Transcripts For WLWT WLWT News 5 Today 20160223 : comparemel

Transcripts For WLWT WLWT News 5 Today 20160223

mark: good morning, everyone. thanks for joining us. i' m mark hayes. lisa: i' m lisa cooney. your headlines are straight ahead. sunshine today. changes tomorrow. randi: today is nice and sunny. three days in a row where the weather is completely different. take a look at the radar. we are starting out a lot like yesterday. we' re starting out in the 30' s. you will get a good bit of sunshine. right now 30 degrees. 34 downtown. it is going to be a nice, almost springlike day. 8:00 a.m., 34, clear and cold. it is still jacket-worthy this afternoon with sunshine. tomorrow things change. direction. rain and gusty winds and maybe up to two inches of rain of steady rainfall. big-time changes over the next three days. guys? mark: breaking now, one person is dead after a tarin collides with a craine in the netherlands. emergency crews are at the scene. we know the train has derailed as a result. few details are coming in at this time. she says her son was killed by members of a cincinnati rap group, and after the murder, they tried to intimidate her. lisa: police say these rappers were among the half a dozen people who were arrested in a huge drug bust. wlwt news 5' s tammy mutasa talked with a local mother about loss and justice. tammy: police tell me the murder of naquez mitchell sparked the investigation into the rapper criminals. his mom says this is what for her family. >> that's my son. it' s my son. tammy: nothing compares to the loss of your child. >> naquez is a special child to me. he' s my oldest child and i love naquez. tammy: naquez mitchell was executed and left for dead in his car last may. >> i have just been going through hell. just going through hell. tammy: police say his killers are two members of a rap entertainment group called fdd. >> you killed somebody, and it' s the bible. "thou shall not kill." because when you kill, everything starts unfolding. tammy: now detectives say even more rappers have been charged in a violent drug operation. just look at all their drugs, guns, and wads of cash investigators showed us. police say they even bragged about their crimes in music videos. >> just knowing god and believing in god and putting it in his hands, i knew justice was going to be done. tammy: detectives say the group is also responsible for west end shootings a few feet from where selina hope lives. >> it' s been kind of like a jungle out here. >> it could have been anybody in the midst of a shootout, just being at the wrong place at the wrong time. tammy: they commend police for getting them off the streets. but one thing will never change. >> i' m very pleased, but i' m still without my child. i' m still without my child. tammy: naquez' s mom tells me some members of the group action came to her house to try to intimidate her. lisa: police say they expect more arrests soon. mark: developing this morning, speed and drugs are considered factors in a deadly crash on 275. the driver was killed and a baby was hurt. dan griffin has the latest on good morning. dan: the man driving the car as of last check, we know the critical condition in the hospital. that crash happened at about 275 just east of the 471 exit near fort thomas. fort thomas pd tells us a four-door sedan drove off the right side of the road, rolling several times and throwing three of four people out of the car. witnesses say the baby flew 30 feet into the air. police tell us the driver had track marks, and needles were found in the car. a woman in the backseat with the baby is in critical condition, and a man riding in the front passenger seat was talking and alert at the scene. police haven' t determined if any adults wore seat belts. it' s also unclear how all of the crash victims are related to the ll keep working to get that reporting live, dan griffin, wlwt news 5. lisa: cincinnati police and city leaders have officially wrapped up their latest effort to hear your ideas about reducing violence. a final public forum with the new police chief took place last night in college hill. the theme -- more opportunities one girl said she felt resources, but she liked finding out what the city had to offer. >> we' re showing people what cincinnati has to offer. we' re not just bad kids running around doing bad things. like, i want to show more adults and more people, it' s more offered than us just out here, going to games, doing stuff like that. lisa: district five did see an increase in shootings from 2014 to 2015. last year d5 had 79 of the city' s 492 shootings. as for property crime, district five had 893 cases in 2015. down by more than 100 incidents from 2014. mark: an update on efforts to help restore the rabbit hash general store that was destroyed in a fire more than a week ago. so far more than $53,000 has been raised online through a go-fund-me account. and today duke energy will present a check for $25,000 to the store owner. a local t-shirt maker, cincinnati shirts, has also designed some rabbit s famous dog mayor. all proceeds will go to the store. lisa: a lot of people getting behind that effort. not a bad start. good morning. randi: yesterday was a nice afternoon. starting out right where we were yesterday. most towns a degree above or below freezing. this morning, just like yesterday, the kids do need the coat early. this afternoon a sweatshirt will do. into the second part of the day, 52. big-time changes are on the way. new friends over at mason intermediate school. i got to visit them last week. we talked a little bit about snow days. it will have rain or snow. snow will start to stick on the early morning commute on thursday, the possibility on thursday. enjoy the dry roads for your commute this morning. kyla: they look good right now. we will cross our fingers. it always gets tricky when we see any precipitation out of there. none to worry about this morning. 71 looks good north or southbound. 71, 75 is still wide open at the 275 interchange. this is the norwood lateral. it is worth celebrating. we have new cameras and i am very excited. lisa: we' re just as happy as you are. he' s one of the reds recognizable stars after an mark: now could jay bruce be heading out of spring training before camp ever officially begins? george vogel' s in arizona next with sports. lisa: is singer rihanna better than the king of pop, michael jackson? a new record on the billboard' s hot 100 says she is. where she' s placed among the greats, coming up in trending. mark: taking a live look outside morning on a tuesday morning. 34 degrees right now. you' re watching cincinnati' we don't decorate in one color. we don't stick to one fabric. or one shape. so why use traditional aerosols that are one-dimensional? new air wick room mist with life scents is a multi-layered fragrance, just like scents in real life. our homes are rich, varied, and pleasantly surprising. and air wick room mist is, too. finally, a true-to-life fragrance, for your lively home. air wick. lisa: good morning and welcome back on your tuesday. we' ll talk about sunshine in the forecast. starbucks lovers are upset over the company' s new loyalty policy. mark: miriah turner has the details and other stories trending this morning. good morning. miriah: it is not good news for people who love starbucks. starting in april, customers will no longer receive one point or star per visit. instead, you' ll get two stars for each dollar spent, and gold status is also changing. right now, customers receive gold status once they' ve earned 30 stars in a year. that' s loosely equivalent to visiting starbucks 30 times. gold members also get a free food or beverage product after 12 stars. but when the new points system launches in april, customers spend close to $150, to reach gold status and you will earn 125 stars or spend about $63 in exchange for a free item. you have to stand more money. rihanna is working it. her latest single, "work," featuring drake, has hit the top of the billboard hot 100, her 14th number one on that chart. that puts rihanna in third place all-time for hot 100 leaders, beating out michael jackson and behind only the beatles and mariah carey. good for her. fitness monitors are super popular right now, so our indianapolis nbc affiliate recently put them to the test. wthr tested six different brands here on your screen and found the highly recognizable ones were just as good as their lower-profile rivals. meaning no need to shell out a lot of cash for the devices. while most were good at counting steps and distance, they found they weren't the most reliable for calculating calories. overall, testing found that if they can motivate you to get out and walk more, than they' re mark: you have to keep moving. >> i always have mine on. i go downstairs to the live alert desk, upstairs. i get my steps in. mark: my band broke. i have to fix it. lisa: i got jake one for christmas. randi: i know whether or not i have been active that day. did i run? if i didn' t i was on the couch. we' re going to check this next system. it is going to have a couple of things. here is a breakdown for wednesday and thursday. wednesday morning, we' re looking at pockets of heavy rain, gusty wind. a wet commute tomorrow. more rain and maybe some thunder and lightning thrown into the mix. late wednesday night, right around midnight, we have the rain snow changeover. eventually it will start to stick through the morning. we are expecting snow showers on thursday, 1-2 inches possible from this system. you can see when the rain and snow are expected in your area. mark: it looks like the trade rumors are getting a little more serious for the reds. lisa: according to reports, the reds are working on a three-team trade that would ship jay bruce to toronto. george vogel reports for goodyear, arizona. george: we are in goodyear, arizona. the reds will have the first jay bruce expects to be a part of that workout. there were reports that bruce would be part of a potential trade to toronto. bruce going to toronto and getting back some prospects. that trade just a rumor. pitchers and catchers went through a fifth day of workouts. a lot of that time was then with introductions. it is as common as flashing water on the infield. in this camp, there are a lot of new players. it is almost like the first day of elementary school. >> we have one jumping up before we start the day. introduce yourselves and tell them about yourself. that is what we are doing. fast friends, even around the batting cage. tomorrow. many are already here, like billy hamilton. >> i thought about it a few times. i am available. i can return a couple of kicks. re kidding or not. >> i am not kidding. george: he may not have been kidding. he says it has got to be getting on base more that puts him over the top this year. we have been talking about that for two years now. he was good enough in high school to be a prime time performer of the week. we' re talking girls high school the prime time performer surpassed 2000 points. it is three points that earn terror this honor. >> she dropped 23 points and seven rebounds in a win versus highland. her famous basket --nailing a buzzer beater three from the other side of the court. >> i didn' t believe it. oh, m,y y god. i could not believe it. >> it was what happened after -- >> we could try. >> hitting the shot again. and now her story is blowing up, over 13,000 views on facebook in the true definition of a prime time performer. >> i am here to present the primetime performer of the week to allison weeks. george: that is fantastic. the college basketball poll out today. villanova now number one. xavier is fifth in both polls. indiana, 18th. the big east conference player of the week from x avier. the reds were burning some midnight oil last night, perhaps involving that trade with jay bruce. reports that the reds were his way to toronto in a three team deal. we will have reports all throughout the evening. i am george vogel. mark: taking a live look outside on a tuesday morning. another nice day coming our way. we have some changes coming our way. looks like a deck of card. randi: a little something for everybody. three seasons in three days. we are never in one specific season. day one, very springlike, a lot like yesterday. a great afternoon. get outside and enjoy temperatures in the low 50' s. heavy rain tomorrow. we look at the radar this morning, we are starting out with mostly clear skies. sunshine for the first part of the day. clouds to the extreme southeastern areas. the window 12 miles for our. temperatures where they were yesterday. 34 at 8:00 a.m. through the afternoon, into the low 50' s. everything changes starting tomorrow. the clouds slowly build in from the south. fairly overcast into the midnight. midnight the rain starts to move in from the south. through the overnight hours, pockets of heavy rain. will be doing with soggy roadways for the morning drive. into the afternoon, more showers and maybe some thunderstorm activity going on. midnight wednesday night, rain -snow changeover line. up to two inches of rain is a good average for our area tomorrow. into thursday we change over to snow showers. slushy accumulation at first but eventually we will get some accumulation going, somewhere between 1-2 inches of total snow. they time changes tomorrow. heavy rain through the day on wednesday. some snow with accumulation on thursday. lisa? lisa: thank you. donald trump is expecting for the gop nomination at today' s gop caucus in nevada, . meanwhile, two of his rivals had some missteps on the eve of the nevada republican caucuses. miriah turner is at the live alert desk with more. miriah: trump may just laugh his way to a win in nevada, especially after a gaffe from john kasich and a campaign misstep from ted cruz. ted cruz has asked for his current communications director rick tyler to resign. it comes after tyler tweeted out a news story that falsely depicted rival marco rubio dismissing the bible. the story was not true, and the tweet was deleted. rubio' s campaign says cruz is spreading a culture of deceit in his own campaign. the same day ohio governor john kasich made an eyebrow-raising remark about women. on the campaign trail in virginia, he talked about women coming out of the kitchen to support him. later in the day, kasich attempted to explain the comment, calling it off-the-cuff. mr. kasich: everybody' s just got to relax, and the other thing i scripted candidate. miriah: meanwhile, rubio' s campaign has secured commitments from at least four major bush donors, while other backers of the former florida governor are taking a wait-and-see approach. despite whoever wins today' s caucus, you can be sure all candidates are looking ahead to a week from today, super tuesday, when nearly 600 delegates are up for grabs. from the live alert desk, i' m miriah turner. lisa: on the democratic side, hillary clinton and bernie sanders are gearing up for south carolina' s primary on saturday. clinton' s campaign believes her message is resonating with african-american voters in the state. she does have a lead over sanders in the polls after her win in nevada. mark: president obama has a plan to shut down guantanamo bay. white house officials will submit the outline to congress today. mr. obama has long vowed to close the prison facility. he says it is used as a recruiting tool by terrorists and is too costly to maintain. congress had opposed previous plans to shut gitmo down. the current proposal involves detainees to other countries. those deemed too dangerous for travel will be sent to a detention facility here in the u.s. >> cincinnati' s certified most accurate forecast. randi: all right, good morning. get ready for some weather whip lash over the next three days. low 50' s today, a lot like yesterday. sunshine and mild air. the rain rolls in late tonight. midnight or so, rain is working in from the south. it will be a wind-driven rain and maybe some thunder and lightning in the afternoon. expect 1-2 inches of rainfall tomorrow. right around midnight the snow showers could drop 1-2 inches of snow on tuesday. sunshine today, rain tomorrow, snow on thursday. this weekend, 50' s and 60' s. get through wednesday and thursday and things that great. kyla: off to a pretty good start on this tuesday morning. we are seeing green conditions on our map. travel times, not standing yet. 18 minutes on 74 from the indiana side. 13 minutes on 275 to 71. 16 minutes out of butler county on 75. construction has cleared up, though we will deal with it again for the rest of the week. mark: thank you. a deadly collision between a school bus and an suv. saying may have caused the crash. mark: taking a live look outside. 34 degrees on your tuesday morning. you' re waking up to cincinnati' s standoff expected in court this morning. the charges the latonia man faces as his jury trial begins today. >> we hardly could believe that something like this would take place in a school environment. mark: parents outraged after students were shot with a pellet gun at a local college. the active-shooter seminar that one student says was far too real. lisa: a beloved local business having hope after a devastating fire. how the rabbit hash general store is getting a big boost today in its rebuilding funds. [captioning made possible by wlwt-tv] >> from cincinnati' s wlwt, leading the way, this is wlwt news 5 today. lisa: 5:00 a.m. on your tuesday. good morning. i' m lisa cooney. mark: and i' m mark hayes. thanks for joining us. randi rico and kyla woods are in this morning with your weather and traffic. let' s go straight to randi rico because these ladies are going to be busy the next couple of days.

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United States , Arizona , College Hill , Ohio , Nevada , Netherlands , South Carolina , Indianapolis , Indiana , Florida , Fort Thomas , Virginia , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Cincinnati , Butler County , American , Michael Jackson , Marco Rubio , George Vogel , Rick Tyler , Jay Bruce , Dan Griffin , John Kasich , Mariah Carey , Tammy Mutasa , Lisa Cooney , Ted Cruz , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WLWT WLWT News 5 Today 20160223 :

Transcripts For WLWT WLWT News 5 Today 20160223

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mark: good morning, everyone. thanks for joining us. i' m mark hayes. lisa: i' m lisa cooney. your headlines are straight ahead. sunshine today. changes tomorrow. randi: today is nice and sunny. three days in a row where the weather is completely different. take a look at the radar. we are starting out a lot like yesterday. we' re starting out in the 30' s. you will get a good bit of sunshine. right now 30 degrees. 34 downtown. it is going to be a nice, almost springlike day. 8:00 a.m., 34, clear and cold. it is still jacket-worthy this afternoon with sunshine. tomorrow things change. direction. rain and gusty winds and maybe up to two inches of rain of steady rainfall. big-time changes over the next three days. guys? mark: breaking now, one person is dead after a tarin collides with a craine in the netherlands. emergency crews are at the scene. we know the train has derailed as a result. few details are coming in at this time. she says her son was killed by members of a cincinnati rap group, and after the murder, they tried to intimidate her. lisa: police say these rappers were among the half a dozen people who were arrested in a huge drug bust. wlwt news 5' s tammy mutasa talked with a local mother about loss and justice. tammy: police tell me the murder of naquez mitchell sparked the investigation into the rapper criminals. his mom says this is what for her family. >> that's my son. it' s my son. tammy: nothing compares to the loss of your child. >> naquez is a special child to me. he' s my oldest child and i love naquez. tammy: naquez mitchell was executed and left for dead in his car last may. >> i have just been going through hell. just going through hell. tammy: police say his killers are two members of a rap entertainment group called fdd. >> you killed somebody, and it' s the bible. "thou shall not kill." because when you kill, everything starts unfolding. tammy: now detectives say even more rappers have been charged in a violent drug operation. just look at all their drugs, guns, and wads of cash investigators showed us. police say they even bragged about their crimes in music videos. >> just knowing god and believing in god and putting it in his hands, i knew justice was going to be done. tammy: detectives say the group is also responsible for west end shootings a few feet from where selina hope lives. >> it' s been kind of like a jungle out here. >> it could have been anybody in the midst of a shootout, just being at the wrong place at the wrong time. tammy: they commend police for getting them off the streets. but one thing will never change. >> i' m very pleased, but i' m still without my child. i' m still without my child. tammy: naquez' s mom tells me some members of the group action came to her house to try to intimidate her. lisa: police say they expect more arrests soon. mark: developing this morning, speed and drugs are considered factors in a deadly crash on 275. the driver was killed and a baby was hurt. dan griffin has the latest on good morning. dan: the man driving the car as of last check, we know the critical condition in the hospital. that crash happened at about 275 just east of the 471 exit near fort thomas. fort thomas pd tells us a four-door sedan drove off the right side of the road, rolling several times and throwing three of four people out of the car. witnesses say the baby flew 30 feet into the air. police tell us the driver had track marks, and needles were found in the car. a woman in the backseat with the baby is in critical condition, and a man riding in the front passenger seat was talking and alert at the scene. police haven' t determined if any adults wore seat belts. it' s also unclear how all of the crash victims are related to the ll keep working to get that reporting live, dan griffin, wlwt news 5. lisa: cincinnati police and city leaders have officially wrapped up their latest effort to hear your ideas about reducing violence. a final public forum with the new police chief took place last night in college hill. the theme -- more opportunities one girl said she felt resources, but she liked finding out what the city had to offer. >> we' re showing people what cincinnati has to offer. we' re not just bad kids running around doing bad things. like, i want to show more adults and more people, it' s more offered than us just out here, going to games, doing stuff like that. lisa: district five did see an increase in shootings from 2014 to 2015. last year d5 had 79 of the city' s 492 shootings. as for property crime, district five had 893 cases in 2015. down by more than 100 incidents from 2014. mark: an update on efforts to help restore the rabbit hash general store that was destroyed in a fire more than a week ago. so far more than $53,000 has been raised online through a go-fund-me account. and today duke energy will present a check for $25,000 to the store owner. a local t-shirt maker, cincinnati shirts, has also designed some rabbit s famous dog mayor. all proceeds will go to the store. lisa: a lot of people getting behind that effort. not a bad start. good morning. randi: yesterday was a nice afternoon. starting out right where we were yesterday. most towns a degree above or below freezing. this morning, just like yesterday, the kids do need the coat early. this afternoon a sweatshirt will do. into the second part of the day, 52. big-time changes are on the way. new friends over at mason intermediate school. i got to visit them last week. we talked a little bit about snow days. it will have rain or snow. snow will start to stick on the early morning commute on thursday, the possibility on thursday. enjoy the dry roads for your commute this morning. kyla: they look good right now. we will cross our fingers. it always gets tricky when we see any precipitation out of there. none to worry about this morning. 71 looks good north or southbound. 71, 75 is still wide open at the 275 interchange. this is the norwood lateral. it is worth celebrating. we have new cameras and i am very excited. lisa: we' re just as happy as you are. he' s one of the reds recognizable stars after an mark: now could jay bruce be heading out of spring training before camp ever officially begins? george vogel' s in arizona next with sports. lisa: is singer rihanna better than the king of pop, michael jackson? a new record on the billboard' s hot 100 says she is. where she' s placed among the greats, coming up in trending. mark: taking a live look outside morning on a tuesday morning. 34 degrees right now. you' re watching cincinnati' we don't decorate in one color. we don't stick to one fabric. or one shape. so why use traditional aerosols that are one-dimensional? new air wick room mist with life scents is a multi-layered fragrance, just like scents in real life. our homes are rich, varied, and pleasantly surprising. and air wick room mist is, too. finally, a true-to-life fragrance, for your lively home. air wick. lisa: good morning and welcome back on your tuesday. we' ll talk about sunshine in the forecast. starbucks lovers are upset over the company' s new loyalty policy. mark: miriah turner has the details and other stories trending this morning. good morning. miriah: it is not good news for people who love starbucks. starting in april, customers will no longer receive one point or star per visit. instead, you' ll get two stars for each dollar spent, and gold status is also changing. right now, customers receive gold status once they' ve earned 30 stars in a year. that' s loosely equivalent to visiting starbucks 30 times. gold members also get a free food or beverage product after 12 stars. but when the new points system launches in april, customers spend close to $150, to reach gold status and you will earn 125 stars or spend about $63 in exchange for a free item. you have to stand more money. rihanna is working it. her latest single, "work," featuring drake, has hit the top of the billboard hot 100, her 14th number one on that chart. that puts rihanna in third place all-time for hot 100 leaders, beating out michael jackson and behind only the beatles and mariah carey. good for her. fitness monitors are super popular right now, so our indianapolis nbc affiliate recently put them to the test. wthr tested six different brands here on your screen and found the highly recognizable ones were just as good as their lower-profile rivals. meaning no need to shell out a lot of cash for the devices. while most were good at counting steps and distance, they found they weren't the most reliable for calculating calories. overall, testing found that if they can motivate you to get out and walk more, than they' re mark: you have to keep moving. >> i always have mine on. i go downstairs to the live alert desk, upstairs. i get my steps in. mark: my band broke. i have to fix it. lisa: i got jake one for christmas. randi: i know whether or not i have been active that day. did i run? if i didn' t i was on the couch. we' re going to check this next system. it is going to have a couple of things. here is a breakdown for wednesday and thursday. wednesday morning, we' re looking at pockets of heavy rain, gusty wind. a wet commute tomorrow. more rain and maybe some thunder and lightning thrown into the mix. late wednesday night, right around midnight, we have the rain snow changeover. eventually it will start to stick through the morning. we are expecting snow showers on thursday, 1-2 inches possible from this system. you can see when the rain and snow are expected in your area. mark: it looks like the trade rumors are getting a little more serious for the reds. lisa: according to reports, the reds are working on a three-team trade that would ship jay bruce to toronto. george vogel reports for goodyear, arizona. george: we are in goodyear, arizona. the reds will have the first jay bruce expects to be a part of that workout. there were reports that bruce would be part of a potential trade to toronto. bruce going to toronto and getting back some prospects. that trade just a rumor. pitchers and catchers went through a fifth day of workouts. a lot of that time was then with introductions. it is as common as flashing water on the infield. in this camp, there are a lot of new players. it is almost like the first day of elementary school. >> we have one jumping up before we start the day. introduce yourselves and tell them about yourself. that is what we are doing. fast friends, even around the batting cage. tomorrow. many are already here, like billy hamilton. >> i thought about it a few times. i am available. i can return a couple of kicks. re kidding or not. >> i am not kidding. george: he may not have been kidding. he says it has got to be getting on base more that puts him over the top this year. we have been talking about that for two years now. he was good enough in high school to be a prime time performer of the week. we' re talking girls high school the prime time performer surpassed 2000 points. it is three points that earn terror this honor. >> she dropped 23 points and seven rebounds in a win versus highland. her famous basket --nailing a buzzer beater three from the other side of the court. >> i didn' t believe it. oh, m,y y god. i could not believe it. >> it was what happened after -- >> we could try. >> hitting the shot again. and now her story is blowing up, over 13,000 views on facebook in the true definition of a prime time performer. >> i am here to present the primetime performer of the week to allison weeks. george: that is fantastic. the college basketball poll out today. villanova now number one. xavier is fifth in both polls. indiana, 18th. the big east conference player of the week from x avier. the reds were burning some midnight oil last night, perhaps involving that trade with jay bruce. reports that the reds were his way to toronto in a three team deal. we will have reports all throughout the evening. i am george vogel. mark: taking a live look outside on a tuesday morning. another nice day coming our way. we have some changes coming our way. looks like a deck of card. randi: a little something for everybody. three seasons in three days. we are never in one specific season. day one, very springlike, a lot like yesterday. a great afternoon. get outside and enjoy temperatures in the low 50' s. heavy rain tomorrow. we look at the radar this morning, we are starting out with mostly clear skies. sunshine for the first part of the day. clouds to the extreme southeastern areas. the window 12 miles for our. temperatures where they were yesterday. 34 at 8:00 a.m. through the afternoon, into the low 50' s. everything changes starting tomorrow. the clouds slowly build in from the south. fairly overcast into the midnight. midnight the rain starts to move in from the south. through the overnight hours, pockets of heavy rain. will be doing with soggy roadways for the morning drive. into the afternoon, more showers and maybe some thunderstorm activity going on. midnight wednesday night, rain -snow changeover line. up to two inches of rain is a good average for our area tomorrow. into thursday we change over to snow showers. slushy accumulation at first but eventually we will get some accumulation going, somewhere between 1-2 inches of total snow. they time changes tomorrow. heavy rain through the day on wednesday. some snow with accumulation on thursday. lisa? lisa: thank you. donald trump is expecting for the gop nomination at today' s gop caucus in nevada, . meanwhile, two of his rivals had some missteps on the eve of the nevada republican caucuses. miriah turner is at the live alert desk with more. miriah: trump may just laugh his way to a win in nevada, especially after a gaffe from john kasich and a campaign misstep from ted cruz. ted cruz has asked for his current communications director rick tyler to resign. it comes after tyler tweeted out a news story that falsely depicted rival marco rubio dismissing the bible. the story was not true, and the tweet was deleted. rubio' s campaign says cruz is spreading a culture of deceit in his own campaign. the same day ohio governor john kasich made an eyebrow-raising remark about women. on the campaign trail in virginia, he talked about women coming out of the kitchen to support him. later in the day, kasich attempted to explain the comment, calling it off-the-cuff. mr. kasich: everybody' s just got to relax, and the other thing i scripted candidate. miriah: meanwhile, rubio' s campaign has secured commitments from at least four major bush donors, while other backers of the former florida governor are taking a wait-and-see approach. despite whoever wins today' s caucus, you can be sure all candidates are looking ahead to a week from today, super tuesday, when nearly 600 delegates are up for grabs. from the live alert desk, i' m miriah turner. lisa: on the democratic side, hillary clinton and bernie sanders are gearing up for south carolina' s primary on saturday. clinton' s campaign believes her message is resonating with african-american voters in the state. she does have a lead over sanders in the polls after her win in nevada. mark: president obama has a plan to shut down guantanamo bay. white house officials will submit the outline to congress today. mr. obama has long vowed to close the prison facility. he says it is used as a recruiting tool by terrorists and is too costly to maintain. congress had opposed previous plans to shut gitmo down. the current proposal involves detainees to other countries. those deemed too dangerous for travel will be sent to a detention facility here in the u.s. >> cincinnati' s certified most accurate forecast. randi: all right, good morning. get ready for some weather whip lash over the next three days. low 50' s today, a lot like yesterday. sunshine and mild air. the rain rolls in late tonight. midnight or so, rain is working in from the south. it will be a wind-driven rain and maybe some thunder and lightning in the afternoon. expect 1-2 inches of rainfall tomorrow. right around midnight the snow showers could drop 1-2 inches of snow on tuesday. sunshine today, rain tomorrow, snow on thursday. this weekend, 50' s and 60' s. get through wednesday and thursday and things that great. kyla: off to a pretty good start on this tuesday morning. we are seeing green conditions on our map. travel times, not standing yet. 18 minutes on 74 from the indiana side. 13 minutes on 275 to 71. 16 minutes out of butler county on 75. construction has cleared up, though we will deal with it again for the rest of the week. mark: thank you. a deadly collision between a school bus and an suv. saying may have caused the crash. mark: taking a live look outside. 34 degrees on your tuesday morning. you' re waking up to cincinnati' s standoff expected in court this morning. the charges the latonia man faces as his jury trial begins today. >> we hardly could believe that something like this would take place in a school environment. mark: parents outraged after students were shot with a pellet gun at a local college. the active-shooter seminar that one student says was far too real. lisa: a beloved local business having hope after a devastating fire. how the rabbit hash general store is getting a big boost today in its rebuilding funds. [captioning made possible by wlwt-tv] >> from cincinnati' s wlwt, leading the way, this is wlwt news 5 today. lisa: 5:00 a.m. on your tuesday. good morning. i' m lisa cooney. mark: and i' m mark hayes. thanks for joining us. randi rico and kyla woods are in this morning with your weather and traffic. let' s go straight to randi rico because these ladies are going to be busy the next couple of days.

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