Transcripts For WMUR News 9 This Morning 20161015 : comparem

Transcripts For WMUR News 9 This Morning 20161015

15th, i'm amy coveno. we'll get to the top stories in just a minute. . josh: good morning, it's good to be back, i guess. it's chilly out there. and temperatures are in the lower 20's, what? in northern new hampshire. upper 20's and mid 20's in northern and western parts of the state and then you get down into the state, which are at the sea coast, and even there you're in the 30's. frost and freezing conditions. a few clouds rolled through it's clear out there and high pressure keeps it clear all day long. how high do the temperatures go today? we rebound in the upper 50's. so a high between 55 and 60 degrees today, but temperatures look to head back up. we'll take another look at that in your week ahead forecast coming right up. line looks different as you wake up just before midnight. the center span of the sarah long bridge was removed. department of transportation workers used the high tide to float the 250 foot steel structure to the state pier. sparks flew as crews from new hampshire and main worked on the span. the towers and the rest of the bridge will be removed to make way for a new bridge which is built s bridge is demolished. jobs for up to 150 people a day. >> very complicated, a lot of intricate work going into preparation for it. it's-- the primary focus is having a safe removal, so a lot of care is taken to make sure that everything is done correctly. >> river traffic will be able to pass through the area again, starting monday. the new bridge is scheduled to open next september while the this morning, three teenagers are recovering after their boat capsized in beaver lake in derry friday. when emergency crews arrived, another boat was bringing the teens and their boat back to shore. some gas did leak from the overturned boat so booms cleaned it up. they are expected to be ok. 360 litchfield homes are about to be connected to st. gobain's agreed to fund expanding after the homes near the project tested positive for pfoa chemicals. some will be connected this year and the rest in 2017 and they're working for merrimack and manchester to municipal lines. new details about the owen they're seeking to bolster claims that labrie's lawyer failed him at frail. >> owen labrie is appealing his convictions, highlighting several reasons he believes he was poorly represented at trial. among them that his attorney should have challenged a felony computer charge. he was found guilty of two sexual assault charges and a 15-year-old victim. the felony led to a one-year sentence and register as a sex offender. labrie claims his main trial lawyer failed to investigate the origins of the e-mail at the compute are charge. labrie's current counsel interviewed about student to and claims that e-mail between labrie and the freshman would be located on the school and never left the st. paul school's internet server and thus, mr. labrie did not utilize an internet computer, bulletin board, as required by state statute. they were on the campus only. and the paper work karnney on the stand, did not investigate testimony pre-trial. right now labrie is required to live at his mother's home in vermont under curfew as he appeals his conviction. amy: the man who took hostages at hillary clinton's campaign office in 2007 went before a federal judge for a different crime. 55 year-old leyland eisenberg the assistant u.s. attorney says he showed a note, but not a weapon. and he also reportedly had a small amount of cocaine on him. he entered pleas of not guilty. trial date set for december. the two boston police officers who were shot in east boston remain in stable, but critical condition. the officer richard cintolo and police remained information from the home where it happened. figueroa's motive is had a mystery. mexican drug lord el guzman could be extradited next year. a court could rule on his extradition, and new hampshire distribute cocaine charges back from 2012. he's under special surveillance due to the prison breaks and is not allowed in the general population. a sailor who died in the attack on pearl harbor. navy fireman he had went c hopkins was one of 29 sailors killed at pearl harbor december hopkins' remains were recently identified and returned to new england this week. hopkins will be buried next to his parents in keene with full military honors. local families in need will stay a little warmer this winter thanks to state dot workers, employees from the department of transportation completed their coat and clothing drive and gathered enough to fill a dump truck. it helps people all over the state and the donations could >> our goal is to fill the back of a dump truck and we did that. >> we're very grateful that the department of transportation, this group of guys came and did a collection drive for us. they did clothing and warm clothing and jackets and we're going to make sure that those get to our families. >> families in transition said it's always looking for furniture and other items crucial for those who need a fresh start. coming up on news 9 this morning, banned from all flights. you've heard the warnings and now the what will happen if you try to bring a galaxy note 7 on board? ? ? on social security and medicare, these are the facts. kelly ayotte voted for deep cuts in medicare and social security. here are the votes. she voted against protecting social security from the threat of privatization. and said she's open to raising the retirement age for social security. look it up yourself. y ayotte's supporting big, corporate special interests. she's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content >> good morning. and welcome back. it's a saturday and it's a chilly one. if you're headed out this morning, be ready. bring a jacket at least for now as the temperatures here in plymouth are in the 20's and we're seeing 20's and low 30's everywhere else. details on your weekend forecast are just ahead. amy: starting at noon today. air travelers will no note 7's on flights. the f.a.a. banned the phone yesterday after reports of several of the smart phones catching fire. passengers can face criminal prosecution if they try to stash the phones in their luggage or face fines. samsung has stopped making the phones. a lawsuit filed by newtown families against the maker of the ar-15 style rifle used in dismissed. they shield them from lawsuits over criminal use of their products. the family's lawyers said their lawsuit was allowed under an exception to the act. the judge disagreed. 20th first graders and six first graders were killed in the attacks in 2012. more than 20 homes have been destroyed after a trio of wildfires continues to burn near lake tahoe. the flames forced hundreds of evacuations and down a highway connecting reno to the lake. nevada governor declared a state of emergency as hundreds of firefighters battled the blaze. as of last night, fire officials reported zero containment because of difficult terrain, and high winds. a judge in north carolina has extended voter registration after hurricane matthew slammed parts of the state. 36 eastern counties will now have five extra days to register to vote. after a man was found drown in his own home. and flooding killed more than 500 people in haiti. hello. josh: hi, how are you? >> i'm ok. how are you? >> i am real good and the weather looking pretty good, too, how about that? >> it was cold this morning. josh: it's still cold by way, it hasn't changed. but it will. amy: josh will be right back in sports. honoring our community's bravest. bravest. the special evening chris sununu's family gave him a famous name and the top job at the family resort. but then things went, well, downhill. over the years, chris cut jobs. chris cut workers' hours to deny them health insurance. and now he opposes the minimum wage. this advertisement has been paid for by put new hampshire first and has not been authorized by any candidate. when i listen to families across new hampshire, all i hear is that washington is locked into a system where the special interests come before people. where drug company profits come before affordable medicine, the koch brothers and big oil come before clean energy, and powerful corporations beat out entrepreneurs looking to grow their small businesses. i'm maggie hassan. ing a new senator who puts your priorities ahead of special interests can make a difference. >> now, meteorologist josh judge with your storm watch 9 forecast. >> well, it's a cold start out there, no doubt about that. we can't wish this one away. it's a chilly one, but it won't be staying that way. it will be warmer as check out the temperatures. lower 20's in northern new hampshire and certainly things have frozen over in some parts of new hampshire overnight. it's even 27 degrees in concord at the moment. and 30 in nashua. so, it's a cold start out there. this is certainly a lot colder than it was yesterday. and these are the 24 hour temperature change numbers, anywhere from 10 to 15, even 17 degrees colder than it was yesterday morning at the same time. don't worry, but this is how much colder it is compared to yesterday. so, certainly you'll notice that. let's take a closer look here at some of the hometown spotter temperatures and as you can see, very chilly. upper 20's and lower 30's, even in southeastern parts of the state and southwestern new hampshire. a lot of 20's on the map and some places in the 30's and the central part of the state, more 20's. yeah, it's a cold feel. the heat kicked in everywhere you go. you come out early this morning and you'r the seed heaters or turn on the heat in the car and certainly going to feel it, especially if your car is parked outside. 7 a.m. as the sunrise, it's later and later and here is what's getting earlier feel the sunset, you may have noticed that noon is close to full. in fact, tomorrow, it's the full moon. normal high for today is 61, we will not quite get there, but we'll be very close, we won't be too far away from our average high. clear skies at the moment. with high pressure overhead will move in as the front approaches the partly sunny and a shower or two tomorrow in the afternoon, especially late afternoon and into tomorrow evening, we could all see a shower. let's put that into motion. look at the sunshine that we have on the ticket for today. as we head into tonight. the temperatures not quite as cold because warmer air is beginning to stream in. we'll say partly sunny shower, maybe a downpour in far northern new hampshire. the showers will roll in sunday night into monday morning. if you have plans, it clears away during the day to partly sunny. and the showers move through and they're part of a warm front and monday, we will be into the 70's, by the time we get to tuesday and wednesday, upper 70's to near 80 degrees. here is your high temperatures for today though. it will be a chilly one with not quite as chilly tonight, as you can see here and how about tomorrow, the highs will be a good 5 to 10 degrees warmer tomorrow. so, certainly, the warming trend begins tomorrow and continues into monday, tuesday, wednesday, some of those days between the mid and upper 70's. someone could challenge 80 degrees. you'll notice a touch of humidity by the time we get to tuesday. feel more like september. >> humidity in late october? >> up a little bit. amy: how about that? honoring those who wear the badge and expecting no thank you in return, they were honored last night. josh: wmur's cherise leclerc tells us about their actions and the touching salute to them. >> applause for men and women who put on the uniform every day they don't get enough. >> josh was forced to leap from his boat this past father's day. >> we hung on and they happened to be around. >> they happened to be conservation officers. >> we're not here for awards. we're sear to see them in person, that means a lot. >> the dedication were common fr celebrated approach to the heroin crisis that eric adams has taken, using his cell phone as a 24-hour hotline for addicts in their darkest hours. >> it reenergizes me when i have someone who says, hey, you helped me, you saved me. gives me hope that we're doing the right thing. and associate attorney general jane young were awarded to are their investigation into the abduction of a teenager in north conway that led to the arrest of nathaniel kibby. that's why those whose lives were saved like joshua say it's so important. amy: coming up next, a cold morning, why not warm up with a delici how you can make that special and spicy meal tonight. >> in our half hour of news. the name slated to visit new hampshire and where you can see them. . >> meet navaeh. isn't she pretty? a six-year-old boxer mix with a goofy side. she is full of energy and loves car rides and swimming. bob hillery: i spent 21 years in the navy, defending america. if i only showed up half the time, i'd have been court-martialed. but that's what senator kelly ayotte did. she missed nearly half of her homeland security hearings. vo: on critical homeland security hearings, ayotte was mia... even missing a hearing the same day she went to a washington fundraiser. for ayotte, collecting campaign cash comes first. bob hillery: when it comes to fighting terrorism, 50% just doesn't cut it. vo: senate majority pac is responsible for the kelly ayotte: let's be honest - both donald trump and hillary clinton are far from perfect... and i'm not perfect either. but when partisan politicians shut down the government, i led the fight to reopen it. i've worked to find solutions to new hampshire's heroin epidemic. and i've crossed the aisle to protect new hampshire's clean air and clean water. i've been called a problem solver by independent groups, and ranked as one of the most bipartisan senators. i'm kelly ayotte - and i approve this message, because whether i'm working with republicans, democrats, or independents, narrator: planned parenthood provides many kinds of healthcare. woman: i depend on planned parenthood for birth control. woman: i had my annual physical there. woman: the cancer screenings at planned parenthood are so important. narrator: still, chris sununu cast the deciding vote to eliminate state funding for planned parenthood. chris sununu put partisan politics above women's health care. colin van ostern: i'm colin van ostern. i fought to restore funding for planned parenthood and got it done, because women's health care should always be above politics. >> hi there. we're in the news 9 kitchen with christian and devin from the everyday cafe. what are you guys making today? >> a spanish style pork stew, traditional hearty stew. we're starting to get into the we have our house smoked pork and put it on the smoker for 12 hours and then braise it in the oven for another six, falls apart. just delicious. we have a chirizo sausage and garlic and layer up the wonderful flavors and as it comes together, it makes a spicy, but more flavorable spice stew. something to fill you up on to go out on a hot day. kind of has one foot in the fall, one foot in the summertime, kind of like what we're doing now. >> those are hjalapenos, right? >> they're not super spicy so it's not going to melt anybody out. >> where are you located? kintuck, new hampshire. >> what else do you do on the menu. >> an amazing breakfast. we have tacos with pulled pork, we have amazing burgers and house made potato bun. what else do we have? >> there's so much. >> a house made ramen noodle for our vegetarian. a play on the classic ramen that you do at home. without the we add pickled radish and have a traditional ramen. >> you guys are having fun in the kitchen and you're looking for some at the location. >> it's hard to find people to work in the hard industry, the food industry is a hard industry. we're looking for qualified, fun >> we do home style, but we have fun with it. it's not just home style from new hampshire, it's from around the world. >> what else goes in this. >> the stew and pork and peppers and sausage. and hominey. >> where can you get it? >> usually or online, get a recipe, a two-week process and ends up with amazing flavor. so, really important to the dish because hominey is actually pa pasoli. >> and it will cook right along the way? >> absolutely. the spinach doesn't get once that's done, we come back and we top it off with a fresh cilantro and it eats super-duper fresh. at the end of the day you can be coming in from a hunt or from snow shoe or from the beach and it's going to work for you. >> it smells absolutely delicious. tell people more about your hours, when you're open? >> we're open every single day from 6:03 in the morning to 9:06 at night. every dayf >> thanks for coming in and sharing this with us. i wish you could smell it. it smells awesome. i'm colin van ostern, and this is my father-in-law, rich. and this is peter and patrick. i agreed to do a tv ad only if my grandkids were in it, too. i trust colin with their future. my clean energy plan is all about their future. as governor, i'll invest in solar and renewable energy. that'll hold down energy costs, create local jobs, and protect the environment. or grampa could just keep feeding the kids cake and ice cream. you get a lot of energy that way, too. i'm frank guinta and i approve this message. narrator: new hampshire has one of the worst opiate epidemics in the nation. and frank guinta is leading the charge to fight it. erin canterbury: when i met congressman guinta, it was like a breath of fresh air. he said to me "what can i do?" "how can i help?" narrator: frank guinta founded and chairs the bipartisan task force to combat the heroin epidemic. canterbury: frank guinta understands this is not it's a people issue. he's willing to get in there and fight for us... >> no one covers new hampshire like we do. now, wmur news 9 this morning. amy: good morning, new hampshire. 6:30. look at that view across the sea coast. the horizon just spectacularly 37 degrees. that will get your attention. here is a look at top stories on the half hour. a man wanted in connection to a september murder in manchester is in custody this morning. 23-year-old billy maldonado was arrested friday in connecticut. a londonderry man is accused of taking a four-year-old to purchase drugs at a manchester amount. david emmerson allegedly left the child in his vehicle for 20 minutes while he purchased crack cocaine. republ will be attending a rally at noon at toyota of portsmouth. we'll get to those stories in a minute and first let's check in with the well rested josh judge at the weather center. i'm not jealous that you were on vacation and i didn't miss you for a minute. >> excellent. >> the feeling is certainly mutual. >> all right. take a look at the temperatures out there. it's a cold start. speaking of cold people, i mean, cold air. [laughter] 20's and lower 30's. chilly right now and we do recover somewhat, but it will be a nice day, but not all that warm. a little below average this time of year. clear skies, now crystal blue skies will be around for today as that area of high pressure is overhead. here is a look at temperatures today. 55 to 60 degrees, virtually everywhere. the difference may be right at the coast where it could be a few degrees cooler thanks to an on shore wind that will develop. we'lal there's a warm-up on the way. the details on that coming up. amy: a man wanted in connection to a manchester hurd is now in custody. u.s. marshals arrested billy maldonado in new britain, connecticut. they said he shot a man back in september. he's charged has a fugitive from justice and will return to new hampshire to face a second degree murder charge. the man wanted in connection with the shooting in belmont is officers say a person near route three in meredith recognized jason cuocolo and called the police. he was accused for a crime in belmont as well as stealing a car. a man allegedly took a four-year-old to buy drugs. child in the vehicle for 20 minutes while he purchased crack cocaine. an officer stopped emmerson after he left the apartment and made a turnout using had i blinker. >> opinion contacting mr. emmerson, they found crack cocaine and a crack pipe on the console and a young child in the vehicle at the time. they celebrated accomplishments in reducing child alcohol, marijuana. in a few hours, donald trump will be back in new hampshire for a rally in portsmouth. that gets underway at noon at toyota of portsmouth. tickets are we'll learn that bill clinton will return to the granite state to rally for hillary in keene. and chelsea clin toen be at the winner renamed at the kennedy-clinton dinner. and joe kennedy iii will attend. podesta. one is from the primary between clinton and obama. one of the questions they considered polling voters about was obama's ties to islam. obama campaigned and said there's a lot at stake. >> equality is on the battle. democracy on now. amy: donald trump is denying claims from women who came out. >> they come out and some are doing it probably for a little fame. they get some free fame. it's a total setup. amy: republican candidate senator kelly ayotte spent an afternoon at wmur studio to take questions from voters live via facebook. is one of the most closely watched senate races in the country. >> there was a question about the democratic challenger. >> what is the biggest difference between you and maggie hassan. >> the biggest differences between us, starting first with national security. my time in the armed services committee. my must is a combat veteran served in iraq and this is a you shall an i focused on. >> next one from arnie. this. what will you do to help a balanced budget and reduce the national deficit. >> in limiting the duplicative programs. we've got audit reports, i have legislation that will force not only the congress to vote on the waste and fraud that come out in the reports and always looking for ways to get our fiscal house for privatizing social security? >> no, i'm not. i am for strengthening and preserving social security. >> what do you think of the recent national anthem protest started by colin kaepernick. >> our men and women who served this country have fought and died for the right for colin ep anthem. i don't agree with it, i don't have to like it. >> the two met with business owners to discuss the upcoming election. walker dropped out of the presidential race before the new hampshire primary and says that sununu has the public service background. >> leaders are going to make a difference in our state houses and chris sununu is the one to make that happen. >> i don't trust out of values. amy: pumpkins are going airborne this weekend at the new hampshire motor speedway. it's a pretty cool one right? and teams across the country compete in the extreme chunkin contest. they use air canons and other items to see who can go the plenty of carnival rides. it kicks off today. >> week seven of the football report featured a big night for the quarterbacks. jim foley is in with the scores and highlights from the night. >> the temperatures are chilly this morning. coldest air we've seen yet this season. we'll talk about when things we'll talk about when things turn back avid goodwill shoppers spend years honing the skills they need to find the choicest merchandise. mizes peripheral vision. no jacket -- cuts dressing room time, reduces zero-dynamic drag. stockpiling -- the hallmark of a truly competetive shopper. to shop at goodwill, you need a cart. to compete, you need a strategy. ? ? on social security and medicare, to com these are the facts.tegy. kelly ayotte voted for deep cuts here are the votes. she voted against protecting social security from the threat of privatization. and said she's open to raising the retirement age for social security. look it up yourself. the fact is kelly ayotte's supporting big, corporate special interests. she's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. when all three of these guys show up, to cutting social security. she stood up to both parties to protect our benefits. annie's working to make sure we have a secure retirement. so i can worry about these guys instead. thanks, annie. i'm annie kuster and i approve this message. i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. if the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. >> now, meteorologist josh judge with your storm watch 9 forecast. >> we're starting off on the chilly side this saturday morning. you probably expected it, but when you walk outside, it feels cold. that's for sure. certainly gets your attention. it's the coldest it's been yet this season and it's in the lower 20's up north. we've seen the temperatures rise just a little so far, but we are hovering pretty much at our lows for the morning. around, downtown manchester and at the sea coast. in the mid 30's there. but the dew points very low. why do i show this to you? believe it or not, as the temperatures rise this week, the dew points will as well. by the time we get to tuesday and wednesday, we're climbing through on monday. tuesday and wednesday, we're up around 60 degree dew points. which means you may feel a touch of humidity that's along with warmer temperatures that will be coming this week as well. the average high is 61. concord and there's your sunrise and sunset. high tide and low tide, as well as the next full moon which is coming up this weekend. probably notice it's almost full now. clear skies as we widen the view, you're going to notice that the clouds pretty much parting to our north and south. thanks to an area of high pressure ahead. we stay there, throughout the day and night and a few clouds close to 10 degrees and then we'll climb another 5 or 10 degrees on monday as well. and each day a little bit warmer. so that's the good news in the forecast department here. a look here at your, the light wind the sea coast will turn for the sea breeze out of the southeast and keeps it cooler in the areas toward the coast. all right, for tonight, clear and if you're going to be another chilly one, well, you're right, but not quite as chilly as what you're dealing with this morning. so the clear conditions will allow the temperatures to drop overnight. we go with a mixture of clouds and sunshine and showers possibly later in the day looking at 4:30. anytime after 4:00 or early evening hours up north. you can see some showers and then these showers arrive with a warm front that earliest through overnight. sunday night into monday, but scattered showers, look what happened after a shower or two. and we clear out again and mon turns sunny and warm with highs in the 70's. not today, the tents will be sunny and tonight we're down into the 30's and 40's, good 5 or 10 degrees warmer than last night and tomorrow, those temperatures will be a good 5 or 10 degrees warmer than today. so, 50's today. 60's then 70's for the first half of this upcoming week. the shower chances increase the second half of the week. time now to check out your scores sfr last night. >> news 9 sports. >> week seven of the high school season, let's get to it. two teams in division two. straight to the highlights we go. >> undefeated monadnock on the road at kearsarge. huskies are first on the board. 75 yards. 7-0 monadnock. then with the ball once again, will score on a 36-yard run. 14-0 huskies, four touchdowns rushing to go with the kickoff turn, over a thousand for the year. huskies roll 64-13. no -- knights of columbus football trophy. second quarter, franklin trying to cut into the lead with a double pass. finds dan cummings for 35 yards. golden tornados would turn the ball over on the next play. bishop brady gets on the board again. a 12-yard rushing touchdown and the giants would threaten again as they go on to win big, 60-12. green, the football is flying through the air. at home with nashua south. >> second quarter. exeter's kyle ball. q.b. keeper for the touchdown. 14-0 blue hawks. >> and alex amigo with a nice run, but that drive would stall. exeter wins, 35-14. >> nashua north at portsmouth. 24-13. rj jenkins over y rushing and two touchdowns. spaulding at winnicunnet, six different players scored touchdowns for the warriors. >> concord and timber lane and the owls. first offensive play, jacob post 65 yard touchdown run and 7-0 owls. 149 yards for post. still in the first quarter, touchdown tied it up. and nice road victory for the tide. concord wins. >> and this was a 23 of 16. q.b. did his best scoring with seconds to go on a one-yard touchdown. blue devils win. one rushing touchdown and a passing t.d. to boot. 65 yards. >> the breast cancer memorial, merrimack at the pinkerton astros, this was a game to remember for merrimack's senior quarterback had five-- rather seven passing touchdowns in the first half. nine total in three quarters. huge game for him. pinkerton looks like they're going to miss the playoffs for the first time in 49-- 14 years as merrimack rules 68-29. bed for and memorial, the bulldogs the only undefeated team in division one. 107 yards passing and a touchdown also added a rushing touchdown. bed h defense. division two, con veil at home with pelham. danny parker, with two touchdowns and a 90 yard kickoff return for a t.d. laconia made the trip to north conway as they beat the eagles 14-7. and they rushed for two touchdowns. milford and trinity met at gill stadium. third quarter milford up 21-0, off, stretches in for the touchdown. 28-0 milford. later in the quarter, on the scoreboard, stacy foster hits colin heinz across the middle and breaks free. 57-yard touchdown. and ran for 145 yards and a touchdown in the win. >> what do we do? win! >> manchester west hosted they score right away. and jack burn up the middle and hollis takes an 8-0 lead and to simco on the fade. 19-0 caves, they did it ap b brookline taking it 50 high pressure 20. undefeated hanover at kingswood. yards and a couple of scores. two more high school football games later today, collection sites for new hampshire tackles hunger. and free admission at the mascoma game. >> 52,000 pounds have been collected at the games this fall. you can watch our friday night football shows on our website, and follow us on twitter. i'll have the highlights of the games later on tonight. >> that's sports. >> still ahead on news 9 this morning, stories from space. how a new hampshire native helped build the space station and his message for future explorers. and now to our u local hotshot. can you see her in there? ruby is her name. doesn't she look magnificent? society. she looks delighted to be >> a special visitor stopped by the discovery center in concord to share some out of this world stories. >> the astronaut is a new hampshire native who helped reports, he has his sights set very, very far away. >> safe to say astronaut lee morin has been around the world a few times, but there's no place on earth like home. a crowd of space enthusiasts gathered at the mcauf live sheppard center. and he served in desert shield and desert storm. became a navy flight surgeon before he took light on the space shuttle. he's taking a giant leap for mankind and helping to build the international space station. >> he tightened those bolts that held the space station together. that's the pinnacle of my career, works out to two years another astronomical mission, helping nasa send people to mars. he signed onto the orion program working on the crew capsule for nasa's journey to the red planet within the next two decades. >> it has room for up to six people, it will start off with four, but room for up to six. >> he told the expect a text flight and his sights set high from his roots in new hampshire. in concord, jean mackin, news 9. amy: we have quite the space legacy in new hampshire? >> sure do. it's amazing, actually. check out the temperatures tonight and tomorrow, we'll see the temperatures tomorrow warmer than today. check out the seven-day forecast and they get warmer. now, that is what they call a warming trend. >> 78 on tuesday? >> yeah, could be near 80 degrees. amy: something, wow. the news continues with the day's top stories. we'll show you the latest on construction on this bridge. and thanking our first colin van ostern: i'm colin van ostern. you can go online and read our plan to create good jobs and keep young families in new hampshire. first, we should cut inefficient state spending, no sales tax, no income tax. we need to help small businesses and startups grow with less red tape. lower college costs and cut student debt. and expand clean energy. let's take the next step forward, new view this morning. the big changes overnight to when the job will be complete. >> commitment 2016 coverage. how donald trump is responding to accusations of sex assault. plus, more e-mails released from hillary clinton's campaign chairman. >> it's a cold start out there this morning. we check your current temperatures, plus, how high they'll go with some saturday sun. >> to hear someone to see the ceremony and recognizing our community's bravest. the special honoring local responders. >> no one covers new hampshire like we do. now, wmur news 9 this morning. >> good morning, new hampshire, 7:00 on this saturday, october 15th. i'm amy coveno. we'll get to the top stories in a minute. josh judge joins us in the your weekend forecast. my thermometer was cold this morning. >> yeah, it's a real cold start. no doubt about that as those temperatures, we're starting off in the 20's and 30's, but there's a beautiful sunrise out there at the moment as we look towards goffstown there. check it out this morning if you get a chance because it's nice. it takes a little bit of an edge off the chilly temperatures. in the lower and mid 20's, in many parts of the state in the quote, unquote, warmer spots in the low to mid 30's. there's your mainly clear, just a few, high thin clouds out there and low levels of fog apparently over some of the lakes this morning and steam fog going on this morning, high pressure keeping us sunny for today. temperatures will not be all that warm, a little below average, but close to average for this time of year. about 55 to 60 degrees, most places today. however, there's a warming trend on the wayment warmer air begins to move in tonight into tomorrow. we'll show you what that looks looks different as you wake up just before midnight, the span of the sarah mildred bridge was removed. workers used the high tide to help float the 2 million pound structure to the state pier. they worked to dismantle the span and that's part of the project. eventually the towers and rest of the bridge will be removed to ma simultaneously as the owed one is demolished. that means jobs for 150 people a day. >> a lot of intricate work in preparation for it. the primary focus is having a safe removal, so a lot of i remember ka is taken to make sure that everything is done correctly. >> river traffic will be able to pass through the area again starting monday. project is expected to be done in june of 2018. three teenagers are recovering after their boat capsized in derry. when the emergency crews arrived, tear boat was bringing the teens and boat back to store. >> some gas did leak so booms were used to contain it. they're suffering mild hypothermia. three homes are about to connected to water. st. gobain's expands the public water system after the wells tested for pfoa chemicals. if the weather cooperates 73 would be done by the ends of this year and the rest in 2017. and they'll look them to municipal water lines. to new details in the owen labrie sexual assault case. bolster his claims that his lawyer failed him at trial. >> owen labrie is appealing his convictions, new court paper work highlighting several reasons he believes he was poorly represented at trial. among them, that his attorney should have challenged a felony computer charge. the former st. paul student was found guilty of three sexual assault charges and a in his 15-year-old victim. the felony led to a one-year sentence and to register as an offender. and the forming the basis of the felony computer charge, the paper work reveals that labrie's current counsel interviewed a communication and claims that e-mails would remain hosted on a server and never left the st. paul school's internet server and thus, mr. labrie did not utilize a computer online service, a local bulletin board service as required by state statute. meaning those were on a network internal to the campus only and the paper work clas of key witnesses by not investigating their background or testimony pre-trial. right now labrie is required to live under his mother's home in vermont under curfew as he appeals conviction. amy: the man who took hostages at clinton's office in 2007, eisenberg was charged with august. the assistant u.s. attorney says he showed a note, but not a weapon. he reportedly, and the trial was set for december. the two boston police officers who were shot in east boston remain in critical, but stable condition. officers cintolo and morris were and killed by mres. police remained bags from the hem home. >> the motive is a mystery. el chapo could be extradited next year. a court could rule on that by the end of the year. new hampshire is one of the up. he's facing charges dated back to 2012. and he's under surveillance due to his earlier prison breaks. he's not allowed in the general population. a man who died in the attack on pearl harbor, edwin c. hopkins was one of 429 sailors killed in 1941. hopkins' remains were identified and returned. and he'll be buried next to his parents in keene. he'll be buried with full military honors. >> employees from the department of transportation completed their drive. the items are families in transition all over the state and the donations couldn't come department of transportation, this group of guys, came and did a collection drive for us. they did clothing and warm jackets. >> families in transition says it's always looking for furniture and other items crucial for those who need a fresh start. new hampshire's 16th annual film festival is underway. it got started with excellent-filled fun at the discover portsmouth center friday. we found dancing with the stars brother ofset meyers. the two talked about being back in new hampshire and enjoying the fall colors ap weather and of course seeing movies. bergeron is also a festival judge. >> i've already seen three of the films and cast my vote. i work with judges on a weekly basis so they gave me pointers, no paddles, but pointers. on saturday. >> more than 100 are playing across four venues on sunday. coming up, banned from all flights. you've heard the warnings. now the federal government is taking it a step further. what will happen if you try to bring a samsung galaxy note 7 or board. more than a week after more than a week after what's for dinner tonight? wegmans ez meals. dinner's not just delicious, it's done. [mmmm] we made it for you. scallops with garlic pesto sauce made fresh every day. it's ready to cook. just pop it in the oven put it on your plate. no prep. no cleanup. delicious, fresh, easy. wegmans ez meals. >> good morning! welcome back. check out this fog. steam fog there over the big so, and you will be seeing chilly temperatures no matter where you are this morning. but they do start to recover by this afternoon, we're in the 50's and we've got details on the warm-up ahead and your forecast straight ahead. amy: starting at noon today, air travelers will no longer be able to bring samsung galaxy note 7's on board. the f.a.a. banned the phones after reports of the phones catching fire. they could prosecution if they are found in luggage. samsung has stopped making the 7. >> makers of the ar-15 still rifles, a lawsuit has been dismissed. the federal judge says that they're shielded from lawsuits over criminal use of the products. the family's attorney says it wasn't allowed, but under the i think so ception. teachers killed in 2012. more than 20 homes on fire at lake tahoe. nevada governor declared a state of emergency as hundreds of firefighters battled the fire. as of last night, foyer officials report zero percent containment because of the difficult rain and high winds. a judge in n c after hurricane matthew slammed parts of the state. 36 eastern counties will now have five extra days to register to vote. the death toll is up to five people. it's killed 41 people in the united states and more than 500 in heighty. josh: good to see that storm go away. amy: good bye matthew. josh: yeah, ap nicole is moving in terms of that time ahead. we're fairly clear this morning as well. those skies are clear. >> it's brisk though. >> still need that brisk. amy: josh will be right back with his forecast and honoring our community's this city is it. great food, gorgeous scenery, friendly people. and what's better than doing something awesome in manchester? doing it for free. we hear you. that's why a-a-r-p is hosting fun, free, informative events. plus, we're offering resources to help you achieve your goals. and we're finding ways to make manchester even more livable. so if you don't think, "this is right for me" when you think a-a-r-p then you don't know "aarp." kelly ayotte: let's be honest - both donald trump and hillary clinton are far from perfect... and i'm not perfect either. but when partisan politicians shut down the government, i led the fight to reopen it. i've worked to find solutions to new hampshire's heroin epidemic. protect new hampshire's clean air and clean water. i've been called a problem solver by independent groups, and ranked as one of the most bipartisan senators. i'm kelly ayotte - and i approve this message, because whether i'm working with republicans, democrats, or independents, i'm standing up for new hampshire. >> now, meteorologist josh judge with your storm watch 9 forecast. >> if you're headed outside little while as the sun takes the edge off. temperatures in the 20's and some lower 30's out there this morning as well. how does that compare to yesterday morning at this same time? well, as you can see, it's anywhere from 5 to 20 degrees colder than it was yesterday morning. depending on exactly where you are. some spotter network temperatures around the region for you, upper 20's and lower 030's in most of southeastern new hampshire and southwestern new hampshire. we're firmly in spots, lower 30's some areas and more of the same in central parts of the state. 26 in sanbornton and there's northern new hampshire. it's a chilly start. no doubt this morning, but we are going to see a warming trend. so not as cold front. warmer air will begin pushing in warmer than now. high thin clouds rolled through. ute to the west are a few clouds and showers. sunday you'll see is increase of the clouds. despite a few more clouds around. it will be noticeably warmer, 5 to 10 degrees milder for tomorrow and that milder trend each day a little bit warmer continues right into the first half of the woke before we be getting near 80 degrees. by the time we hit tuesday and wednesday. how is that for a turn around? clear skies all day today. winds will be light and cooler with the on shore breeze. and sunny and 55 to 60 degrees. clear, not quite as chilly. warmer air is streaming in. these clouds at times will push in during the day tomorrow. sunday you'll see partly sunny skies and there will be more there could be an afternoon shower in a couple of spots, but primarily late in the afternoon. tomorrow evening, we all stand at least a chance of a shower or two, tom night on early monday morning. monday, these clouds and showers cheer away and we go right back to sunshine and monday will be warmer still, another step upwards in the temperature regime here. speaking of temperatures. here is how we look for today. in the mid to upper 50's. so 55 to 60 degrees tomorrow. tonight those low temperatures will be warmer than yesterday. 30's, upper 20's to lower 30's for the most part and 40's in the sea coast region and tomorrow, 65 to as high as 70 degrees for highs tomorrow. and then we're in the 70's, monday, tuesday, wednesday, even getting close to the upper 70's, near 80 degrees. quite a dramatic turnaround is on the way. shower chances start to increase later in the week. degrees? >> it's certainly nottor far from it, but with 100-something years of history, it's tough to get a record now days. >> honor those who wear the badge. expecting no thank you in return. dozens of first responders were recognized at the congressional awards ceremony last night. >> and wmur's cherise leclerc is talking about their actions and the touching salute to them. >> >> applause for men and women who put the uniform on every day, never expecting a night like this one. >> these guys deserve recognition. they don't get enough. >> joshua it leapt from his boat that caught on fire. >> we hung yont the stern of the boat so we didn't get separated and luckily they were around. genuinely to see the ceremony and thank us in person, that meant a lot. >> dedication to the line of duty were common friday night, the unique and celebrated approach to the heroin crisis that eric adams has taken, using his cell phone for the hot line for addicts in-- >> it refreshes me, when i someone say you helped me, you saved me. so gives me hope that we're doing the right thing. >> meantime, this whole group, including state and local police, fbi and associate attorney general young were awarded for help in the abduction of a teenager and those who have been saved, like eusually don't complain. >> wmur news 9. >> coming up next, have you ever wished you could hold onto our beautiful fall colors all year long? well, you can. the easy way to preserve fall leaves is ahead. in our next half hour. 2016 coverage. the big political names headed to visit the granite state and where you can see them. >> meet navaeh. the side. for information about navaeh ap other adoptable animals head over ? keep on smiling with dunkin's delicious reese's peanut butter doughnut square. frosted with chocolate and filled with reese's peanut butter buttercream. taste the fave you crave today. america runs on dunkin'. what's for dinner tonight? wegmans ez meals. [mmmm] chicken cacciatore... boneless chicken in our very own seasoned tomato sauce with peppers, mushrooms and basil. braised to perfection thanks to our unique ez oven packaging. it's ready to cook. just pop it in the oven and dinner's ready. delicious, fresh, easy. wegmans ez meals. it's a new hampshire success story. thousands of working adults earning a college degree i'm colin van ostern, and i helped launch college for america at southern new hampshire university. we've partnered with over 100 employers so their workers can get an associate's or bachelor's degree... most debt-free. as governor, i'll grow the economy by cutting college costs for students and families. a stronger workforce helps our businesses grow, too. this is just the beginning. ?? sip salty and sweet with our new salted caramel macchiato or drink in the season with the classic taste of pumpkin. america runs on dunkin'. >> green. we're at lowe farm in hollis. i'm joined from the unh cooperative. today we've got a fun project for you to do maybe with your kids or just by yourself. right? >> exactly. today we're going to preserve leaves. as you can see, you're driving around and seeing that beautiful foliage out there. >> yeah, a lot of people were worried thinking we weren't going to get the colors, but they're out there. >> they're out there and here is the project you can do with your kids or yourself. that have fallen off the tree or are still attached to the tree or you can take them home. you want to make sure that the leaves do not have holes. example. this one here or they have diseased spots. you want the best leafs you possibly can. and what we're going to do is two separate activities. one is using decoupage, a clear, actually goes on white and dries clear to preserve those leaves. and let it become something you can use for decoration for the holiday season. >> is this a smelly process, something i want to do outdoors or-- >> the modge-podge. not too bad. the second is drying the leaf in the microwave. you take the supple, vie bankrupt leaves again and put them in between paper towels and put them in the microwave for want to monitor them. >> 30 seconds on high? >> 30 seconds on a medium. >> medium temperature and keep monitoring until they are totally dry. so you really want to increase that by five seconds and you don't want to over dry them or they'll burn. >> over cook. >> you want them to be dry, they'll be flat, they won't crinkle like this. this one was not dry enough when i acryliced that. should have been you spray this with an acrylic spray paint and that also will dry clear. you can preserve these for a longer time and use them for decorations on your thanksgiving table. >> that would be great. why do we have the newspaper? >> basically to dry them out. you can put them in the newspaper and stack them and then you can leave them for one to two days. >> how long ahead of time do i do this, to put them on my linen table. last throughout the season. >> great. that way you can have a nice thanksgiving table and you can say i did it myself. >> exactly. >> no one covers new hampshire like we do. now, wmur news 9 this morning. >> good morning, we begin with a glorious look at the sunrise at hampton beach. 34 degrees at this hour. here is a lookt a man wanted in connection to a september murder in manchester is now in custody. 23-year-old billy maldonado was arrested friday in connecticut. a londonderry man is accused of taking a four-year-old with him to buy drugs in a manchester apartment. david emmerson allegedly left the child in his vehicle for 20 minutes while he purchased crack cocaine. >> republican presidential nominee donald trump will be in the granite state today. trump will attend a rally at more in just a minute. first, let's talk with josh judge in the weather center so he doesn't get cranky and upset. >> or have a meltdown. that's not possible, it's cold outside. the temperatures will be rebounding in the next few days. starting off in the 20's and lower 30's. the coldest start. 28 in jaffery, 30 in it's a cold start any way you look at it. there's the skies. and overnight, the temperatures right now, and clear skies all day long with high pressure ahead. we've got the temperatures coolest at the coast and 55 to 60 everywhere else. so there will be a lot of sunshine, fairly light winds, but those temperatures on the cooler side. we continue to see them go up. we'll ramp them up each of the forecast a few minutes away. >> a man wanted in text to a manchester murder is now in custody. they arrested billy maldonado in new britain, connecticut. police say he shot a man back in september. he's charged as a fugitive from justice and will return to new hampshire to face a second degree murder charge. and the man wanted in connection with a shooting in belmont is also in custody this morning. officers say a person near route 3 cuocolo from the news and called the police. he's accused of shooting a woman in belmont as well as stealing a car. a londonderry allegedly took a four-year-old to buy drugs at an apartment. david emmerson was arraigned on possession of a cold drug and the welfare of a child. he went to manchester and left cocaine. an officer stopped emmerson after he made a turn without using his blinker. >> so upon making contact with mr. emmerson, they found crack cocaine and a crack pipe on the console in the front seat of the vehicle and the young child, a four-year-old child in the back seat of the vehicle at the time. >> emmerson's bail was set at $1 $1,000. the raymond coalition for youth is raising awareness about addiction. there was a children from substance misuse. they celebrated accomplishments in reducing youth alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and prescription drug use and discussed how to continue fighting addiction. both senator shaheen and maggie hassan spoke at the event. >> in just a few hours, donald trump will be back in new hampshire for a rally in portsmouth. the rally starts at noon. tickets are required and we've learned at that bill clinton will return to rally for hillary chelsea clinton will join democrats at the fund raising dinner this year renamed as the kennedy-clinton dinner. joe kennedy iii will also attend. >> meanwhile, wikileaks released 1100 more hacked e-mails from clinton campaign chairman john podesta. one dates back to the 2008 primary between clinton and then senator obama. among the questions top democrats considered polling voters islam. president obama campaigned for clinton in cleveland, telling an audience yesterday there is a lot at stake in this election. >> equality is on the ballot. democracy itself is on the ballot right now. >> donald trump continues to respond to allegations of sexual assault as more women are coming forward. at both campaign rallies yesterday, the republican nominee denied their claims. are doing it for probably a little fame, they get some free fame. it's a total setup. republican gubernatorial candidate chris sununu hit the campaign trail with another candidate. scott walker joined sununu in new hampshire yesterday. the two met with business owners to discuss the upcoming election. walker dropped out of the race before the new hampshire primary. he says sununu has the and business background to be governor. >> they're going to make a difference in the state houses, and chris sununu will make that happen. >> and we need a governor to makes it new hampshire's way. amy: a national celebrity to hales from new hampshire hopes to be a voice for abused children. >> granite staters, people in the six and the three, let's amy: teamed up with the granite state alliance and claims against children research center at unh to spread the message that everyone has a duty to report child abuse. researchers say only 10% of victims report abuse and 61% of residents polled say they knew the law refires them to report abuse. >> any information is really good information when making a report and certainly, they don't need to know that it's suspect something is happening to a child and i think that's certainly where the partnership with unh is so significant. >> people said i'm not reporting because it's kind of a mystery what happens after i make a report and they really wanted confidence that something positive was going to happen after they made a report. amy: the campaign is called no and tell. well, it's a product that takes months to produce and even with business owner's control. we're talking about farmers and the mch we all enjoy and need, but this morning, there's a growing threat to the livelihood of growing farmers. ongoing large scale thefts. they're forcing farmers to take unprecedented security measures. >> in the poll that would keep the trees from getting damaged. >> fall colors, crisp air, picking. tasting is a critical part of the experience. >>, but there's a dark side to this picturesque perfection. >> just as you walked in the door, we had a call down to mack's apples. >> it's prevalent. it's not just our orchard. agricultural theft isn't true, but seems to be growing. what is growing? the frustration among farmers. >> put them in the strollers and that's the rough part. that's it. >> five to ten arrests every single october and if not more. >> that's in londonderry. sanbornton posted these calling farm stand theft an ongoing problem. there were hundreds of ears of corn as well. >> the owner says often the thieves are related. >> grandma, grandpa, a bunch of kids, aunts and uncles, and probably a dozen of them and they were very organized in the way that they were-- they fobought a few half bushel when i caught them they had five stolen fruit. >> we had an entire truck of a mercedes benz full sized sedan, full of apples. >> farmers warn each other about organized orchard operations using cell phones to snap photos of suspects who they say hide up in the trees and then run to their cars to make a get away. >> you feel like this is organized? >> oh, we know it's organized. >> londonderry say most of the thieves they arrest are from the boston area. >> during the they reveal the nationality is usually chinese who are-- >> they are hiding in the trees and indicate they don't speak english. some are stalling surveillance cameras or signs. >> you notice this is a green handle. and we have a brown gusset. and that's our wednesday bag. see if thrifty customers are reusing bags to avoid paying. it's impressive and disheartening. >> because everyone sees so many apples hanging on the trees they don't see it as a crime. >> some farmers were hesitant to talk about the thefts that cost them thousands every year. they don't want to spoil the fun family ambiance. they say tasting is fine. >> we encourage the public to try taste like. >> near it's a class. a misdemeanor. punishable with $1200 in fines. in recent years, other states like rhode island are taking a cue from hawaii and california. and making it a crime if it exceeds. $250. going airborne this weekend at the new hampshire motor will compete in the extraem chunkin contest and use machines like catapults, air canonses and other extreme items. plus, face painting. plenty of food and carnival ride. coming up. are you looking for something fun to do? >> the manchester monarch season is underway. we'll tell you what happened in >> it's a chilly start this morning. you will notice that as soon as you head out the door. the question is, how much do we recover and how much will those temperatures go up the next few days? days? we've got the answers coming chris inherited a famous name and was given the top job at his family's resort, where, over the years, chris cut jobs and cut employees' hours to avoid giving them health insurance. so it's no surprise chris opposes the minimum wage because he never had to work for anything. chris sununu has no business being governor. this advertisement has been paid for by put new hampshire first and has not been authorized by any candidate. what's for dinner tonight? wegmans ez meals. dinner's not just delicious, it's done. [mmmm] we made it for you. like this favorite. scallops with garlic pesto sauce made fresh every day. it's ready to cook. just pop it in the oven put it on your plate. no prep. no cleanup. delicious, fresh, easy. wegmans ez meals. [alright] althcare. woman: i depend on planned parenthood for birth control. woman: i had my annual physical there. woman: the cancer screenings at planned parenthood are so important. narrator: still, chris sununu cast the deciding vote to eliminate state funding for planned parenthood. chris sununu put partisan politics above women's health care. colin van ostern: i'm colin van ostern. i fought to restore funding for planned parenthood and got it done, because women's health care should always >> now, meteorologist josh judge with your storm watch 9 forecast we'll start off looking toward the monadnock region and we're in peak color. central and northern new hampshire all at their peak right now. and 25 degrees, brrr, that's cold! it will be recovering, we'll add 25 to 35 degrees onto those lows right now as we go into this afternoon. there you have it, 20's throughout most of western new hampshire and even central new hampshire. even 28 degrees in concord. you head into southeastern new hampshire and plenty of 50's in the sunshine. not as cold tonight and with the temperatures rising tonight with warmer air streaming in tomorrow, these temperatures make it up into the upper 60's, to around 70 degrees. so a big difference from rather. there will be more clouds tomorrow as well. check out the dew points, very low dew points, bone dry air out there, but the interesting part of the forecast, with rising temperatures this week, the dew points will actually rise and on tuesday, especially, maybe into wednesday, you'll start to notice just a touch more humidity. especially than what we've become accustomed to. high temperatures of the upper 50's today will not quite reach the normal high of 61 for >> and that full moon is tomorrow, by the way. clear skies at the moment and we'll see that pretty much all day long. mostly clear skies, light winds, but, again, a little on the cool chilly side. heading out early this morning you'll want to put the-- well, use the blanket, too, i was going to say a coat though. for tomorrow, some clouds creep in, so you'll see partly sunny skies tomorrow and late day tomorrow, there could be a shower in the northern part of the state. take a look at the wind off the ocean cools you down at the sea coast with a weak sea breeze, keeping it cool there. extra clouds around and a shower in northern new hampshire and a couple of scattered showers tomorrow night, that's sunday night into tomorrow morning, monday, we clear right away again. highs today. we're looking at basically 55 to 60 degrees, pretty much everywhere around the state. and not quite as chilly for tonight. the north country. here is a look at high temperatures for tomorrow. what a difference, we'll see highs 65 to 70 for tomorrow. and then that's temperatures last as the temperatures climb later in the week and most of us stay dry except sunday night and monday when you came back, did the color seem brilliant? >> it's peaked concord north and west and on its way elsewhere, too. amy: thanks, josh. from fall fun to houses, tom griffith tells us what's happening, new hampshire. >>. >> river fire kicks off. race. and later along the river, the river fire lighting ceremony starts at two today. raise your stein one last time at the final day of oktoberfest at anheuser brewery in merrimack. enjoy german beers and snack on delicious german food. participate in a contest and listen to live music from 10:00 to 4:00 today and admission is free. the lukemia and lymphoma society hosts the light the night walk stng support the lukemia and lymphoma's mission to fight cancer. wind your way through a spooky house and cemetery. it's for a good cause. it's all for make a wish new hampshire. donations are appreciated. the manor is open from 6:00 to 9:00 tonight. >> friday night was opening night for the manchester monarchs, a whole new season as they enter the division. we go to formerly verizon wireless arena. less than two minutes left in the game. monarchs trailing, 3-2. open k quinton shore for the goal. adirondack takes it. and lost 6-2. in the losses this season, the cats have been outscored 11-3. later tonight, they'll make it up on clarkson. an american league championship series. game one, toronto blue jays and cleveland indians, lots of base runners. they leave eight total stranded. including here. the only two runs on the game come on one play, as cleveland's 11 former fishercats on the blue jay roster, including estrada who goes the instance. two runs and six strikeouts, and ending the year. indians take game one, 2-0. and. >> the assumption gray hounds keep st. anselm off the win column. 39-14 the final score. the hawks with two turnovers in the >> and a look at today's college football schedule right here on wmur. starting with nc state taking on clemson at noon. then north carolina at miami at 3:30. bug time time matchup tonight. 8 p.m. top 10 matchup featuring number two ohio states and number eight wisconsin. and we'll have those scores later on tonight. sports. amy: thanks, jim. stories from space, how a new hampshire native helped build the space station and his message for future explorers. and now, to our u local hotshot. this is preston and tj playing who's got the bucket. they've got an audience, too. you can submit your pictures, >> special visitors stopped by the mcauliffe-shepard center. josh: astronaut morin had his sites far, far away. >> safe to sayro but there's no place like home. a crowd of space enthusiasts gathered at the mcauliffe-shepard center to hear about his efforts. he was born and raised in manchester, graduated unh. served in desert shield and desert storm. became an undersea medical officer and a flight surgeon that's lee morin taking a leap for mankind, helping to build the space station. >> i tightened the bolts that held the space station together and that's the pinnacle of my career, and works out to two years of education per bolt. now he's on another as know many cal mission, helping nasa send people to mars. >> he signed onto the orion program, capsule for nasa's planned journey to the red planet within the next few decades. >> there's room for six, four would go, but room for six. >> his sights set high from his roots in new hampshire. in concord, jean mackin, wmur here in new hampshire. josh: and they do good stuff there at the planetarium. >> more clouds and a shower possible up north. look at the temperatures, it's going to be a little taste of quote, unquote, indian summer this upcoming week. >> look at that. keeps going on going. the news continues and so do we line. we'll show you construction on the sarah long bridge and thanking our fir bob hillery: i spent 21 years in the navy, defending america. if i only showed up half the time, i'd have been court-martialed. homeland security hearings. vo: on critical homeland security hearings, ayotte was mia... even missing a hearing the same day she went to a washington fundraiser. for ayotte, collecting campaign cash comes first. bob hillery: when it comes to fighting terrorism, 50% just doesn't cut it. vo: senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. months of degrading women and vulgar insults, and kelly ayotte supported donald trump through all of it, even calling him a role model. te-- a political calculation just to re-elect herself. so, what else has kelly ayotte done to get re-elected? she's voted with the koch brothers 90% of the time, and corporate special interests like the kochs spend millions to re-elect ayotte. kelly ayotte. doing what's right for herself is just wrong for new hampshire. i'm maggie hassan, and i approve this message. i'm maggie hassan, afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. >> portsmouth is waking up to a new view this morning. the big changes overnight to the sarah long bridge and when the project will be complete. commitment 2016 coverage, how donald trump is responding to accusations of sex assaul hillary clinton's campaign chairman. josh: it's a cold start this morning. we take a check of your current temperatures and plus, how high they go. >> to see someone who drove to the ceremony and means a lot. amy: honoring the bravest, the local first responders. >> no one covers new hampshire like we do. amy: good morning, new hampshire. 8:00 on this saturday, october 15th. i'm amy coveno. we'll get to the top stories in just a minute, first, josh judge joins us in the weather center with a look at the weekend story. >> hopefully it means good things. i've seen it both ways. the temperatures out there. it's a chilly start for sure, as we're in the lower and mid 20's in most of northern and western new hampshire and these temperatures are actually up a couple of degrees from an hour or two ag southern new hampshire and southeastern new hampshire especially. a few clouds rolled through overnight. otherwise, it's a clear start and a few clouds that may touch northern parts of the state. otherwise look for blue skies, all day long, that just keep on going, as high pressure holds us in, real nice weather pattern, but it will be a bit on the cool side all day long, as highs today top off between 55 and 60 we'll talk about when the temperatures turn around and boy, do they ever in your forecast coming up. >> the portsmouth sky line looks different as you wake up just before midnight. the span of the sarah bridge was removed. the workers used the high tide to float the 2 million pound state structure on the pier. th bridge. it will make way for a new bridge which is built simultaneously. the 158 million dollars replacement project means jobs for up to 150 people a day. >> very complicated, a lot of intricate work going into preparation for it. it's-- the primary focus is having a safe removal, so a lot of care is taken to make sure everything sarah long bridge. river traffic will be able to pass through the area again starting monday. the new bridge is scheduled to open next september while the entire project is expected to be finished in june of 2018. this morning, three teenagers are recovering after their boat capsized in beaver lake in derry. another boat was bringing the teens and their boat back to shore. some gas did leak from the overturned boat so booms were used to did suffer mild hypothermia. they're expected to be ok. 360 litchfield homes are connected to water. they agreed to fund an engineering design to expand the existing public water system. that's after they tested positive for pfoa chemicals. the homes would be connected by the end of the year and the rest work is underway in merrimack and manchester to municipal water lines. new details about the owen labrie sexual assault. labrie claims his lawyer failed him at trial. jennifer crompton explains. >> owen labrie is appealing his convictions. new court paper work highlighting several reasons he believes he was poorly represented at trial. should have challenged a felly computer charge. the former st. paul student was found guilty in 2015 of three misdemeanor sexual assault charges and of a felony charge for use ago computer to lure in his 15-year-old victim. the felony led to a one year jail sentence and a requirement to file papers. failed to investigate forming the basis of the computer charge. the paper work reveals, labrie's current county, talking about student to sunt e-mail communications, indicating had a those would be remaining on a physical server and never left the internal internet server and thus, mr. labrie did not utilize a computer online servic bulletin board service as required by state statute. meaning those were internal to the campus only. and karnie mishandled witnesses, and right now, labrie is required to give at his mother's >> a man who took hillary clin clinton's-- le leland eisenberg indicted in august. the assistant u.s. attorney says he showed a note, but allegedly had a small amount of cocaine on him. he entered pleas of not guilty. the trial set for critical, but stable condition. richard cintolo and officer morris. the suspect, figueroa was caught by police. they removed eight bags where the shooting happened. court to rule on his extradition around the end of the year. new hampshire is one of the states where he could end up. he's facing cocaine conspiracy charges from 2012. un he's under surveillance, and is not allowed to mingle with edwin c. hopkins was one of 429 killed on u.s.s. oklahoma at pearl harbor december 7th, 1941. hopkins' remains were recently identified and hopkins will be buried mex in to his parents in keene with full military honors. this gathered enough goods to fell a dump trum. their doemations cot not come at a be better time. >> and we're grateful that they did a clothing drive for us. warm clothing and jackets and we're going to make sure they get to our families. >> families in transition says it's always looking fresh start. coming up, banned from all flights. you've heard the warnings and now the federal government is taking it a step further. what will happen if you try to bring a galaxy note 7 on board. >> good morning, welcome back. look at the great color in plymouth. we are at peak foliage, and towards southeastern new hampshire. a beautiful start to our day. we'll talk about the chilly temperatures and when they modify in your forecast coming right up. amy: starting at noon today. air travelers will no able to bring samsung galaxy note 7's on flights. the f.a.a. banned the phone after reports of several smart phones catching fire. passengers can face criminal prosecution if they try to stash the phones in their luggage or face fines. samsung has stopped making the phones. >> a lawsuit filed by newtown families, the maker of the rifle used in the shooting has been dismissed. shields them through criminal use of their products. the family's attorney was allowed to the extension. 20 children and six teachers were killed in 2012. >> more than 20 storms, after the plane forced a major highway connecting reno to the lake. the nevada governor declared a state of emergency as hundreds of firefighters blaze. as of last night. fire officials reported zero containment because of the difficult terrain and high winds. a judge in north carolina extended the registration to vote. they will have five extra day because of the hurricane. a man was found drown in his own home. flooding triggered by the hurricane has killed at least 41 people in haiti. oh, haiti, wish haiti could get a break. josh: they took it on the chin with that one. no doubt about it. we were lucky here, got beneficial rain from matthew, but this will not be the case this weekend. we have got a pretty good forecast for you coming up. >> honoring our community's narrator: planned parenthood provides many kinds of healthcare. woman: i depend on planned parenthood for birth control. woman: i had my annual physical there. woman: the cancer screenings at planned parenthood are so important. narrator: still, chris sununu cast the deciding vote to eliminate state funding for planned parenthood. chris sununu put partisan politics above r planned parenthood and got it done, because women's health care should always >> meteorologist josh judge with your storm watch forecast. josh: it's a chilly start out there. the temperatures have gone up a couple of degrees, but very cold as you head out. look at the shot from littleton. this is over toward cannon mountain and just a nice sky out there this morning. it's 26 degrees in the north country and 20's and 30's everywhere else. most eveer least saw frost, if not freezing conditions during the overnight hours and it will take a little while for the bite to get out of the air and the edge to come off by this afternoon. but it will happen as we head into the 50's near 60 degrees today. clear skies at the moment and beautiful blue horizon to horizon as we start off our saturday. widening the view, you'll see that we are in pretty good shape for the weekend. there are some clouds well off that will approach during the day tomorrow. that's a warm front. what it does, it brings in the chance of a few clouds tomorrow and we'll say partly zone and a shower in new hampshire. sunday night to monday morning we go back to sunshine and warmer conditions. clear skies at the metropolitan and that will help us propel those temperatures up, as you see here mid and upper 50's. a couple of these spots could hit 60 degrees, western parts of the state and you see 59's and possibly you could hit 60 degrees in a few spots to the west. tonight, not quite as chilly. look at this, partly clean skies, 60 near 70 for highs turing the day on sunday. a few clouds and showers rolling through sunday night into monday. monday clearing right away. if you're in the lakes region, a beautiful place to be, checking out on a boat and we will see those topping off, 57, 58 degrees or so as we head toward the region here. we'll kind of hop around and show you the temperatures fairly similar, no matter where you look in the lakes region. it's all 57, 58 degrees or so today. look for those temperatures and center harbor to be 57 for highs this afternoon and we'll head back over and take a look at temperatures for highs this afternoon. tonight, not quite as chilly as last night. 20's and 30's and 40's in southeastern new hampshire. and check this out. it leads to warmer interprets for tomorrow. mid and upper 60's, maybe near 70 in a few spots tomorrow. and definitely the 70's by the time we get to monday, tuesday, and wednesday, all three of days days in the 70's, near 80 chances thursday afternoon. by the end of the week it will cool done, but it will be a classic indian summer this week. amy: keep the full array of clothing options. josh: you do, morning one thing, the afternoon another, it's crazy. amy: honoring those who wear the badge, expecting no thank you in return. dozens of first responders were recognized at the congressional awards ceremony last night. >> wmur's cherise leclerc tells ab touching salute to them. >> (applause) >> applause for men and women who put on the uniform every day, never expecting a night like this one. >> these guys deserve recognition, they don't get enough. >> josh was forced to leap from his burning boat in portsmouth as it ignited into flames this past father's day. >> we hung onto the stern of the boat and we didn't get >> we're not here for recognition, but to hear generally one who did seed ceremony and thank us. >> they were common friday night, like the unique and now celebrated approach to the heroin crisis. that laconia police officer, using his cell phone as a 24 hour hot line for addicts in their darkest hours. >> it reenergizes me, you know? when i g you know, you helped me. so gives me hope that, you know, we're doing the right thing. >> meantime, this whole group, including state and local police, fbi, and associate attorney general jayne young was awarded for their investigation into the abduction of a teenager in north conway, that lead them to andy kibby. you do it. and don't normally get recognition. >>. amy: it's a cold morning. why not warm up with a delicious bowl of mexican stew. how you can make that. and the 2016 coverage. the big political names set to visit the granite state and where you can catch them. meet ma navaeh. she's got a goofy side we're told. hiking and car rides and for it's not uncommon for autistic kids to flap their hands. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. and she's smart. she can work with people to solve problems. i want to be able to tell my kids that i did the right thing when it really mattered. >> hi there, we're in the news 9 kitchen with christian and did he have-- devin. we're making a heart season and it's time to start eating heartier. what we have is our own house smoked pork. we take this and we put it on our smoke are for about 12 hours and braise it in the oven for another six. it falls apart. delicious. we have a chirizo. we have roasted green chili and garlic paste here, we're starting to mayor up the more flavorable spice stew. it's going to fill you up on a cold day or kind of has one foot in the fall, one in the summertime. those are who-- this is not going to melt anybody out. >> where are you going to locate? >> 89 in new hampshire inside of hockington, new hampshire, a town of two. >> what else do you have on the menu? >> we do an amazing breakfast. we have tacos, with our pulled pork, we have amazing burgers and we have house made potato bun. what else do we have? >> there's so much. >> we do a house made ramen noodle kind of for our v veget might to at home without the microwave or just the boiling water. kind of make a traditional ramen. >> you're having a lot of fun in the kitchen and looking for help. >> we're out there, and hard to find someone in the food industry. they're trying to find qualified fun people who w t food. >> you can learn a lot in this kitchen about favors and mixing it up. >> we do home style and we like to have fun with it. this is kind of home style food from around the world. >> what else goes into this? >> all right, we have our stew of the pork and sausage and tomatoes and peppers and we'll >> where can you find that? >> in the mexican food aisle or get it online and a recipe, about a two week process, but a school result, ends up with amazing flavor. it's important to the dish because, hominey is actually pasoli in spanish. we're going to plate it on a nice bed of baby way your spinach isn't completely, greetly destroyed. once that's done, you come back and we top it off with a little bit of fresh cilantro and it's super-duper fresh. at the end of the day, you could be coming in from a hunt or coming in from snow shoe or from the beach and that's going to work for you. >> it smells delicious. tell people more about your 9:06 at night seven days a week. >> gotcha. thank you for coming in and sharing with us. again, i wish you could smell it, it smells awesome. bob hillery: i spent 21 years in the navy, defending america. if i only showed up half the time, i'd have been court-martialed. but that's what senator kelly ayotte did. she missed nearly half of her homeland security hearings. vo: on critical homeland security hearings, ayotte was mia... even missing a hearing the same day she went to a washington fundraiser. for ayotte, collecting campaign cash comes first. bob hillery: when it comes to fighting terrorism, 50% just doesn't cut it. vo: senate majority pac is responsible for the ? ? on social security and medicare, these are the facts. kelly ayotte voted for deep cuts in medicare and social security. here are the votes. she voted against protecting social security from the threat of privatization. and said she's open to raising the retirement age for social security. look it up yourself. the fact is kelly ayotte's supporting big, corporate special interests. of this advertising. kelly ayotte: let's be honest - both donald trump and hillary clinton are far from perfect... and i'm not perfect either. but when partisan politicians shut down the government, i led the fight to reopen it. i've worked to find solutions to new hampshire's heroin epidemic. and i've crossed the aisle to protect new hampshire's clean air and clean water. i've been called a problem solver by independent groups, and ranked as one of the most bipartisan senators. i'm kelly ayotte - and i approve this message, because whether i'm working with republicans, democrats, or independents, it's a great view from the top. just ask chris sununu. chris inherited a famous name and was given the top job at his family's resort, where, over the years, chris cut jobs and cut employees' hours to avoid giving them health insurance. so it's no surprise chris opposes the minimum wage because he never had to work for anything. chris sununu has no business being governor. >> no one covers new hampshire like we do. now, wmur news 9 this morning. >> beautifully groomed strand there at hampton beach. 37 degrees and i don't see a soul out there. here is a look at top stories on the half hour. a man wanted in connection to a september murder in manchester is in custody this morning. 23-year-old billy maldonado was arrested friday in connecticut. a londonderry man is accused of taking a four-year-old with him to a manchester apartment. david emmerson allegedly left cocaine. republican presidential nominee donald trump will be in the granite state. trump will attend a rally at noon at toyota of portsmouth. we'll get to the stories and more in just a minute. first over to josh judge for a look at the all important weekend forecast. >> absolutely, a chilly start there. if you're headed outdoors, you soccer moms and dads, maybe taking them for a run. it's below 32, freezing in so many with the sunshine, but it's going to take a while. so by this afternoon, we may get into the 50's. you see we've got plenty of sunshine though, hardly any clouds. a few clouds in far northern new hampshire and that's it. we can widen the view and show you that much of the country is under sunshine for today. and so is manchester, where it will be 55 to 60 degrees today a little cooler. everywhere else, 55 to 60. light winds out there, a and even in afternoon, a bill below average. that does change. we've got a warming trend and we'll talk about that in a couple of minutes. >> a man wanted in connection to a manchester murder is now in cus custody. u.s. marshalls arrested billy maldonado. he's charged as a fugitive from justice and will return to new hampshire to face a second degree murder charge. and the man also in custody this morning. officers say a person near route 3 in meredith recognized jason cue o cuocolo, he's accused of stealing a car. a man allegedly took a four-year-old to buy drugs at a manchester apartment. david emmerson was arrested on possession of a controlled drug child. investigators say that emmerson left a child in his vehicle for 20 minutes while he purchased crack cocaine. an officer arrested him after he made a turn without using his blinker. >> upon stopping mr. emmerson, they found crack cocaine on the console and a four-year-old child in the back seat of the vehicle at the time. >> emmerson's bail was set at raymond coalition for youth is holding on addiction, substance misuse. they looked at tobacco, marijuana and prescription drug abuse and discussed how to continue fighting addiction. both senator jeanne shaheen and mag ji hassan spoke at the event. new this morning, a new market man was charged with driving on north main street in new market yesterday. investigators say 60-year-old joseph kaiser crashed into the back of a truck that had stopped at a crosswalk around 3 p.m. he was then taken to the hospital where injuries where he allegedly assaulted two officers. >> investigators say this is the second dwi arrest for kaiser in one week. and his third dwi arrest this year. he faces a number of charges, including felony reckless conduct, driving while intoxicated and on a police officer. >> just a few hours from now, donald trump will be back in new hampshire for a rally in portsmouth. the event gets underway at noon at portsmouth. tickets are required and we've learned that bill clinton will return to new hampshire monday to rally for hillary clinton in hanover and keen. chelsea clinton will join state democrats at the annual fund raising dinner, this year, renamed the kennedy-clinton attend. wikileaks has released 1100 more hacked e-mails from campaign chairman john podesta. it was between hillary clinton and then senator obama. and one of the questions that they considered polling voters on, obama's ties to islam. and telling audiences there's a lot at stake in this election. democracy itself is on the ballot right now. amy: last week, u.s. intelligence officials blamed the russian government for a series of breaches intended to influence the presidential election. the russians deny involvement. donald trump continues to respond to allegations of sexual assault. this as more women are coming forward. at both campaign rallies yesterday, the republican nominee denied the claims. >> they just come out, some are fame, they get some free fame. it's a total setup. amy: turning now to the race for senate. governor maggie hassan was in our studios for a facebook live session recently. over the course of a half hour, we got to as many of your questions as possible. wmur political director josh mcelveen has more on how she responded. >> facebook in with a question important to parents. >> we could also in addition to the $1,000 tax break, affordable early child, and expanding family leave. >> jeff wants to know if you can go to four term limits. >> i think the best term limits are the ballot box, where people clinton is honest. i do and some who are national security and foreign policy experts who say they trust her with our national security and safety. >> a few of the questions coming from voters via social media as the count down continues toward election day. >> republican gubernatorial candidate chris sununu hit the campaign trial with scott sununu met with him yesterday. they discussed the upcoming election. he says that sununu has the business background to become governors. >> leaders are going to make a difference not in washington, but right in our state houses and sununu will make that happen. >> i don't trust out of d.c., we need a new hampshire governor of the election. >> switching gears just a little bit here. pumpkins going airborne this weekend at the new hampshire motor speedway. teams across the country will compete in the extreme chunk n contest use the air canons to see who goes the further. plus, they're face painting. coming up, a big night f q.b.'s. jim foley is in with the scores and highlights from last night. josh: it's a chilly start this saturday morning, but things do, well, get warmer today. from here we go only upwards. wait until you see the months of degrading women and vulgar insults, and kelly ayotte supported donald trump through all of it, even calling him a role model. now, ayotte suddenly claims the opposite-- she's voted with the koch brothers 90% of the time, and corporate special interests like the kochs spend millions to re-elect ayotte. kelly ayotte. doing what's right for herself is just wrong for new hampshire. i'm maggie hassan, >> now, meteorologist josh judge with your storm watch 9 forecast. josh: good saturday morning. if you're just waking up. bright sunshine coming through your window no doubt. we'll see that all day long. look at the foliage being lit properly by the sun. 25 degrees there, yeah, 25, it's a chilly start out there. the coldest start that we've had to a morning yet so far this young season. 25 degrees i 20's to lower 30's now beginning to show up on parts of the map after you were in the 20's on concord up to 31 degrees there. 37 at the sea coast. we'll take a look at your temperatures in your hometown here with our storm watch 9 spotter team here. showing that the temperatures are mostly now in the 30's in southeastern new hampshire, but southwestern new hampshire, it's a different story and you've got some places still in the upper 20's and lower 30's to upper look around the granite state here. we're in the 20's and lower 30's in northern new hampshire as well. how high do we normally see the temperatures go? concord's average for today is 61. i don't think we quite make it there. we get close with a lot of sunshine, light winds and temperatures in the 50's to near 60 degrees. and check out the sunrise and sunset times, the sunrise has been getting later. the sunset has been getting earlier and that trend, of cour, time to come. high tide at 10:55 this morning. low tide 5:26 this afternoon. the clear skis are around right now. no doubt about it. we'll widen the view and show you that, well, the nearest clouds are a bit of a distance away. some clouds may clip parts of northern new hampshire at times today otherwise, most of us see a good deal of sunshine today and a little less sun tomorrow with plenty of warmer conditions this area of warmer air and here is the warm front, begins to nudge in overnight and into tomorrow. another fairly chilly day, a little below average, but we'll see those temperatures heading upwards. nudging upwards each of the next several days in fact. let's take a look at futurecast, showing that sunshine. i think that it's light on the clouds. you may see more clouds in northern new hampshire at times today. otherwise we stay dry. there could be an afternoon shower in the will thicken up a bit. we could see a shower or two sunday night into monday morning. it clears for the day and monday, we're into the 70's. what a turn around we're about to see here as we're so chilly this morning, yet, temperatures today top off in the mid and upper 50's and then we'll see those temperatures tomorrow, mid indian summer technically defined by the american meteorology society warm conditions after you've had your first frost, that would apply in this case, i think. 70 to near 80 degrees, by the time we get to tuesday and wednesday. holy moly. amy: my goodness, 80's. our top stories, as you wake up, the portsmouth down the river. and the u.s. marshals arrested a man in connection with a murder. billy maldonado is in custody after they say he shot a man. and donald trump, the republican nominee will rally at noon. >> now, sports. >> we started the high school football season. division two last year. straight to the highlights we go. >> undefeated monadnock on the road. huskies on the board first, levi finds a hole and the opening kickoff over 70 yards. 7-0 monadnock. with the ball once again, and will score again this time on a 36 yard run. 14-0 huskies, four touchdowns rushing to go with the over a thousand for the year. huskies roll 64-13. one, two, three! >> giants home with franklin battling for the knights of columbus football trophy. franklin trying to cut into the lead with the double pass. and finds dan cummings for 35 yards. golden tornados would turn the ball over on the next play. >> third quarter. a 12-yard rushing touchdown. giants would threaten again as they go on to win big, 60-12. switching to division one, fnf football, flying through the air, at home with nashua south. second quarter, exeter's kyle ball. q.b. keeper for the touchdown, 14-0 blue hawks. alex amigo with another run and that drive w exeter wins 35-14. nashua north at portsmouth. north 23-14. rj jenkins over 100 yards rushing and spaulding at winnicunnet. six different players scored touchdowns for the warriors. ? concord and timber lane and the howls. rushing on the night for post. still in the first quarter, concord's darushing touchdown. ties it up. two rushing touchdowns for him. a nice road victory for the tide. concord 27-21, two passing touchdowns. and 23 of 16, cardinals scored 53 seconds to go on one-yard touchdown. salem and londonderry, a passing t.d., and there is a rushing touchdown, 65 yards. fakeout, for breast cancer at memorial field in derry. the astros opening drive, boy, completes it to open, joe eichmann in stride. started a huge first half for the senior quarterback as he had five-- rather, seven passing touchdowns notice first half. nine total in three quarters. pinkerton, looks like they're going to miss the playoffs in 49, 48 years, as merrimack rules. >> the undefeated. 107 yards passing and the touchdown, and added a rushing touchdown. bed ford had two t.d.'s on defense. division 2, convale, 42-7. 112 rushing yards and two touchdowns and a 90-yard kickoff return for a t.d. laconia made the trip to north conway as they meet the kennett touchdowns for sages. >> milford and trinity. milford up 21-0. king hands off to cleary, stretches for the touchdown. 28-0 milford. later in the quarter, trinity gets on the scoreboard, stacey foster hits colin hines across the middle and breaks free. a 57-yard touchdown. 28-6. milford would take this one. 35-6 as they ran for 145 yards what do we do? win! >> manchester west hosted hollis brook line. the cavaliers in white. they score right away. and jack burn up the middle and hollis brookline takes the lead. and simco on the fade. 19-0 caves. they did it one more time. they get the fifth win of the year, 50-20. undefeated hanover at kingswood, a long road trip, worthwhile. hanover wins 31-9. caleb putnam with 27 rushes for 157 yards and a couple of scores. two more high school football games. later today. heights for new hampshire tackles hunger. an in you report. free admission at the game if you bring and a reminder, you can watch all of our shows on our website, and follow us on twitter. use the #fnfwmur. we'll have the highlights off the rest of today's games later on tonight. i'm jim foley, that's sports. amy: thank you. stories from space, how a new hampshire native helped to build the space station and his this is ruby, does she have pearls on? she was adopted from rachel and jay from the humane society. congratulations, it looks like you've got a winner. ? ? on social security and medicare, these are the facts. kelly ayotte voted for deep cuts in medicare and social security. here are the votes. she voted against protecting social security and said she's open to raising the retirement age for social security. look it up yourself. the fact is kelly ayotte's supporting big, corporate special interests. she's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content >> a special visitor stopped by the discovery center in concord this week to share some out of this world stories. new hampshire native that helped to build the space station. and now he has his sights set very, very far away. >> safe to say astronaut lee morin has been around the world a few times, but there's no place on earth like home. >> it's good to be back here in new hampshire. >> a crowd of space enthusiasts gathered at the mcauliffe-shepard discovery center to hear about his adventures. he was born and raised in and served in operations desert shield and desert storm. became an undersea medical officer and then a navy flight surgeon before he really took flight on the space shuttle. that's lee morin taking one giant leap for mankind and helping to build the international space station. >> that person tightened 12 of the bolts that held the space station together. so that's the pinnacle of my two years of education per bolt. >> and now lee morin is on to another astronomical mission, helping nasa send people to mars. >> the purpose of orion is to go into deep space. he signed onto the orion program, working on the crew capsule for nasa and planning for the next two decades. >> it has room for up to six people. it will start off with four, but >> he told the hometown crowd to expect an unmanned flight, and it's sights set high from his roots in new hampshire. in concord, jean mackin, wmur news 9. amy: mars? >> i think i'm good here on earth. amy: you're good? >> i'll be happy to let somebody else go, check it out, try it out. we'll see. i kind of like this earth place. here is a look at temperatures, the weather that surrounds our this weekend. it's a chilly start right now. we see the sun warm up into the 55 to 60 degree ranger today and 65 to 70, maybe low 70's in a couple of spots for tomorrow and look at the 70's for this upcoming week and it's going to be a warm week ahead. amy: remarkable run of weather. josh: absolutely. amy: we're delighted you joined us. good morning is up next. josh and i are hanging around. we'll be back with local news an have it's a great view from the top. just ask chris sununu. chris inherited a famous name and was given the top job at his family's resort, where, over the years, chris cut jobs and cut employees' hours to avoid giving them health insurance. so it's no surprise chris opposes the minimum wage because he never had to work for anything. chris sununu has no business being governor. this advertisement has been paid for by put new hampshire first narrator: planned parenthood provides many kinds of healthcare. woman: i depend on planned parenthood for birth control. woman: i had my annual physical there. woman: the cancer screenings at planned parenthood are so important. narrator: still, chris sununu cast the deciding vote to eliminate state funding for planned parenthood. chris sununu put partisan politics above women's health care. colin van ostern: i'm colin van ostern. i fought to restore funding for planned parenthood and got it done, because women's health care should always good morning, america. new overnight, donald trump fighting back. tossing the teleprompter and lashing out as more women accuse him of sexual misconduct. >> he grabbed my shoulder and began kissing me. >> he said none of it is true. >> the latest on hillary clinton's e-mail saga. thest extreme weather. several rare tornadoes tearing through coastal oregon. >> whoa. >> blowing up transformers. over 100 homes damaged. >> it's just like a bomb went off. >> now, seattle is in the bull's-eye bracing for a once in a decade storm. >> the department of transportation taking action, no samsung galaxy note 7s allowed

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Hampton Beach , New Hampshire , United States , Kearsarge , East Boston , Massachusetts , Nevada , Salem , Oregon , Vermont , Goffstown , China , California , Russia , Connecticut , Littleton , Mexico , Londonderry , North Conway , Spain , Haiti , Laconia , Germany , North Carolina , Cleveland , Ohio , Gill Stadium , Boston , Rhode Island , New Britain , Wisconsin , Reno , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Washington , Seattle , Oklahoma , Pearl Harbor , Hawaii , Iraq , New Market , Center Harbor , America , Chinese , Mexican , Russian , Spanish , German , Russians , American , Jim Foley , Aarp Kelly Ayotte , Joseph Kaiser , Maggie Hassan , Pinkerton Astros , Scott Walker , Edwin C Hopkins , Hillary Chelsea Clinton , Chelsea Clin , Erin Canterbury , Jean Mackin , Lee Morin , Cherise Leclerc , Danny Parker , David Emmerson , Dan Cummings , Tom Griffith , Caleb Putnam , Jacob Post , Chelsea Clinton , Jeanne Shaheen , Bob Hillery , Exeter Kyle , Manchester Hurd , Kelly Ayotte , El Chapo , Leyland Eisenberg , Colin Heinz , El Guzman , Chris Sununu , Colin Hines , Frank Guinta , Eric Adams , Joe Eichmann , John Podesta , Hillary Clinton , Annie Kuster , Billy Maldonado , Jennifer Crompton , Scott Sununu , Hollis Brookline ,

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