Transcripts For WOI Good Morning America 20151026 : comparem

Transcripts For WOI Good Morning America 20151026

ultimately led to the surgery. which i will share with you. breaking news this morning. >> the major earthquake in afghanistan and felt in neighboring countries. we'll get to that in a moment. but first, the deadly whale-watchihing accidt in canada. at least five people killed. after the boat sank. neal karlinsky has the latest from vancouver. good morning, neal. >> reporter: george, good morning. a horrific scene. out on the waters here. whale-watching is very popular here. normally perfectly safe. why no one can understand what brought the ship down on what seemed like a perfectly normal fall afternoon. this new video shows the last moments after cruise off vancouver island turned into a horrifying struggle for survival. the5-foot ship all but submerged. just the bow visible upside down and partially sticking out of the 55-degree water. officials s say 27 pple were on board the tour boat. >> the cause of the capsizing is presently unr investigation. >> reporter: this morning, at least five are confirmed dead. and 21 rescued. including at least eight transported to hospitals. two taken by air and listed in critical condition. many others reportedly treated and released. one person remains missing. >> what we heard was the first boat on scene just -- just people all over the place in the water. >> reporter: residents on vancouver island where the boat departed said every boat available joined in the search, including native american tribes, some of the first to pull people out. the distress call coming in at 3:19 in the afternoon on sunday, after "the leviathan ,"one of e most popular whale-watching boats, was out looking for whales. a major attraction in the area. >> they weren't at full capacity. like, 27 wasn't fully loaded. it could have been much worse. >> reporter: because of the boat's lge size, passengers are not required to wear their lifejackets while on board. this suddenly went from a whale-watching excursion to a fight for survival. now to the deadly earthquake rocking afghanistan and neighboring countries. details are still coming in at this hour. terry moran is in london with the latest. >> reporter: this was a big one. 7.5 magnitude. it struck northern afghanistan in the middle of the afternoon. but it was felt right across the region. we're getting early reports of deaths, damages, injuries. in pakistan a building cracked top to bottom in pakistan by the shaking. it lasted up to a minute. people fleeing into the streets there. the wounded treated. a little boy treated for a head wound. and we're hearing among the early reports schoolchildren dead in northern pakista fleeing from a school as it collapsed. you can sense the panic. major aftershocks are expected there. right now, just the earliest five killed. at least 100 injured. those numbers s will ris the epicenter in a remote region. the quake very deep. they're bracing for more shaking there. robin? >> such a wide area. >> felt in a lot of places. now to the cleanup from hurricicane patr. the storm moving east. after soaking hard-hit texas. dozens of people saved from fast-rising water. rob marciano is on the scene i in houston. good morning, rob. reporter: good morning, george. water rescue teams scrambling over the weekend. the rain coming down fast and furious. damaging winds. houston, hit hard. rising quickly as the water kept piling up. overnight,t, relentls rains across louisiana. over eight inches falling, with winds reaching 80 miles per hour. an elderly woman injured after a tornado touches down. texas still reeling from floodwaters. hour there. stng enough to push this empty tanker to shore. as the heaviest rain pushing off to the east, the high water in houston is draining. slowly. there are still stranded cars all over this city. at least 75 rescues south of dallas alone. this elderly man and his dog rescued from his truck. and in san antonio, one man found alive after being swept away by rushing waters. >> it was a wild ride for him. >> reporter: the flood so powerful, knocking this freight train on its side. in part from the remnants of the most powerful storm ever recorded in the western hemisphere. hurricane patricia, windusts at up to 245 miles per hour. a cat 5 making landfall in mexico. the winds flip this truck over. the pacific ocean rising nearly ten feet. this morning, while no death toll so far, the country focusing on cleanup. power. and part of patricia lives on in southeast texas. wind advisories in effect. the rain has stopped. the center of the storm has moved on. now the eastern third of the country will get at least a taste of this historic storm. >> thank you, rob. we'll talk to ginger. gulf coast on alert? >> a a flash fod watch from jackson, mississippi, to slidell, louisiana. all the way to panama city, florida. that's for today. again, three to six inches could fall. some places higher. tornado watch includes biloxi this morning. along the coast you could see a spin-up. i wanted to touch on patricia. we saw the catastrophic storm coming. saying 165 miles an hour. it died off quickly and missed the major population centers. this is very sparsely populated. we're so fortunate more damage and death didn't come from this. only 15 miles across, you guys where it was 165 miles per hour. 15 miles across. very lucky. the race for president now. "your voice, your vote." donald trump on the attack. taking aim at becarson. who is leading polls in iowa. trump drawing fire for his coents about carson's religion. tom llamas is tracking the campaigns this morning. good morning, tom. >> reporter: good morning, trump says he can't understand these polls. and dr. ben carson, if he wants an apology, heetter not hold his breath. this battle brewing two days before the next debate. this morning, donald trump focused on a new target. dr. ben carson. why? two recent polls show carson beating trump in iowa. >> we informed ben, but he was sleeping. >> reporter: and trump saying this about carson's religion. >> i'm presbyterian. boy, that's down the middle of the road, folks, in all fairness. i mean, seventh day adventists, i don't know about. i st don't know about. >>arson saying trump crossed >> a couple of months ago, i said something that he took as an attack on his faith. i apologized for that. i hope he'll have the same grace. >> reporter: on "this week," he told george, he's done nothing wrong. >> i said i don't know about it. that not an insult. >> reporter: and trump keeping the pressure on jeb bush, a one-time front-runner, now struggling. reorganizing his campaign. slashing the payroll by 40%. >> bush has no money. he's cutting. 's meeting today with mommy and ddy. and they're working on their campaign. >> reporter: bush saying he's tired of the g gridlock washington. and voters should turn to trump if they want nothing done in the white house. >> i got a lot of cool things i could do other than sitting around being miserable, listening to people demonize me and feeling compeld to demonize them. that is a joke. elect trump if you want that. >> reporr: jeb b bush not ing anywhere any time soon. three generations of the bush family are in houston right now, rallying wh jeb's biggest donors and aing for more money. george. >> looking to the big dedebate wednesday night. to the democrats now. vice president joe biden and his wife, jill, opening up about the decision not to run for president. while hillary clinton goes hea to head with bernie sanders over the weekend in iowa. abc's jon karl has the story. >> reporter: joe biden said family tragedy delayed his decision on running for president. if he had, in the end, thought he could have won, he would have run. joe biden says he wanted to run for president. and would have, if he thought he could have won. >> i'll be very blunt. if i thought we could have put tother the campaign that - -- that our supporters deserved and our contributors deserved, i would have -- gone ahead and done it. >> reporter: the problem, biden told "60 minutes," was that it grief following the death of his son, beau, who died in may from braicancer. he came close to deciding to run over the summer but the family's grief was still too raw. >> i thought, well, you know, i think we can do this. my granddaughter puts her arms around me and starts sobbing. she says, pop, i see daddy all the time. i see daddy all the time. pop, you smell like daddy. you're not going to leave me, are you, pop? >> reporter: by now, hillary clinton seemed to be riding high in iowa over the weekend with a little help from katy perry. you're gonna hear me roar >> reporter: and also bill clinton appearing at his first rally of the campaign. >> i'm tired of the stranglehold that women have had on the job of presidential spouse. >> reporter: hillary clinton seeming as confident as ever. she addressed the annual jefferson jackson dinner. one of the biggest events of the year f for iowa mocrats. >> sometimes you just have to let them hear you roar. >> reporter: but there's still hillary's strongest remaining democratic challenger says he's not ready to concede anything. predicting he would upset her just like barack obama did eight years ago. >> i think we're going to prove the pundits wrong agai reporter: today is hillary clinton's birthday. as any pitician will tell you, that means a chance to raise money. last nightht, she cebrated with a star-studded fund-raiser where tony bennett sang "happy birthday," along with demi lovato and john legend. george, what she would really like is another two weeks like she has just had. >> no question. thanks very much. bernie sande joining to join "the view" on abc. we get the latest on the raid to free dozens of hostages in iraq. martha raddatz just back from the region. with dramatic new video. good morning martha. >> reporter: we knewew the firefight was intense, and an american delta force member killed. but this video shows just how harrowing this mission was. [ gunfire ] a rare and riveting view seen from what appears to be a helmet cam. with gunfire crackling throughout the compound, u.s. special operations forces and kurdish troops guide the 70 isis-held hostages to freedom. the new video shows the danger u.s. forces are facing in iraq. delta team leader joshua wheeler, a father of four sons shot and killed in the raid. the mission was not t supposedo be a combat mission. the same story in afghanistan. while u.s. forces may not be involved in any direct ground combat here in afghanistan, air power is going 24/7. in just the last six months, u.s. warplanes flying 2500 sorties. >> we've employed over 200 times, expended over 7,000 rounds of 20-millimeter and dropped hundreds of munitions. >> reporter: in both iraq and afghanistan, u.s. officials say the local forces have made progress. but as the iraq raid shows, they still need a lot of help. we may see more casualties in the future. robin. > now to the breaking news linking meat and cancer. the world health organizatn publishing a report this morning on the dangers of processed and red meats. dr. richard besser is here to break it down. just released moments ago. it came down harard on prossed meats. >> they pulled together international experts to look at all of the data. it's been an unanswered question. what is the risk here? they concluded processed meat is clearly linked to an increase in cancer, particularly colon chancer. red meat probably is. this is something that a lot of people have had questions on. >> the american cancer society all along has said about limiting consumption of red meat. >> i think some of this is the up. with what the american cancer society and others have been saying. what they say in terms of meat is, it's not you can't have any. you want to reduce the amount of processed meat you're taking in. switch from red meat to fish and poultry and lean forms of meat. when you're cooking, go with broiling, baking. those things will not release some of the chemicals that they think may be linked to cancer. >> in anticipation of this report coming out, the meat industry released a statement that classifying red and processed meat as cancer hazards defies both common sense and numerous studies showing no correlation between meat and cancer. >> we have a look by indepenendent people saying there is a link and there are things to reduce the risk. >> your r bottom le advice? >> moderation. as we say with everything. cut down. plant-based diets are the way to go. you don't have to eliminate. but cut back. >> thank you, rich. amy has the morning's other top stories. >> details just coming in on this breaking news. reports that a possible car bombing has been foiled outside an army base in belgium. local media report, gunfire was heard after a car trieied to ramhe main gate. explosives reportedly found inside the car. the suspect fled on foot. we'll have updates throughout the day. back here at home, the search is on for a gunman who opened fire at north carina central university.. the campus locked down overnight. a student was reportedly shot from behind while trying to flee that area. the student is expected to survive. this comes just days after a deadly shooting on a a college campus in nashville. a new warning that the economy is slowing down. some of the largest american companies are reporting drops in revenue and profits for the first me since the recession. "the wall street journal" saying industrialompanies are being hit hard by slumping energy prices and slowing markets overseas. new coast guard video showing a dramatic rescue in the south pacific. a fishing boat with 36 people aboard caught fire. the crew evacuated onto lifeboats until another ship came by and rescued them. everyone is okay. and finally, chris christie won't win any votes in the amtrak quiet car. governor christie not exactly known r his inside voi. he was returning from washington when he was kicked out of the quiet car for talking on his phone. he reportedly said, you're kidding. this is the quiet car? his spokesperson released this statement, after breaking the cardinal rule of the quiet car, the governor promptly left. once he realized the serious nature of his mistake, sincere apologies to all patrons of the quiet car that were offended. full disclosure, this happened to me, too. you're running into the train, you're on the phone, people give you the evil eye. you're like -- >> uh-oh, wrong car. >> i think that's what happened. >> honest mistake. >> that quiet car is n no joke. >> no. >> put that phone away. thank you, amy. big news on gas prices in just 30 seconds. snoorp back at 7:18. with the thanksgiving travel weekend less than a month away, gas prices are falling. ru bugs ka are arerebecca jarvis. >> reporter: good mornining. 's great news this morning. the national average for a gallon of regular is now $2.20. almostst a dollaless than it was this time last year. nine states in the country are now paying $2 or less a gallon at the pump. the cheapest gas in the country? charleston, south carolina. $1.85. the most expensive tends to be in los angeles. this morning $2.87 a gallon. the bottom line, big save flgs acroross the country. for americans, we're saving at the pump, $350 million a day. >> that's a real economic boost. thank you, rebecca. >> just in time for the holiday. thanksgiving is almost around the corner. much more ahead only on "gma" this morning. new details about the driver who caused the deadly parade accident. in oklahoma. the police captain investigating joining us this morning. as the holiday season approaches. a new alert about your packages. thieves using new technology. approaches. a new aall right about your packages. thieves using new technology. fungus, ask your doctor now about prescription kerydin. used daily, kerydin drops may kill the fungus at the site of infection and get to the root of your toe tucking. kerydin may cause irritation at the treated site. most common side effectsts incle skin peeling... ...ingrown toenail, redness, itching, and s swelling. tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or does not go away. stop toe tucking... and get the drop on toenail fungus. what if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis? this is tecfidera. tecfidera is not an injection. it's a pl for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. image what you could do with fewer relapses. tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, and creases in your white blood cells. the most common side effects te your doctor about any low white blood cell counts, infections, any other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan toecome pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at talk to your doctor about tecfidera, and take another look at relapsing ms. and off you go, and off you go, and off you go, for every step, every stride, every start, begin strong with the lasting energy of 100% whole grain quaker oats... and off you go. [ female announcer ] when you're serious about fighting wrinkles, turn to roc retinol correxion . one week, fine lines appear to fade. one month, deep wrinkles look smoother. after one year, skin looks ageless. the flash flood threat along the gulf this morning. it moves to the north. i stopped it here wednesday at 8:00 a.m. washington, d.c., and new york city getting the rain. some heavy rains in south carolina. that's the big picture. sabrina: a quick check of traffic this morning... this is i-235 at m- l-k... [current conditions] sabrina: good morning i'm sabrina ahmed... it's 7:24 ... sabrina: a shooting outside of a mcdonald's in ankeny has a man facing felony charges... two teenagers are recovering from the saturday shooting . 18 year olds nicholas culver and justin (phong-sav-von) phongsavanh suffered gunshot wounds to their arms after a dispute over poor behavior at the restaurant. 36 year old gabriel coco turned himself in to police following the incident. sabrina: authorities found the body of a 26-year-old female sunday afternoon... a trail of blood lead to the discovery of the body at 59th street trail the iowa state patrol confirms that this is a homicide investigation. the benton county sheriff's department and the iowa department of criminal investigation are actively working on the case. the iowa department of public safety is expected to release more details today. sabrina: and the remnants of hurricane patricia, combined with a powerful storm system, continue to dump heavy rain across the gulf coast. the severe weather brought more heavy rain overnight, with flash flood watches remaining in effect in parts of five states. the rainfall has broken records in texas, with some areas able to measure the water in feet. sabrina: meterologist sam schreier is keeping a close watch on the current conditions... hey sam... sam/ weather adlib: the forecast is falling back to more of a normal, late october pattern just like it should be. we are going to start with a lot of sunshine today but by the early afternoon, clouds will start to fill up the skies. we should stay dry today, and even under the heavy cloud cover we should be able to hit a high in the low 60s. overnight tonight we will stay cloudy and chilly with lows falling into the mid 40s. tuesday is going to be a cloudy day with rain moving in from the southeast during the day. most of the rain tomorrow will stay east, but the metro could see totals between a half an inch to an inch. we will be drying out wednesday morning as the rain moves east from the state, but behind the rain chilly daytime temps will remain with highs in the 50s through the weekend. right now beggars night looks cold with a very small chance of rain, so get your costume figured out and everybody wish for some spooky and dry weather! welcome back, everyone, to "gma." you're looking live at satelte images of the storm moving east th morning. it's the remains of hurricane patricia, bringg powerful jour pours to the gulf coast. flood threats this morning. that storm causing major flooding in texas. dozens of people rescued from fast-rising waters. >> good morning, america. some of the other head plooins homecoming parade in oklahoma state university. much more on that. and the meat industry pushing back on the phew report saying sausage, bacon, a ham are in the same category as smoking? the report saying red meat probably linked as well. week end. >> the video. the throwback flip phone. > lionelrichie. >> it's great. >> we're going to have more of the frenzy? >> it's fantastic. the song is great. the video has everybody tatalking. over 70 million views. jesse is here. you'll have much more on all that's behind it. >> going old school with the flip phone. we're going to begin with the deadly car crash at oklahoma state university's homecoming. the driver being held on second-degree murder charges. ryan owens is in stillwater, oklahoma, with the latest. good morning, ryanan. >> reporter: g good morng to you, george. the driver will be in the courthouse hind me in aouple she's now facing four murder charges. the d.a. say she is was on drunks when this happened. her attorney says she'sentally ill. the video is disturbing. first you hear the driver hit a police torcycle. then you see the gray car plow into a crowd of screaming paradegoers. the moment of impact too difficult to show. >> we need help. >> reporter: the casualty count is staggering. 4 de, 47 injured. >> it hit people just like thump, thump, thump, as people were flying. >> reporter: the woman behind the wheel, 25-year-old adacia chambers. first charged with driving under the influence. now police adding four counts of second-degree murder. amid the carnage and chaos, one paradegoer held her down before police could cuffer. officials believe she was on drugs. herttorney says she wubt drunk. doubts she took drugs. but cannot rule anything out until he sees toxicology results. >> in my opinion, miss chambers suffers from a mental illnlness. exactly what type is yet to be determined. she doesn't remember a whel lot about what happened. there was a period where she could have even blacked out. >> reporter: he believes his young client is suicidal. she'sunlikely to get sympathy from the community. mourning the loss of required professor marvin stone and his wife, bonn mooe. nakita nakal and-year-old nash lucas. his father posting on facebook, i miss you so much, buddy. we're hearing from chambers' father, who tells abc news, his christian girl. george? >> thanks, ryan. we're join bid captain kyle gibbs with the stillwater police. thank you for joining us this morning. we learned overnight that the charges have been upgraded from manslaughter to second-degree murder. >> you have someo driving under the influence and they end up killing four persons. at's the reason for the htdtds charge. >> tell us about the suspect. do you believe this was deliberate deliberate? >> i'm sure there are days left before we can draw conclusions like that. certainly, the decision to become intoxicated ornder the influence and drive a car was certainly intentional. >> and what more do we know about what happened before the accident? me reports she left work early. may have been fired. from herjob, perhaps. perhaps because she was suspected of using drugs there. >> don't know. we have heard the same rumors and speculation. our people will try to run that down and figure out what happened in the hours and minutes leading up to this incident. >> has miss chambers said anything to you or your investators about what's happened? >> no, s she's made no statementnts to us whatsoever. now she has lal representation. >> that attorney believes she may have a mental illness. any signs of that? >> not that we have heard of, at this point. >> when do you expect the results of the toxicology tests? >> it will probably be a couple of weeks. we're hoping that the osbi, who analyzes the blood samples can stephat up for us. >> finally, sir. such a blow to your community. how is your community handling it? what is the latest on the victims in the hospital? >> i believe there's 17 victims still in the hospital. last night, we were checking, off course, on the critical conditions. those five patients in critical condition are still in critical. nobody's been released. we were unable to get updated status on 100% of them. that will continue today. >> okay, can't gibbs, thank you for your time this morning. >> thank you. >> boy, such a horrifying incident. >> can't imagine. just in time for the holiday shopping season, thieves may have figured out a better way to ststeal packages off your doorstep. using a phone happ to time their crime perfectly. kayna whitworth has the story. >> reporter: it's a typical package delivery. a u.p.s. driver leaving packages on the front porch. watch what happens ne. a u-haul van backing into the driveway. the driver snatching two packages. >> he picked ththe wro house. >> reporter: this man's 0 home surveillance videos. >> he has to be one of the stupidest criminals. i have science that say, smile, you're on video tape. >> reporter: this morning, the los angeles police department saying the suspects were tracking u.p.s. trucks on a phone app and attemed to locate packages without a tracking number. u.p.s. denying their technology was compromised. >> wre chasing her. >> reporter: this thief caught in the act. in west virginia, a woman playing the role of a grinch, snatching holiday packages. even the wreath right off the front door. experts warning shoppers to be wear as online this year. experts recommend signing up for text alerts or installing security cameras. for "good morning america," kayna whitworth, abc news, los angeles. >> goodcushionsuggestions. new kurns about the dangers of high hool football. gio has more. >> reporter: hey, robin. the urgent new warning coming from doctors. coming up, we're going to show you what they think will help keep kids safe. all coming up on "gma." the challenges facing the country never stop. so neither does the u.s. army. we train. adapt. and get smarter. every soldier. every unit. every day. not to keep up with change; but to drive it. nobody knows what problems tomorrow will bring. you know the rules. eggs and sausage. hotcakes and butt. morning fare right? 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hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. eat, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah we're back on "gma" with the growing concern about the dangers of high school football. in the first seven weeks of this season, there hav been seven deaths related to high school football. that compared to 11 all of last season. gio benitez has the story from fordham university's football field. >> reporter: hey, robin. good morning to you. take a look at this. imagine that kind of impact on your head, 650 time. that's the ample number of times that a high school player is hit in the head. so this morning, we've got a phew warning for you. it's one of the key ingredients high school football. tackling. but just seven weeks into the season, seven young athletes already losing their lives. compared to 11 in all of 2014. raising new concerns that the hard hits may make 2015 one of the deadliest in high school football history. the latest tragedy, 17-year-old andre smith, dying from blunt force injuries friday morning after a hit to the head during a game if chicago the night before. >> he's like a brother to me. he was a brother to me. >> reporter: now, this morning, the american academy of pediatrics raising the issue. new recommendations to keeping kids safe. most importantly, zero tolerance fo el lyingle and dangerous hits. >> we need to stop the head-to-head hits. make sure kids are being taught on proper tackling technique. >> do not ever try this at all. >> reporter: this video saying what not to do. spearing. leading with their head. an illegal play that can cause serious spinal cord injury. keeping athletic trainers on the sidelines in practice and games. and the most extreme, removing taling from high school football altogether. >> anything you can do to reduce injury will reduc the overall injury rate. >> reporter: most pler, parents, cohes, will say nontackle football is not realisc. right now, they're going to show you how to do it safely. >> you're coming in full spe, break down, these are your points on the shoulder. you step in athletically, you poup your hands up, throw your hips thrhrough, ner stop your feet. >> reporter: you're looking up at the sky. the idea is not to come in with ththeelmet and hit the body. that's it, robin? >> that's right. and adele's new video. >> no one is reacting like lionel richie. we'll show you next in ourur speed feed. for everything i've done there's only one egg that just tastes better. fresher. more flavorful. delicious. with more great nutrition. only eggland's best. better taste. bett nutrition. better eggs. hey marc. how you feeling? don't ask. this is what it can be like to have shingles, a painful, blistering rash. i never thought this would haen to me. if y had chickenpox, 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. i'm going to go back to the eye doctor tomorrow. it's pretty close to my eye. i don't know how you do it. talk to your doctor or phaharmacist day about a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. there are 16 fresh-picked oranges squeezed into each bottle of tropicana pure premium. and absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. tropicana. hello? sorry. back now with "the sed feed." and everyone is talking about adele's new cigle. it's called "hello." >> adele is back. and thehe video for her brand-new single, hello, it's gotten a record-setting 5 million views in 4 hours. stealing the spot light, the old school flip phone. the director says they used it because he doesn't like filming modern phones. whatever. social media can't get #fill #flippne. she started singing when she couldn't get a signall on her flip phone. and, why is adele still using a flip phone? no wonder it's taken her four years to call. lionel rich shi sharing this mashup with his hit off the same name. take a look. [ phone ringing ] hello. hello, sit me you're looking for [ busy signal ] >> very clever. >> those two would make a great duo. >> right. >> the thing i miss if most, the flip phone is easier to text on. >> i like the aggressive hangup. >> it does photograph better. >> it does. >> isn't she talking about manager that happened a long time ago. spl sure. so it's hearkening back. >> she call this is makeup album. >> it was worth the wait. >> i think it was four yes. it is fantastic. if you read the words, it's heartbreaking and q quite beautiful. thank you, jess. >> you're welcome. when we come back, investigating nannies and how they're really behaving when you're not around. come on back. here's a great "improve this" tip from lowe's. use a cookie kiter and a haer. to help put the boo into your lloween, go the "good morning america" america" america".com on yahoo! to see more.what? i've drawn a blank. what's my line? [director]: reset! maybe we do live in a fantasy... our own little bubble. just hangin' out! as if we're not completely down to earth. but just a bunch of dreamers? no way! we're just like everyone else. you know, average joes. start dreaming big at nothing like a good, quick meal to bring two people together. campbell's skillet sauces. ready in under 20 minutes. campbell's. made for real, real life. it takes a lot of work... to run this business. but i really love it. i'm on the mov all day long... and sometimes, i just don' eat the way i should. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of proteinto help maintain muscle. all with a great taste. i don't plan on slowing down any time soon. stay strong. stay active with boost . before fibromyalgia, i was active. i was a doer. then t chronic, widespread pain slowed me down. my doctor and i agreed that moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. for some patients, lyrica significantly relieves fibromyalgia pain and improves physical function. with less pain, , i feel bter. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tellour doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters,, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feetet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machine until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more e likely tmisuse lyrica. fibromyalgia may have changed things. but with less pain, i'm still a doer. ask your doctor about lyrica. man's voice: there's no one that i'd rather... hit the road with. woman's voice: no one i'd rather have dinner and a movie with. man's voice: no one i'd raer lean on. being in love is an amazing thing. being love with your best friend... everything. introducing the ever us two-stone ring. one diamond for your best friend... one for your true love. for the onwoman in your life, who's both. ever us. new this holiday at kay, jared and zale's. and the fall colors in full effect in the smoky mountains of tennessee. we thought we would start with that. this morning, freezing from fort davis to topeka. tomorrow morning, chilly in the good morning i'm sabrina ahmed... it's 7:56 ... sabrina: the metro became the center of presidential politics for the democratic party , as the annual jefferson jackson dinner welcomed the three major candidates. but this will be the last year the event is know by that name...the party is currently taking submissions for a new name. they're hoping to party is currently taking submissions for a new name. they're hoping to have something in place by early spring. sabrina: during the during the weekend...multipl e blocks on 12th street have been converted into two way traffic. city officials say one of the biggest benefits of the conversion is increasing traffic to local businesses. out for the day, them to stay in area. (leah fitzgerald, for people who don't very often. it's kind of the new, wanting to come experience downtown, and it's a lot easier to explain, worry about where can i park.") sabrina: just the beginning of the shift in traffic downtown. the city is doing a walkability study to determine what else could get altered. sabrina: meterologist sam schreier is keeping a close watch on the current conditions... hey sam... sam/ weather adlib: the forecast is falling back to more of a normal, late october pattern just like it should be. we are going to start with a lot of sunshine today but by the early afternoon, clouds will start to fill up the skies. we should stay dry today, and even under the heavy cloud cover we should be able to hit a high in the low 60s. overnight cloudy and chilly with lows falling into the mid 40s. tuesday is going to be a cloudy day with rain moving in from the southeast during the day. most of the rain tomorrow will stay east, but the metro could see totals between a half an inch to an inch. we will be drying out wednesday morning as the rain moves east from the state, but behind the rain chilly daytime temps will the 50s through the weekend. right now beggars night looks cold with a very small chance of rain, so get your costume figured out and everybody wish for some spooky and dry weather! pressure good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. be behaving badly. the surveillance video revealing what the people caring for your kids are really doing when you're not there. our nanny p.i.sre on the case. model diagnosis. fight for her health. the gut check that sent her b back to the doctor. and helping uncover what was really wrong. and the force has awakened. burning questions. fan favorites from han to leia tohewie are back. but where's luke? >> these are good questions to be asking. i can't wait for you to find out the answer. it's no accident. >> the new detailed just revealed. and don't be jealous. just be confident. what could these two major pop stars have to announce together this morning? demi lovato and nick jonas, live on gma. you ain't never h a friend like me no, no, n and ne-yo is here. you have never heard it. as we say -- >> good morning, america. [ eers and applause ] and good morning, america. boy, ne-yo looking sharp this monday morning. angd we have demi and nick coming up. and the countdown is on to halloween. we're getting into the spirit. starting this morning, take a look. take a look. artist john kempman. looks just like. >> uncanny. >> ginger maps with's may be the closest. >> george, your hair is spot on. >> black hair. we got it there. >> you're having too much fun. >> i was going say sometng but i don't want to say it on robin, chic. >> had a little surgery last basketball, played tennis. all those things. remember a few years ago, for a milestone birthday, milestone, i danced with maks, right? remember tt? i did extensive rehearsing with his brother, baby brother, val. we rehearsed over and over and over ain. i actually injurured my shlder dancing with maks. >> are you serious? >> no kidding. >> it's a certain move. it's called the new yorker. this one like this. and doing this -- >> can you not do it now? >> you're going to ruin your other shoulder? >> that is it in a nutshell. yes. so stay away from maks and val. >> yes. >> glad to have you back. >> a basketball story. >> i know, really. thank you. a shoutout to hss. hospital f special surgery. ey're amazing. just doing this out in fnt of people because i can't, you know i love to hug. alall's good all's good. >> hug-free zone right now. >> glad to have you back. lelet's go tamy with the morning rundown. the big story this morning, a massive earthquake rocking afghanistan and pakistan. powerful enough to shake much of south asia. the 7.5 quake crumbled buildings, cut off power and communication. and sentt panicked families running into the streets. at least 29 people have been killed in northwest pakistan alone. that number could rise dramatically investigators trying to find out why a whale-watching ship capsized off the coast of vancouver island, canada. 27 people were on board. at least five were killed. the boat sank in calm conditions. those on board were not reired to wear life jackckets. a new warning about the link between processed meats and cancer. the risks now being compared to smoking. researchers at the world health organization found baco sausage, and ham have a clear link to cancer, and they say, red meat is probay linked. the meat industry rejects the findings. experts say it's a good idea to limit your intake of red and processed meats. well, from south africa this morning, olympian oscar pistorius is out of jail and under house arrest for the murder of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. steenkamp's father wants to meet pistorius face to face. barry steenkamp saying, quote, i think i will get more closure one day if i get the chance to speak to oscar myself. most probably i wouldn't have to say anything. pistorius served one year behind bars. he'll spend the rest of his five-year sentence under house arrest. but he faces another test next week, prosecutors try once that couldarry more pridsson time. entering your pass code at the atm may soon be a thing of the past. citi group is testing technology to scan your eye to identify you before dispensing cash. it would require a mobobile app. and an unusual sale is breaki records. this cracker is officially the most expensive cracker in the world. it was part of a lifeboat survival kit on "the titanic." that crackerold at auction for nearly $23,000. all right. finally, the frenzy over the new "star wars" trailer. hit a new high over the weekend. it smashed records everywhere. including ththe most views in 24 hours. 18 million views. now, dector j.j. abrams is speaking out about the record response. >> we were all thrilled that the trailer was seen and embraced. espeally people who were saying that they're not really fans of "star wars" but they're interested in seeing this thing now. it's a testament to the cast. and crew and the amazing work they've done. >> and it's 128 million views. not 18 million. a little bit of a difference there. and when asked why luke skywalker was left out of the trailer, abrams replied, i can't wait for you to find out the answer. ooh. thmovie opens december 18th. it's produced by a division of abc's parent company, disney. and so many people out there. 128 million at least, kountding ingcounting down the days. >> i'm one of those. i wasn't a "star wars" groupie at all. this looks good. >> that darth vader mask. the way it was all kind of burnt out. it's just looking good. thanks, amy. here's what's coming up on the "gma morning menu." we're investigating the people who care for your kids. do you really know what goes on when you're not there? and model, fighting for her . to theoctors after she was told not to worry. a modern romance reality. are memen intimited by your smarts? >> george? >> george? >> i wouldn't be here everday if that were true. >> oh, how sweet. that is sweet. goodod save. good save there. > that anmore on "good morning america." here in times square. pc does whwhaaat?! (music begins. the song, danger zone by kenny loggins plays from the pc) pc doeoes what?! hey, guy! pc does what?! shhhh pc does what no pc has done before. ahh... yeah! ahh... ahh... ah. you probably say it a million times a day. ahh... ahh! ahh... ahh! but cigna, we want to help evereryone sayt once a year. say "ahh". >>ahh... cigna medical plans cover one hundred percent of your in-network annual checkup. so america, let's go. know. ahh! and take control of your health. cigna. together, all the way. coming up, we have demi lovato and nick jonas. here with a big announcecement. the two young superstars, they'll make their fans very happy. stay with us. no one else butou is your head so congested it's ready to explode? you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec -d to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms. so, you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec -d. at the pharmacy counter. when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i'll need relief. that's a first-rate queso dip haven't been this lost in years (gps) recalculating shortest route do i really look like this? never seen this one before chicken parm you taste so good i like it. did ginger just sing that? >> was it ginger singing that? >> it's amazing. >> the girl can do it all. welcome back to "good morning america." this morning, we're talking about a growing trend among parents. checking out what's really going on when someone else is taking care of your kids. an investigation our reporter launched as there is increasing concerns from parents. take aook. we're out, u undercove discreetly following this nanny with a professional so-called nanny spy. but why? >> caught on nanny cam, shaking a 1-year-old girl. >> reporter: time and time again, we see and hear real-life horror stories of nannies behaving badly. now families are shelling out big bucks for private investigatorss like t ruskin and eddie hamilton, from cnp group investigations. >> we're getting more calls now than ever before. you have to feel comfortable with this person who is basically joining your family as an outsider. >> reporter: that comfort is exactly what this first-time mom is looking for. >> it's difficult to find somebody you can trust. >> reporter: our own genevieve brown joins her on her search. >> why did you decide to hire someone to follow your potential sitter? >> i'm a first-time mom. the number one reason i'm not back to work yet is because i'm nervous of who i'm going to leave him with. >> reporter: we're not showing you the faces for privacy concerns. p.i. eddie goes undercover. he follows and videotapes every move. >> what are some of the worst things you have seen in your practice? >> we see a lot of nanny distraction. where nanny is not paying attention to the children. we have seen nannies leave children in strollers outside a store. >> reporter: p.i.s are joining a rise in so called mommy sps. moms keeping tabs on caregivers with questionable behaviviors, posting information online like upper east side mamas. >> the mom who takes a pictu and posts it, what motivates her to do it? >> she sees a child, sees something that's wrong, looks at her own child and sasays, if ts was my nanny, i would want to know about this. >> reporter: so in the e, what did p.i. eddie find? >> once you left, she began her walk. wind blew. she checked the comforter. compared to what we have seseen the past, how does she rate? >> a 10. >> this is someone i would want to hire? >> someone you wouould want hire. >> all right. so abc news lifestyle editor nevieve shaw brown is here with us. what shocked you most? >> after the background check, the references, the nanny cams, parents are still living in fear. that something is goingo happen to onone of the kids. even though the vast majority of the care taikers are good people. >> it does happen. what's the most important thing that parents can take away? >> the experts tell me, trust your gut. 99% chance, something is wrong. don't ditch those nanny cams just yet. people forget they're there. after awhile, the true behavior shines through. >> trust you gut. every mom knows that feeling. thank you so much, genevieve. really important informaon. robin? >> all right, there. thank you, lara. now to the young model who says she is here, alive today because she trusted her gut. her doctors misdiagnosed her. she says she knew something was s wrg. she kept going back. eventually was diagnosed with ovarian cancerer. here's mara schiavocampo. >> repter: she's a model. a runway diva. and now, a cancer survivor. >> you know, it's hard to describe what it feels like to have cancer. you just don't feel right. you don't feel like urself. >> reporter: for two years, plus-sized model ellie mayday suffered extreme pain in her lower back and abdomen. after multiple trips to the emergency room, doctors sent her away with no diagnosis and painkillerer telling her there was nothing to worry about. the 27-year-old's determination to find ansrs ultimately saved her life. >> i kind of complained about my stomach hurting a lot more. as well as with the back. i was able to go into a c.t. scan. got the results from that. they couldn't see my left ovary. >> reporter: that c.t. scan revealing an ovarian cyst. a biopsy later determining she was suffering from a rare form of stage 3 ovarian cancer. >> when n you're sipped down to absolutely nothing to no hair, to scars. it didn't matter if i had a career modeling after this. it just mattered if i survived. >> reporter: she started treatment immediately. undergoing a his hysterectomy and three months of chemotherapy. losing 60 pounds through the process. modeling throughout treatments, even when losing her hair. >> at some points, i didn't feel like myself. >> reporter: this morning, her cancer in remission. using her plaorm to inspire women to recognize their inner beauty and recognize you can beat cancer. >> it's important to trust your gut. when you have confidence, you can take on the world. and you can take on cancer. >> what a beautiful smile. glad she's doing so well. joining us now, abc news senior medical contributor dr. jennifer ashton. i love how intently you watch these pieces. 27 years old. that is unusual in that age >> very unusual. ovarian cancer is classically and commonly unfortunately often dismissed as being attributed to something else. often gastrointestinal issues. in this case, allegedly her weight. it's very uncommon in young women. ovarian cysts are not concerning in and of themselves inin a womaner age. but when we see features tt we think are suspicious and we cannot biopsy the ovary. that means a trip to the operating room. women need to remember the symptoms, which are key. and bloating. and women with endometriosis are more susceptible. >> be persistent. know yr body. this young woman, she went back. she trusted her gut. when should we know to go back and just, you know, demand tt second opinion? >> firirst, robi i think the responsibility has to be on the doctor. i have a rule, if a patient comes back to me twice, three times, with the same complaints. i start to question whether i've missed something. for a patient, getting a second set of eyes on it is not always necessary. but should be considered if f you need to make a diagnosis. if symptoms persist. if recommended treatment is invasive or aggressive. or if you want one. if it's possible, ask for your records and bring them all with you. >> how do you have that conversation? so many people are intimidated by the doctor. what suggestions do you have in opening the line of communication? >> don't be intimidated. people fear the worst. that's human nature. most of the time, it's not the case. any doctor who has not seen a patient's intuition at work, in my opinion, has not been practicing m medicine ng enough. so it matters. and it reminds us. medicine is an art and a science. >> you're not offended if someone wants a second opinion? >> no. not at all. the good doctors will never be offended. >> there you go. as you are one. >> thanks. let's get to amy. >> now on to our series modern romance. a new study sasays men m like the idea of women being smarter than them, in reality, well, they're less likely to want to date them. >> you said you were a stewardess. >> i was testing a theory. >> reporter: rember when miranda dumbed down to get a date? >> as lawyer, partner, i got zero. as a stewardess, , i got on for tomorrow night. >> reporter: those fears are not fiction. women with brains are at the top of the turff list. >> some menre intimidated by women who they feel outperform them. that it somehow diminishes their masculinity. >> reporter: researchers looked at 10505 undergruate men. they liked the idea of a woman who displayed more intelligence than themselves, when it came to dating, they got cold feet. if beyonce taught us anything -- >> girls who run the world >> we were just having levity here. i said, my husband hates it when i beat him at scrabble. how do you feel about the study overall? >> my first feeling was to check the calendar. i wanted to make sure we were nostill in 1952. i thought we were past that idea that, as a woman you have to let the guy be the star in all situations. my second feeling is, if this is how undergraduate men feel, good luck to them. women are earning more college degrees than men. if you're a woman in your 20s, there's a good chance yoyou'll be making the same amount or more money than the guy you're in a relationshipip with. men have to get used to it. >> they are going to have to get used to it. i guess i'm at the table to prove i'm not intimidated. this online survey, we asked the male viewers, would you date a woman smarter than you are? 87% said yes. 13% said no. we asked a followup to everybody, men and women together, are men intimidated by smart women? 79% said yes and 21% said no. >> someone is not telling the truth there. i mean, i think what this shows, men, particularly in this study young men, know that they should the down with the idea. but, listen, these are gender norms that have been around fo millen. the ididea of wh men and women should be. sometimes it takes awhile to change things. >> what is your adce when women see this study? date older men? >> maybe. this study was done on undergraduates. if you can't find a 22-year-old guy who is comfortable with y your intelligence, go find a 32-year-old guy that is. my advice to women is no advice to women. keep being awesome. >> what about men who may have no idea they have a bias? >> i'm theoretically comfortable. i have to know that that will happen in reality. listen, there's a great line by sheryl sandberg that for a woman, the most important career dedecision y make is who you marry. there are great examples of men who are supporting their wives and have tremendously happy marriages as a result. >> thank you, cindy. let's go outside to ginger. >> i found the sweetest faces in the crowd this morning. this is hawk and abbey from north carolina. hawk, can you clap again. clap, clap, clap. yay. he's very goodt it. i swear. let's go ahead and check the forecast. the stationary front staying around for 2 24 hours. all the way to panama city on flash flood alert. a look at the pacific northwest. the remnants of olaf move into the west. all right. that's the big picture. >> and i've got to get a double high five. give me a double high five. because you're 10. happy bibirthday, ddy. all right. let's get inside to lara and get some "pop." we begin "pop news" with jimmy kimmel. he just wrapped a week of shows from his hometown of brooklyn. he sat dn with the new york mets and star pitcher jacob degrom. to discuss hard-hitting topics like halloween costumes. >> what you can see here, if you want to dress like jacob degrom -- >> that's the first time i have seen it. he told me about it today. >> i do want to point out, though, that before theyamed it after you, it was called the, um, see, up here in the corner, the brunette seductress. >> jimmy rounded up former elementary sool clasates to re-create his third grade class photo. notice the picture. he wasn't le to reach his teacher, mrs. metz. so mr. met stepped in. he played a game called hipster or hasidic. a great chat with jay z. if there's any doubt at whether kimmel has lost his brooklyn roots, forgot about it. >> it was great having him here. when we heard cheese is as addictive as drugs, we had to look into it. and this is "nacho" regular "pop news investigation." >> nice. >> after sampling several wedges, i feel "gouda" about this study. this study concludes cheese has addictive properties. but, thankfully with milder side effects. your favorite cheeses contain kasine that plays with dopamine. the hardest cheese habit to kick is pizza. you may want to kp that in mind the next time you order in. don't worry, my fellow cheese addicts, it gets feta. >> a whole wheel of cheese. >> i always want you to know i'm thinking about you, george. the feta was for you. and finally, this one is for robin. it's a dog story. we'll explain that later in the week. if you thought your monday morning struggles were tou, check out this fella. we found thiss on youtube. it made us smile. all he wants is toto try the pasta. he's finding it impossible. >> what's happening? >> too much gluten. >> it gets feta, buddy. >> it's hard to eat pasta when you're put in a sleeper hold by your owner. >> bad pition for puppy. >> that's "pop news." >> thank you, lara. a good way to start the week. >> a great way. a lot more coming up. demi lovato, nick jonas, here live. they've got a big announcement. >> in the social square. and vin diesel speaking out about the new role he's calling cathartic. and what it has to do with paul walker. come on back. did you know someone whose home has a room that needs a facelift? "gma" wants to make over a room for one lucky viewer. go to on yahoo!. give someone the epic surprise of a new room in their home. of a new room in theirome.sabrina: a quick check of traffic this morning... this is i-235 at 63rd street... [current conditions] sabrina: good morning i'm sabrina ahmed... it's 8:27 ... sabrina: a shooting outside of a mcdonald's in ankeny has a man facing felony charges... two teenagers are recovering from the saturday shooting . 18 year olds nicholas culver and justin (phong-sav-von) phongsavanh suffered gunshot wounds to their arms after a dispute over poor behavior at the restaurant. 36 year old gabriel coco turned himself in to police following the incident. sabrina: authorities found the body of a 26-year-old female sunday afternoon... a trail of blood lead to the discovery of the body at 59th street trail the iowa state patrol confirms that this is a homicide investigation. the benton county sheriff's department and the iowa department of criminal investigation are actively working on the case. the iowa department of public safety is expected to release more details today. sabrina: meterologist sam schreier is keeping a close watch on the current conditions... hey sam... sam/ weather adlib: the forecast is falling back to more of a normal, late october pattern just like it should be. we are going to start with a lot of sunshine today but by the early afternoon, clouds will start to fill up the skies. we should stay dry today, and even under the heavy cloud cover we should be able to hit a high in the low 60s. overnight tonight we will stay cloudy and chilly with lows falling into the mid 40s. tuesday is going to be a cloudy day with rain moving in from the southeast during the day. most of the rain tomorrow will stay east, but the metro could see totals between a half an inch to an inch. we will be drying out wednesday morning as the rain moves east from the state, but behind the rain chilly daytime temps will remain with highs in the 50s through the weekend. right now beggars night looks cold with a very small chance of rain, so get your costume figured out and everybody wish for some spooky and dry weather! [ cheers and applause ] welcome back to "gma." we have a lot to get to this morning. demi lovato and nick jonas are here live. they have a big announcement to share with us. >> i just spotted robin chatting with them both. >> therehe is. >> here she is now, everybody. to bring us this morning's top 5 list. >> i was talking with both of them. let me breathe. in no particular order, here we go. >> top 5 duets. >> number five, captain and ten tennille. love with keep us together >> we're in an empire state of mind. alicia keys teaming up with jay z. she played it right here. it was great. there's a reason i have thiss on. number three, it's the one that we want. john travolta, olivia newton-john newton-john. classic. >> tell me about it, stud. >> number two, two country megastars. dolly parton. kenny rogers. how could we be wrong sail away with me, to another world and we rely on each other >> what you to think is the number one song? we went old school? a little r&b? here's the number one. you're all i need to get by. marvin gaye, tammy terrell. that's how i feel. you're all i need. >> ass long as we don't touch yo >> just don't touch me. we want to know what you think. go to "gma's" face book page and twitter. tell us your top five. >> i'm inside with demi lovato and nick jonas. maybe one day you go to the top of the charts with a duet. >> maybe. >> we're going on tour, nick and i, next year. the fure now tour. >> the future now. tell us about that. >> yeah, demi and i were business partners. have a long history of being friends. key for us was aboutiving in this moment. taking a step out individually overer the last year and half, two years. growing with our fans. saying if there's ever a time toog itto do it, it's now. so excited to get in front of the fansnd cureate the moment i was part of the tour two years ago. now to do this together, it's special. >> what do you hope comes out of it all? >> what i hope comes out of it all is we have an incredible time. not only that. but our fans enjo it. that's the most important thing is taking the show on the road and getting to share this experience. all the fans that hav supported this music for the past couple of years. >> talk about being businesess partners. you're also starting a record label? >> yeah. >> we kind of looked at each other about two years ago and said, we have each had our own journey with not feeling safe to create. you have to be vulnerable to do your best work. we teamed up with our manager, phil mcintyre, to come up with safe house. starting with demi and i and bramplg branching out to other artists is the goal. >> how do you make it safe to create for a young artist? >> i think it's most importantly asking the artist what they want to do. how they would feel most authenc to themselves. and also just providing them with the opportunity to not only fe safe with creating the music. professionally. but also in a sense where in the environment, you feel great. if you need emotional support, we're here. it's that overall -- overall kind of well ps type of environment that you could create music in. >> sounds like a great place to work. congratulations. the future now tour. look forward to seeing you. >> thank you. let's go to lara. >> so the "diary of a wimpy kid" series is a phenomenon. the tenth in the series is about to be released. we have fans here. they can't wait to hear about diary of a wimpy kid, old school. great to meet you, jeff kinney. >> thank you. >> what do you think it is about your stories and drawings that resonate? >> there is something about greg. he's not a hero. he's somebody you can relate to. very imperfect. full of flaws, just like me. i think kids c can relate. >> is greg sort of your child self? >> i think he is. the sum of my worst rts. >> he's very lovablble. he makes a lot of mistakes. doesn't make great choices. we adore him. why, is it so hard for greg to make friends? >>ou know, i think he doesn't really deserve to have friends. he makes bad choices. every book has gregith a frown on his face. he's a victim of his own choices. >> in this new book, old school, can you imagine having to go with to electronics, no video games, no iphones. oh, look at you. panic. that's what the story is about. tell us about it. >> well, that's what happens. greg's town decided to bo electronics-free. for a modern kid like greg, it is ziflt. >> and trouble ensus. what made you decide to write that story? >> i wanted to go back to basics. it's theenth book in the series. i thaulgtought it would be good to return to the beginning. i made it black. cartoons use black as the primary color. i wanted to start over again. >> some kids have questions. one of the questions you ked, will there be more? this is number ten, do you have another ten in u? >> another ten, wow. i hope i live that long. i'm plaing to write as many as i can. greg never gets older. >> when did you first draw greg? >> i tnk about 1992. as a sample. i had another character, igdoof who drew himself looking like greg. >> sam, you have a question, don't you? >> yeah. >> stand up. >> greg sms like a nice guy. why is it dficult for him to make friendnds? >> when i was a kid, i hadne best friend. so i was really trying to use that, that model. when you have only one friend, it's really risky. if you lose that best friend or make him mad, he's gone and you're on your own. i think that's who greg is. >>cool. you were kind enough to draw us a character. you drew greg. they'll pull out props. show us how you work the magic. >> pullut a prop. grab anything. how about -- a a crown. so do me a favor and add -- >> we have a crown and we'll do both. you're putting my drawing skills to the test. this might be embarrassing. they're redhead foens. >> we're going to get this done. we'll show you the result w when we come back, no pressure. xel break, you got time. guys, did you have a good time? you excited oobt it? school" goes on sale november 3rd. look for it in stores and online. keep 'em coming. we just love 'em. amy? >> well, actor vin diesel is not driving cars out of planes in his new movie. he's fighting the supersnatch ral. sara haines talked to him. >> reporter: vin diesel is breaking into a new realm with the last witch hunter. gnaw twist on witches, magic, and saving the worl vin is the immortal last witch hunter. his friend and adviser, played michael caine plans to retire. take a look. >> 35 have come before you. here's to the only one i er listened to. >> only the ignore it. isn't it crazy to see a scene with michael caine and myself? i'm such a fan of michael caine for so long. >> reporter: you said this might be a highlight of your career. >> it is. >> you have michael caine, rose leslie, elijah wood. what was it like for all tho worlds to come together? >> surreal. the cast was so good. such a pleasure to work with them. > you alws mentioned this was a cathartic role for you. with the loss of your dear friend paul walker. for this role. can you tell us about that? >> in my life,, and anybody that has kids can identify with this, to the sorrow that you're going through. through. and in some ways, coulder, throughout his whole existence is masking the pain of his loss. >> so ny people remember paul walker. and, sara haines, thank you for that. "the last witch hunter" is in theaters now. i see ginger surrounded by cardinals. >> yes, i am. time for the "gma" football countdown. the cardinals of cardinalayes high school in the bronx. you'll be watching "monday night football" on espn. the arizona cardinals versus the baltimore ravens. kickoff, 83 degrees. they have the retractable roof. don't know if it will be open or closed. dry, light winds. check out the unsung all right. and they're 5-2, which is a good start to the season. all right. coming up on "gma," our "gma" job takeover. and neyo will be hereith friend like . don't go anywhere. time now for "gma's"ob takeover. this morning, rachel smith is taking over a pilates class to help the instructor take control of her health. >> reporter: it's a job takeover that w will mak anyone sweat. it's all for a good use. when is the last time you had a regular eckup? why is that the case? >> i haven't made ate priority. >> reporter: our sponsor, cigna, is calling for checkups. so "gma" got me to do a takeover. my mission to get 35-year-old instructor sidney out of class and in to see the doctor. outside. get out there, no exses. this should be interesting. okay, so, keep your shoulders down. your abs tight. i want to see you lengthen. meanwhile, sidney is getting the all-important checkup. i can't wait for her to check out this class is no joke. pump those arms. keep those abs tight. thought it would? >> no, not at all. quick and plsed. >> reporter: for "good morning america," rachel smith, abc news, los angeles. that. we cannot stop smiling. we have two of the the biggest for an incredible collaboration. producer extraordinary, david foster. he'srought big names together singing disney favorites. and ne-yo, you witare one of them. love you in empire. thank you. disney ahah, a parent company of abc. there's a connection all around the world, peoplple and disney. >> e everybodyas a d disney story. a favorite disney song. this, we found, he found for u.s. and, you know. >> did you get to pick or did you pick the song for the artist? gren stefani. >> david picked this song for me. it was a forceful nudge. no, no, no. i love this song. i was a little worried because there is no -- there's no following, you know, robin williams, may he rest. we just took to ithe musicality o it. >> you have a special connection with aladdin. >> that's my guy in there. he's asleep. don't wake him up. >> he's i there? they must have b been lining up. >> we have jesse jay, ariana grande, gwen stefani. i just knew ne-yo could pull this off. he's got so much to him. he knows music inside and out. >> love it, david. love it, ne-yo. off the new album, we love disney. here's ne-yo acomp nidy david foster. "friend like me" from disney's "aladen." >> one, two, three, four. thieves scheherazade had a thousand tales moets xwrour in luke cause up your sleeves you've got a brand of magic never fails you got some punch, pizazz, yaho a and how see all you gotta do is rub that lamp and say mr. aladdin sir what your pleasure be let me take your order dowow you ain't never had a friend like me life is your restaurant and i'm your maitre d con on and whisper what it is you want you ain't never had a frie like me hey have some of column a try all of column b i'm in the mood to help you, dude, you ain't never had a friend like me oh, my, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo oh can you please do this can your friends do that can your friends pull this out of their little hat can your friends go poof ya ya so don't you sit there slack-jaud bugdy-eyed i'm here to answer all your prayers you got me bona fide certified what's your wish i really want to know you got a list that's three miles long, no doubt all you gotta do is rub like whoa mr. aladdin sir what will your pleasure be i'm on the job you ain't ner had a friend never had a friend you a a't never had a friend you ain't never had a friend you ain't never had a friend like mow neve i wish i could tell you what david just said. david foster. ne-yo. come on, now. >> that was fantastic. ? we wish we c could move like that and sound like that. >> it's not that hard. it's really not. >> sing along, ne-yo. >> what are we doing? original? >> it's free. it's free. >> speaking of. >> thanks to our friends at "aladdin" for providing us with the magic lantern. >> a special thanks the to j jeff kinney. look at that drawing. a special one for us. >> nice, nice. [ cheers and applause ] "show open " sabrina: a quick check of traffic this morning... this is i-235 at m- l-k... [current conditions] sabrina: good morning i'm sabrina ahmed... it's 8:56 ... sabrina: the metro became the center of presidential politics for the democratic party , as the annual jefferson jackson dinner welcomed the three major candidates. but this will be the last year the event is know by that name...the party is currently taking submissions for a new name. they're hoping to have something spring. sabrina: during the e blocks on 12th street have been two way traffic. city officials say one of the biggest benefits of the conversion is increasing traffic to local businesses. they say after people punch out for the day, them to stay in the downtown area. this could be just the beginning of the shift in traffic downtown. the city is doing a walkability study to determine what else could get altered. sabrina: meterologist sam schreier is keeping a close watch on the current conditions... hey sam... sam/ weather adlib: the forecast is falling back to more of a normal, late october pattern just like it should be. we are going to start with a lot of sunshine today but by the early afternoon, clouds will start to fill up the skies. we should stay dry today, and even under the heavy cloud cover we should be able to hit a high in the low 60s. overnight tonight we will stay cloudy and chilly with lows falling into the mid 40s. tuesday is going to be a cloudy day with rain moving in from the southeast during the day. most of the rain tomorrow will stay east, but the metro could see totals between a half an inch to an inch. we will be drying out wednesday morning as the rain moves east from the state, but behind the rain chilly daytime temps will remain with highs in the 50s through the weekend. right now beggars night looks cold with a very small chance of rain, so get your costume figured out and everybody wish for some spooky and dry weather! sabrina: >> in today's news in two. >> i can do things to you that are illegal in every civilized nation in the world. >> announcer: but there's nothing illegal about the milehigh downward dog. >> i am grover, remember me? >> sesame street aims to end bullying of autistic. >> desperate for a makeover. >> how does my husband think about me >> announcer: is her body obsession destroying her marriage? today on the doctors! [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ]

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Transcripts For WOI Good Morning America 20151026 :

Transcripts For WOI Good Morning America 20151026

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ultimately led to the surgery. which i will share with you. breaking news this morning. >> the major earthquake in afghanistan and felt in neighboring countries. we'll get to that in a moment. but first, the deadly whale-watchihing accidt in canada. at least five people killed. after the boat sank. neal karlinsky has the latest from vancouver. good morning, neal. >> reporter: george, good morning. a horrific scene. out on the waters here. whale-watching is very popular here. normally perfectly safe. why no one can understand what brought the ship down on what seemed like a perfectly normal fall afternoon. this new video shows the last moments after cruise off vancouver island turned into a horrifying struggle for survival. the5-foot ship all but submerged. just the bow visible upside down and partially sticking out of the 55-degree water. officials s say 27 pple were on board the tour boat. >> the cause of the capsizing is presently unr investigation. >> reporter: this morning, at least five are confirmed dead. and 21 rescued. including at least eight transported to hospitals. two taken by air and listed in critical condition. many others reportedly treated and released. one person remains missing. >> what we heard was the first boat on scene just -- just people all over the place in the water. >> reporter: residents on vancouver island where the boat departed said every boat available joined in the search, including native american tribes, some of the first to pull people out. the distress call coming in at 3:19 in the afternoon on sunday, after "the leviathan ,"one of e most popular whale-watching boats, was out looking for whales. a major attraction in the area. >> they weren't at full capacity. like, 27 wasn't fully loaded. it could have been much worse. >> reporter: because of the boat's lge size, passengers are not required to wear their lifejackets while on board. this suddenly went from a whale-watching excursion to a fight for survival. now to the deadly earthquake rocking afghanistan and neighboring countries. details are still coming in at this hour. terry moran is in london with the latest. >> reporter: this was a big one. 7.5 magnitude. it struck northern afghanistan in the middle of the afternoon. but it was felt right across the region. we're getting early reports of deaths, damages, injuries. in pakistan a building cracked top to bottom in pakistan by the shaking. it lasted up to a minute. people fleeing into the streets there. the wounded treated. a little boy treated for a head wound. and we're hearing among the early reports schoolchildren dead in northern pakista fleeing from a school as it collapsed. you can sense the panic. major aftershocks are expected there. right now, just the earliest five killed. at least 100 injured. those numbers s will ris the epicenter in a remote region. the quake very deep. they're bracing for more shaking there. robin? >> such a wide area. >> felt in a lot of places. now to the cleanup from hurricicane patr. the storm moving east. after soaking hard-hit texas. dozens of people saved from fast-rising water. rob marciano is on the scene i in houston. good morning, rob. reporter: good morning, george. water rescue teams scrambling over the weekend. the rain coming down fast and furious. damaging winds. houston, hit hard. rising quickly as the water kept piling up. overnight,t, relentls rains across louisiana. over eight inches falling, with winds reaching 80 miles per hour. an elderly woman injured after a tornado touches down. texas still reeling from floodwaters. hour there. stng enough to push this empty tanker to shore. as the heaviest rain pushing off to the east, the high water in houston is draining. slowly. there are still stranded cars all over this city. at least 75 rescues south of dallas alone. this elderly man and his dog rescued from his truck. and in san antonio, one man found alive after being swept away by rushing waters. >> it was a wild ride for him. >> reporter: the flood so powerful, knocking this freight train on its side. in part from the remnants of the most powerful storm ever recorded in the western hemisphere. hurricane patricia, windusts at up to 245 miles per hour. a cat 5 making landfall in mexico. the winds flip this truck over. the pacific ocean rising nearly ten feet. this morning, while no death toll so far, the country focusing on cleanup. power. and part of patricia lives on in southeast texas. wind advisories in effect. the rain has stopped. the center of the storm has moved on. now the eastern third of the country will get at least a taste of this historic storm. >> thank you, rob. we'll talk to ginger. gulf coast on alert? >> a a flash fod watch from jackson, mississippi, to slidell, louisiana. all the way to panama city, florida. that's for today. again, three to six inches could fall. some places higher. tornado watch includes biloxi this morning. along the coast you could see a spin-up. i wanted to touch on patricia. we saw the catastrophic storm coming. saying 165 miles an hour. it died off quickly and missed the major population centers. this is very sparsely populated. we're so fortunate more damage and death didn't come from this. only 15 miles across, you guys where it was 165 miles per hour. 15 miles across. very lucky. the race for president now. "your voice, your vote." donald trump on the attack. taking aim at becarson. who is leading polls in iowa. trump drawing fire for his coents about carson's religion. tom llamas is tracking the campaigns this morning. good morning, tom. >> reporter: good morning, trump says he can't understand these polls. and dr. ben carson, if he wants an apology, heetter not hold his breath. this battle brewing two days before the next debate. this morning, donald trump focused on a new target. dr. ben carson. why? two recent polls show carson beating trump in iowa. >> we informed ben, but he was sleeping. >> reporter: and trump saying this about carson's religion. >> i'm presbyterian. boy, that's down the middle of the road, folks, in all fairness. i mean, seventh day adventists, i don't know about. i st don't know about. >>arson saying trump crossed >> a couple of months ago, i said something that he took as an attack on his faith. i apologized for that. i hope he'll have the same grace. >> reporter: on "this week," he told george, he's done nothing wrong. >> i said i don't know about it. that not an insult. >> reporter: and trump keeping the pressure on jeb bush, a one-time front-runner, now struggling. reorganizing his campaign. slashing the payroll by 40%. >> bush has no money. he's cutting. 's meeting today with mommy and ddy. and they're working on their campaign. >> reporter: bush saying he's tired of the g gridlock washington. and voters should turn to trump if they want nothing done in the white house. >> i got a lot of cool things i could do other than sitting around being miserable, listening to people demonize me and feeling compeld to demonize them. that is a joke. elect trump if you want that. >> reporr: jeb b bush not ing anywhere any time soon. three generations of the bush family are in houston right now, rallying wh jeb's biggest donors and aing for more money. george. >> looking to the big dedebate wednesday night. to the democrats now. vice president joe biden and his wife, jill, opening up about the decision not to run for president. while hillary clinton goes hea to head with bernie sanders over the weekend in iowa. abc's jon karl has the story. >> reporter: joe biden said family tragedy delayed his decision on running for president. if he had, in the end, thought he could have won, he would have run. joe biden says he wanted to run for president. and would have, if he thought he could have won. >> i'll be very blunt. if i thought we could have put tother the campaign that - -- that our supporters deserved and our contributors deserved, i would have -- gone ahead and done it. >> reporter: the problem, biden told "60 minutes," was that it grief following the death of his son, beau, who died in may from braicancer. he came close to deciding to run over the summer but the family's grief was still too raw. >> i thought, well, you know, i think we can do this. my granddaughter puts her arms around me and starts sobbing. she says, pop, i see daddy all the time. i see daddy all the time. pop, you smell like daddy. you're not going to leave me, are you, pop? >> reporter: by now, hillary clinton seemed to be riding high in iowa over the weekend with a little help from katy perry. you're gonna hear me roar >> reporter: and also bill clinton appearing at his first rally of the campaign. >> i'm tired of the stranglehold that women have had on the job of presidential spouse. >> reporter: hillary clinton seeming as confident as ever. she addressed the annual jefferson jackson dinner. one of the biggest events of the year f for iowa mocrats. >> sometimes you just have to let them hear you roar. >> reporter: but there's still hillary's strongest remaining democratic challenger says he's not ready to concede anything. predicting he would upset her just like barack obama did eight years ago. >> i think we're going to prove the pundits wrong agai reporter: today is hillary clinton's birthday. as any pitician will tell you, that means a chance to raise money. last nightht, she cebrated with a star-studded fund-raiser where tony bennett sang "happy birthday," along with demi lovato and john legend. george, what she would really like is another two weeks like she has just had. >> no question. thanks very much. bernie sande joining to join "the view" on abc. we get the latest on the raid to free dozens of hostages in iraq. martha raddatz just back from the region. with dramatic new video. good morning martha. >> reporter: we knewew the firefight was intense, and an american delta force member killed. but this video shows just how harrowing this mission was. [ gunfire ] a rare and riveting view seen from what appears to be a helmet cam. with gunfire crackling throughout the compound, u.s. special operations forces and kurdish troops guide the 70 isis-held hostages to freedom. the new video shows the danger u.s. forces are facing in iraq. delta team leader joshua wheeler, a father of four sons shot and killed in the raid. the mission was not t supposedo be a combat mission. the same story in afghanistan. while u.s. forces may not be involved in any direct ground combat here in afghanistan, air power is going 24/7. in just the last six months, u.s. warplanes flying 2500 sorties. >> we've employed over 200 times, expended over 7,000 rounds of 20-millimeter and dropped hundreds of munitions. >> reporter: in both iraq and afghanistan, u.s. officials say the local forces have made progress. but as the iraq raid shows, they still need a lot of help. we may see more casualties in the future. robin. > now to the breaking news linking meat and cancer. the world health organizatn publishing a report this morning on the dangers of processed and red meats. dr. richard besser is here to break it down. just released moments ago. it came down harard on prossed meats. >> they pulled together international experts to look at all of the data. it's been an unanswered question. what is the risk here? they concluded processed meat is clearly linked to an increase in cancer, particularly colon chancer. red meat probably is. this is something that a lot of people have had questions on. >> the american cancer society all along has said about limiting consumption of red meat. >> i think some of this is the up. with what the american cancer society and others have been saying. what they say in terms of meat is, it's not you can't have any. you want to reduce the amount of processed meat you're taking in. switch from red meat to fish and poultry and lean forms of meat. when you're cooking, go with broiling, baking. those things will not release some of the chemicals that they think may be linked to cancer. >> in anticipation of this report coming out, the meat industry released a statement that classifying red and processed meat as cancer hazards defies both common sense and numerous studies showing no correlation between meat and cancer. >> we have a look by indepenendent people saying there is a link and there are things to reduce the risk. >> your r bottom le advice? >> moderation. as we say with everything. cut down. plant-based diets are the way to go. you don't have to eliminate. but cut back. >> thank you, rich. amy has the morning's other top stories. >> details just coming in on this breaking news. reports that a possible car bombing has been foiled outside an army base in belgium. local media report, gunfire was heard after a car trieied to ramhe main gate. explosives reportedly found inside the car. the suspect fled on foot. we'll have updates throughout the day. back here at home, the search is on for a gunman who opened fire at north carina central university.. the campus locked down overnight. a student was reportedly shot from behind while trying to flee that area. the student is expected to survive. this comes just days after a deadly shooting on a a college campus in nashville. a new warning that the economy is slowing down. some of the largest american companies are reporting drops in revenue and profits for the first me since the recession. "the wall street journal" saying industrialompanies are being hit hard by slumping energy prices and slowing markets overseas. new coast guard video showing a dramatic rescue in the south pacific. a fishing boat with 36 people aboard caught fire. the crew evacuated onto lifeboats until another ship came by and rescued them. everyone is okay. and finally, chris christie won't win any votes in the amtrak quiet car. governor christie not exactly known r his inside voi. he was returning from washington when he was kicked out of the quiet car for talking on his phone. he reportedly said, you're kidding. this is the quiet car? his spokesperson released this statement, after breaking the cardinal rule of the quiet car, the governor promptly left. once he realized the serious nature of his mistake, sincere apologies to all patrons of the quiet car that were offended. full disclosure, this happened to me, too. you're running into the train, you're on the phone, people give you the evil eye. you're like -- >> uh-oh, wrong car. >> i think that's what happened. >> honest mistake. >> that quiet car is n no joke. >> no. >> put that phone away. thank you, amy. big news on gas prices in just 30 seconds. snoorp back at 7:18. with the thanksgiving travel weekend less than a month away, gas prices are falling. ru bugs ka are arerebecca jarvis. >> reporter: good mornining. 's great news this morning. the national average for a gallon of regular is now $2.20. almostst a dollaless than it was this time last year. nine states in the country are now paying $2 or less a gallon at the pump. the cheapest gas in the country? charleston, south carolina. $1.85. the most expensive tends to be in los angeles. this morning $2.87 a gallon. the bottom line, big save flgs acroross the country. for americans, we're saving at the pump, $350 million a day. >> that's a real economic boost. thank you, rebecca. >> just in time for the holiday. thanksgiving is almost around the corner. much more ahead only on "gma" this morning. new details about the driver who caused the deadly parade accident. in oklahoma. the police captain investigating joining us this morning. as the holiday season approaches. a new alert about your packages. thieves using new technology. approaches. a new aall right about your packages. thieves using new technology. fungus, ask your doctor now about prescription kerydin. used daily, kerydin drops may kill the fungus at the site of infection and get to the root of your toe tucking. kerydin may cause irritation at the treated site. most common side effectsts incle skin peeling... ...ingrown toenail, redness, itching, and s swelling. tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or does not go away. stop toe tucking... and get the drop on toenail fungus. what if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis? this is tecfidera. tecfidera is not an injection. it's a pl for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. image what you could do with fewer relapses. tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, and creases in your white blood cells. the most common side effects te your doctor about any low white blood cell counts, infections, any other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan toecome pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at talk to your doctor about tecfidera, and take another look at relapsing ms. and off you go, and off you go, and off you go, for every step, every stride, every start, begin strong with the lasting energy of 100% whole grain quaker oats... and off you go. [ female announcer ] when you're serious about fighting wrinkles, turn to roc retinol correxion . one week, fine lines appear to fade. one month, deep wrinkles look smoother. after one year, skin looks ageless. the flash flood threat along the gulf this morning. it moves to the north. i stopped it here wednesday at 8:00 a.m. washington, d.c., and new york city getting the rain. some heavy rains in south carolina. that's the big picture. sabrina: a quick check of traffic this morning... this is i-235 at m- l-k... [current conditions] sabrina: good morning i'm sabrina ahmed... it's 7:24 ... sabrina: a shooting outside of a mcdonald's in ankeny has a man facing felony charges... two teenagers are recovering from the saturday shooting . 18 year olds nicholas culver and justin (phong-sav-von) phongsavanh suffered gunshot wounds to their arms after a dispute over poor behavior at the restaurant. 36 year old gabriel coco turned himself in to police following the incident. sabrina: authorities found the body of a 26-year-old female sunday afternoon... a trail of blood lead to the discovery of the body at 59th street trail the iowa state patrol confirms that this is a homicide investigation. the benton county sheriff's department and the iowa department of criminal investigation are actively working on the case. the iowa department of public safety is expected to release more details today. sabrina: and the remnants of hurricane patricia, combined with a powerful storm system, continue to dump heavy rain across the gulf coast. the severe weather brought more heavy rain overnight, with flash flood watches remaining in effect in parts of five states. the rainfall has broken records in texas, with some areas able to measure the water in feet. sabrina: meterologist sam schreier is keeping a close watch on the current conditions... hey sam... sam/ weather adlib: the forecast is falling back to more of a normal, late october pattern just like it should be. we are going to start with a lot of sunshine today but by the early afternoon, clouds will start to fill up the skies. we should stay dry today, and even under the heavy cloud cover we should be able to hit a high in the low 60s. overnight tonight we will stay cloudy and chilly with lows falling into the mid 40s. tuesday is going to be a cloudy day with rain moving in from the southeast during the day. most of the rain tomorrow will stay east, but the metro could see totals between a half an inch to an inch. we will be drying out wednesday morning as the rain moves east from the state, but behind the rain chilly daytime temps will remain with highs in the 50s through the weekend. right now beggars night looks cold with a very small chance of rain, so get your costume figured out and everybody wish for some spooky and dry weather! welcome back, everyone, to "gma." you're looking live at satelte images of the storm moving east th morning. it's the remains of hurricane patricia, bringg powerful jour pours to the gulf coast. flood threats this morning. that storm causing major flooding in texas. dozens of people rescued from fast-rising waters. >> good morning, america. some of the other head plooins homecoming parade in oklahoma state university. much more on that. and the meat industry pushing back on the phew report saying sausage, bacon, a ham are in the same category as smoking? the report saying red meat probably linked as well. week end. >> the video. the throwback flip phone. > lionelrichie. >> it's great. >> we're going to have more of the frenzy? >> it's fantastic. the song is great. the video has everybody tatalking. over 70 million views. jesse is here. you'll have much more on all that's behind it. >> going old school with the flip phone. we're going to begin with the deadly car crash at oklahoma state university's homecoming. the driver being held on second-degree murder charges. ryan owens is in stillwater, oklahoma, with the latest. good morning, ryanan. >> reporter: g good morng to you, george. the driver will be in the courthouse hind me in aouple she's now facing four murder charges. the d.a. say she is was on drunks when this happened. her attorney says she'sentally ill. the video is disturbing. first you hear the driver hit a police torcycle. then you see the gray car plow into a crowd of screaming paradegoers. the moment of impact too difficult to show. >> we need help. >> reporter: the casualty count is staggering. 4 de, 47 injured. >> it hit people just like thump, thump, thump, as people were flying. >> reporter: the woman behind the wheel, 25-year-old adacia chambers. first charged with driving under the influence. now police adding four counts of second-degree murder. amid the carnage and chaos, one paradegoer held her down before police could cuffer. officials believe she was on drugs. herttorney says she wubt drunk. doubts she took drugs. but cannot rule anything out until he sees toxicology results. >> in my opinion, miss chambers suffers from a mental illnlness. exactly what type is yet to be determined. she doesn't remember a whel lot about what happened. there was a period where she could have even blacked out. >> reporter: he believes his young client is suicidal. she'sunlikely to get sympathy from the community. mourning the loss of required professor marvin stone and his wife, bonn mooe. nakita nakal and-year-old nash lucas. his father posting on facebook, i miss you so much, buddy. we're hearing from chambers' father, who tells abc news, his christian girl. george? >> thanks, ryan. we're join bid captain kyle gibbs with the stillwater police. thank you for joining us this morning. we learned overnight that the charges have been upgraded from manslaughter to second-degree murder. >> you have someo driving under the influence and they end up killing four persons. at's the reason for the htdtds charge. >> tell us about the suspect. do you believe this was deliberate deliberate? >> i'm sure there are days left before we can draw conclusions like that. certainly, the decision to become intoxicated ornder the influence and drive a car was certainly intentional. >> and what more do we know about what happened before the accident? me reports she left work early. may have been fired. from herjob, perhaps. perhaps because she was suspected of using drugs there. >> don't know. we have heard the same rumors and speculation. our people will try to run that down and figure out what happened in the hours and minutes leading up to this incident. >> has miss chambers said anything to you or your investators about what's happened? >> no, s she's made no statementnts to us whatsoever. now she has lal representation. >> that attorney believes she may have a mental illness. any signs of that? >> not that we have heard of, at this point. >> when do you expect the results of the toxicology tests? >> it will probably be a couple of weeks. we're hoping that the osbi, who analyzes the blood samples can stephat up for us. >> finally, sir. such a blow to your community. how is your community handling it? what is the latest on the victims in the hospital? >> i believe there's 17 victims still in the hospital. last night, we were checking, off course, on the critical conditions. those five patients in critical condition are still in critical. nobody's been released. we were unable to get updated status on 100% of them. that will continue today. >> okay, can't gibbs, thank you for your time this morning. >> thank you. >> boy, such a horrifying incident. >> can't imagine. just in time for the holiday shopping season, thieves may have figured out a better way to ststeal packages off your doorstep. using a phone happ to time their crime perfectly. kayna whitworth has the story. >> reporter: it's a typical package delivery. a u.p.s. driver leaving packages on the front porch. watch what happens ne. a u-haul van backing into the driveway. the driver snatching two packages. >> he picked ththe wro house. >> reporter: this man's 0 home surveillance videos. >> he has to be one of the stupidest criminals. i have science that say, smile, you're on video tape. >> reporter: this morning, the los angeles police department saying the suspects were tracking u.p.s. trucks on a phone app and attemed to locate packages without a tracking number. u.p.s. denying their technology was compromised. >> wre chasing her. >> reporter: this thief caught in the act. in west virginia, a woman playing the role of a grinch, snatching holiday packages. even the wreath right off the front door. experts warning shoppers to be wear as online this year. experts recommend signing up for text alerts or installing security cameras. for "good morning america," kayna whitworth, abc news, los angeles. >> goodcushionsuggestions. new kurns about the dangers of high hool football. gio has more. >> reporter: hey, robin. the urgent new warning coming from doctors. coming up, we're going to show you what they think will help keep kids safe. all coming up on "gma." the challenges facing the country never stop. so neither does the u.s. army. we train. adapt. and get smarter. every soldier. every unit. every day. not to keep up with change; but to drive it. nobody knows what problems tomorrow will bring. you know the rules. eggs and sausage. hotcakes and butt. morning fare right? well m mcdonald'has thrown away those rules and opened a new world of possibilities. now, you're free to start enjoying the breakfast you love any time you wish. no way. yes way. introducing mcdonald's new all day breakfast menu. once, you changed how you ate breakfast. it's time to start changing when. nexium 24hr is the new #1 selling frequent heartburn brand in america. i hope you like it spicy! get complete protection with thehe purple ll. the new leader infrequent heartburn. that's nexium level protection. you are so small. and our hopes for you so big. yet what we expe of you is less important than what you expect of us. you expect us to keep you warm, and fed. to wish you sweet dreams and to help those dreams come true. you expect us to teach you to do the right thing. and try to leave the world a little better than you found it. a bit safer, cleaner, fairer. so we try our best, because we want something more for you than what we had. a chance to go a little farther, soar a little higher. and then, one day you'll do the same for your children. sc johnson. a family company. thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. eat, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah we're back on "gma" with the growing concern about the dangers of high school football. in the first seven weeks of this season, there hav been seven deaths related to high school football. that compared to 11 all of last season. gio benitez has the story from fordham university's football field. >> reporter: hey, robin. good morning to you. take a look at this. imagine that kind of impact on your head, 650 time. that's the ample number of times that a high school player is hit in the head. so this morning, we've got a phew warning for you. it's one of the key ingredients high school football. tackling. but just seven weeks into the season, seven young athletes already losing their lives. compared to 11 in all of 2014. raising new concerns that the hard hits may make 2015 one of the deadliest in high school football history. the latest tragedy, 17-year-old andre smith, dying from blunt force injuries friday morning after a hit to the head during a game if chicago the night before. >> he's like a brother to me. he was a brother to me. >> reporter: now, this morning, the american academy of pediatrics raising the issue. new recommendations to keeping kids safe. most importantly, zero tolerance fo el lyingle and dangerous hits. >> we need to stop the head-to-head hits. make sure kids are being taught on proper tackling technique. >> do not ever try this at all. >> reporter: this video saying what not to do. spearing. leading with their head. an illegal play that can cause serious spinal cord injury. keeping athletic trainers on the sidelines in practice and games. and the most extreme, removing taling from high school football altogether. >> anything you can do to reduce injury will reduc the overall injury rate. >> reporter: most pler, parents, cohes, will say nontackle football is not realisc. right now, they're going to show you how to do it safely. >> you're coming in full spe, break down, these are your points on the shoulder. you step in athletically, you poup your hands up, throw your hips thrhrough, ner stop your feet. >> reporter: you're looking up at the sky. the idea is not to come in with ththeelmet and hit the body. that's it, robin? >> that's right. and adele's new video. >> no one is reacting like lionel richie. we'll show you next in ourur speed feed. for everything i've done there's only one egg that just tastes better. fresher. more flavorful. delicious. with more great nutrition. only eggland's best. better taste. bett nutrition. better eggs. hey marc. how you feeling? don't ask. this is what it can be like to have shingles, a painful, blistering rash. i never thought this would haen to me. if y had chickenpox, 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. i'm going to go back to the eye doctor tomorrow. it's pretty close to my eye. i don't know how you do it. talk to your doctor or phaharmacist day about a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. there are 16 fresh-picked oranges squeezed into each bottle of tropicana pure premium. and absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. tropicana. hello? sorry. back now with "the sed feed." and everyone is talking about adele's new cigle. it's called "hello." >> adele is back. and thehe video for her brand-new single, hello, it's gotten a record-setting 5 million views in 4 hours. stealing the spot light, the old school flip phone. the director says they used it because he doesn't like filming modern phones. whatever. social media can't get #fill #flippne. she started singing when she couldn't get a signall on her flip phone. and, why is adele still using a flip phone? no wonder it's taken her four years to call. lionel rich shi sharing this mashup with his hit off the same name. take a look. [ phone ringing ] hello. hello, sit me you're looking for [ busy signal ] >> very clever. >> those two would make a great duo. >> right. >> the thing i miss if most, the flip phone is easier to text on. >> i like the aggressive hangup. >> it does photograph better. >> it does. >> isn't she talking about manager that happened a long time ago. spl sure. so it's hearkening back. >> she call this is makeup album. >> it was worth the wait. >> i think it was four yes. it is fantastic. if you read the words, it's heartbreaking and q quite beautiful. thank you, jess. >> you're welcome. when we come back, investigating nannies and how they're really behaving when you're not around. come on back. here's a great "improve this" tip from lowe's. use a cookie kiter and a haer. to help put the boo into your lloween, go the "good morning america" america" america".com on yahoo! to see more.what? i've drawn a blank. what's my line? [director]: reset! maybe we do live in a fantasy... our own little bubble. just hangin' out! as if we're not completely down to earth. but just a bunch of dreamers? no way! we're just like everyone else. you know, average joes. start dreaming big at nothing like a good, quick meal to bring two people together. campbell's skillet sauces. ready in under 20 minutes. campbell's. made for real, real life. it takes a lot of work... to run this business. but i really love it. i'm on the mov all day long... and sometimes, i just don' eat the way i should. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of proteinto help maintain muscle. all with a great taste. i don't plan on slowing down any time soon. stay strong. stay active with boost . before fibromyalgia, i was active. i was a doer. then t chronic, widespread pain slowed me down. my doctor and i agreed that moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. for some patients, lyrica significantly relieves fibromyalgia pain and improves physical function. with less pain, , i feel bter. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tellour doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters,, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feetet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machine until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more e likely tmisuse lyrica. fibromyalgia may have changed things. but with less pain, i'm still a doer. ask your doctor about lyrica. man's voice: there's no one that i'd rather... hit the road with. woman's voice: no one i'd rather have dinner and a movie with. man's voice: no one i'd raer lean on. being in love is an amazing thing. being love with your best friend... everything. introducing the ever us two-stone ring. one diamond for your best friend... one for your true love. for the onwoman in your life, who's both. ever us. new this holiday at kay, jared and zale's. and the fall colors in full effect in the smoky mountains of tennessee. we thought we would start with that. this morning, freezing from fort davis to topeka. tomorrow morning, chilly in the good morning i'm sabrina ahmed... it's 7:56 ... sabrina: the metro became the center of presidential politics for the democratic party , as the annual jefferson jackson dinner welcomed the three major candidates. but this will be the last year the event is know by that name...the party is currently taking submissions for a new name. they're hoping to party is currently taking submissions for a new name. they're hoping to have something in place by early spring. sabrina: during the during the weekend...multipl e blocks on 12th street have been converted into two way traffic. city officials say one of the biggest benefits of the conversion is increasing traffic to local businesses. out for the day, them to stay in area. (leah fitzgerald, for people who don't very often. it's kind of the new, wanting to come experience downtown, and it's a lot easier to explain, worry about where can i park.") sabrina: just the beginning of the shift in traffic downtown. the city is doing a walkability study to determine what else could get altered. sabrina: meterologist sam schreier is keeping a close watch on the current conditions... hey sam... sam/ weather adlib: the forecast is falling back to more of a normal, late october pattern just like it should be. we are going to start with a lot of sunshine today but by the early afternoon, clouds will start to fill up the skies. we should stay dry today, and even under the heavy cloud cover we should be able to hit a high in the low 60s. overnight cloudy and chilly with lows falling into the mid 40s. tuesday is going to be a cloudy day with rain moving in from the southeast during the day. most of the rain tomorrow will stay east, but the metro could see totals between a half an inch to an inch. we will be drying out wednesday morning as the rain moves east from the state, but behind the rain chilly daytime temps will the 50s through the weekend. right now beggars night looks cold with a very small chance of rain, so get your costume figured out and everybody wish for some spooky and dry weather! pressure good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. be behaving badly. the surveillance video revealing what the people caring for your kids are really doing when you're not there. our nanny p.i.sre on the case. model diagnosis. fight for her health. the gut check that sent her b back to the doctor. and helping uncover what was really wrong. and the force has awakened. burning questions. fan favorites from han to leia tohewie are back. but where's luke? >> these are good questions to be asking. i can't wait for you to find out the answer. it's no accident. >> the new detailed just revealed. and don't be jealous. just be confident. what could these two major pop stars have to announce together this morning? demi lovato and nick jonas, live on gma. you ain't never h a friend like me no, no, n and ne-yo is here. you have never heard it. as we say -- >> good morning, america. [ eers and applause ] and good morning, america. boy, ne-yo looking sharp this monday morning. angd we have demi and nick coming up. and the countdown is on to halloween. we're getting into the spirit. starting this morning, take a look. take a look. artist john kempman. looks just like. >> uncanny. >> ginger maps with's may be the closest. >> george, your hair is spot on. >> black hair. we got it there. >> you're having too much fun. >> i was going say sometng but i don't want to say it on robin, chic. >> had a little surgery last basketball, played tennis. all those things. remember a few years ago, for a milestone birthday, milestone, i danced with maks, right? remember tt? i did extensive rehearsing with his brother, baby brother, val. we rehearsed over and over and over ain. i actually injurured my shlder dancing with maks. >> are you serious? >> no kidding. >> it's a certain move. it's called the new yorker. this one like this. and doing this -- >> can you not do it now? >> you're going to ruin your other shoulder? >> that is it in a nutshell. yes. so stay away from maks and val. >> yes. >> glad to have you back. >> a basketball story. >> i know, really. thank you. a shoutout to hss. hospital f special surgery. ey're amazing. just doing this out in fnt of people because i can't, you know i love to hug. alall's good all's good. >> hug-free zone right now. >> glad to have you back. lelet's go tamy with the morning rundown. the big story this morning, a massive earthquake rocking afghanistan and pakistan. powerful enough to shake much of south asia. the 7.5 quake crumbled buildings, cut off power and communication. and sentt panicked families running into the streets. at least 29 people have been killed in northwest pakistan alone. that number could rise dramatically investigators trying to find out why a whale-watching ship capsized off the coast of vancouver island, canada. 27 people were on board. at least five were killed. the boat sank in calm conditions. those on board were not reired to wear life jackckets. a new warning about the link between processed meats and cancer. the risks now being compared to smoking. researchers at the world health organization found baco sausage, and ham have a clear link to cancer, and they say, red meat is probay linked. the meat industry rejects the findings. experts say it's a good idea to limit your intake of red and processed meats. well, from south africa this morning, olympian oscar pistorius is out of jail and under house arrest for the murder of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. steenkamp's father wants to meet pistorius face to face. barry steenkamp saying, quote, i think i will get more closure one day if i get the chance to speak to oscar myself. most probably i wouldn't have to say anything. pistorius served one year behind bars. he'll spend the rest of his five-year sentence under house arrest. but he faces another test next week, prosecutors try once that couldarry more pridsson time. entering your pass code at the atm may soon be a thing of the past. citi group is testing technology to scan your eye to identify you before dispensing cash. it would require a mobobile app. and an unusual sale is breaki records. this cracker is officially the most expensive cracker in the world. it was part of a lifeboat survival kit on "the titanic." that crackerold at auction for nearly $23,000. all right. finally, the frenzy over the new "star wars" trailer. hit a new high over the weekend. it smashed records everywhere. including ththe most views in 24 hours. 18 million views. now, dector j.j. abrams is speaking out about the record response. >> we were all thrilled that the trailer was seen and embraced. espeally people who were saying that they're not really fans of "star wars" but they're interested in seeing this thing now. it's a testament to the cast. and crew and the amazing work they've done. >> and it's 128 million views. not 18 million. a little bit of a difference there. and when asked why luke skywalker was left out of the trailer, abrams replied, i can't wait for you to find out the answer. ooh. thmovie opens december 18th. it's produced by a division of abc's parent company, disney. and so many people out there. 128 million at least, kountding ingcounting down the days. >> i'm one of those. i wasn't a "star wars" groupie at all. this looks good. >> that darth vader mask. the way it was all kind of burnt out. it's just looking good. thanks, amy. here's what's coming up on the "gma morning menu." we're investigating the people who care for your kids. do you really know what goes on when you're not there? and model, fighting for her . to theoctors after she was told not to worry. a modern romance reality. are memen intimited by your smarts? >> george? >> george? >> i wouldn't be here everday if that were true. >> oh, how sweet. that is sweet. goodod save. good save there. > that anmore on "good morning america." here in times square. pc does whwhaaat?! (music begins. the song, danger zone by kenny loggins plays from the pc) pc doeoes what?! hey, guy! pc does what?! shhhh pc does what no pc has done before. ahh... yeah! ahh... ahh... ah. you probably say it a million times a day. ahh... ahh! ahh... ahh! but cigna, we want to help evereryone sayt once a year. say "ahh". >>ahh... cigna medical plans cover one hundred percent of your in-network annual checkup. so america, let's go. know. ahh! and take control of your health. cigna. together, all the way. coming up, we have demi lovato and nick jonas. here with a big announcecement. the two young superstars, they'll make their fans very happy. stay with us. no one else butou is your head so congested it's ready to explode? you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec -d to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms. so, you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec -d. at the pharmacy counter. when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i'll need relief. that's a first-rate queso dip haven't been this lost in years (gps) recalculating shortest route do i really look like this? never seen this one before chicken parm you taste so good i like it. did ginger just sing that? >> was it ginger singing that? >> it's amazing. >> the girl can do it all. welcome back to "good morning america." this morning, we're talking about a growing trend among parents. checking out what's really going on when someone else is taking care of your kids. an investigation our reporter launched as there is increasing concerns from parents. take aook. we're out, u undercove discreetly following this nanny with a professional so-called nanny spy. but why? >> caught on nanny cam, shaking a 1-year-old girl. >> reporter: time and time again, we see and hear real-life horror stories of nannies behaving badly. now families are shelling out big bucks for private investigatorss like t ruskin and eddie hamilton, from cnp group investigations. >> we're getting more calls now than ever before. you have to feel comfortable with this person who is basically joining your family as an outsider. >> reporter: that comfort is exactly what this first-time mom is looking for. >> it's difficult to find somebody you can trust. >> reporter: our own genevieve brown joins her on her search. >> why did you decide to hire someone to follow your potential sitter? >> i'm a first-time mom. the number one reason i'm not back to work yet is because i'm nervous of who i'm going to leave him with. >> reporter: we're not showing you the faces for privacy concerns. p.i. eddie goes undercover. he follows and videotapes every move. >> what are some of the worst things you have seen in your practice? >> we see a lot of nanny distraction. where nanny is not paying attention to the children. we have seen nannies leave children in strollers outside a store. >> reporter: p.i.s are joining a rise in so called mommy sps. moms keeping tabs on caregivers with questionable behaviviors, posting information online like upper east side mamas. >> the mom who takes a pictu and posts it, what motivates her to do it? >> she sees a child, sees something that's wrong, looks at her own child and sasays, if ts was my nanny, i would want to know about this. >> reporter: so in the e, what did p.i. eddie find? >> once you left, she began her walk. wind blew. she checked the comforter. compared to what we have seseen the past, how does she rate? >> a 10. >> this is someone i would want to hire? >> someone you wouould want hire. >> all right. so abc news lifestyle editor nevieve shaw brown is here with us. what shocked you most? >> after the background check, the references, the nanny cams, parents are still living in fear. that something is goingo happen to onone of the kids. even though the vast majority of the care taikers are good people. >> it does happen. what's the most important thing that parents can take away? >> the experts tell me, trust your gut. 99% chance, something is wrong. don't ditch those nanny cams just yet. people forget they're there. after awhile, the true behavior shines through. >> trust you gut. every mom knows that feeling. thank you so much, genevieve. really important informaon. robin? >> all right, there. thank you, lara. now to the young model who says she is here, alive today because she trusted her gut. her doctors misdiagnosed her. she says she knew something was s wrg. she kept going back. eventually was diagnosed with ovarian cancerer. here's mara schiavocampo. >> repter: she's a model. a runway diva. and now, a cancer survivor. >> you know, it's hard to describe what it feels like to have cancer. you just don't feel right. you don't feel like urself. >> reporter: for two years, plus-sized model ellie mayday suffered extreme pain in her lower back and abdomen. after multiple trips to the emergency room, doctors sent her away with no diagnosis and painkillerer telling her there was nothing to worry about. the 27-year-old's determination to find ansrs ultimately saved her life. >> i kind of complained about my stomach hurting a lot more. as well as with the back. i was able to go into a c.t. scan. got the results from that. they couldn't see my left ovary. >> reporter: that c.t. scan revealing an ovarian cyst. a biopsy later determining she was suffering from a rare form of stage 3 ovarian cancer. >> when n you're sipped down to absolutely nothing to no hair, to scars. it didn't matter if i had a career modeling after this. it just mattered if i survived. >> reporter: she started treatment immediately. undergoing a his hysterectomy and three months of chemotherapy. losing 60 pounds through the process. modeling throughout treatments, even when losing her hair. >> at some points, i didn't feel like myself. >> reporter: this morning, her cancer in remission. using her plaorm to inspire women to recognize their inner beauty and recognize you can beat cancer. >> it's important to trust your gut. when you have confidence, you can take on the world. and you can take on cancer. >> what a beautiful smile. glad she's doing so well. joining us now, abc news senior medical contributor dr. jennifer ashton. i love how intently you watch these pieces. 27 years old. that is unusual in that age >> very unusual. ovarian cancer is classically and commonly unfortunately often dismissed as being attributed to something else. often gastrointestinal issues. in this case, allegedly her weight. it's very uncommon in young women. ovarian cysts are not concerning in and of themselves inin a womaner age. but when we see features tt we think are suspicious and we cannot biopsy the ovary. that means a trip to the operating room. women need to remember the symptoms, which are key. and bloating. and women with endometriosis are more susceptible. >> be persistent. know yr body. this young woman, she went back. she trusted her gut. when should we know to go back and just, you know, demand tt second opinion? >> firirst, robi i think the responsibility has to be on the doctor. i have a rule, if a patient comes back to me twice, three times, with the same complaints. i start to question whether i've missed something. for a patient, getting a second set of eyes on it is not always necessary. but should be considered if f you need to make a diagnosis. if symptoms persist. if recommended treatment is invasive or aggressive. or if you want one. if it's possible, ask for your records and bring them all with you. >> how do you have that conversation? so many people are intimidated by the doctor. what suggestions do you have in opening the line of communication? >> don't be intimidated. people fear the worst. that's human nature. most of the time, it's not the case. any doctor who has not seen a patient's intuition at work, in my opinion, has not been practicing m medicine ng enough. so it matters. and it reminds us. medicine is an art and a science. >> you're not offended if someone wants a second opinion? >> no. not at all. the good doctors will never be offended. >> there you go. as you are one. >> thanks. let's get to amy. >> now on to our series modern romance. a new study sasays men m like the idea of women being smarter than them, in reality, well, they're less likely to want to date them. >> you said you were a stewardess. >> i was testing a theory. >> reporter: rember when miranda dumbed down to get a date? >> as lawyer, partner, i got zero. as a stewardess, , i got on for tomorrow night. >> reporter: those fears are not fiction. women with brains are at the top of the turff list. >> some menre intimidated by women who they feel outperform them. that it somehow diminishes their masculinity. >> reporter: researchers looked at 10505 undergruate men. they liked the idea of a woman who displayed more intelligence than themselves, when it came to dating, they got cold feet. if beyonce taught us anything -- >> girls who run the world >> we were just having levity here. i said, my husband hates it when i beat him at scrabble. how do you feel about the study overall? >> my first feeling was to check the calendar. i wanted to make sure we were nostill in 1952. i thought we were past that idea that, as a woman you have to let the guy be the star in all situations. my second feeling is, if this is how undergraduate men feel, good luck to them. women are earning more college degrees than men. if you're a woman in your 20s, there's a good chance yoyou'll be making the same amount or more money than the guy you're in a relationshipip with. men have to get used to it. >> they are going to have to get used to it. i guess i'm at the table to prove i'm not intimidated. this online survey, we asked the male viewers, would you date a woman smarter than you are? 87% said yes. 13% said no. we asked a followup to everybody, men and women together, are men intimidated by smart women? 79% said yes and 21% said no. >> someone is not telling the truth there. i mean, i think what this shows, men, particularly in this study young men, know that they should the down with the idea. but, listen, these are gender norms that have been around fo millen. the ididea of wh men and women should be. sometimes it takes awhile to change things. >> what is your adce when women see this study? date older men? >> maybe. this study was done on undergraduates. if you can't find a 22-year-old guy who is comfortable with y your intelligence, go find a 32-year-old guy that is. my advice to women is no advice to women. keep being awesome. >> what about men who may have no idea they have a bias? >> i'm theoretically comfortable. i have to know that that will happen in reality. listen, there's a great line by sheryl sandberg that for a woman, the most important career dedecision y make is who you marry. there are great examples of men who are supporting their wives and have tremendously happy marriages as a result. >> thank you, cindy. let's go outside to ginger. >> i found the sweetest faces in the crowd this morning. this is hawk and abbey from north carolina. hawk, can you clap again. clap, clap, clap. yay. he's very goodt it. i swear. let's go ahead and check the forecast. the stationary front staying around for 2 24 hours. all the way to panama city on flash flood alert. a look at the pacific northwest. the remnants of olaf move into the west. all right. that's the big picture. >> and i've got to get a double high five. give me a double high five. because you're 10. happy bibirthday, ddy. all right. let's get inside to lara and get some "pop." we begin "pop news" with jimmy kimmel. he just wrapped a week of shows from his hometown of brooklyn. he sat dn with the new york mets and star pitcher jacob degrom. to discuss hard-hitting topics like halloween costumes. >> what you can see here, if you want to dress like jacob degrom -- >> that's the first time i have seen it. he told me about it today. >> i do want to point out, though, that before theyamed it after you, it was called the, um, see, up here in the corner, the brunette seductress. >> jimmy rounded up former elementary sool clasates to re-create his third grade class photo. notice the picture. he wasn't le to reach his teacher, mrs. metz. so mr. met stepped in. he played a game called hipster or hasidic. a great chat with jay z. if there's any doubt at whether kimmel has lost his brooklyn roots, forgot about it. >> it was great having him here. when we heard cheese is as addictive as drugs, we had to look into it. and this is "nacho" regular "pop news investigation." >> nice. >> after sampling several wedges, i feel "gouda" about this study. this study concludes cheese has addictive properties. but, thankfully with milder side effects. your favorite cheeses contain kasine that plays with dopamine. the hardest cheese habit to kick is pizza. you may want to kp that in mind the next time you order in. don't worry, my fellow cheese addicts, it gets feta. >> a whole wheel of cheese. >> i always want you to know i'm thinking about you, george. the feta was for you. and finally, this one is for robin. it's a dog story. we'll explain that later in the week. if you thought your monday morning struggles were tou, check out this fella. we found thiss on youtube. it made us smile. all he wants is toto try the pasta. he's finding it impossible. >> what's happening? >> too much gluten. >> it gets feta, buddy. >> it's hard to eat pasta when you're put in a sleeper hold by your owner. >> bad pition for puppy. >> that's "pop news." >> thank you, lara. a good way to start the week. >> a great way. a lot more coming up. demi lovato, nick jonas, here live. they've got a big announcement. >> in the social square. and vin diesel speaking out about the new role he's calling cathartic. and what it has to do with paul walker. come on back. did you know someone whose home has a room that needs a facelift? "gma" wants to make over a room for one lucky viewer. go to on yahoo!. give someone the epic surprise of a new room in their home. of a new room in theirome.sabrina: a quick check of traffic this morning... this is i-235 at 63rd street... [current conditions] sabrina: good morning i'm sabrina ahmed... it's 8:27 ... sabrina: a shooting outside of a mcdonald's in ankeny has a man facing felony charges... two teenagers are recovering from the saturday shooting . 18 year olds nicholas culver and justin (phong-sav-von) phongsavanh suffered gunshot wounds to their arms after a dispute over poor behavior at the restaurant. 36 year old gabriel coco turned himself in to police following the incident. sabrina: authorities found the body of a 26-year-old female sunday afternoon... a trail of blood lead to the discovery of the body at 59th street trail the iowa state patrol confirms that this is a homicide investigation. the benton county sheriff's department and the iowa department of criminal investigation are actively working on the case. the iowa department of public safety is expected to release more details today. sabrina: meterologist sam schreier is keeping a close watch on the current conditions... hey sam... sam/ weather adlib: the forecast is falling back to more of a normal, late october pattern just like it should be. we are going to start with a lot of sunshine today but by the early afternoon, clouds will start to fill up the skies. we should stay dry today, and even under the heavy cloud cover we should be able to hit a high in the low 60s. overnight tonight we will stay cloudy and chilly with lows falling into the mid 40s. tuesday is going to be a cloudy day with rain moving in from the southeast during the day. most of the rain tomorrow will stay east, but the metro could see totals between a half an inch to an inch. we will be drying out wednesday morning as the rain moves east from the state, but behind the rain chilly daytime temps will remain with highs in the 50s through the weekend. right now beggars night looks cold with a very small chance of rain, so get your costume figured out and everybody wish for some spooky and dry weather! [ cheers and applause ] welcome back to "gma." we have a lot to get to this morning. demi lovato and nick jonas are here live. they have a big announcement to share with us. >> i just spotted robin chatting with them both. >> therehe is. >> here she is now, everybody. to bring us this morning's top 5 list. >> i was talking with both of them. let me breathe. in no particular order, here we go. >> top 5 duets. >> number five, captain and ten tennille. love with keep us together >> we're in an empire state of mind. alicia keys teaming up with jay z. she played it right here. it was great. there's a reason i have thiss on. number three, it's the one that we want. john travolta, olivia newton-john newton-john. classic. >> tell me about it, stud. >> number two, two country megastars. dolly parton. kenny rogers. how could we be wrong sail away with me, to another world and we rely on each other >> what you to think is the number one song? we went old school? a little r&b? here's the number one. you're all i need to get by. marvin gaye, tammy terrell. that's how i feel. you're all i need. >> ass long as we don't touch yo >> just don't touch me. we want to know what you think. go to "gma's" face book page and twitter. tell us your top five. >> i'm inside with demi lovato and nick jonas. maybe one day you go to the top of the charts with a duet. >> maybe. >> we're going on tour, nick and i, next year. the fure now tour. >> the future now. tell us about that. >> yeah, demi and i were business partners. have a long history of being friends. key for us was aboutiving in this moment. taking a step out individually overer the last year and half, two years. growing with our fans. saying if there's ever a time toog itto do it, it's now. so excited to get in front of the fansnd cureate the moment i was part of the tour two years ago. now to do this together, it's special. >> what do you hope comes out of it all? >> what i hope comes out of it all is we have an incredible time. not only that. but our fans enjo it. that's the most important thing is taking the show on the road and getting to share this experience. all the fans that hav supported this music for the past couple of years. >> talk about being businesess partners. you're also starting a record label? >> yeah. >> we kind of looked at each other about two years ago and said, we have each had our own journey with not feeling safe to create. you have to be vulnerable to do your best work. we teamed up with our manager, phil mcintyre, to come up with safe house. starting with demi and i and bramplg branching out to other artists is the goal. >> how do you make it safe to create for a young artist? >> i think it's most importantly asking the artist what they want to do. how they would feel most authenc to themselves. and also just providing them with the opportunity to not only fe safe with creating the music. professionally. but also in a sense where in the environment, you feel great. if you need emotional support, we're here. it's that overall -- overall kind of well ps type of environment that you could create music in. >> sounds like a great place to work. congratulations. the future now tour. look forward to seeing you. >> thank you. let's go to lara. >> so the "diary of a wimpy kid" series is a phenomenon. the tenth in the series is about to be released. we have fans here. they can't wait to hear about diary of a wimpy kid, old school. great to meet you, jeff kinney. >> thank you. >> what do you think it is about your stories and drawings that resonate? >> there is something about greg. he's not a hero. he's somebody you can relate to. very imperfect. full of flaws, just like me. i think kids c can relate. >> is greg sort of your child self? >> i think he is. the sum of my worst rts. >> he's very lovablble. he makes a lot of mistakes. doesn't make great choices. we adore him. why, is it so hard for greg to make friends? >>ou know, i think he doesn't really deserve to have friends. he makes bad choices. every book has gregith a frown on his face. he's a victim of his own choices. >> in this new book, old school, can you imagine having to go with to electronics, no video games, no iphones. oh, look at you. panic. that's what the story is about. tell us about it. >> well, that's what happens. greg's town decided to bo electronics-free. for a modern kid like greg, it is ziflt. >> and trouble ensus. what made you decide to write that story? >> i wanted to go back to basics. it's theenth book in the series. i thaulgtought it would be good to return to the beginning. i made it black. cartoons use black as the primary color. i wanted to start over again. >> some kids have questions. one of the questions you ked, will there be more? this is number ten, do you have another ten in u? >> another ten, wow. i hope i live that long. i'm plaing to write as many as i can. greg never gets older. >> when did you first draw greg? >> i tnk about 1992. as a sample. i had another character, igdoof who drew himself looking like greg. >> sam, you have a question, don't you? >> yeah. >> stand up. >> greg sms like a nice guy. why is it dficult for him to make friendnds? >> when i was a kid, i hadne best friend. so i was really trying to use that, that model. when you have only one friend, it's really risky. if you lose that best friend or make him mad, he's gone and you're on your own. i think that's who greg is. >>cool. you were kind enough to draw us a character. you drew greg. they'll pull out props. show us how you work the magic. >> pullut a prop. grab anything. how about -- a a crown. so do me a favor and add -- >> we have a crown and we'll do both. you're putting my drawing skills to the test. this might be embarrassing. they're redhead foens. >> we're going to get this done. we'll show you the result w when we come back, no pressure. xel break, you got time. guys, did you have a good time? you excited oobt it? school" goes on sale november 3rd. look for it in stores and online. keep 'em coming. we just love 'em. amy? >> well, actor vin diesel is not driving cars out of planes in his new movie. he's fighting the supersnatch ral. sara haines talked to him. >> reporter: vin diesel is breaking into a new realm with the last witch hunter. gnaw twist on witches, magic, and saving the worl vin is the immortal last witch hunter. his friend and adviser, played michael caine plans to retire. take a look. >> 35 have come before you. here's to the only one i er listened to. >> only the ignore it. isn't it crazy to see a scene with michael caine and myself? i'm such a fan of michael caine for so long. >> reporter: you said this might be a highlight of your career. >> it is. >> you have michael caine, rose leslie, elijah wood. what was it like for all tho worlds to come together? >> surreal. the cast was so good. such a pleasure to work with them. > you alws mentioned this was a cathartic role for you. with the loss of your dear friend paul walker. for this role. can you tell us about that? >> in my life,, and anybody that has kids can identify with this, to the sorrow that you're going through. through. and in some ways, coulder, throughout his whole existence is masking the pain of his loss. >> so ny people remember paul walker. and, sara haines, thank you for that. "the last witch hunter" is in theaters now. i see ginger surrounded by cardinals. >> yes, i am. time for the "gma" football countdown. the cardinals of cardinalayes high school in the bronx. you'll be watching "monday night football" on espn. the arizona cardinals versus the baltimore ravens. kickoff, 83 degrees. they have the retractable roof. don't know if it will be open or closed. dry, light winds. check out the unsung all right. and they're 5-2, which is a good start to the season. all right. coming up on "gma," our "gma" job takeover. and neyo will be hereith friend like . don't go anywhere. time now for "gma's"ob takeover. this morning, rachel smith is taking over a pilates class to help the instructor take control of her health. >> reporter: it's a job takeover that w will mak anyone sweat. it's all for a good use. when is the last time you had a regular eckup? why is that the case? >> i haven't made ate priority. >> reporter: our sponsor, cigna, is calling for checkups. so "gma" got me to do a takeover. my mission to get 35-year-old instructor sidney out of class and in to see the doctor. outside. get out there, no exses. this should be interesting. okay, so, keep your shoulders down. your abs tight. i want to see you lengthen. meanwhile, sidney is getting the all-important checkup. i can't wait for her to check out this class is no joke. pump those arms. keep those abs tight. thought it would? >> no, not at all. quick and plsed. >> reporter: for "good morning america," rachel smith, abc news, los angeles. that. we cannot stop smiling. we have two of the the biggest for an incredible collaboration. producer extraordinary, david foster. he'srought big names together singing disney favorites. and ne-yo, you witare one of them. love you in empire. thank you. disney ahah, a parent company of abc. there's a connection all around the world, peoplple and disney. >> e everybodyas a d disney story. a favorite disney song. this, we found, he found for u.s. and, you know. >> did you get to pick or did you pick the song for the artist? gren stefani. >> david picked this song for me. it was a forceful nudge. no, no, no. i love this song. i was a little worried because there is no -- there's no following, you know, robin williams, may he rest. we just took to ithe musicality o it. >> you have a special connection with aladdin. >> that's my guy in there. he's asleep. don't wake him up. >> he's i there? they must have b been lining up. >> we have jesse jay, ariana grande, gwen stefani. i just knew ne-yo could pull this off. he's got so much to him. he knows music inside and out. >> love it, david. love it, ne-yo. off the new album, we love disney. here's ne-yo acomp nidy david foster. "friend like me" from disney's "aladen." >> one, two, three, four. thieves scheherazade had a thousand tales moets xwrour in luke cause up your sleeves you've got a brand of magic never fails you got some punch, pizazz, yaho a and how see all you gotta do is rub that lamp and say mr. aladdin sir what your pleasure be let me take your order dowow you ain't never had a friend like me life is your restaurant and i'm your maitre d con on and whisper what it is you want you ain't never had a frie like me hey have some of column a try all of column b i'm in the mood to help you, dude, you ain't never had a friend like me oh, my, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo oh can you please do this can your friends do that can your friends pull this out of their little hat can your friends go poof ya ya so don't you sit there slack-jaud bugdy-eyed i'm here to answer all your prayers you got me bona fide certified what's your wish i really want to know you got a list that's three miles long, no doubt all you gotta do is rub like whoa mr. aladdin sir what will your pleasure be i'm on the job you ain't ner had a friend never had a friend you a a't never had a friend you ain't never had a friend you ain't never had a friend like mow neve i wish i could tell you what david just said. david foster. ne-yo. come on, now. >> that was fantastic. ? we wish we c could move like that and sound like that. >> it's not that hard. it's really not. >> sing along, ne-yo. >> what are we doing? original? >> it's free. it's free. >> speaking of. >> thanks to our friends at "aladdin" for providing us with the magic lantern. >> a special thanks the to j jeff kinney. look at that drawing. a special one for us. >> nice, nice. [ cheers and applause ] "show open " sabrina: a quick check of traffic this morning... this is i-235 at m- l-k... [current conditions] sabrina: good morning i'm sabrina ahmed... it's 8:56 ... sabrina: the metro became the center of presidential politics for the democratic party , as the annual jefferson jackson dinner welcomed the three major candidates. but this will be the last year the event is know by that name...the party is currently taking submissions for a new name. they're hoping to have something spring. sabrina: during the e blocks on 12th street have been two way traffic. city officials say one of the biggest benefits of the conversion is increasing traffic to local businesses. they say after people punch out for the day, them to stay in the downtown area. this could be just the beginning of the shift in traffic downtown. the city is doing a walkability study to determine what else could get altered. sabrina: meterologist sam schreier is keeping a close watch on the current conditions... hey sam... sam/ weather adlib: the forecast is falling back to more of a normal, late october pattern just like it should be. we are going to start with a lot of sunshine today but by the early afternoon, clouds will start to fill up the skies. we should stay dry today, and even under the heavy cloud cover we should be able to hit a high in the low 60s. overnight tonight we will stay cloudy and chilly with lows falling into the mid 40s. tuesday is going to be a cloudy day with rain moving in from the southeast during the day. most of the rain tomorrow will stay east, but the metro could see totals between a half an inch to an inch. we will be drying out wednesday morning as the rain moves east from the state, but behind the rain chilly daytime temps will remain with highs in the 50s through the weekend. right now beggars night looks cold with a very small chance of rain, so get your costume figured out and everybody wish for some spooky and dry weather! sabrina: >> in today's news in two. >> i can do things to you that are illegal in every civilized nation in the world. >> announcer: but there's nothing illegal about the milehigh downward dog. >> i am grover, remember me? >> sesame street aims to end bullying of autistic. >> desperate for a makeover. >> how does my husband think about me >> announcer: is her body obsession destroying her marriage? today on the doctors! [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ]

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