Transcripts For WNBC News 4 New York At 11 20160207 : compar

Transcripts For WNBC News 4 New York At 11 20160207

dover officials that that officer was actually out of his vehicle, on foot at the time when a jeep struck him. he was rushed to morristown hospital, that is about 11 miles from here. and right now they are working to save his life. this is all information that is just now coming into us. so a lot of unanswered questions. including what led up to this incident and whether or not anyone has been arrested in connection with it. officials not confirming those details to us at this point. right now all focus is on saving the life of the officer. again, we are told he is in critical but stable condition. his identities to has not been released. right now the focus is on saving the officer's life but we hope to get more details and we'll bring them to you when we do. michael george, news 4 new york. >> michael, thank you. in the past few hours crews successfully removed the huge tribeca yesterday. his funeral is planned for tomorrow as the clean-up and investigation continued. >> only the damage the crane left behind when it toppled over and killing a map on friday in tribeca. crews hauling off a piece of the 553 foot krab. workers cut it into 35 sections. clean up continues as this hour as they will examine the street to see if it needs repaving after yesterday's deadly collapse. incredible video of the 15-story crane crashing down during friday morning's rush hour killing 38-year-old david wichs and injuring others and including a 78-year-old man hit in the head by falling dreeb ebris. >> he was ready to be released but they decided to hold him longer. >> they will discuss crane operations with de blasio and now they have only made small enroads to find out why the crane fell. >> the computer as far of the crane has been removed as to further information as to what kind of data that will contain. >> but officials debt it will tell them the exact movements of the crane operator or wind speeds at the time. news 4 learned the crane sensor recorded 25 mile-per-hour winds and officials say workers were already in the process of trying to secure the crane when it fell. >> you anticipate there is high winds the next day during a snowstorm, why wouldn't you secure it the day before. >> reporter: while the winds were above the danger guideline but below the guideline for cranes to be lowered. to could take weeks or months to get answers in the deadly incident. >> it is shocking. that is for sure. >> i can't believe somebody passed away. it is just incredible. >> as we mentioned, 38-year-old david wichs will be laid to rest tomorrow. 11:00 a.m. at the congregation jeshurun. stick with news 4 for the latest on the information and get up dates at or also our mobile app. another construction accident left a worker fighting for his life tonight. the man was working on the 20th floor of a building on madison avenuener grand central when pieces of concrete fell on his head knocking him unconscious. rescuers lowered him down a shaft to the ground floor. he is in serious condition at bellevue hospital. and turning now to the presidential race. donald trump was back on stage tonight in new hampshire with his republican rivals in the final debate before tuesday's primary. trump and ted cruz cozy up again leaving marco rubio as the obvious target. steve handelsman is in manchester with all of the highlights. >> here in manchester tonight front in republican polls, here in new hampshire, and for that matter in south carolina, where the vote is next. the fight among the candidates, at least for now, is for number two and that is why marco rubio who is polling number two in the state, was in the cross hairs. surging, marco rubio was defensive, knowing he would get slammed for being a first-term senator. >> i think the experience is not just what you did, but how it worked out. >> reporter: at tack came from governors. >> you have not been involved in a consequential decision where you had to be held accountable. you just simply haven't. >> reporter: chris christie and jeb bush. >> you learn this by doing this. >> we're going to win. >> donald trump, was aggressive. >> let me talk. quiet. we're out of time. >> reporter: but donald trump deporting every undocumented migrant got slammed. >> i can't imagine how we could avenue house when they have not committed a crime since they've been here and leaving the children in the house. i mean, that is not, no my opinion, the kind of values that we believe in. >> ted cruz grabbed the donald trump hardline and the donald trump solution. >> in short, what we're going to do, we're going to build a wall, triple the border patrol and increase -- and since donald enjoyed that, i will simply say, i've got somebody in mind to build it. >> what is first in trump's mind is a big win on tuesday. his first. rubio's dream, grabbing number two. for the other five the other one is to be the one to take on trump as the runner-up, if you will and that is why they have to get marco rubio out of the way. live in manchester, new hampshire, steve handelsman, news 4 new york. >> steve, thanks for that live report. and chris christie and marco rubio had a heated exchange. he said that rubio doesn't know what it is like to help a state rubio then quipped back. >> your state got hit by a massive snowstorm a few weeks ago and you didn't want to go back and they had to shame you to go back and you stayed for 36 hours and came back to campaigning. >> the shame is you would criticize somebody for showing up to work and plowing the streets and getting the trains run back on time when you have not been responsible for that in your entire back. >> he didn't want to go back. >> and i did go back and i -- wait a second. as one of the skills you get as a senator e.s.p. also. >> they were going back and forth. we were watching. rubio was behind in donald trump in new hampshire. hillary clinton took her struggling new hampshire campaign door-to-door trying to come back from a double-digit deficit from bernie sanders. she talked about what sets her apart from sanders and what they have in common. >> you know, it is so interesting to me, senator sanders and i share many of the same goals. we know we've got to get the economy working for everybody. >> we are going to take on the billionaire class and make a political revolution. thank you, all. >> the latest real clear politics average of recent polls give sanders a 17% lead over clinton in new hampshire. brian thompson is headed to new hampshire for the primary. look for her report starting on monday night. north korea launched a long-range rocket carrying what it claims is a satellite. the south korea defense minister is tracking the rocket. they are barred from using ballistic missile technology but the country said they have a right to purse a space program. war heads on the missiles and have the ability to strike the u.s. west coast. a miracle in the midst of tragedy, two boys found alive in the rubble of a 6.4 magnitude earthquake in taiwan. the quake killed 14 people last night in southern taiwan. cameras rolling when this young boy was pulled from the debris of a building in tainan today. he appeared to only have minor injuries. another boy was also found alive in the rubble of another building. more than 100 people are still missing missing. >> just unbelievable there still ahead here on nbc 4 new york, a fraternity president with ties to our area accused of trying to rape a classmate. and erica is tracking two storm systems. >> one arrives on sunday night into monday morning and another one on tuesday. will they be a heavy-hitter like the one on friday? i'll have the answer coming up new tonight, an arrest related to three robbersy and attempted robberies on the new york sit subway. jay quinton irving is charges with three incident this is week. the last one on wednesday on the four train. and another a sliced finger. we have an alert in the bronx. police are look for a man who followed and raped and beat a woman in a stairwell of her building in fordham just before midnight last night. the woman was taken to the hospital. at this point police do not have a good description of the attackers. a fraternity president at cornell faces rape charged with ties to our area. wolfgang ballinger is being held on $25,000 bail. he tried to rape a female student at the psi upsilon house last weekend. he is identified as a son of the owner of the webster hall in the east village. the fraternity has been suspended on the campus. they released a statement saying our chapter is cooperating with the investigation into this matter and any members involved will be held accountable. the governor announced today he is taking steps to stop the sexual orientation of minors. the governor spoke out about it tonight while accepting the national equality award from the human rights campaign. it is called gay conversion therapy and new york is one of several states acting against it. the governor announced regulations that would ban insurance coverage for the therapy of minors. >> that is why today we rejected fundamentally the absurd notion that being gay is a psychiatric disorder. >> now supporters say prohibiting it limits treatment options and undermined religious liberty. coming up next here on news 4 at 11:00, get ready for more winter weather. erica is tracking two systems coxing our way. will we see snow or rain. your forecast is coming up next. and are you ready for this. take a live look where saturday night live is ready to get going larry david making his debut as host. i'm larry david and i'm hosting snl with the music guest 1975. so that's that. >> usually there is a joke or something in the promo. >> no, we don't need that. if you want to watch it, watch it. you don't have to if you don't want to. ordered bud light on minibar. uh...jb smoove?? i'll take that. order bud light now on hey, what are you doing? getting the coats. for a half hour? bob just got time warner cable. he's 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have another above >> it is not bad. >> we'll warm up the temperatures for the rest of the weekend and then cooler temperatures and chances for snow on the way. but it is nice again tomorrow. the workweek will start colder and then we have the potential for snow. right now below the freezing point in northern new jersey. 30 degrees in delaware. hackett down at 28 and 32 in parsippany. and still at 37 in midtown and bridgeport. and also 37 in montauk. so we have two systems on the way u. way, you could see them here on storm tracker. and then there is also a system approaching from the alberta clipper that we keep an eye on. so the winter setup with the one clipper system approaching from the northern blaines and the great lakes and that moves in tuesday. before it arrives, the coastal system will mostly stay off shore. it will graze the tri-state. if the two had been able to meet up, then we would have had a greater potential for heavy accumulating snowfall. because the systems are going to remain independent of each other. so with the first one, the coastal system, that moves just to the east of us on monday. this is all we're going to get. this is one model description. i think we're just going to get a dusting or a coating in the city. and then slightly heavier amounts on easter, long island, but one inch but that is significant but not a lot of snow. then on tuesday, the next clipper system moving through with a chance for another round of snow but still only looking at about an inch in the city. two to three inches on long island. so not a lot of snow out of both of these systems. but it is still snowfall. and any time you have snow, reduced visibility and poor drives conditions are a concern. we'll continue to fine-tune the times for the two systems as we get closer and so tune in tomorrow and tune in tomorrow as raphael gives you an update on today in new york. overnight tonight, 32 degrees. during the overnight but still completely dry. and then a pleasant day on sunday with a high of 46 degrees. partly sunny skies, just an increase in cloud cover late in the day. and then we'll watch that little bit of snow approach sunday night in early monday morning. but just a dusting or a coating for just about everyone out of the system early on monday morning. then tuesday, we're looking for the potential for some snow showers, but chilly temperatures. highs only in the mid-30s on both monday and tuesday. and then wednesday, it gets a little bit milder, but that is before an arctic plunge arrives. high temperatures will not get above the freezing mark from thursday all the way through saturday. so if you thought we were on the tail end of winter, i guess mother nature is saying no, you have a little bit more to go yet. >> it doesn't end until may. >> it is going to be a while yet. >> we are all getting pumped up for tomorrow. got the snacks ready and the list ready to go. >> it is like christmas, waiting for the super bowl. >> if your team is in it. >> on the eve of the super bowl, carolina panthers are the big winners tonight. we'll tell you why, coming up. and meet the pro football hall of fame class of 2016. who is in. and finally, the panthers and broncos are ready for the kickoff. and among the story lines, the quarterbacks representing a changing of the guard as the face of the nfl. peyton manning stepping toward the eventual hall of fame. cam newton stepping into the nfl as the top quarterback. more on that in a minute. at levi stadium undergoing final preparations while carolina and denver held the final walk-throughs. juan rivera summed it up best after the walk-through, the hay is in the barn and let's get ready to go. and cam newton won league mvp to no one's surprise. even a patriots's fan with a closet full of hoodies have to admit, he deserved it. he received 48 of 50 votes. brady and palmer got one. brett favre is the head of the they will be enshrined in august. the packers legend and joined by nbc sports analyst tony dungy, marvin harrison, tackle orlando pace and kevin greene and eddy debartolo jr. and kenny stabler and guard stick stanfel. anthony's status tomorrow for denver still up in the air as melo still bothered by a knee. they couldn't make it back to back wins. down by two in the fourth. check out this follow on the shot by jeremy grant. getting up. the younger brother of grant. with a highlight reel. it made our highlight reel. that is down one. brooklyn opened with 11 turnovers in 12 minutes and leading to this. the nets fall 103-98. to hockey, they lost the captain to a sucker punk and a possible concussion. it got that way in philly. into the bench. a pay back for an earlier cross-check to the head. and simons land a left on the unsuspected captain and he was ejected for knocking him out. it is a possible head injury. we'll know more on monday. and 0 seconds. and with the extra skater, toandle. he typed it with a rocket of a one-timer with just 12.9 seconds left in regulation. this one heads to a shootout. where derek stepan lifts the rangers to big 3-2 win. and brodeur was honored and a cool puck drop. you're looking at two of the current top goalies and one aft forcing a shootout. not even in his prime could he stop this. ovechkin takes his time and two head fakes and back hands and the shooter. >> and a thrilling game but the caps take this one 3-122- islanders in detroit, delayed after the zamboni gashed up the ice. it is a true story. and carving up the score board too. one of the days for the islanders. they routed 5-1 the final. let's talk college hoops. number one oklahoma and number two carolina both upset on the road. rutgers and st. johns also losing. rutgers now 0-11 in conference play and the johnnys have lost 14 straight. but seton hall is just surging. hosting georgetown. jollas, muscling his way up for and whitehead had 16. delgado, 19, a fourth straight double-double. seton hall has a 69-61 win. the hall looking like an ncaa tournament team. let's enjoy the super bowl tomorrow. >> panthers win it, i think. >> just think you're calling it for the panthers. >> not a bad day to go out to a bar and watch the game. >> won't have trouble getting there. a high of 46 degrees. can't ask for much better weather. and late at night, a few light snow showers are possible. we're just looking at a dusting or a coating on the road rais early on monday morning but any time that happens could be travel trouble so we'll continue to be updated. tune in tomorrow morning. we'll give you another update. >> that is it for nbc 4." saturday night live is next.

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New York , United States , New Hampshire , Brooklyn , Dover , New Jersey , Morris County , Hudson River , Delaware , China , Parsippany , Taiwan , Denver , Colorado , Oklahoma , Montauk , Seton Hall , South Carolina , East Village , North Korea , South Korea , Webster Hall , Chinese , Marco Rubio , Brett Favre , Brian Thompson , Wolfgang Ballinger , Steve Handelsman , Jeb Bush , Marvin Harrison , Larry David , Juan Rivera , Chris Christie , Derek Stepan , Jay Quinton Irving , Peyton Manning , Kevin Greene , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Bernie Sanders , Michael George ,

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