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Edith oh, hello, archie. How are you . Hello. Hello. How was your day . It was a laugh riot. One jolly moment after the other. Thats why you see me standing here like the bluebird of happiness. Whats the matter, arch . Ive never seen you so upset. Oh, you never read the papers, huh . Dont you know whats goin on . In here it says 19 robberies reported in queens district. Two of them right around here. Yesterday ryans gas station a couple of blocks away. And today im passing old lady crimskis bakery on the way to the subway this morning what do you think i saw . What they didnt do to her. First of all, they robbed 180 bucks right out of her stocking. Then just for spite, they ruin the joint. Cheesecake splashed all over the walls. Bagels rolling out to the sidewalk. Im telling you, were livin in a jungle, thats what a jungle. Funny, funny, funny. The whole world is fallin apart and the meathead here is makin jokes. Well, im takin some action beginning with this little surprise right here. You got a surprise, archie . We got a surprise too. Save it, will ya. Why dont you tell us your surprise first . See this here . It looks like a regular little tape recorder, dont it . But you know what that is . A save your home alarm system. Howd you know that . It says it right there on the label save your home alarm system. Well, labels dont tell you nothin. Ill tell you what this is. And if any burglar tries to get in any door or a window, wait till you hear what happens. [ dog barking ferociously on tape ] what are you laughin at . This is a serious thing here. [ barking continues ] huh . Ah, what do you think of that . Sounds like a sweet old dog to me. What are you talkin about, edith . This thing is proved. This thing gives you all the protection of a real killer dog. Now, come on. Lets eat, huh . Well, dinners ready. Come on, everybody. Archie, how much did you pay for that thing . Five dollars down to begin, and 5 a week to a total of 40 bucks. Its the cheapest Home Insurance anywheres around. Forty bucks . Gee, it sounds like law and orders big business. Ow . Certainly. Its a free country, aint it . Oh, i dont go on. Tell him, ma. Well, archie, gloria and me saw this ad in a movie magazine. It said wanted, your poems. Top composers will set to music. So i wrote a poem and we sent it in. And guess what. They loved it. Pass the salt. He wasnt a bit surprised. Why should i be surprised, edith . I always knew you was a great poetress, ever since that time i was sick and you sent me the getwell card. Ill never forget it. Get well quickly. Oh, please do. cause im cryin, boohoohoo. So why should i be surprised that them crooks loved your poem . Only 30 for handling fees. Oh, please, edith, dont you see . This thing is a con. These guys open an office in a different state every month to keep one jump ahead of the cops. Some of them go around in mobile homes. Besides, where you gonna get the 30 bucks to begin with . The family pot. As of today, theres 30 in it. Oh, the family pot. Listen, the answer to that is no. Now thats for special occasions, for emergencies. I aint gonna let no shyster Music Company get their hand into my pot our pot, daddy. Same thing, same thing. Archie. Archie, wait a second. Can i talk to you . Man to man. Archie, there are times in your life when you shouldnt rain on someone elses parade. Geez, you sound like a regular Billy Sol Graham there. The money from the family pot should be used cut it. Dont try to softsoap me. Now, you aint talkin me into lettin them blow the family pot. For no phony Music Company. Archie. Just a minute. Come here. I wanna show you something. What is it . I didnt say nothin about this when the women was here. I didnt want them getting excited about anything. Now take a look at this. A gun shh shut up will you keep quiet. To hear this aint just a gun. This is a luger. World war ii. Thats a terrific german weapon. Willie mears is gonna sell me this for 20 bucks. Between this and the dog well be protected. Youre gonna buy a gun . Shh archie, i can understand that dumb taped dog. It cant hurt anybody. But a gun will you dummy up, huh i dont want them to get all upset in there. Ma what are you doin . What are you doin . Gloria, come in here. Archie wants to buy a gun. What a fink thats right. Thats right. A gun . Oh, my goodness a gun . Where . Right over here. Get out of my pocket there thats the reason he doesnt wanna give you the money. He wants it to buy a gun. Archie wait a minute. Wait a minute. What is wrong with that . I am interested in the protection of my home the defense of my family. Oh oh, thats terrific. Yeah. Youre gonna buy a taped dog and a gun. Thats 60 for defense. Against only 30 for the song. [ archie ] right. Archie, when its a question of the destructive man versus the creative man, the creative man always gets the shaft. The shaft . Is that anything like the oscar . Daddy, are you really gonna buy a gun . Im doin it for youse. [ all chattering at once ] no not according to the rules of the family pot. The use of the family pot shall be determined in a democratic way. By a majority vote of the members of this family and assigned by all of us. I dont care what that says. Im gonna buy that gun. When it comes to defense, democracys gonna have to wait. Youre impossible, daddy. But you signed the rules too, and they say we should vote. All right, go ahead then and vote away your property. All those in favor of using the money from the family pot for the song, say aye. Aye. All those opposed, say nay. I aint gonna vote. Then the ayes have it. The money goes for the song. Thats right. And you gotta give back the gun. Come on, now. Come on. Get away from me it makes me so happy. Get away from me, all of youse. Come on, daddy. You wont regret it when the song becomes a big hit. Oh, yeah, sure. Let me tell you somethin. And youse all turn to me and holler, do something you know what im gonna do . Im gonna turn right around back and say, sing, edith. Would you say no to a lot more money . [excited scream] you just won a Million Dollars no thanks. Nice balloons, though or no to more Vacation Days . Janet, im giving you an extra weeks vacation oh, ah. Nooo. What . No way. Who says no to more . Like the most free hd channels and virtually unlimited movies and shows on demand, so you can binge all day. Call now. And dont forget the free tv app. Get ultrafast internet with secure home wifi to connect all your devices. Saving on mobile data fees, helps big time. Switch to time warner cable. For 89. 99 a month youll get free hd channels, 100 meg internet and unlimited calling to half the world. We can call aunt rose as much as we want now. Switching is easy. A moneyback guarantee with no contract to sign. Plus get free installation, tv equiment and epix included. Really . Honest. No. Say yes to more. Call now. . Think of your fellow man. . . Lend him a helping hand. . . Put a little love in your heart. . . Take a good look around. . . And if youre lookin down, . . In your heart. . avo the subaru share the love event is happening now and will have given ninety Million Dollars [ taped dog barking ] here, doggy. [ barking continues ] here, doggy. Where you at, doggy . Here, poochy. [ whistles ] here, little pooch. Here he is, horace. [ barking stops ] byebye, doggy. Another electric dog, man. Somebody must be makin a whole lot of money off these white folks with these things. Be funny if the cat was black. The fuzz is still buzzing, man. Were gonna have to hang out here for a little while. Whoo would you look at this dump . Yeah, man, how can they live like this . The paints peelin, the furnitures fallin all apart, mmhmm, mmhmm, mmhmm. Well, man, you know theyve got to have somethin. To keep their mind off of their misery. You know, everybody cant be as affluent as we is. [ sniffs ] whats the matter . Aint that somethin . What . Take a sniff. [ sniffs ] yeah . White peoples homes all got that funny smell. [ ringing ] you wasnt expectin no call, was you . No, man. I didnt even know i had a phone. Lookit here. You check out the kitchen and ill check out the phone, all right . Hello . Who . Mr. Bunker . Oh, im sorry. Mr. Bunkers indisposed at the moment. Dr. Black. Oh, nothing serious. Hell be just fine. Uhhuh. What was that . Oh. Mrs. Bunker, did you hear that . Your neighbor mr. Mcnab just called and said that two fellas just robbed what was that, mr. Mcnab . Oh. Two jigaboos. And theyre hiding somewhere in the neighborhood. Yes, ill tell him. Goodbye. Hey, what you got there, man . Electric appliances. Man, what these white folks wont waste their money on. [ man chattering ] lets go out the back door. No, no, cops. Up the stairs. Come on. [ archie ] hold it, edith. Dont open the door. [ edith ] why not . First i gotta turn off the dog alarm. I wanna tell you something. That was one of the funniest moving pictures i ever seen. I cant believe it. He finally liked a movie we recommended. Well, certainly i liked it. It wasnt one of them nowaday ones with everybody jumpin into bed three and four at a clip. This wasnt a dirty picture. It was a funny picture. Buster keaton, one of the funniest guys ever. I nearly you remember when he took the brass spittoon, he put it down over that guys head . Now thats funny enough, but when he reaches for that ball bat. And goes bongo, bongo, bongo, i thought i wet my drawers. You mr. Bunker . Bunker, yeah. Morgans Jewelry Store and they hidin in the neighborhood. Hi. How are ya . And in the house that theys hidin in. They just picked up a few odds and ends. Just to keep from being shiftless. I was wondering what happened to my husbands killer dog. Oh, the dog. You know, im afraid we had to put the dog to sleep. You aint mad at us . No, no, no. Look out with that gun there. Man, i wouldnt shoot you with your own gun. Daddy, you promised you wouldnt buy that gun. You said you were gonna give it back. I didnt have no chance to give it back to willie. Anyway, i hope youse all understand now the meaning of havin a gun in the house. I understand. Now now that makes sense. Yeah, youre a smart lady. Look, fellas, a mantoman talk here. Could we make a deal . I mean, like you guys take your stolen property. And you just go and we dont give you no trouble. Oh, aint that nice . Now, he wouldnt want us to go out there. cause he knows the whole neighborhood is crawlin with the cops, would he . No. No. Oh, man, you know what . Shes something else. Youre telling me. Well, now, yall take it easy. Until the cops quit their crawlin, we gonna be yalls houseguests. So the best thing for all of us to do is just relax. And make the best of it. Great. My name is mike stivic. And this is my wife gloria and these are my inlaws what are you doin . This aint no church social. Sit down there. These guys dont wanna socialize with us any more than we wanna socialize with them. [ both ] whatd you say . I mean, its a wellknown fact that youse colored guys. Would just as soon stick around with your own kind up there in harlem. Is that so . Thats what i always heard. Oh, horace. Look what we done found here. Uhhuh. A genuine, 100 dyedinthewool bigot. No, no, no. No, no, no. Yes. Come on. Say something bigoted, baby. Wait a minute. Now, thats wrong. I aint no bigot. Im the first guy to say it aint your fault that youse are colored. Thats number one thats number one [ excited chattering ] hold it, hold it. Come on, guys. You see, he doesnt understand. He associates the crime and the stealing. Oh. Then you must be a liberal. Well, man, we done found us a genuine liberal. And an honesttogod bigot. Now you cant beat that. Come on, guys. Hold it. Youre putting me on now. All i meant was that. He doesnt understand what living in the ghetto can do to a man. And you do . Well, im studying it in my sociology class. Hes studying it in his sociology class. I got to talk to you. Sit right down here. I got my professorship in sociology, you know. You know, where i live all eight of us slept in one room together. Eight . There was 11 of us in one bed. [ excited chattering ] i dont know how you can laugh. Through all that misery. Practice, lady. Practice. Well, why dont we all eat something . I could make some sandwiches. That sounds like a good idea. Of tea. We have another teapot in the kitchen. Whats this . Cash you cant have it i beg your pardon . Whos the crook here . That money is going to the wish upon a star song company tomorrow. You see, i wrote a poem and theyre gonna make it into a song. Everyone is someone oh, you dont wanna hear the song . No. In that case, we gonna hear the song. Come on and sing. Oh. Oh, no. Ii couldnt. Oh, well, you worried about the money . Now, if you sing the song, you can have the money. Hey, coke. The cops is gone. We can bug on out now. No, man, i wanna see this floor show before i go. Come on and sing. Well, its just my own madeup melody. Sing. Yeah. Go on, ma. Sing it for him. [ clears throat ] . Everyone is someone if you love them . . Love can make a hero from a chump . . Love can make a useless man seem useful . . Love can grow a flower from a dump . . You may find youve found a friend indeed . . cause everyone is someone . . If you love them . . cause love is something Everybody Needs . Here, here. Oh, thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Ohh, archie. Yeah, you know, i must tell you one thing, lady. That sure was a bad song. But i like you. Say, man, bring the electric utensils on over here. What you gonna do . Im gonna give her things back here. Stealing from her would be like stealing from my mother. Youre a lucky man. Thats a very nice lady. Yeah. And lookit here. This is a dangerous thing. Somebody could get hurt with that. Here. Be cool, baby. Be cool. Well see yall. Bye now. Well, archie, what are you gonna do now . Buy a cannon . There aint nothin to do now. I could have done somethin before, but i didnt have the gun if i had, maybe somethin different would have happened around here. Archie, come on geez dad [ indistinct chattering ] you hear that . What are you gonna do with them . Glenn miller played . . Songs that made the hit parade . . Guys like us we had it made . . Those were the days . . And you knew where you were then . . Girls were girls and men were men . . Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again . . Didnt need no welfare state . . Everybody pulled his weight . . Gee, our old lasalle ran great . Ught some yesterday. Its in the closet in the kitchen. Archie i aint in the kitchen. Oh. Oh archie hurry up dont panic, arch helps on the way be right there ill take it, ma. Oh, thanks, mike. Me daddy doesnt check for paper first . Because hes too busy reading. Archie all right, meathead, just leave it there. Ill put it on the roller myself. Why do you have to look for cough drops now . Get out of here i bet cousin amelia was angry when she found out you werent going to the reunion, ma. Oh, yeah. Thirty years. And now theyre tearing down the school. [toilet flushing] and it wont be the same saying, thats where i went to school, and pointing to the a p. Now, cant we get one thing clear around here . Uh, mrs. Stivic, would you get your little keister out of my chair . The person who uses up the paper on the roller up there has to put a new roll on the roller. Cant youse none of youse remember that rule . Thats a rule . Its one of your main rules of civilization, meathead. [doorbell rings] oh, no, no. Who could that be, on a sunday ringing the bell . Its a day of rest. Jeez, dont people stay home and read their bibles no more . What happened to christianity anyhow . Oh, archie, its cousin amelia shut the door, will the two of youse were catching pneumonia here hi, amelia. Hi, mike. Hi, gloria. Oh, hiya, archie. Hi, amelia. Ooh, youre getting a little thin up here. Isnt he . Dont fool with it, huh sit down, amelia. Make yourself comfortable. Would you like a cup of coffee . And i think theres one twinkie left. Hey, hey, hey thats my tomorrowslunch twinkie how about a cookie, amelia . Anything, thank you. Ill get it, ma. Yeah. Ill help you. Oh, thanks, gloria. Thanks, mike. Edith, i want to know why you sent back this invitation to our class reunion. Oh, im sorry, amelia, but i cant go. But you got to go. Its going to be a marvelous party. Remember mavis pike . Yeah well, mavis is making us a special banner. S was always good with words. Her father was a butcher. She used to write his windows. What did she do . You know, special today chuck steak. Coffee and cookies, everybody. Hey, cousin amelia. Yeah . Did you talk ma into going to the reunion yet . Not yet. Whats the matter with you, arch . Why dont you take her . Do i have to report to you whatever hey, hey hey thats my tomorrowslunch twinkie youre eating there. Jeez, aint nothing sacred to you at all . Sorry. I forgot. They ought to make a horror movie out of your stomach. Want the rest . I dont want it now daddy, youre just evading the issue. Why wont you take ma to her class reunion . I promised Barney Hefner that im gonna go bowling with him on saturday. Thats a promise. Thats a point of honor. Yeah, which you wouldnt understand, being a twinkie thief. Daddy, remember how you used to love going to your old air corps reunions . Oh, now, come on. Are you comparing this high school stupid stuff to my air corps reunions . Our air corps reunions was held to rememorate the great things we had done. Yeah, like bombing, strafing, killing. Get away from me, huh . If your mother wants to go to that class reunion, she can go without me. Russells taking me. Well, i aint going, and thats final. Maybe thisll change your mind, edith. I brought you a copy of the old school paper. The milestone . Yeah, i had reprints made for everybody in the class. Here. Oh, look. Heres a picture of the whole class. Let me see, ma. Which one is you . There i am. Edith baines. Oh, you look so young. Archie, look, heres amelia. Oh, look at amelia with all the braces. Jeez, what a face full of wire you had. 1943. Ma, can michael and i look at this . Sure. We were kids then, archie. Everybody had a face full of wire. Except buck evans. He was perfect. Buck evans. I havent thought about him in years. He was the handsomest thing. And edith had a crush on him. Oh. Boy, what a lousy sunday this is. Hey, ma, which one is buck in this picture . Oh, now, lets see. Its been so many years. There he is oh, my. Oh, is he goodlooking. Yeah. But that picture dont do him justice. You had to see him on the track field. Oh, he had such a beautiful figure. And that golden hair waving in the wind. Oh sounds like a running fag. He was anything but that. All the girls were crazy about him. You, too, huh, edith . Whoo oh, yeah. Er . You used to leave him notes. From an anonymous admirer. Signed, edith baines. Why did you stop seeing him, ma . Well, he went into the air corps. Oh, my, and in his uniform. Ooh, he looked like the cover on one of those song sheets. . He wore a pair of silver wings. . Silver wings, oh thats right, meathead. I was second in charge of the motor pool. Whatd you wear on your chest . A little carburetor . Oh, edith, i got to get going. Now, youre sure you wont change your mind about coming to the reunion . Oh, no, amelia. Im sorry. Ah, buck is gonna be awful disappointed. Buck is coming to the reunion . Sure. Didnt you know . No. His name wasnt on the list you sent me. Oh, but his answer came in late. Hes gonna be there. Oh. Archie, are you sure you dont mind if i go to the reunion . Well, wait a minute, now. Uh. No. He doesnt mind. He said so 10 times. Oh. Well, then, i think ill go. Yeah. Im going to the reunion. Great. Youre going alone . Why not . Hold it hold it there no, no im going with you. Because of buck evans, daddy . No because no real man lets his wife go out alone at night or. You could tie a knot in your tongue come on. Lets go. Ma, you remembered the ticket . Yeah. Here it is. Oh, aint that beautiful . Mrs. Edith bunker and friend. Aint that nice . Riend. Archie come on hey, ma, you better hurry. You dont want to be late after 30 years. Oh, my no. That would be awful, wouldnt it . Archie hey, edith your friend is waiting for you on the stoop here coming, archie byebye. Bye, ma. Have a good time. See you later. Bye, daddy. Gee, i hope ma has a good time at her reunion. [imitating groucho marx] i hope we have a good time at ours. Ge coincidence, our class is meeting in this house all evening, and im happy to report that were the only two that showed up. [imitating mae west] why resist temptation . Theres always more. [highpitched laughter] here i am, archie. What took you so long . Im standing here alone like a potted plant. I didnt have a dime. Why cant you take care of them things before we leave home where its free . Why didnt you talk to somebody while you was waiting . Because it aint my reunion, and i dont know nobody, and i dont want to know nobody. [angrily] now, lets go in there and have a good time. Woman edith mavis pike oh, welcome. Im so glad you came. Its lovely to see you again. You look just the same. [laughs] oh. Oh, im sorry. This is mr. Bunker. Archie, this is mavis pike, the one i told you about, whos so good with words. Oh, yeah, she writes the chuck steak on the windows. Nice to know you, there, mrs. Pike. Oh, no. Its not mrs. Its ms. Ms. Ms. Oh, youre one of them. Shes a womens lib and she aint a miss, neither. What does that make her, a near miss . Hahahaha edith, i was going to ask you if youve had an interesting life, but he just saved me the trouble. Oh, hi hi, oh, i promise not to guess your name if you promise not to guess mine. [laughs] [highpitched laughing] im gonna get a drink. Oh, amelia, what a wonderful turnout. It is good, isnt it . Of course, not everybody could come, and some of us are no longer with us. Oh, my. They left already . Oh, no, no. They passed on. Oh yeah, danny pilsner . You remember him . Just last year. Oh, im sorry, but it dont surprise me. He was always very sickly. Hey, amelia, i dont see your husband around. Where is he . He didnt come. Listen, edith wait a minute. What do you mean, he didnt come . He promised a very special client of his that he would go bowling with him. Now, listen, edith. You hear that, edith . Hey, hes going bowling. I had to come here with you. But archie, you wanted to come. Thats right, arch, the minute you heard buck evans was going to be here. Oh, well, thats right, sure. I didnt want to miss the golden flyer. Where is he . Say hello to the rest of the old gang. Come on, archie. I want you to meet. [grumbling] thats edith baines. Hi, everybody. Oh, edith baines. Edith edith baines. Remember me . Sam gulinsky . . Kuey, kuey, conga kuey, kuey, conga . [laughing] of course, sam. Sam, this is archie. Archie, sam gulinsky. Hi. Hey, did you ever play ball . Yeah, i played some ball. Oh did you know buck evans was going to be here . Yeah hey, would you like to meet my wife . Sylvia listen, remember when you and buck and me. A nod is as good as a wink to a blind man. What was that . If it were my wife, and buck evans was coming. You know what i mean . No. What do you mean . Enough said. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. What do you mean, enough said . Enough said. This party is stinkeroo. Hey, uh, would you mind freshening up my drink, there . Im taking rye and ginger ale. Uh, pardon me asking, but aint you on duty here . Oh, i get it. I get it. Youre one of the reunions here, huh . Thats right. Its funny, edith never mentioned there was a colored guy in her class. As a matter of fact, there were three of us. Black guys in the class. Oh . Wheres the other two . Well, i guess they couldnt make it. Why . Are they in trouble . I doubt that. Theyre probably very busy with their law firm up in buffalo. Whoopdedo. What do you do for a living . A little farming. Hey, thats nice. Well, youse three guys done pretty good for yourselves, huh . Well, we cant complain. Yeah, thats because when you was in school, i bet you wasnt rioting, right . Uh, no, we werent. Yeah, because you were smart, hardworking. Outnumbered. Tony rizelli huh . Tony, i never forget a face. Never forget a face. You just broke your record. [laughing] excuse me, i gotta mingle. So, edith, tell me. What have you been doing with yourself these last 30 years . Well, right after graduation, i went on a weeks vacation it was kind of a graduation present from mom and dad. And then, after i got home, i started looking for a job. Its funny, because i could have sworn you were on the track team with me. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You was on the track team . Yeah. You wouldnt be that guy buck evans, would you . [laughs] me . Buck evans . Do i look like buck evans . He thinks im buck evans. Illy weatherby. Buck evans was much stronger. Who cares . And much handsomer. God, he was beautiful. Do you remember how he used to carry the flag at assemblies . With his white gloves . Oh, it brought a lump to your throat. God, he was beautiful. We heard that. That takes care of 1945. And then, in 1946, i joined the hercules Plumbing Company as a secretary. Isnt that interesting . Oh, yes, it was so interesting. Oh, we had all kinds of equipment faucets, swivelhead showers, gaskets. Remember how stuck edith was on buck . Well, why shouldnt she be . [audience laughter] and archie and me was marr oh, heres archie now hi edith, i want to talk oh, archie, aint this a Wonderful Party . Arent you glad you came . I wanna talk edith, we need you to lead us in the Old High School cheer [grumbling] come on, do the school cheer. I aint going to cheer for nothing. Okay, hit it one, two, three all fillmore high fillmore high h on old fillmore everybody runs when they hear us roar Fillmore Fillmore roar roar roar [lowlevel chattering] do you know what you look like . Archie, dont be such a spoilsport. Come on hit it again were gonna do it once more. One, two, three, and all fillmore high fillmore high everybody runs when they hear us roar Fillmore Fillmore roar roar roar [cheering] sam hiya. Nice to see you. How about that . My best buddy at school, and he didnt even know me. What do you care . Theres plenty to eat. Youre, uh. Oh, now, wait a minute. You dont know me. My name is archie bunker. See, i aint one of the reunions here. Oh. Hows the party going . Aw, its a lot of nothing. Theyre all waiting for the big class hero, buck evans. Thats funny. [laughing] whats funny . Im buck evans. Youre who . Buck evans. [laughs] thats right. What the hell happened to you . I married a gourmet cook. [laughs] looks like shes in there with you. Listen, i know someone whos waiting here all night to meet you again. Yeah . Who . My wife. She used to be edith baines. Edith baines. You stay right here, see . Dont let nobody move you. Hey, edith edith . Hey, get away from me here, huh. Will you get out of the way . Edith. Edith, theres somebody over here that youre gonna be very happy to see. Step this way. Ill bet youll never recognize him. Buck evans. Oh, buck howd you recognize me . Id know you anywhere. Your eyes. Your eyes are just the same. I can still see right inside you. See, archie . Aint he beautiful . Uh, nice to meet your acquaintanceship there. Can i just take my wife over here for a minute . Well see you, huh . Edith, edith. I will never be able to figure you out. , we look at the same guy, and you see a beautiful person. I see a blimp. Yeah. Aint that too bad . . Boy, the way glenn miller played . . Songs that made the hit parade . . Guys like us we had it made . . Those were the days . . And you knew where you were then . . Girls were girls and men were men . . Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again . . Didnt need no welfare state . . Everybody pulled his weight . . Gee, our old lasalle ran great . . Those were the days . .

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