Transcripts For WNYW Good Day Wake Up 2 20151202 : compareme

Transcripts For WNYW Good Day Wake Up 2 20151202

for reforming albany in the wake of sheldon silver corruption charges. >> manhattan is getting a new heir not telling you what it is. but saving digits for a big reveal later on. but juliet huddy is excited about new numbers. she thinks they gel and vibe nicely. >> it is topnotch. >> best area codes of manhattan since the 212 perhaps. >> or 446. >> the 646. >> a newbie with a 646. good morning everybody i'm ben simmoneau. juliet: i'm juliet huddy thanks for joining us today. ben: thank you for holding your umbrella over my head last time i'm going to say it. juliet: for the next 56 minutes or so. surgery this morning. audrey: tearing a tendon away from a bone. injured right side with a tricep. it was in a pool in miami. playing volleyball with oversized and we want to spike it -- so yesterday his elbow was looking swollen. went to the doctor. they said we need to fix that asapr. getting a fixed today and i'm here in the meantime. juliet: have to settle that one down. audrey: he plays hard. out o the door this morning grab your umbrella we have light rain showers in bridgeport although it is dry across portion of new jersey and into new york city. we have another round of rain that's headed in our direction. another thing that may slow you down on the roads is patchy fog that we're finding. visibility reduced across the area so you want to be aware of that as well. right now temperatures are actually pretty nice, i mean, this is the first week of this early hour in the 50s and in the 40s. 47 in central park. 42 poughkeepsie. bridgeport at 42. we're in the 40s across long island and even 52 nice degree it is down the shore in belmar. here's that first batch of rain over the last couple of l hours u now pushing out to the east. a lot of clouds in place stay with us throughout the day and then watching this area of rain right here that that will be moving into the region by middle of the day. you want your umbrella handy. know ising through minnesota, wisconsin, iowa we won't get that here. because temperatures are too mild. readings above average for this time of year and then see a cooldown into tomorrow and for the next couple of days. keep your umbrella handy today. temperatures into the middle 50s above average for this time of the year. 51 in the city but factor in a breeze chilly tomorrow even though more in the way of sunshine. sunny into the wopped and temperatures will hover around 50 degrees for next several days. let's see the roads this morning. ines is here with an update. >> we have problems with wet roadways, as you mentioned visibility with the fog that's also an issue right now let's start off with westchester problem on new england u throughway northbound two accidents north avenue a jackknifed tractor trailer minivan. all of this causing delays on northbound side. new jersey 22 eastbound just cleared away a stall. all delays cleared. 280 doing fine. cameras take a look at your commute this morning on l.i.e. slow down westbound. just slow ride. eastbound side you're fine. george washington bridge let's tack a look at that. you can see visibility poor so a 35 miles per hour speed restriction at the gwb. 25 miles per hour at the outer bridge. but heading towards the city right now, doing fine upper, lower level minor delays same for lincoln and holland. maintenance in n and r train southbound running on q line everything else on or close to schedule. ben and juliet. juliet: thank you. support for isis apparently is growing here in the u.s., and new york state leads the way for number of arrests of those supporters. >> according to a study by george washington university u.s. authorities made 71 isis related arrests. 56 of them this year of those 13 happened here in new york. that is more than any other state followed by minnesota with 11 interesting there. the study also found most of the isis sympathizers are younger with average age being just 26. 86% of those arrested are male. juliet: united states is sending more special operation forces to help kurdish forces but iraq prime minister says they're not needed. u.s. defense secretary ash carter made announcement yesterday. fox news is reporting that 200 troops will be sent to iraq in kill senior leaders of that terror network. his country needs training, weapon, advices from the international community not foreign forces fighting on iraqi soil. >> the guilty verdict from the corruption trial of former state asystemmably speaker sheldon silver triggering now calls to clean up average. >> that includes push to limit outside income that lawmakers earn. but this sounds leak a situation that could be easily more said than done. governor himself doesn't think had is likely. >> lawmakers don't have appetite to do this. the reason why outside income comes into play is quite simple actually lawmakers are part-time not full-time so they supplement state incomes with other sources but there in lies the blurred line between personal and official business. getting rid of that income is a been unwilling to take. >> if you break the law, you will get caught, and you will get convicted, so dent even think about it. >> andrew cuomo offered first spoken remarks since jury found sheldon silver guilty on all seven counts he faced. governor announced that a special election to fill silver seat will be held on prl 19th same day as new york presidential primary with silver now a convicted felon turns to cleaning up albany and governor will not call a special session since the legislature will be back in session soon enough. the governor defended the laws already on the books. >> we have unprecedented disclosure and transparency in albany. we now have a first ever law where legislators have to disclose their outside income. >> outside income that silver and other legislators have necessary if new york state had a full-time legislature but that amendment. >> i'm intrigued by the full-time legislature because that would end the conflict of interest where legislators always get into trouble. always the same thing. it's in their outside income and are they getting paid as a legislator or o are they getting paid as an attorney? >> silver may not be the last shoe to drop. skelos and son adam are facing corruption charges their trial is in the third week of testimony. >> returning to civil vertical for one moment even though he was convicted, he's still collecting his state pension at tarp expense. now, it is likely that u.s. to collect that as restitution in this case. back to you. >> there should be a rule if you're convicted you lose your pension. >> that too is stalled in the legislature. >> of course. one of the most absurd thing. no payment from the state, bottom line. i don't care what you paid into the system. you're a convicted criminal. >> that's the price of your crime. >> exactly. >> robert moses sorry of my outrage there. >> never seeses to amaze me especially when it comes to politics. and never ceases to amaze me. >> now reporting that tips they received go to charity even though there's no evidence that that is the case. this is perhaps there's more bad behavior in times square. the developments on this busy holiday season. reporter: hearings the question to both of you. good morning ben and juliet. have you ever been proamped by a character. do you feel the need to tip them if they come up to you? juliet: no, but i stay out of the area but i push past them. sorry. reporter: that's because we know our rights and how to get around the city. it's not that way for tourist who is think this is what i'm supposed to be doing. the latest happened -- it happened behind me in duffy square a man named oscar rodriguez by the counter dressed like spied or man act aing more like a villain than superhero he was supposed to be mouthing off to police officers. in an area where characters tried to contain him and they ended up arresting him. and then there's this video back in july, 2014 of junior bishop dressed as another spider-man fighting with cops in this video. he was arrested because of it. that case later dropped now he's suing the city. guess what, he was actually arrested again on sunday dressed as the incredible hulk for allegedly verbally assaulting a female police officer. all of this happened because a tourist didn't want to give him the tip that he thought was worthy of the photo that he had taken. characters behaving badly a big problem here in times square we've been talking about this nonstop for certainly the last year as it seems more and more of the incidents are occurring. thrrve efforts to attempt to control these characters, but so far none have really worked. there's one proposal that will is -- put forth by the times square at this time to rezone times square if you do that maybe des ig enated where these characters are not allowed to go and if they do they face hefty fines 100 bucks at a pop. maybe that's the way to keep them in their respective areas and behaving. either way whatever they decide to do here it is important that if you are a tourist coming to times square during holiday season if you take a picture with a character you are not required to tip them. that is on your whether you want to give them nothing, a dollar, or $20. that's just simply your decision. make sure that you know that. that is latest from times square. ben and juliet back to both of you. ben: teresa priolo for us the cross roads of the world. thank you very much. juliet: party helicopter there is. ben:one month tlg the big party in the east. juliet: everybody is watching the weather especially those heading to rockefeller center. through the tristate area and taking a bit of a lull across the area but there's more on the way. temperature right now is at 47 and we're in store for a mild day with high readings mostly in the u 50s. track the rain with us us with the fox 5 weather app and we can giver you hourly updates on it too. you can download it free at your google play store and itunes store "fox 5 ny" weather. stay tuned, more "good day new york" will be right back. dunkin's new sweet black pepper bacon sandwich, with double the slices of caramelized crispy pepper bacon. it's the bacon experience you've been waiting for. bacon up. pone of the cool perks of this place pis you can eat as much cereal as you want. it' s like i' m going to work to get some. alrighty. we just like cereal. we make it, eat it, love it, live it. (laughing) if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...isn't it time to let the... ...real you shine... apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. pdon't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase... ...the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression... ...or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop side effffects may ilude diarrhea, nausea, pupper respiratory tract tell your doctor about all the and if you're pregnant or ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. every coconut has a dream. to come out of its shell. to show all the world its true, inner beauty. and then, in an ironic twist, get covered up by almond joy mounds. what every coconut wants. ben: all right. everybody loves those christmas lights this tile of the year fun and games until someone gets hurt or your e wi-fi slow town. yes twinkling lights could be slowing your wireless connection according to watch dog. the wiring in the lights can increase radio frequency with your home. and i feel you have technical difficulties. difficulties. didn't you have a problem with a name on your e-mail. >> a christina park they think. providers increase dramatically during the holiday season. >> no problem up in harlem. 125th street came up with lights. holiday lights had pooted, tastings, live intriment and prad of light it is is official kickoff to holiday season in that neighborhood. tonight is rockefeller christmas tree lighting so audrey has been following weather pattern for us. >> not looking so great outside. >> probably wasn't that nice last night for if harlem folks either. >> rain expected so if you're heading out to rockefeller center and folks out there for several hours before you light the tree have your wet weather gear handy. good news, though, it is mild. temperatures in the 50s that will provide a bit of a comfort. but you'll need your umbrella handy. starting off in the 40s. 47 in central park. 52 in belmar at the moment. ten degrees cooler at sussex. rain now pushing out to northeast here, and then we have another batch coming from the southwest of us that is currently bringing steady rainfall across west virginia and western portion of virginia, and now moving into tristate area at least arriving here by middle part of the day. u now become side of it colder air changing the precipitation over to snow. not getting to that because temperatures are above average for this time of year. future cast is showing rain moving in second batch after 2:00 or 3:00 and moves out of here. things fizzle out into the evening but there's still the chance of a u few showers as we go into late evening hours. tomorrow wake up with some clouds but season shine by afternoon. temperatures drop a little bit behind the front and it will be breezy too. today will be mild. high numbers in middle to upper 50s. tomorrow be at 51 but brosy and sunny. sunshine for friday, saturday, sunday into monday. temperature stay seasonal for this time of year and high degrees. that's a check of the weather. ines has your update. >> good morning audrey we have stuff going on this morning. start off with westchester new england throughway a mess. one involving jackknife tractor trailer. second accident this is northbound before north street queens a problem on cross island parkway northbound as you pass l.i.e. a stall block a lane. l.i.e. clear view boulevard. in new jersey lost that camera. now gwb -- very foggy speed restrictions 35 miles per hour on gwb. 25 on outer bridge approaching busier. lincoln and holland minor delays. ben and juliet. >> thank you very much. juliet: thank you ines thank you fight over getting zadroga act with the expiring health care for 9/11 first responders senate democrats accusing ?afort mitch mcconnell for blocking the bill supposed to be a provision in a highway bill but was left out. an agreement has been done for weeks according to democrats. >> led to believe there was a strong responsibility that it would be included to be filed and voted as early as thursday only to be told it is no longer a part of that legislation. i don't care how it gets done. this act needs to be reenacted. denied trying to block the bill and agreement was not finalized. congress has two more chances act may be included in a year end spending bill or part of a separate tax bill. let's get it done. >> okay no kidding. under intense public and rahm emanuel fired top cop pl folks calling for this to happen. the reason the growing fallout of a police shooting caught on camera and alleged coverup. gary who used to be director police director for city of newark by the way had become a distraction after a wave of protest shut down windy city. demonstrators outraged of a black teen by a white cop 17-year-old mcdonald shot 16 times by officer jason van dyke. >> public trust in the leadership of the department has been shaken and eroded. >> we hear before this emblem of death -- this casket to bury for this conduct in the city of chicago. >> officer van dyke is facing first-degree murder charges. he posted 150,000 bond after a his torn assured judge he's not a flight risk. there are growing calls for >> manhattan getting brangd new area code, here it is. 332. it is to keep up with demand for u new home and business phone numbers excited about this. 332 area code won't be operational, time to wait for it. >> excitement will build. >> marinate in there but submitting plan on how to implement it by next month. manhattan already has, of course, o several area codes ppg religion dare 212 and then 646 and 917. some land license use 917 but reversed for mobile phones. >> my memory it is going. but my phone number down in miami 332. look at that. it is leak it was meant for me. >> you change your phone number every 6 months so you can get >> yeah kind of -- >> you like to change carriers too. >> i do? >> twice. i've known you three years. t-mobile for a while. >> now. >> so like first time i've ever changed. >> you don't know me. that one was -- [laughter] more changes are cooling to menus of some of america's big etion chain restaurants. >> wondering why you do that. juliet: i like change in my (man) what's that, remy? (remy) it-it's a speck of cork, sir. (vo) a new york gentleman spends $28,000 a week on wine to sit in. (man) i'm so sorry you had to see this. (vo) you'd make a way better rich person. (man) i'll be in the pool. (vo) lotto. making more new yorkers rich than any other game. it's the final countdown! the final countdown! you love a final countdown. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. no way. savor an egg mcmuffin any time you like. a fresh cracked egg, canadian with real butter. mcdonald's all day breakfast menu. >> all right we're back two deliver rei cab drivers robbed at knife point and police say suspect is a woman and they need your help to catch her. here's surveillance video that happened november 27th. police say the suspect got into a delivery cab at port richmond avenue and pulled out knife and ran off with keys to the vehicle. the driver was not injured. about a half hour later she got a struggle with another cab driver and he was cut on the hand. if you have any information call crime stoppers 1-800-577-tips. >> all right 6:26. we're going to attack a break. ben: tom stories, weather when traffic when we return. plus. >> u how mark zuckerberg is daughter that is a celebration for the ages. we're going to tell you what's spend less time chasing sales and more time making room at the table. find thoughtful gifts at amazing prices everyday at t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods. your four legged friend deserves something as special as everyone else in the family. amazing prices everyday juliet: oh, the rainy weather continues today. ben: quite the sigh there. juliet: sound like taylor swift. ahh -- i worked monday. ben: that was it? ben: not yesterday. juliet: always working in my heart. will the rest of the week will rainy or dry? [laughter] audrey will answer that question for us. ben: that is the question . new york city on face to have 2014. at the current rate about 5% more this year. >> thankfully a missing bronx toddler found safe in new jersey last night. three-year-old girl was located with her dad accused of stabbing ben: big news from facebook founder mark zuckerberg does not plan to let all of his billions burn a hole in his pocket. he has more money than you could realistically spend not spend all that he has. he's going to give away 99% of it. juliet: pretty unbelievable. this story i love it. i love it. ben: it does renew for me -- humanity. >> people are tweeting saying you know he doesn't have enough money to pay rent but giving 99% of had his shares away. a huge deal. going to help a lot of people. a lot of people. ben: lots of money there. all right good morning everybody witness stand morning i'm ben simmoneau been juliet: i'm juliet huddy thank you for joining us. glenn hanser concert unbelievable and kick theater most stunning i've it ever seen people there so pleasant. they work so hard i want to give them a shoutout. >> but barclays center staff -- rumor. but yeah. >> it is fantastic. >> and then there's that. all right well you know what we're not starting out so good with our weather. not very pretty. rain across the tristate area. temperatures, though, are like mild for this time of year. 47 degrees where we're start off in central park. 46 in newark. 52 already down the shore in belmar. 42 in poughkeepsie, and upper 30s up towards month semilow. fog an may slow you down in some of the area roadways. most of that across the coastal section up to monticello reduced visibility there. be careful 17 or 84 or 80 across sussex county. last couple of hours is moving out to east here. it appears to be dry across much of the area but dote be fooled. another batch much rain coming in our direction bringing rain across west virginia, and virginia should get here after about 2:00 this afternoon. wet weather later this afternoon. temperatures mild and above average for this time of the year. 51 degreeses for tomorrow in the park. breezy and sunshine into the weekend as temperatures hover around 50 degrees. that's a check of your weather. now a check of the roads with ines. good morning. rming we've had problems here and there. big headache, though, in westchester. new england throughway a jackknife tractor trailer accident here northbound slowing everyone down. you can see delays back to the hutch there. jackknife tractor trailer accident is before theater street. airmingt arrives reporting 45 call ahead and blocking a lane. cameras tack a look at the long island expressway by new hyde park slowdown there. a stall and tough to see but off to shoulder here in westbound. everybody slowing down. eastbound sued you're fine. gridlock alert day right now mass transit on or close to schedule. street cleaning rules in effect. ben and juliet. >> thank you. >> there has -- alert. >> her father took her yesterday after stabbing her mother he then fled in a minivan. a little girl was inside, an amber alert issued but canceled after stopped on garden state parkway in clifton new jersey last night. in critical condition. a spike in the murder rate in new york city . korgts the post as of last this is year. number could hilt 350 by 31st could be 5% more than last year. brook lip is deadliest with 128 murder followed by bronx with 83. queens, mants, and staten island. mayor de blasio has blamed gang violence foririse inureds but 51 drets have been director linked. >> in the wake of conviction of former state assembly speaker sheldon silver. >> banning income for state lawmakers. robert moses here now with the details for us. good morning to you. >> limiting on banning that done. ann u drew cuomo as promised more transparency in light of the sheldon silver verdict. silver convicted on all counts he faced. vacant seat same day as new york presidential primary. cuomo will not call a special session of the legislature on ethics reform but ethics will be a key focus when lawmakers come intak into session in january. one is perhaps a part-time legislature that legislators don't have to seek outside income it is that outside income that got silver and others into trouble. full-time legislature would ruer a constitutional amendment, so far larkses have not shown any appetite for that. but governor says he's intrigued by the idea. >> always the same issue, outside income that blur line between personal official and full-time legislature you get one check. second is, you can make outside income, but you have to disclose everything. >> the trial of the former senate majority lead dean skelos along with adam behind him continues. testimony in that trial now in its third week. altogether possible that will we could be discussing the conviction of yet another top lawmaker when the legislature returns in january. ben and juliet back to you. ben: robert moses for us thank you very much. fox means business. >> joining us from the fox business studio adam shapiro details with this amazing effort that mark is dong to basically help the world. shocking decision. if >> good news is he has a baby daughter along with his wife dr. chan here's what's going on. priscilla welcome in one who was in honor of her birth they plemged pledged to donate 99% of their shares in facebook valued at $45 billion to a newly created it foundation called the zuckerberg initiative but also to other charity. so for next three year they're going to gift 3 billion to the foundation. potentially more after that but not giverring up control of facebook this is over their lifetime but this is for your generation to live in a better world. zuckerberg initiative promotes equality in health, education, scientific research and so forth so set up too by the way not a charity haddable not for profit it is an a llc limited liability corporation that means to invest in other organizations to earn also lobby lawmakers for policies that they feel are necessary and that they will promote. >> i just love that. that's really wonderful. a lot of money and make a lot of difference. thank you very much adam. >> see you have a great day. camp him on fox business if you're not sure where to find in your log on to fox -- >> channel finder. >> interesting. sounds god. >> over to audrey. >> never heard you say that before. sounds god. a new thing for the channel finder. >> opening it down. well today milted temperatures across the area. they'll be above average for this time of the year so umbrella handy. clear the rain out tomorrow breezy, cooler across tristate area plenty of sunshine that that's a check of your weather. ines how's the roads? >> it's murky out there. visible is poor a lot of problems staten island expressway a slow ride to the verrazano bridge. yesterday traffic was a mess once again today. connecticut 95 doing fine heading to west westchester and george washington bridge to show you outside, and this there's a 35 miles per hour spoid restriction on gwb. upper level a 40. lower 30. holland tunnel 10 to 15. duke castiglione he's back. welcome back we missed you. >> thank you ines. coming up in sports rival it is red sox land an ace. wait until you hear what they paid david price let's put it this way it's a lot of money. we'll discuss after the break. >> plus we have the latest come. >> new york city public schools get a very generous gift from be it's just a cough. if you could see your cough, you'd see just how far it can spread. robitussin dm max soothes your throat and delivers fast, powerful cough relief. robitussin dm max. because it's never just a cough. sometimes, we all need a little help. today, you helped her plant a garden, and you want to be there to help her with all her tomorrows. if you're trying to quit smoking, you may need a little help. medications to help you stop smoking... including nicotine patches, gum and other medicines, are available to medicaid members. call your doctor today to get the help you need to quit smoking... so you can always be there for her. our breakfast hours are simple: always. our lunch and dinner hours: same. our value menu is prettttttttttttty simple, too. denny's. >> all right checking the headlines for you 6:43 this morning united states is sending more operational forces to help those battle isis but iraq prime instead he wants weapons. >> new york state lead the way for number of arrest fringes ice sis supporters by a study by george washington university. u.s. authorities made 71 isis arrests nationwide since march of twrn in new york. that's more than any other state. >> the wake of the sheldon silver quick. a full-time legislature is wort considering. he feels it would maybe end conflict of interest in how thar getting paid. >> getting paid a lot of money and a questionable deal. 30 years they're committing to hill. >> it's not my money. >> we would love to see red sox you know get [laughter] millions in this goim. >> now they're paying up. affiliate david price and red sox uniform. reportedly about to sign to biggest contract in majors for a pitcher. 7-year dole said to be worth $717 thorks. last year he pitched u blue jay and tigers. 18-5 with a 2.45 priced with cy young award. s price with a deal expected to officially be announced on friday. interesting to see what had yankees do if negative to counter. banal winter meetings start friday. i'll see brian cashman then. big award for sandy he's been named executive of the yore by baseball america. took control of amazings five years ago, and built a really good team last year win 90-72. made it to world series for a big one on the ice opinion islanders playing host to u blue shirts. first trip ever to the barclays center and last night, mets playing host to phoenix in the fourth against the suns. shane larcon out to thaddeus young and forel on the clock will have the in this ball game they have a chance to tie the game and mets d swarms around. strips it away. now won four straight at home. kobe bryant farewell tour underway last neeght in philadelphia. dr. jay there on hand. nba champ went to lower marion high school in pennsylvania outside of philly, right ben? >> it is. >> his coach there to present him with his jersey he was there and wore number 8 for lakers. he played well getting a tough but lakers lost giving sixers first win of the year. 28 straight losses back to last season. longest ever losing streak in professional sports hrs.. that is terrible. college hoops in gnu rochelle how about 46 poipts in the ball game had 13, yeah 13 three pointers win 101-76. hockey disappointing against colorado avalanche in the second don it the ice. got to pass, an shoots off the post into the net, an that put avalanche up 2-0. devils scoreless two into the third and paul murray faceoff but colorado wins 2-1. finally knicks got together with one kid's dream come true. 11-year-old edward battling leukemia and posed and got to participate in the team practice yesterday at madison square guarden so part of the garden of dreams. really cool. ben: thank you, sir. juliet: thank you. over to audrey for a check of the weather. gloved temperature is at a nice 47 degrees. really nice start considering u how early it is in december. a mild afternoon across much of the tristate area and readings across westchester too. 43 bedford over to white plain and a hudson same over to roy. throgs neck at 46 also in the bronx same number we're finding there. yonkers at 45. now, visibility reduced across roadways because fog could slow you down on some of our highways. sat legit and radar showing scattered showers to the east here. a break in the action but another round in our direction right now bringing wet weather across the tennessee valley heading towards virginia. u now move in probably up to about 2:00 this afternoon and expecting rain into the afternoon, and early evening hours. colder a that is making change over to snow across minnesota, into iowa. wisconsin we're not getting into that because temperatures will be too mild across eastern seaboard. above afnlg, high numbers in middle 50s. mid-40s for highs and record was 56 and of above average. dryer tomorrow with more in the way of sunshine. sunshine through the weekend and average with highs near 50 degrees. ben and juliet over to you. ben: thank you very much. juliet: remember when kim kardashian set to break the internet now try to outdo her used to be bff when kim part of the entourage. >> appears stylist for a while. we'll be right back. catch holiday-cookie cheer on the tip of your tongue with dunkin' donuts' holiday- cookie-flavored coffees. from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m., enjoy any medium latte or macchiato for $1.99. (vo) shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood... all with worry-free ownership. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying when we go to the store, i find my box of honey bunches of oats and i' m checking to see if i packaged it. best cereal in the world right there. if the last 3 letters were p22, that' s me. pson, the holiday season's just like football season... you got your big games... ...cheese plates, turkey, appetizers. and regular games. get it all at a great price... ...and the holiday season is won. that's my boy! fill your cart with everything you need this s eason, all at one place. >> welcome back, the commute again a mess this morning starting off with problems in west chester jammed an accident involving jackknife tractor trailer northbound, right before north and cedar street another accident has been cleared away. queens, laguardia airport and accident blocking a lane and slow to queens boulevard. gridlock alert day and so far on or o close to schedule. ben and juliet. >> thanks. okay taylor swift continues to be perfect. >> she is. >> doing more god that's so exhausting but giving back to new york city. >> kids will remember her for this so he's promised to donate proceeds from welcome to new york, remember when she became knock new york ambassador to allow students at 20 high schools to write, cast and perform their own musical. >> she's awesome. >> kerry fisher lost 25 points for upcoming "star wars" movie. she only did it because she was asked and to drop the weight to reprize her role as princess leia and call thed general leia. she's in a business where she acknowledges that, quote, that's >> her quote they wanted to -- they wanted to hire two-thirds of me. >> i understand the frustration but being an actor is like being a model. they're hiring you for a look and -- >> felt look it so much attention on how -- gained weight. >> impossible saturday to live up to it. speaking of image paris hilton is now doing a photoshoot with the former best friend/assistant so exposed backside like kim to break. here they are side by side and did topless which is as kim did. so sensor it. who did it better? interesting choice. and fox's hit show "empire" influenced baby names baby center survey drai up 77%. lion family name grew 45%. and other top names include sofia, emma, eva, jackson, liam. i think it is hysterical named after ludding with i think expo the succeed. >> oh. bean was not on the list. >> not a top one. no. class. >> i was anna g there was a anna b. >> you know how many juliets there were? >> one. >> we have to go now. >> "good day new york" is coming up next. rosanna and greg are in. no way. savor an egg mcmuffin any time you like. a fresh cracked egg, canadian bacon and an english muffin with real butter. mcdonald's all day

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