Dent in the iowa frontrunners. Going to build a wall. Were going to triple the border patrol. Were going to replace obamacare with something so much better. Kasich, bush, and Christie Live only on fox news sunday. Then the battle between the two Democratic Candidates gets down right nasty. Secretary clinton does represent the establishment. Enough is enough. If you have something to say, say it directly. Well ask our sunday panel whether Bernie Sanders put an end to the clinton coronation. All right now on fox news sunday. And hello again from fox news in New Hampshire. Were just outside downtown manchester manchester. There is snow outside but inside davidson hall, the fire is cloeg and in two days voters head to the poll in New Hampshire. Candidates debated one more time. The goal for several of them to take down rubio and to join trump and cruz in the top tier. In a few minutes, well talk with the three governors, christie, kasich and bush, all fighting to stay alive in the gop race. But first, fox news chief Political Correspondent carl cameron on winners and losers and there were some of both in last nights debate. Carl . Good morning, chris. First of the nation voters tend to wait until the very last minute to make up their minds. So last nights battles are sure to have an effect on their decisions. Marco rubio got hit by kri r. Chris christie for inexperience and repeated memorized lines. He simply does not have the experience to be president st United States and make shes decisions. I think the it experience is not just what did you but how it worked out under Chris Christies governorship of new jersey, theyve been downgraded thats what washington, d. C. Does, drive by with incomplete information and then the memorized 25second speech. Your state got hit by a massive snowstorm two weeks ago. You didnt want to go back. This notion that barack obama doesnt know what hes doing is not true. There it is. There it s the memorize 25 second speech. Donald trump defended his support for Eminent Domain and jeb bush called him out for how hes used it. They all want the Keystone Pipeline. The he could Keystone Pipeline woet ithout Eminent Domain wont go 20 feet. He tried tie the property of an elderly woman on the strip of las vegas. A lot of time property from an elderly woman. Let me talk, quiet. A lot of times force. Eminent dough nan is unpopular in New Hampshire. Years to bring cower lines from canada throughout North Country and it has been stalled by residents objections. The governors really seemed to reassert themselves yesterday. Now, chris, its a sprinlt for the next two days until the polls close on tuesday night. Carl, thanks for. That now to the first of the three governors stopping by our manchester set here today, the man at the center of the marco rubio episode, new jersey governor Chris Christie. Welcome back to fox news thank you. Your takedown of marco rubio and thats all i can call irt, was the story of the night. Here is one more clip. From protecting the people of florida from Eminent Domain of use to bringing accountable to the va and to sanctioning terrorist groups, im proud of my service in the United States senate. The fact is the fact is when you talk about hezbollah sanctions act that you list as one of your accomplishments. That is not leadership. That is true ancy truancy. So, governor, what do you think last nights debate revealed about marco rubio . First off, i think it revealed something about what you need to be president of the United States. You have to be tested. You have to be prepared. You have to be experienced. You have to be ready. And quite frankly, thats what i tried to shoate w the folks last night that im tested and prepared and ready. What ive been saying about senator rubio was on full display last night. Hes not ready, chris. Hes a good guy but hes not ready to be president of the United States. You showed and you have been a long time prosecutor, you showed how skilled you are at that as rubio seemed almost to unravel like a witness under crossexamination personally on that stage. How did you feel . I felt justified. For a long time. I dont think that people have been really listening. But the fact is there were a lot of people watching and listening last night. Its not about marco rubio. Its about our country. Its about the American People. Years who was the first United States senator who never managed anything in his entire life and our government is unraveling. We have the russians and ukraine in crimea. We have syria falling apart, libya falling apart. Our economy is growing at. 7 backwards. We dont need another on the job training in the white house. We need someone that has done this stuff and ive done it. I felt that and im glad the American People are getting to see this before they make a mistakes. According to the real clear politics average of the recent polls here in New Hampshire, you are running sixth at this point with less than 5 support. There are some political observers who watched last night and said, you know, you really hurt rubio but did you help yourself in a position that youre in now which is not too good . None of the polls were taken after last night, were they . And what people saw last night, millions of people saw last night was that im ready to be president of the United States. And how do you show that . I know you showed the flaws in how did you show your leadership just because you took him down . He tried to come at me. I answered him every time because ive been tested. Who do you want on that stage against Hillary Clinton . Do you want do republicans want to see someone who can absolutely answer secretary clintons every question in a debate in september so that we actually win the presidency . Or do we want to see someone who will crumble in front of Hillary Clinton . Important. There is about the American People, chris. We need an experienced president. We need a successful presidency. The American People desperately need it. And i have been tested, whether it is rebuilding my state after Hurricane Sandy or standing up to the Democratic Legislature or teachers union, im tough to take on Hillary Clinton and tough enough to take on the problems that face the United States. Rubio tried to get into your record. And not terribly successfully. But tried. You have had bridgegate which involved some of your top aides. You have had nine credit down new jersey has the eighth slowest job growth since the recession ended in 2009. Those are not badges of honor. Except youre using dated material. This year 2015, new jersey had the greatest job growth in 15 years. We created over 60,000 sector in new jersey. This january information. Youre still the eighth slowest state in job recovery. Chris, we were the slowest state when i became governor. The slowest state. And im working with the Democratic Legislature that wont do everything i want to do but with the stuff i have forced them to do, we now moved up the chart. Im not going to let anybody insult the people of new jersey who have worked hard to bring our state back. By the way, in the midst of all that, too, we were hit with the second worst Natural Disaster in American History that devastated to have us come back in 2015, it is extraordinary. And the people of new jersey deserve great credit and im honored to lead them. I wont let you insult the people of my state. Im not insulting you. Its their state. Its not just my state. Its their state. Its our country. And im not going to allow hem to insult the effort of the people of new jersey thachlt done. Theyve done a great job. Let me ask you about another governor. You have to be the top governor coming out of New Hampshire. That could be. Well, there are three of you. Were going to talk to all of you one after the other. Your superpac attacks john kasich for congress and governor of ohio he spent eight years on wall street. But governor, your wife works on wall street. In fact, shes the primary bread winner in the christie family. Major industry donor to the Christie Campaign and superpac and the financial industry. So what is wrong with wall street. My wife isnt running for anything. I know. Anything. And what that points out is that governor kasich, what the superpac says he is was there when lehman went down. He was the managing director whether it went down and he voted congress for bailouts to the banks and special interest loopholes. Made. Its about how much money when make. And thats what the point of the else. By the way, as i said last night, john is a good governor. Im just better. What about the argument,en that is our last question, that youve got four of you, three governors and rubio in the socalled establishment lane. Youre all bouncing against each other. And ultimately, whatever divides you, you would all like to see one of you win versus trump or cruz. At some point and how quickly do all of you need to coalesce around one of them . I know you hope it will be you. But coalesce around one of you to take them snon. All week the media is trying to make that we coalesce around marco rubio. After you saw that performance should be coalescing around marco rubio . Is that leadership we want to see on the stage against Hillary Clinton . This is about the American People and changing their lives. We need a strong, tough president. Hillary clinton is one of the toughest political fighters in this country. And shes going to fight like crazy. Is this going to be like bumper cars . You bet. You make me laugh. 180,000 people voted in iowa. And you want to end the race. I dont want force. This is what youre saying. I asked a question. But the question implies a position. Should you all coalesce if youre bumping up against each other . I think you under a position. Iner if, im fer, imply, same thing. Lets let the people vote. By the way, last night, what they saw is instructive. Seen. And my strong leadership needs to be seen and senator rubios robotic performance needs to be seen too. Governor christie, thank you. Great to you have on, chris. Did you say great to have you . Yeah, ive pretty much taken over the show. Its over, buddy. Really . Ill take the rest of the day off. Let me interview bush. Id love to. Im sure you wochlt thanks for coming by. Boy. Wow. That was a good night, not that good. Two more governors jockeying to be the establishment favorite coming out of New Hampshire. Well sit down with john kasich and jeb bush as fox news welcome back to New Hampshire where were now just two days from the first in the nation primary. Joining us now, Governor John Kasich of ohio. Governor, welcome back. Thank you, sir. With all the fuss over marco rubio last night, you said Something Big that seemed to me kind of flew under the radar. You said in your first 100 days as president , you will submit a comprehensive Immigration Reform plan to congress including a path to citizenship. No, no, i didnt say that. What i proposed is, look, first of all, were going to freeze all federal regulations for one year and have a Vice President begin to deregulate, look at things that dont make sense, number, two well have tax cuucts for businesses and for individuals. Number three, were also going to restrain government so we can get to a balanced budget. Number four, lets get the border fixed. Number five, lets start working on social security. Lets go to number four. You didnt say get the border fixed, you said comprehensive Immigration Reform including a path to legalization. Right. For those that look, heres the deal. Finish the wall. Have a Guest Worker Program where people can come in and work and go home and for the 11. 5 million who are here and not committed a crime since theyve been here, then a path to legalization. What about the argument and you hear this from a lot of the border. Yeah, you have. Before you even begin to discuss gsh. Get the border done and do the whole thing. Look, chris, im not somebody says we have to sequence it. That. Okay, first get the border. Then six months we do this. But we need to get it done. Ive done 100 town Hall Meetings here. Ive met with more people in New Hampshire facetoface than anybody running for president. Ive done this all over the country. The country is ready for solutions. Con contrary to what we hear from the pundits, the country wants answers. They want them to be conservative answers. But they dont want to just say, okay, forget it. We dont care what the democrats think. People say how are you going to bring people together . They ask me that all the time. Ive done it all of my career. Okay. I you point out. You had your 100th town hall. We got more coming. You better hurry. You spent almost two months here. You know, i looked at your cash on hand, youre almost broke. I think you have 1 million which is not a lot of money in campaigns. Dont you have to finish first here among the socalled four establishment candidates . Im not antiestablishment. 18 years in congress. I shook the whole system up. Im offering budgets against my own president , trying to get to a balanced budget when he fell short. I reformed the welfare system. I was involved in restricting in reforming the pension as a republican. I said after we did welfare, i said youre going to reform welfare for the poor. I did all those things. I asked you in the debate, you said youre an inside out guy. Dont you have to finish first among the hybrids . All i have to do is finish to a point that we all think we did well here. Were going to do well. I have an army of people, chris, the best ground game. Best ground game than hes sneen 40 years. Heres the situation, people want to be with the winner rather than make one or would be a leader rather than make one. A lot of people have money. We do well here. First of all, we are organized. Were on the ground in South Carolina. We have people. Look, mississippi right now, we have election tomorrow and id win because of trent lott. Were all over the place. I see these negative ads over and over again. I havent run any. Isnt that interesting . I actually run a positive campaign. Thats a knock on you. Youre the obama republican as the ad puts it. Im sure youve seen it. I havent. Common core, obamas medicaid expansion, tax increases. No. John kasich. Now we checked it out. You raised taxes overall. You have raised taxes. Netnet you lowered taxes. But all the rest of that is true. Wait a minute. First of all, we cut tax business 5 billion, more than any governor in america. There is nobody balanced as many budgets as i have. Cut as much taxes. Wait a minute. First of all, chris, i propose taking 104 federal Education Programs, putting them into four buckets and sending them to the states. I have been clear from the very beginning that i support high standards and local control. Our state School Board Approves the standards and local School Boards are the ones that create the curriculum. Im for total local control. Not for anything out of washington. The Education Programs are all going to be moved back. You have said proudly that youre for higher common core establishm next. T. Im for high standards which are state School Board Approves and theyre going through it again with a local boards of education, approving the curriculum with the advise and consent of parents. Its in our budget proposal. You cant be more local than. That zblets take a look at lets talk about obamacare. Lets look at. That you talk about it in one of your ads. Lets run. That. Balanced budgets, created jobs and rejected obamacare without leaving anyone behind. Now you say rejected obamacare. There are a number of leading conservatives that say thats flat wrong. Because you pushed for the expansion of medicaid which is a pillar of obamacare. You pushed for it so hard, you went around your republicancontrolled state legislatures to impose it. I can explain. Absolutely. Ronald reagan expanded medicaid five times. I can expand medicaid without having to have obamacare. Number one, it was part of obamacare. It doesnt matter. We can expand it without obamacare. I would repeal obamacare, second of all, im in court stug people to stop oeb obamacare. We did not create a state exchange under obamacare. I will repeal it. Im going to chankt health care really free Market Driven by paying for hospitals and doctors that deliver Quality Health care at lower prices. Dont try to hang me up on obamacare. I dont like it. It doesnt control the cost of medicine. Secondly, it hamstrings small business. And third lishgs its driven up