Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 5 20160210 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 5 20160210

investigators say that the suspect is that man there, 32-year-old gregory anderson, 5 foot 7, about 145 pounds. police say that he grabbed a woman near east 94th street and second avenue on saturday, robbed and sexually assaulted her. if you know anything about anderson, call crimestoppers. 800-577-tips. steve: a jury spent the first full day considering fate of officer peter liang. he accidentally shot and killed a man in a dark stairwell in brooklyn. dari: liz dahlem is live outside the courthouse in downtown brooklyn. you. today the jurors requested a review. perhaps the most interesting, they wanted to see officer liang's gun and figure out how hard or easy it was to fire. door. no bullets inside of it. but to feel how it went off. another thing they heard were 911 calls and the dispatcher to akai gurley's bleeding chest. these are things they will consider as they try to render a verdict. nypd officer peter liang made his way into the brooklyn courtroom for day one of jury deliberations. his lawyers wasted no time filing for a mistrial. defense attorneys argued closing arguments from the assistant district attorney were inflammatory and may have swayed the jury. >> he accused him of intentional crimes that are not charged in the indictment. for that reason, we ask that a mistrial be declared. the request. the officer is charged with second-degree manslaughter for the november 2014 shooting of akai gurley that took place in a dark stairwell in the pink houses. gurley was struck in the chest by a bullet that ricochetted off a wall and was fired by liang. the jury asked for a readback of testimony about approaching the stairwell. the jury requested 911 recordings and testimony from gurley's girlfriend. the jurors are still at work here tonight. the judge plans to keep them until 5:30. if they do not come down with a verdict, they'll be back here tomorrow morning to continue deliberations. we're live in downtown brooklyn, back over to you. dari: thank you, liz. and wounded nypd officer cruz is back home. she was released from lincoln hospital to a course of cheers by officers. she had undergone surgery after being shot in the stomach by a gunman inside a bronx housing development last week. her partner is also wounded under the nose. he was treated and released the next day. the gunman killed himself after -- shortly after the shooting. steve: today wasn't too cold, all things considered. but we know what's on the way this weekend. dari: i think something is changing tonight, right, nick? nick: it's going to be colder. we'll be getting colder each day as we move forward. today we've been in the upper 30s. been a couple of flurries and snow showers. we see them on fox 5 sky guardian in the hudson valley. a cluster west of allentown. we'll see a few of the flurries tonight. take a look at fox 5 sky guardian 3-d. you can see how they're all scattered about the area. no big deal. shouldn't amount to much. we are going to be talking a trend towards colder weather as these disturbances move along and an arctic cold front will held in our direction friday night into saturday, setting us up for dangerous windchill temperatures as we head in towards the upcoming weekend. it will be no picnic standing for the bus tomorrow morning as the futurecast shows a gusty breeze setting up with sun in the morning and windchills that will be down pretty much in the single digit range to lower teens tomorrow morning. we'll see some snow showers pass through as we head into the afternoon. then we start the transition in the upper 20s for highs. over the weekend, we'll struggle to stay in the teens. sunday morning could be a record the record low is 2. i'm thinking it gets to 2 or 0. 23 in the city tonight. 18 in the suburbs with clouds and a couple of snow showers tomorrow. morning. 20s through lunchtime. 30 in the afternoon with a few snow flurries. steve: yikes. democratic presidential hopeful bernie sanders followed up the primary win in new hampshire by sharing breakfast with reverend al sharpton. how it's become a rite of passage for many. >> reporter: it's a political tradition tradition. today fresh off a monster victory in new hampshire, bernie sanders was the latest democratic candidate to stop by sylvia's to meet with activist and tv host al sharpton, hoping to make inroads on the crucial black vote. >> we must be front and center and not marginalized. morning makes it clear we will not be ignored. our votes must be earned. >> reporter: sanders and clinton are fighting hard for the demographic. reports are clinton will campaign with the mothers of trayvon martin. >> i have not made an endorsement and will not until after the meeting. probably after that meeting, i will. >> reporter: it's unclear whether or not sharpton's stamp of approval can sway black voters one way or the other. >> i vote with my brain, not with my race. so i don't like people to assume that because i'm a black woman, that i'm necessarily going to go with any particular candidate. >> i'm not the biggest fan of al sharpton, but i still see that they care about the community. the fact that they're here, that has the most influence on me. >> reporter: this is a political strategist. >> there is a perception out there that black voters are monolithic and we don't speak with one voice. bernie sanders needs to meet with a variety of >> reporter: nationally, polling shows clinton leading sanders among african-americans to the tune of 67 to 28. >> he has had a difficult time with people of color. and i think that's because he has not made significant outreach up until this point. that's not lost on black voters. >> reporter: it's a gap sanders hopes to close as this race tightens up. >> reporter: nevada and south carolina are up next on the list for the democrats. the polling out of south carolina shows clinton up 57 points among black voters there. that's a big deal. because in 2008, african-americans made up over half of the democratic primary voters in south carolina. dari: all right. thank you. and we got word that it is official. new jersey governor chris christie is suspending his campaign. he returned to new jersey today after cancelling a scheduled campaign appearance in south carolina. christie finished a disappointing 6th in new hampshire last night with 7 meantime, the only woman in the republican presidential field also calling it quits. carly fiorina suspended her campaign today as well after a disappointing 7th place finish in last night's new hampshire primary. steve: republican frontrunner donald trump already has his next prize in sight. fresh off the commanding victory in new hampshire, trump holding a rally at clemson university in south carolina. that state's primarily only 10 days away and trump holds a big lead in the polls there. dari: the cruise to nowhere will soon be over. look at this. live right there. the anthem of the seas is off the new jersey coast tonight headed for port in bayonne later tonight. that's where it left from. the royal caribbean ship departed last saturday, but ran into 30-foot high seas and hurricane-like winds off florida over the weekend. the ship suffered damage, but there were only a few minor injuries thankfully. passengers a full refund and 50 percent of a discount on a future cruise if you should like to take one. steve: they were just in the camera. cardinal dolan marked the beginning of lent at st. patrick's cathedral. he was joined by parishioners. the ashes symbolize the repentance of sins. christians expected to fast on this day since the 40 days of lent marks the time jesus fasted in the wilderness. dari: there's one less place you can take your hoverboard. steve: why nj transit pulled plug. dari: and good news for harry potter fans. another book is on the way. when it's going to hit store shelves. i do everything on the internet. but, it's kind of slow. my friends say i should get fios because it's the fastest. i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. better around here? (husband) i heard that. switching to better internet is now easier than ever. only fios has the fastest internet available, with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. get 100 meg upload and download speeds. plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. switch to better. steve: the fed expected to stand firm on interest rates and hackers take aim at the irs. dari: alison morris is here with the day's business headlines. >> reporter: the irs had a rough tax season. things have not been going well. they have more problems and we are in the middle of the busy season. the agency says it blocked an attempted hack on its web site. according to the irs, this was an automated malware attack. identity thieves used a half million social security numbers they stole to generate e-file pins. steal any data from them, but they were able to access 100,000 e-file pins. the irs is reaching out to everybody affected and offering extra protection. they say the attack happened last month and is in no way relt i y related to the web site outage. >> janet yellen testified before congress. she is a lovely woman but the sessions can drag on. here are the highlights. interest rates do not expect rate cuts. she thinks our recession risk is low. while the hikes continue? probably and gradually. the fed is keeping an eye on the economy. as for negative interest rates, to stimulate the economy by charging banks to keep money on reserve, it gives them an extra push to loan money, yellen says it's come up. it is doubtful and it's not clear if it's legal. >> finally today, twitter reporting earnings after the bell. they were better than expected. 16 cents a share instead of 12. they said words that nobody wants to hear. twitter lost a couple million monthly active users. the market does not like that. expect trouble for twitter in terms of its stock price tomorrow. today, twitter rolled out a new timeline. it's going to show you tweets out of order. they're using an algorithm to show tweets based on what users want to see. it will only happen when you open the app. otherwise you'll see tweets in reverse order. they're trying to help you deal with your fomo if you've been away. earnings. a loss of 87 cents a share. their outlook for the year was good. the stock may do okay tomorrow. it's ridiculous how that is. twitter, great numbers. they'll be in number. tesla -- steve: all what they're looking for. i haven't noticed the twitter changes that much. i would love to complain. >> reporter: if anyone would know, it would be you. steve: so far, so good. dari: makes sense when you think about it. the product that tesla is putting out, it's a trial and >> reporter: the time changes will be subtle. they shouldn't bother you. steve: everyone will complain about it. thank you. dari: thank you. the adventures of harry potter continue. the script for the two part play will be pushed as a book july 31st, one day after the play's premier in london. the story is set 19 years after the deadly hollows and follows his son. the author says harry will struggle with the weight of a family legacy he never wanted. that does make sense. i know you don't care. steve: not at all. really don't. a lot of people do. i'm in the minority. dari: i hope it's good. it will be good. hello, nick. nick: hello. hopefully you'll care about what i have to say about the coldest day -- steve: we're getting scared about the weekend. nick: coldest air of the season, in quite some time. and windchills that will be down 15 to 20 below zero. that's dangerous. you get frostbite real fast if you're not covered up. that's not today or tomorrow or even friday. it will get colder. the weekend is when we get the arctic onslaught. 61 the record high 2001. and right there at 1899 it was 6 below zero. a trace of melt. 100th of an inch of rain today. a fair amount of clouds. 37. the air is dry with an 18 degree dew point. wind out of the west. the pressure is on the rise. occasionally we've seen a couple of snow flurries in the area. it's been north and west of the city for that matter. there's some snowflakes flying as you get towards route 17 escorted back to scranton -- scattered back to scranton. we could see snow showers or flurries in the sky tonight and tomorrow in the afternoon as another cold front crosses the we managed to get to 40 in poughkeepsie and bridgeport and newark at 41. monticello, 30. 38 islip. 37 in montauk. right now we're holding in the mid and upper 30s around the area. 37 islip to the east end. bridgeport is 38. 37 hudson valley. 34 at belmar. it's back to 32 at allentown. there's the west wind. that will continue. it is going to stay breezy. 15, 25 miles an hour tonight and tomorrow it will be 15 gusting to 30. windchills will be a factor tomorrow as we hover around 30 in the afternoon. most of the time the windchills will be in the teens tomorrow. here's our satellite in review. you can see snow showers up to the north and west. a couple more of those will be coming through as a couple of disturbances move along. the next one is here. that will be sliding to the east. you can see this general flow coming down in this direction. we'll talk about a progression in colder weather over the next few days before the arctic air arrives. 23 out the door in the city. a couple of snow showers in the afternoon. no higher than 30 tomorrow. the futurecast is going to show this front moving through. but eventually it's going to be the next front dropping down from the north and west that will trigger the arctic air that will be arriving. that will be for the weekend. it will be very windy as that air comes down. tonight lots of clouds. snow showers. 23 in the city. 18 to 20 in the colder suburbs. limited sun tomorrow. snow showers pop up. a gusty west breeze returns. 30 tomorrow. windchills in the teens. 27 friday. sun gives in to clouds. saturday, that high temperature is in the morning. we may drop to 10 by the later part in the day. a strong gusty wind. windchills will be around zero during the day. sunday morning, i'm going to go for it. 0. the record low is 2. this is in new york city. dari: i was about to say. nick: the windchill values will steve: amazing how it [indiscernible - talking over one another] nick: snow monday night. rain on tuesday. we'll have to see the track of the storm that's off. steve: that's hard core cold. nick: big story is the cold. steve: thank you. dari: thank you. we have breaking news. it's 5:19. the justice department is expected to announce a civil rights lawsuit against the city of ferguson, missouri. the news is coming one day after ferguson's city council voted to revise an agreement that would improve how police and courts treat poor people and minorities. ferguson has been under scrutiny following the fatal shooting of unarmed black teenager michael brown by a white police officer. this happened in the summer of 2014. steve: starting today new jersey credit transit has declared all of its trains and buses a hoverboard-free zone. customers, employees will not longer be permitted to ride, store, charge or transport the devices on the system or at stations. reasons, noting the many injuries caused by people falling on instagram christmas morning and the fact they can burst into flames without warning. dari: u.s. auto safety regulators cleared the way for google to create a self-driving car that doesn't need a human driver behind the wheel. that would allow the driving software itself to be the vehicle's legal driver. currently google's prototypes can operate by themselves completely but are required to have a human driver inside. steve: brave new world that's coming quick. men who want a new look can get it without tossing out their wardrobe. dari: designer miguel an tone shows us how to rebuild your closet one piece at a time. again! r again! again! again? again! again! general mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal... again! (vo) shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood... all with worry-free ownership. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying dari: one of the biggest names in men's wear runs his empire from soho. steve: a great gig. baruch shemtov here after getting a personal tour of miguel antoine's operation. >> it's rare you find a designer who manufactures all of his designs right here in the city. miguel antoine is that designer. beautiful and he offered advice on incorporating fashion-forward pieces into your wardrobe. >> i can't think of any other place that we would produce other than new york. >> reporter: for miguel antoine, the expansive shop is the headquarters for his men's fashion brand. with his design studio below the retail space, he has a continuous focus group. >> you get immediate feedback. you hear everything. i can hear every customer that comes into the store. so seeing the clothing on different types of people and hearing their stories and learning about their lives, it lends an incredible amount of information and inspiration for us to move forward. >> reporter: with everything made in new york city, that means quick and responsive inventory management. >> reporter: how quickly will we >> i could have it on the floor tomorrow. it's a discipline. but it is who you are. local artisans, local tailors, sewing the garments. they're shipping all over the world. >> reporter: the result is a range of designs to fully outfit any urban gentleman, from outer wear to accessories and everything in between. >> we're cutting edge without going over the edge. >> reporter: while many of his pieces are certainly fashion forward, miguel says don't be intimidated by good design. how should men think about incorporating fashion-forward pieces into their wardrobes? >> i think you should approach it from sort of an investment, you know, stance. find the pieces that work for you that you can mix and match in your wardrobe with your existing collection that you can wear dressed up or dressed down and stay away from the items that are more trend driven and more now. >> reporter: according to miguel, leather is the way to go. don't restrict leather to the fall. this is a leather motorcycle jacket with down. >> with down. it's insulated for warmth. i think america has wonderful, great american designers, but i think there was a void in the fashion forward space. >> reporter: as he finishes his latest round of summer designs, he's keeping his eye set on expansion while remaining firmly rooted in new york city. >> new york city is just a wealth of inspiration. i mean, you can't close your eyes in a taxi. you miss out on so much. there's so much talent in new york city. it brings home the idea of this new york brand made in america delivering to the world. >> reporter: new york fashion week starts tomorrow. he employs a strategy, designing pieces continuously rather than presenting an entire collection at a time, which means you'll always discover something new at his shop or on miguel york story. and so unique. steve: amazing you get to work in soho. that would be inspiring. >> reporter: the feedback constantly. dari: the stuff is beautiful. the leather jacket, you need that. >> reporter: i'm saving up. steve: like tom cruise. >> reporter: thank you, steve. steve: very good. donald trump gets the funny or die treatment. dari: how the comedy site was able to keep the mockumentary believe who's terry bradshaw? what a surprise! you know what else is a surprise? shingles. and how it can hit you out of nowhere. i know. i had it. c' mon let' s sit down and talk about it. and did you know that one in three people will get shingles? (all) no. that' s why i' m reminding people if you had chickenpox then the shingles virus is already inside you. (all) oooh. who' s had chickenpox? scoot over. and look that nasty rash can pop up anywhere and the pain can be even worse than it looks. talk to your doctor or pharmacist. here in vineland, home of progresso, we love all kinds of chicken soups... but just one kind of chicken. white breast meat chicken every time. so if you're not going to make your own chicken soup tonight, do what we do...make it progresso. look at this sweet face. so sweet. ok, we're going to need a napkin gooey, flaky, happy. toaster steve: a jury spent the first full day deliberating the fate of officer peter liang. he shot and killed 28-year-old akai gurley in 2014 in a dark stairwell in a brooklyn housing project. jurors requested to hear the testimony of liang and several other witnesses. dari: people who live in the same housing project where he was shot are determined to stop the violence in their community. steve: jessica show is us how they're using social media to spotlight the dangers they face every day. >> it was may of 2015 which this was released. of akai gurley. as we await a verdict in the case against peter liang, the creator and writer and co-writer and producer explain why they decided to dedicate one episode of the series to akai gurley's shooting. >> he had lost his life to a senseless accident. like my film company, we want everybody to know that was a touching situation. we don't want him to be forgotten about. >> the first 3-1/2 minutes is a reenactment of what happened. they say they weren't picking sides when they wrote the story line. >> we didn't try to be bias and go for the family. we didn't want to insult the family. we didn't want to insult nypd. nypd is needed. we do have -- feel for the loss of the family. >> reporter: the episode has been vowed 90,000 times. >> we have a story to tell about pink houses. in the projects that people don't see. >> reporter: the series is on the second season. each episode is a different story, people getting killed over debt, domestic violence. >> it's like a turf, see what turf and what side got the more money. this is what happened back in the '90s. now we just putting it -- we're intertwining from the '90s and the current. >> the views are incredible and they never leave viewers hanging even if that means coming back to the first episode. the city is focused on the trial and so are they. after the verdict, they will be filming an episode. i'm jessica formoso, fox 5 news. dari: a mexican airline is trying to make things right after turning away an indian american man for refusing to remove his turban at the airport. waris ahluwalia was told he couldn't fly home from mexico refusing to take off his turban during a security check. tsa guidelines no longer require turbans to be removed, but aero-mexico did not follow that protocol. the airline apologized and is revising its security measures to respect its passengers' religious beliefs. >> i realize if i didn't say anything, if i didn't do anything, if i didn't step out of my comfort zone, that this could happen to someone. dari: the actor and fashion designer booked a flight back to new york on the same aero-mexico flight where he was originally blocked from boarding. steve: workers are clearing the wreckage from the deadly train crash in germany that killed 10 people and injured dozens. investigators are trying to figure out why several safety measures failed, allowing two trains to travel on the same track before crashing in a heavily wooded bavarian region. a train was brought in to start removing debris off the tracks, a process that could take at least two days to complete. dozens died in last november's terrorist attack in paris is expected to be reopened by the end of the year. the owners say that they've decided to renovate the historic building. the club was one of paris' top music venues before the attacks. in recent months, it served as a memorial site to honor the victim. steve: the feds will investigate the indian point nuclear plant after a radioactive leak. the cancer causing tritium leaked under the plant. tomorrow a specialist from the nuclear regulatory commission will visit to look into what went wrong. dari: a long island cop is being praised for going above and beyond the call of duty to help a senior in the snow. the 82-year-old had used a snow blower to clear a half foot of snow on friday. when rush hour came, plows piled more ice and slush in front of his home. that's when nassau county police officer kyle klein pulled over and took over. >> i said i'll help you. i'll finish the driveway for you. >> always welcome to shovel. dari: officer klein said that he had just responded to a call around the corner where a man shovelling snow went into cardiac arrest, which we keep talking about. steve: a real problem. dari: a lot of people have heart attacks. steve: a shock to the system to shovel. >> big laughs at donald trump's expense on the night of his big primary win. dari: the a list star playing the donald in a funny or die mockumentary. but here's tonight's new york minute. elmo and cookie monster join young kids for a sesame street live dance class today. the kids are from the children's aid society in east harlem and there was more to this than just having fun. physically active. the dancing helps with creativity and self-expression. >> reporter: the dance is playing at the theatre at madison madison square garden through february 21st. >> the alliance for nyc's highlighted the need and advantages to adopting dogs. >> they come spayed and neutered, vaccinated, microchip microchipped and ready to roll into your home. it's better than going into a pet store where you don't know where the dog came from. they're from puppy mills raised in bad conditions. here they're loved from the moment they get here until they come into your home. york minute. here in the city, parking is hard to find. seems like everyone drives. and those who do should switch to geico because you could save hundreds on car insurance. ah, perfect. valet parking. hello! and, uh, go easy on my ride, hm, wouldn't mind some of that beef wellington... to see how much you could save on car insurance, go to zah! (car alarm sounds) steve: feeding thousands of needy new yorkers is a full-time job, but many of the food pantries that provide meals don't have full-time staff. dari: jennifer lahmers shows us how a bare bones budget is pushing charities to the breaking point. >> reporter: it's almost dinner time at the community kitchen of harlem. the cooks are getting ready to serve up a hot meal to 250 people. >> every day is a challenge. it's always a new day every day in the community kitchen, making sure we're giving the best. >> reporter: the food pantry downstairs serves between two and 300 people every day. they only have 11 full-time employees running the place. they need more volunteers. hear at food pantries all over the city. they're putting out an urgent call for help. its research revealing a near dire need for resources. >> we have already seen in our network that food supplies are insufficient insufficient. this past september half of food pantries and soup kitchens reported food shortages that month. >> through a network of a thousand charities, the food bank provides about 64 million free meals a year. people like dorothy gray, who lives in harlem, depend on it. >> 61. i come here twice a month and in an emergency, they help me. >> reporter: more than half of the food pantries operate on a budget of $25,000 a year. for others, it's worse than that. that means they rely on donations to get the job done every day. >> 150,000 is considered a modest budget for it's very interesting to note that only 9% of pantries reported a budget at that level. >> reporter: there's an estimated 53,000 new yorkers in danger of losing their food stamp benefits by april 1st. it's likely the lines will get longer. the need for more volunteers is greater than ever. >> we're from 10 to 20 volunteers a day would be great. >> reporter: what do you have now? >> anywhere between five and 10. if we can up our numbers and getting into the spring and summer months, it would be great. >> jennifer lahmers, fox 5 news. steve: the latest poke of fun at donald trump's run for the white house. >> kids. i lived it. and then i took credit for writing it. steve: johnny depp under the wig and makeup. you'd never know. dari: it's johnny deposit p. pokes fun at his books and tv shows. it was released to coincide with his victory in the new hampshire primary. as to how they kept it secret, they swore everybody to secrecy. everybody was in on it. they kept the secret until now. the big thing is with the web, it's got to be secret. boom. dari: what's trending now is the #if i had trump's money. it's a conversation. one last tune-up for young musicians on a mission. [music] steve: the exotic locale they'll be playing that will make it an historic concert. dari: and mr. finch is headed to broadway and the academy award winner who will adopt to kill a way. p (vo) with thousands of qualityr pre-owned vehicles... rand exceptional customervservice, head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... pflip your thinking about buying steve: in fox 5 health news, it seems or may not that flu season is here, but do not be fooled. it has arrived. do not get lazy about taking precautions. dari: dr. manny in the house. what does that mean? >> well, it means that we still are not meeting the quotas we expect everybody -- dari: the flu shot thing? >> no. i'm talking about that if -- especially mostly for pregnant women -- and this -- i'm going to make a personal message. in pregnancy, the flu shot is recommended, and for a lot of pregnant women, if they get the flu, it could be very bad because, remember, in pregnancy, your immune system is decreased. so this flu can really be very deadly. now, if you don't take the flu shot, doctors are still recommending tamiflu because if you take it within the first day or so of having the flu -- by the way, the way you can tell you have the flu versus a cold, with the flu you get a fever right away. with a cold you don't get a fever. if you wonder how to tell the difference sometimes at home, take your temperature. if you have a low grade temperature, most likely you're if you take tamiflu, you can cut it down. consider taking the flu shot -- dari: the hand sanitizers. >> and taking the tamiflu and see your doctor, especially with a low grade temperature. dari: all right. this is rather curious. they're calling it the four seasons of your brain. experts say it works in different ways, your brain, depending on the time of year. i'm kind of buying in some ways. >> this is a fact. if you look at seasonal affective disorders in the winter time, the brain does have lower levels of serotonins. sadness. this is another study looking at the different types of mental activities so if you look in june, you probably have the highest degree of brain activity you. in december and january and february, you have a decrease in how can this help you? very simple. two things. especially for children. december, january, february is when they're in school, studying hard. brain activity goes down. what does that tell you? you have to make sure they get a lot of sleep if you want to counteract the seasonal effects in your brain. on adults, i'm bullish on vitamin d. it goes down because of lack of exposure in the december, january, february months. this is something where you may want to consider taking vitamin d. vitamin d does help you with some of the brain health overall. you have to take into account we know about the seasons changing and brain activity and everything like that, but you have to counteract the effects by going in the sun, sleeping more hours in the wintertime so you improve your memory and your working memory and consider if you think that you have vitamin people do in this period of year to take vitamin d supplements. steve: just the pills. we hear about vitamins not doing as much as we want. the pill -- >> vitamin d, it's special. skin. when you can get it that way, you have to supplement in another way. that's what i would say you steve: good deal. dari: thank you. ready for the weekend? thing. >> i'm so depressed about it, i don't want to hear it. nick: i say we travel to -- dari: he's got a big 0 on there. nick: to get the vitamin d, we head to the tropics. dari: you're talking. manny manny's jet. nick: you might want to hop on a plane fast. it's the coldest air in a long time. it will be here over the weekend. today, 39 in the city. 35 in boston. notice to the west the transition to colder weather on the way. buffalo at 31 for their high. pittsburgh and detroit sharing only 25 degrees. flurries and snow showers around. there are some in the hudson valley and some in eastern pennsylvania. we might see a few tonight and tomorrow. none of them will accumulate much. maybe just a quick coating, depending on how hard it comes down. that's about it. don't expect much again. the headline will be the cold as we head into the weekend. here's the radar into motion. you can see some of the snow flurries and showers trying to come across the area. some not reaching the ground and some are as you get towards the mid hudson valley and parts of eastern pennsylvania. let's take a look at what we have as far as the big picture is concerned. you can see we have snow showers extending back here to the great lakes region. some good lake effect snows going on. off to the west, as this disturbance slides along and this first in a series of cold front comes down across the area, that's going to get us into a colder regime tomorrow. right now, 37 at poughkeepsie to the city. mid 30s at the jersey shore and back up towards sussex. 28 in monticello. winds out of the west. it's going to get breezy tonight into tomorrow. 10 to 20-plus miles an hour tonight and 15 to near 30 miles an hour at times tomorrow. that's going to make windchill values way down there with highs tomorrow not getting above the 30-degree mark. you can see how this general flow is coming down from the north. one disturbance offshore. another one moving through here. first in a series of cold front that slides by. it's up in here is the arctic air making the move southward. tomorrow, as we look at temperatures, we struggle to get to 30 or 31. look at west of chicago. that's a sign of things to come. 21. 17 minneapolis. they haven't gotten into the arctic air. 50s to south florida. they're on a cool stretch. 79 in san antonio and 80s due the desert southwest and 50s up north. a few snow showers tonight. tomorrow, sun in the morning. then snow showers in the keeps tumbling in and the gusty westerly wind. friday, sun and then more clouds in the afternoon. friday night could see snow showers around here. area. that's where the arctic front you see lining up here to the north. then the temperatures really tumble as we head into the upcoming weekend. tonight, 23 in the city. suburbs. a couple of snow showers. mainly lots of clouds. tomorrow we'll talk about 30 degrees, limited sunshine, most in the morning and the snow showers come in a little in the afternoon. friday, only 27. sun gives in to clouds. at night, snow showers or squalls. look at saturday. that high of 20 probably being reached in the morning and we'll tumble 10 degrees later. the windchill values will be below 0. sunday morning, 0. record low is 2. windchill in the city could be 50 to 20 below. 25 below in the suburbs. sunshine during the day. 33 monday. if the storm goes to the west, tuesday. one computer model suggesting that may not be the case. we've got a couple of days to work on this. if we stay in the arctic boundary, tuesday will be a different forecast. steve: the weekend first. thank you. dari: make sure of the big fat 0. steve: thank you. harper lee's to kill a mockingbird heading to broadway. it is being written by aaron sorkin, known for steve jobs and money ball and the west wing. this won't be the first time the book has been turned into a play. a previous stage adaptation of it opened at the papermill playhouse in new jersey in '91. dari: young musicians from long island are practicing the performance of a lifetime. steve: they'll be among the first american students to perform in cuba in more than 50 years. antwan lewis takes us to their final rehearsal before the big [music] one way of bringing people together. in north shore high school on long island, they're about to test that theory. >> it's a big responsibility for kids of our age, but i think we can handle it. we've got to show them what we can do and who we are. >> these students are rehearsing for their most important audience, members of the choir, string orchestra and concert band are traveling to perform in cuba, one of the first american public schools to do so since the travel embargo was lifted. >> they have french influence, spanish influence, brazilian influence. it's -- just to see the product of all those cultures mixing together is going to be amazing. [music] >> reporter: the washington post march will be the first selection the band will play. it was a cuban ministry of culture who extended the invitation. the trip also offers the students a firsthand history the rest of their lives. >> one of the highlights will be called the side by side when our students get to play with their fellow teenage cuban artists together and share each other's repertoire. [music] >> reporter: the ambassadors leave for cuba thursday. they'll bring music supplies to share with their new friends and take with them their knowledge of cuban songs that they've learned and also be ready to leave behind a fair share of american ones, including some of today's pop music. >> that's a shock at first but i think they'll dig it. >> reporter: you bet they'll dig it. antwan lewis, fox 5 news. steve: incredible. dari: what an opportunity. see you back at 10:00. steve: here's ernie with what's coming up at 6:00. thank you very much. tonight we're being joined live here in the studio by new york's first lady, chirlane mccray. new initiative that's very important to her and to a lot of us, mental health. you'll find out what the city is doing right now to help so many people turn their lives around. everything you need to know all coming up next at 6:00. i'll be right back. keep it here. this is violet. she's been waiting for this moment for awhile. a moment other kids wouldn't think twice about. her first bowl of cheerios. because now that cheerios are gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first morning ted! scott! ready to hit some balls? ooh! hey buddy, what' s up? this is what it can be like to have shingles. oh, man. a painful, blistering rash. if you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. after almost 3 weeks, i just really wanted to give it a shot. you know, i' m not feeling it today. talk to your doctor or pharmacist today aha! oof! weee! slurp. mmmmmm. cinnamon. milk. cinna-milk. cinnamon toast crunch. crunch! crave those crazy squares. cinna-milk! i've been a turkey farmer my whole life... and i raise turkey for shady brook farms . we don't use growth-promoting antibiotics, that's just the way things should be done. that's important to me. my name is glenn, and i'm an independent turkey farmer. (female announcer) shady brook farms . no growth-promoting antibiotics, >> announcer: live from studio 5 in new york city, this is the news at 6:00. ernie: it is wednesday night. good evening, everyone. i'm ernie anastos. we thank you very much for joining us. we begin with something that touches a lot of people's lives, mental health. there's exciting new programs underway so new yorkers can get the help they really need. it's never been taken as seriously as now. new york city's first lady chirlane mccray will join me live, but first linda schmidt takes a closer look for us. >> reporter: primary care doctors should screen all adults for depression. that is according to new preventive services task force.

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