Transcripts For WMUR News 9 Daybreak 20161018 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WMUR News 9 Daybreak 20161018

hampshire. thanks for waking up with us. i'm sean mcdonald. we had a little bit of rainfall. kevin: i had to squint at the radar. it's a rarity these days. we have a warm front expect it across the state today. we will have quite a few clouds initially. we will break out into some sunshine in the afternoon. temperatures will jump back into the 70's. from that. temperatures are starting the day in the 50's. it's a jump into the 60's everywhere. there could be some 70's. much more on that huge range of temperature is coming up. we're joined live by deb davidson. deb: we are going to start the morning commute with no major problems on 93 north or south as you make your way to the state. 293 is fine from the upper to the lower split. in massachusetts, all roads are traveling at the posted speed limit. with triple team traffic reports throughout the day, i'm deb davidson for 95.7 wzid. sean: a merrimack high school teacher won't be going to work this morning after police say he sent inappropriate pictures of himself to a student. robert todd wiley has been charged with criminal robert todd wiley has been charged with criminal abuse. wmur's ray brewer is live at the merrimack police department with what we know about the case. good morning, ray. ray: good morning. the school's principal is expected to address students today about the case. 63-year-old robert todd wiley was arrested by police yesterday. the well known teacher has taught in the district for 37 years. he's now accused of meeting and conversing with a 16-year-old says she was notified by police on columbus day weekend about an investigation into a teacher in the district. >> they discovered some alarming material on the student's phone that had to do with the defendant, mr. wiley. both pictures, texts, emails, and videos were sent to this juvenile. i am shocked and saddened by the news. it's not something you're expecting. ray: their top priority is the well-being of the students, especially the victim in this case. wiley was released on $20,000 cash bail. he will be arraigned on december 1. reporting live in merrimack, ray brewer, wmur news 9. sean: thanks. three people are recovering after a piece of ceiling fell on them at a bertucci's restaurant in nashua. firefighters were called to the restaurant on amherst street monday afternoon. called a cloud feature, fell on two customers and an employee. now the city is trying to figure out how it happened. the restaurant will be closed until the investigation is done. >> it's a decorative section of the ceiling that is right under the skylight, so it kind of darkens the room a little bit. it's called a cloud feature. sean: the victims' injuries are unclear. bertucci's says safety police in maine are warning the public that a drug much more potent than heroin may have surfaced in that state, after a man needed five doses of narcan to recover from an overdose. police say the man may have taken carfentanil, a synthetic opioid used to tranquize elephants. it's 10,000 times more powerful than morphine and officials warn the drug could be mixed in with other opioids, like heroin. they say bad batches typically making their rounds throughout the area. >> a lot of times we'll see the same batches coming through, so for people out there that may be using heroin, the bottom line is you don't know what's in it. and this person honestly didn't either and it can kill you a lot faster. sean: the new hampshire state drug lab says carfentanil has not been found in the granite state. melania trump is speaking out about inappropriate comments her husband made in the now infamous 2005 access hollywood tape, calling it "boy talk." meanwhile, hillary clinton is prepping for wednesday's debate. abc's stephanie ramos has more from washington. >> melania trump hasn't said much throughout the campaign season, but she's speaking out now about her husband's infamous hot mic moment. language is inappropriate, it's not acceptable. >> she spoke to cnn about the locker room talk on that bus. >> when you first heard it, what to do think? >> he was led on, egged on from the host to say dirty and bad stuff. >> you do it. >> she did not get into the multiple women. donald trump he has never crossed the line with women ever. >> i have great respect for women. these people come up for a little fame or maybe for some other reason or because they're part of the clinton campaign. is a conspiracy to rig the election. >> there is tremendous voter fraud. it can make the difference between winning and losing an election. >> hillary clinton is practicing for the final debate here in a her husband and daughter stepped in for her. >> in three weeks, after 240 years and 56 elections, the united states will have its first woman president. clinton with an 11 point lead a day before they face off on the debate stage. sean: former president bill clinton was in hanover and keene monday campaigning for his wife. clinton started his day at dartmouth college, where he talked to a crowd of close to 500 about topics ranging from student debt to rural poverty. he then headed to keene state where he touched on themes of unity and inclusion. need to show kindness to trump supporters and try to avoid complacency before election day. >> i think we've got to put the pedal to the metal and talk to people about how their lives will be affected. sean: clinton did hint this could be his last campaign event ever in new hampshire. remember, you can watch the final presidential debate before the election tomorrow night right here on wmur, or go to our website or free mobile app to watch it streaming. billy bush has been fired from the "today show." his firing comes 10 days after the release of a 2005 video where bush was caught in a lewd conversation with donald trump. bush was suspended from the morning show last week and later said he was "embarrassed and ashamed" about the recording. the 44-year-old is heard laughing as trump said his fame enabled him to grope women. trump has denied groping women. a memorial honoring the 100 open this weekend as planned. the station fire memorial foundation says the memorial isn't ready yet. construction is now expected to be finished in the spring. organizers say retaining walls, landscaping, and parts of the entrance aren't finished. still to,, a high profile defamation case is underway right now are in -- right now. international space station. coming up, a small town will cast the very first ballots in the election. it's not uncommon for autistic kids to flap their hands. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. and she's smart. she can work with people to solve problems. i want to be able to tell my kids that i did the right thing when it really mattered. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. it's a mild start to the day out the 70's for another afternoon. the big change with sliding temperatures at the end of week is coming up. sean: rolling stone's discredited story about an alleged gang rape at a university of virginia fraternity house is being heard in court. the trial got underway yesterday. it comes nearly two years after the article was originally published. a uva administrator named nicole eramo is seeking nearly $8 million in her defamation lawsuit. shys the plight of an alleged rape victim. the story centered around allegations of a vicious gang rape at the phi kappa psi fraternity, but a subsequent investigation found no evidence the rape ever happened. two people are still missing after an explosion at a chemical plant in germany that killed at least two people. six people were also hurt in monday morning's blast in a city south of frankfurt. the facility handles flammable liquids. company's fire crews arrived. the exact cause is under investigation. a shipment of cargo is on its way to the international space station right now. the antares rocket launched monday evening from nasa's flight facility in virginia. the rocket is topped with a cargo spacecraft that carries more than 5000 pounds of food, supplies, hardware, and science experiments. it's scheduled to arrive at the international space station on sunday. a lot of people got to see that. coming up, it's a flood the seacoast was expecting. why the time the so much higher than usual and why it might become the norm. which part of the country is months of degrading women and vulgar insults, and kelly ayotte supported donald trump through all of it, even calling him a role model. now, ayotte suddenly claims the opposite-- a political calculation just to re-elect herself. so, what else has kelly ayotte done to get re-elected? she's voted with the koch brothers 90% of the time, and corporate special interests like the kochs spend millions to re-elect ayotte. doing what's right for herself is just wrong for new hampshire. i'm maggie hassan, happens every year, causing sea levels to rise two to three feet, enough to cause predictable flooding in some areas. but experts say this is what will happen every day a few decades from now. it's called a "king tide." we talked about it yesterday. yesterday, kayakers paddled thru a portsmouth parking lot, flooded by the tide. vulnerable areas in hampton were inaccessible, and experts say the king tide levels will be our everyday norm by 2050. >> even on a beautiful calm day like today, areas that a flooded. if you combine that with a storm surge or with other types of activity, even just high winds, the level of flooding increases dramatically. sean: this friday, the state's coastal risk and hazards commission will finalize a report with information and plans to help protect the coastal economy, infrastructure, and way of life. the nation's high school graduation rate is at a record high. president obama announced more than 83% of students earned a diploma last year. graduation rate, test scores are declining. the president is challenging the nation to do more to help students succeed. he says a high school education is "not enough." we now know how many people will be affected by layoffs within dartmouth-hitchcock. 84 employees will be let go as part of a plan to reduce overall expenses. the plan also includes reducing open and unfilled positions, and delaying new hires that are not needed to maintain clinical excellence. dartmouth-hitchcock says they will help the affected employees find new jobs. macy's has announced it's opening its stores one hour earlier this thanksgiving day. according to fortune magazine, shoppers can start stuffing their macy's carts at 5:00 p.m. this year. the department store giant has been having a lousy year. last month, macy's announced it was closing 100 locations because of declining sales. skeptics say the retailer is unlikely to see any big gains by usual temps in the granite state today, but other parts of the country are already seeing snow. snow in the sierra mountains of california caught some drivers off guard yesterday. take a look at all that fresh powder that prompted drivers to get out their tire chains. only october. some drivers even had to wait out the storm in parking lots because they weren't prepared. forecasters say it should warm up a little today and melt off the snow. kevin: we have had snow here. it happens. -- in october here. it happens. there is nothing in the forecast except 5000 feet. we start off early on with the clouds. they will make their way through along with some shower and 70. some places got a half-inch the clouds out there linger through the morning hours with most of the shower and 70 located in far southern and far northern areas of the state. this is going to lead to a huge difference in whether in temperature this afternoon. in the north country, we are talking about temperatures in the low 60's. you could be looking at temperatures in the mid to upper 70's. er temperature difference across the state. we are in the 50's and near 60 early this morning. southeasterly wind today will come in off the ocean. that will try to heat the cooler air. we are expecting some the central valleys in the 60's today. if you get into western areas of will be crossing first, you have a better chance of jumping into the 70's. we are talking about 4:00. we not going to enjoy these temperatures all day long. it's going to be a slow start. clouds are finally starting to release through central parts of the state. notice all the temperatures stuck in the 60's. we are trying to up in the 60's out there through the afternoon. tonight, we will have partly cloudy conditions to start. tonight, there will be a passing shower overnight. we will be in the upper 60's and that will be a jump into the 70's tomorrow. that will be with sunshine throughout the afternoon. tomorrow will be the more reliable of the two days. then the cooler air starts to way to clouds and scattered shower chances. a system will be coming through with more scattered showers a possibility on friday and pulling away gradually over the weekend. we start off early in the 50's. it look for some -- look for some breaks to develop. it's going to be stubborn throughout the day. 77 for areas of the merrimack valley s tomorrow we will slip that can to the 60's with afternoon clouds and showers. we could have some scattered showers friday which could linger into saturday. sean: it was t-shirt weather yesterday. kevin: it will be up and down for the next few weeks. sean: let's check our top stories. here's ray brewer. tendered his resignation. he is accused of sending inappropriate actors to a 16-year-old student. the superintendent was notified by police on columbus day weekend. he had taught in the district for 37 years. sean: bertucci's restaurant in nashua will remain closed today after part of the ceiling fell onto two customers and an employee yesterday. the victims were taken to the hospital, but their conditions are unknown. melania trump is breaking her silence after inappropriate comments her husband made about women in a now infamous video from 2005. melania said she was surprised and called the comments "boy talk." coming up on daybreak, showing support for one of their own. how a local football team is kathy: it goes by so fast. through challenges and struggles, she made our lives better. she's my inspiration in the senate - whether strengthening social security or medicare, protecting our environment, or helping make college more affordable... she taught me that with hard work... kate: you can do anything? kathy: anything. kate: my mom taught me that too. kelly: i'm kelly ayotte, showing support for a cheer coach who is fighting cancer. kevin: tracy flynn is the coach for the windham 14-u cheer team. at the windham wolverines final home game, the football players walked out on the field together. from there, all the players and coaches each gave flynn a pink rose and a hug. coming up, a teacher arrested. what he is accused of doing and how police found out. and one city is banning a certain halloween costume. who won't be able to dress like i'm frank guinta and i approve this message. narrator: new hampshire has one of the worst opiate epidemics in the nation. and frank guinta is leading the charge to fight it. erin canterbury: when i met congressman guinta, it was like a breath of fresh air. he said to me "what can i do?" "how can i help?" narrator: frank guinta founded and chairs the bipartisan task force to combat the heroin epidemic. canterbury: frank guinta understands this is not a democratic issue nor a republican issue. it's a people issue. he's willing to get in there it's a new hampshire success story. thousands of working adults earning a college degree to further their careers. i'm colin van ostern, and i helped launch college for america at southern new hampshire university. we've partnered with over 100 employers so their workers can get an associate's or bachelor's degree... most debt-free. as governor, i'll grow the economy by cutting college costs for students and families. a stronger workforce helps w, too. like we do. now, news 9 break. sean: good morning on this tuesday. we had some rainfall overnight. more warm temperatures are on the way. the day. a merrimack high school teacher is off the job after being accused of sending inappropriate pictures and videos to a 16-year-old student. new durham police are trying to identify a driver they say followed a boy home twice after he was dropped off at his bus stop. and a suspected drug dealer has been arrested in manchester after investigators say they found cocaine and heroin at his lake avenue home. we have needed a lot of rain. we are getting a little bit average rainfall over the last five or six weeks. nothing is going to quench the thirst we have at this point in we do have some showers moving through southern new hampshire. we are in the 50's to near 60 as you walk out the door. for some, there are some breaks into the afternoon. we will jump into the 70's. there will be a lot of areas stuck in the 60's. sean: it's tough sending the ki this is a live look at i-93. we are joined live by deb davidson. deb: good morning kevin and sean. in dover, route 155 is reopened. it was closed due to a crash. traffic is moving through that area. we see some slow-moving volume 93 south is slow through the 101 split. if you are heading into massachusetts, 93 south is getting busy, especially getting through that for 95 connector. this traffic report is brought to you by minuteman health. sean: thanks. a merrimack high school teacher is off the job this morning after police say he sent inappropriate pictures and videos to one of his students. with criminal solicitation to the manufacturing of images of child abuse. he's also charged with endangering the welfare of a child. ray brewer joins us live now at the merrimack police department to tell us how the school is reacting to these allegations. good morning. ray: good morning. the superintendent here says she is surprised by the arrest of talk to students today about the issue. >> i am shocked and saddened by the news. it's not something you are expecting. ray: police contacted the superintendent over the columbus day weekend to let her know they were investigating a teacher. 63-year-old robert todd wiley was arrested by police yesterday. the well known teacher has taught in the district for 37 conversing with a 16-year-old student. >> they discovered some alarming material on the student's phone that had to do with the defendant, mr. wiley. both pictures, texts, emails, and videos were sent to this juvenile. ray: police say much of the material was very disturbing. he asked the girl for naked pictures of herself. the superintendent says he submitted a letter of retirement to a long teaching career. her students remain the top priority. >> we will do everything in our power to be of support. ray: now he is free after posting $20,000 cash bail. reporting live in merrimack. sean: we're following a developing story out of alba. can see the flames in this video. fire officials not releasing any details, but we will keep you posted as we learn new information. new durham police are asking for your help tracking down a driver they say followed a child home twice. he was followed after being dropped off at a bus stop. the driver pulled into the boys uconn or suburban. we are learning new details of any triple stabbing in plymouth. the suspect is being held on $100,000 bail. he was at a home on winter street with several people he did not know. they escorted him outside. he became combative and stabbed three people. all of the victims are expected to be ok. a dealer behind bars. he was arrested on friday following a search at his home on lake avenue. six rams of cocaine and five grams of heroin were seized. he is now charged with selling drugs. man was able to swim to a nearby island and call for help and the fire department launched its rescue boat and found the man. he was not hurt. a family is waiting for help after a hit-and-run driver killed one of their dogs and injured another area the family says there eight world needs was taking the dogs out for a walk when a car hit them and never stopped her in one of the was killed in the accident. the other dog was seriously injured. his pelvis were shattered and he needs surgery. the family whatsoever hit the dogs to take responsibility. >> all i want is the person that has done it to come forward. i don't hate you for it. you couldn't have at least stopped. surgery. you can find the link on our website responding to controversy, donald trump's wife picture silence. hillary clinton faces more scrutiny over her e-mail. nikole killion is in washington. nikole killion: hillary clinton continues her debate rep while donald trump him. >> i was surprised. that is not the man i know. nikole killion: she spoke out for the first time to cnn. >> i said to my husband that language is inappropriate, it's not acceptable. nikole killion: she was asked about the women who have come forward. continue to talk about a rigged election. >> people who died 10 use ago are still voting. illegal immigrants are voting. nikole killion: the state department asked the bureau to change the classification of one of her e-mails in exchange for more agents overseas. >> the allegation of a wind pro quote it does not align with the facts. nikole killion: no deal ever occurred. the campaign was never part of any discussions about e-mail last occasion. sean: i handful of voters will get ready to cast the first in person ballots of the general election. the midnight voting tradition renovation, the voting will take place next door. nine voters kicked off the primary this winter. mills field will also hold midnight voting. a new study shows that when it comes to certain elections, new hampshire voters hold a lot of power. four presidential elections, new hampshire was listed as by iowa and alaska. for senate elections, the granite state was number one followed by nevada and missouri. coming up, do you want your tomatoes to say tasty? why you should stop putting them in the refrigerator. attention animal lovers, we will tell you about an opportunity to own a wildlife sanctuary for lingering clouds out there today. there will be a big change by the weekend. parts of the state. the clouds will be trying to break apart in the afternoon. it's going to lead to a huge range and temperatures are in mid to upper 70's in some southwestern areas and some 60's in the central valley. we have one last warm day tomorrow and a change thereafter. sean: boston police are searching for a man they say stole a car with a baby inside. the red honda was told -st the car was found a few minutes later with the nine-month-old baby safe in the backseat. more than three dozen inmates escaped a prison in brazil. police managed to recapture 18 of the 55 inmates who escaped the psychiatric ward. the motive behind the riot is not clear. born is being demolished. the decision came as a way to eliminate the properties significance for neo-nazis as a place of pilgrimage. he wants to ensure that any association with hitler's is eliminated at the site. the demolition has to be voted on in parliament. decided to dan all adults from dressing as clowns for halloween in light of the recent creepy clown incidents. police in the nearby town arrested man who was covered in clown makeup and carrying a hatchet in his backpack. officers say it's incidents like this that prompted officials in belmont to pan adults from rain clown costumes. reaction is mixed. them than before. it's not just your innocent clown anymore. >> it's sad. it will be somebody loan up a something else. sean: some stores are trying to stop the clown scares. target said it's pulling clown costumes from its shelves. winnipeg last night. the jets took a 1-0 lead in the first. the game was in the final minute of the second when boston took a 2-1 lead. the bruins 14-1. now to game three of the alcs. the game was tied in the fourth this gave the indians a 2-1 lead. the blue jays tied it up again. the indians 14-2 despite losing their starting pitcher in the first inning. he had to leave a cut finger on his itching hand. there it is right there. the indians lead that series 3-0. the celtics hosted the nats. three-pointer. he scored 19 points in the game. the celtics were leading 62-50th halftime and they held on for the win. boston is 5-1 this preseason. they host the next tomorrow. high school foot all player in maine is beating the odds. he broke his neck during a game last year. >> i was really happy. that's the biggest part. being so close to not been able to walk. sean: he was named one of three team captains. a minestrone is given away his top pretty, there is a catch. for the 1200 injured or orphaned animals that live there. the wildlife hospital treats hundreds of animals a year at a cost of about $45,000. the caretaker says he is too old to continue to work rid he is looking for a successor. he says he will sign over the deed for free. >> there is nothing better in my animal that cannot help himself. what is there better? in a couple of weeks you can release them back into the wild. sean: they have received dozens of offers to take over the property. he needs a little break. kevin: i'm sure every day is interesting with all of those animals. good lucto some shower act to be in southern parts of the state and in northern parts of the state. there are plenty of clouds otherwise. the drummer is unclear is out and how quickly. that will the date the difference between highs in the 60's and upper 70's. i think we see both in the state today. it's just a matter of when that happens. we're looking at a warm front to produce a huge temperature range. tomorrow with temperatures in the 70's with sunshine and cooler air later. there will be plenty of clouds out there and showers of north over the next few hours. it will be just over the next hour or so, that us with kluwer's -- showers. this will make north easterly we will have a wind along that front trying to slow it down through the day. it will reinforce the marine layer that may be involved along the coast and through eastern parts of the states. we will have just a few upper 40's out there. it's a mild start to the day. it's a matter of's who sees that sunshine. you know the stun still feels warm up. day. here is the best chance. we are looking at that to be in the southwestern half of the state. it may take until 4:00 for to finally happened. these are the highs at 5:00 the sefton. this could possibly be all the way to the coast. the best chance is for sunshine this afternoon. we have a slightly lesser chance closer to the shoreline. really yet to release. they may have a tendency to keep temperatures down. that eventually gives way to clearing skies. eventually tonight, a front approaches and that will lead us to a shower tomorrow. tomorrow, temperatures in the it looks like scattered shower chances starting as quickly as thursday afternoon and lingering off and on him friday before pulling away with cooler temperatures for the weekend. clouds quite often this morning and starting to break apart. we are up into the 70's today. we will drop back into the 50's tonight. we have a chance of a passing shower moving through a long affront. temperatures in the 70's and then back into the 60's for thursday and friday. there will be a breeze out of the northwest over the weekend. sean: august temperatures. kevin: a couple more days. sean: it was a successful opening for the moose season. the largest moose taken so far -- state tasty, keep them out of the refrigerator. cool in the below 54 degrees stops them from making the substances that can to their taste. storing them in the fridge for one to three days will not reduce the flavor, but leaving them in for a week will take away some of the flavor. i did not know people did that. he may no longer be alive, a lot of money. when all three of these guys show up, they come up with some crazy ideas. sometimes, i just have to say, "no way." so i appreciate it when annie kuster says "no" to cutting social security. she stood up to both parties to protect our benefits. annie's working to make sure we have a secure retirement. thanks, annie. to make a lot of money. he tops the list of top earning dead celebrities. he earned the most of any entertainer in 2016. he brought in $825 million. most of that came from the sale tablet. charles schultz was the second highest with $48 million. arnold armor came in third. randy travis is making an incredible comeback. kevin: he returned to the stage three years after a stroke. sean: he shot the crowdh the it into the country music hall of fame. how about that? coming up in the next hour, a frightening situation for some diners in nashua. people tell you about the charges facing him. sean: a warning about a drug that is more potent than heroine. some people are taking a drug used to tranquilize elephants. looking for a good spook? you can spend the night in dracula's this city is it. great food, gorgeous scenery, friendly people. and what's better than doing something awesome in manchester? doing it for free. we hear you. that's why a-a-r-p is hosting fun, free, informative events. like wine tours and movie premieres. plus, we're offering resources to help you achieve your goals. and we're finding ways to make manchester even more livable. so if you don't think, "this is right for me" then you don't know "aarp." kathy: it goes by so fast. kate: one day you're a kid - and the next... kelly:'re raising your own little girl. kelly: growing up, i watched my mom work so hard. through challenges and struggles, she made our lives better. she's my inspiration in the senate - whether strengthening social security or medicare, protecting our environment, or helping make college more affordable... she taught me that with hard work... kate: you can do anything? kate: my mom taught me that too. kelly: i'm kelly ayotte, and i approved that message. power to be of support. sean: now on daybreak, disturbing allegations against a local teacher. the investigations underway now. a popular national restaurant is closed this morning. how people were injured during the lunch rush. kevin: clouds are giving way for some in some areas today. details, coming up. sean: injured. why one families asking for help this morning. announcer: no one covers new hampshire like we do. now, wmur news 9 daybreak. sean: we have not said this in a while. a rainy start to the day on our tuesday. good morning. thanks for waking up with us. i'm sean mcdonald. we needed the rain. we are getting a little bit overnight. kevin: this is from a warm front

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