Transcripts For WNBC News 4 New York At Noon 20160801 : comp

Transcripts For WNBC News 4 New York At Noon 20160801

tracking the rain. pat, back to you. see you again with the full forecast. >> thanks, dave. a violent stabbing in williamsburg, brooklyn, a man was attacked and robbed him of his cell phone and left him critically wounded. this happened at 2:15 this morning. that's where we find marc santia this midday. marc. >> reporter: they tell me the victim is still in critical condition. it started there on the was approached by those three guys. they took his cell phone. after he handed them the cell phone, the men slashed him in his chest and back. with tears in her eyes, donna monday tal voe tries to process what happened in front of her house hours ago. a vicious attack left a man critically injured and this grandmother says it could have easily been her family that was victimized. >> i was with my daughter. anybody. >> as word spreads through this williamsburg section, neighbors are hoping for an arrest to bring a sense of peace. >> this neighborhood is for you, for me. it could be you next time, it could be me next time. those guys, they're not going to stop. >> reporter: back here live on 5th and berry street, police are searching for the three men, they were last seen leaving the area in a silver colored car. if you have any information, you're asked to call police immediately. live in santia, "news 4 new york." >> thank you, marc. a bronx assembly man is standing up for the nypd. michael blake claims officers used excessive force against him as he tried to defuse an argument in the street. tracie strahan is live where blake just met with the media. >> reporter: so far that press conference has included a lot of anger. but even some tears. michael blake claims he was tossed through a fence by an nypd officer while the assemblyman was trying to break celebration. each after he was recognized by law enforcement and offered up an apology, the officer that did it said he would do it all over again. and that was what prompted the assemblyman to file a formal complaint. >> when walking away, i was then told that maybe it was my level of aggression which is what prompted the reaction. again, making sure we're clearly outlining the record, i arrive at the individual event of a having conversations with officers. for anyone to assertive levels of aggression while i'm literally having conversations with officers and the community is trying to slander my name. >> the assemblyman's mother wiped away tears as he told that story. blake said he held a cops and community event that same housing project on washington avenue the week before. he's calling the treatment flanked by supporting lawmakers and community groups calling for nypd reform. pat, i did reach out to the nypd. they are well aware of the allegations and will be conducting their own review as to how it went down. tracie strahan, "news 4 new york." >> tracie, thank you. now there's new information in the double fatal hit and run in brooklyn. two men are dead after a driver in a silver acura struck them ea street in cypress hills. the driver took off from the scene. jen max field has been on the scene. she joins us with an update. >> reporter: they were both fathers and one was a grandfather. their grieving relatives have been showing up asking how it is that these two men died just crossing the street. grieving family members have been coming to the scene of the 41-year-old i, a father with one son died after being struck after midnight. 56-year-old israel terse yoes, a father of three with seven grandchildren died later at brookdale hospital. speaking in spanish, frankie said everyone loved his father, he was friendly with everyone. friends say maldonado and terse yoes were at the bar and went to get dinner at faro, when they driver of this silver acura sedan ran into them and hit two more parked cars. he then left his car and ran away from the scene. terse yoes' son said the driver should turn himself in and pay for what he's done. the nypd has a sign up at the intersection asking for the public's help. >> reporter: police are looking for the driver of that silver acura tl sedan. plate. that was jyt 1879. i just got off the phone with the nypd and they tell me that there has not been an arrest in this case but certainly this is a top priority for the nypd. that's the latest live from the cypress hills section of brooklyn. i'm jen maxfield, "news 4 new york." >> awful story, jen. thank you. this is a man police want to talk to in connection with an attempted rape on staten island. this is 42-year-old a sense i don't know ba remember 21-year-old security guard into the ladies' room at our lady of mt. carmel church, grabbed her by the throat, pushed her to the ground and unbuckled his pants. the young woman fought him off. if you have nif information on his whereabouts, call crimestoppers. that number is 800-577-tips or submit a tip online at nypd the nassau county spca offering a $5,000 reward to whoever can lead them to the a swan. someone found the injured bird near the kiwanis fishing bridge in the massapequa preserve. they believe it was shot saturday night or sunday morning. the darts hit the thicker part of its wing and the swan is okay. now to decision 2016. the controversy involving gop presidential candidate donald trump and the family of a young muslim american soldier killed in iraq is heating trying to stop a suicide bomber in iraq and his father speech to the democratic national convention took aim at trump's call for restrictions on muslims entering the country. at the same time, they're taking heat that they rigged the debate schedule. more from washington. >> during his first campaign stop today since the democratic national convention, donald trump made further defend of a muslim soldier who died serving in iraq. he criticized trump's stance on muslims and trump's sacrifices. >> his wife was standing there, had nothing to say. maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. you tell me. >> on the "today" show this morning, the khans say it isn't true. >> it doesn't have anything to do with my religion. my religion doesn't prohibit me do whatever i want to do. >> said mr. khan viciously attacked him aught the dnc and is now doing the same on tv. >> this candidate amazes me. his ignorance. he can get up and malign the entire nation. >> hillary clinton didn't let up hoping to ensure trust in her versus her gop rival. >> i don't want folks to be misled. to listen to the rhetoric and hillary clinton at her event in omaha, nebraska. donald trump will be in the battleground states of ohio, then pennsylvania. a new cbs news poll out this morning shows that hillary clinton got a 4-point bump out of the democratic convention. she leads donald trump among voters nationally, 46% to 39%. edward lawrence, nbc news, washington. whose country? >> our country. >> whose country? >> members of versus hate held a press conference outside of trump tower this morning to denounce the gop presidential candidate's ongoing verbal spat with the khan family. it was also meant to honor that family's sacrifice. >> all of us here in the united states that would share a common citizenship, because on behalf of us this sacrifice of their son was given. >> members of the local faith community joined in the protest this morning. president obama is in atlanta today to push for health care improvements for veterans. he's set to speak at the 95th annual national convention for disabled american veterans this afternoon. the commander in chief expected to discuss how the country can ensure they receive the benefits they've earned. he's also expected to take part in a roundtable discussion. still ahead at noon, mega merger day. what it mea money report. also, new information about the zika virus. more cases, more concern. what the florida governor is now calling for. and later, new information in that deadly hot air balloon crash out in texas. the balloon pilot and his in news for your health this noon hour, there are ten new days of the zika virus all of them in florida. bringing the total in that state to 14. florida's governor calling for the centers for disease control to activate an emergency response team to help state health officials in their investigation. those officials are s is still only occurring in one small area down in miami's design district. now to the latest on that hot air balloon crash investigation in texas. police say the pilot who was flying that balloon was once arrested for dwi in missouri where he owned another balloon touring company. the cause of the past saturday's crash still under investigation. federal investigators will be interviewing the ground crew and analyzing the electronic devices authorities say the balloon hit power lines before it crashed into a pasture killing all 16 people aboard. happening today on long island, help for students at the now closed dowling college. a transfer fair is going on. five other institutions taking part. students can get assistance through wednesday from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 in the afternoon. getting into a new school. it's merger monday. big news out of wall street. we're joined from global headquarters at cnbc. he has that and a look at the market. >> hey, pat, happy monday. it is a merger monday. we have some big moves as a result. but not for the major averages. the dow is down just slightly. it opened higher but it's moving lower. another busy week coming up. a lot more corporate earnings will be out this week and the big report will be the jobs report for july. but the government reports first 61 points. let me tell you about two of the big mergers, in one of them we've got tesla motors buying solar city. now both these companies are controlled by elon musk. the idea is for this combined company to offer consumers self-sustaining energy products, including solar panels, home battery storage systems and electric cars. the deal is worth $2.6 billion. a lot of skeptics that musk can make this a profit. he's been ambitious through the years. the other deal is verizon calling fleet mat ix. this company makes gps vehicle tractors. it's valued at $2.4 billion. of course, this is only a week after verizon bought yahoo for almost $5 million. verizon is trying to remake itself from a phone company into content. content is king these days. shares of fleet matics up as a result of this deal. busy day in business. >> as always. bill, see you tomorrow. it is time to samba. the 2016 rio games just four days away now. rio is rocking in anticipation. here's nbc's carolyn manno. >> it is a land that celebrates its many faces. from cities that to sky to wilderness that man has yet to conquer. a forest that blankets one of the world's last mysterious realms. this is a place where natural wonders are cheered on and man made ones invite you in. this is brazil. for the first time the olympics are coming to south america. rio de janeiro is hosting the the country. it's one of brazil's most iconic locales. boasting views unlike anywhere else in the world and a unique culture shaped by its diverse history. the 6 million natives of rio, also known as care oak as take the celebration of life to new heights. while significant problems have grabbed headlines. >> the international olympic committee -- >> the city's spirit will clue you in to its olympics demand a spectacle and rio will certainly deliver. >> i am so excited to experience rio. it is such a reputation for being so fun, so light and to have an olympics there, especially, as if the olympics wasn't bright enough, i think it's the perfect combination. i'm so excited to see what rio does with it. >> aren't we all. bruce beck is in rio. he's taking it all in. he's down there for the games and his live reports begin on games this friday, august 5th, 7:30 p.m. set your alarms right here on nbc 4 new york. great day. all righty, my friend. dave price. >> lucky bruce. >> lucky bruce, indeed. >> lucky us for now. >> we need to be lucky as we head through the rest of the day. behind us, you can see the overcast conditions. let's walk on over and get the forecast rolling for you. there's a lot going on. we want to keep you fo 73 degrees on the thermometer. winds out of east. you saw the cloudy conditions when we went to the live shot. a gray and damp day. we don't see much rain in the area right now, it's around us. we could see showers pop up at any time. thunderstorms to the -- a lingering shower not out of the question. 60s in monticello. 73 in the city. 73 in montauk. 74 in danbury. relatively consistent across the area. as we take a look at the live but it's not over us right now. we're dry and that's exactly what we'd like. this is the wider picture. you can see a lot of shower activity to the north, thunder and lightning as you approach the capitol district. staying out of our area. we showed this at the top. flash flood watch in effect for this area. this area, you can kind of see through, bergen, sections of passaic, orange, putnam, a new flash flood watch in effect through 7:00 p.m. in this area. we're keeping track of it all. the good news tracking showers beginning to work their way in at this point. so we're dry for the near term. but as we head to the evening hours, possibilities that we're going to see rain begin to push on through later on tonight to the north, to the west. there you can see more rain and that's our concern. then into tomorrow, scattered showers as well for the first part of the day. keeping in the picture during the afternoon, again, with a little bit of a break, we're going to keep an eye on that. then you get to wednesday and we nicely. then in the end of the week, it's a different story again. stormy as we head into this evening. 68 degrees. watch for the rain, especially to the north and west and thunder showers. we hang on to a little bit of shower activity, up to 79 degrees. as we head to the midweek, it's about perfect. it's going to be a great wednesday. but then towards the end of the week, thermometer goes up. humidity goes up as well. there's the ten-day forecast for you. this is what you can expect. first into next weekend, we see that instability return on saturday with temperatures approain ten-day period, there you see near normal conditions. we're watching all the rain for you and update you again this afternoon. back to you. >> dave, thank you. new york live is coming up next at 12:30. so here's jackie and sara with what's next. >> hi, pat. harry potter returns. but is it the end for everyone's favorite boy wizard. we have j.k. rowling's surprising comments. from an emotional new move toy making history at the perez joins us live. that and more right here at 12:30. >> ooh, rosie. can't wait to see her. thank you, ladies. still ahead, the controversy now, customers are going to call asking for on demand. all they have to do is install this kit. basically, you take the white... you take the male...the female... is that my blender? requires the internet, sir. what's the internet? that's that thing that goes beep [vocal noises] it's time to move on from satellite. for on demand without the hassle, the new miss teen usa is keeping her crown despite the discovery of racist tweets from her sp karl i hey came under fire after she took the title on saturday night. they date back to 2013. and she used the n word repeatedly. the 18-year-old posted an apology on twitter and instagram saying she regrets her words. overnight the miss universe organization said she can keep her crown but condemned the light & fit greek crunch yogurt is topped with crunchy deliciousness that makes it an absolutely, irresistible hit! coming up on news 4 at 4:00, what's behind a spike in backyard injuries. plus, fast action, the new rules to response to concerns about the pokemon go game. that's coming up at 4:00. for breaking updates, go to new york live is coming up next. thanks for tuning in and go out and make it a great day. with 10. which means in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. only fios lets you upload as fast as you can download. and right now, get super fast 100 meg internet, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online with no annual contract. now switching to fios is easier than ever with hassle-free installation. we'll connect your devices to the new wi-fi and there is no cost to cancel early if you change your mind within 30 days. super fast 100 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds. plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. go to or call 1.888.get.fios to learn more. hi everybody. hab i monday. welcome to new york live. a great show on the way to get through this gloomy afternoon. it's been crazy with all this rain and the storms and everything. including tribute to mtv's, get this 35th anniversary. >> i can't believe it's 35 years. >> also ahead, she's dealing with jeff's upcoming addition to -- while raising a kid of her own. >> from a heart tugging new movie called five nights in maine to making history at the democratic national convention, oscar nominated actress rosie perez is in the house.

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