Transcripts For WNYW Good Day New York 20160122 : comparemel

Transcripts For WNYW Good Day New York 20160122

a big snowstorm is coming his way. handling hurricane c&d. he did a good job. he will still be campaigning in that pit for president. >> if you are going to the airport today, you better call before you head out. thousands of flights already canceled and expected to get worse from there. greg: i am totally psyched about the weather. they are running out of all the good stuff. chocolate chip cookie dough. you just eat it like that. industrial sized ice cream. greg: we will garnish it with what else do we have here? we have three does. when was the last time somebody had cool whip? it is a special for us. it is going to be fun at times. mike: they are going to be so happy. okay. all right. hopefully nobody gets hurt. let's call it a moderate storm as far as the snow is concerned. here. southwest. all the five boroughs, all of long island. it is all covered with a blizzard warning. you are in blowing snow. down to one quarter of a mile or less. that is what we're looking at during the last 24 hours. almost the same thing, just not the wideout and reduced visibility conditions. we have that moisture coming in off the atlantic hours. we have the problems with coastal flooding out there. saturday into sunday. a full moon tomorrow. it will bring your tides of two and a half three and a half feet above normal. the way fights will be in the end, this is how much snow we expect. about three-6 inches of snow. that moisture is just not able to make it all the way into the cold, dry air. they are looking at 12-18 inches. 12 degrees in sussex. tenant agrees in monticello. satellite. it becomes our coastal storm. our nor'easter. it depends on where you are. high temperatures making it up to 32 degrees. we wake up and there should be a good little layer of snow. the next few days at that, for five days, it is all looking drive. ines: taking the frog's neck bridge. expect delays. coming in from nassau county. victory boulevard. you will encounter delays as you get closer to the bridge. 495, westbound, jammed. you do not have access to route three. taking on the turnpike. eastern spur. that is where he flipped over. if you are heading to new jersey, it used to holland or the george washington bridge. greg: thanks a lot. we heard from mike that a blizzard may have. greg: it reduces visibility to we are getting ready. they are responsible for getting the snow off the streets. teresa: they are working 12 hour shifts now. fox five robert moses is on the west side with a look at how they are doing. >> reporter: good morning to you. new york city has a snow budget removal. have not really needed much of the money so far. we will need several of those million this weekend. this weekend, it will feel a whole lot more like alliance. >> the first big storm of the winter. weight out conditions. >> big trips on saturday and sunday. get that out of their minds. it is not happening. >> reporter: to and it the thousand tons of rock salt ready to go. they will begin winning 12 hour shifts. 579 salt spreaders will be pre-deployed beginning tonight. though files will hit the roads to get rid of it. >> it is much higher than it was last year. trying to keep those accumulations down. the governor shut down the system without any coordination with the city. the storm did not materialize as feared. the mayor says it will not happen again. >> the lack of coordination is a real problem. this time, there will be a lot more communication and coordination. >> a live look at the sanitation garage. the city is actually hiring people to shovel snow away from sidewalks and bus stops. yes, you can be hired by the city. the city will pay you 1350 and our to get rid of the snow. that is the latest live from the west side this morning. back to you. greg: they are fantastic. let's go to long island. we could see a real problem there. >> people are keeping a close eye on the impending storm. feedback really bad memories of superstore and sandy. people have not forgotten about that. >> you can expect it to be flooded during this event. >> nassau county plans to activate its emergency center. they will also be preparing the street with a prime. greg: let's go to new jersey next. teresa: good morning, liz. the snow is really on the bottom many people are really concerned about. the one good thing that superstore and sandy propp display was extra funding and extra protection. they were able to bring in more sand. the army corps of engineer approve certain funding to allow this to happen. these man-made dunes have been popping up all along the beach to prevent any sort of major flooding that could be coming year. emergency crews construct those students just yesterday. pushing. house of sand. they go down about a mile here on the beachfront. this will be the first-line of defense if we see a strong storm surge. the mayor said these dudes are in place and will certainly get hopefully hold. >> a great natural defense against whatever nature brings our way. >> i am just recently moving down here. i do not know if these piles of sand are reassuring me or not. >> lots of people in these areas have to go with that expect. you can see this gorgeous sunrise. it really would not know that there is pretty bad weather heading our way. everyone will be keeping an eye on the beach at high tide on saturday. that is going to be a crucial time to see how high the water gets. are not in place. back over to you. >> thinks a lot. governor christie. he made a big name for himself. he will not be in new jersey. he will be campaigning in new hampshire higher. take a listen to the governor. there. she is handling aims on the ground there. if i could go back, i would. >> governor christie has a lot of campaign events scheduled. the rest of us new jersey ends will be hunkering down. greg: he should at least drop out of the state for more than 100 days / share. delegating a lot. this is a critical time for him. power companies getting ready for the worst. teresa: we have heard that before. they have ready to be deployed to whatever emergency situation comes up. >> the beginning. the wind and the snow. that is something we work out of westchester. con ed is asking you to stay away from any downed power lines. conditions to comment. flight aware reports that 2600 fights have art event canceled for today. most airlines are waiving change fees. >> we will highlight one of the many delectable foods that we have acquired for the storm. the malabar is a classic cookie. it has a little cookie crust. you can only get it in the wintertime. mike: i do not remember whether or not it is seasonal. it started in hoboken. one of the many, many cool foods that week out for this storm. >> i want to show you what it is like. this is ray there are -- this is radar across the country. this is part of the reason we have all those travel issues. a couple major hubs down there in atlanta and the carolinas. also, those that are making the rain to the northeast. issues. especially tomorrow. as we head into tomorrow, the snow begins by 5:00 a.m. you are down to the southwest in it will start a little earlier. through saturday afternoon, you will see periods of snow. look out for the potential of power outages at that time. it could take down some power lines. then we have moderate to major tile flooding. keep in mind, the worst times are the times of high tide feared around 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. by the time we get to sunday and monday, we will be back to normal. we have 21. clear sky. i can see that cloud cover that areas of pressure. snow and ice coming through. we should see about three-6 inches for the white shaded areas. on average, most of us will be in that six-12-inch range. you are still getting some snow. it is a little further away from the storm center. the area of pressure. it is too cold and dry up to the north. thirty-three is your forecast type. tomorrow, we have that snow starting up in the very early morning hours. it should be wrapped up pretty early for you come sunday morning. temperatures coming right back up to normal. problems we have out there. ines: still have to go to work. watch out for a crash blocking a lane. you still have to lay's laze coming up clearview and the cross island parkway. let's go to our cameras. traffic slowed here westbound. the subways, we have police the rest of the trains are running on or close to schedule. street cleaning rules are in effect today. greg: rosanna is someplace warm. jimmy. do you have any idea where that side highway. >> they have a pretty quick turnaround. >> they don't, the best time. greg: the next batch will be coming into town. mike works, you remember this? look at all the good things about it, though. no fat, cholesterol and gluten-free. i think we have to eat this stuff. [laughter] >> wonder bread and you are our cosmetics line was a hit. the orders were rushing in. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn' t need a loan. we needed short-term funding fast. building 18 homes in 4 months? that was a leap. to help me buy those building materials. amex helped me buy the inventory i needed. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that. another step on the journey. will you be ready when growth presents itself? in new york state, we all across the state the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in the hudson valley, with world class biotech. and on long island, where great universities are creating next generation technologies. let us help grow your company's tomorrow, today greg: charged with murder. hoping to get a bail hearing today. teresa: being hailed without fail at a westchester county jail. he is accused of killing his wife. doctor robin goldman. she was murdered yesterday in the shower of their $3 million scarsdale home. together. they have no record of the >> we have no domestic violence history at that house. no criminal violence that vividly. greg: this is wild. there he is again. apparently, they were in the process of getting a divorce. the next scheduled court date is next week. tuesday. greg: the campaign trail. donald trump has taken a commanding lead. greg: a new poll has 40% of the most likely voters with donald trump. 40% with donald trump. ted cruz is in second place with 26%. sarah palin, that endorsement could not have her. what else is going on? >> hillary clinton has her work in a plant lead. >> a national review. it has been around for a long time. she'd list and crude. >> donald trump had a few things to say about that. >> into circulation way down. that is a timesaver. teresa: it went from dying to dad in a couple of minutes. the republican national committee says that these nine people no longer cosponsor the debate. greg: what else this morning? look at that now on the run. this is in jamaica, queens. who knew that they had a slaughterhouse in queens. i always thought this was happening down south. >> the cow, as you saw, was bolting through the streets. it was caught in this parking garage here. the 103rd precinct treated out some photos. >> he was running. >> then the other guy -- >> they caught him with a rope. the cow was scheduled to be slaughtered today. upstate. >> lately i have been trying to not eat meat. i have been indulging left and right. we are going to break my diet. greg: you know what is really good. peanut butter. we have all kinds. the creamy kind in the crunchy kind. the common core rollout was a disaster. parents knew it. teachers knew it. and now, governor cuomo's task force is doing what's right. state tests don't unfairly count against students. and test scores won't be used in teacher evaluations. less testing. greater focus on learning. that's a start, but there's more to do. let's work together to support sensible and fair learning standards that help every child -- in greg: how about a little music as we look at the west side highway. what does it do? does it provide granular traction for vehicles? greg: this time tomorrow, we may have a lot of snow on our hands. we are stocking up. mike. this. [laughter] mike: -- greg: it is a serious storm. >> writing chore sugar high has kicked in. teresa: i agree. what are your you said shows? mike: i try not to get too crazy with that. greg: mike is like a space shuttle. we all see. you look great. >> thank you very much. the good news is, it is coming in on a saturday. we have moderate snow coming to us here. that is why we have a blizzard warning. majority of the tri-state region. it is coming in on the weekend. not to the point where we cannot in around town. for the most part, a lot of folks can stay home and wait this out. bottom line is, most all of us will get in on the snow action here. the core of the tri-state impact down to the southwest. also in the coastal region, this is a problem for folks out there. it typically floods out when a nor'easter comes through. it brings a tie to two and a wave heights will be of 28-12 c. that is a problem. tenant agrees only in monticello. the cold air is already in place. i can see the cloud cover edging up here from the southwest. eventually, we will have to deal with the precipitation. it has enough cold they are already in place. there could be a mix in the area. that would mainly be near the south jersey shore. it looks like the snow starts up at 5:00 o'clock in the morning here in the city. we're talking about bands of heavy snow that will be setting up. time advancing to the north. they will be looking at have your snow. it gets out of here by earlier sunday. as far as snow totals in the end, three-six for the shaded areas. we get closer to central and southern sections of new jersey. back towards maryland in the capital. today, sunny at first. it will be called. cloudy and cold for you tonight. not until after midnight. the snow really gets going along with blizzard conditions. possible through the day for you tomorrow. again, the coastal flooding issues will be a big problem for let's bring in kindness now. >> traffic a little lighter than normal rate now. take a look at rockland county. normally at this time we see red at the tappan zee bridge. watch out for a stall. there is a crash on the grand central parkway. westbound 168 street. queens has its normal traffic jam. traffic moving slow westbound. lincoln tunnel, 495, the inbound side. it is a 45 minute too late. so much lighter this morning. if you are traveling outbound, closing down the ramp to route three westbound. turnpike. holland doing fine. traffic really light. >> that is kind of taking advantage of the system. we like. all kinds of preparations. the sanitation department responsible. >> opening that they get it perfectly right with everything. robert moses joins us live. >> reporter: good morning to you. it will not be undisturbed much longer. that will be feeding the spiders that will be fanned out all across the city. the hundred tons of rock salt on hand. beginning about one half hour ago, sanitation workers began 12 hours shifts. they will be doing those shifts for the weekend. the foreseeable future. 579 salt spreaders will be pre-diploid tonight. they can do their job on snowstorm hits. 1650 pounds will be hitting the road to clear it all away. the mayor has mayor has issued a travel advisory for tomorrow and sunday. the conditions will be so bad, not only is heavy snow, but when does well. driving will be next to impossible. expected to be running. the governor shut down a subway system. that was a decision that was done without consultation in the city. there will be much better communication between city and state leaders this time around. one important note about monday, barring anything unforeseen. giving the cruise plenty of time to clear the roadway. greg: they blew it a year ago. thanks a lot. anyone who has the illusion that they will be taking trips on out of your mind. >> stay home. it is not the time to take a big road trip. now we want to go to liz stall on. we could have serious flooding. teresa: good morning. how are you down there. you are responsible for 22 different towns along the shoreline in new jersey. you have to have a lot of work over 1 foot of snow. the rivers and streams. the utilities are always a concern for us. >> here along the beach, i have seen these man made dunes popping up. it is cautionary to make sure that we get any type of storm surge. >> that was a crucial learning moment. moving forward, what kind of assurance can you give? >> particularly the sandy we are cautious. particularly in the low-lying areas. the snow will hit during the weekend. we will not have a lot of the killer traffic. at the end of the day, they should have spots. anything above 44 miles an hour. >> just to reiterate. it is more of the flooding. >> the wind and flooding. the way it would impact the communities. >> thank you for all the work that you do. i will send things back over to you. >> if it was open, it is a greg: noted. how are the ways right now? >> reporter: it is very cold. there really is not much going on. really pretty calm right now. it could change in a day or so. greg: we have a recommend that everyone in monmouth county get one of these. a great big cup of cookie dough. it is so awesome. do you ever make it fresh? cookies from scratch? as mike said, i do not think dunkin' donuts' unbelievable selection of breakfast sandwiches freshly made all day -- and now you can enjoy two english muffin egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches for $4. that's breakfast whenevs. mike: welcome back, everyone. we have a blizzard warning in effect. not just snow, but blowing snow. in those locations, 21 degrees 19 degrees in pitchfork. you have a nor'easter coming to town. yes, you are much more likely to get snow. here is the area of low pressure. that is a we start to see the snow piling up. these are your current conditions. twenty-eight trails open. you have packed powder there. thirty-five trails open. you will add a little bit more to that. at least it will be cold enough to make more snow. it will be called today. tonight, the big-time snow comes most of us around six-12 inches. some whiteout conditions are also possible. a couple of dry days after that. 7:00 p.m. tomorrow as well. do not forget the weather app that has headlines and alerts. it is all set to go for free. a big shout out to michael richards. good luck to you, my friend. let's bring in nine as. duck nuked, you are doing fine. westbound by exit 69, there is an overturned tractor-trailer. the expressway has that normal delay. this is right before the brooklyn battery tunnel. greg and teresa. >> a lot of us think that we are really good drivers. did you see that? greg: where is that from? >> we always have too many people on the street. we had gridlock in manhattan. they did have snow tires. they got stranded in the middle of the streets, two. do not drive anywhere. let's go to ben simmoneau. live at the queensborough bridge. >> reporter: good morning. issuing a travel advisory. if you do not have to go out on the roads, please stay home. saturday, driving conditions are not going to be great. they can really get out there and clear of those trees before morning. traffic really coming to a standstill in this city. we had a snow storm that struck just as the evening rush hour was giving away. they all came to a standstill. you are certainly having a it best that there that will keep running. moving pretty quickly underground. they may not be as reliable, of course as they are on any other given day. >> plan on staying at home as much as possible on saturday and sunday. take it easy. the good men and women of the sanitation department can keep our roads clear. >> arriving here on the manhattan side. i do not know if this service will continue through the snowstorm. i imagine they would have a wind threshold. they would have to take the f train. by the queensborough bridge, of course, they will be prescreening big east river bridges. greg: did that car just hit somebody? >> he is a perot taxi. greg: did he hit somebody? >> no, i do not think so. other day. everyone is okay. let's do sports. rosanna: carmelo anthony. eighth time as a starter. this adding to an already big year for him. his last field goal pushed him past larry bird. >> the devils hosted auto what at the rock. new jersey got off to a quick start as well. the senators never recovered. devils win six-three. greg: let's take a quick look hershey' s miniatures. em! we pass ' em! we pick ' em! delicious fun for everyone. s miniatures are mine, yours, our chocolate. >> hey, everybody. mariah carey is engaged. i always liked her. i hope she is happy. rosanna: she is marrying and am australian billionaire. he gave mariah carey a ring that -caret. that is a mortgage on your finger for a nice size home. greg: what do we know about this guy? >> that he is a billionaire. greg: we wish you well. miley cyrus. she is engaged once again to that comes worth by. rosanna: to flee him. lee. greg: what else? rosanna: aronow apparently back together. she has been posting selfie's on instagram wearing the engagement ring he gave her. is it coming back? >> it is. originally opening in 1982. closed in 2000. it is going to open once again this summer. >> not a pick fan of musicals. i do remember cats coming in. >> we did a school trip. >> still my favorite. absolutely. >> it begins july 4 team. rosanna: the longest running once again did. it. we will have great pictures of bruce over the years. it opens today. the late 70s to the early '80s. there are some iconic photos. springsteen just 28 years old. there is also commentary. when he was greg: "good day new york." i am teresa priolo and four rosanna this morning. greg: good timing. we are getting ready tomorrow. blizzard warnings in effect. this is a pay deal. there is a chance that it will not be that bad. mike woods will fill us in about everything. teresa: a travel advisory from saturday into sunday. they are expecting the storm to be really bad. the jersey shore. really bad flooding down there. getting ready for that. governor christie is not in new jersey. he is in new hampshire higher. new hampshire primary couple weeks away. in emergencies storm responsibility. greg: all right. netflix. food. movies. it will be cool. netflix and chill. >> i like that. it deepens on your perspective. greg: we should have waited on the storm before we started eating this junk. we have chocolate chip cookie dough. industrial sized ice cream. when was the last time anyone making ice cream sandwiches. we will taper off on this consumption. cards against humanity. you hunker down. >> you let it go by. we do have a major storm. moderate to major storm. we will be able to deal with it. it would be a huge problem. we do have a blizzard warning in effect. although red shaded counties. you will see significant snow, as well as blowing snow. wind 35 miles per hour. that is where we have to blizzard warnings. the pink shaded counties, that is where we have winter storm watches and warnings. there. everyone else, also coastal flooding. it will be a big problem for this particular storm. moderate to major flooding coming up for us. at times of high tide, that is around 7:00 o'clock in the morning. you could see tides departure above normal. about three-half feet. continuing to pile up the water. those are the two major problems. temperature wise, cold temperatures starting off in the teens and 20s. i can see them already playing into south jersey. here is where the precipitation is. caroline is heading into it becomes a coastal low or nor'easter. we have conditions to bring us a good amount. the pink shaded areas. most of us are probably going to be in that area. twelve-18 inches. that is possible for you. this starts again tomorrow morning. somewhere between the hours of three to 5:00 a.m. it keeps going to the day. we start out with son. get some clouds later. wake up tomorrow morning and pretty much great throughout the day. treacherous travel. flooding. coastal flooding. that is a concern in the typical areas. it is dry after sunday's. she is real busy with accidents. normal. heading towards the tappan zee bridge. let's check out your commute this morning. this is over by deer park avenue. you are fine heading westbound. traffic fine on the cross bronx. there is an accident by the sheridan that is blocking a lane. greg: thanks a lot. something goes wrong with snow removal projects. it happened before. john lindsay. down. are we ready for this one? the mayor's plan to be ready. fox5 robert moses joins us live from the west side. he has a look at what is being done. good morning, robert. >> reporter: snow removal or lack thereof. really, it has doomed marriages in the past. getting rid of the snow is a key part of what any mayor does. i have a hold the bow of it for you. untouched this entire winter. they are ready for the snow and all of its chili, frigidity glory. >> we are bracing for the first big storm of the winter. heavy snow and high winds could cause whiteout conditions. that led the mayor to issue a travel advisory tomorrow into and sunday. get that out of your mind. it is not happening. sanitation workers will begin working 12 hour shifts with 24 hour shifts. once the snow starts to accumulate, 1650 plows will hit the roads to get rid of it. you try to keep those accumulations down. without any coordination in the city. the worst storm new york has >> the lack of coordination was a real problem. the decision should have been different. this time we have a lot more communication and coordination. >> again, this will be a very busy place. twenty-four hours or so. the city has budgeted seven and a half million dollars. it has really gone pretty much untouched. we will meet some of those millions this weekend. back to you. greg: i know we're not supposed to drive anywhere far away. let's listen to the mayor one more time. get that out of your minds. it is not happening. >> i do not inc. that he can. what is the word. condescending, maybe? it could be a problem if you are on the road. they are worried about flooding. cruise along the jersey shore spent the entire day building these sand dunes. let's go to you and see what is morning. >> cruiser back out here bright and early. you can see the two bulldozers hard at work here. though winds could be up to the emergency crews got out to your to build out these man-made dues. protecting the houses here. this will be the first line of a storm surge. they will hopefully hold as we prepare for the storm to come this weekend. >> in the winter it is a great national defense. >> aeronaut too sure what to expect. i'm not sure if these reassure me or not. they know this drill off too well. they are still of course recovering in some parts of this they will be really crucial during high tide hours during the mayor said that text messages have been sent out to residents to remind them that this could be a crucial part in the storm. you vacuum and orders are not in place as of yet. that could change. teresa and greg, back over to you. an acting governor is in charge. we have been told that he will not be back before the storm hits. it is a crucial stop. it has been through big storms before. they just call me. they give me. we know how to do it. >> i do not plan to. you always do that. if i needed to go back, i would. >> all right. this year began, we are only one month then. held only two public events. all right. he may come back if things get really bad. >> let's see how this may impact him. good morning, chris. >> i am a little bit surprised the guy seems to be a lead according to the poll. it was neck and neck. what do you make of what is happening in iowa right now? >> a sizable lead. i think it is a only way you can justify them. we know crews has a very effective around. we are going into the voting booth 45 and its. you have to go to a gym on a cold, windy, perhaps snow we weekend. sit in the school gymnasium. it is a real commitment. we're just we are just going to have to wait and see what happens. clearly, some of the attacks have worked against crews. imagine predicting that it is plain. i will be one of the moderators next there is day. >> what do you make of this national review. do you think that this will harm him? >> no, i don't. the national review. the right magazine. quite frankly, not as powerful or influential as it used to be. coming up with a special edition. basically it says, not trump. why people should not vote for trump. even considering trump. >> we will wrap up as we look at donald trump. those rallies are entertaining. live coverage on the cables. he comes into music. the guy knows how to maintain his energy and knows how to maintain his crowd. >> absolutely not. let me quickly say that is one of the things that the trump people are counting on. waiting to get into a trump rallied. we will have marco rubio. the latest fact that he had private server. we will have new polls out of iowa and new hampshire higher. you are not going anywhere. >> let's hope that you can actually get to the studio. >> i am worried about that. >> i am sure that it will work out just fine. good luck. you can catch it right here on sunday morning. >> a physician. an attractive doctor. totally freaked out on and uber driver. she is a neurology resident. apparently, she thought that a car pulled up outside a club was for her, but it was not. then she kind of lost her mind. call 911. >> she leaves him there. teresa: tosses him to the ground? greg: that is her. she is a medical error. >> neurology. is that what you said? >> she is on a mandatory leave. they will check this thing out. greg: mike, what's up. >> it will be here tomorrow morning. right now, this is the day to do with. getting you some supplies. dry and cold for you today. the snow gets going. it will become heavy at times. in fact, blizzard conditions are tri-state region. we are ready have the cold air in place. 12 degrees in sussex. winter is still coming in from the northwest. it brings an even more of the cold canadian air. here is where we see the majority of oyster. strong area of pressure starting to develop. it continues to deepen. that is i intensified. the snow is not here. starting off light. it does start off pretty should have a good coding. it will be freezing throughout the entire event. it keeps it as primarily snow. there could be some mixing and eastern long island. i believe that most of us will see snow throughout the entire event. it is time to clear things out. it looks like, again, a reducing the second storm. the snow potential that we have for you up there, that is the northern tier. as you head to the north of that, the moisture is not quite making it that far to the north. look at what happens as you head down to the central sections of new jersey. the one and a half plus range. this is not start up until tomorrow. today, the clouds increase. tomorrow, the snow is going. the coastal flooding issues are a big problem. especially times of high tide. it should be wrapping up pretty early on sunday. the next few days after that are going to be dry. it is a pretty big one. if you want weather information, weather headlines and alerts. it will let you know where those advisories are. let's bring in ines. let's see if we have anything. obviously, we do. there is always something going on. an accident by exit 48. you will not have access to that. let's go to our cameras. closer to the verizon no. heading towards the lincoln tunnel. 495, looking good. holland, five from each approach. greg and teresa. teresa: thank you very much. still ahead on good day. are you on your sugar high? greg: this stuff is so great. the best part of the storm. picking out. let's take a quick peek outside. it is not snowing yet. a live look at where teresa spent a lot of her summers. remember. what was that guy? the situation. greg: dunkin' donuts' unbelievable selection of breakfast sandwiches freshly made all day -- and now you can enjoy two english muffin egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches for $4. that's breakfast whenevs. i'm neil patrick harris and new york is my home. no place has more world class culture. come winter, i can't wait to visit our must-see collections of art and superb photography and film. new york has beautifully restored theaters, that are now important centers for the performing arts. and museums that preserve the glories of the past. winter in new york state means more great things to do plan your trip at disaster. parents knew it. and now, governor cuomo's task force is doing what's right. state tests don't unfairly count and test scores won't be used in less testing. greater focus on learning. that's a start, but there's more to do. let's work together to support sensible and fair learning standards that help every child -- in teresa: fox means business. >> this storm will be an expensive one. a billion dollars, if not more in damage. including new york. taking a look at our airports. going in and out of jfk. 315 and growing. about 3000 cancellations today alone. companies do well. they include home depot. they make the russell. those are some stocks you may want to play around with today. >> did you say play around with these stocks? i can't do it. thank you very much. greg: i will play around. it works for some people. teresa: thank you. have a great weekend. stay warm. greg: a guy was hit by a truck on his motorcycle. we will show you what happens. people are shocked, that this process is so easy. every person that i helped, i wanted to help 10 more people after that. it just made me feel good. come into work everyday, and just knowing that i was going to make a difference come get health insurance, it's easy. i can help you. i just love helping people. i don't want anybody to be greg: it is an our friday tradition. on fridays at 8:30 we hit this song. teresa: that little guy is going to school. psyched about snow. an excuse to watch lots of movie and eat a lot of food. in pressure to do anything. teresa: it is a first major snowfall. greg fwreg : maybe it is fun. maybe it will be a bust. in washington dc they are freaking out. folks, say a prayer for the guy hit by a big truck on our air. it happened about a half hour ago. watch this. boom. see that? see the white truck, it looks like he hit a motor bike. the guy took a serious hit there. we don't know what happened next. how seriously he's injured. teresa: it is appearing to be a utility truck and turning to the bridge and maybe that guy, who knows in a blind spot, we don't greg: they were getting on the bridge at the same time. we hope that the guy is okay. it is certainly not a hit and run. that is all the footage that we have. the vehicles are gone. in emergency vehicles are there. we hope it is not too serious. i missed it. so i hope that guy is okay, and tough stuff that happened there. keep alert. watch yourself out there. we hope the guy is okay. teresa: yes. good morning, earn. greg: rosanna enjoy yourself. i think she's in a warm place right now. teresa: i hope so. mike: i know where she is. should i dime her out? greg: please. mike: i don't do that. teresa: she's on a beach? in the caribbean some where. mike: good for her. teresa: she's going to stream us live. mike: that is what we should do. we have special coverage tomorrow. anyhow, yes, we have a storm on our hands. it is a nor'easter. a coastal storm. it is going to produce big snow in some of the places. some folks get it and some folks don't and we are on the line getting a lot or nothing. here we go. a blizzard warning in effect for the red shaded counties tomorrow morning into sunday. that's the red shaded counties and including all the the boroughs and good part of new jersey. we have winter starm warnings and watches for the blue shaded area. the blizzard warning means potential whiteout conditions. most of us are getting it but not necessarily everyone. saturday morning here is the time line. snow is developing by 5:00 a.m. in the city and earlier across south jersey. light accumulation early and picking up quickly and becoming windy and heavy snow coming through later in the afternoon and bringing the potentialover the power outages with the winds coming in at 30 miles per hour plus and gusts as high at 50 to to 60 miles per hour and the tidal problems. there blb flooding with the storm. especially during the high tide times. whiteout conditions and dangerous travel are the major concerns for this storm. we have 22 at central park. 22 newark. more cold air coming in from the northwest at 7-15 miles per hour. that is a cold canadian air and the low pressure is locked up to the north and this low pressure is coming off the shore and becoming the coastal low or nor'easter and moving to snow into the tristate region. the snow is coming down over parts of the carolinas and va virginia and tennessee and kentucky. it is coming through. the northern tier of the tristate getting 1-3 inches. to the south picking up, 3-6 for the white areas and 6-12 for the pink areas. some more than that. sunny, cold today. up to 33 degrees. tonight. wake up, a coating at least, and then it is picking up throughout the day. high up to 31. windy too. yes, it is going to be a messy situation. wrapping up early on sunday. the blowing snow, the whiteout conditions and the tidal flooding. stay home if you can. do your preps today in terms of getting food or medications, things of that sort and making sure everyone is taken care of, especially the elderly. ines: always problems going to work. the bronx river parkway an accident. we are going to the cameras and looking at the l.i.e. normal stop and go westbound. lincoln tunnel 20 minutes. holland tunnel 5. no delays with the george washington bridge. trains are running or close to street cleaning rules in effect today. suspended today. as far as monday, we'll find out on sunday. greg: thank you, ines. so what will happen? well, in the years past bad storms and sometimes the city doesn't do a good job on removing the snow from the street. sometimes it is great, sometimes not so much. they are taking steps to prepare. teresa: we are going live to robert moses and the mayor has a plan in place and we are hoping they get it right. >> reporter: good morning, greg and teresa, a little traffic and weather together. the west side highway is moving well. the traffic is at speed. this is typical volume on a normal weekday. there is a travel advisory in effect going from tomorrow through sunday. so the mayor yesterday said don't expect to travel this weekend. you are not going to get any where. i want to show you a huge salt pipe. this is a fraction of the tons of the salt that the city has on hand. later tonight the salt spreaders are pre-deployed across the boroughs boroughs, the snowplows will clear the snow. the timing of the storm could work out fine there is little traffic on the roads over the weekend and allowing the plows to work and hopefully the snow wraps up on monday and open the schools on monday. he was asked about the parking. he would think that alternate sides will be suspended on monday but we have wait until he makes that call. side. back to you. again, we may have a blizzard. teresa: what does that mean? greg: we hear about that. it is not a treat at dairy queen. we have the definition. right. teresa: it is... greg: windy conditions followed by reduced visibility down to a quarter of a mile. teresa: for three hours. greg: time to go to jersey, they are worried about flooding there, big time. teresa: it is not just the snow, it is the water from the bay or the ocean, liz is in belmar this morning. good morning, liz. >> reporter: good morning, teresa and greg, the winds are picking up and getting much cooler and uncomfortable and the conditions will be picking up and we are joined by the mayor of belmar, matt, thank you for joining us today. >> my pleasure. here and working all day yesterday and today, tell us about what they are doing here. >> we have built a 1.3 mile dune system along the belmar beach front. most constructed during the fall in anticipation of a storm and completed the rest of it and strengthening areas that were devastated during the winter from wear and tear. so these bulldozers have been out the past 72 hours and here throughout the day in efforts to keep the sea at bay during saturday. >> reporter: this is the first line of defense if that surge does happen, that storm surge and it is crucial for the people here? >> it is a natural defense against what the ocean throws our way. we are able to build this because of all of the beach this enabled us to have the resources to defend our town, and again, against this storm and future storms as well. >> reporter: what is the message to the people in your town watching now and being prepared for what is to come? >> well, the families in the town have vivid memories of sandy and they aring a tated and anxious i. it is important to know that the town is doing everything we can to fully protect them and their families and their homes and property from any damage that is coming this weekend. it is going to be high winds and secure things and be prepared for power outages but the major concern is the coastal flooding. whatever the ocean tries to do coming into your town over the weekend. ono evacuation orders are in >> right now no need for evacuations. we are listening to the media and preparing for it. it is better to overprepare to be unprepared. and we hope on sunday we'll look at it and continue to move forward. >> reporter: thank you, mayor, i am sure you are busy. it is a busy 24 hours ahead. people gearing up here for the potential flooding and snow and the bulldozer are working hard here. greg, teresa, back to you. greg: the mayor seeming sharp, how duds he feel about governor christie in new hampshire right now? > reporter: how do you feel about the govr being in new hampshire>>. >> our focus is protecting the not about the politics. the governor is making a decision. our focus is on protecting the residents and our property in this town. >> i imagine if something went wrong the responsibility lies at the people high up. >> well, i would rather focus on the things that we are doing to prepare for the storm and again the governor makes his own decisions. >> you are on top of it. thank you so much. greg: i didn't mean to put him on the spot. people are wondering, the governor making a name for himself sandy and 101 days last year outside of new jersey. the primary is not on monday. >> february 1st is iowa. >> february 9th. >> look, hey, he's running for needs to do well in new hampshire. i don't think he's campaigning in iowa any more. . teresa: he's seen a surge in new hampshire as of late. greg: he's low profile in new jersey lately. >> coming up, ronda the champ beaten by holly holmes. holly is joining us. she's got a big fight set up. is like to beat ronda. having lots of devices in your home can really slow your internet down. so keep things moving with 100% fiber optic fios. the fastest internet and wi-fi available, with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for your first year, or with a two-year agreement, get $400 back. and all the premium movie channels for 1 year. go to or call 1-888-getfios. pone of the cool perks of this place pis you can eat as much cereal as you want. it' s like i' m going to work to get some. alrighty. we just like cereal. we make it, eat it, love it, live it. (laughing) give it to me i' m worth it baby i' m worth it uh huh i' m worth it gimme gimme i' m worth it give it to me i' m worth it greg dwreg i am never eating again. some people may party, but i have, i have eaten way too much. what are you going to do when the snow comes, party, stay home, we have a favorite reporter with a look at who the people are up to. >> as the city is preparing the plows for the storms and the bars and restaurants are stacking up on food and drinking and gearing up for a busy and snowy weekend. they are prepared to face the impending storm. how do you plan to spend the >> very, very drunk. >> going to the bar. >> having fun and forget it is freezing out. pig and whistle, the manager and the staff will be ready. >> come to a nice place like this, warm, beers we are ready. o how are you stocking up? >> we have the keg room, it is full up. the kitchens are prepared. >> how do people tip in a snowstorm? >> generous. >> no shortage of drinks both cold and hot. >> honestly the honeyed toddy. jack daniels hot water and lemon juz. >> that is delicious. >> yes, i told you. >> plenty of warm food to enjoy look at this. wings, sticks. if you prefer to stay at home, delivery is the option. they are expected to be busy as ever delivering pizza, pastas and more. >> we are ready for the storm and baukt extra food. we hope we get a little business. >> the snow is stopping this committed staff. >> next day we wake up and get ready for the day. >> here is staying warm, hydrated and well fed this snowy stormy weekend. >> the cool whip hit the spot. who remembers that? >> take a scoop interest the cookie dough and a scoop of the cool whip. i need a few minutes. i have to regroup. teresa: the blood sugar needs to come back. greg: thank you for the report. teresa: we have a special cohost. >> greg: yes, elvis duran. enamel is your teeth' s first line of defense. but daily eating and drinking can make it weak. try colgate enamel health. it replenishes weak spots four times better. colgate enamel health. stronger, healthy enamel. greg: one and only billy joel. >> one of the greatest performers ever. greg: gave a million dollars to long island school. >> they are having financial problems. high school for the arts. long island's only public school high school for the arts. he's throwing them a million dollars. it is on the front page of newsday. billy joel is a great guy. i'm not familiar with the high school for the arts. home of the guy behind all those seth rogan movies. teresa: he does a lot of good work. also, this morning, we told you about preps for the city's winter jam festival. well, that is not going to happen. greg: this is a big one, skiing, snow shoeing and now cancelled because of the snow. they were planning to use artificial snow. it was going to be in central park. now cancelled because of the big storm and not rescheduled. that is today bad. >> coming up, remember dave from greg: there he is with john stamos. there is a new remake of the series. >> yes, fuller house on netflix. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and university partnerships, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in utica, where a new kind of workforce is being trained. and in albany, the nanotechnology capital of the world. let us help grow your company's tomorrow, today at here in vineland, home of progresso, we figured out how to get rich ingredients like bacon into 22 light soups, so if you want 100 calories or less per serving without giving up rich flavor do what we do...make it progresso. look at this sweet face. so sweet. ok, we're going to need a napkin gooey, flaky, happy. toaster strudel. ha, ha, great job. woo! good job. new game! your 2016 honda accord with apple carplay support is the perfect distraction. now the cool stuff from your iphone is right here on your touchscreen display. ok, enough music, everybody out. well played dad. hurry in to get this great plus our best prices on all 2016 hondas. not just smart. teresa: thanks for hanging with us and being the facebook fan of the hour. go to our facebook page. >> teresa, thank you. >> thank you for having me. greg: take a look out, the calm before the storm. this time tomorrow swimming in snow, well all over the place. rosanna: elvis duran it's not about hugging trees. it's not about being wasteful either. you just gotta find that balance. where taking care of yourself takes care of more than just yourself. for $289 a month only at your lincoln dealer. meet the moore's! we're the moore family, and as you can see, we need an internet that can do more. we do more games, and more streaming. so we need more speed. that's why we switched to time warner cable. now we can connect more devices, at the same time. hi grandma and grandpa! ha, look at that! 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