Transcripts For WNYW Good Day New York 20160428 : comparemel

Transcripts For WNYW Good Day New York 20160428

because of the money donated. greg: they are looking into all of this. who knows. rosanna: the mayor talked about it as being a political witch hunt. he's saying he's done wrong compared to the pred seussers have done. greg: well, the u.s. attorney for the southern district is looking into. you know, every administration sooner or later meets a scandal. it happens. this is early, the first term. rosanna: just a few years into the first term. it is interesting to see how this shakes out. there are some people thinking there hasn't been a criminal greg: that is what they are looking for. rosanna: it is politics. greg: ted cruz, naming carly fiorina has his running mate, even though we are not to the convention and he's not the nominee. rosanna: i don't understand, he's coming off major losses, you know, carly fiorina department have much pickup either. why doing this today. is she trying to over shadow donald trump had the address yesterday. >> it is a fair observation. look. this could wok work out. he's reaching a little bit. this is unusual. ronald reagan did it. lost, but before getting to the convention, he named some governor of pennsylvania as a running mate. he did. rosanna: carly fiorina, they are bringing her in to make ted cruz look more human, you know, she really showed a divent side yesterday. greg: how is this, watch. rosanna: did she make that up? i'm assuming she did. it was a nice little medially. greg: some thinking it is cute or weird. the former ceo, chief of hewlett packard, computer company. 61 years old. married. massachusetts institute of technology. she went from secretary to ceo. rosanna: that is serious stuff. >> some people are scratching their head. we'll see what it all means. donald trump gave a big foreign policy speech and he read from a teleprompter. greg: listen to this. it is weird, he's staring at the thing. rosanna: i thought he handled that well. >> chaos with peace. it is time to shake the rust off of america's foreign policy. it is time to invite new voices and new visions into the fold, something we have to do. the direction i will outline today returns us to a timeless principle. my foreign policy... rosanna: america first, greg. john kasich doesn't know how to eat food, it is disgusting. he can stay on message like yesterday. so. rosanna: we'll keep to watch the politics. how about keeping the eye on the bottom line here, uber. i'm a big uber user and yesterday when i heard this news, i was not happy. there are times when you request a trip with uber and it goes from your car will be there in 4 minutes to 9 minutes and forget it. then i cancel it. well, if you cancel the upper trip more than two minutes after making it, they are going to charge you ten bucks. they used to give you a five minute window and now down to two minutes z. greg: i have mixed feelings uber. you get a big black car and you never see the bill. rosanna: at the end of the month, wow, i took that many ubers. greg: they can rack up. by the way, you have a beef with uber going beyond the driver, good luck getting them on the phone. rosanna: that is impossible. greg: it is designed that way. if you order a car and it is saying it is coming in 4 minutes or 5 minutes or 10 minutes, you have 2 minutes to change your mine. how much are you charged? rosanna: $10. we are talking to the uber ceo on monday. if you have questions, put it on our facebook question and we'll ask the questions on monday. greg: we had a big night last night, actually. we are tired this morning. we stayed out late at gotham hall. rosanna: it was worth it. st. christopher's inn. it is a facility providing counselling and substance abuse treatment for men. rosanna: a lot of these men go there and they are broken and this place helps them put themselves together, fight their addictions and spiritual life. we met some of the men. they are part of the optional chorus. greg: my favorite is morrie. when we emcee things, it messes with our head. rosanna: we are not used to reactions. here you know if you are doing well or bombing, basically. i think they were so kind to us. greg: they do great work. get ready for, lee majors. yes. the $6 million man. rosanna: and his wife faith. they told the back stories. faith's mother was a single mom and it was difficult for her mom to put the food on the table. lee majors talked about his life, which was amazing and sad and tragic, but beautiful at the same time. he lost his dad when he was 16 months old in i believe a factory or mining accident and his mother was killed by a drunk driver when she was six years old. he was raised by adoptive parents. >> he's a nice guy. that was the first big hit. we want to show how cool he was in the $6 million man, and mike, are you ready, he played steve austin austin astronaut, a man barely alive. the world east first bionic man. mike: he can go 60 miles per hour. greg: exactly. fantastic show we grew up on. rosanna: he looked great, lee majors. it was a great night. if you know someone who is suffering, you may want to check out st. christopher's inn. let's talk about the weather, mike. are you finished running in place. mike: i am out of brekt now. the clouds are returning to the tristate region. 50 at central park. 50 newark. 50 also in poughkeepsie. 52 # bridgeport. at montauk. partly cloudy skies. the clouds are thickening up on us and we have to deal with the rain. but right now it is back to the southwest. it is coming in the frame here, yep, the rainfall is moving into the tristate region. do we get a lot? probably not. for now, you are okay. the low pressure is to south of us and going to kick up the showers, but it is taking time to get going. what the models where saying the rain is saying it is popping up it is only patchy lighter showers and coming and going overnight and into the morning tomorrow. and then the main area of low pressure is coming through here friday evening and that will give us intense rain at that time. even then it is light to mod ral rainfall and not a huge deal. keep that in mind if you are getting out. it is out of here by the time we get to saturday. partly cloudy then. the weekend is looking so-so for us. saturday is looking better than sunday. mostly cloudy, showers developing later in the day. the high in the city 58. tonight we see cloudy skies and light rain showers and lows between 40-45. the next 7 days, showers tomorrow and more rain later on sunday and monday and tuesday. a little birthday shout out to emery, turning five years old today. have a fantastic birthday and your grandma is a big fan too. happy birthday. rosanna? greg: okay, mike. thank you very much. so, some of us got to know christina applegate in the married with children days. rosanna: sunday nights we were tuned in. the highest ratings on fox. it kind of established fox as a new network and christina front and center on the show. wild. greg: and some of us got to know her through the role in the anchor man franchise. brilliant stuff. take a listen, please. >> i will have you know that i have more talent and more intelligence in my little finger than you do in your entire body, sir. >> you are a smelly hooker. >> you look like a blueberry. eyebrows went. greg: just two high lights from the career, a special message may be merck. hi, hello. rosanna: you just came in from the west coast? >> yes. i did. >> how did you sleep? >> not very well. i am working on it and pinpointing why i have insomnia. i am working with merck to say i suffer too and here is a wonderful website to educate yourself on why you are not sleeping. i can fall asleep and then up every two hours. it is not because of my brain is saying anything to me. i have nothing going on up there. rosanna: you are not solving the world's problems? brain, awake brain and asleep brain, i think of all the technology and the information that we are being overloaded no one is sleeping any more. greg: what is the solution, if any? >> i am trying different kinds of hygiene things, cool bedroom, go to bed at the same time, put devices away an hour before going to bed. the blue light is activating the awake brain. rosanna: what we heard -- >> someone hits you over the head. meditation is huge. rosanna: a helped my sleeping. have you noticed a change? >> it helps a little bit. >> it is about staying asleep that i am working on what that means. go to to website and there is a take it to doctor and the doctor can see what is happening with you. why still rosanna: you have to get your senses together, is there an anchor man three? >> now that adam mckay is an oscar winner for writing the big short, i don't know. i think his plate is full. look -- rosanna: so much more needs to be done. >> we would drop anything to work together again. if he says we are doing it, tell me where, when and how. greg: it was brilliant. industry. >> i watched this show for inspiration. rosanna: don't start. >> it was the 70s. greg: where'd you grow up? >> entertainment family? >> nope. my mom acted. out of work. just the two of us. i grew up in the hills. rosanna: you seem to be working a lot and you were at the tribeca film festival. >> yes, it was a film shot in manhattan. that never happens any more. it is usually atlanta or vancouver. >> youth in oregon? >> yes. made here? >> well, made here, taking place not here. it is a movie about a man who is 80 years old at the end of life and wants to euthanize himself. >> yes. see it? >> i hope so. it is a beautiful film. rosanna: so i did neat eds to be picked up? >> yes, tribeca is a great forum for that. >> one more time on the website? >> why so that is what i ask myself as 2:00 in the morning. >> does merck make sleeping pills, is that the solution? >> no, no. everyone has their own thing to do, this is about learning why you are awake. rosanna: by the wake, how do you feel, are you healthy? >> i'm good. >> and your daughter? >> she's amazing. she's five years old and and cute. greg: we look forward to seeing anchor man three. rosanna: and this summer with another movie. >> yes. >> larry king, well, one of the greatest talk show hosts that ever lived. there he is. rosanna: are we going to bed with larry? >> he has a bedding mind. at hillshire farm, spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen season every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. introducing the fusion of exceptional taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. new activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. delicious and good for you. pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. p flonase is the first and only nasal spray approved to relieve pboth itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. more complete allergy relief. flonase. >> everybody talked to larry king, including a younger donald trump. rosanna: that had a political hankers back then. greg: i miss, you can cue up the music, the larry king show on cnn and the radio, the country paused and watched. rosanna: yes, you watched every night, you know. greg: you could really learn something, the celebrities, the news makers were comfortable and less guarded than now and larry king got great information from you know why, he's got a curious mind. rosanna: he's still curious. greg: and the suspenders. welcome to you both. rosanna: greg is fascinated with the suspenders, do you need them? >> no. >> yes. [laughter] >> i didn't come -- >> you are a fashionista. i never wore jockettes in miami. some saying suspenders would look good. it is a thing. rosanna: it is a trademark. greg: we are going to talk about why you came here. there are anticipation of relacing larry king. nobody has. rosanna: they had one england, i guess. and now they don't, at 9:00 at night they have documentaries. greg: most people wound up with you in a room. >> we had a very aggressive production staff. rosanna: are you happy to have him home? >> i send him out the door. we started larry king now. rosanna: so you wanted him working? >> out, go, go. >> she came up with the show. it is her idea. some mornings she's saying you are here? >> and now the idea with the betting? >> when i was a kid in brooklyn we used to stand on the corner shaying 3-ply? i am excited about it. tell them the story. i'm a crazy person about linens and i have known to buy sheets from hotels. that is how bad it is with me. i am actually ashamed to say how much i have spent on sheets over the years but we have partnered with a company and when i met with them, i found they create the fine linens for the hotels. >> some of the best in the world. rosanna: let's take a look. >> i found out, the sheets that i bought from the particular hotels, they had made them. this is a perfect, perfect partnership for us. i will hold on to you. >> sleep like a king. tel quality. >> where at? >> sleep like a >> do they smell like larry? >> yes. >> he smells good. >> they are from the favorite destinations. this is our own special threading. they feel so good. that's what i love. rosanna: it seems like today we have a theme going on with christina and insomnia. you need the nice sheets. >> exactly. >> other colors? >> yes, seven colors. >> i see towels. >> yes. that is one of them. we have shades here and the beds that matches that too. them, the softer and fluffier they become. it is high blooms. very special. >> sleep like a it works. >> >> this issalpaca. >> should yes leave you here? >> thank you so much. sleep like a now, we are taking you back to the old office. come with us, larry. >> okay. >> do you remember, larry -- >> be careful. cnn had this beautiful light bright thing. this always looked the same. correct. >> yes. >> oh my goodness. >> larry, do you have a mic for larry? >> that is larry's seat there. >> you sit there. >> all right. hit us with something, larry. >> look. >> there it is. go. >> we need a guest. >> all right, i'm in front of the camera. >> how does that feel. you are back in the saddle. >> welcome to larry king. we have a special guest, the three msu ke tiers. >> cover the plot. >> bedding and bedding larry king. >> oh, wait a minute. [laughter] >> is this the film that >> larry i thought about running for the president, who is that? donald trump. anybody you didn't interview that you ever wanted to? >> fidel castro. we went to havana. wow, this looks like my show. you sleep with a king. yes, he's right there. >> [laughter] >> you guests will never be back. >> thank you, larry king. >> what an honor, look at this. >> thank you. the best way to get together, is with the treat with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, the delicious taste of nutella takes pancakes to a whole new level. nutella. spread the happy! thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah part of the complete breakfast greg: check this out. how is the guy defined. what a supper duper tan. rosanna: he's a handsome guy. greg: actor's actor. look at him back in the day. we have a photograph. i got to know him in prince in the city. later, the late shift. he mailed it. they have teamed up for the congressman. rosanna: dysfunction and greed in washington. it is perfect for hollywood and for us right now. it is in the theatre. so nice to have george and tweete with us. how did you get along? >> at the beach, we were tanning. he looks like my negative. tan? >> i tan every day of my life it seems. actually, it is bad to talk chance to score with a film here. rosanna: tell us about the character in the congressman. >> i am a smarmy, well, what? >> sleez bag. >> he's a wonderful patriotic man that the principles are questioned. >> i play a guy whose world is falling apart and he's challenged by it. >> did you model the character after anybody in real life? >> no, i put myself in the position and what would i do in that position. it is about a guy that happens to be a congressman. >> it is released tomorrow. you are the congressman. >> i am the sleeze ball. is a reach again, but we worked together in a film some years ago called -- >> he's fun to be on a set with. >> we have a clip from the congressman. take a look. >> they start add shooting war. they are crazy. who are you representing in all of this. >> how much are they paying you? >> it is almost charity, $25,000 a month. >> we need to go. >> charlie, why don't you come out to burning tree with me. you can't stay here forever. everyone loves you. you can bill a million dollars a month. charlie, think about it. think about it. greg: the congressman is rosanna: it sounds like now. >> oh, i think it is happening now. it is timely. but it is a hope in this movie. which i am worried about our country right now, but there is hope. rosanna: we actually had on the writer yesterday. greg: yes. from long island. his idea. so, going back to the early days, george, where did you grow up? >> i was born in memphis, tennessee and went to school in new york city and florida and spent 50 years in hollywood. >> the big break? >> i met robert mitchem and i went in to him and he said to me i know the lines, i'm too drunk to say them. that was the first big break. night and i learned about acting from him. rosanna: that is wild. what about you? ie was on broadway and starring in grease. you go completely overboard on stage and he hired me for the lead in hair. rosanna: who'd you play in hair? >> the lead. >> wow. >> there was nudity in that. >> that is a sexy part. >> yes, there was nudity. now gravity took its toll, no nudity. >> thank you for coming in. congressman is released tomorrow. >> thank you. >> i want to meet larry king. >> larry left the building. >> we have a sleep theme running through the show. >> no king size sheets in the line? >> that can't be. >> that is what they told me. >> your people. >> we'll get back to you on that. what watches the daily show. very funny under the new guy. he's always funny. on the touchy issues. greek nonfat yogurt with delicious crunchy toppings like chocolate and peanut butter chips. crunched it! new oikos crunch. >> what is interesting for me, before i became new director i didn't get "good day", i didn't understand it. i get it but i still don't understand what "good day" is about. anything happens on the show. you go crazy. >> you can't define "good day new york." >> there is sa method to the madness. rosanna: it is great. greg: i would watch that show. rosanna: now live up to the hype. greg: the daily program. sometimes not nice to us but we can live with it. we have the high lights. hit it. >> creating a whole in yourself. >> what makes a hole in yourself? >> so you are telling me that these are not dangerous>> . >> they are very good at putting people in awkward and funny situations and sometimes a social commentary. now involved with the movie mother's day. it is out any moment now. good morning. >> nice to see you guys. rosanna: what is it like, this is not your first movie? >> no, 748th movie. >> is this your first day at the rodeo? >> no, i have done a few movies. on the dally show, jon let me go off and do the medical back. he had a sort of policy letting us do other stuff. name? >> i was a senior brown correspondent, senior middle east correspondent, whatever we needed at any particular moment. you, come here. day. >> mother's day, this is another one of the movies where he's got a great cast together, about and it is heart warming romantic comedy. rosanna: what are you fitting? >> i placate hudson's husband. do you get the kiss her? >> yes. >> and? >> and she, you know, i kissed her once in the movie and now she won't stop calling. no. it is great. it was a lot of fun. rosanna: did you practice? >> i kiss add few women in my day. so you know, kate got a nice kiss out of me. rosanna: all right, good. you play the love interest? >> her husband actually. >> is there drama? >> in the middle of the story, there is interracial couple dealing with the issues and it is deafly handelled, it is a comedy and dealing with the issues in the midst of this very >> i think we have a clip. let's see it, from mother's day. >> oh, hello. we are back from commercial. >> oh, we are back. >> are you in the house? >> no. >> who the hell are you? >> i'm jessie's father. >> that is not funny, they are in a di men sha facility. >> we live in texas. >> are you jessie's mother? >> yes. >> who are you? >> i am jessie's house, i think. >> wow. that is a lot of drama right there. >> it is getting funny and tense. yeah. >> where'd you grow up? >> i grew up in the uk. when did you come to america? chamberlain in florida. >> your first paid gig in the business? >> the tv show miami vice. >> no kidding? >> with don johnson. >> and michael thomas. >> did you wear the shoes without socks? >> yes. >> you do it. v-neck t-shirt on. >> it is miami in me still. that was the first gig and i played the doorman outside of the hotel in miami, florida and i had a seen with don johnson. it was great. >> all right, great to see you. >> thank you. >> mother's day is out tomorrow. it is looking good. >> congratulations. >> coming up you know her as the weather woman at the fox news channel. >> the weather machine. in our house, imagination runs wild. but at my table, i keep the food real. like country crock's recipe made with real simple ingredients. and no artificial flavors or preservatives. real country fresh taste from real ingredients. welcome to crock country. treat damaged hair to nourishing repair. new whole blends by garnier honey treasures haircare. with the essence of royal jelly and propolis. nourishes deeply, for naturally beautiful, revived hair. new garnier whole blends >> hi, everybody. memorial day weekend, 3 day weekend. rosanna: you have one coming up. i hope you have nice weather. >> cancun, baby. hi, everybody. weather is looking immediate okayer. >> here. >> janice dean the weather machine and awesome on the fox news channel. rosanna: 4th book is out. this is dealing with tornados. >> yes. >> so the first one was a thunderstorm and then to the blizzard and hurricane and now to the tornado. >> tornados are scary. >> yes, they are probably the most violent weather phenomenon that we have, and they can happen any where. we have tornado alley where all of the ingredients come together for long lasting dangerous any where and weather affects all of us. i wanted to explain to the kids why weather happens. if i wasn't a meteorologist i don't know if i could explain the weather. i want add story and introduced a new character in freddie the frog forecaster. tad pooler is a storm chaser and going on a ride to see a tornado. i can't giveaway the ending. >> is he dangerous? >> no, he talks like this in my mind, hi i'm tad polar and he's a scientist and he studied the tornados. greg: the illustrations are fan fastic. here is a newscaster. they are hyping up the news big time. who is that? >> no. >> someone asked who i relate to in the book. i relate to all of the characters. greg: frog's news alert. tornados can be deadly, but make them fun at the same time for kids. >> the thing is, we can prepare, weather forecasting much better and we can prepare in advance. before something happens, know what to do. parents have said we read the books and mom and dad we have a storm preparedness kit and what do we do if it floods. those are good questions. those are questions to address now and taking a little bit of the scare out. rosanna: is there an audio version on this? >> no, that is an excellent idea. >> look, no audio version, but there is the app. ipad app. play the games. >> this is a brand new app available on the app store. you can learn, there is a lot of weather news that you can get from here, including the forecast, put in your zip code and the current conditions are coming up and see that. rosanna: i like the coloring book. >> right. a little weather pattern game. this is my favorite part ready freddy. this is available. this is why i did it, i want kids to be excited about the weather. greg: what is the name of the app? >> freddy the frogcaster weather station. weather this weekend? nationally? >> mike does a fantastic job, by the way. mike woods everybody. mike: thank you. greg: any severe weather? >> we are into tornado season. central plains where all of ingredients come together for tornados. this is a timely book. all of the freddy series i want to entertain and educate at the same time. parents and teachers love they are going into the libraries and school classrooms. rosanna: congratulations. >> thank you so much. you are a great support to me. greg: janice dean the weather machine. >> work on the frog voice. rosanna: "good there's moving... and there's moving with move free ultra. it has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones. and unlike glucosamine chondroitin, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra. all across new york families are coming back to time warner cable. join them, and switch right now. we have trucks standing by, and we can install as early as today. pwe came back for internet speeds so fast even the kids are impressed. oh she's impressed. we're catching up on movies and shows on demand just as fast as we can watch them. for $89.99 a month you'll get 100 meg ultra-fast internet, popular hd channels and unlimited calling. twc's home wifi is so strong we can use all our devices at the same time. so we can all watch whatever we want. and that's kinda cool. call now. for $89.99 a month you'll get internet, tv and phone. there's no contract, no risk and our money-back guarantee. come back today and we'll give you free installation with our exclusive one-hour arrival window. feels good to be back. come back today and get installed as early as today. at no extra cost! plus get tv equipment and epix included. and get a $300 reward card. rosanna: this is a good market. greg: thank you for supporting "good day". >> i don't want to leave. rosanna: okay, hang out. >> whenning are you going on vacation. can i come? >> sit here. >> yes, yes. >> we are doing a facebook live coming up shortly. here is the book. >> i want to thank larry king. he had a good time in the office here. >> are you doing the larry king right now? it seems like a cold at first. you can't concentrate, can't sleep. before long it's all you can think about. you feel anxious and uncertain. until one day you realize, this could be it. you've done it, you've quit smoking for good. a little suffering now can save a lot of suffering later. stop before the real suffering starts. you can quit smoking. talk with your doctor. at hillshire farm, spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen season every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. take any day, magic into it. introducing the fusion of exceptional taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. new activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. delicious and good for you. new activia fruit fusion. today, lori grabs delicious jimmy dean sausage from the fridge, fully cooked and ready in seconds. it makes breakfast complete, completing the gazebo, prompting a celebration in lori's backyard. with jimmy dean, good mornings lead to

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