Transcripts For WMUR News 9 Tonight 20151209 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WMUR News 9 Tonight 20151209

turned over cash. wmur' s mike cronin has the story from franklin. mike: it' s back to business as usual at the shop express, but the store clerk describes a scary situation last night when he says that a man pulled a knife on him. muddasar bajwa was all smiles tuesday. he had no hesitation getting back behind the counter that he was robbed at on monday. video surveillance captured a man taking out a knife. seconds later he jumps over the counter opens the cash draw and knocks over items as he takes off with the money. >> he was asking me, can i have the money? so i said, what you mean, paper money? what are you looking for? i thought he was looking for some kind of paper. he said no, i want your money. so he said i' m going to stab you if you don' t give me the money. then i run away from cash register. >> it happened around 6:00 monday night at the shop express in franklin. about $600 and ran away towards prospect street. bajwa' s cousin who owns the store says it was unusual. >> that does not usually happen here. the area is very friendly. sometimes you know, it happens. >> the suspect was wearing gloves and a hoodie. he' s described as a white man in his mid 20' s to early 30' s, about 6 feet tall, and weighing less than 200 pounds. franklin police and the concord regional crimeline are investigating. authorities hope someone recognizes the suspect while the store has the surveillance picture of him hanging inside. bajwa is thankful he wasn' t harmed. >> yeah, it was scary because i don' t want to get stabbed. so my boss said just leave them alone. they train us, don' t worry about money. worry about your life. >> and if you have any information that could help police, you' re asked to give them a call. in franklin, mike cronin, wmur news 9. after he was hit by a car that eventually crashed into a tree. rochester police say 28-year-old trish far of somersworth was driving east on franklin street when she veered off the road mirror. the jogger was not hurt. suffered non-life threatening injuries. she was issued a summons for negligent driving. >> a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states. shelley: those remarks by presidential candidate, republican donald trump are sending shock waves across the country. the front runner says the ban would only be temporary in order to get a handle on the situation. tonight, fellow republican, former florida governor jeb bush and democratic front runner hillary clinton are back in new hampshire criticizing his comments. we begin our team coverage with jean mackin, who has the reaction of the gop candidates. jean: republican candidates were donald trump' s proposal to keep muslims out of america temporarily. and more response from donald trump tonight when barbara walters asked trump if he is a bigot. jean: republican candidates jumped on donald trump' s proposal. >> i disagree with donald trump and his prescriptions on what to do to ban every muslim from entering this country, which is a violation of the constitution. when were actually seriously having a discussion about interment camps. we are not defeating isis. >> anybody of any race, creed, color, religion is welcome to come to america if they want to be americans. >> you know how you win this war? you side with people in the faith who reject this ideology, which is 99%. you know how you make america great again? tell donald trump to go to hell. jean: ted cruz said while he disagrees, he didn' t need to join the chorus of critics, and went after the president. commander in chief willing to speak the truth, willing to name the enemy, radical islamic terrorism. jean: speaking in hooksett, jeb bush said he supports the bipartisan effort to modify the visa waiver program. >> we have to be more vigilant now because of the new realities of islamic terrorism. jean: st. anselm college assistant professor of politics chris galdieri says this isnt the first time republicans have come out unanimously against trump. >> it' s possible this is the thing that undoes the trump campaign. there are a lot of people that this rhetoric might appeal to jean: and in an interview with barbara walters, donald trump says he' s standing by his words and rejecting another word. >> are you a bigot? >> not at all. probably the least of anybody you' ve ever met. jean: donald trump will be back in new hampshire this week. on thursday, he' s scheduled to meet with members of the new england police benevolent association in portsmouth. wmur news9. shelley: hillary clinton also laid into donald trump tonight at a town hall in salem. adam sexton joins us live now from the woodberry school where the former secretary of state spoke. adam: hilary clinton took fewer than a dozen questions tonight, many of them from non-voting kids. but early on, all the talk was about donald trump. speaking before a packed town hall meeting in salem hillary clinton wasted no time jumping all over donald trump' s proposal to stop muslims from entering the united states. hillary clinton: this is both a shameless and a dangerous idea. adam: clinton says trump is turning his back on deeply held american ideals and playing right into the hands of the terrorists. she also contends that as the republican front-runner he' s destabilizing the gop. hillary clinton: >> we' re dealing with a party at danger have stood for. go back and read what george washington said about how we must resist bigotry. read about what religious freedom means, how our constitution enshrines it. as far as addressing the threat from isis against its homeland, in a one-on-one interview with news 9, clinton said the government must do more. >> we have to do everything we can to up our game. >> here on the ground in new hampshire, longtime clinton supporters say they like where things stand. >> i' m feeling very comfortable with it, full well knowing there is a lot of work to do and a lot of voters to reach. adam: this was secretary clinton' hampshire in just nine days. her next to back here will be for the wmur debate coming up. next week. adam sexton, wmur news numeral line. -- news 9. shelley: we' re roughly two months away from new hampshire primary and donald trump is still the strong frontrunner in the republican field. the latest wmur cnn granite state poll shows trump leading the pack with 32%, 18 points higher then marco rubio with 14%, chris christie is at 9% it' s a tight race after that with the biggest drop in the polls experienced by ben carson who has dropped to 5% in new hampshire. the latest democratic granite state poll will be released tomorrow. and you can find the latest political news by heading over to our website, massachusetts health officials say it was norovirus and not e-coli that made as many as 80 the school says the students all ate at the chipotle in brighton. a restaurant employee reported being sick last week. the location has been shut down, while it is cleaned from top to bottom. >> upon entry to the establishment, the inspector did identify three violations that caused enough concern in her mind that she felt it was prudent for us to close the establishment. shelley: chipotle says it doesn' t believe this sickness is related to the e-coli outbreak at some of its restaurants, which has affected 52 people in nine states. the salvation army says someone donated a wedding band and a diamond engagement ring worth over $3,000 on monday. the charity says someone left the rings in one of its holiday red kettles in massachusetts. captain david childs found the rings hidden among the hundreds of dollars being counted from the day' that it was apparent that it was on purpose, that they meant for us to have the ring. shelley officials say the act is : similar to the wave of donated jewelry raising more than $30,000 last year. the ring will be auctioned off this saturday. the money raised will go to families in need of clothing and toys. could changes be coming to the u.s. visa waiver program? the bill that the house passed that would bar some people from coming to the u.s. without a visa. and, federal authorities looking into the possible other locations targeted by the suspects in the san bernardino terror attack. mike: despite some clouds, staying dry at least for now. how long until the next chance of showers? coming up. >> amy is getting a look up at her first christmas tree. very cute. you can submit your pictures and members by logging people are working harder than ever, but the everyday cost of perscriptions, child care, or even just buying groceries can be a stretch for too many families. hillary's plan: raise the get equal pay for women, cut taxes for the middle class, and new incentives for business to share profits with employees instead of just rewarding ceos. those at the top are doing just it's your family that needs a raise. i'm hillary clinton, and i shelley: the house overwhelmingly passed legislation on tuesday that would overhaul the federal visa waiver program. it would bar those from iraq, syria, iran and sudan, or those who have visited those countries in the last 5 years, from traveling to the united states without a visa. response to the isis inspired attacks in paris, france and san bernardino, california. the senate may consider the bill but republican leaders have not said when. new developments in the california terror attack. investigators are looking into whether other locations might have been targeted. this comes as we hear chilling first-hand accounts from survivors. abc' s lauren lyster has the latest from los angeles. >> today, this downtown l.a. office building in focus, an official telling abc news agents are now investigating two reports of suspicious activity. first responders remembering the victims of last week' s tragedy. >> it hits home for all of us. >> the happy scene moments before the attack captured in this photo. one survivor receiving an 27-year-old in these also survived the shooting with help from her colleagues. shot once in the side, she recounts huddling under a table in the conference room with her friend who did not survive. she believes johnson saved her life. >> they say that he did not just save me, he saved our whole family. >> we have several down in the conference room. >> we' re now learning more about how sayed farook and his wife tashfeen malik prepared, the fbi says it has surveillance tape of the killers taking target practice around the l.a. area. >> he was here, he was here by himself, he came to shoot his ar. >> officials say the most important lead now involves the man they say provided the couple with these two assault rifles, 24-year-old enrique marquez a former neighbor of farook' s seen here in this facebook photo. >> federal officials tell abc news marquez provided the fbi with information not previously known to agents, as authorities are considering whether others could be charged as accomplices in the mass murder. lauren lyster, abc news, los angeles. shelley: russian officials say cruise missile for the first time from a submarine in the mediterranean. this was part of new air and syria. russian bombers also took part in the raid, performing 60 combat missions during the last 3 days. the prosecution rested today in the manslaughter trial of a baltimore police officer charged in the death of freddie gray. 15 witnesses were called in the case against officer william porter. he is the first of six officers charged in this case. gray was a 25-year-old black man who died in april a week after his neck was broken during a 45 minute ride in the back of a police van. porter could face up to 25 years in prison. a massive four-alarm fire destroyed part of an apartment complex in texas. it happened in a houston neighborhood this evening. flames could be seen coming from the roof. there were no reports of any injuries. the national highway traffic new crash-test rating standards today. this includes a change to make crash test dummies more realistic, in areas like head movement and the way the midsecton responds to the seatbelt. the tests will also examine new kinds of crashes including cars struck at an angle. and safety for pedestrians hit in an accident. the crash test changes take affect with the 2019 models. turning our attention to the weather now, colder than it was yesterday. mike: by 15-20 degrees. a big cool down and it just brings us right back to average, not all that bad. take a look at newfound lake a little earlier today. early we had some breaks of partial sunshine but the cloud cover was quite big over central and southern new hampshire, especially concord and toward next couple of days. we' ve seen quite a few low clouds over the past 24 hours overhead and they are still out there right now. there could be some partial clearing but right now leaning on more clouds that brakes as we go through the overnight. seasonably chilly overnight into tomorrow and then as we go into thursday, friday, and through the weekend, even into the start of next week. the search for snow will continue right through my dev next week. the next shot would be at the end of the next system. spot showers as early as later tomorrow night or thursday morning and then mainly precipitation free between friday and the upcoming weekend. s to the north, s across a good part of the lakes region down through the monadnock region and these are the lows tonight, if we get some partial clearing. many will wake up to mid to s from the overnight lows of 20-25. a good part of the country experiencing cool weather but well above normal temperatures. anywhere from the deep south into the planes states, denver stating it -- sitting at 47. billings montana in the low 50' s. even the dakotas not all that cold, and that indicates the air mass is white warm, all due to the jet stream being influenced by el nio warming up the pacific ocean. that is allowing this mile starting to the winter season. once we hit december 1, all eyes are on snow chances. cloud cover, more involved tomorrow night. there is a slight chance in areas north and west of concord that temperatures could be around freezing. so there is a chance of a touch of freezing rain but not a widespread issue. jumping into friday it' s very mild around here. highs tomorrow a few degrees above where we were today. upper 30' s was it for tuesday. tomorrow 40-46 and beyond that it gets warmer, near 50 on thursday, friday, saturday, and even a bit milder on sunday. maybe an isolated showers saturday night early sunday before clears out later sunday and monday morning. the next chance of steady rain would be monday afternoon into six or seven days out, it' s too early to call that just yet. enjoy the mild stuff while we' ve got it. shelley: jamie is in with a preview of sports. jamie: it's called a rigged economy, and this is how it works. most new wealth flows to the top 1%. it's a system held in place by corrupt politics my campaign is powered by over a million small contributions, people like you who want to fight back. the truth is you can't change a corrupt system by taking its money. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message. jamie: the incredible run continues. the golden state warriors came in to tonight's game at indiana with a record of 22-0. klay thompson pulls up for the 3 pointer warriors 39 points. 10 3 pointers, 9 of them in the stephen curry lob into andrew bogut for the slam. 29 points for curry. the nba champs win 131-123. they are 23-0 this season. that' s pretty good. tuesday nights in the winter are always fun for college basketball and that included a game endure on tonight. unh taking on worcester state the lancers compete in division 3, so this should be an easy one for the wildcats. unh had a big size advantage. iba camara misses. tanner leisner rebounds and misses. they were just having their way inside. then leisner inside to camara. quick catch and release with great positioning inside. 18 points, 15 rebounds. then it's daniel dion inside. unh wins 100-66. they are 6-3. the offense looks good, but coach says they need work on the other end. >> my mistake right there. big test for uconn basketball tonight playing number 6 maryland at madison square garden. thank goodness that' s all he said. trimble with an acrobatic layup, 27-11. uconn tries to hang in there. the 16 point lead for maryland at the half, 65-56. how about the yankees, they have themselves a new middle infielder, and a good one. they traded pitcher adam warren to the cubs for starlin castro. the 25-year-old castro hit .265 with 11 home runs and 69 rbis last season. he' s spent most of his career at shortstop, but shifted over to second base late this year. the bruins and the celtics had this tuesday night off, but they are back in action tomorrow night. the b' s play at the montreal canadiens, tough game. chicago bulls. on the ice tonight, women's college hockey. dartmouth at unh. shot from the point by dartmouth's kennedy ottenbreit. lindsey allen scores on the rebound as she falls to the ice. 1-1 game. unh answers. check out this centering pass. jonna curtis to cassandra vilgrain who scores near post on the one-timer. 2-1 wildcats. a nice save here by kyra smith. the freshman goalie on the shot by ailish forfar. unh wins 3-2. congratulations to merrimack high school volleyball star joanne coffey, who has been named the gatorade player of the year in new hampshire. it' s a repeat for the coffey family -- older sister jen won it last year. jo coffey 724 assists this season and finished her career with a state record 2,056 assists. she will play in college at snhu starting next year. a couple more high school seniors from new hampshire that are going division one. both of them lacrosse players from the new hampton school. caroline wenners will play at holy cross. she is from rye. hampton, going big time with the notre dame fighting irish. good luck to both athletes. basically coach hearing was saying the team has been playing so many games they have not even had time to practice and work on he' s hoping to improve on in the teacher. like mona lisa' s smile is hiding a secret, you may be right. saying he' s discovered what her shelley: check out this light show in the vatican. the world bank group' s global partnership group, connect-4-climate is featuring this incredible photographic exhibit at saint peter' s square. the images are being projected onto the outside of saint peter' s basilica. a french scientist says mona lisa' s smile may belong to someone else. pascal cotte says there are 3 hidden paintings beneath the leonardo da vinci masterpiece. cotte has spent 10-years using technology to analyze the painting. he says one hidden picture shows a woman looking into the characteristic smile. here is your chance to help someone in need, wmur' s annual spirit of giving food drive kicks off this friday, december 11. we' ll be collecting non-perishable food donations including pre-packaged donations at all hannaford shaws and wal-mart locations in new hampshire through the 13th. all the food collected will go to the new hampshire food bank. for many the joy of seeing the first snow of the season is like no other. that was the case for two pandas at a chinese zoo. to the delight of visitors they were climbing the trees and rolling around in all snow. they will likely spend the next 2.5 years here. researchers will study issues related to panda reading in colder regions. no snow here for them to play around in, it' s going to be mild. mike: it' shelley: thanks for joining us. jimmy kimmel is people are working harder than ever, but the everyday cost of perscriptions, child care, or even just buying groceries can be a stretch for too many families. hillary's plan: raise the minimum wage, get equal pay for women, cut taxes for the middle class, and new incentives for business to share profits with employees instead of just rewarding ceos. those at the top are doing just fine. it's your family that needs a raise. i'm hillary clinton, and i u.s. cellular's giving you 15 gigs of data for just $70! [ gasps ] you're getting data. pony-sized data? u.s. cellular sized data. you can actually use in the middle of anywhere. i'd like $100! you're getting $400 in promo cards! yes! switch to u.s. cellular and get 15 gigs of data for just $70. plus $400 in promo cards. if you're doing everything right but find it harder and harder while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together, we can make and create an economy and democracy that works for all

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