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Question was it a game changer for anyone . Oh, my god. Moment of impact captured during a live chat. The fiery crash of a small jet into an apartment complex in ohio. The plane just kind of like fell out of the sky and just veered left and right into the duplex. Just a massive explosion. All nine passengers were killed. Were there as investigators try to piece together what caused this crash. All bets are off. Two of the countrys largest Fantasy Sports websites ordered to cease and desist in new york. The companys vowing a fight. Is it the beginning of the end for an industry already with tens of millions of players and growing every day . The. And 30 down, 20 to go. Als crosscountry quest to hit all 50 states in a week goes south, literally, and with eight more states on the rokerthon to do list al is swamped today, wednesday, november 11th, 2015. This is today with matt lauer and Savannah Guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. And good morning, everyone. Welcome to today on a wednesday morning its veterans day. Willie is in for matt this morning. Good to be with you. Have some of the countrys great veterans groups represented out on the plaza and well spend a good deal of time with them. Al will be, too. Rokerthon 2 has a veterans day theme and is standing out thereto in the waders. Yes, good morning. Do they make me look fat . They are very slenderizing. Thank you very much. Got this nice little cinched belt but were so excited. As you mentioned well be going throughout the south and into the southeast and stopping at a lot of great military installations and saluting our veterans and our military as rokerthon rolls on. Als well past the Halfway Point. All downhill from here, al. See you the rest of the morning. Now lets move to todays top story, the Republican Debate, eight top candidates facing off and as promised we saw a very different bush on the primetime stage and donald trump was up for his usual sparring. Weve got all the angles cord and well talk with senator marco rubio and lets begin with Peter Alexander in milwaukee. Peter, good morning. Reporter good morning to you. Certainly no runaway winners or losers here. Good moments for all the campaigns and most all of them claiming verdict floimpt major missteps and in a field that remains as big as it is wide open. Here in wisconsin the birthplace of the gop, the leading contenders clashed, first on immigration, targeting Donald Trumps plan to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. Come on, folks. We all know you cant pick them up and ship them across back across the border. Its a silly argument. We have no choice. We have no choice. Even having this conversation they are doing high fives in the Clinton Campaign right now when they hear this. Reporter later on military spending. I know that rand is a committed isolationist. Im not. I believe world is a stronger and a better place when the United States is the Strongest Military power in the world. Marco, marco. How is it conservative how is it conservative to add a trillion dollar expenditure for the federal government . In a serious and substantive debate on the Fox Business Network frontrunner ben carson fended off questions about reporter discrepancies in his life story. Thank you for not asking me what i said in the tenth grade. I appreciate that. I have no problem with being vetted. What i do have a problem with is being lied about. With so much at stake there was plenty of personal sniping, too. You should let jeb speak. Reporter bush mocking trump. What a generous man you are. Reporter trump dismissing kasich. Built an Unbelievable Company worth billions and billions of dollars. I dont need to hear from me, believe me. Dont have to hear from him. Reporter and fiorina trading jabs with trump over this exchange over vladimir putin. I got to know him well, we were on 60 minutes, both stable meets. I have met him myself, not in a green room but a private meeting. Why does she keep interrupting everybody . Ted cruz flubbed an agency on five agencies he would eliminate as president , the department of commerce, the irs, department of energy, the department of commerce and hud. Noticeably absent any confrontation between bush and rubio and the anticipated showdown between trump and carson never materialized as both frontrunners seemed to struggle with policy specifics. Carson on combating isis. So we have to e saying how we make them look like losers because thats the way that they are able to gather a lot of influence. Reporter of course, one of the nights most popular targets was hillary clinton. She shared her reaction overnight on twitter posting a clip from the recent benghazi hearing where she appeared at best unimpressed by the Republican Debate and to give you a sense of just how much is at stake in these debates at this point, beginning today ben carson and donald trump, savannah, get secret service protection. All right. Peter alexander, the Campaign Rolls on. One of the most heated exchanges, as you said, came over immigration, and trumps vow to deport 11 million illegal immigrants. Some on the stage said thats a gift to democrats and we spoke with senator marco rubio and we asked him if the handling of that issue is alienating the hispanic voter. Its just not true. Hispanic communities are deeply impacted by illegal immigration and theres millions who have come legally or have relatives that are waiting to come legally so i thinkll americans want to see our immigration system work better, be realistic and responsible about what you do with people who are already here illegally, but you have to bring dillegal immigration under control. We are a sovereign country. We are entirety tled to control who comes here, how they come here and when they c me here. And finally jeb bush this ek, we read in the New York Times is representing an allout assault on your campaign, his superpac reportedly spending up to 20 million to do so and you wasted no time fundraising off of that story. What do you make of that, and do you think that hes inadvertently helping your campaign in this way by saying marco rubio is the target, the one we should beorried abltt . Oa well, obviously if were attacked were going to respond but ultimately we cant control other peoples campaigns. If they decide that attacking us is the way forward, they have a right to make that decision. Its wrong. Its not going to change my campaign. My campaign is going to continue to be about the future of america and what we need to do to ensure that the 21st century is a new american century. Does it help your campaign . Well, i think there are a lot of people turned off by that kind of tontack. Epeopngle are more interested in what a we going to do if youre elected president and how youre going to turn the country around and what names you can call your opponents. Everybody runs their campaign. M going to run mine. Senator marco rubio, thanks for joining us. Thank you. Chuck todd joins us and Nicolle Wallace who served as Communications Director for george w. Bush. Good morning. Good morning. Something radical policy, talked about taxes, spending, immigration. Who did that benefit the most, chuck . I think it benefited i thouk it hurt the two frontrunners because donald trump and ben carsontruggled when it came into policy details. I think it helped people like last night rand paul for the first time he got his voice out there. You understood what he represented in this wing of the party. Marco rubio, he never got challenged at all last night. He got to sort of stay on script. By the way, your interview is the first time i got to hear him on immigration. Totally ducked the immigration issue. Jeb bush and john kasich were trying to show they could get tough on trump and to see one of the other frontrunners just back off who, of course, whose name was on a big immigration, tells you how concerned rubio is, doesnt want to touch the third rail. And a lot of his opponents were trying to label him as a moderate. Ted cruz paid him a backhanded compliment, a formidable moderate. Do you think thats a tact thats going to work . Do you think hes vulnerable . Rubio is always basking in the afterglow of his debate performances so the fourth morning of the cycle where we see him taking a victory lap. The problem is last night they all looked good. I think the clear winner was fox business who made a strategic decision to allow for a rising tide to lift all boats. The two candidates who went into last night, jeb bush with his three previous debate performances and ben carson with the holes in his bio. They were able to fix their campaigns problems with the wait format played out last night. Chuck, lets talk more about jeb bush. Donors concerned, many of his supporters concerned why is he so low despite all the resources he has at his disposal . Do you think he held them at bay and said, guys, it will be okay . Good way of putting it. He held them at bay. You cant say he dominated. He did well, a moment in russia where donald trump was struggling to defend this whole almost he started bragging that hes hell be pals with putin, and everybody pounced on him and jeb bush pounced on him and Carly Fiorina jumped in and pounced on him better, you know, sort of took a moment that jeb bush was having a good moment at and carly stole it from him and sort of was stronger that. To me was sort of jeb bush all night. He was good, i agree with nicole. He helped himself a little bit but its more he helped keep the develop tours at bay. I dont think its standout. Do you think the stage is set and everybody hangs in until the votes get cast because why not . I sort of look at it at that. Ere were times last night yeu just felt like youre anticipating the cruz and rubio debate thats coming. By the way, Marco Rubio Ted cruz slipped in this little sugar that he hit, a coming attraction of an attack on rubio, a big florida thing, the one thing i notice. Can you tell thats coming. Ant fireworks were around the fissures in the republican party. A big divide in the republican carter, governor kasich and jeb bush believe in a more pragmatic asaying saying you cant run up 11 Million People and trump is running on the central plank, find them, send them back and let the good ones pack in which his policy people say sun workable and a big divide on foreign policy. Rand paul who says we should be istolationists and americans are sick of war and rubio represents the more traditional republican pl, ank which is we need to lead the work. The fireworks, if any, were around the big issues that divides the strty. And the prize goesndo that who threads the needle. Can i just say that, i dont thin well remember this debate in two day sglds lets go to ohio where this morningn investigators are sifting through the wreckage of a deadly Small Plane Crash in akron when it sparked into an apartment complex and burst into flames. John yang joins us. John, what can you tell us reporter scene just behind me behind the trees and this morning we have new details about the seven passengers who died along with two members of the flight crew. They were employees of a Property Management firm, a commercial firm based in boca raton, florida. They were on a trip looking to properties to buy. They started their day yesterday in cincinnati, went to dayton report of a plane crash. Reporter investigators worked into the night to secure the crash scene. I can see an explosion. Can i see fire. I just heard this big loud noise, and the plane kind of like fell out of the sky and veered left and right into the duplex. Just a massive explosion. Reporter sorting through the smouldering wreckage left by a twinengine jet that plowed into a small Apartment Building in a busy neighborhood. It was abnormally low. I saw the blue flash from the power lines and then a second, two seconds later, a big plume of smoke. Reporter miraculously no one on the ground was hurt, but Authorities Say there were no survivors on the tenseat charter play. Beth blakelys sister diane was on the doomed flight. You never think Something Like this is going to happen to your family. Reporter this flightaway photo is reported to be the very plane that crashed. Preliminary reports said it was coming from dayton, ohio and was about two miles from the Akron Airport when it clipped utility lines and crashed into the building. Heavy fire. We have a lot of wires down. Reporter Paige Mcveigh was snapchatting with a neighbor when the plane went down. Oh, my god. I didnt know what was going on. I was hoping to good no one was in there and no one was hurt. Reporter a resident of this complex was having lunch about her son when she got the call saying her apartment was destroyed. Beth montgomery lost all of her possessions, including her cast. Once in a while ill break down and cry, but im still here, and thats whats most important. Reporter one thing the ntsb is likely to be looking at is whether tuesday was rainy and low clouds all day. Savannah, willie. John yang in akron, ohio. John, thanks. Weve got breaking news overnight from the university of online threats against students leading to some increased security this morning and a lot of nerves. Nbcs jacob rascon is there for us this morning. Jacob, what can you tell us. Reporter savannah, good morning. Police have Just Announced they have apprehended the suspect who made the threats who promised to come to campus and shoot black students, this after a night that for many here has been terrifying. The threats were made anonymously in a social media site called yikyak and we watched as some black students were leaving campus because of the threats. Many classes were cancelled, and some dorms and sororities were on lockdown, this after a week of major changes at the unoniversity. Of course, mass protests leading to the president and chancellor stepping down. Campus police and other Law Enforcement have been out in force, but now as i said have apprehended that person who made the threats and said he was not found or near campus at the time. Back to you. Jacob rasc on, thank you. Today state of new york is cracking down on online fantasy football sites, saying they constitute illegal gambling. What does that mean for the popular sites that are changing the game. We like football. If youve watched any football at all this season, youve probably seen the commercials, Fantasy Sports contests where some armchair quarterbacks are winning big. Theres 5 million on the line. But now in new york state it may be game over. On tuesday new york citys attorney general sent cease and desist letters to fan duel and draftkings, two major online Fantasy Sports Companies Saying their operations constitute illegal gambling. This is a play as much us a want whenever you want fantasy league. The Attorney Generals Office telling nbc news its clear that draftkings and fan duel are the leaders of a massive multibillion dollar scheme intended to evade the law and fleece sports fans across the country. Both companies have each spent more that be 100 million in advertising, and earlier this year fan duel announced it was signing up 20,000 to 30,000 players every day. The more money and more winners than any other site. A spokesperson for draftkings released a statement saying Fantasy Sports were not gambling but a game of skill, and new yorks actions today are an unfortunate example of a State Government stifling innovation, technology and entrepreneurship. This is just the latest action taken against the industry. In october nevada gaming officials ruled that Companies Like fan duel and draftkings should be considered gambling, leading some to say its a safe bet more states will follow suit. At minimum. If its allowed to continue youll see a lot more disclosure and a lot more warnings. I think the days of daily Fantasy Sports as we know it are numbered. Both companies have the option to take this matter to court. In a statement fan duel accused new yorks attorney general of seeking Media Coverage saying, quote, we have operated openly and lawfully in new york several years. The attorney generals mind, end quote. Full disclosure, nbcs Parent Company comcast and nbc sports are among the investors in fan duel. Savannah . Willie, al rokerthon 2s adventure is rolling on as hes going for the Guinness World record by doing the weather in all 50 states. On tuesday al hit eight states across the midwest and south so its 30 down, 20 to go with eight more states on todays schedule alone. Just look at these numbers. Al has covered more than 15,000 miles so far with the help of 10 modes of transportation, including boats, wagons and, yes, the wiener mobile and along the way hes crossed time zones 11 times, taken 23 selfies and spotted 21 goats. Hmm. Al, let check in with you. How is it going this morning . Im here at your weather wall. Yeah, i know. Very impressive. I was very impressed. So far weve not seen any goats this morning, but its early, and thats the good news. Unfortunately, we are seeing a lot of snow out west. Weve got a potent storm to talk about. On one side snow and the other side severe weather. This is at Denver International airport, and they have seen the snow coming down, and, in fact, its going to keep coming and start moving to the east. Lets show you where were setting up. Right now on the radar. Look at that snow coming across the front range from denver all the way on up and looking at all of that moving east. Weve got winter storm warnings, blizzard watches, a real mess. 20 Million People affected by this in parts of colorado, kansas on into nebraska. Strong winds will be developing with it as well, and then ahead of the same system weve got severe storms with damaging winds and tornadoes possible. Snowfall amounts, look at that. We could be looking at really a big tornado outbreak from illinois into parts of arkansas. Rainfall amounts, we expect to see anywhere from 3 to 5 inches locally. Were going to get to your local live radar shows shower activity across suffolk county, connecticut, parts of the hudson valley. In and around the city, a mist more than a drizzle. Thats what we expect. Drying out this afternoon. Temperatures in the 50s with an occasional gusty wind. The showers return again. Friday dries out. Becomes windy. Chilly weather on saturday. Only 51. Back to sun. 57 sunday. Milder trend early next week. Near 60 monday tuesday. And that is your late weather, and were here as the Honey Island Swamp in slidell, louisiana. Weve got world famous fiddler amanda shaw. Weve got a baby alligator. This is sid who actually will grow up to look like this alligator over here, very strange, and were going to be taking off in this winnebago coming up. This is a brand new winnebago. This is the fuse. Hello there. Good morning, al. Happy veterans day, sergeant. Thank you, sir. Oh, man, so many going on here at rokerthon. Its going to make your heads go al, having fun and traveling in style. Yeah. Down in the swamp. Thank you, sir. See you at your next location. Nice ride, a nice chauffeur there. Very nice. Well see you in a bit. Coming up, the simple change that you can make to your daily routine that can buy you precious time and save your life in a house fire. The shooting death of a 6yearold louisiana boy. Did one of the officers now charged with murder vera personal conflict with the boys father . Well get late on that story, but, first, this is today on coming up, what had alaska. Finally. The search for brown bears begins. Denali highway. Low on gas. Pit stop. Fill up. Double points. Yep, that s cold. Coffee. Eggs. Double points. Beautiful. Majestic. Nothing. Where are you, bear . Warm. Warmer. Warmer. Yes. Wherever the journey takes you, carry American Express gold. It s more than a card. Good morning everyone. 7 26. Looking at the George Washington bridge on which answers morning. Im darlene rodriguez. Police are giving us a new look at the man wanted for a shooting in the bronx. Investigators say this is the man who opened fire inside a deli in march sane i cant monday night. Surveillance video seen on today in new york shows customers running for cover when that shooting started. Two young men were hit. Both were taken to the hospital in stable condition. Theyre expected to recover. Lets look at the commute with lauren scala. Thanks, darlene. We have delays on downtown 1 trains, but otherwise the rails look good. If youre getting on the roads, watch out for a disabled vehicle on the throgs neck bridge. Head to the white stone instead. An accident by metropolitan avenue shutting down two lanes and disabled vehicle westbound by mcginnis humboldt. That shuts down a lane. Well be right back with the its a gray, damp dizly start. Most folks in the upper 40s to 50. Theres not a big range in temperature from the city. Connecticut, north and west either. Most of the steadier showers will have moved east of the city across long island you see them right now into fairfield county, connecticut. Putnam county, northern sections of rockland county, this is sliding to the south and east and moving away from us. From the city on south and west, we should start to see improving conditions. Now, the clouds will linger a good part of the time. Breaks in the afternoon. For the parade, basically dry. Ummer 50s. Partly cloudy tonight. 48. Upper 50s with a few showers returning on and och through the day. Windy, cooler weather friday. Chilly saturday. Less wind and sunshine. Temperatures in the upper 50s much darlene . Chris, thank you. Coming up on the today show, tips and tricks to navigate the Holiday Shopping season. Another local update in a half hour. Forward march. 7 30 now on this wednesday morning. It is the 11th of november, 2015. It is veterans day, an important day in our country, and were happy to have so many veterans and active Service Members on our plaza this morning, including the sixth communication battalion from the United States marine corps. And the United States marine corps celebrating yesterday its 240th birthday, born in 1775. Happy birthday to the marine corps. Stories making headlines this morning. The republican president ial candidates faced off last night in the fourth debate. Ben carson pushed back at questions that have been raised about the accuracy of some of his life story, while jeb bush went offer donald trump several times after he vowed to, quote, get better following the last debate. The this morning investigators are back at the scene of a deadly Small Plane Crash in akron, ohio. The business jet hit an Apartment Building hitting all nine people on board and sparking this huge fire. Officials say nobody was inside that building at the time. And the popular daily Fantasy Sports site draftkings and fan duel are pushing back against an order to stop accepting bets here in the state of new york. The attorney general here says the company violates state laws against illegal gambling but the Companies Say their sites involve skill more than luck and plan to appeal. Now to the disturbing case in louisiana weve been following, two marshals charged with suffereder in the shooting death of a 6yearold boy. Did a personal conflict lead to the fatal encounter . Story for us. Gabe, good morning. Reporter savannah, good morning. The two marshals are being held here in this jail in isolation on 1 million bond each. Theres still no clear motive right now for why the marshals opened fire but investigators are looking at all angles including whether one of the marshals may have had a previous runin with the boys father. This morning resident of marksville, louisiana want answers. I cant imagine the pain of that poor child went through. Reporter 6yearold Jeremy Mardis was shot and killed a week ago today, his father chris few critically wounded while his son was buckled into the front seat of his suv. Marshals Derrick Stafford and norris greenhouse jr. Are charged with seconddegree murder and attempted seconddegree murder. They are each in cells 10 x 10 this size and they have access to showers. Toil set in their sell, and basically thats it. Officials said the marshals were serving a warrant but investigators now say there was no warrant. A Law Enforcement source told nbc news investigators are looking into whether one of the marshals had a conflict with chris few. Megan dixon, ews girlfriend, told a local newspaper that he had a previous runin with greenhouse who was her former High School Class mate. She told the paper that greenhouse had started messaging her on facebook and that few had confronted him saying next time you come to my house im going to hurt you. Nbc news has not verified that quote. Now both marshals past are under scrutiny. Being under arrest for no reason is terrifying. Reporter Steven Mcintosh has a pending officer against both officers and several others and claims they used Excessive Force to arrest him in 2013 while they were breaking up a fight that he was not involved in. All of a sudden he just took me and slammed me down on the ground and before i knew it there were two or three more, the cops on me and stuff and i didnt know what was going on. Charged with resisting arrest that. Case is also still pending. The marshals next Court Appearance has not been scheduled. Their attorneys have not commented, citing a judges gag order now in place. Willie and savannah. Still so many questions. Gabe gutierrez, thank you. Lets get a check of the weather as al heads to his next stop on the rokerthon 2 tour. Hey, al. Hey, guys. We are in our winnebago fuse being driven by Sergeant Yuri miller. How is it rideing . W wonderful. All right. Thanks. Were on our way to blokes, mississippi. Meantime winds on the way to the midsectio of the country, and they are headingheast. Take a l k at whats going on. I mean, weve got 58 Million People at risk through tomorrow for high winds. Strongest winds today from colorado to minnesota. Big low pressure system dominating, and its going to be bringing in some big problems, anywhere from 16 to 30 Miles Per Hour. You can see some branches, Power Outages and some of these stronger winds, the areas in purple could see trees falling down and widespread problems. The rest of the countrys weather, looking at a risk of strong storms from the midwest all the way down into the northern gulf coast. Showers in the Pacific Northwest and heavy snow making its way into the central yero al, on the move. Thdaanks very much. Aifng showers across long island, portions of connecticut. This area shrinking in coverage and sliding off to the east and the southeast. We hope to break a few holes in the cloud cover too before the day is through. Were starting out around 50 degrees. Temperatures in the mid50s by no on. Still a lot of clouds, maybe breaks mid to Late Afternoon and high of 58 this afternoon. Its dry tonight, showers quickly return tomorrow. Upper 50s. Breezy, cooler friday. Upper 50s. Low 50s for saturday. It has been such an exhill rating trip. We have gotten to meet so many great people in this great country of ours one state at a time. Yesterday was no different. Some days youre the hero but every day i seem to be getting the goat. Where are we . Cape girardeau, missouri. A foggy start to day five along the Mighty Mississippi greeted by a nice c trowd and our favorite fourlegged friend. Weve got a goat. This is rusty from. There we moved to fortt defiance, illinois where i d fy yone to find a cooler ride than this, the wiener mobile. Lets boil som buns. Were rolling, baby, and then we roll into wickliffe and saddled up in state number 25. Kentucky, the bluegrass state. Make the Halfway Point of rokerthon. Then it was off to tennessee where we were fired up in union city. Guys, were at Discovery Park of america, and this is a vintage 1957 fire truck. Next stop blytheville, arkansas, where some folks will do anything t get to the front of e line. Rokerthon netjet was wheels down in goshen, indiana, where we were greeted by a warm crowd and lots of kids, and by kids i mean children, not baby goats. Hi. Goshen percussion got us in step as we head over to the college where we were serenade with a special rendition of the schools alma matter we l ne you. Then it was back to the roker mobile for the 75mile trip to michigan. Goats and babies and got us confused and that was nasty. Night fell as we pulled mniontpelier, ohio, just in time for dessert. As we continue rokerthon, weve got us a goat, yeah. Well, ive got to tell you. I dont know how many goats were going to see today but whats been so heartwarming and whs really touched meet number of people who have come out to say hello and they have waited in the gold. Waited in some rough weather and we thank them all and were looking forward to meeting so many more people today as we roll on right through friday, guys. Awesome. Tell the sergeant not to we let you put it on the edsyis ening channel like youre always trying to do. I know. Sergeant sergeant, what kind of music do you want me to put on the radio is. Anything, al. Can listen to montevanni the. Ykire doingreat. Well chat with you later the dad brave enough to snap a selfie, look at her face, look and his. Have an idea about how she felt. About that. And surviving a house fire. The simple things you can do today to help your family mrke it out alive, but, first, these messages. Not yet. Not yet. Not yet not yet. Pull the peach milk, fruit, cultures. Mmmm, yoplait. S something earned not given. Dedication means pursuing your passion. Every day. Healing is something we do. Together. And together, search va careers to find out how. Feel a cold sore coming on . Only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. It penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. 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Go to Binge Eating Disorder dot com and talk with your doctor. Its holiday time, and no fruit is as versatile as our ocean spray cranberries. You can decorate with them, bake with them, even make holiday drinks, like our cranberry punch we call the festive sparkler. Mmm. Festive. For all these reasons, we declare the ocean spray cranberry. The unofficial official fruit of the holidays. Well probably get flak from the dates and figs. But no one can tell them apart anyway. [ both chuckle ] for holiday tips and recipes, go to oceanspray. Com. To the couple who set aside the whole day to sell their old car and buy a new one. Oops. Nanas got the kids til 9. But its only 2. Guess youll just have to see a movie. Then get some dinner. Were back at 7 43. On nbc news investigates, information that could save your life. More than half of all fire deaths in United States homes happen at night and startling new Research Shows doing one simple thing can dramatically increase your chances of survival. Investigative correspondent Scott Freedman from our nbc station in dallas has that morning. Scott, good morning. Reporter willie and savannah, good morning. If you wake up to a fire the first thing you want to do, of course, is get out but what if you cant . Experts say close your bedroom experts say close your bedroom door. Thats right. Simply closing your door when you go to sleep at night could buy you extra seconds or even minutes, time to find another way out of the house or tomb to wait until firefighters can reach you. Seconds that can mean the difference between life and death. Imagine your loved ones dropped inside this raging fire. You would do anything to give them a fighting chance to get out. The answer, experts say, can be as simple as this. Close your door. If you cant get out of your house the best thing you can possibly do is get a closed door between you and where the fire is. Reporter take a look at this test. Ul researchers light a fire in a room. Upstairs there are two bedrooms, one with a door open and the other closed. Now fast forward. At three minutes the open door room is filling with thick, black smoke, but look at other room with the closed door. The air stays clear longer. At five minutes theres still some visibility. Firefighters have long known a closed door helps keep smoke out, but new roach is showing how it also changes the flow of heat and toxic gases in a fire. This goes over the back of your head. Reporter to show you we suited up with the fort worth, Texas Fire Department at their training facility. Firefighters light a fire in a hallway outside a bedroom. Im inside that bedroom with lieutenant kyle faulkner. Whats the temperature on the other side of this door right now . On the other side of the door thine temperature is approximately 600 degrees. Reporter but the door is such an effective barrier that inside our room the temperature is only about 100 degrees, hot but still survivable. Open that door and the room quickly heats up to more than 150 degrees, too hot to survive. So its not just the smoke that that door is blocking. Its the heat, too exactly. Reporter across country not every fire safety bruin is sharing that message. Fema femas use Fire Administration has created all kinds of safety guides for adults and kids, but in most of them theres nothing about sleeping with a closed door. We saw only one mention of it. The agency told us it tested the closed door message in focus groups and found some people didnt like it. So fema decided not to include it. A spokeswoman told us we have learned that we cant tell our customers everything that we know is important. Lexi king survived a nighttime fire 11 years ago, but her parents and brother did not make it out. Her brother always slept with his door open, lexi kept hers closed. So what would you say to a safety group thats not putting this message near the top of the list . Look at where i am right now. Like and look at what is not next to me which is my family members. Reporter now, a closed door is still no replacement for a smoke detector. Firefighters remind us you should have smoke detectors inside and outside of every bedroom in your house and also practice an escape plan with your family and then close that bedroom door, yours and your kids. If parents are concerned about not being able to hear their kids at night with the door closed, the folks at ul say its a good idea to put a baby monitor in the room and close that door. They say thats the safest way to do it. Willie and savannah. You said the two things i was going to say, keep the batteries fresh in your smoke detector, first line of defense and just keep the door closed because a and have a baby monitor. And a look at real winner of last nights Republican Debate the first fridge with a keurig brewing system. Only in the ge caf\ series. Made for everyday and extra special days. Get up to 40 off select major appliances. 396 and more. Now at lowes. Today is the day. Hellmanns and holiday leftovers become irresistibly creamy turkey casserole. Real delicious hellmanns. Bring out the hellmanns. Bring out the best. How else do you think he gets around so fast . Take the reins this holiday and get the mercedesbenz youve always wanted during the winter event. Hurry, offers end soon. Nivea inshower body lotion. First i wash. Then i apply it to my wet skin. It moisturizes with no sticky feel. I quickly rinse off. And im ready to go. Nivea inshower body lotion in the body lotion aisle. I use what s already inside me to reach my goals. So i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals with onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what it s supposed to do release its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen and i may even lose a little weight. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. It should be used along with diet and exercise. Trulicity is not recommended as the first medicine to treat diabetes and should not be used by people with severe stomach or intestinal problems, or people with type i diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Trulicity is not insulin and has not been studied with longacting insulin. Do not take trulicity if you or anyone in your family has had medullary Thyroid Cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2 or if you are allergic to trulicity or its ingredients. Stop using trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction, if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe stomach pain that will not go away and may move to your back, with or without vomiting; or if you have symptoms of Thyroid Cancer, which may include a lump or swelling in your neck, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, or shortness of breath. Medicines like trulicity may cause stomach problems, which could be severe. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and any medicines you take. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney failure. With trulicity, i click to activate what s within me. If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option, ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. And click to activate your within. Look at you, saving money on your Medicare Part d prescriptions. At walgreens, we call that carpe med diem. Thats almost latin for seize the day to get more out of life and Medicare Part d. From onedollar copays on select plans. To now reward points on all prescriptions, walgreens has you covered. So drop by and seize the savings walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. Americans. 83 try. To eat healthy. Yet up to 90 fall short in getting. Key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day mens. Complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus it helps support healthy Blood Pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. One a day mens. Coming up, black friday creep. Why todays sales could be your and on the agent so its a twobed, onebath. Hardwoods throughout. Wife wait, theres an airport next door . Sfx airplane taking off agent did i mention if you spend 75 at toysrus, you get a 10 gift card . Both sold anncr get your coupon, spend 75 in store and get a 10 gift card to use in december. Awesome if you could see your cough, its just a cough. Youd see how often you cough all day and so would everyone else. New robitussin 12 hour delivers fast, powerful cough relief that lasts up to twelve hours. New robitussin 12 hour cough relief. Because its never just a cough. Does your makeup remover take it all off . Every kissproof, cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Eat up, buddy. Youll get it this time. Dont let go until i say so. I got you. Start strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 whole grain quaker oats. And off you go. The way i see it, you have two choices; the easy way or the hard way. You could choose a card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. Or, you could make things easier on yourself. Thats right, the quicksilver card from capital one. With quicksilver you earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. So, lets try this again. Good morning everyone. 7 56. 50 degrees looking at the queensboro bridge on this wednesday. Events planned today to honor our nations veterans. The annual parade marches up 5th avenue at 11 30 this morning. It begins with a ceremony at Madison Square park and ends at 52nd street. More than 20,000 people will be marching this year. Hundreds of veterans will attend a ceremony at the intrepid sea air and space museum at 3 30 this afternoon. It includes a replaying in the hudson river. Olive garden, ihop and other National Chains are offering free food to Service Members and who are special deals on this veterans day. For a full list of businesses and their offers, head to nbcnewyork. Com. Lets take a look at the commute with lauren scala. Thanks, darlene. We still have delays on downtown 1 trains. On the roads, we have an overturned vehicle on the taconic southbound before peeks skill hollow road. The sprain brook, an accident with two lanes blocked is causing big delays and outbound at the George Washington bridge. Back to you. Thanks, lauren. Lets check the weather. Light rain in the morning, should be dry by the start of the parade. 58 is the high. Tonight, partly cloudy. 4 degrees. Tomorrow, rain returns. High of 59. A breezy mix on friday. 58 is the high. The cast of willy wonka reunites 44 years after the film made its debut on the today show. Its 8 00 on today. Coming up, tis the season for savings, but forget black friday. Why todays veterans day sales could be the best way tocore holiday bargains. Then, breaking vegan. I was so obsessed with food and this whole restriction thing and every morning i would wake up in a panic thinking what am i going to have for breakfast today. Why one blolaer quit her vegan diet, and the surprising reaction from her online community. And weve got your golde cket to a reunion 44doears in the making. The first thing people do when they find out who we are, they smile. Yes. We call it the wonka effect. The cast of the willy wonka and the Chocolate Factory are the together again talking to us, wednesday, november 11, 2015. Happy veterans day. Thank you, veterans. Today is every day. To the veterans of america, happy veterans day here in nyc. Celebrating veterans day at today show and goo . Morning, everyone. Wednesday morning, and were honoring our veterans out here on the plaza. Weve got some great groups, Wounded Warrior project, operation men is here, many men and women of our armed forces represented as we honor them today on this veterans day out on the plaza. Friends over here, such an awesome uplifting day. Were happy to have everybody with us here on plaza. Meanwhile, al isyeot here because hes on the go racing towards state number 32 on his recordsetting rokerthon tour of all 50 states in a single week. Mr. Roker, we have a very onspecial message for you from two of your biggest cheerleaders. Check it out. Al roker is the only man for this job. Way to go, al. Here we go, al. Here we go, al. You got this, roker. Come on, al. Here we go now. Tina and amy, al, che ering you along in the winnebago. Oh, wow. Thats p ntty cool. Wernll, thanks, guys. The president ial candidates are on the road tw s veterans day with republicans hoping to build on any gains from half nights debate. Nbc national correspondearnt Peter Alexander is in milw aukee. Peter, good morning. M reporter good morning to you. Plenty of punches but even more policy here last night. Jeb bush and ben carson both addressed some of the questions facing each of their campaigns on a night where there was clearly no runaway winner or loser. For gop candidates, it was the main event in milwaukee. Why does she keep interrupting everybody. I dont have to hear from this man. What a generous man you are. Reporter trying to diffuse the controversy over his own fe story saying every candidle should be closely examined. Thank you for not asking me what i said in the tenth grade. I have no problem with being vethtted. Wh at i do have a problem with is being lied about. Rtporter in the midst of a campaign reboot, jeb bush badly in need of a Strong Performance d chhelenged onaltrump on foreign policy. Donald isourong on this. Worlds policemen, but we sure as heck better be the worlds leader. Reporter while ted cruz jumped in after marco rubio and spending. You think defending this ive pensive, ery not defending. Reporter a of the candidates opposed raising the minimum wage to 15. I dont know why we have stigmatized vocational education. Welders make more money than philosophers. We need more welders and less philosophers. Reporter that was one the night, but its also not true. Government statistics show that philosophers, philosophy teachers in this cmuntry make on average almost twice as much as wegllders. The impressions these candidates made last night will stick for a while, tamron. The next debate isnt for about fimeve more weeks. All right, peter. Thank you very much. Investigators are trying to find out what caused a deadly plane crash tuesday in akron, ohio. The charter jet crashed into an Apartment Building and burst into flames. The planes owner says there were nine people on board and no one survived. Ige mcvay was snapchatting with a neighbor when the plane went down. I didnt know what to think. Hoping nobody was in there and no one was hurt. No one os the ground was hurt. The plane was carrying the employees of a firm based in florida. Some church goers are ocked and saddened over new video that shows a volunteer usher taking money from a collection plate. Church leaders reached out to police after they becute suspicious about missing donations. So authorities set up cameras and say they caught the 60yearold volunteer red handed. The usher told deputies he intended to put the money on the altar. An alleged shoplifter in a rooftop standinf hadrone very unique demand before giving himself up. Phoenix Police Chased the suspect on to a motel roof after they had him surrounded and they got the demand, coffee, three powdered jelly doughnuts. Thankfully there was a Dunkin Donuts around the corner. After the suspect got his treats he surrendered without incident. All right. Prince charles was taken aback during a tour at a winery in australia when his wife camilla picked up a carving knife. They were looking a it and pointed it at him and jokingly told him to behave himself. Charles quickly backed away and laughed it off and said listen here. After that he sampled some of the wine. Thereg s a moment for you. Lets g over to willie. Hehiy, willie. Thanks you very much, my friend. For many of us black friday has always marked the kickoff of the Holiday Shopping season but the big sales seem to arrive earlier and earlier and on this veterans day stores are rolling out incentives to get consumers spending. Good to see you, my friend. Good to see you, too. Is this a new phenomenon, cyber monday and black friday and now were back to veterans day. Not new in the sense that retailers want to get people in thule stores so the National Retail federation came out with a statistic. People on average are going to spend 805 per person this Holiday Season. Thats the most its ever been, so what they are trying to do is get these people into the stores and shopping. They want a piece of that, so what what her going to try to do is get people to shop also online because more than 50 of those people are going to be buying the stuff online and use alternative credit, like paypal credit to try to get people to shop. Lets talk about what kinds of things there are deals on. Sure. What a the types of products out there . You want to go ahead and if you are that person that doesnt mind having the older product, the older models, for example, right, those are going tonight ones that have the most discount on they. So lets say youre okay with having the last generation ipad, not talking about the first generation, but maybe like the 4 or the not so new one, thats going to be the one thats on the most discount because the retailers want to move that merchandise out of the store. The newer stuff, for example, is going to be the stuff thats going to be mostly on sale during black friday. So if you want the new stuff, if you want that brand new ipad or that ereader, probably good to wait until black friday, but the older stuff, go out today. Lets move this way and talk about some of the stores that have deals today. Whats the first one . The first one is sears. Okay. Sears is actually offering appliances, deep discounts on appliances, 40 off, and 60 off on mattresses, and for veterans, if you have your i. D. , you get an extra 10 off on those appliances so youre really getting almost 50 if youre a veteran, active duty, reservist or retired military. And jc penney offering deals on already existing deals. Jc penny is interesting. They have up to 85 on their clearance items so youre not only getting a deal on the on the clearance item, but youre also getting a deal if you pay you get 10 off of that, okay. But you have to put in this code. Ill make sure that i have it right. For the 25 off, 10 off, wethanku with a u and put that in online and making a purchase on your credit card get 15 to 25 off if you use the purchase code 4ourvets. I know a lot of folks doing their shopping on amazon and they are offering deals. Amazon up to november 14th is having a 0 off sale on selected fashion items, but amazon is really interesting. Were talking about what may be better deals for veterans day versus black friday. If you are buying the big items online, lets say at an amazon, probably want to go ahead and wait until black friday because you get Free Shipping. So theres not really Free Shipping available today, but if youre buying a Major Television or something gigantic you dont want to pay for that shipping. In fact, its useless to even pay for shipping. Just wait until black friday and get that Free Shipping. What about being a smart shopper. What are some tips you can offer . Talking about security. Now everyone is having their credit card switched over to the emv credit cards, basically the chip thats in your credit card so if you do not have that chip in your credit card you are liable in case any of that personal information gets compromised so you want to make sure that youre shopping with your emv card on a secure retailer thats legit and also maybe, again, we talked about alternative credit using things like paypal because you dont have to use your credit card when youre using paypal. Also, you want to make sure, remember all the Bed Bath Beyond coupons, some stashed away somewhere. Use them now because pretty soon Bed Bath Beyond will be changing their coupon rules and also some of those retailers. If you have the coupons stashed away, use them now and also negotiating. Go ahead and negotiate if you want. Theres stores if you show your military i. D. Today you can get a discount as well. Always good to see you. You, too. Coming up next, did this guy just take the most poorly timed selfie ever, and what does he is wife have to say about if . Plus, get your sweet tooth ready. Were reuniting the cast of willy wonka 44 years later. Al . Hey, willie, thanks so much. Coming up on rokerthon, were celebrating vets and all that they do for this country. Were rolling on to biloxi, mississippi. P as a ford employee, i get to give my friends a special deal. On cars, trucks and suvs. Its friends and neighbors pricing. And for a limited time, were letting everyone in on this deal. R that doesnt happen every day r and you can see the low price at ford. Com. There it is. Rand thats the low price youll pay. Its that easy. P you dont have to negotiate. Its hasslefree. Its an inside deal. Now for everyone. Nwith ford friends and neighbors pricing, get an f150 for 9638 below msrp. Nthats over 19 . Its an inside deal, now for everyone. Hey mcmellin you gellin . Im gellin and zinfandellin. And so is my new bride, helen mcmellin im so happy my eyes are wellin dr. Scholls massaging gel insoles are so soft they make your feet feel outrageously comfortable. Im gellin youre so not gellin dr. Scholls in our house, imagination runs wild. But at my table, i keep the food real. Like country crocks new recipe. Made with real simple ingredients and no artificial flavors or preservatives. Real Country Fresh taste from real ingredients. Welcome to crock country. Hi hey you look good. Thank you, i feel good. It all starts with eating right. Thats why i eat amaz n prunes now. Theyre delicious and help keep my body in balance. I love these. Sunsweet amaz n prunes, the feel good fruit. I was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet. That it was damaging the enamel. I wanted to fix it right away. My dentist recommended pronamel. He said pronamel can make my teeth stronger. Pronamel is helping me lead p the life that i want to live. [meow mix jingle slowly and quietly plucks] right on cue. [cat meows] meow, meow, meow, meow. Its more than just a meal, its meow mix mealtime. With great taste and 100 complete nutrition, its the only one cats ask for by name. Layover. 24 hours. Hello, reykjavik. Oh, so that s how you spell it. What are you looking at . Oh, cool. Hungry. Fish, anyone . Hello, seventh waterfall of the day. Hello, duck boat. Hello, sheep . Oh right itchy icelandic sweaters and no foreign transaction fees. Sweet. One last look. Ahh. Triple points. And we re off. What s next . Wherever the journey takes you, carry American Express gold. It s more than a card. It s the gear that gets it done. Agent so its a twobed, onebath. Hardwoods throughout. Wife wait, theres an airport next door . Sfx airplane taking off agent did i mention if you spend 75 at toysrus, you get a 10 gift card . Both sold anncr get your coupon, spend 75 in store and get a 10 gift card to use in december. Awesome in our house, imagination runs wild. But at my table, i keep the food real. Like country crocks new recipe. Made with real simple ingredients and no artificial flavors or preservatives. Real Country Fresh taste from real ingredients. Welcome to crock country. Back here at 816. Billie, youre a father. Been in the delivery room a couple of times. Twice. Whats the dads role in that situation is. Complete support of your wife or partner, hold yourself a leg and the nurse. What about taking a self . Never ever in a million years. Let me show you a photo that has gone viral. Proud dad to be taking a selfie while his wife is in labor and he post it had to imageer. Just focus on this. There he is looking like hes having the time of his life, theres your expression. He said my wife wanted to make sure that someone took a picture of the expression on our faces when our daughter was born so i took one. This is classic, classic, classic. Thats a great caption to go along with it. So cute. He had permission. The first reaction is what, and then you realize she liked it. It was a fun moment for them. After the wife told buzzfeed it was hilarious and took her minds off things and their little baby eva was born minutes after the photo. Awesome. The other thing you know in the delivery room, as you know, mother always gets final photo approval because she would would not have allowed that out if she didnt approve. 100 . Keep the video camera far, far away. Social media kept a close eye on the Republican Debate tuesday night. The real winner online was not even a president ial candidate. It was Maria Bartiromo of fox business news. His broach captivated the internet. Heres a closer look at it. Comparisons running wild apparently from hunger games mocking j symbol and joffreys crown from game of thrones and another a cough drop. I thought it looked great with her outfit. I didnt even notice it. The its nice, as far as broaches go. This has become like during the debate, last debate it was hot guy behind the moderators. Theres always a thing. Got to focus on something besides the candidates. Exactly. Her powerhouse vocals and love her her the felt lyrics and love that song hello. And it may be the reason why people are contacting their exes. A dating website surveyed over 30,000 of its users and it turned out this new single hello inspired 64 of women to reach out to old loves. Men, on the other hand, not really affected, only 17 felt compelled to open up the old wounds. I mean, it is all about the boyfriend. Yeah. And i tried to call you. Thats a huge number. Thats a huge number of people. To me they are just waiting for an invitation to call your exboyfriend. Right. I just heard adele, hi, hello. What is your reason. Someone calling 1,000 times is actually okay. Adele said so. I will say her voice could make you do anything. True. She would make you fall in love. Yes. All right. Dylan, ready for pop start. Labeouf getting a lot of attention. Hes binge watchinging all of his films in reverse Chronological Order and reverse sitting and why not. He began two at night. The feat is expected to take three days, and you know what . You can watch him. Its an its open to the public at the angelica here in new york or watch him watch his movies through his live stream. All right. Sounds like performance art. Thats what he does. Just saying. Transformers with shia labeouf, movies i want to see. Good flick. Just watching transformers. The now to Caitlyn Jenner and kris jenner, the former couple reuniting in the spotlight and sharing a hug at victorias secret fashion show. The two attended in support of their daughter kendall who made her Victoria Secret runway debut. All right, dylan, thank you so much. Lets head out to al and get a check of the weather as he continues with his rokerthon adventure. Hey, al. Guys, stand by, another rokerthon trivia question for you on the other side of your local forecast, but in the meantime weve got a big storm system and another one moving into the Pacific Northwest. As you can see on the radar, already were looking at big problems, and then as we put the futurecast into motion youre going to see persistent heavy rain developing and the westernfacing slopes of the olympics and cascades, looking at rain and snow as well. So forth Pacific Northwest, we are talking about a classic flood pattern setting up the western washington and some areas picking upwards of 7 inches of rain by saturday. So were going to be watching this very closely all weekend long. Thats whats going on a thanks very much. Looking at a cloudy sky, left over drizzle and a couple showers east of the city this morning. Should dry out in time for the parade. Leftover clouds with a high of 58, breaks in the cloud cover mid to Late Afternoon. Partly to mostly cloudy tonight, upper 40s midtown, low 40s north and west. Another round of showers coming in on and off tomorrow. Dries out by friday, upper 50s, chilly weather saturday and sunday. A little more sunshine in the offing 67, okay, guys. Heres the qu. Wc130. It has a nickname. What is it . Well tell you coming up in the 8 30 half hour. Thank you, my friend. Now to one womans journey to Better Health serving as a warning for all of us. A lot of us strive to have a healthy diet and what happens when that diet begins to dominate Everything Else in your day. Heres nbcs morgan radford. I lived my life based off of when i could and could not eat. For juror ordan junger eating was everything but not the way you might think. I was healthy to a t no processed food,ing in thats nonvehicle answer, nothing thats not even a vegetable or fruit. Reporter veganism became her adventure sharing her eating adventures on the block vegan earning her half a million followers online but she says her vegan diet almost killed her. My hair was thing. My skin was original, and hi lost my period. It was just this whole spiral of horrible, horrible things. She was so consumed with health that she became unhealthy. Jordan developed what doctors have coined orthorexia, an eating disorder based on eating healthy food. I started living in a bubble of restriction, entirely vehicle reason, entirely plantbased and meatfree. Reporter veganism can be a Healthy Lifestyle but when multiple food groups are commitment to meeting daily nutrient requirements could be challenging. Did you think you had an eating disorder . I didnt know eating disorder and that could be tied together at all. Reporter even after she understood what it was she still felt trapped. I had created a brand that was built around veganism so i didnt want to then come out and say, well, i dont know if this is working for me anymore. Reporter so jordan started eating fish and went from the blond vegan to the balanced blond posting photos, blogging, even writing a book to share her new journey one bite at a time. The reaction was mix. People were telling me you just saved my life, and then the negativity was really extreme. Reporter like what . Like you dont deserve to live. Reporter hold on, wait. Youre saying people were issuing death threats. Yes, just because i dont eat same diet that i do or live the same lifestyle that you do. Thats not fair. Reporter how much of this is really about selfesteem and confidence it is. Ive learned that to be happy is so much more fun and to have confidence is so much more amazing. Reporter so bon appetite. For today, morgan radford, nbc news, los angeles. Interesting to see her journey. Glad shes doing well. Coming up, will it be backtoback Oscar Nominations for one Michael Keaton . Were going to talk to him about his newest real thats getting a lot of buzz. Love keaton, plus a rare reunion with the cast of willy wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Wheres our good morning. It is 8 26. Im darlene rodriguez. On this Tuesday Morning we have breaking news from elizabeth, new jersey. Emergency crews are at the scene of a house explosion on magnolia avenue. We are hearing this blast happened on the second floor of the home. Rescuers are now at the site. We have reporters headed to the scene as well. We will have more information throughout,the morning. Right now were going to take a quick look at the morning commute. We still have delays out there on downtown 1 trains, thats our only issue on the rails. Getting on the roads watch out for an accident on. Bqe westbound, that blocks the central lanes. Also no hov lane heading into the midtown tunnels, you can see usual. Heading over to the parkway northbound that accident after jackson avenue still out there but now blocking one lane instead of two. Today. Any light rain should be gone by the start of the veterans day parade, 58 is the high, tonight partly cloudy, tomorrow rain returns. Thursday a breezy mix of sun and clouds. 58 is the high, saturday cloudy and windy 51. Coming up on the today show mel b talks about her exciting new hosting gig on vh 1. Hi. How are you doing in. Good morning, everybody. Nice to have you along the its 8 30 now on a wednesday morning. Look at that. It i snowing i denver, colorado this morning. Winter. Its finally on its way. Looks very pretty. This is the time of the year its snowing, not its snowing. Give it a couple weeks. Youll get sick of it. Coming up, who does nha love the original willy wonka and the Chocolate Factory movie . Actually debuted, believe it or not, 44 years ago this morning. Were getting the cast back together. Yes, indeed. Plus, oscar nominee Michael Keaton is getting fresh award buzz for his new role in the film spotlight and h e to tell us all about it. Obsessed ith this movie and his role. Brilant in it. Having a good run, Michael Keaton. Indeed. Want to start on a veterans day, if you can move his way, a special group that works losely with veterans, melanie is director of uclas operation men program and good to see you. Tell everybody at home what you do at operation mend. We provide specialty medical care and Psychological Health kir for current veterans and families at no cost. Been around for eight years. Funded by donors from all ovet the country,oamd we have no check us out were at operationmend. Ucla. Edu. Incredible group. Telling you firsthand they are changing lives. Guys doing all right this morning . Yeah. Got you ut early. Og its happening. Thank you very much. One more minute about ucla op keration mend check it out online. Ichove your interview and she slept through the whole thing. Thank you so much. Lets check in with. A hes in the rokerthon mobile, the winn ago. Where are you headed now . Hey, hey, guys. So we re pulling into keysler air force base. This is a really just a fitting moment on veterans day, but lets just give you a n idea of whats happening with rokerthon, so with louisiana, we are now at 32 states. Weve got 18 more to go, plus the district of columbia. So far we have traveled 15,000 miles plys and weve had 11 modes of transportation, including this winnebago fuse. Now, on average ive had three hours of sleep. Weve had weve had 23 selfies and we have had 21 goat not ghosts, but goat sightings. We are pulling on to the base, and right now they are about to check our vehicle to make sure that everything is okay underneath, because, of course, this is a secure military facility, and weve got an amazing shot for you coming up as we pull in. One of these c130s, but lets give you the forecast very quickly to show you whats going on. First of all, mississippi, where we are. Jackson, mississippi, 77 for a high and biloxi 72 for a high. E city where we are right now, meridian 75, and were looking at tupelo, mississippi, with a high of 72 degrees. All right. Were getting set up. Were going to bring you your local forecast right after this. Looking at temperatures this morning starting out in the upper 40s, low 50s. Upper 50s this afternoon. Plenty of clouds around, the drizzle will dissipate, maybe a break or two of sun. It should dry out in time for the parade. Tonight back down to the upper 40s. Tomorrow showers back in the forecast. Thats t its try the rest of the way, upper 50s friday, 51 saturday, a windy chilly day and more sunshine by sunday, 57. Milder early next week, near 60. All right. We are here at keysler air force base. Hurricane hunters are based here. Its good to see you guys. Thank you so much. Thats the answer to our trivia question. Weve got more rokerthon as we come back. Were going to be talking about at they do here. This is a really special moment. Thank you so much for being here for us. Savannah, back to you. The new movie spotlight is the true story of a boston globe investigation 14 years ago that rocket thecality lick church to it core. It uncovered a Sexual Abuse Scandal and coverup within the local church and its impact is still being felt this day around the world. Michael keaton is part of the allstar cast make up the team of reporters determined to shine a light on this deeply guarded see cell. Take a look. This is barons idea, his agenda. Ive got to tell you, i mean, honest to god god, he doesnt care about this city the way we do. I mean, how could he . This issiow it happens. Whats that . Guy leans on a guy and suddenly the whole town just looks the other way. Michael keaton, good morning to you. How you doing . This movie is incredible. Good journalism ought to be. Some are comparing it to all the president s men. Yeah. Is that what interested you about it . You played a news man before. Yeah, twice. I had a weak spot for not just movies about journalism but a bit of a news junkie and thats not always a good thing because you can end up being pretty frustrated and angry a lot of times, but thats it. Also are you know, im fortunate person in a lot of ways, but blessed in that i get to you know what i do for a lying, i ge gt to do what i like and enjoy and do Something Like this which i think will change lives for certain people, you know, and its done in such a great way. Youve seen the movie. Its not righteous well, it is righteous in the best sense. Not selfrighteous or selfcongratulatory or overly dramatic. Its interesting because actually no one is spared the gaze of this movie including the reporters themselves. Right, right. Its getting rave reviews a one review did surprise me somewhat. It said that the movie was honest and compelling and that was from the Vatican Radio. Wow, really. Does that surprise you . Well, they have a lot of shock jocks there. They are whacky. You never know what they are going to say. Cover a lot of Britney Spears stuff. Its interesting that the Catholic Church would and by the way, Vatican Radio doesnt represent the Catholic Church per se but perhaps is reflective of how the church is responding to it. That is interesting. I didnt know about that. This is a true story that we should probably save for another time. The vatican im not making this up. There were guys in the vatican, i dont know who they were, huge johnny dangerous fans, ill swear to god ill tell you that story some day. That is an interesting thing and kind of great. You were rayed catholic. Yes. Your mother was a devout catholic. Yes. Was there any trepidation for you as you took on this role that really looks at at least recently one of the bleakest the bleakest probably well, go back to how they treated indians in california, maybe and all over the world. No, you know, not at all actually. I kind of lept at the opportunity to work with these actors and tom mccarthy and given the subject matter how well written the script was, you know, and as far as my mom is concerned, i look at it as a noble thing. Would i like to think shed be proud of it. How much do you love talking about the prospects and politics of the oscar race . Um. Thats what i thought. I dont think about it a lot but ill talk about it. Just teasing you. There is one cool thing about this. The movie is getting oscar buzz, but i thought it was really neat that the directors and producers decided to submit all of you actors for supporting actor roles for oscars because truly they are all equal in spectacular performances. Oh, man, this cast is crazy good. They are. And really honestly, some of the most fun people to hang out. It was really a pleasure to go to work in the morning. You know, you had to be ready. These are some really quickwitted folks so im not really a morning person so you just get up extra early to jump on, and its really the group. The star of the movie is the movie, and were just people who supply the information, and hopefully we did it all right. Michael keaton, not a morning with us. Thank you. Spotlight is in select theaters now and opens wide by thanksgiving. Coming up next, get your Golden Ticket ready because were reuniting the cast of willy wonka and the Chocolate Factory 44 years later, but, were back at 8 419 all singing the oompaloompa song. 44 years ago, gosh, willy wonka and the Chocolate Factory delight the Pure Imagination of generations ever since. Six of the original cast members recently reunited in orlando and Nbcs Joe Fryer had the chance to enter the colorful world. In willy wonka and the Chocolate Factory five lucky kids scored Golden Tickets. Hey, you got it. You got the last Golden Ticket the kid found the last Golden Ticket youre always making things difficult. Reporter blindly signing a contract to enter a lifesized magical candy land. You all like making things difficult. Reporter today those kids are all grown up and still feel lucky because 44 years later they are still in touch. We think of ourselves as a family, maybe a bit of a dysfunctional family but a family really. Reporter part of the family rusty goss. I dont like the work of it. Reporter one of wonkas infamous oompaloompas. Scary to me. When they made the movie they were kids. Now look at us. Yeah. Thank you so much indeed. Reporter lets turn back tame, themmen plays the boys true mike tv. Cant you shut up. Reporter and Michael Boulder gives us the glut onnous augustus and julie was the ultimate spoiled breath veruca salt. I want it now reporter was it a tough character to play, a fun character . Its fun to be bad and fun to be encouraged to be bad. Your parents are saying dont do this, dont do that. Reporter and Denise Nickerson starred as the gumloving violet brargtd. Reporter do you get sick of chewing the gum . I was having a ball. Reporter do you still chew gum . No. Reporter when did you get up . When i returned and had 13 caf dis. Reporter and then theres peter ostrum, aka charlie, the young boy who captures our heart. Charlie bucket. Reporter after the movie ostrum shied away from the spotlight and grew up to be a veterinarian. Everyone should be so lucky to have an experience like this and then go into a different direct. Reporter except for rusty all the young actors left the business. We love the movie. Reporter but the cast continues to remain in the public eye, often invited to conventions like spooky empire in orlando. Now, for anyone who envied these kids lost in a world of candy a reality check. Augustus reporter was the river really chocolatey . Oh, im sorry twarks water. It was water. It was disgusting. At part of the interview now where were bursting peoples bubbles and, you know, people want to think of it as luscious, you know, mouthen chocolate. Oh, yes, yes. Yes, yeah, it was lovely. Delicious. Reporter we decided to hand out some real chocolate bars, but our Golden Tickets came with questions. Which actor actress was least like their character . Im going to say julie. I want it now shes nothing like that rotten child. No. Who required the most takes to film a scene . Me. 76. Reporter hes talking about this scene, the one with all those cart wheels. Among casts favorite memories, working with the larger than life actor gene wilder. Five kids clamoring all over you wanting his attention. Never any please dont bother mr. Wilder and we must have been pretty tiresome of the we must have been. They were. Reporter show of hands if given the opportunity, how many of you would do it again . Unanimous. Absolutely. Reporter time of your life . Yeah. I mean, look, we are the fortunate ones. Were here. We got to really see it and experience it, and the first thing people do when they find out who we are is they smile. Yeah. We call it the wonka effect, you know, when things are a little bit grim and then people, ah, the face lights up. That wont hurt us. Whoops. Reporter lets raise a glass to the wonka effect. Im a rocket. To our good charlie reporter probability of a world of imagination that still lives on. For today, joe fryer, nbc news, orlando. The nostalgia is rushing over me. Like tearing up here. Going to watch it tonight. My gosh. Ive been looking for that chocolate river. They totally did burst my bubble that its dirty water. Why, dont go there . Hold on to the loving memory. Like they said. While were here lets send our very best to the great gene wilder as well. Coming up next, the amazing artist proving its okay to play with your food. Good morning. Im darlene rodriguez. We do have some breaking news to report. There has been a threealarm house explosion right now, a house explosion. Youre looking at video here. This is in elizabeth, new jersey, on magnolia avenue. From what we understand this took place on the second floor of a private house on magnolia avenue. Some reports said that there is a partial collapse, that there were people trapped inside, a rescue operation as you can see was under way. We still dont know the cause of the explosion or the extent of anyones injuries. We do understand this is near the southern end of the runway at newark airport, but no threats to any flights at this hour. Flights still taking off and landing. We have a photographer there on the scene, but our reporters Brian Thompson and sheldon due tess are on the way and we will bring you more information from elizabeth, new jersey, as its available. We take you back to the today show. We are back at 8 49. All this week were celebrating the launch of the today food club. And with that in mind erica hill is here to introduce us to some people who are breaking ought rules it comes to food. Hey, erica. Good morning to you. By the way, this is my Favorite Club weve launched, just saying. Scan social media and no shortage of peoples foods and the artists were about to introduce you to take it a step further creating masterpieces out of foods most of us have in our pantry. If you think tinkering with food is childs play then you probably havent seen this. Or this. Or this. Extraordinary works of art created out of the ordinary stuff we eat. Meet 23yearold jesse, a traditionally trained artist now creating nontraditional art. I create my work with a pretty broad variety of things, produce, sometimes its candy, cereal. Liquids and condiments and spices. Reporter the iconic faces of elvis, lady gaga and john lennon, crafted from a few simple ingredients. And lets not forget these wellknown anchors. Its fun transforming something that people see every day and letting them see it in a different way. Reporter her work has now caught attention of corporate america, Companies Like mcdonalds and unilever seeking a playful approach to advertising. Thats awesome to get to use my hobby and its sort of a career at this point. Reporter and shes not alone in the food art space. Batch please cookies creates tiny paintings out of butter and sugar and mr. Crisp, Rice Krispies and laura miller heads into another direction transforming food into fashion, bringing culinary challenges out of the kitchen and into the studio. I like the way you get to see that finished create. Youre just building it for yourself and then its gone. Jesse says she chooses her food materials with purpose and you were asking what your portrait was made out of. Did a little digging and heard you liked gawk mole and theres a little bit of avocado. I like it. I would like to bathe in avocado so thats the next best thing. Thats coming up next week in today food. The matt wanted to go with the pizza. Talented, very talented. You guys have never looked better in pizza and guacamole. Dont forget to sign up for our food club. Head to today. Com foodclub. And while there enter for a chance to win an allexpense paid trip to join our table here at studio 1a and 3,000 worth of cookware and cutlery. And were giving people who sign up on the plaza one of these todays food club spat las courtesy of get it right. My mom is asking how to get one of these. Come to the plaza and sign up for today food. The mom, ill give you mom. Dylan. I dont like to take things. She has to follow rules. Stocking stuffer. Erica, thank you very much. Caring about the things that make each of our clients unique. Thats what makes Riverspring Health unique. Lets check in with our friend Willard Scott to find out who is celebrating birthdays today. Hey, willard. Hi, boy, do we have fun. When we do birthdays, we dont fool around. Weve got great ones. Mary, a beautiful greek lady, 100 years old from new brunswick, new jersey. She loves to cook greek food. Eleanor bryson is 100 years old today from kyle, west virginia. She loves to play dominoes, makes her sharp. Marlon mork, happy birthday, lancaster, pennsylvania, best breakfast ive ever had in my life. 100 years old today. Clarence gowin from the great stayed of fergus falls, minnesota, 100 years old today. Served in the philippines in world war ii. Thank you for y r service. Lots more on the today show. Thank you, willard. Coming up in our next hour, brace yourselves. Mel b is our guest host. So much fun. For the hour. You know, my big fat greek wedding sequel movie is going out and nia varldies is here with the trailer. First time anyone has ever seen the trailer. All of the c back, even good morning. Its 8 56. Wednesday morning, im darlene rodriguez. We are continuing to follow breaking news. A house explosion in elizabeth, new jersey, here are live pictures now showing the scene on magnolia avenue. Firefighters and other emergency crews are there. Weve also seen several people on stretchers. There is no word yet on what caused this explosion. We are hearing the blast happened on the second floor of the home. We have our reporters, Brian Thompson and Sheldon Dutes headed to the scene. We will have updates throughout the morning. Again, there has been an explosion inside a home on magnolia avenue in elizabeth, new jersey and we have no word yet on the cause or the number of people injured. You are looking at live pictures. We also understand this neighborhood is near the southern end of the runway at newark, airport, but there are no threats to any flights at this hour. We will have more in a half hour. See you then. Hour. We will have more in a half this morning on todays take our good friend mel b is back to shake things up as our guest cohost and get ready to say opa again with my big fat greeg wedding star nia varldos and a special salute to our military men and women on this special vetdyans day. All that and mor coming up now. Announcer from nbc news, this is todays take with the al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Quite a week or so. Just a week. Welcome to today. Its a wednesday morning. November the 11th. 2015. Vervrans day. We salute our vetsand active military this morning. Many of hem out on the plaza in d rain with us. Thank you for being here. Im willie with tamron, and our friend mel b whats up . Whats up . Im just saying you aresan oreo today. B feeling the beard. You are feeling the beard or ju st saying that. Im kind of just saying that. I know you well by now. Ot really feeling it. Did you really just say that . I didnt mean to. What i meant was feeling it like touching. Its soft. Not bad. Its a bit scattered though. Its like when a 14yearold boy tries to grow a beard, thats sort of what it looks like. Is there beard gel. Theres horse shampoo you can put in. I know that. Luxurious. What are the kids saying at home as you grow this ou again . When i go to give them a kiss good night. Th y want nothing too fuzzy. Natalie is on assignment, al, of course, in the midst of his wild adventure rokerthon doing the weather in all 50 states in one week, covered 30 states in the last few days and today he runs through eight more. 32. Im up hi, al. Were at 32 now. Were in mississippi. Hey, mel b. Were on were on i10 heading east towards alabama and in fact all morning and early into the afternoon were going to be stopping at a whole bunch ofbo military installations in onor of veterans day. Nice. As you take a look ahead of the road, weve got fog, but its otherwise the weather has been spectacular. Ive got a police escort. Nice. Oh, man ive got a brand new winnebago. This is a winnebago fuse. We love it. Thats a good looking vehicle. This thing just rolled off the assembly run. Sweet, isnt it . Yeah. Im actually im doing this, baby. Im driving this thing. Im just checking that youre okay. By the end of the day, al, youll be through 40 states, is math right . Were we will be through 40 states, and were starting tomorrow morning in virginia and making our way up the coast on amtrak. Oh, how cool is that. Phenomenal. That is. All right. We miss you, but were enjoying this. Having a great time. Its good, its good. Rokerthon 2. Planes, trains and automobiles with al roker. And a lot of goats. I dont understand the goats. I do, but ill tell you about it later. You know how do you know . She has a different goat story. Lots of them. Lets start with veterans day. Yes. And a happy one to the 22 million veterans living in the United States. More than 1. 3 million Armed Forces Members serving in the military. Vets being honored around the country today, a couple of marines traveling the country. Love this storying giving hugs to other vets. Marine ian michael created the human hug project and aims to visit every v. A. Product. Part of a project to combat anxiety and isolation. Diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder after serving in iraq in 2003. Hes traveling with a fellow marine veteran and his wife. So far they have visited 15 v. A. Facilities and plan to give out hugs at 140 more. What a cool idea. Thats so nice. And something so simple as a hug showing that connection. Yeah. The best. Special. Coming up, weve got a story to tell you about a vet who is actually paying it forward by funding scholarships for veterans, children and their spouses. So much goodwill in the veteran community and so many people doing such good thinks, including a group ive worked with a lot called operation mend out at ucla medical center. The group provide surge call medical treatment free of charge and Psychological Health support for the most severely injured veterans who have served abroad. Heres flywheel in new york city. Got the whole group together. Love it. Operation mend gang in town from l. A. , guys coming from across the country for this veterans week and we spun and we sweat for about 45 minute. Ever done it . I love it. Yeah, are you kidding me. I love a good spin. Intense and feels good. Dylan was there. And theres a lot of people from operation mend on our plaza today who came by to say hello. Great stuff. Thanks for the folks at flywheel. Got an apple gadget. Tell you about the Holiday Season coming up. Apples pro pencil. Christmas come early. This is the ipad pro. Whats really awesome is you see how different it is in size. This is a standard ipad air, much larger in real estate size and apple could be entering into a whole new category and really targeting this not just towards people watching videos or people that are gaming but kind of consumers and business travelers and artists. With the new apple pencil, its pressure sensitive. Actually amazing how well it works on screen and how well an artist can use it to their advantage. This has two times the computing power. It is a workhorse and i think it could enter into a new category for tablets. Somewhere between the pc and ipad. What space . Ceo tim cook of apple said this could be a pc killer which i think is a powerful statement. Could the declining pc sales even further decline now with Something Like the pro . Possibly. I love apple, but i just feel like they come out with so many new things that i have to have everything and spending more money and more money and more money. Well, i love that point, too, because a lot of people are this isnt the first time weve seen a larger sized tablet but here eat deal. Apple does such a great job of reef the consumer and you want it. The difference there they can really reach the everyday consumer. It is amazing the psychology. Look what youve done. Him a beard like willies. Amazing the psychology behind the desire to get everything new apple i got the apple tv and sat there forever. I got it and i just bought it because it came out that day. Dont even know what im supposed to do it. Go to an apple store the day the new phones came out. Lines around the block. Couldnt wait one extra minute. What is this going to run us, hdow much . Actually starts at 799 for 32 gigs. Can i just take this one. Thats yours. Done deal. The nevertheless, you could at least get past one level. Like in the subway, im feeling protective about it. Theres something to that apple trend. Absolutely. Katie, thanks. Good to see you. You look adorable as always. My light saber skirt. Oh. The most whimsical and fun style. So awesome. Love it. And we both have on pant suits today. We didnt plan it. We do. This is the thing for the day. I almost worth exact same color pant suit. I love that. What are you calling that a blush tone . Beige. Beautiful. Lovely. Youre not only one wearing the pants three suits. Three suits. The name of our hour today. Somebody missing suits, pants, and a lot of other things, the Victoria Secret models. I meant to go there yesterday but i was rehearsing. You were going to go there . Yeah. Front row, too. See, i think i would leave there like im inferior. An inferior person. Youre beautiful. The women are beautiful. The models are out, model Lily Aldridge wore the 2 million vanity bra at the victorias secret fashion show. They taped it just in case you are going to pie it for someone set in 18 karat gold and took 1,600 hours of labor to create it. Every year the fantasy bra is for sale but doesnt always find a buyer, surprise, surprise. If not the bra is dismantled after a year and i guess recycled recycled. Put it in a museum for people to look at it. Anyone ever buy it . Doesnt seem like something i just think about the guy who would buy that for his wife. Give the 1 million to charity if youve got that kind of money. What do you think in. I dont think i would buy, it no. I dont think i would want it. Wouldnt want to wear it. Looks uncomfortable. Probably extremely heavy, not the softest thing to chris to, either. All of our gestures, all right here. Its a bra. Doesnt look comfortable. Thats where they go, right. And caitlin and kris jenner were there. Their daughter kendall. Kendall walked for the first time in the show, and you were actually, mel b, at kris gatsby party, speaking 6 million. I was. The bra sells for their 2 million. I read that kris jenners Birthday Party was 2 million. How was that . It was a proper full on lavish party. Yeah. And really nice. Everybody was dress up in the gatsby style. There you are. Look at you. And its it was nice. Everybody made an effort, ant party was full on. It looked beautiful. The glasses were baccarat. Was it her birthday . 60. She looked gorgeous, too. Wow. Really raising the stakes for birthday parties. Got to sell me a fantasy bra to give me a party. Lets get a check of the weather from miss dylan. Hello, miss dylan. Hey, guys, looking at snow back through the eastern rockies. Denver has been seeing snow for the past several hours and it is going to accumulate and blow around with the very gusty winds. In fact, for parts of eastern colorado and western parts of nebraska, we could see blizzard conditions, not because theres because it gets tossed around and wind gusts up near 60 Miles Per Hour so we do have blizzard warnings in effect and on the eastern side of this cold front and this area of low pressure we have strong storms in the forecast, especially iowa, west Central Illinois and also northeastern, missouri where we could end up with strong storms, even torn starting out this morning a little drizzly, damp and on the cool side, it should be dry by parade time. Clouds may give way to a break or two of sunshine in the afternoon hours. Tonight 48 midtown, 40 north and west of the city tomorrow. Showers are coming back with a the high in the upper 50s. After that it stays dry for a couple days. Back to the upper 50s sunday, near 60 early next week. . And thats your latest forecast. Up next, get ready to break some tishes because youre invited to another big fat greek wedding. My goodness. She did it. Oh, wow. There you go. Do it together. One, two, not yet. Not yet. Not yet not yet. Pull the peach milk, fruit, cultures. Mmmm, yoplait. Coughing. Sniffling. And wishing you could stay in bed all day. When your cold is this bad. You need new theraflu expressmax. Theraflu expressmax combines. Maximum strength medicines available without a prescription. To fight your worst cold and flu symptoms. So you can feel better fast and get back to the job at hand. New theraflu expressmax. The power to feel better. Tm heres a little healthy advice. Eat well, live well, and take of what makes you, you. Right down to your skin with Aveeno Aveeno daily moisturizing lotion with the goodness of active naturals oat and 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. Healthy skin equals beautiful skin. And for shower softness, add the body wash, too aveeno naturally beautiful results i guess i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. Never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. It never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. My dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, its kind of a onetime shot and you have to care for it. He told me to use pronamel. Its gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. It allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, r and it was a real easy tswitch to make. How do they make starburst taste so juicy . They use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] its about to get juicy. Whoo i feel so aliii. It takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. Unexplainably juicy. When the weather starts turning cooler and the air is nice and crisp, i know that fall has finally arrived. And with it, all the flavors of the season. Fall is all about bringing people together around delicious food. And each recipe brings as much enjoyment as the company. You need to make every meal more memorable. Walmart. All right. Break out the windex and the bundt cake because its coming back to the big screen, 13 years since a small modest film called my big fat greek wedding hit theaters and became a huge box hit smash. Nia vardalos drew on her own family traditions create the classic comedy. And now nia is here with an exclusive first look at the long await the sequel, my big fat greek wedding 2. Hello, darling, good to see you. Hello. The last time you were was not very long ago. Were you about to start filming. Yes. This went fast. It did, it did. We gathered the entire family back and everyone in the first movie is back for the second movie. Wow. We filmed in the same locations. We have the same producers and we are still a small independent film now being released by the behemoth universal pictures. But you know we are still the same family and were really close and had a great, great time. Were going to show the trailer in just a minute. Wont keep people waiting much longer, but can you reflect back on your life in that time . Here you make a small movie, probably see some friends and family and becomes an international phenomenal. What was that like in realtime it is. It was really going down a hill, skiing without poles. It was just aghhh. Here we go. But everything stayed the same. I remember being Home Visiting my family when the movie was breaking all these records, and i was like, mom, you know, this movie, you know, just broke this record and my mother is like thats nice. Take the chicken out of the oven. Its the same. Keeping you humble. Its same. Were super excited the trailers. Want to talk to it now. Where is it . Here it is. Here we go. Here we go. Oh, my gosh. This is it. A long time ago. Hi i had a big fat greek wedding. Now my daughter is all grown up. Florida to new york, these are the colleges im applying to. Why do you want to leave me . Payback. And ian and i are just trying to find a minute to ourselves. Youre going on a date with your husband, and afterwards, oh, satin, slippery like youre welcome. Shave everything. Now my family has come together. Who says a woman has to be married . You, all our lives. The wedding is off to pull off another big fat greek wedding. All right. One, two, pull. Oh. We come from a long line of strong women. Remember to protect the polaki. Eyes open and niece shut. If your knees are open, shut your eyes. My gosh. That is hilarious. Hilarious, hilarious. Thank you. Thats out there. Shave everything. Thats life advice. My cousins and i do that whenever were in a photo, together, put our arms on the back of each others neck and you get an instant facelift. Ready, ah. Thats phenomenal. Oh, my gosh. Thank you. Weve got a good idea but where do we pick up the story here . The reason that the sequel took so long to come out is because its entirely my fault. I just could not write something that i didnt know. I had written my character is a mom at end of the movie and i wasnt a mom and a sad story and it turned out great because once i became a mom i understood all those feels and on my daughters first day of kindergarten somebody said something and that was it. I had the idea for what the sequel would be. Wow. That was it. You cannot write i cant write unless it comes from my real life. Celebration time because the film is done, trailer is epic. You guys are breaking plates. Were going to break some plates. Very first day. As we go to break. As we break the plates the good news the trailers is out and the bad news is you have to wait until march 25th. From our Sister Company nbc universal. These are my dogs dusty and cooper. I work for the dogs twentyfour seven. I am the butler. These dogs shed like crazy. Its like being inside of a snow globe. It takes an awful lot of time to keep the house clean. I dont know what to do. doorbell whats this . Swiffer sweeper and dusters. It really sticks to it. It fits in all the tight spaces. This is really great. Does that look familiar to you . Im no longer the butler, i am just one of the guys. Your nfl loyalties will be tested. Thats right, go pack go. What did you order coach . A big mac for me, and fries for lil ditka. Great choice, partner. Mcdonalds and the nfl are teaming up like never before. Were giving away millions of instant win prizes and tickets to super bowl 50. Text in your code, and if we announce your team on nbcs sunday night football, youre automatically a winner. You could even win 500,000. Its time to play game time gold. Whos your team . Across america, people. Are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes. With noninsulin victoza. P for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. T but it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza. He said victoza works differently than pills. And comes in a pen. Victoza is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. Its taken once a day, any time. Victoza is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. Victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults. With type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people. With type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Victoza has. R. Not been studied with mealtime insulin. Victoza is not insulin. Do not take victoza if you have a personal or Family History of medullary Thyroid Cancer. Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza. Or any of its ingredients. P symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching. Rash, or difficulty breathing. Tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. Serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza , including. Inflammation of the pancreas pancreatitis . P stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away. If you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away. In your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. P tell your doctor about all the medicines you take tand if you have any medical conditions. Taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. The most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. The control you need. Ask your doctor about. Noninsulin victoza. Its covered by most health plans. Happy hump day, everyone. The disco music. My club is empty. Theres nobody at club. Got one patron past the red develop set. Lets get a dose of pop fix. Wheres my music . Lets begin by saying oh, baby. Kim kardashian announcing on social media that shes gained more than 50 pounds with her current pregnancy. The reality star tweeted out news admitting, okay, im 52 pounds up today and still have six weeks to go. I got my work cut out for me. Last month the expectant mother wrote on her website enbeng pregnant is not her favorite , part of life she does enjoy the challenge of getting her body back afterwards and looking pretty flawless even with the riskse maternity attire. Can you imagine will smith being afraid of anything, the fresh prince or big willy said how he felt when he was offered the role in the new movie concan you. Hes a doctor who discovered a footballinduced brain injury called cfe. Being a selfdescribed football dad admitted i didnt want the brain injuries to be a reality and at a minimum i didnt want it to be me who had to say convinced him otherwise and the gladiator director called up smith and said this is it. Pay attention. It must have grabbed his attention. We cant wait tobu see him tackle this controversial movie that a lot of people will be talking b. Finally, big news from the rock. Wayne johnson announcing that his girlfriend lauren, they are expecting a baby girl. The san andreas star made the announcement on his Instagram Account thanking all his fans for the support he and his lady received and saying hes about to be outnumbered he said bring on more estrogen in his home. Congrats to our buddy, come on, its a party. They have the club music. Up next, my girl mel b. Were going head to head in a pop culture pop fix. Whats the dance move these days . What do we do . I dont really know. H us not whip nae nae. I dont know. Youre how you doing . Hey how are you . Where are we watching the game . Youll ee. I think my boys have a shot this year. Yeah, especially with this new offense were running. I mean, our running back is a beast. Once he hits the hole and breaks through the secondary, oh hes gone. And our linebackers and dbs dish out punishment, and never quit. You didnt expect this did you . Nord i didnt. The nissan altima. Theres a fun side to every drive. Nissan. Innovation that excites. We stop arthritis pain, so you dont have to stop. Y tylenol 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. The first is fast. The second lasts all day. We give you your day back. What you do with it is up to you. 9 27 on this wednesday morning. We have new information about this mornings breaking neas. That house explosion in elizabeth, new jersey, Brian Thompson is at the scene and he joins us with the latest. Brian. Reporter yeah, im on magnolia avenue right now. Cathe police department, Fire Department, are starting to move spectators back. Its not clehr if they will move us. Lets go to our chopper picture right now, live pictures from chopper 4 of the scene here on magnolia avenue. The house explosion which has totally destroyed this home on magnolia. This is really not too far from route 1 and 9 o the orth side of liz behead and we know that one person is dead. We have been able to confirm at information. As many as seven people have already been pulled from the house and according to my sources one more person was trapped inside, but alive, ynd they were as of a few minutes ago doing a rescue effort to try to get that individual out. So in total nine people were known to be in the house when it exploded shortly after 8 00 this morning. That explosion, as we say, totally destroy the house, you can see the pictures. It also caused damage to homes right next door. The Fire Department is moving us now, but there is gas in the neighborhood. That is the problem. Elizabethtown gas has been ca alled in. At first we thought it was pse as you can see this isuite a scene and still very active. We will continue to update you as we get more information. Live in elizabeth, im Brian Thompson. This is ongoing. We will continue to cover it. We will be back with another update in 30 minutes. Taking a look at headlines. Chipotle restaurants in oregon and washington will reopen today even though the Health Department cant find the source of the e. Coli outbreak that got more than 40 people sick. Tests on thousands of produce samples turned up negative for the bacteria. Before reopening the 43 chipotle locations had to toss out all the food and deep clean the restaurants. About 130,000 childrens drinking cups are being recalled. The recall involves bueno kids tall tumblers sold at target and other stores. If a chose on the drinking straw small pieces can break off and get swallowed or inhaled. No injuries have been reported, but parent should make sure their children stop using them. Obese children as young as 8 years old show early signs of heart disease. Researchers used imaging tests to compare a small group of obese and normal weight kids and found that 40 of the obese children had thickened muscles surrounding the heart which could reduce the hearts pumping ability. Whxperts caution that heart problems during childhood could lead to more complicated Health Conditions in the future. And a woman in california is very grateful after her jewelry was lost and found. Charissa walter had put her Engagement Rings and earrings in a tissue when she was cleaning the bathroom and realized she tossed the tissue in the toilet and flushed it. Frantically she called for help and a utility crew lifted a nearby manhole cover, and amazingly they found her jewelry. She calls it a miracle. I call it a life lesson. Now get a check of the weather from al who is on rokerthon zd9 hello, sir. Hey, tamron. We are on i10 heading east towards to mobile, alabama, and were celebrating all of our veterans today by stopping at military installations so were going to continue that as we get into mobile. But lets get caught up on your latest weather of the first of all, for today, we are looking at a risk of very strong storms stretching from northeastern texas all the way on up into the midmississippi river valley with an elevated risk for tornadoes and were watching that and a big snow storm getting itself together in the rockies and heading east. For tomorrow weve got a Beautiful Day along the east coast, midatlantic coast and into the southeast. We do look for rain and showers making their way into the northeast. All windy conditions and wet conditions in the Pacific Northwest. Rainy and windy around the central and western great lakes th th gorgeous weather through the southwest into southern california. Thats whats going on around low clouds, drizzle around, a couple of showers especially east of the city this morning then considerable cloudiness for the afternoon, maybe a peek or two of sun, a High Temperature 58 degrees. Tonight partly to mostly cloudy overnight low 48, closer to the low 40s in most suburbs. Tomorrow showers are back in the forecast on and off throughout the day. Breezy, cool on friday, sun and clouds, 58, chilly for saturday, only 51 and windy. Less wind and a little milder early next week. Thats your latest weather. Willie, ive got to tell you this winnebago fuse is a sweet ride. Im so jealous. Love a big recreational vehicle. Youre looking good behind the wheel, my friend. Im telling you. Weve got to do a road trip with the four of us. Yes. This thing down like route 66. How many bathrooms . Tamron is asking how many bathrooms and is there a vanity mirror. One bathroom. Just one . Shes out. Im out is there were down to three. Down to three. Keep on trucking, sir. Well check back in with you and were back with mel b. I didnt know these work. In addition to being within one of our favorite cohosts also serving as host on an upcoming vh1 music in 2015 called you outta know. Tell me about this show. So many fun. Live for two hours, performances from a ton of artists. Just a fun show, edgy, hot people. And you have history whoa, i like that move. You have a history with the show so not just the fact that you are the host. You were one of the shows. At vh1. Not just vh1. No, i mean, its a great network. My daughter is very happy that get to host the whole thing and its live and the performances are killer, absolutely killer. One of your own 13 jobs americas got talent and now were hearing simon cowell is joining the show replacing howard. Lots of rumors and hes officially said. Its his show. He created this show and even though im sad howards left, i love howard, but its a good combination. We do, too. They are similar characters. Youve got the big pop culture show on vh1 so well test your pop culture knowledge. Hands on even though mel is a pop superstar and have a 16yearold daughter. I know nothing. Which movie has clawed its office . Tamron. Jurassic park. Im sorry. The only question i knew. According to officialcharts. Com which mark Randy Johnson bruno mars collaboration uptown funk. 20 tamron. Ill give you this one, go. With the headline call me caitlin what magazine featured 2015s most famous cover . Vanity fair. Thanks for that. Heres a good one. Who won the 2015 as car for best actress in. Oh. Wait, wait, wait. Best actress. Red hair. Great actress. Owing julianna margulies. Julianne moore. That famous redhead julianna margulies. Okay. Here we go. And i love julianne moore. I love you, so sorry. This one is up your alley. Come on, mel. Which member of one direction broke countless of teenage hearts by leaving the band . Zane. Which series won the 2015 empire. Hbo. Thats not a drama, is it . Hbo, lots of fights and game of thrones. I know. I watch it i cant believe i missed that. After meeting on a 2003 film which celebrity couple announced separation this year after ten years of marriage. Big, famous couple, separated a couple months ago. Aflac and garner. Good one. Thats sad news. I know, i dont write the questions. Added to the oed in 2015. Oed. I dont know what that is. Oh, oxford exling dictionary was this term in which a guy takes up too much space on public transit. Oh. Because its my pet peeve. Man spread. Man spreading. Yes, exactly. You can do that in a pant suit. Good thing you wore pants. Time for one more. Ill give this to mel. Can you do it. Im not that competitive. Not fair quite to mel but see she kw. Ws it. Which team won the world series in 2015 for the first time in 30 years. The royals. The royals is what she just said. The royals. Yes. You got it. You got it the. Im so good at this game. Tamron just edging mel b, and you she put up a fight. Can you see why mels going to be such a great host. Vh1, big music in 2015 you outta know coming up tomorrow night. Coming up, one air force reservist lending a hand to military families to hel there are things we expect from a phone screen we expect it to be ridged. We expect it to be flat. We expect it to be fragile. But what if it wasnt . Wouldnt that change what we expect from a phone . Meet the new droid turbo 2. With Moto Shattershield technology. The worlds first shatterproof screen. Only on verizon. Get up to 300 when you trade in your phone and buy the droid turbo 2. Clorox knows a lot of dusters just push dust around. Clorox dust wipes have the power to grab and hold on to dust, allergens, and even hair, all with just one wipe. I wish i had this much hair. Cant help you there. Real dusting. For your real life. Nothing like a good, quick meal to bring two people together. Campbells skillet sauces. Ready in under 20 minutes. Campbells. Made for real, real life. Coughing. Sniffling. And wishing you could stay in bed all day. When your cold is this bad. You need new theraflu expressmax. Theraflu expressmax combines. Maximum strength medicines available without a prescription. To fight your worst cold and flu symptoms. So you can feel better fast and get back to the job at hand. New theraflu expressmax. The power to feel better. Tm you know the love you feel for olive garden s fresh baked breadsticks . Well multiply that by a million. New breadstick sandwiches, part of olive garden s lunch duos starting at 6. 99. And off you go, and off you go, and off you go, for every step, every stride, every start, begin strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 whole grain and off you go. Lips appear to age faster than other skin. No worries. Now, theres new chapstick total hydration. Its 100 natural, age defying formula is clinically proven to provide healthier, more youthful looking lips. Chapstick put your lips first the allnew tacoma. Toyota. Lets go places. Today is veterans day when we honor our military men and women for their service and sacrifice through generations of war, and theres one veteran who has found a way to support military families by giving them the opportunity to pursue their dreams. Oklahoma State University is the only school teague ever wanted to attention. Generations of family members had gone before him so when teague and his mom stephanie learned he had been accepted we both screamed basically. Its not one of your formal acceptance letters. Its a card that you open up and it starts playing the osu fight song. Teagues dream was to study mechanical engineering, inspired by lessons he learned building and fixing bikes with his dad, cole them tom crotty. Got to the Grow Together through bikes and he built his own workshop in our house and got to replace everything. It was just one thing our whole cycling. But the family faced a practical concern, how to pay for that dream College Education . Teagues father who earned a bronze star for his work in afghanistan died of leukemia nearly five years before his sons graduation, leaving his family to find a way forward. A lot of folks feel like, you know, with time, you know, that things do get bert, and they do. But its still you still have an extreme loss. You still feel like a part of you is gone, you know. Ive lost my best friend and its tough, really tough. To help ease the challenge military families often face dealing with injury or loss major dan reason, a United States air force reservist, created a program to Fund Children and spouses. The mission upholds honor and leave no family behind. We cant undo whats happened we can come into an inherently dark situation and bring a ray of hope and bring a ray of light to that family. Rooney was affected watching a young boy meet his fathers flagdraped casket after returning from iraq in 2007, and he took action, establishing the folds of honor found day. The organizations name references the 13 folds in a flag for Fallen Soldiers and symbolizes the burden each family carries with them. Were in a position not just to say im sorry or thank you for your service but to do something tangible and no greater gift can you give any family than step in and take care of their children and their spouse. My name is chrissie carp text and im wife of Lance Corporal andrew carpenter. My name is paige garber and im the daughter of command master chief jeff garber. I think he would be so proud of me and my sister for going to college and getting our degrees. Over the past eight years folds of honor has awarded more than 10,000 scholarships, 13 million in aid this year. Rooney says its just a start. The least we can do is to ensure that these families who have paid such a tremendous sacrifice for the freedoms that we enjoy to have the opportunities to pursue their dreams in this country . Teagues scholarship game just in time for his trip to Oklahoma State this fall, giving his mom a bit of relief. Im very proud of him. Hes worked really hard for where he is right now. His dad would be very excited for him. Its an Awesome Group that because of its popularity needs your support to learn more about folds of honor and how you can donate. Go to today. Com. Coming up next, some helpful travel tips for the holidays which are right around the if youre an adult with certain diabetes pills or daily insulin, your doctor may be talking about adding medication r to help lower your a1c. Ask your doctor if addingr onceaweek tanzeum r is right for you. Onceaweek tanzeum is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes, along with diet and exercise. Onceaweek tanzeump works by helping your body release its own naturalr insulin when its needed. P tanzeum is not recommended as the first mediciner to treat diabetes or in peopler with severe stomach r or intestinal problems. R tanzeum is not insulin. It is not used to treatt type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis, and has not been studied with mealtime insulin. Do not take tanzeum if you or your family have a history of medullary Thyroid Cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if youre allergic to tanzeum or any of its ingredients. Stop using tanzeum and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction which may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing; if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe stomach pain that will not go away and may move to your back,p with or without vomiting; or if you have symptomsr of Thyroid Cancer which include a lumpr or swelling in your neck, pnhoarseness, trouble swallowing, r or shortness of breath. Before using tanzeum,r talk to your doctor p about your medical conditions, p all medicines youre taking, if youre nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. And about low blood sugar and how to manage it. Taking tanzeum with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects with tanzeum include diarrhea, nausea, injectiont site reactions, cough, back pain,p and cold or flu symptoms. Some serious side effectsr can lead to dehydration pnwhich may cause kidney failure. Ask your doctor ifp adding onceaweek tanzeum r is right for you. Go to tanzeum. Com to learn if you may be eligible to receive tanzeum free for 12 months. Make every week a tanzeum week. Just press clean and let roomba from irobot help with your everyday messes. Roomba navigates your entire home cleaning up pet hair and debris for up to 2 hours. Which means your floors are always clean. You and roomba from irobot better together. Making christmas wishes come true from wherever you are. And having dreams delivered to your door. For some of us, thats all in a days work. Shop the way you live. Love the way you shop. And experience more wonder every day. Give extra. Get extra. Do you know the secret to a happy home in these modern times . Its a housewife whos in control of the finances. Actually, any wife, husband, or human person can use progressives name your price tool to take control of their budget. And while the men do the hard work of making money, she can get all the Car Insurance options her little heart desires. Or the women might do the hard work of making money. [ chuckling ] women dont have jobs. Is this guy for real . Modernizing Car Insurance with thats enough out of you the name your price tool, on from progressive. Where is your husband . As the Holiday Season approaches, maybe you and your family have some travel plans so were always looking for ways to save you money and aggravation and thats why we called in travel mom. Emily kaufman, to give us her abcs of holiday travel. So good to see you. Family travel season. Holidays are upon us. Going to share some abcs. Lets launch in. Lets start with the a, advanced planning. You want to look at the calendar and choose the dates that are best for traveling. As you can see from this calendar, some of the days are not going to find you a deal anymore. However, traveling on the holidays like thanksgiving, like christmas, those are the times youll save the money and another way to save money that people dont realize is those Big Box Stores where you go yor your big paper towels and a million gummi bears, those kind things, they have travel departments, too. Really. So you can save money i did not know that. Save money on air, hotel, rental cars and theme parks. Great way to save your money. Lets talk b for baggage. When im traveling with kids, especially keep it simple. Put one outfit into one bag. Like a. Dont like germs toumping everything, sort of weird that day. Shower caps. When a great idea. Shoes covered and also remember if youre traveling, you want to do tsafriendly travel size accessories to put in ther e, and if youre bringing gifts, if youre taking the little gifts, thats okay. Bigger gifts, ship ahead. You dont want to get stuck with those things going throughsotsa. And you cant wrap them either because if they check your bags. With the little ones. Im going to go rogue. Willie has two kids. Do you encourage kids having their own suitcase . If you are trying to save money, charge you for checked bags so if you can pack it in a carryon, thats a good way to go and if youre going somewhere like a cruise bring a carryon and have a swimsuit and everything in there so you dont have to wait for your luggage to be delivered. And c. Children. Hi, guys. To keep them busy in the car make what i call a boredom bag. Thisris a travel cosmetic case you can pick up at any store. Fill each pocket with ageappropriate activities, books on tape, ru mks cube, snacks, and that way they c n thep busy in the back seat and keep it organized. Also something to mention when youre traveling with young kids, theres a lot of habits that you develop at home, potty training, nap time, meal time, going to bed and kids are creatures of sequence, order, routine. They are creatures of habit, so follow those sequence, order and routine when youre on the road. Stick to your schedule. If youve got a stuffed animal or something. Working that rubiks cube. Lets talk dijal real quick. D is for digital. Use apps, can save everything, can give you great emergency low capital gains, apps for the best gags prizes and thats digital and, e, enjoy. Enjoy, set the tone for your kids. Weve enjoy you, emily. Thank you. Thanks, kids. You look great. So well behail. Yes, they are. Ill take yall on a road trip. Thanks, find over 1,000 special stories at hospital for special surgery. Early detection is critical in fighting cancer a misdiagnosis or other errors can have serious consequences. For almost 40 years jascoby meyers has successfully represented thousands of clients. Winning them the money they need to take care of themselves and oheir families. U fight the cancer. Well fight for you. I was running 6 months after a hip repair. Hiking 2 weeks after spine care. And setting records 9 months after shoulder treatment. One special hospital, over 1,000 special stories. See them all at kathie lee and hoda are here. Where did mel b go, our cohost is it. Mel b, where are you . Did she bolt early on us . Wait. Is that bell b . Because its tammys birthday. Happy birthday. Thank you. Something for you, and look what we have here for you. Its her birthday. Thank you. Look at this beautiful cake. Oh, my gosh. With only 21 candles because youre only 21, okay . Exactly. Today youre 21. I work with the best team in television. Thank you all. Sing happy birthday to her. 9 57 on this wednesday. Were continuing to follow that breaking news, the house explos n in elizabeth, new jersey. We have confirmed that one loperson was killed in that blast. 1035 magnolia avenue. These are live pictures from the scene. At last Check Another person was trapped inside the building. Rescue under way. Total of nine people were inside at the time of the explosion, three of them said to be critical condition. Were hearing this happened on the second floor of the home, video from chopper 4 shows the extent of the damage. Ildings on both sides of that home were damaged as well. Before we could even get bac k into the building weve got to make sure its safe so were shoring it up and then we will go from there. Its way too early in the investigation to determine where the explosion or why it happened. We have reached out to Elizabeth Town gas. They tell us at this point theres no indication that this blast was gas related. We will have another update in 30 minutes. Once again, one dead, nine injured

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