Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 10 20160315 : comparemela

Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 10 20160315

announcer: it's 10:00 p.m. do you know where your children are? right now on "fox 5 news" at 10:00 p.m. dari: cold, rainy and windy. march has arrived and it's very different from last week. certainly not a fun way to start the week out. steve: it is not going to stay the way we saw it today. nick gregory has more when all of this clears out. >> looking for improvement tomorrow afternoon. we will still deal with drizzle. pat is right now in the fox fives guard and transkei guardian. right around to sandy hook spreading up towards the and nyack area across long island. light rain and drizzle which will continue through the night the 40s. temperatures in the lower 40s as we head towards tomorrow morning and we do have the north easterly wind that has been in play. ten to 20 miles per hour in a coastal flood in the advisory with a storm for the overnight check. western long island sound and down the jersey shore. taking a look at the sky guardian 3-d you can see this is advancing nor the light rain and drizzle. writing in the skies tomorrow afternoon and we see the crowds returning during wednesday with showers coming in the afternoon. a big day on the campaign trail with super tuesday 2.0. dari: all eyes on the big prizes and the winner take all states which we are talking about lead in the polls. hillary clinton expected to be bernie sanders in florida and ohio. as we saw with ernie sanders that is a huge upset in michigan. steve: authorities in north carolina say they will not charge donald trump in connection with the protester being punched by one of the supporters of his last week. tonight they said there's not enough evidence to show that he incited the violence and. dari: a lot of people watching it unfold were wondering what was going on with american politics. still and ceylon it's not the first time that an election sparked conflict in the u.s. it happened in 1968 and jennifer has more. a lot of people said that it was haunting us what happened in 19 ca. especially when we saw people blocking traffic. we talked to a political accuracy of those comparisons. reporter: on fox news sunday, donald trump was defending his campaign against concerns in his last rally had been played by a violent outburst. >> when you think about it, i have 25,000 people very routinely, by far the biggest. and we have protesters who stand up. who do you know that has been heard over the last number of months? reporter: the u.s. has a history of violence when it comes to election nears. david greenberg says it's been decades since we seen this kind of uproar. >> the violence that we are seeing and the level of hysteria is certainly greater than anything we have seen in a bit. but if you compare it to 1968, which was serving a lot of people, this is not that bad. reporter: friday in chicago protest erupted. it's the same city where during a 1968 democratic convention. >> what is it about the donald trump campaign in a climate that we are in right now? >> what you see is sort of a pumped up anger, people who in the obama administration, whether for economic or racial reasons or other reasons, they feel that they haven't participated in what this presidency has been about. reporter: we are still a long way from november. ominous. and i think that it's going to be interesting test of the country but how we react to the provocation. reporter: he says the key is for each party to cool down. not to resort to physical violence, which you could argue only intensifies the media coverage and gives him a steve: it goes on and on. thank you so much. dari: sarah palin has been in the hospital after a snowmobile accident in alaska. he broke some ribs but is expected to recover. the former republican vice presidential candidate was in florida today. stumping for donald trump when she heard about her husband's crash. she sat on her facebook page that she is headed back to alaska. dari: vladimir putin today said that russia will withdraw most of the military from syria. they have been fighting for about six months supporting the bashar al-assad regime. russia's move comes as the united nations is holding peace talks with syrian rebels and the bashar al-assad government. it could pressure him to make a deal that could lead to a permanent cease-fire. dari: bill de blasio is reportedly splashing and shelter budget in 2017 according to the independent budget office. the city has budgeted 325 million homeless adult shelters and 2017 and that is when the budget increased to a record high. the city is betting on programs like rental subsidies to reduce the homeless population. the bill de blasio administration says that it is progressively tackling the homeless crisis and working to move people out of shelters and into permanent homes. suwanee metro-north worker paralyzed, still fighting a legal battle. lydia talked about his fight. >> i remember waking up on the floor. the i couldn't get up. and i was gasping for air. and i was screaming for my son. reporter: samuel ramirez remembers this day. the 41-year-old life was forever changed when he and his son were on the derailed train near the bronx when the engineer fell asleep at the controls. >> at one point i told my son, take care of your mother and going to make it a. reporter: reporter: four people died, 60 people injured. this married father of two suffered the most life altering outcomes. >> i became a quadriplegic and i have limited use in my arms and hands and i can't move anything from my body from the chest down. reporter: he was employed as a metro-north heating mechanic. last week metro-north sent him a letter informing him that by april 5 it would be cutting off his 85,000-dollar per year salary that he had been receiving since the accident. he was en route to the city for a day of fun with his 13-year-old son. because they used free guest passes, the railroad now says that it can't be held liable for the injuries. >> it was so devastating. reporter: metro-north emphasizes that he should apply for disability. they also say that it took the unprecedented situation of continuing to be paying his wages. he has been living in a rehab facilities has about a settlement his home cannot be made wheelchair accessible. >> i just want to go home. reporter: reporting live for "fox 5 news", lidia curanaj. dari: the family of danroy henry jr. has reached an agreement on a lawsuit or duchamp two shot in 2010 when he was attending college at pace university. the officer, aaron hess, was cleared of any wrongdoing by a grand jury. $6 million. steve: a deadly fire in new jersey kill the father, his two young children love their mother bradley byrne. family members say about 10 people lived in the home and everyone made it out alive except for the man and his the boy's mother was reportedly badly burned trying to save her child and his being treated at a nearby hospital. dari: a precautionary water advisory for customers on first street between willow and clinton street. this after a 12-inch water main broke this morning. the city tweeted that the break has been isolated as crews are working to restore service to customer. dari: a third man presumed dead after a crash on the hudson river over the weekend. divers searching for harry ferna ndez whose remains are thought to be in an area of the sunken vessel and they have not it happened on saturday. autopsies revealed to men died from drowning. the cause of the crash is under investigation. dari: a lot of nypd officers are not happy with their jobs these days according to a new survey. as lisa evers tells us, the morale is at an all-time low. telling us that police morale is always an issue and one that they are working to address. he is dismissing a new report saying that it's an all-time low. a survey done by 6000 members ranked morale is a three on a scale of one to 10. >> it echoes the survey that we showed you back in 2013. reporter: he says as a result of those findings his department is focused improving training and equipment and reorganizing specialty units to provide more career opportunities. >> what they have been doing is expressing concerns tour a whopping 87% of members surveyed believe that the city has become less safe in the past two years bratton administration. but the police commissioner says with reality. >> down low, the 2014 level. reporter: bill bratton says he will have a full report on tuesday. after he has had a chance to go through point by point. dari: a huge hit, but not here in america. why these chocolate eggs are banned and why some parents are them. steve: the key reasons driving the. dari: plus, why these could be it took joel silverman years to become a master dog trainer. but only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. lemme get a mcpick 2 listen up! there's a brand new mix on mcdonald' s mcpick 2 menu. lemme get a mcpick 2. hurry in now and pick your 2 hot ' n' tasty mickey d' s classics for just $5 dollars. mix n match. share n savor. 2 for $5. name your flavor choose your favorites a big mac made with 100% beef, a flaky filet-o-fish, seared quarter pounder with cheese or crispy 10-piece chicken mcnuggets for just $5 bucks. grab your crew for a great-tasting steve: have you ever heard of kindersurprise eggs? their popular all over the world, but they are banned in the united states. linda schmidt has more. reporter: what child wouldn't love a chocolate egg with a toy inside 2 they are called kindersurprise eggs and they are a huge hit with kids. >> i have a daughter that is 10 years old. >> when would she think about it? >> she loves them. >> youtube has plenty of video showing children unwrapping their eggs. it's a chocolate shell and insiders a capsule that contains a toy. justin's mother share this video with us. now with easter just two weeks away there is a private casebook page for parents and they are clamoring to find these kindersurprise eggs. i can't tell you exactly what this page is because it's private. kids are assessed with these eggs and they want to know where they can buy them for easter. the problem is they are legal. reporter: they are sold around in the united states because the fda says that young children could choke on the toy inside. in january a child in france choked to death. >> this was outlawed long time ago. it's potentially a choking hazard. even though i don't think a lot a lot of people have gotten her, the fda considers a dangerous. reporter: this attorney says that any store choosing to sell them could face steep fines if they are caught. >> you could get fined up to $25.1200 per the fda has issued another warning. linda schmidt for "fox 5 news". steve: very interesting. news for people who sweetened with splenda. it could increase the possibility of being diagnosed with leukemia and other blood cancers. researchers say it's due to the a common ingredient in no calorie sweeteners. the makers of splenda strongly refute the study. they question the study behind it be one of the visor positives as the water in city schools as they heard the announcement coming after high levels of lead was discovered in newark, new jersey. some higher than epa agencies recommended of 15 parts per billion. they are bill de blasio says that the same kind of problem will not happen here. >> we have a very rigorous regime in new york city. the department of environmental protection is legendary for what it may have done with our water supply and have an extraordinary natural water supply. dari: new york department of environmental protection says that the city test the water more than 500,000 times each year. no longer be synonymous with each of to atlantic city. this will mark the first time in 40 years that people who live in the garden state will have a state about casino gambling it has already lost more than half the revenue to competitors in neighboring states. dari: according to the guardian, facebook has plans to expand messages, group messages and can be encrypted. google and snapshot are working on a encryption system. apple refuses to give encryption info for the san bernardino terrace phones after it happened steve: this messaging application is looking to hire a 3-d computer vision engineer. plus they have been snapping up on wearable tech. dari: how about this? pretty soon you can take the prescription to a digital level. >> this is the particular dosage that i've written. reporter: as vice is vice chairman of emergency medicine, doctor daniel baker, demonstrates how his 2-week-old system of digital prescription is testing patients. >> we have to get a new information piece of information tour what they choose the pharmacy, the physician enters the pharmacy electronically. the software might also reduce a abuse of opioids. reporter: the system slows down when patients do not have a firm preferred pharmacy or the pharmacy doesn't carry their drug. >> the prescription does can't be sent to another pharmacy. individual providers. reporter: mack king, "fox 5 news". steve: it is a big day for map lovers, which is something that i can't really relate to. it is national pi day. the date considers the first three digits of the date the basis of pi day. steve: how stonybrook university is celebrating after the men's basketball team clinched a spot dari: and the kennedy clan and the new web series by carolyn kennedy's daughter and the all h (singing) i just can't wait to meet you, sweet child you're on the way, i'm filled with expectation, and you're growing everyday... dari: a university online island has a lot to celebrate. steve: the stonybrook men's basketball team clinched a spot it is their first taste of march madness. reporter: this season, they clinched their first appearance at this final. >> did you ever imagine it? >> not a million years. reporter: this senior walked away with a career high of 43 points. he tells me that he wasn't going to let his final shot of the tournament slip away. >> my coach said you have a least 20 seconds left. and so that game was the best time to do it. reporter: the student of stonybrook have march madness fever and they are ready for the road. >> i think they have a good shot. and i hope that they are just as proud as i am about it. reporter: in that spirit, this image is a hot seller. far. reporter: they have their work cut out with them with everyday to go until the big game. >> what is the message? >> the messages to message is to go out there and do what we have done. >> we have to play perfect game. we have worked hard and we want to do better. reporter: stonybrook stonybrook place des moines, iowa next. we will have an update. steve: that is awesome. okay, going all out for their favorite candidate. >> our characters on television, but in the real world, the real world has hillary clinton. dari: yeasty big-time celebrities going all-out to endorse candidates. election day? steve: broadway taken over the white house. good morning, this is your captain speaking. it's a beautiful day with sunny skies and a light tailwind out of the northeast. blue skies smiling at me nothing but blue skies do i see bluebirds singing a song nothing but bluebirds all day long i've never seen the sun shining so bright. never seen things going so right i'm noticing the day just hurry by when you're in love, my how they fly blue days, all of them gone nothing but blue skies from now on the new jetblue card. it's like having jetblue with you wherever you go. get three times points on jetblue purchases, two times at restaurants and grocery stores, and one time on all other purchases. steve: celebrity endorsement. one of the stars using to show her support for hillary clinton. the rich and amos thrown their support around the candidate. >> taylor swift. you care she's voting for? >> no, i don't care. i like her music. reporter: we live in a celebrity worshiping culture and you can campaign season welcome a famous endorsement. >> paul o'neill of the yankees do you endorse me? [laughter] >> celebrities are showing support for candidates in both parties. kerry washington and others are endorsing hillary clinton. >> i am with hillary, join us. reporter: actress lena dunham posted pictures of herself wearing clinton t-shirts. >> this is likely and you know that the system. [inaudible] >> caitlyn jenner has decided she liked donald trump. but after this star power held?. reporter: this man doubts that a celebrity endorsement will influence voters on election day. >> they give a bum to your campaign. but the issues that matter to them gets voters tour we went to central park to talk to some of new york city's electorates. >> i just do not assign any particular value to a celebrity status. >> i think i'm pretty set in my political ideologies. >> i would choose whoever i thought would be best. reporter: that could be the next american idol. [laughter] celebrities tend to have more influence during the primary season compared to a general election. in fact, opera's endorsement of barack obama brought in as many as a million more votes to obama. so you just never know what is going to happen. steve: some people can do more who knows where it all comes out in the wash after it's all said and done. dari: hulk hogan and his court battle has entered its second week. the former pro wrestler is suing gawker for publishing a sex tape that he didn't know existed. his lawyers had the founder of gawker take the stand. [inaudible] >> there's no point of writing tories in a vacuum if nobody reads them. dari: he is expected to take the stand again tomorrow. steve: caroline kennedy's daughter showing her funny side of with a new web series. >> mascara. you have probably heard of this >> it's pretty funny. it's called girls club. they were inspired by the helplessness that they saw during hurricane sandy. this is from saturday night live. go to the website under screen below. dari: >> they also hosted a student workshop. president obama in the first lady attended a hip-hop musical about alexander hamilton last >> have you seen it yet? steve: getting a bad rap from us, we have the story. and the early signs of spring. dari: here's tonight's new york minute. reporter: the new york city department of design and construction helped introduce girls to architecture, engineering and construction today. the goal is to expose girls to the career possibilities in a typically male-dominated field. >> it started in november 2014. so we just celebrated our first we launched a middle school and afterschool program in a title i school. reporter: you can find out more at and this officer, a four-year veteran was shot and killed in the south bronx by a carjacker 20 years ago. >> he was doing whatever an officer does. reporter: and that is your new york minute. the bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. dunkin's new grandde burrito -- a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. go grande with veggie or sausage today. put more fun in your day with ice-cream-flavored coffees at dunkin' donuts. go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. enjoy one today. america runs on dunkin'. been beautiful. it's a great few days that we have had. dari: but it is bad for allergy sufferers and the farmers. >> a cherry blossom and bloom is a rare sight on the streets of manhattan in the mid-march day but it's not the only thing coming to life ahead of schedule this year. trees are budding, crocuses are breaking through and daffodils are be ready for their close-ups. the flowers put us in a spring precarious situation. >> we get a cold freeze and we really do drop below 35 again. >> we wouldn't have the normal amount that we usually get. reporter: local farmers in similar concern. an early crop could become a weak crop in the event of another frost. >> all of this is starting to open up and getting more advanced than they should be. reporter: then there is the issue of allergies. >> when i wake up in the morning it's pretty rough. reporter: experts say you can the potential for more bugs in late spring. >> the more eggs are killed off because we have such a mild winter it is probably going to affect the amount that we see in this new season. reporter: despite all of these consequences to a late winter spring, new yorkers are still finding plenty to enjoy like leaving those heavy coats at home. >> we like warm weather. reporter: stacey delikat for "fox 5 news". dari: a eat healthy, exercise and drink less alcohol. steve: how millennial's are flipping the on what it means to be young and have fun. dari: and check this out right at the buzzer. this 8-year-old with steph this price can't be right... that's the right price! it's that low. what other things on this list can't be right?" looks like a list of can't be right's." seriously? at stop&shop, prices are down. savings are up. everything nature's promise is so wholesome... and it doesn't take the whole paycheck. stop & shop's exclusive nature's promise. eat well for less. dari: college students just don't party like they used to. a new study says that they are more. habits are fueling new happy hour trend. >> perfect area did. east village where he serves a slice of pineapple with every drink to counteract the taste of >> it was a pretty interesting thing. >> this drink attracts drinkers looking for relaxation without the hangover. moose, who plays nature documentaries because he says nothing is better than drinking and watching fish and monkeys compares the first round to the first beer. >> we start to see the difference. >> it's coming, it's not intoxicating. >> a study found that less than half between the ages of 16 and 24 reported having a drink with him last week. >> tequila and water with lime. reporter: on monday this man went to a beauty bar for a cocktail and manic or >> i appreciate the drink, but i feel that the more chatty when i'm drunk tour open until 2:30 a.m., they seek to provide the same social atmosphere with a different beverage. while the taste of soil does not serve a bustling established like beauty bar, , you can watch the major videos and see how you feel both by drinking and by the next morning. reporter: mack king, "fox 5 news". steve: we were having a very interesting time. [laughter] awfully fascinating. dari: we would take a couple of advil and increase the food. they have better stuff. steve: something is going on there. steve: let's check in with nick about the weather. nick: 42 degrees. the weekend of was exactly so. what are they like this comes along it's like, really? this is march and this is common for march. high of 51, most of the day lower 40s. above average. through most of the week. whenever a we have our new sunrise and sunset times every 10:00 o'clock properly. starting at 7:02 a.m., sunrise. light rain and drizzle. forty-two. winds out of the east. northeast. a little bit dusty and pressure falling 29.94. a light rain continuing and watching that fall across areas time goes along. and in temperatures and lower 50s and that was right after midnight. forty-eight in bridgeport, monticello, chile most of the day. montauk at 46. jersey shore, 44 in sussex, mid-forties at bridgeport all away across long island. eight to 10 degrees up from 24 hours ago. this is one of the reasons and the main reason we have this weather. over the next cycle on tuesday morning that includes the jersey shore. so as we look at the radar motion on your ox five sky guardian that area of light range is coming up over the city and expanding eastward and nothing much off to the west going towards southern connecticut long island and showing showers that will not survive most of the night. going in overnight. temperatures off to the south and western 40s and mid-forties, 54, pittsburgh and then watching our temperature actually rise overnight and tomorrow, back into in the 50s showing light rain just offshore to this position here. that is moving off to the north and east and the showers probably won't survive in a couple more systems from the west as times go along. drizzle out the door in the 40s and then the clouds might start writing up 57 in the afternoon and there is the system moving along with cloud cover covered up tomorrow. wednesday we will start off okay with early afternoon and showers moving from the west and we will be on the mild side on wednesday it looks like another batch of showers thursday. rain and drizzle, patchy fog temperature is rising in the upper 30s and lower 40s where they are right now, 57 tomorrow and spotty or drizzle in the morning and then peeking through the afternoon, 63 in the and the sun is early on wednesday and in the showers are back in the afternoon more cooler, 53, nice and cool, seasonal 51. >> it looks that it's just going to be rain for now. but we are going to watch that closely. steve: changing college basketball forever. it be to helping to make history 50 years ago and what he's up to now. >> i have your toyota traffic tracker. both directions on barstow avenue, close for repairs. starting at 4:30 a.m. and i will (cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal this time... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. r it's what you do. where are you?r it's very loud there. are you taking at russ: how are you doing come everyone? this week marks a historic occasion in the world of college basketball. the longtime basketball coach at spring valley high school up in rockland county. he was smack in the middle of it russ: 1966, 50 years ago. shaking of the college basketball world, becoming the first team in history to start five african american plays in an instant aa championship game to capture the title. >> what we did, changing the makeup of the culture. >> number 24. starting guard, he is seen here as part of the celebration. it was recounted in the 2006 film glory road. >> history is one-time order >> whatever happens in history. >> an amazing fact is that he never played basketball until his her teen years old but then he was making some big things happen. russ: and then it was him leading the team to a sold-out madison square garden to capture new york city basketball title. he was named the game mvp. >> you are listed at 5-foot 6 inches. how are you not able to dunk by tomahawk dunk? >> you know, i really worked. i did a lot of running and i do >> ladies and gentlemen. >> in 2007, they were jointly inducted into the basketball hall of fame. >> this coming saturday is the actual anniversary of the historic game march 19. beating kentucky 72 duster 65 in the face of college basketball has changed forever. the. steve: thank you. closing seconds of this game, they shot was amazing. dari: can you believe that? that is william herman making that incredible half-court shot. was a last-minute play. dari: his team lost. steve: amazing stuff and it continues on. the bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. dunkin's new grandde burrito -- a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. go grande with veggie or sausage today. 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