Transcripts For WLWT WLWT News 5 Today 20160112 : comparemel

Transcripts For WLWT WLWT News 5 Today 20160112

``and it is falling of the worst ``possible time. ``good morning, thanks for joining ``us. ``i am mark hayes. ``lisa: i' m lisa cooney. ``a very important day for these ``two powerhouses to collide and ``bring us the latest. ``mark: a few kids are up at this ``hour, hope your homework is ``done. ``you might get a couple of hours ``of school in. ``randi: it is going to be a time ``issue. ``i have long ago tried to give -- ``long ago given up how to guess ``how the schools are going to rea ``ct. ``sometimes, depending on how late ``your buses go, 8:00 or 10:00 ``this morning, the roads will be ``getting a little bit rough. ``right now it is not a huge ``issue. ``is you take a float that the ``radar, this is a large storm ``system -- as you take a look at ``the radar. ``we will watch these burst of ``indy has already seen one round ``but another one rolling to ``chicago and headed in our ``direction as you get towards the ``next couple hours. ``this is our first burst. ``this one has the potential to be ``more hefty looking as it rolls ``10:00 a.m. ``we will continue to watch that ``direction. ``we have got one round that ``rolled in late last night. ``did not cause that much down. ``that is exiting to the east. ``a light dusting. ``the study are snow rolling and ``supporters of butler county. ``middletown to hamilton at oxford ``and in through southeastern ``indiana north of 74. ``your first round of snow showers ``is on the way in. ``a winter weather advisory in ``effect. ``one maybe two inches tops but if ``it does come 8:00 or nine :00 or ``10:00 this morning, a lot of ``people on the road trying to get ``to work or school. ``here is the breakdown for today. ``8 ``by noon, the snow heads out and ``are temperatures start to tumble ``as we begin the second part of ``the day -- check that out. ``4:00, we are sitting at 20. ``feels like into the single ``digits. ``a waiting game this morning. ``looks like if you are heading ``out in the next hour or so, no ``big issues. ``kyla: the roads are great out ``there so far. ``if you get ready to head out at ``this early hour, here is a look ``at 71 and 75. ``one crew putting some salt down. ``hopefully that will help us miss ``out on any major problems we may ``run into with the snow coming ``down later this morning. ``and you can see, 71-75 moving ``along. ``275 same thing. ``through the eastgate area, still ``seeing that light volume. ``75 looks good heading out along ``the i-75 corridor. ``we will continue to cover it and ``let you know if any problems pop ``up. ``mark: the snow is just starting ``to fall in some areas. ``we' re keeping an eye on the ``roads. ``coverage with richard chiles ``live along madison road. ``richard: good morning. ``we are starting to see some ``isolated flurries coming down. ``the anticipated 1-2 inches ``expected sometime around 8:00 ``a.m. ``looks like it may be beginning ``in the tri-state. ``madison road, a main artery into ``downtown cincinnati coming from ``the east. ``the roads ahve been -- have ``been pretreated. ``cars are still allowed to park ``on both sides of the road. ``when the city does issue snow ``emergency, the parking has to be ``moved from the main artery and ``people have to move their cars. ``at this time, pre-treatment has ``happened in the city. ``roadways are clear. ``old on the highways and through ``the main arteries with no ``evidence of precipitation as of ``yet. ``flurry activity here in hyde ``park. ``- lisa: thank you. ``4:34. ``we know the deep freeze will ``move in after the snow and there ``hypothermia eight can occur in ``temperatures -- can occur in ``temperatures as high as 50 ``degrees if conditions are dampen ``wending. ``babies in the elderly are at the ``highest risk. ``for signs of hypothermia, ``shivering. ``frostbite becomes a problem. ``fingers, toes, years, knowss, ``thef -- noses the first to be ``affected. ``you should take off wet clothing ``and wrap up in warm blankets. ``let' ``now where they are supposed to ``morning. ``mark: andrew setters is in ``westchester right now. ``good morning. ``andrew: good morning. ``we are here at cincinnati and ``tyler' s railroad in westchester. ``this is a busy intersection, at ``least it will be as the morning ``drive begins to pick up. ``it also will be of the snow ``begins to pick up. we have a few flakes here. ``i can type tight i have been ``listening a lot to randi' ``forecast and one of the biggest ``concerns for me is the wind and ``the cold temperatures, because ``single digit low is coming makes ``becomes a big problem as well. ``the road c ``fairly small window of time to ``get here and attack this snow ``before the temperatures change. ``it could present a problem for ``chemicals. ``the salt becoming less effective ``at the colder temperatures. ``with that snow coming in an ``temperaturesd dropping to the ``single digit is within less than ``one of four hours, it could ``present problems. ``they will want to get the snow ``off the roads as quickly as they ``can to keep driving conditions ``in good shape on the back end of ``the system. ``we will be watching all of it as ``we go throughout the morning. ``mark: thank you. ``well, now going a little closer ``the city is getting ready for ``the snowy road conditions. ``dan: good morning to you. ``one thing i have noticed here as ``the traffic is starting to pick ``up on interstate 71. ``the other thing picking up, ``starting to cease of snow ``flurries. ``cincinnati road crews are ``keeping a close watch on what is ``going on. `` they are pretreating the roads. ``24,000 tons of salt. ``60,000 gallons of brine they ``will put all over the streets to ``make sure they are ready to go ``as the precipitation comes down ``to one thing i have to say that ``is interesting. ``the temperatures are very -- are ``fairly mild. ``i was speaking with the ``photographer. ``it feels pretty ball me out ``here. ``-- balmy out here. ``it is very interesting. ``they are taking a close look at ``this and trying to make sure ``they are ready to rumble with ``mother nature. ``during an event, to stay in the ``comfort of your home, you will ``be safe, you will be warm. ``the less traffic that is out on ``the street allows us to get ``through and do our jobs much ``easier. ``dan: the next thing they want ``people to remember is that as ``you' re driving, the snow will ``come and quickly when a lot of ``people are going to work and ``school. ``the best thing to keep in mind ``is to go slow. ``make sure you' re not slamming on ``your brakes, driving quickly. ``make room for them of they are ``clearing the road and spreading ``sell because they do need room ``to work. ``be careful, be conscious, and ``keep us on issue are getting ``ready for school and work this ``morning. ``-- as you are getting ready for ``work and school. ``mark: thanks to our viewers in ``kentucky who sent us this ``picture of their porch covered ``in snow. ``this line of snow came from a ``system overnight. ``not the main weather system we ``will see in just a little bit. ``you can send us your pictures as ``well. ``upload them to the you local ``section of ``lisa: let' ``32 degrees, holding steady. ``good morning to you. ``randi: we had a couple of rounds ``of flurries and light snow ``showers overnight. ``basically a pin will affect we ``have going on today. ``-- a a pinwheel effect. ``this is not entire -- the ``entirety of her system. ``there is one that will hit us ``toward the latter half of the ``morning rush. ``that one may have a little more ``intensity. ``as you take a look at the radar, ``here it is mainly north of the ``275 loop. ``our crew has started to ``see the snow coming down a ``little bit more. ``out toward liberty. ``for the kids heading to the bus ``stop this morning, yes, we do ``have some delays at the bottom ``of the screen but i do not think ``everyone gets delayed or close ``for today. ``plan on bundling up at the bus ``stop this morning. ``snow and wind on the way. ``i say that because it looks like ``most of it will be picking up `` depends on what your districts ``bus schedule is like. ``on the way home from school, 21, ``windy and getting way colder. ``for those of you that are ``decision-makers waking the -- ``heaviest, 7:00 or 8:00 and ``getting going at 9:00 or 10:00 ``a.m. ``you are looking at 1-2 inches of ``total snowfall. ``let' s check of roads. ``kyla: they are still clear. ``if you' re heading out, you can ``see the snow later on this ``morning. ``heading out the door, you do not ``need a lot of extra time at this ``hour. ``here is 471 at 27. ``if you' re heading to northern ``kentucky, we are sing a little ``bit of slow traffic on this ``portion of 275 at the interstage ``-- interchange of 471. ``heading in northbound direction, ``-- and int o downtown cincinnati. ``still a clear start there. ``lisa: thank you. ``the heartbreaking loss. ``could the orange and black be in ``for a roster overhaul? ``latest sports news with a major ``decision looming this ``off-season. ``lisa: outside life right now ``through city cam, a live look at ``the suspension bridge over the ``ohio. ``32 degrees. `` at longhorn steak like this@ doesn' t need anything else. which is why we don' trjust add, anything else. longhorn steaks thatr sizzle for $12.99. @ the new smoky bacon sirloin. jalapeno sirloin. and the parmesantcrusted sirloin. vtonight @ only at longhorn steakhouse. you cant fake steak. and for lunch try our new steak@and bacon cheddar melt. or any steakhouse lunch combotstarting at $7. `` ``>> good morning. ``the time is 4:43 on year ``tuesday. ``here is a live look at ``westchester where you see a ``couple of snowflakes coming ``down. ``now looks better. ``look at those stories -- ``flurries. ``this is not a huge snowstorm but ``definitely could cause in any ``convenient as we head towards ``the later part of the morning ``commute, because one inch of ``snow if it hits while their ``loved people on the road, can ``cause some tire apps. ``we are taking a live look ``through our weatherbug camera at ``connors felt. ``-- connorsville. ``a little bit of the road in the ``distance. ``not huge accumulation there, ``either. ``we are only expecting an inch, ``maybe two max, but indy has only ``seen one round of snow. ``here is a look at lucas oil ``stadium in downtown indy. ``snow on the rooftops. ``a few more snow showers earlier. ``a little bit of a lull. ``the second round rolling towards ``in right now. ``d a lot of snow showers between ``indianapolis and cincinnati. ``ymore up behind them. ``this is a pinwheel. `` we watch rounds of snow showers ``intensify and blossom on the ``the next couple hours. ``right now watching the snow ``showers fall -- butler county, ``hamilton county, harrison ``started to see the batch of ``snow. ``here is a general breakdown for ``today. ``it arises between now and 7:00. ``an inch maybe two max out of the ``system. ``mark: thank you. ``punishment for bengal star ``linebacker vontaze burfict. ``the aftermath of saturday' s huge ``penalty. ``it will now extended to next ``season. ``lisa: george vogel has the ``lisa: george vogel has the ``suspension handed down from the ``nfl. ``george: vontaze burfict feeling ``the heavy hand of the nfl. ``he has been suspended for the ``first three games of next ``season. ``welcome back. ``a three-game suspension without ``pay. ``that is how the nfl says the ``bengals linebacker will begin ``the 2016 regular season. ``burfict does plan to appeal the ``suspension according to his ``agent. ``in saturday night' ``the nfl considering burfict a ``repeat offender since he had four previous times ``brown suffered a concussion. ``and perfect was hit with a ``penalty to give the steelers ``into field goal range. ``that was fouled up by a penalty ``on adam jones. ``>> both players could not be ``more -- ``heartbroken. ``literally to tears both of them ``about what went on. ``and that' s the first step to ``realizing, i' m wrong. ``and it' s unfortunate. ``george: the bengals went the day ``cleaning out their lockers. ``bringing a close to the season. ``there are a slew of free agents. ``this could be the last time some ``of these guys are in the locker ``room at paul brown stadium. ``>> i cleaned out my locker ``taking what you really want just ``in case you are not back. ``it is a different feeling. ``it is part of the business. ``george: there are 15 free ``agent' s on the roster including ``marvin jones, and andre smith. ``on defense, you have the ``starting safety, a couple of ``corners including adam jones. ``throwing coaches that could ``leave and it will be a rather ``interesting off season. ``the bengals already started the ``process of stocking up on young ``players for next season. ``they have re-signed five guys ``from their practice squad and ``also added jeff luc who played ``his college ball at u.c. ``according to jesse sanchez the ``reds have signed a young cuban ``shortstop. ``21 year old alfredo rodriguez. ``he is said to be an excellent ``fielder but his bat is suspect. ``rodriguez will get $6 million to ``sign but the whole deal ``back $12 million. ``the latest college basketball ``poll is out. ``kansas still numero uno. ``xavier moving up to seventh at ``14-1. ``kentucky false of 14 and ``louisville falling to 21. xavier ``paul. ``up later on in the day. ``mark: 4:48 your time as we take ``a live look outside. ``we are waiting for the hammer to ``drop this morning. ``lisa: what we are waiting for is ``the system making its way in. ``kyla said my tweet was too ``strong. ``i had a graphic of a pow. ``it' s a one-two punch. ``i fear the cold. the cold was brutal ``yesterday. ``randi: it was not going to be a ``bad commute for everyone but ``really cold for everyone this ``afternoon. ``this afternoon, there is no ``avoiding single-digit wind ``chills. ``winter weather definitely in ``force for us today. ``during the morning rush, we are ``snow showers rolling through. ``going to be windy and weighed ``colder as we head into the ``afternoon. ``snowfall totals bigs acted -- ``snowfall totals expected in the ``inch or two inch range. ``this large system continues to ``roll through bringing us some ``snow showers right now. ``you can see inside and around ``the 275 k loop, not to have to at ``the moment. ``right now butler county, seeing ``snow showers from hamilton to ``middletown all the way towards ``oxford in harrison. ``we' ll zoom in. ``fairfield starting to see those ``first couple of snow shower ``started to ramp up in intensity. ``it is not just one burst of ``snow. ``look back towards pre a, -- ``peoria, you will watch this ``snow intensify. ``it is a secondary burst at 8:00 ``this morning that may have more ``punch to it that could make the ``roads more snow covered. ``right now 32 degrees. ``check out those wins southwest ``at 13 miles an hour. ``wind chill-23. ``here is the planner for today. ``those temperatures taking a big ``lunchtime. ``degrees. ``by noon, the snow is tapering ``tumbling. ``down to 24. ``3:00, 21 degrees. ``by 6:00 tonight, skies are ``clearing out. ``the temperature -- 18 or so. ``five. ``showers rolling in this morning. ``the heavier bursts at 8:00 or ``10:00. ``the end of the morning rush is ``when we could see the heavier ``snow. ``even some light snow showers can ``cause slick spots. ``i lunchtime, on the back edge of ``those snow showers pushing out ``as you head to the afternoon. ``and the skies will clear out as ``you head into tomorrow morning. ``so let' s take a look at what we ``are expecting for our snowfall. ``models can go all over the place ``but most of them have a pretty ``good consensus on the system ``bringing us around an inch or so ``of snowfall. ``kind of hovering near that inch ``or inch and a half of snowfall. ``not a huge system for us. ``on the grand scale of things but ``if it does hit while you are on ``the road, it is a much bigger ``deal. ``today, 31 degrees. ``as to have a jurist tumble, ``tonight all the way down into ``the single digits, and then ``looking ahead tomorrow, 24 for ``the high. ``by thursday, backup and the ``it will be milder for the end of ``the work week. ``the rain friday evening will ``transition to light snow ``saturday morning. ``mark: thank you. `` a quick look at some of your top ``stories this warning. ``a robbery suspect killed after ``two cincinnati police officers ``opened fire on him and west ``price hill. ``police say the suspect allegedly ``robbed to stores. ``the officers saw the suspect ``with what a. ``to be a weapon in his waistband. ``the officers have not been ``identified. ``dead into missing after ``firefighters say a home exploded ``in northern ohio last night. ``it happened in the town of ``northfield which is 20 miles ``south of cleveland. ``one of the deceased is an adult ``woman. ``the other is a child. ``fire investigators believe the ``two people missing are a father ``and daughter. ``lisa: 4:52. ``president obama delivers his ``final state of the union address `` he' s expected to talk about ``economic recovery. ``the need to reform gun laws and ``the fight against terrorism. ``the white house says the ``president will keep his seat ``empty next to michelle obama to ``represent victims of gun ``violence. ``south carolina governor nikki ``haley will deliver the ``republican response to the state ``of the union. ``mark: in a store you saw first ``on wlwt, cincinnati public ``schools opening a new school for ``the first time in years. ``they have to open i n august. ``the district will notify parents ``by the end of the months on the ``status of their gifted ``applications. ``>> cincinnati' s certified most ``accurate forecast. ``randi: good morning. ``that winter weather advisory in ``effect for us up until the early ``afternoon. ``that is when the snow will move ``out. ``for today, our current ``temperatures close to freezing. ``once that snow rolls out, are ``crash may be a better word for ``it this afternoon. ``as far as the snowfall goes, we ``will see rounds of snowfall ``between now and 7:00 a.m. ``a lull and then potentially a ``heavier burst between 8:00 and ``10:00. ``the latter half of the morning ``rush, we could see the snowfall ``pick up a little bit. ``9:00 or 10:00 this morning ``before moves out closer to ``lunchtime. ``and we try things out to the ``afternoon. ``but those winds rolling and 20 ``miles an hour make it feel like ``a single digits this afternoon. ``and we will dip into the single ``digits tonight. ``all the way down to three ``degrees. ``tomorrow not making it out of ``the 20' s. ``milder at the end of the work ``week with temperatures back up ``into the 40' s. ``and then more snow saturday ``morning with some flurries on ``sunday. ``so far so good? ``kyla: so far so good. ``this morning, we have not seen ``that snow move in and in fact ``most of our roadways yet. ``off to a good start. ``we will continue to cover that ``18 minutes on 74. ``if you are heading from the ``indiana side to i-75. ``out of butler county, 17 minutes ``on 75 southbound. ``17 minutes on 71. ``but we have a broken down ``tractor-trailer on the ``northbound side of the jeremiah ``morrow off to the shoulder. ``traffic is still very light. ``we will check again at the top ``of the hour. ``lisa: 4:55. ``we are checking some stories ``that are trending this money. ``mark: one car in buffalo will ``need far -- something stronger. ``the car was parked along lake ``erie. ``overnight. ``in the middle of winter storm. ``strong winds sent the waves ``splashing up over the rails ``covering the car in ice. ``what you do not see is the other ``side of the car which did not ``get splashed it all. ``lisa: not nearly as impressive. ``a minnesota family is making ``good use of the snow by building ``what else? ``three brothers spent 500 hours ``making the sculpture. ``they tried to create a different ``sculpture every year. ``that is very good. ``mark: that is really well done. ``good detail. ``a bold burglar in portland, ``oregon. ``in a pet store. ``they catch a man stealing s a sn ``ake by putting it down his ``pants. ``the store owner says the snake ``stole is ahe black python about ``two feet long and was being sold ``for $200. ``[laughter] ``lisa: i don' t know what to say ``about that. ``was that an initiation into some ``kind of club? ``mark: what kind of club would ``that be? ``lisa: somebody is laying an egg ``over there. ``mark: i just read the story ``straight forward, right down the ``middle. ``what it is. ``when we continue this morning, ``road crews staying busy this ``morning for. ``for mother nature. ``lisa: we are live with the ``latest on preparations to keep ``you and your family safe is you ``hit the road this morning. ``mark: we take a live look ``outside. ``4:56, 32 degrees as we stay on ``top of the winter weather. v @ more than 3 million people already know the feelingr of feet so silky 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Portland , Oregon , United States , Middletown , Kentucky , Cleveland , Ohio , Minnesota , Westchester , Indiana , Lake Erie , Cincinnati , Paul Brown Stadium , Hamilton County , Hyde Park , South Carolina , Kansas , Cuba , Butler County , Chicago , Illinois , Cuban , George Vogel , Nikki Haley , Jeff Luc , Andre Smith , Michelle Obama , Marvin Jones , Xavier Paul , Jesse Sanchez , Adam Jones , Alfredo Rodriguez , Lisa Cooney ,

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