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radar composite highlighting the fact of all this nasty weather. we have ourselves a relatively dry morning. we get to the chance of showers and 77 to near 80 this afternoon. let's check the roads with kim brown. good morning. we do have patchy fog around the area. just be aware of that. as we check the beltway, things are running smoothly around 695 but if you're traveling northbound on 95 past the whitemarsh area past mountain road, there's a disabled tractor-trailer blocking three lanes of traffic. they have a tow truck in rote. should be cleared away in the next half-hour. take northbound on route 40 to mountain road. that will put you back on 95. and in the anne arundel county, riva road between cochran and truman parkway, a gas main leak. jfx here at north avenue, traffic is moving at a very nice pace. no problems to let you know about. back to you. new at 5:00 -- a driver faces more than just charges that he stole a car overnight. this is exclusive video from our our overnight photographer pete "on the street" o'neill. baltimore county police say the suspect stole the car and became nervous when he saw police a little after 4:00 this morning on york road near towson university. that's when he floored it, hit this wall and crashed over it. the man crawled out of the car and that's when officers arrested him. today baltimore city spending board is expected to approve a massive budget cut that will include layoffs, furloughs for just about every single city employee. sherrie johnson is live outside of city hall with more. >> reporter: good morning. yes. the city faces more than a $60 million budget shortfall and last night the fire chief met with his personnel to try to explain the situation. he says basically cuts are coming. now what we have to do is figure out how to make the cuts without sacrificing public safety. the head of the firefighters union said he talked to a number his longtime colleagues who say morale has never been lower. he says all the city's firefighters could be furloughed for several days and more than 90 could be laid off. this could close up to 10 fire companies permanently. >> the citizens are at really grave risk but we also sometimes have to think of ourselves, too. it will start putting firefighters at risk of injury or even death. how do we meet this budget, this new lower budget and have the least effect on the firefighters? more importantly the least effect on the public. >> reporter: the board of estimates is expected to approve the mayor's plan today at that meeting starting at about 9:00 this morning, but as far as working on a plan with the city's firefighters and police, the negotiations are expected to last through october 21st. reporting live in downtown baltimore, sherrie johnson, abc2 news. 5:02. a state panel has found probable cause of racial discrimination at the philadelphia swim club day camp. the club denied there was any racial motive behind the actions that took place in late june. the club maintained there were too many children are for the number of lifeguards on duty and many of the children at the club could not swim. today department of homeland security secretary janet napolitano is going to be in baltimore to talk about some improvements coming to our state. linda so is live in the studio with more on her visit today. >> reporter: she's coming to let us know that maryland is getting more stimulus money. the money will help upgrade fire stations, mass transit and port of baltimore. it's part of the massive economic stimulus package passed in february. the latest money is being used to modernize transit systems. maryland will get more than $500,000 to help the mta go green. this announcement comes on the heels of a report that shows a huge jump in marylanders using mass transit. environment maryland reports increase in ridership saved the state about 60 million gallons of gas last year. maryland is third in the nation for increased ridership. drivers drove 4% less last year. coming up in the next half-hour details on how the money will help also improve fire stations and the port. linda so, abc2 news. let's save our children. what the naacp was asking last night as city leaders met with the community to fight juvenile crime. they met in union baptist church on druid hill. the goal was for the city and state leaders to listen to neighbors' ideas and in turn give juveniles the help they need to stay off the streets and out of the justice system. >> thema about jort of -- the gentleman -- the majority of our kids are dropping out of school. that means they don't get jobs, they don't have money, they go to the streets to get money, that means they sell drugs, then they get into violence, the violence is perpetrated on the community. we have to keep these children in school. >> leaders stressed education as well as parental involvement. aaron hill double hoamed the winning run as the blue jays beat the orioles 6-5, the orioles' sixth straight loss. hill reached 100 rbi's for the first time in his career facing the right hander deb -- dennis. hill with the double to right center and batista came around to score without a throw. it's all over. final score 6-5. >> maybe next year. >> yeah. she went to the school nurse to get checked out >> what happened over the next several days changed a girl's life and has a mother furious at what happened. and undergoing any type of surgery can certainly be stressful. we have a closer look at what may cause worry but first let's send it to justin with a check of the weather. 5:05. on this first morning of fall, mostly cloudy skies and patchy fog. an average 6of 65 to 70. patchy fog and chance of a shower later today. we have warm temperatures for at least a couple days. >> good morning. the commute is a good one for the start on light rail and the metro subway. marc looking good as well. on the buses, heavy volume of passengers on the 15, 7 and 22 bus lines. and the number 17 with a diversion at corporate and international, construction continues there. for the mta transit team, i'm mark jones. ( sighs ) ( music throughout ) hey bets, can i borrow a quarter? sure, still not dry? i'm trying to shrink them. i lost weight and now some clothes are too big. how did you do it? simple stuff. eating right and i switched to whole grain. whole grain... studies show that people who eat more whole grain tend to have a healthier body weight. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains... and 110 calories per lightly sweetened serving. more grains. less you. multigrain cheerios. 5:08. how are you? >> i'm fine. thank you to bge for repairing the light on the street, at 10:30 last night. that's how i woke up. thank you very much. let's look at weather and traffic together. >> 5:09. >> i'll tell you, the officers i met on york road this morning, because i saw that accident, a nice bunch of guys. wish i could have hung out with them a little longer. we appreciate everything you do. this morning, a quiet one. they were all asking for a dry day -- no, i don't speed in the morning, i'm not looking for a free pass. this morning, we are looking at showers pushing through delaware up through new jersey. we're dry right now but it doesn't mean we're going to stay dry all day. 68 degrees now in baltimore and easton. 78 in ocean city, on the first morning of fall. how about that? most of us 65 to 70. we'll aim for 80 this afternoon and there willing scattered showers so take that umbrella. hit or miss variety throughout the day. 5:09. lets go back to the roads. someone else appreciates the road workers. >> i do. use caution when traveling through work zones at any time. looking at the beltway at liberty road, traffic looking good, no real issues along the beltway or the tunnels at this time. the fort mchenry tunnel looks great. two-way traffic gets by in the harbor tunnel. that should be picked up within the hour. but we have a disabled tractor-trailer on 59 approaching mountain road -- 95 approaching mountain road. go northbound on route 40, take mountain road and then he can get off on the 95 exit. riva road between cochran drive and truman parkway closed because of a gas main leak. everything else looks good around the area. no real problems to let you know about. back to you. 5:10. it started with one topic. >> then became the comment. >> the comments made by a top aide to an oklahoma senator that has some outraged this morning. and how about this couple? one man is worth tens of millions. the other convicted terrorist. the relationship between donald trump and qaddafi. welcome back. it's 5:13. a developing story takes us to the u.s. border with mexico where the busiest border crossing was closed tuesday after four people were injured after a gun battle with smugglers. three vans loaded with suspected illegal immigrants tried to go through the border checkpoint without stopping at the port of entry between san diego and tijuana. while the incident is still under investigation the u.s. border authorities say the two u.s. agents fired their weapons during the incident. we'll keep you posted. meantime, tycoon donald trump's corporation is facing some questions about its link to a controversy surrounding the libya leader quadaffy, former leader. he will be spending several days in new york city as he attends the u.n. general assembly and brought with him a traditional tent he uses for meetings when he travels. the tent has been set up on property in neighboring westchester county and that property is owned by trump corporation. a spokesman says the company is now looking into the matter. 5:15. here's a story every woman should hear. for most choosing to have a hysterectomy can be difficult, you not only lose the ability to have children but the surgery can be painful and challenging. kelly swoope shows us a procedure that is making the surgery and decision to have it a little easier. >> no restrictions at work. do you you feel you can do everything? >> absolutely. >> reporter: anita baldwin is a success story. life before her hysterectomy was awful. >> everyday, all day, pelvic pain, stabbing, abdominal cramps, bleeding for weeks at a time. >> reporter: she talked to dr. rocky gupta, a gynecologist at good samaritan hospital about a lap rowscopic hysterectomy. a less invasive procedure using the same results. >> we have ports, which are like little tubes that go into the and men at various -- abdomen at various places, we put the instruments we use through those and watching what we're doing on a video monitor. decreased hospital stay. usually decreased pain for the patient, and quicker recovery. >> reporter: for baldwin, the results were nearly immediate. >> it was so wonderful to wake up and even, you know, in recovery, and say, ok, wait a minute, i have no main. then the next day no pain. >> reporter: the doctor says it's an option for many women but it's best to undergo a thorough evaluation with your doctor because a hysterectomy can be very emotional. >> most women who make the decision to have a hysterectomy have a serious reason for doing so, a significant reason. there's usually an impact on their lifestyle. >> reporter: baldwin, at 46, was past her child-bearing years. she says within weeks she was back to work and back to life. >> i'm like, wow, this is what i'm supposed to feel like. i've been feeling so bad for so long. it's just great. i feel like celebrating. >> reporter: kelly swoope, "2 your health." >> if you want more information, contact your med star physician partners, 1-877-mpp-docs. 5:17. we're looking at yesterday's high temperature of 78 degrees, on target with our two-degree guarantee pushing our temperatures back up near normal. and looks like we're going to have ourselves a little bit of an above normal pace at least for a couple of days before the weekend comes. 23rd of december, cracking the voice there. first day of -- full day of fall that is. 76 in the afternoon. 40 was the record in 1983. and 1970, the high mark of 98 degrees. we won't see the sun coming up with the low clouds and fog we have a mild day. temperatures have been flirting between 66 and 68 degrees so far this morning. it's warm and we've got this weather pattern here with two major factors. number one, there's this continued conveyer belt of tropical moisture from east texas on in through the nation's heartland up into the ohio valley and southern great lakes. most of the heavy rain west of atlanta, georgia, where they have that extreme flooding, unfortunately they are caught between two systems. this, the remnants of what have once hurricane fred still lingering off the coast and just giving heavy rain to the extreme coastal regions of northern and south carolina. some of this moisture works northbound so we'll look out for those showers today. this rain back to the west, maybe to combine on atlanta the next couple of days. for us the chance of showers will be there, especially this afternoon, looking for a high temperature of 80 degrees. tonight, patchy fog, we'll drop again into the upper 60s. tomorrow, even warmer, partly sunny, 83 with a chance of an afternoon shower. let's check the roads with kim brown. >> the beltway remains quiet at this time. no problems or real volume or delays at this time to let you know about. i am getting word of an object inn the roadway, northbound on the harbor tunnel thruway at the bw parkway. still dealing with a broken down tractor-trailer on 95 approaching mountain road, blocks the three right lanes. only the left lane gets by at this time. riva road between cochran drive and truman parkway, a gas main leak has this area closed at this time. traffic is pretty much looking ok, no real problems to let you know about here right now. back to you. >> thank you. 5:19. comments made by a top aide to oklahoma senator tom coburn are creating a stir and are all seen on youtube. this is video of the senator's chief of staff, michael schwartz, addressing the voters value summit about homosexuality and pornography. the video was acquired by a liberal blog group called think progress and making its way around the internet now and cable talk shows as well. schwartz implies any type of pornography could lead to homosexuality. >> all pornography is homosexuality because all onography turns the sexual drive - >> he says he's quoting a friend who says he was gay but turned straight. he says it's a good thing to teach young people. oklahoma ranked fifth in the nation for on-line hits to porn sites. some airline passengers who spent hours trapped on planes sitting on the tarmac vented some frustrations on capitol hill. this was yesterday. with advocates of the passenger bill of rights. that would give passengers the option to leave a plane after it spent three hours on the ground. 5:21. an arizona mom wants an explanation from school leaders as to why her second gaid daughter was left by herself after the school closed. the 7-year-old was left alone in the nurse's office as everybody went home for the weekend. the little girl tried to open the door to catch the bus but couldn't. finally, a school janitor found her about an hour after the school closed. jita anderson is a little irate about what happened to her daughter angelina. >> if i placed her in a locked car or in her locked room and left her unattended i'd be arrested. >> anderson has since removed angelina from the school, placed her in another school. school officials say they are interviewing several people to determine who was involved in this incident. sometimes we lose track of where our money came from or went. >> ahead, the unexplain cash that appeared in baltimore mayor sheila dixon's bank accounts and who is now investigating it. you've got a strawberry pop-tart, but i've got a warm, fresh baked strawberry toaster strudel. see the difference? mmmm. i do. (announcer) pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. that on the list of things kids love, our party pizzas have just passed toy robots. ( crash, beeps ) awkward. kids love totino's party pizzas. when a tornado tore rough holly, cado, air life denver took to the air... their night-vision goggles thafe on a pelousght. and powering those precision goggles--- is the only battery air life trusts: duracell. trusted everywhere. look for new durell ultra advanced now with even more power to protect. 5:24. our wake-up window at the bottom of the screen, but basically here's the rundown -- we have a couple of mild days and then we're going to cool down leading into the weekend. we're eventually probably going to have the return of some cooler weather to sustain itself next week. 80 today, the chance of a scattered shower into the afternoon to take the umbrella. i know that threat has been there for the last couple of days but we're generally looking at the chance of more showers heading into tomorrow. 83 degrees. we knock to 73 friday. 68 saturday, sunny start leading to an afternoon wet finish. 70 on sunday with more wet weather leading into next week. here's kim -- no, let's go back to you. >> not quite, justin. stay with us. we'll take a break but before we do that, business news. in "tech bytes," microsoft offers a deal on the x box. a $50 rebate on the x box 360 elite package from now through october 5th, knocking the price to $250. just a month ago microsoft slashed it to $$299. the company that makes one of europe's most popular ereaders is announcing today it's bringing the device to the u.s. "the new york times" reports best buy will sell the reader. the touchscreen device will be available in hundreds of stores for $400 next month. and covet mirrors will be -- customers will be able to use verizon. a new web site aims to make on-line dating more authentic. gelato doesn't just create a profile, it lets you pull profiles from other accounts. the finder says it helps you create a better picture of who you really are. finally, gone are the days of bozo and company. looks like a robot may be the next big thing in children's parties. the world's first ubot is being unveiled in texas today. a child can climb in and control it from the inside with a simple joy stick. the 6'8" tall ubot comes with a flat-screen monitor, video games and surround sound. even has a voice modulation system to translate a child's voice into robot speak. for information on all these stories log on to the technology page of those are your "tech bytes." i'm jeremy hubbard. if you get a paycheck from the city of baltimore you soon won't. the days of no pay on their way. the city announces major budget cuts today. so it begins, massachusetts will be the first state to conduct an internal >>vestigation into acorn.

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New York , United States , Capitol Hill , New Jersey , Texas , Baltimore County , Maryland , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Atlanta , Georgia , East Texas , Delaware , San Diego , California , Ohio Valley , Denver , Colorado , Ocean City , Mexico , Oklahoma , Arizona , Samaritan Hospital , South Carolina , Westchester County , Massachusetts , Tijuana , Baja California , Whitemarsh , Libya , Towson University , Baltimore , Anne Arundel County , Marylanders , Tom Coburn , Deb Dennis , Kim Brown , Michael Schwartz , Sherrie Johnson , Anita Baldwin , Jeremy Hubbard , Kelly Swoope , Janet Napolitano ,

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