Transcripts For WMAR ABC2 News At 6PM 20130220 : comparemela

Transcripts For WMAR ABC2 News At 6PM 20130220

many kid unless the neighborhood go to hillcrest. it's a well parent -- has a lot of parent involvement, big pta. >> reporter: that's something you look for in a school. >> yes, exactly. >> reporter: hillcrest is one of the top scoring schools on science and math, but it has its downside. there's no space. the school therapist works out of a converted closet and getting students through lunch takes almost three hours, growing pains the school as to energy out how to address. >> you have to look at the whole organization. how do you move students about in terms of lunch, transportation, all the programs that exist within the disool -- school. >> reporter: hillcrest is not alone. if the trend continues, every school in catonsville will remain overcapacity until 2022. building a new school may not be an option because resources are always tight. >> we're going to have to be creative in terms of looking at the programs we have at the school. are there surrounding areas or buildings that we may be able to use. >> reporter: now the alternative and creative ways range from installing more portables and finding vacant space in the area. at this point county schools are trying to study all the options. >> baltimore county isn't the only school district with overcrowding issues. we checked several schools in terms of other districts and population growths in harford and howard county also created overcrowding and howard is more than 20 students over capacity. the district brought in eight portable classrooms. the one in bel air is 155 students overexassments anne arundel and carroll county are seeing fewer problems. it's the most overcapacity at 40 students and in carroll county piney ridge elementary about 28 students evercapacity. >> tonight an -- an abc2 update on a man. according to charges bouman came back to check his fierce. oafsers found an empty gun hole ter in his car. they found several weapons including an ak47. all of the weapons were legally registered. >> it raised great concerns on the part of the school and law enforcement officials. this might be an individual with mental health issues and obviously, weapons. oar beaumont's attorney spoke on his behalf and said i beyond stand how the facts are perceived and the need to slow things down. beaumont will have another bail hearing peb ri the 26th. abc2's christian schaffer will have the latest at 11. we have an update on a murder-suicide. detectives identified one of the victims as candace bard. investigators believe a man who has not been identified shot her before killing himself. a 12-year-old was home at the time but wasn't hurt. an update on breaking news. hundreds of women called a had the line set up for patients of a gin col just charged with secretly taping them during exams. dr. nikita levy's body was found on monday morning. detectives continue to go through a large amount of evidence. if you're one of the patient you're asked to contact place at this number, 410-396-2269. abc2 news investigators uncovered new detail unless the case of that police trainee who was shot at the rosewood hospital last week. the state department of health and mental hygiene owns the site and said the city was not given permission to use the site last tuesday. that's when a police officer shot a trainee in the head. the department of health and human hygiene said that if asked to use it it with have been approved. $1345,000 of electronics stolen from the boys and girls club. the boys and girls club director said he will seek help from the community to find out who did this and why. >> it's no longer a problem community here. it's a community with problems and we're going to address this particular problem in the most fundamental way. >> annapolis police said there were no obvious signs of a break-in. it may have been an inside job. fire breaks out in a northeast baltimore home twice overnight. it started before midnight in the basement of a whom on greencrest home. no one was home at the time and no one was hurt. today's winds will turn into a very cold night. >> meteorologist wyatt everhart has more. wyatt? >> the question is will we see any precipitation around here again. we had a few flurries. i don't think we'll see precip until late friday. in the meantime cold, windy with a better one on tap. there's still -- they're still gusty, 15, gifting to 30 miles 3 -- gusting to 30 miles per hour. it will be less windy and sunnier tomorrow. we'll talk about when the weather goes downhill again. check your cab met before you pour that bowl of cereal. kellogg is recalling some of the special k red berries because it may contain pieces of glass. the recall is affects about 11.2-ounce and 37-ounce packages as well as the twin pack. tonight there's one person who doesn't have to worry about money. >> the person who purchased the lucky ticket in carroll county won the jackpot. this was purchased at the mt. ari shell and is worth $26 million or a cash option of $19 million. the owner of the store said he can't buy that kind of publicity. >> a lot of people will think this is the lucky place to buy and my sales will call up. >> we called the lottery commission and this retailers bonus for selling it is $26 million. he said that's more than he makes in a year selling tickets, five cents a ticket. we all have to deal with breakouts here and there, but what you're eating could make this worse. >> find out how food can affect acne and what you should avoid eating if you want clear skin. >> tonight we're focusing on preventing heart disease in adults and children. we have a doctor who will talk about heart health. >> 37 your statistical high. 37 is what we guaranteed you. our winner is from edgewood. congratulations. you get an abc2 scraper. we'll be back in just a minute. just three simple ingredients. what's in your spread? one made with only real cheese. a pizza my family will love. (announcer) freschetta naturally rising crust pizza. freschetta. made better to taste better. ♪ j♪ dreams of landns meet sea, deliciously ♪ ♪ friskies surfin' and turfin' favorites. ♪ ♪ feed the senses. what do you say we go to kent island, order extra cocktail sauce. how about a little lemon. look at this. beautiful, beautiful. enjoying that tonight. wyatt will be right back with his chilly forecast. first, if you're prone to acne breakout, rear clearasil in the day. the biggest offenders, foods packed with sugar, sodas, cakes, dairy, high fat ease cream. scientists looked at food and ice cream. eat lean protein. go easy on the saturated fats. get frowr fruits and vegetables and don't cut out the good dairy. this month is women's heart month. hart disease is the number one killer of women. the american heart association did a survey after their first study in 1997. they launched a national campaign. at the time just 30% of women knew that heart disease was the leading cause of women. last year it doubled to 56%. african-american and hispanic women have great are awareness in past years but still fall behind whites. >> jamie, it is american heart month. we're talking about all of your hearts. abc2 partnered with the university of maryland medical center and we are joined by dr. brad taylor. talk about some of the clinical trials that might help people along the way. >> sure. there are four trials currently that we are conducting in the division of cardiac surgery. the first one is an aortic valve trial called partner two where we take an aortic valve. instead of doing the traditional surgery, put a valve on a small catheter and placing it through a small incision in the groin or left side of the cleft to treat severe aortic stenosis. clearly, it's a big improvement. avoids the heart, lung machine, stopping the heart. essentially patients pink up right in front of us as we deploy that device. there's a clip called the mitral clip. looking at a device that's loaded on to a catheter about the size of my little finger or the size of a pencil. this goes up and crosses the mitral valve and fixes leaky mitral valves. we have clinical trial to treat hypertension. a lot of people in this region with severe high blood pressure on several medications. we have a small cat they are ti that can deactivate the nerves that control high blood pressure with the goal of reducing the number of medicines a person is on. another trial, looking at preventing strokes in patients with atrial fibrillation. this snares and ties off the source of the stroke that comes from the heart. so a lot of exciting things going on. >> dr. taylor, thank you for joining us. we'll send it over to jamie. you can give us a call. that number is 410-481-2222, to get some of your questions answered about your heart health. jamie? hi. it's robin. i've been waiting 174 days to say this -- good morning america. >> this was a great day for cohost robin roberts. she returned to clears, from the -- cheers from the crew and you. it comes five months to the day after sheaf underwent a bone mar rope transplant for a blood disorder. she's still at risk for infection and, heat exhaustion. robin will share her personal journey on a special edition of "20/20" this coming friday at 10:00. there were a couple of different times if you were outside and saw the passing flurry they're tough to pick up. a few flurries on the maryland virginia line, near doll montgomery. a few flakes could fly in spots. the big story is the wind chill factor. wind, plus the cold air, feeling like low 20s and teens just north and west in ago galveston. that's pretty brutal stuff. our average high gets closer and closer to the upper 40s near 50. none of that today. northwest winds funneling in, gusting high, gusting to 33 at the top of the 6:00 hour at bwi. that gives you an idea. the wind has not relented. tomorrow will be a different day in a couple of ways. number one, we will lose the wind. number two, more sunshine throughout the day. we'll push up to 40 degrees. the core of the cold air settles in. in the city we could see low 40s through the afternoon hours, take all day to get there. bright but cold and less windy. it's one of our best weather days of the outlook so enjoy your thursday afternoon. things change friday and into saturday. right now it's a clearing pattern. we clear the cloud cover. high pressure settles in. then as we work beyond thursday into friday, we begin to cloud up midday. by the afternoon, showers, wintry showers possible as they encounter the cold air. this is the leading edge of more significant precipitation building across the plains. with the cold wedge of air in place, possible that even friday evening's commute could feature rain and snow or just snow. we'll keep you posted. in the meantime the wind chill biting. tomorrow the air temp struggles to get into the 30s. stuck in the 30s friday is that precipitation that moves our way. this is why we think at minimum a wintry mix of rain and perhaps snow and sleet but perhaps more on the snowy side if we scan hold that cold air in place. the low pressure, which is beginning to develop, as that crosses the country, if it ramps up, what that means is a storm that would pool in more cold air out of the northern plains, we could end up with a more wintry scenario. if it doesn't strengthen much, this could end up being a cold rain event. biting breeze, flurries end. tomorrow 38. 38 two-degree guarantee. tomorrow night down to 25. the next few days change is on tap, clouding up friday, bringing in showers, perhaps winter short late friday into saturday. the second half of the weekend getting milder as we climb back into the mid to upper 40s. we look for another system tuesday. that looks like mostly cold rain. keep it tuned. you can get just about anything in february in maryland. >> active but not horrible. >> no. no. it could be far colder. if are a a snow fan, you only have a few weeks left. >> you're not going to like this. everybody around here is always cheerful, right? >> yes. >> it's lard to believe three have a study that shows maryland is the third saddest state in the country acolored dog researchers at the university of vermont. they went through tweets to map out people's moods. louisiana a is the saddest, followed by miss miss -- mississippi and us. >> i don't agree with that. >> the award goes to -- it's dead sigh -- silence. >> you are focused on the stage. they name your film and you go -- you can't really say anything. you sit there in shock. >> he won the academy award for the short documentary in twn. photo journalist talks about the importance of his film and tells us what he's up to now. remember, we are your oscars station. go to there, you can find information about all the nominees and the presenter's history. enter to win a 50-inch lcd tv. >> the list is coming up. here's a sneak peek. >> a super bowl twist. we're serving it up. >> here's what's coming up tonight on abc2. ♪ ♪ no two people have the same financial goals. pnc works with you to understand yours and help plan for your retirement. visit a branch or call now for your personal retirement review. dr. taylor, tell us about the robot. >> the robot doesn't do the operating. the surgeon controls it. the robot allows us to do port access, mitral valve repair, core nar ri artery bypass. a large incision through small ports. we're able to access all aspects of the heart. do coronary bypass grafting through the small incisions or do valve repair. the beauty is patients recover very, very quickly, obviates the need for blood transfusions and gets them back to doing the things they used to do quickly. >> you have about five minutes left. the number is 410-481-2222 to get your calls answered today about heart health as abc2 partners with the university of maryland medical center for this heart month. you support bones? 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[ major nutrition ] ensure complete. nutrition in charge. here's a look at what we're working on. why you can't do anything about the rising cost of gas, abc2 is working for you. we have tips to help you. >> plus, it may be con nicing and you -- confusing but facebook could be good for older adults. we'll tell you how. >> it can be good for you. >> i've got an upbeat forecast. the forecast comes out. the winds die tonight. maryland, we've got to have the dakotas beat, nebraska. come on, they're happier places than maryland? >> louisiana is the saddest state followed by mississippi. >> we'll see you at 11 and we'll be happy.

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United States , Kent Island , Maryland , Louisiana , Carroll County , Nebraska , Baltimore County , Edgewood , Vermont , Catonsville , Howard County , Mississippi , Hillcrest , Baltimore , America , American , Candace Bard , Roosevelt Leftwich , Christian Schaffer , Robin Roberts , Wyatt Everhart , Brad Taylor , Anne Arundel ,

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