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He was worked up during that speech. Greg this has been a wild week. He is still in a fight with the gold star family. He got into a fight with that baby. On the plus side for donald trump, the fundraising is through the roof. Small recent numbers are right up there. A 10. Yeah point Hillary Clinton leading him. With the popularity. Greg what is going on with donald trump. Rudy giuliani joins us in just a moment. Rosanna we will talk about bill mike we are cruising along this week. Lets show you what is up. Fiftysix for you and sussex. Our temperatures are comfortable. The dew point numbers are pretty creeping up a here for you in central park. Sixtythree out at newark. A mainly clear skies. High pressure is in control. Keeping an eye on things. It does not look like anything in the immediate future. Trying to bring you some ankle met with her. A few showers may be in upstate clear skies again for you tomorrow. Saturday is when the scattered showers start rolling into town. There could be somewhat weather in the morning into the afternoon. High temperature today. That is so hot and humid day. High of 88 on saturday. Lets bring in ines is busy commute rate now. Traffic flow on the deegan. Take a look at the cross bronx. Late running construction had this affected the George Washington of bert. Long island, things are fine. For the most part, it you do have an accident. Expressway. Traffic moving slow this morning. Police act visited on the upper level of the verrazano blocking two lanes. Then the George Washington bridge, 90 minute delay on the upper level. If you want to take the lincoln tunnel, 495, some of the northbound at trains are running on the a line. Some of the older ones are running on the g line. Teresa Karina Vetrano was killed on tuesday. Strangled and possibly assaulted juliet out jogging in a very from her job. He was the one who found her body. Reporter good morning. Working as a cocktail waitress here. Working at the rooftop bar at this building. I want to show you this massive memorial. People came here to stop and remember Karina Vetrano. Gathering at a candlelight vigil. The entire community here is the morning. You would see somebody on an atv. Somebody on their bicycle. Walking their dogs. Jogging. Whatever. This is not supposed to happen. Child the path together regularly. In injury prevented him from going with her and he went on and she went alone. Karina vetrano was exchanging Text Messages with friends, but suddenly stopped. After two that is when k9 teams in helicopters moved in, but not long after they discovered her body. Near the intersection. Investigators believe that Karina Vetrano was sexually assaulted. There is evidence of strangulation. A fix the nation. 2500 award for information. They are dissect and kareena was cell phone. This is where a bus up to cross bay boulevard. Looking for information that will hopefully lead them to a suspect. Back over to you. Greg thank you very much. Donald trump is in the process of losing this election. Setting in that the upper reaches of the Republican Party. They are hoping to stage what they call an intervention. Greg robert moses is outside of trump tower with more. Good morning to you. Make no mistake about it. There is still very strong support for donald trump. The big question hanging over this campaign this morning is, does trump need an intervention . His campaign is in disarray. It has never been so well united. Reporter trump and his running mate seem divided whether to endorse paul ryan for reelection. He said he is not ready to do so yet. Pens says that he is. Endorse paul ryan and i am pleased to do with. Reporter the Republican Party was reviewing worlds on how to proceed in case trump leaves the race. Meantime, on the democratic side, clinton visited a factory in denver and talk trump to task. Tonight, trump attend a Cocktail Party in suffolk county. Two republican congressmen from Eleanor White and pennsylvania have come out saying that they can no longer support trumps campaign. That is the way this. Back to you. Making one mistake after the next. Lets bring in Rudy Giuliani. A key advisor to donald trump. I am not worried. There is talk that you were one of the people that would stage and intervention. That is a very poor choice of you are in donald does not drink or smoke. No need for an intervention did i have been part of lots of campaigns. My First Campaign i fired my campaign manager. I reorganized my campaign. The main people are there and they are there to stay. A lot of the really good people that he has brought in. Senior republicans are panicking right now over the behavior of donald he says that he is going to come around. The media has made a tremendous thing out of this. No worse than what Hillary Clinton did when she lied and gave a false report about how knowing the real reason. Why arent you covering that for five days . Donald trump is not talking about it. Anna that is an allegation, quite frankly. Hillary clinton has not waged a public debate. To cold starve others that say they were told the same thing. Hillary cannot remember anything. She cannot remember what she did with 13 males. She cannot remember how to handle National Security information. She has been negligent. Grossly negligent. The republicans are panicking because they are down. Let me give you a little perspective. George bush was losing by seven points. There are a lot war grassroots support. He has tremendous talent as a candidate. Greg when you sit down with him, when are you sitting down with him . I talked with him on the phone. I talked to his campaign. It is very simple. He has to concentrate on the families. Lets not talk about it anymore. Stop criticizing other republicans. There is not an american donald trump will not pay ransom. Can you imagine taking 400 million in cash a airplane . He will change what is a corrupt lying washington government as an outsider. I will not mention any names. 70 of the American People believe that america is headed he wants to change immigration. He wants to change a treaty. He wants to secure our border. All of these people have prevented that. Greg he is getting into all of these fights. You have to stop conduct in all of these interviews and getting into these fights. He cou that. He could, but he hasnt. Greg he has done this his way and it has worked so far. It is my way. The reality is, the basics of this campaign are still there. This is a country that wants change. She should be in jail for the emails. Ever watch clinton cash . Hundreds of millions of dollars that these people have she is a feminist . Greg you think that donald trump can change. Quite frankly, it has worked out for him so far. His speech was terrific. He stepped back and said, no, lets beat her. I thought he was going to say, when he made the statements about project in the lesbian, Gay Community and the entire transgender community, i do not want to leave anybody out, find 250,000 rosanna oh, stop it. You do. It made me so happy. He stood up and sai know, i am proud to be a republican. This is a very, very smart man. A very charming man. My best advice to him is, donald trump be that guy sitting there talking to me for two hours in a nice relaxed way. Seeing a leader that can make not why about sending 400 million cash. That is what the drug dealers that i arrest two. This administration is such a dishonest administration. I would prefer greg we have seen that a little bit before. I have never seen it at this level before. If you tell me tha reagan you can compare Ronald Reagan and this president. This man lies consistently. You will have the doctor of your choice. You will youll be a will to keep your insurance policies. We have a former secretary of state lying. There was a picture in the wall street journal yesterday. Murder were. The guy we are bowing to has murdered americans. That secretary of state would be fired. Bill bratton. Do not go anywhere. The noncontroversial bill bratton. [laughter] give us an idea of what is happening outside. 68 degrees. You can see on the radar and satellite nothing to worry about. This is our next cold front coming into town. We have High Pressure control. A beautiful day. There are those storms coming in he resigned as with a look at what is going on with the canoe. The community is looking great this morning. Not too bad of a ride. Traffic a little slow westbound. An accident northbound. That is slowing everyone down here. Westbound hov everything on or close to schedule. Stay tuned. More good day coming right back. . Keep on savin all day at dunkin donuts. Double up on delicious with two egg cheese wake up wraps for 2. Eight he gave me a key to the cy. The locks. [laughter] rosanna talking about his days when he was the Police Commissioner under Rudy Giuliani. We thought that you guys. The hatchet. I will accept that as a joke. We have had a very Good Relationship now for about 10 we talked about the differences that we had. A lot of it was caused by the following opposition that i believe in strongly. The president runs the army not the defense secretary. We have a civilian police department. Who appointed the new Police Commission . Mayor deblasio. Something goes wrong with the police department, i am the guy that takes the blame. Second. I, at that time had more experience in Law Enforcement then bill bratton did. I knew the city 10 times better than he did. He came from boston. I grew up here. Lived in garden city. Lived in brooklyn. Put the mob in jail. Wiped out drug dealing on the lower east side. A lot of the chain to see in tht them a lot of credit for. I had a lot to do with that as well. The programs that we put in place. Beth you think that mr. Bratton is leaving now because of the stress of the management of marital blasio . I feel that he is leaving for the city. I believe he is the one thing that was standing between us and a mayor that does not understand policing. Does not understand cops. No place that i go that people worse than when you and bloomberg left. It is not like it was when you were mayor. It is not like it was when bloomberg was mayor. People coming up to the cars. Homeless people defecating on the street. Just got a complaint about it yesterday. Bill bullies and qualityoflife enforcement. Wants to do away with it. Bill and i started stop and frisk. We started it. Greg it goes way back. We are out of time. s we started with the purpose of taking guns away from that is all the time we have. Rosanna we need our own show with the mayor. Greg when is the next time that you will see donald trump . Maybe today. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe over the weekend. We will be in contact for sure. Rosanna we will be right back. . E my fios app that going to let me see what youre seeing. Really . Yes, mr. Mcenroe. See that cord . Just plug it into the connector on the right. So you can clearly see whats in and whats out . Oh absolutely. I like that. Tech support that lets your technician see the problem over your smartphone. Its the little moments that make the biggest waves. Kalahari resorts conventis the worlds coolest indoor wate. Learn how to make their summer unforgettable at kalahariresorts. Com im Robert De Niro and new york is my home. Its the best place to visit in the world and now its the easiest, because now there are new tourism guides on the road, find great dining, amazing history, and worldclass entertainment, no matter where you are. Take the ultimate road trip and see why i love new york. For more information, go to iloveny. Com every part of you is strong. Time to bring that strength to your tooth enamel. Colgate Enamel Health mineral repair toothpaste. Strengthens weakened enamel 4x better. With colgate Enamel Health mineral repair. . Keep on savin all day at dunkin donuts. Double up on delicious with two egg cheese wake up wraps for 2. . Greg folks, i am pretty sure and cleans. Reporter we are over oyster bay long island. Rosanna look at how pretty that is. Isnt that beautiful. Greg he does not seem like a man that is senior of publicans panicked about donald trump. The way he has been behaving. A key advisor now to donald trump. Not that worried. We are doing well in the polls and we are doing well in the money. Do not worry about it. He is one of the people who he set the record straight on that one. Greg set the record straight for now. It is politics. Everyone spends a little bit. Does not seem to be worried. We will see what happens next. Almost a full week of this. Even the weekend does not look like a huge deal. Here is what we have out there this fiftysix right now sussex. 68 degrees at central park. Sixtyone in poughkeepsie. Fiftyfive and monticello. Do points are still fairly low. Mid to upper 50s. A few low 60s. Sixtyone in montauk. 56degree dewpoint and sussex. Sunshine out there again today. High pressures and control. Almost a repeat of what we had yesterday. Also keeping an eye on that area of low pressure. That cold front right there. You can see a kind of making its move across the great lakes. Now we are up to tomorrow morning. Picking up more moisture as we head into friday saturday morning, it is coming to us. Some of it in the morning, but it does look like it goes into the afternoon as well. Today you will see a lot of sun. Still not too humid. Tomorrow is 83 for a high. The scattered showers and storms will be coming to as well as we go through your saturday. Okay. I dont know how the rails are doing. Staten island expressway. We had some police act two video on the upper level earlier. Moving slow here. All because of an accident by exit 46. That is blocking two lanes slowing everyone down. George washington one problem after another. Now there is an accident here. You have a 90 minute delay on the upper level. Also an earlier accident there. If you want to take the lincoln tunnel, about a 45 minute inbound. Mitchell politan avenue found, trains. Some other ones northbound on the g line. Greg and rosanna. Thank you very much. Rosanna police in london say a woman killed in a stabbing rampage was an american. She was in her 60s. Greg it happened last night in a park near the british museum. Five other people were stabbed, their injuries are nonlife that there is no evidence that the person was a terrorist or had been radicalized. It may have been a Mental Health issue. Greg meanwhile, a cop in washington, d. C. Has been arrested for suspicions in d. C. Metro police. Greg he had been under surveillance for six years. He was arrested yesterday and an fbi sting operation. He bought nearly 250 in gift cards he thought would be used by isis to purchase messaging apps. Not exactly heavy weaponry. They say that this was for isis. There is a new study out there that shows when you are driving in to make a lefthand turn, it could be the most dangerous move you could ever make in new york city. Between 2010 and 2014, 30 of all injuries were caused during a motorist making a left turn. That is kind of wild. It seems as though the left turn is the most dangerous, is the one that is the most complex. I will get out of the way so you can see this intersection behind me. We will use this as an example. They say that the lefthand turn is one of the most not only because the driver needs to calculate how much time is left, but they also have to worry about, in some cases, oncoming traffic. They also have to worry about pedestrians in the crosswalk. Also, lets not forget about the fact that the guy behind them may be honking and theyre wondering why the person is rushing them along. Turns according to the research put out was responsible for 30 of all pedestrian and cyclist injuries. 108 during that time. Take a listen to the department of transportation commissioner. Left turns are a real problem on our streets. We determined that left turns were involved and ser crashes are three times more prevalent. This new initiative is called the left turn coming pilot. They wont change the light time. Give pedestrians more time to get across the street. They will also be putting up more barriers. They feel as if that will really if you drive a lot, you certainly know about this. The blind spot that occurs. The a frame of the car sometimes can really put you in a bad spot. They are hoping by revamping maybe they can make all of us safer in the long run. Sending things back to both of you. Rosanna you are on the sidewalk, squarely on the sidewalk. No question about it. Fantasy sports lovers. They are back in the game. Greg there was an issue. Governor cuomo signed something yesterday. They must apply for and receive registration with the new york they will have to pay taxes, too. These are considered games of skill. And annual fee and 15 tax on revenues. Greg the Tappan Zee Bridge rosanna that is fast. 1 mile of the road deck has been put down. The train collapse that happened last month had no impact greg can we see that picture again . Rosanna swears that they are building a crooked. It looks like the framework will the bridge is set for opening in 2018. We will be right back. Heres to the explorers. Those diagnosed with cancer who explored their Treatment Options by getting a second opinion. Second opinions are available here, in philadelphia, in just one day. . Keep on savin all day at dunkin donuts. Double up on delicious with two egg cheese wake up wraps for 2. Greg there it is. Donald trumps plane on the tarmac over there. Rosanna where is he going . Do you know . He has to win all three of those states. What it would be like to have your own plane. Rosanna i think he has a few of them. I dont know. Rosanna one is being serviced, you are not without wings. It says trump and big gold letters in the front. I hear that he treats his pilots very well. These guys know how to land softly. They are amazing. Interview back in 1997. If i had my own plane, i would want the best pilots, two. Rosanna lets talk about the best weatherman. Mike woods. Mike thank you very much. We have beautiful weather. Maybe that is what puts everybody in a good mood. Sixtysix mike belmar. Sixtythree in humidity is nice and low. No weather challenges whatsoever. Even the air quality is in good shape. Leading up to it we are fine. Just a quick check in the tropics. Hurricane earl. Should be weakening to a Tropical Storm soon. It is overland at this point in time. The windshield comes down with Tropical Storm force winds. It continues to head towards the central and southern sections of mexico. Dropping a bought a frame. Eight12 inches. Here is an allergy report for you. Uv index is up to nine. Very the air quality is good for you. Eightythree for you tomorrow. There are the storms coming through. Been sunny and warm in the days to follow. The weather app has daily and hourly forecast. Every time i look at those camera shots, still looking ugly. There is an accident on the lower level and downs affecting the commute outbound. You have heavy duvets. Seventyfive minutes on the upper level. I will tell you about that in a second. Lets go to our cameras. Slower than normal. The Northern State parkway blocking a lane. A 75 minute delay because of an accident plaza. Then the cross bronx have late running construction. If you want to take the lower level, that is 60 minutes. Did we have an unauthorized person on the tracks. You have no service on the j trains. And train suspended between essex street and marcy avenue. Night. Last night was in the bronx. Citi field and queens. Flashing screens. Curtis granderson. Solo home run. Seventeenth of the season. James is going to attack iran with his rbi single to center field. The yankees tied up bottom of the first. A gap was a two run double. We are all tied at two. Mark to share up. To share up. Deep and going three. Sixthree yankees. A little bit of heat at the bottom of the fifth. It was on purpose . I think that he meant to move uncomfortable. You know how this goes. Im mad at you. You are mad at me. That was the extent of it. He got a free base. That is what happens. Duke ninefive is the final score. He cannot come out and say i drilled him on purpose. I think it is too late to say i am ryan cashman says the team has no plan to release them. The plan is to give time to another player. He said it is not easy to release that kind of money arod has on his contract. He hit well last year. That makes it tough to really get going. It was his first start to saturday. He will go on the dl. Sent down tuesday after the mets traded for jay bruce. When you are fighting a leg injury and now you are on the disabled list, you probably do not want to be on the golf course. Out playing i know golf is not the most strenuous sport even if you have a golf cart, you are on your seat. You are in golf shoes, most likely. You are swinging a club. This is not the first time. Greg what is he supposed to be doing . Is it supposed to be on ice or some in . Probably get some rest. More injury news. Doctors say he has to rest for 30 days. Does not need surgery. Once the 30 days are up, not much time left. Greg holding up a sign that seems to say something. Duke that is a scorecard. It is kind of like g Something Like that. Kind of. Rosanna thank you, duke. Good day is coming right back. . Double up on delicious with two egg cheese wake up wraps for 2. . . . The best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. . Keep on savin all day at dunkin donuts. With two egg cheese wake up wraps for 2. America runs on dunkin. Rosanna to you think that that little cart for the dog . Better than the pocketbook. I think that that is a little doggie stroller. Greg has he ever taken a dog on a plane are any thing like that . Into the kennel you go, lulu. Rosanna we ask family to watch lulu. My husband would never allow that. They make friends with other dogs. It still works. Now there are really highpriced candles. Now everybody is one of those, what do you call those dogs that you take on a plane with you. Everybody has a therapy dog. They are therapy rosanna we are talking about britney spears. She has a new album out there. It will drop on August August august 26. The album is the beginning of a new era for her. Greg she looks different. I have a feeling she had a little bit of work done and that greg she has been around for a long time now. Private show. I guess it is also in that one. If you preorder that our phone, you instantly get the song. This is her first out moment three years. She also has that show in vegas as well. Drake. Four nights at Madison Square garden. I love his song one dance. Too good for you mrs. S is so cool. I was dancing to the song with my nephew the other night. Greg and rosann is the best. You can see it at this new popup store that he is doing. The concert is tonight. A popup shop on the lower east side. Mariah carey is going to have her own reality show. This one should be good. Watch this. Is this a normal outfit that you would wear . I dont know, but i am at home. The people that know mariah did not want her to do this. It is a little bit more amped up than the normal so far it looks kind of boring. Rosanna it is and eight part series. It is called mariahs world. Greg i heard about this. A big shot in austraia. They are getting married. When does this come out . Donald trump spotted out polo bar last night. Anyway, lets talk about our facebook fan of the hour. It is carol schmidt. She is celebrating a big birthday. She watches us all the time. Greg the big five oh. She looks great. Jeffrey and lisa want to make sure you know they are thinking of you. We will be right back. . How they get here . What theyre packed in . Its a lot of stuff. And these things add up. Thats why we recycle. [vo ]its nice to know that raymour and flanigan is proud to be a leading recycler 17 Million Pounds of recyclable materials every year. Turned from trash into treasure. So in the future, we will all have a more beautiful world. . Slow, building africanstyle m . Its the little moments that make the biggest waves. Kalahari resorts conventions. The worlds coolest indoor waterparks. Greg hi, everybody. It is the fourth of august. Rosanna this may be the nicest week of the summer. Highs in the lower 80s. Humidity is almost nonexistent. How about that. Mike has the detail for you including the weekend forecast. A massive vigil. There has not been an that she was strangled and possibly sexually assaulted here it there she is. Karina vetrano. Rosanna lots of people gathered to remember her last night. Lets talk about donald trump right now. Deep frustrations over senior staffers. Greg i think that he was doing a little bit of spins. That is okay. That is what happens in politics. There are some scammers out there trying to rip people off. Rosanna looking to unwind at a park in your area. Expect plenty of company. When was the last time you went to the p i was by the high line yesterday. I am not going to go upstairs to go to the park. I do not understand that name. You can take an elevator. I do not understand it. Even for donald trump. Some say that he is acting kind of crazy. Is blowing the election. If he keeps this up, he will lose to Hillary Clinton. Reports that senior republicans, like Rudy Giuliani, going to stage an intervention to try to straighten him out. Rudy giuliani was just here. The people that are talking are part of the problem in may want to tone it down with that family. We will show you part of our interview. Donald trump. It is kind of cool, in a way, he still lives in new york. Last night he was at the polo bar. On fifth avenue. There it is. Were on date night. The impossible to get into restaurant. This according to page six. Anything else . No. Lets move on. Lets talk about the weather. It is beautiful outside. Really nothing to complain about. We have more of that coming up for you the next couple of days. We are in a very comfortable range. Shooting back up little more quickly. It is 70 and newark. 59 degrees right now in monticello. A little cool in the morning. It does get up into the lower 80s later on in the we have a clear sky here right now. Not much will change. That area of low pressure down to the south of us, that is really and consequential. Only in a couple of days will be have to deal with some of the changes it will be bringing us. Today and tomorrow, keeping it pretty clear. Basically, the same thing tomorrow. The clouds to Start Building there is a cold front yard this last timestamp is at 8 00 oclock in the morning. It may get hung up just a little bit. Then hopefully it is out of fear. Albright. We have a High Temperature going up to 82 degrees. Eightyeight for the rain day which is saturday. I am imagining it is not that error. Roads and rails both have a problem this morning. You have an accident eastbound pennsylvania avenue. A stall westbound. On the Grand Central parkway, just heard about an accident eastbound blocking a lane there. Lets go to our cameras. Traffic barely moving here westbound. The hov lanes are one of the exits to the Northern State parkway blocking a lane. Then the George Washington bridge. Late running construction. Both of them left in our delay on the upper level of the gwb. As for the lincoln tunnel, normal 45 minutes into the city. And marcy avenue. Thank you so much. People living in howard beach area do not understand what happened here. Greg 30yearold Karina Vetrano. She went out for a jog and found strangled and possibly sexually assaulted hours later. No one has been arrested in this now. Good morning. A very tightknit community. A neighborhood feel here. Everyone seemed to know Karina Vetrano. She was either seen running, jogging in the neighborhood passing by or working here. This is a restaurant where she worked as a cocktail waitress. The owner of this restaurant decided to close last night to hundreds of people gathered to remember her. Reporter hundreds of people gathered outside of the restaurant where 30yearold Karina Vetrano work in howard beach. The entire community here is an morning. You would see on any given day somebody on an atv. Somebody on their bicycle. Walking their dogs. Jogging. Whatever. This is not supposed to happen. It is routine for many. Her and her father child the path together regularly. Tuesday at 5 00 p. M. , and injury prevented him from going with her. She went along. They remember the father and daughter as being inseparable. Very, very close. Text messages with friends, but suddenly stopped. After two hours, she was reported missing. That is when teams moved in. Not long after, Karina Vetranos dad along with police discovered her body. Investigators believe she was sexually assaulted. Elation. The fix ea shinn. Reporter police hung posters of an award for information. You are looking at spring street park. A number of Police Officers and investigators assembling inside they do not have a description of a suspect that they are looking for. They are looking for the publics help. There are a lot of Homeless People that Wander Around this area. They are hoping that police will look into that lead. We are live in howard teaches morning. Back over to you. Donald trump. Is his campaign in crisis or is everything fine . A new fox poll shows Hillary Clinton with a 10point lead over donald trump. Toplevel republicans are having panic attacks over donald trump. They think he may be losing this election. Rudy giuliani says everything is fine here at lets go to robert moses. Good morning to you. Support here. About 15,000 people turned out for a rally yesterday in jacksonville. The big question here is is an intervention needed . Donald trump says absolutely not. There is nothing to see here. Hillary clinton enjoys a 10point lead over donald trump. 37 ding trump does. Knowledge to serve effectively as president. Trump helped to rallies in florida yesterday admits claims that his campaign is in disarray. It has never been so well united here at. Reporter trump and his running mate seemed divided. While trump says he is not ready is. I spoke with donald trump this morning about my support for paul ryan. He is strongly encouraged me to endorse paul ryan. I am pleased to do with. Such turmoil that the Republican Party was reviewing rules and how to proceed in case trump leaves the race. The Committee Denied those denver. Of course, took trump to task. If he wants to make America Great again, he should start by making things in america. The campaign and the are lindsay raised 64 million through a joint digital and mail effort. Tonight, trump is expected to attend a 5000 per person county. Newt gingrich to was once considered a possible trump running mate says that trump is still behaving like he has 16 competitors. He is behaving like it is still the primary. Trump needs to act like, potentially, the next president. He has to understand all of the scrutiny that comes with that. Gradient rosanna, that Donald Trumps ongoing feud with the goldstar family. You saw them speak at the Democratic National convention. Donald trump in these people have been going at it for about a week now. Rudy giuliani rosanna he is part of a team that everyone is talking about. Sitting down with donald trump does not lose this election. Rudy giuliani was here just a few minutes ago. Kind of scoffed on this intervention notion. And intervention happens when you are a drug addict or an alcoholic. By the way, donald does not drink or smoke. There is no need for an intervention. I think that they are going to kind. Rudy giuliani did not seem that concerned. I think that there is a little bit of spin going on. Anyway. There is Rudy Giuliani on recent polls. Donald trump has a lot more support and george bush had that then. There is a hidden trump support he has tremendous support as a candidate did does he make mistakes . Yes. A little taste. We will talk more about that in a little bit. Rosanna a huge fire in queens last night. You could actually smell the smoke in manhattan last night. My apartment smelle like smoke. I did not hear it a big fire. Thick smoke out of this warehouse. It started at about 530 yesterday afternoon. Officials say no workers were injured. The cause is still under investigation. It is a family business. It looks like the fire did a lot of damage there. A Police Officer on Staten Island posting all sorts of facebook. We have seen this guy before, apparently. Observed that the west indian day parade having a good time. I remember defending this guy at the time. Just dancing with the people going by. A little bit of it was risk a. Gregory gordon. Seemed kind of bumping and grinding with some of the dancers. It was investigated did they transferred him from brooklyn to Staten Island. What happens with the recent problems . He took down his Facebook Post and transferred out. Greg we will see what happens next. Zika. Still a big deal. The mosquito biting people in [laughter] they will start spraying tonight. The bronx, queens, Staten Island. This is heavyduty spraying. Also Officials Say they have not found any with the virus here yet. By the way, that outbreak of florida has crooks in our area trying to cash in on everyones so many bogus products out there. It is all wrong. Here is the attorney general of new york state. They are lying to consumers. Just to make a buck. We will not put up with it. More than 500 travel related cases have been confirmed in new york state. Back yard. Chilling in the park. A low stress place to be. Not really. Parks are overwhelmed. Crowded with people. I think that this is Brooklyn Bridge park. Bryant park, or than 3000 people stop by every day during lunch hour. In general, the city is more single. Do not have to rush home at a given time. They stay in the parks. Especially in midtown, until a later hour. All of these fields stays problems. The frisbee people in the soccer people will be right next to each other. You cannot play frisbee anymore. Today you can just add to the stress. That highline is kind of ridiculously overwhelmed with people. I dont like going up there it even then. Mike, you live in that neighborhood. They spent so much money on that did they raised so much money. So many parks around town that could use a paint job or new grass. Mike i like it. It goes all the way. You are talking to the wrong person. Have you ever wondered a little bit about that thing . It was kind of crazy in the beginning. I do love it. It looks like we will see a sunny day with the humidity. Not too big of the humidity problem out there for you today. They are on the lower side. Those are comfortable numbers. Were going to be in good shape. We have a clear sky. High pressure is in control. We will see some changes in a few days. It looks like a sunny skies will get out of town for a little bit. A sunny sky and a high of 82 the cold front comes through and kicks up some showers and storms. After that, sunny skies back again. It is actually not that without a lot of humidity it does not feel that. Daily and hourly forecast. Download it for free. You are in good shape to go. Lets bring in ines. Lots of problems on the roads keeping an eye on these two problems on the belt parkway. Lets go to our cameras and take a look at the l. I. E. At a crawl because of an accident. This is not affecting the hov lanes. With the subways, severa problems this morning. We have signal problems affecting the five train. Th d neck to the. Express lanes open. And unauthorized person on the tracks. The mike train, no service. The rest of the trains are running on or close. What would they be doing on the tracks . It usually is not a good curb your enthusiasm . Cheryl hines. Did they split up . Rosanna i think they split up. They got back together. I am not so sure about that. Cheryl hines will be here. We will talk to her about that here at and her new movie. . . Keep on savin all day at dunkin donuts. Double up on delicious with two egg cheese wake up wraps for 2. America runs on dunkin. And drawers with many layers, to show exactly what you need. Lifes sharing a meal. And a kitchen with room for everyone. Spend 4000 or more on a new kitchen and get 15 back at the ikea kitchen event. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently, which means we can fix things differently. Thanks for calling fios. This is ryan. You cant tell me this cord isnt in. I know its in. Its in, but its not working. Really . Yes, mr. Mcenroe. See that cord . Just plug it into the connector on the right. So you can clearly see whats in and whats out . Oh absolutely. I like that. Tech support that lets your technician see the problem over your smartphone. Only from fios. Why are you deleting these photos . Because my teeth are yellow. Why don,t you use a whitening toothpaste . Im afraid it,s bad for my teeth. Try crest 3d white. Crest 3d White Diamond strong toothpaste and rinse. Gently whiten. 3d white. I love you so much. Thats why i bought six of you. For when you stretch out. I want you to stay this bright blue forever. Thats why you will stay in this drawer. Forever. I cant live without you. And thats why i will never, ever wash you. Protect your clothes from the damage of the wash with downy fabric conditioner. It not only softens and freshens. It helps protect clothes. From stretching, fading and fuzz. So your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. Wash in the wow. . . . The best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. At subway, youll love the greek flavors of our mediterranean collection. Your choice of delicious chicken or hearty steak. With crumbled feta and cool, creamy tzatziki sauce. Try our mediterranean collection today. Subway. Fresh is what we do. Lets get down to business. Fox means business. You may be getting cheaper prices at walmart. Com fan amazon. Com. A startup from hoboken. A relatively new company. They are not making any money. They are trying to get the word out there. If you want to buy whatever it save money then than if you were to do it on amazon. Why would walmart be interested in buying jet. Com . They need their business. Walmarts ecommerce businesses struggling. In the future, we may see cheaper prices all the time at walmart versus amazon. Did i give you the price tag potentially for this deal . 3 billion. 800 million in Venture Capital money. They have support from silicon valley. Good for them, i guess. As long as walmart does not get rid of the person that says hello to you when you come into the store. For the first time ever, you are not going to believe this. All of us are drinking more firsttime buyer more than soda. Soda has been declining for years. Fears that tap water is tainted did bottled water sales are really up. A set, either know what, no one will buy bottled water, you can get it right from the it is can the union, though. Especially if you are not at home. We used to have a lot of water fountains. They are disgusted with lead contaminated pipes. If your mouth touched it, you werent big trouble. You look like someone who when we come back, the beautiful cast from broadway and bryant park. . Tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. Thats the power of fiber optics. And right now you can get 100 meg internet with equal upload and dowloads speeds, cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. Only fios can. Lets feed him to the sharks and take all of his gold and take all of his gold ya and hide it from the crew ya. . Squuuuack, theyre all morons anyway i never said that. They all smell bad too. No you all smell wonderful i smell bad if youre a parrot, you repeat things. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Im so excited. Were going to have the lead actress from beautiful the musical, the carole king musical. She will be here. I have seen this. It is the carole king story on broadway. I loved it. One of the few musicals where i can understand it. You get lost in the words but you can understand this one. When you say you love it should be the theater. Greg kelly loves it i only see one or two shows a year, i recommend the carole king story. Who was a broadway fan and producer, lets take a look at his home and office, donald trump. No kidding, he was producer . Back in the early 70s he produced one or two shows on broadway. Which ones . Do you remember . Big story about this in the times not too long ago. He wanted his name bigger on the poster. Produced by donald trump. Who can blame him, if youre putting money into a show. Did they do it . Looking it up right now. He also likes to go to broadway. He enjoys a broadway show. Im happy that youre enjoying broadway too. Now we can discuss things. Dont get me wrong, it can bore me to tears. Best part of some shows is intermission. Stop it. Im not kidding. You you loved beautiful, the musical. You havent seen cats. This is carole king the original version. Enjoy this. . Something about the month of may. What play did donald trump there it is. Paris is out. He was 23 years old. House for a moment . He was fresh out of college. The times reports he got involved in this thing. A domestic comedy featuring how much did he put in . He questioned why the poster was not more prominently displayed outside a times square Ticket Office foreshadowed his approach to other businesses. There you go. See if there is anything interesting. You figure that out. Let mike do the weather. The show was capitalized at 140,000. Mr. Trump put up 70,000. He agreed, mr. Black, the lead producer would make all the decisions. The Creative Team doesnt recall any input from him. He did have ideas on the money side. He wanted to know why we had to pay two men who pull up at curtain time, why they played pinochle the rest of the day. That is a good question mike woods what is going on with the weather outside . The weather looks good. What do they call it, the chamber of commerce days where we have perfect weather. Everyone wants to enjoy it, hit the parks. You know what . This is perfect day for it. Our temps are in a comfortable range. Humidity not a problem. You can sit out there all day, just enjoy yourself. Weve got 71, central park. 70 out at newark and belmar. 69 degrees in montauk. The to low 60s. Theyre creeping up to lower to close to the mid 60s for a few folks like belmar and montau, sitting at 64degree dewpoint. That should be the general trend next couple days. Shouldn be too bad as we get later into friday and saturday but even then still doable for the summer. We have a clear sky. High pressure is in control. A cold front comes into the area that will bring us more clouds and humidity and some showers eventually but it is still a little ways off. As we go forward High Pressure keeps things clear and dry. You can see the cold front coming across the great lakes. It will work its way in towards friday evening in overnight hours. It will cloud up in the tristate. There will be scattered showers as we make our way through saturday. Checking in through the tropics. Earl which is no longer a hurricane t was for a while a heading toward guatemala and near central america. It looks like it will be dropping a lot of rain as it makes a move through the area. About eight to 12 inches what theyre forecasting. It should stay over land and continue to weaken as time goes on. Flooding is a big problem. For us we have a sunny sky. High 82 today. 88 on saturday. There is the scattered storms coming on by as a cold front comes through. In through next week. Well be all done with it. Lots of sunshine, temps in the mid 80s where they should be. Bring in ines with the commute situation. Roads and rails have problems today. A lot going on. The belt parkway, both directions. Red spot between brooklyn and queens some there is accident eastbound by pennsylvania avenue. Thats blocking a lane. As you head westbound past the mill basin drawbridge you have a stall. Watch out for a crash on g where it becomes rout 4, accident blocking a lane. 287 has a accident south bunt by 245. Accident by exit 46. Northern state parkway blocking a lane. If youre taking hov lanes youre fine with that. George Washington Bridge upper level, thats an hour delay inbound. There was laterunning construction on the cross bronx, then an accident. That left a delay for you. Lincoln tunnel 45 heading inbound. Holland 20 to 30. We also had subway problems earlier. Everything has been resolved. Trains running on or close to schedule. Greg and rosanna. Thank you very very much. Would it be possible to eliminate all traffic accidents in new york city . Eliminate all pedestrian deaths in new york city . It is aim of something called vision zero, weve been kicking that around for a while, the de Blasio Administration has. As they study the problem, people getting hit by really interesting. 30 of all pedestrian and cyclist injuries were caused by left turns. Process of making a left turn youre most vulnerable hitting somebody or getting hit. Maybe too many blind spots. I dont know. Teresa priolo, what is going on . Reporter if you given me a quiz which ones are more dangerous i would have said right. To vision zero the left turn is the most complicated to manuever and can be the most dangerous. You can see this intersection behind me. It gives you a good idea what were talking about. Some of the biggest problems happen as you are moving from a secondary road on to a main road like for example, second avenue. What the Research Finds is that lefthand turns are so complicated driver needs to calculate how much time it takes to turn on to the road based on the time are there any pedestrians in the walkway . And why the guy behind them might be honking at them or telling them to move. And so, there is a lot of issues they have to deal with. Also the blind spot associated with having what they call the aframe, right next to your, right in your line of sight right next to you. So the mayors vision zero plan to make lefthand turns safer. There were 108 deaths between 2010 and 2014. That is three times more than pedestrian and cyclist injuries occurred when a motorist was attempting to a make a left turn. Here is the department of transportation commissioner. Take a listen. Left turns are a real problem on our streets. When our experts took a close look at the data, we determined that left turns were involved in serious injuries more than a quarter of the time, and left turn crashes are three times more prevalent than right turn crashes. Reporter what they are intersections around the city they are will change the lights to allow pedestrians more time to get across the street. They will be erecting protective bike lanes and plastic barriers to insulate the roadway a little bit more. Greg and rosanna, i was doing research on this, Companies Like ups that eliminated left turns all together. One part of it for them is safety. The other part they say, actually safes their drivers times because they dont have to so many places you can make a interesting sidebar to all of this. That is the latest from upper east side. Send things back to both of you. What if ire house is, you live on the left . What if youre over there . Ups, no more left turns . Thats what they tell their bosses. They research that suggests that it is quicker to make a right turn. Their engineering guys said that he actually saved eight minutes on his doing the research and trying to only use right turns. As a result of that and other things, no left turns for ups drivers. All right. That does not sound practical at all. Just stating the facts but come on, youre talk toking us now. Were calling bs on that. You notice the postman still sits on wrong side of the car . He sits on right side. Greg, youre into social feature. Well tell you about it at 9 00. Exciting. . On a new kitchen theres one place where americas pastime is preserved for all time. . . And thats not the only thing you can only find in new york state. . . Discover something one of a kind in new york. . . New york. Its all here. Its only here. Lifes sharing a meal. And a kitchen with room for everyone. Spend 4000 or more on a new kitchen and get 15 back at the ikea kitchen event. Greg pope francis, remember when he was in new york last september. He is terrific, still doing his thing. Went to poland first time as terrible tumble. Anybody catch that . Rosanna we showed it on the air. He got distracted. He was looking at something else. Everybody was concerned maybe his sciatica was acting up. Greg it was a brief moment. Everything is fine. In poland they wrapped up world youth day. Rosanna an event for young pople to listen to the pope and possibly him. It is organized by every catholic church. Greg people from all over the world turned out for the major event in pan people from our area, from queens. Lets meet brendan, lizette and patricia. Welcome back to the usa. You got in last night from poland. Are you sleepily . Yes. Rosanna what was it like . Amazing. Rosanna youre lizette, patricia and brendan. Lizette, start with you, what was it like for you . It was mind blowing. You see a bunch of people from all over the world. You see all of them together. Catholics. It was amazing. Rosanna patricia, why did you want to be there . I wanted to experience so many youth coming together and expressing their faith all together because i feel like, it is such an awkward age, 16 to 26. Youre either really strong with your fate or youre not so much. Rosanna youre wayward, yes, questioning. Greg brendan, you are very strong with your faith. Youre training to become a priest . Correct. Greg what was it like it was inspiring. You see young people. Youth of church, just being with each other, alive in their faith. And it is inspiration to me. It was exciting being with the holy father. One thing when he comes to you, but then to make a pilgrimage with over two Million People to be there and celebrate with him and you know, just, be catholic. That was the whole purpose of the whole event and just to entire world to be active in their faith. Rosanna that is very cool. Tell us about how you got there. Did you have to sign up. Was everybody allowed to go on this . Well, through my parish, st. Mels in flushing, we received a letter a year ago if we wanted to go or not. We knew there would be fundraising and different events we have to do until the past couple weeks. So i decided, my sister and i both went. We wanted to experience it. Rosanna lizette, difficulty getting money together to go over there . It actually was. For our case, im from, my parish, when we like a year before our parish burned down. So half of the money we raised went to repair of the church and other half was a struggle. 17 pilgrims that went. That was a lot of money to raise. And it was rosanna you but did it. Yeah. Greg you made the trip. Now youre back. Yes. Greg you wrapped up studies where . St. Johns university. Greg excellent. Lizette, what are you up to full time. Im at john jay. Taking gender studies. Greg a lot of Police Officers come from john jay. Do you want to be a cop . I want to stud Law Enforcement. Rosanna brendan. Theologygy and god willing i will b a brooklyn and queens. Greg i had couple cousins considered being a priest. Its a big step. Sure. Greg when did you realize you wanted to become a priest . 7th grade. I entered high School Feeling urge to consider priesthood. My family very supportive. My uncle was a priest. After high school i entered college seminary, kind of been from there. Rosanna congratulations to you. Pope francis, how is he different than other popes . Him . He is like more, you can relate to him. He is very open and downtoearth. When you hear him speak, okay, i understand, i understand what youre trying to say now. Greg he was very cool. He gave us a ride in the popemobile. Rosanna he did not. Greg remember when we did not. Rosanna he did not give us a ride in the popemobile. Greg stay right here. We have Something Special when we come back. Gave us a ride in the popemobile. Rosanna here it is. Here okay. I thought it was amazing. Thank you so much. World youth day. I guess there is one every year. Everythree years. Greg, three years. This is seminal event. Thank you very much. Rosanna all the best. Good day new york will be right back. Greg can we see that footage one more time, us with the pope. Rosanna wax figure. It was very real though. Sacrilegious right . Why am i so devastatingly handsome, im in a fragrance. Ad, and my sweethearts gone sayonara. This scarf, all thats left to remember. Hows a guy supposed to move on for all those pokers, prodders, shuckers and sniffers, [ inhales ] all stop shop produce is triple checked. Were focusing on fresh. So you dont have to guess. Greg so, Ozzy Osbourne has publicly come out as, a sex addict. Rosanna he told usa today he has been dealing a sex addiction last six years. He is getting treatment. his wife sharon reportedly joked through tears he should get advice from tiger woods. There is a lot of sex addicts in hollywood, so they say. The celebrity couple separate ad month or so ago. They together. Her father kelly heard about her fathers affair, i dont know if you remember, tweeted her phone number. Greg hold on a second. A woman, a stylist rosanna michelle pugh. Greg had an affair with ozzie . Rosanna that is her, michelle. Greg kelly started saying stuff about her on twitter . Rosanna on twitter. Actually tweeted her phone number. Anyway, now she is suing the daughter for defamation. Aye yi yi. Talk about happy things like eating and stuff. Greg rosanna went to vegas. Man, oh, man, hanging with j. Lo but went to every cool restaurant in town. Rosanna friday night, wining and dining, diva las vegas, 10 30 on fox 5. I cooked with wolfgang puck. Give you a little taste what we did together. You flew in from l. A. I flew in from new york. Here we are in rosanna trouble. Hungry, hunkry. So youre right here in my kitchen. At spago at the forum. I will show you how to make one of our most famous dishes. . Rosanna chef, while youre doing that already starting, okay. Rosanna i dont like to drink alone. Good. Have a drink before we put the pizza in the oven. Rosanna cheers to you. You know what they say . You have to look in the eyes, if we dont want to that. Greg i heard that myself once. Rosanna you heard that before. Greg yes, i knew it. Anyway, wolfgang puck, the world famous. Rosanna greg, so many new york restaurants in vegas. Lavo greg almost had an incident on your hands. Rosanna stk, mr. Chao. Greg rejos has vegas outpost . Rosanna beauty greg i cant wait to see diva . Rosanna diva . Greg diva in vegas, you . Rosanna it is called viva las vegas. Greg i thought my version was much more interesting and appropriate. Rosanna i would think you find this interesting. There are day parties. Night parties. Great nightclubs. The wynn has a new nightclub. This is day party. Greg did you go to this thing . Rosanna are you upset . Actually, rosanna. Rosanna also, greg, when you think of vegas, what else do you think about . How about greg lookalikes. Rosanna impersonators. Greg okay. Who is that . Who is that . Rosanna who do you think that looks like . Greg gaga maybe . Rosanna gaga. We sit down with some impersonators. Part of wining and dining. Greg diva in vegas. Rosanna 10 30 on fox 5. Well be right back. At Cancer Treatment centers of america, every patient gets their own care manager. Its a long journey, and we try to help them through that. The care manager coordinates all of the patients appointments, scans, chemotherapy. We are available 24 7. We want to take as much stress off the patients as we can. My name is mena. Collette jodi stacy learn more at cancercenter. Com caremanager Appointments Available now. If youre using this toothpaste, youre probably expecting to get visibly whiter teeth, but it only removes surface stains, and clinical tests show that it only provides about a halfshade of whitening. New colgate optic white high impact white is different. It contains hydrogen peroxide, it goes beyond surface stains to deeply whiten. It whitens four shades, and that is a visible difference in whitening. Colgate optic white . Keep on savin all day at dunkin donuts. Double up on delicious with two egg cheese wake up wraps for 2. Good day brought to you by mazda, driving matters. . Rosanna thank you for this great instagram picture. Want to get our attention . Use the hashtag fox5ny. . . . This is the sweetest thing anyones ever done. That ones from my friend caitlyn. Well, its my turn now. Love always, your future maid of honor. . Keep on savin all day at dunkin donuts. Double up on delicious with two egg cheese wake up wraps for 2. From fox 5 news, its time for more good day new york. Coming up this hour, she starred as larry davids exwife on curb your enthusiasm. Actress cheryl hines is chatting about her new film, nine lives. 11day motorcycle ride that is hiv aids research. Get ready for a taste on the beach. Great food, drinks and movies all on long beach and benefiting a great cause. The hit broadway show beautiful is getting ready to hit the bryant park stage. First were getting a performance here in our studio. Rosanna i love that show. Great music. . So donald trump is feeling the

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