Transcripts For WNBC News 4 New York At 6 20151206 : compare

Transcripts For WNBC News 4 New York At 6 20151206

president obama tonight. good evening. >> rob is off. here is what we know right now. the president will speak just after 8:00 about the terror threat facing our nation. this has investigators search for answers in the mass shooting in san bernardino, california, a terror attack on u.s. soil. >> reporter: in the shadow of the paris terror attacks in last week's shooting rampage in california, tonight president is obama is delivering rare oval office address focusing on the threat of terror. >> tonight, i am announcing that the american combat mission in iraq has ended. >> reporter: five years later american special forces are heading back to iraq and into ir syria to fight isis. >> we have 70 isis related arrests. more than one per week. a thousands investigation in all i wanted to tell the truth to the american people about what the threat nature really is. >> reporter: in an msnbc poll released this evening, 36% see terror as a top worry. 31% say it's gun violence. >> congress must act to ensure that no one who is a suspected terrorist can buy guns anywhere in america. >> democrats call for tighter gun control, republicans want to control the border. >> we do, as nation have the ability and should have the ability to decide who comes here and when they come here. >> reporter: political divide president obama seeks to bridge tonight as he tries to reassure the american people. the president is talking about the extremist threat, he's talking about the need to address american values. >> again, the president is addressing the nation just after 8:00 tonight. we're going to be following this. here in new york deputy police commissioner john miller spoke about new york city preparedness especially in the wake of this terror attack in san bernardino. >> right now we're getting to place where this city has never been before. where there will be over 1500 officers on duty in the new york city police department who will have special weapons and tactics training. that is a sign of the times. >> standing alongside senator chuck schumer they are asking for a vote to happen immediately. new york city has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation. the deputy police commissioner says the department needs the help of the feds to keep guns away from would be terrorists. man stabbed to death when he tried to help a stranger. police want your help finding his killer. this unfolded. he rushed to help out and paid for that decision with his life. in shock after a quiet familiar face in jersey city is stabbed to death as he was trying to do the right thing by stepping in and stopping a fight. >> it's a shame what happened. >> he was trying to save someone. >> reporter: the attack happened steps away from his apartment. one friend says brandon was the disagreement. instead of ignoring the situation, he decided to help strangers. that decision cost him the 26-year-old his life. >> i feel bad. i know he has a family out there that wanted him to be something in life. >> reporter: right now detectives are working the case. you're asked to call police or prosecutors immediately. thank you very much. this video right here has some queens residents very concerned tonight. another fire set at a construction site. this time in forest hills. this is the seventh in queens in just the past two months. news 4 has a clue that police hope will help them catch the person behind this. >> reporter: this was the second arson fire but the fifth this month and seventh since october all in this part of queens. >> reporter: they have put out photos of a possible suspect. some residents think it's a hate crime. >> somebody has a venn detta against a group. >> >> a a hate crime. >> reporter: this area of forest hill s rapidly changing. it's become so common in cent weeks that residents are still in shock. >> not another one. we're kind of sick of this already. someone is doing this and it's kind of enough. >> reporter: police chase their suspect early this morning but gave up when the chase became too dangerous. as for this fire itself, so intense as it burned firefighters had to worry about neighboring homes. >> it was extremely large heavy body of fire and extending into the buildings on the other side of the building under construction. >> reporter: neighbors are worried about more than construction sites. current homes being targeted. >> that's what you're worried about. >> reporter: the owner of this site is a jew, the very community some residents say is being targeted. in forest hill, bryan thompson, news 4 new york. the mta is working to fix the problem to try to get service back to normal mp . a father of two is dead after a domestic dispute. police found him early today in the high bridge section of the 31-year-old was stabbed in the chest. do the right thing. that's what they are pushing for. >> pass this bill. >> supporters held rally at ground zero today. the zadroga act expired last month and has funding to expire next year. the mayor says it's our duty to protect those who went into harm's way. >> it's as simple as this, it is unpatriotic to ignore the needs of our first responders. it's un-american that this legislation is stalled. >> supporters want the bill passed before congress goes on jimmy carter shared good news about his cancer. he said that the spots on his brain appear to be gone. he had part of his live removed after being diagnosed with melanoma to his brain. he said he will continue doses of a recently approved autoimmune drug. >> so glad to hear about that announcement announcement. how low can they go? gas prices are dropping fast. wait until you hear what the average is. the emotional concert that u2 is putting on tonight. why they are playing with heavy hearts. we're talking about gas prices. how low can they go? how high will they stay is the question about the temperatures? what's the week look like ahead. we'll have answers doming up. this was a chaotic scene last night in london. people running from a violent attack. as we first told you last night, three people were stabbed by a man heard saying this is for syria as he was taken into custody. they are treating this as a terrorist incident. u2 has performed the first of two concerts tonight in paris. those had been scheduled-month but postponed after the deadly terrorists attack. shouted vive le france as he stepped out on stage. new york's own patty smith joined the band for the final song. one of indian points two nuclear reactors will remain shut down for the next couple of days following a power loss yesterday. a spokesman is blaming a minor equipment issue that call several control rods to lose power in the unit 2 reactor on saturday. he assured no radiation was released into the environment. consumer who take to the road are seeing the lowest gas prices this year. prices at the pump keep dropping down four cents over the past two weeks. at 2.10 per gallon this is the lowest price since january 23rd. it's due to lower demand and larger exports of crude. there's a bit of bad news. at the port authority crossings. tolls at the george washington pay owned bridges increased today. so did the tolls at the lincoln and holland tunnels. the lincoln pass goes up to 75 cents to 12.50. the cash toll jumps up to $15. tonight we want to wish a happy hanukkah to our jewish viewers. the holiday began at sunset tonight. there's a menora lighting going on. you see this live look. it's the world's largest. beautiful night. >> still ahead right here, hard to believe that it's december outside in this gorgeous sunday evening. how long will these warm temperatures last? when a moment spontaneously turns romantic, and why stop what you' re doing to find a bathroom? pcialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to gop frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, x or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. insurance coverage has expanded nationally and you may now be covered. contact your health plan it is the season for giving. it's a group of motorcycle riders in a big way. >> santa brought his wheels at the children's aid society this afternoon. it's one of the biggest parties this season. children took pictures by the tree and picked out special gifts. >> my mom, my grandfather. >> great. it was organized by the owner of the now closed saloon. children's aid supports families bronx year round with emotional and financial help. >> it's great. boy, do they have their help. we're starting with the president here. >> we are starting with the president. tonight the president making an address on national tv 8:00 and how the country is dealing with the threat of terrorism is his subject. a report from pakistan where we have spoken with some of those who went to school with the female shooter accused in san bernardino massacre. also jimmy carter and what he said today. very good news about his cancer. we're going to stop by a restaurant where you can get really good meal and pay whatever you want. i love the christmas colors. >> the holidays came and we're talking about that. lovely if you're walking around shopping. it's strange. we'll go outside with a beautiful shot of the hanukkah menorah. we're about to go through that lighting ceremony kicking off the eight day festival of light. 50 and mostly clear. that's right. 50 degrees. beautiful weather continues. how long? i'm going to give you a hint. seven days from now we're still talking about it. it looks less sure that that will be the case now. i think we're going to get through the week relatively unscathed. record setter ahead could be, we're looking ing ing at temperatures staying where we are or higher. 39 in monticello. 46 in long branch. we widen out the picture. 33 in burling ton. buffalo at 41 degrees in this hour. in buffalo, they have gotten no snow to this date. the latest in history. 55 degrees if louisville and warm temperatures stretch back to the midwest. today's highs, look at this, many mid-50s. what's going to be happening? as we look ahead a little bit of a change in the pattern this week. as we head into the week, we're looking at a series of coastal systems beginning to work their way up the coast. i think most likely we are going to avoid most of the precip. still nice. couple of high clouds begin to build on in. the mild air is with us. this system, this weak disturbance will wind up going into the atlantic. it may graze us. that's about all. for tonight, clear skies as we begin hanukkah. cool temperatures with light winds. winds out of west/southwest just the really cool stuff as you head to monticello and north and west, we'll be below the freezing. everywhere else, we should be somewhat comfortable especially for this time of year. the seven-day forecast, here it is and there are changes since this morning. we took out a lot of chances of showers. we originally had one in for thursday and friday. i think what we're going to see is that we stay relatively dry this week. we'll still include the chance of showers tuesday into the evening. we'll watch these coastal systems or coastal storms begin to work their way up. they don't look significant. i think at best they will stay to the south or to the east. >> i love that. 59. awesome. >> awesome and strange. we'll take it. >> exactly. we do need that rain. big game tonight. bruce beck is coming up next. he's live from metlife stadium. jets today on a gorgeous sunday afternoon at metlife stadium. with so much on the line for both football teams. coming up in sports, the rivalry lived up to its billing and it took overtime to settle the score. we've got your highlights and post game reaction from both the battle of new york was about just more than bragging rights. the 6-5 jets taking on the 5-6 giants with playoff positions very much on both teams minds. trailing by a score of 3-0 in the giants come up with a huge play. dwayne harris fields the punt and dazzles the crowd as he weaves his way down the field and goes 80 yards to pay dirt. big blue grabs a 7-3 lead. he finds the seed and blazes 72 yards to the end zone. the giants led 20-10 at the half. it was still 20-10 with less than nine minutes to play. eli manning pass is intercepted by miles. it led to a jets field goal. trailing 20-13, gang green marches 71 yards in ten plays. getting branded in the end zone from nine yards out to tie the to force overtime. josh brown missing for the first time all season. the jets engineer a terrific come back to improve a 7-5 while the giants suffer another collapse as they drop to 5-7. 23-20 the final. here's the post game reaction. >> what does it say about the jets character? >> long game before today. >> it went right down to the end as we would expect. how disappointing is it? >> words can't describe right now. we gave it all we got. the jets played great game. >> did you feel like there game was secure? your hands? >> for sure. >> it showed this team had a lot of fight, a lot of pride, and is willing to get the job done by any means. >> did not finish. had the lead 20-10. lost the ball game. it was chris mullins first game as head coach. tonight on sports final we're talking giants and jets reaction. the season goes on with four games to play. still a lot on the line for both teams. that's the story from metlife stadium. it's so warm in this football game was intense. back to you. >> we're talking about this weather. it's great.

Related Keywords

United States , New York , Burling Ton , California , Iraq , Monticello , Forest Hill , Lewisham , United Kingdom , Syria , San Bernardino , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , London , City Of , Pakistan , America , American , Chuck Schumer , Jimmy Carter , Bryan Thompson , Dwayne Harris , Bruce Beck , Josh Brown , Chris Mullins , John Miller , Patty Smith ,

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Transcripts For WNBC News 4 New York At 6 20151206 :

Transcripts For WNBC News 4 New York At 6 20151206

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president obama tonight. good evening. >> rob is off. here is what we know right now. the president will speak just after 8:00 about the terror threat facing our nation. this has investigators search for answers in the mass shooting in san bernardino, california, a terror attack on u.s. soil. >> reporter: in the shadow of the paris terror attacks in last week's shooting rampage in california, tonight president is obama is delivering rare oval office address focusing on the threat of terror. >> tonight, i am announcing that the american combat mission in iraq has ended. >> reporter: five years later american special forces are heading back to iraq and into ir syria to fight isis. >> we have 70 isis related arrests. more than one per week. a thousands investigation in all i wanted to tell the truth to the american people about what the threat nature really is. >> reporter: in an msnbc poll released this evening, 36% see terror as a top worry. 31% say it's gun violence. >> congress must act to ensure that no one who is a suspected terrorist can buy guns anywhere in america. >> democrats call for tighter gun control, republicans want to control the border. >> we do, as nation have the ability and should have the ability to decide who comes here and when they come here. >> reporter: political divide president obama seeks to bridge tonight as he tries to reassure the american people. the president is talking about the extremist threat, he's talking about the need to address american values. >> again, the president is addressing the nation just after 8:00 tonight. we're going to be following this. here in new york deputy police commissioner john miller spoke about new york city preparedness especially in the wake of this terror attack in san bernardino. >> right now we're getting to place where this city has never been before. where there will be over 1500 officers on duty in the new york city police department who will have special weapons and tactics training. that is a sign of the times. >> standing alongside senator chuck schumer they are asking for a vote to happen immediately. new york city has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation. the deputy police commissioner says the department needs the help of the feds to keep guns away from would be terrorists. man stabbed to death when he tried to help a stranger. police want your help finding his killer. this unfolded. he rushed to help out and paid for that decision with his life. in shock after a quiet familiar face in jersey city is stabbed to death as he was trying to do the right thing by stepping in and stopping a fight. >> it's a shame what happened. >> he was trying to save someone. >> reporter: the attack happened steps away from his apartment. one friend says brandon was the disagreement. instead of ignoring the situation, he decided to help strangers. that decision cost him the 26-year-old his life. >> i feel bad. i know he has a family out there that wanted him to be something in life. >> reporter: right now detectives are working the case. you're asked to call police or prosecutors immediately. thank you very much. this video right here has some queens residents very concerned tonight. another fire set at a construction site. this time in forest hills. this is the seventh in queens in just the past two months. news 4 has a clue that police hope will help them catch the person behind this. >> reporter: this was the second arson fire but the fifth this month and seventh since october all in this part of queens. >> reporter: they have put out photos of a possible suspect. some residents think it's a hate crime. >> somebody has a venn detta against a group. >> >> a a hate crime. >> reporter: this area of forest hill s rapidly changing. it's become so common in cent weeks that residents are still in shock. >> not another one. we're kind of sick of this already. someone is doing this and it's kind of enough. >> reporter: police chase their suspect early this morning but gave up when the chase became too dangerous. as for this fire itself, so intense as it burned firefighters had to worry about neighboring homes. >> it was extremely large heavy body of fire and extending into the buildings on the other side of the building under construction. >> reporter: neighbors are worried about more than construction sites. current homes being targeted. >> that's what you're worried about. >> reporter: the owner of this site is a jew, the very community some residents say is being targeted. in forest hill, bryan thompson, news 4 new york. the mta is working to fix the problem to try to get service back to normal mp . a father of two is dead after a domestic dispute. police found him early today in the high bridge section of the 31-year-old was stabbed in the chest. do the right thing. that's what they are pushing for. >> pass this bill. >> supporters held rally at ground zero today. the zadroga act expired last month and has funding to expire next year. the mayor says it's our duty to protect those who went into harm's way. >> it's as simple as this, it is unpatriotic to ignore the needs of our first responders. it's un-american that this legislation is stalled. >> supporters want the bill passed before congress goes on jimmy carter shared good news about his cancer. he said that the spots on his brain appear to be gone. he had part of his live removed after being diagnosed with melanoma to his brain. he said he will continue doses of a recently approved autoimmune drug. >> so glad to hear about that announcement announcement. how low can they go? gas prices are dropping fast. wait until you hear what the average is. the emotional concert that u2 is putting on tonight. why they are playing with heavy hearts. we're talking about gas prices. how low can they go? how high will they stay is the question about the temperatures? what's the week look like ahead. we'll have answers doming up. this was a chaotic scene last night in london. people running from a violent attack. as we first told you last night, three people were stabbed by a man heard saying this is for syria as he was taken into custody. they are treating this as a terrorist incident. u2 has performed the first of two concerts tonight in paris. those had been scheduled-month but postponed after the deadly terrorists attack. shouted vive le france as he stepped out on stage. new york's own patty smith joined the band for the final song. one of indian points two nuclear reactors will remain shut down for the next couple of days following a power loss yesterday. a spokesman is blaming a minor equipment issue that call several control rods to lose power in the unit 2 reactor on saturday. he assured no radiation was released into the environment. consumer who take to the road are seeing the lowest gas prices this year. prices at the pump keep dropping down four cents over the past two weeks. at 2.10 per gallon this is the lowest price since january 23rd. it's due to lower demand and larger exports of crude. there's a bit of bad news. at the port authority crossings. tolls at the george washington pay owned bridges increased today. so did the tolls at the lincoln and holland tunnels. the lincoln pass goes up to 75 cents to 12.50. the cash toll jumps up to $15. tonight we want to wish a happy hanukkah to our jewish viewers. the holiday began at sunset tonight. there's a menora lighting going on. you see this live look. it's the world's largest. beautiful night. >> still ahead right here, hard to believe that it's december outside in this gorgeous sunday evening. how long will these warm temperatures last? when a moment spontaneously turns romantic, and why stop what you' re doing to find a bathroom? pcialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to gop frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, x or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. insurance coverage has expanded nationally and you may now be covered. contact your health plan it is the season for giving. it's a group of motorcycle riders in a big way. >> santa brought his wheels at the children's aid society this afternoon. it's one of the biggest parties this season. children took pictures by the tree and picked out special gifts. >> my mom, my grandfather. >> great. it was organized by the owner of the now closed saloon. children's aid supports families bronx year round with emotional and financial help. >> it's great. boy, do they have their help. we're starting with the president here. >> we are starting with the president. tonight the president making an address on national tv 8:00 and how the country is dealing with the threat of terrorism is his subject. a report from pakistan where we have spoken with some of those who went to school with the female shooter accused in san bernardino massacre. also jimmy carter and what he said today. very good news about his cancer. we're going to stop by a restaurant where you can get really good meal and pay whatever you want. i love the christmas colors. >> the holidays came and we're talking about that. lovely if you're walking around shopping. it's strange. we'll go outside with a beautiful shot of the hanukkah menorah. we're about to go through that lighting ceremony kicking off the eight day festival of light. 50 and mostly clear. that's right. 50 degrees. beautiful weather continues. how long? i'm going to give you a hint. seven days from now we're still talking about it. it looks less sure that that will be the case now. i think we're going to get through the week relatively unscathed. record setter ahead could be, we're looking ing ing at temperatures staying where we are or higher. 39 in monticello. 46 in long branch. we widen out the picture. 33 in burling ton. buffalo at 41 degrees in this hour. in buffalo, they have gotten no snow to this date. the latest in history. 55 degrees if louisville and warm temperatures stretch back to the midwest. today's highs, look at this, many mid-50s. what's going to be happening? as we look ahead a little bit of a change in the pattern this week. as we head into the week, we're looking at a series of coastal systems beginning to work their way up the coast. i think most likely we are going to avoid most of the precip. still nice. couple of high clouds begin to build on in. the mild air is with us. this system, this weak disturbance will wind up going into the atlantic. it may graze us. that's about all. for tonight, clear skies as we begin hanukkah. cool temperatures with light winds. winds out of west/southwest just the really cool stuff as you head to monticello and north and west, we'll be below the freezing. everywhere else, we should be somewhat comfortable especially for this time of year. the seven-day forecast, here it is and there are changes since this morning. we took out a lot of chances of showers. we originally had one in for thursday and friday. i think what we're going to see is that we stay relatively dry this week. we'll still include the chance of showers tuesday into the evening. we'll watch these coastal systems or coastal storms begin to work their way up. they don't look significant. i think at best they will stay to the south or to the east. >> i love that. 59. awesome. >> awesome and strange. we'll take it. >> exactly. we do need that rain. big game tonight. bruce beck is coming up next. he's live from metlife stadium. jets today on a gorgeous sunday afternoon at metlife stadium. with so much on the line for both football teams. coming up in sports, the rivalry lived up to its billing and it took overtime to settle the score. we've got your highlights and post game reaction from both the battle of new york was about just more than bragging rights. the 6-5 jets taking on the 5-6 giants with playoff positions very much on both teams minds. trailing by a score of 3-0 in the giants come up with a huge play. dwayne harris fields the punt and dazzles the crowd as he weaves his way down the field and goes 80 yards to pay dirt. big blue grabs a 7-3 lead. he finds the seed and blazes 72 yards to the end zone. the giants led 20-10 at the half. it was still 20-10 with less than nine minutes to play. eli manning pass is intercepted by miles. it led to a jets field goal. trailing 20-13, gang green marches 71 yards in ten plays. getting branded in the end zone from nine yards out to tie the to force overtime. josh brown missing for the first time all season. the jets engineer a terrific come back to improve a 7-5 while the giants suffer another collapse as they drop to 5-7. 23-20 the final. here's the post game reaction. >> what does it say about the jets character? >> long game before today. >> it went right down to the end as we would expect. how disappointing is it? >> words can't describe right now. we gave it all we got. the jets played great game. >> did you feel like there game was secure? your hands? >> for sure. >> it showed this team had a lot of fight, a lot of pride, and is willing to get the job done by any means. >> did not finish. had the lead 20-10. lost the ball game. it was chris mullins first game as head coach. tonight on sports final we're talking giants and jets reaction. the season goes on with four games to play. still a lot on the line for both teams. that's the story from metlife stadium. it's so warm in this football game was intense. back to you. >> we're talking about this weather. it's great.

Related Keywords

United States , New York , Burling Ton , California , Iraq , Monticello , Forest Hill , Lewisham , United Kingdom , Syria , San Bernardino , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , London , City Of , Pakistan , America , American , Chuck Schumer , Jimmy Carter , Bryan Thompson , Dwayne Harris , Bruce Beck , Josh Brown , Chris Mullins , John Miller , Patty Smith ,

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