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Mystery grows deeper in the notre dame football hoax. The girl portrayed as manti teos girlfriend is alive. And here she is. And when did he really find out she didnt exist . And isnt she lovely . The first lady, revealing a brandnew look on her birthday. And the eve of the inauguration this weekend. This morning, well meet the man behind her splashy style as the reviews are coming in, thumbs up. Good morning, america. Hello to robin at home. We have three, big stories developing overnight. Lets get to the breaking news on the hostage situation in algeria. Several americans involved. Martha raddatz has the latest from rome. Good morning, martha. Reporter good morning, george. There are still n lear wers this morning. It is a very volatile situation. And still ongoing. This morning, the fate of as many as five american citizens, along with dozens of others, from places like britain and france, remains unclear, after algerian troops in helicopters stormed this natural gas facility. It appears it was a bloody rescue attempt that went terribly wrong. This morning, the algerian government says its raid is now over, but the situation is still not resolved. The area is so remote. And communications so difficult, no one is really clear what is happening. The british Prime Minister spoke just moments ago. There is no justification for this hostagetaking. And we will continue to do everything we can to hunt the people down. Reporter what we do know is that prior to the raid, some hostages were forced to wear explosives around their necks. And at least five americans, who may have been elsewhere on the complex, managed to escape, along with at least one irish worker from belfast. I just cant describe how happy i am. Reporter 36yearold Stephen Mcfall called his family immediately when he was in a safe area. Telling them how he leapt to safety from a jeep after it came under bombardment. Son, dylan, will be waiting for his father to come home. As for those missing americans, defense secretary leon panetta said just a while ago, we are working around the clock to ensure the safe return of our citizens. Elizabeth . Lets hope that happens soon. Thank you so much. Now, to the stunning interview with Lance Armstrong, coming clean to oprah about doping to win. Did he really tell the truth . The whole truth . Abcs Neal Karlinsky who has covered Lance Armstrong for years is here with the dramatic details. Reporter good morning. It was surreal to watch. This is a man who has fought with everything he could to maintain his lie, through vicious attacks, threats and lawsuits. But last night, Lance Armstrong lip a switch from as if he somewhere deep inside. Id like you to walk me through it. Were there, you know, pill deliveries . And blood in secret refrigerators . How did it work . We need a long time. Reporter calling himself an arrogant bully, Lance Armstrong had no good answer to explain away one of the biggest lies in all of sport. Ill start my answer by saying, this is too late. I view this situation as one, big lie, that i repeated many times. Reporter the man who won the Tour De France seven times, only to have his titles stripped away, admitted to using a slew of performanceenhancing drug, in such a matteroffact way, you would never know he did everything in his power to prosect this secret . Did you ever take performanceenhancing substances to enhance your cycling performance . Yes. Did you ever blood dope or use blood transfusions to enhance your cycling performance . Yes. Reseemed to use the momentum of his own story that he got carried away. You overcome answerer. Did it feel wrong . Scary. Did you feel bad about it . No. Even scarier. Did you feel in any way that you were cheating . No. Thats the scariest. Reporter but he said this interview, his former teammate, floyd landis, coming forward and telling all in an abc news exclusive, was the beginning of the end. Many people think that the real Tipping Point was floyd landis and his decision to come forward and confess. Id agree with in a. That was the Tipping Point . Reporter what those who know him say was missing, in the words, the body language, in all of it, was any kind of feeling, of contrition. Were you a bully . Yeah. Yeah. I was a bully. I tried to control the narrative. If i didnt like what somebody said, and for whatever reasons in my own head, whether i viewed there as somebody being disloyal or a friend turning on you or whatever, i tried to control that. And say, thats a lie. Theyre liars. Reporter many thought the apologies in particular didnt have much heart to them. And then, of course, theres the question of how much of what he said can really be believed since armstrong clearly admitted to being a very, very good liar, george. Thats the bottom line. Neal, thanks very much. Lets get more from usa today columnist and abc contributor, christine brennan. The admission came in the first 90 seconds. But in the 90 minutes, no real apology. If he could look worse, Lance Armstrong did look worse last night. It was a loselose going in. I think he did more harm than good to his reputation. And he just looked coldblooded and cutthroat and ruthless. More of a tactical career move. I guess. But for what . Hes going to have to go so far beyond what he did last night if he even wants to consider reducing that lifetime ban to eight years. Lets go through that. For him to reduce it, he has to go to the doping agency, under oath, and admit everything, all the details. Exactly. Chapter and verse. New names. New documents, everything. The things he was so reluctant or to go into conversations, with much a broad brush. Like neal, youve covered Lance Armstrong for an awful long time. How do you explain this move at this time . He should have gone away for five years. This is like Bernie Madoff coming back after three months. Or Richard Nixon coming back after three months. No one wants to hear from those people so soon. This was a major miscalculation in the career of Lance Armstrong. Now, to betsy andreu, his husband was Lance Armstrongs teammate and close friend. The couple was part of his intimate circle, until he says they turned on him. Betsy, good morning. You said you were furious watching that interview. What was it you expected to hear . I want to give credit to lance because what he did, admitting that he was a fraud and a cheat, all those years, is a huge, big step. He took the first step. But he it all started with his hospital room, where he admitted using performanceenhancing drugs. And he wouldnt step up to the plate where it all happened. This is where it all started. I was really disappointed personally that he didnt admit to that. He admitted ruining the lives of many people who told the truth about his doping. But when he was asked pointblank, if you told the truth when you testified under oath, that lance had told his cancer doctors in that hospital room, that he used performanceenhancing drugs, he refused. He said, im going to lay down on that one. It sounds like he was saying, she didnt tell the truth. But im not going to challenge her anymore. In lances mind, what he is saying is, ill give her that one. So, in his mind, he is saying, lets agree with what betsy said. It would have been nice. But i think theres legal issues there because if anybody lied under oath about the hospital room before the grand jury, that just opens up a myriad of problems. Lets look at the clip when he was asked whether or not he had made things right with you. He said hes been on an apology tour, calling people to apologize. Lets look at what he said. Is it well with the two of you . Have you made peace . No. I think shed be okay with me saying this. But im going to take the liberty to say it. And i said, listen, i called you crazy. I called you [ bleep ]. I called you all these things. But i never called you fat. I never called you fat . What is that . What lance would do is, he would attack the person and not the message. And so, he would just go after me. And there were rumors of, he said this, this and that about you. And i say, well, okay. Fine. Maybe i was a witch. But now, Everybody Knows why. I told the truth for years. And it just went unheard. And to set the record straight, he called you vengeful, bitter, crazy. A lot of other words i cant say on morning television. He called you in the last couple of days. He revealed last night in the interview. What did he say to you in that conversation . Did he apologize . He did apologize. And it means more that he apologized to me on the phone and not in a public forum. This is the first time youd heard him in years and years and years. Since i saw him at my deposition in 2005. What was it like to hear him on the phone . How did he sound . I couldnt believe it was lance. I could not believe that lance apologized. I think this was a process. I honestly dont think he knows how to tell the truth and how to say im sorry. So, it means a lot that he called to apologize to me. It was a very emotional conversation. I want to keep it private. But he certainly dropped the ball when it came to that hospital room. And i told him in that conversation, lance, this is where it all started. You have to tell the truth here. You know him very, very well. To many last night, he didnt look remorseful. He still looks ruthless. Thats because, again, for him to admit what he did was a big first step. But this is all new for everybody. Theres a range of emotions. Lance doesnt say im sorry. Lance isnt used to telling the truth. And so, i think in the days to come, in the months to come, im hoping that we will see the contrition. Actions speak louder than words. The words arent empty. Yes or no, did he hurt himself . Yes. All right. Betsy, im sure well be hearing a lot more. Part two of the interview airs tonight. Thanks for being here. Youre welcome. Your vindication finally arrived in the court of public opinion. Thanks. Lets turn to josh elliott for the other developing stories here. All right, elizabeth. Were going to begin here with two scary incidents involving big airlines. First, an apparent hijacking hoax. Two f15s scrambled overnight, to escort a plane from hawaii into seattles airport. Thats after someone called the fbi saying a hijacker was onboard. A passenger was questioned for some two hours. He was not arrested. Now, agents are looking into who exactly placed the call. An argentinean airliner that just arrived in miami, clipped a packed air france jet preparing for takeoff. It happened near the terminal. One had damage to its wing tip. One to its tail section. No one was hurt here. But hundreds of passengers were forced to change planes. And an emotional night at the movies in aurora, colorado. The theater where 12 people died in the shooting rampage 6 months ago, reopened last night, holding a special ceremony. Some survivors and those who lost loved ones say it was moving forward, while others boycotted the ceremony. And a woman known for doling out no nonsense advice is being remembered this morning. The woman behind dear abby, whose real name was pauline phillips, died after a battle with alzheimers at the age of 94. She was ahead of her time. And had some 100 million readers at her peak. Phillips was the twin sister of ann landers, whose daughter had taken over her column ten years ago. Pauline phillips, gone at the age of 94. Again, so ahead of her time. Oh, yeah. 100 million readers. Isnt that amazing . Me, too. Great stuff. Were going to turn to a disturbing story from overnight from philadelphia. It has happened again. An apparently random, unprovoked subway attack, ending with a woman thrown to the tracks. You see it right there. Thankfully, she survived. And abcs john muller has the details. Reporter this Surveillance Video taken inside philadelphias subway system is stunning and hard to watch. A brutal attack on an unsuspecting victim, thrown screaming on to the tracks of a train. It begin s innocently enough. A man and woman wait for the subway after 3 00 in the afternoon. Then, the man approaches and asks the woman to borrow a lighter. After returning it, he lunges, choking her and attacking her with a flurry of punches. Then, the unthinkable. The suspect grabs her ankles, dragging her across the platform, and tossing her on to the tracks, before casually reaching into her purse. Picked up her cell phone and strolled out of the station. Reporter overnight, after a citywide manhunt, police have arrested William Clark and plan to charge him with aggravated assault and robbery. He was ablended, still in possession of the victims phone. Reporter miraculously, police say the young woman was able to climb to safety, before a train reached her, suffering only minor injuries. What police dont know is why an innocent moment waiting for a train became such a nightmare. For good morning america, john muller, abc news, new york. Horrible. A happier story. I do, thank goodness. Now, rules to live by that we can all embrace. They were jotted down by two, young girls this week. A walmart employee discovered the book and sat to reconcile the Young Authors to their laws for living life. Take a look. Reporter we already have the ten commandments. God has sent before you his day his laws of life and good. Reporter and the rules of fight club. First rule of fight club, you do not talk about fight club. Reporter why not a rule book by and for kids . Dont call each other names. Clean up your messes. No eating other peoples food. Reporter 157 rules in a spiral notebook, found in a walmart parking lot by raymond flores, the employee that retrieves carts. Dont keep saying please if someone says no. Reporter the nonoes of a lifetime. Rule 91, dont color on people. 105, tie your shoes or youll fall down. And of course, dont bite the dentist. I thought this was adorable. Reporter rule 154 is protect this book. And flores was determined to follow it. Heres your book back. Reporter all the way back to the authors, two girls, ages 8 and 10. Cousins and best friends who both struggle with little sisters, who apparently have been known to color on people and even bite the dentist. I said, why dont we put the rules in here. And whoever breaks it has to sit at the door for five minutes. And so, we came up with all these good rules. We can have fun more. Reporter now, thanks to all the attention, these Young Authors may have a publisher. For good morning america, david wright, abc news, los angeles. I knew that was coming. Thats absolutely incredible. Ill buy that book. Im buying two copies. We can have one, when it rains, dont blame the weatherman. Still, two of my favorites. Dont color on people. Josh, dont bite the dentist. You know you do that. Stop right now. Lets get to the boards. Were going to start with video this morning. Our deep south snow moves into the midatlantic and cruises out by cape cod this morning. But look at this, from raleigh, north carolina, all the way to richmond, virginia, this is a hit of snow, that in many places, like mississippi, this is a snow you see 10 to 20 years. Good, heavy snowfall totals. Mountains of snow. More than 15 inches of snow in the mountains of West Virginia and also into virginia. Watch this low cruise away. The cape gets one to two inches before its gone. In comes the brutal chill behind it. A short one today into tomorrow. Well warm up over the weekend. Next week, plunging arctic air. Quick look at the big board there. Well get into it later this morning. Good morning maryland. We are going to be dealing with cold temperatures today. We have the winds in the northwest at about 5 to 15 Miles Per Hour. And we will have gusting up to about 25 Miles Per Hour. So that 38 degrees is going to feel colder. We will feel like in the 20s through time. Temperatures will be bump up a bit into the weekend. We will dry out nicely, but we will be windy by sunday. And then the arctic blast rolls in for the beginning of next week. Nice and mild and wet, 77 l. A. 60 to denver. Theres a big plunge of arctic air next week. Why do you have to say plunge . Im just saying. Or big . Coming up on gma, the woman in the middle of the manti teo hoax is revealed. Shes alive. The first lady debuts the brandnew look. Well meet the man behind her stunning style. And hollywood teen and tweens shed their good girl images. But are they trying to do hard to show theyre all grown up . But are they trying to do hard to show theyre all grown up . Well let you know on gma. [ male announcer ] somehow nine months just isnt enough time to prepare for being at the corner of im a new parent and i have no idea what im doing. Thankfully, walgreens is always innovating to help. Like creating an app that makes refilling prescriptions a snap. Were pioneering new ways to shop, so the corner store can actually come to you. And when you need peace of mind, our 24 7 pharmacy chat is here for balance rewards members. Were also bringing our pharmacists out front to answer your questions. Every day, were developing new conveniences like Curbside Pickup and dreaming up even more new ways to help tomorrow. At walgreens, well do more than help you get well. Well help you stay well and live well. 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With so much competition, finding the right job is never easy. But with the nations largest alumni network, including those in key hiring positions, university of phoenix can help connect you to a world of opportunity. Friday morning. The trial begins for county executive. He waived his right to a jury and asked to be a tried by a judge. He is accused of using his taxpayer funded Police Detail for personal reasons. Stay for the updates as the trial moves forward. The effort to curb gun violence will be the focus today. He is set to introduce his public Prime Minister yours the. They include gun safety and violence prevention. Time now for a check on weather. Its 7 26. All right. Were watching what is going on. And it looks good. You can see the clouds beginning to pull away. And getting more sunshine in here as High Pressure will do its thing. Temperaturewise though, we are cold. Coming in at 29 degrees. But the northwest wind at about 17 Miles Per Hour, taking that 29 feel like the teens this morningful we will go throughout the day. The planners brings up the about 28. But even that will make us feel like the lower 30s, upper 20s through the afternoon. The football forecast, patriots on sunday. 33 degrees, but once again, we have that wind chill thats going to feel like the teens. Lets get a check now of traffic. Good morning. You will want to avoid 95. A tractortrailer crash shut down the northbound lanes at route 216. The best alternate route is the vw parkway. And watch out along northbound of route 29 and route 100. And what the beltway looks like at liberty road, inner loop 5. But the outer loop sluggish down to route 40. We are out of time. More news, weather and traffic in half an hour. In the meantime, back to new york for more of good morning america. What is the truth about manti teo . You see him down in florida training, right there, as so many questions keep on coming in, of what really happened. Right there is the woman seen in pictures as his girlfriend. Shes now revealed to be alive. The questions about the notre dame football star and who was really behind the hoax. Everywhere you go, everybodys debating whether or not he knew or didnt, why he might have been in on it, if he was in on it. Also ahead, the first ladys splashy, new hairstyle is getting rave reviews. Michelle obamas bangs are making waves. Were going to meet the man who created her look. She looks great. And look at these. Youre not seeing double. But you are seeing surprising minimes. Little kids in alist looks, striking a pose, with what the creator calls coddlewood poses. I hope my girls arent seeing those. Well show you how to get the striking golden globe looks for less. A lot of explaining to do. Were going to get to the latest bizarre twist in an admittedly bizarre story of manti teo. The woman here pictures as his girlfriend, as you see her, very much alive. New, confusing and contradictly details about the hoax are still emerging. Manti teo, the devoutly mormon allamerican linebacker at notre dame, who once spoke so eloquently about his devotion to team and to the girlfriend he lost to cancer. The most beautiful girl ive ever met. Reporter this morning, is sullen and silent. Captured briefly here by news cameras thursday, at a florida training facility, even as questions about the complex internet scam in which he says he was unknowingly ensnared, continue to mount. The weight of the world right now is on manti teos shoulders. This is a feeding frenzy. Reporter on thursday, inside edition caught up with this woman, diane omeara. Im not making any comments. Reporter her lawyer says she is also a victim. She doesnt know manti teo, but photos of her, such as these, were stolen and used to create the illusion of teos girlfriend. The last thing she said to me was i love you. Reporter Online Activity indicates that they had some sort of relationship. But the exact nature is unclear. This morning, notre dame continues to stand by its star player, convinced, it says, that a man known for big plays on the field was played for a fool online. Our investigators, through their work, were able to discover online chatter among the perpetrators, that, sort of the ultimate proof of this. Reporter but many wonder if teo really never met lennay kekua, how would he feel such emotion for her. She was the person i turned to, the love of my life. Reporter and why did his father tell the a south bend newspaper that his son and woman met several years ago. Every once in a while, she would travel to hawaii, brian teo was quoted as saying last october. So, he would meet her there. Most confusing is this, an interview teo gave december 8th, to south bend tv station. I dont like cancer at all. I lost my grandparents and my girlfriend to cancer. Reporter according to notre dames own timeline, teo had already learned his girlfriend didnt exist two days earlier, on december 6th. And its just such inconsistencies as that. And perhaps the biggest and simplest question of all, why . Why would anyone do this . Now, we wait for answers for it, george. We sure do, josh. And joining us now is nev schulman. Also, our gma legal analyst, dan abrams. Nev, let me begin with you. Maybe this is a generational thing. I look at the facts. A relationship going on several months. They never meet. I say, theres no way this is true. But you believe him. Yeah. I stand by the guy. My heart goes out to him. I feel like hes dealing with more emotionally than anyones giving him credit for. His heart was broken. Hes grieving, a girl whether she existed or not, those are real feelings. Your brother says he was the victim of a hoax like this. What were you able to discover in this story . My brothers been deep in it with his cohost, max joseph. And they uncovered a few other people that were duped by the fake lennay character. Sort of like my brothers story, its bigger than just manti. There were other people she was corresponding with, before and maybe even during her relationship. You went and looked at the interviews, how long was it able to go on so long without being uncovered . When you want something bad enough, in his case, a connection with someone, youre willing to ignore a lot of red flags and create a scenario that allows you to continue believing. Same thing with my brother. He wanted this girl to be real. He wanted the love to be real. And he ignored everything else. The hardest thing for people to accept, is even after he knew, lennay was alive, he continued to at least not reveal that fact. I know your brothers reached out to him. Have you heard anything about that at all . No. I think nev has said manti, i know what you went through. The exact same thing happened to me. I dont think manti is reaching back at the moment. Maybe he will. And, dan, are there any laws broken here in any way . It depends. You know, look. It depends what state it occurred in. Lets assume that it occurred in a state where its against the law to take someones identity and lie about it. You had to have done it with the intent to harm, intimidate, threaten, et cetera. And here, there are isnt that implied by trying to fool someone in that way. The definition of harm comes in. Youre allowed to create a parody account. I can take George Stephanopoulos and put a picture and make fun of George Stephanopoulos. Please dont. And thats okay. Thats perfectly legal. But if you do it with the intent to create harm, et cetera. We dont know if we dont know exactly whats happened here. On the flip side of that, some people are asking, what about him . What if he made this up . Could he face any legal problems . And the answer to that one is no. How about notre dame . Notre dame knew the truth and didnt reveal it, either. First of all, hes under no lets assume he knew this was a hoax. Hes allowed to lie to the public. Allowed to lie to the media. Hes not allowed to lie to the authorities. Notre dame had no obligation to come forward. The media says, were entitled to know everything that is true. Yeah. Its irritating. Its deceptive sometimes. But it doesnt mean that there are legal issues associated with it. The more likely scenario would be, if someones likeness is taken, that person ends up suing and saying, wait a second. You took my likeness for this purpose, particularly for financial gain, and im going to sue you. We dont know the facts here well enough to know what sort of potential legal issues. We covered so many cases like this. Whats your gut on how it ends . My gut is that theres a i guess a lonely person behind it all, that didnt expect it to go this far. And was looking to connect with someone. And that someone was manti because he was looking for the same connection. And well find that there was no malicious intent initially. And it just started off as two people looking for love. That happens. That will this will go down as one of the most amazing stories. It sure will. Were all going to find out, we hope, one day. Lets get the weather from sam. George, if i could ask one favor of everyone, sit down, take a breath. And calmly watch the television set, as i talk about the polar delivery i talk about coming in next week. This is the coldest. Open the rule back. Its 130 something. Look at the coldest air of the season so far. This is a big, direct delivery from the arctic. 10 below in fargo by the time we get to sunday. Chicago, 17, by the time we get to monday. Detroit, 16, by the time we get to monday. Minneapolis, is below zero, as well, on monday. This is a big shot of cold air that drops next week all the way in the middle of the country. Well be talking about it all week and its effects. Denver, getting to 60 degrees. Thats amazing. All of that weather was brought to you by Green Mountain coffee. Sam, how is the weather going to be for the inaugural. Not as cold as the last one. That one was in the teens. It wont be 19 degrees. Not as cold. I think especially for you, right . Ill be outside. Im going to be outside in the elements, thank you. 34s not so bad. Coming up here, Michelle Obamas brandnew look, getting a lot of attention right now. Youre going to meet the man behind those bangs. And two, american teen queens trying to shed their good girl images in a racy, new film. Are selena gomez and Vanessa Hutchins trying to show us theyre all grown up way too soon . everythings better with a great cup of coffee. Exceptionally smooth and perfectly balanced for a harmonious blend of flavor, body and aroma. Green mountaer. Brew a better day. That retiring some day is even an option for sean and me. 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[ coughs ] [ baby crying ] [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough. Robitussin®. Dont suffer the coughequences™. But all you notice is hert beautiful, healthy skin. Gh. Jergens ultra healing moisturizer makes even your driest skin look healthier, instantly. With Beautiful Skin from jergens, youll always make an entrance. Jergens®. The beautiful difference. Back, now, at 7 43, with the first ladys brandnew hairstyle. She debuted the look on thursday, 49th birthday. Its getting rave reviews. And reena ninan has the story behind the bangs. Reporter as washington prepares its look for the president s inauguration monday, it seems mrs. Obama is preparing hers, as well. Unveiling a brandnew do thursday, bangs. Its the first image posted on her new official twitter account, at flotus. And overnight, pool photographers got a brief look at the new hairstyle, as mrs. Obama returned from a dinner, celebrating her birthday with the president. The reaction to her newlyframed face has been swift and mostly positive. At flotus, we love your new bangs. Michelle obama celebrates a second term with bangs. Flotus is flawless. Michelle obama is such a trendsetter in the fashion industry because she manages to be aspirational and acceptable at the same time. Reporter who is behind the new look . Johnny wright, styling her tresses since just before they moved into the white house. While he wont spill the first ladys salon secrets, he did offer this take on a previous firstterm trim. The haircut was not really calculated. It was something that, you know, i just felt that it would be nice and fresh. And it would make her look more youthful than she is. Reporter her new cut, the opening act for this fashion icons next four years. And for an inauguration fashion showdown thats just getting started. For good morning america, reena ninan, abc news, washington. Im told by greg, my hair styleist, its a layered bob with bangs. Bangs are hard. Youre stuck with them for a long time. Probably not in youre first lady. I dont know if that can make your hair grow. Yeah. She gets a lot of perks. Not sure if hair growth is one of them. And coming up, everybody, on good morning america, we have the red carpet minimes making splashing statements this morning in alist looks. The stories behind the pictures. Theyre so cute. Plus, well show you how to score the sizzling looks from the Golden Globes for less. Im going to let all of the parents here know, no, no, no, kids. Also, play of the day. Im going to tell you to freeze it because i was outside. Its snowing outside. It because i was outside. Its snowing outside. Its really freezing. Ohohoh, oh, o sometimes i get a good feeling yeah get a feeling that i never, never, never, never had before no, no, i get a good feeling [ female announcer ] all this. Only on royal caribbean. 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Heres the play of the day. Creative parenting choices, in the purview today. Its a bofer, people. We love yapping about the little ones. So, lets take a look here. This is kieran patel from the u. K. His 6monthold daughter, eva. The music is provided by them, by the way. Tom cruise. Mission impossible. Mission impossible baby snatch. I love it. Lets get to the next one. This is my favorite. The perfect pony tail from dad. Thats a vacuum. Pony tail. I cant believe it. Thats great. Sarina, dad will be home soon. Thats great. Sarina, dad will be home soon. No. Ne has their own way of doing things. At university of phoenix we know learning is no different. So we offer personalized tools and support, that let our students tackle the challenge of going back to school, like they do anything else. Their way. Its healthier, and the only one clinically proven. With aloe, vitamins, and no ammonia. My hair looks healthier than before i colored. I switched. You can too, to natural instincts. She would help her child. Go goooo [ male announcer ] with everything. But instead she gives him capri sun superv. With one combined serving of fruits and vegetables. Capri sun superv. With one combined serving of fruits and vegetables. Theyll tell you exactly what theyre thinking. Kids. Especially my niece. The moment she pointed out my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. Well, it was really embarrassing. So i had a serious talk with my dermatologist. This time, she prescribed humiraadalimumab. Humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. In clinical trials, most adults with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis saw 75 skin clearance. And the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. Blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure have occurred. Before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. Ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. Tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. You should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. Make the most of every moment. Ask your dermatologist about humira, today. Clearer skin is possible. Just begin with americas favorite soups. Bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. Or bestever meatloaf. Go to campbellskitchen. Com for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. Campbells. Its amazing what soup can do. For ages 3 and up the everyday collection. By target. Good friday morning. A few top stories today. Two Police Officers and a young person we want to the hospital after a headon crash. It happened around 10 00 last night at warner street. The driver of the car that struck the police van was treated on the scene. No charges have been filed just yet. The young person is a Police Explorer who is now learning what it means to be a Baltimore City police officer. One person was rushed to the hospital after a fire broke out last night in baltimore. Four others made it out safely. The fire spread to two homes. The second floor partially collapsed in one home. No firefighters were injured. Time now for a check of the forecast. Things are looking good. We are starting to see sunshine as High Pressure does its thing this morning. And dealing with cold temperatures. 29 degrees, those winds north at about 5 to 15 Miles Per Hour. And thats going to be the name of the game. Look at the dew point, just caught my eye, 13. Very dry air on tap this morning and that continues into the afternoon as well as the breezy conditions. 38 degrees is going to be feeling more like the upper 20s as we go through time. And this is what the sevenday forecast looks like, windy by sunday and an arctic blast by next week. Lets get a check now of traffic. Good morning. Well, you will want to avoid 95 in howard county. Theres a tractortrailer crash block one northbound lane. And we are dealing with heavy, heavy delays. The southbound lanes will be jammed from 95, from route 32 in the northbound. Very slow from 198 making the push up to route 32. The beltway, west side, very nice and clear here at liberty road. Traffic moving along. And delays in parkville. A look at hartford road, outer loop slow. More news, weather and traffic coming up in 30 minutes. Time to go back to new york and have a great day. Its not snowing out there in times square anymore. A gator. Gator. Im guessing its a gator. Okay. A gator. He is sea rescue, guys. Good thing we have the expert here. We have an expert deejay. D. J. K2. Shoutout to robin at home. And its great to have Elizabeth Vargas here. Its great to be here. Weve been jumpstarting your january. We have the grand finale to our big money edition to fix your finances. Were going to have one person go into our money machine. And also, how to turn the clutter in your house into cash. Yeah. When you see that machine going, you know it means that one lucky audience member is going to get the chance to step into the money booth and take home all they can grab in 30 seconds. We have a big winner. Josh, who is it . Weve seen somebody walk away with 560plus. It looked like she was five months pregnant with cash. Our winner for the finale is number six. Shes excited. [ screaming ] thats good. Thats amazing. Come here. Whats your name . Hang on. Hang out right here. Well warm up together because its going to take all of your energy to get in there. Were breathing. Were breathing. There you go. There you go. Youre going to do great. Some people some people have walked away with hundreds of dollars. Oh, my gosh. Theres no number six. Were going to let sam give you the tips on how to get the most cash. Sam, help her out. We have hollywood teen queens, that are updating their images. Are selena gomez and Vanessa Hutchins trying to too hard to show theyre all grown up. And we have the story behind these. Minimes from the red carpet and alist looks from the Golden Globes. We have the stories behind the pictures. And well show you how you can get grownup size looks for less. We have a lot coming up this hour. First, lets get the news from josh. A lot of excitement. Were going to begin with the breaking news. Volatile and chaotic and confusing as it is, the situation in algeria. The fate of as many as five americans and dozens other hostages being held at a natural gas complex is unknown right now. Five other americans have escaped their Islamic Militant captors. Several people were killed in a rescue attempt gone wrong by the algerian military. Well have updates as news becomes available. Here at home, u. S. Antidoping officials are calling on Lance Armstrong to discuss his performanceenhancing drug use under oath. The disgraced former cycling champ called himself a bully. And told Oprah Winfrey he didnt feel bad about using drugs to win the Tour De France seven times. In fact, he didnt think he was cheating at the time. Part two of that interview will air tonight. In medical news, some encouraging news in the fight against cancer. New numbers show death rates have fallen some 20 from their peak in 1991. Even more encouraging, researchers say progress is more rapid against the four, major cancer areas, breast, prostate, colo rectal and lung. And tom cruise seems to be the latest victim of s. W. A. T. Ing. Police showed up at the actors home after someone called 911 about a robbery. But it turned out to be a false report. Cruise was not home at the time. And a brazen heist right out of a film. Take a look. Creative crooks dug a 150foot tunnel from an underground garage, right into the safe deposit room of a berlin bank. Made off with their haul undetected. No. Police believe the elaborate tunnel may have taken months to complete. Something right out of shawshank and right back into shawshank. Whats that digging sound from under the bank . And why are those guys coming out with piles of money . Nothing to see here. Why is Morgan Freeman Walking Around in the parking lot . I dont understand. Maybe you can answer that in pop news. I cant. But i have other news to get to, george. Happy friday to you all. Gq has crowned beyonce, the number one hottest woman of the century. And the magazine has proof to back up the blame. The superstar supposed for next months cover. She looks amazing on it. Thats a great choice. Lets face it. She is a triplethreat. In the magazine, she talks about how she videos almost every waking moment of her life. And as we now know, some of that footage will be featured in an hbo documentary next month. Didnt she say she was embarrassed about sharing her life. In that picture, shes not. No. She doesnt look embarrassed at all, does she . Shes also working on a new album and getting ready for her super bowl performance. Every waking moment . How does she do that . Oh, boy. The followups, here they come. I dont know. There are people for that. There are people for that. Youre a superstar. My guess is, a lot of it has to do with having a baby and wanting to capture those moments. And her recording. She likes to look at video of herself. But she is critical of herself. Im videoing myself right now. I know that alltoo well, sam champion. Check out the new gq on stands tuesday. We have great news for downton abbeys millions of fans. And in fresh off the goaden globe, Dame Maggie Smith is coming back. There were some questions about it. I was worried about that. I know. Youre worrying right now. It would really mess up the show. Shes amazing. Worry no more, sam champion, and everyone else out there. We cant imagine the show without her. As josh mentioned earlier in the show, pauline phillips, the creator of dear abby, has passed away at age 94. These letters that people wrote were as close as we got to reality tv, with their personal problems and saucey questions and her spicy answers. To celebrate dear abbys life, here are a few of her greatest hits. Dear abby. My boyfriend is going to be 20 months old next month. Never mind what he likes. Give him a tie. And a man wrote asking what abby thought about his wife who liked to make breakfast in the buff. Its okay with me. But tell her to put on an apron when shes frying bacon. Dear abby, you will be missed. Quick for our pop quiz. What did animal lover betty white get for her 91st birthday. That was a bit of a clue. An animal. Thank you, elizabeth. Well get specific when we come back. To another animal lover, sam champion, with the weather. If i ask you oh, hi. Were just getting acquainted. Youre from maryland. Where are you from . Maryland. Maryland, too. And . Im from florida. Good for you. I wish we were there right now. Where are you from . Connecticut. Huh . Connecticut. Were glad you guys are here. Who has the gator . Whats going on with the gate center. Were here to promote tourism for florida. I love it. Thank you, guys, so much for being here. Were crazy about you. Lets get to the boards. One or two things going on we want to show you. A timelapse picture out of seattle. Look at that. You can see the fog rolling in, just under the building tops there. And that has been problematic because that air stagnation and fog is not going away. Look at the map here. Its out there again today. All of the low visibilities, dense fog advisories. And the temperatures in the 20s, so, the fog makes the roads glazey. Look at the temperatures over the next several days. Weve shown you what happens this weekend. Next week, get ready for the big, arctic push. That starts the end of the weekend to the first of the week, all the way through the eastern side of the country. So, that, my friends, is your weather on your friday. You gu maybe i havent said i love this crowd yet. Happy birthday. Tell me your names. Crystal davis. Who are we going to now . Lara. Happy birthday, crystal. Heres whats coming up on our gma morning menu. How to score red carpet looks for much less. That and d. J. K2, coming up live, on good morning america. Stay with us. See life in the best light. Outdoors, or in. Transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. So you see everything the way its meant to be seen. Maybe even a little better. 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Intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. Common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. So if you suffer from middleofthenight insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. And return to sleep again. Of course everybody has secrets. In fact. You are looking at one of my secrets right now. New revlon nearly naked™ makeup covers flaws melting into skin to even out your complexion. So the only one who knows you have makeup on. Is you. Dare to be revlon. [ male announcer ] end your long week. With a weekend getaway. Save up to forty percent on all Weekend Hotel stays. Book by january thirty first at hiltonanyweekend. Com. Save up to forty percent on all Weekend Hotel stays. We replaced people with a machine. R, what . Customers didnt like it. So why do banks do it . Hello . Hello . if your bank doesnt let you talk to a real person 24 7, you need an ally. Hello . Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. Hey, everybody. Welcome back. 8 15 on good morning america. Now, we give you the pop quiz answer. First, i want to hear from you guys. What do you think betty white got for her 91st birthday . I gave you a clue. She loves animals. A rabbit. You did . She did get a snake. A red tail boa. Good job, george. Heres what happened. Well, kind of. It was adopted from the Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens in her name. Whats the video were showing . What is going on . Thats thats her other birthday party. She adopted apparently six dancers. Theres a snake in that video, they didnt show. Thats the snake. 2013, right there. Didnt go well, did it . No. 91 years young. Happy birthday, betty white. And now, the proud owner of a boa. Now, to the two young superstars who are shedding their good girl images with very grownup roles. Selena gomez and Vanessa Hutchins in a guntoting movie. Hard to believe. Reporter good morning. Shedding the child star label can be difficult. Especially when you grow up as a disney darling. Theres a notion that the golden halo turned Scarlet Letter can doom a career. But sometimes it works. Thats what selena gomez and Vanessa Hutchins are counting on. Two teen idols for sweethearts. Hutchins, scoring in high school musical. Salena gomez, making headlines every time she stepped out with her babyfaced former boyfriend, justin bieber. Now, the two hollywood good girls are going bad. Shaking off their teen queen images for more adult roles. Its more than spring break. Its a chance to see something different. Reporter the two teamed up with the controversial writer behind kids. They have to do Different Things to attract different audiences. And this is going to get these girls a lot of attention. Reporter theyre just the latest in a long line of teen adolls, to shake off their good girl image. Like Britney Spears who went from this hit me baby one more time reporter to this baby, dont you want to dance up on me reporter and more recently, miley cyrus, who graduated from this its a party in the usa reporter to this. In gomez and hudgens latest rolls, theyre on screen, as thing back shots, smoking marijuana, getting arrested, brandishing guns and bikinis. I think it will be interesting and controversial. Reporter appear alongside james franco, who plays a drugdealing scoundrel, in a spring break story gone horribly wrong. We push it to the limit. Reporter hudgens says it was time to shed a new skin and step into something different. Different, indeed. Hudgens went on to say that she wanted to step into a different persons shoes in an entirely different world. Saying shes never done anything like this before, calling it freeing. Well, she hasnt done anything like this before. It is brandnew. It will be, quote, controversial. Now, to a reallife wedding nightmare. Its almost what we saw on bridesmaids and wedding crashers. The couple is from new orleans. Reporter youre in the middle of planning your own wedding right now, cover your eyes. Oh. From soaking wet ceremonies, to photo shoot fails. Mishaps happen more often than you might think. She was the kind of bride that prided herself on the details. In general, im just a bit of a perfectionist. Reporter which made what happened three days before her wedding last october, just a little bit more challenging. You arrive in new orleans. You get to the hotel. What do you see . Theres no lawn. And theres no bushes. And they told us they would be happy to put down a green carpet. Reporter the kitchen, closed for renovation. The flowers came in from the floral company. And about onethird of them were completely dead. It was not a good day. Reporter this is when the day goes from bad, to worse, to surreal. The threepiece suit arrives three sizes too big. And the night before the big say, ravayna hit her head on a door. When she awoke on her wedding day, it was clear, beautiful and steaming hot. I wore a gown that was a lot of gown. Reporter which looked stunning. Until they started taking photos. I said, david, im going to pass out. They unzipped my dress and put ice packs. Its 15 minutes before my wedding. And im trying not to faint. Reporter diane valentine, celeb wedding planner and host of i do over has seen it all. Women say they want the enormous heels on their wedding day. Its a dont. You have to wear that all day and all night. Reporter dianes top tip is, remain calm. For a bride, i try to tell them, is remember what is most important. The day is about love. Reporter while ravayna and david didnt have a wedding planner like diana to save them, they did have each other. Its one day. And this is the rest of our lives. So, in the grand scale of things, what are you going to do . Impossible day to forget. That story and more on 20 20 wedding confidential. Lets talk about the great looks for the Golden Globes. We want to show you the miniversions one photographer recreating the alist looks in adorable pictures. One of the biggest nights in hollywood has never looked so small. Now, Anne Hathaway isnt using some hollywood miracle youth treatment. Thats her 7yearold minime, alynda. Shes one of several kids that got to pose as v. I. P. S, thanks to photographer Tricia Messeroux and her coddlewood. I can make celebrities out of kids. Reporter she took one of hollywoods hottest couples down to size. Thats minigeorge and stacy keibler. Theres a pintsized lucy liu, halle berry and staler swift, all in kiddie couture. We need to make everything from scratch. But we dont know until that night. Reporter its not just the red carpet. Messeroux likes to use kids to remake memorable moments, like tom cruise jumping on oprahs couch. I love working with kids. The musics going. Reporter part of the proceeds from the collection goes to st. Judes childrens research hospital, proving the tiniest bit of star power can have a big impact. Really cute. Now, we want some glam. To show us grandup versions, we have kate dimmock, fashion director for people style watch. Thank you very much. Lets talk about the best looks. It was a stunning night. I think claire danes stood out right away. We want to see if there was a way to get that look. She is wearing versace. She looks amazing. We love the color. We have our own laura here. This is 198. Its a color of the moment coral. Its the same shade. Super flattering. And 198. You can have it be not so open if you want it to. Give us the back, laura. Nice. That has more detail than claires. Exactly. Another incredible woman on the carpet was Anne Hathaway. We just saw the miniversion. Here, we have carmela. This is a new way to get the look. This is from renttherunway. Com. Its a dress you can rent for 185. Just like a celebrity, you can wear it for one night and send it back. They usually borrow. It would be over 1,000. But you can actually get it for one amazing occasion, for 185. And its so flattering for so many figures. This is slightly different. But gives you the feel. You get the same texture. But one shoulder is a superbig trend. We have our own version of sofia vergara. Exactly. Sofia was wearing michael pinto. This is 299. And again, like sofia, were dressing the curves, making it work. Its a great shape. This is an amazing dress. I love it. I didnt know they had a label that was more affordable. Exactly. And its kind of a little of an investment, 299. Its up there. But a black strapless sequins dress is going to take you a long way. She really stood out. We have one more look. This is my favorite. I cant tell you how beautiful jessica alba looked. She is our resident. And we have madison. While Jessica Albas dress was oscar de la renta, this is from Davids Bridal for 180. Do we have a picture of jessicas dress to show you how similar the looks are. This coral color is so hot right now. Its really in and beautiful. These are great looks. Theyre still expensive but a heck of a lot more affordable than on the red carpet. Thank you so much, everybody. Kate dimmock. To get full details on the dresses, go to goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo you get a bonus look, too. Coming up, the money grab. A great purple friday to you, maryland. Here are a few of our top stories. Happening right now, the purple caravan making its way around the baltimore area. Cheerleaders, playmakers and mascots are going to be stopping at a number of locations throughout the day, and you can find a list at abctwonews. Com. Fans are invited to come out to fan fest at the Convention Center from 116. You can get autographs and attend clinics and forums and ask questions about the tools of the trade. Were looking at some sunshine and a nice day as High Pressure builds in. Theres a caveat. Were going to be windy outside and cold. Temperatures now coming in the upper 20s, even over towards union bridge. Those current winds out of the northwest at about 520 making it feel like the teens in a lot of spots this morning as well. Make sure you do bundle up as you head out. This is what you can expect as you head throughout the day, 38 degrees, but feeling like were in the 20s. You will want to avoid 95 in laurel. A tractortrailer crash has shut down one northbound line at route 216. Northbound lanes are extremely sure from 198 to 132, southbound also very congested. Youll want to stick with 295 as an alternate. Traffic moving along at liberty, but watch out for a crash at doing dogwood road. Get out there and enjoy the ravens caravan. Go ravens. Theres a crowd outside. But check out what is happening inside right here. Big reveal. Real big. Theres d. J. K2. Denise doesnt going to cooperate with us. D. J. K2, thanks for sending us into the weekend. It is time, now, been doing this all week long. Gma money grab, jumpstarting our january. Thats right. Christy watson from arkansas shes a little excited. Yes. Theres the videotape. Shes going to be great. In 30 seconds, how much will she take home . Were about to find out. Get it started. Are you ready . Yes. Okay. You have to go in first. Here we go. Good luck. Go in . Go in. We have to see the hands. Hands. Three, two, one. Go. Come on, girl. Thats a lot. Grab it. Good girl. Go get it. Shes doing great. Now, its all falling out. Stay low. Had a good start, though. Very solid start. Its going in the pants. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Yes. Good job. Look at that. Wait. She just you dropped a bunch. She just dropped a bunch. She had it. Very strong. Really strong effort. Really strong there. How do you feel now . Oh, my god. Were going to count up your cash. Okay. And reveal for you in a few minutes how much you managed to shove in there. Anywhere youve got money, well count it out. Are you going to do that personally . All right. All this week, were saving you money. Were giving away money. Were showing you how to turn your clutter into cash, as well. Wherever the cash may be. Were going to show you how one familys basement was, in fact, turned into their own gym. It didnt break the bank. Really great transformation, with some help from hgtv. She is really excited. I hope you stay for gma live just ahead. Yes. Its at 9 00 a. M. Join us at goodmorningamerica. Com live. Im not reading that. Yes. What sam has in common with beyonce. I cant imagine theres anything. What doesnt he have in common with beyonce . He has somebody videotaping every moment. And by the way, ill have what christies having. Exactly. It is jumpstart january all this week. Weve been showing you how to save big. This morning, becky worley is joining us to show how you can turn your clutter into cash. I want what christies having, too. I think i need it. Im doing something pretty brave here. Im inviting you into my own private episode of hoarders. This is my garage. I have way too much stuff. And im not alone. I met another mom who is ready to tame the chaos and make some cash along the way. She has two kids and a third on the way. She needs more space. And a little extra cash would be nice, too. So, the first treasure we seek, electronics. She is ready to sell her husbands gaming console. Important question. Have you asked your husband about selling the machine . I mentioned it. Reporter lots of gear. But the problem here, the old stuff loses value fast. But gadget tradein sites will give you an instant quote to tell you what its worth. Lets look at clothes. This is the spot . This is the spot. Reporter three sweaters that meg has never worn are going. You want to show the tag. Phones are great for listing items. The camera is builtin. And you can dictate the description. What would you like the note to say . J. Crew marino sweater. I asked meg if she has highend items she could part with. Fan fancy. And not realistic for a mother of three. Reporter its like a digital consignment store for swanky items. Through the app, they offer meg 300 bucks for the used purse. Purge, purge, purge. Reporter meg has a storage unit thats full of goodies. Im seeing furniture here. Furniture is best sold on but to price it, start with half the Purchase Price and then start marking it down for flaws. Kid stuff sells great. I think you could get 180 maybe for this. This is a great stroller. Expensive toys are best sold on eb ebay. But for clothes, listing them individually overwhelming. Reporter i suggest a new website, called threadup, that buys used kids clothes in bulk. They send you a bag like this. You jam it full of baby clothes. And you get 20 to 40 per bag. Tallying the value of her items and arriving on a number. Grand total is, 2,461. Wow. Reporter and a cleaner house. Yes. I need that. Thats priceless. Reporter i am inspired by megs success. And i have my own clutter to tame. Elizabeth, this is what ill be doing for the rest of the day. Wish me luck. Hopefully i can grab some cash. Actually, im inspired, too. Becky, this is incredible what you were able to do. You mentioned in the piece, electronics lose value fast. How do you know if the cell phone chargers sitting in the drawer have value . 62 of us have an extra phone lying around the house. And it only loses value when its sitting in the garage or a drawer. So, sell it. Im on it. Especially in my closet. Im going there this afternoon. Thanks, becky. Lets go to sam for a final check of the weather this morning. Sam . I missed beckies story because im having so much fun. All right, ladies. Wait. Is it a sports team . Or no . Its my birthday. So glad you came with us to celebrate your birthday. And good morning, you guys. Just as much energy. This is my favorite part of my job. I love you guys so much. Thank you so much. Lets get to the boards. One or two things going on. It makes you happy to be around these folks. Smokey mountains. Facebook and twitter. We can show america. Look at birmingham, alabama. Its the southern snow that will remembered this early season. Look at the warm and dry air that works its way up the coastline. San francisco gets a little milder. Thats some good news. Vegas, 62 by the time we get to sunday. I miss you, vegas. I dont miss that cold air coming in. Look at the arctic blast lining up for the end of the weekend to next week. This is going to go deep into the southland. Be prepared for that. And all the way east. Well be talking about it next you guys have been helping us out to much with our warm hearts, warm coats drive. Its 139,801 folks. As folks who need it next week. We need a lastminute push from you. Heres a twitter picture of 11yearold cameron ray donating near her fathers base. Dave ray is an army sergeant. He says the family has been gathering coats to donate because they enjoy giving back. As a member of our military, you give back every day. But we thank everybody for their coats. You can donate at any Burlington Coat factory store. We get a big arctic blast. We need your help. All of that weather was elizabeth, back to you. Thank you, sam. Coming up, Barbara Walters with one little girls story of triumph. [ harry umlaut ] here we go. [ sally umlaut ] what . The five stages of muller. Ah yes. Stage one suspicion. Its a yogurt, how good can it be . Stage two revision. Actually, this aint bad. Stage three surprise look at this cool cornery thing i love this stuff stage four desolation. Its gone stage five anticipation i guess i could always have another. Have you been through the five stages of muller yet . Yeah, just now. [ male announcer ] muller. The european for yummy. Yeah, just now. Excuse me, sir im gonna have to ask you to power down your little word game. I think your friends will understand. Oh no, its actually my geico app. See . I just uh paid my bill. Did you really . From the plane . Yeah, i can manage my policy, get roadside assistance, pretty much access geico 24 7. Sounds a little too good to be true sir. Ill believe that when pigs fly. Ok, did she seriously just say that . Geico. Just click away with our free mobile app. Were back, now, with Barbara Walters. Great to have you here, as always. Youre here to share part of your edition 20 20, special day, tomorrow night. Special time, 8 00 p. M. This is the story of a young girl facing something of a unique challenge. She really has. This is a little girl ive been following since she was 5 years old. And shes now almost 12. Her name is jazz. And i said, george, that shes a little girl. But she was born a boy. Jazz is what we call a transgender, which is people who feel they were born in the wrong body. Its also known as gender identity disorder. Shes not gay. Shes not a lesbian. And being transgender is not a phase. Her parents, jeannette and greg have known since she was very young that she was transgender. She has two older brothers and an older sister. She was female on her birth certificate. She was raised as a girl. She plays on a girls soccer team. But now that shes entering puberty, george, she has a whole new list of problems. You are getting to the age, jazz, when girls and boys date. Are you attracted to girls or to boys . Im attracted to boys. Are you afraid you might not have dates with boys . I am a little bit. But if any of the boys decline me because of my situation, then i just know theyre not right for me at all. Reporter if you think life is complicated, try dealing with a transgender girl texting a boy she just met at school. Shes made a new friend. And its a boy. I tell her, you know, youre going to have friends that are boys, they need to know immediately. Im transgender. But i was a boy, but became a girl. I have a girl brain but a male body. Reporter a few moments later, the boy responds, obviously confused. He just sent me, you have a girl body, right . Thats a difficult question to ask. Why dont you tell him to watch the videos. Reporter jazz texted him back, to watch this online video of her. I think like a girl. But i just have a boy body. Thats a cute video. What parts of a boy do you have . What are you going to say . The p word. Reporter like a tattoo that wont rub off, the p word is likely to follow jazz everywhere. I dont care what he thinks about me, if its that if its good, ill be happy. Wait until you hear what shes up to. Reporter gregs been down this road before with his oldest daughter. But advising a transgender tween with a crush is new territory. What did he say . He accepts me for who i am. Thats sweet. Are you happy . Now, im texting my friends about it. I have to get something. Reporter what part of being transgender hurts you the most . My genitalia because right now, i feel like a girl. But when i look down there, it reminds me. Reporter that must feel very bad for you. Yeah. What a set of challenges, barbara. Theres so much love and so much communication. Wonderful parents. And they are doing this and allowing this with jazz because there are other children and adults, who suffer from what is called gender identity disorder. And she wants parents to love their children and to know that theyre okay. And theyre still lovable. Boy, it could be so tough for her in those teen years. She has a lot of choices to make. Right now, shes on hormone blockers that stop the testosterone. And she has to decide if she wants to do estrogen, which will make her more feminine. And at some point, around the age of 18, she has to decide if she wants gender reassignment surgery. What a story. Barbara, thanks very much. You can see the whole story tomorrow night on a special edition of 20 20. Address, at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. Look at this basement. Can it become a classy home gym im really excited about this. Our series get the good life, where we show you how to make the most of your life, from your family, your finances, your fitness, in 2013. Were going to show you how to get the good life without ever leaving your home. Take a look. Meet the singer family. Mom, lisa, dad, thomas, and their two teens, jonas and claire. This year, the family has a shared resolution, to get in better shape. My goal is to stay in shape by continuously exercising. I want to work on my muscles. I want to lose 50 pounds, which is a very aggressive goal for the year. Reporter the singers say they have tried joining gyms unsuccessfully. Theyre getting very expensive. Reporter while they have exercise equipment of their own, the problem is, most is in the deep, dark basement. [ scream ] kind of cluttered. And its really cold down there. Theres a lot of spiders down there. Reporter what does this family need . We need a family gym. Reporter fortunately, we knew just who to call. Hgtv kitchen cousins, Anthony Carino and john. The basement is scary. It is. Reporter the cousins were sizing up that basement. Taking measurements, fielding requests. Id like to have an open space where i can do more stretching and dancing type stuff. Reporter the cousins say theres keys. First, maximize available space. Right now, downstairs theres no open area. We want to open up that space. Reporter second, let there be light. No one wants to work out in a place that feels dark or scary. Were going with colors that are bright. Want to warm up the floors. Reporter and great workout equipment doesnt have to come in great big packages. The gym thing has changed. Its doing things and using objects you would never think of using. You dont have a big piece of equipment taking up this space. No peeking for a week. Promise . Reporter after a week of construction, the singers were ready for the big reveal. The results oh, my god. Wow. Reporter behold the difference. Here was the basement before. And now, the home gym after. Mirrors to line the walls. Perfect for dancing and creating the illusion of more space. For jonas and thomas, a rack of kettle balls and weights. Half the size of the workout machinery but just as effective. And for the entire family, builtin storage. And a showstopping flatscreen tv. That when coupled with a wii system, can be used to play workout video games. Best of all, say the cousins, the basement doesnt feel so dark, thanks to the newlypainted white walls. The familys reaction . 2013. Terrific. We have two guys responsible for the home gym. Right here. Cousins on call. Anthony and john. Fantastic job. Thank you. I think perception of a home gym is a luxury for the wealthy. Youve proven that not to be true. And we have simple tips if we want to do it, starting with the mirrors. The mirror, in particular, in this case, seeing a basement having low ceilings, it opens the space up. It shares light well. And most importantly on the gym aspect, youre watching yourself do the exercises. Youre keeping your form right. And it just helps you motivate yourself to continue to exercise. It holds you accountable. If youre watching. And it also encourages you. The second thing is about the equipment. I know ive bought the equipment. And it becomes a laundry basket. What do you suggest . Kettle balls, free weights, a ball there. Its about core movement. These are easy things to do inside your home and not big clutter. We dont want to have big machines. Theyre outdated. You can move them out of the way. When you have people over, theyre not cluttering your home. And the other part is a basement is a multifunction space. Get a tv for the basement. You will want to be down there a lot more. You get a wii system. Wii fit, let me tell you something. If you havent done wii fit, it challenges you. And you can create your characters. Do it with your family. Its interactive. Have your neighbors over. You challenge them. A lot more fun. We had Harley Pasternak on. He has one, too. Ive been doing it. That hurts. Video games shouldnt hurt that much. Really important point is the flooring. From home depot, very little money. Its great with these squares. We want to be able to move things around. We can do it. Put it down. Take it away. Its a great piece. I love it. You guys are the best. Kitchen cousins, cousins on call. And the countdown is on right now. Gma live is coming up next. The cousins will be our special guests. Youll learn more when we come back. I got it when we could download an hd movie in like two minutes. [ male announcer ] once youve got verizon fios internet, you get it the difference 100 fiber optics makes. But dont take our word for it. Ask a real fios customer. Ask me why fiber optics matters. 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Find out how much christy won. A good friday morning to you. Here are a few of your top stories today. The number of early voting days could go from six to eight days thats what governor Martin Omalley is planning in annapolis today. He is also proposing the allow people to register at the polls. Voters stood in line for hours during the early voting back in november. Harper county is holding a free flu clinic today. It runs from 1 00 to 5 00 both the flu mist and injectable forms of the vaccine will be administered at the clinic. Time for one more check of the forecast. Happy friday. We do have a few clouds, but we do have lots of sunshine. The sunshine is not going to warm us autopsy that much today. We are looking at annapolis today. The river is nice and quiet this morning. Look at these temperatures coming in at 33 degrees but the winds out of the northwest at 12 Miles Per Hour thats going to be another part of the story along with the cold temperatures. 38 degrees by this afternoon but feeling like were more in the low 30s and upper 20s. Here is that game day forecast as we head into your sunday. 33 degrees, cold and windy with gusts up to 35. Lets check the time saver traffic. Good morning. A tractortrailer crash continues to block one northbound lane of 95. That is at route 216 at laurel. Stick with route 295 instead. Southbound lane also be con guested as well. If youre traveling on 695, here is a live look in pikesville. No delays heading up to 83 or down to route 40. Nice and clear from hunt valley all the way down to the beltway. Back to you. The doctors is next and join us tonight for back for round two. Have a god weekend and go ravens

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