Transcripts For WNUV FOX 45 Late Edition 20110208 : comparem

Transcripts For WNUV FOX 45 Late Edition 20110208

maryland...// lawmakers .../// are... considering...// a... bill.../// to.../ legalize.../// same... sex.../ marriage...////// tomorrow...//// tomorrow...//// john rydell has more on what could be the mostcontentious battle of thisyear's session... session... it was five years ago...when a baltimore judge ruled that theban on same-sex marriages....was unconstitutional. now...that in the handsof the general assembly.and lawmakers...are gearingup for a devisive battle...that some say is too close to call... supporters of same sex marriage...believe this is their year.they've been pobbybing for equal rights and protections of same sex couples.and at tuesday's hearing...dozens of supporters...and opponents...are expected to voice their opinions. "as people open their hearts, open their minds to same sex marriage, to marriage equality, there's a greater understanding of what ittmeans." means." "i campaigned that marriage is between and man and a woman, my constituents knew that when they voted for me, i'm certainly not going to supporting the bill.""this bill to legalize same sex marriage...will be heard before the senate judicial proceedings committee...tomorr ow...startingat the mitchell courthouse,john rydell, fox 45 news late edition. tell.../ lawmakers.../ what... you.../ think...//// áátheiráá...// contact information...// is... at...// fox-baltimore dot com.../// slash...// your voice we.../ asked...// ááshouldáá.../ maryland ...legalize.../ same sex.../ marriage? áá56--%áá...// say.../ yes...// yes...// r--j.../ writes...// "im....// gay...// if... we want.../ to... be.../ as... miserable as.../ straights...// sure!" kristi.../ writes... "no! "marriage... is meant.../ for... a man...// and.../ woman.", speed cameras get the green light in bbltimore county.... baltimore county lawmakers sent a clear message to drivers tonight ... slowwdown in school zones or face tte in a 5 to 2 vote tonight---- the council passed a bill to add more speed cameras in school zones.the legislation lifts the current 15 camera limit... meaning more ameras at more schools across the county... councilman tom quirk introduced the bill... saying it steps up safety for students.... but others are questioning the cost to taxpayers. quirk: "you know it's all pbout safety - protecting our kids... and this makes our streets safer." safer."huff: "to me it boils down to a financial gainn that somebody's trying to gain." gain."county police will now determine how many other school zones will get the cameras...which snap away from 6 am to 8 pm. 3 new tonight... the judge declares a mistrial in the case of twin brothers... accused of burning a pit bull. bull. the jury came back deadlocked tonight after a third day of deliberations. tremayne and travers johnson were accused of setting the pitbull on fire back in may 2009.the dog--nicknamed phoenix--- had to be euthanized. gearhart: the verdict tonight will be heard in alot of areas... it's a learning experience for everybody." everybody."we spoke with several jurors over the phone this evening.they say the jury was voting 11 to 1 to convict the boys....ut one juror was not changing her vote. tense moments in towson today--- as police halt traffic to investigate a suspicious package. bomb squad experts suited up for the worst, as they moved in to examine the toilet left on the sidewalk outside the old courthouse. police shut down the streets surrounding the site. it turns out a cell phone and old radio were taped to the toilet, but no explosives. there was also a series of political messages taped to the device. police say the culprit left behind a lot of evidence. (police) "no one was in danger.we took every precautionary measure to insure the safety of everyone coming to work this morning and of course..workers workkng in surrounding blding" baltimore county police have a suspect in custody. the.../ show... áwillá.../ go.../ on....//// ááafteráá...// a... judge.../ rules.../ n... favor.../// of.../ a... magic.../ watering.... hole...// hole...// the...// "illusions".../ magiccbar... and lounge ../ on... south charles.../ street,...//// ááwasáá.../ fighting.../ to... keep its.../// entertainment.../ license.../////. neighhorhood.../ association...// tried.../ ánixingá...// it...//// áásayingáá...// the... bar...// made... for...// unruly.../ traffic...// and... noise...////// áábutáá...// the..// bar's... open..../ for.../ business.../// business.../// 3 "this motion to dismiss and the judge's affirmation affectively disenfranchises residents citywide." citywide." "we were turned into the scape goat unfortunately. i understand ttere's a lot going on in the neighborhood, but dont' take it out on us.." us.." one...// of... the...// owners...// spencer.../ horse-man,.../// ááisáá...// a... 24-year-old...// "houdini-style".../ escape.../ artist.../ who... performs.../ here. 3 baltimore's mayor outlines hhr plan for this year ááin her "state of the city" address áásettingáá priorites warning of more potential cutbacks but also stalking about more funding in some areas. areas. one of those areas is public safety. she wantssto hire hundreds of new police officers. officers. in terms of education, the mayor vows to maintain afterschool programs and keep libraries open open but when it comes to city services she suggessed some will be consildated. consildated. she'll also look for ways to reduce healthcare and retirement costs. and she commended council for already taking steps to reform public safety pensions. see the whole state of the city address onlinego to fox- baltimore dot com slash raw news 3 bad... day.../ for...// pittsburgh...// 3--times....// over.../ over...// áátheáá.../ pittsburgh... penguins ... lost.../ po... the.../ capitals...// 3--0...// áábeforeáá.../ a... nationwide...// t-v../ . audience...// ááthenáá.../ christnia.../ augerlara...// ááwho'sáá.../ from... / pittsburgh...// áámessedáá...// up... the.../ nat'l...// anthem.../// ááandáá...// what... else...// happend...// sunday? ááoháá.../ yeah...// áátheáá...// steelers.../// lost...//// goodd..// day... for...// capitalism...// áábridgestone'sáá.../ "saluting...// beavers"... ad...// was.../ selected...// átheá... number one... ad.../ of... super bowl.../// 45...// áá accordingáá.../ to.../ a... study...// among.../ viewers.../ sunday...//// áároundingáá.../ out...// the... top five...// commercials...// ááwereáá.../ ads.../ by.../ the... nfl,.../ bud light,...// volkswagen .../ and... doritos.../////. áátheáá.../ beaver"... ad.../// ffatures... a driver...// who... avoids...// hitting...a...// beaver...///// áátheáá.../ beaver.../ returns... the.../ favor...// áábyáá.../ knocking... down.../// a... tree.../// ááandáá.../ stopping.../ the... driver.../ from ... plunging...// into... a.../ piver...///. a.../ baby panda .../ is... getting comfortable.../ at... an... austrian.../ zoo...///. ááthisáá.../ is... "lucky tiger".../// ááweighingáá.../ about .../ 20--pounds....//// ááaáá.../ far... cry...// fromm.. the.../ half pound.../ birth.../// áádoctorsáá...// think... he'll.../ be../ fine...// ááluckyáá.../ tiger".../ is... becoming...// more .../ brash...// áásoáá...// visitorss../ can... &pwatch him .../ in.../ action.../////. áátheáá.../ last... panda born.../// in.../ europe...// ááwasáá.../ nearly.../ 30--years....go.../ in... madrid. well, what's our weather looking like tonight... chief meteorologist vytas ried joins us with your first look at your skywacth forecast... vytas 3 if b-g-e has its'll be paying more for electricity... more oftenb-g-e just received approval for a rate increase in december...'s first increase in the distribution charge since 1993 but constellation c-e-o mayo shattuck says the company will be asking for rate increases more often.the company says the increases will go towards improving reliability and service qualitythey also say it will improve earnings. constellation's earnings fell to 160-million dollars during the 4th quarter of 2010... compared to nearly 4 and a the same time in 2009. ring - a possible new flu vaccine that's got you covered against áeveryá known strain. scientists aa oxford university say this treatment targets two proteins inside the virus--- that exists in all's also less likely to mutate --- which puts an end to developing a new vaccine with each new strrin. experts say a treatment like this could prevent shortages during flu season. 3 obama: "if we'd brought over a fruitcake when we first moved in, we would have gotten off to a better start." the preeident takes on some of business community ... what he's promising that could help thaw the chilly relationship. security breach in vatican city ... what happened when this young boy made a break for the pope... coming up ".. if i ever get back on my feet again sir, i'll bring it back." a robber full of remorse... why his victim says he actually feels sorry for the thief... 3 woodlawn is the headquarters of the social security admininstration, and it would seem to make sense a that new support center for the facility would be built next door.but the federal government has decided to build that center miles away. away. instead of building the center in baltimore county its going to the town of urbana in frederick county.and that means the county loses out on 125 permanent jobs. we are baffled we are dissappointed but we will continue to try to get comes for baltimore county. 3 as to why the fed decided not to build in baltimore county next to the heaquarters... the general services administration says a combination of factors made urbana a better site. it's our duty to hold elected officials can do that byyjoining our fox45 waste watch.if you have a story about government waste... call our hotline...410-662-1456 you can also log onto our website fox baltimore dot com and click on waste watch. president obama .../// trying...// po... win.../ more support.../// ááfromáá...// the... business...// community .../// ááforáá.../ his.../ economic po. policies.he spoke at the u-s chamber of commerce this morning--- a group sharply critical of his health care and financial reformsthe president said he wants to change the corporate tax help businesses grow. but he also urged executives to spend more of theii profits on hiring new workers. obama says: "ask yourselves what you can do to hire american workers, to support the american economy, and to invest in this nation." nation."thh white house is looking for ways to lower the top corporate tax rate...from thirty-five percent to twenty-eight percent...áwithoutá increasing the federal budget deficit. to reach that goal, the administration is considering reduce or eliminate corporate deductions for interest payments on debt. 2--suspects.../// accused.../ in... a deadly .../ fraternity shooting.../// áácouldáá...// face... more.../ charges...//// áápoliceáá...// say.../ they... have.../ new evidence.../ against.../// braylon rogers ...// and... columbus.../ jones...//// áábotháá...// are... accused of.../ opening fire.../ at... a frat house...// sunday.../// ááatáá.../ youngstown.../ state... in ohio...//// ááduringáá...// a... rowdy.../ party...///// ááoneáá...// person... was killed.../// áá11áá...// others... were.../ hurt. a young boy by-passes security to approach pope benedict during the weekly general audience in the vatican.the child ran forward and fell to his knees in front of the pontiff sunday. the pope, realizing the innocence of the gesture, gave the boy a warm welcome and spoke to him briefly. after the boy left the papal platform ,security guards reunited him with his father. 3 3 common sense should tell you, if you're osting the big game in your stadium.... you should make sure everything is ready. seats you added, are finished... and a-ok with the fire marshall. marshall. they forgot to do that in dallas.and the result was some 12-hundred super bowl ticket holders.... were not allowed to sit in the seats they had purchased, because they were declared unsafe.more than 800 fans were relocated. but 400.... were left out in the cold. the ticket holders were promised a refund of three times the ticket value of their seats and tickees to next year's superbowl. a new jersey woman is in custody after she tried to hide illegal drugs in her stomach.police say the woman swallowed 50 pellets of cocaine and tried to smuggle it through logan airport in boston on a flight from the dominican republic.when she was arrested, she haa more than a pound of cocaine in her stomach.common sense should tell you it's not worth the risk. 3 "thank you very much, and i appreciate it, and i really am " sorry" still ahead a robber apologizes while holding up a gas station..../// why the suspect said he needed the money. mr. perdue! mr. perdue! what does it mean that perdue is the first chicken company to have a usda process verified program? it means the usda verifies that my fresh, fit & easy chicken is raised cage-free and fed an all-veggie diet with no animal by-products. is it true your chickens are never given any hormones or steroids? yes, it's true. [ camera shutters clicking ] so, what's next? is there a movie deal? thank you... [ chickens clucking ] now ladies, don't get any ideas. [ male announcer ] perdue. the first chicken company to have usda process verified programs. when you can have pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits? the warm, light delicate layers are like nothing else. add a layer of excitement to your next meal. ♪ and this is the warm fresh baked taste... of a strawberry toaster strudel. see the difference? pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. a gas station at gunpoint....and he does it with manners. manners. "i really am sorry to have to do this. but i've got kids." "how about i give you 40 dollars and this is it?" "well, i can't do that sir, i've got rent to pay, and bills, and the kids need to eat." this surveillance video was taken inside a shell gas station in seattle this weekend. after the owner handdd over the money in the register...the very nice robber went on to thank him. the suspect has not been caught. 3 [ female announcer ] to get fresh-baked rich, indulgent chocolaty brownies you don't have to open your oven... just the refrigerator. ready-to-eat pillsbury sweet moments. find them in the refrigerated section of your store. with cinnabon cinnamon have such a sweet and delicious aroma that my family can't wait to get their hands on them. enjoy cinnabon cinnamon... now in all pillsbury cinnamon rolls. that's all for the late edition...thanks for joining us.i'm jeff barnd... and i'm jennifer gilbert.up next is "how i met your mother"...and be sure to tune in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.go. goodnight.3q looking to add a little smile to your chili ? try french's. mac and cheese need a boost ? french's helps that, too. chicken in need of cheering up? add french's to your marinade. it's a surprising way to add a little fun to your food and a whole lot of happy to your family. for recipes and valuable coupons, go to to add a little happy to almost any meal. french's. happy starts here.

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Baltimore County , Maryland , United States , Woodlawn , Ohio , Dominican Republic , Madrid , Spain , Boston , Massachusetts , Columbus , Austria , Urbana , New Jersey , Vatican City , Phoenix , Arizona , Dallas , Texas , France , Frederick County , Baltimore , French , Austrian , American , Jennifer Gilbert , C E O Mayo Shattuck ,

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