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And the freedom to choose your own doctors. All at a price you can afford. We help find the right plan for you. And we do it at no cost. There were so many benefits i wasnt taking advantage of. Healthmarkets can find me the right plan. And their service doesnt cost a cent. When i try shopping on my own, i get nowhere fast. Healthmarkets takes away the confusion. Too often i see my patients paying more than they need to because they dont know what theyre entitled to. Get the care thats right for you. You have only a few weeks left. You miss the deadline, you may have to wait another year before enrolling. Call a licensed healthmarkets agent now. Call now. And let healthmarkets find the right medicare plan for you without cost or obligation. [humming] yeah. Happy, happy, happy. Todays the day we get our Social Security check, isnt it . You got that right. Its the only day of the month that the we become i. [humming] well, look here. Why dont you take some of that money and buy yourself some singing lessons . Ha ha and some lavoris. Youll not anger me. Todays the day that i gets 255. 40. Good ol uncle sam. Good ol uncle sam . What are you talking about . Thats not his money hes bringing me. Thats money that i worked for for 40 years of my life. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All those years putting it in in one big lump and getting it back in dribs and drabs. Dribs and drabs . Thats right 255 dribs and 40 drabs. Yeah, well, enough about the check for now. Whatd you fix me for breakfast . Oh, flapjack. Oh, flapjacks . No. Not flapjacks. Flapjack. Jack. When its one, its jack. And when it more than one, its jackes. You mean to tell me all you fixed me was one little flapjack for breakfast . No. I fixed you one huge flapjack. Uh, lamont, uh, did you ever see one of those movies where people eat in those fancy french restaurants right out of the frying pan . Well, bony appetity. [knocking on door] uh, uh, dont. Hold it. I get it. I get it. Hold on. I am coming. Imhold it. Who is it . Mr. Postman yay well, welcome, welcome, welcome. Good morning. Good morning. Now, where is it . Wheres what . My check. Oh, all right, here you go. Well, goodbye, youngster. You finish that flapjack . I didnt have to. That flapjack was dead on arrival. Well, thats all right. Dont worry about it. Tomorrow i fix you a whole stack of flapjacks with oatmeal. Hey, grady, i cant eat flapjacks and oatmeal. Thats too filling. Not flapjacks and oatmeal. Flapjacks with oatmeal. Flapmeal. Is there any mail in there for me . Well, now, that depends. On what . On whether you the occupant or resident. I was the occupant yesterday. Today, you be the occupant, and ill be the resident. Ok. Ill tell you what. You be the occupant and the resident. And ill be the recipient. A couple of 6packs, and some sweet lucy. Hey, grady . Huh . I think the government made a mistake. Oh, that wouldnt surprise me. Theyre always making a mistake. Well, what happened now . Well, they sent you an extra check for 255. 40. And they never wrong. Well, now, that calls for a couple of drinks. I dont want a drink. t counting on you. Hey, you not planning on keeping that money, are you . Oh, no. Im planning on spending this money. Yeah, grady, but that money doesnt even belong to you. Oh, well, who does it belong to . The United States government. That check says grady, and the United States governments name is sam. Makes a mistake. And when they do, they got a whole system to cover em up. Grady, the government doesnt have a system for mistakes like this. Oh, yes, they do. They send out millions of checks a day, so they bound to make a mistake. So when they send one extra check here, they balance it off by sending one less check there. And thats known as the system of checks and balances. So you see, this is one of the checks, and i intend to keep the balance. Grady, if you keep those checks, man, youre gonna land in jail. Oh, no, cause im not gonna keep these checks. Im gonna cash em and right now. Oh, terrific. Terrific. Terrific. And what do you think the teller at the bank is gonna say when you hand her 2 checks from the government in the exact same amount . All right, go ahead. Go ahead. I aint im not gonna try and stop you. Just go right ahead, but i never thought id see the day when a man as basically as honest as you would do something thats wrong against the United States of america. America is not america. Its the people who live in america that make america america. America was just the name of the man who discovered us. And as a matter of fact, his last name wasnt america. It was vespucci. The point is that its the people that make this country what it is. Now, who are the people . You and me, thats who. So whos gonna send me to jail . You and me . Where could he be . Hes been gone for 24 hours. Hello, bubba . How you doing, buddy . This is lamont. Fine. Say, listen, uh, is grady over there at your place . Well, have you seen him . Well, see, we had an argument yesterday, and he stormed out of the house, and i havent seen him since. I was wondering if you had seen him. Huh . Where . Of course i looked in the house, bubba, hes not here. [knock on door] oh, wait a minute. I hear a knock on the door now. Thats probably him. Thanks a lot, bubba. Bye. All right, im coming. Ere yet . No, aunt esther. I thought you were him. Dont make matters worse, lamont. Well, where could he be . I have no idea. He could be in a million places. Have you looked there . Hes probably out sinning with that illgotten money. Well, just promise me one thing, aunt esther. Just promise me that you wont tell grady that i told you about that extra Social Security check that he got. Dont worry. I wont say a word. Good. Hey, good morning hello, lamont. Hello, esther. Grady wilson, where have you been . Uh, uh, excuse me, but i havent had too much sleep. Uh, is this your aunt esther, or is this king kong after he fell off the Empire State Building . Where have you been, grady wilson . You had everybody worried to death. Oh, me and otis, we were out having ourselves a time. We sure were. If youll excuse me, yeah. The john is upstairs, first door on the right. You were out reaping the fruit of your undeserved check, werent you . Yeah. We were out ripping off the government. Howd she find out about that check . I told her. I told her everything. I figured the truth was the best way. Thats right. You cant get the lord to work for you by telling lies. Yeah, well, i sure wish youd tell him a few truths, so he can start working on that face of yours. Watch your now, grady wilson, where have you been . Oh, me and otis, we did the town. All night long . Uhhuh. What could the two of you possibly find to do in this town all night . Nothing. But you just said i said we did the town. I didnt say this was the town we did, did i . Well, what town did you do . Las vegas, nevada. You went to las vegas . And we had ourselves some dinner and did a little gambling and caught 2 great acts at Caesars Palace and the flamingo. Sodom and gomorrah. No, no. Nipsey russell and harry belafonte. I bet you spent every penny of both those checks in las vegas. I sure hope so. Well, you still not through spinning, cause you still got the devil to pay. Oh, no, i paid him last night. It for him on the hard 8. [telephone rings] ohoh. Somebody hit the jackpot. Thats the phone, fool. Hello. Who . Oh, yeah, just a minute. Its for you, grady. [humming] yes, this is grady wilson, sir. Oh. Yyoud like to come over. Wwell, when . Oh, that soon, huh . Well, well, yeah, ok. Goodbye. When is he coming . He said any minute now. Hhe went over to my house, and when i wasnt there, he went to the corner to call. They gonna ask you for that extra check back. Well, theyre gonna be out of luck, cause i aint got it. You mean you done spent both them checks already . All except 8. 20. Which i will pass on to a hit man if you dont get outta this house. Well, i have stood amongst sinners too long. Oh, good googly goop. Now, whats the matter . I just pictured her and i got sick to my stomach. Wow. Lamont, you know, im really in trouble now. Well, i told you not to cash those checks. I told you it would get you in trouble. Thats right. But, you know, last night was the First Time Since ive been receiving those checks that i felt they provided me with Social Security. You spent over 510 in less than 24 hours in las vegas. No, i didnt. After i left the bank, i got a load of groceries, and i paid the water and electric bill for the month. All right, that only adds up to about 50. You still spent over 400 in las vegas. Yeah. How . Happily. Now, you gotta come up with that money, grady. Now, how are you gonna do that . Mmaybe i can borrow it. Well, look how time flies. I guess ill be running along. Hey, hey, wait, wait, wait a minute, otis. Now, you got some money put away. I cant give you that money. Ive been saving it for 20 years. Well, what would i do if i get sick . Or get senile . If i cant make money, who will i turn to . Whos gonna help me . Why, ill help you, otis. How you gonna help me . You gonna be in jail, thief [door closes] ththat guys something. I thought i could count on him through thick and thin. Well, ill stick with you through the thin, grady, but when it starts gettin too thick, youre on your own. [pounding on door] youre on your own. Answer the door, lamont. Come in thats the wrong answer. Hey, how ya doin . Im lamont sanford, and this is grady wilson. Well, how do you do, mr. Wilson . Oh, yyeah, gosh, gee whiz, ii feel a touch of pneumonia coming on. Ive been very susceptible to pneumonia ever since i had a tooth taken out, see . And the cold air keeps rushin up to my lungs. Oh, im sorry. Well, thats all right, mr. Haystack. Hastings. Oh, thats all right. Well, as im sure you have already discovered, a mistake regarding your Social Security check. Huh . Uh, wait a minute. I cant hear you. Im sorry, but, you see, uh. The water in my lungs keeps rushing up to my ears. And it makes everybody sound like theyre gargling. Im so sorry. Oh, well, thats all right, mr. Haystack. Hastings oh, leave him alone. Cant you see the man is sick . For him seeing his friend die with water in the ears. I understand, and ill try to be as brief as possible. Now, as you are aware, our computer made a terrible mistake this month. Hold it. There goes that gargling again. Oh, it go hhrrrrrggh like that. Everything sounds like hhrrrrrggh our computer made a mistake. It will eventually be corrected. However, during our readout, we discovered you did not receive your check this month. I am very sorry. And i personally would like to present you with this one. Oh, ho not only did he receive Lamont Lamont lamont , i think lamont to err is human. And to keep talking may be fatal. Yeah, but, see, i think Lamont Lamont, will you please go in the kitchen and get my miracle drug that i keep in the aspirin bottle . What . In the kitchen, lamont you goin to jail, chump. Now, i hope the delay in this check did not contribute in any way to your sickness. We all make mistakes. Well, heres your miracle drug. Oh, why, thank you. I got the money for the Social Security are you all right, mr. Wilson . Hes gonna be fine. Are you from the Social Security . Yes. Im mr. Hastings. How do you do . My name is otis littlejohn, and dont say nothin dr. Otis littlejohn. Doctor, im certainly glad that you have arrived. You see, ive been having trouble with my lungs, and id like for you to check me out. Open my mouth, and you can listen down my throat. [whispers] sounds good his lungs sound real good yippee well, i guess i better be going now. Im glad to see youre feeling better, mr. Wilson. Oh, hey, mr. Haystack, i feel like a million dollars. As a matter of fact, i feel like 255. 40. , goodbye, mr. Wilson. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, take care of yourself, mr. Hayseed. Goodbye, mr. Hastings. Goodbye. Well, i guess you wont be needing this anymore. Oh, wow. Yyou was gonna give me your whole life savings. I sure was. Hey, well, thats very nice. Im really very grateful. Thats what friends are for. Gimme that 15 you owe me, and ill go. Well, what why do i owe you 15 . For my house call and, by the way, your lungs didnt sound all that terrific. [humming happily] youre not honestly planning on keeping all three of those checks, are you . Well, no. Not honestly. Thats not what i meant. I know what you mean. Andand, yeah, im gonna keep em. Yeah, i figure tyll find out their mistake sooner or later. And, when they do, ill settle up then, but, until that time, im gonna keep em with a clear conscience. Grady, how can you have a clear conscience . Well, ill tell you how i can have a clear conscience. Im 65 years old. Now, 40 years ago, when i first complained about them takin Social Security out of my check, they told me id get it back when i retired. Well, when they took 1. 00 out of my check 40 years ago, it was worth a dollar. Now, when they givin it back to me, so the way i see it, im entitled to this check, the other two, and one more. . . My favorite part about being a dad is just to see their faces in the morning when i wake them up. The first thing you think about is your wife and your kids and your family. Be like for them, without you. So i had surgery locally, and it came back after my follow up that i needed a second surgery. And thats when i said i need a second opinion. From the moment i walked through the doors, they greet you, theyre smiling and i love the fact that they included me in the whole process and asked me what i wanted to do. It makes you feel like youre part of the family. Rod came in with ah, pretty advanced cancer and i hes like my twin. 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Uh, may i please have the telephone number of the Social Security administration office. And what i mean is that its possible and 3, if old haystacks keeps coming by. Thank you very much. Well, but now figurin i only get 2 checks a month, thats 500 a month. Hello, may i speak with mr. Hastings, please . And that adds up to 6,000 a year. Hello, mr. Hastings . This is lamont thats 3,000 for you and 3,000 for me, but you do what your heart tells you. Lamont cranston. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men . No, i cant do that. Thats dishonest. Oh, ill be doggoned thats rightyou just call the government. 3,007 million crooks in the world, [music playing]

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