Transcripts For WLWT WLWT News 5 At 500 20160115 : compareme

Transcripts For WLWT WLWT News 5 At 500 20160115

the most important thing is that everyone got out alive. that man was burned over 40% of his body. if we get an update, we will pass it along to you. mike: the fire chief there in lebanon saying this was a great example of teamwork knocking down that fire. for other agencies assisted in fighting that fire. sheree: a shooting happened at an apparent robbery at an 18-year-old' s home at cincinnati columbus road. reporter: for the first time tonight, the police discussed a it turned out to be a robbery that left a west chester teenager dead and four other young men facing serious charges. of the four arrested, demarcus faces the most serious charge of murder and aggravated burglary. in bond set at $1 million. charged in connection to the death. and 19-year-old rodney foster are charged with complicity to murder and complicity to aggravated burglary. >> we believe the motive in this crime was robbery at the residence. >> they did not randomly choose the home. >> they conspired and to remain in the vehicle and enter the residence. reporter: the first person they came in contact with was the victim' s brother. >> the brother was approached outside and forced back in. >> a gun went off. he left the scene in the car. he died later at the hospital. police say tyler and five others were inside when this all went down. he said three people witnessed the shooting. one thing i did find interesting, the chief says many agencies are now involved. he would not elaborate on why. sheree: police said they were looking for a girl tonight. they told us it was incorrect mike: bullets riddled the side of a truck after a shootout. police are looking to the suspect in that other car. but there is another search going on as well. brian, how that woman doing? >> she' s in critical condition. the family tells me they underwent surgery today. there is an added level of anger for this family. only one thing could make it worse. a crime scene measured in miles. >> there may have been an exchange of gunfire between the two vehicles. >> a shootout between people. aisha williams was driving this red avalanche that was hit with a barrage of bullets. she was hit at least once. >> he was with her mother when she found out about the shooting. >> they were not shooting at her. that is who they were probably shooting at. reporter: police agree. they say the passenger was most likely the intended target but after she was hit, the passenger left her bleeding from the gunshot wound and took off, making it even worse. >> he came back to retrieve an again. >> they are still trying to identify the passenger. the victim' s family to see if they knew who the victim was with last night. >> two types of bullet casing seven put into a database to see if the guns matched those used as for the family of the victim, they can only wait. >> we' re just praying for them. >> she has not regained consciousness. the family remains optimistic. they know there are no guarantees. mike: police say the second vehicle was a silver sedan. a man was flown to the hospital with unknown injuries. another person also grazed by a bullet but refused treatment. mike: off. they were able to get out ok. we will have to find another home -- the family will have the find another home to stay in. sheree: an appeals court has upheld the conviction of the former juvenile court judge. supporters are not happy about it. john london joins us live from the courthouse tonight. >> she is not surprised. she considers the system corrupt and will continue to fight spiritual armor. in spiritual battle as an actual battle. they ruled her conviction was based on sufficient evidence and no error in pulling the jury. shenanigans were going on to make her appear corrupt. wrong. . >> will stand by her. this is causing enough drawer in the community. >> it is a one-sided lopsided affair. >> it smells conspiracy. i' m not a conspiracy theorists, but that' s what it smells like. >> they told us these conspiracy the are dangerous and without evidence, she should apologize to the community. sheree: hunter plans to participate one day before her retrial begins. mike: brooklyn smith just turned five. she was taken to children' s hospital where her family was told that she is the same diagnosis as lauryn hill. she underwent surgery to allow pressure and fluid to drain from inside her brain. s doing great. family. little girl. >> she has a lot of life in her. intelligent. she loves to tell you how it is. set up. more than $4500 has been raised. taking a big hit today. since 2003. just two weeks. an unprecedented slide for the start of the year. mike: a tennessee couple could not keep a secret. >> i have a big favor to ask. show and i won' t be in today. sheree: a call to work and an announcement on the today show that surprised everyone. >> and the rain moving in ahead of a cold front. we will double tonight and talk about your weekend temperatures. mike: workers at an indiana auto shop have made a surprise trunk of a repossessed suv. they found a freezing and hungry dog. the dog spent the first three days eating and drinking water as if he' d never been fed. he' s being cared for by the humane society and has quickly >> long story short, he looked at him through four times and says, i think these are the right numbers. but i won' t say anything and get our hopes up until we hear it in the media. >> it is official. john and lisa robinson are millionaires. their winning ticket verified a short time ago. bought the ticket on the way home from work wednesday night in their small town of 6000 people. only handful of places to buy lottery tickets. many people are shaking their head nervously about this family flying to new york city with the ticket. to reveal themselves on the sheree: before they took the ticket to the lottery officials to be verified, they have that part of the story tonight. >> 27 miles north of memphis and home to america' s newest multimillionaires. >> john and lisa robinson bought the winning ticket at the neighborhood grocery store. >> look again. and i' m running down the hallway. >> i checked them for times and said, i will believe it when the news comes on in the morning and say there is a winner in mumford. reporter: the town is on the 6000 people embracing the good fortune that has put them in the national spotlight. >> this is it. >> it put us on the map, for sure. this morning before presenting lottery. they wanted to let them know before ducking out of the -- but they also plan to keep working. they plan to keep working. mike: the two other winning tickets were sold in florida and california. sheree: the second of three has now been claimed. it is a group of 11 coworkers from the duke of public schools. a great story here. they call themselves the tiny tornadoes. that investment paid off with a $1 million jackpot. each person will receive $62,000. not too bad. >> and a wet friday evening, they have been increasing coverage from the west. they will continue to or three hours of light rain. it is all just rain. temperatures are in the 40' s and pockets are a little bit heavier. notice our back edge trying to push towards the western counties. by 8:00 and 9:00, we will see some quieter conditions downtown. pretty widespread for hamilton county. flow that heavier for butler county and lifting off towards dayton. you may run into a heavier band a touch heavier towards batavia as well. most of this is very light and kind of a nuisance. this rain continuing. the back edge 8:00 into downtown and temperatures will fall off of a cold front arriving 11:00 tonight. we will drop between 10:00 and midnight tonight. and a touch of moisture still , a couple of flurries possible on the backside of this. most of this will be in the form of rainfall. nothing too impressive. it goes along with the year as well as. a south wind at seven miles an hour. our cold front coming through tonight. we will be left with highs only in the mid-30' s tomorrow. it gotten used to a little bit more. today we are near 50 degrees again. with the cloud cover. i think it will be very limited. that is when the next system arrives and will gather moisture ahead of a strong cold front. by late afternoon to evening, a couple of snow showers and a few heavy temperatures, that will end the weekend later. tomorrow morning, the cloud cover, a flurry or two possible. it will be very limited. i think a good amount of us will see something sunday evening. your comes snow showers later in the afternoon. a little bit of a drop-off from the mid-40' s right now. and the struggle for the temperature. sunday we may see a little bit of sunshine early. we' re talking highs in the teens. a more overnights back in the single digits. it will bring some snow showers as temperatures start to climb. sheree: sean penn breaking his silence about the big meeting with a lord and fugitive el chapo. mike: he calls his article a complete failure and says he was set up by the mexican government. sheree: actor sean penn setting the record straight. mike: he is shooting down claims that his visit with the fugitive was essential to his recapture. in a network interview, he says he believes the mexican government set him up. >> we met with him many weeks earlier. in a place nowhere near where he was captured. we are not smarter than the dea or the mexican intelligence. we had a contact upon which we >> du you believe the mexican government released this in part because they wanted to see you blamed and to put you at risk? >> yes. >> they wanted to encourage the cartel to put you in the crosshairs. >> if he thought he was in it for the thrill of the big scoop, he would say you are wrong. his purpose was to begin a conversation about the policy on the war on drugs. he says, my article failed. let me make it clear. my article failed. sheree: thanking his lucky stars tonight. the seven-year-old dog was chasing a deer when he ran onto the ice. animals broke through. the dog held on until help arrived. >> what he did for that dog is m thinking he' die because i can' get him. >> he thought about getting a t. the team did not waste any time. the dog was finally rescued. mike: a bitter battle has the park changing names on several iconic landmarks. they' ve run the concessions for more than 20 years. rather than go gracefully, they have staked a claim to key properties. the national park service is disputing the claims but changing the names to avoid sheree: are we still upset about the bengals loss? mike: until the end of the super bowl. sheree: bengals fans still reeling. mike: emotions were high, things got ugly and some big fines were handed out today. sheree: and a local company and employees facing charges after a deadly fire. what the victim' s father says about today' s court hearing. in 1934, steak 'n shake decided the world didn't need another hamburger. it needed a steakburger. quick seared to seal in the flavor ... ... you'll only get from a steakburger. steak 'n shake, home of the original steakburger. a customer tweets "bank fees make me physically ill. #overdraft" how do you respond? sounds like a medical problem. i'd send her to a hospital. "hashtag not the bank's problem." at huntington, she can link with her savings account and then we transfer the money for free. we do that. for a fee of $10. to transfer her own money? hashtag obviously. free transfers from savings when you're overdrawn. welcome to huntington -- mike: a father speaking years after his son is killed on the job. he died after a 2012 explosion at environmental enterprise. sheree: today was the arraignment. courtis fuller talked with the victim' s father on a day that is significant in more ways than one. >> i hope there is justice out there for my son. >> he is prepared to do whatever it takes to fight for his son. zachary died at environmental enterprises in december of 2012. >> this would' ve been his 24th birthday. reporter: a jury issued a nine indictments against two supervisors. charges that include involuntary manslaughter, reckless homicide, tampering with evidence and falsifying training records. the company and the employees simply did not do what the law requires. zachary' s father agrees. >> hopefully they step in and do something because this is been going on long enough. >> we reached out to the company but have not heard back from the next court hearing is set for january 29. mike: a number of fines handed down after the ugly game between the steelers and the bengals. george vogel has the update live from the newsroom. george: the nfl announced $83,000 worth of fines today involving four players and to steelers assistant coaches. jones. domata peko and wallace gilberry were find. foster was fined $17,000 while assisting coach joey porter were each fined $10,000. vontaze burfict was nailed for a suspension on this hit on antonio brown. adam jones claimed that brown was faking the injury. he said if brown could not plan tomorrow' s playoff game, he today, brown was ruled out by the steelers and adam was true to his word. >> a b. my apology, my brother. i' m a man of my word. i apologize. george: so brown was not faking and adam jones was not the only news the bengals made today. they hired a new offensive coordinator. mike: bengals fans will sell you the joey porter penalty should have been one on the field instead of this financial thing a week later. ben roethlisberger still questionable for sunday' s game against the denver broncos. a grand jury has indicted a west chester man for allegedly selling fake bengals tickets. he was indicted for forgery and counterfeit trademarking. he sold the attorney argued the tickets were real. sheree: an easier way to get documents from the police department. requests for a number of filling out an online form. officials say it will help save hours. mike: they are calling for the mayor rahm emanuel to step down. about 60 ministers reportedly said they were not attending the breakfast this year. they say the mayor' s office covered up the 2014 shooting death of teenager laquan mcdonald. he said that the breakfast was not about him. because we will not be the city we need to be and can be unless we restore trust between our police and our communities. >> protesters made their way inside the event and had to be removed. >> water troubles are growing. the governor is asking for an emergency. they have declared states of emergencies. they' ve is a been complaining about the high levels of lead for at least a year. the federal government says it is looking into it. >> the epa and department of justice has indicated they are taking a close look at this situation in terms of the science and the impact that it has had and could have on local populations. after officials decided to change the water source from one of the great lakes to a local river. mike: wal-mart announcing it will close 269 stores worldwide. many of them in the southern part of america. they will start at the end of the month. many of the smaller walmart express stores will focus on supercenters, neighborhood markets, and e-commerce. walmart employees will be affected by the closing. they help many of them can be moved to other stores. sheree: when it comes to the finest hotels, downtown cincinnati joins others at the top of the list. natalie clarke takes us inside of the diamond award-winning hotel. >> the diamond rating is a prestigious honor given to five hotels in cincinnati including right here. the renaissance. >> we have five hotels that of reach that level. reporter: aaa announced five downtown hotels were on the prestigious for dimon rating after a rigorous inspection. >> random and unannounced. they have no idea when the inspector will be on site and it is multiple visits. >> inspectors make multiple trips across north america. visiting cities like new york, los angeles, and chicago. >> these four diamond establishments, they are major market cities. >> you get a taste of the renaissance era with a modern >> it speaks to what the city has to offer. cincinnati has a lot to offer. >> future visitors will now know that these are the highest rated hotels in the city and some of the best in the country. >> more will be awarded in february. sheree: the renaissance, the west in, the hilton plasma, and the cincinnati in which is our areas longest running four diamond hotel. if you are maybe dying for warmer weather, the travel sports and boat show is underway at the duke convention center tonight. plenty of rvs and after more than 12 years, the show features a new layout. it runs through the 24th of this month. mike: bullying is a problem but local kids are learning how to deal with those situations. >> there are plenty of books but an author came in with a special book. many kids know what it is like to be bullied. >> it makes me feel really sad and hurts my feelings. >> an actor and now author is teaching students how to handle these difficult situations. >> my last >> it is the slicks -- six children' s book. the badger loses friends by being mean. >> rather than take on somebody, be friends with them. >> the more they can practice that, it will be more natural. reporter: from encouraging reading and creativity, the student seem to be quick learners. >> tell the bully that you can' t put up with it. >> if you see someone bullying, you tell a teacher. reporter: a valuable lesson the students will be able to use for the rest of their lives. mike: he was cast as a football player and we are marshall, leathernecks, and the dark knight rises. sheree: great to have him right here. the candidates are once again back on the campaign trail. mike: jeb bush picks up an endorsement from a former opponent who is now backing bush. >> temperatures are tumbling. a you've upgraded all your old technology... so what about this? it's time to get into the new with ford come and get it if you really want it... new is ecoboost technology. new is a foot-activated liftgate. new is tougher, stronger and lighter. new is ford. america's best-selling brand. now get into a new focus, fusion, or escape with 0% financing for 60 months plus $2,000 dollars trade-assist cash. sheree: the 2016 campaign moves closer to iowa. donald trump and ted cruz are now in fierce fights are your votes. sally has the very latest from washington tonight. >> we saw ted cruz and donald trump clash last night and today with just over two weeks , a wall street journal nbc news poll finds donald trump widening his lead nationally. >> we are not going to be the stupid people anymore. we have the dumbest people leading our nation. i' m going to be here so much in the next two weeks, he will be sick of me. >> he' s virtually tied with ted cruz. >> we see the federal government violating our rights every day. >> taking heat for criticizing new yorkers. >> the values are socially liberal, pro-gay marriage marriage, focus around money and the media. ask the mayor calling him a hypocrite. >> he' s quick to put out his hand and get new york money and then insults the people and values of new york. he asked for my support on a bill and he cut and run. >> they picked up the support of lindsey graham. >> south carolina is going to reset this race. we are going to give jeb bush the momentum. >> that most endorsements he will have this round. >> the lawsuit has been filed challenging ted cruz' s eligibility for the candidacy. sheree: the republicans hold their next debate on january 28. as for the democrats, their debate is in charleston, s.c.. the debate airs starting at 9:00 right before news five at 11:00 with courtis fuller. u.s. senator rand paul undercard debate. he went live on periscope and took a shot on -- at donald trump. >> we have people on the stage that have no earthly idea what the nuclear triad is. weapons. i' m talking about you, donald. >> he was booted from the main stage because of all numbers. >> the search continues tonight for 12 people after two marine helicopters collided over hawaii overnight. each chopper had a crew of six on board. they were on a late-night training mission. the coast guard is now helping with this search. >> a turned deadly, an american actor is now facing murder charges. ricardo medina was arrested for the stabbing death of his roommate and was taken into custody last year. they say his roommate was stabbed with a sword. prosecutors asked for a million dollar bond. >> a cloudy and gloomy friday. light sprinkles at first and some steady evening showers overhead. we should start to see the back edge of this move through. this is all rain. we made it up to 49 for an afternoon high. rain showers moving through. some of it a touch heavier in spots. it is starting to taper for indiana counties. it has been widespread. strive for batavia. this back edge could be a little bit more intense. light to moderate rain. the cold front comes in about 11:00 tonight. still out across indiana. temperatures comfortably above the freezing mark. we will drop about 10 degrees in two hours. and for the overnight, just a little bit of moisture, we could see a few flurries overnight. it does look like the cloud cover will stick around. it' s not going to dry us out. we do the clouds around. a south wind at nine miles an hour. the wind will switch of the west. working on the back edge of it. we will not see too much more. our first cold front comes through tonight. it' s a quiet start but the next cold front to end weekend already sliding in from the midwest will grab enough moisture to have snow showers in the second half of our sunday. it will have a big impact on temperatures heading into next week. the cold air bottled up, starting to slide in tomorrow and it is diving south on sunday. they will stay below zero all weekend. air arriving sunday evening and single-digit temperatures to start off monday afternoon and likely only have highs in the teens. a big drop back. a colder start for next week. flying a few more tomorrow, and sunday, 29. late afternoon snow showers. we start to come out of it. snow showers possible for the midweek on wednesday. mike: dumping it all on us. she' s just reporting. it' s what she has to do. lebron james getting more involved in the tv business. sheree: the reality show king james. mike: amazon celebrating the they are hav these little guys? they represent blood cells. and if you have afib-an irregular heartbeat that may put you at five times greater risk of stroke they can pool together in the heart, forming a clot that can break free and travel upstream to the brain, where it can block blood flow and cause a stroke. but if you have afib that's not caused by a heart valve problem, pradaxa can help stop clots from forming. pradaxa was even proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke, in a clinical trial without the need for regular blood tests. and, in the rare event of an emergency, pradaxa is the only oral blood thinner other than warfarin with a specific reversal treatment to help your body clot normally again. pradaxa is not for people who have had a heart valve replacement. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke or blood clots ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before any planned medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding. and seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have kidney problems, stomach ulcers, a bleeding condition, or take certain medicines. side effects with pradaxa can include indigestion, stomach pain, upset or burning. don't just go with the flow. go with pradaxa, the only blood thinner that lowers your risk of stroke better than warfarin and has a specific reversal treatment. talk to your doctor mike: i remember the pilot and flight crew that saved everybody by landing in a river right in a heart of new york city? >> seven years since the miracle on the hudson. more than 3000 feet in the air with damage shutting down both of the plane' s engines. the crew was able to put the plane down safely in the water less than four minutes after the engines failed. all 100 55 people on board survived. flags are flying at half staff in honor of the late husband of the singer celine dion. he discovered celine dion when she was only 12 and drove her career to start them. we also found out tragic news. a representative says that her brother has cancer as well and is not have long to live. >> lebron james taking his talents to the tv screen again. he is said to coproduce and start in a show called cleveland hustle. we' their local businesses while revitalizing the neighborhood in cleveland. it' s not the first time. in the disney channel. sheree: the popular amazon prime services on sale for $73 this weekend to celebrate the company winning golden globe awards for one of its online series. amazon prime offers to day shipping for free. the sale runs through sunday at midnight. amanda sent to the hospital after his home goes up in flames today. what investigators think started this fire. mike: a teacher' life of a boy the forecast is in. "a chance of snow." and for those of us who love winter, these words mean so much more. they mean a chance to conquer new hills. and explore new trails. a chance for first steps. a chance to leave the world behind. it's our chance to bundle up, get outside and laugh with the ones we love. welcome to the winter wonderland of pure michigan. your snow day begins >> you know what, they were not shooting at her. it was whoever it was in the car. sheree: a woman seriously injured in a shootout between two cars. police are looking for the gunman that took off as the stay behind to help out. mike: three arrests in the death of an 18-year-old. sheree: and a person is burned over 40% of their body trying to get out of a house fire. mike: that' s where we begin. a man severely burned in a fire. among the half dozen or so people pulled to safety. reporter: as darkness falls out here, you see that scorched building lending into the night. several agencies responded to this fire. when that officials say should of never happened. >> the whole street out here was filled with smoke. >> the smoke and flames ripped through this duplex, right

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Transcripts For WLWT WLWT News 5 At 500 20160115 :

Transcripts For WLWT WLWT News 5 At 500 20160115

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the most important thing is that everyone got out alive. that man was burned over 40% of his body. if we get an update, we will pass it along to you. mike: the fire chief there in lebanon saying this was a great example of teamwork knocking down that fire. for other agencies assisted in fighting that fire. sheree: a shooting happened at an apparent robbery at an 18-year-old' s home at cincinnati columbus road. reporter: for the first time tonight, the police discussed a it turned out to be a robbery that left a west chester teenager dead and four other young men facing serious charges. of the four arrested, demarcus faces the most serious charge of murder and aggravated burglary. in bond set at $1 million. charged in connection to the death. and 19-year-old rodney foster are charged with complicity to murder and complicity to aggravated burglary. >> we believe the motive in this crime was robbery at the residence. >> they did not randomly choose the home. >> they conspired and to remain in the vehicle and enter the residence. reporter: the first person they came in contact with was the victim' s brother. >> the brother was approached outside and forced back in. >> a gun went off. he left the scene in the car. he died later at the hospital. police say tyler and five others were inside when this all went down. he said three people witnessed the shooting. one thing i did find interesting, the chief says many agencies are now involved. he would not elaborate on why. sheree: police said they were looking for a girl tonight. they told us it was incorrect mike: bullets riddled the side of a truck after a shootout. police are looking to the suspect in that other car. but there is another search going on as well. brian, how that woman doing? >> she' s in critical condition. the family tells me they underwent surgery today. there is an added level of anger for this family. only one thing could make it worse. a crime scene measured in miles. >> there may have been an exchange of gunfire between the two vehicles. >> a shootout between people. aisha williams was driving this red avalanche that was hit with a barrage of bullets. she was hit at least once. >> he was with her mother when she found out about the shooting. >> they were not shooting at her. that is who they were probably shooting at. reporter: police agree. they say the passenger was most likely the intended target but after she was hit, the passenger left her bleeding from the gunshot wound and took off, making it even worse. >> he came back to retrieve an again. >> they are still trying to identify the passenger. the victim' s family to see if they knew who the victim was with last night. >> two types of bullet casing seven put into a database to see if the guns matched those used as for the family of the victim, they can only wait. >> we' re just praying for them. >> she has not regained consciousness. the family remains optimistic. they know there are no guarantees. mike: police say the second vehicle was a silver sedan. a man was flown to the hospital with unknown injuries. another person also grazed by a bullet but refused treatment. mike: off. they were able to get out ok. we will have to find another home -- the family will have the find another home to stay in. sheree: an appeals court has upheld the conviction of the former juvenile court judge. supporters are not happy about it. john london joins us live from the courthouse tonight. >> she is not surprised. she considers the system corrupt and will continue to fight spiritual armor. in spiritual battle as an actual battle. they ruled her conviction was based on sufficient evidence and no error in pulling the jury. shenanigans were going on to make her appear corrupt. wrong. . >> will stand by her. this is causing enough drawer in the community. >> it is a one-sided lopsided affair. >> it smells conspiracy. i' m not a conspiracy theorists, but that' s what it smells like. >> they told us these conspiracy the are dangerous and without evidence, she should apologize to the community. sheree: hunter plans to participate one day before her retrial begins. mike: brooklyn smith just turned five. she was taken to children' s hospital where her family was told that she is the same diagnosis as lauryn hill. she underwent surgery to allow pressure and fluid to drain from inside her brain. s doing great. family. little girl. >> she has a lot of life in her. intelligent. she loves to tell you how it is. set up. more than $4500 has been raised. taking a big hit today. since 2003. just two weeks. an unprecedented slide for the start of the year. mike: a tennessee couple could not keep a secret. >> i have a big favor to ask. show and i won' t be in today. sheree: a call to work and an announcement on the today show that surprised everyone. >> and the rain moving in ahead of a cold front. we will double tonight and talk about your weekend temperatures. mike: workers at an indiana auto shop have made a surprise trunk of a repossessed suv. they found a freezing and hungry dog. the dog spent the first three days eating and drinking water as if he' d never been fed. he' s being cared for by the humane society and has quickly >> long story short, he looked at him through four times and says, i think these are the right numbers. but i won' t say anything and get our hopes up until we hear it in the media. >> it is official. john and lisa robinson are millionaires. their winning ticket verified a short time ago. bought the ticket on the way home from work wednesday night in their small town of 6000 people. only handful of places to buy lottery tickets. many people are shaking their head nervously about this family flying to new york city with the ticket. to reveal themselves on the sheree: before they took the ticket to the lottery officials to be verified, they have that part of the story tonight. >> 27 miles north of memphis and home to america' s newest multimillionaires. >> john and lisa robinson bought the winning ticket at the neighborhood grocery store. >> look again. and i' m running down the hallway. >> i checked them for times and said, i will believe it when the news comes on in the morning and say there is a winner in mumford. reporter: the town is on the 6000 people embracing the good fortune that has put them in the national spotlight. >> this is it. >> it put us on the map, for sure. this morning before presenting lottery. they wanted to let them know before ducking out of the -- but they also plan to keep working. they plan to keep working. mike: the two other winning tickets were sold in florida and california. sheree: the second of three has now been claimed. it is a group of 11 coworkers from the duke of public schools. a great story here. they call themselves the tiny tornadoes. that investment paid off with a $1 million jackpot. each person will receive $62,000. not too bad. >> and a wet friday evening, they have been increasing coverage from the west. they will continue to or three hours of light rain. it is all just rain. temperatures are in the 40' s and pockets are a little bit heavier. notice our back edge trying to push towards the western counties. by 8:00 and 9:00, we will see some quieter conditions downtown. pretty widespread for hamilton county. flow that heavier for butler county and lifting off towards dayton. you may run into a heavier band a touch heavier towards batavia as well. most of this is very light and kind of a nuisance. this rain continuing. the back edge 8:00 into downtown and temperatures will fall off of a cold front arriving 11:00 tonight. we will drop between 10:00 and midnight tonight. and a touch of moisture still , a couple of flurries possible on the backside of this. most of this will be in the form of rainfall. nothing too impressive. it goes along with the year as well as. a south wind at seven miles an hour. our cold front coming through tonight. we will be left with highs only in the mid-30' s tomorrow. it gotten used to a little bit more. today we are near 50 degrees again. with the cloud cover. i think it will be very limited. that is when the next system arrives and will gather moisture ahead of a strong cold front. by late afternoon to evening, a couple of snow showers and a few heavy temperatures, that will end the weekend later. tomorrow morning, the cloud cover, a flurry or two possible. it will be very limited. i think a good amount of us will see something sunday evening. your comes snow showers later in the afternoon. a little bit of a drop-off from the mid-40' s right now. and the struggle for the temperature. sunday we may see a little bit of sunshine early. we' re talking highs in the teens. a more overnights back in the single digits. it will bring some snow showers as temperatures start to climb. sheree: sean penn breaking his silence about the big meeting with a lord and fugitive el chapo. mike: he calls his article a complete failure and says he was set up by the mexican government. sheree: actor sean penn setting the record straight. mike: he is shooting down claims that his visit with the fugitive was essential to his recapture. in a network interview, he says he believes the mexican government set him up. >> we met with him many weeks earlier. in a place nowhere near where he was captured. we are not smarter than the dea or the mexican intelligence. we had a contact upon which we >> du you believe the mexican government released this in part because they wanted to see you blamed and to put you at risk? >> yes. >> they wanted to encourage the cartel to put you in the crosshairs. >> if he thought he was in it for the thrill of the big scoop, he would say you are wrong. his purpose was to begin a conversation about the policy on the war on drugs. he says, my article failed. let me make it clear. my article failed. sheree: thanking his lucky stars tonight. the seven-year-old dog was chasing a deer when he ran onto the ice. animals broke through. the dog held on until help arrived. >> what he did for that dog is m thinking he' die because i can' get him. >> he thought about getting a t. the team did not waste any time. the dog was finally rescued. mike: a bitter battle has the park changing names on several iconic landmarks. they' ve run the concessions for more than 20 years. rather than go gracefully, they have staked a claim to key properties. the national park service is disputing the claims but changing the names to avoid sheree: are we still upset about the bengals loss? mike: until the end of the super bowl. sheree: bengals fans still reeling. mike: emotions were high, things got ugly and some big fines were handed out today. sheree: and a local company and employees facing charges after a deadly fire. what the victim' s father says about today' s court hearing. in 1934, steak 'n shake decided the world didn't need another hamburger. it needed a steakburger. quick seared to seal in the flavor ... ... you'll only get from a steakburger. steak 'n shake, home of the original steakburger. a customer tweets "bank fees make me physically ill. #overdraft" how do you respond? sounds like a medical problem. i'd send her to a hospital. "hashtag not the bank's problem." at huntington, she can link with her savings account and then we transfer the money for free. we do that. for a fee of $10. to transfer her own money? hashtag obviously. free transfers from savings when you're overdrawn. welcome to huntington -- mike: a father speaking years after his son is killed on the job. he died after a 2012 explosion at environmental enterprise. sheree: today was the arraignment. courtis fuller talked with the victim' s father on a day that is significant in more ways than one. >> i hope there is justice out there for my son. >> he is prepared to do whatever it takes to fight for his son. zachary died at environmental enterprises in december of 2012. >> this would' ve been his 24th birthday. reporter: a jury issued a nine indictments against two supervisors. charges that include involuntary manslaughter, reckless homicide, tampering with evidence and falsifying training records. the company and the employees simply did not do what the law requires. zachary' s father agrees. >> hopefully they step in and do something because this is been going on long enough. >> we reached out to the company but have not heard back from the next court hearing is set for january 29. mike: a number of fines handed down after the ugly game between the steelers and the bengals. george vogel has the update live from the newsroom. george: the nfl announced $83,000 worth of fines today involving four players and to steelers assistant coaches. jones. domata peko and wallace gilberry were find. foster was fined $17,000 while assisting coach joey porter were each fined $10,000. vontaze burfict was nailed for a suspension on this hit on antonio brown. adam jones claimed that brown was faking the injury. he said if brown could not plan tomorrow' s playoff game, he today, brown was ruled out by the steelers and adam was true to his word. >> a b. my apology, my brother. i' m a man of my word. i apologize. george: so brown was not faking and adam jones was not the only news the bengals made today. they hired a new offensive coordinator. mike: bengals fans will sell you the joey porter penalty should have been one on the field instead of this financial thing a week later. ben roethlisberger still questionable for sunday' s game against the denver broncos. a grand jury has indicted a west chester man for allegedly selling fake bengals tickets. he was indicted for forgery and counterfeit trademarking. he sold the attorney argued the tickets were real. sheree: an easier way to get documents from the police department. requests for a number of filling out an online form. officials say it will help save hours. mike: they are calling for the mayor rahm emanuel to step down. about 60 ministers reportedly said they were not attending the breakfast this year. they say the mayor' s office covered up the 2014 shooting death of teenager laquan mcdonald. he said that the breakfast was not about him. because we will not be the city we need to be and can be unless we restore trust between our police and our communities. >> protesters made their way inside the event and had to be removed. >> water troubles are growing. the governor is asking for an emergency. they have declared states of emergencies. they' ve is a been complaining about the high levels of lead for at least a year. the federal government says it is looking into it. >> the epa and department of justice has indicated they are taking a close look at this situation in terms of the science and the impact that it has had and could have on local populations. after officials decided to change the water source from one of the great lakes to a local river. mike: wal-mart announcing it will close 269 stores worldwide. many of them in the southern part of america. they will start at the end of the month. many of the smaller walmart express stores will focus on supercenters, neighborhood markets, and e-commerce. walmart employees will be affected by the closing. they help many of them can be moved to other stores. sheree: when it comes to the finest hotels, downtown cincinnati joins others at the top of the list. natalie clarke takes us inside of the diamond award-winning hotel. >> the diamond rating is a prestigious honor given to five hotels in cincinnati including right here. the renaissance. >> we have five hotels that of reach that level. reporter: aaa announced five downtown hotels were on the prestigious for dimon rating after a rigorous inspection. >> random and unannounced. they have no idea when the inspector will be on site and it is multiple visits. >> inspectors make multiple trips across north america. visiting cities like new york, los angeles, and chicago. >> these four diamond establishments, they are major market cities. >> you get a taste of the renaissance era with a modern >> it speaks to what the city has to offer. cincinnati has a lot to offer. >> future visitors will now know that these are the highest rated hotels in the city and some of the best in the country. >> more will be awarded in february. sheree: the renaissance, the west in, the hilton plasma, and the cincinnati in which is our areas longest running four diamond hotel. if you are maybe dying for warmer weather, the travel sports and boat show is underway at the duke convention center tonight. plenty of rvs and after more than 12 years, the show features a new layout. it runs through the 24th of this month. mike: bullying is a problem but local kids are learning how to deal with those situations. >> there are plenty of books but an author came in with a special book. many kids know what it is like to be bullied. >> it makes me feel really sad and hurts my feelings. >> an actor and now author is teaching students how to handle these difficult situations. >> my last >> it is the slicks -- six children' s book. the badger loses friends by being mean. >> rather than take on somebody, be friends with them. >> the more they can practice that, it will be more natural. reporter: from encouraging reading and creativity, the student seem to be quick learners. >> tell the bully that you can' t put up with it. >> if you see someone bullying, you tell a teacher. reporter: a valuable lesson the students will be able to use for the rest of their lives. mike: he was cast as a football player and we are marshall, leathernecks, and the dark knight rises. sheree: great to have him right here. the candidates are once again back on the campaign trail. mike: jeb bush picks up an endorsement from a former opponent who is now backing bush. >> temperatures are tumbling. a you've upgraded all your old technology... so what about this? it's time to get into the new with ford come and get it if you really want it... new is ecoboost technology. new is a foot-activated liftgate. new is tougher, stronger and lighter. new is ford. america's best-selling brand. now get into a new focus, fusion, or escape with 0% financing for 60 months plus $2,000 dollars trade-assist cash. sheree: the 2016 campaign moves closer to iowa. donald trump and ted cruz are now in fierce fights are your votes. sally has the very latest from washington tonight. >> we saw ted cruz and donald trump clash last night and today with just over two weeks , a wall street journal nbc news poll finds donald trump widening his lead nationally. >> we are not going to be the stupid people anymore. we have the dumbest people leading our nation. i' m going to be here so much in the next two weeks, he will be sick of me. >> he' s virtually tied with ted cruz. >> we see the federal government violating our rights every day. >> taking heat for criticizing new yorkers. >> the values are socially liberal, pro-gay marriage marriage, focus around money and the media. ask the mayor calling him a hypocrite. >> he' s quick to put out his hand and get new york money and then insults the people and values of new york. he asked for my support on a bill and he cut and run. >> they picked up the support of lindsey graham. >> south carolina is going to reset this race. we are going to give jeb bush the momentum. >> that most endorsements he will have this round. >> the lawsuit has been filed challenging ted cruz' s eligibility for the candidacy. sheree: the republicans hold their next debate on january 28. as for the democrats, their debate is in charleston, s.c.. the debate airs starting at 9:00 right before news five at 11:00 with courtis fuller. u.s. senator rand paul undercard debate. he went live on periscope and took a shot on -- at donald trump. >> we have people on the stage that have no earthly idea what the nuclear triad is. weapons. i' m talking about you, donald. >> he was booted from the main stage because of all numbers. >> the search continues tonight for 12 people after two marine helicopters collided over hawaii overnight. each chopper had a crew of six on board. they were on a late-night training mission. the coast guard is now helping with this search. >> a turned deadly, an american actor is now facing murder charges. ricardo medina was arrested for the stabbing death of his roommate and was taken into custody last year. they say his roommate was stabbed with a sword. prosecutors asked for a million dollar bond. >> a cloudy and gloomy friday. light sprinkles at first and some steady evening showers overhead. we should start to see the back edge of this move through. this is all rain. we made it up to 49 for an afternoon high. rain showers moving through. some of it a touch heavier in spots. it is starting to taper for indiana counties. it has been widespread. strive for batavia. this back edge could be a little bit more intense. light to moderate rain. the cold front comes in about 11:00 tonight. still out across indiana. temperatures comfortably above the freezing mark. we will drop about 10 degrees in two hours. and for the overnight, just a little bit of moisture, we could see a few flurries overnight. it does look like the cloud cover will stick around. it' s not going to dry us out. we do the clouds around. a south wind at nine miles an hour. the wind will switch of the west. working on the back edge of it. we will not see too much more. our first cold front comes through tonight. it' s a quiet start but the next cold front to end weekend already sliding in from the midwest will grab enough moisture to have snow showers in the second half of our sunday. it will have a big impact on temperatures heading into next week. the cold air bottled up, starting to slide in tomorrow and it is diving south on sunday. they will stay below zero all weekend. air arriving sunday evening and single-digit temperatures to start off monday afternoon and likely only have highs in the teens. a big drop back. a colder start for next week. flying a few more tomorrow, and sunday, 29. late afternoon snow showers. we start to come out of it. snow showers possible for the midweek on wednesday. mike: dumping it all on us. she' s just reporting. it' s what she has to do. lebron james getting more involved in the tv business. sheree: the reality show king james. mike: amazon celebrating the they are hav these little guys? they represent blood cells. and if you have afib-an irregular heartbeat that may put you at five times greater risk of stroke they can pool together in the heart, forming a clot that can break free and travel upstream to the brain, where it can block blood flow and cause a stroke. but if you have afib that's not caused by a heart valve problem, pradaxa can help stop clots from forming. pradaxa was even proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke, in a clinical trial without the need for regular blood tests. and, in the rare event of an emergency, pradaxa is the only oral blood thinner other than warfarin with a specific reversal treatment to help your body clot normally again. pradaxa is not for people who have had a heart valve replacement. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke or blood clots ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before any planned medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding. and seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have kidney problems, stomach ulcers, a bleeding condition, or take certain medicines. side effects with pradaxa can include indigestion, stomach pain, upset or burning. don't just go with the flow. go with pradaxa, the only blood thinner that lowers your risk of stroke better than warfarin and has a specific reversal treatment. talk to your doctor mike: i remember the pilot and flight crew that saved everybody by landing in a river right in a heart of new york city? >> seven years since the miracle on the hudson. more than 3000 feet in the air with damage shutting down both of the plane' s engines. the crew was able to put the plane down safely in the water less than four minutes after the engines failed. all 100 55 people on board survived. flags are flying at half staff in honor of the late husband of the singer celine dion. he discovered celine dion when she was only 12 and drove her career to start them. we also found out tragic news. a representative says that her brother has cancer as well and is not have long to live. >> lebron james taking his talents to the tv screen again. he is said to coproduce and start in a show called cleveland hustle. we' their local businesses while revitalizing the neighborhood in cleveland. it' s not the first time. in the disney channel. sheree: the popular amazon prime services on sale for $73 this weekend to celebrate the company winning golden globe awards for one of its online series. amazon prime offers to day shipping for free. the sale runs through sunday at midnight. amanda sent to the hospital after his home goes up in flames today. what investigators think started this fire. mike: a teacher' life of a boy the forecast is in. "a chance of snow." and for those of us who love winter, these words mean so much more. they mean a chance to conquer new hills. and explore new trails. a chance for first steps. a chance to leave the world behind. it's our chance to bundle up, get outside and laugh with the ones we love. welcome to the winter wonderland of pure michigan. your snow day begins >> you know what, they were not shooting at her. it was whoever it was in the car. sheree: a woman seriously injured in a shootout between two cars. police are looking for the gunman that took off as the stay behind to help out. mike: three arrests in the death of an 18-year-old. sheree: and a person is burned over 40% of their body trying to get out of a house fire. mike: that' s where we begin. a man severely burned in a fire. among the half dozen or so people pulled to safety. reporter: as darkness falls out here, you see that scorched building lending into the night. several agencies responded to this fire. when that officials say should of never happened. >> the whole street out here was filled with smoke. >> the smoke and flames ripped through this duplex, right

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