Transcripts For WOI Local 5 News Midday 20151026 : compareme

Transcripts For WOI Local 5 News Midday 20151026

sabrina: the new wrongful conviction division will be housed at the state public defender's office and will focus on reviewing and identifying cases involving wrongful convictions. this new division has been created following the fbi's recent confession to major errors in its testimony cases involving hair comparison analysis. the new division here will be partnering with the iowa division of criminal investigation, the innocence project of iowa, and the midwest innoncence project to see whether similar errors have occurred in cases here in iowa. the governor saying quote: "in iowa, we have great confidence in our criminal justice system. however, even in a well-regarded system, we know issues can arise." sabrina: a death investigation continues this morning in benton county... sabrina: authorities found the body of a 26-year-old female sunday afternoon... a trail of blood lead to the discovery of the body at 59th street trail the iowa state patrol confirms that this is a homicide investigation. the benton county sheriff's department and the iowa department of criminal investigation are actively working on the case. the iowa department of public safety is expected to release more details today. sabrina: two teenagers are recovering from a saturday shooting outside of a mcdonald's in ankeny. 18 year olds nicholas culver and justin (phong-sav-von) phongsavanh suffered gunshot wounds to their arms after a dispute over poor behavior at the restaurant. 36 year old gabriel coco turned himself in to police following the incident. sabrina big news for the gulf and the western coast of mexico, as hurricane patricia barreled through over the weekend. sabrina: remnants of hurricane patricia, combined with a powerful storm system, continue to dump heavy rain across the gulf coast. the severe weather brought more heavy rain overnight, with flash flood watches remaining in effect in parts of five states. the rainfall has broken records in texas, with some areas able to measure the water in feet. sabrina meteorologist sam schreier joins us again with a look at your forecast. sam weather adlib: the forecast is falling back to more of a normal, late october pattern just like it should be. we are going to start with a lot of sunshine today but by the early afternoon, clouds will start to fill up the skies. we should stay dry today, and even under the heavy cloud cover we should be able to hit a high in the low 60s. overnight tonight we will stay cloudy and chilly with lows falling into the mid 40s. tuesday is going to be a cloudy day with rain moving in from the southeast during the day. most of the rain tomorrow will stay east, but the metro could see totals between a half an inch to an inch. we will be drying out wednesday morning as the rain moves east from the state, but behind the rain chilly daytime temps will remain with highs in the 50s through the weekend. right now beggars night looks chance of rain, so get your costume figured out and everybody wish for some spooky and dry weather! sabrina: in other national news, sabrina/1shot we have some updates on the presidential candidates-- what they did over the weekend, and what they have been saying about each other. sabrina:: over the weekend, in washington, vice president joe biden spoke about his decision not to run for president. meanwhile, here in the metro, democratic frontrunner hillary clinton welcomed a musical guest before the jefferson jackson dinner. abc's jon karl with the details. script: joe biden says he came close to deciding to run for president over the summer - but his family's grief following the death of his son beau - who died in may from brain cancer - was too raw. at that point, he told 60 vice president biden: i thought, "well, you know, i think we can do this." and i'll never forget my little granddaughter by the time he concluded he and his family were ready emotionally, he also concluded it was just too late to mount a winning campaign: biden: i'll be very blunt if i thought we could've-- put together the campaign that-- that our supporters deserve and our contributors deserved i'll-- i would have gone ahead and done it. with biden out - hillary clinton seemed to be riding high in iowa over the weekend - with a little help from katy perry nats (katy perry) you're gonna hear me roar! - and also bill clinton appearing in his first rally of the campaign: sot - bill clinton i am tired of the stranglehold that women have had on the job of presidential spouse. (:06) hillary clinton appeared as confident as ever as addressed the annual jefferson- jackson dinner - one of the biggest events of the year for iowa democrats. sot - hillary at jj dinner 23;15;23 sometimes you just have to let them hear you roar! but there's still bernie sanders - nats bernie cheers hillary's strongest remaining democratic challenger made it clear, he's not ready to concede anything - reminding voters that hillary was the big frontrunner 8 years ago - only to lose big in iowa to a long-shot named barack obama. sot - bernie sanders - i think we are going to prove the pundits wrong again. sabrina: and on the and ben carson are starting to butt heads at the top of the polls, with third place runner gov. jeb bush still fighting to be in the mix. we have the full story coming up. sabrina: coming up on local 5 news midday... with the year coming to a close -- it's time to re-assess your budget! we have some tips on how you can make it work. sabrina: then, we're taking a closer look at hurricane patricia, and the big rains it has left behind. it's next.... if you're headed downtown after your weekend - we have some bigs changes you'll want to take note of! that's next. "you're wathcing local 5 news midday in hd accurate forecaswe are iowas most accurate forecast. this is local 5 midday. we are iowa" sabrina:: a big change for pedestrians in downtown des moines over the weekend.... multiple blocks on 12th street have been converted into two way traffic. finishing touches were applied to the stretch from mulberry all the way down to grand sunday. city officials say one of the biggest benefits of the conversion is increasing traffic to local businesses. they say after people punch out for the day, they'd still like them to stay in the downtown area. business owners say it should help attract new clients. (leah fitzgerald, americana manager: "i think so, especially for people who don't come to downtown very often. it's kind of the new, wanting to come experience downtown, and it's a lot easier to explain, and they don't have to worry about where can i park.") sabrina: this could be just the beginning of the shift in traffic downtown. the city is doing a walkability study to determine what else could get altered. sabrina: plenty of new sights, bites, and frights in the neighborhood this week... moxie, a new art gallery, has opened in the east village. the gallery's owner, carly zuendel, has included artwork from many local artists, including prints, paintings, jewlery, and 3d printed sculptures. firehouse subs, named because its family founders are former firefighters, opens its first des moines metro location this week at. they have a menu full of hot and cold sub sandwiches, along with salads and chili. and check out some great haunted houses this weekend-- for the big kids, linn's supermarket has reviews saying it's so scary "many visitors chicken out right at the start." sabrina: if you were out and about over the weekend, you may have also caught a peak of this... as sunday turned out to be a good day to get out an help a good cause... in des moines, hundreds of people enjoyed a special hayride to raise money to help fight breast cancer. the "ride for a cure" was at water works park. the ride was pulled by an antique tractor with specially made pink tires. this is the first year of the event and they raised more than two thousand dollars. "it's amazing when we started this project the people that come up to you and how cancer has touched their lives you can't talk to anybody that hasn't been in contact with it it's been a great project " sabrina: donations collected from the ride will go to the john stoddard cancer the ride will go to the john stoddard cancer center in des moines. sabrina: new this morning...the second annual senior life conference will draw hundreds of iowa seniors and caregivers to the metro. "finding purpose in retirement" is the them for this year's event being held at prairie meadows conference center. the goal is to educate and empower both seniors and those who care for them through educational sessions and meeting with vendors who provide a wide- range of services. sabrina sam is back now... sam i'll have your full forecast next. "now, we are iowa's "now, we are iowa's most accurate forecast with meteorologist sam schreier. certified by weatherrate the independent weather experts" sam weather adlib: the forecast is falling back to more of a normal, late october pattern just like it should be. we are going to start with a lot of sunshine today but by the early afternoon, clouds will start to fill up the skies. we should stay dry today, and even under the heavy cloud cover we should be able to hit a high in the low 60s. overnight tonight we will stay cloudy and chilly with lows falling into the mid 40s. tuesday is going to be a cloudy day with rain moving in from the southeast during the day. most of the rain tomorrow will stay east, but the metro could see totals between a half an inch to an inch. we will be drying out wednesday morning as the rain moves east from the state, but behind the rain chilly daytime temps will remain with highs in the 50s through the weekend. right now beggars night looks cold with a very small chance of rain, so get your costume figured out and everybody wish for some spooky and dry weather! sam: sabrina: elias: sabrina elias: in national headlines sabrina/1shot flood warnings continue across southern texas and the western coast of mexico. sabrina: remnants of hurricane patricia, combined with a powerful storm system, continue to dump heavy rain across the gulf coast. abc's bazi kanani has the latest " bazi kanani rollcue for live shots: good morning. it was a one-two storm punch along the gulf coast. the dangerous system is leaving lots of damage, but thankfully, so far, there are no reports of fatalities. pkg script: the lone star state... drenched. up to 20 inches of rain falling over parts of texas. (nats) "we got the boat over there." emergency crews going in with boats and humvees to reach stranded residents. a close call for the more than 70 rescued south of dallas. this man and his dog pulled from their flooded truck. another man... stuck when he waded in to find his submerged vehicle. (sot) i just stood there and watched my vehicle slowly disappear. when flood waters derailed this freight train... the two people on board swam to safety... but a cow needed some help getting back on solid ground. in san antonio, rescuers managed to reach a man who was swept more than a mile through a storm drain. (sot) "you can just imagine crashing against the wall in there, story. it was a wild ride for him." the storms swept in with damaging winds: two reported tornados. (sot) i looked out the window and all i saw was a whirlwind of trash roofs ripped off... fences toppled. along the coast in galveston, flags warn of the dangerous surf... waves up to 10 feet high forced an empty tanker to run aground. more flooding in nearby louisiana... where power outages forced many businesses to close. others... getting by on candlelight. bazi kanani, abc news, washington. " sabrina still to come on local five news midday... looking for some tasty halloween treats? our friends from fareway are in to help you out! how much do you normally spend during the holiday? some new numbers are in that might surprise you. that story and more, coming up. fairway joins us today with some tasty treats perfect for halloween. she'll show us how to make mummy pizzas and jack o' lantern quesadillas. halloween. she'll show us how to make mummy pizzas and jack o' lantern quesadillas. " you're watching local 5 news midday in hd. we are iowa" : sabrina on your money now sabrina with the average american expected to spend around eight hundred dollars on gifts this holiday season...paying with plastic may be a way to keep from having to fork over a lot at one time... but experts are warning consumers that some of the plastic in their wallets could be costing them in the long run. a new report by creditcards dot com says average store credit card percent interest rate... compare that to a 15 percent rate, on average, for all credit cards. the retailers with the highest rates includ staples with 28 percent and zales jewelers at 29 percent. financial experts say consumers should only sign up for retail store credit cards if they pay off their balance every month. sabrina: in national financial news, we are just days away from the open enrollment period for all health care exchanges. the window opens on november first and goes until january 31st. an individual must have some kind of coverage or pay a penalty...for 20- 16 that will be 695 dollars per adult. when getting coverage, make sure any doctors and specialists key to you are in a plan's network, sabrina: back to the future movie buffs will have another chance to buy a pepsi perfect. eager fans were excited when pepsi announced it would sell the soda last week.. but a glitch caused the limited edition bottle to go on sale early, and they sold out before most people had a chance to get them. pepsi announced it will give fans another chance to order the iconic bottle on november third at 8 a-m. sabrina: twentieth century's "the martian" defied gravity this weekend, taking the number-one spot at the box office. the movie - directed by ridley scott and starring matt damon - took in 15-point-9 million dollars. "goosebumps" and "bridge of spies" rounded out the top three.... the big bust of the weekend was "steve jobs"...the newest movie apple founder. seven-point- dollars....despite a cost of 30- million dollars to make. sabrina: someone who is a influence in your life their story with we are proud to the heroes game on november you to nominate a hero. tell their story dot com. look for the icon in the "don't miss" section of the website and maybe their heroes story will be honored during the game. sabrina: coming up on local 5 news midday... managing stress can sometimes be a pretty big task. we have some tips to help you out... sabrina: next.... the campaign trail heats up! hear trump take on the latest iowa frontrunner -- dr. ben carson . " you're watching local 5 news midday in hd. we are iowa" sabrina hd. we are iowa" sabrina good morning and thanks for joining us for local 5 news midday...i'm sabrina ahmed. sabrina: on the heels of vice president biden officially declaring he will not enter the race last week, iowa became the mainstage for the remaining democratic presidential candidates over the they attended jackson dinner. and martin showed up to it's the state's largest democrats. thousand people filled the event... each candidate had their own special sections of supporters with lights, and signs and their own chants... sabrina: now this will be the last year for the jefferson- jackson least in name... for next year's dinner.. the party is working to get a name that's more in tune with its current political ideals. thomas jefferson and andrew jackson were both slave owners, and that's caused many within the party to question whether that's the best name for the dinner. instead, they're hoping to decide on a name that signals iowa. " what won't change about the dinner no matter it's name is the type of energy that's right here behind me. there are so many enthusiastic democrats here right now who are passionate about getting democrats elected up and down the ballot next november. that's not going to change. " sabrina: the party is currently taking submissions for the new name. they're hoping to have something in place by early spring. sabrina: and for the republican candidates, donald trump, ben carson, and jeb bush speak out about what it's like at the top of the gop pack. abc's tom llamas with the details. script: this morning donald trump focused on a new target: dr ben carson. why? two recent polls show carson now beating trump in iowa. sot-trump "we informed ben, but he was sleeping." and trump saying this about carson's religion sot-trump "im presbyterian, that's down the middle of the road folks. in all fairness. i mean 7th day adventist, i don't know about, i just don't know about." carson, polling strong with evangelical voters in iowa, saying trump crossed the line. sot - carson "a couple of months ago i said something which he took as an attack on his faith and i apologized for that. i hope he will have the same grace." on this week trump told george he's done nothing wrong. " " sot trump on this week "i said exactly 'i don't know about it.' that's not an insult" and trump keeping the pressure on jeb bush. a one time frontrunner, now struggling, who is re-organzing campaign-slashing payroll by 40 percent. sot-trump: "bush has no money, he's meeting today with mommy and daddy, and they're working on his campaign," bush saying he's tried of the gridlock in washington and voters should turn to trump if they just want someone who will get nothing done in the white house. sotjeb bush (r), presidential candidate "i got a lot of really cool things that i could do other than people demonize me and me feeling compelled to demonize them. that is a joke. elect trump if you want that." sabrina: and over the sabrina: and over the weekend, we had a one-on-one interview with dr. carson during his visit to iowa state university. dr. carson is currently on his book tour.. sabrina: but he took a break to head to the agrigulture fraternity at iowa state, alpha gamma rho. carson spent a lot of time talking about the economy... education, and the state of the country, he also spoke about medicare and medicaid... clarifying his statements.. saying he wouldn't get rid of the programs, but would instead offer an alternative.. health savings accounts... where recipients of the program get 2-thousand dollars a year that they use for healthcare. local 5's sabrina ahmed was there to follow-up. " " how do you plan to implement health savings plan, timeline as we explain health savbing acct and plp become comfy, theyll see it far excededs traditional medicare medicaid, so they will rapidly move to it on their own but i wont force anyone out of it, if they want to stay they can stay. at what opoimt will it phase in, become mandatory. once there is a carson admin, and our dhs irons out details, within a year within a year the hsp would become available? absolutely. sabrina on saturday, you enjoyed some sam schreier is nice weather sam back to more of a normal, late october pattern just like it should be. we are going to start with a lot of sunshine today but by the early afternoon, clouds will start to fill up the skies. we should stay dry today, and even under the heavy cloud cover we should be able to hit a high in the low 60s. overnight tonight we will stay cloudy and chilly with lows falling into the mid 40s. tuesday is going to be a cloudy day with rain moving in from the southeast during the day. most of the rain tomorrow will stay east, but the totals between a half an inch to an inch. we wednesday morning as from the state, but behind the rain chilly daytime temps will remain with highs in the 50s through the weekend. right now beggars night looks cold with a very small chance of rain, so get your costume figured out and everybody wish for some spooky and dry weather! sabrina with severe weather warnings and the future faces of our country battling it out for the white house ...the world is full of concerns and worries right now and for some, that's a lot to handle. sabrina: but psychologists say, there are ways you can deal with anxiety that can keep depression away. doctors say the best thing to do is keep active and get endorphins pumping through exercise... and it doesn't have to be intense....a gentle yoga class or meditiation time can also help you relax. sabrina: don't forget to watch your diet...lowering sugar and salt helps your whole body work better, including your brain. a lack of vitamin d can add to the make sure to get out for short periods of time and enjoy the outdoors. should things not get better, seek professional help. depression is a serious condition, but it can be treated. sabrina still to come on local 5 news midday... (weather) sam has the details in central iowa's most accurate forecast next. "now, we are iowa's most accurate forecast with meteorologist sam schreier. certified by weatherrate the independent weather experts" sam weather adlib: the forecast is falling back to more of a normal, late october pattern just like it should be. we are going to start with a lot of sunshine today but by the early afternoon, clouds will start to fill up the skies. we should stay dry today, and even under the heavy cloud cover we should be able to hit a high in the low 60s. overnight tonight we will stay cloudy and chilly with lows falling into the mid 40s. tuesday is going to be a cloudy day with rain moving in from the southeast during the day. most of the rain tomorrow will stay east, but the metro could see totals between a half an inch to an inch. we will be drying out wednesday morning as the rain moves east from the state, but behind the rain chilly daytime temps will remain with highs in the 50s through the weekend. right now beggars night looks cold with a very small chance of rain, so get your costume figured and dry weather! sam: sabrina: sabrina: puppies in the metro won't be sitting out on halloween. sabrina: with halloween fast approaching, get ready to see lots of ghosts and goblings everywhere you look... and a parade of them went through new york over the weekend... check out these spook-tacular their stuff in their halloween best. hundreds of canines submitted to their owners' fanciful desires to see them in costumes as superheroes, dinosaurs and the pope. with some dogs' costumes only outdone by those of their owners. all: (reax) (reax) sabrina: and picking out the perfect costume for you or your dog, isn't always the scariest part of halloween, -- for allergies, downright tricky. but a might actually safe on fright night. sabrina: a lot of people don't think about how dangerous halloween candy can be for kids with very common allergies to milk, eggs, and nuts. so how do you know which houses are safe for your little ones? last year the food allergy research and education organization posted online that people with allergy-free treats should paint a pumpkin teal and put it outside, so other families would know. all: (reax) midday. after this. sabrina about the arl - about the animal rescue league of iowa (arl) is iowa's largest nonprofit animal shelter, caring for many thousands of pets each year. the arl serves people and pets from across the state of iowa through its programs, which include pet adoption, humane education, pet behavior training, spay/neuter, animal cruelty intervention and much more. history the arl has grown dramatically since its founding in 1926 - expanding its programs that serve both people and homeless animals across iowa. the most obvious growth is the number of animals the arl provides shelter and care for each year. intakes have increased from a few thousand animals a decade ago to more than 15,000 animals in 2013. through our proactive community outreach and spay/neuter programs, in the past few years we have begun to see a decrease in the number of animals we care for, but our work is far from over. other areas of growth include the arl's programs designed specifically to address the reasons animals end up in shelters, including spay/neuter, behavior training, and humane education programs. the arl's positive reinforcement training program has expanded to offer year-round classes, as well as free behavior advice for dogs, cats, rabbits and other pets. the shelter continues to spay and neuter all dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets and pigs that shelter. animals that come through the arl's doors, the arl also serves the people of iowa through its many services. mission to promote animal welfare, strengthen the human-animal bond, and prevent the overpopulation of pets. sabrina: and before we sabrina: and before we go, some breaking news in the world of iowa state football. in this morning's weekly cyclones news conference, head coach paul rhoads announced that mark mangino is out as the cyclone's offensive coordinator. he's only been with the team since last year. he was previously head coach at kansas. rhoads said there had been some internal disagreements over offensive strategy. we'll have more on the impact of this coming up today on local five news at five and six. sam weather adlib: the forecast is falling back to more of a normal, late october pattern just like it should be. we are going to start with a lot of sunshine today but by the early afternoon, clouds will start to fill up the skies. we should stay dry today, and even under the heavy cloud cover we should be able to hit a high in the low 60s. overnight tonight we will stay cloudy and chilly with lows falling into the mid 40s. tuesday is going to be a cloudy day with rain moving in from the southeast during the day. most of the rain tomorrow will stay east, but the an inch to an inch. we will be drying out wednesday morning as the rain moves east from the state, but behind the rain chilly daytime temps will remain with highs in the 50s through the weekend. right now beggars night looks cold with a very small chance of rain, so get your costume figured out and everybody >> announcer: want to know how to take your halloween from boo to oooh! get ready, because we're about to eat, drink, and be scary. clinton's getting in the party spirit with a duo of cocktails that are eerily delightful. then mario's going trick or tweeting and he's cooking up an amazing dish that'll have yoyou lling #yum! plus it's a pumpkin palooza up in here. three pint sized viewers are competing for the ultimate trick or treat bag. it'll be the envy of the whole block. ready for delicious dishes, they're here. right now, on "the chew."

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United States , Mexico , New York , Louisiana , Texas , East Village , Iowa , Iowa State University , Benton County , San Antonio , Kansas , Dallas , Washington , District Of Columbia , Des Moines , American , Sabrina Ahmed , Ben Carson , Sabrina Sam , Sam Schreier , Nats Bernie , Joe Biden , Andrew Jackson , Moines Metro , Jefferson Jackson , Jeb Bush , Thomas Jefferson , Leah Fitzgerald , Ridley Scott , Barack Obama , Nicholas Culver , Matt Damon , Jon Karl , John Stoddard , Sabrina Elias , Gabriel Coco , Hillary Clinton , Paul Rhoads , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WOI Local 5 News Midday 20151026 :

Transcripts For WOI Local 5 News Midday 20151026

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sabrina: the new wrongful conviction division will be housed at the state public defender's office and will focus on reviewing and identifying cases involving wrongful convictions. this new division has been created following the fbi's recent confession to major errors in its testimony cases involving hair comparison analysis. the new division here will be partnering with the iowa division of criminal investigation, the innocence project of iowa, and the midwest innoncence project to see whether similar errors have occurred in cases here in iowa. the governor saying quote: "in iowa, we have great confidence in our criminal justice system. however, even in a well-regarded system, we know issues can arise." sabrina: a death investigation continues this morning in benton county... sabrina: authorities found the body of a 26-year-old female sunday afternoon... a trail of blood lead to the discovery of the body at 59th street trail the iowa state patrol confirms that this is a homicide investigation. the benton county sheriff's department and the iowa department of criminal investigation are actively working on the case. the iowa department of public safety is expected to release more details today. sabrina: two teenagers are recovering from a saturday shooting outside of a mcdonald's in ankeny. 18 year olds nicholas culver and justin (phong-sav-von) phongsavanh suffered gunshot wounds to their arms after a dispute over poor behavior at the restaurant. 36 year old gabriel coco turned himself in to police following the incident. sabrina big news for the gulf and the western coast of mexico, as hurricane patricia barreled through over the weekend. sabrina: remnants of hurricane patricia, combined with a powerful storm system, continue to dump heavy rain across the gulf coast. the severe weather brought more heavy rain overnight, with flash flood watches remaining in effect in parts of five states. the rainfall has broken records in texas, with some areas able to measure the water in feet. sabrina meteorologist sam schreier joins us again with a look at your forecast. sam weather adlib: the forecast is falling back to more of a normal, late october pattern just like it should be. we are going to start with a lot of sunshine today but by the early afternoon, clouds will start to fill up the skies. we should stay dry today, and even under the heavy cloud cover we should be able to hit a high in the low 60s. overnight tonight we will stay cloudy and chilly with lows falling into the mid 40s. tuesday is going to be a cloudy day with rain moving in from the southeast during the day. most of the rain tomorrow will stay east, but the metro could see totals between a half an inch to an inch. we will be drying out wednesday morning as the rain moves east from the state, but behind the rain chilly daytime temps will remain with highs in the 50s through the weekend. right now beggars night looks chance of rain, so get your costume figured out and everybody wish for some spooky and dry weather! sabrina: in other national news, sabrina/1shot we have some updates on the presidential candidates-- what they did over the weekend, and what they have been saying about each other. sabrina:: over the weekend, in washington, vice president joe biden spoke about his decision not to run for president. meanwhile, here in the metro, democratic frontrunner hillary clinton welcomed a musical guest before the jefferson jackson dinner. abc's jon karl with the details. script: joe biden says he came close to deciding to run for president over the summer - but his family's grief following the death of his son beau - who died in may from brain cancer - was too raw. at that point, he told 60 vice president biden: i thought, "well, you know, i think we can do this." and i'll never forget my little granddaughter by the time he concluded he and his family were ready emotionally, he also concluded it was just too late to mount a winning campaign: biden: i'll be very blunt if i thought we could've-- put together the campaign that-- that our supporters deserve and our contributors deserved i'll-- i would have gone ahead and done it. with biden out - hillary clinton seemed to be riding high in iowa over the weekend - with a little help from katy perry nats (katy perry) you're gonna hear me roar! - and also bill clinton appearing in his first rally of the campaign: sot - bill clinton i am tired of the stranglehold that women have had on the job of presidential spouse. (:06) hillary clinton appeared as confident as ever as addressed the annual jefferson- jackson dinner - one of the biggest events of the year for iowa democrats. sot - hillary at jj dinner 23;15;23 sometimes you just have to let them hear you roar! but there's still bernie sanders - nats bernie cheers hillary's strongest remaining democratic challenger made it clear, he's not ready to concede anything - reminding voters that hillary was the big frontrunner 8 years ago - only to lose big in iowa to a long-shot named barack obama. sot - bernie sanders - i think we are going to prove the pundits wrong again. sabrina: and on the and ben carson are starting to butt heads at the top of the polls, with third place runner gov. jeb bush still fighting to be in the mix. we have the full story coming up. sabrina: coming up on local 5 news midday... with the year coming to a close -- it's time to re-assess your budget! we have some tips on how you can make it work. sabrina: then, we're taking a closer look at hurricane patricia, and the big rains it has left behind. it's next.... if you're headed downtown after your weekend - we have some bigs changes you'll want to take note of! that's next. "you're wathcing local 5 news midday in hd accurate forecaswe are iowas most accurate forecast. this is local 5 midday. we are iowa" sabrina:: a big change for pedestrians in downtown des moines over the weekend.... multiple blocks on 12th street have been converted into two way traffic. finishing touches were applied to the stretch from mulberry all the way down to grand sunday. city officials say one of the biggest benefits of the conversion is increasing traffic to local businesses. they say after people punch out for the day, they'd still like them to stay in the downtown area. business owners say it should help attract new clients. (leah fitzgerald, americana manager: "i think so, especially for people who don't come to downtown very often. it's kind of the new, wanting to come experience downtown, and it's a lot easier to explain, and they don't have to worry about where can i park.") sabrina: this could be just the beginning of the shift in traffic downtown. the city is doing a walkability study to determine what else could get altered. sabrina: plenty of new sights, bites, and frights in the neighborhood this week... moxie, a new art gallery, has opened in the east village. the gallery's owner, carly zuendel, has included artwork from many local artists, including prints, paintings, jewlery, and 3d printed sculptures. firehouse subs, named because its family founders are former firefighters, opens its first des moines metro location this week at. they have a menu full of hot and cold sub sandwiches, along with salads and chili. and check out some great haunted houses this weekend-- for the big kids, linn's supermarket has reviews saying it's so scary "many visitors chicken out right at the start." sabrina: if you were out and about over the weekend, you may have also caught a peak of this... as sunday turned out to be a good day to get out an help a good cause... in des moines, hundreds of people enjoyed a special hayride to raise money to help fight breast cancer. the "ride for a cure" was at water works park. the ride was pulled by an antique tractor with specially made pink tires. this is the first year of the event and they raised more than two thousand dollars. "it's amazing when we started this project the people that come up to you and how cancer has touched their lives you can't talk to anybody that hasn't been in contact with it it's been a great project " sabrina: donations collected from the ride will go to the john stoddard cancer the ride will go to the john stoddard cancer center in des moines. sabrina: new this morning...the second annual senior life conference will draw hundreds of iowa seniors and caregivers to the metro. "finding purpose in retirement" is the them for this year's event being held at prairie meadows conference center. the goal is to educate and empower both seniors and those who care for them through educational sessions and meeting with vendors who provide a wide- range of services. sabrina sam is back now... sam i'll have your full forecast next. "now, we are iowa's "now, we are iowa's most accurate forecast with meteorologist sam schreier. certified by weatherrate the independent weather experts" sam weather adlib: the forecast is falling back to more of a normal, late october pattern just like it should be. we are going to start with a lot of sunshine today but by the early afternoon, clouds will start to fill up the skies. we should stay dry today, and even under the heavy cloud cover we should be able to hit a high in the low 60s. overnight tonight we will stay cloudy and chilly with lows falling into the mid 40s. tuesday is going to be a cloudy day with rain moving in from the southeast during the day. most of the rain tomorrow will stay east, but the metro could see totals between a half an inch to an inch. we will be drying out wednesday morning as the rain moves east from the state, but behind the rain chilly daytime temps will remain with highs in the 50s through the weekend. right now beggars night looks cold with a very small chance of rain, so get your costume figured out and everybody wish for some spooky and dry weather! sam: sabrina: elias: sabrina elias: in national headlines sabrina/1shot flood warnings continue across southern texas and the western coast of mexico. sabrina: remnants of hurricane patricia, combined with a powerful storm system, continue to dump heavy rain across the gulf coast. abc's bazi kanani has the latest " bazi kanani rollcue for live shots: good morning. it was a one-two storm punch along the gulf coast. the dangerous system is leaving lots of damage, but thankfully, so far, there are no reports of fatalities. pkg script: the lone star state... drenched. up to 20 inches of rain falling over parts of texas. (nats) "we got the boat over there." emergency crews going in with boats and humvees to reach stranded residents. a close call for the more than 70 rescued south of dallas. this man and his dog pulled from their flooded truck. another man... stuck when he waded in to find his submerged vehicle. (sot) i just stood there and watched my vehicle slowly disappear. when flood waters derailed this freight train... the two people on board swam to safety... but a cow needed some help getting back on solid ground. in san antonio, rescuers managed to reach a man who was swept more than a mile through a storm drain. (sot) "you can just imagine crashing against the wall in there, story. it was a wild ride for him." the storms swept in with damaging winds: two reported tornados. (sot) i looked out the window and all i saw was a whirlwind of trash roofs ripped off... fences toppled. along the coast in galveston, flags warn of the dangerous surf... waves up to 10 feet high forced an empty tanker to run aground. more flooding in nearby louisiana... where power outages forced many businesses to close. others... getting by on candlelight. bazi kanani, abc news, washington. " sabrina still to come on local five news midday... looking for some tasty halloween treats? our friends from fareway are in to help you out! how much do you normally spend during the holiday? some new numbers are in that might surprise you. that story and more, coming up. fairway joins us today with some tasty treats perfect for halloween. she'll show us how to make mummy pizzas and jack o' lantern quesadillas. halloween. she'll show us how to make mummy pizzas and jack o' lantern quesadillas. " you're watching local 5 news midday in hd. we are iowa" : sabrina on your money now sabrina with the average american expected to spend around eight hundred dollars on gifts this holiday season...paying with plastic may be a way to keep from having to fork over a lot at one time... but experts are warning consumers that some of the plastic in their wallets could be costing them in the long run. a new report by creditcards dot com says average store credit card percent interest rate... compare that to a 15 percent rate, on average, for all credit cards. the retailers with the highest rates includ staples with 28 percent and zales jewelers at 29 percent. financial experts say consumers should only sign up for retail store credit cards if they pay off their balance every month. sabrina: in national financial news, we are just days away from the open enrollment period for all health care exchanges. the window opens on november first and goes until january 31st. an individual must have some kind of coverage or pay a penalty...for 20- 16 that will be 695 dollars per adult. when getting coverage, make sure any doctors and specialists key to you are in a plan's network, sabrina: back to the future movie buffs will have another chance to buy a pepsi perfect. eager fans were excited when pepsi announced it would sell the soda last week.. but a glitch caused the limited edition bottle to go on sale early, and they sold out before most people had a chance to get them. pepsi announced it will give fans another chance to order the iconic bottle on november third at 8 a-m. sabrina: twentieth century's "the martian" defied gravity this weekend, taking the number-one spot at the box office. the movie - directed by ridley scott and starring matt damon - took in 15-point-9 million dollars. "goosebumps" and "bridge of spies" rounded out the top three.... the big bust of the weekend was "steve jobs"...the newest movie apple founder. seven-point- dollars....despite a cost of 30- million dollars to make. sabrina: someone who is a influence in your life their story with we are proud to the heroes game on november you to nominate a hero. tell their story dot com. look for the icon in the "don't miss" section of the website and maybe their heroes story will be honored during the game. sabrina: coming up on local 5 news midday... managing stress can sometimes be a pretty big task. we have some tips to help you out... sabrina: next.... the campaign trail heats up! hear trump take on the latest iowa frontrunner -- dr. ben carson . " you're watching local 5 news midday in hd. we are iowa" sabrina hd. we are iowa" sabrina good morning and thanks for joining us for local 5 news midday...i'm sabrina ahmed. sabrina: on the heels of vice president biden officially declaring he will not enter the race last week, iowa became the mainstage for the remaining democratic presidential candidates over the they attended jackson dinner. and martin showed up to it's the state's largest democrats. thousand people filled the event... each candidate had their own special sections of supporters with lights, and signs and their own chants... sabrina: now this will be the last year for the jefferson- jackson least in name... for next year's dinner.. the party is working to get a name that's more in tune with its current political ideals. thomas jefferson and andrew jackson were both slave owners, and that's caused many within the party to question whether that's the best name for the dinner. instead, they're hoping to decide on a name that signals iowa. " what won't change about the dinner no matter it's name is the type of energy that's right here behind me. there are so many enthusiastic democrats here right now who are passionate about getting democrats elected up and down the ballot next november. that's not going to change. " sabrina: the party is currently taking submissions for the new name. they're hoping to have something in place by early spring. sabrina: and for the republican candidates, donald trump, ben carson, and jeb bush speak out about what it's like at the top of the gop pack. abc's tom llamas with the details. script: this morning donald trump focused on a new target: dr ben carson. why? two recent polls show carson now beating trump in iowa. sot-trump "we informed ben, but he was sleeping." and trump saying this about carson's religion sot-trump "im presbyterian, that's down the middle of the road folks. in all fairness. i mean 7th day adventist, i don't know about, i just don't know about." carson, polling strong with evangelical voters in iowa, saying trump crossed the line. sot - carson "a couple of months ago i said something which he took as an attack on his faith and i apologized for that. i hope he will have the same grace." on this week trump told george he's done nothing wrong. " " sot trump on this week "i said exactly 'i don't know about it.' that's not an insult" and trump keeping the pressure on jeb bush. a one time frontrunner, now struggling, who is re-organzing campaign-slashing payroll by 40 percent. sot-trump: "bush has no money, he's meeting today with mommy and daddy, and they're working on his campaign," bush saying he's tried of the gridlock in washington and voters should turn to trump if they just want someone who will get nothing done in the white house. sotjeb bush (r), presidential candidate "i got a lot of really cool things that i could do other than people demonize me and me feeling compelled to demonize them. that is a joke. elect trump if you want that." sabrina: and over the sabrina: and over the weekend, we had a one-on-one interview with dr. carson during his visit to iowa state university. dr. carson is currently on his book tour.. sabrina: but he took a break to head to the agrigulture fraternity at iowa state, alpha gamma rho. carson spent a lot of time talking about the economy... education, and the state of the country, he also spoke about medicare and medicaid... clarifying his statements.. saying he wouldn't get rid of the programs, but would instead offer an alternative.. health savings accounts... where recipients of the program get 2-thousand dollars a year that they use for healthcare. local 5's sabrina ahmed was there to follow-up. " " how do you plan to implement health savings plan, timeline as we explain health savbing acct and plp become comfy, theyll see it far excededs traditional medicare medicaid, so they will rapidly move to it on their own but i wont force anyone out of it, if they want to stay they can stay. at what opoimt will it phase in, become mandatory. once there is a carson admin, and our dhs irons out details, within a year within a year the hsp would become available? absolutely. sabrina on saturday, you enjoyed some sam schreier is nice weather sam back to more of a normal, late october pattern just like it should be. we are going to start with a lot of sunshine today but by the early afternoon, clouds will start to fill up the skies. we should stay dry today, and even under the heavy cloud cover we should be able to hit a high in the low 60s. overnight tonight we will stay cloudy and chilly with lows falling into the mid 40s. tuesday is going to be a cloudy day with rain moving in from the southeast during the day. most of the rain tomorrow will stay east, but the totals between a half an inch to an inch. we wednesday morning as from the state, but behind the rain chilly daytime temps will remain with highs in the 50s through the weekend. right now beggars night looks cold with a very small chance of rain, so get your costume figured out and everybody wish for some spooky and dry weather! sabrina with severe weather warnings and the future faces of our country battling it out for the white house ...the world is full of concerns and worries right now and for some, that's a lot to handle. sabrina: but psychologists say, there are ways you can deal with anxiety that can keep depression away. doctors say the best thing to do is keep active and get endorphins pumping through exercise... and it doesn't have to be intense....a gentle yoga class or meditiation time can also help you relax. sabrina: don't forget to watch your diet...lowering sugar and salt helps your whole body work better, including your brain. a lack of vitamin d can add to the make sure to get out for short periods of time and enjoy the outdoors. should things not get better, seek professional help. depression is a serious condition, but it can be treated. sabrina still to come on local 5 news midday... (weather) sam has the details in central iowa's most accurate forecast next. "now, we are iowa's most accurate forecast with meteorologist sam schreier. certified by weatherrate the independent weather experts" sam weather adlib: the forecast is falling back to more of a normal, late october pattern just like it should be. we are going to start with a lot of sunshine today but by the early afternoon, clouds will start to fill up the skies. we should stay dry today, and even under the heavy cloud cover we should be able to hit a high in the low 60s. overnight tonight we will stay cloudy and chilly with lows falling into the mid 40s. tuesday is going to be a cloudy day with rain moving in from the southeast during the day. most of the rain tomorrow will stay east, but the metro could see totals between a half an inch to an inch. we will be drying out wednesday morning as the rain moves east from the state, but behind the rain chilly daytime temps will remain with highs in the 50s through the weekend. right now beggars night looks cold with a very small chance of rain, so get your costume figured and dry weather! sam: sabrina: sabrina: puppies in the metro won't be sitting out on halloween. sabrina: with halloween fast approaching, get ready to see lots of ghosts and goblings everywhere you look... and a parade of them went through new york over the weekend... check out these spook-tacular their stuff in their halloween best. hundreds of canines submitted to their owners' fanciful desires to see them in costumes as superheroes, dinosaurs and the pope. with some dogs' costumes only outdone by those of their owners. all: (reax) (reax) sabrina: and picking out the perfect costume for you or your dog, isn't always the scariest part of halloween, -- for allergies, downright tricky. but a might actually safe on fright night. sabrina: a lot of people don't think about how dangerous halloween candy can be for kids with very common allergies to milk, eggs, and nuts. so how do you know which houses are safe for your little ones? last year the food allergy research and education organization posted online that people with allergy-free treats should paint a pumpkin teal and put it outside, so other families would know. all: (reax) midday. after this. sabrina about the arl - about the animal rescue league of iowa (arl) is iowa's largest nonprofit animal shelter, caring for many thousands of pets each year. the arl serves people and pets from across the state of iowa through its programs, which include pet adoption, humane education, pet behavior training, spay/neuter, animal cruelty intervention and much more. history the arl has grown dramatically since its founding in 1926 - expanding its programs that serve both people and homeless animals across iowa. the most obvious growth is the number of animals the arl provides shelter and care for each year. intakes have increased from a few thousand animals a decade ago to more than 15,000 animals in 2013. through our proactive community outreach and spay/neuter programs, in the past few years we have begun to see a decrease in the number of animals we care for, but our work is far from over. other areas of growth include the arl's programs designed specifically to address the reasons animals end up in shelters, including spay/neuter, behavior training, and humane education programs. the arl's positive reinforcement training program has expanded to offer year-round classes, as well as free behavior advice for dogs, cats, rabbits and other pets. the shelter continues to spay and neuter all dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets and pigs that shelter. animals that come through the arl's doors, the arl also serves the people of iowa through its many services. mission to promote animal welfare, strengthen the human-animal bond, and prevent the overpopulation of pets. sabrina: and before we sabrina: and before we go, some breaking news in the world of iowa state football. in this morning's weekly cyclones news conference, head coach paul rhoads announced that mark mangino is out as the cyclone's offensive coordinator. he's only been with the team since last year. he was previously head coach at kansas. rhoads said there had been some internal disagreements over offensive strategy. we'll have more on the impact of this coming up today on local five news at five and six. sam weather adlib: the forecast is falling back to more of a normal, late october pattern just like it should be. we are going to start with a lot of sunshine today but by the early afternoon, clouds will start to fill up the skies. we should stay dry today, and even under the heavy cloud cover we should be able to hit a high in the low 60s. overnight tonight we will stay cloudy and chilly with lows falling into the mid 40s. tuesday is going to be a cloudy day with rain moving in from the southeast during the day. most of the rain tomorrow will stay east, but the an inch to an inch. we will be drying out wednesday morning as the rain moves east from the state, but behind the rain chilly daytime temps will remain with highs in the 50s through the weekend. right now beggars night looks cold with a very small chance of rain, so get your costume figured out and everybody >> announcer: want to know how to take your halloween from boo to oooh! get ready, because we're about to eat, drink, and be scary. clinton's getting in the party spirit with a duo of cocktails that are eerily delightful. then mario's going trick or tweeting and he's cooking up an amazing dish that'll have yoyou lling #yum! plus it's a pumpkin palooza up in here. three pint sized viewers are competing for the ultimate trick or treat bag. it'll be the envy of the whole block. ready for delicious dishes, they're here. right now, on "the chew."

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