Was like his farewell video to us. Hes like okay, im going to be fine, up in heaven, look up. Greg it is haunting now that we know. Going back over the years, hes made a huge splash in the 60s and he was a kind of a guy that pushed the envelope, broke the barriers. Rosanna trend setter. He was the rebel, rebel. Young american. You know. Greg lets dance. That is probably the biggest album from the 80s. The first i bought. The man that helped him write the songs, hes cowriter of lets dance. Nile, good morning. Rosanna did you know he wasnt i could read the tea leaves, if you will. But i never pushed. So you know, when a couple of years an ago when my foundation honored me he sent me a butteel film and i could feel the vibe in the feel he wasnt quite well. Greg what was it like collaborating on lets dance . We have done lots of records together. That was the biggest and the first. He was great. A lot of people dont know that lets dance was the fastest record that i ever made in my life. 17 days start to finish. Meaning mixed and everything, because we were on such a perfect wave length that he had it was just like yes, yes, yes, yes, lets sing about it and do it. Rosanna i heard this song is a way to say okay, i acknowledge this is going out there im getting on board. Give us the idea of what is going on behind the scenes. I dont know what he was thinking. In fact he was getting a lot of negative criticism. Really . Yes, it was interesting because he showed how wonderful he was as a human being and artist. He was compelled to do what he wanted to do. He never tried to do what he thought the people wanted him to do, he was compelled to do what he wanted to do and hoped that greg what kind of guy was he . What was he like . I called him the picasso of rock and roll. He looked at the world in a very interesting way. He would see things the we saw them and all of a sudden he was another perspective entirely. Rosanna did you see the latest video of him in the hospital bed . No. I was with my family and just got home this morning. This is from blackstone coming out in december. It is like death is near. Oh yeah, i saw that. I am watching your feed on the television. Yes, i saw this one. Rosanna do you think it was a farewell song without us knowing . I dont know. You have to remember, when he and i worked together it was very positive. You know i rub off on you. You know, even if hes down, i made him up. I dont know what he was thinking. I wasnt around him at the time. So i cant say what was in his mind. Nile, thank you for joining us this morning. Sorry for the loss of your friend. Thank you very much, sir. For more about this, we have more on the Golden Globes on more on david bowie. We have the gossipy guy. Everyone is stunned about this. Very, very few people knew about this. They kept it a secret. And normally sometimes you leak this stuff and reviewed in a different manner. Silence, nobody in the music business knew about this. This is one of the first main streamed artists. He was a Cross Dresser at times. Yes. He was an actor . Yes, an accomplished actor. Mr. Lawrence. No, the hunger. Rosanna remember the hunger . Oh, the how long hunger. Greg yes, hot stuff. We are sorry. Folks, we are going to talking the Golden Globes. Hollywood gets together and they drink. Scenes . Party teddy perry getting friendly with orlando bloom. Greg boy oh boy, hes busy. Before the show, the red carpet, i will call it terribly dressed individual, rooney mara. Shes looking like shes deceased. Literally. Shes dressed for a funeral. Rachel, am i wrong . She loves to explore fashion. This is one of her favorite colors. Hes going out and trying something knew. Braids are in. I love the color for her skin tone. All though shes looking a little shaggy. Like a shag dog not shampooed. I love her as an actress. Wilson, what about her in the movie carol . She was nominated. Greg stay with us on this one. Amy schumer. I thought she looked nice. I dont want to pick a fight with her. I thought she looked decent . The dress was fine. What bothered me was the eye make up. It was very bright for the tones in the dress. But she had a good choice in the color scheme. Rosanna rob . The girl with her is her sister. Unofficial manager. Amy and Jennifer Lawrence should host the show. Rosanna that would be fun. Half of what amy said we couldnt hear. Everything was beeped out. A whole sentence she said meant something else. She doesnt hold back. Next up, alicia vickander. I saw her in the danish girl. Man of uncle. She had a great year last year. Shes looking fabulous. A shes the it girl of the season. The back crosses so feminine. Shes beautiful. The julily selection was amazing. Greg good for her. Shes a little skinny. They are all skinny. Not enough meat on the bones for you, rob. Talk about jlo. Does she ever do anything wrong . Flawless, right. They have inventeded that color for her. Are you kidding, she looks like a school bus. Are you kidding me. It is a marigold yellow. It is jlo. I wanted something more rosanna oh, we have seen that already. Weigh in. Dont be afraid. I dont know the fashion like these people. Rob . Flawless. The minute she got out of the limo a gasp. That is exciting. Rosanna do you think she looked like a school bus . Well, no. Jennifer lawrence looks like grace kelly, shes doing something different. Shes lost weight. Something, the hair cut. Shes looking great, but a little different. Hes wearing dior. Shes got beautiful skin. I love the way shes showing her face and the jewelry. Shes a spokesperson for dior. She thought it would be funny for her and jennifer showing up in the same dress, dior saying no, no. Cookie. Giving out cookies. Whatd you think about the performance and the acceptance speech . Shes got to come out and say what he wants to say. This time shes actually the winner. As far as the dress . Looking fantastic. Shes wearing white. Great. Beautiful. It is looking like her. Did she lose weight . They all do. They are not telling the truth if they are saying they are eating pizza. Shes funny. I love her. I want to hug her. She gives a nice feeling. Who would think about all of the housewives, shes the girl we are talking about. Rosanna shes producing. Shes producing baby things. Shes pregnant. What . Is she . You know, she was the youngest on the desperate housewives show. Next up, mr. Robot. Mr. Who . We never heard of this show. I guess we are supposed to watch it now. The thing about the Golden Globes they award the newcomers. Mr. Robot. It is on amazon. It is a hot new show. Yes, native new yorker. I am glad hes getting his moment. Hes had a couple of duds. I felt happy for him. People are disappointed though the shows that are winning they dont watch. A lot of people on twitter havent heard of the somehows. Mozart in the jungle . People are wondering, amazon and transparent. The affair had some kind laying the wife, i mean, the acceptance speech i have feeling she didnt know that she was going to win. Hi. Thank you so much. Hollywood foreign press. This is very exciting. And i want to say oh wow. Also this category is flatter flattering, it is huge amount of actresses, not just my fellow nominees but so many different tv movies and series and Television Shows and so glad to be part of it. Shes eloquent and articulate. She was overwhelmed by the emotion, good for her. Rosanna she didnt think she was going win. She entered through the side you have to be ready. Revenent. Rosanna and i have gotten to see that one yet. I heard it is involved. Epic movie. Now people are thinking it is going to win the oscar. Best film in the drama, best director. He was terrific last. He reminds me ronald reagan. Hes so smart and talented and handsome. You never hear the gossip on him. Rosanna i hear the gossip on him, give me a break. Hes always dating models. Hes suspect. Hes dating models. Next i thought this is a great movie martian. That was the joke of the night. Never a comedy. They probably wanted to get it in there and had to create something for it. What should have won . Big short. That is not a comedy. You laugh add couple of times. How about this. Wearing a stupid bear hat. Watch this. Jonah is sorry hes not here tonight. We have a substitute. There. This is the stripper you by the way what is going on with the hair . Im sure it seemed funny when they were drunk or high. They realized nobody was laughing. It disappeared. Wilson, is the revenant going to pick up . Yes, barely lost against star wars. Heres the big joke of the night, jamie foxx. Remember the Miss Universe thing with steve harvey. And the winner is straight im sorry, folks, i made a mistake. It is right here on the card, i take [laughter] it is right here on the card. I take full responsibility. Full responsibility, it is here on the card. I apologize for everyone in straight outta compton. Talk about denzel. Hes a class act. I love the fact he brought his family on stage. Lifetime Achievement Award . Yes. Lifetime. Yes. He knows it is going to happen. Introduction. This is what happened next. Well, he walks on the stage with his wife and his son. Again this is all around you are i see his wife at spin class. Hes shes lovely by the way. I read an article about them once. Did anyone feel a ting of envie . I want to watch the reds carpet. It is exciting when you are there. Sitting there and making the comments. Rob . Nice to see you all. Thank you for joining us. A nice perspective on. Including you. Jlo. You are going under the bus. Oh yeah. Lets go to audrey. Greg it is her turn. Audrey yes, it is cold out there, folks, you have to get ready. Temperatures are at or below freezing across much of the tristate area. 33 islip. 34 bridgeport. 30 central park. Freezing mark poughkeepsie. 28 sussex. 21 in monticello at the moment. These readings are running about 20 to almost 30 degrees colder than they were at this time yesterday. We feel a big difference. Now the winds are pretty blustery running 20 Miles Per Hour and we have windchills making it feel like in the 20s. Like in islip and bridgeport. New york city 20 degrees windchill. 22 in poughkeepsie. Feeling 15 in belmar. Feeling 8 cold degrees up to the west, it is even colder, readings in the teens in buffalo, pittsburgh and detroit. Now we have mostly sunny skies out there. Dont be fooled with the sunshine, it is cold out there. Snow showers are coming across the great lakes. Some reaching as far as the Capital District of albany. Everyone should be staying dry today. Tomorrow we start with the mix of sun and clouds in the morning and in the afternoon the threat of snow showers in the Higher Elevations after 3 00, 4 00. In the evening, after the sunset a band of snow snow showers working through. Enough to make the roads slippery and the sidewalks slick as well. Wednesday we have plenty of snipe. Another shot of really cold air working into the region by that time. Today plenty of snipe unshine. Cold. The windchills feeling like the 20s. Tonight knot and west. Tomorrow 40 degrees and chance of showers in the evening. 29 on wednesday. Back to 40s for the weekend and seeing a chance of rain and maybe snow mixed in late saturday night and sunday. Greg, rosanna, back to you. Greg oh my god, eva pregnant . Rosanna no, no. Greg there were reports or wondering. Rosanna well, shes okay. So right now, everyone is saying, hurry you gotta get fios. But why . 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Get your move on. Greg so this show is funny. Rosanna i have seen it. Eva longoria is a hot actress, but also a very salvy businesswoman. Shes got a lot of projects. Shes the executive producer and star of the show. We sat down with eva to talk about it. I saw it and loved it. It is so much fun. So you are the executive producer and the star . Yeah, yeah and directed. And do it again. Yes, i yell at myself. Come on eva get it together. It is fun. It is fun. It is a comedy set behind the scenes of a spanish soap. It is all this fun that happens behind the scenes with this dysfunctional family and i play the star. You dont have to speak spanish, but shes supposed to. But she doesnt. That is how i grew up, not speaking spanish, i was a pish pish fish out of water. Hes a huge star in the market and never feeting latin enough and her exhusband is coming and who she hates and they have to kiss and make love on the screen. You know the backstage drama . We do. We do. But we are not dating the boss. You are dating the boss . Yes. How is that working out . Well see. There is a great arc. Hes the president of the network. I like when you say you know when a white guy is having a good time. Yes with the smile. I love the looks. Teach us the look. Greg what is up with the look . The stare downs. We have slaps. A lot of specifics. Show him the slap. Slap the heck out of him. Greg who are you slapping and why . Everybody. Are you a High Maintenance star . No, we slap in scenes. Do we have a clip. Lets take a look. I hope you all can come tomorrow. Raise your roof. Do the hand thing. I cant. Who is going to help me raise your roof . Come on. There was a skate boarding accident. Who is going to get the coffee. Well, someone has to get us coffee. So this is a sneak peek of the episode . Yes. We have a charity event. We have great quest stars. They are just a lot of fun. It is a rival. We do like a west side story. You are funny. Thank you. Desperate house wooif wives was different. O yes, it was a drama. It was really different. When i got to do comedy, it was so much fun. This is the first show im doing that is an a true comedy. If you loved gabby when she was funny, you are going to love this. But the comedy is over the top and big and people are really going to love it. Rosanna you are a power house, you are producing, directing, this is not the first time you have dope this, you have a number of shows under your belt. Do you still have a restaurant . I do. I do. We are celebrating ten years, and rare in the restaurant business. Yes. We are in hollywood and celebrating ten years on hollywood boulevard. And you are engage . Yes. This ring is magnificent. Is the date set . No. Who is the man . Pepe. Hes amazing and kind. A good human being. He surprised me over the holidays in dubai. Beautiful. What impressed me with the Democratic National convention you spoke in prime time, you were amazing that night, are you thinking of taking a stand again . I will get involved after the primaries. To get involved at this point, you get in the fray. I said a comment the other day. I wont say it again. It was months ago. What i care about is the voter engagement. Once we can see, you know, a true forum of information coming in and true policy work that is being suggested, i think thats when i love to get engaged and go to communities and talk about how the policies affect the people. We need the civic participation. We are thrilled for your success. Thank you. It is looking like a great show. It is a lot of fun. Monday nights. Thank you. Congratulations. Thank you. Congratulations on the living with chronic migraine is a game of chance. Put the odds in my favor. Told me about botox an fdaapproved treatment that significantly reduces with chronic migraine. 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Starting with americas got talent . Yes, going from open mic nights to a stage in front of millions of people and it was actually a huge fall failure at the time. I was kicked off the show. I reminded her of a cartoon character. Well, you are not seeing violinist as potential super stars. You know what i mean. They are not many violinist pob stars out there. Rosanna did the experience help shape you and did you change your ways about your performance . Absolutely. It had to be an earn will learning experience. Yes, it was crippling. I was devastated. But i really thought about it and you have to take the criticisms with a grain of salt, okay, im not good enough, but yet. I can get better and work hard. Good for you. How old were you when you started the violin . Six. Most people, look at you, you are joining the or which he is tra some day. Or maybe not . As a kid, that was wha