Transcripts For WLWT WLWT News 5 At Noon 20160308 : comparem

Transcripts For WLWT WLWT News 5 At Noon 20160308

m mark hayes. m kyla woods. lisa cooney has the day off. a student in amelia is in custody. threatened to harm a classmate mark: wlwt news 5' s jenell walton is live at the union township police department with more on the arrest. janelle, good afternoon. jenell: the student is a sixth grader at amelia middle school. authorities say he was arrested around midnight at his home. this afternoon. the public information officer with west clermont local schools says the investigation started around 10:30 last night. a concerned parent posted on facebook that she heard a student was threatening to harm another student at amelia middle school on clough pike. people started commenting that the woman who posted the information should contact police. that' s when the union township police department started working with the school resource officer to track down the student. facebook that her daughter told her a friend sent her a picture of his friend holding a handgun. he said he was going to come to school today and hurt somebody at school. jenell: school went on as usual this morning. however, they do have a few extra sheriff deputies on school grounds today. jenell walton, wlwt news 5. mark: the school district says school counselors are also available to any students who have concerns. kyla: we continue to get new developments at the scene of a devastating house fire in indiana. mark: officials have confirmed a body has been found inside the home that burned down overnight. kyla: the situation continues to unfold in aurora. wlwt news 5' s brian hamrick is live on the scene with what we' ve learned. minute or so, they removed the body from this burned-out building here, the home or they say an elderly woman lived. with her son and his wife. they have not yet said if this is the body of that woman. you can see it is still an active scene. people are involved in their point. we do know that the woman, her escape the fire. i talked exclusively to the son this morning, he said the fire spread very quickly. he couldn' t put it out. the fire was very intense, neighbors caught it on cell phone video as the home here on market street was fully engulfed area after the fire was out, the focus turned to finding the investigation. they just remove the body here moments ago. not only is the fire marshal coroner, but also prosecutor is here, along with investigators from his office and the aurora police department them. the man believes the fire started in the couch. >> i woke up and walked into the room, the living room. the couch looked like it was blazing. i went outside to get the hose to hose it down, by the time i got back, couldn' t even get back in the house because it was so much smoke. brian: the structure was so unstable, they had to bring in engineers just to determine if they could get in here and try to retrieve the body out of this building. the other thing about this is they had to get a search warrant because there was a death here. a wanted to be sure if there was any kind of evidence of anything , just to be on the safe side, that they would have the search warrant they were able to go and collect any evidence in the scene as well. meanwhile, the woman we are told the sun -- the son was ok at back at the scene this morning. reporting live, brian hamrick, wlwt news 5. kyla: it' s feeling more like spring, we' ll check in with meteorologist randi rico. randi: it is gorgeous. the sun is shining, there' s a little bit of a breeze. we are talking temperatures up into the 70' s this afternoon. in fact, if we hit or beat 72 degrees, it will be the warmest day of the year. as you take a look right now it temperatures currently across the area, we are in the upper 60' s to around 70 degrees in greater cincinnati. we should continue to climb up into the mid-60' s. it will be a great day to get outside. no excuses. 2:00, breezy and 70. 5:00, pretty much perfect at 71. comfortable at 8:00 tonight. research start to bring in the through tomorrow. i will break down the timeline and where coming up in a few minutes. kyla: cincinnati police are investigating a shooting in over-the-rhine this morning. investigators say a woman was shot in the backside, around 4:20 this morning at the intersection of lang and east mcmicken. she' s been taken to university of cincinnati hospital with unknown injuries. police tell us they have not made an arrest. mark: a south lebanon mother and her 22-month old son hasn' t been seen for nearly a week, and now deputies are investigating. the warren county sheriff' s office is now asking for information about the whereabouts of 20-year-old kallie carnes and her 22-month-old son. she left behind a note on last wednesday and took off. there is concern they could be with joshua craft, who was convicted of abusing the child. initially the sheriff' s office said they didn' t' qualify as missing people, but they' ve since changed course. erin rook: not knowing where they are, or what they are going through -- we don' t know. and that' s what' s the most hurtful is not knowing. mark: they could be driving a make and model of the vehicle. if you know anything about their s office at kyla: the cause of death for a a mystery. tara turner had been missing for a month. before fishermen found her body in snag creek, in bracken county. the medical examiner' s office and the coroner have not s death. investigators are narrowing down the cause. jane turner: they told us the night they found her, she wasn' t stabbed, shot or strangled. kyla: the kentucky state police are now leading the death investigation. mark: in commitment 2016 -- today voters in four states are adding their voices to the race for the white house. kyla: wlwt news 5' s nikole killion is in our exclusive washington bureau with more on what to expect. nikole: today, four states choose between six candidates. idaho and hawaii hold contests mississippi and michigan will select candidates in both parties. marc sandalow: michigan is going to tell us whether or not this race is going to be dramatically changed. nikole: michigan is considered the crown jewel with nearly 60 delegates at stake for republicans and at least 130 for democrats. hillary clinton: the sooner i could become your nominee, the more i could begin to turn out attention to the republicans. sen. bernie sanders: if there is a large voter turn out in michigan we are going to do very, very well. nikole: on the gop side. gov. john kasich: there is a better way to run our politics and unite our country. nikole: ohio governor john kasich is counting on his midwest connections to close the deal as he gains on donald trump in the polls. donald trump: raise your right hand everybody. do you swear that you are going to vote for donald trump? nikole: trump is still ahead but several polls show his support may be slipping not only in michigan but also in ohio and florida -- key battlegrounds m nikole killion. kyla: donald trump is defending a gesture he makes at his rallies, asking for supporters to raise their right hand and promise to vote for trump. some are comparing it to a nazi salute. show," trump called the accusations "ridiculous" ridiculous. re having such a great time in mississippi, i had sometimes we' and they' ll scream at me do the swear in, do the swear in. honestly, until this phone call i didn' t know it was a problem. kyla: after today, donald trump will set his sights on ohio. the republican front runner will stop in vandalia saturday morning, just a few days before the ohio primary. the dayton airport expo center will host the campaign event. it' s free to attend, but you have to pre-register online. doors open at 7:00, saturday morning. mark: and one week from ohio' s primary election, we' re getting early voting numbers from he announced today that there have been more than 328,000 for the march 15 election. and more than 173,000 people in ohio have already cast their ballots. you can still participate in early voting, both in person and mail-in ballots, through march 14. kyla: head to to follow and see what' s ahead for the candidates. chaos. mark: a passenger train derails overnight. sending passengers plunging into a swollen creek. >> i realized something was wrong so i held on the trails and right then the train flipped over. mark: the effort to rescue injured passengers, and what officials say may have caused the crash. kyla: plus, fallout after tennis star maria sharapova made the shocking announcement she tested positive for a banned substance. s gorgeous outside, it' s going to be a great night to fire up the grill and spend the evening outdoors. temperatures in the low 70' s and early evening, and even at 8:00 tonight, only down to 64. there are going to be some warm days ahead, but also fairly wet weather rolling our direction. when those rain chances move it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous always keep laundry pacs away from children. keep them closed. keep them up. keep them safe. >> you' re watching cincinnati' s leading the way. kyla: it' s been two years since of one of aviation' s greatest mysteries. crews are still searching for the wreckage of malaysia airlines flight 370 in the indian ocean. course during a flight from malaysia to china, before vanishing with 239 people on today, malaysia' s prime minister says he hopeful the plane will be found, as lawmakers and families of the victims observe a moment of silence. today is also the deadline for those families to file for compensation, or sue the airline. nine people are recovering after northern california. kyla: officials say the train hit a tree that fell on the nbc' s bob redell has the latest on this developing story from from niles canyon, california . was a mudslide that swept a tree onto its tracks and caused this commuter rail car to tumble of horrifying 50 feet into the cold waters of the alameda creek. it happened around 7:30 left night in niles canyon, 40 miles southeast of san francisco. it was a four card train with an engine pushing from behind, carrying 214 passengers between san jose and stockton. it was the last one of the night when two cars derailed. one stayed upright, teetering on a ledge while the other fell into the creek. the cap flooded, passengers screamed, first responders raise to rescue those who could not escape on their own. remarkably, everyone survived, but nine people were hurt. four of them seriously. >> it' s a minor miracle. this rugged, it' s rural, it' s cold, it' s start. for people on the train, the immunity dressed to be out in 45 degree weather at the time. kind of a fog. you have to account for all these things going on. train was traveling. we do know the generally speaking, the stranger supposed to go relatively slow through is so steep and curvy. for nbc news. kyla: the train light is expected to be closed as the investigation continues and the derailed train is removed. mark: a 31-year-old new jersey state trooper has died after being hit by a vehicle at the scene of an accident last night. it happen on interstate-295 in west deptford. police say trooper sean cullen had been a trooper for about two years. officials say cullen was airlifted to a hospital in camden with severe head injuries, he was pronounced dead this morning. the driver who hit the trooper stopped, and is cooperating with investigators. kyla: millions of americans will have the chance to pay their respects this week to former first lady, nancy reagan. mrs. reagan will be laid to rest next to her husband, at the ronald reagan presidential library, after a private funeral friday. before that, her body will lie library tomorrow and thursday. the first lady died on sunday at the age of 94-years-old. mark: sportscaster erin andrews has won her civil suit over a stalker filming her nude in a hotel. on monday, a jury awarded her $55 million. andrews' attorneys say, the nashville marriott never should have told her stalker, michael barrett, what room she was staying in, or let him stay in the room next to her. andrews says she suffered from depression after the video ended up online. the jury put 51% of the blame on barrett. and gave the hotel management group 49% of the responsibility. kyla: tennis superstar maria sharapova is losing sponsors, after failing a drug test at the australian open. nike and tag heuer are cutting ties, after sharapova admitted she tested positive for meldonium. she claims she' s been taking the drug for years, for numerous health issues. reports say, it can be used to help endurance athletes. the medicine was not placed on s certified most accurate forecast. randi: if you work anywhere near your looking outside, it' i know. temperatures climbing up into the 70' s, it looks like spring is here in full force. for the next several days, that. for the next three days. towards the weekend. but still staying way above the normal highs for this time of year. it averages about 50. a good 20 degrees above that, if not more through the afternoon. clouds around early this morning, those of cleared out. nothing but sunshine expected as we head to the afternoon. currently sitting at 68 degrees, wind the southwest at 12 miles an hour. it' s a bit of a brisk breeze, it' s coming out of the south and helping to drive this temperatures up as we head to the rest of the afternoon. 5:00, sunny and mild and 72. 8:00 this evening, 64. by 11:00 tonight, down into the 50' s. a great evening ahead if you can get outside, if you can' t tomorrow, as a part of town that may be dealing with rain showers, especially early in the day. futurecast is showing clear skies as we head into the evening. nice and mild overnight, the lowly dipping down to the mid-50' s as clouds roll in. for tomorrow, in the first part of the day, from john threw about lunch, there will be the potential for passing showers indiana. you will notice this area of rain moves off to the north. by lunchtime, the rain chances gone, he really is centralized to those of you a little west of cincinnati. the afternoon, everyone s the 70' s great as we get into moving in the morning, you see a steady rain as we get into the afternoon and evening hours on thursday. for today, 72. sunshine and springlike feel, tonight dipping down to 54. for tomorrow, right back up to 70. we could see showers west and northwest of cincinnati in the morning. for most places, another gorgeous day. thursday, scattered showers arrive by mid-to-late morning. getting steadier into the evening. i think the rain will move out early friday morning. it' s a cold front, temperatures state -- take a step back. the weekend, saturday is the better day. a couple of sprinkles, steadier rain on sunday. you lose an extra hour of sleep as we head through saturday night into sunday morning. mark: thank you. xavier fans and students woke up early to cheer on the muskees. right now, they' re headed to the big apple for the big east tournament. kyla: we were there this morning, as students loaded the buses for new york. school officials say xavier scheduled spring break this year to coincide with the tournament, so students wouldn' xavier has the number 2 seed the muskies' first game will be thursday. the st. john' s-marquette game. mark: uc is also taking part in the conference tournament action, and they are heading to uc will be in orlando, when they take on uconn, in the american athletic conference tournament. that game is friday, and the tip is set for 2:00. kyla: uc has also announced the date of this year' s homecoming celebration. the bearcats will play east carolina, on october 22. yet. but they promised plenty of pomp, with homecoming parades, and band performances. mark: hollywood is taking sides in the race for an ohio senate seat. kyla: who' s putting their support behind cincinnati city councilman p.g. sittenfeld. mark: two ohio amusement parks letting you in on some upgrades. the changes coming to cedar point and kings island this [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, caption content and accuracy. mark: welcome back. before we go this noon a , cincinnati city councilman has received a "force-ful" endorsement in his u.s. senate campaign against former governor kyla: p.g. sittenfeld' s campaign released this video on youtube showing "star wars" actor mark hamill giving his support to sittenfeld. hamill says he supports sittenfeld because of his stance on gun control. also endorsed by jonathan banks, an actor in "breaking bad" and "better call saul." sittenfeld faces strickland in the ohio primary. the winner will face senator rob portman in the general election. mark: the queen city is about to get a visit from the man known as the "soup nazi". larry thomas will be at the oakley kroger on friday from noon until 3:00. he is going to help launch a new line of soup, that will be available at kroger. it' s called the original soup man. the founder inspired the soup nazi character on seinfeld. kyla: when he' s passing of the suit, does he say no soup for you? happening today. i-hop is offering a free short stack of buttermilk pancakes to customers. in return, i-hop is asking you to leave a donation for the children' s miracle network hospitals or other local charities. since beginning its national pancake day celebration in 2006, i-hop has raised nearly $20 million for charities. this year' s goal is $3.5 million. summer. new train cars have arrived in sandusky and they are about to be installed on a new roller coaster. the track for the "valravn" coaster is finished and testing with the trains is about to begin. the coaster is being billed as the world' s tallest dive coaster, standing 223-feet high. tallest dive coaster, standing 223-feet high. s than any other amusement park in the closer to home. more secretive. they posted this picture on s going in this spot," by the diamondback roller coaster. what that could be is not known. we do know crews are working on a new water slide complex for soak city. it' s called tropical plunge, and it' s going to be seven-stories tall with six different water s expected to be ready when soak city opens on may 28. skies are cool. it' s still not even spring. it' s good to be a gorgeous temperatures for everybody s. sunny skies, a little on the deal. great weather well into the evening. tomorrow, there is a rain chance, mainly west and northwest of cincinnati. most of us will stay in to the 70' s. the rain chance wraps up for everyone on thursday. i think we do see another good sunday. kyla: thanks, randi. mark: that' s it for us, we will but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message we can make and 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...was the right move for us. pask your doctor about xarelto . lights, camera, access. let's move to this red classic. >> on behalf of both of us. >> all of that substance of course came with exquisite style. i'm billy bush, we're at the reagan library for a very special tour of nancy reagan's fashion. in the midst of her allegations against dr. luke, an emotional kesha opens up. >> can you see yourself walking

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