Transcripts For WLOS News 13 Tonight 20160208 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WLOS News 13 Tonight 20160208

but a devastating loss for the panthers. reporter: good evening to you. it was a devastating loss for the panthers. their magical season comes to an end. they fall 24-10 to the broncos. but what a season it was for carolina. the big story of the game tonight was the denver defense. they set a superbowl record with 7 sacks against the panthers. they forced four turn overs, miller, the bronco's defensive player was named the games mvp. he was all over the ball. seemingly almost every offensive possession for carolina. newton couldn't get beginning. but tonight the denver defense stepped up when they needed it most. cam newton had no answer. first game all season newton was not responsible for an offensive touch down for the panthers. they end with a record of 17-26789 they are a young team. they'll have a lot of good players come back. a lot of good things to look forward to if you're a panther's fan. losing in the superbowl to manning and the broncos is a difficult pill to swallow to end your season. for manning he has a chance to ride off in the sunset winning his second superbowl in his career. five mvp league trophies. one of the best quarterbacks of all time. we'll see what happens with manning. but for now the panthers have to try and grow and learn from this experience. a tough one but panther fans had a fun time in san francisco all weekend. congratulations to the panthers and a big congratulations to broncos for winning the superbowl 24-10. more on the game coming up later in sports. highlights and a little bit of reaction if we can get. luke notestine, news 13. >> frank: up state restaurants and bars filled to capacity with crowds out for a night of superbowl. [cheering] >> frank: drawing a big crowd of panthers fans wearing blue and black. the house was packed and not only with football fans. also the queen's ball after today's mardi gra parade. stan is putting them together. putting together the highlights of the game and he'll bring that later on in sports. a 14-year-old macon county teen is hospitalized tonight after depututes say he accidentally shot himself in the head yesterday afternoon. news 13 justin hinton is live at mission hospital where the boy is treated right now. you spoke with his father, how is the son doing? >> justin: his dad says that the next few days are going to be critical. his son has some swelling on his brain. we're also learning more about the event surrounding what this all took place at the home on rosemont drive. his dad says he and his older son went to ohio for a college trip on friday morning. he has several guns but keeps them under lock and key and the ammunition is kept separate. since he have leaving the wife took a pistol out for protection. he placed it high up and the next day christopher got ahold of it. they believe christopher thought it was unloaded and it went off. his dad is calling it a tragedy and accident. he has this advice for other participants. >> don't take anything for granted. even a 14-year-old, they are still young adolescent kids and curiosity of doing stuff behind parent's back and stuff. be aware it's a possibility. treated at the scene and air lifted to mission hospital. the case is stitil under investigation by the sheriff's office. a family, friend reached out to us and said she's created a go fund me page to help the family out. you can find that link on our website, reporting live in asheville, justin hinton, news 13. >> frank: a hiker had to be air lifted also to mission hospital after a fall off short off mountain it. happened around 11:00 saturday morning. it took more than five hours and two helicopters to get the man out. the hiker suffered a broken leg. after a brisk but sunny weekend, winter weather is making a return to the mountains including some snow. karen wynne joins us with the sky watch forecast. >> karen: we have snow on the way. also a wintery mix, very gusty winds and bitter cold. we are getting it all. we have a winter weather advisory. it goes into effect at 6:00 tomorrow morning on through 6:00 purple shaded counties including asheville and buncombe county. once that advisory is over, we have a winter storm watch for the tennessee state line counties. that begins tomorrow evening continuing on through thursday morning. so definitely a long period of time for this watch. also taking in north jackson and macon counties with more snowfall, very gusty winds and very cold temperatures. right now we see some cold temperatures in places like franklin, 27, andrews 28... asheville a little milder at 38. 40 in greer. but upper 20s in morganton and newland right now. we check out the bus stop forecast. tyson furniture bus stop forecast. mainly cloudy at pickup time. the rain/snow mix at lunch. a better chance at drop off time. 40 degrees by then. more on when the heaviest snow should fall and how long it's going to last. says duke energy's plan upgrade is not necessary. columbia energy says its facility in gadsden can generate more than five hundred mega watts of power for the asheville area. the north carolina utilities commission agreed to allow columbia to intervene in consideration of duke's proposed natural gas conversion here. duke says building two gas fire department units to replace coal in asheville remains the best option. the commission is expected to rule by march 1 whether to allow construction of the new lake julian plant. a hendersonville church's effort to help the hungry takes on a football theme. the youth group at grace lutheran collected canned goods and cash as part of the annual superbowl of caring, s-o-u-p-e-r. the event is part of a campaign to fight hunger and paerpts were proud to spend their day doing just that. knowing they are going to have food. instead of thinking nobody is going to have food or some people aren't going to have food today. >> frank: last year more than 700 cans of food, $1,200 were collected. organizers say the panthers in the superbowl is going to push the numbers even higher. coming up. new details about the murder of a teenage girl in virginia. the body was found in north carolina. the suspects relationship with the victim and the possible motive. investigating a crane collapse in new york city. what officials are already doing so, let me get this straight -- u.s. cellular has the phone you're looking for, way out here where the other guys don't, and 6 gigs for only $40 a month. that's a lot less than verizon and at&t. so, why on earth would you ever go with one of those other guys? switch to u.s. cellular now and get 6 6 gs of data for $40 a month plus get $300 back. >> frank: undate tonight on the murder of a 13-year-old virginia girl whose body was found in north cacalina. there's new information revealed about the virginia tech student's chart in his death. here's the latest. >> we have no idea who hear >> it's a cautionary story for anyone with a teenager. a 13-year-old girl, her life cut short allegedly by a killer she met onlinement on thursday, one final good-bye for 7th grader nicole lovell. >> it's tragic. it all could have been prevented. >> she was a teenager, much like any other. someone with a heavy internet footprint on apps like instagram, facebook and kik. her parents say they wish they would have asked more questions. >> i just have this internal thing saying i want to be the best. >> david eisenhower is the freshman accused of her murder. an accomplished athlete and student majoring in engineering. here he is in an interview with wmar who last year tapped him as its athlete of the week. >> i make my personal goals achievable or just out of reach constantly striving to better myself. >> it was three days after lovell went missing that eisenhower was taken into custody. he denies being involved in the murder but prosecutor says he admits he saw her the night she went missing. the lease would discover the remains tossed on the side of an interstate. on the other side of the virginia border in north carolina. police say it was this college classmate of eisenhower that helped him stash the body. at her court appearance earlier this week, natalie keepers was denied bail. the commonwealth of virginia portraying her as an accomplice to the murder. an active participant in the planning. even helping eisenhower buy a shovel before lovell is murdered. keepers the state says was excited to be a part of something exciting. they say she had an one she was planning to expose. >> frank: new york is putting new city wide safety measures in place for cranes following a deadly collapse. one person killed and three other injured when a 565-foot train collapsed during morning rush hour. the accident is a reminder that safety must come first. >> a full investigation is going onto review e everything that happened on friday to determine exactly what caused this accident and to determine changes that may be necessary and policies as a result of it. >> frank: the new regulations will require crawler cranes to be placed in safety mode when winds reach up to 20 miles per hour. residents and business owners will also be notified whenever a crane is lowered or moved. one person dead and eight others hurt after a shooting outside a nightclub in rochester, new york. the fight started this morning outside where the shots were fired. the victim was a 29-year-old man, survivors taken to hospitals. no arrest made yet. police are interviewing about 40 witnesses trying to find out what started that trouble. two teens were killed and six others injured when their personal sled crashed on the olympic course in canada. police say they broke into that facility early this morning and hit a gate about half day down the course. that track was built for the 1988 olympics and still hosts bobsled and luge events. recovery efforts underway after 15 cars fell through cracked ice in wisconsin. they were parked there for the winter feest and u.s. snow sculpting competition. no people in the vehicles when they started to sink so all they have to do now is dig them out. it looks like it's melting a little bit there but i guess we're going to be freezing it up. here is meteorologist karen we have come weather on the way. >> karen: we do, frank. that's why i upped the flake meter to buy bread and milk category. get ready for travel difficulties, staying home more than you probably planned, make sure your car has a full tank of gas. coming up we'll show you when the snow begins and when the to now your news 13 sky watch weather. >> karen: we have a cold front moving in tomorrow and that is going to bring snow and a rain/snow mix. we have this winter weather advisory beginning at 6:00 a.m. then a winter storm watch taking effect tomorrow evening, mainly for the higher elevations. gusty and cold conditions. eventually we chill into the teens. a little bit of everything wintery coming our way. the mountains and the up state. we are under clear skies. although we see some clouds crossing the i-75 corridor. this area of clouds coming ahead of that approaching cold front that is bringing some moisture with it. right now in asheville we are clear, dry, 38 degrees, breezy. north winds at 8 miles per hour. we feel like we're around 32 degrees. in the up state, 40, clear and calm at this hour. of course, we have big changes coming our way, mainly with the cold front as we put the future cast in motion. of course, midnight on we see the front moving in. around daybreak the snow showers begin then we have that rain/snow mix through much of the morning on into the afternoon. definitely that afternoon commute home is going to be messy in many locations. by 6:00 tomorrow evening, we begin to cool down and we see the rain turn back over to all snow. hours and we have this second shot of cold air. this front is going to cause our winds to pick up. really chilly air to arrive and it's going to keep the snow showers going along the tennessee state line, especially, all day tuesday on through wednesday morning. we'll go ahead and take a closer look at what's going on hour by hour. midnight just a few clouds in our far western mountain counties. we go through overnight and see the clouds thicken up a bit. not too much. by 7:00 there could be snow showers beginning in parts of swain and graham and cherokee counties. we go on into midday, not too much. very light and spotty but during the afternoon is when we are going to see things pickup. we do see by 5:00 it's going to be more snow than rain. some rain in the f fthills and in the up state. we go into the evening, snow shower activity continues. conditions and dangerously low windchills. of course, snowfall projected totals are going to be fairly light throughout d today tomorrow. with snow mixing in with rain it's not really going to add up. the exception northern mountains that could see over an inch and a half. monday night we're going to see snowfall accumulations begin to climb. before it's all over with on tuesday, some parts of the northern mountains around burnsville could see over four inches. parts of the great smokey mountain national park. buncombe county could see about three inches. south of asheville only about half an inch. with this being blowing snow and gusty winds and slick conditions travel is going to be a challenge. lows tonight dropping into the upper 20s. asheville 27... franklin 24 highs tomorrow around 41 in asheville. cooler in burnsville. 43 in forest city. we check out the rest of the that good chance of that rain/snow mix changing to snow tomorrow. that will continue on tuesday. look how cold we're getting. down in the teen, high of only 30 on wednesday. 13 by thursday morning and then staying cool and dry on through valentine's day. here's the look at the seven day up state forecast. the panthers, my lucky blue sweater not so lucky. they didn't come out with the win today but it wasn't due to a lack of support. >> frank: many fans coming out in full force to support their team. they shared photos. this is a shot of the locomotive decked out in panthers gear. >> karen: here's a man showing support from cherokee. >> frank: the congregation came out in full force. we'll be right back carolina panthers came in as favorites to win superbowl 50. but mistake after mistake and overwhelming broncos defense is the difference. manning gets his second superbowl title. early on carolina was in taubl and did not look like the same team. 3-0. newton back to pass. he is hit and stripped of the ball. jackson recovers. touch down 10-0 broncos. panthers offense struggles. the 2 quarter cam drives them down. 10-7 denver. that broncos defense is tough. four sacks in the first half. 13-7 at the break. cam is going to go back to pass, miller strips him again. he was the mvp. fumble and cam does not dive for the ball. that is not good. denver recovers and that really seals it. when you look you can't believe he backed off. this is a guy that dives into end zones. that was a huge play. sacked seven times an interception and fumble flts that was it. denver wins it 24-10. let's go live to santa clara and luke notestine. the broncos justout played them. reporter: that's exactly right. the big story of the night was that denver defense as you showed in the highlights. seven quauaerback sacks, four turn overs and newton had no answer for that denver defense tonight. miller was everywhere. newton disappointed after the game as he said in post game >> they just played better than us. i don't know what you want me to say. they made more plays than us. that's what it comes down to. we had our opportunities. there wasn't nothing special they did. we dropped balls and turned the ball over, gave up sacks, through error passes and that's it. that's scored more points than us. >> they certainly did score more points. newton very disappointed. a very difficult end for panther's fans for a fantastic season. 17-2. panther fans will have to look forward to next year to see if the panthers can win in superbowl 51. live from santa clara, outside levi stadium, luke notestine, news 13 sports. but it was high flying. acc action in atlanta. hurricanes have had issues on the road but hoping a weak them. close game early. they break out. a fast break ahead of the field he had 19. miami still down but not far behind. there's the jam. miami skies for the win 75-68. 7-3 in the acc. one behind carolina and louisville. magic inbound, turn around jumper. with hand in his face. it was lucky but it's not horse. it all counts. did it once and that was it. magic win it 96-94. >> frank: too bad it had to end this way but what a great season for the panthers. >> this was disappointing. >> karen: still love them. tomorrow we start out with light snow, rain/snow mix turning back to snow. here's a look at projected snow totals up to four inches. >> frank: thanks for joining us. dunkin' donuts' unbelievable selection of breakfast sandwiches freshly made all day -- and now you can enjoy two english muffin egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches for $4. the new caramel macchiato from dunkin' donuts. let hand-crafted layers of espresso, milk, and a caramel-flavored swirl uplift your mood. indulge in a hot or iced macchiato today.

Related Keywords

Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Canada , North Carolina , Burnsville , Asheville , Mission Hospital , California , Virginia , Wisconsin , Lake Julian , Denver , Colorado , San Francisco , Morganton , Tennessee , Macon County , North Jackson , Ohio , Forest City , Hendersonville , Rochester , David Eisenhower , Karen Wynne , Santa Clara , Justin Hinton , Nicole Lovell ,

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Transcripts For WLOS News 13 Tonight 20160208 :

Transcripts For WLOS News 13 Tonight 20160208

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but a devastating loss for the panthers. reporter: good evening to you. it was a devastating loss for the panthers. their magical season comes to an end. they fall 24-10 to the broncos. but what a season it was for carolina. the big story of the game tonight was the denver defense. they set a superbowl record with 7 sacks against the panthers. they forced four turn overs, miller, the bronco's defensive player was named the games mvp. he was all over the ball. seemingly almost every offensive possession for carolina. newton couldn't get beginning. but tonight the denver defense stepped up when they needed it most. cam newton had no answer. first game all season newton was not responsible for an offensive touch down for the panthers. they end with a record of 17-26789 they are a young team. they'll have a lot of good players come back. a lot of good things to look forward to if you're a panther's fan. losing in the superbowl to manning and the broncos is a difficult pill to swallow to end your season. for manning he has a chance to ride off in the sunset winning his second superbowl in his career. five mvp league trophies. one of the best quarterbacks of all time. we'll see what happens with manning. but for now the panthers have to try and grow and learn from this experience. a tough one but panther fans had a fun time in san francisco all weekend. congratulations to the panthers and a big congratulations to broncos for winning the superbowl 24-10. more on the game coming up later in sports. highlights and a little bit of reaction if we can get. luke notestine, news 13. >> frank: up state restaurants and bars filled to capacity with crowds out for a night of superbowl. [cheering] >> frank: drawing a big crowd of panthers fans wearing blue and black. the house was packed and not only with football fans. also the queen's ball after today's mardi gra parade. stan is putting them together. putting together the highlights of the game and he'll bring that later on in sports. a 14-year-old macon county teen is hospitalized tonight after depututes say he accidentally shot himself in the head yesterday afternoon. news 13 justin hinton is live at mission hospital where the boy is treated right now. you spoke with his father, how is the son doing? >> justin: his dad says that the next few days are going to be critical. his son has some swelling on his brain. we're also learning more about the event surrounding what this all took place at the home on rosemont drive. his dad says he and his older son went to ohio for a college trip on friday morning. he has several guns but keeps them under lock and key and the ammunition is kept separate. since he have leaving the wife took a pistol out for protection. he placed it high up and the next day christopher got ahold of it. they believe christopher thought it was unloaded and it went off. his dad is calling it a tragedy and accident. he has this advice for other participants. >> don't take anything for granted. even a 14-year-old, they are still young adolescent kids and curiosity of doing stuff behind parent's back and stuff. be aware it's a possibility. treated at the scene and air lifted to mission hospital. the case is stitil under investigation by the sheriff's office. a family, friend reached out to us and said she's created a go fund me page to help the family out. you can find that link on our website, reporting live in asheville, justin hinton, news 13. >> frank: a hiker had to be air lifted also to mission hospital after a fall off short off mountain it. happened around 11:00 saturday morning. it took more than five hours and two helicopters to get the man out. the hiker suffered a broken leg. after a brisk but sunny weekend, winter weather is making a return to the mountains including some snow. karen wynne joins us with the sky watch forecast. >> karen: we have snow on the way. also a wintery mix, very gusty winds and bitter cold. we are getting it all. we have a winter weather advisory. it goes into effect at 6:00 tomorrow morning on through 6:00 purple shaded counties including asheville and buncombe county. once that advisory is over, we have a winter storm watch for the tennessee state line counties. that begins tomorrow evening continuing on through thursday morning. so definitely a long period of time for this watch. also taking in north jackson and macon counties with more snowfall, very gusty winds and very cold temperatures. right now we see some cold temperatures in places like franklin, 27, andrews 28... asheville a little milder at 38. 40 in greer. but upper 20s in morganton and newland right now. we check out the bus stop forecast. tyson furniture bus stop forecast. mainly cloudy at pickup time. the rain/snow mix at lunch. a better chance at drop off time. 40 degrees by then. more on when the heaviest snow should fall and how long it's going to last. says duke energy's plan upgrade is not necessary. columbia energy says its facility in gadsden can generate more than five hundred mega watts of power for the asheville area. the north carolina utilities commission agreed to allow columbia to intervene in consideration of duke's proposed natural gas conversion here. duke says building two gas fire department units to replace coal in asheville remains the best option. the commission is expected to rule by march 1 whether to allow construction of the new lake julian plant. a hendersonville church's effort to help the hungry takes on a football theme. the youth group at grace lutheran collected canned goods and cash as part of the annual superbowl of caring, s-o-u-p-e-r. the event is part of a campaign to fight hunger and paerpts were proud to spend their day doing just that. knowing they are going to have food. instead of thinking nobody is going to have food or some people aren't going to have food today. >> frank: last year more than 700 cans of food, $1,200 were collected. organizers say the panthers in the superbowl is going to push the numbers even higher. coming up. new details about the murder of a teenage girl in virginia. the body was found in north carolina. the suspects relationship with the victim and the possible motive. investigating a crane collapse in new york city. what officials are already doing so, let me get this straight -- u.s. cellular has the phone you're looking for, way out here where the other guys don't, and 6 gigs for only $40 a month. that's a lot less than verizon and at&t. so, why on earth would you ever go with one of those other guys? switch to u.s. cellular now and get 6 6 gs of data for $40 a month plus get $300 back. >> frank: undate tonight on the murder of a 13-year-old virginia girl whose body was found in north cacalina. there's new information revealed about the virginia tech student's chart in his death. here's the latest. >> we have no idea who hear >> it's a cautionary story for anyone with a teenager. a 13-year-old girl, her life cut short allegedly by a killer she met onlinement on thursday, one final good-bye for 7th grader nicole lovell. >> it's tragic. it all could have been prevented. >> she was a teenager, much like any other. someone with a heavy internet footprint on apps like instagram, facebook and kik. her parents say they wish they would have asked more questions. >> i just have this internal thing saying i want to be the best. >> david eisenhower is the freshman accused of her murder. an accomplished athlete and student majoring in engineering. here he is in an interview with wmar who last year tapped him as its athlete of the week. >> i make my personal goals achievable or just out of reach constantly striving to better myself. >> it was three days after lovell went missing that eisenhower was taken into custody. he denies being involved in the murder but prosecutor says he admits he saw her the night she went missing. the lease would discover the remains tossed on the side of an interstate. on the other side of the virginia border in north carolina. police say it was this college classmate of eisenhower that helped him stash the body. at her court appearance earlier this week, natalie keepers was denied bail. the commonwealth of virginia portraying her as an accomplice to the murder. an active participant in the planning. even helping eisenhower buy a shovel before lovell is murdered. keepers the state says was excited to be a part of something exciting. they say she had an one she was planning to expose. >> frank: new york is putting new city wide safety measures in place for cranes following a deadly collapse. one person killed and three other injured when a 565-foot train collapsed during morning rush hour. the accident is a reminder that safety must come first. >> a full investigation is going onto review e everything that happened on friday to determine exactly what caused this accident and to determine changes that may be necessary and policies as a result of it. >> frank: the new regulations will require crawler cranes to be placed in safety mode when winds reach up to 20 miles per hour. residents and business owners will also be notified whenever a crane is lowered or moved. one person dead and eight others hurt after a shooting outside a nightclub in rochester, new york. the fight started this morning outside where the shots were fired. the victim was a 29-year-old man, survivors taken to hospitals. no arrest made yet. police are interviewing about 40 witnesses trying to find out what started that trouble. two teens were killed and six others injured when their personal sled crashed on the olympic course in canada. police say they broke into that facility early this morning and hit a gate about half day down the course. that track was built for the 1988 olympics and still hosts bobsled and luge events. recovery efforts underway after 15 cars fell through cracked ice in wisconsin. they were parked there for the winter feest and u.s. snow sculpting competition. no people in the vehicles when they started to sink so all they have to do now is dig them out. it looks like it's melting a little bit there but i guess we're going to be freezing it up. here is meteorologist karen we have come weather on the way. >> karen: we do, frank. that's why i upped the flake meter to buy bread and milk category. get ready for travel difficulties, staying home more than you probably planned, make sure your car has a full tank of gas. coming up we'll show you when the snow begins and when the to now your news 13 sky watch weather. >> karen: we have a cold front moving in tomorrow and that is going to bring snow and a rain/snow mix. we have this winter weather advisory beginning at 6:00 a.m. then a winter storm watch taking effect tomorrow evening, mainly for the higher elevations. gusty and cold conditions. eventually we chill into the teens. a little bit of everything wintery coming our way. the mountains and the up state. we are under clear skies. although we see some clouds crossing the i-75 corridor. this area of clouds coming ahead of that approaching cold front that is bringing some moisture with it. right now in asheville we are clear, dry, 38 degrees, breezy. north winds at 8 miles per hour. we feel like we're around 32 degrees. in the up state, 40, clear and calm at this hour. of course, we have big changes coming our way, mainly with the cold front as we put the future cast in motion. of course, midnight on we see the front moving in. around daybreak the snow showers begin then we have that rain/snow mix through much of the morning on into the afternoon. definitely that afternoon commute home is going to be messy in many locations. by 6:00 tomorrow evening, we begin to cool down and we see the rain turn back over to all snow. hours and we have this second shot of cold air. this front is going to cause our winds to pick up. really chilly air to arrive and it's going to keep the snow showers going along the tennessee state line, especially, all day tuesday on through wednesday morning. we'll go ahead and take a closer look at what's going on hour by hour. midnight just a few clouds in our far western mountain counties. we go through overnight and see the clouds thicken up a bit. not too much. by 7:00 there could be snow showers beginning in parts of swain and graham and cherokee counties. we go on into midday, not too much. very light and spotty but during the afternoon is when we are going to see things pickup. we do see by 5:00 it's going to be more snow than rain. some rain in the f fthills and in the up state. we go into the evening, snow shower activity continues. conditions and dangerously low windchills. of course, snowfall projected totals are going to be fairly light throughout d today tomorrow. with snow mixing in with rain it's not really going to add up. the exception northern mountains that could see over an inch and a half. monday night we're going to see snowfall accumulations begin to climb. before it's all over with on tuesday, some parts of the northern mountains around burnsville could see over four inches. parts of the great smokey mountain national park. buncombe county could see about three inches. south of asheville only about half an inch. with this being blowing snow and gusty winds and slick conditions travel is going to be a challenge. lows tonight dropping into the upper 20s. asheville 27... franklin 24 highs tomorrow around 41 in asheville. cooler in burnsville. 43 in forest city. we check out the rest of the that good chance of that rain/snow mix changing to snow tomorrow. that will continue on tuesday. look how cold we're getting. down in the teen, high of only 30 on wednesday. 13 by thursday morning and then staying cool and dry on through valentine's day. here's the look at the seven day up state forecast. the panthers, my lucky blue sweater not so lucky. they didn't come out with the win today but it wasn't due to a lack of support. >> frank: many fans coming out in full force to support their team. they shared photos. this is a shot of the locomotive decked out in panthers gear. >> karen: here's a man showing support from cherokee. >> frank: the congregation came out in full force. we'll be right back carolina panthers came in as favorites to win superbowl 50. but mistake after mistake and overwhelming broncos defense is the difference. manning gets his second superbowl title. early on carolina was in taubl and did not look like the same team. 3-0. newton back to pass. he is hit and stripped of the ball. jackson recovers. touch down 10-0 broncos. panthers offense struggles. the 2 quarter cam drives them down. 10-7 denver. that broncos defense is tough. four sacks in the first half. 13-7 at the break. cam is going to go back to pass, miller strips him again. he was the mvp. fumble and cam does not dive for the ball. that is not good. denver recovers and that really seals it. when you look you can't believe he backed off. this is a guy that dives into end zones. that was a huge play. sacked seven times an interception and fumble flts that was it. denver wins it 24-10. let's go live to santa clara and luke notestine. the broncos justout played them. reporter: that's exactly right. the big story of the night was that denver defense as you showed in the highlights. seven quauaerback sacks, four turn overs and newton had no answer for that denver defense tonight. miller was everywhere. newton disappointed after the game as he said in post game >> they just played better than us. i don't know what you want me to say. they made more plays than us. that's what it comes down to. we had our opportunities. there wasn't nothing special they did. we dropped balls and turned the ball over, gave up sacks, through error passes and that's it. that's scored more points than us. >> they certainly did score more points. newton very disappointed. a very difficult end for panther's fans for a fantastic season. 17-2. panther fans will have to look forward to next year to see if the panthers can win in superbowl 51. live from santa clara, outside levi stadium, luke notestine, news 13 sports. but it was high flying. acc action in atlanta. hurricanes have had issues on the road but hoping a weak them. close game early. they break out. a fast break ahead of the field he had 19. miami still down but not far behind. there's the jam. miami skies for the win 75-68. 7-3 in the acc. one behind carolina and louisville. magic inbound, turn around jumper. with hand in his face. it was lucky but it's not horse. it all counts. did it once and that was it. magic win it 96-94. >> frank: too bad it had to end this way but what a great season for the panthers. >> this was disappointing. >> karen: still love them. tomorrow we start out with light snow, rain/snow mix turning back to snow. here's a look at projected snow totals up to four inches. >> frank: thanks for joining us. dunkin' donuts' unbelievable selection of breakfast sandwiches freshly made all day -- and now you can enjoy two english muffin egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches for $4. the new caramel macchiato from dunkin' donuts. let hand-crafted layers of espresso, milk, and a caramel-flavored swirl uplift your mood. indulge in a hot or iced macchiato today.

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