step in here and to level the playing >> how does that feel? >> it feels good, yes. >> reporter: in new jersey, susan demonstrated the digna caps for us. she decided it was worth the cost because, for her, there was no price on beating cancer. >> i can go out and just be who i am and not have the breast cancer define me. >> reporter: what does that mean? not have the breast cancer define me? going through the struggle or the treatment of it and coming out the other end and being fine. >> reporter: extraordinary women. all of the people we spoke to for this story, doctors and patients, stress the importance of awareness. there can be hefty out-of-pocket costs but women can't even make the choice if they don't know about it. this treatment option and most doctors are not talking about. i'm happy to mary nell had her last chemo four months ago! look at her hair. it looked that good through the entire process. i thought i was going to do better! >> no, no, no! thank you for sharing this story with us! >> very emotional story because of the success of it. >> yes. and what she went through. >> tell us what you went through. >> it's -- it's a wonderful to share with each other and to save their hair. unfortunately, women don't know about it in the united states. i found out from a cbs friend who happened to go to a breast cancer symposium and told me about it. so you have to start it before you start your chemotherapy, but thank you for spreading the word because that is what is important. >> it's very painful. he tried it for like 30 >> and i said get this thing off my head. >> yes. you start it an hour before the infusion, through the inface, and four hours afterwards, so it's an eight-hour day. >> but it works? >> but it works. >> you're one tough woman. >> oh, thank you. there are many of us out there. >> thank you. >> thanks for having us. >> one colorado teacher's exercise for her third grade students changed classrooms across the globe. >> they just wrote on the board, had students write an answer for me. it kind of snowballed and thr through the power of social media and teachers across the country and all over the world started to do the same le >> samantha: good wednesday morning to you. i'm meteorologist samantha roberts with a check of your forecast for today. it's going to be beautiful. we'll have decreasing cloud cover and somewhat cooler t yesterday. we were in the 80s yesterday afternoon, and today i go 72 for a high. that is still way above average by about 10 degrees, so the warmth continues until tomorrow. take a look at that full seven-day planning forecast. classrooms across the country this morning are taking part in america's safe schools week. the goal of the annual campaign is to give educators, students, and their families tools to build safe and productive learn environments. one teacher in denver is getting to know her students better. >> this book favorites. >> reporter: every third grade teacher, struggles to connect with student, especially at the beginning of the year. >> everybody, your booties are glued to the carpet and not getting up again. >> reporter: kyle schwartz was ha come up with a unique and ground breaking way to do that. >> i wrote on the board, i wish my teacher new and had the students write a response to me. >> reporter: the response ranged from heart warming. >> i love her with all my heart. >> reporter: to heart breaking. grandpa died when i was in california. i started to cry because i want him to be still alive. >> student all over the country are dealing with some really challenging issues and it really helps me know what actions i need to take as a teacher to support them. >> reporter: and was the simple simplicity of that open ended sentence part of the success? >> let's read it >> reporter: schwartz had that power a few years ago when she tweeted some of her students's notes and talked about the everyday hardships like loneliness and poverty and breakup of families. >> it snowballed and through the power of social media, teachers all over the country and really all over the world started doing the same lesson. >> reporter: schwartz turned those notes and the ideas she developed to deal with them in a new book that looks to explain how one question can change teachers everywhere. >> i feel honored that i'm able to be that voice. i do feel like this obligations, but also this honor to be able to take my teaching outside my classroom and to teach others. >> reporter: the impact of the exercise has become global. >> my friends! >> reporter: back in this third grade classroom, the effects are much more personal. >> i wish my teacher knew that i don't have as many friend as i thought. that? >> because there are a lot of people in other classes that are sometimes mean or rude. >> reporter: and what did she say to you about that? >> she told the class to raise their hand if you wanted to be my friend, and nearly all of the class put their hand up. >> reporter: you didn't think you had many friend, and what friend. >> i've seen their peers rally around them. i've seen this exercise really grow and change and help students. >> reporter: did it make you also realize that you're not the only one who worries or has problems? what did that tell you? >> it told me that sometimes you need a hug. >> and pat on the back. >> reporter: a bat on the back. you guys did awesome. for "cbs this morning," mark strassmann, denver, colorado. >> you know what they say? children. the truth comes out in the most incredible and beautiful ways, and that question prompts that and that is terrific. >> sometimes the most simple questions can get the most amazing answers. >> i just want a hug and some friends! >> don't we all? >> i'll give you a hug, buddy. the growing buzz around a barber. up next, how he is shaping hair and mind. i love this story too. you're watching "cbs this the great depression. >> that caused panic. >> a michigan barber shop is shaving prices along with hair for kid who read aloud during their cut. barber alex fuller and ryan griffin want children to sharpen their readings skills about historical figures like frederick douglas. >> you need one book. you need some inspiration. and you need to say, i'm going to do something. >> if you read you get a 2 dollar discount for the 11 dollar haircut. the community is chipping in and donating books to the shop. >> that is a great idea and great to look out for the future. good luck tonight. >> thank you. >> that does it for us. tune into the "cbs evening news" twenty four meals under four dollars! just like in 1934! four dollars was a lot in those days. that can't be right. no, i was there! back then, you not only got to choose from 24 meals under four dollars, you also got a shave, a shoeshine and a new suit. used to be called "steak 'n shake 'n shave 'n shoeshine 'n suit." they even put it on the sign! 'til it broke. is that a steak 'n shake suit? walter, does this look like a steak 'n shake suit? get 24 meals for under four dollars. >> samantha: hey, good wednesday morning to you. we're halfway there, and it's been a really nice start for us. a little cooler than yesterday, as we're headed for the low 70s today, but that's still like 10-plus degrees above average depending on your location. expect decreasing clouds through the day, and no showers today. i don't think you'll run into any rain during the daylight hours, and a big chunk of to well. here's your evening planner. mostly clear skies until about 11:00. that's when the clouds start to thicken up and then that rain will move in after midnight. rain is going to be with us all throughout the day tomorrow, so if you have plans tomorrow or even just you're commuting, morning and evening commute, it will all be impacted by the rain as i expect on-again/off-again showers through the day and more showers on friday. friday, saturday, some of you ?? glad forceflex. [ applause ] ? ? >> announcer: today on rachael ray! you are invited to our at-home with show. >> if you don't use it, you ain't gonna get none. >> announcer: carla hall shows off her home away from home. >> we have chicken. >> announcer: and a look at the home of "younger". and the "biggest loser"'s devin alexander! >> rachael: 200 calories. it's all okay. >> announcer: and now are you ready for .... rachael? ? ? [ applause ] ? ? >> rachael: hello everybody! and welcome. today's a super fun show, because it's got a theme. it's our "at-home-with show". each guest will take us into one of their homes. up first you know her from "the chew". but she recently opened a new home in brooklyn: her restaurant. take a look.

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Transcripts For WOIO CBS This Morning 20161019 :

Transcripts For WOIO CBS This Morning 20161019

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we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. when it comes to washington, d.c., it is time to drain the dam swamp. >> the candidates prep for the final debate. >> they hide her for days before a debate. people don't want to be reminded how much they don't like her. >> they even want to try and rig the election at the polling booths where so many cities are corrupt. >> i invite mr. trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get >> barack obama -- south carolina due to illegal voting. go ahead, jake. sorry. >> boris, where are you getting that from? >> they are encountering pretty heavy resistance. >> the army is heading to retake mosul. >> islamic state militants popping up like gophers. >> anti-american protest outside the u.s. embassy in the philippines turned violent overnight. >> president obama hosting his dinner. >> the immore@wortal words of y berra, it ain't over until it's over. >> l.a. county saying the fire is not out. no word of containment. >> dash cam captured a woman's brush with death crossing a street in wilmington. >> >> all that. ? king of the road ? oh, major! >> up-ended! >> what a hit >> up and over you go. >> and all that matters. >> the latest wiki leaky leaky leaky is a list of the vice presidents hillary clinton was considering. >> ceo of starbucks was on the list. he could have made american grande. >> is that what it is to you? >> teenage boys. actually they should behave better, right? >> anderson cooper shut her down so quick. even the angels painted on the ceiling were like, oh! announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places! welcome to "cbs this morning." gayle king is off. margaret brennan is with us. the election is 20 days away and the candidates are gearing up for tonight's final debate. donald trump and hillary clinton will meet in university of nevada-las vegas. it is their first meeting since multiple women accused trump of sexual assault and since wikileaks revealed more alleged clinton campaign e-mails. >> the newest nationwide poll out this morning shows clinton leading trump by nine points in a four-way race 38 h% to 47%. major, good morning. >> reporter: on his way here, the safety most conservative parts of colorado politically speaking. trump dare not tread in the swing states where colorado's nine electorate votes will be determined. instead trump soaked himself in the easy adore radiation of colorado springs and the grand canyon. now polls are poison in their place chanting to the converted. >> let's say we are tied. then how come we have thousands and thousands of people, thousands and thousands. >> reporter: thousands do show up in gop strongholds. but trump need to broaden his base. his repeated and unfounded charges of current vote manipulation could hurt trump in two ways. depressed turnout among his voters turned off by yet another conspiracy theory. >> they even want to rig the election at polling booths where so many cities are corrupt and voting is all too common. i think the media is trying to discourage our people from getting out and vote. a crooked group of people. >> reporter: for those in colorado allegations. fraud ring true. >> you hope. you hope the outcome is legitimate. >> i doubt it would be legite >> people voting twice. dead people voting. yes. >> reporter: with advisers desperate to cast trump as an agent of change, he dusted off a long forgotten idea that he hasn't mentioned in months. term limits for congress. >> i'm proposing a term limit of six years for members of the house and 12 years for members of the senate. >> reporter: term limits, of course are meant to address congressional stag nation with you a considerable amount of of the house seats have changed hands. that number in the senate over 12 years about 70%. one other quick note. trump is invited here tonight, malik obama, president obama's half-brother who has endorsed the republican nominee. >> major, thank you. president obama accuses donald trump of whining about alleged voter fraud. at a white house news conference with italy's prime minister, the president said he is tired of hearing . whining and try to make his case to get votes. i have never seen in my lifetime or in modern political history any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process before votes have even taken place. >> hillary clinton has stayed out of sight, preparing for the continues to release e-mails apparently stolen from her campaign chairman. nancy cordes is inside the debate spin room in las vegas. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. you know, the last debate was only ten days ago? but a lot has changed since then. in the meantime, more than half a dozen women have accused trump of making unwanted sexual advances. and hillary clinton has largely held her fire about that. her aides say that is likely to change tonight. clinton arrived in yesterday afternoon, and immersed herself in more debate prep, despite her opponent's talk. >> she is home sleeping and i'm working. a way it's going to be in the white house too. she would be sleeping. i'd be working. >> reporter: clinton aides say she is working on how to rebut trump's argument that the election is somehow rigged against him. >> he wants to blame somebody else and that is what losers do. >> reporter: communication director jen palmieri said voters from new allegations of sexual assault and expects that hacked campaign e-mails will come up tonight. in one posted by wikileaks, campaign chair john podesta admitted last september that the campaign had taken on a lot of water over the e-mail scandal and that a lot has to do with clinton's instincts. in another e-mail released tuesday, he described bernie sanders as a doofus for criticizing an international environmental agreement. the latest strange twist? e confirmed last night it had temporarily blocked internet access for julian assange the founder of wiki leaks who has been living in ecuador embassies since 2012. this temporary restrictions does not prevent the wikileaks from carrying out its journalistic those activities including releasing 50,000 of podesta's e-mails between now and election day. ironically, clinton aides hope the e-mails come up tonight because they think it will give clinton a chance to argue that the russians are trying to meddle in this election and that trump, she says, is egging them on. mark leibovich is chief national correspondent for "the new york times" magazine and cbs news political contributor. good morning. >> hi, charlie. >> we assume the come up and accusation will come up. >> i think the wikileaks is a gift for donald trump but i don't know that he has used it correctly. he has daily proof the person i'm running against is a politician. a lot of the are laid out in documents. i am not a politician. i sometimes do and say things that are no politically correct and have to pivot to the him. in hillary clinton's case, i don't know how she will try to explain away all of this but she can at least say this is how campaigns run. take any organization in america and take their e-mails and look at them and you'll find stuff out of context looks maybe unsce unseemingly. you can raise the russian issue also. >> what is the most powerful argument that hillary clinton needs to make tonight? >> i think she is probably going to stay affirmative and i'm sure she will have a statement or something to say about the sexual harassment accusations. i think more likely she is more safe and probably try to stay on her own level and not go anywhere close to -- >> we have just three weeks left. polls out in 15 battleground states that matter where hillary clinton is ahead outside the margin of error which would give her about 304 electorate votes. is this election almost over? >> i think people are saying that. i think it's premature. 20 days left. i'm not just saying that as a cliche. the debate tonight is the last chance donald trump will have to make a case people should vote for him. he sort of failed in the first two debates to say this is why you should vote for me. i think people even now are looking for a reason and i think he can still deliver it. >> yet, he seems to be saying your vote doesn't matter because the election is rigged. can you explain that strategy? >> i can't. but what i can -- i just don't know why you can say this election is rigged and not depress your own turnout. >> >> depresses everybody. >> but his own term. your vote doesn't count, why go out and vote is just disjointed. >> he has seemed to get in the way of his own messages but the accusations against him is the subject of his fitness? >> i think both. but look. he has a potentially very powerful message. the change message is powerful. >> why hasn't he made it? >> because he hasn't been disciplined. i think he has gotten in his own way a lot. i think if he were to say, three this is a politician who has been there 30 years and three, it's a different kind of candidate, it would be very effective. >> chris wallace, i think there is going to be tonight the most substantive debate in terms of issues and policies. >> chris wallace i think could work very well for both sides. >> mark, thank you. gayle and i will in las vegas for tonight's final presidential debate. our coverage begins at 9:00 eastern/8:00 central on cbs. a russian hacker suspected of targeting the is being held this morning in the czech republic. the fbi helped czech police take the man into custody two weeks ago but the arrest was only revealed a few hours ago. the suspect was nabbed during a surprise raid at a hotel in prague. jeff pegues has details of the investigation and what it could mean for u.s./russian relations. jeff, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the russian hacker now faces extradition to the united states czech police and the fibula. the take-down was a videotape. the man appeared to be caught off-guard as police moved in to make the arrest. police say he fainted and was taken to a hospital for treatment. authorities say he is connected to cyber attacks on the united states but investigators have not offered any more specifics than that. just two days after his arrest on october 5th, the obama administration blamed russia for the cyberattack on the democratic national convention that compromised e-mails and at the time of his arrest, u.s. law enforcement enforce were telling cbs news the russians are trying to influence the u.s. election by scanning and probing voter databases in several states. unclear if the man taken into custody is corrected to the cyber attacks but the u.s. is vowed to respond to the attacks and an official told cbs news the response would be proportional. >> jeff, thanks. closer this morning to the isis-held city of mosul. satellite images show smoke rising from tires set on fire by isis and meant to throw or air strikes. newly liberated territory outside of iraq's second largest stip the american-backed operations freed up villages outside of mosul already. holly williams takes us inside the village of bartella. >> this is the new front line with isis. and just beyond the berm these kurdish fighters are building new defensive positions. beyond that is no man's land, and then isis. they have recaptured around 20 villages here from the "star trek"ist ov-- extremists over t last two days. this is the main road into mosul and about three miles in that direction in isis territory system is the town of bartella which was seized by isis when the group went across northern and we visited it just weeks before it was captured by isis and spoke to the christian militia men who were trying to defend it. it is or was an ancient christian community because the residents all fled their homes. but when we were there, we saw them worshipping in a language spoken by jesus. isis released a propaganda video yesterday claiming that it showed life going a mosul. this morning, they put out more video showing the extremists fighting off this offensive. but isis also released images of another barbaric execution of a man that they claim was a spy, most of that video is simply too disturbing for us to show you. and as we know, that kind of brutality is also part of normal life under isis and its so-called islamic state. east of mosul. holly, thank you so much. this angry demonstration we have seen outside the american embassy in the philippines turned bloody when a police van slammed into protesters. dramatic video shows the van driven wildly throughout the crowd. a thousand anti-american protesters threw red paint to the president duterte. >> amazing an u.s. militar you have that kind of anti-american sentiment. >> he has expressed feelings about the president. >> right. and anti-colonial sentiment getting closer to china. it may be october, but record breaking heat will make much of the country feel like summer. unseasonably high temperatures are forecast from the southern plains to the northeast. nashville and boston see highs 20 degrees above normal and philadelphia could make a record with a high of 84. last until late in the week. the last state dinner was held last night at the white house. president and mrs. obama made a grant entrance at the event in honor of the prime minister of italy. julianna goldman is at the white house where the gala was not an entirely social education. >> the president said he saved the best for the even politic on the side. >> we are reminded that american democracy is graced by the touch of italy. >> reporter: a not so subtle nod to the political climate, president obama noted italy's mark on america. >> we look up at the dome of the u.s. capitol and marvel at the touch of and some days our campaigns can seem line infernos. >> reporter: the election was not off limits for the italian >> reporter: during his toast, renzi said the recent take-down of donald trump was not lost in translation. >> i know michelle, your -- are great but after the last week, let me be very frank. your speech are better than your tomatoes. thank you very much as prime minister and thank you so much as a father of a younger daughter. >> reporter: the obamas have hosted 13 dinners in eight years, including two with china. president george w. bush held were both eclipsed by president bill clinton who hosted 28. and last night, president obama reflected on his own legacy and shared memories from his last visit to rome. >> i had the opportunity to visit the coliseum and as i walked across those ancient stones worn by the history of 2,000 years, it was a humbling reminder of our place here on earth and the grand sweep of time each of us is here only for a brief moment. beyond, the things that will endure long after we are gone. >> reporter: let's talk about the dress the first lady chose to wear an italian designer and she glittered in a floor-length gown in rose gold by versace. >> wow. a beautiful dress, indeed. julianna, thank you. how about the italian prime minister with the lines there? he was very funny. two adventure seeker die in caves in florida. first, it's time to >> samantha: good wednesday morning to you. thanks for waking up with us. we are tracking another gorgeous day for you. 62 at 9:00, 68 midday and then after highs today in the lower 70s. a little cooler than yesterday, but still running way above average. expect decreasing cloud cover through the day, but rain returns tonight after midnight, and that rain is going to hang with us all through the day announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by carrier. turn to the experts at viewers of tonight's presidential debate should expect the unexpected. political experts explain if there is anything the nominees can do to change voters' minds. the news is back in the morning right here on "cbs this announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by 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"the new york times" says a former fbi official at the center of hillary clinton's private e-mail is speaking out. newly released fbi documents revealed apparent quid pro quo which clinton was secretary of state. they say a state department official had asked the fbi to lower the classification of a sensitive e-mail on clinton's server. in exchange, the fbi would get extra personnel in iraq. now former fbi official brian mccauley says he, not the state department, suggested the quid pro quo, but mccauley said he backed down when he learned clinton's e-mail was related to the "los angeles times" reports on a judge who ruled on some of mexico's highest profile criminal cases killed in broad daylight. video captured the judge jogging on monday before he was shot in the head by a man following him. oh, my goodness! >> oh, my god! >> the footage caused up roar in mexico. last year his judicial district issued an order to install the extradition come to the united states. carriers would have to refund checked bag fees if luggage is substantially delayed. i like that. well, online ticketing services would not be allowed to favor a particular airline and reports would be required on mistakes such as the mishandling of wheelchair passengers. an industry group says the rules would raise fares. the detroit news reports on temporary closings at some ford plants. two assembly lines in the united states and two in mexico would be idle. and fusions and two lincoln models and fiesta subcompact. they want to match production with demand after a recent slowdowns in sales. the closings will last a week or two. the "chicago tribune" says nearly one-fifth of the water fountains in city parks are shut off for safety reasons. 459 fountains are affected. test found high levels of brain damaging lead. the flint water crisis prompted the testing. the deaths of two prompting new calls to close a well-known cave diving site. the underwater cave system known as eagles nest is known as the mt. everest of sports and draws divers from around the world and in a remote wilderness area. manuel bojorquez spoke to one of them. here goes down hundreds of feet. it is considered a very advanced dive, meaning only those with the proper certification and training should attempt it. even then, it is still dangerous. the two men who died here were both skilled divers. from the surface, eagles nest appears serene. but looks can be deceiving. divers have lost t underwater. the grim sign at the mouth of the cave warns divers to turn back. >> i guarantee you, there was nothing left for them to do at the end. >> reporter: ron ritenmeyer said his son chris had the proper training and was always careful. >> my ton typically dove what he thought was his limit. i believe that in his heart, he did this dive fully expecting he would be back. >> reporter: chris rittenmeyer bodies were recovered sunday, 260 feet down. >> he would never leave him. the other guy would never leave chris. . i'm proud of him for that and also sad by that. >> reporter: do you think if anybody one was in trouble the other would never leave the other behind? >> never, never. that is not the way they are trained and never the system. >> reporter: the eagles nest cave is composed of three different tunnels and parts of 300 below the surface. the two were experienced divers. they had both been in the depths of eagles nest recently as friday, part of a weekend long plan to explore the cave. >> it wasn't like they were a couple of yahoos who went in there, you know, with no training or anything else. done properly, it's a very safe endeavor but so is sky diving. >> reporter: from 2010 to 2013, 12 cave diving deaths in the u.s. and two in the eagles nest divers lobbied to open it in 2003. ron rittenmeyer wants it to remain that way. >> there is always something going to go wrong. >> reporter: how are you and your family coping right now? >> you should precede your children in death. can't even describe it. >> reporter: the divers network says the majority of cave diving train divers and it's unclear what led to the deaths of the men here this weekend but the professional association of diving instructors tells cbs news the central message remains you must be trained as a cave diver in order to go into these types of underwater caves. >> really good point. thank you. donald trump may see a new path to victory next month. ahead, two political strategists who have experience prepping could suppress turnout at the polls. take us with you on the go. we invite you to subscribe to our new "cbs this morning" podcast. you get the news of the day and extended interviews and podcast originals. you can find them all on itunes and apple's podcast app. we will be right back. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take ts. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? i was out here smoking instead of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. y needs a great how. y everyday millions of women worldwide trust tena with their bladder matters. thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. tena lets you be you americans... ... 83% try to eat healthy. yet up 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more. add one a day women's gummies. complete with key nutrients we may need... it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. hillary clinton and donald trump may face new challenges at tonight's final presidential debate. those issues include a reported campaign e-mails and his alleged groping and kissing of women against their will. the latest cbs news poll shows 46% of female voters believe trump does not respect women at all. it also found 63% of registered voters do not think clinton is jan crawford is here how tonight's debate could change the course of the race. >> reporter: good morning. mike feldman was a top adviser to al gore during the 2000 presidential campaign and dan senor was a senior adviser to mitt romney during his 2012 run. they talked to us about how tonight's debate and the overall tone of the campaign could actually end up hurting turnout on election day. >> i've been a senator. >> you haven't done anything. >> i too. >> reporter: the two presidential debates have seen plenty of fireworks. >> let's focus on the issues. >> reporter: less than three weeks until election day, democrat mike feldman and republican dan senor say voters' minds may already be made up. >> i think generally the third debate historically matters the least. >> the least? >> yes. >> having said that, we have never seen an election like this. there has been nothing about this cycle so far that is predictable. >> reporter: in tonight's final debate, both trump and clinton after november 8th. >> for trump, it appears as though he is pursuing some sort of strategy to rationalize defeat and place the blame for the outcome of the election elsewhere. >> hillary is running for president in what looks like, to many people, a totally rigged election. >> in this debate you'll see more from trump trying to draw the negative and trying to blame his opponent, the moderator. >> reporter: the media? >> "saturday night live" in their conspiracy >> reporter: the past two debates clinton has seen what kind of opponent trump can be. >> it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. >> because you'd be in jail. >> reporter: secretary clinton -- >> i don't think he can surprise her by being even more scorched than he has already been. the only way to surprise her is if he dialed it back. >> reporter: at the third presidential debate, most thought trump started off presidential donald trump showed up. >> i thought he was effective during the beginning of the first debate because had he a very clear message. >> hillary i just asked you this. you've been doing this for 30 years. why are you just thinking about these solutions right on now? >> the moment she started pushing his buttons with the planned attacks. >> maybe he is not as rich as he says he is. >> the wheels just came off. one would think in a normal election that trump would want to use the debate number three to say, i know i've said some crazy things, i know i've been a little erra comes to shove, i can do this job. it's probably not what he is going to do. >> reporter: as more women come forward with allegations of groping or sexual assault, trump dns to adamantly deny their stories. >> you have phony people coming up with phony allegations with no witnesses schaver. >> reporter: may now see a new path to victory. >> it's possible that donald trump is running a campaign where he is trying to essentially suppress turnout and make this an election that is american peek. >> so distasteful. >> why should i turn on the tv on wednesday night or show up and vote. >> reporter: clinton is trying to excite voters to turn out on election day. >> she needs to motivate her trump. >> this election is important. >> reporter: both men agree whatever what happens tonight, viewers should expect the unexpected. >> trump is a volatile candidate in a election losing there will probably be surprises. >> the one thing i think both parties can agree to people will be relieved when november 8th comes around and we are looking at this election in the rearview mirror. >> the divisiveness to linger past november 8th. who wins the election is when it comes time to actual govern. >> jan, thank you. watch cbs news coverage of tonight's debate beginning at cbs. are you ready? >> i am ready. yeah. excited. microsoft is paying the nfl hundreds of millions to use its tablet technology. but bill belichick doesn't care! ahead, why the patriots head coach said he would rather use old-fashioned photos than a microsoft surface. first, it's time to check yo w >> samantha: good wednesday morning to you. thanks for waking up with us. we are tracking another gorgeous fo 62 at 9:00, 68 midday and then after highs today in the lower 70s. a little cooler than yesterday, but still running way above average. expect decreasing cloud cover through the day, but rain returns tonight after midnight, and that rain is going to hang with us all through the day tomorrow. check ou announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by walgreens. at the corner of happy and at walgreens, you're free- free to seize the savings on medicare part d. from one-dollar copays on select plans to rewards points on all prescriptions, it's easy to save big at walgreens. ? just stop by walgreens. ? 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longer what pain? advil. ? devices and anger don't mix. you know that. that is new england patriots coach bill belichick slamming his tablet computer on the sideline during a recent loss to the buffalo bills. he told reporters yesterday he is done with the microsoft surface tablet! he says it has performance issues. microsoft made a deal with the $400 million over five years to feature the technology. microsoft put out a reported statement saying we respect coach belichick's decision but stand behind the reliability of surface. >> that's kind of a disaster for them, though. you know? i mean, yeah. >> apple marketing says thank you. thank you very much. a massive rescue operation helped put a wayward marine mammal on the path to >> it was 1,100 juourney from cape cod to orlando. this manatee is pregnant and is being nursed back to health and return to the wild. that story is coming up on "cbs i'm hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. but that doesn't stop my afib from 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include crocker park, hudson, akron and richmond heights. watching the debate on the free screen is free tonight. it starts at 9:00 p.m. here's meteorologist sam roberts with a look at the forecast. sam. >> samantha: thanks so much, for the afternoon. i have a little cloudiness around this morning, but those clouds decrease throughout the day and should feel pretty nice. 60s in the morning and low 70s for your afternoon. a lot cooler than yesterday but still running above average for today. the average highs this time of year in the low 60s. well, if you're kind of craving a taste of fall, we're about to see a major drop in our numbers. saturday some of you may not even get out of the 40s. ? good morning. it is wednesday, october 19th, 2016. welcome back to "cbs this morning.? there is more real news ahead, including the presidential candidates and the economy are issues that matter series looks at their views on jobs and trade with former republican candi first, here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. the candidates are gearing up for tonight's final debate. >> trump has invited president obama's half-brother who endorsed the republican nominee. >> the last debate was only ten days ago, but a lot has changed since then. clinton has largely held her fire since then. tonight's debate and the overall tone of the campaign, it actually end up hurting turnout on election day. >> polls out this morning that of the margin of error. is this election almost over? >> i think people are saying that. i think it's premature. today is the most important day. >> this is the new front line with isis and just beyond the berm here, these kurdish fighters are building new defense positions and beyond that is no man's land and then isis. >> hacker is facing extradition to the u.s. he was picked up by czech police and the fbi. bittersweet night obama's with their final state dinner appear the president said he saved the best for the last and holding out for the best for last. >> a chef made sweet potato anlocky with sage and i bet the italian minister is going, oh, good, pasta! we never get this! >> i'm charlie rose with norah o'donnell and margaret brennan. gayle is off. hillary clinton's campaign says fraud at tonight's final presidential debate. trump wants his voters to turn out on election day to monitor polling place. that is raising concerns of voter intimidation. >> both trump and his running mate mike pence has vcalled on supporters to act as poll watchers. >> if nothing else, people are going to be watching on november 8th. watch philadelphia. watch st. louis. watch chicago. watch so many other places. >> become involved on election day as a poll worker or a poll watcher. if you're here at a rally and not yet volunteered to participate in the electorate process by respectfully creating accountability on election day you have not done all you can do. >> president obama said, yesterday, that trump's rhetoric weakens american democracy. we recognize that there is something more important than any individual campaign and that is making sure that the integrity and trust in our institutions sustains itself, because democracy, by definition, works by consent and by force. >> the president said trump's claims of widespread voter fraud are not based on facts. we continue our o election series "issues that matter." for the look at the economy, here is how the presidential nominees say they plan to create more jobs for americans, expand the economy, and handle trade agreements with other countries. >> we will rebuild the middle class. we will make work pay. we will great greater opportunities for a great percentage of americans. >> my economic agenda is very, >> what we are going to do is make the biggest investment in new jobs since world war ii. >> our tax trade, energy and regulatory reforms will help us reach 4% growth and create at least 25 million new jobs within a decade. >> when companies try to outsource jobs, we are going to make them give back any tax breaks they ever got. >> under my plan, i'll be reducing taxes tremendously from and big businesses. that is going to be a job creator like we haven't seen since ronald reagan. it's going to be a beautiful thing to watch. >> we are going to raise taxes on the wealthy and close loopholes for corporation to make investments in growing our economy. >> we are cutting taxes for the middle class and i will tell you, we are cutting them big league. >> i have said nobody who makes that is the vast majority of americans, as you know, will have their taxes raised. >> i'm not going to let wall street get away with murder and wall street has caused tremendous problems for us. we are going to tax wall street. >> we should build on the dodd-frank financial reforms and go even further, because wall street can never, ever be permitted to threaten main street again. >> if we don't get the deal we want, we will withdraw from nafta and start all over again maki workers. it's going to be america first. it's america first. >> the answer is to finally make trade work for us, not against us. i will stop any trade deal that kills jobs or holds down wages, including the tran pacific partnership. >> ohio governor and former republican candidate john kasich visited the white house last partnership. kasich focused his presidential bid on promoting the economy. nearly six years later, the economy in his state is 4.7%. governor kasich has not publicly endorsed any candidates and he's with us now from columbus, ohio. governor, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, norah. >> let's talk about the issue of trade. in that first presidential debate, we heard donald trump mention ohio as a state that has been hurt by international trade. your on >> well, look. we are up 430,000 jobs and we think actually trade is good. but, norah, the biggest problem we have is we don't have a system to retrain people. look. trade is really about innovation. it's about growth and it's about assemble consumers. the transpacific green light is not only about helping our country but it's about if we china with a leader who has become the most repressive in a very, very long time. and russia. so we have a lot of little countries out there that are saying, we want to work with the united states and to tell them no, is really a big mistake, not only from an economic point of view, but also from the standpoint of g.o. politics and our ability to be strong in the pacific. but we have to retrain people, though. see, the problem is, norah, the economy -- as the economy changes and inovatnovates becaue are in an ideal economy now. as it changes, we can't leave people behind. our system of job training in this country is totally broken and needs to be fixed and congress has got to do something about it. we are trying to do it in ohio to give people an opportunity to be able to improve their lives by giving them skills to compete a new economy. >> governor, are you saying, in fact, trade does mean a loss of train those people? are you acknowledging that trade does lose jobs? >> in some cases, old industries -- you know, we don't make buggy whips any more, right? but if you lock the doors in our country, consumers will pay more and more jobs will be lost. the fact is there is a change. look. we don't make the apple inside of the apple phone any more, but we have built the apple phone. we designed the apple phone. we created the apple phone. it's better to work mak computer chips than potato chips, frankly. but those people stuck in the old industries need to be retrained. frankly, in our state, we are pushing a program to continually improve people's skills. we are working from kindergarten to retirement. we don't have that in this country right now and, frankly, our education system, k through 12 and including much of higher education, is not functioning and serving our people very well. apple is making a lot of profits and still overseas. do we need tax reform so the profits will come back and create jobs here in america? >> what we know, charlie, we have the highest corporate taxes in the world among the leading industrial countries. and so what happens is people park their money overseas. democrats and republicans both agree on this. it would be great to be able to get that money back to america so we can help -- >> why don't we have that change in the law? >> because congress can't see to get out of its own way. they can't agree on anything. if democrats are for something and republicans against it and if republicans are for something, democrats are against it. look. i went down there to help the president with trade. i don't agree with barack obama on a lot of things but i went down to help him because i happen to believe in free trade because it's good for our country and i get criticized because i go to the oval office to sit with the president. when i was in congress, it was a president and work for the good of the country! they are losing that! >> governor, i was at the white house when you visited. honestly, did the administration tell you they can get this trade deal done before barack obama leaves office? because neither presidential candidate supports it. >> well, it doesn't matter what the presidential candidates say. frankly, you know, candidates say one thing when they are running and change their minds later. i don't know if that will be the case with these two, but what i will tell you there is an opportunity he to push and the democrats will provide some votes. the real question is how hard will the president push for this? and look. i'm going to do everything i can to help the white house on this for the simple reason this is in the best interest of the united states and all this anti-trade talk, this takes us back to the time when people were attacking machines. do you remember -- charlie, you remember. you lived back there. you were reporting. do you remember? >> yes, i am that old. >> they were attacking machines us out of work. it doesn't have to work that way. >> we are short on time and want to get your take. donald trump is saying this election is rigged. is it? >> no! look. i've run statewide in ohio and my first election was extremely close. look. to say that elections are rigged and all of these votes have stolen is like saying we never landed on the moon, frankly. that is how silly it is. no, i don't think that is good for our country, for our democracy and i't one of my great friends here is the head of the board of elections. we don't have that. that is just a silly argument. the problem it creates doubt in people' minds and i worried about 25% of americans who may say when the election is over, it was stolen. that is a big fat joke. >> are you going to vote for the republican nominee tomorrow? >> no. >> are you voting for the democratic nominee? >> no. >> you can start something there. charlie rose. all right. governor kasich, as always, we appreciate you joining us. >> thank you. >> we wanted to focus on the issues and we appreciate your time. you can watch cbs news coverage of tonight's debate at 9:00 eastern/8:00 central. our cartoonist liza donnelly will draw the debate tonight. going back home. the complex rescue that spanned 1,300 miles and could have >> samantha: good wednesday morning to you. i'm meteorologist samantha roberts with a check of your forecast for today. it's going to be beautiful. we'll have decreasing cloud cover and somewhat cooler than yesterday. we were in the 80s yesterday afternoon, and today i go 72 for by about 10 degrees, so the warmth continues until tomorrow. take a look at that full seven-day planning forecast. 62 tomorrow with rain special head gear is helping women with breast cancer retain their dignity. ahead how a cap child by dry ice helps to minimize one noticeable side effect of chemotherapy. the patients get to keep most of cutting edge technology. you're watching "cbs this morning." ? ? 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decided to see if she would make it back south. when she didn't they launched a complicated effort to bring back to the coast of florida. her home now is rolling around here and smacking on lettuce this morning. if this continues, her last stop will be a return to the wild. >> welcome, sweet girl. welcome home. >> reporter: washburn, the manatee, returned to the sunshine state after 1,300 mile flight against a coast guard transport plane and escorted by police a slow profession moved through the streets of orlando to her temporary home at there, a crane hoisted the 800-pound mammal into a private rehab tank. you can almost see the relief as she hit the water. once anonymous manatee became a summer celebrity. she was spotted bobbing in the choppy waters in cape cod in late august. conservists with the international fund for annuimal welfare sprang into action and bringing her to orlando and they mom-to-be. >> not only one manatee, but it's two. so the stakes are pretty high. >> reporter: manatees also known as see scows. they are native to florida have spent nearly 50 years on the endangered species list but the population is recovering. seaworld veterinarian laura kroft accompanied washburn on the flight. she says just saving one has extraordinary effort. >> we did have one working calf that was hand-reared, returned to the wild and she gave birth to nine calves. who knows how many calves that those calves had. one manatee can have a huge effect on the population. >> reporter: so far, seaworld has released 17 manatees back into the wild. washburn would be number 18. here is the plan. she is pregnant. what they want to do is give her a little bit more time, two weeks, maybe two mont, put on some weight and maybe 400, 500 pounds and maybe turn her in the wild and they want to her to deliver her castle back in the water. >> you can't put on 400 pounds eating lettuce! >> a new chapter for the space race. ahead how a pair of simultaneous missions shows off cooperation and competition among world powers in orbit. we thought fibers that help you stay regular caused unwanted gas. not good. then we switched to mirafiber. only mirafiber supports regularity with dailycomfort fiber. and is less likely to cause... unwanted gas. finally. switch to mirafiber. from the makers of miralax. when i was a little kid, i made a deal with mysel w up. we met when we were very young... i was 17, he was 18. we made the movie the book of life. we started doing animation. with the surface book, you can actually draw on the screen. so crisp. i love it. it's almost like this super powerful computer and a tablet had the perfect baby. (laughing) it's a typewriter for writing scripts... it's a sketchbook for sketches...'s a canvas for painting... you can't do that on a mac. because if they aren't going to eat it, at least you didn't spend too much time making it. campbell's one dish recipes. made for real, real life. mom's got this cold. hashtag stuffy nose. hashtag no sleep. hashtag mouthbreather. just put on a breathe right strip. it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. firing now going up to flight speed. >> soyuz rocket carrying astronauts a blasted off mornings from kazakhstan and bound to the international space station. two chinese astronauts docked and floated aboard. their month long mission shows off the growing capability of china's man space program. her students to finish a simple oh no. oh no. oh no. i hate this belt. man oh man. >> samantha: hey, good wednesday morning to you. we're halfway there, and it's been a really nice start for us. a little cooler than yesterday, as we're headed for the low 70s today, but that's still like 10-plus degrees above average depending on your location. expect decreasing clouds through the day, and no showers today. i don't think you'll run into any rain during the daylight hours, and a big chunk of ni well. here's your evening planner. mostly clear skies until about 11:00. that's when the clouds start to thicken up and then that rain will move in after midnight. rain is going to be with us all throughout the day tomorrow, so if you have plans tomorrow or even just you're commuting, morning and evening commute, it will all be impacted by the rain as i expect on-again/off-again showers through the day and more showers on friday. friday, saturday, some of you it's not uncommon for autistic kids to flap their hands. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. and she's smart. she can work with people to solve problems. ary clinton and i approve this message. ? welcome back to "cbs this morning.? coming up in this half hour, votes cast around the world could influence the presidential election. 6 million americans live in other countries. ahead, the effort to get them more involved. plus, cold hea reduce one of the biggest side effects of chemotherapy. barry petersen tells us how women wearing a cap can help stop their hair from falling out. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. "time" reports last month was the hottest september in recorded history. it was just hotter than september 2014. the previous record holder this september was hotter by a fraction of one degree. be the hottest year on record. "the washington post" reports on samsung setting up booths at airports to help people exchange faulty galaxy note seven smartphones. the devices are banned on u.s. flights after reports of fires. a booth is already hoped in south korea and set up at this country at some of the busiest >> a french company is being sued that owns this spinal tap for $125 million! well, he stars as derek in the fake documentary and was one of its four creators. shearer says vendee has paid them not enough. vendee has yet to respond. voters in other countries voters from americans abroad could make the difference in some battleground states. traditionally very few americans living outside the united states cast a ballot and effort is under way to change that. johnathan vigliotti is in london where the overseas campaign is in full swing. >> reporter: american politics has invaded the united kingdom from a debate hall in westminster to the streets just outside. ? born in the usa ? >> reporter: this is part of get out the vote campaign aimed at 300,000 american voters living here. the message is ramping up from trump supporters in israeli to clinton backers in mexico. there is an estimated 6 million americans living abroad. of them, nearly 3 million are eligible to vote. but only around 5% voted in 2012. a small fraction of the 57% of americans when turned out to patrick studies voter turnout at oxford university. >> does an expatriot vote really matter? >> i think it does and matter more on the state they are voting in. states very close in the polling rem recently. it definitely could matter. >> reporter: remember election night? -- in 2000. >> 629 votes separate bush and gore in florida. >> reporter: george bush and al gore were neck and ne >> dan, don't forget, we haven't counted those absentee ballots that came in from overseas. >> reporter: when they did, bush won with 537 margin. >> if those votes had been counted, al gore would have carried the state. >> reporter: he says florida could this year's florida. win. to raise voter turnout above that 5% mark and possibly swing an unpredictable election. for "cbs this morning," johnthan vigliotti, london. it's really interesting to look at it in that context about florida in the 2000 election. >> the state department has been tweeting and getting information out to get people registered and tell them how to vote overseas. there is a push by the administration. >> that means they have to get the absentee ballots in by a >> right. >> got it. october is breast cancer awareness net. this firefighter was painted pink at the lexington museum in texas as a show of solidarity. 1 in 8 women will be dike knowsed with breast cancer in their lifetime. a new therapy can help reduce one of the most visible side effects, hair loss. us the science behind cold caps. >> reporter: good morning. women say one of the most chemotherapy for breast cancer is losing their hair. when the treatment kills cancer cells, it kills healthy hair cells right along with it. but for many women, it doesn't have to happen. there is a technique called cold caps used for decade in europe, but almost unknown here. these brave women took us along their journey to save their hair and with it, they say, their identity. >> this one takes an hour. >> reporter: there is nothing unusual about the chemotherapy drugs mary wolf is getting at this denver clinic. >> you want to do your chin strap? >> reporter: what is unusual is on her head, a cold cap child with dry ice to 30 below. as it warms, a new one is strapped on tightly every 20 to 30 minutes. this goes on for eight hours . just want this off my head. >> reporter: in the most recent study, roughly 66% of women kept more than half of their hair. doctors have different ideas about why it works. one theory it constricts blood flow and keeping the chemo from reaching the scalpel. another it freezes many of the hair kol fal follicles and is simply shut out. is it working? >> it is working. i have the majority of my hair. the oncologist told me this morning i would have been completely bald had i into the used the cold cap. >> reporter: she gets moral support from her husband. yes, that's me. we are together on this journey. why is maintaining your hair important to a woman? >> i think it gives you a sense of control. it gives you a piece of dignity. >> reporter: it doesn't work for carried through the blood like leukemia. there are concerns that blocking the chemotherapy could let cancer spread to the scalpel. >> the woman who chooses to do the cold cap are really motivated. >> reporter: dr. tess is a seigler is an oncologist at new york's cornell breast cancer center. >> our opinion is the risks are very, very small, if any. >> reporter: seigler sees two good effects. one is f >> i think it's a see good, feel good. >> reporter: and others for doctors and how they respond to women who still have their hair. >> we have been surprised how our interactions are a little bit different. >> reporter: in what sense in more positive? >> more positive, for sure. >> reporter: using these caps can cost a patient several thousand dollars out of pocket because they are rented by the month. this version circulates coolant through one can. it is far less available since it must be leased by hospitals. call digna cap and received approval from the food and drug administration last december. but neither is reimbursed by insurance. that's why bethany hornthal in san francisco helped to found hair to stay for women who can't afford the cold cap. their organization has offset the cost for more than 170 women. >> i think that insurance needs to step in here and to level the playing >> how does that feel? >> it feels good, yes. >> reporter: in new jersey, susan demonstrated the digna caps for us. she decided it was worth the cost because, for her, there was no price on beating cancer. >> i can go out and just be who i am and not have the breast cancer define me. >> reporter: what does that mean? not have the breast cancer define me? going through the struggle or the treatment of it and coming out the other end and being fine. >> reporter: extraordinary women. all of the people we spoke to for this story, doctors and patients, stress the importance of awareness. there can be hefty out-of-pocket costs but women can't even make the choice if they don't know about it. this treatment option and most doctors are not talking about. i'm happy to mary nell had her last chemo four months ago! look at her hair. it looked that good through the entire process. i thought i was going to do better! >> no, no, no! thank you for sharing this story with us! >> very emotional story because of the success of it. >> yes. and what she went through. >> tell us what you went through. >> it's -- it's a wonderful to share with each other and to save their hair. unfortunately, women don't know about it in the united states. i found out from a cbs friend who happened to go to a breast cancer symposium and told me about it. so you have to start it before you start your chemotherapy, but thank you for spreading the word because that is what is important. >> it's very painful. he tried it for like 30 >> and i said get this thing off my head. >> yes. you start it an hour before the infusion, through the inface, and four hours afterwards, so it's an eight-hour day. >> but it works? >> but it works. >> you're one tough woman. >> oh, thank you. there are many of us out there. >> thank you. >> thanks for having us. >> one colorado teacher's exercise for her third grade students changed classrooms across the globe. >> they just wrote on the board, had students write an answer for me. it kind of snowballed and thr through the power of social media and teachers across the country and all over the world started to do the same le >> samantha: good wednesday morning to you. i'm meteorologist samantha roberts with a check of your forecast for today. it's going to be beautiful. we'll have decreasing cloud cover and somewhat cooler t yesterday. we were in the 80s yesterday afternoon, and today i go 72 for a high. that is still way above average by about 10 degrees, so the warmth continues until tomorrow. take a look at that full seven-day planning forecast. classrooms across the country this morning are taking part in america's safe schools week. the goal of the annual campaign is to give educators, students, and their families tools to build safe and productive learn environments. one teacher in denver is getting to know her students better. >> this book favorites. >> reporter: every third grade teacher, struggles to connect with student, especially at the beginning of the year. >> everybody, your booties are glued to the carpet and not getting up again. >> reporter: kyle schwartz was ha come up with a unique and ground breaking way to do that. >> i wrote on the board, i wish my teacher new and had the students write a response to me. >> reporter: the response ranged from heart warming. >> i love her with all my heart. >> reporter: to heart breaking. grandpa died when i was in california. i started to cry because i want him to be still alive. >> student all over the country are dealing with some really challenging issues and it really helps me know what actions i need to take as a teacher to support them. >> reporter: and was the simple simplicity of that open ended sentence part of the success? >> let's read it >> reporter: schwartz had that power a few years ago when she tweeted some of her students's notes and talked about the everyday hardships like loneliness and poverty and breakup of families. >> it snowballed and through the power of social media, teachers all over the country and really all over the world started doing the same lesson. >> reporter: schwartz turned those notes and the ideas she developed to deal with them in a new book that looks to explain how one question can change teachers everywhere. >> i feel honored that i'm able to be that voice. i do feel like this obligations, but also this honor to be able to take my teaching outside my classroom and to teach others. >> reporter: the impact of the exercise has become global. >> my friends! >> reporter: back in this third grade classroom, the effects are much more personal. >> i wish my teacher knew that i don't have as many friend as i thought. that? >> because there are a lot of people in other classes that are sometimes mean or rude. >> reporter: and what did she say to you about that? >> she told the class to raise their hand if you wanted to be my friend, and nearly all of the class put their hand up. >> reporter: you didn't think you had many friend, and what friend. >> i've seen their peers rally around them. i've seen this exercise really grow and change and help students. >> reporter: did it make you also realize that you're not the only one who worries or has problems? what did that tell you? >> it told me that sometimes you need a hug. >> and pat on the back. >> reporter: a bat on the back. you guys did awesome. for "cbs this morning," mark strassmann, denver, colorado. >> you know what they say? children. the truth comes out in the most incredible and beautiful ways, and that question prompts that and that is terrific. >> sometimes the most simple questions can get the most amazing answers. >> i just want a hug and some friends! >> don't we all? >> i'll give you a hug, buddy. the growing buzz around a barber. up next, how he is shaping hair and mind. i love this story too. you're watching "cbs this the great depression. >> that caused panic. >> a michigan barber shop is shaving prices along with hair for kid who read aloud during their cut. barber alex fuller and ryan griffin want children to sharpen their readings skills about historical figures like frederick douglas. >> you need one book. you need some inspiration. and you need to say, i'm going to do something. >> if you read you get a 2 dollar discount for the 11 dollar haircut. the community is chipping in and donating books to the shop. >> that is a great idea and great to look out for the future. good luck tonight. >> thank you. >> that does it for us. tune into the "cbs evening news" twenty four meals under four dollars! just like in 1934! four dollars was a lot in those days. that can't be right. no, i was there! back then, you not only got to choose from 24 meals under four dollars, you also got a shave, a shoeshine and a new suit. used to be called "steak 'n shake 'n shave 'n shoeshine 'n suit." they even put it on the sign! 'til it broke. is that a steak 'n shake suit? walter, does this look like a steak 'n shake suit? get 24 meals for under four dollars. >> samantha: hey, good wednesday morning to you. we're halfway there, and it's been a really nice start for us. a little cooler than yesterday, as we're headed for the low 70s today, but that's still like 10-plus degrees above average depending on your location. expect decreasing clouds through the day, and no showers today. i don't think you'll run into any rain during the daylight hours, and a big chunk of to well. here's your evening planner. mostly clear skies until about 11:00. that's when the clouds start to thicken up and then that rain will move in after midnight. rain is going to be with us all throughout the day tomorrow, so if you have plans tomorrow or even just you're commuting, morning and evening commute, it will all be impacted by the rain as i expect on-again/off-again showers through the day and more showers on friday. friday, saturday, some of you ?? glad forceflex. [ applause ] ? ? >> announcer: today on rachael ray! you are invited to our at-home with show. >> if you don't use it, you ain't gonna get none. >> announcer: carla hall shows off her home away from home. >> we have chicken. >> announcer: and a look at the home of "younger". and the "biggest loser"'s devin alexander! >> rachael: 200 calories. it's all okay. >> announcer: and now are you ready for .... rachael? ? ? [ applause ] ? ? >> rachael: hello everybody! and welcome. today's a super fun show, because it's got a theme. it's our "at-home-with show". each guest will take us into one of their homes. up first you know her from "the chew". but she recently opened a new home in brooklyn: her restaurant. take a look.

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