Transcripts For WOIO 60 Minutes 20161023 :

Transcripts For WOIO 60 Minutes 20161023

new england, 27, pittsburgh 16. on cbs, begins with 60 minutes followed by all new episodes of nces los angeles, madam secretary and elementary. for phil and tracy, jim nantz saying so long from pittsburgh. you've been watching the nfl on cbs. can tile fake you out? well that wood is actually tile so is the brick and the marble this is the next generation of tile. get trafficmaster 18"x18" portland stone ceramic tile just 78? per square foot. the home depot. >> as time expires in the first half, andy dalton throws up a prayer, blanket a.j. green, somehow the receiver comes down with the ball in the end zone. after juggling it like a skilled circus performer. the bengals on to win the battle of ohio. there's been a breach. sir, we need your password. i-h-a... ...t-e-m-y-j-o-b-1. you can with southwest fares as low as 59 dollars one-way. that's transfarency. look at this steak, just sitting there, taunting you. it comes with this, this, or this too. are you gonna do something about it? if not? good luck sleeping tonight. you can't fake steak. longhorn steakhouse. tonight's special: great steak pairings. a center cut sirloin with a choice of bacon-wrapped shrimp, baby back ribs, or parmesan crusted chicken. captioning funded by cbs and ford. we go further, so you can. >> pelley: you're sitting in this interview, rooting for your party's nominee to lose. >> is that bad? it's bad, right? >> pelley: you tell me. in the final two weeks, we were surprised at how unpredictable we found the voters of ohio, the state that has predicted every president since 1964 has donald >> he's a liar. he's a con. he's deceiving. he's all of those things. >> keteyian: fred taylor was an all-pro running back in the n.f.l. when he was thrown for a loss by his financial advisor. he wasn't alone. dozens of nfl players lost tens of millions of dollars. >> it was a sick feeling, it was a very sick feeling, very sick feeling. >> tonight the "60 minutes" investigation into how one man destruction. >> keteyian: is that negligent? >> i don't know. i... i... i have... >> keteyian: well, either it is or it isn't. >> whitaker: they're called social media influencers. mostly 20-somethings who are getting paid millions of dollars to influence their followers on platforms like facebook, instagram and snapchat. they've been viewed billions of times. people like kim kardashian advertising. often posting pictures from every day life. you've turned you into an empire worth in excess of $100 million, i've read. >> i would think that has to involve some kind of talent. ( laughs ) you know? >> i'm steve kroft. >> i'm leslie stahl. >> i'm bill whitaker. >> i'm armen keteyian. >> i'm scott pelley. those stories, tonight on "60 minutes." >> cbs money watch sponsored by american express open. proud supporter of growing businesses. >> good evening. at&t's $85 billion purchase of time warner announced last night now faces the scrutiny of federal regulators. apple, general motors and pandora report earnings tuesday. ,000 treasure this weekend. i'm elaine quijano, cbs news. when you're close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. do not use if you are allergic to taltz. before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. now's your chance at completely clear skin. just ask your doctor about taltz. i thought i married an italian. did the ancestrydna to find out i'm only 16% italian. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. psh psh lunch is ready! campbell's spider-man soups. thanks mom weeks, hillary clinton is leading in most of the states that will decide the presidential election. but in the one state that nearly always gets it right, she is in a dead-heat with donald trump. we decided to ask ohio what it thought because ohio has picked the winner in every election since 1964, and no republican has ever won without ohio. all of the issues converge on the buckeye state, especially foreign trade which is undermining industry. among the steel mills, suburbs and inner city of cleveland, we found a political identity crisis as the state that nearly always predicts the president becomes unpredictable. a job at the mill was a birthright in lorain, ohio, for 121 years. in 1895, the spark of the american century ignited the blast furnace. forged the rails, the drilling pipe, the weapons and the wonders of the 20th century. >> carlos hernandez: oh, my. it was wonderful. we were making steel. we were making money. >> pelley: making steel was all carlos hernandez knew for 28 years. but seven months ago, he and 542 others punched the clock for the last time as cheap chinese steel helped silence the furnace in a new century that he fears may not be america's. a funeral procession coming out to the gate, knowing that you're never was coming back. you know, we sacrificed time with our families to try to make this company succeed, you know. and this is what it's come to. just a ghost town. just a rusted, empty, meaningless place right now. >> pelley: the meaning of this election is chewed over at george's family restaurant, where the roof, there beyond the sign, hyphenates the name of the >> aury hernandez: trump, i don't trust him. can you imagine if he's the president of the united states? what he's going to do behind closed doors, with women, with his secretaries, or his, you know... >> carlos hernandez: you mean like bill clinton did? >> aury hernandez: it's done and over with. why you keep bringing it up? >> pelley: carlos for trump, and aury for clinton, have been married 36 years. they're hoping for 37. i'm sorry i wasn't there when you two sat down together to watch the first debate. >> carlos hernandez: oh, we couldn't sit together. >> aury hede in his bedroom, i sit in front of the tv. >> carlos hernandez: and then we come back and forth and argue, argue. >> aury hernandez: i go over there... >> pelley: you couldn't watch the debate together? >> aury hernandez: no. >> carlos hernandez: no. >> pelley: carlos and aury are raising two grandchildren. he's on unemployment, but they're going broke slowly on her fast-food salary. >> carlos hernandez: it just shows how we're losing our jobs, how things are moving away. you know, everybody's saying about how illegal aliens are coming in and... and... and they don't need to come here anymore; jobs are going to them. >> pelley: and so, when you hear donald trump saying the same thing about jobs, what do you think? >> carlos hernandez: that's what resonates with me, what he has to say. >> pelley: but it doesn't with aury. >> pelley: why not? >> aury hernandez: i don't trust him. >> pelley: he's talking about bringing the steel industry back, bringing the coal industry back. >> aury hernandez: hillary can do that. we can do that. >> pelley: stop those jobs from going to mexico. >> aury hernandez: that's what he says. i just don't trust him, i don't like him, and i don't believe him at all. >> pelley: when you hear donald trump say those things that he said on that videotape about women, how do you get past that? how can you get past that? >> carlos hernandez: it's awful what he said, but i come from a steel industry. we all say things that we wouldn't be proud of saying in front of other people. but he didn't say it to a... he... he was talking with another guy. it was words, it wasn't action. >> pelley: aury, do you feel the same way? trump is a liar, number one. number two, he's constantly on hillary about bill clinton, and bill clinton is not running for president. another thing that we're past and we should just forget about it is the whole email thing. it's done and over. she apologized, it's done. just move on. >> carlos hernandez: yeah, but that... >> aury hernandez: i let you talk. >> pelley: but the text of the speeches that she gave to wall street high rollers, and she said, "well, you know, in this world, you have to have a public position and you have to have a private position.," that feeds in to that sense that many people have that she's not trustworthy. >> aury hernandez: i believe in her, i do, compared to him, that he's so... such a pig. because to me, he's a pig. >> pelley: this is ohio in a buckeye shell, the most even split in any state- people divided in their marriages and even within themselves. >> cyndra cole: i am. >> pelley: social conservative. very religious. you are not with donald trump. >> cole: i am not. >> pelley: there's none of the rust in white clapboard portage county. cyndra cole, mother of four with one on the way, has managed republican campaigns. you're sitting in this interview, rooting for your party's nominee to lose. >> cole: is that bad? it's bad, right? >> pelley: you tell me. >> cole: yeah. >> pelley: even her lawn is divided where her neighbors have made their stand. >> cole: the very first time that i very sincerely said, "i will not vote for that man" was when he mocked the reporter with special needs. >> oh, i don't know what i said. oh, i don't remember. >> cole: i had a really hard time with that, because as the mother of a child with special needs, i know how hard we work every day for her to do things that others take for granted. and for somebody to trample on that, i just think that's inexcusable. >> pelley: and it says what about character? >> pelley: in your view, is donald trump doing lasting damage to the republican party? >> cole: i think that the republican party can survive a donald trump candidacy. i have a really hard time believing that the republican party can withstand a donald trump presidency. >> pelley: you might vote for hillary clinton. >> cole: i may. >> pelley: are you voting for hillary clinton or against donald trump? >> cole: you see, that's where i have a really big problem with this election. i don't want to be voting against somebody. i want to vote for somebody. i want them to tell me... i want hillary clintoto she's going to do for my daughters. not just because she's the first female president of the united states, but because she cares about women in a way that men can't understand. >> pelley: but you're listening. >> cole: i'm listening. i'm trying. i'm really trying. >> pelley: you're trying to get to the place where you can vote for the democratic candidate? >> cole: yes. >> pelley: and you can't believe you're saying that to me. >> cole: i cannot believe that i'm saying that. >> pelley: at parkside church, cyndra cole and her family run into republican orthodoxy. tommie jo marsilio was once a trump. i trust him to protect this nation and keep my family safe. and i trust that he will not... not engage in behaviors that are concerning to me. >> pelley: you have a daughter who's 15. >> marsilio: i do. >> pelley: what do you tell her when she hears these things that donald trump has said about women? >> marsilio: actually, before i had an opportunity to tell her anything, she gave me her astute. and she said, "you know, sometimes guys say things that are stupid, and i think that's an example." she says, "mom, don't you think everybody makes mistakes?" and i said, "yes, i do." >> pelley: why is hillary clinton not a more attractive candidate to you? >> marsilio: i don't trust her. >> pelley: what has she done that leads you to find her untrustworthy? >> marsilio: i think the better question is, what has she done to make me trust her? and the answer's probably nothing. the emails are a problem. it, but it seems like there's one cover-up after another. certainly benghazi was mishandled. so, mishandling a situation to start with is bad enough, but when you have a sustained pattern of behavior over a period of years, i just don't trust anything she says. i don't believe she'll keep my family safe. >> let us go to the house of the lord. i will bless the lord. >> pelley: for clinton to have more than a prayer in ohio, she ne americans. and you think african americans in ohio are going to go to the polls in the numbers they did for president obama? >> jawanza colvin: that's our job, is to make sure that they do. >> but you know this is one of those definitive elections. >> pelley: pastor jawanza colvin spreads the gospel of the ballot around his olivet institutional baptist church. hillary clinton spoke here. but isn't this exactly what donald trump is arguing, that the democrats have let your community down so why not make a change, take a chance? >> colvin: well, i think the question is, what's the alternative? i have not heard anything from mr. trump and have not heard anything in terms of his rhetoric that offers anything of promise. just even the language that he used, "the african americans," just the language itself to me evokes a notion of distance and disconnect. >> pelley: colvin worked the neighborhoods to get out the vote. lisa tolbert said, "count on me." do you feel a difference in your enthusiasm in this election, as opposed to the last one and the one before that when barack obama was running? >> tolbert: that was a historic election. that was, you know, you finally had a good candidate, and he happened to be black. this is a necessity. >> pelley: there was nobody who was going to keep you out of the polls. >> tolbert: right. this is a necessity. >> pelley: are you enthusiastic about hillary clinton, or are you just voting against donald trump? >> tolbert: i don't know if i'm very enthusiastic about her. i do think she's qualified. looking at her resume, she is qualified. >> pelley: but you'd really like to have another option. >> if there was another option. and i believe she could do the job. >> pelley: when african americans vote in large numbers in ohio, ohio votes cr and when they don't come to the polls, ohio votes republican. what's going to happen? >> tolbert: i'm going to pray that they come to the polls. i'm going to... >> pelley: but you're not feeling that groundswell. >> tolbert: i'm not hearing it. >> greg sedar: i think it's kind of voting this time, we're going to have to pick one or the other, and it's kind of like picking a seat on the titanic. i'd rather have other choices. >> pelley: these men and lisa clinton in common. this is the united steel workers local 1104, and the only picture of a president on the wall is f.d.r.'s. at the door, the leadership backs clinton, but a sign doesn't paper over jobs lost to trade and the outrage of laid- off men. so, show of hands, how many trump voters do we have? okay. there are three. and hillary clinton voters? >> tom morris: i'm... i'm undecided. i'm not sure which one i want to vote for yet. >> pelley: carlos hernandez joined greg sedar, wayne townsend, tom morris and craig cooper. craig, what did you want to hear in the debates? >> cooper: just basically that, you know, that... that they're starting to watch out for... for us as... as americans. it just seems like they're so involved with themselves that we as a people don't matter anymore. we're just... you know, we're here as pawns, and they want our votes. and after they get our votes, they're like, "okay, thank you. see you later. bye." college program to retrain workers who lose their jobs due to trade deals. greg sedar looked a little lost, like a farmer in the dells. >> sedar: it goes back to the days when democrats were always for unions and republicans were against. we're... we're... need jobs and we're... we're desperate enough we'll take them, whoever is going to give them. >> townsend: the idea of getting a good job like we have at a young age and working it for 30 years and getting the american dream of having a house, a car and a child and a family and retiring at a decent age before you're too old and too crippled to enjoy it, is gone because of trade deals. >> cooper: i've said for the last couple months, there's billions of people in the united states, and these are the two best people that we can get to lead us? i just find that hard to believe. i really do. >> that one is peanut butter oreo. what kind do you want, buddy? >> pelley: ohio nearly always picks the president because it's a mix of american ingredients-- farm, part factory. but for those shopping this time, 2016 is like making a choice when they're fresh out of your favorites. i wonder, on november the eighth, is there any chance you're just going to say to yourself, "you know what? i'm going to sit this one out. i can't do it"? >> cole: no. i have to at least go to the polls to vote for rob portman. >> pelley: the senator of ohio, the republican senator of ohio. >> cole: yes, yeah. >> pelley: you're interested in the down-ballot races. ol and i think that's one of the ways that we as republicans can overcome a hillary clinton presidency. >> pelley: so, there's an even chance, at least, that you're going to vote for hillary clinton and then vote for rob portman in hopes that he can stop her policies? >> cole: yes. >> pelley: and that is politics in 2016. >> cole: it is. yes. >> two candidates with decades of "60 minutes" appearances. at sponsored by viagra. so guys with ed can... take viagra when they need it. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain or adempas? 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"60 minutes" has also obtained documents showing that 10% of the money rubin raised from players went into pankas holdings, his personal corporation. jeff rubin desperately needed the money because in april 2008, the i.r.s. filed a federal tax lien against him in the amount of $440,000. on top of that, he was underwater on his $3 million house. and you're responsible, jeff, for managing other people's money, advising them. and you're in a financial mess. >> rubin: it was a rough time. i mean, the only way i could explain it is, i went over my head on my house, and that was >> keteyian: his biggest mistake was believing the legality of electronic bingo was settled in alabama, given the state's turbulent political climate and its byzantine gambling laws. >> troy king: here is the alabama gambling law. >> keteyian: you are kidding me. >> king: pages, amendment after amendment after amendment. >> keteyian: troy king was alabama's attorney general at the time. after studying alabama's countless amendments, king determined that electronic bingo was legal in the county where un >> bob riley: gambling, with a few very narrow exceptions, is already illegal in alabama. >> keteyian: then, in december 2008, midway through his second and final term in office, governor bob riley abruptly announced the formation of an anti-gambling task force. >> king: there was no way this could end short of somebody being destroyed, the governor or the gambling interest. it was armageddon. >> keteyian: despite governor riley's threats against gambling from the state capital, jeff rubin continued to recommend his n.f.l. players invest in country crossing. >> king: at that point, i believe anybody who was investing money without understanding what a risky proposition it was, was acting very, very recklessly. >> keteyian: "60 minutes" has also learned that a document known as a subscription agreement, which outlines risks to investors, was not produced until january 2010, long after of millions of dollars into country crossing. in bold letters, the subscription agreement stated that "electronic bingo operations may be characterized as illegal gambling under alabama law." in a sworn deposition two years ago, rubin was asked if his players ever received that subscription agreement. his reply? "i have no idea." there's no "this is potential pitfalls of the project." why don't you raise your hand >> rubin: that's my fault. i had no idea. >> keteyian: is that negligent? >> rubin: i don't know. i... i... i have... >> keteyian: well, either it is or it isn't. >> rubin: i'm not... i'm not really sure. i don't know that... i don't know the answer to that question, "was it negligent?" looking at it now, it's awful, okay? i put my trust in a lot of attorneys, just like the players put trust in me. >> keteyian: in mid-january 2010, country music stars were official opening. the crowds poured in, the electronic bingo machines were humming. and then, two weeks later, at 4:00 a.m., a seemingly endless caravan of 135 cars carrying state troopers appeared out of the night to descend on country crossing. they were coming for the electronic bingo machines. >> taylor: it was a sick feeling. it was a very sick feeling, very >> keteyian: you call rubin? >> davis: i called rubin, and, of course, "oh, it'll be okay. it'll be just fine. we'll make... we'll make it work." >> keteyian: doesn't turn out to be all right. >> davis: it's a nightmare. >> keteyian: country crossing eventually went bust. today, all that remains open is a pavilion where electronic bingo has been replaced by old- fashioned paper bingo. the letters b-i-n-g-o cost n.f.l. players $43 million. stars like ray lewis and terrell owens got burned, as did players earning smaller paychecks. >> taylor: a lot of guys had to... their homes were foreclosed on or short sold. some repossessions. a couple of guys have had to take loans that they don't necessarily know how they're going to pay them back. >> keteyian: what would you say to them? >> rubin: i would apologize. i'd want to catch up. >> keteyian: would you begin with the words "i'm sorry"? >> rubin: yeah, absolutely. i'm sorry this happened. you know, that was my life. >> keteyian: you know, some of them honestly would like to get their hands around your neck. today, jeff rubin lives in denver, out of the fast lane. he's been barred from serving as an investment adviser by finra, the financial industry regulatory authority, and by the s.e.c., the securities and exchange commission, in the wake of the country crossing debacle. >> rand getlin: in my summation, this is the single largest set of investment losses in the history of the n.f.l t hands of one investment adviser. >> keteyian: rand getlin co- wrote groundbreaking articles about country crossing for yahoo sports. what surprised getlin is how the n.f.l. players association allowed rubin to operate unchecked. in 2000, the union had established a financial advisers program to help protect players and their money. jeff rubin was registered with that program. >> getlin: he was the pied piper, and he led a lot of these guys to their financial destruction. registered in that program for the better part of a decade. >> keteyian: jeff rubin's name was on that n.f.l.p.a. list as registered with the union, giving you what? >> taylor: i definitely would gain a sense of security with every registered adviser that's in the pamphlet or on that list. >> keteyian: so, did the n.f.l.p.a., the players association, ever call you with any questions about what you were doing? >> rubin: they did nothing. not one time did we get a call, an email, a a helium balloon. we got nothing from the n.f.l.p.a. in regards to this project. >> keteyian: only after regulators sanctioned him in 2013 did the players' association send out an alert regarding rubin and his misconduct. we wanted to talk to the n.f.l. players association and its current president, cincinnati offensive tackle eric winston, about its financial advisers program, but, after repeated winston, who was once a client of jeff rubin's and invested around $1 million in country crossing. >> chase carlson: if they were proud of the program, they'd be sitting in this chair. >> keteyian: chase carlson is a lawyer who represents 13 n.f.l. players who claim they were ripped off by rubin and two other financial advisers registered with the union's program, which carlson says is littered with cases of financial failures. >> carlson: it's a disaster. >> keteyian: that simple? they're doing. >> keteyian: another registered adviser with the players association, ash narayan, was charged with fraud by the s.e.c. just this summer for secretly siphoning millions of dollars from investors, including quarterback mark sanchez. >> carlson: he agreed to invest $100,000, and the financial adviser transferred about $7 million to the investment. the investment today is in receivership, and mark'll be lucky if he gets anything back. registered with the program. the union says applicants to its program must pay an entry fee of $2,500 and agree to an extensive background investigation. but how vigilant can the union be in monitoring its financial advisers when kevin carreno is still listed on its online directory? carreno was killed in a plane crash seven months ago. he's still alive, as far as the n.f.l.p.a. is concerned? >> carlson: you can still refer him clients. association protects itself from any legal liability. on its web site, it states that the union is not responsible for and makes no representation concerning the skill, honesty or competence of any registered player financial adviser. then, why have a program to begin with? >> carlson: right. if you can't rely on these people for skill or competence or honesty, then what's the point of using them? >> keteyian: the notion that diligence on its registered financial advisers is news to many players, like vernon davis. is that troubling to you? >> davis: it's very troubling. here i am, putting my trust in a registered financial adviser, and i'm thinking that i can at least go to sleep at night without worrying. >> keteyian: the exact number of n.f.l. players who have been damaged by financial advisers over the years may never be known, largely because so many players are afraid to go public. retiru was one of the few willing to speak to "60 minutes." >> taylor: there's this big pride and ego thing that hinders those guys from sharing their awareness. we're big, supposed to be macho, strong, you know? why would we let little, puny, you know, nerdy financial advisers or agents take advantage of us? >> keteyian: so, there's a certain level of embarrassment. >> taylor: there's a huge level of embarrassment, in my opinion. his feet financially, but he and vernon davis were lucky in a way; their talent enabled them to sign endorsement deals and lucrative second contracts that made up for their losses. davis, who's learned expensive lessons, says it's time for players to start taking responsibility. how much blame do you put on your own shoulders? >> davis: i take most of the blame, and i think as athletes and players in this union, in the n.f.l., i think we should change it. we can change it. we've just got to wake up. even mer-mutts. (1940s aqua music) (burke) and we covered it, february third, twenty-sixteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ? we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ? people would ask me in different countries d i would always answer hispanic. so when i got my ancestry dna results it was a shocker. i'm from all nations. i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. if the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. >> whitaker: there is a new trend in advertising that might surprise you. it doesn't show up in any traditional media. it's exploding on mobile devices, set off by young people, most in their twenties, who have attracted large numbers of followers on social networks- platforms like facebook, twitter and snapchat. they're called social media influencers, and some of them have larger followings than the most popular movies or tv shows. major companies are paying them millions of dollars to influence their followers and persuade them to buy products. tonight, you will hear from some of the biggest social media influencers in the world. together, they've been viewed billions of times. ? ? ? ? ? ? if you find yourself dumbfounded by the notion that 21-year-old logan paul could become a probably not a millennial. >> paul: it's easy. just dance. >> whitaker: these no-budget, low-quality postings-- shot with his cell phone camera- have attracted more than 30 million followers on all his platforms, more than either donald trump or hillary clinton. they're drawn to his boyish charm and slapstick humor. >> paul: slapstick with a sense of wit, fun, high energy. >> whitaker: so, that's your shtick? >> paul: my shtick, yeah, yeah. shtick into advertising gold, promoting products to his online followers. >> bic it up. >> whitaker: by mining online data, advertisers know he's reaching their most coveted demographic: young people. he's been such a successful pitchman, he was featured on the cover of "ad week." >> paul: the biggest companies in the world and brands have come to me to help sell their product to the younger generation. millennials, and they respond to my content. >> whitaker: and they pay you well for this? >> paul: yeah. hello, my people of the internet! >> whitaker: he's now in such demand, he's earned the freedom to make ads the way he makes his videos: off the cuff. we watched him making a dunkin' donuts ad in central park. >> paul: oh, i'm so sorry! >> whitaker: all ad-libbed, all his idea and style. you just make this up on the fly? >> paul: yeah, if someone has an idea, it's like, "yeah!" we just run with it, you know? >> w ad, it was viewed more than seven million times. and dunkin' donuts told us this spot had the same reach as a prime time tv ad. for one day's work, logan paul was paid almost $200,000. so, you're worth all the money these companies pay you? >> paul: to be honest, i'm worth three times the amount i'm getting paid. >> whitaker: so, you're a bargain? >> paul: i think anyone on the time and place is a bargain. because it's so new, no one really knows what they're worth. >> whitaker: the more followers an influencer has, the more money they can make. the successful ones are an eclectic bunch, most in their mid-20s who started it just for fun, like zach king. >> king: i kind of call myself a digital magician. >> whitaker: he's built a following of about 25 million with his video illusions that are easy to binge watch. amanda cerny, a former model turned comedian, has more than 20 million followers. >> cerny: i posted my snapchat video i just shot five minutes ago, and now i have 35,000 views. >> whitaker: one of the most than 37 million followers. about half of his following is from one platform called vine. videos on vine are just six seconds long. what can you do in six seconds? >> bachelor: i can teach you how to cook something. >> whitaker: in six seconds? >> bachelor: i can, yeah. >> whitaker: you can make me laugh in six seconds? >> bachelor: i can make you laugh in six seconds. i can make you cry in six seconds. six seconds. >> whitaker: in six seconds? >> bachelor: yes. >> whitaker: in six seconds? ( laughter ) >> bachelor: i can do it in four. ( laughter ) >> whitaker: so... so show me >> bachelor: okay. >> whitaker: show me how six seconds can make a star. >> bachelor: all right. so, the movie "batman vs. superman" came out, right? it was a 90-minute movie. i'm showing you if "batman vs. superman" was real and in six seconds. >> whitaker: does that get a lot of views? >> bachelor: yeah, mm-hmm. >> whitaker: how many? >> bachelor: a couple million. >> whitaker: advertisers pay bach just to place their products in his clips. earned more than $300,000 from the sandwich maker. you're making money off of this? >> bachelor: i can retire if i wanted to. >> whitaker: off of six-second videos? >> bachelor: yeah. ( laughter ) you hate me. that's a laugh of hate. >> whitaker: i chose the wrong line of work! ( laughter ) social media influencers are a small slice of what the advertising industry spends overall on ads, but it was enough tca paul cazers is an agent with c.a.a., one of the biggest talent firms in town. do they make too much for what they do? >> cazers: absolutely not. they're the new rock stars with a bigger audience than old hollywood ever had a chance to access. when they take a video or a picture and push a button on their phone, immediately disseminated to millions of people across the planet, that level of access is unprecedented. >> whitaker: c.a.a. made its name representing stars of the represents emerging stars of the tiny screen we carry in our pockets, like logan paul. >> cazers: when logan does a branded campaign, you can see how many millions of people have watched it, where they've watched it, what age they are and their demo. furthermore, it's more than just the views. you can see their engagement. you can see... people are continuing to talk about a video afterwards, and they're sharing. i don't know how you could even put a price on that. because of the internet, logan paul has a worldwide reach. >> whitaker: we got a glimpse of his star power when we went for a stroll on hollywood boulevard. >> paul: how are you? what's your name? >> juliette: juliette. >> paul: juliette! are you guys french? >> juliette: yes. >> paul: nice! >> whitaker: you know who he is in france? >> juliette: you are a superstar in france. >> paul: oh, no way. >> whitaker: he's a star in france? >> juliette: yes. ( laughter ) >> paul: all right. >> whitaker: in just 20 minutes, visitors from kuwait, israel, mexico and sweden also told us they follow paul. i... like, i don't even know where that is. i have no idea. ( laughter ) >> whitaker: there may be no more recognizable face on social media than kim kardashian's. she has attracted more than 160 million followers by exposing her life seemingly minute by minute online. this month, her visibility became a liability when thieves in paris tracked her and robbed her at gunpoint of a reported $1 she had shown on instagram just a few days earlier. the incident is still being investigated, and she hasn't posted since. before the robbery, she told us that being so public is what helped make her so popular and wealthy. >> kardashian: there are pitfalls-- lack of privacy, loss of privacy-- and that might not be for everyone. >> whitaker: that's a pitfall? >> kardashian: yeah. for me, i can handle it. would that famous kim kardashian exist without social media? >> kardashian: not in this way. i totally attribute my career to social media. >> whitaker: i have read that you have figured out how to monetize just the act of living. >> kardashian: i guess so. yeah. >> whitaker: the reality is, she's a savvy business woman who was one of the first to turn those millions of eyebls watching her online into millions of dollars. she posts pictures and gets paid for clothes she wears, products she uses, brands she endorses. we've been talking to a number of young influencers. many of them have different talents. they do comedy, they dance, they sing. what's your talent? >> kardashian: it is a talent to have a brand that's really successful off of getting people into an empire worth in excess of $100 million, i've read. >> kardashian: so, i would think that has to involve some kind of talent. ( laughs ) you know? >> whitaker: gary vaynerchcuk is searching for the next kim kardashian. he runs a digital advertising company called vaynermedia that finds new online talent and connects them with brands. the day we were there, former wrestler hulk hogan was seeking advice on monetizing his social >> vaynerchuck: as long as you guys find the right cadence, as long as you don't make it a complete p.r. piece every episode, you will win. >> hogan: right. >> whitaker: how do you develop a following? >> vaynerchuck: it starts with, are you good enough; are you pretty enough-- model; are you funny enough-- comedy. >> whitaker: some "it" factor? >> vaynerchuck: some "it" factor. the person that's the 18,417th funniest person never, ever had opportunity to make $100,000 a year making skits on instagram, youtube, facebook, snapchat and twitter. that's... >> whitaker: $100,000 a year? >> vaynerchuck: that's right. >> whitaker: and that might be why 25,000 people showed up last spring at the online video industry's annual convention in anaheim. it's where teens and 20- somethings come, hoping to learn to become the next kim kardashian or logan paul or perhaps baby ariel. 13 million followers apparently like watching the 15-year-old lip-sync songs on an app called musically. >> baby ariel: ? just gonna stand there and watch me burn. ? >> whitaker: she pitches candy, she has her own line of lipstick, and three bodyguards to hold off her fans. it might seem crazy, but today some kid with an iphone and a dream can make more money than earlier generations could have imagined. influencers popped up, making their first video ever-- maybe 40, maybe 400. so, the market is quite wide. it's just who's going to win the depth game and be the best at it. >> whitaker: it's a worldwide popularity contest conducted minute by minute. one sign of just how popular influencers have become: they've caught the eye of the federal trade commission, which now requires that influencers make absolutely clear when one of their postings is an ad. the influencers told us government watchdogs are not going to slow this business down. kim kardashian had a setback when she was robbed, but, like the other influencers, she's banking on the future of social media. >> kardashian: i do believe that the pros in my situation and my lifestyle have been more beneficial than the negative things. >> whitaker: and the money is not bad. >> this cbs sports update is brought to you by ford. i'm james brown with scores from the n.f.l. today. four vikings turnovers nomped them to the ranks of the unbeaten. oakland had its fourth straight road win. cincinnati beats cleveland with 5 59d yards of total offense. tom brady has two touchdown passes, leading new england to its third straight win. for more sports news, go to ? ? one smart choice leads to the next. ? the new 2017 ford fusion is here. it's the beauty of a well-made choice. fifty years ago, humpback whales were nearly extinct. they rebounded because a decision was made to protect them. making the right decisions today for your long-term financial future can protect you and your family, and preserve your legacy. ask a financial advisor how retirement and life insurance solutions from pacific life

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