Transcripts For WNYW Good Day New York 20151104 : comparemel

Transcripts For WNYW Good Day New York 20151104

probably not a good thing. hey, one of the reasons that we are out here, cricket. internationally. rosanna: they make a lot of noise outside of my apartment, crickets. greg: i want to see footage of it. i don't understand it, it goes on and on. rosanna: i feel like it is a gentlemen's game. greg: like baseball, something know. the 7th inning stretch, goes on for a long time, they have tea, cucumber sandwiches. one of the top cricket players in the world here in new york city on "good day new york." rosanna: shane, how are you? >> thanks for having me. rosanna: i know lots of people know who you are, they are taking your picture here. sure it is a little bit of an adjustment. >> it is nice coming to america, i can walk around and do what i like. greg: are you that famous in australia? rosanna: yes, huge. greg: welcome to "good day new york." >> i am sure it happens to you every day? greg: sure. how does cricket work? >> i tell you, we are here playing at citi field. it is a 20/20 match. the misconceptions, nine hours, can you dumb -- cucumber sandwiches. we are playing, right, a rock it is wwe and baseball mixed together. families, children, everyone are coming. greg: you have modified it for the american viewing? >> no, it is a new form of the game. it has been coming in for a few years now. it is a real family outing. rosanna: so about -- >> cheerleaders, music. three hours. rosanna: and retired cricket players are on the team? >> yes, myself. other team? >> he started the warriors. we are the warriors. greg: everybody thinking it lasts for five days, i saw it once going on forever. >> this is three hours. greg: generally, at home, how does it work? >> three different versions, a version that you saw, five days and we all wear white and traditional. one day game, but now this new version is 20-20 and finding it is going three hours and peep are loving it. the other night, i wept to the citi field for the game. we went there. and only one homer and so many innings. rosanna: but you saw what happened. >> in 20-20 cricket, we have home runs. greg: you are saying it is better than baseball? >> no. rosanna: you are famous for the spinning. do you want to give us a little demonstration? >> it is about the technique. if you want to leg spin. two fingers down, two fingers up, ball like that, this finger spins the ball. like that. it goes that way or that way. or it can go straight. greg: you are -- >> this is a real cricket ball. it hurts if it hits you. rosanna: are we going to play? >> sure, a back spinner or a baller? rosanna: well, i'm not sure. greg: what are you trying to do? costs. greg: he's like a goalie? he's trying to defend. something? >> greg: go to the sticks. >> i will try to ball it at the stumps. rosanna: take it ease yes, shane. greg: is she in the right spot? >> yes. don't get too close to the stumps. greg: you are trying to hit the sticks? >> yep. look at the technique. you are ready. rosanna: go easy on me. >> i aim to please. ready? rosanna: yeah. >> all right. bounces. rosanna: so make it bounce first? >> let it bounce, wait for it, hit it. here you go. way to go. greg: put a little mustard on it. rosanna: shane, how'd i do? greg: we are going to have tea. rosanna: when do you take a break? >> in the traditional form of game. 40 minute break for lunch. rosanna: oh wait, we don't fool and here. greg: hello, sir. i'm greg, rosanna, shane. >> nice to meet you. rosanna: how about tea? >> very good. greg: all the stereo types out there. >> come to the field and see us. book a ticket. feedback we are getting, response the outstanding. rosanna: do you get along with the other captain guy? >> yes. you know, we were very good friends, but crossing the line we are not. >> cricket is very popular here. a couple of years ago, the nypd start add cricket league. we have video of this. they started a cricket league, it was front page news in pakistan. cricket is alive and well in new york city. you are helping the cause. >> thank you. it is the second most popular sport in the world. here is another fact, the first ever game of cricket played in new york, we only found that out the other day, it was 1704 or 07, george washington played. we are getting there. and you know, look, the response that we are getting, it is exciting. we have 28 of the best players. we are starting in america. rosanna: what do you do, i know you are out there and promoting, what do you do when not doing that? >> well, i started to play poker. i'm a professional poker. i come to las vegas every year. rosanna: are you making money? >> i'm doing okay. i would always do more. >> i like black jack and roulette. rosanna: we don't understand craps. greg: that is complicated. you are all right. one more time the restaurant is? between 97 and 98. rosanna: is this tea? >> this is tea. indian tea. >> who is your favorite player? >> oh. >> he basically just said a-rod is his favorite player. thank you, pal. citi field tickets are available. greg: mike? mike: to the forecast, beautiful day coming up for us here. look at the temperatures, 63 central park. 61 # newark. 51 # sussex. 54 in monticello. a lot of sunshine is coming to there. the winds are veering to east, northeast and becoming southeasterly and coming through 5-9 miles per hour. not a big deal at all. but we have a clear sky. you are barely seeing anything on the radar and the satellite here. you have to head up to maine to see the clouds. all together it is a good looking day and high pressure is in control and staying warm. the jet stream is just to the north and trying to dip into the region just a little bit for tomorrow and the next day. here is the futurecast, we keep it nice and clear throughout the day today. the clouds are building in tomorrow and the winds from the southeast and a few clouds. shower chances later on thursday and into friday. friday morning a few splashes of rain. cloudy on friday and the temperatures trending in the cooler direction as we head to the weekend. the next few days are warm and dryer. we are more than 8 inches behind in terms of rainfall for the year. a little catch up work for the next couple of days, but nothing significant. today's high temp up to 70. a lot of sunshine, tomorrow more clouds and a few chances of the showers coming through on thursday and into friday, friday looks like it is pretty mild and the cooler temperatures return for saturday and early next week we have sunny skies returning to us. mid 50s starting out on sunday. there is sa new movie coming up if you could see your cough, it's just a cough. cough all day new robitussin 12 hour delivers fast, powerful cough relief that lasts new robitussin 12 hour cough relief. because it's never just a cough. meet the moore's! you can see, more. we do more games, and more streaming. so we need more speed. that's why we switched to time warner cable. you can too. call now. now we can connect more devices, at the same time. the wifi in this house is amazing. so is my guacamole. hi grandma and grandpa! ha, look at that! [laughs] time warner cable even has an internet plan for us. get the internet speed that's right for you. megs they even made it easy to switch with a one-hour arrival window. can get more! get 50 meg internet for $39.99 per month. call now. you could get free installation, no data cap, and access to over hotspots with select plans. call now. every coconut has a dream. to come out of its shell. its true, inner beauty. and then, in an ironic twist, get covered up by chocolate and almonds. almond joy mounds. what every coconut wants. greg yep. it's been a while. rosanna: now i remember this. greg: going through the tunnel and hitting jersey. he's plotting. what a great show. rosanna: rest in peace, james. greg: he didn't do the show by himself, what a fantastic cast. rosanna: you may remember them from the sopranos and now friends and romans, it is a funny spoof. we watched the trailer, greg goes you like this movie. i thought you don't like italian americans spoofed. greg: first of all, welcome. rosanna: you take a stereotype and turn it? >> absolutely. rosanna: hi. >> it's a sweet little film with italians that can't speak english? rosanna: really? >> doing shakespeare. it is about a group of guys who are extras on mob movies and mobsters number 3 and gangster number 2, they never get a line or have a day in the sun. so they say, you know what, we are going to show them we can act and we are going to put on a play. we put on a shakespeare play and we have no idea how to do it. greg: you can figure out whether or not it is good by the trailer. this is hitting home. check this out. >> so you are nick. wur the pizza parlor guy and married to the mob. mobster number 3. >> we are happy being the extras. >> is it a speaking role? >> going to mattresses for you. >> i am the only one talking in the commercials. >> if i don't branch out now, when will i. >> overeaters. >> shakespeare. we are putting on the play for the italians. >> if you are going to do this, don't just memorize the lines. >> we are doing this for real. you have to earn the spot. >> what'd you mean, like an audition. rosanna: it is looking funny. greg: good stuff. rosanna: who else is in the >> me. tony. rosanna: it is it like a reunion? >> without a doubt. rosanna: except missing the big guy. >> yes. rosanna: that has to be hard. >> yes, but an homage to the guys on the film and couldn't be in the film. >> do you think this type of movie will kind of make people understand the mriekt of the italian american actors? >> without a doubt. especially playing those roles that they can't get further than that. rosanna: we have to embrace it or you are not going to work. >> after a while you get put into the stereo type. >> greg: okay, decapiro, he does a lot of the roles. >> he was a pretty boy. >> marlon brando called him a sissy and now they are friends. >> it is opening on friday and in the new york area, it is opening across the country. this weekend staten island and long island. rosanna: we have another clip from the movie. >> i'm big vinny. i have big deals for you. how about a cadillac, how about a lincoln done. i can put you in the ride of your life. come down to big vinny's. be a wise guy. can't refuse. >> cut. greg: i like it. the car dealership, he's the young joe from good fellas. >> yes. greg: fabulous, guys. >> the whole point was have a lot of fun no. car chases, no violence, no nudity. greg: bad words? >> no. we want your family to come. >> very nice. >> you are going to love it, ro. rosanna: it is looking funny. i want to see it. nice to see you. coming up on "good day new york", actor danny from who's the boss. he's grown up now and honored spretding awareness about hiv/aids. danny catch holiday-cookie cheer on the tip of your tongue with dunkin' donuts' holiday- cookie-flavored coffees. from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m., enjoy any medium latte or macchiato for $1.99. hey, what are you doing? getting the coats. for a half hour? bob just got time warner cable. he's getting more. more what? nearly 20,000 movies and shows on demand, most for free. look, he's dvr-ing like 6 shows at once. let's go. ah, this grass is so much greener than on our tv. why are your shoes off? because i'm on their bed. i don't want to be rude. discover how much more is included. are those meatballs still circulating? get tv, internet and phone for $89.99 per month. cerebral palsy can be caused at birth by a doctor or hospital's negligence. for almost 40 years, jacoby & meyers has offered the specific legal help these cases demand. winning our clients the money needed to care for and support their child. there have been many advances in the treatment of cerebral palsy. we believe you should be able to take advantage of all of them. dunkin's new sweet black pepper bacon sandwich, with double the slices of caramelized crispy pepper bacon. it's the bacon experience you've been waiting for. bacon up. america runs on dunkin'. greg: all right, everybody, welcome back. rosanna, life on the subway. this friday night coming back everybody was high on life, rosanna, we won that night. rosanna: not so much these days. greg: this is show and tell. the ads on the subways. take a look, medical assist at that particular time, a technician and a skeleton, take a closer look here. she's got the arm around the skeleton in a borderline suggestive fashion. that is wild. rosanna: that is strange. greg: it is so weird. by the way, he's got a winning style. all of the teeth and a flash there. sometime on the subway, look at some of the ads, some are -- rosanna: amusing. greg: all right, who's the boss, great show from the 80s. i love that guy and the kids. rosanna: and danny. he played jonathan one of the kids on the hit comedy who's the greg: great chemistry. rosanna: yes, good clean fun. greg: he's making the news with a health situation. rosanna: he's here with us and talking on "good day new york." nice to have you here. thank you for telling me this is the only tv stop in new york city. >> exactly. judith was here a few weeks ago and she mentioned me. i am hiv positive and had a meth problem and how to two were combined to me. i had to come back and tell you how amazing judith is. rosanna: she's increed bl and a very close and advisor to you over the years. >> yes. rosanna: you have gone to her. >> all of the above, every time i need advice on, i go to jude ith on. like coming out. you know, like finding a celebrity an out was the thing to do. rosanna: i didn't think it is cool to out anybody? >> back then it was. greg: were you outed or did you come out? >> i called judith and she said they cannot misquote you, if you say smart things it is not bad. it turned out to be a great places. rosanna: and recently, you are dealing the hiv? >> yes, i wanted to talk to her and get her add vice. she wrote back with really, really great feedback. greg: the source of light. take a look. >> he's talking about being hiv positive and being pro active and he as a wonderful husband will, and he's giving a different pace of what is still a disease. rosanna: were you worried when he called to tell you he's hiv positive? >> no, i knew he was taking responsibility for it and taking care of himself and you can see how well he's doing. roz ross you are doing well? >> yes. she's just the best. rosanna: tonight you are being honored at my hero gala. >> i don't know, i feel brave but not necessarily a hero. i feel i'm being courage. say you don't have access to medications, hiv meds and you have to stay on it, but if you switched them and you have extra, what do we do with the extra. this organization gathers those pills and gives them to people in need that have no option to get that medication. i think it is a terrific idea that way. if you have medications not expired, any types. rosanna: i actually do. yeah. >> nothing high end. but anything like antibiotics, any of that stuff is great. >> greg do what? >> give it to aide for aids. greg: you are not supposed to flush it down to toilet. rosanna: i heard in new york maybe other places. >> don't dump the wipes, that is backing everybody up. rosanna: how do you feel day in and day out? courage. how do you feel? >> most days i feel good. some days i feel it is a lot of responsibility. being a celebrity and talking about a movie or a tv show is very different from being an activist and talking about big topics and talking about them in a right and smart way. it is a big responsibility. i have people writing to me saying hey, i just turned down spending time with someone who had meth and i have to speak to them and let's get your help. where to go, find them a meeting. i'm sort of that guy. i love it and appreciate it every day. that is the good part. greg: beautiful, danny. we are happy for you. rosanna: and dealing with hiv? >> that is easy. rosanna: no symptoms? >> no. not at all. rosanna: reactions from the medications? >> no. that is the key, getting on the medications and avoid the kofrnly kagss. sentence. no longer. rosanna: how about the organization? >> aide for and i will post this, if you text them to a certain number, live, they'll donate $10, or you will donate $10. rosanna: it adds up. greg: good stuff. say hello to judith. rosanna: and tony. >> we are looking at the peck -- picture from the old days. good stuff. what is it like to be 8 years old and making $30,000 a week. maybe half that. it is a good life. it got me through stanford. rosanna: oh, very nice. so nice to see you. continued good health. >> thank you for having me. greg: you know thomas jones, he used to play for the jets and now an actor and ripped too. look at this dude. ro rosanna: he was in straight out of compton. we are going to talk to him for over 30 years, in study after study, advil is nothing is proven stronger on aches and pains than advil. not tylenol. not aleve. nothing. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. what makes thermacare different? two words: it heals. how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let's review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. the proof that it heals is you. is your head so congested it's ready to explode? you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec -d to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms. so, you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec -d. greg: welcome back. manhattan as seen from new jersey. where the new york jets play. rosanna: speaking of the jets. greg: yes, thomas jones played for the jets for a time. rosanna: played for the cardinal cardinals cardinals, bears and jets. greg: now an actor. rosanna: and in the movies too, straight outta compton. and shameless and being mary jane. greg: we are going to break it down. welcome, sir, to "good day new york." rosanna: are you on, off, what are you talking about. thomas, the last time on being mary jane, it looked like you are out of there? >> i mean, well, my character, i have a special character, i come in when she needs me. i hope she needs me for the rest of the season. it seems like she might. but you have to see. >> give us an overall of what it is about. >> it is a successful news anchor with a lot of problems with the family and relationship issues and going through her story. rosanna: how do you feel being without a shirt in the scenes? it. do you mind it? >> you know, i mean, my character, i'm brandon gibson, cuddy buddy. she calls when she needs a little tlc. greg: friends with benefits? >> yes. exactly. >> we have a clip from last night's episode. shall we? >> sure. >> >> it is a blessing i can be here. how is it? >> good, actually. >> cuban see gars. my grand father raised me and the only way to balance is debt is live. rosanna: wow. you know how this is going to end for the season? >> the beauty of the show, the cast doesn't know. and they do a great job of keeping us on our toes. when i watch the episode, i get the script, but if i'm not in the episode i don't know what happens. i can't answer that question. greg: thomas or tom? >> thomas. >> what'd you grow up in? >> in virginia. played there. >> transition from sports to off? >> it was crazy. i had to change my name. quinn. i added the thomas q. jones. rosanna: i am glad you did that, i thought you were a singer tom >> no, we have different tones. rosanna: he's checking his d.n.a. these days. >> yes, i heard that. i mean the transition was cool. as a football player we are acting in a way, we get out there and we have the same type of situation. i'm jones number. we have raw emotions we unleash on the field and being a character. it is similar to acting. act is the same way. the play book is a scripted as football player and script as an an actor. greg: this is interesting. that is wild. the auditions, you had to struggle a little bit? >> yes, i had to move to hollywood. i'm there most of the year. yeah, this is the hollywood grind. people like to put you in a box and for me i have to be better than someone else they'll take me seriously. you know, i take pride in it. i'm in the acting studio twice a week. i like acting and it is fun. rosanna: i heard you have a really big heart and you have helped a lot of kids get through school at the university of virginia, right. how many kids have you helped? is>> 30 students. i come from a small part of virginia coal mining. my parents were coal miners. that part of virginia is neglected. i wanted to help kids in the area to have experience. i developed a scholarship and gave $2,000 per semester to two students each year that 30 students, including some of my sisters. that is one of the things i'm most proud of. to see the kids graduate and i played a part in their success and part of their evolution. this other stuff, football and acting is cool and fun, but you know, helping someone, priceless. greg: awesome. thomas jones, great to meet you. inspiring. >> thank you. rosanna: so he's back. as a love interest on mary jane. >> tune in. i can't tell you. greg: it is a show we need to watch. >> it is up your alley. rosanna: so nice to meet you in person. thank you so much. greg: we are going shopping with krystal young. >> also coming up in the 9:00 hour, we have -- rosanna: oh we are cooking no. no, just krystal young. greg: to the subway photos. i was running 6 months after a hip repair. hiking 2 weeks after spine care. and setting records 9 months after shoulder treatment. one special hospital, over 1,000 special stories. see them all at if you struggle with type 2 diabetes, you're certainly not alone. fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar. rimagine what it would be like to love your numbers. discover once-daily invokana . it's the #1 prescribed of medicines that work with is used along tto significantly in adults with it's a once-daily pill that works around the clock. p absorbed back into the body. p reduces the amount rand sends some sugar out t through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include tkidney problems, genital yeast infections p urinary tract infections, changes in urination, p high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. invokana r severe kidney problems r stop taking and call r if you experience rswelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. r tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, r and if you have kidney or liver problems. tusing invokana with a sulfonylurea ror insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana . there's only one invokana ask your doctor about it by name. find over 1,000 special stories at hospital for special surgery. rosanna: statute of liberty. >> you like large women greg? rosanna: older and larger. greg: you are disrespecting the icon. i have wondered what she's wearing under the coat. we are talking to krystal young. that? >> the skirt is super old. stop buying and wearing what you have. roz what is old is new again. >> people are touching me on the f train in the best way. greg: that is tech anyicly a crime. >> we are talking glamour. we are really talking beauty trends and what is hot for the fall in hair, make up. take a look. the glam app is beauty on the go and coming to you, so i'm not clothing. it is all about beauty. to the lipstick, i found it, it is called lamatte by loreal. who is looking beautiful and who i see. the glam app brings glamour to your front door, you can select from a ton of services. the app is the brain child of joey and kara. >> make up, blowout, curls, anything you want and nothing is over a hundred dollars. >> now on to what is fun for fall. talk to me about the trends and what is happening on this face >> what is hot right now this is bronxy eyelid. this is rose gold. that is so gorgeous. you are seeing it on all of the runways. 90 trends are in. graphic eye liner. what i love the most, you are seeing it on the celebrities, on the runways, new york fashion week, is that brick red. it looks good on everybody. the texture is amazing. it is staying on. lasting forever, not too shinny or too matte. it is velty. it is soft and pouty. i think it adds a little plumpness to the lips too. >> awesome. >> she's using a fan brushed have clumpy applications. it is a fan brush. all about the wave. this is like a beachy wave. and kind of goes in a natural direction ands to tossedel outside. a lot of blow drying and can you remembering iron. >> nail trends, but first cara's look. >> alex ander wang. >> they are adorable. >> thank you. you have on black and black is sort of like a cool neutral. >> i like black, it is edgy, we are in new york city, for a fall a pop of color. and we just added the glam app, a style for a pop of color. i choose purple to go today. it is something that is unexpected and gives you a little something special for the day out. >> i agree, sassy. >> yes. >> the thing i love aboutette ging your nails done, it is the best accessory to your outfit. the best is nude. depending on what color your skin tone helps to indicate what nude you should choose. >> glam on the go for those in the know. >> very nice. hats off to the cosmetic workers at blookingdales. >> yes. that is a hard job. do you like it when they spritz you? >> they don't do that any more? >> that is old school. now it is at our fingertips. look good all day. >> no excuse. next week the whitney. >> we have to go. >> it is fun. >> it is a museum of modern art to the meat packing. >> yes, 14th street. >> all right, we are taking a quick break. my subway pictures and my voting experience, my experience yesterday voting. i was the only one that voted in rosanna: people voted where they you couldn' t do anything about that driver running that red light. you couldn' t do anything about him hitting you while you were in the crosswalk. you couldn' t do anything about all those missed paychecks. but you can do something about getting the person responsible to pay. you can call jacoby & meyers. we' ve been winning pedestrian knock-down cases rosanna: lynn, it is all about you. thank you so much for watching us. greg: and your buddy too. mike woods, pleasant out. rosanna: so gorgeous. it was nice being out there. greg: whatever. mike: it is, teachers have to let the kids out. we have the averages, early november, 58 one the ample high, an is the average low. not too bad, we are well above the averages here. low of 56 and now back up to 63 degrees. it is sunny, warm. maybe a hair cooler than yesterday. for this time of the year, we are doing all right. 55 in allentown. 66 in belmar. 62 in montauk. and yeah, cooler up to the north and the west. check out the winds, this is a little bit of a change. the winds coming in from the east and northeast. that es>> not a lot of wind. but the fact it is coming in from the east and the north coming in off the ocean waters. for now, yes, it is sunny. it is mild. not much happening with the radar and the satellite happening here. the closest clouds up around maine, northern sections of maine. high pressure is in control elsewhere. a few showers down around the carolinas. the ridge of high pressure is blocking things out. here is the jet stream. holding the jet stream to the north. that keeps the stormy weather out of here and along with the warmer temperatures on top of us. the warmer air coming in from the south. even into friday, but then after that, the temperatures are coming down. all right, today mainly sunny. high up to 70. 69 tomorrow. there rb more clouds and a quick shower is possible overnight between thursday and friday. it is still warm on friday. saturday's high 63. 55 and sunday -- sunny and sunday. enjoy the warm stuff, it is not here forever. back to you. greg: mike, thanks a lot. this is how i wake up, rosanna. you are going to like this, maybe. ready? rosanna: yes. that is awful. greg: it works. it gets me up. rosanna: shakes you up in not a good way. greg: yes, it is jarring. here is a better way to wake up, according to spotify turn this on. >> rosanna: yes, take a listen to the song. oh, cold play. greg: spotify figured out this is a song that puts you in a great mood. it is number one. rosanna: they were other things on the list, like a lovely day. greg: let ear hear that. . rosanna: i don't know this one. one more. greg: this sounds like a commercial. to buy some sorts of drugs. the poll workers. i felt so good about myself. rosanna: that is facebook. the poll workers work hard. i'm sure they are happy you visited them. greg: i was the 4th person to get there at 4:00 in the afternoon. any way, next year it is different, we are voting for the president. rosanna: have a great day new york. pain from your day can haunt you advil pm gives you the healing sleep you need, helping you fall asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. meet the moore's! we're the moore family, and we're always looking for ways to enjoy more. so we called time warner cable call now to get more. more speed. like, 300 meg. more tv shows and movies on demand. more places to make more unlimited calls. call now. for $89.99 a month, you'll get 100 meg ultra fast internet, hundreds of hd channels, and unlimited calling to international destinations. we find more good things every day! more ways to watch more shows. on more wifi connected devices in our house. time warner cable made switching easy with a one hour arrival window. they even made sure all of our connections were up and running before they left. why settle for less, when you can get more! call now. for a limited time, get a free trial of showtime for one year, and ask how you could get a $300 reward card. beyond natural grain free pet food is committed to truth on the label. p when we say real meat is ther first ingredient, it is always number one. we leave out poultry by-product meal, corn, wheat and soy. and, we own where our dry food is made - 100%. can other brands say all that?

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Transcripts For WNYW Good Day New York 20151104

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probably not a good thing. hey, one of the reasons that we are out here, cricket. internationally. rosanna: they make a lot of noise outside of my apartment, crickets. greg: i want to see footage of it. i don't understand it, it goes on and on. rosanna: i feel like it is a gentlemen's game. greg: like baseball, something know. the 7th inning stretch, goes on for a long time, they have tea, cucumber sandwiches. one of the top cricket players in the world here in new york city on "good day new york." rosanna: shane, how are you? >> thanks for having me. rosanna: i know lots of people know who you are, they are taking your picture here. sure it is a little bit of an adjustment. >> it is nice coming to america, i can walk around and do what i like. greg: are you that famous in australia? rosanna: yes, huge. greg: welcome to "good day new york." >> i am sure it happens to you every day? greg: sure. how does cricket work? >> i tell you, we are here playing at citi field. it is a 20/20 match. the misconceptions, nine hours, can you dumb -- cucumber sandwiches. we are playing, right, a rock it is wwe and baseball mixed together. families, children, everyone are coming. greg: you have modified it for the american viewing? >> no, it is a new form of the game. it has been coming in for a few years now. it is a real family outing. rosanna: so about -- >> cheerleaders, music. three hours. rosanna: and retired cricket players are on the team? >> yes, myself. other team? >> he started the warriors. we are the warriors. greg: everybody thinking it lasts for five days, i saw it once going on forever. >> this is three hours. greg: generally, at home, how does it work? >> three different versions, a version that you saw, five days and we all wear white and traditional. one day game, but now this new version is 20-20 and finding it is going three hours and peep are loving it. the other night, i wept to the citi field for the game. we went there. and only one homer and so many innings. rosanna: but you saw what happened. >> in 20-20 cricket, we have home runs. greg: you are saying it is better than baseball? >> no. rosanna: you are famous for the spinning. do you want to give us a little demonstration? >> it is about the technique. if you want to leg spin. two fingers down, two fingers up, ball like that, this finger spins the ball. like that. it goes that way or that way. or it can go straight. greg: you are -- >> this is a real cricket ball. it hurts if it hits you. rosanna: are we going to play? >> sure, a back spinner or a baller? rosanna: well, i'm not sure. greg: what are you trying to do? costs. greg: he's like a goalie? he's trying to defend. something? >> greg: go to the sticks. >> i will try to ball it at the stumps. rosanna: take it ease yes, shane. greg: is she in the right spot? >> yes. don't get too close to the stumps. greg: you are trying to hit the sticks? >> yep. look at the technique. you are ready. rosanna: go easy on me. >> i aim to please. ready? rosanna: yeah. >> all right. bounces. rosanna: so make it bounce first? >> let it bounce, wait for it, hit it. here you go. way to go. greg: put a little mustard on it. rosanna: shane, how'd i do? greg: we are going to have tea. rosanna: when do you take a break? >> in the traditional form of game. 40 minute break for lunch. rosanna: oh wait, we don't fool and here. greg: hello, sir. i'm greg, rosanna, shane. >> nice to meet you. rosanna: how about tea? >> very good. greg: all the stereo types out there. >> come to the field and see us. book a ticket. feedback we are getting, response the outstanding. rosanna: do you get along with the other captain guy? >> yes. you know, we were very good friends, but crossing the line we are not. >> cricket is very popular here. a couple of years ago, the nypd start add cricket league. we have video of this. they started a cricket league, it was front page news in pakistan. cricket is alive and well in new york city. you are helping the cause. >> thank you. it is the second most popular sport in the world. here is another fact, the first ever game of cricket played in new york, we only found that out the other day, it was 1704 or 07, george washington played. we are getting there. and you know, look, the response that we are getting, it is exciting. we have 28 of the best players. we are starting in america. rosanna: what do you do, i know you are out there and promoting, what do you do when not doing that? >> well, i started to play poker. i'm a professional poker. i come to las vegas every year. rosanna: are you making money? >> i'm doing okay. i would always do more. >> i like black jack and roulette. rosanna: we don't understand craps. greg: that is complicated. you are all right. one more time the restaurant is? between 97 and 98. rosanna: is this tea? >> this is tea. indian tea. >> who is your favorite player? >> oh. >> he basically just said a-rod is his favorite player. thank you, pal. citi field tickets are available. greg: mike? mike: to the forecast, beautiful day coming up for us here. look at the temperatures, 63 central park. 61 # newark. 51 # sussex. 54 in monticello. a lot of sunshine is coming to there. the winds are veering to east, northeast and becoming southeasterly and coming through 5-9 miles per hour. not a big deal at all. but we have a clear sky. you are barely seeing anything on the radar and the satellite here. you have to head up to maine to see the clouds. all together it is a good looking day and high pressure is in control and staying warm. the jet stream is just to the north and trying to dip into the region just a little bit for tomorrow and the next day. here is the futurecast, we keep it nice and clear throughout the day today. the clouds are building in tomorrow and the winds from the southeast and a few clouds. shower chances later on thursday and into friday. friday morning a few splashes of rain. cloudy on friday and the temperatures trending in the cooler direction as we head to the weekend. the next few days are warm and dryer. we are more than 8 inches behind in terms of rainfall for the year. a little catch up work for the next couple of days, but nothing significant. today's high temp up to 70. a lot of sunshine, tomorrow more clouds and a few chances of the showers coming through on thursday and into friday, friday looks like it is pretty mild and the cooler temperatures return for saturday and early next week we have sunny skies returning to us. mid 50s starting out on sunday. there is sa new movie coming up if you could see your cough, it's just a cough. cough all day new robitussin 12 hour delivers fast, powerful cough relief that lasts new robitussin 12 hour cough relief. because it's never just a cough. meet the moore's! you can see, more. we do more games, and more streaming. so we need more speed. that's why we switched to time warner cable. you can too. call now. now we can connect more devices, at the same time. the wifi in this house is amazing. so is my guacamole. hi grandma and grandpa! ha, look at that! [laughs] time warner cable even has an internet plan for us. get the internet speed that's right for you. megs they even made it easy to switch with a one-hour arrival window. can get more! get 50 meg internet for $39.99 per month. call now. you could get free installation, no data cap, and access to over hotspots with select plans. call now. every coconut has a dream. to come out of its shell. its true, inner beauty. and then, in an ironic twist, get covered up by chocolate and almonds. almond joy mounds. what every coconut wants. greg yep. it's been a while. rosanna: now i remember this. greg: going through the tunnel and hitting jersey. he's plotting. what a great show. rosanna: rest in peace, james. greg: he didn't do the show by himself, what a fantastic cast. rosanna: you may remember them from the sopranos and now friends and romans, it is a funny spoof. we watched the trailer, greg goes you like this movie. i thought you don't like italian americans spoofed. greg: first of all, welcome. rosanna: you take a stereotype and turn it? >> absolutely. rosanna: hi. >> it's a sweet little film with italians that can't speak english? rosanna: really? >> doing shakespeare. it is about a group of guys who are extras on mob movies and mobsters number 3 and gangster number 2, they never get a line or have a day in the sun. so they say, you know what, we are going to show them we can act and we are going to put on a play. we put on a shakespeare play and we have no idea how to do it. greg: you can figure out whether or not it is good by the trailer. this is hitting home. check this out. >> so you are nick. wur the pizza parlor guy and married to the mob. mobster number 3. >> we are happy being the extras. >> is it a speaking role? >> going to mattresses for you. >> i am the only one talking in the commercials. >> if i don't branch out now, when will i. >> overeaters. >> shakespeare. we are putting on the play for the italians. >> if you are going to do this, don't just memorize the lines. >> we are doing this for real. you have to earn the spot. >> what'd you mean, like an audition. rosanna: it is looking funny. greg: good stuff. rosanna: who else is in the >> me. tony. rosanna: it is it like a reunion? >> without a doubt. rosanna: except missing the big guy. >> yes. rosanna: that has to be hard. >> yes, but an homage to the guys on the film and couldn't be in the film. >> do you think this type of movie will kind of make people understand the mriekt of the italian american actors? >> without a doubt. especially playing those roles that they can't get further than that. rosanna: we have to embrace it or you are not going to work. >> after a while you get put into the stereo type. >> greg: okay, decapiro, he does a lot of the roles. >> he was a pretty boy. >> marlon brando called him a sissy and now they are friends. >> it is opening on friday and in the new york area, it is opening across the country. this weekend staten island and long island. rosanna: we have another clip from the movie. >> i'm big vinny. i have big deals for you. how about a cadillac, how about a lincoln done. i can put you in the ride of your life. come down to big vinny's. be a wise guy. can't refuse. >> cut. greg: i like it. the car dealership, he's the young joe from good fellas. >> yes. greg: fabulous, guys. >> the whole point was have a lot of fun no. car chases, no violence, no nudity. greg: bad words? >> no. we want your family to come. >> very nice. >> you are going to love it, ro. rosanna: it is looking funny. i want to see it. nice to see you. coming up on "good day new york", actor danny from who's the boss. he's grown up now and honored spretding awareness about hiv/aids. danny catch holiday-cookie cheer on the tip of your tongue with dunkin' donuts' holiday- cookie-flavored coffees. from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m., enjoy any medium latte or macchiato for $1.99. hey, what are you doing? getting the coats. for a half hour? bob just got time warner cable. he's getting more. more what? nearly 20,000 movies and shows on demand, most for free. look, he's dvr-ing like 6 shows at once. let's go. ah, this grass is so much greener than on our tv. why are your shoes off? because i'm on their bed. i don't want to be rude. discover how much more is included. are those meatballs still circulating? get tv, internet and phone for $89.99 per month. cerebral palsy can be caused at birth by a doctor or hospital's negligence. for almost 40 years, jacoby & meyers has offered the specific legal help these cases demand. winning our clients the money needed to care for and support their child. there have been many advances in the treatment of cerebral palsy. we believe you should be able to take advantage of all of them. dunkin's new sweet black pepper bacon sandwich, with double the slices of caramelized crispy pepper bacon. it's the bacon experience you've been waiting for. bacon up. america runs on dunkin'. greg: all right, everybody, welcome back. rosanna, life on the subway. this friday night coming back everybody was high on life, rosanna, we won that night. rosanna: not so much these days. greg: this is show and tell. the ads on the subways. take a look, medical assist at that particular time, a technician and a skeleton, take a closer look here. she's got the arm around the skeleton in a borderline suggestive fashion. that is wild. rosanna: that is strange. greg: it is so weird. by the way, he's got a winning style. all of the teeth and a flash there. sometime on the subway, look at some of the ads, some are -- rosanna: amusing. greg: all right, who's the boss, great show from the 80s. i love that guy and the kids. rosanna: and danny. he played jonathan one of the kids on the hit comedy who's the greg: great chemistry. rosanna: yes, good clean fun. greg: he's making the news with a health situation. rosanna: he's here with us and talking on "good day new york." nice to have you here. thank you for telling me this is the only tv stop in new york city. >> exactly. judith was here a few weeks ago and she mentioned me. i am hiv positive and had a meth problem and how to two were combined to me. i had to come back and tell you how amazing judith is. rosanna: she's increed bl and a very close and advisor to you over the years. >> yes. rosanna: you have gone to her. >> all of the above, every time i need advice on, i go to jude ith on. like coming out. you know, like finding a celebrity an out was the thing to do. rosanna: i didn't think it is cool to out anybody? >> back then it was. greg: were you outed or did you come out? >> i called judith and she said they cannot misquote you, if you say smart things it is not bad. it turned out to be a great places. rosanna: and recently, you are dealing the hiv? >> yes, i wanted to talk to her and get her add vice. she wrote back with really, really great feedback. greg: the source of light. take a look. >> he's talking about being hiv positive and being pro active and he as a wonderful husband will, and he's giving a different pace of what is still a disease. rosanna: were you worried when he called to tell you he's hiv positive? >> no, i knew he was taking responsibility for it and taking care of himself and you can see how well he's doing. roz ross you are doing well? >> yes. she's just the best. rosanna: tonight you are being honored at my hero gala. >> i don't know, i feel brave but not necessarily a hero. i feel i'm being courage. say you don't have access to medications, hiv meds and you have to stay on it, but if you switched them and you have extra, what do we do with the extra. this organization gathers those pills and gives them to people in need that have no option to get that medication. i think it is a terrific idea that way. if you have medications not expired, any types. rosanna: i actually do. yeah. >> nothing high end. but anything like antibiotics, any of that stuff is great. >> greg do what? >> give it to aide for aids. greg: you are not supposed to flush it down to toilet. rosanna: i heard in new york maybe other places. >> don't dump the wipes, that is backing everybody up. rosanna: how do you feel day in and day out? courage. how do you feel? >> most days i feel good. some days i feel it is a lot of responsibility. being a celebrity and talking about a movie or a tv show is very different from being an activist and talking about big topics and talking about them in a right and smart way. it is a big responsibility. i have people writing to me saying hey, i just turned down spending time with someone who had meth and i have to speak to them and let's get your help. where to go, find them a meeting. i'm sort of that guy. i love it and appreciate it every day. that is the good part. greg: beautiful, danny. we are happy for you. rosanna: and dealing with hiv? >> that is easy. rosanna: no symptoms? >> no. not at all. rosanna: reactions from the medications? >> no. that is the key, getting on the medications and avoid the kofrnly kagss. sentence. no longer. rosanna: how about the organization? >> aide for and i will post this, if you text them to a certain number, live, they'll donate $10, or you will donate $10. rosanna: it adds up. greg: good stuff. say hello to judith. rosanna: and tony. >> we are looking at the peck -- picture from the old days. good stuff. what is it like to be 8 years old and making $30,000 a week. maybe half that. it is a good life. it got me through stanford. rosanna: oh, very nice. so nice to see you. continued good health. >> thank you for having me. greg: you know thomas jones, he used to play for the jets and now an actor and ripped too. look at this dude. ro rosanna: he was in straight out of compton. we are going to talk to him for over 30 years, in study after study, advil is nothing is proven stronger on aches and pains than advil. not tylenol. not aleve. nothing. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. what makes thermacare different? two words: it heals. how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let's review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. the proof that it heals is you. is your head so congested it's ready to explode? you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec -d to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms. so, you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec -d. greg: welcome back. manhattan as seen from new jersey. where the new york jets play. rosanna: speaking of the jets. greg: yes, thomas jones played for the jets for a time. rosanna: played for the cardinal cardinals cardinals, bears and jets. greg: now an actor. rosanna: and in the movies too, straight outta compton. and shameless and being mary jane. greg: we are going to break it down. welcome, sir, to "good day new york." rosanna: are you on, off, what are you talking about. thomas, the last time on being mary jane, it looked like you are out of there? >> i mean, well, my character, i have a special character, i come in when she needs me. i hope she needs me for the rest of the season. it seems like she might. but you have to see. >> give us an overall of what it is about. >> it is a successful news anchor with a lot of problems with the family and relationship issues and going through her story. rosanna: how do you feel being without a shirt in the scenes? it. do you mind it? >> you know, i mean, my character, i'm brandon gibson, cuddy buddy. she calls when she needs a little tlc. greg: friends with benefits? >> yes. exactly. >> we have a clip from last night's episode. shall we? >> sure. >> >> it is a blessing i can be here. how is it? >> good, actually. >> cuban see gars. my grand father raised me and the only way to balance is debt is live. rosanna: wow. you know how this is going to end for the season? >> the beauty of the show, the cast doesn't know. and they do a great job of keeping us on our toes. when i watch the episode, i get the script, but if i'm not in the episode i don't know what happens. i can't answer that question. greg: thomas or tom? >> thomas. >> what'd you grow up in? >> in virginia. played there. >> transition from sports to off? >> it was crazy. i had to change my name. quinn. i added the thomas q. jones. rosanna: i am glad you did that, i thought you were a singer tom >> no, we have different tones. rosanna: he's checking his d.n.a. these days. >> yes, i heard that. i mean the transition was cool. as a football player we are acting in a way, we get out there and we have the same type of situation. i'm jones number. we have raw emotions we unleash on the field and being a character. it is similar to acting. act is the same way. the play book is a scripted as football player and script as an an actor. greg: this is interesting. that is wild. the auditions, you had to struggle a little bit? >> yes, i had to move to hollywood. i'm there most of the year. yeah, this is the hollywood grind. people like to put you in a box and for me i have to be better than someone else they'll take me seriously. you know, i take pride in it. i'm in the acting studio twice a week. i like acting and it is fun. rosanna: i heard you have a really big heart and you have helped a lot of kids get through school at the university of virginia, right. how many kids have you helped? is>> 30 students. i come from a small part of virginia coal mining. my parents were coal miners. that part of virginia is neglected. i wanted to help kids in the area to have experience. i developed a scholarship and gave $2,000 per semester to two students each year that 30 students, including some of my sisters. that is one of the things i'm most proud of. to see the kids graduate and i played a part in their success and part of their evolution. this other stuff, football and acting is cool and fun, but you know, helping someone, priceless. greg: awesome. thomas jones, great to meet you. inspiring. >> thank you. rosanna: so he's back. as a love interest on mary jane. >> tune in. i can't tell you. greg: it is a show we need to watch. >> it is up your alley. rosanna: so nice to meet you in person. thank you so much. greg: we are going shopping with krystal young. >> also coming up in the 9:00 hour, we have -- rosanna: oh we are cooking no. no, just krystal young. greg: to the subway photos. i was running 6 months after a hip repair. hiking 2 weeks after spine care. and setting records 9 months after shoulder treatment. one special hospital, over 1,000 special stories. see them all at if you struggle with type 2 diabetes, you're certainly not alone. fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar. rimagine what it would be like to love your numbers. discover once-daily invokana . it's the #1 prescribed of medicines that work with is used along tto significantly in adults with it's a once-daily pill that works around the clock. p absorbed back into the body. p reduces the amount rand sends some sugar out t through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include tkidney problems, genital yeast infections p urinary tract infections, changes in urination, p high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. invokana r severe kidney problems r stop taking and call r if you experience rswelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. r tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, r and if you have kidney or liver problems. tusing invokana with a sulfonylurea ror insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana . there's only one invokana ask your doctor about it by name. find over 1,000 special stories at hospital for special surgery. rosanna: statute of liberty. >> you like large women greg? rosanna: older and larger. greg: you are disrespecting the icon. i have wondered what she's wearing under the coat. we are talking to krystal young. that? >> the skirt is super old. stop buying and wearing what you have. roz what is old is new again. >> people are touching me on the f train in the best way. greg: that is tech anyicly a crime. >> we are talking glamour. we are really talking beauty trends and what is hot for the fall in hair, make up. take a look. the glam app is beauty on the go and coming to you, so i'm not clothing. it is all about beauty. to the lipstick, i found it, it is called lamatte by loreal. who is looking beautiful and who i see. the glam app brings glamour to your front door, you can select from a ton of services. the app is the brain child of joey and kara. >> make up, blowout, curls, anything you want and nothing is over a hundred dollars. >> now on to what is fun for fall. talk to me about the trends and what is happening on this face >> what is hot right now this is bronxy eyelid. this is rose gold. that is so gorgeous. you are seeing it on all of the runways. 90 trends are in. graphic eye liner. what i love the most, you are seeing it on the celebrities, on the runways, new york fashion week, is that brick red. it looks good on everybody. the texture is amazing. it is staying on. lasting forever, not too shinny or too matte. it is velty. it is soft and pouty. i think it adds a little plumpness to the lips too. >> awesome. >> she's using a fan brushed have clumpy applications. it is a fan brush. all about the wave. this is like a beachy wave. and kind of goes in a natural direction ands to tossedel outside. a lot of blow drying and can you remembering iron. >> nail trends, but first cara's look. >> alex ander wang. >> they are adorable. >> thank you. you have on black and black is sort of like a cool neutral. >> i like black, it is edgy, we are in new york city, for a fall a pop of color. and we just added the glam app, a style for a pop of color. i choose purple to go today. it is something that is unexpected and gives you a little something special for the day out. >> i agree, sassy. >> yes. >> the thing i love aboutette ging your nails done, it is the best accessory to your outfit. the best is nude. depending on what color your skin tone helps to indicate what nude you should choose. >> glam on the go for those in the know. >> very nice. hats off to the cosmetic workers at blookingdales. >> yes. that is a hard job. do you like it when they spritz you? >> they don't do that any more? >> that is old school. now it is at our fingertips. look good all day. >> no excuse. next week the whitney. >> we have to go. >> it is fun. >> it is a museum of modern art to the meat packing. >> yes, 14th street. >> all right, we are taking a quick break. my subway pictures and my voting experience, my experience yesterday voting. i was the only one that voted in rosanna: people voted where they you couldn' t do anything about that driver running that red light. you couldn' t do anything about him hitting you while you were in the crosswalk. you couldn' t do anything about all those missed paychecks. but you can do something about getting the person responsible to pay. you can call jacoby & meyers. we' ve been winning pedestrian knock-down cases rosanna: lynn, it is all about you. thank you so much for watching us. greg: and your buddy too. mike woods, pleasant out. rosanna: so gorgeous. it was nice being out there. greg: whatever. mike: it is, teachers have to let the kids out. we have the averages, early november, 58 one the ample high, an is the average low. not too bad, we are well above the averages here. low of 56 and now back up to 63 degrees. it is sunny, warm. maybe a hair cooler than yesterday. for this time of the year, we are doing all right. 55 in allentown. 66 in belmar. 62 in montauk. and yeah, cooler up to the north and the west. check out the winds, this is a little bit of a change. the winds coming in from the east and northeast. that es>> not a lot of wind. but the fact it is coming in from the east and the north coming in off the ocean waters. for now, yes, it is sunny. it is mild. not much happening with the radar and the satellite happening here. the closest clouds up around maine, northern sections of maine. high pressure is in control elsewhere. a few showers down around the carolinas. the ridge of high pressure is blocking things out. here is the jet stream. holding the jet stream to the north. that keeps the stormy weather out of here and along with the warmer temperatures on top of us. the warmer air coming in from the south. even into friday, but then after that, the temperatures are coming down. all right, today mainly sunny. high up to 70. 69 tomorrow. there rb more clouds and a quick shower is possible overnight between thursday and friday. it is still warm on friday. saturday's high 63. 55 and sunday -- sunny and sunday. enjoy the warm stuff, it is not here forever. back to you. greg: mike, thanks a lot. this is how i wake up, rosanna. you are going to like this, maybe. ready? rosanna: yes. that is awful. greg: it works. it gets me up. rosanna: shakes you up in not a good way. greg: yes, it is jarring. here is a better way to wake up, according to spotify turn this on. >> rosanna: yes, take a listen to the song. oh, cold play. greg: spotify figured out this is a song that puts you in a great mood. it is number one. rosanna: they were other things on the list, like a lovely day. greg: let ear hear that. . rosanna: i don't know this one. one more. greg: this sounds like a commercial. to buy some sorts of drugs. the poll workers. i felt so good about myself. rosanna: that is facebook. the poll workers work hard. i'm sure they are happy you visited them. greg: i was the 4th person to get there at 4:00 in the afternoon. any way, next year it is different, we are voting for the president. rosanna: have a great day new york. pain from your day can haunt you advil pm gives you the healing sleep you need, helping you fall asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. meet the moore's! we're the moore family, and we're always looking for ways to enjoy more. so we called time warner cable call now to get more. more speed. like, 300 meg. more tv shows and movies on demand. more places to make more unlimited calls. call now. for $89.99 a month, you'll get 100 meg ultra fast internet, hundreds of hd channels, and unlimited calling to international destinations. we find more good things every day! more ways to watch more shows. on more wifi connected devices in our house. time warner cable made switching easy with a one hour arrival window. they even made sure all of our connections were up and running before they left. why settle for less, when you can get more! call now. for a limited time, get a free trial of showtime for one year, and ask how you could get a $300 reward card. beyond natural grain free pet food is committed to truth on the label. p when we say real meat is ther first ingredient, it is always number one. we leave out poultry by-product meal, corn, wheat and soy. and, we own where our dry food is made - 100%. can other brands say all that?

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