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We do not know at this time it is tied to recent return of those inmates to the facility. Reporter multiple Law Enforcement agencies including officers from surrounding correction facilities and members of the Prison Emergency Response Team responded. Solomon says they do not expect riots at minimumsecurity prisons, and if they had not mobilized so quickly, it may have been worse. We had an outstanding response fromll assistance including our Fire Department as well. We even had some wildlife officers there if i remember right leslie. As for the inmates who started the disturbance, solomon says they have eyewitness testimony to weed them out, and they will be facing consequences. They could be facing our Disciplinary Procedures for possible demotion, could be facing restricted housing, classification reductions as 500 inmates have been transferred to nearby facilities until the damages fixed. Inmates are correction officers that were hurt are expected to be okay. A man was drunk when he drove the wrong way on i440 and killed another man. Carlos Martinez Gonzalez is good is accused of causing the pilot that left one man dead. While alcohol was likely a leading factor, First Responders say they still see far too many accidents caused by drivers going the wrong are doing to prevent this from happening. He joins us live now with more. Reporter last nights crash, police say Martinez Gonzalez was driving against traffic your westbound on i440, when he collided with another car, and ended up killing the driver. The driver has been identified as a 59yearold shawl, he died at least three other cars were involved in the crash, but no one else had serious injuries. The department of transportation Officials Say there is about 30 of these wrong way crashes per year, half of them are alcohol related. They say drunk driving wrong way crashes can be tough to prevent, they are currently working to add more wrong way signs, in order to prevent some of the wrong way crashes caused by distracted driving, or someone not realizing they are going the wrong way. There also exploring new methods in an effort an effort to provide prevent these types of classes. What other states are doing as well and providing us a toolbox of countermeasures to prevent wrong way driver crashes from happening in our state. Reporter asked for Martinez Gonzalez he is in jail facing several charges including felony death by motor vehicle. Dwi and not having his license while driving. He is scheduled to be in Court Tomorrow afternoon. Live in raleigh, david hurst, cbs North Carolina. In the last week there have lori cove and Virginia Davis were hit by pickup truck in cary. Ho was in the hospital in serious condition. Friday, Jason Markley was hit and killed while riding his bike and apex. Today we sent out Steve Sbraccia to markleys home to learn more about the life he leaves behind. Reporter traffic speeds by the spot where Jason Markley died, friday, past a simple okay left in his memory. State highway apex with failure to reduce speed to avoid the collision and misdemeanor death by motor vehicle. Trooper say he struck markley from behind. If everybody follow the rules of the road everybody would be better off. Reporter victor was out cycling this afternoon, he says biking can be dangerous on any open road. I have had close calls in the middle of rtp or other uncommon thing. Reporter is a cyclist, victor says you need to drive not only for yourself, but for those in approaching vehicles. I try to take all of the cost as i can come i wear bike clothing, have lights going on even during the daytime to try to make myself more visible. I try to right predictably, that is the most important thing. I dont dart in and out of things, i ride as if i were in traffic. That is the safest way to right. Reporter victor also says that he thinks motorists, around this area need to be more educated about cyclist on the roads and the kind of dangerous that cyclist face when motor when vehicles come by the very closely. We should mention that jason is going to have a memorial service, and his name here, at this facility here in cary. The family is asking that folks come to this openair service on they bring a written memorial, a written memory of jason, they will put that in a keepsake box for his Young Children so when they grow up, they will know the kind of man their dad was. Live, Steve Sbraccia, cbs North Carolina. A nice idea. Thank you. Federal assistance might not be enough to help local storm victims. Coming up we seek with a family who is worried they will not have the money to get back on their feet. Plus, at the very bottom of this novembers ballots, since one of the important decisions make and what the voters think about it. As we head to break here is a live look outside and i 40 after 30 years in Law Enforcement, ive seen a lot. And i can tell you, josh stein will be an attorney general we can count on. Anyone that tells you different doesnt know what theyre talking about. Josh is endorsed by Law Enforcement because he has a record of making us safer. As attorney general, josh stein will help guys like me protect families like yours. Today governor mccrory traveled to Edgecombe County to see the damage left behind by hurricane matthew. The governor said there is still cause for concern when it comes to the air quality and will have on our state. Not only are we talking about the revenue that we are going to have to spend to help recover from this, but also the potential revenue losses that we have due to people being out of work, lack of sales, businesses being closed down. We are not going to feel that impact for months. Governor mccrory says his office is working to get Edgecombe County qualify for federal food stamps program. Righw half of the residents are without water and electricity. Tonight we are seeing more examples of just how long of a process it will be for many communities to rebuild. We introduce you to families trying to restore some semblance of normalcy in the neighborhood of fayetteville. Cbs North Carolina nate rogers joins us again with Financial Difficulties many are facing. Reporter just an as far as the eye can see, every driveway, every doorway, every curb now filled with debris, as more than 100 families are displaced. To see, all of your belongings, just messed up in the flood, just gone. Reporter deandra graham says it is overwhelming as she and 130 other families are now displaced. The impact of matthew more than three feet of water into grahams apartment, all of her familys possessions are now rubble. The grahams did receive a check from fema for 1200. Is 1200 enough . No. It is enough for you to get into another apartment, true enough, but what about the contents of the apartment, for your bed, yourself a, you know, everything got to be replaced. Reporter the grahams say the renters insurance will not cover flood damage. Great. As crews continue to remove debris, it is unknown how long remodeling will take, and when residents will be given access backo their apartments. Most help we are getting is family, friends, community, we are just waiting to see if fema will release some more funds, or what they are going to do. Reporter fema assistance is given on a casebycase basis, as far as the debris clean up out here, the city says they are working. It could take several weeks before all of this is gone. The First Priority is to clear the construction debris. After that they will look for all of the tree limbs that are scattered throughout the city. Nate rogers, cbs North Carolina. Coming up, voters will soon make a major decision on the future of transit in wake county. We will hear from people behind the idea and others who say it is not worth the cost. There is just one week left in the month of october. Although it did not feel like i did not email any, um, classified material. Really . The fbi said there were 110 classified emails that were exchanged. Hillary told liberal elites. The Supreme Court is wrong on the second amendment. Hillary will lie about anything to get elected. The nra institute for legislative action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Narrator its all connected. Richard burr wrote a plan to privatize medicare, making you pay more. And richard burr got one point one Million Dollars from the insurance industry. Richard burr was one of just three senators to vote against banning and richard burr voted to raise his own pay. Seven times. He increased his wealth over 500 percent. Richard burr. Twenty years in washington. Serving himself. Dscc is responsible for the content finish deciding if they are willing to raise their taxes a bit to pay for a transit plan. Right now residents pay a 6. 75 sales tax of that. The state takes 4. 75 with the county taking the other 2 . With the referendum passes, the rate would rise up to 7. 25 . Beau minnick spent the day speaking with people on both it is unreliable right now, timewise. Some bosses do not cover the whole city, or you have to take several buses to get where you need to go. That is what i work for anyway, pay taxes. Why not use it now for something. Reporter others do not think the plan and the tax increase are right for wake county. This half cent sales tax that is being proposed now is simply a drop in the bucket. Reporter the tax increase on wake county pallets way to find the plan to provide more and better bus and rail service. This plan is about giving drivers a choice, bow better connecting people to jobs, education and healthcare. Its about job creation and helping strengthen the economy. The plan calls for a 37mile Commuter Rail connecting garner to raleigh, to duke university, and points in between. There also would be expanded bus Service Throughout the county, including a new feature called bus rapid transit. A blend of bus and rail that everybody sees traffic is getting worse and we are growing at an accidental rate. 60 for people a day moved to lake county. Im not convinced you are going get people out of your cars and on buses unless the bus service is dramatically changed. Reporter the member say they do not see the changes making a difference other than costing more it is free market economics. If you have good market people use it. Reporter supporters say some of the money for the transit plan would come from federal doctors. If the referendum is not approved they would have no way of putting the plan into action. In raleigh, beau minnick, cbs North Carolina. Keeping guns out of the hands of the wrong people is not an assault on the second today to advocate for legislation to prevent gun violence. Parker and her photographer, adam ward were shot and killed usher by a disgruntled and unstable former coworker. Her mother says she believes her daughters death was a turning point for a national conversation. People were so shocked it happen on my television, that you cant go anywhere, you cannot go to a movie, you cannot go to school, you cannot go anywhere without the danger of becoming a victim of gun violence. That is that should not be the way it is. We reached out for the gop for comments and we have not yet heard back. It is time to come home, and reelect republican majorities in the United States house. Mike pence call for support for the other republicans on the ballot during a stop in salisbury today. Promise it would bring stability to the economy and national security. Both campaigns will be heading North Carolina hard through election day. First off is former president bill clinton and has stronger together bus tour. It starts tomorrow in rocky mount, and goes through golds world, greenville and wilmington before ending in fayetteville on wednesday. Also wednesday, donald trump will hold a rally in kingston. Then on thursday, Hillary Clinton wipe First Lady Michelle Obama in winston, salem. As we look outside, the sun is setting later and later, it will be dark before we know it. It is setting earlier and earlier. That is what i meant. [ laughter] that we can just today, right . Yes, what a great weekend. Have about 10 minutes left before the sun sets, shawn. He did not feel like the end of october. Guess what, it will tomorrow. Week of october normal high is 71. We were way above that today at 78. Way below that the rest of this week. We have a cold front coming through, this one does not have any rain or clouds with it but cooler temperatures. Right now outside, we have started to fall off a little bit from highs in the upper 70s. Still holding onto 78 in fayetteville. 73 here in the capital. The temperature change in the last 24 hours is all plus. Bit today compared to yesterday. 9degrees warmer right now at henderson than was last on the 6 oclock. The next 24 hours will get drastically cooler, because of this call from. After that sunsets continuing hour by hour into the 50s overnight, out the door tomorrow morning, 44 degrees. Morning when you leave for work and school, it is because of this cold f ront. You see no clouds or rain with it, but as i come through overnight. It will bring in some cooler temperatures the rest of this week. Another ridge of High Pressure, High Pressure keeps the weather good around here most of the time. You got plenty of sunshine, much cooler temperatures tuesday and wednesday. Thursday is a mostly dry day, we have this very weak, very disorganized warm fronts, c it is not going to be close enough to us or Strong Enough to do anything other than throw us a couple of clouds and a small chance of rain thursday night. Maybe a little bit of leftover rain friday morning. Next weekend to be pretty nice as well. Tomorrow, pretty cool, 65 degrees will be our high. 15degrees cooler tomorrow, across the area. Sickly for dorm, sunny skies, and 67 in fayetteville. And your seven day forecast will take us from those upper tuesday and wednesday. A couple of clouds, a high of 68. Weve got dry weather most of friday, through the weekend, as highs will stay around 70, and one week from today, we understand there will be some right now the weather looks g ood, not too hot, not too cold. 66degrees with dry weather for a high, one week from today. Can you guys believe the month is over almost. The whole year has flown by, it seems. The second half of this month has been so nice that will continue for a couple more days. I like that. The Carolina Hurricanes see the light at the end of the tunnel, the road trip is about to come to an end. They snuck in a couple of days at home before heading back on North Carolina used to make education a priority. We all understood the importance of having good schools. But pat mccrory seems more interested in giving tax cuts to millionaires. We rank 44th in spending per student. Dropout rates have gone up for the first time in 8 years. Were 41st in how much we pay our teachers. There is a textbook shortage. And pat mccrory has cut 3,000 teaching assistants from the early grades. He may have given tax cuts to millionaires, Robert Kearney i fought for my country in kosovo and iraq, and ive been a republican all my life. But im the father of three girls. I cant stand hearing donald trump call women pigs, dogs, and bimbos. And i sure dont want my daughters hearing it. I want my girls to grow up proud and strong, in a nation where theyre valued and respected. Donald trumps america is not the country i fought for. So, im voting for Hillary Clinton. Hillary clinton for an athlete, being away from home is not unusual. 11 Straight Days on the road is unusual in that is where the hurl the hurricanes faces season. Practicing for the first time philadelphia instead of adding straight to destroy. Good news for players with families. My kids are a good age now, it makes it hard, but it is just a part of the job that is not too bad. People go off to join the services, and things like that. Its not too bad, the sixth and final road game is tomorrow night in detroit. Games in the two is toughest venues in the acc. They were so close to losing to clemson and fla, not so much in louisville. The state was found by the cardinals falling behind by 40 for points. The pack was much more competitive in the second half, dealing with embarrassing loss, is never easy according to head coach. For a coach, for a player, for anybody, it is an emotional loss, that is natural to have a hard time dealing with that. They could. Nothing is guaranteed, it should be easier for the pack this saturday when they host boston college. How about this, the pirates have not been on the home field in nearly a month. October1, that is the last time the box played, showing the ill effects of the time away. The pirates have lost five straight after starting the year and 20. The main reason behind the downward spiral, turnovers. For a few weeks now we have had x plays to stop the ability to win, only after something did not happen quite the right way offensively. Have to look at that, and we have to pay close attention to it, and a win would help a lot. They will get that chance this saturday saturday, against yukon on homecoming. The Cleveland Indians playing host to a chicago cubs. 68 years since the indians last one fan base is about ready to get rid of a lot of frustration. The other fan base grandmothers will still say bless your heart. [laughter] my husband is so excited he is an indians fan. Our bill reh is a rabid cubs fan. Everyone in the Weather Department has a different team. We have not decided if we are going to job on the cubs bandwagon. It would take a lot. Chilly in cleveland captioning sponsored by cbs pelley trump lays out his first 100 days. Were going to have the biggest tax cuts since ronald reagan. Pelley but he has only 15 days left to save his campaign. Leave here and vote. Pelley also tonight, turn. Get this, donald nasty women are tough. Nasty women are smart. And nasty women vote. [cheering and applause] pelley why pediatricians now advise sleeping in the same room with your infant for a year. Can this bag save passengers from an inflight fire . And chicago comes down with a fever of 108

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