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They are deliberate burials, probably family burial vaults. Reporter contractors were digging as part of a water main project they discovered two crypts just 3 1 2 meet below ground. The first value it was disturbed with broken coffin wood, as photo have shown there was a large pile of skeletons. Reporter a second crypt contains intact coffins stacked one on top of the other, thomas foley, said that the discovery was not completely unexpected, since the area was formerly home to two presbyterian churns churches. Anything with regarding the old cemetery. The focus shifts to identifying remains, and trying to determine which church they were affiliated with, some of the coffins in the second value have name plates attached. They will use High Resolution imaging to high to read some of the plates. This gives us a sense of who walked these streets before us. Reporter the construct site is recalled off tonight but intrigue remains high. 200yearold coffins with bones, amazing i would think. Secret in new york that weve not dug up, this city is always being dug up, this is very cool. Reporter Officials Say that goal is to leave the crypts in place, they are trying to redesign the plans for water main to work around the area. This not first time that human remains have been found in the area near the park, in 2008, several remains along several people were found, people were point, they determined that it had something to do with the potters field here in Washington Square park. Live in Lower Manhattan back to you. Dari thank you stacy. Were following breaking news out of rit gars, a correction officer was attacked there this afternoon, authority say officer was slashed several types results in wounds to his head and face, officer is recovering in a hospital, two inmates have reportedly been identified and the indent appears to be gang related. Steve a alabama boy missing for 13 years has been found safely in cleveland, he had been living with his father, and they were using fake names, julian discovered his Social Security number did not exist when he applied for college, he found his name on government missing childrens database, julians father has been arrested and charged with child abduction. Dari a new Virtual Reality game that sparking outrage, it takes player in side of World Trade Center toy towers the day they were destroyed on september 11. Reporter this particular simulation is among most controversial and heavily criticized. Some family members of the 9 11 victims tell me, there is no place for it it is called 846, named for time that the airline slammed into north tower. They lettucer feel the let the user feel the 9 11 attack from the perspective of a worker in the World Trade Center. I was standing as i viewed clip that was sent to me, i buckled. At the moment of impact. Reporter she lost her brother john on that day 14 years ago. And she doesnt see the value of the simulation that was created by a group of French University students who said that goal of recreating such a moment was not to be obscene or sensationalist. I do not see this as an educational component could you are not teaching young adults about what happened on 9 11 by making them go through this emotional baggage, this overload, this overwhelming sense of horror and terror. That these people experienced. Reporter developer say that project of made with croat quote council less hours of research, some online say there ed educational value, much of response has been critical. Just with shaken, you know to the core. To my core, i i cant see what the benefit would be. Being, this is that kind of is a situation where humanity is that which will teach future generations. Reporter she is a board member of 9 11 memorial, she said best way to learn about what happened that day is to come to lowe er manhattan and visit the sake sacred ground. Steve rescue teams have wrapped up their search for any more remains of the russian plane that crashed in egypt, isis is claiming responsible, for the disaster. Remains was the victims indicate there may have been a blast aboard the flight, russian and egyptian Officials Say they are investigating but cannot confirm that the crash was terror related. All 224 people aboard died. Dari disturbing details about the freshman who stabbed 4 students in a California University this week, faisal after he was kicked out of a study group, high was praised by a twitter account associated with isis, mohamed of armed with a hunting knife and had an explosive in his backpack when they shot and killed him. Steve new details about the Illinois Police officer who took his own life, they investigate that gliniewicz tried to have a hit man kill a town adminstrator who he feared would discover his crimes, he was accused of embezzling thousands of dollars from the Youth Department program. Drug abruce abuse and addiction are talked about on campaign trail by two republican contendors, how Chris Christie and jeb bush are using personal stories on brin the issue to light. Reporter something that once might have been shrouded in in the president ial election campaign, drug edec, economy e addict, Chris Christie spoke about a law School Friend who died of Prescription Drug overdose. And his mother who died of lung cancer after a nicotine. No one came to me and said, dont treat her, because she got what she deserved. Reporter former florida govier jeb bush is talking about his daughters struggle with drugs. My daughters addictions for whatever reason, she is drug free thank god, she went through hell, so did her mom and so did her dad. It was in a private setting but it became public when i was governor. Reporter not since first Lady Nancy Reagan launched her just say no campaign in 1990s, has drug addiction and its consequences been part of the national conversation, political analyst, said that it a topic that resonates with voters. This is a winwin for everyone who talking about it on the campaign trail. Reporter it will continue to be an important conversation throughout the campaign season. To give you an example how important it is on primary voter, in New Hampshire they were polled and put drug epidemic above the economy, and taxes. As to issues they were interested in. Sharon crawlo crawlly news. Steve fox business announcing that christie will not be among 8 candidates features in the Chris Christie the join huckabee, in the Junior Varsity debate. Dari a new rap radio ad. 60 second rap song called freedom debuts in radio stations in 8 cities, it features a christian rapper who goes by name of aspiring mogul, it has been viral on twitter but not in for. Urge on vote kanye west just hit the sky. Am i crazy or is that rapper from Rebecca Black friday. Dari we had to think about that one, you can catch republican candidates next tuesday on fox business, early debate at 6 p. M. , followed by leading candidates who take stage at 9 00. Steve warm november weather continues, it is warmer now than it was at 5 00 p. M. Dari remember could get crazy. Nick we have a shot to break or tie a record tomorrow. Today, low 70s, no snooze there either, a different day, clouds around, sun, drizzle, and showers, and more drizzle and fog, low 70s to long island, right now in 60s, upper 60s, still in city, 67 in newark, mid 60s long island, 65 in poughkeepsie, and highs in south and west, in high 70s today. Well be tapping that air, future cast temperatures, stop here about 71 but i think we can do better than that. Notice a cool down saturday, still above average. 63. Well filler down from north and west. That will happen later saturday on sunday. Couple hours, out over eastern long island be right now, a bit of a more activity overnight, low clouds drizzle fog, it could be dense as far as fog. Watches later in day. Breaks you much sun breaks of sun there. Thank you very much nick. Giving camera to people who live on streets. Dari a new initiative in newark to provide an unfiltered look at ha is like to be really, really po be homeless. Steve and a great year on broadway, but gisting in play its far from sure thing. Alison morris with a look at the business behind broadway. Dari are you good at taking criticism, what dec chainy can teach us dick cheney can dari seeing what it is like to be homeless from the eyes of people who live that way every day, that the aim of a program in newark who are giving cameras to People Living on streets. Reporter has not use a camera in years. Not like this one, i had one where you had to load film. And the cubes. Reporter this one she will document the plight of homeless in newark, a journey she walks herself, part of a photo essay project, where homeless volunteers use camera to document streets of newark from perspective of those who know them all too well. They believe most of us are criminals that were all drug addicts and alcoholics that are looking for a hand out, were hard working people who fell on bad time. Open doors of communication between them and their subjects. Reporter a 3,000 grant from the art council helped to fund the project to increase awareness. A lot of time they talk about the stories of the individuals they take pictures of. They are shocked that people allowed them to take pictures of them, you always think that homeless individual they dont want to necessarily be on camera, they dont want to have their pictures taken but, they are able it relate to them because they are part of the community. Reporter what has been toughest picture. Of people. I come from homeless, i am homeless, some people, i take they are tough to see them, i take their picture, i am take a picture of myself. Reporter not of picture taken is sad, people are more than popular subject they represent hope. Something artistic that will lift their spirit, and give them hope, and give them some confidence. And you know, get them through the next eke or week or day. Reporter selected photographs will be part of a exhibit next week. Dari hundreds of nypd officers took to streets today protesting their 1 pay raise, they rallied outside of home of state ash ashton arbiter howard neddleman. They have been without a contract for 5 years, mayor de blasio said that negotiations, between the city, and police union are still ongoing. Steve a new call for 23 hyundai care centers Daycare Centers to provide parents and guardians with an easy and successful way to find out if a Daycare Center is clean and safe, the way they do with restaurant. Facelift, a Ground Breaking ceremony of held this morning, long island dignitaries took to a sledgehammer there, to old ticket office, renovation and construct of surrounding retail and entertainment center, it is to create more than 1500 jobs, and arena is to reopen next december. Steve 3 toys joined National Toy Hall of fame. Some favorite classics, twist ir er, hand puppets and the super soaker. Jool been a good year on prod kay broadway. The tickets are selling. Alison morris talked about a were booming now more than we have. Reporter business on broadway is better than ever, ask ken davenport, a pro dice producer behind hits like kink key boots. Now spring awakening. I dont think i have been more proud of any broadway show i ever produced, a cast of hearing and nonhearing actors on stage through story told through song, dance, and american sign language. Investing in broadway is a risky business. One out of five shows recoup their investment, this is a very risky business, i consider myself a serial start up guy, every time i do a show i get new investors, and marketing teaming and management. Reporter who puts up the money . Investors come from all over, the country and world, average investment about 25,000, some prows producer take 10,000, some take sixfigures and above. Reporter he resurvived god spell, with a unique approach and crowd funded. We had over 700 visitors. We let people get in for as little as 1,000 on that project. Reporter look at hamilton. This summer smash hit, a hiphop inspired musical about Alexander Hamilton grossed 1. 6 million last week, and 24 million since opening in july. Whether art is done well, it could turn Something Like that, into a big success. Reporter i asked ken where he stands on hollywood stars do you need to have one to have a successful show. He said big names help in terms of advance ticket sale but they are no guarantee that the show will have a successful run. Fox 5 news. Steve do you know anybody growing a mustache or beard in november. Dari to raise money and awareness for charities. Steve a look inside new york citys first breast milk bank. man yes. Im sitting in wine. Its a 2011 pinot noir from the noir region. Thank you, remy. remy youre welcome, sir. man of course we all know the rejuvenating effects of pinot therapy are quite welldocumented. Whats that, remy . remy itits a speck of cork, si man i know what it is. vo a new york gentleman spends 28,000 a week on wine to sit in. man im so sorry you had to vo youd make a way better rich person. man ill be in the pool. vo lotto. Making more new yorkers rich than any other game. For the girl scout meeting. Okay. For the soccer team. For the girl scout meeting. Are you having . p at stop shop, prices are down. Savings are up. Pwhich makes the checkout lane, victory lane. Steve if you noticed a lot of guys shows off mustaches and beards, for last two days. Dari it is supposed to be for a good cause, do they know what they are. Reporter you know throughout november, you may notice men with facial hair for a good cause, the must tashes and mustaches and beards may be supporting a couple different initiatives. Why are men not shaving. Its no shave november. What does that mean. You dont shave. No shave november. What does that mean. You dont shave. Why not. For fun. For awareness . You know like they want to see who could grow largest beard. What is difference between movember. You tell he. The facial hair trend has a purpose. Just as the engagement manager. A global machines hell Healthy Organization that challenges men to to raise awareness. It is a Global Movement in 21 countries, but participant asking their friend to is up contribution. We raise over 650 million to date. They include initiative run by organization, this year they offer a mustache with a program called moo. This idea about being active every day of mo they are with at this fitting room. We dont grow the mustache, and basic idea open up classes get people in the gym, guys and gals get them happy. With no shape shave november starting in 2009, participant forgo all hair mains maintenance for the month and donate all money they would have spent on grooming on the organization instead. They evoke conversation and raise Cancer Awareness with over 600,000 dollar raised this year, it is doing more than just giving us an be clues to skip the barber this month. Reporter if you would like to get involved, we posted 11s to both sites on fox5ny. Com. I would love to do it, i love that idea was not shaving, that reporter i can get peach fuzz going. Steve well try for health. Instance stash. Dari orange. Steve raleigh fing Rollie Fingers type. Okay. Thank you. Oprah and amazon. Steve they are making money, teaming up to stream line your Holiday Shopping experience. Dari awesome, pint size star woman my mom and i have the same hands. Same eyes. Same laugh. And since shes had moderate alzheimers disease, ive discovered we have the same fighting spirit, too. Her doctor about new onceaday namzaric. Vo new namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimers disease t in patients who are currently taking, take certain doses of both namenda and donepezil. And only treatment to combine 2 proven alzheimers medicines into a single onceaday capsule that works 2 ways to fight the symptoms alzheimers disease. Onceaday namzaric may improve cognition and overall function and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. Rnamzaric does not change how the disease progresses. P allergic to memantine, donepezil, piperidine ror any of the ingredients in namzaric. Before starting treatment, rtell the doctor about any medical conditions they have. T including heart or lung problems, seizures, stomach ulcers, or liver problems. P tell the doctor if the patient will have any procedures involving anesthesia, which may cause muscle problems. Other serious side effects may occur, and fainting; increased stomach acid, p of ulcers and bleeding; nausea and vomiting; rdifficulty passing urine, seizures, and worsening of lung problems. P the most common side effects associated with namzaric t are headache, diarrhea, dizziness, tloss of appetite, and bruising. Woman mom and i share a lot of moments. Tand were making the most of each one. Vo ask your doctor if new namzaric here comes another favorite thing dari yeah he too. She is done it again, oprah released her favorite thing list in time for holidays, this year she is teaming up with amazon to make it easy. Steve Sharon Crowley with more on this. She gives the most fabulous gifts that everyone just desires. Reporter wireless phone, oprah favorite thing list out, this year, fans will get to buy what is on her holiday gift list, on amazon. You have these you take them top off. Reporter online collaboration between oprah and amazon is already showing signs it will be profitable, amazon stock is up. Oprah is figuring outweigh its make more money off of oprah, the brand. Brands in Business Building experts mark, said that this relationship with the giant Online Shopper site, has potential to have what is known as the oprah effect. Winfrey bought a stake in weight watchers, since then, weight watcher stock soar, exciting expectations. Oprah gets out of this is money, someone goes to amazon they buy, oprah gets a cut. Its that simple. The box of crayola. Reporter as for money, amazon and oprah are likely to make a lot of it, talk show queen has a lot of loyal fans. Iz like her talk shows, and her person person personalty. Sharon crowley, fox 5 news. Well breastfeeding store in manhattan is doubling as a breast milk depot, upper breast side is first in the city, helping to collect donation until a new milk bank opens in Westchester County next year, nursing moms who choose to donate, drop off milk, and it is shift to lab for testing and distributed to hospitals for premature babies in the state. Last week could we had a first i deliver prea mom who brought in 20 bags of breast milk that filled the inflated box. Steve expert say it is safe for mothers breast milk. Dari look at this, a boy from florida is using force, a cello to get ready for the force awakens. Ryan is 7, playing darth vaders theme song, the imperial march, he is in full costume. Video went viral, and has more than 40,000 views in two day, ryan by the way is a cello student at a nonprofit music school in florida. Steve on brand off brand. On brand, Michigan Football head a vitamin every day, called a steak. Off brand, jeb bush, problem connecting his Republican Voters taken to personally responding to email sent to him. It is impossible to prove it was the him, this email exchange, dud seem like the real deal. And on brand, Rolling Stones going strong to 6 decade, 12 date latin american tour from chile to mexico tea next member member and february and march. Dari some people are better at handling criticism than others. Steve what you can learn from dick cheney. Dari how netflix is trying to make kids bedtime easier for moms and dads. Ny weather app. It took the rockettes years to master the kick line. But only a few moves to master paying bills on chase. Com technology designed for you. It got a little bit more expensive to buy a home. Move coming with possibility of Federal Reserve hiking rates next month could you about keep in mine Mortgage Rates still low. A lot of investor are liking facebook, shares surging to a high. It is make more money on advertising. Call it a case of cagefree chicken coming before the egg. Panera bread latest restaurant change to stop using eggs from caged hens, plan in place in all on,000 panera shop in all 2000 panera shops over next 5 years. And Oprah Winfrey out with her annual list of favorite shopping, this year a homemade pasta maker to a gift of gourmet cheese. That is business im neil cavuto. Dari netflix launched a new tool to help parents in the nightly battle of getting your kids to bed, with new 5 minute favorites. They go from start to finish in 5 minute, not 20 to 30. Idea is that parents can promise that one last show before bedtime, and kids get a story without realizing the time, good luck with that. Steve they know what they are being scammed. Dari what happened to reading steve you take criticism. Dari dick cheney said he can or he knows what to do with it. Frenzy, h ms latest design sale. Its the final countdown the final countdown if youre the band europe, you love a final countdown. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Behave for uncle pete. Bye, see you guys later. [boys screaming] now Time Warner Cable makes your internet go faster. Up to 300 megs. Are you having fun . Yeah its ok. Its good. Inhome wifi powered by the to cover all your devices. So when you need more from your internet, its there for you. Discover how much more is included. Get 50 meg internet for 39. 99 per month. Call 1855want twc. Dari there is a new biography out, with the first president bush. Steve their react, dick cheney and Donald Rumsfeld could teach us something about how to handle a dis. I am enjoying the book, i recommend it. It. Reporter president george h. W. Bush said he thought that dick cheney built his own empire, he also called cheney iron ass. I have had worse said about me. Anything that he thought. Reporter cheney called book fascinating, george h. W. Bushs secretary of different, rumsfeld responds more aggressively to similar critiques, bush front is getting up in years and 5 ceo, thought 83yearold should have kept his mouth shut. Staying quiet or taking high road is something i would have recommended. Reporter not all us keep a Public Relation firm on retainer. We must devise our responding on our own. To ignore or walk away. For many of us, time comes when dis we received. When you are attacked at times you hit back, if you swing above your weight class, and you are seeking to get ahead perhaps. Reporter words of our come back should vary. In a time of crisis consider who it that is sitting you. Reporter in case of a 91yearold former president of united United States in a situation mac king fox 5 news. Steve interesting. Dari i want to read that. Weather, 68 degrees 10 45 november 5. Nick average high is 57. Tomorrows good chance of tying record of 74. Someone may get close to 80 in parts of the area. But it will come with clouds, overnight with drizzle and fog. Careful if you of traveling. There might be flight delays in morning. A way above average day. Average high person, roar high 78. 1961. A touch of rain, clouds holding in place at 68, wind light out of the south be pressure 3015 and falling, a band of showers has been moving east eastward. There it goes. That is about any of the organized area of rain we can find tonight. But that does not mean were not dealing with drizzle at times, dense fog will come back and last to about 10 00 in the morning in a lot of places, 72 belmar for their high, low 70s from city westward, and about 70 on long island. And right now 60s to the coast. 68. 64 at sussex. 59 and monticello. Were 9 to 12 degrees miler than 24 hours ago. South wind it will continue. A gap of sunshine in middle of the day, could send temperature 62 in buffalo. 67 in pittsburgh. Satellite, area of low cloud cover on top of us but not much as far as organized rain. High pressure stays offshore, southsouthwesterly flow continues, right here, is a cold front thatducing serve weather in arkansas to southern missouri. It gets here it will just be a couple sheurts late in cup showers late tomorrow 46. 80 in l. A. , tomorrow cloud, drizzle fog to start. 61 71 at lunchtime. Late day showers, cold front will approach, there is saturday, with a combination of sun, clouds and cooler, breezy, but still above average, sundays temperatures the drop. Tonight, drizzle and fog, some. Of it will be dense fog. We have clouds and sun, mid 70s, this late to evening shower threat, 65, sun clouding saturday. Incredible there thank you. Giants really miss victor cruise. Dari up next, russ talked to the wide receiver. I am ines rosales with the toyota traffic tracker. Right lane will be closed frommen to to 10 to 3. We thought we d be ready. But demand for our cocktail bitters was huge. I could feel our deadlines racing towards us. We didn t need a loan. We needed shortterm funding. Fast. Our amex helped us fill the orders. Just like that. You can t predict it, but you can be ready. Another step on the journey. Will you be ready when growth presents itself. Russ unless there is a break sunday, it is all systems go for jason pierrepaul. I am sure his playing time will be limited. After losing his right index finger and part of his thumb, jasons return, this quickly is remarkable. And for wide receiver victor cruz he is a no go. The calf strain continues to keeping him out victor did light running today, after practice, i asked him if maybe he could finally see light at the end of what has been for him a dark tunnel. A little bit. Started running today. You know even if it was just light job, picking up speed, it was good to be out there. Good to feel like an athlete that can run again. Do you think you will be back this season. Absolutely, i feel that way, i think you know just take more understanding where, how my body feels moving forward. Reporter you get physical aspect do you feel with frustration you are being tested mentally. Yeah, i think god is testing me to see how much i can take, how much i am willing to put this game on the line for my own sake, and see how much i can handle mentally, im being calm and reserved and tackle edge that a come. Reporter it is frustrating for you not to be on field without a healthy victor cruz this time. It is unfortunate, i would love to play with him, i know what he can bring to the table, but a mans health, is a mans hell, health, long after the football career. Making sure he gets as healthy as possible before he is the there and uncomfortable. I know where he is at, and if we get him back with 5 games left, that give games. Russ odell and victor on folds would be nice. On nice in month real, canadienses beat i beating islanders. Thank you. Steve we showed you this last night, a lot of them much disappoint, clothes went quickly. The line is more expensive than what hem help cust h m customers used to paying. Dari video show chaos inside. This is not new york this is where shoppers were let in 4 at a time, like in london. They fought on whatever they could get their hands oyou think this would be free but not hundreds, the collection is pretty much sold out, you can find close on ebay. Of course,. Clothes obey. Of course,. Steve it was funny. We said these guy are 1500. Now they are 700 bucks. Good deal there. Dari all over each other. Steve a preview of what to come with shopping season ahead. Russ a deal is a deal. Dari tomorrow friday. Steve yes, 75 outside. For the girl scout meeting. For the soccer team. For the girl scout meeting. How many meetings are you having . p at stop shop, prices are down. Savings are up. Just press clean and let roomba help with your everyday messes. A full suite of sensors automatically guides roomba throughout your home. Cleaning under furniture, along edges and in corners. And with its powerful threestage cleaning system roomba picks up pet hair, dust and debris for up to 2 hours, recharging itself when it needs to. Which means your floors are always clean. You and roomba from irobot its that low. What other things on this list cant be right . Looks like a list of cant be rights. Seriously . At stop shop, prices are down. Savings are up. My stop shop

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