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Do you swear that youre going to vote for donald trump tomorrow . Raise that hand. Some say hesagery of a dark time in history. Well talk to donald trump live as voters go to the polls in four more states today. Jury awards erin andrews 55 million in the trial involving a secretly recorded video of her and her hotel room. Will a higher court find that excessive and will she see a much smaller amount . Just dropping in. A plane makes an unusual landing at an office park on long island, and a lucky father and daughter have a parachute to thank for saving their lives today, tuesday, march 8th, 2016. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with matt lauer and Savannah Guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning, everybody. Morning. I look at that landing, i guess youd call it. Run it again. Did you know a plane could come with a parachute . If you have the option of getting in a plane with a parachute, you take that option. Absolutely. Well have more on that in a bit. We want to get to the breaking news out of california overnight. A commuter train derailed. The lead car filled with passengers ending up on its side in a creek. Lets go to Steve Patterson with the story. What can you tell us . Good morning. Passengers say the rain was coming down hard right before the trail derailed. 214 people boarded. Thankfully, only nine were injured and just four seriously. Everyone is expected to live, but it was a harrowing ride. Reporter the commuter train sits partially submerged in the muddy waters of a creek. Do you know if this is a passenger train or a freight train. A passenger train. Ace train was traveling from san jose to stockton when the first of five cars hit a tree, plunging it into the water. I was in the first car that went into the river. Reporter passengers describing a harrowing scene. It feels unreal. Shifted the gravity and we were all panicking. Reporter with one woman lying in the mud just under another derailed car hanging off the tracks. It was under the mudslide, so we were trying to dig her out while the train was hanging. Crews had to fight the creeks fastmoving currents and smash windows to pull riders from the partially submerged rail car. This is an area that is difficult to get to, to get across the creeks, to get everybody off and into a safe area. Reporter passengers who werent hurt huddled for hours in the dark, in cold, waiting for busses to get them home. We knew we were in a remote area, so we knew we had some hiking to do. Along the train track. I am grateful it wasnt worse. Is still partially submerged in the water and no service today, as crews work to make sure the track is safe. Matt and savannah . Steve, thanks very much. Now to the president ial race. Four states all up for grabs today, including the battlegrounds of michigan and mississippi, on both the republican and democratic sides. Donald trump finds himself facing yet another controversy. Well talk to him live in a moment. First, nbc National Correspondent Peter Alexander is in detroit for us. Michigan, mississippi, idaho and hawaii get their turn today. No prize bigger than here in michigan. Its the start of an eightday stretch that could decide the next Republican Party nominee. Reporter marching into mississippi, donald trump again calling on his supporters to pledge their allegiance to trump. Raise your right hand, everybody. Do you swear that youre going to vote for donald trump tomorrow . Reporter a request hes made twice before. Should we do the pledge . Should we do the pledge . Reporter one prominent jewish leader comparing the loyalty gesture from the trump audience to a nazi salute. The a holocaust survivor blasting it as offensive, obnoxious and disgusting. Meanwhile, former new york mayor blook bloomberg is saying no to a 2016 run, saying he couldnt win. I believe i could write a number of diverse states, he writes, but not enough to win the Electoral College votes necessary to win the presidency. Adding, there is a good chance my candidacy could lead to the election of donald trump or ted cruz. That is not a risk i can take in good conscious. Still, his deliberations were so serious, the New York Times reports this ad was already in production. Nonidealogical, finally, a new choice. Mike bloomberg, president. Reporter trump and his opponents trying to get the others to clear the field. Marco rubio or john kasich is a vote for donald trump. Vote for kasich or cruz in florida is a vote for donald trump. Im the only one that has any chance of beating trump in florida. Reporter also new, this recorded phone message from mitt romney on behalf of rubio. If we were to choose donald trump as our nominee, i believe the prospects for a safe and prosperous future would be diminished. Reporter rubio is narrowing the gap with trump in his home state of florida according to a poll. Here in michigan, john kasich is gaining ground over the weekend after last thursdays Demolition Derby debate. Im going to be the republican nominee, not donald trump. Be glad to help rubio, cruz or kasich to beat trump. Donald trump is still dominating, up 19 points over ted cruz, 20 over rubio. John kasich in fourth right now. Up from 50 in december, now 75 of republicans and republicanleaning voters, tell us they believe that trump will be the republican nominee. All right. Peter alexander, thank you. Donald trump joins us on the phone right now. Mr. Trump, good morning to you. Good morning. I love that number. I had a feeling. I will not disappoint them. Believe me. I had a feeling youd like that introduction. Negativity is something people hate in a political campaign, but it works. When we look at polling in michigan and in florida that does seem to be tightening, do you think its a direct result of that scathing takedown by mitt romney and speeches by Mitch Mcconnell and paul ryan from cruz, rubio and superpacs out there . Im the one that can beat Hillary Clinton and ill bring jobs back to the country. Mitt romney is a failed candidate. He ran one of the worst president ial campaigns in the history of our country and now he wants to be relevant again. Its disgraceful. Because of the short time you faced the full wrath of all these entities, do you worry that it will stop your momentum at the most crucial time of this campaign . I dont know, matt. I mean, i saw some polls yesterday in michigan where im 19 and 20 points up. I saw some very, very good polls. Im still leading in florida against a failed senator. You know, rubio is a failed senator. He doesnt vote. Hes got the worst voting record, one of the worst in the history of the United States senate. He does a terrible job and has problems, to put it mildly. And he cant win anywhere. I agree with ted cruz on that. He says this guy just doesnt win anywhere. At what point do you go with but hes doing poorly in florida and if he ran for office in florida right now, he couldnt get elected dogcatcher. Hes done such a poor job. Id like to ask you about something youve been doing recently at your rallies, which is having your supporters raise their right hand and say, i pledge to vote for donald trump. As you know, a still image of that at your rallies have gone around the internet and people have been disturbed by the image. In fact, a holocaust survivor says it reminds him of the nazi salute. I wonder how you feel about that comparison and whether it would make you want to perhaps not do it anymore, if people feel that way. I think its ridiculous. Were having such a great time. Yesterday, i had 20,000 people in mississippi. I had tremendous crowds in michigan. Sometimes, well do it for fun. Theyll scream at me, do the swear in. Do the swear in. Theyre having such a great time. Massive crowds. I get by far the biggest crowds and were having a good time. Know it was a problem. We were all you know. In light of that, does it make you almost everybody in the room raises their hand. Were having a good time. I never knew it was a problem. I think its in combination, mr. Trump, with the rhetoric youve used on the campaign trail over the last several months, targeting groups like muslims and mexicans, that that evokes images of nazi germany and the scapegoating of jews there back in the 1930s and 40s. Well, i think thats a big, big stretch. I mean, honestly, matt, weve been having such an amazing weve been having rallies that are massive. Yesterday in mississippi, two days ago in orlando, we had 25,000 people fill up the stadium. It was incredible. Were having these incredible rallies. Considering the subject matter is not so good, because our country is in trouble, big trouble, we are having a great time. Part of this is that. You know, this would be brought to hear it. Does it bother you . If its offensive, i wouldnt do anything wrong with it. But theyre screaming at me to do it, we want to do it. Were all having fun. I never thought it was offensive. So because you now know that it is offensive to some people, will you say, okay, lets not do this in the future . Certainly, ill look into it. Id like to find out if thats true. I dont want to offend anybody, but i can tell you that its been amazingly received. Well received. I will look into that, matt. I think thats a fair answer. Mr. Trump, thank you for your time this morning. Okay. Thank you very much. Thank you. Lets bring in chuck todd, nbcs political director, moderator of meet the press. Tell us what were expecting today. First, lets set the scene with the delegates. Heres the count now, and its gotten narrow. The weekend victories by ted cruz, he narrowed the gap. Puerto rico on sunday gave rubio michigan today and also mississippi. Whats interesting about both of them, donald trump should win both by double digits. Michigan president ial primary in the past, his antitrade message, it should play well there. The reagan democrats working. Mississippi, alabama and tennessee he won, bordering states. If these are single digit contests, cruz up, maybe kasich, maybe its a sign what we saw over the weekend that it wasnt a speed bump and antitrump forces are coalescing. These states set the table for a week from today. They do. This is what happens if trump wins florida and ohio a week from today. He builds a huge delegate lead, 300 delegates, not enough time for cruz to catch him and he can probably get this thing. If, of course, trump doesnt win, only wins florida or, in this case, as you can see, its a 200 delegate gap if he wins florida and loses ohio. But if he loses them both. This talk about rubio dropping out, its insane because of the early vote. If rubio dropped out today, it hands it to donald trump because theres all this vote thats already taken place thats gone to rubio. No way ted cruz could win it. Bottom line, if trump wants to get the magic 1,237 delegates before the convention, he has to win florida and ohio . Both. If he wins both, he needs 50 of all remaining delegates. Thats easy because rubio and kasich get out. If he loses, 67 . Not going to happen. Thank you very much. Thank you, chuck. Lets turn to other news. Funeral plans have been announced for former first lady nancy reagan. Shell be laid to rest on friday at her husbands president ial library, where preparations are underway. Natalie is there once again this morning. Good morning. Good morning to you, matt. While fridays funeral will be invite only, members of the public who want to pay their respects to nancy reagan will have that opportunity tomorrow here in repose. Reporter First Lady Michelle Obama will be one of around 1,000 vip guests in attendance. Staff members at the Reagan Library said mrs. Reagan personally approved all the details. The events that are going to unfold in the course of the next three or four days were all approved by mrs. Reagan, including who was invited to where she would be laid to rest. Reporter longtime employees and friends say while they mourn mrs. Reagans passing, theyre comforted by the thought of her being reunited with her ronnie. They had such Great Respect for one another and were fun with each other, laughed and giggled and held hands. They each had a look that they gave one another. Break a leg. No, good luck. Reporter flags at many government buildings around the nation remain at halfstaff this morning. President obama praised Nancy Reagans personal charm and i had the opportunity to meet ms. Reagan once. Obviously, she was already advanced in age, but could not have been more gracious and more charming to myself and michelle when we first came into office. The white house has not yet said whether president obama will be here in attendance joining the first lady at fridays funeral. In terms of security, this is a government facility so it is already staffed 24 7 with guards. But the Reagan Library is also working with local law enforcement, along with, of course, the secret service. Natalie, thank you very much. New report is prompting concern about Pedestrian Safety after a big strike in deaths last year. Pedestrian deaths surged by an estimated 10 in 2015. This is according to a report by the governors Highway Safety association. Researchers say several factors may be to blame, including more drivers on the roadways and the warmer weather and short erwinter erwin ter winters may encourage people to walk more. A plane with an unusual landing. Surveillance cameras captured the moment a single engine plane fell from the sky over the weekend on long island here in new york. A father and daughter were on board the plane was the engine lost power. They deployed the planes parachute and managed to land it safety next to an industrial building. The pair walked away with only scratches. Wow. Emotional goodbye for Peyton Manning on lyly announced his retirement from the nfl. He fought back tears in a room full of family, friends and teammates. He said after 18 years, its the right time to call it a career. When i look back at my nfl career, ill know without a doubt i gave everything i had to help my teams walk away with a win. There were other players who were more talented, but there because of that, i have no regrets. Manning won the league mvp five times. Alltime leader in passing yards and touchdowns. Also the winningest starting quarterback in nfl history. Matt, ill hand you a history. Buckets. I watched yesterday. I was crying. All those moments get me. They do. I know. Ripken running around the stadium at the end of his wow, its just unbelievable. And congratulations to him. So well deserved. Weve got a lot of Severe Weather to talk about. Some amazing video. This fort collins, the hail coming down. There is a near miss between a couple of tractor trailers coming up. Watch this. Loses control and boom, that could have been a real mess. The good news is, the hail is done there. Then we move to texas. Heres where well be seeing the activity today. Heavy lightning. Tornadic activity developing. More going on this morning. Hitch wichita falls, st. Anglo, we have thunderstorm watches this afternoon. We have an enhanced risk of Severe Weather today from houston, Corpus Christi, san antonio. Even if we dont get the tornadoes, we may see a Straight Line of thunderstorms developing. Look at this. By 11 00 tonight, little rock to Corpus Christi could be very, very dangerous. Heavy rain, damaging winds and hail, which continues on into tomorrow. Look at the rainfall amounts. Were talking upwards of 7 to 10 inches of rain. Rain could be falling at the rates of 3 inches or more per hour. Threeday totals of 15 inches possible. Of course, that will cause massive flooding. Were going to be watching this very, very closely. Were going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next a mild start. Around 50 in the city. Upper 40s in the five boroughs. 30s north and west. Chill in the air. Youll need the jackets. By afternoon, inland spots well into the 60s. Patchy clouds to deal with. Also breaks in the cloud cover. Again, as we look at the sevenday forecast, talking about temperatures this afternoon in the mid 50s, well above normal with sun and clouds. Recordsetter, 74 tomorrow. More on thursday. A brief shower in the evening hours. 63 friday. Cooling down over the weekend with showers on sunday. Thats your latest weather. Matt . Al, thank you so much. Awarded 55 million in that lawsuit over a secretly recorded hotel video. How much of the money will she actually see . Fallout over Maria Sharapovas drug use and who is cutting ties with the tennis star overnight. Coming up, does pushing the close button in the elevator actually work . burke at farmers, weve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. Even a stag pool party. party music splashing destruction splashing destruction burke and we covered it, october twentyseventh, 2014. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, we wonerere. And here. And here. Here. And here. Uh, here. Also in here. Back there. Even next to these guys, here. Independent study, verizon Number One Network for the fifth time in a row, here. Theyre the best, remember theres only one, number one. And now well pay up to 650 to switch to the best network. This one right here. Im like a boxer in a ring. A small boxer. You dont expect much. And then, wham i hit em with huge creamy goodness alright round two bring it, girlfriend rich, creamy, 100 natural cheese. Mini babybel. Snack a little bigger. Erin dear freshpet, when i first got max, my main goal was to feed him a quality diet. I decided to give freshpet a try. Dexter theres real chunks of vegetables and chicken in it. Raul and, if the food is in the fridge, you know it has to be fresh. Patrick hes a happy guy eat up, buddy. Youll get it this time. Yeah ok not too quick dont let go until i say so. I got you. Start strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 youre doing it whole grain quaker oats. And off you go. You know. He ran that company. I get it. But you know i think you own too much. Gotta manage your risk. An honest opinion is how edward jones makes sense of investing. Get 30 off every guest every ship in the caribbean but hurry, this offer wont last long come seek the Royal Caribbean book today at 1800royalcaribbean. The roles you play in life are part of what make you, you. And you re not going to let anything keep you sidelined. That s why you drink ensure with nutritious calories, 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. Come on, grandma giving you the strength and energy to get back to doing what you love. From the 1 doctor recommended brand. Plants may have their limits. Imagination. Doesnt. With the right nourishment, patience, care. One day. Have you seen your garden . Itll blossom. Find low prices on the things that make easter fun and delicious. Good morning, everyone. 7. 7 26. 49 degrees. Im darlene rodriguez. A new jersey state trooper struck by an car while investigating an accident has died. Trooper sean cullen was at the scene of the accident on 295 near camden last night when a passing vehicle hit him. A 22yearold woman was driving that car. She remained on the scene and is cooperating with police. Take a look at the commute. Heres emily west. Thanks. New Jersey Transit, 15minute delaystude a disabled train. Also with the subways, the b, c, b, and l, expect delays, and Service Changes this morning. Also the roads, Tappan Zee Bridge southbound, accident in the left lane, delays in new jersey, garden state parkway 1 and 9 northbound and dlans y elancy. The cross island southbound at the hempstead turnpike, blocked line there. Clouds this morning. Relatively mild, 40s in central new jersey. 43. The coast, upper 40s. Northwest jersey, 32, 34 in poughkeepsie. In the city, mild, 49. Another mild day with a fair amount of clout clouds throughout. It will feel more like may by tomorrow into thursday. Talking recordsetting highs possible. Then a cooler trend by the weekend. I use the word cooler, not colder, because theres no sign of cold air or anything that feels like winter heading our way. Heres the sevenday forecast. Mid 60s today, 70s tomorrow. That could be a record setter, 73 on thursday, upper 50s to near 60 and showers by the weekend. Thank you. Coming up on the today show, a visit to the Eastern European town where Donald Trumps wife was born and 7 30 now on a tuesday morning. Its the 8th day of march, 2016. Tminus six days and counting to a huge concert out on our plaza. You saw coldplay at the super bowl. Nextmonthold monday, theyll do their thing on our concert stage. A commuter h train struck a tree that fell on the track. Two cars derailed and one ended up in a creek. Feels unreal, honestly, because i everything was normal. Thank god i didnt sleep or anything on the train so i was aware of everything. It just shifted the gravity all of a sudden, and we were all panicking. At least nine passengers were injured, four seriously. Another pivotal day in the republican race. Michigan, Hillary Clinton and donald trump are leading in the polls. Donald trump is facing criticism for asking supporters to raise their hands in rallies and pledge their allegiance to him. We talked to mr. Trump about that earlier this morning. If its offensive or if anything is wrong with it, i wouldnt do it. When i say raise their hands, everything is raising their hands. They scream to me, we want to dont. He promised hed look into it and if people are to offended hell consider not doing it in the future. Sports reporter erin andrews is speaking out after being awarded 55 million in her lawsuit against her convicted stalker and the hotel where he secretly recorded video of her. Morgan radford has been covering this case from the start. Good morning. Good morning, matt. The defense says theyre still unclear whether or not theyre going to appeal. Meanwhile, andrews is thanking her supporters, especially those who she says are also victims. Reporter erin andrews cried quietly as she listened to the verdict. 55 million, correct . Yes. Reporter one injury your said off camera she thought the 75 million was too high, but all the jurors thought she deserved something. The defense team said they were surprised and disappointed. In their opinion, andrews didnt meet the legal requirements for serious mental injury. Her career skyrocketed. All the bench marks that would indicate whether someone had a serious mental injury, from our perspective, did not exist. Reporter andrews attorneys speaking out after the ruling. Andrews showed phenomenal courage in standing up to the security and privacy. She is a true american hero, and i think we all know it and love her for it. Reporter later, she tweeted she was grateful that she could hold accountable those whose job it is to protect everyones safety, security and privacy. In a statement to the national tennesseean, the owners of the hotel said, we are committed to providing a safe and hospital environment for all our guests and employees. On the stand, andrews got emotional a number of times as she retold her story. I was just screaming that i was naked all over the internet reporter a juror said andrews emotional testimony was key in deciding the case. The jury unanimously decided that michael barrett, who took the video and spent 30 months in prison, must pay over 51 and the hotel must pay 49 or 26. 75 million. Andrews cried and appeared to sign an autograph for one juror. Do you think celebrity played a role in this . I hope not. I hope the jury listened to the proof and wouldnt treat a celebrity differently. Its unlikely andrews will see the full amount of money, especially since it was made clear during the trial that barrett doesnt have much to tribute. For the hotel, if they do choose to go forward with the appeals process, andrews wont see any money until the appeals process is over. Matt . Morgan, thank you very much. Major sponsors are cutting ties with tennis superstar maria failed a drug test at the Australian Open this year. Willie has this story. During mondays news conference, the 28yearold took full responsibility for the failed test, saying she didnt know medication shes been taking for years recently had been added to the banned substance list. I made a huge mistake. Reporter tennis star Maria Sharapova stunning the sports world. I just failed a test, and i take full responsibility for it. Reporter testing positive for meldonium, a drug used to treat heart trouble. Sharapova admitting shes been taking it for ten years. I was getting sick very often. I had a deficiency in magnesium. Reporter this year on january 1st, the World Antidoping Agency added the drug to the banned substance list, citing evidence its used by athletes intending to enhance performance. Sharapova said she didnt see the updated lists, taking the link for not looking at the changes. I cant blame anyone but myself. Reporter shes earned 23 million last year just from endorsements. It must be really lightweight and stable. Reporter overnight, a spokesman for nike telling cnbc, the company is saddened and surprised by the news saying, quote, we decided to suspend our relationship with maria while the investigation continues. Well monitor the situation. The International Tennis Federation Said shell be suspended pending the result of the case. Many are offering support. One tweeted, hope this gets cleared up, as it seems to be an honest mistake. Now, after a series of injuries and stuck in the midst of controversial, sharapova is trying to look ahead. I dont want to end my career this way, and i really hope that i will be given another chance the medication sharapova was taking is not approved by the fda. The National Institutes of health say the drug can demonstrate an increase in endurance and improved recovery after exercise. Meanwhile, overnight, two more sponsors have announced they are suspending their relationships with Maria Sharapova. Shes been taking this drug for ten years. She had an irregular ekg, history of diabetes in her family and needed the drug. She didnt know it had been added to the list. It was recently added. This year. Hard to know how itll play out, but isnt it refreshing to hear an athlete stand up there and take full responsibility . Saying, it is my mistake and no one else . It sounds like an honest mistake. I hope she doesnt suffer too badly for it. Lets get a check of the weather from al. Brought to you by ihop ihop. Come together over breakfast. We might have a chance to put weather away for good. High pressure dominating, the return flow bringing up warm air from the gulf. 65 in new york city. Nashville, 76. Jackson, 68. The next several days, thursday, the big day, 76 in new york city. 79 in d. C. 73, since natalie cincinnati. Further south, 87 in orlando on thursday. Auburn, 79. Look for 75 in memphis. Theres cool air behind it. Even with cool air, look at that, fargo, 65 on friday. 63, ohm ma maha omaha. Chicago, 52 on friday. Looking good. Thats whats going on looking good temperaturewise here today. 66 the expected high. A fair amount of clouds around. Breaks of sun at times. As we head into tonight, partly low again about 50 in the city. 40s in the suburbs. I dont think we see as many 30s as we saw this morning. Tomorrow, we get into the really warm stuff. 74 the expected high. That could break the record of 69. 73 on thursday with clouds, maybe a sprinkle later. Friday in the low 60s. Cooling down over the weekend witha again, off again showers. Better chance on monday. Thats your latest weather. Savannah . Al, thank you. Coming up, police under fire for this wild chase. Were officers wrong to pursue a suspect driving with the hood of the car blocking his view . The woman behind the candidate. A look inside melanias life before donald trump. Right after. You guys finish the reports and ill get the promo materials. Questions . I got a question, wheres my omelet coming right up, mr. Tinsley um. Whos he . Until our startup gets on its feet, money is a little bit tight. So i opened an online bed and breakfast. Theres supposed to be muffins these are scones ok, mr. Tinsley. Or we can just use fedex ground shipping. Theyre fast and can save us money. Yeah. Lets do that. Also im gonna need more towels. Things are related. Fast, affordable fedex ground shipping. This is a body of proof. Proof of less joint pain. And clearer skin. This is my body of proof that i can fight Psoriatic Arthritis. With humira. 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She dreamt about being a model all the time. Reporter her father was a salesman. Her mom worked in fashion. This is melania, age 7, on the catwalk. Later, she was spotted by a photographer. I saw her beautiful eyes and the cheekbones. Melanias first photoshoot in this studio. His favorite photo of her. She said what happened next. I had successful modeling career. Reporter she moved to new york, meeting donald trump at a party. She liked his sparkle, marrying trump more than 20 years her senior. Later appearing on celebrity apprentice. Like to add another 20,000 to the winning team. Reporter now a candidates wife. She said from the beginning. You know if you run, you know youre going to win. She said that from day one. Melania, thank you, honey. Thank you. Now on the world stage, melania has had an incredible journey. Friends from back home, admiring her progress from a world away. In public, shes very calm, very graceful, nice. Its good. It looks like shes happy. Keir simmons, nbc news, london. Fascinating. Weve seen a lot of her but dont really know a lot about fun to go back to the town where she grew up. First unborn american first lady probably not. I will be doing my homework on that in the next 30 seconds. Let us google that. Well be back. Coming up on pop start, Kim Kardashian against midler. And the fan who made the save of a year at the baseball game, early in the season. First, these messages. One inventor is benjamin franklin. Leonardo da vinci. Thomas edison. Alexander bell graham. Hmmm. No. Thats kinda a tough one. Hmm. Umm. In school it was always a male inventor. To know that there were woman before me. It gives me like motivation that i can invent something and make maybe like a change in the world and that would be really cool. You can help prevent blindness in undernourished children all over the world. When you get your vitamins at walgreens, you help give lifechanging vitamins to kids across the globe. Get vitamins here. 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We asked a group of young people when they thought they should then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. This gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us arent prepared for retirement. Just start as early as you can. Its going to pay off in the future. If we all start saving a little more today, well all be better prepared tomorrow. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Were back at 7 50. We have a quickthinking baseball fan in the headlines. The pirates took on the braves in a spring training game over the weekend. Pirates outfielder danny ortiz was at the plate, lost control of the bat and flew into the fans. One heroic dad sprung into action. Sean cunningham was shielding his son from the bat. Cunningham deflected the bat. Sent it just over landons head. Only made contact with his shoulder. Hes okay. Few minor bruises. No problem. Father and son are fine. Dad wrote this, i was just protecting my son. There wasnt a lot of time to think about it. I just reacted. They were celebrating landons upcoming birthday. It was his first professional baseball game and one he wont forget. Well speak to them live, see how theyre doing since their newfound fame. Last year, at a yankee game, i used my son jackson from a shield to protect me from the foul ball. Those bats are no joke. By the way, i want to point a lot of people said, the kid might have been playing a videogame. He took a picture of danny ortiz, the batter, and was sending it to his mom. Why does it matter what he was doing . Good ending. Poor kid. Carson, thank you. Just ahead, top chef Padma Lakshmi opens up about the battles does the smell of a freshly bound presentation fill you with optimism . Do you love your wireless keyboard more than certain family members . Is your success due to a filing system only you understand . Does printing from your tablet to your wireless printer give you a jolt of confidence . If so, you may be gearcentric. Someone who knows that the right office gear helps you do great things. And theres one place that has it all. Office depot officemax. Gear up for great. Introducing the fusion of Exceptional Taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. With the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. Delicious and good for you. New activia fruit fusion. To the couple wondering what a good deal looks like. No. Seriously . Well give it a 6 for composition. Scary. Wow, what about just putting a fair, no haggle price on the window . Not zany enough . Sometimes the best deals are pretty plain to see. Announcement this storm promises to be the biggest of the decade. With total accumulation down indefinitely. And schools are closed. Campbells soups go great with a cold and a nice red. Made for real, real life. Plants may have their limits. Imagination. Doesnt. With the right nourishment, patience, care. One day. Have you seen your garden . Itll blossom. Find low prices on the things that make easter fun and delicious. Walmart eat up, buddy. Youll get it this time. Yeah ok not too quick dont let go until i say so. I got you. Start strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 youre doing it whole grain quaker oats. And off you go. [burke] at farmers, weve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. [turkey] gobble. [butcher] im sorry burke covered march fourth,2014. Talk to farmers. Weve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum nothing will keep you from magnum double caramel. Silky vanilla bean ice cream rich caramel sauce all covered in thick chocolate. Discover magnum, 49 degrees, tuesday morning, march 8th. Im darlene rodriguez. Police investigating a hit and run accident in the bronx that left a woman critically injured. Surveillance video shows the 47yearold victim slowly crossing williams bridge road in alert continue to last night. She may have been using a walker. The woman gets about midway across the street when shes hit. Police didnt give a description of the car, but it appears to be a vintage white cadillac. Police in Rockland County searching for a missing 10yearold girl. Kelly riverapillco seen yesterday in spring valley, but she never boarded a bus and never showed up for school. Heres emily with the commute. Thanks. New Jersey Transit 15minute delays due to disabled bus. Delay Service Changes on the c, d, and l lines. L. I. E. Westbound around Maurice Hudson river crossings, half hour at the george, 50 at the lincoln. 30 at the holland. Route 109 at delancy, a crash eastbound at 15 east. Darlene . Thank you. Checking weather, cloudy, sun, mild. 66 the high. Tonight, partly cloudy, 50 degrees. Tomorrow, mostly sunny, we could reach a new record high of 74. Thursday, same, warm, 73. Coming up on the today show, helen mirren and will arnett talk about their latest project. Its 8 00 on today. Coming up, major fertility break through. The first woman in the nation to receive a uterus transplant. I prayed that god would allow me the opportunity to experience pregnancy. Could the revolutionary procedure give hope to thousands of women who were told they oh, yeah, yeah then dishing with padma. Top chef Padma Lakshmi opens up about fame, family and food. Wedding bells will be ringing. Hello, lovebirds. Were getting ready to throw a big, fat today wedding. The only question, who is getting married . Help us select the lucky couple today, tuesday, march 8th, 2016. Good to be alive right about now good to be alive right about now good morning, ann arbor. Were playing at Carnegie Hall tonight. Hello, North Carolina good morning from South Carolina. Al roker, we came to see you. All the way from minnesota to uhhuh, good to be alive good morning, everybody. Welcome back to today. Its tuesday, march 8th, 2016. Election day in many states across the country. Is this a rolling spring break crowd . Feels like it to me. Can we spin around, being very afraid, there are lots of signs calling for al for president. [ applause ] run. Thats whats called a sure sign of the apocalypse. Guys, we are enjoying our last few days with our buddy wrangler before he heads off for formal guide dog training. Were planning a big party this thursday to celebrate. There is a way you can help. Well tell you how in a little bit. First, lets go inside to tamron for the top stories this morning. Good morning. Terrified train passengers found themselves in the water after a commuter train derailed at least nine people were hurt, four of them seriously, when a train hit a downed tree 45 miles east of san francisco. The lead car plunged into a creek, while another car stopped at the waters edge. Officials believe heavy rain caused a landslide, pushing the tree on to the tracks. In the race for the white house, both parties have important primaries today in michigan and mississippi. Republicans also have contests in hawaii and idaho. Our new nbc news surveymonkey poll shows donald trump maintaining his lead nationally, with ted cruz moving into second place ahead of marco rubio. Former new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg decided not to launch an independent campaign, saying he couldnt get enough Electoral College votes to win. Donald trump is defending his practice of having supporters at rallies raise their right hand and pledge to vote for him. Critics including a former head the loyalty gesture resembles a nazi salute. Earlier today, trump said he didnt realize it was offending anyone. Well do it for fun. Theyll scream at me, do the swear in. Do the swear in. I mean, theyre having such a great time. Massive crowds. I get the biggest crowds and were having a good time. Until this phone call, i didnt know it was a problem. Trump told matt hell into possibly ending the practice now that he knows some people are offended. Police in South Carolina are defending their decision to pursue a shoplifting suspect who led them on a wild chase on monday. The hood of the stolen suv was up and blocking his view. Officials say the man swiped merchandise from a videogame store, then assaulted a customer who confronted him. The man had to be stopped because he was driving with no regard for safety. Add insult to injury for a after he was hurt, look at this, trainers loaded the midfielder on to the stretcher. Opinion seconds, the grip oh of the rear handle, spilling him to the ground. A teammate carried his buddy off in his arms. Oh, man. Thats awesome. At least his friends were there. What . I got it. I got it. Like the three stooges. Thanks, tamron. Now to a revolutionary procedure thats offering a lot of hope to thousands of women who cant have children. This morning, were meeting the nations first uterus transplant recipient. Janet sham lee anne e shamlian is at the Cleveland Clinic where the procedure took place. This was performed for the first time in United States. Its an organ transplant of the womb. Getting pregnant because of a uterinerelated issue, doctors say this is a game changer. Reporter the nations first uterus transplant to a 26yearold texas woman who was told shed never bear children. From that moment on, i prayed that god would allow me the opportunity to experience pregnancy. Reporter now, for the women diefd identified only as lindsey, a real chance following groundbreaking surgery at the Cleveland Clinic. A womb of a deceased donor implanted into lindsey, who was born without one. Doctors will implant her embryos into the donor organ. Unlike other organs, the uterine transplant is temporary. The patient can have one to two babies by csection and then the uterus will be removed. As many as 50,000 u. S. Women of childbearing age could benefit from the procedure. The Clinical Trial offering new adopting or using a surrogate. What motivates women with uterine infertility to pursue other options is the experience of carrying the pregnancy. Feeling the baby grow and develop and of getting to be there for the babys birth. Reporter the procedure was pie oneered in sweden. This baby among five born there from uterine transplant. Lindsey is the first of ten in the u. S. Who will get the transplant. Theres a long road ahead. What would make it a picture perfect ending . The baby. Reporter the mother is dreaming of being pregnant, expanding her family. Now, thanks to this procedure, a possibility. It provided me with a gift that i will never be able to repay. Lindsey is part of a Clinical Trial and Cleveland Clinic is looking for more women to be part of it. Savannah, whats interesting about this, is unlike most organ transplants, its just temporary. Babies, then the uterus is removed because the woman has to take very strong drugs while she has it in her body. Back to you. Janet, thank you. This is amazing. For more on what it could mean for women facing infertile ity issues, lets bring in dr. Natalie azar. Good morning. Good morning. You have to marvel at the science that allows doctors to do this. But it clearly is not for everybody. This is just for those who i mean, if you had had, for example, a hysterectomy because of a cancer diagnosis or Something Like that . Right. Potentially for them . Only women who have uterine factor infertility. Theyre either born without a uterus, they have a damaged uterus, secondary to abnormalities from previous infections or add heengs hesionadhesions, or theyve had their uterus removed. It can affect 3 to 5 of women worldwide. This is a long road. Yes. As we saw in janets piece. Honestly, from start to initial procedure starts with doing ibf. You have to have six toembryos, have a suitable donor, have the trant splant. It has to heal for one year before the embryos are implanted. Hopefully, the baby nine months later. Its important to point out that the researchers are stopping short of calling this a grand success. They say the success is not measured by necessarily having performed the transplant. It will be a success once the woman goes through the process, healthy without complications and, of course, a healthy baby is born at the end of it all. Then we can say that it was a success. By the way, to janets point, they then remove the transplanted uterus. Absolutely. For most women, theyll probably have one to two pregnancies and then remove the uterus because of the fact that the woman has to take the antirejection medicines which, of course, long complicated like infection or ma lig malignanacy. While your friend who always posts pictures of food has it right. And Kim Kardashian and bette midler and what sparks it all. Plus, a big, fat today the roles you play in life are part of what make you, you. And you re not going to let anything keep you sidelined. That s why you drink ensure with nutritious calories, 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. Come on, grandma giving you the strength and energy to get back to doing what you love. From the 1 doctor recommended brand. Ensure. Always stay you. For every family that lives star wars. This is the place where star wars lives. Where a galaxy far, far away is closer than ever before. Come join us. Now at Walt Disney World resort. Im phil mickelson, pro golfer. My Psoriatic Arthritis caused joint pain. Just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. And i was worried about joint damage. My doctor saidr joint pain from ra can be a sign of existingt joint damage that could only get worse. He prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorde and allergic reactions have occurred. Tell your doctor if youve been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. Dont start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Joint pain and damage. Rheumatologistprescribed biologic. Come on duck puppy barks you can do it duck. Hurry up duck you can do it duck. Iams. Helps keep your dog healthy at every stage. Forward to whats next. Its 8. 12, good time to start trending. How many people as this happened to . You get in a elevator, youre in a hurry and the door doesnt close so you hit the button. You do hit the button. I cant find which button. You push the button, like that one there, and a lot of people say, it doesnt do anything. They think its a placebo, that the button isnt actually connected to anything. Ive always suspected that. Really . Like a fake button, yeah. I think you have a window for it to work. Its not a placebo, its a short. The thing just doesnt work. They didnt want it to close on anybody. Tech insider checked with elevator companies. Yeah, they say, the buttons are functional and do work. Button, what is the fastest way to get the door to close . Close . If you forget the button, how else can you get the door to close . I dont know. Wave your hand in front of it and itll close. If you go into an empty elevator, get inside and then do this, it tends to close faster. Do it when its not about to close. Do it when carson is not walking . Okay. Weve heard of the bromance. Jimmy and justin. Ben and matt. Cute. Carson and wrangler will turn up in this. There we are. Theyre good and they also are good for your health. Male friendships proven by science specifically, researchers at uc berkeley found close male bonding makes men increases levels of oxytocin in the brain. That hormone helps people bond during stressful times. Completely agree. Remember when we went fishing, you, me and willie and the guys went fishing, what a bromance. Stress free. That was actually dangerous. We only caught beer. Raise your hand if you like to post photos of food online. Really . You all do it. Some people find it annoying, but according to a new study, it provides at least one benefit. It seems to make your food taste better. Study in the journal of consumer marketing. Some participants were given red velvet cake. Those who photographed the treat perceived it to taste better than those who did not. The thinking is, by photographing your food, youre interacting with it. Building a relationship. Yeah. Thats right. Building up anticipation for what youre about to eat. Smart. Ill do it when im proud. I posted a steak yesterday. I wasnt sure how to tell the doneness and my Meat Thermometer broke. Thats popcorn. I post constantly. Steak to get feedback . Yeah because i was you were looking for information on how to tell if it was done . Eat it. Its a cooking community, you know . Now youre losing me, okay . Community. Its like the bromance. Like a food bromance. Now to the new celebrity feud waged on twitter and the late star whose personal items are about to hit the auction block. Carson . Well start, yup, twitter war between Kim Kardashian and bette midler. This nude selfie kim posted, joking she had nothing to wear. Us to see a part of her weve never seen, shell have to swallow the camera. No response until this tweet overnight. Sorry im late to the party. I was busy cashing my 80 million video game check and transferring 53 million into our account. Bette midler, i really didnt want to bring up how you sent me a gift a while back trying to be a fake friend then come at me. People are joking kim is letting kanye write her tweets. Seems to be going well, that relationship. Next to joan rivers and the news about her estate, personal items belonging to the star will be auctioned off in june. Melissa announcing theyll sell more than 200 items, including jules, bob mackie costumes, artworks and more. Itll go to two of joans favorite charities, one is guide dogs for the blind. The auction. Can you imagine what shed have to say about this president ial campaign . She would have had a field day. Finally, Sarah Paulson playing marsha clark. On todays episode of ellen, sarah talks about meeting marsha. It was like seeing someone id idolized or had a crush on my whole life. She walked into the restaurant and i started going, ah she looked around like this was a terrifying experience for her. I drank a lot of tequila with her. Must have been fun. It was like the mole kept moving all over her face in my mind. Is that you . Oh, now its on your forehead. Sarah admitted she had a lot of tequila. Thats your pop start, guys. Move the mole, thats a lot of tequila. Thank you. Al . Im a good surgeon. Frankenstein. Anyway sorry, for those of us of a certain age, and guys. Were looking at a risk of Severe Weather from Corpus Christi up to san antonio, austin and houston. Hail likely. A squall line may develop and heavy rain. Next three days, some areas could pick up to 15 inches of rain. We are going to be looking at flooding possible from little rock all the way down to the gulf. Weve also got more rain in the pacific northwest. Good news, california getting a break. We still see heavy rain up to northern california, upwards of 7 inches plus over the next severa al, thanks very much. Temperatures upper 40s to low 50s. In the park its 50. Still a few upper 30s to the north and west, but clouds breaking up for sunshine. Afternoon, high of 66 degrees. Cooler along the south bays and shorelines. A record setting 74 tomorrow with sunshine, clouds roll in thursday, still warm at 73. Maybe a brief shower. 50s, near 60s over the weekend with a few showers. Thats your latest weather. Savannah . Al, thank you. Now, a time for a little love. Were going to throw a big, fat today wedding with our Sister Company universal. We narrowed the list down to three couples and well let you choose the winning pair. How are you going to decide . Hoda is here to help. Ill help you out. It all starts with a first date, of course. In my case, it was three first dates. All the viewers get to know our couples. It was awkward being the third wheel. But you be the judge. I like everything about her. Hes one in a billion, and hes the only one for me. She has an Infectious Energy took my breath away. Reporter i invite our wedding finalists to the big apple for alone time with each other and, um, me. Hi. Reporter first, a rendezvous with john and kaitlin. Family is a big part of our lives. My mom is 1 of 8 children. My dad is 1 of 8. My dad is 1 of 9. First time to new york city . Yeah. The plan . Reporter put each couple through a romantic new york challenge. Were going to try to reenact an iconic photo. Heres the picture. Oh, cute remember that . My arm should be here. Your hips a little up. One more thing. If it blows off, dont sweat it. Go okay, are you kidding . Perfect. Another victory. What do you love the most about kaitlin . Her heart. She changes everybodys day for the better. Youre a magical couple. It was so fun. Good luck, all right . I love you more than anything in the universe. Will you marry me . Oh, my gosh. Shes a prek teacher and i work with special needs individuals. I really like how our ability to care for other people brought us together. Hey. David and lara. Hi. Reporter theyre foodies and i bring them to one of new yorks sweetest spots, magnolia bakery. Shes the queen of decorating. Nice to meet you. Ever touch a pastry bag before . Actually, no. Reporter after a lesson, we cake, to see how they collaborate under pressure. Go doing a letter. Flowers, pink, right . Yeah. How do you do it again . Make a heart while you do that. Two minutes left suspense. Might have overdone it with the sprinkles. I like it. Somebody is driving the bus and her name is lara. She always does. Reporter lara and david design a masterpiece. Am i feeding you . One thing i love to do is share my love to her with everybody. If i can show everybody how much i love her, what better way than to do it on the today show . Reporter before it gets too steamy, hoda out. A man wants to be with a woman who reminds him of his mother and i never met anyone who came close. Megan weaver, will you cary me marry me . Yes. My mom passed away but always megan reminded me of all of that. Hello, lovebirds. Reporter nothing more romantic than a new york horse and buggy ride for three. Lets rock and roll. Yeah. Bye this is one of the nicest uber rides. Reporter before we get too cozy, its time for the final lovers challenge. John, give me a song. I respond to every single love got me open on your love wanna give you so much there you go. Oh, my gosh. That was awesome. This is not a oneway street. Twoway street. Sing it with me. Fantasy, baby give my something what should we sing together . Love and marriage love and marriage when did you fall in love . But and that sounds creepy. I just knew she was the one. When did you fall in love . When i got the butterfully ly feelings and realized it was always him causing it. That was it. That was it. I fell for all three couples. The question is, who will you get to meet live on thursday . Theyre all sweet, right . Yeah. All the couples. If we throw a wedding for the last couple, are you going to stand between them as they take their vows . My job is to be the body blocker. Maybe you can marry them. Youre ordained, arent you . I officiated a wedding in minnesota. There you go. Can you do it in other states . We can make it happen. We can go online and get you anything. We cant wait to throw these people a beautiful wedding at the rainbow room and we need your help planning the big day. First task, picking your favorite couple. This is going to be hard. Lets run through it again. Couple two, megan and john from los angeles. Thats who you went on the horse ride with. Couple three, lara and david from new york city. If you want to cast your vote, go to today. Com weddings. You have until friday at 8 30 a. M. Eastern time. Our couples will be here live to find out who will be getting married here on today. Cool. So sweet. Vote more than once . Lets go over to carson. Will and padma. The party after your live, this is news 4 new york now. Good morning, everyone, 8 26. 50 degrees out. Its a tuesday morning, 8th day of march, im darlene rodriguez. New talks are expected today aimed at preventing transit workers from going on strike sunday. Workers union resumed talks, but theres been absolutely no movement on key issues. Meanwhile, governor Chris Christie says hes keeping an eye on the negotiations. Plus, the looming strike will not keep him from going on vacation with his wife today. They are celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. Heres a look at the morning commute. Still 15minute delays, new Jersey Transit, thats due to a disabled train. The subway still have delays Service Changes on the b, d, and roads, cross bronx eastbound, another one westbound, half hour at the 50 at the lincoln, 30 at the holland and l. I. E. Truck to trailer off to the side. Thanks so much. Lets check the weather. Cloudy, some sun, mild, 66 is the high tonight partly cloudy, 50 degrees. Tomorrow mostly sunny. We could see 74. Thursday staying warm, 73. Coming up on the today show, tina fey stops by to talk about her latest movie whisky tango foxtrot. Hey, have you heard . Heard what . Before School Starts in september, all kids going into 7th and 12th grade have to get the meningococcal vaccine. It protects against diseases like meningitis. That can be serious, even deadly. Yeah, thats why they cant start School Without it. Something to share . giggling actually, yes talk to your Health Care Provider. Even kids whove had one shot 8 30 now on a tuesday morning. You know what . New york city, beautiful temperatures, nice people in the crowd. Tamron running for office. Shes catching babies. This baby is adorable. This little baby is a cutiepie. Really cute. Well talk to Padma Lakshmi about her memoir. Look at her. There are laws. I know. Her parents are like, dont take her. I dont know how to hand her back. I know receiving is easy. You can take the baby. Ill help you out, tamron. Also coming up, we have acting royalty in the house. Helen mirren is here. Her latest role is a military thriller. Well get to her in a minute. Also completing our trifecta of big stars and babies today will arnett. Hes no baby. Thats a man, telling us about his netflix show. First, al, youve done it all this morning. Like a seinfeld, now know how to take the reservation, you cant keep the reservation. Right now for today, weve got an enhanced risk of strong storms in southern texas, development of long storms. Watching this. Well keep an eye on that. Heavy rain in the pacific northwest. East coast, lots of sunshine. Warmer than usual temperatures. Tomorrow, the temperatures, bam, record highs along the eastern seaboard. Look for a risk of strong storms through the lower gulf coast. Showers and snow into the pacific northwest. East coast is going to be the place to be for tomorrow. Thats whats going on around the country. Al, thanks very much. Even 50 degrees in the park right now. 40s in the suburbs, as well. Headlines, mild day, clouds mixing with sunshine, feels like may, though, for tomorrow and thursday. Were talking 70s and a cooler trend by the weekend. Heres your seven day forecast. Tomorrow, 73, clouds on thursday, sprinkle or two late. 60s on friday. Upper 60s, low 50s. That is your latest weather. Mr. Daly . Announcer good luck wrangler is sponsored by iams. Good for life. All right, guys, its hard to believe but its been over a year since weve rolled out the red carpet for our puppy with a purpose, wrangler. This thursday, hell be going to the next step of his formal guide dog training. You can see the pictures there. Weve had great moments. Look at some of wranglers style. In honor of his few days, were asking you to use the we love wrangler. Send us a picture of your pet. For every one shared, well collect food and iams will donate to guiding eyes for the blind. Including up to 30,000 of your posts. Already in addition to 25,000 guide eyes. Im going to tweet out my we love wrangler picture. Thursday, well have our big party for our buddy wrangler. Matt . Carson, thank you very much. Were here with Padma Lakshmi. People know her on bravos top chef, but its only one chapter of her life. She opens up in her memoir called love, loss and what we ate. Good to have you here. Good morning. Its revealing, honest i read the whole book romantic, mouth watering all at once. This took a long time. It took over four years to write. I didnt start out writing a memoir memoir. It was a book about Healthy Eating, with the idea of being very frank and using the details of my own life to illustrate philosophies i had about food. It turned into this. Lets take the words of the title separately and start with love. You write a lot about Salman Rushdie and your relationship he swept you off your feet with his words and his intellect. The relationship soured pretty quickly. I wouldnt say pretty quickly. I was with salman for eight years. At the time, thats half my adult life, you know. It was a wonderful relationship. Like any marriage, it had its ups and downs. I think also, we were dealing with another issue, which i had no idea about at the time, which was endometriosis. You write, he was everything i wasnt. He was a lot of what i wanted to be. But you sum it up at the end by saying, i dont regret one day i spent with him, nor did i leave a moment too soon. I do say that. I mean, at the time, i really needed to take care of my health. I couldnt take care of my health and get well and also take care of my marriage. I did the best i could. By the way, i think salman did the best he could. There was a lot of love there. You mentioned health problems. For a long period in your life, you knew something was wrong with you, and you finally found out, as you mention, endometriosis. It impacted your life enormous enormously. From the time i was 13 till the time i was diagnosed, i missed 25 of my life. Im sitting here, and ive lost six years of my life, basically, to this illness. I think many, many women go through this. Endometriosis is something that affects at least 10 to 15 of all women. A lot of women have it. Lena dunham was just rushed to the hospital with it. In constant pain for a long time. Its very debilitating. It starts in adolescence, which is a tender time, and no one wants to talk about it. You didnt think you could 2009, which was wonderful, but you wrote, the press wouldnt stop harping on the fact i hadnt reveal td ed the name of the father of the child. You said you didnt know the paternity yourself. You were involved with two men. Yes, i was. Probably wasnt the best choice, but it was the choice i made at the time. I didnt want to be in a serious relationship. I was still really hurting from my divorce. I probably shouldnt have been with anybody and taken the time i needed for myself, but i was presented with two very different, very interesting men. You know, men do it all the time. I chose to do it. I was open with the men involved. Im going to own my history. Thats what i did. One of the things i learned, ive known you for a long time from this show, i look at you and think, how could she be anything but incredibly confident . You write a lot in this book about insecurity. Yeah. Not feeling as if you fit in here in the United States, and even when you married Salman Rushdie, you werent really sure you fit in with his intellectual group. Sure. I always was shuttling back and forth between two cultures. I think thats true of many immigrants in this country. The book for me is really about an immigrants story. Its talking about my story in that land. Also, when youre brown in a white culture, that adds a layer to it. Especially when youre in front of a camera, when youre a woman right. And when youre in the fashion business. You write so descriptively about life where you were growing up. You use words that make you feel the heat, and you can almost smell whats going on around. You also write incredibly descriptively about food. There are sometimes when youre telling a personal story and you switch into a recipe and i think think think, man, that sounds good. Ive done my job. Its also a food memoir. I grew up love g ing fischer and other writers like that. I wanted to write a book about my life and food is about my life. Its about climbing my mothers kitchen to get the pickle jar. Or trying to steal the candy when i wasnt supposed to have it. I think we all have these memories. The book, again, is love, loss and what we ate. I really enjoyed it. Thank you. Padma, great to have you here. I m so excited to be here. Its a pleasure. Shell be back in our next hour. Also, catch her thursday night on the twopart Season Finale of top chef on bravo. Up next, the legendary helen mirren lights up studio 1a. Oscar, emmy and tony winner helen mirren has graced the screen more than five decades. In eye in the sky, she plays a military colonel in charge of a drone operation to capture terrorists. With lives at stake, she faces agonizing decisions. Two suicide bombers and three high value individuals in the house. You want them off your list, but the rules youre operating under is to capture, not a kill scenario. Now, i think it would be wise to refer out. Are you telling me that or just debating with me . To refer up. Mmhmm. I am telling you. Helen mirren, good morning. Good morning. You dont like watching yourself . Oh, no, no, no. Also, camouflage is not the most attractive outfit, but theyre comfortable to wear so thats fan i find it interesting because this is about drone warfare. Absolutely. Its about a critical decision that you have to make as a colonel and whether to order a strike that would have civilian casualties. Theres gray area all over this movie. As there is in war. Ambiguity. There always is in war. No matter what weapons are used, there is always gray areas. Right from when they were charging into villages with sabers and horses. You know, the truth is, war is never the nice, cleancut, clear, these are the good guys, these are the bad guys and, you know, we just do what the job is, sort of thing. Its always full of moral ambiguity, and thats very much what this film is about. You know, its interesting that suddenly, in the last week even, the whole issue of really what drone warfare is has suddenly the realization. It still brings in all the varying points of view. As i said, you play a colonel. This role was originally written for a man. It was. It was. You know, i have such love and respect for those women who went into the military in the 60s, and their incredible courage. It was difficult in those days. But they did do that, and because of that, i get to play this role now. Did you do anything differently . I mean, did that change the part . The fact that you are a woman. Or did you just say, im going to play it as written, and the fact im a woman is neither here nor there. Absolutely, i played it as written. But i think the fact that im a woman brings into relief, in a more concentrated way for the audience, this particular kind of moral, you know, decision, which is around a child, basically. I think having a woman there and i think it really concentrates the mind in the sense of these decisions have to they have to be made. Maybe were going to be facing a female president in this country who will have to make those similar decisions. Interesting film. You always have a lot to say. I recently read an article in which you said that talking about style in a perfect world, i would wear an 18th century costume all the time, big skirts and huge wigs and everything. I think its marvelous. But really . What about sweat pants . Well, we have the sweatpants at home, of course. Talking about public, you know. You talked a lot about the loss of privacy in our modern era, with the internet and all those kinds of issues. Do you ever think, gosh, what would it have been like if social media was here when i was coming up . Really. But maybe thats part of my age. The reality is, the young people that is their world, in the same way it was my world to, you know, switch a light on and the electricity, and the light came on. My grandparents world, it was not their world. They didnt have a light switch. So i took that completely for granted. The fact that the Drinking Water would come out of the tap, which it doesnt in flint and thats one of the greatest disgraces of our modern age, but we take things for granted in the way that young people do. That is their world. Theyll swim in it like fish and find their way of translating it into the world around them. Always interesting questions to ponder. This movie pondering deep questions, as well. Dame helen mirren, thank you for being here. Eye in the sky yts opens on friday. Will arnett is here, with a first, this is today on nbc. My School Reunions coming fast. Could be bad. Could be a blast. Cant find a single thing to wear. Will they be looking at my hair . Wont be the same when its go, go to choicehotels. Com. The site with the right room, rewards and savings up to 20 when you book direct. Book now at choicehotels. Com i always heard fios was a lot faster. But i thought itd be a hassle to switch. Turns out it wasnt. They showed up when i asked and they set up wifi on my laptop and my tablet and stuff. Its true. It is better. Im here to mow the lawn. Its february, curtis. Maybe i should change some other things around here. Switching is easy with our switchers guarantee. Well arrive when promised and set up your devices to your new wifi. Switch now and get 100 meg speeds, plus tv and phone for just 69. 99 a month online. Switch to better. Arnett. Hes known for great roles in some of televisions most popular comedies, including 30 rock and arrested development. He takes a dramatic turn in his new netflix series, flaked. Take a look. What can i do for help . Shes looking for places in mar vista. Dude, thats no good. Other side of lincoln. Youll never see her. I already feel like im losing her. Plenty of time to lose her. First, you have to get her. Will, good to see you. Nice to see you. Its tempting to try to put a show into a genre. Is it a comedy, is it a dark comedy, a dramedy, which i know you dont like. I dont like the term. How do you describe the show . A 30minute netflix show. Thats it . Thats it. You know, we dont make a decision in life, or were not given the choice, to like today is going to be a drama. Every day is everything at once. I like how you described it. You and your writing partner almost view this as an independent film played out over eight episodes. Thats right. Mark chappell and i approached it from moment one. We knew how people would consume it, on netflix, potentially watching more than one episode at a time and wouldnt wait seven days with cliff hangars. You do basically everything on the show. Is that liberating or can it also be a little frightening, that its all on you . Its both. It starts out as liberating, and then it ends up being very frightening. So you kind of it runs the gamut. It feels great to be able to take control and see out a vision, but then, of course, if it doesnt work, you know, if it fails, then its marks fault, my partner. You can always blame somebody sure. Chip is kind of a selfhelp guru, the whole venice, california thing. What else do we need to know about him . Hes a big fish in a small pond. He created this persona of himself. The show is about creating yourauthenticity. Whats the face we put out to the world, and whats the face we look at in the mirror, and how great is the divide between those two . We also learn something about him in the first episode. He has a drinking issue. Yeah. As a matter of fact, more dramatically than that, hes actually killed someone in an accident. Mmhmm. That gets me back to, are we pure drama here, or can there be some way to mind lapse in the story line . I think we wanted to the show to move and have a comedic element, in that the characters interact with each other in a comedic way, but there is a real story there. Do in our real lives, we try to use the comedy to obscure the drama. Thats how we approach it. You seem to be having a lot of fun these days. Yeah. Youre getting to do an awful lot of different things. My kids, they better be at school but if they were home watching now, one would probably be going, that voice sounds very familiar. Yeah. Hes a lego fan. Yeah. You played batman. Batman the lego. Were making the lego batman movie, which is coming out next year which is really fun. Then the sequel, as well, to the lego movie. People say you strike while the iron is hot. Anything youre not getting a chance to do . Is there a bucket list item . Im considering a late run for the white house. Really . Yeah. You might want to hurry. Like ted cruz, i was born in canada. You need to jump in. No more sitting on the bench. Will arnett, good to see you. You, too. The full season of flaked will be available on netflix starting march 11th. 8 54. Were back. Its a great time to find out who is celebrating a birthday. Always a good time. Want to celebrate the remarkable folks from all across the country. As we start it out, ms. Ruth weiseman from indiana. 100 years old. Says shes a peep always has a smile on her sweet face. Happen by 100th to Edward Marcos of new york. Reaching the ranks of Master Sergeant during world war ii. We salute your service. Thank you so much. Mr. Brickens of baton rouge, louisiana. 100 years old today. After he retired as fulltime teaching, he worked as a substitute until 94 years old. God bless. Jes jessie green from columbus, ohio, enjoying playing bingo with friends. Rose cata arks cafazza says the secret to longevity, spaghetti. Angue does his own home repairs. Can you come over . I have a squeaky door. If you know somebody who is celebrating a milestone birthday or anniversary of 75 years or go to today. Com celebrate. Dont forget to send a photo in, as well. Substitute teacher. Want to go to war . Well go to war. Did you see that . Google it. Hilarious. I have a lot of things to google after today. I know. Tyne daly joins us and padma live, this is news 4 new york now. Good morning, everyone. 8 57. 50 degrees out, looking at the hamilton bridge in the bronx, im darlene rodriguez. An accident causing big problems on the northbound cross bronx expressway, delays start here, they continue to the accident scene near webster avenue. Police are trying to track down a hitandrun driver in the bronx. A surveillance camera recorded last nights accident. The victim was a 47yearold walker to cross the street. She was taken to the hospital in critical condition. It appears the car that hit her was a vintage white cadillac. Cloudy, some sun, mild, 66 is the high. Tomorrow partly cloudy, 60 degrees. Tomorrow could reach a record 74. Friday sun and clouds, chance for an early sprinkle. Today show is coming back, coming back, tina fey tells us Attention Parents before school this september r all kids entering 7tht and 12th grades t must get ther it protects against serious and sometimes deadly diseases like meningitis. Call your Health Care Provider today. Learn more at health. Ny. Gov immunize. This morning on todays take, tina fey is here, and on the front lines of a dark comedy called whiskey tango foxtrot. Then the bomb shell confessions by tennis star Maria Sharapova that shocked the tennis world. And Padma Lakshmi dishes on life, loss and love, coming up next. Announcer from nbc news, roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Welcome to today. Its tuesday morning, march 8th, 2016. Ive got to say, its spring like outside. Beautiful. Getting into the 60s today in new york city. 70s tomorrow. 73 according to my thing here. 73 the next day, yeah. This thing right here. Natalie is on assignment. Going back. Willie told me to wakeup, which im not sleeping. Weve been up for hours now, but this will get you going. Any reason for it . I have no complaint. I love this song. Its one of the songs when im in the gym, the few times i go, or if i need to, you know, get a little energy, it gets you going. Missy is back on the scene. She is. Good to have her back. Fun person to follow on twitter is missy elliott. She sends out great clips of dancers, just killing it. Especially now were coming into wedding season, graduation season, youre likely to be invited to a party. Account and get one good move that you can bust out. Most people arent really try it in the mirror first. Get second opinions. Never hurt anybody to try. Remember will smith . This is where you live. If you want to be a little greater than there rarely works out. For those of you who want to learn, go to missy elliotts. There you go. Great show. Padma is here. Tyne naly is here. Tina fey well talk to in a few minutes. A jury awarded Sports Reporter erin andrews 55 million. The jury found a nude video filmed of andrews in 2008 at the National Marriott at vanderbilt did cause her emotional distress, as she claimed, and both the stalker who took it and the hotel are to blame. The man who filmed the video is responsible for 51 of the money, or over 28 million. Franchise must pay for the rest, about 27 million. Erin releasing a statement saying she was honored by the support from victims around the world. Their outreach helped he stand up and hold accountable those whose job it is to protect everyones privacy and security. Owners of the hotel said they were committed to providing a safe and house pill spitable environment for guests and employees. I guess the number, 55 million, is what jumps out. This guy, he doesnt have any money. In fact, hes reportedly said it was part of the reason he did it, to try to sell. Savannah is a lawyer and talked about how it works through the legal system. Its a voice for anyone who felt victimized and known. My heart was broken when erin College Girls saying, i want to be like erin andrews except for that on her part. Its devastating. To have your parents there, youre crying, and everyone has seen it and people have gone back, over and over. Whether she gets money or not, shes got the victory of saying, i will not allow someone to make me a victim. Yup. So powerful there. You know, none of us can understand or appreciate what it would be like to have been exposed publicly that way. So sad. Hope she can move forward. Another story were talking about, and whether or not Maria Sharapova can move forward. This bomb shell yesterday. She openly admitted that she failed a drug test before the Australian Open back in january. Now, she says that she tested positive for meldonium. Meldonium. Its a drug apparently used to treat heart trouble. Its not approved by the fda, a it hasnt always been banned, but just this past january was placed on the list. Heres what she had to say. I made a huge mistake. I did fail the test, and i take full responsibility for it. I cant blame anyone for it but myself. No matter who im working with. I dont want to end my career this way, and i really hope that i will be given another chance to play this game. Sharapova said shed been taking it for ten years and she was getting sick a lot, getting the flu every couple months. She said she didnt look at the updated banned substances list, taking the blame for not viewing an email link that goes out to all the players. Shes been the highest paid female tennis athlete for more than a decade, earning around 23 million. Im curious about the reaction from some of her endorsers. Like nike. People have been praising her, saying an athlete who stepped a staff thats supposed to Pay Attention to this. I tend to believe what she says. Nike suspended its relationship with her. And others. I think the suspension is the key term here. They havent ended the relationship. I think theyll let her get through this. If all goes the way they believe it will, i think theyll come back to her. Couldnt they say, like al said, its our belief that shes telling the truth, and we stand with her on this, unless evidence presents otherwise . Good question, if other people have done that when some of the men with the steroids have their endorsement deals been suspended . They lost them but steroids was illegal. Months ago. Not like she just started taking it. I dont understand. I think the way she handled instead of through a spokesperson. Hay hey, heres the deal, boom. Shes also supposed to represent russia for the summer olympics. This says my name, but i thought of you yesterday when i saw this Peyton Manning story. Okay. I dont know why. Good looking guy. Okay. Peyton manning officially announced his retirement yesterday. Had been reported by espn the day before. He made it official, fighting back tears at a sews conference in denver. I love the game. So you dont have to wonder if ill miss it. Absolutely. Absolutely, i will. When i look back on my nfl career, ill know without a doubt that i gave everything i had to help my teams walk away with a win. There were other players who are more talented, but there was no one who could out prepare me. Because of that, i have no ive fought a good fight. I finished my football race. After 18 years, its time. God bless all of you. God bless football. [ applause ] bless football. Peyton played 18 seasons and holds more nfl records than we can begin to lay out in this segment. Won league mvp five times. When he won the super bowl and hoisted the trophy, you had the feeling that if you were going to go out, if there was any question, you want to go out the way he did. Has any other quarterback won the super bowl with two different teams . I should know the answer. Probably. Im sure facebook. Com todays take. Google it. That was such a beautiful speech. We showed some of it. We talked about calling his brother, you know, after the game, and their relationship with their father, obviously. Beloved quarterback, as well. Thats what i think players mi 15ss. The little things. Shaking tom bradys hand, calling eli on the bus. Now is day one with what do you do with the rest of it . Hes young, and has this whole other journey you can create. We have a sports theme here. We do. A dad saves his son from a bat. Pirates game spring training. A dad takes action. This is Sean Cunningham reaching out an arm at the last second to protect his son landon from the bat. He deflects it. It goes just over his sons head. I mean, this has gone viral. We have sean and landon on a facetime right now. Good morning, guys. Hey, guys. My gosh, so sean, this happened had to happen so fast. I mean, your instincts were what went through your mind, or did you think when you saw the bat . No, sir. I didnt have a lot of time to think. I just once i realized it was heading for my son, i just did anything i could to block it and deflect it. Landon, were so glad youre okay, but i have to know, what were you doing . Angry birds on the phone, buddy . No, i was not. I was i took a picture of one of the baseball players. Cool. I was going to send it to my mom. Then the bat came flying. I looked up because my dad said something, but i didnt look up in time. My dad did this to block it. So cool. Your dad is a superhero. Sean, what did your wife say when she saw the picture . She had a hard time with it. She got a little nauseous. You know, thank god, you know, everything turned out no one landon, i know you were there to celebrate your 9th birthday. We hear youve got a favorite player. Atlanta braves first baseman Freddie Freeman . Is that your fav . Yes, sir. Guess what . Freddie freeman has done a Little Something special for you. Hes autographed a braves jersey. It is on the way to your home. What do you think . Hes so cute. Thats better than a bat, isnt it . Oh, my goodness. Right there. There you have it. You have your jersey and you have a dad who is a bona fide super hero. He has an s under the shirt. This was your first baseball game. What do you think . My first baseball game was amazing. I would say so. Thanks, guys. Glad everybody is okay. Happy birthday, bud. Thank you very much. Thank you. He loves Freddie Freeman. I heard mom in the background. Can we see mom . I heard her say thank you. Hi, mom. Hi. And sis. Hello. Beautiful family. Good looking. Thanks so much, guys. So cute. His little face, like what . This jersey. I have more video. In colorado, there was a massive hailstorm outside of fort koll collins. Looks like snow. On the road, these two semi semi tractor trailers just missed each other. That could have been horrible. The tanker truck starts to lose control and finally gets it right. Man, rough day. We have more rough weather today. Watches in effect. We have severe thunderstorm watches and warnings from wichita falls, oklahoma city, all the way to central texas. Well be watching this very closely today. We have an area of enhanced Severe Weather from austin, san antonio owe, Corpus Christi, houston. Tornadoes tornadoes, hail. Also looking at squall lines developing, especially late this afternoon into this evening. One of the most dangerous times. Heavy rain, strong, Straight Line winds which can do as much damage as tornadoes. Pushing through through wednesday. Look at the rainfall amounts. Were talking anywhere from 7 to 10 inches of rain. Some areas over the next three days in the region, up to 15 inches of rain. Massive flooding is possi well, the cloud cover out there early on this morning, breaks of sunshine, but a mild day talking about a High Temperature 66 degrees, almost 20 degrees above normal. Water will be cooler in the 50s today. 50 the low tonight with a partly cloudy sky. For tomorrow, record setter, 74 with more sunshine in the south, record high 69 degrees. Thursday 73, low 60s friday, maybe an early sprinkle. Few showers over the weekend. Thats your latest weather. Thank you, al. Peyton manning was, of course, the only quarterback to win super bowls with different teams. Coming up, can you imagine what itd be like to have tina fey play you in a movie . 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Mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm, laughter mmmm, mmm mmmm, mmm mmmm, mmm mmmm, mmm mmmm, mmm mmmm mmmm, yoplait theres a lighter, fluffier way for everyone to enjoy greek yogurt. Tina fey is one of the funniest, most powerful voices in all of comedy. Rising from saturday night live writer to bona fide movie star. In whiskey tango foxtrot, tina is presented with a life changing opportunity. We sat down with tina and kim barker, the reallife war correspondent who inspired tinas character. The network is stretched thin. All our talent is going there. We need people, any people, to fill the void in afghanistan. You folks here are all the unmarried, childless personnel in this bureau. [ crying ] for those behind the end t nd the scenes, there are opportunities to be on camera. Kim, will you be joining in . Tina fey and kim barker, good to see you guys. Good morning. How are you . We saw that scene. Tina, youre basically playing kim, a tv reporter. What was this like when you read this book . Yeah. It was described as kind of a tina fey character. The New York Times review of the book described it as a tina fey book. I said, ill read the book, or im an idiot. Kim was a print journalist and you were working in the studio and they came into the office and said, who doesnt have kids . No, no, basically, i was trying to differentiate myself from the other reporters, who could i heard they wanted to send more women overseas. I figured the fact i didnt have kids and i wasnt married meant i was expendable, and therefore, good feeling. I was joking around. A bit of a sense of humor. The lesson to me for authors, if you want your book made into a movie, drop tinas name in the review and shell buy it and be in it. Its obviously a fictionalized account but does it give you a greater appreciation of what journalists go through . Yeah. When theyre in harms way . I didnt believe the stuff that you guys do. To go with the marines, follow them around and try to get the story, but also not be in their way. Right. Not put them in danger. Yeah, people say to me, could you do that in real life . I said, no, im cowardly. Shooting it in a desert with cameras, youre fine. You get a break, nice dinner. As long as there are nice services, youll report on the its a war movie but there is a lot f humor. Was it that way for you when you were there . Its a dark, comic way and i tend to see the world in that lens. I read Kurt Vonnegut when i was younger and wanted people to actually want to read about the war. A lot of things you saw over there was absurd and the only way to capture it was dark humor. Tina, youre portraying a real person in the movie. You know kim. Was that weird for you . I knew it wasnt a biopick, so i didnt have to Daniel Day Lewis it. She was shadowing me for months. I slept in kims bed with her for a year. She didnt know. I got in after she was asleep and out before she woke up. Hard work. Impressive. We wanted to get the culture and military stuff right, as best we could. Tall are you . 510 . 510. I wish i could have been taller in the movie. So do you suspect youll be back on snl throughout the campaign . I have a feeling, no. Really . My gut was watching Donald Trumps face watch her during that endorsement and he was, like, i talk. You no talk. Again. One and done for you as sarah palin . All right. Whiskey tango foxtrot in theaters now. Coming up, how do you become america start by taking care of families for 70 years. Earn the trust of 32 nfl teams. Be there for america s toughest and help, when help is needed s 1 isn that s earned overnight. S earned in every wash, tide, america a s 1 detergent i use what s already inside me to reach my goals. So i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what s within me. With onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what it s supposed to do release its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen and i may even lose a little weight. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. It should be used along with diet and exercise. Trulicity is not recommended as the first medicine to treat diabetes and should not be used by people with severe stomach or intestinal problems, trulicity is not insulin and has not been studied with longacting insulin. Do not take trulicity if you or anyone in your family has had medullary Thyroid Cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2 or if you are allergic to trulicity or its ingredients. Stop using trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as itching, rash, or difficulty breathing; if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe stomach pain that will not go away and may move to your back, with or without vomiting; or if you have symptoms of Thyroid Cancer, which may include a lump or swelling in your neck, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, or shortness of breath. Medicines like trulicity may cause stomach problems, which could be severe. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and any medicines you take. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney failure. With trulicity, i click to activate what s within me. If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. And click to activate your within. Pepper discovers jimmy dean delights, made with real egg whites, lean cut meats, and whole grains. An excellent source of protein, it fuels her up with energy to help power through her morning. With jimmy dean delights, good mornings lead to great days. Jerrod carmichael is one of the hottest young comedians in hollywood. Hes starring in the carmichael show, returning for its Second Season this sunday. Jerrod, your name is spelled out phonetically for us. Yeah. Otherwise, it would be jared. I wouldnt mind it but my mom would be going crazy. We dont want to anger your mom. Yeah. Speaking of your mom oh, man, i thought it was i thought al was going to go, speaking of your mom, i was out last night. No, no. No mothers. Oh, my gosh. He came ready. Aggressive. You dont know the half of it. Relax, everybody. Your family is in the carmichael show. We argue about everything, so its not like secrets yet, but this is the Second Season. Third season, ill run out of material and itll be all family secrets. Itll be all things i wasnt supposed to tell anyone, ever. Right now, we like to argue about a lot of things. No topic is off limits. We put that into the show. Incorporated, you know, that. The show has a little throwback to an old sitcom but tackles the modern topics. Any sitcoms you loved . I watched all in the family and these things. I like to treat the audience when we go to the store, of oats and i see if i packaged it. World right there. Were p22, that s me and now in delicious chocolate. Its not a quick fix. Its my decision to roc retinol started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. And the longer i use it the better it works. Retinol correxion from roc. Live, this is news 4 new york now. Live look there, 9 27 right now, good morning, im michael gargiulo. A new jersey state trooper struck by a car while investigating an accident has died. Police have identified the trooper as 31yearold shaun cullen. He was at the scene of an accident last night when a a 22yearold woman was driving the car, she did remain on the scene, shes cooperating with the police. Trooper cullen had been with the new Jersey State Police for two years. Cloudy, some sun, mild, 66 for the high, tonight partly cloudy and 50, but tomorrow we could reach a new record high of 74 degrees. Thursday it stays warm, 73, friday sun and clouds 63. Saturday still in the high 70s. Coming up on the today show, oscar winner sally field. Well be back. Yle music its the little moments that make the biggest waves. Kalahari resorts conventions the worlds coolest indoor waterparks. For the spring break adventure taking a look at the headlines. Today marks two years since Malaysia Airlines flight mh370 vanished while flying from malaysia to china. An International Team investigating the disappearance today said its still reviewing key information. They believe the boeing 777 was flown thousands of miles off course before crashing into the ocean. Hes committed to solving the agonizing mystery. Former pro wrestler hulk hogan expected back on the stand today in a civil trial of his lawsuit. Hes suing for 100 million. The core issue, did the website have the right to post a sex tape of hulk hogan and his thenbest friends wife . Hogan and his authorities said the website invaded his privacy but the website said hogan had talked openly about his sex life before. Go go squeeze are calling their nonorganic applesauce due to potential contamination. No illnesses have been linked to the problems. Go go squeeze pouchs labeled as organic are not involved. For more info, go to the recall information we have posted at today. Com. Things went from bad to worse for a Soccer Player in trainers loading the midfi lder on to the stretcher. Within seconds of lifting him off the ground, the grip comes off the rear handle, spilling him on to the ground. A teammate decided to give him a lift and carried him off in his arms. Good friend. Lets check in on our forecast. Al is standing by. Tamron, were watching an area of really Severe Weather developing in central and northern texas, on into oklahoma. Were watching that closely. More rain moves into the pacific northwest. Gets a break down in the southern part of california with windy conditions. East coast, fabulous. Tomorrow, record highs, risk of Severe Weather from the looking at clouds and some sunshine at times for today, but mild temperatures. Notice the shading in blue, south facing shorelines, temperatures going to stay in the 50s during the afternoon close to 70. Warmer tomorrow, clouds giving way to more sunshine, 74. Record high 69. 73 on thursday. Record that day 74. Maybe a shower late thursday. Better chance of showers sunday, into monday, but temperatures still mild e although cooler near 60. Thats your latest weather. Tamron . Al, thank you very much. Model, tv host, author and mom, Padma Lakshmi lived a life in the spotlight. Full of fashion, family and delicious food. Now, shes written all about it in a revealing new memoir called love, loss and what we ate. Padma is with us this morning. Good to see you. Nice to see you, too. We were talking, your daughter is a little under the weather. Shes better now, but she spent all last week having a fever. Youre juggling the book tour and juggling mom which, of course, is relatable to so many working moms. Youre doing your thing and caring for your daughter. I think we all try to balance everything, and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. Different than what most mothers who work are going through now. Thats a lot of your book i know people focused in on romance and the other things, but in reality, this memoir is relatable in so many ways. From talking about insecurity to talking about the struggle to become a mom. How difficult was it for you to open up in this way . It was really difficult. Other than having my daughter, it was probably the hardest thing i ever had to do. It was like having a baby, except she took less time to come out. It took me over four years to write this book. I cant believe youre holding it in your hands. It was hard, but i wanted to do it. Even when it was going to be a Healthy Eating book, i wanted to use the details of my life and illustrate philosophies i have about food and motherhood. I think we all need to have an open discussion as women, as immigrants, as women of color, as mothers, about our bodies, you know, sometimes it takes longer to become who youre going to be. Its true. You mentioned your daughter. In the book, you talk about, at one point, wanting to change your name to something that sounds more american. Here, you have chrishna. I cringe now. Part of the pact i made with myself in writing the book is i wanted to be truthful and really tell my story in a nonfiltered form. Yes, i did do that. Changing your name is as old as immigrants from ellis island. A lot of people dont. I think i just wanted to fit in, like most teenage girls. Speaking of teenage girls, one day, your daughter will be a teenager and may see a copy of the book. Shes seen them around the house. Shell be able to read it and understand it. Yes. And hear about your struggle questions surrounding who her father was. Did you think about that when you were writing it . Did you visualize her reading it one day . You know, im sure she will read it a lot sooner than i want her to read it, but not for those issues. Theres been so much written about all the issues you mentioned already, that as soon as shes old enough to google herself, she will find those things. Its my job as her mother to tell her where she came from and who she is, regardless of a book or articles in the newspaper. She knows who her father is. Her father is very present in her life. You know, i dont i think every child at some point realizes that their parents are human and, you know, i hope that i can use my life to help guide my daughter to make strong decisions from a place of power and owning her body or owning her decisions. Thats the message beyond her, who is the most important person in your life, to fans and the insecurities that we all have, but think when youre on television, theres no way you could have thesish e ish sues. Youre exposing that. You know we have hair, makeup, pretty clothes. People help us with that. I dont look like this when i take her to school in the morning. Its all smoke and mirrors. Im really a black boy when i wake up in the morning and im transformed into this girl, somewhat. Exactly. You know, for me, i really conversation. I wanted to say, look, i did use my looks as an asset, as a model, as someone on tv. No one asked tom how he keeps the weight off, you know, from top chef, or how he fits into his clothes. Its something that women have to deal with in the media much more than men, and in real life. You dont have to be eating for a living to have issues about weight. You dont are to be on tv or in front of the camera to have body issues. Girls and women do. Its an empowering message. Not a pity party. It is the truth and it is what it is. Thank you so much. I hope your daughter recovers fast. I know. The book, love, loss and what we ate. Catch padma thursday night on the twopart Season Finale of top chef on bravo. We have strong back to back women i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet. 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Have you worked together before . A long time ago, the Burt Reynolds dinner theater in jupiter theater, the opening production. It was a bonding experience. What do you remember about it . It was a complete disaster. Nobody knew what they were doing. Nobody can make a prop list. We had to borrow lights from the university of florida. We opened, and it was we all it was me and sally and gail strickland, who was there last night for the premiere. The three of us lived off that story for, you know, close to 45 years. Its really, you know so ive met her, ms. Field, over and over again on the circuit. When this offer came again, i thought, this is a beautiful circle. Tell us about this. You described it as good generational fun. Did i say that . Thats what our note says. I dont know. What i know is how would you describe it . The writing comes first always for me. Makers. The stuff was good. Then sally. Then three of the best jokes in the thing. Cant go wrong. Done. Done deal. Is it true youve not taken a break from work . It said on the notes and im scared to read it now 1968 . Lies. Okay. Im done with it. No, its all made up. I went to work, not as a kid actor, but i count when i got my equity card when i was 15. It was a long time, and ive been lucky. When i wasnt working steadily as an actor, i was being somebodys mom and somebodys wife. I was greedy. I wanted it all. Have i had a break . No. No break. Juggling it all. No time for a break. This movie is so much fun and people will love it. Hello my name is doris is in theaters this friday. Good to have you here. Thank you for asking me. Paul zerdin is bringing his skills to the orange room. Im chris bosh. It was serious. Fortunately, my doctor had a game plan. Treatment with xarelto. Hey guys hey, finally, somebody i can look up to. Besides arnie. Xarelto is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. 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Hello, you guys hey, sam. Great to be here. Thank you. Whats the big news . It is that we signed a threeyear deal with Planet Hollywood in las vegas. What are we going to do . You know what we do. What is it . Begins with v. Oh, yes, were going to do vasectomies. No, no, no. Too much. I know people. Too early. We signed a deal with Planet Hollywood and were headlining there. You can come and see the show from the 30th of april onwards. Yes, absolutely. Does sam like to hang out in vegas . Is he a vegas guy . Yeah. Oh, yeah. I shouldnt drink though. What happens . I soak it up. I get damp. What . Damp. Would you speak more clearly . Sorry. Its early. What do you want from me . I love when tamron talks to me. Have you been drinking . A lot. Thats why youre talking to a puppet. Its hard. I did a hidden camera show to see if we could get people out and about, going about their daily duties, see if theyd talk to a restaurant. I went in with cameras and ordered a dinner for two and the waiter was having a conversation with a puppet. Dont feel alone. Do you prefer an american audience or the audience in the uk . Whats the difference . Do you want that one . Yeah. Sleep. Oh, wow. Id say the american audiences are just up for it from the beginning. When youve worked in the uk a long time, you have to work harder to win them over. You still have to prove yourself here, as well. Dont get complacent. The americans have been fantastic. Particularly on the journey of agt. How have your lives changed in. A lot of flying. Ive been living in london, obviously, and coming back and forth, touring all over the i mean, its just an amazing platform. Its opened a lot of doors. You know, so many people see that show. Im going on the next one. Going to audition, season 11. What are you going to do . Ventriloquism. Watch. Youve been practicing . Yes. Hello, how are you . What do you think . Not a movement. Its amazing. Ive nailed it. Al was telling me before we started, apparently, he used to do ventriloquism a long time ago. Won a contest. Now is your time. Good to see you. Thanks. Catch paul and sam next month. Tickets available now. Back in a moment. First, this is today on nbc. Who said that . Where are you going after work in that . Go home and hang out with my children. Guess who we are on, kids . Wasting your time. Sally field. We love sally. And maria will be here. Also, this great Country Singer from texas. God bless them. God bless us everyone. This is breaking news from news 4 new york. Breaking news right now at 9 56 on this tuesday morning. Trailer overturning in somerville circle. Over the scene in chopper 4. Kai . Reporter 7 00 this morning, these are live pictures right now from chopper 4, first over the scene here in new jersey, you can see we have an overturned tanker out here. Hazmat units are on the scene. There has been a spill of a combustible material. Remains closed down, affecting 202, 206, and 228. Those are major thoroughfares for this section of new jersey, heavily traveled area, as you can see, that is a full view of the circle. Well continue to keep you up to date. As i said, heavily traveled area and this could be out here until 6 00 tonight. Live in chopper 4, back over to you. Thanks very much. Well continue to follow that. Coming up on the today show, love advice you need. From nbc news, this is today with Kathy Lee Gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1 a

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