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Entire family. And brandnew home movies of little ethan, the brave 5yearold who survived that harrowing weeklong hostage standoff in alabama. His brother recalling the incredible call to the family when ethan was saved. And good morning, everyone. You see that snow on the screen right there. But guess what, only 12 days until robin returns. You see that chip on the screen. We cannot wait to welcome her back. Its great to have amy robach here. We have two major breaking stories this morning. Were going to get to the brandnew details just coming up. That rogue excop. Police say he could be anywhere right now. But its the weather everyones watching here in the northeast. No question about that. Look at ginger zee, shes in boston, in front of a mountain of salt. Theyre getting ready. Two to three feet of snow expected there. Were going to check in with her in a minute. Sam, first, give us all the latest on this storm. We might as well pull out the b word, blizzard, for this one. Its the worst that it can deliver. Anywhere from newark to new york city, all the way through hartford and connecticut, to boston, massachusetts, up to portland, maine. This entire area is going to get the driving, blinding snow, the snow that shuts down cities. This is kind of a big hit for this area. It really comes together with two storms. One storm thats delivered a hit of snow. North of the chicagoland area, about ten inches of snow. You didnt have to get too far to get that snow there. And in central detroit. Not detroit, but central michigan. They picked up about ten inches of snow. As that system drives up to the north, they get together and phase right about 2 00, 3 00 in the morning, that system will pull itself together to become one, big snowmaker off the coast of new york and connecticut and massachusetts and boston, to make that big, big storm happen. Who gets what . If youre south of the center of the storm you get rain. Right along the coastal areas, where you see the flashing red, we have a hurricaneforce wind warning out there. The coastal areas that were devastated by sandy, you get a real impact from the water. Youll get big impact from the snowfall totals. 24 inches of snow is the biggest total we can find. Thats in boston. Boston has never had more than 27. 5 inches at snow at one time. Our ginger zee is on that mountain of salt, getting ready for that storm. Ginger, good morning. Good morning, sam. This time tomorrow, i anticipate standing close to three to fivefoot drifts of snow here in boston. But for now, im standing, yes, on top of a lot of salt. This is 100,000 tons of it. You see 50foot cliffs. It is just one of the things thats going to help boston and all of new england prepare for this major winter storm. This is the reason why many schools are closed today in new england. An overturned school bus on a snowy road in michigan. Fortunately, only two students suffered minor injuries. Its all part of that storm will be become the noreaster. After superstorm sandy, no one is taking this storm lightly. Accumulation is expected to be swift, heavy and dangerous. Reporter more than 2,500 flights have been canceled. Logan airport and amtrak between new york and boston is shutting down this afternoon. Stay off the treats of our city. Basically, stay home. Reporter the run on gas. Theres several gas stations up the road out of gas. Reporter and supplies ahead of the storm is so intense, the Fire Department was called into this salem, massachusetts, supermarket. Well, i might as well doublestock. We dont have to go out. We can hunker down. Theres been a constant stream, let me show you, of all of the trucks getting prepared for the big storm. Boston, getting another 60 tons to this company alone. And theyll be ready when it hits. Sam . Best to be ready. Here comes bernie rayno, and my pal. No one knows this stuff better than anyone. Is this going to happen . Is it not going to happen . Whats the factor that we wake up with no snow . Well, i dont think theres any way out of this storm now, sam. You had mentioned the two storms. One in the midwest and one in the southeast. But just as parent was an injection of arctic air that came across Northern New England yesterday. And thats why it was so cold in new york city. So, now, you have the arctic air. Now, you have two storms. All the ingredients are there, sam. Maybe new york city doesnt get a foot of snow. But i they southern new england in this red area, batten down the hatches. Its coming down. Historic storm . Are we going to be talking about this, even though the totals arent 30 inches of snow . I think its going to be historic because when you combine the heavy snow were going to see. And at the height of the storm tonight, sam, around new york city, providence, hartford, all in this red area, were going to see snowfall rates, visibility, below a quartermile. Theres probably going to be whiteouts because of the wind blowing between 40 Miles Per Hour and 60 Miles Per Hour. Thats what makes it historic it. Thats going to be bad in this area. Amy, were on the system all morning long so people wont be surprised. Thank you, bernie. Now, to the new details in the frantic manhunt for the former lapd officer on the rampage for Police Officers and their families. The suspects vehicle was recovered. But theres no sign of him. Authorities say Christopher Dorner is on the loose, highlytrained and extremely dangerous. Abcs david wright is in big bear, california, with the very latest. David, good morning. Reporter good morning, amy. As you can see, we are a climate away from sunny Southern California. And these weather conditions havent exactly helped the search effort. Still, about 100 Police Officers have been out all night long, going doortodoor here. But so far, the search has gone cold. This morning, the manhunt has moved to this mountain. Armed officers swarming a popular ski resort, after Christopher Dorners truck was found here wednesday. A smoldering wreck. But no body inside. Authorities say they found tracks leading away from the car. But no suspect. They have searched through the night. More than 400 homes, onebyone. They have aerial searches, ground searches, and doortodoor searches going on. Reporter investigators say the 33yearold former cop is seeking revenge. A motive spelled out in a manifesto posted online. A rant against a Police Department he says blamed him for exposing abuse. I will utilize every bit of small arms training, demolition and Survival Training ive been given. You have misjudged a sleeping giant. Of course, he knows what hes doing. We trained him. He was a member of the armed forces. It is extremely worrisome and scary. Reporter late thursday, Cnns Anderson Cooper says he found a package dorner sent him february 1st, with a coin that had been shot through. I never lied, apparently in reference to his dismissal from the lapd in 2008. Reporter inside, dorner says more evidence he was railroaded by police in 2006. Fired, he says, by a Police Department protecting its own. The chief at the time was bill bratton. I really have no recollection of his particular case. He would have been fired by me. In that i was chief of police at that time. Reporter police say dorner has now led them on a wild goose chase through three states and mexico. And they still have no idea where to find him. We ask that anyone who sees him, should not approach or attempt to contact him. But immediately call 911. Reporter Authorities Say this may be the biggest manhunt in Southern California history. Police hunting a man that they fear is hunting them. George . David, thanks. Lets get more on the man behind this mayhem. Christopher dorner posted a manifesto online as the killings began. 11,000 words. And investigators are combing for clues right now. Our senior justice correspondent, pierre thomas, is in los angeles with the latest on that. Good morning, pierre. Reporter good morning, george. Authorities say Christopher Dorner is their worst nightmare. A onetime Police Officer with military training gone bad. In short, lethal. Dorner, a former navy reservist, is an expert marksman. Authorities are especially worried because he claims to have explosives and a. 50 caliber rifle, capable of slicing through armored car from a long distance. In this case, you have a trained officer, a trained member of the military, thats taking that experience and terrorizing this entire region. Reporter by all accounts until recently, the 33yearold led a normal life. Always smiling. Very positive. Very upbeat. The kind of person you would want as a friend. Reporter dorner appears to have joined the military and later the police out of a sense of honor. In many photographs, hes seen in uniform with a warm smile. But police say behind it is a burning hatred for the lapd, which he calls corrupt and rayist. His battle began in 2006, after he became a cop, when he witnessed a female officer using excessive force. Sources believe he recently snapped after exhausting all avenues to get his good name back. He wanted to be part of something that he believed in. He said, youre always on duty when youre a cop. Reporter Arianna Williams is his former girlfriend. She now fears for her life. I have my phone on 911 when i open the door to my apartment. This will probably end badly for him. I dont see a peaceful resolve or ending in this because hes created so many heinous acts at this point. Reporter dorner says he plans to use every bit of his training to kill police, which he calls highvalue targets. He says hes prepared to die. And, george, my sources say, believe him. Pierre, thanks very much. Former fbi special agent, brad garrett, joins us from washington. We learned so much over the last 24 hours. The car is in the ravine. There are tracks there. But this is like finding a needle in a haystack at this point. It is, george. Hopefully they got tracking dogs out there immediately and maybe have a direction of flight. The key is, what is dorner going to do . Did he have any plan to go to big bear . Is there a place that he has been in the past . The key, as far as im concerned, is getting the word out in big bear to all of the stores, rental car places, any place he could conceivably go to get food or possibly rent a vehicle or, obviously, steal a vehicle. So, thats going to be the real key. He seems to be together, as far as moving around. So, is he using credit cards . I dont know. Thats another way to track, possibly. Now, were into almost 24 hours later. He actually could be, at this point, anywhere. And we just heard from his former girlfriend, that she believes this is going to end with violence. And we also have seen that manifesto. What clues do you take from that . Well, he even says, george, in the manifesto, unfortunately, he will not be here for his name to be cleared. And thats what this is all about, george. This is all about him saying, look, im a good guy, ive done the right thing. You all, you all being virtually everyone who has touched his life, have harmed me and you harmed my name. And so, until he believes that he is sort of cleansed that, this is going to go on. Unless you surprise him, this will end violently. Okay. Brad garrett, thanks very much. Lets get to josh, now, with more on the morning stories. The hacking of the bush family is something. A serious breach, george. Exposed personal information and communication with the bush family, including former president george w. Bush and his father. Even the Security Code to the former president s house has been compromised. Abcs senior white house correspondent, jonathan karl, now, joins us to explain who did this and how. Good morning to you, jon. Reporter good morning, josh. This is quite a story. The secret service tells abc news it is now investigating the apparent hack of email accounts of both former president s. This done by somebody going by an alias gucci fur. Getting three years of personal bush emails back to 2009. And has posted several personal photographs, including one of the elder bush in the hospital. Abc news is not going to air any of the hacked material, which also includes addresses of family members. Josh, as you mentioned, even the Security Code for george w. Bushs home in dallas. The story was first reported by the website smoking gun. This morning, a bush family spokesman confirms the breach, telling us, quote, theres a criminal investigation going on. Theres not much else to say. You can imagine, this has certainly caught the attention of authorities. Jonathan karl in washington. Thank you for that. The obama administrations controversial Drone Program targeting american suspects could soon be regulated by a new court if some senators get their way. That possibility has been raised following testimony by john brennan, the president s nominee to head the cia. Brennan defended the strikes, saying theyre launched only as a last resort against suspects planning attacks against the united states. We learned the u. S. Was closer to intervening in syrias civil war than previously thought. Outgoing secretary leon panetta has said that he and former secretary of state, hillary clinton, wanted to arm the rebels trying to topple dictator bashar al assad. But the white house said no, fearing the weapons could fall into the wrong hands. In florida, a close call for a bartender there. A suv through a front window. Quick reaction. Jumping over the bar. Maybe just saved his life. Neither he nor the driver was seriously hurt. Finally, a guy thats literally living on the edge. Look at this skateboarder. Its a viral video, thanks to a wild and highspeed ride downhill. Well, the skateboarder in question, big trouble this morning. Police are now looking, in fact, to arrest him because speed cameras set up on that street in south africa, caught him at 68 Miles Per Hour. Get out. Please, dont try that at home. Yeah. All right. 68 Miles Per Hour. Theyre coming for him. Thanks, josh. Now, to an abc news exclusive this morning. We have the first new video of 5yearold ethan since that little boy was rescued after spending nearly a week held hostage in that underground bunker in alabama. S. W. A. T. Teams got ethan out just in time to celebrate his birthday. And abcs david muir is just back from alabama with the first images of ethan. Reporter good morning. This Birthday Party was held at a church with little ethan, his mother and older brother. Pops, grandad, also there. The s. W. A. T. Teams, the fbi, the negotiators hugging him at the party. Ethans family tells me hes not spoken of the bunker or the man who held him captive. But you see right here this morning, his giant smile is back. Buddy, why dont you play with your cars. Okay. Reporter this morning, an abc news exclusive, the first home movies of little ethan. And images from his sixth birdie party. The party his town had been praying for. Just days before he turned 6, ethan was snatched from the front seat of that school bus, dragged to an underground bunker by jimmy lee dykes. The child appears physically unharmed and is being treated at a local hospital. The subject is deceased. Reporter in his first interview, ethans brother telling me about the Text Messages the family would get from the hostage negotiators. The messages that would keep the family going. We didnt know when, at times, he was asleep. And that was around 9 00 at night. Reporter they would at least be able to tell you hes gone to bed for the night . Yes. Wed normally get a text or something that he had fallen asleep. Reporter was that at least some comfort . That was a lot of comfort, where i could go lay my head down. Reporter ethans older brother never left their mothers side. You were there when you got the call . We were all there when they told us. Reporter what did say they . They said, we have ethan. Reporter and the fbis special agent, whose call it was to enter the bunker, says the suspect left behind writings. And in the bunker, he became agitated, bragging about his plan. At the end of the day, the responsibility was mine. I thought the child was going to die. Reporter chilling words from that special agent with the fbi. He told me they were convinced time was running out. Tonight on 20 20, what it was they saw and heard that that bunker that signaled dykes was about to harm ethan. What we never knew. The fbi revealing to me, the gunmans only friend in that town, the sole friend that reached out to him, the bus driver he targeted that afternoon. Lets get the rest of the weather from sam. Hey, sam. Good morning. I want to show you the big, wet look on the jacket there. The big, wet snowflakes that are falling right here in times square. Thats a little earlier than planned. The crowds out. Lets look at the radar. Well show you whats going on this morning. As the southern system as all of the rain, moves into the cold air and gets the infusion of the powerful jetstream. Look at the wind profile that comes with this system, as well. Just a quick look and youll see the coastal winds will be 40, 50, 60 Miles Per Hour. 70mileperhour hurricaneforce wind gusts just offshore. And coming up on gma, the star quarterback headed to trial starting today. Accused of assault. Why his case is tearing the Montana Community apart right now. And the copycat crime. Bank robbers dressed up as nuns, a move right out of the town. And watch what you wear at the grammys. Well explain coming up on good morning america. [ jessica ] my days are action packed. Ive got to get breakfast ready for my two leading ladies. While managing their schedule with my producing partner. I set up kids corner so they can learn and play games without deleting my stuff. Working mom is sometimes a tough role to play, but its definitely the one i was born for. [ clattering, children laughing ] and. Action. Thats me. And this is my windows phone. [ male announcer ] now buy one nokia lumia 920 for just 99. 99 and get a second one free at at t. [ male announcer ] navigating your future can be daunting without a financial plan. At pacific life, we can give you the tools to help you achieve financial independence. For more than 140 years, pacific life has assisted families and businesses in meeting their goals, even in uncertain economic times. Let us help protect the things that you work so hard for. To find out how, visit pacificlife. Com. To find out how, visit pacificlife. Com. Natures true celebrities arent always the most obvious. Its more than being glamorous, or tall. Its not all about who sparkles the most. Or who is the best dressed. What nature really cares about is what you have to offer. Like the stevia plant. Small and humble with a surprising secret to share. Sweetness. Truvia sweetener. Zerocalorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. From nature, for sweetness. The freshenator. The buddy system. The do si go. The twohanded tango. El cleano. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. Try it. Then name it. Of course. This is the leo diamond. [ woman ] wow. [ man ] its the first diamond ever independently certified to be visibly brighter. Its perfect. It even fits. Thats because. I already had it sized. Will you marry me . [ female announcer ] the visibly brighter leo diamond, handcrafted by the master diamond artisans at leo schachter. At kay, the numberone Jewelry Store in america. Yes. Every kiss begins with kay a great friday morning to you i am charley crowson. I am megan pringle. Weather is a big story but there are other things happening. Police are searching for the body of a miss toddler. The childs mother chelsea booth is accuse of killing the girl and disposing of her body and is being held without bond. Pay respects to one of the longest serving delegates. The family of hatie harrison will receive friends at united place of prayer for all people. The delegate will be buried on monday. Snowing up in new york right now. But what about here . Heres meteorologist lynette charles. We are in a wentry mix especially around Frederick County this morning. And also Carroll County and we are getting a little mix heading towards rifterstown. Reisterstown. Slick roadways this morning. And even if you are not dealing with the icy conditions you will be dealing with slick roadways because of the rain. Ellicott city can see the wet roadways and wet school but the temperatures at 33 degrees also dealing with some slight visibility issues because of the fog this morning as well. This is what to expect going throughout the day. Switching all over to snow on the backside going into 7 this evening. Lets check abc2 timesaver traffic. Reporter snow and freezing rain so take it slow. We have a crash in parkville right on taylor avenue at oakley trod watch out for. 695 is going to be jammed on the outer loop from parkville up to towson and heres what the west side looks like at liberty road. Very, very heavy congestion on outer loop. It will take an extra 11 minutes from 795 down to 70 average speed at 18 Miles Per Hour. But 83 nice and clear here in hunt valley. Now over to you. Delays and closures will be on the website at abc2news. Com and we will keep you update throughout the course of the morning. Now back to good morning america. See you in a bit. You cant argue with nutrition you can see. Great grains. Great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. See the seam . More processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. Im eating what i know is better nutrition. Mmmm. Great grains. Search great grains and see for yourself. Just look at that massive pile of salt, right outside of boston. They are getting ready for a monster storm this morning. A beautiful shot. The schools are closed. Theyre going to use it. The snow is already coming down in times square. Its going to be the first blizzard of 2013. It promises to be a historic one right now. Sam will have all of the latest on that. And we are marking that only 12 days to go until robin comes back. Its getting closer every minute. Fantastic news. We have a look at a surveillance video. This is a heist thats seemingly right out of the movies. A couple dressed up like nuns, stealing their disguise from ben afflecks film, the town. Also, ashley judd is in the middle of a divorce. Now, shes coming under fire for her reallife role. Why shes making so many nervous right now. And well be watching what they wear at the grammys. Strict, new rules in place for rock stars. That should work out really well. Just before musics biggest night. Because theyre very conforming. A dress code for rock stars. What would go wrong . Lets go out to sam in times square with the monster blizzard. This thing is putting itself together. Well show you what it looks like in times square. We expected it to first come in and go to a wet mix. And it stayed at big, wet snowflakes instead. Heres what we think everybodys going to get out of this storm system as the two lows get together. When youre away from the low and in that big bucket of rain, youre getting allrain. But when that moisture gets into the colder air, and this thing puts itself together later on tonight, theres a coastal wind thats 60 or 70 Miles Per Hour in gusts. Steady winds at 40 Miles Per Hour or 50 Miles Per Hour. Thats well past blizzard criteria of steady snow and 30mileperhour winds for at least three hours. We think we have five or six hours of steady wind and snow. And those totals will be a foot and maybe more in a lot of locations. Thats the way it looks right now. George . Amy . Were going to turn to the trial that begins today in montana, where a star College Athlete is accused of sexually assaulting a young woman he met at a party. But this dramatic case may be one part of a disturbing pattern at the university of montana thats shaking up the ncaa. And dan abrams with the story. Reporter its a case thats divided a community. Part of a larger debate, an investigation into whether a Major University and a local Police Department and prosecutors have done enough to respond to dozens of claims of Sexual Assault. Johnson, keeping it. Running. Johnson, touchdown. Reporter jordan johnson was the star quarterback for the university of montana grizzlies. Its going to be a great experience playing in front of 100,000plus people. Reporter but this morning, hes the defendant at the center of a Sexual Assault case thats rocked the Mountain Community of missoula. Hes accused of the Sexual Assault of a female classmate and has pleaded not guilty. With the trial beginning today, some facts are not in dispute. Johnson and the alleged victim agree, they flirted at a party in 2012. She was interested. He texted her. He picked her up in his car, brought them back to her house and they started kissing. What happened next is fiercely contested. He said they had consensual sex. But johnsons accuser texted a friend saying, i think i just have gotten raped. I said no. But he wouldnt listen. In a different text, she wrote, i dont think he did anything wrong. A month and a half after the encounter, she formally reported it to authorities. He was the star. He was the face of the team. Regardless of the status, people want to know what happened. Reporter around the same time, the u. S. Department of justice announced a probe into a staggering 80 reports of Sexual Assaults in missoula over a 4year period. The purpose of our investigation is to determine whether the university and the Law Enforcement agencies acted promptly, adequately and fairly to protect the safety of women. Already the u. S. Department of women has joined the d. O. J. Investigation. And the ncaa has launched the probe of its own. But the university of montanas Athletic Program johnson gets taken down at the 2. Reporter has taken a major hit. If the jury selected this morning decides to convict, johnson faces up to 100 years behind bars. It could also be as little as two to four years. And in a case like this, george, where its a real he said she said, the medical testimony becomes crucial. A Community Like this, the star quarterback, its got to be difficult to get a jury. Everyone is covering the case in the community. They had to bring in additional jurors. 400 prospective jurors. They have to do jury selection at the local holiday inn. My gosh. Thank you. Now, to the heist drama inspired by ben afflecks the town. A pair of thieves robbing a bank in a pair of gun masks. The judge trying on the masks himselves before making a ruling. Alex perez has the story about the heist inspired by the movie. Reporter it has all of the makings of a hollywood blockbuster. A bank heist with a guy in a mask. What youre seeing is no movie. The fear in the eyes of these tellers is alltoo real, as theyre forced at gun point to help a girlfriend boyfriend ban did team empty a safe. Look familiar . Federal prosecutors say they were inspired by the flick the town. And convinced her boyfriend, lyndon wesley, to rob this bank with her back in 2011, just like in the movie. Wesley, who took a deal and testified against edwards, admitted to opening up a safe deposit box and casing the bank before. Edwards, who is an aspiring model, and wesley, almost got away with 120,000. The unusual heist had fbi agents investigating costume stores around chicago, including this shop. People will see something in a movie and tend to try to imitate it with real life. Didnt exactly surprise me. Reporter but imitating the movie didnt work. Edwards defense argued the robber was white. The judge in the case had one of the rasks and tested that argument. The judge found edwards guilty. Prosecutors say edwards robbed the bank to pay back money she had embezzled from another bank where she worked. But this morning, this fake nun is no longer on the run. Now faces up to 25 years behind bars. For good morning america, alex perez, abc news, chicago. Thats gripping video there. It is. Lets get back to sam with the weather. George, it is looking a little wet and snowy outside. Thats the early of whats to come. This goes throughout the night on friday into saturday. We told you at the top of the show. Lets show you pictures out of philadelphia. This is what it looks like in philly. On the rainy side of the storm. A little low clouds. Heres snowfall totals. No reason to change them at this time. Were looking at less snow in southern areas because theyre a little warmer. Theyll have more rain involved in this system and farther away from the low when it becomes the big storm. It does not do that until later on tonight. You really have time early this morning in most locations to get yourself together for what will be an overnight big snowmaker and a driving wind. I cannot tell you enough how bad that wind will be overnight tonight. Western storm, as well. That rain gets all the way into Southern California, san diego. L. A. Getting some rain. Mountain snow out of this. And a lot of mountain snow. About every mountain in the southwest will see some snow out of that low. Youve got to love times square. Folks are out. Rain, snow, it doesnt really matter. All of that was brought to you by benful. Coming up, the big controversy at the grammys. Why the biggest stars are being told to cover up before the big show. And ashley judd under attack. Why the superstar actress brandnew role is making a lot why the superstar actress brandnew role is making a lot of people nervous right now. Fu . Pushups or sprints . Whats wrong with fetch . Or chase . 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Things are shaping up in washington, and targets of a new ad. Paula faris has the latest. Reporter on abcs missing, shes known for attacking bad guys headon. Now, on the heels of a tricky divorce, ashley judd is under a different kind of attack. Ashley judd, an obamafollowing radical liberal. Reporter after judd ran for senate in her home state of kentucky, that would take Mitch Mcconnell head of on, a super pac released this video online, mocking the actress for supporting president obama. Someone who knows whats good for us. Obama care has done so much for us. Someone who shares our values. If shes interested in joining the nfl, shes going to get a knocked. Theyre concerned about a celebrity opponent. Would she outperform a typical democrat in kentucky . Sure. Reporter her mother and sister are wellknown for her country hits. And shes a powerhouse actress in her own right. With a career spanning two decades. Starring in films from double jeopardy to kiss the girls. Her personal life has made headlines just last month. She announced her split from Dario Franchitti after 11 years of marriage. They grew uncomfortable together. And he would get annoyed about all of the public affection she would give him. Reporter now, its the publics affection that judd will need to court. While she did not return calls on whether or not shell run for the senate, it appears her opponent shes a hollywood liberal. Reporter are convinced she will. Paula faris, abc news, new york. And get ready for more. Karl rove says he has a sequel in the works. I told bill oreilly last night, this is just the opening story. I guess so. It does appear that way. Yes. Anybody . No. Okay. Coming up, everybody. Cracking the code. Victorias secret angels revealing what women really want. Oh, good. Thats great. And our play of the day. We have a cashier turning into an overnight celebrity. And a football star doing one of the great things. Hey, theres a photo booth. Come on okay, we gotta time this just right. Okay. Ready. Mmhmm. Happy valentines day. [ female announcer ] the charmed memories collection at kay jewelers. Each charm is handcrafted in italy and with hundreds of charms to choose from, the possibilities are endless. This friday through sunday get this free bracelet or a charm valued up to fortyfive dollars with any charmed memories purchase of one hundred dollars or more. At kay, the number one Jewelry Store in america. Ready. [ camera flash ] every kiss begins with kay [ all kids ] twooooo [ moderator ] you sure . I am absolutely positive [ little boy ] two times is awesome. The thing i can do is wave my head and wave my. Thats amazing. Ive never seen anything like that. Look i can do hold on im watching this. Im getting dizzy. [ male announcer ] its not complicated. Doing two things at once is better. And only at ts network lets you talk and surf on your iphone 5. Went home and fed her family. Now shes helping her community. No wonder its hard to focus on her own needs. But shes got one a day womens, a complete multivitamin with key nutrients women may need all in one pill. Because our focus is you. With key nutrients women may need all in one pill. Parebut not on your face. Juvederm® xc is the gel filler your doctor uses to instantly smooth out lines right here. Temporary side effects include redness, pain, firmness, swelling, bumps, or risk of infection. Ask your doctor about juvederm® xc. Packs a whole lotta Something Special inside this little wax package. Why go ordinary . Try the special zip peel freshness that only comes from mini babybel. Nice yes hey, girls. Want the perfect snack accessory . Its totally natural, 100 delicious cheese tasty. See . Good things really do come in small packages. Like rubies girls like rubies. Mini babybel cheese from the laughing cow. Have you laughed today . Gives you 1 cash back on all purchases, plus a 50 annual bonus. And everyone likes 50 more. [ midwestern chicago accent ] cheddar yeah 50 percent more [yodeling] yodelayeeoo. 50 more flash. [ southern accent ] 50 percent more taters. Thats where tots come from. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1 cash back on every purchase plus a 50 annual bonus on the cash you earn. Its the card for people who like more cash. 50 more spy stuff. Whats in your wallet . This car is too small. By the armful . By the barrelful . The carful . How about. By the bowlful . Campbells soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. Campbells. Its amazing what soup can do. Right then. Heres the play of the day. We are we have chosen today, we were going to try a twoperson bofer. Thats new. All right. Amys going to sit tight. Were going to bring you a texansized wedding story. Look at this couples cake. Thats the grooms cake. It was a gigantic j. J. Watt cake. One of the great good guys. The muscles might be something. The a. P. Nfl defensive player of the year. A great player. A great guy. After seeing the cake on twitter im not sure we have a picture. J. J. Watt, he goes to the house, knocks on the door. Hello. Thats great. And surprises the couple. This is a guy who heard, you know, a 6yearold girl wanted to marry him, so, he did a proposal with a ring pop. He brought a lot of the newtown kids to houston, just a couple of days after the tragedy there. We love you. This is one of the great guys in sports. And thank you, j. J. Watt, once again, for doing that. How about a bofer. Adding to joshs thing here. Who is this, ladies and gentlemen . Watch in and listen to this. Thats dolly parton. All right, ladies and gentlemen. Who is this . Wow. That is 21yearold walmart cashier kayla sloan, giving dolly parton a run for her cash at the checkout line. This is someone who went to walmart. I cant talk. I have to listen to this. Theyre checking out and shooting kayla. This has gone viral a little bit. We thought we would give her a shout on the play of the day. I think kayla is soon to be former walmart cashier. Good for her. Thats great. She sounds amazing. Nice bofer, guys. Nice. Whoa. Were in san francisco. Googles backyard for the bing it on challenge. [fight bell ding, ding] whats your preferred Search Engine . Search engine, uhh, probably google. If we do a side by side blind test comparison, and you end up choosing google, you get an xbox. Ill bet you the xbox, you bet me your son. Well lets look up what you need. Okay, i would do the left. Yeah . What . i am a daddy bing wins it bing won. Bing did win. People prefer bing over google for the webs top searches. Dont believe it . Go to bingiton. Com and see what youre missing. Now i love gortons skillet crisp tilapia. Cooked in my skillet, its lightly coated with real herbs and spices, tasting crisp and delicious. Trust the gortons fisherman the freshenator. The buddy system. The do si go. The twohanded tango. El cleano. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. Try it. Then name it. Were vampires after all. But then we tried new nutrigrain fruit crunch bar. Its so crunchy. Crunchy granola, mmmm. Made with real fruit, 20 grams of whole grains. Now, we love mornings. Its amazing what were getting done. [ laughs ] whoa. Slow down, boy. Mornings. Who knew . New Kelloggs Nutrigrain fruit crunch. Love the morning. You know, from our 4,000 television commercials. Yep, there i am with flo. Hoohoo watch it [chuckles] anyhoo, 3 Million People switched to me last year, saving an average of 475. [sigh] it feels good to help people save. With great discounts like safe driver, multicar, and multipolicy. So call me today. Youll be glad you did. Cannonbox [splash ] love a collection by prabal gurung, exclusively at target. For a limited time. And then we are going to see some snow with this and we do have accumulations. Take you out to urban flaw, that where you are seeing the winner mix. And we see the future friend, i am going put this into motion. By 7 00 a. M. , that is when we are looking at snow change over and then through time, the accumulation is higher the further north and east you go. And no a check of the traffic. Good morning, lauren. Good morn,ing. We have a crash right now on 85. And a crash on route 152 at route 40. And one on East Fayetteville street. And northeast, another crash at green spring avenue. Sheer the beltway. The west side is congested. It is going to cake you another 17 minutes. And here in parkville, it will continue, the the outer loop is jam park. Over to you megan and charlie. All right, have a great day. This is so sick i cant believe your mom let you take her car out. This is awesome whoooo youre crazy. Go faster go faster ter go faster no stop. Stop. mom i raised my son to be careful. Hi, sweetie. Hi, mom. mom but just to be safe. I got a subaru. announcer love. Its what makes a subaru a subaru. Out there in times square. And d. J. Michelle pesce this morning. Blowing it out here. And we are so excited. Robin set to come back to gma. Only 12 days now. Were so close. February 20th. That weather outside, is like the 12 days of christmas. A long 12 days. Theres sam outside, as well. It may feel like the 12 days of christmas. But valentines day is less than a week away. And the victorias secret supermodels say they have all the answers to what women really want us. This is what theyre going to tell us, not what theyre going to show us. They also have the answers of what men want. Too bad. Theres some new rock star rules against dressing racy for musics biggest night. Good luck with that one. Why so many superstars are being told to cover up before the grammys. Well see how that goes. Thats why were showing all of the revealing photos. What could possibly go wrong there . Also, take a look. Not one, not two. Five bundles of joy. Quintuplets, born at just 27 weeks. So, they went away. They got well. And as you see, reunited for the First Time Since their birth. Hey, where have you been . We were hanging out for months. Were going to hear from the parents. Were so happy to have Bethenny Frankel with us this morning. She has the latest scoop on her busy life. Shell share some healthy and delicious skinny girl snacks. Hi, bethenny. Lets get an update from sam on this monster blizzard of 2013. At the top of the show, this is what i expected out of this to start. It started as the little wet snow. That lasted a little longer. Now, its gone to a wet consistency here in new york city. Thats going to be the real problem. The radar will show you. This is a big surge of southern moisture. Its coming in with its own dry air. It will go back and forth between the ice and the snow and the rain for a wh ie,n bigcity areas on road surfaces. Later tonight, that cold air gets pushed in. And we have a snowstorm in the making. I see no reason to change these totals right now. Were going 12 to 14. One place is getting pounded worse than anywhere else. And boston is right in the heart of that. Our ginger zee is standing there live, getting ready for it. Good morning, ginger. Good morning, sam. Even though it looks like im standing on snow, no snow from the blizzard yet here in boston. When it gets going later here tonight, especially in the overnight hours, were going to need a lot of the salt. The 40foot, 50foot cliffs behind me. Another shipment around 60,000 tons soon. The state of massachusetts has gone through 300,000 tons with the nonexistent winter. Were going to put a dent in it here. Biggest concern, coastal flooding. With all of the wave heights peaking around 20 feet. Were looking for danger and damage along the coast. Particularly in areas devastated by sandy. Were going to see water along the shoreline for hours. Were the extreme team, covering this thing from beginning to end. Thats our ginger zee in boston. Back inside to george. George . Were glad youre out there, sam. Hurry back in when you can. Lets get to josh and the rest of the news. Were going to begin with the biggest manhunt in the history of los angeles. That is what is being called. Thousands of Law Enforcement authorities stepping up the search for a former Police Officer and military veteran with a deadly vendetta against the lapd. Christopher dorner is expected of three murders against officers and their families. He posted a manifesto saying he was unjustly fired from the department for reporting abuse. Police found dorners burned outtruck at the popular big bear ski resort, and began doortodoor searches there. Also this morning, secret Service Confirms it is investigating the hacking of the email accounts belonging to the bush family, including those of both former president s. The hacker reportedly obtained family photographs and confidenti confidenti confidential information. Researchers say a gene mutation is making proteins in the brain clump together, when extra copies of a dna sequence are there. Scientists say they may be able to treat the disease if they get rid of the excess proteins. And apple is facing a rebellion from one of its most influential investors that wants the company to stop hoarding its cash. It is suing apple for selling more stocks than sharing cash with its investors. And the duchess of york, sarah ferguson, will soon be getting a payout. She and several other victims of the phone hacking scandal has settled with Rupert Murdochs company. No word on how much the settlement is worth. We have new details about that hoax at Ashton Kutchers house. Police say a 12yearold boy was behind the scare. They say he made prank calls, claimed armed men were inside kutchers Beverly Hills home. Police entered the house and held some workers there at gunpoint. They will charge the boy in juvenile court. Times it is better to be the underdog. Welcome to the Mens College Basketball season. Under a second to play. And that is the scene in champaign, illinois, upsetting topranked indiana. You see them rushing the court. Its the fifthconsecutive week the Number One Team in the land has gone down. And its still just february. I, of course, am looking forward to the madness of march. Oh, yes. Exciting. We cant wait for pop news. Thank you, george. Good morning to you and to you. We have huge news this morning for star wars fans. We already knew there was a trilogy on the way, picking up after return of the jedi. But now, reportedly at least two more spinoffs in the works. One will tell the story of han solo as a child. And why he grew up to be as hot as he did. That was my version. The other movie will be about the bounty hunter, bad boy boba fett. He has a big following, right . He is. He is one of the xfactors in the bigger story. The myth and the legend of boba fett is massive. Its exciting. You and i should be writing these. I cant wait. Seriously. Its really exciting. From behind the wall. Were excited to see these theyre expected to be in theaters in the summer of 2015. No word on who will play the role of han solo. Im on it, though. Is john mayer a new man . In a an interview he publicly admitted that he was wrong to share personal details about his row mantss with the likes of Jennifer Aniston and jessica simpson. You recall remember the comments. No need to go there. Hes now saying, i was just a jerk. I wanted everyone to like me. He goes on to say, its very liberating when you realize its impossible to make everyone like you. As for his latest love, he seems to have learned his lesson. When Rolling Stone asked him about katy perry, all john would say was, im very happy in all aspects of my life. What a gentleman. Hes singing again. I think things are right on track with him. The holidays may be long gone. But you can relive a little bit of the christmas magic this weekend. Everyones favorite child beauty queen, honey boo boo, is back, with a Christmas Special. And we have a sneak peek. Decorating for christmas is so much fun. Like youre wrapping. Momma . What . Sugar said, can we throw this away . No. I think i can fix it. Throw it away. Let me see it. I can fix it. Momma dont throw nothing away. Thats right. Shes one of those hoarders. We can get money. Momma, it wont set up. Its the leaning tree of pizza. Mommas too crazy about christmas decorations. The tree of pisa. Look at you, see . Here comes honey boo boo, the Christmas Special airs on tlc this sunday. A little curious. Its snowing. David beckham is in pop news. He may have a career as an action hero. H m has released this. Its a short film. Its for David Beckham bodywear. Its directed by guy ritchie. He is running over Beverly Hills, chasing by his robe. Leaving him, unfortunately, only in boxer briefs. So frustrating. Theres buzz online that the bod is not bad. Becks has a lot of tattoos. And in some of the shots, certain tattoos are missing. Its a mystery. But becks says he does all of his own stuntwork. Are you going to get to the bottom of it . Going to investigate . No. Im not going to investigate. Lets go to sam. Two seconds. Hey, everybody. Good morning. Were outside in times square. I love that this audience doesnt care its going from snow to rain. Were right here. Who are you, gorgeous lady . Can you tell me your name . Alexandra. I love your hello kitty hat. Is it warm . Yeah. And what is the snow . Have you tasted this is your first snow. Can you taste it . Yeah. How does it taste . Good. Im in love. Where are you guys from, by the way . Ft. Lauderdale. Welcome in. This really is her first snow. Lets get to the boards. Were going to start with washington, d. C. And where its been mostly a rain event, theres slipping and sliding in elevations there. Youre getting the rain moving up. And so will the wind, as these two storms get together. Look if for the arrows that are shaded in red. And watch them move up the coastline. Those are winds that are 60 Miles Per Hourplus. And by saturday morning, they are just past the new york area into the boston area. You should know this gets going late today. Goes all night long into tomorrow morning. So, just get everything you need to get done done early. And then, settle in for this snowmaker to move on by. To the west, we have big snow, as well. When you get in the mountains, some places have more than 8 to 12 inches of snow. Aspen is getting a fresh coating, as well. In the northwest, theres the rain on the west coast. And again, even in the southwest, were early in times square. Its a snowflake mixed in with rain. Heres whats ahead on the gma morning menu. Rock star rules. Why musics biggest names are being warned to cover up before you get to the grammys. And america quintuplets reunited for the first time. How they defied the odds. And how the parents are doing right now. Robins return, ladies and gentlemen. The biggest headline we have. The countdown for robins comeback is on the way. And we cant wait. Its all coming up right here. Gma is live every morning in times square. [ female announcer ] the craving for chocolate. Oooh. [ female announcer ]. Is all grown up. Oooh. [ female announcer ] jared presents beautiful, natural levian chocolate diamonds and chocolate cultured south sea pearls. Levian is the only company on earth to make jewelry with chocolate diamonds. Levian the leading family in jewelry from ancient royalty to todays red carpet. You will only find these styles at jared. Levian chocolate diamonds, theyre anything. But vanilla. Thats why he went to jared. The galleria of jewelry. Thats why he went to jared. We replaced people with a machine. R, what . Customers didnt like it. So why do banks do it . Hello . Hello . if your bank doesnt let you talk to a real person 24 7, you need an ally. Hello . Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. And i have no idea what im doing, you need a hand. Well, walgreens is innovating to help. By making prescription refills this easy. And were bringing our pharmacists out front to answer your questions. At walgreens, well do more than help you get well. Well help you stay well and live well. Because thats what it really means to be at the corner of happy and healthy. Wthe sadness, anxiety,e pleasthe loss of interest. The fatigue and aches and pains. Depression hurts. Cymbalta can help with many symptoms of depression. Tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens, you have unusual changes in behavior or thoughts of suicide. Antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. Cymbalta is not for children under 18. People taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. Taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. Severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. Signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. Tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives or mouth sores to address possible lifethreatening conditions. Talk about your alcohol use, Liver Disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. Dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. Simple pleasures shouldnt hurt. Talk to your doctor about cymbalta. Depression hurts. Cymbalta can help. Meet the getaways. They live at alamo. Com. And they just want to help you get a great deal on your rental car. Just click on the alamo deal retriever℠. And get our best deal, customized for you. Because everyone loves a little getaway. Alamo. D. J. Michelle pesce. Perfect way to get us into this next story. She is rockin out for a friday morning. She is. Were going to turn to the controversy at the grammys. This is before it even happens. Theres a new dress code in place. All kinds of rules of what cant be shown on stage. And abcs Chris Connelly is covering the coverup. Reporter remember the barelythere Versace Jennifer lopez wore to the 2000 grammys . This year, it might have to stay on its hanger because the Network Broadcasting the show is thinking about thongs. As well as thongs. Cbs telling grammy performers in a meme low unveiled, to keep buttocks and female breasts adequately covered. Not to expose their fleshy undercurves. Pretty good name for a band, actually. We want to see women looking lovely and even sexy. My feeling is theyre going to tone it down a little. Reporter can pop go prim . Kelly and michael revealed their feelings. No jennifer . Reporter still, there will be eyecatching performances aplenty. Playing live and loud sunday night, carrie underwood, alicia keys and taylor swift. Expect more of the collaborations the grammys have become renowned for. Like a Rhinestone Cowboy reporter including a trio of bruno mars, rihanna and sting. But major categories, like adele in 2011. We could have had it all reporter but the idea of frank ocean and chris brown competing for the same grammy . That ought to get everyone out of their assigned parking spaces, no matter how little they might be wearing. For good morning america, Chris Connelly, abc news, los angeles. All kinds of excitement could be coming up. Its called the standard and practice wardrobe advisory. Theres no way. How will they enforce it . I see this having a 0. 0 chance of working. If someone has ticky tape and some safety pins and run around going, oh, no. Let me get that for you. And let me button this together. No ones going to do that. Things never heard rock star dress code. Exactly. Now, one of our favorite stories of the morning. We told you about the jones septuplets. For the very first time all five babies are waking up at home together. You might call them the fabulous and fortunate five. Will, david, macy, grace and little seth. And this morning, this adorable and slightly cranky fivesome is enjoying a reunion five months in the making. Its a lot of work all the time. Reporter carrie jones and her husband, gavin, welcomed these miracle babies into the world august 9th. Four of the little ones were able to come home from the hospital. But seth, just 1 pound, 12 ounces, had a series of setbacks. For a while, we werent sure if he was going to heal or he was too premature. Reporter throughout the fivemonth ordeal, jones kept a blog. You have to keep a record of this. We want to hear what the pregnancys like. And what its like when the babies come. Reporter the numbers say it all. With more than 1 million hits, people around the country are making a point of keeping up with the joneses. People on the blog have been following our story and sent us gift. Thats been really sweet. Reporter the couples 9yearold, isaac, has been really sweet, learning to become a big brother. Its really loud. And sometimes gets annoying. Reporter this morning, seth is home with his brothers and sisters. And with the help of volunteers and a stroller made for five, things are really rolling along. Theyre everybodys babies in some ways, which is a blessing. Thats so cute. So much work. Wow. Our thoughts and our prayers go out to the joneses. So happy. Thats great. Look who is here. Bethenny frankel is here this morning. Shes all about skinny girl products. I have bethenny and snacks. The idea is to keep trim and healthy. Shes going to share delicious lowcalorie recipes that will get you through the day without bulking up. Any section. We talk about smart snacking. I believe you should spoil your appetite. And a 200calorie snack will calm you down. You are just amazingly smart with making this all happen. Everybody tried to do all the things that youre doing, we would all try to take the calories out or try to make something healthier and try to figure out a way to do it. And you made it easy for everybody by putting it in one place. Heres how you do it. Heres how you dont have to have the extra fat and calories. I love what you did with the skinny girl drinks. Its all good to me. While we talk and do this, i know its been a tough time for you in the press. How are you doing with that . Are you doing okay . Its a struggle. And like any struggle, you get through it and you move forward. And come out on the other side. And you have a lot on the other side to get to. Lets get to the snacking stuff. February is Heart Health Month and national snacking month. This is a granola. Almonds are a great snack. And this is a granola with no oil in it. Oils going to kill you. Nothing kills you. I believe in indulging. You have to pick your spots. I give in creatie recipes where you can have more of it. 200calorie snack is a great investment. Vanilla, maple syrup, cinnamon and nutmeg. You put it on a sheet pan thats slightly greased. Bake it at 30 minutes at 300. That would be a little bit more. Mix it together. Move it around. It wont get screwed up no matter what. Its pretty easy. You end with this. Hi. Is that a banana or are you just happy to see me . When we have snacks, everybody comes run. These are a great snack for your kids. I didnt even see her. Hello. Take a banana. Oh, theyre banana. Yeah. What did you think you roll them in dark chocolate. Put them in slivered almonds. This is so much better for you than any ice cream anybody makes. Theyre amazing. I was hearing about it. Hi. What about the stuff to go. These are the skinny girl on the go nutritious products. They have ingredients like almonds and highfiber. Put it in your purse. Or pocket, as my case may be. Or pocket. This looks dangerous. This is the blue cheese dip. The snacking should be about indulging and a lot of flavor. Blue cheese is a highflavor cheese. You mix it with i always think of it being really fattening. You have to put a little bit of it with lowfat cream cheese. Youre adding the fiber. And a little with your pita crisps or your pretzel chips. Before we go, you have a brandnew show coming up. I want to say congratulations. You did a test run last year. For the talk show. Are you excited . I cant wait. Its going to be a great, fun, honest conversation with women. And some men sprinkled in. I could come in, have a snack. Yeah. I dont mean to discriminate. You can find the recipes for bethennys skinny girl snacks at goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo . A great friday morning to you. Weather is going to be the story throughout the day. Absolutely. Lets get right to our meteorologist and find out what is going on right now. Were dealing with rain across ms of maryland. Heavier rain again still crossing the bay along the Eastern Shore this morning. Some light showers around baltimore and westminster now and beginning to taper off on that wintry mix we saw this morning. All of this will switch over to rain as we go through the afternoon. With that we have a Winter Weather advisory. Were going to impact travel again this evening with snow. Manchester now under cloudy skies and temperaturewise were coming in at 32 degrees. Were dealing with patchy fog across the area as well. Well, we bring that snow in here as we go into 7 00 in the morning. This will linger as we go into tomorrow morning and wrap up and turn very windy and very blustery. Lets check in with the abc time saver traffic. Good morning. Good morning. This Winter Weather is leading to a very hectic commute. Traffic will be slow down to the beltway. We do have a crash on 695 at the outer loop at hawkins road. There is a lot of congestion on the beltway. The outer loop is jam packed tall way up to providence road. Here is what the west side looks like at liberty road. There is an 18minute delay from 795 down to 70. The average speed just 13 Miles Per Hour that is a look at your abc 2 time saver traffic. Over to you. More news, weather and traffic coming up in about 30 minutes. And now back to new york for good morning america. Have a great day all right. D. J. Michelle pesce and a great crowd this morning. Shes spinning us in the weekend. The official d. J. For the grammy celebration party. Robins return, only 12 days away. She will be back on gma february 20th. We cannot wait. Were excited about that. Also, kendall and kylie jenner are here. Theyre the kardashian sisters. Taking on the fashion world. Theyre here with a first look at their fashion line and the hottest looks for spring. We also have an announcement about superstar james franco, the star of oz the great and powerful. A fantastical movie by disney. And looking forward to this. We dont have a bell. The raciest roll yet. Hes been named the grand marshal for the 55th daytona 500. He will say those famous words, drivers start your engines. Kicking off the season for nascar. Also, Madeleine Stowe. I love the show. I love the show. I cant wait to talk to her. Were going to find out all kinds of secret stuff, im sure. And ill be doing the talking. Back up, sam. Ill just be doing the watching. By the way, now to a video because we do this just about every month. Going to have you dancing. We love it when we have had a fantastic start to the year. Robins coming home. It makes our world a happier, brighter place. Take a look at our mashup for the month. New years gma are you ready are you ready . Ready . Everybody ready. Ready. Are you ready . Im ready. Here we go. We get it when i dip, you dip, we dip. And dip. Twist. It pops. It pops. A little bit out. He won the money. Heres the deal. Spin the big wheel. Thats unreal. New years. Gma. I love this place. This is great. New years. On gma. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Come outside. Want to have a fight . We missed that turn in albuquerque. Albuquerque. You guys are always so nice. Feel free to chime in anytime. One thing is for sure. Welcome to head of the curve. Coming back. Shes coming back. Its true. Welcome back. Welcome back. Welcome back, robin. New years gma. Im coming back. On the way. Coming home, gma. And every star makes sure to say, welcome back. Welcome back. Welcome back, robin. Welcome back, robin. Coming home. Welcome back. Im coming home. Good to be back. Thank you all very much. Thank you. [ applause ] thats great. I love that. I love that. Thats great. Well, guess what. More celebration. Valentines day is right around the corner. And this year, the women of victorias secret are playing cupid. Roll the video. Revealing what women really want when it comes to love. And abcs rachel smith, host of on the red carpet has the story. Forget cupid. Story. Forget cupid. If yoully want t angels. Guys, were going to get to serious things you need to understand. Reporter did she get your attention . On the heels of an ohso sexy christmas caroling video, where the angels fa, la, la, la to success. Deck the halls with balls of honey reporter this promotional video burning up the web aims to educate. When i say nobodys ever sent me flowers before. Reporter ditching out little doses of lovefilled wisdom. What that means for you is send me two dozen of the most gorgeous longstemmed roses. Reporter one, by, one, they tackle some of the common misunderstandings between the opposite sexes. When i say ill be five minutes. What i mean is, ill be ready in a half hour, 45 minutes. When i ask you, my friend, shes so pretty, isnt she . What that really means is tell me you havent even noticed because you only have eyes for me. Reporter i decided to hit the streets of l. A. And find out for myself what women really want. Or at least mean. Do you think guys really hear what their ladies say to them . No. I hear one thing. And he hears another. Reporter ill be five minutes. What does that really mean . Ill be like an hour. Reporter whats code for im fine . Theres definitely something wrong. Reporter and even though women may send mixed signals. I dont know if women really know what they want. Reporter at the end of the day these lady lookers say, every once in a while love you reporter we really are saying exactly what we mean. When i say i love you, i really mean, that i love you. Aw. So, with all that being said, men, you have one week to make plans for your valentine. If she hints at trying out a new restaurant or lingers over a beautiful pair of earrings, chances are its code for what we really want. Sam the f word is fine. Im fine, youre in trouble. Nothing is fine. That phone bill the dip i hope you saw that earlier. Its really good. I havent gotten to the chocolate banana. You dont have to show everybody. Lets get to the boards. Well show you whats going on. Your twitter and facebook pictures is whats showing up america across this country were getting them in. Chicago got the early hit of snow. So did milwaukee, from the northernmost low that gets together with the southern low thats bringing all that rain down south this morning and phases into one, big blizzardmaking snowy mess for friday into saturday morning, for all of the northeast, ladies and gentlemen. Thats what it all is going to look like. Heres who gets what. Rain stays in southern sections. Were getting mixing going on right now. When the storm puts itself together as in one storm, its later tonight. In the evening hours overnight. Its almost midnight by the time we come up with the worst weather conditions in the northeast. Thats 60mileperhourplus winds, blowing, driving, blinding snow. You need to be inside for all that. Make sure you get out of the way of this thing. Let it do its thing and get cleaned up saturday into sunday before everyone gets back to all that weather was brought to you by party central. Im so hungry. If you could move on with the show so i could finish up really quick. Do we have an update on the heat of the apartment . My heat is gone in my apartment. I cannot wait to put some blankets on. Oh. Man. We got a countdown to oscar sunday right now. The spotlight on my daughter harpers nominee for movie of the year, Wreckit Ralph. Heres what the animators did with lara, josh and sam. Can anyone in the control room see this. Im going to wreck it. Sounds like fun. Time for weather. Hey. Watch the hair. Wait. This place is wrecked. This is going to be a problem. I can fix it. All right. Cool. That is pretty cool. Thank you, harper. I dont know. I like to jump up and down when im doing the weather. Nice hair, by the way, on yours. Really. We have to get to the piece now. Chris connelly spoke with the artists that make that animation magic. My names Wreckit Ralph. Reporter when rich moore needed someone to lead the Animation Team for Wreckit Ralph there was only one choice. Mike gabriel. I dont want to be the bad guy anymore. Reporter what plays out as a sweet story of a video games metaphmorphosis from bad guy to hero has 190 characters. Unprecedented. Mike was responsible for creating the look of everything that you see on the screen. Reporter moore says he needed someone with experience. And a sense of disney history. Animation is as close to the word imageation as you can get. Reporter he learned from legendary creators, the artists that made memorable magic in the heyday of handdrawn animated film. He brings that essence to the film. Reporter but making an animated film is not just drawing cartoon characters. Its crafting the message and the feeling of the film, as well. And just like walt disney and the original animators, studied real deer while prepping for the film, bambi. Those are real deer. Gabriel and his team traveled the globe, researchering how his characters and backgrounds would look in this imaginary video game world. We wanted to get the truth of what were creating. Reporter gabriels creativity is wellknown in the business. He created the Cinderella Castle logo you see at the beginning of disney films. All the colors of the wind reporter he pitched pock han tass with a sketch and a sentence. Now, for this years professed animated film will live on forever. Every character in this film is there because of mike. Reporter for good morning america, Chris Connelly, abc news, los angeles. Catch all of the oscar action here right here on abc, sunday february 24th, starting at 7 00 p. M. Eastern. And when we come back, two of the kardashian clan. Kendall and kylie jenner here. Were back with kendall and kylie jenner. Their big sisters know a few things about how to turn heads when it comes to fashion. This morning, kendall and kylie are launching their own fashion line. Were here to show you the hottest teen looks for spring. Kendall, congratulations. You were on the cover of miss vogue. Thank you. I had so much fun. I shot it with russell james, the photographer. I had such a good time. Its a blessing. Thats one of my biggest dreams to do Something Like that. I imagine another big dream was to become fashion designers, like you have just done that. Youre launching your new fashion line today. Were going to get to those to see whats hot for spring. You have your own specific looks in the line, correct . We designed the line together. We just pick things that were our favorite. Lets start with a look on kendalls model. Have them come out. Tell us what were seeing. This top, i love this top. Theres a cutout on the back thats amazing. Its like a key hole. And you can pair it with a bandeau underneath. I paired it with a burgundy bandeau. And the scarf is amazing. You can wear it springtime doesnt have to be winter when you wear a scarf. The pattern was our idea. And you have a military look. Yes. The jacket, i love the jacket. I personally have two different sizes of this. I have a size thats a little smaller for me, so you can wear it tightfitting like a shirt. This is a little oversized, which i like, too. And wear it as a jacket. I feel it throws together the outfit. The bandeau, we have it in red, as well. I like that. You can wear it with a bunch of different things. Paired with one of our skirts. This is one of my favorite skirts in the line. Its our only skirt. The light wash. I feel you can pair it with anything. I love it. It looks fantastic with the ankle boots, too. Thank you, ladies. We appreciate it. Tell me first what your model is wearing. This is a little casual. The top is one of my favorites. I love the button down. We went from a jean color to a white. And then, the shorts, also bright. We sticked with that theme. Theres those in blue. And the back has studs on them. Very cute. Kylie tell me about your model. The jacket is also one of my favorites. We wanted to incorporate leather into something. I think thats great. It throws together an outfit, again. And the shirt is so comfortable, actually. It fits so good. And you can just wear it with anything pretty much. And the skirt, the high low, its one of my favorites. I love high low skirts. I love how you mix and match so much. Its so fresh and young aend hi. You can just wear the jeans with the black and white shirt. Its like you can mix everything up. I dont know. I love everything. Fantastic. Congratulations. Thank you. Coming up next, madeleine thank you. Coming up next, Madeleine Stowe is here live. And styling for bars and restaurants. [ male announcer ] whenever a business switches from cable to verizon fios, there comes a moment when they get it the powerful difference 100 fiber optics really makes. I got it the first time i uploaded these massive design plans. It was kind of mindblowing because it happened so fast. [ male announcer ] now do more business per second with the speed and reliability of verizon fios for business. Get internet and phone for just 94. 99 a month when you sign up online with a twoyear price guarantee. Plus, get a 200 verizon visa prepaid card. Verizon. We all love madeleine. Revenge new episodes this sunday. And we have Madeleine Stowe here. Fans know her as victoria grace. The queen of mean is back. You sort of redefined the baddy on latenight tv. Where do you find it with victoria . I want victoria to be something that the audience understands. I feel like she has a personality thats all to her. Ive done a lot of reading. This is a woman with deep fears of abandonment. I also have i mean, i try to be kind in this world. But theres a real dark streak in me that i have to keep at bay. If im looking at you right now, im wondering whats going on beneath the surface all the time. And i think thats who victoria is. Shes that kind of woman. But she has very bad impulses. It keeps her multidimensional, as well, in that way. I hope. Yeah. I think the episode thats going to come up this saturday, she has a very cunning plan that and does a really kind of criminal act. I want to get to a clip. This upcoming episode, victoria confronting her husband. Okay. All right. I overheard a phone conversation between daniel and helen crowley. And i think its begun . Yes. And if he follows her orders hell be culpable on whatever catastrophe theyre about to unleash. And my son no longer listens to me or trusts a word i have to say. But faced with hard evidence, perhaps he can be convinced. Do you have the documents or not . Im terrified. I do feel like im sitting across from victoria. Whats coming up for miss grayson . Well, according to mike kelley, who told the press shes going to be reset as the villainess for the piece. That was the start of the first season. Now, the audience wants to see her be very bad. We need a baddy. We talked about this last time. Unbound captives. Your directorial debut upcoming. Tell us about that. Its a film, hugh jackman and rachel weisz are attached. Its a period western but very romantic. I never felt that women have played much into the western genre. And its lush and beautiful and tragic. Its just a big movie with a great team of people from wonderful. Lush, beautiful and tragic, could be describing the nation of haiti, a nation close to you. Youve been there since 2008. How is the work going . I work im on the board of directors for peace in justice. We built the entirely Free Secondary School in the nation. Most kids drop out by sixth grade. And we support the efforts of the st. Lukes organization and a man who is a doctor and a Catholic Priest who is a very wonderful, very tough, tough priest. He goes into the most difficult areas of portauprince. We build homes. We provide extraordinary medical care. And hes creating infrastructure in the country that has very little. We appreciate it. Madeleine stowe. [ male announcer 1 ] verizon fios is the Fastest Internet in america. Just ask pc mag. [ male announcer 2 ] cable cant touch fios upload speeds. Its hard to imagine anyone ever beating fios. Theres no doubt fios is the fastest in the country. [ male announcer 1 ] after 110,000 speed tests, nothing came close to fios. Now, get fios internet, tv and phone including a free upgrade to supercharged fios quantum internet speed. All for our best price online just 94. 99 a month for 2 years. Plus, get 250 back with a twoyear agreement. Or get your free upgrade at the same great price with no annual contract. Fios is 100 fiberoptic. Thats why its americas fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet. With no usage caps. Switch to fios for just 94. 99 a month and get a free upgrade to fios quantum. Plus 250 back with a twoyear agreement. Visit verizon. Com superbonus. Theres nothing like fios. And as pc mag says [ male announcer 2 ] if its available, you should get it. [ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again . [ both laugh ] the one and only, cheerios the one and only, cheerios d. J. Michelle pesce, thank you very much. Were all ready for the weekend. A snowy one here on the east coast. Have a good one. Good friday morning. Weather is boing to be the big story today. Lets get right to it with the most accurate forecast. All right, so we still do have Winter Weather advisory for the area l here in blue. Blizzard warnings are in the north. Parts of new england. This is what the storm looks like right now. We are having rain right now. This is still the first system. But by the time the low really passes us, it is going amp up. Most of the moisture is to the north of us. So we are going to get some snow in here. But [ indiscernible ]ville some snow and sleet and rain. Future trend, picking up on the snow coming in as we go into the evening time frame. Lingering into tomorrow morning and then this is what it looks like, again, we are on the rain snow line. The farther to the not, the less the snow totals are going to be. Lets get a check of the traffic with lain. We have we have a lash at whit cincinnati bottom road and where you know on hanover street. Now if you are traveling in Baltimore County a serious crash, the third medic has just been called. 9d an is jack packed. Sheer what 6995 looks like. The outer loop is still very slow and on the west side, here is libber thety road. It is going to take you an extra 17 minutes. Average speed is just 123 Miles Per Hour. All right, sir, we are out of time. The doctors is up next. Thanks for joining us. Have a great weekend. Well be on monday morning starting at 4 30

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