Transcripts For WOFL Good Day 8am 20160310 :

Transcripts For WOFL Good Day 8am 20160310

a local mayor is preparing for a float trip from cuba to florida, but he wants to get some practice in on his home made raft. and i guess lakeman road is pretty choppy. for the most part, it can be. >> not a lot of wind out there. >> the florida straights are a lot more tumultuous. >> yeah, they are. >> should be interesting. >> it will be. it's gonna by a warm one. so let's take a look at what's going on. downtown right now, clouds, sun, just a delightful scene. and again, as we get closer to the weekend, there rain chance starts to move up just a smidgen by about sunday. not a big deal. i think it's probably around 30 or 40 %. we're kind of pairing those chances back some from yesterday's 50 ber. we've got 60s for you right now, low end 70s out of melbourne and areas south of that, down toward indian river county. overall, we've got warmth this talk about warmth, don't see nothing yet. 2:00 around 85 or 86, should tonight. tonight. an ongoing south easterly air flow that the at that time. around 10:00, we'll infuse the region with a little high cloudiness moving off the atlantic. overall, more sunshine projected for thursday and friday. by saturday, we see cloud cover increase some. there's that rain chance sunday and then the system moves out into the atlantic, away from central florida. we maintain the 80s for highs, looking good, and bring the rarn chance to a zero come monday afternoon. good morning. i want to take you out to orlando just west of i-4. we do have this crash that's slowing things down on edge water. it's edge water and forest city road. again, backups there on edge water. and taking you jurist next to the florida mall, we have a crash at obt and sand lake road, buts we're quatching that on ontario, possibly some delays on the northbound lane. taking a look at your drive times, i-4 westbound from lake mary boulevard to colonial, 22 minutes. eyebolt from the atragedieses to downtown, we'll take you 21 nullities. and if you're using the 408 this morning from the 417 to downtown, we'll take you 14 minutes. back to you. happening right now, the doors just hoped to a berny sanders rally at the university of florida. >> it's gonna be pretty crowded. the presidential candidate will speak to u.s. students and gainesville residents happening at 11:00 this morning. they're expecting up to 8,000 people expected to be there. and later this afternoon, sanders is gonna travel here to kissimmee where he will hold another rally. right now, sanders do have work ahead of him. hillary clinton continues to dominate here in florida. the latest quint pe ocpolls shows her with a 30 % lead over sanders. right now, she's commanding at 62 % of the vote. the candidates tell the debate last night in miami and ryan is here with more on that. something to yeah, it really was. they didn't have quite the interruptions they had before, but really interesting questions, specifically about think. she was asked about her e-mail scandal and specifically she was asked if she would drop out of the ration if she were to be indicted. >> there was no permission to be asked. it had been done by my predecessors. it was permitted. i didn't have to ask anyone. >> if you get indicted, would you drop out? >> that is not gonna happen. i'm not even answering that question. >> the crowd did not like the question, either. the candidates wasting no time attacking presidential frontrunner donald trump, they were asked point blank if he was a racist and dist how bernie sanders responded. >> i think that the american people are never going to elect a president who insults mexicans, who insults muslims, ewho insults women, whoinal us not forget that several years ago, trump was in the middle of the so-called bertha movement, trying to delegitimize the presidents of the united states of america. >> it was reported last week, fox almost put a sanders trump debate together. boy, that would be something to see. sanders is going to be in gainesville at 11:00 this morning. we've got live report coming that is at 8:30. looking at the rrn side, rube trails donald trump by double digitus in the state of florida. in the latest fox news poll, trump has 43 % support. rubio right there at about 20 points behind him, more than 20 points. he's at 20 bursts. ted cruz, 16 %. john kasich at 16 % and pressure continues to mount on rubio to drop out of the race. images like this one, raising alarms the rubio campaign is in trouble. fox news contributor biron york tweeted this picture from a rubio rally. the stands are pretty much empty fit into one end zone. but the florida says he's not going anywhere. he says she's a true conservative who can beat hillary clinton. he says trump is a divider and his nomination will bring an end to the republican party as we know it. >> i think if donald trump is the republican nominee, it will fracture the republican party in a very serious way and the conservative movement, as well. right now, rubio is in third place in the del get counts. he trails trump by more than 3man del glths. meanwhile, ted cruz who currently sits in second place with delegates will be in orlando tomorrow. he'll hold a rally at faith assembly of god church on curry ford road. he will be joined by carly fiorina who endorsed him yesterday. we're covering candidates as they make stops over the next few days and tune in next tuesday for the results from the democratic and republican primaries and you can get all of your you decide 2016 coverage on our website. developing out of volusia county, police are now stepping up patrols arnold schools in the edge water area after a 9 -year-old boy says he was nearly abducted. the boy was riding his bike to school at the time. this happened yesterday morning along duringt avenue. that child was on his way to edge water elementary when he was approached by a man. the boy was able to get away. the man is described as a white male, he had medium length black hair, had a long black goatee and was wearing a lot of black clothing. anyone with information is asked to scall edge water police. also, a news alert. georgia detectives are on their way here to central florida after they say a mother abducted here. detectives say she took them from a home in albany, george georgia, where another of her kids was dead. 28 -year-old clarion garrison was arrested last night. an autopsy is being performed to charged in that death. the three kids she's accused of abducting were not hurt. and firefighters are now monitoring hot spots. this is a brush fire that damaged some homes. the 45 acre fire flared up yesterday afternoon. it's in the area around sand fuleapo drive in palm bay. flames. four of those were damaged. the fire is now contained. a local school leaders say most five yooerltdz are not ready for kindergarten on time. >> but now they have a new app to help kids get ready. ware gonna show you how it works, straight ahead. plus, crazy faces coming to facebook. why facebook profiles are about to get really silly. okay. >> we had fun with this this morning. and you'll see how this app works and what it did to our faces, as if they're not funny 808ic m: . welcome back. another live view looking downtown this morning. the pollen count, jayme's killing us with this. i'm sneezing like crazy. if you're sneezing, you are not alone. it's the big sneezes, too. yirtsz not like the -- you know what i mean, it's not the little ones. >> no, no, it's the ones where >> yes. and you can see it everywhere. the patio, the it cars. >> the sneeze other pollen? >> well, both. all right, i'm done complaining now. happy thursday. >> sphering's ten days away or something like that. >> maybe it will clear. >> we need rain to clear it out. we've all heard about prep classes to get kids ready for college or even high school. what about kindergarteners? >> strashtsz tell us it's needed because their numbers indicate that 87 percent of kids simply aren't >> these 4 and 5 -year-olds haven't started kindergarten just yet. >> everybody say cat. >> but when they do, their teacher says they'll be ready to read and write. >> go like this, k, k, k. >> and it's an app called foot steps to brilliance. through second grade a head start to success. >> they're working really hard on this at home with their parents help and without. it's very self -- they're doing it all on their own without somebody needing to be with them. >> not only that, but this free app is a huge help for kids learning english as a second language. >> because step brilliance is able to play it the word in english and then switch to spanish, she was able to go back and forth and identify at her own level, at her own speed. >> michelle brown says her 4 -year-old student didn't speak a word of english when she came to the center for early learning. thanks to the fun interactive app, she's way ahead of the game and ready for kindergarten. >> up came the sun and dlieed up all the rain and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again the lee franko coord gnats the footsteps to brill unless program for the osceola school district. she says this app is different it on your phone and ipad than strictly a traditional computer. links add home and school, giving the teacher and parents a look at the child's progress. >> we want them to be successful when they go to kindergarten. if a child comes already without a 30 minute work out in kindergarten, research says he's going to be always behind because he's always going to be trying to catch up. >> what better way than start now, when they're learning their first words? in osceola county, jackie, fox 35 news. well, check this out. first, it there were cool filters on snap chat. now there are interesting self ies on facebook. facebook is buying the company behind the popular mask raid app. the app let's you put animated filters over your face useerin444444444444 yournone's camera. they're pretty fun to play with. we took a few of ourselves. let's who see who's up first. how cool is that, right? >> that's creepy. it's like creepy clown make-up. >> oh, it's a joker? is that what that is? >> i like your eyes. >> i got new contacts. >> they're hard to put in thorax, because they're so big. >> you look like a my little pony. >> i do. >> the flowing mane and the beautiful blue eyes. all right. is that jayme on the left. >> yeah. >> is that leo? >> jayme cap rio. >> you kind of look like you could be getting a unibrow, though. >> whatever. you're growing mouth. >> jayme had knotox. >> a little too much botox. >> kristin looks hot with her kitty cat ears. >> the app is a lot of fun. is it free on facebook? anyway, one of our producers found it. >> they're not that expensive, probably a buck or two. i like it. fun times. >> jayme, give us your best leo impression. all right. yeah, baby. here we go. let's talk numbers now. again, looking good east side of this front, this wave now moving country. real warm. i think spiking near record temperatures, if not breaking records, all the way up totism the eastern sou'easter board. 65 right now for example in nooshgs new york city. springy weather, lows not quite bone chilling in the sense of teens and 20. we got 20s in north dakota, but south of that, starting to phase in beautiful weather, even despite the front moving through the area. the front comes on down and creates a rain chance just a smidge by about sunday to about 40 % until then, looking good, looking dry. 60s with low end 70s for you early this morning. let's talk about the day ahead, a blockbuster. if you like it warm, you might i've got your numbers here for you. 85 by 2:00 and that's just average. i think a lot of you may even eclipse that, especially over the real deep interior south of metro orlando. 96ed skies, breezy, warm, by about 5:00, 83 and 76 by 8:00 time. a few clouds qualify moving and grooving around into the overnight first thing tomorrow friday morning. looking at the golf scene today, delightful out there. real warm, toasting tea time at 3:00. around 86 during that time. and here's the big map, showing us that system over texas. the weekend forecast really hinges on what happens with this and what happens with this because right now, all indications are that this area of high pressure east of the state will slowly begin to crumble, kind of break up some. and when we lose that intensity in the high and force that pup down south of the state, then we open up the gates to let this thing in. it lookings like a lot of energy will run up and over and north of atlanta. we'll get the tail end of this front, drawing closer twort forecast area arnold late saturday into sunday. pudding here for your rain chance on sunday, it looks like the chances are going to be very flat, as an zero, as in not happening. that rain, all the way through much of the weekend. and as we get to sunday afternoon, forecast modeling showing us the approach of this system, starlths to lose the intensity, starts to cap off some of that gulf moisture. ware not dealing with a tremendous chance of rain and that forces a really weak boundary in here. maybe a wind shift, winds come up in advance and back down behind it, put the rain chance, not all that impressive. 30, 40 % maximum at this time. marion forecast today looking pretty good with your 80s today. and our forecast for the next seven days, showing everyone in the 80s. it is time to do the beach front this weekend. and that rain chance looming sunday, 20 % early monday morning with a high of 84. here's kristin with live drive traffic. good morning. good morning. sky fox is flying over i-4 right now in maitland. the eastbound lane, cars comingers to you. a crash has been pushed off to the shoulder. it is not causing delays. this is i-4 eastbound at maitland boulevard. but keep in mind as your passing through the area. shoulder right there. i want to take you west of i-4 now, a crash slowing things down on edge water at engwater and forest city road. so keep that in mind. and heading down to kissimmee, this is osceola parkway, partially blocked at orange. my face is in the way, avenue. so keep in mind, taking you to our fox 35 pump patrol, regular gas is $1.72 at the quick mart on south bumpy avenue and east ilyawna street in orlando. remember, you can also check out gas saving tips on your women fox 35 john and amy, back to you. way. you can't even see the l behind us. >> scoot over this way. >> that's good. >> yeah a. >> florida's almonylaws are changing. we have a divorce attorney on what it means for put more fun in your day with ice-cream-flavored coffees at dunkin' donuts. go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. enjoy one today. this is a letter from someone who's here. she has to take a brand name drug. been taking it since the early 1980's. at that time it cost approximately $180 for 10 shots. the latest refill was $14.700 for the same 10 vials and the company is called valeant pharmaceuticals. i'm going after them. this is predatory pricing and it is stopped. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. the bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. dunkin's new grandde burrito -- a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. go grande america runs on dunkin'. . there's your live look in downtown. what a beautiful start to the day. lake eola right there, all the businesses all around. i would love to work in one of those offices right down by inlake. my next guest does. that's why i'm saying that. >> and it is beautiful. >> an alimony bill is on its way to the governor's desk and that bill includes a controversial proposal about children spending equal time with divorced parents. they would also be changeds to the duration of almonypayments. they would now be based on the number of years a marriage lasted, while fact, also in the couple's gross income. rebecca palmer. you guys are in that beautiful building. >> what a great view. >> so if the governor signs this, you've had a chance to look at this. let's start with the alimony. i think the story that gets people, especially men, angry is a woman in south florida marries a guy for a month and gets alimony for the rest of her life. guys say that's not fair. is this correct? >> what is the story with this? >> that's actually absurd. what this does is really unique and in my world, it's big news. the new statute, assuming the governor signs it and it becomes stchlt, it gives a mathematical a formula of what alimony should be, a high and a low. we've never had that. we've not had a formula. it's always been something looking at factors and what's the need and ability to pay. so huge change. >> what does it mean for women? >> for women and men that may stay at home, it can be a big difference. and people are nervous about it. it's actually a huge change for stay at home, not have a career, and now can't rely necessarily on the alimony, specifically not permanently alimony. that would be ended. >> so they're factoring how long the marriage was. you can see where the controversy is. is you got married, mom stays home to take care of the kids. she's lost the earning potential over 12 years. and now they get a divorce. what's mom to do? is that what they're trying to work here? >> that is the concern. there still is almine. it's not ended flefsh forever. but it's a calculation, a high and a low. so you have a specific guideline of what to do. that may change litigation, steely. >> does it change the way you handle divorces if this goes through? >> it does. mathematical mathematical, we now have a formula. it would take place october 2016 if it became law. >> also, levelling the playing field is how some are saying it with the kids. mom, dad each get equal time. that's it. >> the concept now is the court would consider, deshould be a 50 the 50 percentage of time. now, 50 -sgaft can be fantastic for families and children, but it can also be a disaster. you can't use cookie consulter law is the problem. what may be good for one child may not be for another. >> when we parents got divorced, they said, of course women know how to take care of children, you get sole custody. that's changing now. it's not just the judge saying you get it and you don't, so it's on the books like this as well where he does get to split. >> the idea is you walk to the courtroom, there's going to be a premise that it's going to be 50 -50. that doesn't me it ultimately will be, but it's going to be a premise that that's where you start when you walk into the courtroom. i'm when i started practicing, people were very much against 50 - 50, but it's now become favor. >> >> i want to come visit you with that office right there. >> there's a little park. you can go on the swings. >> lunch on the vuresidentia. still to come, a local mayor getting his feet wet as he plans to float from cuba to florida. live with what he's doing on a to get ready for that epic . >> we need some rain. >> get one of those salt-water rinses, right? >> will that help? >> we just washed the car. i think i left work yesterday and i'm like, i don't have a yellow car. >> it's pointless. jayme, when's it gonna end? help. rain chance comes back by about sunday, but the chances are like starting to really shrink up. we're not all that impressed with the system in a while increase the clouds and ultimately the moisture count, thus the rain chance. we'll see how the pans out, but as of right now, there's no chance today, certainly not tomorrow or saturday. we've got mild temperatures, though. 70s in the coastal areas of brevard and then 60s else where. mixed skies, breezy and warm. how high might those temperatures fly today? we think mid and upper 80s when it's all said and done. tomorrow, temperatures pretty much in the same range and down just a smidge as clouds roll in. chance of rain sunday at 40 percent. 20 % very early monday morning, maintain the 80s, inover knights, are pretty mild, right through the mid 60s. enjoy. here's kristin now with your live drive traffic. >> good morning. i want to take you out to i-4 in longwood. we have reports of a crash slowing things down just a little on the westbound lane of i-4 and taking down to just west of i-4 on the 424, edge water drive and for city read, a crash slowing things down. if your hopping on the 408 this morning, from the 417 to downtown, that will take you 12 minutes. back to you. thanx. you decide, 2016 this morning, bernie sanders is campaigning here in central florida. >> thousands of people expected to attend that rally at the university of florida. and bern has a lot at stake right now as he tries to ward off hillary clinton here in the sunshine is state. we're live. and a lot of people out there behind you already. >> good morning ture. it's gonna by a busy day here on the campus of the university of florida. the crowd already starting to build. they just opened the doors here before 8:00 to let the crowd in. they've started to trickle in. tight security. they've got the metal detecters set up. it the main stage behind me is where bernie sanders will be speaking. he's set to take the stage around 11:00 this morning. if all goes as planned, he'll be on the stage at 11:00. they're expecting thousands here as we pan the crowd. nick's gonna show you behind the scenes here, yoke see the metal detecters set up. i'd say there's a hefty crowd, at least 500 people already lined up, but they're expecting thousands here. it's still early yet, of course for college campuses. >> as for bern, he's had a busy week with his big win in michigan and the big debate last night with hillary. hillary clinton cubits to dominate in the polls here in florida. with a 30 % lead over sanders. right now, she has 62 % of the vote mere in the sunshine state. here's what both of them had to say about the results in michigan. >> we have won nine states primaries and caucuses and i believe that our message of the need for people to stand up and tell corporate america and wall street that they cannot have it all is resonating across this country and i think in the coming weeks and months, we're going to continue to do extremely well, win a number of these primaries, and convince super delegates that bernie sanders is the strongest candidate to beat donald trump. >> it was a very close race. we've had some of those. i've won some. i've lost some. but i was very pleased by the overall outcome last night, and now we're on to the states for next tuesday and i'm looking forward to campaigning hard in all of them. campaigning very hard here in florida. back out here on the kachlgs of university of florida,ware here at the southfield and the crowd is building and they're slowly trickling in. again, the security pretty tight here this morning as all the folks have to come through the metal detecters before they're allowed onto the field. but this is bernie sanders kind of crowd. it's a college crowd and theirs here, signed up, ready to go. and a few of them even have their feel the bern signs. we'll be here monitoring the crowd and getting reaction for you throughout the morning. news. your source for the race for the white house. we're covering the candidates as they make stops all across central florida over the next few days heading up to the florida primary. tune in for the results for the primaries. get all of your coverage on our website, fox 35 well, for the first time here in the state of florida, the zika virus hitch spread through sexual contact. >> that story kicks off our the state health department says this case involves a polk county resident who recently traveled outside of the country. governor scott is now asking the cdc to meet with florida's healthcare workers to provide the most up to date information on that disease and how it kerb treated. officials are also looking at new ways to combat the virus, including new insect side spray. also, a woman from jacksonville after she says says her 4 -year-old son shot her in the back on tuesday. jamie is her name, driving in putnam when the boy shot her from the back seat. investigators say that the woman is the legal owner of the gun and it was in the vehicle legally. but authorities say they're going to speak with her to determine if any charges are going to be filed. as of right now, guilt is in stabling condition at the hospital. and her son is with family members members. they're considering an ordinance that would ban hunting the bear within the county. county leaders say bear hunts do little the reduce the number of bears that wanderinate instead, officials say homeowners should continue to lock up nar trash and bring pet food in at night. 304 bears were killed across florida last fall, but only four of those were in seminole county. happening right now, the mayor putting his raft building skills is to test before he tries to row from cuba up to florida. >> this morning, mayor clint johnson is at lake monroe for a trial run and fox 35's jackie is live with the mayor and what's gonna happen today. >> good morning. i'm over here with the mayor and he's been getting his raft set up. and with me is the mayor. just talk about everybody's asking why are you doing this? >> first and foremost, it's for adventure. i love going out and doing these trips and pushing my boundaries. but also, it's a largely untold story if you start looking into the people who have made the journey before me, it's not really very well documented from a first person. >> and the coast guard has urged you not to do this. >> i certainly appreciate and respect their concern for my safety and the safety of the rescuers and i'm looking forward to qualming with them anyway i can to insure everybody's safety and satisfaction with the trip. >> is your family worried? >> they're concerned but supportive. i think they're used to please doing stuff like this now. >> i'll let you go and this will be his first fest run so you can go right ahead. >> i don't know if this will work, so. >> we're lull out here, cheering you on. so pretty close. but those are 2, 55 -gallon barrels he has. home made. said he took them -- how long the raft? >> couple of hours. >> yeah a few hours just to make this home made raft. and again, he'll be flying to cuba sometime in the middle of next month and he'll be floating back to the u.s. on a home made raft, similar to this right here. now, havana sun a sun screen company is paying for his trip to fly to cuba, but he will 255 -gallon barrels being held together with a few piecesof 2 x fours and rope. he will use pipes to paddle 90 miles to key wrest. and again west. and again, the u.s. coast guard is urging the mayor to reconsider his mranlz. >> this is a satisfactory test. >> and you see him floating out there. he says he'll be practicing out here for a few hours out this morning and then in a few weeks, he'll be going out the new smyrna beach to get the real feel of the ocean. now, he plans to go all the way on the other side. and he said that he will be of course having plenty of sin screen and a consumption with him, as well, so we'll be sticking south here all morning long to see if he's going to be making his way all the way on the other side, but he says if he feels good about it. >> combrvs going to ask you, he's going all the way across the lake over to enterprise area today? is that the plan? >> yeah. just to go all the way over there. i don't know if you guys can see, like a white buoy on the other side. that's where he plans ongoing to test out the raft. so it's not too far, you know, considering that he plans ongoing 90 miles from cuba. >> the wind's blowing against him so the return trip today may be a little quickr. >> i hope he's gonna pack some snacks. >> he knows there's gators out there, right? >> how about going to the bathroom? he's gonna have to go to the bathroom a couple times, you be what i'm saying? >> he says hiss just wants to experience the real thing. >> well, that's experiencing it. >> well, jackie, thanks much. we'll be cutting back in. keep that camera on him. we'll see how that keeps going throughout the show here. >> i don't get it. still to come, sharon osborne getting in on the kim kardashian facebook controversy. >> the extreme lengths that ozzy support the reality star. also, on this day in history, 1979, this should be the mayor's anthem. i will survive. will survivor. many see it as the anthem for getting over a break-up, but that is not what inspired the song writer song? it was not a rafting trip. he beat cancer, or he got fired. lemme get a mcpick 2 check out the brand new mix on mcdonald's mcpick 2 menu! lemme get a mcpick 2. now, choose any 2 delicious mickey d's classics for just $5 bucks. mix n match share n savor 2 for $5 name your flavor pick any 2 iconic tastes- a big mac made with 100% beef, flaky filet-o-fish, seared on the grill quarter pounder with cheese or crispy 10-piece chicken mcnuggets for just $5 bucks. grab your crew today. hurry in and say - lemme get a mcpick 2 . it was on this day in history, march 10, 1979, was the year that gloria gainer hit many see this song as the anthem for getting over a break-up, but it turns out that is not writer. what led him, it was a male song writer, what led him to write this song? was it bankruptcy, that he beat cancerer or that he got fired? which of these do you think led will survive? morning. those are your three choices. ware gonna send it over to the weather team today. >> you listen to the lyrics differently ewhen you know it's not about breaking up. >> isn't that crazy? >> we're gonna go with b, got fired. >> what do you care, luann and ryan? >> i didn't hear a word you guys said because i was listening to the words. >> you're not welcome anymore. >> can't be bankruptcy. >> it could be beat cancer, dhow. let's go with your first thought. i think it's galt fired. >> what do you think? i mean, got fired, that makes sense. it's the 70s. a rove time. >> yeah, gas prices. let's see. the answer is ehe got fired. you guys are smart. ? song's lyrics, the name is deano fucar is. it was about getting fired by mo continue. he'd been a writer there for seven years and then heard another song that he had written on the radio and he was like, you know what, i'm gonna beat this song and i will survive and he wrote this song and laurie gainers made history. >> i had me clue. in that fascinating? he got fired by mo town. >> not only that, but it became probably his biggest song ever and mo town's like, we'll take you back. >> i love this song. thanks for playing, everybody. good job. winnish berth. all right. here we go. let's take a look, we've gait i-4 for you here. it is slow and go. live drive traffic and kristin update you on your drive times and airflows else for you on this thursday morning. and boy, is that commute going strong right now. come on back. let's see the morning temperatures. we bottomed out at preamp through the 60s. we're at 70 down in coastal braefbd down at melbourne. gafblg, 67 brooksville and temperatura in the northern shores of tampa bay at 70 degrees. everything hinging on this guy right here, big tremendous throb atlantic high pressure. it's brought in times of clouds, times of sun. we've literally had it all. later today, not much changes. the only thing that changeicize we warm things up even mere. can you believe it? look at this. by 2:00, we are pressing and going straight through the middle 80s by 5, 83, and 76 by 8:00 tonight. we'll keep those south and pretty good and things settle down into the night tonight. as they slacken those winds, we'll still maintain very mild conditions, scattered clouds, most lay sunny. towards 8:00 tomorrow for your friday morning. here interest deal. the weekend forecast obviously hinge ping on this. what drips west normally comes east and we're east of this mark. so with high pressure in place, this thing is so strong. it's like an amomally. it's freakishly strong right now. it's pumping up again. if that high begins to weaken, some of the forecast mulcts begin to weaken this thing, it shoves it south toward puerto rico. we'll have shifting winds that will allow this thing to get in here. right now, a lot of the models are saying, hey, maybe it doesn't break down that much and we allow for just a slimering chance, maybe 30 or 40 percent of us seeing rain drops come sunday, but not today. not tomorrow. and not saturday. we know this. okay? so we're gonna continue with the general theme of the chance of rain coming up sunday. forecast of mixed skies, some sun, some clouds. no chance of rain and rather warm temperatures for the season. here we go. here's the modeling, showing us again, that line marching on through the central gulf, draws closer, closer, all the while, it begins to weaken. maybe a high pressure center again, blakes down just a smidge. we'll allow the tail end to swing on through. no ramifications in the temperature forecast. only the up swing in our winds at times. cloud cover and a chance of rain at about 40 %. as told by our siphoning-day forecast for your sunday. again, high of 84. a rain chance at 30 or 40 %. i don't think much higher than that. ied a screesvise you to keep it here. we'll keep you up to date. and we'll refine the forecast even more and try to dial you into a good looking weekend weather scenario. hey, everybody. it's taylor, our weather baby of the moment. this is a good looking child right here. mom and dad, thank you so much. place are weather babies in severally florida and light here, fox 35, >> over to you, krirsen. so cute. trying to iread her bib, but i can't make out what it says. >> it says i'm awesome? okay. >> anyway, taking you right now to john young parkway, been having several issues thiolics morning. at 8th road a partially blocked lane at john young and ace rode just west of i four. and taking you over to cimarron boulevard, an accident out in curry ford road which is slowing things down on cimarron. keep that in mind if your in that area. taking a look at your drive times, i-4 westbound from lake mary to colonial, 26 minutes eastbound i four from attractions to downtown, 23 minutes and if you're using the 408 this morning, 417 to down, 12 minutes. time to check out what's hot in hollywood today. >> kim k may have started to trend now. sharon osborne has now postsed her own nude selfie online. photo, posing in front of a mirror with her private parts blacked out. kim kardashian did the same thing earlier this week. osborne tweeted out the picture with the caption,444444444444k, you inspired me, with the # liberating. >> justin beiber taking heat for not paying his bar tab. he kicked off the tour in seattle last night and after the show, bibr and his aunt raj went to tabar, bought a round of shots, and took off. turns outlet, though, the group left to avoid vabar fight after a disgruntled fan started arguing with them. but they did make it right. one of justin's body guards came back a few hours later and paid the whole tab. >> all right. that's good. mariah care areportedly starring in a new reality show. the singer skaernlt filming a documentary style series, called mariah's squad. the series takes viewers behind the scenes of her las vegas show and her upcoming concert tour. no word yet on when the show is going to air. >> still to come, skip the late rate in one simple step. >> plus, first it was barb any now another society is getting a make over. we'll have more on the ken doll new look, coming up next. 8:51 right now. here is the mayor again, making his way across lake monroe right now in anticipation for his trip from cuba to the keys. put more fun in your day with ice-cream-flavored coffees at dunkin' donuts. go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. enjoy one today. some people don't like to share their wifi, but at bright house networks, we do. get your code for free wifi at over 50,000 bright house wifi hotspots. the bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. dunkin's new grandde burrito -- a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. go grande with veggie or sausage today. america runs on dunkin'. . already 69 degrees. got a live look at the citrus bowl this morning, looking good. >> a consumer alert for you this morning. you may want to think again corona. >> the corona'seener is recalling some bottles because they may have glass in them. corona u.s.a. posted this picture to the website. that's where you can find a list of the production codes to look out for. the recall affects 12 and 18 packs of beer. constellation brand says they've gotten snow complaints or heard of any injuries regimented to the recall at this point and it's actually the 12 ounce bottles. you can get more information, but they said it's very, very few of them are even on the shelves right now, less than one half of 1 %. >> if you want to avoid credit card late fees, it might be a lot easier than you think. a new study says nearly nine out of ten people when he ask their credit card company to drop a late fee actually had their request trented. three ow out of four people say they actually got a lower interest rate by asking. >> is new kind of ken doll, ditching the 6 -pack for the average look. this is normal ken. >> is it just me or does that look like you? but look at his face. >> yes, he looks very average. >> i'm just saying he looks like >> all right. he's part of the program of dolls made with real human proportions. thank you. >> this shows what people really look like as opposed to actual taller. >> don't wear jean shorts. >> i've gotten several comments, saying what did you do to your hair today? i didn't d y e it. crow get it. >> i liked it when you had a little salt and pepper. >> i'm not afraid to mite it. these are grey. >> it is. i'm grey here like mitt romney and the rest is black. i wouldn't even lie. >> i like the salt. >> i didn't do anything different. mane i am getting younger. all new on "good day orlando" at 9:00, balloons are helping people lose weight. procedure that will help ayou feel full while you're dropping here on yeyeahah, , ththatat's's r rigightht.. dedealal d diviva a cocomimingng t thrhrououghgh.. yoyou u sesee e alall l mymy b bogogosos,, mymy w weeeeklkly y adad.. mymy s savaviningsgs.. ururseselflf.. ththe e didigigitatal l cocoupupononss arare e cocomimingng n nexext.t. lolookok a at t heher,r, soso p proroudud o of f heher r momommmma.a. yoyou u sasaveved d ququitite e a a bibit t totodadayy gogo a aheheadad. . sasay y itit.. chcha-a-chchining!g! ththanank k yoyouu ththe e weweekeklyly a ad,d, b bogogosos anand d cocoupuponons.s. ththreree e eaeasysy w wayays s toto s savavee atat t thehe s samame e plplacace e yoyouu loloveve t to o shshopop.. pupublblixix. . whwherere e shshopoppipingng isis a a p pleleasasurure.e. . 9:00 on your thursday morning. welcome back. i'm john brown. >> i'm amy.

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