Transcripts For WOI Local News At Ten 20151016 : comparemela

Transcripts For WOI Local News At Ten 20151016

now. look for mainly clear skies tonight with chilly winds dropping our temps down into the 30s for most areas by morning. there is a frost advisory posted for western iowa, but our threat for freezing temperatures will likely come late friday night into saturday morning when many areas north and east of the metro could drop below freezing. we will have a good amount of sunshine the next three days in spite of the cool temperatures. after a couple of days reaching the 50s, sunday will be warmer with se winds and a high in the mid 60s. the 70s should return for early next week along with our first decent chance for some rain this month! stephanie: also coming up, four groups of iowans four groups of iowans protesting in the metro. some showing opposition or support for the bakkan pipeline. others telling a presidential candidate how they really feel about their visit. jack: and in the courtroom today, accused shooter pete polson taking the stand for the first time. hear his apology and a shocking revelation about his past. stephanie: but first, it's a population boom in waukee and the schools district is struggling to keep up. the district says they have to redraw the boundaries...why parents say " local 5 news at 10 in hd starts now. we are iowa" stephanie/2shot waukee parents are outraged after learning their children might have to switch schools...again. good evening. i'm stephanie angleson. jack/2shot and i'm jack miller. tonight, plans were discussed for yet another school re- districting in waukee. the ever growing suburb has had to do this seven times in the past 20 years. some parents are angry their kids will have to keep switching schools. jack: local five's kattey ortiz spoke with those parents tonight. she joins us live from waukee with more. kattey? kattey/live: big turnout tonight here at waukee high school for the final public forum for the latest rezoning. not everyone is happy - some parents even handing out these flyers explaining why they think this is a bad move. in her hand carrie schoenbaum is holding a flyer that serves as a plea to waukee schools to rethink before they rezone. "the biggest concern i have is we live a half mile from the current school that we go to and the proposed move has us going five miles." she says her third grader will go from nearby walnut hills elementary to the new grant ragan elementary which will be four and a half miles away. at the final public forum for parents ... she made it clear none of it makes sense to her. "we'd be passing another elementary school which is about a mile and a half from our house to get to this other school that's five miles away." the school district is growing rapidly - 650 new students were enrolled this year alone. the superintendent says these changes are necessary. "walnut hill has been over capacity the last couple of years, maple grove is nearing capacity, schuhur elementary, they're all getting some type of relief from this new school opening." the rezoning process is far from over. a ninth elementary school is scheduled to open in 2019 ... and a second high school in 2021 ... a headache for carrie. "the proposal would have him moving again would have attended three schools. and for you thats -- not okay. under no set of facts is that okay." "nobody ever wants to change, but the reality is when you're growing as rapidly as we are, every once in a while those boundaries need to be adjusted to accomodate the growth." kattey/live: the district will use tonight's feedback to tweak the scenario before they bring their final proposal to the board next month. the board will then decide on that proposal come december. live in waukee kattey ortiz local five news we are iowa. stephanie: the man police say went on a shooting spree through pleasant hill neighborhoods last spring- took the witness stand in his own trial today. 33 year old pete polson told the jury he's been battling drug abuse since the early 2000's and was clean for awhile. thats until he relapsed near halloween of last year. he lost his job, girlfriend and started using meth again, including using the night before the shooting took place on november 17th. polson told the jury he doesnt remember shooting at the three victims. he didnt realize anything until the officers arrested him that morning "i just know i would never intentionally do any of it, im sorry form the bottom of my heart, i apologize, its not me. i would never hurt anybody like that. i wish i wouldve shot myself that day rather htan shooting these people. i never meant to harm any of you or your families " earlier in the day the prosecution revealed evidence of polsons drug habits including more than 20 pounds of marijuana and other drug paraphanelia found in his home. the defense also brought two people to the stand who knew polson personally. explaining what he was like when he did drugs. " thats when i saw his behavior changed and that night is when, the night before is when i asked him to leave my home. polson took the not rest after polson took the stand, so the trial will not rest after polson took the stand, so the trial will continue tomorrow morning at nine. and make sure to stay local 5 every step of the way through polsons trial. we'll also have recaps of each day up on our website that's we are iowa dot com. jack: a bunch of iowans made noise about the bakken pipeline project outside the state capitol today. the project could eventually carry crude oil from north dakota to illinois-- cutting diagonally across the state. about 80 people held up signs and chanted about their disappointment in dakota access for even considering taking over their land. there was a smaller, counter protest nearby, where folks talked about the benefits of the jobs. but the larger group, made a bigger statement, delivering one thousand complaints about the project. "cecil wright, utility board lawyer: "this is really people just expressing their opinion. and as i said, the board reviews that, and will take that into consideration. and they may have questions for dakota access or some of the other witnesses based on those objections. " jack: more than sixty people are expected to testify at the hearings next month. the iowa board of utilities will hold a public hearing for the project on november 12th. so far, the majority are land owners. but dakota access has about a quarter of the witnesses. stephanie: one presidential candidate sat down for dinner to talk with folks in windsor heights tonight. stephanie: carly fiorina was the guest of honor for the polk county republican women's chili fundraiser. she spoke to those at the windsor heights community center about a number of topics, including foreign policy. "when we do not lead when we do not stand with our allies the world becomes a very dangerous very tragic place and we are seeing that play out on our television screens and the front pages of our newspapers every day " stephanie: meanwhile, two sets of protests were setup outside the event. progress iowa was there to ask fiorina about her economic policy. issues like equal pay, affordable child care, paid family leave and the minimum planned parenthood spoke out postiion on women's health. as well as her stance on the recent video shows planned parenthood execs making deals over fetal tissue. about planned that arent true and show our support for planned parenthood about the great things planned parenthood does. "i have a four year old, and all of my paycheck goes to childcare, so we want affordable childcare, um, paid family leave, and we want to know what the candidates are going to do for us." stephanie: if you missed out meeting carly fiorina toinght, you can catch her at a meet and greet in pleasant hill tomorrow afternoon. and then at a town hall meeting in grinell tomorrow night jack: big changes in america's plan in afghanistan. this morning the president announced troops will be staying longer than planned. there are about 98-hundred us troops in afghanistan. nearly all were supposed to be home by the end of 2016. but the president - on the recommendation of his top commanders - will now leave as many as 55- hundred troops on the ground. it will be a two- fold mission - similar to the current one of counterterroris m operations and training and assisting afghan forces. president obama: this modest but meaningful extension of our presence, while sticking to our current narrow missions, can make a real difference. jack: top pentagon officials believed afghan forces weren't ready to operate on their own. and there's been violence by the isis. says his approach has adjustments when necessary... and that the us committment to afghanistan will not waver. jack: congress now has two fewer days to deal with the debt ceiling. the u-s will hit the debt ceiling on november third, two days earlier than originally thought. the debt ceiling is a cap set by congress on how much outstanding debt the federal government can have. it's currently 18-trillion dollars. congress is expected to debate what to do to solve this issue next week. stephanie: coming up on local 5 news at 10... we'll hear how isu head basketball coach steve prohm is settling into life in ames as he gets ready for his first season. jack: then-- a day to celebrate the victories and the struggles of iowan's blind. and why you should watch for white canes. stephanie: and... a major road project...ground to a halt over a cactus. tonight...some good news at construction picks back up. brad: ((ad lib weather toss)) take sot tomorrow on good morning iowa... sam, it's blitz game day... we're heading to north polk high school in alleman.. and its expected to be a cool morning right sam? absolutely. you're going to need to bundle up. and for friday night football there is even colder air coming our way... maybe we'll take that party inside tomorrow on good morning iowa! "your watching local 5 news at 10 in hd with jack miller, stephanie angleson, we are news at 10 in hd with jack miller, stephanie iowa's most accurate forecast with chief meteorologist brad edwards and local 5 sports with sports director jon schaeffer. this is stephanie: jack: brad brad: weather adlib: we snuck out another decent day with highs reaching 70 in many locations, but those nw winds are getting cooler and cooler now. look for mainly brad brad: weather adlib: we snuck out another decent day with highs reaching 70 in many nw winds are getting now. look for mainly clear skies tonight with chilly winds dropping our temps down into the 30s for advisory posted for threat for freezing temperatures will likely come late friday night into saturday morning when many areas north and east of the metro could drop below freezing. we will have a good amount of sunshine the next three days in spite of the cool temperatures. after a couple of days reaching the 50s, sunday will be warmer with se winds and a high in the mid 60s. the 70s should return for early next week along with our first decent chance for some rain this month! brad stephanie: jack: jack: coming up on local 5 sports, blitz. tonight we're putting the spotlight on north polk's first year quarterback-- they're our blitz game of the week. stephanie: next.... it was a beautiful day for a walk. but this stroll through downtown des moines had a very special meaning. "your watching local 5 stephanie: if you were downtown earlier today, you may have noticed a large group walking toward the riverfront trail. it's all for white cane safety day. the event invites members of iowa's blind community and their supporters to participate in a walk to recognize the achievements of the blind and the importance of the white cane. organizers hope it reminds citizens of the laws granting the right of way to blind cane travelers. richard sorey, president of iowa department for the blind: "this day is really a celebration of freedom and the victories and the struggles that blind iowans have been involved with to get equal access under the law. " stephanie: governor terry branstad also joined in on the event -- signing a proclamation of white cane safety day for the state. jack: a prickly problem for construction workers in sioux city tonight. a road project's been delayed because of an endangered plant, iowa's native cacti. about 100 prickly pear cactus were found in the area where a road was supposed to be built. it's a plant that only shows up in seven places around the state. at first -- it was thought tax payers would have to pay for changes to the road design. but now it looks as if it'll go forward with minor changes and at no additional cost. "there's minor adjustments to the grade and the curvature of the roadway, but overall for the project there really isn't much of an increase or change in the cost. we haven't made that determination yet, but we don't believe it that there will be that impact," said ellis. jack: the plants will be baracaded for their protection during the remainder of construction. the road should be done in the spring. stephanie: sports director jon schaeffer in now and jon--steve prohm adjusting pretty well in ames jon: yeah--he told me he's getting settled in but coming up on local 5 sports he also talks about not having much time to really reflect on everything that's happened that's next. " now, local 5 sports are iowa jon: fred hoiberg and steve prohm aren't that different. both very good guys-- both family oriented-- but most fans haven't really gotten to see steve prohm all that much. so last week when i sat down with him we talked about a variety of things-- coaching, players, but most importantly how he's adjusting to life in iowa. " steve prohm's summer of 2015 has been a whirlwind. making the transition from murray state to for prohm who spent nearly a decade with the racers. (steve prohm/isu head coach) "you know any transition is tough this is the first time i've made a transition with a wife with a son every other time i've made a coaching move or move cities i was single or i was a child. " prohm and his family haven't had a chance to let this all sink in-- with that trip to spain over the summer and then getting this team ready for the new season. "we haven't really had time to sit down and hug had a nice night out or a nice weekend and just said man can you believe this man i'm the head coach at iowa state and we're really blessed" says prohm. prohm doesn't expect it to happen until maybe next spring. "it'd probably come after a couple of big wins but it won't probably officially come until we finish up a great year and we can go to the beach for a week." one thing that really drives the new bench boss for iowa state is his faith. something he hopes that it could help the young men he's coaching, the community around him and beyond. "i told somebody the other day they said i can't pray with them i just will pray for them in hopes that they make good decisions that they impact people and that they are successful in life. i'm a leader in this community. im a husband im a father and i'm a basketball coach but i don't want to be known as just the basketball coach i want to be known as a man who has impacted people not only in this team or in this program but in this community and now because i'm in the big 12 and our market is so big hopefully nationally." as for the game itself-- prohm couldn't be more excited to see what hilton magic is like first hand. "that's the one thing. i've heard it on tv, i've seen it, i know it's a big time atmosphere and i can't wait for i know the nov. 6th game but the 16th our first home game just to see what the electricity is really like." and the big 12 preseason poll came out voted on by coaches -- and iowa state getting less love from their own conference than they do nationally-- the cyclones are picked to finish third but did get one first place vote-- kansas is a unanimous favorite-- and then it's oklahoma. texas and baylor round out the top 5 of the 10 teams in the conference. jon: as a senior it's only max karpinske's first year as the starting quarterback the north polk comets and he's making it count. the southpaw has some impressive numbers and looking to add to t tm by season's end. north polk quarterback max karpinsky hadn't been the starting man under center until this year. "i played strictly defense last year and i loved it. just fun to go out there and fly around make plays. " this season you could say he's doing more of the same just with the offense. he's flying the ball around-- and making plenty of plays. "max is a great athlete it's always been a work in progress throwing it but he's worked on his fundamentals and he's a kid that really processes well and so he's able to make good decisions in the passing game and has really gotten better all season gotten sharper." he's the number three quarterback in 2a when it comes to passing yards. karpinsky has thrown it one thousand four four yards this season to be successful team i have great playmakers receivers able to make something out of nothing and also inside on top of the passing numbers-- karpinsky leads the comets in rushing with 331 yards. he's a threat on the ground-- and uses it "it always helps when your quarterback can run it because you gain a blocker so we knew that going in we thought that was one of the reasons that maybe he could succeed." and he's going to keep succeeding if he sticks to the three words printed on the comets practice jerseys. "passion, sacrifice and loyalty it's just our team motto it's what we do." jon/3shot (wrap sports) stephanie: jack: we'll be right back... you're stephanie: it's harvest season across the state, but imagine harvesting 2- hundred acres of crops in just one day. a group of iowans came together to accomplish this daunting task for bob pflughapt (flu-haap) after he had a stroke last summer. the stroke affected his mobility, making his job almost impossible. "i feel alright, just can't walk. can't get around." larry bridgewater / friend "if he was able, he'd be out here helping if somebody was in need, if he could do it, he'd be out here just like anybody else." stephanie: in total, 50 farmers harvetsed nearly 45 acers an hour. jack: do you know someone you'd call a hero? local 5 is proud to be a sponsor of the heroes game on november 27th . iowa vs. nebraska. and we invite you to nominate a hero. tell their story at we are iowa dot com. just look for the icon in the "don't miss" section of the website and maybe their heroes story will be honored during the game. brad: weather adlib:we snuck out another decent day with highs reaching 70 in many locations, but those nw winds are getting cooler and cooler now. look for mainly clear skies tonight with chilly winds dropping our temps down into the 30s for most areas by morning. there is a frost advisory posted for western iowa, but our threat for freezing temperatures will likely come late friday night into saturday morning when many areas north and east of the metro could drop below freezing. amount o

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