Transcripts For WNUV FOX 45 Late Edition 20120601 : comparem

WNUV FOX 45 Late Edition June 1, 2012

developing story tonight.../ where... a... man... is accused of murdering.../ and... eating another man.../. welcome... to... the late edition,... i'm jeff barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. investigators sayythe suupect has already confessed to the murder and consuming the man's heart and brain. brain. keith daniels... streaming live....from joppatowne with the latest. latest. harford county sheriff's deputies have charged deputies have county sheriff's harford county sheriff's deputies have pharred alexanddr kinyua, a 21-year-old morgan state pniversity sttdent, ith first- degree murder. according to charging documents, kinyua confessed to killing 37-year--ld kujo aggei kodie inside the home by cutting him up with a knife. investigators found body parts, including a head and two hands, while searching the townhome. detectives say the suspect also led poliic to other remains found in a dumpster behind a nearby church. it's a case that's left neighbors in shock 3 "you cannt iimgine something like that. therr's obviously more than what we know that's runninn through somebody's a lot more to the story. i don't know what it is, i dont think we'll ever know." keith daniels fox45 news late edition. a manhunt.. on the campus of umbc... spills over... into a baltimore county suburb. is... police... outside the home... f... a... 21 year old u-m-b-c student .... they took... in for questioning.../.earlier,.. officers....had parts of campus under lockdown... after ...a 911 call... was made... warning them... that a student... had a gun... on cammus..../ officers... went in... several apartmentss.. in search of the student. 10:49:23 he checked everyroom anything or anyone as being hidden :30 police... recovered... the gun... inside a parked car on campus..../ no one.. has been charged. say ...they' caughtta peeping c tom.. who wwa targeting women at harborplace. policeesay.. the man in this... surveillance photos is david accused of using his cell - phone.. to take pictures... of a 15-year-old girl... under a bathroom stall.../. detectives... received tips... from several... women ...who called knight "creepy." to investigate a head on head - vehhcle ollision that happened in northeast baltimore. happened along hillen road and argonne drive juss after nooo earlier todayy police say they were investigating possible narcotic activityywhen the suspect took off in their car, jumped a curb and slammmd directly into another car. ambulances were on the scene but no word on any injuries. police did arrest the suspect. who raised thh issue... of... inner harbor safety... is... noo challlnging the to a televised debate. the beating.. at... courthouse east... mcdonoogh .. ssys... he called ffr the state police to get involved / now.. he... wants to debate... rawlings blake.../ because... all... state residents have a ssake in the inner harbor. "theestate offmaryland taxpayers. havv alot invested in inner prrteeted."" it might be more useful if he debated imself aad his repukblican coolegues that supportee the doomsday budget... cut public safety....progress e have made. mcdonough says... the doomsday budgett.. as a creation o governor o'malley.. to force tax increases../ . and... mcdonoogh says .. he preferrd a spending plan... public safety.did not cut - 3a 22-year-old marine from edgewater is killed in afghanistan. sergeant julian chase was on his second tour of duty in afghanistan - hen he was killed duringgcommat monday by &pa single bullet to the heed. chase joined the marines in 2008 - after graduating from woodrow wilson high school in d-c. his dad and step-mothhr inntiaaly didn't want him to go... for fear he'd one day bb shot. 1101 he loved his country. he loved his faaily. heeloved his friends 05 and the people that he didn't know, he respecced 09 09sergeant chase receivee several honors - was scheduled to return home e at the eed of june. he'll now national cemetery. arlington strong reaction in harford county tonight over the library's refusal to offer a best selling novel..../ librarians... are aying 'nn' to fifty shades of grey.../. county...../ if... you - can't ábuyá the book..../ there's.. a.. good chance.. you won't.. be reading the book. book. county librarians.. deteemined... that the book ..."fifty shades of grey" is poo ssitable foo itt shelves...//. llbrarians say.. the sexually graphic... best seeling trilogy.../ is... poonographic... and... violates thh county's.. book selection policy.../. so... harford county.. is joining libraries... in three other states... and.. is 'not' purchasing the book. outcue: "".....make ann sense to me....." 3 3the library does offfr the electronic version of he book through a statewide e-book system. but already that system has a paating list of some and that brings us to our question of the day.shouud the book 50 shades f grey be avvilaabe in libbaries? libraries? the debate on our facebook page is as steamy s some of the passages in that book. p head to facebook dot com us if it is free speech or smut that needs to be banned. more.. &pcriticism... over that... proposed move .. of... maryland's... department of houuing.../ from annapplis.../ to... p--g.. couuty.john rydell tells us....tells us...why opposethe move... its hhadquarters is virtually hidden on the grounds of the old crownsville hospital center.but when it relocates to ppince george's county.... it'll be the center of attention.300-state employees will work in a gliizy new complex...closeeto publii transportation."what are ttey covering up, what kind of deal was made."but anne arundel county dellgate ron george... quussions the move. he says the agency is nowin a state-owned business.but when it moves...the state will havee developer. a 15-year old vate - says...will cost the state more than three million dollars a year in rent. (george) "they say it's going to save us ot of money and will create jobs. it's not creating jobs, you're simply moving 300 people out of anne arundel county who live here to be over by the beltway." delegate george has filed a maryland public information act...calling onthe governor's office...todisccose more informationabout the move...and the ultimate taxpayers. (rydelll "housing employees have declined to talk ublicly about thhs possible move, somee say they haven't heard &panything new but one worker told e they don't like the prospect of relooating at peopleewill be driving farther to get to work or else they have to find another job."in crownsville, john rydell, fox groundbreaking of thenew pomplee for maryland's department of housingis expected to take placethiss fall. a.. key part... of the law... bannnng... federal recognition... of... same-sex marriage... iss.. struck down... as unconstitutional.. by... a... u-s appeals court. ....thh... defense of marriageeact -/ defines... marriage ... as... unions áonlyá... between a man... and woman..../ att. issue--whethee the federal government.. can deny tax,... heallhhand pension benefits... &p to... same-sex couppes... in states ... where ...they can... legally marry.../. the... court f appeals.. ii boston.. law discriminates.. against gay couples..../ the.. appeals court may be... up to the supreme court... to decide the issue. marylanddis dealing with the same quustion and fox45 has brought you complete coverage through the entire prrcess. just two days aaliance turned in over 100 thousand ssgnatures hoping to bring the issue to a vote. if you wanttto see an inndepth look at what's happening with gay marriagg in our state, head to ffx baltimore dot com and click on ame see marriage if... you're looking to quench your thirst.. with a large drink in new yyrk city../, you'll.../ have.. to act ast... ii &pmayor miihael bloomberg... wish.the mayor's... anti-obesity campaign targetinn large sodas.../.it.. would ban ..any sugary drink.. moreethan... sixteen ounces..../thh.. p ban.. wwuud not include drinks,... dairy based proddcts or alcohol... / and.. woull also nnt exxend to grocery.. or convenience stores. 19-25"there are many factors that contribute toochildhood ooesity, but the singge biggest is soda ann other sseetened beverages." beveragee."113-122"well i don't think it's the mayoo's soft drinkssthat people inn manhattan or anywhere in the world want to bby for that att" matter."the penalty... a... possible two-hunnred dollar fine... for each offense... some lucky students were surprised today with college scholarships. former ravens kicker matt stover helped announce thh winners of this year's scholarship awards at m&t bank stadium.the awards weee given out by the baltimore community ffundation to outstanding area students.... as the parent of a high school student hiiself, stover said scholarrhips are critical at a time when "iq: when you go ut and you .- have a goal to obtain.... q: preat privelege to be a part of" oo."in all.... they gave aaay 200,000 dollars n 3 scholarships... ranging from $500 to $20,000. good day for former president george w. bush.he returned to the white house today, for the unveiling oo their officiallpor. portraitsswhen you are wandeeing these halls as you wrestle with tough decisions, &pthis portrait and ask, "whht - would georgg do?"(laughher) (laughter)(obama) 8:20georgee i will always remember the gatheriig you hosted for all the living presidents before i took office. your words of encouragement. plus, yoo left me a really great sports ppckage. (laughtee). and i use . ceremony, the bushes gathered for a private lunch with the obamas.president bush's formal entrance hall tt the white house... another beeutiful day in 3. baltimore. but is our luck goiig to hold out overnight. overnight. let's go to chief meteorologist vytas reid for a look at what's happening now. 33 chaos in the middde of a busy bar. how these peeple were hit by a car indoors. &p is for tortuue. how sesame street is being used to win the war on terror. 3 affer more thaa a week of deliberations, the edwards verdict is in. why today held the most shocking twist in this roller coaster of a corruption trial. a rollercoaster day in court for john edwards with &pthe judge declaring a mistria. jonnthannserrie explains why this is actually a huge win or the man who wantee to be president. 3 an eventful day in court for john edwaads, as his corruption case ends in a mistrial. jurors, acquitting the former 2000 presidential candidate on one chargee-- but remaining &pdeadlocked on the other five couuts. prosecutorr, unable to convinne the jury that edwards llegedly used more than 725,000 dollars in campaign money from supporter raccel "bunny""mellon ... to hide his pregnant mistress rielle hunter during his run for the white house.sot edwards says: "... "if i want be held accountable for my ld - sins, onestly i ddn't have to go anyyfurther than the &pmirror. it's me. it is mee aa me alone." the jury's decision, coming in the midst of confusion. judge catherine c. eagles -- initially calling jurors to read the verdict oo all six counts... only to learn the twelve members had only agreedd on ccont three..ot - aidala says:: "... what tte jurors had to deciie was, was this particular donor, this 101- year-old wwman, was it a personal-like giff to him to hiie this affair only from his wife... whhch is legal or, was it money to hidd this affair from us while he runs for president of the united states which is illegal." the judge, thee ssnding jurors -- only for them to decide they exhauuted theirr deelaration of a missrial, the 3 emotions ran high for edwards. john edwards .. now says &phe wants to shiffs his focus on being a good father and working tt help 3 fox news.jonathan serrie, north carolina, in united states and children ii the impoverished working tt help father and working to help 3 w is for waterboarding. how a classicckkd's .v. show turned into a way to make terrorist talk. the baa explodes in ann instant. thh unbelievable accident that sent six people to the hospital. 3 [ jared ] uh, michael? you know... big game... that was sort of supposed to be for all of us. [ slurping ] [ male announcer ] give 'em what they love. subway! giant subs, sandwich and cookie platters. and big-time value. subway catering. order today! iff.. youuhave a kid.../ you... know listening to children's songs... over and over... can be enough drive you... wacky..//.turns out.../ u-s... intelligenne agents... may have used... that fact... to their advantage..../ advvntage..../al jazeera... reports ...thatt back in 2003.../, ásesame streetá tunes... were used to "torture" prisoners heee at uantanamo bay...//. the.. news outlet say prisoners were attached too chairs... and were forced to wear earphones..../the.. prisoners were left but listen to .. 3 theemusicc.. blaring in their ears... for hours,../ sometimes.. even days.../ can.. you. show me &phow to gee.. how to get to bi laden. families.. who... want more than a headstone.. o... honor... their lost loved ones.. have... a new option.../. companies... are selling... quicc read -- / or... q-r codes,.. that link to webbites.../. a.. person.. can juut use their smartphone or tablet.. to take a picture of the barcode... on.. user is then.. taken to a website.. pictures.. and learn about that person's life.../.the.. websste is controllld by.. the famiiy of the deceased. 101-111"it offfrs a technology that is beneficial to those people who wish to have that information for relatives that come in." in." &pso... if your relattve is a former terrorist who died aa the hands of the cookie monster or big bird... others cannknow about it... 3 drinking a beee, then suddenly pinned under a truck. what cauusd this driver to slam through a packed barr it's a typical day at a neighborhood bar in minnesota until this happens.... happens....a.. horrific scene.. as a truck crashes.. thru.. the all of a llcal watering hole... / 66-people..../surveillance.. video captured the entire ncident..../3. people.. were pinned in the accident.6 people... including the driver..../..police .. say... she was a 51 year old wommn... who suffered a medical emergency while driving. 3 adam jones was hit on the wrist last nightt..but he's not thh starter who will miss the next few weeks with wrist wounded bird is going under phe knife...neet in sports the late edition, i'm jeff barn. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert, here's bruce with spoots.. the orioles havv the night off...and after losing 5 straight about the last thing they eed is more bad news/// but late today, they got t... they're losing tteir right fiel. fielder... nick arkakis will undergo surgery tomorrow on his injured right wrist...octors bone...markakis will be placed on the disabled llst and a corresponding move will be maae..probably the recall of xavier avery from norfolk...he fracured the bone with hiss final swwng tuesday night...the orioles aren't yet..but he could e out up to a month. 3 the ravens have wrapped up their seconddorganized team activity of the spring...they have one more scheduled before a mannatory full team minicamp like ray lewii and eddreed skipped the ota's, but they are foo the kids...hem...ota's - pids... this is where they get their first taste of the professional game...on the ffeld and oof...they throw aa loo, and i meanna lot of information at them, and they basically learn it or leave... the idea is to set the bar as hhgh as possible and get them to learn the level they must roster.... 3 of all the newccmers, no one is being moreeclosely watched than this guy. courtney upshaw, n outside linebackerrfrom alabama...and wiih good reason...just a couple weeks after the ravens made im their top draft choice, terrell suugs, the fl deffnsive player of thh year, who also just happens o play his position went down with a torn achillies..that means the pressure has bben ratcheded up on the rookie..and he must respond... 3 that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited...i'm bruce cunningam...goodnight. goodnightt

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United States , Alabama , North Carolina , Baltimore County , Maryland , Afghanistan , Manhattan , New York , Edgewater , Anne Arundel County , Baltimore , Rawlings Blake , David Knight , George W Bush , Keith Daniels , Xavier Avery , Liberty Ford , Woodrow Wilson , Ron George , Matt Stover , Courtney Upshaw , Adam Jones , Jennifer Gilbert , John Edwards , Keith Daniels Fox , Jerry Springer ,

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